THE WESLEY CRIER E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: www.wesleyumc-dover.com Facebook: Wesley UMC Dover Twitter : @doverwesleyumc What Can I Do? As I write this for the September edition of The Cri- er, it is August. The news has been especially heavy on our hearts following Charlottesville. I have had multiple people ask “What can I DO?” What a wonderful question. It is a prompting of the Holy Spirit to wrestle with such questions. Here are some concrete suggestions: Attend Peace Week events Read Pray Discern next steps Peace Week: September 17-24, 2017 www.peaceweekdelaware.org There are four events in Dover this week. There are dozens of events around the state and they look impressive. Check out the schedule and find events that speak to your heart. Know Your Neighbor: An Interfaith Conversation, Tuesday, Septem- ber 19 th at Christ Episcopal, 7 p.m. Understanding Immigration in Kent County, Wednesday, September 20 th at Wells Theater, Wesley College, 6:30-8 p.m. Demystifying Arab Culture, Friday, September 22 nd at Delaware State University, Bank of America Building, Room 113, 1-3 p.m. Open House at Five Outreach Programs Sunday, September 24 th from 11 a.m - 2 p.m. Wesley United Methodist Church Clothing Clos- et; Holy Cross Catholic Church Food Pantry; First Baptist Church Food Pantry; People’s Place Shelter, 3 Vera’s Way, Dover; and Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing Shelter (DIMH), 684 Forest St, Dover. Read: Want to understand more deeply? Here are some books that will bless you on this journey. If you are interested in having a book discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell ([email protected], [email protected] ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine Understanding and Dismantling Racism by Joseph Barndt Colorblind by Tim Wise White Like Me, Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son by Tim Wise INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pastor’s Column 1/2 Church Picnic 2 United Methodist Men 2 United Methodist Women 3 Music Department Notes 4 Music Department Rehearsal Times 5 Trustees Update 5 Worship Committee News 6 La Caminante 6 Search Class 7 Adult Bible Studies 7 Boxtop$ 8 Food Pantry 8 Christian Education 9 Sunday School Superintendent 10 Race Against Hunger 11 World Communion Sunday 11 Dover District Lay Academy 11 Peace Week Delaware 12 Church Calendar 13 Birthday Calendar 14 Bulletin/Crier Deadline 15 Anniversaries 15 Reoccurring Meetings 15 Wesley's Vision 16 Staff E-mail Addresses 16

THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell ([email protected], [email protected] ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

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Page 1: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of


E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: www.wesleyumc-dover.com Facebook: Wesley UMC Dover Twitter : @doverwesleyumc

What Can I Do?

As I write this for the September edition of The Cri-

er, it is August. The news has been especially

heavy on our hearts following Charlottesville.

I have had multiple people ask “What can I DO?”

What a wonderful question. It is a prompting of the

Holy Spirit to wrestle with such questions.

Here are some concrete suggestions:

Attend Peace Week events



Discern next steps

Peace Week: September 17-24, 2017 www.peaceweekdelaware.org

There are four events in Dover this week. There are dozens of

events around the state and they look impressive. Check out the

schedule and find events that speak to your heart.

Know Your Neighbor: An Interfaith Conversation, Tuesday, Septem-

ber 19th at Christ Episcopal, 7 p.m.

Understanding Immigration in Kent County, Wednesday, September

20th at Wells Theater, Wesley College, 6:30-8 p.m.

Demystifying Arab Culture, Friday, September 22nd at Delaware

State University, Bank of America Building, Room 113, 1-3 p.m.

Open House at Five Outreach Programs Sunday, September 24th

from 11 a.m - 2 p.m. Wesley United Methodist Church Clothing Clos-

et; Holy Cross Catholic Church Food Pantry; First Baptist Church

Food Pantry; People’s Place Shelter, 3 Vera’s Way, Dover; and

Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing Shelter (DIMH), 684 Forest St,


Read: Want to understand more deeply? Here are some books that

will bless you on this journey. If you are interested in having a book

discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell

([email protected], [email protected] )

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness

by Michelle Alexander

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine

Understanding and Dismantling Racism by Joseph Barndt

Colorblind by Tim Wise

White Like Me, Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son by Tim



Pastor’s Column 1/2

Church Picnic 2

United Methodist

Men 2

United Methodist

Women 3

Music Department

Notes 4

Music Department

Rehearsal Times 5

Trustees Update 5


Committee News 6

La Caminante 6

Search Class 7

Adult Bible Studies 7

Boxtop$ 8

Food Pantry 8

Christian Education 9

Sunday School

Superintendent 10

Race Against

Hunger 11

World Communion

Sunday 11

Dover District

Lay Academy 11

Peace Week

Delaware 12

Church Calendar 13

Birthday Calendar 14


Deadline 15

Anniversaries 15


Meetings 15

Wesley's Vision 16

Staff E-mail

Addresses 16

Page 2: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon

than with family & friends!


Our next meeting will be on Monday, September 11,

2017, in Grace Fellowship Hall at 7:00 p.m. We are in-

viting all men of Wesley Church to join us. We will

have a short meeting, followed by refreshments.

Those interested in joining us, please call Ralph Deats

at (302-734-7010).

The United Methodist Men have placed some Strength

for Service to God and Country books in the Church

Office. The books are pocket size devotionals to be

given to Scouts, Military, Public Service Professionals,

also to College Students, and can be sent to your loved

ones serving our country. They are a gift presented by

the United Methodist Men of Wesley United Church of

Dover, Delaware.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2017

1-4 P.M.


President: James Turner

V. President: Ralph Deats

Treasurer: Merle Cleeton

Meetings are held on the

second Monday of the

month at 7 p.m. in Grace

Fellowship Hall.


Continued from page 1

Pray: Listen for how God is speaking, seek God’s guidance and wisdom.

Discern next steps: After spending time praying, listening, and learning, seek God’s

direction in what next steps you are feeling led to take. Pray for others’ discernment

as well.

Striving to be faithful,

Pastor Amy

Family life will provide - hot dogs, hamburgers and dessert. All ages welcomed!

Bring your chair, and a covered dish to serve 8 people. Come join in fellowship, games and fun.

Page 3: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

Wesley United Methodist Women Plan for Fall & Winter 2017

"To everything there is a sea-

son..." So true! We said hello

to spring as we raised money

for our mission with the sale of

lollipops and a fundraiser at

The Greene Turtle. Some of

those funds have already been spread far and wide to

assist a variety of programs directed at helping women

and children.

We will resume Circle meetings in September; for any-

one thinking of joining UMW, we invite you to any of our

meetings so you can see where you "fit" the best. There

are daytime and evening meetings and you can find the

schedule on our bulletin board or Wesley Church's web-

site. Please feel free to call me (Barb Rafte) or our Mem-

bership Chair, Marilyn Cleeton.

As we look forward to the rest of the year, there will be

a Dover District Annual Meeting on October 7th, at Ep-

worth UMC in Rehoboth, a Unit meeting for Wesley

UMW in November --- date to be determined, and, of

course, Holly Day on December 1st. If you are interested

in helping at this event in any way, give us a call and we

can give you details. This is our biggest fundraiser and

we can always use new ideas and extra help.

We can do amazing things together! Congratulations to

all of our members for what they have accomplished so

far in 2017, and let's pray that the second half of the

year will bring success for our mission.

Blessing to you all,

Barbara Rafte

President, Wesley UMW




Circle meetings are held

once a month on differ-

ent days and times. You

are invited to come join

and connect with God by

connecting with women.

Barbara Circle:

Co-Leaders: Vicki

Stoops (734-2125) and

Sandy Teel (698-0563).

Meeting place varies.

Meets 2nd Tuesday, Sep-

tember 12th @ 7 p.m., at

the home of Sandy


Mary Circle:

Co-Leaders: Lou Baxter

(659-1251) and Can-

dace Goodrich (736-).

Meets 2nd Thursday,

September 14th @ 1

p.m., at Dover Place,

Dover Bistro.

Martha Circle: Leader:

Mary Ann Evans (659-

6900). Meets 3rd

Wednesday, September

20th @ 1 p.m., at Wes-

ley UMC in the Parlor.

Rosemary Circle: Lead-

er: Helen Breeding (284

-9533). Meets 2nd

Wednesday, September

13th @ 1 p.m., at Luther

Towers #1, Conference


Sylvia Circle: Leader:

Helene Zeman (674-

0167). Meeting place

varies. Meets 2nd

Wednesday, September

13th @ 7:30 p.m., at the

home of Helene Zeman.


Page 4: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

Music Department Notes

By: Becky Davis, Music Director

Rejoice, the Lord is King

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your King

is coming to you…Zechariah 9:9

By the 1740’s, Charles Wesley was regularly preaching to thousands in the open air, but

opposition was developing. He first encountered physical danger when a doctor in Wales, angry over Charles’s sermon, stormed up to him and demanded an apology for having been called a Pharisee. Charles, who wasn’t known for his tact, replied, “I still

insist you are a Pharisee…My commission is to show you your sins, and I shall make no

apology for so doing…You are a damned sinner.”

The doctor struck Charles with his cane, causing a melee involving several men and women. This was the beginning of a period of dangerous ministry. Here’s an entry in

Charles’s diary from July 22, 1743:

I had just named my text at St. Ives…when an army of rebels broke in upon us…They began in a most outrageous manner, threatening to murder the people, if they did

not go out that moment. They broke the sconces, dashed the windows in pieces, tore away the shutters…and all but the stone-walls. I stood silently looking on; but mine eyes were unto the Lord. They swore bitterly I should not preach there again; which I

disproved, by immediately telling them Christ died for them all. Several times they lifted up their hands and clubs to strike me; but a stronger arm restrained them. They beat

and dragged the women about, particularly one of a great age, and trampled on them without mercy. The longer they stayed, and the more they raged, the more power I

found from above…

It was during these days of danger that Charles Wesley wrote his triumphant hymn

“Rejoice, the Lord is King,” the third verse of which says:

His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o’er earth and heaven;

The keys of death and hell are to our Jesus given:

Lift up your heart; lift up your voice!

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!

Interestingly, this entry appeared in Charles’s journal a few years later, on Sunday, July

13, 1746: “At St. Ives no one offered to make the least disturbance. Indeed, the whole place is outwardly changed in this respect. I walk the streets with astonishment, scarce

believing it St. Ives. It is the same throughout all the county. All opposition falls before


I found this reading in a book about hymns and their origins, Then Sings My Soul, by Robert J. Morgan. It speaks to me about how little our world has changed in reference

to violence and fighting, even among Christians. May we not give up hope that one day we will all want to live in peace with each other. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their

needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29


Page 5: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of


Update By: Don Knox, Chair, Board of Trustees

Sunday 8:40 - 9:10 a.m. Children’s Bell Choir

Sunday 9:15 - 9:45 a.m. Children’s Choir

Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Joyful Noise Handbell Choir

Thursday 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir

Thursday 7:30 p.m. Praise Ensemble

It has been a busy summer for the Trustees. In June, the boiler in the basement (pre-

school) received needed repairs and a small air conditioner was replaced in one of the

staff offices. In July, an air conditioner was replaced in the STAR classroom in the Edu-

cation Building and plans were finalized for a number of August projects. In the first two

weeks of August, a new fence and gates were installed around the Pre-School play-

ground and two classrooms on the main floor were completely renovated. These two

projects were paid for by the Pre-School. In addition, Grace Fellowship Hall floor and

the floor in the lower chancel area of the Sanctuary were refinished. Both areas were

sanded, and coated with a durable finish. Grace Fellowship Hall received four coats of

finish while the Sanctuary received three coats.

Plans are moving forward on widening the entrance to Lakeside Cemetery, installing new

footers and pillars, and installing the new archway sign.

Unfortunately, due to a couple of scheduling conflicts at the church, but mostly Mother

Nature with over three inches of rain the day we were to start, we were unable to com-

plete the crack filling, double seal coating, and re-striping project for the parking lot be-

hind the church. If we get an opening early this Fall we will try to complete this project;

if not it will have to wait till next summer.

The next major project planned for the near future is replacement of the roof on the Par-




Page 6: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of


Worship and Music Committee members have been enjoying the summer off.

Music has been giving our congregation a fine variety of musical presentations to

lighten our spirits. Our thanks to all the individuals giving of their time and talent.

September 11th is Patriot’s Day. It was suggested we have people sign up for

prayer for tragedy happening all over the world.

The first Sunday in October is World Wide Communion Sunday. We will be using

grape juice from Bockius Winery in Germany -- a place George Bockius discovered

on his family tree. Rev. Harry Baxter will coordinate people speaking Scripture in

different languages and having communion bread from different countries.

A unified service is planned for 10 a.m. October 1st.

September is soon upon us and our regular committee meeting is scheduled for

September 17th at 7 p.m. in the Parlor.



Spanish Prayer Service, La Caminante – Dover will begin on Wednesday,

September 6th at 6 p.m. in Grace Fellowship Hall, with a Soup and Bread din-


“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their syna-

gogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every

disease and every sickness.” Matthew 9:35. In September, La Caminante emerges, to be a faith-

based inclusive community that learns from Jesus’ teachings involving social responsibility, the lib-

erating announcement of love, justice and healing through reconciliation. It is going to be

on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, when we will start with Dinner in Community and transition to

a Learning Together service, in Spanish, in Saint Paul’s Chapel at Wesley United Methodist

Church. For further information, call at (443) 846 3365 or email [email protected]. Follow us

on Facebook: La Caminante – Dover.

Page 7: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

Join the Search Class, an adult class which meets in

the back of the Educational Building on Sundays from 8:45 – 9:40 a.m., starting Sept. 10. Come for coffee,

tea, and something sweet and watch a sermon by Rev. Adam Hamilton, the senior pastor of the 20,000-member UMC of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas.

The videos always inspire thought-provoking discus-sions. Wedged between the 8:00 and 9:45 a.m. ser-

vices, this class is guaranteed to provide fun, faith,

and fellowship.

The new series is called “Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Follower of Christ.” Rev.

Hamilton states that “the gospels mention Peter over 200 times – more than all the oth-er disciples combined.” With videos and maps, the class will seek to understand the life

and times of Jesus’ most headstrong disciple.

Meet some very friendly people who care about one another and like to socialize togeth-

er, too. Following in the footsteps of our past leaders, Dave Verma, Jack Willis, and Tom Hufnal, the class will now have rotating leaders, starting with Connie Strickland on

September 10th. We hope to see you there!


Bible Study: Conrad “Connie” and Joann Cohen have graciously opened up

their home located at 121 Kurt Drive, Dover, once again for a Bible study.

Connie will continue the New Testament study on the book of 1 Corinthians, with

a review of Chapter 12 on Monday, September 11th, from 7 ─ 8:30 p.m. Come

join us!

The Men’s Bible study will be starting this fall on Tuesday, Septem-

ber 12th at 7 a.m. in the Education Building.

Our studying will be Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet by Adam


Come join us on 1st, 2nd & 4th, Tuesdays in the Education Building, and on the 3rd

Tuesday at Hall’s Restaurant for breakfast at 7 a.m. For more information contact

Jim Skeans at 678-0974.

Women’s Bible Study will be begin a new study on Wednesday, September 20th, from 9:30 ─

10:30 a.m. in the Parlor. Study to be determined. Come join us! For more information con-

tact Diane Boyce at 302-697-6020.

Adult Bible Studies

Page 8: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

BOXTOP$ We all shop for groceries, sometimes two or three times

a week –- or more. Now turn those shopping trips into easy cash for Wesley Preschool, and encourage friends

to do the same! Just look for the Box Top$ logo on hun-dreds of products like Cheerios®, Hamburger Helper® and Kleenex®, in almost every aisle of the store.

All you need to do is clip and bring them to the church when you come on Sunday, or

any time you are coming to the church. Place your Box Top$ in the container in the hall-way. Each Box Top$ is worth 10¢ which helps Wesley Preschool buy supplies and equip-ment.

To get a complete list of products that have Box Top$ on them, simply go to


Food Pantry — This is just a friendly reminder that on the last Sunday of every month

there are empty re-usable bags available for you to pick up and fill in order to return the first Sunday. The bags have thinned out over the year. If you have a bag and do not

plan on using it soon, please return to the church. Pantry items needed are canned fruit cocktail, or other fruit, applesauce, instant pota-

toes, beef stew, tuna, rice, cereal, macaroni and cheese, soup, creamed soups, pudding, Jell-O, jelly, and canned vegetables. No outdated food, please. They also are in need of

personal hygiene items. Some popular items this time of year are: canned yams, boxed stuffing, instant mashed

potatoes, gravy, canned corn, canned green beans, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie filling, sweet potato pie filling, apple pie filling, pie crust mix, and evaporated milk.

These items are all donated to the local food pantry located at the First Baptist Church.


The Food Pantry collection has been

relocated to the closet area next to

St. Paul’s Chapel, beneath the steps

(right near the current collection site).

Page 9: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

Christian Education Update

By: Joy Gordy-Stith

I can’t believe that we’re already here! We’ve had such a

good time this summer, and we have so much more

planned for this fall!

September 10th, 2017 is the magic date!

Sunday School starts back up during the 9:45 service in the Fellowship Hall. We’re going to be

following our friends with the Deep Blue Curriculum, and our focus is on Missions. We’ll learn

about Missions in our own church here at Wesley, as well as what other churches and Christians

are doing out in the world! We have a new Sunday School Superintendent, Tony McLellan, who

has stepped up to God’s call! We’re very excited about where God is leading our children’s pro-

gram, and hope that you’ll join us on the adventure! We still have open spots for Lesson Lead-

ers, Game/Craft Leaders, and Snack Helpers! Contact either Joy Gordy-Stith or Tony McLellan

to sign up!

Confirmation Classes start on Sunday, September 10th, from 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the Grace Fel-

lowship Hall. We’ll be following the Credo Curriculum, which focuses on three core principles:

knowing your faith, confirming your faith, and living your commitment. “Credo reinforces the

connection between baptism and confirmation. Confirmands will remember their baptism (or, if

they have not yet been baptized anticipate their baptism) and learn about the baptismal vows

that they took, that they will take, or that were taken on their behalf. Confirmands will under-

stand confirmation as a way to claim and affirm the work done by the Holy Spirit in their bap-


Keep our group of teens in your prayers as they explore their faith through the study of the Bi-

ble and Methodist traditions.

Youth Group is starting back up on Sunday, September 10th, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Stu-

dent Ministries Center. We’ve got so many fun things to look forward to this fall, and I can’t

wait to get started!

We have so many different opportunities to get involved with our young people….please don’t

hesitate to reach out and ask!




Page 10: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of


Welcome to the Sunday School Scoop! This new Crier

article will be your “scoop” for all things Sunday School at

Wesley UMC. I would first like to introduce myself. My

name is Tony McLellan, and I will be serving the 2017-18

church year as the Wesley UMC Sunday School Superin-

tendent. I have been involved in youth ministry for

over 18 years. I am a former Ordained Minister with the

Church of God (Cleveland, TN). Since 1999 , I have served as a youth pastor at

Living Waters Church of God in Newark, DE (‘99-’05); youth and associate pastor at Wil-

mington Church of God in Wilmington, DE (‘05-’09); and I served as youth pastor, associate

pastor, and pre-teen pastor at Wilmington First Assembly of God (now New City Church) in

Wilmington, DE (2010-2015). My life’s passion has always been to serve the Lord by

ministering to young people. Since my arrival at Wesley UMC, I have been a youth

leader serving under Youth Director Joy Gordy-Stith. I believe that our young people are the

church of today, and it is every believers calling to ensure that we instill in these

youth the full Gospel message. This summer, it was ironic that God would speak to me

through one of our youth in giving me direction on the vacancy and need of our Sunday

School Superintendent position.

I am excited and anxious for this Sunday School year to begin in September. We are kicking

off our Sunday School on Sunday, September 3rd with our first Sanctuary Sunday. With a

new format for Sanctuary Sunday, I know the kids will have a great time and be ex-

cited when these occur. Joy and I have worked hard to select Sunday School curriculum for

this year that will be engaging, informative and will help all of our children learn about the

gospel of Jesus Christ and to grow in their faith!

We will continue to use Deep Blue, from Cokesbury, as our main material. However, I want

parents to be encouraged to know that I will personally be reviewing each lesson to ensure

that our children receive the most that they can in the short time we are together every


There will be a new format for Sunday School this year. Taking our lead from Vacation Bible

School, we aim to utilize three rotations during each Sunday. There will be a craft/game

station, snack station, and the lesson/Bible station. The groups will be broken down by grade

level and rotate to each station about every 10-15 minutes. It is the vision of Joy and me that

with this new format, there will be something different every week and the kids will

continue to want to come to Sunday School and be blessed by our many volunteers!

I look forward to meeting all you parents and engaging your children with the Gospel of Jesus

Christ this school year! May God bless you and keep you in His grace!

Serving them for Him,



Page 11: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

Dover District Fall 2017 Lay Academy

Save the dates: Friday, November 3rd from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

and Saturday, November 4th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Training will be conducted at Trinity UMC, 4 Front Street,

Frederica, DE 19946.

Courses being offered this fall will be:


Discovering your Spiritual Gifts

Justice in Everyday Life


More information about the courses offered and registration will be coming soon!

Save the Date - Sunday November 5, 2017 Join us in Grace Fellowship Hall as we "Rise Against Hunger" be-ginning at 3 p.m. for our THIRD Annual fun, fast paced, meal

packaging event which will provide meals for those in need all around the world.

There are lots of "jobs" for everyone, so put it on your calendar now -- and invite a friend.

World Communion Sunday

Join with Christians around the world as we join together in receiv-

ing this sacrament. To emphasize the unity of this act we will lift

up the nationalities reflected in our congregation as well as the var-

ious ages, home states, languages, and religious backgrounds.

One Bread, One Body, a familiar hymn of the church will be used to

sensitize us to our common faith in Jesus of Nazareth. A faith

which transcends all that sometimes separates us.

Come join us on Sunday, October 1st , as we worship together at

10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.


Page 12: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of


Page 13: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Pastor Amy is off every Monday as her Sabbath Day.

Staff Vacation Days Michele - September 21st & 22nd



Branches 11:30 a.m. - P

Stewardship - 6 p.m. - P

Nominations & Leadership Development 7 p.m. - L

6 Clothing Closet Meeting

1 p.m. - P

7 Staff Parish Relations

Committee 7 p.m. - P

8 9

Community Meal

Noon - GFH


Church Picnic Legislative

Mall 1-4 p.m.

11 United Methodist Men 7 p.m. - GFH



Christian Ed Committee 7 p.m. - L New Members

Class 6:30 p.m. - P

14 15 16

17 Worship Committee 7 p.m. - P

18 19 DCS Bd. Mtg. -

5:45 p.m. CR

Trustees 7 p.m.- P

20 Prayer Shawl 2:30 p.m. - P Evangelism 6:30 p.m. - L

New Members Class 6:30 p.m. - P

21 Steering - 5:30 p.m. - L Finance 7 p.m. - L




Set-up GFH, S

5 p.m.

23 Wedding

11 a.m. -

9 p.m.


24 25 26 Church Council 7 p.m. - SMC

27 New Members Class 6:30 p.m. - P

28 29 30

September 2017


Page 14: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

Vernon Kirk 1

Lynn Bergold

Carolie Holden Grover Johnson

Cami Lord Chelsea Manwiller

Jesse Shrader Bella Tuczynski


Jeff Davis

Mary Alice Gleadow Jean Ritter

Dick Stoops


Laura Davidson 4

James Starkey

Ronald Webb


Ryan Carey

Ayden O’Keefe Ray Yarnall


Doris Mitchell

Michael Morris Nancy Vickers


Pauline Liston

Bertha Scheible Kristen Semenick

Chris Yarnall


Aron Beninghove

Karla Hannah Jack Heavner

Ken Hogan


Lisa Allison 10

Judith Gould

Robin McCoy Alexis Sterling

Courtney Yannacci


Jean Quillen

Carissa Weeks John Yeomans


Harry Baxter

Tyler Krabill Leo Schaeffler

Pat Weaver


Candy Casto

Tara Faircloth Megan Kelley

Kelley Wallace Brian Wasko

Nan Weaver


Mary Hill

Christine Holden 16

Kathleen Beetschen

Jennifer Fawcett Penny Gibbs

Nick Lambertson Brady Stoops


Jada Mayan

Barbara Strickland Chris White


Amanda Devine 19

Eva Goodrich

Paul Hughes, III


Kelley Devine

Shirley Mundorf Jennifer O’Keefe

Cynthia Vieira


Barbara Brown

Madalaine Rawding Jerry Spangler


Dallas Bebout

Matthew Goodrich Nancy Jacobs

Robin Maracle Laurel Nash

Wesley Ritter


Debbie Devine

Robert Radnich 24

Samantha Virdin 25

Mary Kobb

Christine Stoops Don Truesdell, III


Ian Barker

Rylan Brown Linda Jones

Sally Orth Judith Voshell

Heidi Wuller


Drew Cronshaw

Lisa Cutrona Emily Peppard

Sterling Thompson


Patricia Foltz

Suzanne Morris Linda Randall


Jeanette Ferguson 30


You mean we still have Birthdays?

Page 15: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of

September Anniversaries

Daniel and Kristen Zeman 9/12

Keith and Kim Sterling 9/16

Ralph and Fran Deats 9/22



12:00 p.m. Serenity Church — Ed. Bldg., Lobby

1:30-3:30 p.m. Confirmation Class ─ Grace Fellowship Hall

3:00 p.m. Youth Group — Student Ministry Center

6:00 p.m. DCS - Outreach Choir - Grace Fellowship Hall


7 p.m. Bible Study — The Cohen Home, 121 Kurt Dr., Dover

Beginning on September 11th


7 a.m. Men's Bible Study — Ed. Bldg., Search Classroom

Beginning on September 12th

9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting — Library

2 p.m. Women’s Covenant Discipleship — Parlor

7 p.m. Delaware Choral Society — Grace Fellowship Hall


9:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study — Parlor

Beginning on September 20th

11 a.m. Intercessory Prayer — St. Paul’s Chapel

6 p.m. N.A. Meeting — Ed. Bldg., Search Classroom

6 p.m. Soup & Bread Dinner — Grace Fellowship Hall

6:30 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal — Bell Room

6:30 p.m. La Caminante (Spanish Service) — St. Paul’s Chapel


7 p.m. Choir Rehearsal — Choir Room

7:30 p.m. Ensemble Rehearsal — Sanctuary


6 p.m. Serenity Church — Ed. Bldg., Lobby


9:00 a.m. Al-Anon Meeting — Ed. Bldg., Search Classroom

Deadlines for Sunday Bulletin and Crier Articles

Do you have something you would like to have published in either the Sunday bulletin or the

Crier? If so, the deadline for the Sunday Bulletin is Tuesday prior to the staff meeting at 9:30

a.m. You ask why so early? All our printing of the bulletin and newsletter is done in-house.

The bulletin is reviewed at the staff meeting, corrections made, proofed and ready for publica-

tion on Wednesday. Our team of faithful volunteers come in first thing on Thursday to collate

the bulletin for Sunday.

The deadline for the Crier is the 15th of each month. All committee chairs are encouraged to

submit articles to [email protected] by the 15th of the month.

Page 16: THE WESLEY CRIER...discussion group, contact Pastor Amy or Sherri Harrell (pastor.amy@wesleyumc-dover.com, shphoenix54@gmail.com ) The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of


Historic Wesley Church in downtown Dover, Delaware, is an

open and welcoming congregation, which makes disciples of Je-

sus Christ by proclaiming God’s love through

✞A variety of Worship Services which speak to both heart and


✞Bible study, fellowship, and nurture which lead to meaningful

and disciplined

Christian living,

✞Christian outreach ministries which serve those near and far,

✞Combined activities which involve other area churches and faith


Wesley Church welcomes all individuals and seeks to minister

to their spiritual and physical needs and concerns, as God re-

veals them to us: Members and neighbors of all ages and stages

in life; the homeless, hungry, and hurting; employees of the

various levels of government, including the military; and people

in the nearby education and business communities.

Wesley Church’s prominent steeple is a sign of our commit-

ment to our vision and is a beacon of faith, hope, and love in

this state capital.




209 S. State St.

Dover, DE 19901

302-678-9626 (office)

302-678-9627 (fax)

[email protected]


Staff E-Mail Addresses

Senior Pastor: Amy D. Yarnall - [email protected]

Associate Pastor of Nurturing, Visitation & Witness: Jewett Short - [email protected]

Christian Education & Youth Director: Joy Gordy-Stith - [email protected]

Wesley Preschool Director: Jennifer Scott - [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Michele Dryda - [email protected]

Treasurer: Marian Hudson - [email protected]

Director of Music: Becky Davis - [email protected]

Worship & Praise Leader: Joshuah Bogus - [email protected]

Organist: David E. Wilkins - [email protected]

Director of Handbells: Daniel R. Briggs - [email protected]

Children’s Choir Director: Amy Kellen - [email protected]

Children's Tone Chime & Handbell Director: Mandy Stant - [email protected]

Head Custodian: Lester Jones - [email protected]

Clothing Closet Coordinator: Beatrice Lacklen

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your smart phone you will be

taken to the Church’s web page.