Wheeling mister. DAI» V. TKI-WEEKLY, WKKKL1 THE RENINTKR COMPANY. MONDAY. JULY 1*. IM?«. i THKWEEHI.T RED INTER la the largeal anil altogether the moat eoiu Diet* news and lamily paper printed In West Virginia. It will be aent to any address one year (or 12.00. Valnable premiums to olau agent* and to subscriber*. PRESIDENTIAL TICKET FOR PR143UDENT, SAMUEL J. TILDEN, Mew York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, Indiana. I LECTORS AT LARUE FOR WEST VIRGINIA. WILLIAM H. TRAVEKN, Jefferson county. NICHOLAN FlTIHUCiH, Kanawha county. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. KOR GOVERNOR. II. M. MATTHEWS. Oi Ureeubrier county. troR AUDITOR. JOKEPU H. MILLER, Oi Cabell county. KOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL ROBERT WHITE, OI Hampshire oouuty. KOR TRKASVKKR, THOMAM J. WERT. Of Harrison county.; {FOR 8CKT. OK KRKR SCHOOLS. W. H. PENDLETON, Of ttrooke county. JUDGES OK SUPREME COURT OK APPEALS. A. F. HAYNONO, Of Marlon county. OKEY JOHNSON, Of Wood county. T. OREEN, OI Jefferson county. OL'R EDITORIAL 4'ORRENPONDENCE. The CmteaBlal In Parkersburic. Fine Dlaplay.Beautiful Tableaua Colored Indiana.Keforni. t\ABK KRSUL'G, July G, 187<J. Kxlitors of the Register. The Centennial Fourth was a big day in Parkorsburg. There has been nothing like it in the past, and there will be nothing like it in the future, unless it be at the next Centennial. At midnight the noise began with thoringing of bells, the tiring of cannon, and tho shrill scream ol the whistles at the round house and the engines at the ditlerent manufactories. It was one continuous noise until 12 o'clock tho next night, when many an over-enthusod patriot wearily sought his couch with a lervcnt prayer that another Centennial may novcr be known in his lay and gpnerat >n. Tho display mado by the Oil City was <juite creditablo, and wo have no doubt surpassed that of many cities of larger pretentions. Tho tableaux representations in the procession were particularly line. The first wagon, festooned with flowers and evergreens, boro ''Uncle Sam," represented by a veritable West Virginian who stands seven feet throe inches in his stockings. This giant was dressed in the traditional Yankoccostume of swallow-tailed coat, yellow pants, six inches too short in tho log, white stove pipe hat get on the back of his headf while in his hand he held a stick and jack-knilo engaged in the everlasting Yankee habit of whittling. The society of St. Patrick had a full rigged ship, manned by the boys in blue, while on the side was displayed in large letters Commodore Barry's memorable expression* "British gold cannot buy me." A wagon drawn by sixteen oxon carried a lot cabin, in which the family was being tomahawked by Indians, representing the massacre ol Wyoming valley Another wagon bore a ship from which a lot of men, disguisod as Indians, were throwing tea boxes into an imaginary Boston harbor. Thirty-eight young ladie.tastofully and appropriately dressed, rep resenting the Stales of the American Union, were riding in a large wagon. A number of merchants and manufacturer.* had their goods suitably displayed, conspicuous among which we observed the Wheeler and Wilson Sowing Machine. It would occupy too much space to giv* a full description of the procession Owing to the threatening aspect of the weather and the invalid eon dition of your correspondent, 1 dio not go to the Fair Grounds, where a crowd of several thousand assembled, and the oration was delivered. But I learn that everything passed od pleasantly. tdk rack distinction. .»- . "»* «mnaAnoa fn ctuln tKut IV Uia^ UUk UV imj'iv'j'vi »*.» »s«««v the difficulty which 1 referred to in my last letter about the negroes participating in tho celebration, was compromised by admitting the negrc<es painted and dressed as Indians. Tho better class «.»! darkeys resented this a.» an indignity, and refusod to submit to it, and consequently took no part in it. Tho Repub lican City Council that h charge ol tho ceremonies refused to pl.u o any negroes on the Committee on Aiumgements, according to a request from the colored brethren, and this gave offonse. But some of the less respectable darkeys who were food of ornamentation and display, and who had no regard for any principle that might be involved afleclmg their race, donned the feathers and daubed their faces with tho war paint of the bildren of the forest, and joined the procession. One incensed old African who had an exalted regard for the dig nity of his race, remarked "that none but d.d rag baby niggers would stoop to such ajdeacension." The negro as an Indian is a caricature which exposes anything in thai line that 1 hate ever seen. It may be that my idea* ot the noble red man formed from seeing the Indian of the plains, or the chief that sometimes visit the Great Father at Washington, may be wrong, or at least they were entirely different from the J. impressions mado ty tho tribo which ojHrobed in khe Fafkitaburg Centennial prooMrion, for$ am acre that a more bow-Jigged and giasard-tcxrtad set of Indiana have never been seen on this continent Occasionally they would give the war whoop, sing the harvest song or perform the war dance of the children of the setting sun; hut oh! how unlike the -manner in which Cooper describes the way tho Mohawks bad ot doing these things. The "harvest song" was sung in real old plantation style of "Halleimaruiu! HalleJuJarura! You Ain't got your hoc cake done, my dear." The war dance was done in a style scarcely '.ess attooting. ".For it was first on the heel and then on the toe, And every time they wheeled about, they Jumped JLrn Craw." My advice to my Republican friends I of Parkersburg would be to quit adding I insult to the aboriginal race of America in this Centennial year by trying to make an Indian out of a negro. You cannot do it Just alter th«» war I advised a sprightly young !r<- idman to educate himself and become a preacher. " 'Taint no use, massa," was the reply; "'taint no use. You can't make nuthn of a nigger 'ccpi a nigger, no way you fix it." That darkey, according to my opinion, was a philospher by instinct. "You may feather them, you may paiut or daub them as you will, But the scent of the nigger will liaug round them still." THK DECLARATION OF INDKPNDKNCE. There are many strange things in Heaven and earth that our philosophy eonnot comprehend, but of all mcomprej hensiblc phases of human nature the strangest to me is that of an American citizen who can read the reasons lor our separation from the mother country, as set forth so clearly by Jellerson in the Declaration of Independence, and then turn around and yield a support to the Grant admit istration, which has committed gr ate: wrongs and grosser outrages against our country than King Gkokok's Ministry did against His Majesty's colonies. Perhaps the people will arouse to a sense of duty, and celebrate our Centennial year in a substantial manner, by reforming the abuses, and electing a chief magistrate upon his record as a Reformer, M. Forty year* Iimn tc«t<ii the vnlnr of Dr. A. N. Todd'* Anti-Billion* and Liver Fill*. THK BEHT FILL NOW IN U!*S4 For BUiiousneso Use .Dr. A. 8. Todd's Fills. For Liver CoiiipUJnt, Ust Dr. A. S. Todd's Fills. For Dyspepsia, Use Dr. A.M. Todd's Fills. F or Mick Headache, Use . Dr. A. S. Todd's fills. For Disordered .Stomach, Use Dr. A. M. Todd's Fills. For ludlgestiou o! Food, Use Dr. A. H. Todd s Fills. 4 For Constipation ol Bowels! Use Dr. A. S. Todd's Fills. ForFalpitation of the Hear4, Use l)r. A.M. Todd's Fills. For Impurity ol the Blood. UseDr. A. M. Todd's Fills, For Fuius 111 the Head Use Dr. A. S. Todd's Fills. For Pains in the Slue, I UH6 :>r. A.S. T<mIiI'h fillM. LAIUIIIJ.M BHOTHKRS A PROPRIKTOKN. Sold by Druggist* and Deal#'* everywhere. FOR SHERIFF. Hihlnrt of thr Register. I respectfully otler myself to the Democratic party as a candidate tor Hherift «>t Ohio county subject to the established usages ol the party. Jy I J A M KS M. I1ULUKR. T uNt. Hoceived ! ANOTHER LOT OK Elegant Silverware J 1ST RECEIVED, MU1TAHLK FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS, AT REDUCED I'RICKH. HENNEGENs BATES & CO., 1154 MAIN ST, ...Jy! TO MERCHANTS. AN OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED To buy ut a discount an order fur 110commixlation at the Collotiadc Hotel, Ulilla.lolnliiu uni/inntitur 1t\ S»a'»'litcPii lKiilnrs and a Hall. For |>nri Iculars apply at this office. febjyii Ho! Ye Stoveless T Every one in ne«sl of reliable Stoves will flud theli Interest t>est silted at Sweeney's Store ! By examenlug PRICES and STYLES. Always on hand the latest, best and Most Improved Patterns. All kinds of old Iron taken In exchange for new Stoves, Castings, Tinware, or old Stove repairs. Give me a call, .satisfaction warranted. It. H. SWEENEY, No. 32 Eleventh Slwl. Lower End Neeond Ward Market House. mas WANTED-Agents. rilHE CONDIMENT U.VOOiHOMPANY J. are prepared to appoint suttable par| ties as their Agents iu Wheeling and other towns lor sale of their Condimental and Gordon Kissts for Horses, Cattle and Poultry. Energetic, responsible parties wishing to engage ill a protlialde business in whieb there Is no e unpetitiou and no rick will do well to address. personally preterm!. UhO. A. MUNTY, Supt. Ooudimeulal Kiasl Co., liW Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. mv.st Cheapest House in the City. MARKETSQUARE,SECOND WAKl>. Bar- Gold Soap lor 11. 12 His. Choice N. 0. Sugar for II, 12 Cans Choice Tomatoes for f 1 <*». Ami canned goods oi every kiud at low rates. ^Choice Teas Irani 3nc toll per pound. Also, Craig's Baking powder, the lx«t In the city. Examine my tluestcck beler. yon make your purchases. JOHN FITZ PATRICK, ap£>-c lOttO Market street. Cheapest Wall Papers IN THE CITY, AT A. W. PAULL & BRO'S. lie MAIN ST., Horn brook's Block. White Back Wall Papers AT 8c PER KOI.L. BEST GLAZED PAPERS AT 15 CENTS. A complete stock ot fine and decorative goods at ail prion. Hanging and Decorating done and work warranted. ap2S Organs Cheap Nice 5-Oetave Organ, 6 stops.double reed; nicely carved walnut case; very fine tone. Price $100. Been in use about 18 months; in good condition. Apply at 1 ADAMS A LUCAS', mr8 1227 Market Street. | \ WHEELING DA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Pi ST. STEPHENS HOTEL, Chtstnut St., Above 10th, jullO PniLAPElyPHP^. CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS Wall Paper anil Borders, at reduced prices J to close out lota of Spring goods, at Harbour & Dittman's, Jy3_. 1050 MAIN STREET. FOr Sale. ONE OF THK MOST DESIRABLE LOTS in Mt. Wood Cemetery, that has never had an iuteimeut In It. For localiou see the Sexton. For terms, Ac., see THOS. COL VIN. At his Grocery on Market Square. JullO-q FOR CINCINNATI. ,fT^a. THE FINE, NEW, LIGHT JadaUiflC draught passenger steamer Andes, Charles Muhleman, Commander, Ed. Muhleman, Clerk; will leave for the above on Tuesday, July 11th, 1K70, at .'t v. m. Fer Irelght or passage apply on hoard or to C. H. BOOTH A CO., JullO Agents. Hand Loom CACHNIIRE SILKS, UtK THK HKST VALIIK IN WHKKL1NU mr'JH X NOTICE. I All perhons having claims against George H. Kurtz, decease*I, wil please present them to me for settlement within thfe next 30 days. And all persons knowing themselves Indebted to the said George H. Kurtz, deceased, will please call and settle immediately. DANIEL SCHa.MBRA, No. 1010 Main street, m Executor ol the estate of George H. Kurtz, deceased. Jtillo-s PARADE OF THE L. 0.1. mUK MEMBERS OK THE VARIOUS L lxxlges of the Loyal Orange institution of Wheeling, are n quested to meet at the Hall of the Washington Lodge, Craugle's Block, Market street, on Wednesday, the 12th lust., at 1 o'clock p. M.. to Join the parade in celebration of the one hundred and eighty-sixth anniversary of the battle ol the Boyne. The parade will commence at 2 o'clock sharp, and all intending to " participate are requeste i to be on hand promptly. W.J.McLAIN, MARTIN l'EBLEK, Grand Marshal. Assistant. J I?1'0 LOST. A .SMALL POCK ETBOOK OR WALLET, containing money aud va.uable papers. The Under will be suitable rewarded on returning it to |N. WILKINSON, jy7s 220* Kofl Street, or 13>B Main Street. STATEMENT OF ItKCKIPIK AND expenditures of the Superintendent of the Cumberland Road lor Hie year ending , April 1,817b. f 1873. April 1, To balance on hand from April 1, 1875 I 8 00 " 22, Received from Board of Public Works 210 00 " 22, Received lroin Board of, i Public Works for salary ill 00 July H, Received horn Board ot Public Works 500 00 Oct. 2, Received lroin Board ot Public Works 300 to Nov. 12, Received from Board cf Public Works 300 (O Dec. 11, Received trom Board oi Public Works 500 00 Jau'ylS, Received from Board ol Public Works 500 00 Keb'y 11, Received trom Board ot Public Works 300 00 Mar. 8, Received from Board of Public Works 200 00 April 22, Received from Board of Public Works WO 00 23,512 10 amount expended fok repairs, ac. 1875. April 12, D.S.TIiornburg,salary to April 15, is"5 f 331 0 May 1, Moses Creighton, labor mi road 14 50 " 1, John Uotlcib, labor oil road 0 | " 1, J. A. Barr, hauling stone, | Rushticld's bridge 12 no " 1, Henry llerwig, lor stone. 5-i 0" " I, Geo. Kolli, labor 20 a " I, E. Bali, labor 7 no " 1, George A rkle,use ol horse and carl 'gltsi / " 1, Win.Hutchison,forstone 2T57 Juno 1, E. Bali, labor !J 37 " 1, J.E. Kerrel, stone drag 1 to " 1, Geo. Kotll, luoor 30 75 " 20, 1). Hartley, on aeeonut lor masonry 4U on ' 20, J. S. Creighton, rip rapping ami labor 18 4S " 2«, uenry ticrwig, in iuii mi stone to April 1, 1X75 70 00 20, lieiiry Herwig,labor with horse and cart ill 00 " 20, Urier<* l.aliig, for bill of tools got by John Kerrel.Supt .. 0 25 20, Lewis linker \ Co., Prlntlog 00 " 20, Walter Mprshall, on account for stone 2<kj 00 July 1, Goo. iCotli, labor 2X 00 ' 1, John Uottlih, labor 17 75 " 1, W.Phillips, labor 17 25 " 1, Win. Askew, labor with team - 50 oo Aug. 1, l'eter Kinkls, cleaning ditches 2 00 1, E. Ball, labor 15 on ' 1, E. E. Post, having ditcli cleaned 2 25 Sept. 1, John Uottlib, labor 15 00 " I, W. Phillips, lalwir 15 on » 1, H.Herwig, laboi with cart (ill 00 V 1, H, Herwig, in lull for labor to date 10 25 " 1, Win. Askew, labor with team 50 Oo " 1, W. J. Brown.smith bill... 7 15 " 1, Geo. Both, labor 20 75 " i, H. 8. White,oak lumber.. 22 uo * 1, Henry Otto, cleaning ditch 5 oo " 1, J. N Thorn burg, labor 25 00 " 1, W. T Chambers A Co., hauling 4 20 " 1, U.Thornourg,locust posts 2 Of Nov. 1, ltalpli McCoy, masonry... 2 l>5 ' I, Geo. Kotli. labor 22 5' " 1, Johu Uottlib, labor 10 50 ' 1, H. Herwig,on accouut for stone 60 Oo " 1, J. N. Thornburg, labor 2(1 00 " 1, Henry Otto, liitior with team 21 OO " 1, Walter Marshal, stone aud hauling 07 3o " 1, Win. Askew, labor with team aim " 1, Wllhelm Phillips, labor.. 7 50 Doc. 1, H. Herwlg, !or stone 100 00 " 1, (ioo. Arkte, labor with cart 1" i*i " 1, W. Marshall, for stone 2tk> t*» " 1, W. Hutchison for s one.. 80 00 " I. W. Hutch Won. for stone.. 2U 00 *' I, Goo. W. Coffey, t uildlug bridge at Sample's 3) Ob " 1, Geo. Cofley, repairing brblges on road 15 Oil " I, Geo. Until. lal)or _.. 31 iU '* 1, J. 1>. Whitham, bridge lumber ... 75 (*) Jan'y 1, E. Ball, labor 5 0 ' 1, T. G. Yates, carpenter work at Gate No.3 3 75 1, H. Herwig. on account tor W stone...... - 100 00 w 1, Martin Slater, labor with teain 31 00 I, K. Ball, lAhnr 62 1, J S. freighted. rip raping..... 11 u 1, Geo. Koth, lalwr 31 75 1, W.Marshall,stone 3UU uo 1, J. N. Tliornburg, labor « and oak lumber 15 3i 9 1, M. Prettyi>'au, stone 33 00 1, J. D. Whitham, oak lumber 35 (* 1, W.J.Brown bridge holts t*S 1, Geo. W. Coffey, work on bridges 15 tb Feb'y 1, Jos. Shilling, 1 tcu»! posts < 00 1, M. Prettyman, stoue 00 1, H.Herwig,labor with cart 35 00 I, K. Bail, labor _ 2 l*> y I, Geo. W. Cofley, toll house of Wheeling Hlll...^_... 70 00 1, Win. Hutchison, stone 50 00 1, Hartley * Ewing, ma Mill ry ...... 31 '35 !, John Askew, labor 30 08 1, Wm. Askew, labor with n team 09 1, D. S. Tliornburg, contingent xpeuses 6 64 March 1, J. P. Whitham, oak lumber 10 -55 I, Giitln Fraxier, ditching.. 5 0u 1, Wm. Hutchison, stone ... .50 00 1, W. Marshall, »tone_.... 100 00 1, H. Herwlg, stone 35 00 G 1, M. Prettyman. stone 10 00 1, Robt. Sweeney, stove for Gate No. 1. 10 00 1, J. N. Tliornburg, labor with team 4 on kpril 1, E. Ball, labor 3 00 1, Geo. Arkle, labor wit a cart 50 00 1, K. Ball, labor 5 0u 1, W. Marshall, stone 300 oo R 1, Wm. Hutchison, stone 50 U0 1, H. Herwlg. stone. 50 00 1, Geo. Koth, labor... 5M uo 1, Dewey, Vance A Co. spikes 3 15 1, James CYacrxft, posting bill 3 00 I, To balance on hand...__ 15 31 i $.1,543 0U J D. H. THOK XBl'RG. Snpc fRRF i" AUf.pi irv. i.Aiiiw j mtt c\)Diiiiu»uuD N«Mii»-book, wiiii I [tintiunt. HeuU sUunp LtKAN * t\»., S+.w ,u Whrd, Mitf net la I. I ^ ft ILY REGISTER, MC IEW APVEWTlljMKNXS . _V ' LADIES' J AND TRADE ARB LN VITED TO CALL AND SEE L [HE BEST SELECTED STOCK ;o f DRY GOODS I N . W£CSRIi>INa. ALL NEW AND -RESH AND VERY CHEAP. D. T. BRUEN, Main Street. OUR CO fc I CO ^ S O O £ P » . i s PS s I uj |jq £ g >- * ° t. H Jl o ft. 5 a 5 5 ; LiJ OS z «I! = 5- 0 | u- 5? o £ I. o ® ZD H S j *< . -o S M | . CO ^ ° . hi I WV» ted, White and Blue i ,000 yds, Red, White JL Blue Calico, lor Decorating your houses on the coming 4th. j h lea's Cause Under Shirts at 1 311-lc each, worth $1. laker Mill Bed Spreads, large ' size, reduced from It W to $1 33. lulnets Best Hand Loom Bl'k Silks at $150, $3 OO and ( $3 50 lhat are much below their value Led net Ion In Dress Roods, all « over ST 1-3 and Mc. Plaids down to 33c, to close. . S. RHODES & CO. | 1unl7 > I Knr bMt cuancr Id Ii %ViE>IV I O lb* world to rota ti onry. Atldrrw D. A. tafrtf Pttrkfi p kNcwk.N.J. nrMi d imYY MORNING,« .J> " ' Vf1*'. it* advertisements T % J , Strict Personal Attention OIYEH TO THE Compounding of Prescriptions AT jr. JSC. BIIiVBY'S Drug and Proscription Store, mrI3 UOK. OPPOSITE POBTOKFllK. "GREAT REDUCTION In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, &c., at C. P. BROWN'S, 12U7 MARKET BTREET, opposite McLnre House. Jy3 yy VA. BTENCIL AND HEAL WORKS JOHN H. ZKVEKIiT, Propr. STAMPS, SEALS. CHECKS, INKS, Hteel Alphabets and Figures on hand and made to order. No 17.11 Mara.#street, lielow Poetellke, Wheeling, W. Va. jy« NOTICE. All our Oenuiue w oolen Yarns Have ou Every bundle, a red lable Willi tin name of WHEAT, ISETT & NAYLOR. F RRAni FY k, SDN Li unni/LLi vjl UUM.; WHEAT, I SETT & NAYLOR, Manufacturer* ol WOOLEN YARN AND FXiANN£3Xi&,| (Successor* to E. Bradley A Hon), WHEELINC, WEST VA. Office: 1300 Mala Street, £uu2U For doughs, Golds, Hoarseness. And all THROAT IMSEASES, line »i/_ IM- r\ _l I" T.Ll.l. wen s VsarDonc i auieis, Put up ouly in Blue boxes. A TRIED AND SURE REMED) For sale by Druggists generally, hum Johnston, Hol oway& Co., Philadelphia FULLER, WARREN & CO. MANUKACTIJKEKS OF So "ft il- .i C The largest assortKUKNACE W nu nt tl,c »'»rket. Our new Wood anil Coal Cooking Stoves, cro * V RCrOltTDK, SPIRIT OF '76 OUTHERN GEM. AND THE FAMOUS tewart "Improved.' Meet tlie Wants of Every Dealer. Correspondence Invited. Price l,ist and Cut upon application in I'l l.l.l.K. A It- HEN A « «»., ZAi Water Street, New York. Jnn'Jib AUENTS WANTED lor the New llistor leal Work Our WESTERN BORDER. A Complete and Graphic History ol American Pioneer Lifeluu YKAKS AGO. lis thrilling contlictM ol Red and While Foes. Kxcillng Adventures, Captivities, Forays, Scouts, Pioneer women and Imys, Indian war-paths, Camp lite, and Sports. A hook for old and young. Not a dull page. No coiuuetitlon. Kuoriiious sales. Agents wanted everywhere. Uluatrated Circulars free. J. C. McCL'RDY A Co., I'll Had a. Pa. my£ib. AUENMN Wanttsl for THE CKXTEXXIAI. BOOK or It I IKi HA I'll V, or Unlives of the great men of our first luo years Send for circulars. 1*. W. ZIKUKKR A CO., I'hlla., Pa., or Chicago, III. my£ib J>SVCHOMANCY, or KOL'R CHARM* X IN'U." How eitlier sex may fuselnatenndgaln the love and affections ol any person they clusme Instantly. Tills simple ineutal acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c, together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams Hints to ladles. Wedding' Night Shirt Ac. A (pieer book. Address T. WILLIAM A Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. uo2.1la a piTXTT'O - * HXli chroinos, iiuIiiN J O VI: HHI tor K.T. National I'hroino i o , Phila., Pa. Ju2ub APPNT 73 ntoaerihrrt in one tUiy. Hmt HUCI* I liiftiiry -fta/trr. Only il >1 a year. Three fit) cliroiims frte. MITNYON t SlMNSl.KK, l'nhs., I'hlla., Pa. mv£fh s fiiiRin^n^«U1^, 4 UUniUOl I I Address Huston A Co., 77 Nassau rtt., N. Y. LADIES f You are especially Invited to CALL AND EXAMINE A large a*^ortmeul|of Ml Wool Hernanies, Which we will sell at full| 50 per ct. less, rhan any heretoiore; bought in the ntyt t ( .adies' Suits, Parasols, Car- note U/all Pancr |fCIOi nail up. ( A5D CARPET CHAIN j In.the same proportion, at 1 f Toll 11 Roomor's. ; raaySl Second Hand Boilers for Sale. >ne 2 flue boiler, > I nche* diam.,l> It. Ion; Pwo l - - :a " 14 Hie 7 4U " - -£l n»e cylinder boiler 3i inch.-* diatn., 24 leet wig; tbree cylinder boiler*. :c in diarn., Z feet Ionic; one small engine 4*; bore.» ucl-ea stroke. We aim. bin irt eugme* and oiler* lor all purl***-*. Kepair wrnkduue mtupliy. arS HOKW TAYUiKklU \ rULY 10, 1876. NEW ADVERTISEMENT*' .T ~ 1 B a r g a i n s t h i s W e e k. .V i ; ! / { / f;J f S'\ % N .-i V' GEO. R. TAYLOR & CO. With the View of Closing Out Our Stock of Black Iron Grenadines, Spring and Summer Suitings, /Vii<1 Niiniiiior WilliH, We have Marked Down and will offer ON MONDAY MORNING Our Entire Stock of these DKN I B Alll.K C O O I > N At L'rioes Much Less than Cost of Importation GEO. R. TAYLOR & CO RED IRON FRONT! Til K (iKKAT PATENT SILVER LAKEF LOUR HOUSE Unanticipated Demand! Unexpected Success! Science, Improved Machirery and A No. I Wheat ar< Bound to Give Good Results. The Silver hake Flour ponso^es Hll these advantages ami consequently will: out a competitor, ami to-day stands at the head Im>th for quality ami price. tor13 fj. 4H.lJ:if41 A. HOXK. SOhK AOKNftt. 1876. NEW GOODS. 1876 We have In store onrKPRlNU HTfX'K of (iooda. All the NEW AND HKMlKAIil.J Hfylea In Diagonal, Straight and Basket Worsteds, Spring Overcoat ings, Fancy Pantaloon and Vest Patterns, Ami a large stock ol BUSINESS HIMTINOH, entirely new In dealgn, to which we In vlte the attention of our cuxtmncrH ami the public. We also have a full ami complete xtock of &BNTB' FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing all new noveltlea. A lull line of White .shirt* of fluent quality. Thereto Untied KINK Mil IK If*, ami Oilored slilrtx In New Patterns. always In xtore. Shirt* of all kind* miule to order, ami a perfect fit guaraiiled. Call aud examine xtoclt. -T. II. STALLMA> Ac CO., MKRtHAKT TAIMIRM mno No. 27 Twelfth St., Wheeling, W. Va. "fourteenth annual statement OK THE FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY! OK WHEELING, WENT VA., JANUARY 1st, 1876. AgMETft. [rolled HtaU* Bend* . « 'hm)i OH Hand and In Bank . .. UjM [>»an* on Bond* and Mortgagee firm lien on property wortli double the amonnt loaned. . . _ ~ _ »(,?:& Keal t>tate, Unincumbered . utjpn v Vgeucy Balauc.-a.. . . . .... Ml t Merchant* National Bank Htock._ . zr'tJt (j Itv 01 Wheel lug Ga* Bon 1*...._ . ZfiU) n 111 11k Keoelrabie.. ..... iij I'reirilums Uncollected. Home Office :i^i« », l>ue from other Insu ranee I'ornpautea 'IJCl i Vecrued InU-r.at ... ,,4rVW 7 -alvage Claim* and Kent* due . u.ifU .j jroe* PremIuran in Tranalt, December bum new _ u Lhie trom IndirldnaJ* . umh jfflc* Kumiuir© . _ 'iflA U S£>| JHH (j LIABILITIES 'spita! Htoek- tl'Jijm (JU \jomm imJJuaU*! hut not doe. . . . 7.MM »t [>*** » < "oote»ite«l . Itjtil til K»-lr»Mir*iire laud (Sew York Hlaudard) u,9*,xi LKie Individual* J/>44 V, turplu* aw regard* policy holder* ...__. f'DCt Vri Met *urpIu*ovcr all Matiilllie* . . " Jiaot iyjwo-* paid mace organiratiou,over m i OFFICER*. J. ! . fllW'E, Presides!. NM HAfc'f REILLV, Vlce*PrnldfKl. T. P. P1I1LL1P#, HrcrfUrjr. I. H. WILLUNS, Amat. Hec'f aid Trcaivm. DIRECTOR*. J. N. VAWK, UKO. B. CALDWELL, M. KKILLY. U. W. KKAN/.HKIM ufeo aUAmH. JobS 11. Uobiw, JOHN HtlU, T. r. HHALLCKUWl L. C. KI LT EL. jmll T FOR SALE. FOR SALE. J ^ 8BARE8 IN GERMAN BANK. 1 O Shares In German Insurance Cotn> lOpoiiy. PETERSON A BAKKK. __ Jul 3 FOR SALE. J jOlISE IN BELLAIKK. We have a two story frame house In Ke|In I re. Cummin*'* addition, for tuUe. 1% sirable lor a Nail Mill ina'.i. J u 13 PETERSON A BA K KR. FOR SALE. WE HAVK TWO VERY NICK TWO story brick tenement house* on Twenty fl illi street, lor «nle. Tliey are nearly new and lu excellent repair. Em h contain* lour rooms ami a kilcheu, ami but li have good cellars. Any |mtmoii «lesi ring a cheap dwelling houte well located, and upon reasonable terms, will do well (< call, for full particulars apply to the undersigned at their office, No. 1136 Chapline street. Wheeling, W. Va. CRACKA FT A COLK, aprlSh Attorneys. Farm for NrIo. \17iTH THK INTENTION OK RkTIR. YY iug on accouut ol age. 1 will sell my farm.situated In lmver township, L'nlou county, Ohio, on the MaryNVllle au<! IWhware nike. luljoliiitiK U»e town ot Si» Isrver, on the lk-laware ami Springfield railway, 2510 acres, 2W Ot which Is in a high slat#* of cultivation* balance timber, all undergoou fence. Three dwelling houses "imkI barn, irull, good water, soil black loam, making a desirable larin. Will sell In nue Is sly, or to mi it purchasers. For lurtlier particulars call on or address MO KUAN MA V AUK, Jedbegrb New Ikiver. Union count) o Jb*OR SAIjF, UVKKV DKSIKAKUC KitII'K HOI'SK, No. 151 Sixteenth street, In first-das* coiulition. This house la very con veuielil, MiiUihie for either oue or two lumil is, ji contains eight nsuiis, ami has Water all through it. There is a good stable on the premises. For terms aud further partlcu* UUS MqtllMOII the preinlaes, between 6 and 7o'clock lu the evening. If uol sold belore July 11th, it will be offered at public , sale on tiiutdayat lUo'clnck, at thei'ouil House. JOHN K McNAKB. J uJira FOR A IiR 84 Shares of Stock in the Standard Printing Company, Apply to JAMES F. CAKItOLL, Cor. Mth and Market streets niarl..h FOR RENT. . FOR RENT. flHVO OK THKKK llNFt'KNIHHKH I rmiins, |iu. Ac., In the house, corner <»| Mark«t and Fourteenth streets,suitable lor young men, or for a snisii tauilly. I'os. session given I mured laid i Also, from April 1st, | lie basement I'iho ol Hie siine building, now occupied b> iv.'I*. Ford js a gre<-n grocery or huckster stand. Appl\ to lilt. M. F. Ht'l.l.iriKN, tlr to'Ht|Ulre O'Keeie, corner Market aud Fourteenth streets. mrluh I FOR R ENT. A KINK HRH'K l»V\ KM.INU ON Kleveiil h stieel (loililerly old 21® Union,) near the cornel oi ChuplliH-"®* street, t'oiltrrllis seven r-.oiiiH, lias rtulsln .I attic, lod and cold water,and gas Ilimnylimit. Will rented si onee on uievuei hie l< iin*, buri'Rri|<-ui»i*H|>i>i} i<> jomn p. I'HnHciiKi.i., Jyi* l~W MiirkH 5iit*i*i FOR RENT. I AW OKKK'KH ON CHAH.INK Nl j Tli»« mount loriurrly oreuplttl l>\ It. * HlllVMI, N< . I'.yil < Ktwt. ll<>Wli<H miiii givi-n liiiniitllulfly. 111<|111r> ill ALUKItMONA I'AI'M., J Hi ia«! Miukil Hlix't. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION, NUTICK IH IIKKKBV OIVKN TH.Vl lilt' | *fl 11 lit' m 11111 lltlfly MIIihIhIIiik Imlufi'ii tin* iirnl«*rN|Kii«'<t, 11 nil.*i tin' IIriu >,i Ottry A I'u., wrm iIinmoI v«il liy inniuitl m> Hell 11 oil Hit- 'III tiny til J it I \ , A. I». I <T».. i>. it o vitS. JOHN JKWKTI. ))7i JOHN KODDA. PURE AND SWEET. It. K. I 'itltlWI'l I llllH till ll IIII11 HI llll t* III III. iliifM KKKKKJKItATOKMfVfr IihmikIiI I" Hit* rlly. Kur kiH*pnii» MKATS, BUTT hit V KGKTA HI,KM, mi,I MII.K, : "PURE AND SWEET" Tht'y »ro tli#» thing. A l><<i a linn umirlimint «>f tlm I"* t nmkn s COOKING STOVES, 1Vif»«thw witli a PnmplntA <1 IIOimK F1KMMIII\I. UOODS. GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE WORK AN (l ' Tin rooting dono nt short fi« No. ir««>7 A I.MIW MnIh «lrwl, m«i K. *, M, K. K. l>«'|iol. niyit Ladies' Gold Watches AT LOUIS DEOHERT'S Jowclry Htor*, t lunV * MM lArkHNlnwl, PHOTOGRAPHS COPIED AimI fiilaiK'il Inon sny old Plcliif nut! Finished in the LATEST SIYLL At v**ry rmMoualilc (.rloe**. UKOHK'N UALLBRI, jBflj MAKKKT MTRKKI Get Your Pictures Framed AT THK I McLure House Art Store. ' ju 17 K. L. M100LL TRIMBLE & HORN BROOK 1418 Market Street, Plumbers, Gat;Steam Fitters AND BKAM* KOUNDKV.Maiiula'lure . COWS 6AS MICHIIl 5 U DKAL.KK« IN m a ^ I'll! ? ,'w,ui »»* « » S Kmc, MM« «««, WHIiUm, Ac. 7 prtrw j,|,,r oM Dopi"**** ; Hr*m Prompt *lU-ntion Ki n vf!'" « from a ilMtaiic*. Aicnl* i<>r H>-i<i>-ii HU'Hiii pump. H 8 'iilil7c TKIKHI.K A HoKNBK""K Edmund Booking's PHARMACY, No. I ODD Fellow* He"% OOK.TWKI.KTH ATHAPLINKKl* OPEN DAY AND NIOHf. $ Kor llie aroouimouailon of my ca*t0,B>f;' eiiij Irirtnta, f hnvf «u(i(nl »u **"' wl.o will »tU-n«J to tiie If He IIT BIJ8IREW OIVLV. Noriikic ft wekcu upatialf J ^ litlf ul*cp Miiiuiit nor lievin« I" " 'jj ^ unUi you cm g«t into Uie »tor*- | U00B8 OPEN AT All HOURS- ? | Nl«t)t ba*ln«ae OAMHonly, *'M pereou or i Lrcnmtenooe.

The Wheeling daily register (Wheeling, W. Va.). 1876-07-10 ... · Wheeling mister. DAI» V. TKI-WEEKLY,WKKKL1 THERENINTKRCOMPANY. MONDAY.JULY1*. IM?«. i THKWEEHI.T REDINTER la the

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Page 1: The Wheeling daily register (Wheeling, W. Va.). 1876-07-10 ... · Wheeling mister. DAI» V. TKI-WEEKLY,WKKKL1 THERENINTKRCOMPANY. MONDAY.JULY1*. IM?«. i THKWEEHI.T REDINTER la the

Wheeling mister.DAI» V. TKI-WEEKLY, WKKKL1


MONDAY. JULY 1*. IM?«. i

THKWEEHI.T REDINTERla the largeal anil altogether the moat

eoiu Diet* news and lamily paper printed InWest Virginia. It will be aent to any addressone year (or 12.00. Valnable premiumsto olau agent* and to subscriber*.



Mew York.




Jefferson county.

NICHOLAN FlTIHUCiH,Kanawha county.


KOR GOVERNOR.II. M. MATTHEWS.Oi Ureeubrier county.


Oi Cabell county.KOR ATTORNEY-GENERALROBERT WHITE,OI Hampshire oouuty.




A. F. HAYNONO,Of Marlon county.OKEY JOHNSON,

Of Wood county.T. OREEN,

OI Jefferson county.

OL'R EDITORIAL 4'ORRENPONDENCE.The CmteaBlal In Parkersburic.Fine Dlaplay.Beautiful TableauaColored Indiana.Keforni.

t\ABK KRSUL'G, July G, 187<J.Kxlitors of the Register.The Centennial Fourth was a big day

in Parkorsburg. There has been nothinglike it in the past, and there will be

nothing like it in the future, unless it beat the next Centennial. At midnight thenoise began with thoringing of bells, the

tiring of cannon, and tho shrill scream ol

the whistles at the round house andthe engines at the ditlerent manufactories.It was one continuous noise until 12

o'clock tho next night, when many an

over-enthusod patriot wearily sought his

couch with a lervcnt prayer that anotherCentennial may novcr be known in his

lay and gpnerat >n.

Tho display mado by the Oil City was

<juite creditablo, and wo have no doubt

surpassed that of many cities of largerpretentions. Tho tableaux representationsin the procession were particularlyline. The first wagon, festooned withflowers and evergreens, boro ''Uncle

Sam," represented by a veritable West

Virginian who stands seven feet throeinches in his stockings. This giant was

dressed in the traditional Yankoccostumeof swallow-tailed coat, yellow pants,six inches too short in tho log, white stove

pipe hat get on the back of his headfwhile in his hand he held a stick and

jack-knilo engaged in the everlastingYankee habit of whittling. The societyof St. Patrick had a full rigged ship,manned by the boys in blue, while on the

side was displayed in large letters CommodoreBarry's memorable expression*"British gold cannot buy me." A wagondrawn by sixteen oxon carried a lotcabin, in which the family was beingtomahawked by Indians, representingthe massacre ol Wyoming valleyAnother wagon bore a ship from which a

lot of men, disguisod as Indians, were

throwing tea boxes into an imaginaryBoston harbor. Thirty-eight young ladie.tastofully

and appropriately dressed, representing the Stales of the American

Union, were riding in a large wagon. A

number of merchants and manufacturer.*had their goods suitably displayed, conspicuousamong which we observed theWheeler and Wilson Sowing Machine.It would occupy too much space to giv*a full description of the processionOwing to the threatening aspect ofthe weather and the invalid eon

dition of your correspondent, 1 dionot go to the Fair Grounds, where a

crowd of several thousand assembled, andthe oration was delivered. But I learnthat everything passed od pleasantly.

tdk rack distinction..»-. "»* «mnaAnoa fn ctuln tKut

IV Uia^ UUk UV imj'iv'j'vi »*.» »s«««v

the difficulty which 1 referred to in mylast letter about the negroes participatingin tho celebration, was compromised byadmitting the negrc<es painted anddressed as Indians. Tho better class «.»!

darkeys resented this a.» an indignity,and refusod to submit to it, and consequentlytook no part in it. Tho Republican City Council that h charge ol thoceremonies refused to pl.u o any negroeson the Committee on Aiumgements, accordingto a request from the coloredbrethren, and this gave offonse. Butsome of the less respectable darkeys whowere food of ornamentation and display,and who had no regard for any principlethat might be involved afleclmg theirrace, donned the feathers and daubedtheir faces with tho war paint of thebildren of the forest, and joined the

procession. One incensed old Africanwho had an exalted regard for the dignity of his race, remarked "that none

but d.d rag baby niggers would stoopto such ajdeacension." The negro as an

Indian is a caricature whichexposes anything in thai line that 1hate ever seen. It may be that my idea*ot the noble red man formed from seeingthe Indian of the plains, or the chief thatsometimes visit the Great Father at

Washington, may be wrong, or at leastthey were entirely different from the


impressions mado ty tho tribo whichojHrobed in khe Fafkitaburg CentennialprooMrion, for$ am acre that a more

bow-Jigged and giasard-tcxrtad set of Indianahave never been seen on this continentOccasionally they would givethe war whoop, sing the harvest song or

perform the war dance of the children ofthe setting sun; hut oh! how unlike the-manner in which Cooper describes theway tho Mohawks bad ot doing these

things. The "harvest song" was sung in

real old plantation style of"Halleimaruiu! HalleJuJarura!You Ain't got your hoc cake done, my

dear."The war dance was done in a style

scarcely '.ess attooting.".For it was first on the heel and then on

the toe,And every time they wheeled about, theyJumped JLrn Craw."

My advice to my Republican friendsI of Parkersburg would be to quit addingI insult to the aboriginal race of Americain this Centennial year by tryingto make an Indian out of a negro.You cannot do it Just alterth«» war I advised a sprightly young!r<- idman to educate himself and becomea preacher. " 'Taint no use, massa," was

the reply; "'taint no use. You can'tmake nuthn of a nigger 'ccpi a nigger,no way you fix it." That darkey, accordingto my opinion, was a philospherby instinct."You may feather them, you may paiut

or daub them as you will,But the scent of the nigger will liaug round


There are many strange things inHeaven and earth that our philosophyeonnot comprehend, but of all mcomprejhensiblc phases of human nature the

strangest to me is that of an Americancitizen who can read the reasons lor our

separation from the mother country, as

set forth so clearly by Jellerson in theDeclaration of Independence, and thenturn around and yield a support to theGrant admit istration, which has committedgr ate: wrongs and grosser outragesagainst our country than KingGkokok's Ministry did against His

Majesty's colonies.Perhaps the people will arouse to a

sense of duty, and celebrate our Centennialyear in a substantial manner, by reformingthe abuses, and electing a chiefmagistrate upon his record as a Reformer,


Forty year* Iimn tc«t<ii the vnlnr of

Dr. A. N. Todd'* Anti-Billion* andLiver Fill*.


Use .Dr. A. 8. Todd's Fills.For Liver CoiiipUJnt,

Ust Dr. A. S. Todd's Fills.For Dyspepsia,

Use Dr. A.M. Todd's Fills.F or Mick Headache,

Use .Dr. A. S. Todd's fills.

For Disordered .Stomach,Use Dr. A. M. Todd's Fills.

For ludlgestiou o! Food,Use Dr. A. H. Todd s Fills.4 For Constipation ol Bowels!

Use Dr. A. S. Todd's Fills.ForFalpitation of the Hear4,

Use l)r. A.M. Todd's Fills.For Impurity ol the Blood.

UseDr. A. M. Todd's Fills,For Fuius 111 the HeadUseDr. A. S. Todd's Fills.For Pains in the Slue,


PROPRIKTOKN.Sold by Druggist* and Deal#'* everywhere.

FOR SHERIFF.Hihlnrt of thr Register.

I respectfully otler myself to the Democraticparty as a candidate tor Hherift «>tOhio county subject to the establishedusages ol the party.Jy I JAM KS M. I1ULUKR.

T uNt. Hoceived !ANOTHER LOT OK

Elegant SilverwareJ 1ST RECEIVED, MU1TAHLK FOR




AN OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED Tobuy ut a discount an order fur 110commixlationat the Collotiadc Hotel,

Ulilla.lolnliiu uni/inntitur 1t\ S»a'»'litcPii

lKiilnrs and a Hall. For |>nri Iculars applyat this office. febjyii

Ho! Ye StovelessTEvery one in ne«sl of reliable Stoves will

flud theli Interest t>est silted at

Sweeney's Store !By examenlug PRICES and STYLES. Alwayson hand the latest, best and

Most Improved Patterns.All kinds of old Iron taken In exchange

for new Stoves, Castings, Tinware, or oldStove repairs. Give me a call, .satisfactionwarranted. It. H. SWEENEY,No. 32 Eleventh Slwl. Lower EndNeeond Ward Market House. mas

WANTED-Agents.rilHE CONDIMENT U.VOOiHOMPANYJ. are prepared to appoint suttable par|ties as their Agents iu Wheeling and othertowns lor sale of their Condimental andGordon Kissts for Horses, Cattle andPoultry. Energetic, responsible partieswishing to engage ill a protlialde businessin whieb there Is no e unpetitiou and norick will do well to address.personallypreterm!. UhO. A. MUNTY,Supt. Ooudimeulal Kiasl Co., liW Libertystreet. Pittsburgh, Pa. mv.st

Cheapest House in the City.MARKETSQUARE,SECOND WAKl>.

I« Bar- Gold Soap lor 11.12 His. Choice N. 0. Sugar for II,12 Cans Choice Tomatoes for f 1 <*».Ami canned goods oi every kiud at low

rates.^Choice Teas Irani 3nc toll per pound.Also, Craig's Baking powder, the lx«t In

the city.Examine my tluestcck beler. yon make

your purchases.JOHN FITZPATRICK,

ap£>-c lOttO Market street.

Cheapest Wall PapersIN THE CITY, AT

A. W. PAULL & BRO'S.lie MAIN ST., Horn brook's Block.

White Back Wall PapersAT 8c PER KOI.L.


A complete stock ot fine and decorativegoods at ail prion.Hanging and Decorating done and work

warranted. ap2S

Organs CheapNice 5-Oetave Organ, 6 stops.double

reed; nicely carved walnut case; veryfine tone. Price $100. Been in useabout 18 months; in good condition.Apply at 1

ADAMS A LUCAS',mr8 1227 Market Street. |



ST. STEPHENS HOTEL,Chtstnut St., Above 10th,

jullO PniLAPElyPHP^.CARPETS AND OILCLOTHSWall Paper anil Borders, at reduced prices J

to close out lota of Spring goods, at

Harbour & Dittman's,Jy3_. 1050 MAIN STREET.

FOr Sale.

ONE OF THK MOST DESIRABLE LOTSin Mt. Wood Cemetery, that has never

had an iuteimeut In It. For localiou seethe Sexton. For terms, Ac., see

THOS. COLVIN.At his Grocery on Market Square.


,fT^a. THE FINE, NEW, LIGHTJadaUiflC draught passenger steamerAndes, Charles Muhleman, Commander,Ed. Muhleman, Clerk; will leave for theabove on Tuesday, July 11th, 1K70, at .'tv. m. Fer Irelght or passage apply on hoardor to C. H. BOOTH A CO.,

JullO Agents.

Hand Loom




NOTICE. IAll perhons having claims

against George H. Kurtz, decease*I,wil please present them to me for settlementwithin thfe next 30 days. And allpersons knowing themselves Indebted tothe said George H. Kurtz, deceased, willplease call and settle immediately.

DANIEL SCHa.MBRA,No. 1010 Main street, m

Executor ol the estate of George H. Kurtz,deceased. Jtillo-s

PARADE OF THE L. 0.1.mUK MEMBERS OK THE VARIOUSL lxxlges of the Loyal Orange institutionof Wheeling, are n quested to meet atthe Hall of the Washington Lodge, Craugle'sBlock, Market street, on Wednesday,the 12th lust., at 1 o'clock p. M.. to Join theparade in celebration of the one hundredand eighty-sixth anniversary of the battleol the Boyne. The parade will commenceat 2 o'clock sharp, and all intending to "

participate are requeste i to be on handpromptly. W.J.McLAIN,MARTIN l'EBLEK, Grand Marshal.

Assistant. J I?1'0LOST.

A .SMALL POCK ETBOOK OR WALLET,containing money aud va.uable

papers. The Under will be suitable rewardedon returning it to|N. WILKINSON,

jy7s 220* Kofl Street, or 13>B Main Street.

STATEMENT OF ItKCKIPIK ANDexpenditures of the Superintendent of

the Cumberland Road lor Hie year ending ,

April 1,817b. f1873.

April 1, To balance on hand fromApril 1, 1875 I 8 00

" 22, Received from Board ofPublic Works 210 00

" 22, Received lroin Board of, iPublic Works for salary ill 00

July H, Received horn Board otPublic Works 500 00

Oct. 2, Received lroin Board otPublic Works 300 to

Nov. 12, Received from Board cfPublic Works 300 (O

Dec. 11, Received trom Board oiPublic Works 500 00

Jau'ylS, Received from Board olPublic Works 500 00

Keb'y 11, Received trom Board otPublic Works 300 00

Mar. 8, Received from Board ofPublic Works 200 00

April 22, Received from Board ofPublic Works WO 00

23,512 10

amount expended fok repairs, ac.

1875.April 12, D.S.TIiornburg,salary to

April 15, is"5 f 331 0May 1, Moses Creighton, labor

mi road 14 50" 1, John Uotlcib, labor oil

road 0 |" 1, J.A. Barr, hauling stone, |

Rushticld's bridge 12 no" 1, Henry llerwig, lor stone. 5-i 0"" I, Geo. Kolli, labor 20 a" I, E. Bali, labor 7 no" 1, George A rkle,use ol horse

and carl 'gltsi /" 1, Win.Hutchison,forstone 2T57

Juno 1, E. Bali, labor !J 37" 1, J.E. Kerrel, stone drag 1 to" 1, Geo. Kotll, luoor 30 75" 20, 1). Hartley, on aeeonut

lor masonry 4U on' 20, J. S. Creighton, rip rappingami labor 18 4S" 2«, uenry ticrwig, in iuii mi

stone to April 1, 1X75 70 0020, lieiiry Herwig,labor with

horse and cart ill 00" 20, Urier<* l.aliig, for bill of

tools got by JohnKerrel.Supt.. 0 2520, Lewis linker \ Co., Prlntlog 1» 00

" 20, Walter Mprshall, on accountfor stone 2<kj 00July 1, Goo. iCotli, labor 2X 00

' 1, John Uottlih, labor 17 75" 1, W.Phillips, labor 17 25" 1, Win. Askew, labor with

team - 50 ooAug. 1, l'eter Kinkls, cleaning

ditches 2 001, E. Ball, labor 15 on

' 1, E. E. Post, having ditclicleaned 2 25

Sept. 1, John Uottlib, labor 15 00" I, W. Phillips, lalwir 15 on» 1, H.Herwig, laboi with cart (ill 00V 1, H, Herwig, in lull for laborto date 10 25" 1, Win. Askew, labor with

team 50 Oo" 1, W. J. Brown.smith bill... 7 15" 1, Geo. Both, labor 20 75" i, H. 8. White,oak lumber.. 22 uo* 1, Henry Otto, cleaning

ditch 5 oo" 1, J. N Thorn burg, labor 25 00" 1, W. T Chambers A Co.,

hauling 4 20" 1, U.Thornourg,locust posts 2 Of

Nov. 1, ltalpli McCoy, masonry... 2 l>5' I, Geo. Kotli. labor 22 5'" 1, Johu Uottlib, labor 10 50' 1, H. Herwig,on accouut for

stone 60 Oo" 1, J. N. Thornburg, labor 2(1 00" 1, Henry Otto, liitior with

team 21OO" 1, Walter Marshal, stone

aud hauling 07 3o" 1, Win. Askew, labor with

team aim" 1, Wllhelm Phillips, labor.. 7 50

Doc. 1, H. Herwlg, !or stone 100 00" 1, (ioo. Arkte, labor with

cart 1" i*i" 1, W. Marshall, for stone 2tk> t*»" 1, W. Hutchison for s one.. 80 00" I. W. Hutch Won. for stone.. 2U 00*' I, Goo. W. Coffey, t uildlug

bridge at Sample's 3) Ob" 1, Geo. Cofley, repairing

brblges on road 15 Oil" I, Geo. Until. lal)or _.. 31 iU'* 1, J. 1>. Whitham, bridge

lumber ... 75 (*)Jan'y 1, E. Ball, labor 5 0

' 1, T. G. Yates, carpenterwork at Gate No.3 3 75

1, H. Herwig. on account tor Wstone...... - 100 00 w

1, Martin Slater, labor withteain 31 00

I, K. Ball, lAhnr t» 621, J S. freighted. rip raping.....11 u1, Geo. Koth, lalwr 31 751, W.Marshall,stone 3UU uo1, J. N. Tliornburg, labor «

and oak lumber 15 3i 91, M. Prettyi>'au, stone 33 001, J. D. Whitham, oak lumber 35 (*1, W.J.Brown bridge holts t*S1, Geo. W. Coffey, work on

bridges 15 tbFeb'y 1, Jos. Shilling, 1 tcu»! posts < 00

1, M. Prettyman, stoue *» 001, H.Herwig,labor with cart 35 00I, K. Bail, labor _ 2 l*> yI, Geo. W. Cofley, toll house

of Wheeling Hlll...^_... 70 001, Win. Hutchison, stone 50 001, Hartley * Ewing, ma

Mill ry ...... 31 '35!, John Askew, labor 30 081, Wm. Askew, labor with n

team :£ 091, D. S. Tliornburg, contingentxpeuses 6 64

March 1, J. P. Whitham, oak lumber 10 -55I, Giitln Fraxier, ditching.. 5 0u1, Wm. Hutchison, stone ... .50 001, W. Marshall, »tone_.... 100 001, H. Herwlg, stone 35 00 G1, M. Prettyman. stone 10 001, Robt. Sweeney, stove for

Gate No. 1. 10 001, J. N. Tliornburg, labor

with team 4 onkpril 1, E. Ball, labor 3 00

1, Geo. Arkle, labor wit acart 50 00

1, K. Ball, labor 5 0u1, W. Marshall, stone 300 oo R1, Wm. Hutchison, stone 50 U01, H. Herwlg. stone. 50 001, Geo. Koth, labor... 5M uo1, Dewey, Vance A Co.

spikes 3 151, James CYacrxft, posting

bill 3 00I, To balance on hand...__ 15 31 i

$.1,543 0U JD. H. THOKXBl'RG. SnpcfRRF i" AUf.pi irv. i.Aiiiw jmtt c\)Diiiiu»uuD N«Mii»-book, wiiii I

[tintiunt. HeuU sUunp LtKAN * t\»., S+.w ,uWhrd, Mitf net la I. I ^



_V '












Main Street.



fc ICO ^ SO O £

P ». i

s PS s Iuj |jq £ g>- * °

t. H Jl oft. 5

a 5 5 ;LiJ OSz «I!= 5- 0 |u- 5? o £I. o ®ZD H S j*< . -o

S M |. CO

^ °.



ted, White and Bluei

,000 yds, Red, White JL BlueCalico, lor Decorating

your houses on thecoming 4th. j

hlea's Cause Under Shirts at 1

311-lc each, worth $1.

laker Mill Bed Spreads, large 'size, reduced from It W to$1 33.

lulnets Best Hand Loom Bl'kSilks at $150, $3 OO and ($3 50 lhat are much belowtheir value

Lednet Ion In Dress Roods, all «

over ST 1-3 and Mc. Plaidsdown to 33c, to close.

. S. RHODES & CO. |1unl7 >

I Knr bMt cuancr Id Ii%ViE>IV I O lb* world to rota tionry. Atldrrw D. A. tafrtf Pttrkfi pkNcwk.N.J. nrMi d

imYY MORNING,«.J> " ' Vf1*'.

it* advertisementsT % J ,

Strict Personal AttentionOIYEH TO THE

Compounding of PrescriptionsAT

jr. JSC. BIIiVBY'SDrug and Proscription Store,



In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,&c., at

C. P. BROWN'S,12U7 MARKET BTREET, opposite McLnreHouse. Jy3



Hteel Alphabets and Figures on hand andmade to order. No 17.11 Mara.#street, lielowPoetellke, Wheeling, W. Va. jy«

NOTICE.All our Oenuiue

woolen YarnsHave ou Every bundle, a red lable

Willi tin name of


F RRAni FY k, SDNLi unni/LLi vjl UUM.;

WHEAT, I SETT & NAYLOR,Manufacturer* ol


FXiANN£3Xi&,|(Successor* to E. Bradley A Hon),


Office: 1300 Mala Street,£uu2U

Fordoughs, Golds, Hoarseness.


»i/_ IM- r\ _l I" T.Ll.l.wen s VsarDonc i auieis,

Put up ouly in Blue boxes.A TRIED AND SURE REMED)For sale by Druggists generally, hum

Johnston, Hol oway& Co., Philadelphia


So "ft il-.i C The largest assortKUKNACEW nu nt tl,c »'»rket.

Our new Wood anil Coal Cooking Stoves,cro * V




tewart "Improved.'Meet tlie Wants of Every Dealer.

Correspondence Invited. Price l,ist andCut upon application in I'l l.l.l.K. A It-HEN A « «»., ZAi Water Street, New York.

Jnn'JibAUENTS WANTED lor the New llistorleal Work Our

WESTERN BORDER.A Complete and Graphic History olAmerican Pioneer Lifeluu YKAKS AGO.lis thrilling contlictM ol Red and WhileFoes. Kxcillng Adventures, Captivities,Forays, Scouts, Pioneer women and Imys,Indian war-paths, Camp lite, and Sports.A hook for old and young. Not a dullpage. No coiuuetitlon. Kuoriiious sales.Agents wanted everywhere. UluatratedCirculars free. J. C. McCL'RDY A Co.,I'll Had a. Pa. my£ib.AUENMN Wanttsl for THE CKXTEXXIAI.BOOK or It I IKiHA I'll V, or Unlivesof the great men of our first luo years

Send for circulars. 1*. W. ZIKUKKR A CO.,I'hlla., Pa., or Chicago, III. my£ib

J>SVCHOMANCY, or KOL'R CHARM*X IN'U." How eitlier sex may fuselnatenndgalnthe love and affections ol

any person they clusme Instantly. Tillssimple ineutal acquirement all can possess,free, by mail, for 25c, together with amarriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, DreamsHints to ladles. Wedding' Night ShirtAc. A (pieer book. Address T. WILLIAMA Co., Publishers, Philadelphia. uo2.1la

a piTXTT'O - * HXli chroinos,iiuIiiN J O VI: HHI tor K.T. NationalI'hroino i o , Phila., Pa. Ju2ubAPPNT 73 ntoaerihrrt in one tUiy. HmtHUCI* I liiftiiry -fta/trr. Only il >1 a

year. Three fit) cliroiims frte. MITNYONtSlMNSl.KK, l'nhs., I'hlla., Pa. mv£fh

s fiiiRin^n^«U1^,4 UUniUOl I I Address Huston A Co.,77 Nassau rtt., N. Y.

LADIES fYou are especially Invited to

CALL AND EXAMINEA large a*^ortmeul|of

Ml Wool Hernanies,Which we will sell at full|

50per ct. less,rhan any heretoiore; bought in the ntyt



.adies' Suits, Parasols, Car-note U/all Pancr|fCIOi nail up.



CARPET CHAIN jIn.the same proportion, at



Toll 11 Roomor's. ;raaySl

Second Hand Boilers for Sale.>ne 2 flue boiler, > I nche* diam.,l> It. Ion;Pwo l - - :a " 14Hie 7 4U " --£l

n»ecylinder boiler 3i inch.-* diatn., 24 leetwig; tbree cylinder boiler*. :c in diarn.,Z feet Ionic; one small engine 4*; bore.»ucl-ea stroke. We aim. bin irt eugme* andoiler* lor all purl***-*. Kepair wrnkduuemtupliy.arS HOKW TAYUiKklU



.T~ 1

B a r g a i n s t h i s W e e k..V i ;

! / { / f;J fS'\





With the View of Closing Out Our Stock of

Black Iron Grenadines,

Spring and Summer Suitings,

/Vii<1 Niiniiiior WilliH,

We have Marked Down and will offer


Our Entire Stock of these

DKN I B Alll.K C O O I > N

At L'rioes

Much Less than Cost of Importation


Til K (iKKAT


Unanticipated Demand! Unexpected Success!

Science, Improved Machirery and A No. I Wheat ar<

Bound to Give Good Results.The Silver hake Flour ponso^es Hll these advantages ami consequently i« will:

out a competitor, ami to-day stands at the head Im>th for quality ami price.tor13 fj. 4H.lJ:if41 A. HOXK. SOhK AOKNftt.

1876. NEW GOODS. 1876We have In store onrKPRlNU HTfX'K of (iooda. All the NEW AND HKMlKAIil.J

Hfylea In

Diagonal, Straight and Basket Worsteds, Spring Overcoatings, Fancy Pantaloon and Vest Patterns,

Ami a large stock ol BUSINESS HIMTINOH, entirely new In dealgn, to which we Invlte the attention of our cuxtmncrH ami the public. We also have

a full ami complete xtock of

&BNTB'FURNISHING GOODS,Embracing all new noveltlea. A lull line of White .shirt* of fluent quality. Thereto

Untied KINK Mil IK If*, ami Oilored slilrtx In New Patterns. always In xtore.Shirt* of all kind* miule to order, ami a perfect fit guaraiiled.

Call aud examine xtoclt.


mno No. 27 Twelfth St., Wheeling, W. Va.

"fourteenth annual statementOK THE



AgMETft.[rolled HtaU* Bend* . «'hm)i OH Hand and In Bank ... UjM[>»an* on Bond* and Mortgagee firm lien on property wortli double the

amonnt loaned. .. _ ~ _ »(,?:&Keal t>tate, Unincumbered .utjpn vVgeucy Balauc.-a.. . . .....l«MltMerchant* National Bank Htock._ . zr'tJt (jItv 01 Wheel lug Ga* Bon 1*...._ . ZfiU) n111 11k Keoelrabie.. ..... iijI'reirilums Uncollected. Home Office :i^i« »,l>ue from other Insu ranee I'ornpautea 'IJCl iVecrued InU-r.at ... ,,4rVW7-alvage Claim* and Kent* due . u.ifU .jjroe* PremIuran in Tranalt, December bum new _ uLhie trom IndirldnaJ* . umhjfflc* Kumiuir© . _ 'iflA U


'spita! Htoek- tl'Jijm (JU\jomm imJJuaU*! hut not doe. . . . 7.MM »t[>*** » < "oote»ite«l .Itjtil tilK»-lr»Mir*iire laud (Sew York Hlaudard) u,9*,xiLKie Individual* J/>44 V,

turplu* aw regard* policy holder* ...__. f'DCt VriMet *urpIu*ovcr all Matiilllie* . .


Jiaotiyjwo-* paid mace organiratiou,over m i

OFFICER*.J. ! . fllW'E, Presides!.NM HAfc'f REILLV, Vlce*PrnldfKl.T. P. P1I1LL1P#, HrcrfUrjr.I. H. WILLUNS, Amat. Hec'f aid Trcaivm.


L. C. KILTEL. jmll




1 O Shares In German Insurance Cotn>lOpoiiy. PETERSON A BAKKK.__



We have a two story frame house In Ke|InI re. Cummin*'* addition, for tuUe. 1%sirable lor a Nail Mill ina'.i.



story brick tenement house* onTwenty fl illi street, lor «nle. Tliey arenearly new and lu excellent repair. Em hcontain* lour rooms ami a kilcheu, amibut li have good cellars. Any |mtmoii «lesiring a cheap dwelling houte well located,and upon reasonable terms, will do well(< call, for full particulars apply to theundersigned at their office, No. 1136 Chaplinestreet. Wheeling, W. Va.

CRACKAFT A COLK,aprlSh Attorneys.

Farm for NrIo.\17iTH THK INTENTION OK RkTIR.YY iug on accouut ol age. 1 will sell myfarm.situated In lmver township, L'nloucounty, Ohio, on the MaryNVllle au<! IWhwarenike. luljoliiitiK U»e town ot Si»Isrver, on the lk-laware ami Springfieldrailway, 2510 acres, 2W Ot which Is in a highslat#* of cultivation* balance timber, allundergoou fence. Three dwelling houses"imkI barn, irull, good water, soil blackloam, making a desirable larin. Will sellIn nue Is sly, or to mi it purchasers. Forlurtlier particulars call on or address

MOKUAN MA VAUK,Jedbegrb New Ikiver. Union count) o


No. 151 Sixteenth street, In first-das*coiulition. This house la very con veuielil,MiiUihie for either oue or two lumil is, jicontains eight nsuiis, ami has Water allthrough it. There is a good stable on thepremises. For terms aud further partlcu*UUS MqtllMOII the preinlaes, between 6and 7o'clock lu the evening. If uol soldbelore July 11th, it will be offered at public

, sale on tiiutdayat lUo'clnck, at thei'ouilHouse. JOHN K McNAKB.

J uJira

FOR A IiR84 Shares of Stock in the

Standard Printing Company,Apply to

JAMES F. CAKItOLL,Cor. Mth and Market streets



. FOR RENT.flHVO OK THKKK llNFt'KNIHHKHI rmiins, |iu. Ac., In the house, corner

<»| Mark«t and Fourteenth streets,suitablelor young men, or for a snisii tauilly. I'os.session given I mured laid i Also, fromApril 1st, | lie basement I'iho ol Hie siine

building, now occupied b> iv.'I*. Ford js a

gre<-n grocery or huckster stand. Appl\ tolilt. M. F. Ht'l.l.iriKN,

tlr to'Ht|Ulre O'Keeie, corner Market audFourteenth streets. mrluh


Kleveiil h stieel (loililerly old 21®Union,) near the cornel oi ChuplliH-"®*street, t'oiltrrllis seven r-.oiiiH, lias rtulsln .Iattic, lod and cold water,and gas Ilimnylimit.Will !» rented si onee on uievueihie l< iin*, buri'Rri|<-ui»i*H|>i>i} i<>

jomn p. I'HnHciiKi.i.,Jyi*l~W MiirkH 5iit*i*i


I AW OKKK'KH ON CHAH.INK Nlj Tli»« mount loriurrly oreuplttl l>\ It. *

HlllVMI, N< . I'.yil < Ktwt. ll<>Wli<Hmiiii givi-n liiiniitllulfly. 111<|111r> ill

ALUKItMONA I'AI'M.,J Hi ia«! Miukil Hlix't.


lilt' | *fl 11 lit'm 11111 lltlfly MIIihIhIIiikImlufi'iitin* iirnl«*rN|Kii«'<t, 11 nil.*i tin' IIriu >,i

Ottry A I'u., wrm iIinmoI v«il liy inniuitl m>

Hell 11 oil Hit- 'III tiny til J it I \ , A. I». I <T»..i>. it o vitS.JOHN JKWKTI.



It. K. I 'itltlWI'l I llllH till ll IIII11 HI llll t* III III.iliifM KKKKKJKItATOKMfVfr IihmikIiI I"Hit* rlly.

Kur kiH*pnii» MKATS, BUTT hit


: "PURE AND SWEET"Tht'y »ro tli#» thing.

A l><<i a linn umirlimint «>f tlm I"* t nmkn

s COOKING STOVES,1Vif»«thw witli a PnmplntA <1



' Tin rooting dono nt short fi«

No. ir««>7 A I.MIW MnIh «lrwl, m«i

K. *, M, K. K. l>«'|iol.niyit

Ladies' Gold WatchesAT


t lunV * MM lArkHNlnwl,

PHOTOGRAPHS COPIEDAimI fiilaiK'il Inon sny old Plcliif


Finished in the LATEST SIYLLAt v**ry rmMoualilc (.rloe**.


Get Your Pictures FramedAT THK

I McLure House Art Store.' ju 17 K. L. M100LL

TRIMBLE & HORN BROOK1418 Market Street,

Plumbers, Gat;Steam FittersAND BKAM* KOUNDKV.Maiiula'lure


U DKAL.KK« INm a ^ I'll!

? ,'w,ui »»* « u«»

SKmc, MM«*» «««, WHIiUm, Ac.

7 prtrw j,|,,r oM Dopi"**** ;Hr*m Prompt *lU-ntion Ki v« n U» vf!'"

« from a ilMtaiic*.Aicnl* i<>r H>-i<i>-ii HU'Hiii pump.H

8 'iilil7c TKIKHI.K A HoKNBK""K

Edmund Booking'sPHARMACY,

No. I ODD Fellow* He"%OOK.TWKI.KTH ATHAPLINKKl*OPEN DAY AND NIOHf. $Kor llie aroouimouailon of my ca*t0,B>f;'eiiij Irirtnta, f hnvf «u(i(nl »u **"'wl.o will »tU-n«J to tiie

IfHeIIT BIJ8IREW OIVLV.Noriikic ft wekcu upatialf J^

litlf ul*cp Miiiuiit nor lievin« I" " 'jj ^unUi you cm g«t into Uie »tor*- |U00B8 OPEN AT All HOURS- ? |Nl«t)t ba*ln«ae OAMHonly, *'M

pereou or i Lrcnmtenooe.