is ,T T"1jW,0'?T! 7'-- T BHWWlilBE,!- - " ' j T Wf- - JMV fflgBMWiiWiir ft y- "5?V"i 4TSJt 4t?"Y " yJ" Zxxggs&r?" jpitawenei r.i, . ,:3r.--- t' 'il. . . , , ,. 'stfSt'frtr' s 22E52 "- - .,- -- -- - mi - if IMllMlWHII r TP "" f iiif Mitn,.wi winT.'fini'f-.Vap- y iypyriii yi if, if"! eg - nil sy P. -- m "H'FI - r W( , ,iwt , r. . - - rl i. ' yjh iw;" inibMpiwefcwi erwue Twynmwi.if'- w-v1-' - jI-Sa?- . Tc;,i,,l,SN,; ,M -- j. . & gX,p-'-ffff'Sf,-- t WP" fc."" Vnt" ? j, a.. .- - Tiwr-aiwfcwr-igyiwiiy- - "? -- $ w P-..- 1 - :. 51 m cpH . WICHITA, THUltSDAY, MARCH 14, 1878. CI IY AND COUNTY NEWS. J. 1. Humphrey Is gettinjr-hi- s home phco In line chape. Why ain't Wichita Miperior location tor a bread cracker ractory r VT. B. Williams traded tor the plac known as the Graham farm between the riven. Mr. V. C. Cartwrigbt tells us that the pros-pe- ct of ft heavy peach crop la very fine. lcc and crisp lettuce fresh every moral nr from the City Garden at Allen & Tucker's. William McCrackcn has been appointed postmaster at Sunny Dale, Sedgwick county. Mr. L. T. Stewart brought u in yesterday a peach limb the buds of which were In full bloom. XT. E. Stanley has changed his office loca- tion Into New York Block, over Murphy & Relily's store. All coal in this market, except Colorado coal, in this market has declined in price one cent on a bushel. Rehearsal or cantata at Episcopal Church room In Occidental Block this Thursday even- ing by the Wichita singing club. Mrs. Judge 31. S. Adams supplied that bcaulilul collection of flowers which were so admired last Sabbath morning and evening at the 31. i;. church. Sire. Annie Wation has changed her place of busincis to the room with A. Ssmmor. She is receiving a new stock or spring goods, and in ites the ladies to call aud see her stock. Judge 31. S. Adams and Colonel 111 "V Lewis have erected in the grounds surround- ing their respective homes, grape arbors, and other improvements. "J. 31. Baldernon, one ot the prominent legal lights ol Wichita, and It. Jacks, or lbs Star Clothing llouse, v Isitcd thi city Tues- day. They left early yesterday morning for home." Wellington I'rtMt. A boy, assisting in arranging Eagle Hall Monday, pkked up from the floor the pen- dant ot an ear ring ar breast pin with an st setting. Tne owner can procure the same by calling on Charles Schattncr. Miss Henrietta Steele, ot Troy. Doniphan county, sister of Hon. John JI. Steele, ot this city, is paying Wichita, her brother .and Iriends a isil. Charley Warrincrsays business in the trans- portation line is picking up wonderfully and he and bis force get rest neither day or night. U. II. Altsn r turned from St. Louis last Friday nberc he had been laying in a spring and tunimer stock ct boots and shoes. Harris & Harris bate commenced an action against one ol the saloon keepers of this city under the chli dsmagolaw. Suit was brought by the wife tor telling whisky to her huband. Sol. H. Kohn and JI. W. L:vy have gone to Kansas City In the interest of the immigra- tion scheme set on toot by the City Council and citizens. They will return Still they come, a steady stream of immigra- tion and Steele & Levy still aro lu the Held selling to and locating them. I). Witherell bought of them the nwqr 13, town 27, lw; 3Ir. Garwood, of Michigan, se qr 8, town "7, lw; Mr. Grady, of Pennsylvania, nw 12, 2S, 2w; Mr. Welsh, sw 11, town 28, 2w; Mr. Howard, of Tonica, Illinois, sw 15, town 20, le. They have also sold seventeen I other quarters during the week. We Idrn Irom their abstract books of thirty-thrc- o transfers ofland for which warranty deeds have been given since the 4th Inst., which al-- o give an Idea of how rapidly sales are being made. In this Issue will be lound a report of the city schools by l'rof. 3IcKIir., Superintendent. It speaks well ter the schools. Accept oi his kind invitation to call, and see for yourself. It is a duty that every parent owes to bis child, its teacher and himself to v hit aud en- courage the cause of education m every pos- sible way. All members ol the Library Association that wish to make selections of books for the library will please band in the list with their names on next Saturday as tho committee arc preparing to send a new order for books. In reporting the caa ot Samuel Bunton whom Major Dunning conveyed to tbo SUte Insane Asylum last week, we mado a mis- take. He was held to trial in the district court, was defended by Judge Jewett and U. C. Slussand was acquitted. Hon. E. P. Thompson informs us that ho can And no evidence ol the presence of the Ucssiau fly or any effects ol the supposed at- tack or that insect upon the wheat last fall. He has had much experience with the fly In Pcnn) lvania and ought to know. Wichita proposes to ship Ice from Wiscon- sin. Xx. Wichita propose", God Council Grote Repullican-Demscra- t. Yes, but money will bring the ice. The Manhattan Induitrialiit, edited by Jolyi A. Anderson, President of the Agricul- tural College, and Issued from that institu- tion, has been offered as a prize to that schol- ar in each ol tho public schools of the State who shall write the best local item for their home newspaper. Prolcssor McKim, in pur- suance ot said offer, furnished tho Wichita schools with a subject this week and invited the competition, the compositions to be sub- mitted to the editor of the Eagle and pub- lished in this paper. The subject was "Com-pctcliv- e School Examinations," under which head the scholars were invited to give an ac- count of the exami'iatfon then being held. Four of the to report" wera furnished us yes- terday, but too late for examination and pub- lication this week. Tte semi-annu- al distribution of the State school. fund was declared last week. Sedg- wick coui.ly gets 52,477.60. Fcrly-niu- e couutics in the State receivo less than Sedg- wick, and only twenty receive more, which is satisfactory enough when it is taken into consideration that she Is among tbo newest counties, some ol which Utter do not .receive anything. Mr. Itecse Jennings, from Adams county, Ohio, a gentleman of large mean, an old friend and acquaintance ot Judge Reeves and A. L. Tboma, is sailing around over the counties o! S;dgwick ani Sumner. He says wo have the finest country he ever saw, and he proposes to cultivate a good portlcn of ft. Jut before starting wost he had sold hU home farm ror ?S0 per acre, $.0 less than he was ofiercd two vcars ago. Reynolds tho temperance revivalist, writos that he will be In Wichita by Friday night's train and that he will be ready to open up Saturday night a most vigorous campaign. He wants certain committees appointed, one of them consisting ot six ladies but what that committee is for wo won't state a big hall engaged, and all ministers, members of the churches and the blue ribbon fraternity to gel on the whole armor and be all ready for the assault which is to bring down the strongholds and lay low the mighty. It will be worse than a giasshoppcr famine for the ssloon men who will be compelled not only to bedgo on rents, but water-u- p their drinkables In a way that would male a milkman blush 3o re- served scats. Music by all the choirs In the city combined. Many are already feeling a kind ot goneness. lonesome like, in contem- plation ol thinned ranks, ot their depleted sideboards and their decantur at home filled only with sorgbum vinegar. The time is Bbcrt for those ivho would indulge iu one lait grand old spree, is an earnest warning too se- rious to to laughed at, if wo may believe the reports which da ly rtaeh us lrom many Kan- sas towns. The cariosity of some ladies is unlimited, and wtieu they become curious to know where their liege lords or lovers spend the erentige, they will go to a deal of trouble, an.) run a too J many risks of being recogniz- ed to sai.'s'y that curiosity. For instance, one uignt list week, at a late hour, wc met a youn.laMj on Main street In disguise, run-nin- e down the street in great baste. At this point our cuiioity was aroused and we watclieJ funhtr proceedings of the lair one. She took a position In a dark corner where she ciuid waicii both a saloon and bagnio. Havo not beard th result, but we will wager a a ckle that a truant lover was taken in be- fore midnight by that girl. Personal. Mr. Lehman, the greatest fur dealer in the world, was in the city this week. He was ne- gotiating with Hays Brothers for furs, etc. G. F. nargis will startlor Galveston.Texas, this week to be absent about thiee weeks. Dr. C. C. Furley is absent In Topeka this week. D. P. Alexander has gone ta Texas to help build thirty miles ot railroad, MIs Fullsr, of Sedgwick City, Is spending a week with Miss May Demlng at tho Tre-mo- nt House. Sol Kohn has gone to St. Louis, Kansas City, Topeka and other cities .of lessor note to be away ten days or more. Ur. Kirkpatrlck, ot St, Louis, brother of our fellow townsman, V. It., Esq., called on us Monday. For tbo benefit ot the girls we will say that the doctor is good looking and tingle, W. H. Stevenson, of 3Iitan,Sumner county, was In the city Friday accompanied by his estimable wife. C. C. Wheeler, an old settler, haa gone to Auburn, New York, with bis wile to remain awhile. Sheriff Hi Y. Conner and Marshal Tom Fleming, of the city of lino drug stores (Em poria), spent Saturday lastm Wichita. They give It up on the city question. They thought they nover saw so many people In their lives before in one day, add they were both at the Centennial on Pennsylvania day. Brother J. C. Post, of Hutchinson, is in the city. 3lr. Post has many friends In Wichita . Robert 3IcCabe, of Topeka, is visiting rela- tives and friends in the city. Will Cochran paid us a visit Monday. He is traveling for a new grocery firm in Kansas City, Cochran, Carroll & Beckman, the heav- iest and strongest grocery, lirm in the AVcst J. G. Walker, who owns a farm near Jamesburg and resided on it a while, but got tired of Kansas and went to Ohio on a vMt, staying about two years, returned last week to his former love. The change in the vicini- ty ol his farm has been so great with im- provements that on arriving there he could not go to his old home, and alter wandering around for some time was compelled to where his farm was. Seven little bitsof dogs vicro holding some kind or a consultation down on Lawrence avenue, near the Presbyterian church, yes- terday morning. The convocatien was re- markably homogenous in in its make-u- so much so that we couldn't help smiling at the general averagu or each iittlo body, tho ear- nestness ot each little lace and tac emphatic wiggle or each little curly ;tail. Just then came bounding down the avenuo a big jack cotton-tai- l, who, in deflcrenco to tho yolping chorus set up, or the imminent danger of a formidable charge, scooted into a hole under the sidewalk, followed by the whole pack in single file. Emerging at another hoio some fifty feet distant, tbo rabbit turned the next corner, only to fall Into the jtws of a big dog, who was loiturcly jogging along, with no thought of such a wind-fal- l. The last dog of our convention was Just going in at the hole where the rabbit disappeared, as the first dot-wa- s coming out of the hole from which the gamo escaped. Nothing was plainer to the first dog. than that the last dog was hot on the trail, so he lollowed him. So with each sub- sequent emerging dog. When we left the lit- tle fellows bad completed the circle and were Getting warmed up to the work, ave rasing tbrao dogs un'jVr the walk, one earning out, another going in and two on a dead run be- tween boles, little dreaming that the game had been gobbled. There mu.t be a moral to this tale: So goat the whola world, the buiness men, the politicians, the pleasure-seoker- s, and we might add the newspapers, all kicking up a dust and tearing along like mad just alter tho one ahead, while some lucky dog picks up the fortune here, the hon- or there, tne leadership m another place, leaving the great human train to wear out in a fruitless chase alter itself. In another column we publish the inter- view or an later-Ocea- n reporter with W. C. Woodman, oflhis city, touching his National financial scheme. It will be observed that the man detailed for the work by that great journal was a financial expert and that every question put went right lor the pith of the matter in band. It will be noticed also that there was no uncertainties or generalization in the replies ol Mr. Woodman. We have thought at times that it might be barely pos- sible that our people failed to fully appreciate the wisdom mid comprehensiveness or the plan of our fjllow townsman. You know "a prophet is not without honor save in his own country ." We don't mean all of our business men, for many of them who gave the matter attention not only appeared to be taken with the scheme, but indorsed it, and also asked Mr. Woodman to take the proper steps to lay it before the powers ofthe country. From the Jacksonville (III-- ) daily Journal, published at Mr. Woodman's old home, we sec that he addressed a large audience in that city on Wednesday evening, March Ctb. A column report orthe meeting Is given, and a hearty vote of thanks, includ- ing a resolution touching the views present- ed adopted. P. S. A dispatch receive J yesterday morn- ing, lrom Uarrisburg, informed us that Mr. Woodman was to deliier 111 lecture last night at that capital to the solons of the great Key-ston- e Stato. It looks very much as tiiough he was bound Washlnttonward, but another week will tell. City Schools. Report or the city public schools for the sixth month, cndiu March 8, 1S7S : RECEIVED DUKING MONTH. From lat month's registration .173 Sew pupils 24 Uy tramler 10 By returned pupils 35 Total during the month ..Gi-- .. Vr'XTUDIUWX AND REMAINING l"ranferrd S On account ot sickness 15 Left olunt.irllr 10 Suspended lor irrogular attendance 31 Suspended for niisconduct 0 Remaining members TiO Total enrollment during year 71W Average number belonging 574 45 Average ilaiiy attendance ...MUOo Percent. of attendance tlGSS Number of tardinesses ISO. Neither absent nor tardy 2G4. Cased ot corporal punishment..' 5. Number ol times teachers tardy .. 5. Number halt daysteaciers absent 2. The present term will c!oo Friday, March 22.1. On ths alternoon or each day or the lat week tbo teachers will all keep "'open house," when the members ol the Board, parents, and all others Interested, are cordial- ly invited to visit the schools. Tne recita- tions will consist of reviow lessons or exam- inations in the work ot the term. O. F. McKim. Rev. John Kirby took bis text somewhere in the book of Genesis last Sabbath morning, wo do not remember now ir we knew then. Whether it wa the soft breathings ot awak- ening spring, the quiet glory ol the sunlight that fell glinting through the half open shut ters, or yet the spell of the flowers placed at his side, or all ot these happy Influences com- bined, we know not, but the discourse that welled up lrom the heart aud fell from the" lips ofthe speaker stirred to the profoundest depths the natures or tho waiting audience. That it came of an inspiration, reflected from trae earnest faces before htm, we would rather incline. The prepared mental feast, the text, and in truth tho very Uible itself, was lost sight of, and the speaker, resting beneath a heavenly benediction, seemingly begotten of the fruits of his past month's labor, and filled with a sense ol the griefs and woe9 of hu manity, poured out from bis overlull cup a libation ol genuine sympathy that found s response in a hundred earnest eyes that glis- tened In tears. Every cloud that trails its threatening length across life's horizon lie not only gave a silver lining, but spanued it with a bow of beauty aud promise, and into each aching breast instilled dews that won back the trusting faith of "all's well 1" and plumed anew the spirit's fluttering pinions. Ho apologized at the end for torgetting his t:xt and prepared discourse, but tnere was not a listener present, saint or sinner, that was not glad that he had. Grand mental ef- forts, embodied in tine language and embel- lished with bold and striking imagery, such as 3Ir. Kirby is wont to offer, will command the affirmative answer and applause always, wherever mind reigns; but to reach directly the heart ol man and to persuade.it to open, as unfolds the flower's petals In the morning' dews and light, and to send out its incense ot sympathies and lift, is transcendently a finer nobler work. This he did. The lovers ot good music, the which our town boasts such a number, will he delighted to hear hat Caroline llichlngs, who went west last fall will stop in Wichita upoa her re- turn and give three entertainments. James S. Smith, the manager, wrote us last week that the troupe would be here on the 19th,but owing to some delay he writes again, from Denver, that tho company will bo in Wichita on the 22d, 23d and 21th of March, 01 course the ball will be crowded, as our people were delighted with the combination last fall. There will be an examination ! teachers for Sedgwick county at tho Third ward scboel house in Wichita, on Saturday the 23d day of March, 1873, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. 31. H. Bruce, County Superintendent. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Kallroad Company arc having built at Aurora two dining- -room cars, which aro to be run on their road by the first of 3Iay. With but little inconvenience we can pass upon tho condition of incisors, or eTen pre- scribe for an affected molar, but the doctor, D. W. Smith, finds this being taken around a corner and cleaned out about mail matter by one and threatened by another lor certain ar- ticles is becoming monotonous. The close cr should readily distinguish between the luxuriant brown whisker of the doctor and the fire-re- d of the editor, besides the doc tor is decidedly a handsome man. TV e are sorry to admit it, but the ladles never mistake the identity. Some of the farmers ot the Kaw Valley, throush the Lawrence Dally Jturnal and 3Ianbattan Vaf iV.WMf, are giving estimates ol raising corn in Kansas. All the work and expenses, from the removing ol the old stalks to the cribbing of the crop are Wken into ac- count. One estimato makes the corn cost ten cents per bushel. We would like to see some estimate from our Arkansas Valley farmers. Captain B. Davis brought up lat week from Carthage, Missouri a lot of superior work horses, which he is offering for sale. He disposed of one-ha- ll ol his herd before reaching Wichita. Captain says as soon as no can make his arrangements he rroP0,es to return to Wichita to live. Geo. Shlichter, for years in the hardware business In this city, and whose acquaintance not only comprises nine out of ten ot the peo- ple ol this county, but knows every business man in the soutnwest, is now connected with Marbourg, of Atchison, In the capacity ol traveling agent. George's many friends will oc glad to know that he is in his old business again. The affairs of, and ail the property belong- ing to, the creditors ofthe late National Bauk, were turned over to Judge AV. C. Little last Saturday. Judgo L. has not got down into the true inwardness of affairs yet, but in a short time will be able to tell just how mat- ters stand. Tbo probability Is. another div- idend will be declared in about two months. Information is wanted ot Charles Uncas Lcichhardt. last heard of at Eaton Springs. McAlIster county, Indian Territory. Any one knowing his whereabouts will please ad- dress Chas. G.Scott, lock box 3J. Wichita, Kansas. The press will do his mother a favor by copying this notice. J. J. .Merrick, one of the original proprie- tors or Harper Center, was in the city Friday and Saturday. He proved up on his claim which was tho first piece or land secured lrom government in that new county. Many land bujers are going into Harper, bnt as no titles have been received yet buyers find them- selves reduced to the proposition either to become settlers or buy out somebody's claim and settle anyhow Harper is a goodcounty. Congresman Ryan writes us that the direct mail route Irom Wichita to Harper hereto-tor- e spoken ot will becomo a law at an early day. Our people will remember the two girls nnmed Germain who were bronght to Wichi- ta in 1S72, shortly alter Custer's light with thu Cheyennes, and whose parents had been killed by the Indian. Tho girls had been m captivity nearly two years when 3Ijor lilies brought them to this city. Tho House passed a resolution some time since, allowing each $2,200 to be held In trust by the Secre tary orthe Interior until they shall Become of age. The Senate Committco on Indian Af- fairs hac agreed to recommend its passage. Ed. Eagle James Smith came to Snmner county last December to see his brother, and came to Wichita and registered at the Valley House December 13, on bis return to Illinois, and since that tirao has not been heard from. His friends are alarmed and request you to give this netice a place iu your paper. He Is a young man ot temperate habits, ana it is supposed had no money only to bear his ex penses to his home in Logan county, Illinois. State papers please copy. James Stewart. About the only practical way to get Douglas Avenue and 3Iain street into shape again, and it would be the quickest and cheapest, is with plows and scrapers, and the addition of a hundred or so wagon loads of dirt. To at- tempt to till up the boles by hauling dirt would prose an interminable job, and then the jab would not be a good one. But we may be mistaken. We .neglected to notice last week the re- ceipt ofthe Kansas atate Agricultural Report lor 187G, as complied by Allred Gray, the Secretary. It is called the Centennial report and Is very elaborite and lnterestin. The Legislature provided for a biennial report for the years 1S77-- and Mr Gray is sending out blanks from which to make the compilation, an understanding of which will be had by reading an article beaded "Kansas State Hoard ol Agriculture," found Ben. Bear, the Sedgwick country poultry fancier whoe splendid fowls have gotten a reputation in this and adjoining counties, re ceived n cock and hen Sunday night by ex press from Ohio, ror which ho paid $20 and expres'ago. .Mrs. Ralph is canvassing for a very fine 200 page work entitled the Murphy Movement, bound in blue and gold, containing a fine por- trait of Francis 3Iurpby, and other illustra- tions. Sho will call upon our citizens during the next few days. Sunday School Convention. A Sunday School Convention will be held at El Pao, Kansas, Sunday p. m. aud even- ing, or Jlarch 24, 187S, to which ali the neigh- boring Sabbath schools are most cordially in- vited. Convention to meet in Hip school hotie at El Pao promptly at 2 o'c'ock p. ra. Devotional exercises Irom 2 to 2J o'clock: lecture aud talk by Dr. Humble, agent fortbe American Sunday School Union. 2J to 3; gen-or- discussion, 3 to 4; Why should the Sab- bath School be supported and sustained ? What are the duties of the community to the S'bbathScool? What are the difficulties in tbe way ol the Sabbath School and how are they to be overcame? 4 to T question drawer and short discussion'. Evening exercisos open at 7 o'clock, consisting or music, lec- tures and blackboard diagrims, atlwhicb time we expect Mr. Stanley and others from Wichita to participate. Come one, come all, to our Sunday School convention. II. C. Tucker, hupt. El Paso S. S. Mr. J. R. Grant sonds us full accounts or tho terrible tiro which in a few hours left Hot Springs a dreary, blackened waste, The city, as most or our readers know, is or was situa ted in a narrow gorge in tbe Ozark Moun tains, and the flames licked up both sides clean. One hundred and fifty bouses were burned and a half million dollars worth of property destroyed. We make the following quotation from 3Ir. Grant's letter: 'Hun dreds are homeless and in need of aid. Ste- vens and myself lost about on hundred and thirty dollars, yet w are comparatively hap- py, as It is but drop in tbe bucket to tbe thou- sands which to-d- lie smo!deri'ig in ashes. Geo. Bowlin, formerly cl Wichita Vlcservcs great credit ror tbe manner in r.McU he ton-duct- himsell during the long siege ot eight hours constant run ot his engine, which he handled coolly and manfully, never leaving bis post of duty until tne flames, in tbeir course of destruction, were overpowered and the fire fully abated. His hands ana face were burned to blisters, in several spots, from the intense heat from tbe engine and fire. It was really a young Chicago fire, and the buildings all being ot pitch pine lumber, and very dry, you can form some idea how it must have burned Tbe Mayor and city authorities have tele- graphed for aid and tents for the homeless mass, which I presume are now oa the road for the relief of the poor and suffering. With my regards I am yours rerpectiuliy, J. B. Grant. The Kansas Methodist Conference closed Monday night. Tbe following appointments were made for this district : WICHITA DISTRICT, A. H. WALTER, P. K . Wichita, J. Kirby. Wichita Mission, supplied by E. C. Brooks. East Wichita, L. F. Laverty. West Wichita and Eldridge supplied by A. S. Embree. Cartwrlght, John McQuiston. El Paso, G. W. Harmony. Belie Plalne, J. W. Cain. Belle View and Rolling Green, to be sup- plied by E. W.Abbot. Wellington, J. H. Boicourt. Oxford, J. W. Stewart. South Haven, supplied by Roman. Arkansas City, T. S. Hunt. Caldwell, A. W. Ryan. Wlntieid, J. L. Rusbridge. Winfieid Circuit, P. D. Labr. Dexter and Tisdale, W. U. Rose. Lazette, M. C. Green. Douglass, C. A. Stine. Augusta, J. A. Hyden. Eldorado, O. A. Palmer. Plumb Grove, A. Cain. Quito, H. Waitt. Sedgwick, D W. Cameron. Cottonwood Falls, P. F. Jones. Toledo, supplied by C. Masses. Florence and Cedar Point, H. J. Walker. J. F. Nessley, Chaplain to State Scnalt. 3Ir. Charles N. Kent, or Jacksonville, Illi nois, for years connected with the post office of that place, and an old acquaintance and friend orN. A. English, called on 3Ionday. Mr. Kent desires to locate in Wichita, pro-tidi- n; he can secure a desirable situation. Bishop Vail, erthe Diocese or Kansas, will reach this city Saturday. ConHrnutlon serv- ices will bo conducted by him at the Episco- pal room in tho Occidental Block on Sunday morning, and the ordinance of baptism will be administered In the afternoon at the same place. The Rcverencd Bishop is not only an able man, but revered throughout the State for his eminent piety and goodness or heart. Morning services at Eagle Hall at 101 o'clock and.Sunday School at 21 o'clock at Episcopal room in Occidental Block, and evening ser- vices at 71 o'clock at the same place. Fum Seeds. Tbe following quotations for farm seeds aro for wholesale tots tc country dealers Lis. Price per 6. mtrbu Red clover GO $6 50 AllalU clover. 60 14 00 Timothy 45 125 Hlue grass, clean 14 1 Go Blue grass, extra clean 14 1 75 Ked top 14 1 25 Orchard grass 14 2 00 Common millet CO GO Red top, ar button onions 23 2 25 Osage Orange . GOO 3Iiss Jennie Soult has again engaged herself in business with Mrs. G. 31. Henderson, at her stand south ot Douglas avenue, on Main street, in dress and cloak making and milll-ncr- r. She will be pleased to meet her old customers and friends, and hopes a close ad herence to the wants of the people will mase her new ones. Es cry other person youraeoton the street is a stranger. The city is full of them and so is the country. Nine out of ten come pre- pared to buy land, a largo per cent, of whom will become actual residents immediately, or at no distant day. The metropolis, of the Southwest will make a grand stride forward this season as will tbe magnificent counties around her. Next Monday evening at 4 p. m. a special train will leave Wichita, conveying the Odd Fellows, wives and sweethearts, of this place to Newton, at which place the members of the ordf r of brotherly love give an cntertain-raeu- t. The party going up will consist of Ufty persons or mere and the special will re- turn them at whatever hour they may desire. Fare round trip, $1.00. wo believe. The statement was made at the M. E. church last Sabbath morning that all tbe debts of the society bad been paid up in full, except $110 back on the minister's salarv for the year ending this week. The sum asked was doubled in a few moments, with the under- standing that tho surplus was to go as a bo- nus to Ml . Kirby, $220. The Frontiers did themselves infinite credit in their entertainment Tuesday night. The boys did not make a single blunder, and the audience were delighted beyond measure. Four buudred and seventy-flv- o people were present, one of the largest audiences ever as- sembled in Eagle Hall. J. JI. Steele is one or the petit jurors of the Uuited States Court which meets in Topeka the Sth ef next month. Mr. E. W. Lane ba3 purchased a farm be- tween the rivers. Ben F. ParccIIs received a dispatch" that hi father died at eight o'clock this (Wednesday) morning iu Forrest, Illinois. David Razure, who formerly kept the hotel of that name at .Newton, and a Mr. Arnold of the same place, had a shooting affray last week at St. Joe, overRasure's wife. The wife had gone off with Arnold to St. Joo aud was fol- lowed by Rasure. The husband Is expected to die, but tbe man who cajitured tbe aflec-tlo- first and the honor afterwards of the wile is all right, the ball striking his pocket book instead of his vitals. The Wichita Eagle publishes an extended market report now just what has been need- ed by the country readers ever since the town became a market center. Wo will keep it on file for reference and tbe accommodation of our friends bereatter. Arlantat City Traveler. For the years 1S73, '74 and '75 we published a tull column of market reports weekly, but wo discontinued them from tho Tact that there seemed to be little demand ror more tnan tbe mention ol the uiling prices or a few staple productions. Our reports now are compiled carefully by our and busii.ess man each week after visiting all tho principal houses or both shippers and dealers, and will bo found perfectly reliable. Colonel George H. English, we are in- formed, contemplates removing to Kansas City, where he will continue his law practice . We have learned nothing ot the motive i or reasons lor this step upon the part ofColonel Kuglidi, who, since his residence here, en- joyed a large and lucrative practice in with the firm or Adams, Ruggles & Hill. "The Wichita Eagle mado its first ap- pearance on our table last Saturday, all right Bro. 3Iiirdock, we thouut you didn't want tbe Glvle to vilt you.but we forgive you, because jour EsGLK is the best bird that soars in Southern Kansas. Dodge City Qlole. 3Ir. Berger, father of Dr. Berger, ol El Pa-- died Tuesday night about 12 o'elock. Harvey Homer received 3 dispatch 31onday from Ohio, stating that his mother was dead. She was also mother of Mr. Ilarttl. Street sprinkling business has commenced again. Glad ol it. Lost A breast pin witb black enamel set- tings. The finder wll please leave it at this office. JIARltlED. At El Paso. Kansas, on the 5tu Inst., by A. Minnich, ., Mr. L. H. Staflord and SIis Adie J. Johnson, all of Sodgwick county, Kansas. 'ear Wichiia, at the residence of C. O. Lee, on Tuesday. March 12. 1878, by the Rev. J. P. Ilarsen, Joseph A. Bigger and Mary El len Courtwright, both or Sedgwick county. At the residence of the bride's rather, V. H. Missey, en W edneday. March Gth, by the Kev. J. P. Ilarsen, M. R. 3Ioser and Lucinda B. 3Iassey. We wish our friends M. R. and bis bride a long and happy life. At the residence or the bride's parents, on Sunday, March 10th, by the Rev. J. P. Uarsen Charles S. Smith and Matilda Depenbaugn. At tbe residence ot the bride's father in At-to- n township, by Rev. J. F. Nessley, on the 17th of Februajy, Mr. Wm. Coleman to Miss Sarah Poe. At tbe residence ot tbe bride's lather, in Payne township, last evening. Miss Alice ia Lane and Mr. Joshua Devore, all ol this county. Josh, you are to be congratulated in secur- ing one ol the sweetest, most tender-hearte-d and industrious girls in all the land. Mona possesses the heart and the joyousness ol a singing bird. Guard ber with your love, sup- port her with your sympathy and the happi- ness of your lives will be without a cloud. Happy happier far than tho a, Waui ihe laurel on thy brow; She that nukes the humblest hearth Lovely but to one ea t&rtn. For the Eagle. Eeold. Ptjst ui Wic-- i. Katul ProtMtlen 8oenty. At a meeting held in Kechi, Hlghlaid school house, March 4th, A. T. Torvrla was chosen chairman and W. B. Williams secre- tary. Remarks were listened to from Messrs. Williams, Fanning, Brown, Tovria, Rockey and others, stating the object of tbe meeting was to organize tor the purpose ef assisting the officers ot tbe law in capturing end pros- ecuting In the courts of justice horse thieves, and all other thieves and all vlolaters of law and order within the jurisaiction or this or- ganization. Messrs. W. B. Williams and J. K. Brown were appointed to draft a consti- tution and s. J. K. Brown was elect- ed Captain. Jacob Rockey, C. H. Fanning, D. L. Hunter and A. Whitecotton Lieuten- ants. A. T. Torvria president. W. B. Wil- liams secretary, and J. K, Brown treasurer. Tbe townships were well represented by the best citizens ot the county, and mean busi- ness. Our next meeting will number one hundred and fifty men and will act In concert with all other societies in this and other counties. W. B. Williams, Sec. March 4, 1S78. LIST OP LETTEBS REMAINING IN TIIX WICHITA POS1 OFFICB Uncalled for March 12, 1878. To obtain any ot these letters, the appli- cant must call to "Advertised Letters,' and give the date ot this list. If not called for within one month they we be sent to tbe dead letter oifice. Letters aro not advertised until tbey have remained in the office one week. LADIES' LIST. Avery Mrs S W Ayers Mrs M A Albar Mrs M 31 Aams Mrs S Bratley Mrs 31 Brown Mrs D Bowman Mrs S Bone Miss H Bennett 3Iiss M J Bcrney3IrsN Barnes Miss J Cousins 3Irs L Clark Mrs E Clark JIrs 31 A 2 Casterline A Evans Mrs L Fuller Miss 31 Fonda L Fox Miss M Fisher Mrs L Green Miss S E Fields Miss J Ganie O Kaster Miss D Aumpbrey Sirs J HarnbucleM Johnson Mrs A Johnson Mrs M Jones Mrs J Jones 3Iiss 31 A Johnston Mrs P Kirby Mrs 31 Lvon Miss M Moore Miss L McDonald Miss S A Rogers ilrs XL Roady 31 While Mrs B GENTS' LIST. AyersTU Allen J H Ad-e- y C Adams C4 Burroughs G W Butterfield BS Brown A J Bragg A Uray E Brees J D Brown A J Bowden E R Boon H Bowman A L Blunkensee 31 Bliss D K Blevins AV Blnnin.ham C Bigham W R Beck W Bevans C Benlon DC Birkman W L Bennett J J Barton J Bartlett A J BarberS Bays W Curtin T Cromwell O Crouter C W Comes .1 Clarke F Chase W II Cannon J Carson J W Calhoun DB Cambbell J R Campbell W Dewey A Uiehl C Dulman A Downaway C W Dorou G I) Drummnnd D Evans J W Fuller 31 E Freemin II Forrest X R Foster J F Grunt G Gregg DS Greon E Goodwin R R Gilchrist CC Henrichs W lltu J lli.ti S Uibbsrd X Heath J W Hail U S Hake D Hammers J T Ilammnn N E HudpctnSM HuNcJ Hudson C Horie G Hoyt AD U Johnston W 3Iooe S E Moris JF Morris O Jlorrls JS Morris A Moore .1 Millard P II Miller D 11 MilcheliS A Mares. IX 3lHthesB JUnning N McGriff J 3lcNamu 31 MtGce P JlcCoy J McAUams I) Roeuback W Itoenback It Robr Rev S Ron land G E Roady J Roberts C Sturg's It Stiff J m Stipp II P Sle;ens H Ross E Stacy W White B Wideman J Walker W 31. 31. MtiltnocK. Postmaster. SPECIAL- NOTICES. Now Millinery. 3'ew goods, latc-- t spring styles at my new tand on Main street, in A. Soramer's jewelry store. I am opening a sprin; stock of millin- ery late and fashionable styles which I am of- fering cheaper than ever ottered before in this city. Call and see. 50--tf Annie Watson. LIVELY. THE SPRING NOVELTIES. Tho Only Dry Goods Store In tho Oity Doing a Rushing Business. We have opened this week a good assert-ment- or Hamburg and Nansook Embroider- ies, the most select patterns otthe season, at astonishing low prices. These are from the first great Boston sale or these goods. New Dress Goods from GJcts up. Elegant designs In new Bourctto effects and Suitings. Wc intend to sell them rapidly and have marked them accordingly. New goods con- stantly arriving. We propose to lead the market in popular prices and variety and quality of assortment. 50-- lt Geo. Y. Smith & Co. Mrs. A. Kramer has just received, direct Irom New York City, her spring stock or la- dies and misses hats, consisting or all the la- test importations direct from Paris. Ladies are cordially invited to call and examine my stock ol millinery. Next door to Woodman's bank. 3Irs. Orris has taken rooms with Mrs. Kra- mer where sho wlli carry on dress-makin- g in all its departments. She will also keep a full I.ne of the celebrated Domestic patterns, 5-- Rosea Brothers, 3Ierchant Tailors In the Daguer Block, received yesterday a nice lot of piece goods of the latest shades and styles lor Spring Suits, Spring Overcoats, Dress Suits, etc. 50-- lt J. G. DUNSOOMB. Eagle Block, Wichita, Kansas. Never waits to be forced into felling goods cheap, or raakins a revolution in high prices, but gives his customers the benefit ot all the bargains he is in constant receipt of. Woro spcctfully call tho attention or the country trade in particular to our large and cheap as- sortment of MEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, for spring and summer wear. Also to our specialties In A DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Remember that we won't be undersold, and that we always have special bargains to ofler, in the purchase of which you can save money. We now ofler 12 pounds dried apples for $1 00 10 pounds light brown sugar 1 00 10 pounds rice 1 00 0 pound good cofieo 1 00 1 pound good tea 25 1 pound extra tea 50 1 poend extra candied honey 20 Clark's or Coats' best spool cotton 5 Men's plow shoes from 1 25 Ladies' sho'es from 1 25 Give us your orders and we will guarantee goods and prices. 49-- tf Sunny Dale, February 12, 1S7S. Mr. Editor : riease give notice to the public in your paper that I have a large amount of trees and shrubbery for sale at my fruit farm, twelvo miles north ot Wichita. Blackberries, per hundred $ 1.50 Raspberries " 1.50 Gooseberries " 3.00 Grapevines " 5.00 Junebetries " 20.00 Ito-- e Buhes " 10.00 CherryTrees " 20.00 ForestTrees " 1.50 47-t- f William McCracken. For Sale or Trade, Forty tons of up-l1- naJ one Spring Wagon, Stock Hogs ene Brood Sows, one three-ye- ar old Durham Bull, two fresh cows. Inquire ot O. A.Thomas, two and one-ha- lf miles northeast of the city. J49-- H Gr.aPK Vines. A. Hanson has a lot or choice grape roots for sale. Inquire at Cor bett's or Shuman's store or of A. Hansen. 49-- Subscriptions taken for all papers and mag- azine's at publishers prices at the Post Office Book Store. 43-- tf Colorado Coal just received, splendid quali- ty and clean as anthracite, at Exton's. '38-- GREAT CLOSING-OU- T SALE! The New York Store, WILL, FOR THE NEXT 30 ZDA."Z"S SELL TIIEm MAMMOTH STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Etc., REGAIJDLEItS OF COST. TO MAKE ItOOJI FOR SriHNG STOCK. Fine Cashmcrj, all colors, 40c, 50, 75c and $1.00. Xlne Black Alpaca, 20c, 23c, 30c, 40c, 50c, C0c,70c, and $1.00. Russian Cloth, 10c, 12lc, and 15:. Great reduction In all branches of the No tion Department 1,000 dozen Threads at f7c per dozen. New Hamburg Edgingc, 3c, Cc, 7Je, 10c, 12ic, !5c, 20c, 25c and 30c. i lannels at less than cost. Ten Cases of Lonsdale and Fitilt of the Loom. Ten Cases ot New Choice Prints. Water Prooft regardless of cost. 100 Cases or Boots and 50 cases of Shoes, warranted, that must be sold. Largest and Best Stock or Clothing in the West. It will pay you to call and see the great reduction In this Department whether you purchase or not. We will close our entire stock of Clothing in the next thirty days. Underwear less than cost. Good Hats, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. New Carpets New Patterns. White Bhukets,S2.23, $2.60 and $3.00. On account orthe mild winter, and buying a very large stock, you will find our goods all new and choice. No odds and ends, and at prices never before heard of, since the dis- covery of America. 43- - M. Kohn & Co. A full line ot Garden Seeds, in bulk, at Al- len & Tucker's. 47--tl Wall Paper. A large stock ot Spring styles of wall paper of new designs, just received from tbe facto- ry, at G. H. Hernngton's post ofUco book store. 40--tf Now Drue Store. At D. M. Losee & Bro's, next to Eagle Block, Douglas Avenue, can be had drugs patent medicines, stationery, imported per- fumery, hair oils, bruhes, combs, scented soaps, cigars, cough candies, prescriptions re- liably prepared day; and night. 50- - Emmet .t Kikk make a specialy of the land office and loan business. Call on them at their otlicc.in Commercial Block, Wichita, Kansas, for a copy ot tho "Imigrants Guide." IS-t- f. Cash for Bones. 1 am now prepared to pay $0.00 per ton, cash, for Bones and Hums, delivered at tbe side track in Wichita, the same to be dry and tree from hide and sinew. . John Exton. Wichita. February 19. 1S7S. 43-4- t Seeds, Seed3. Allen & Tucker are making tbe Seed Trade one of their specialties. All kinds of Kield and Garden seeds can be had in their season. 42--tf Cut This Out and tend it to your friends in tho cast advis- ing them, when they visit Colorado, Ner Mexico, Arizona, or the San Juan mines, to take tbe Atchlon, Topeka .t Santa Fc Itaii-roa- d, the new southern route through Kan- -' sa, iathc Arkansas Valley,. to Pueblo mak- ing direct connection with the Denver Itio Grande Hallway for Colorado Springs, Den- ver, and all potats in Northern Colorado, Canon City, Garland. Del Norte, Lake City, El Jloro, Las Vegas and Santa Fe. Trains leave Kansas City every day In the year, with I'ullinati Sleeping Cars, and p?scnger with all tbe modern imprevcraents. For map, circulars and detailed information ak them to send to T.J. ANDERSON, General Tassengcr Agent, Topeka, Kansas. For Sale. Eighty-acr- e farm and city residence. Trice S00. Address, D. S. IlUSON, Agent. 40-- tf Wichita, Kansas. Boot arid Shoe Store Of John Braitsch, manufacturer of and deal- er in boots and shoes. Keeps on hand the best ready -- made stock. Also manulacturcs to order, guaranteeing satisfaction. All goods warranted. Repairing neuMy done. J. Braitsch, No. 100 Douglas Avenue, 2.VGm Farmers, be sure to seaSmith & Keating' Star Sulky TIow before buying. It gives sat- isfaction in every respect every time. 45-- An Elegant Preparation Designed to meet the public want for a harmless hair dressing and restorative, is found In I'arker's Ilalr Balsam. It acts like magic, commencing at tbe very root", re- moves Dandruff and ail humors from the scalp, and never rails to resitre faded or gray hair to its original youthlul color and beauty. Failing bair is immediately checked by its use, and it produces a growth or beautiful young hair, soft, glossy snd luxuriant, that surprises every one. These properties added to its exquisite perfume and purity of com- position, render it tho growing favorite of toilet table everyweere. Buy a bottle from your druggist, George G. ilatthews & Co,, and test its merits. 41- - For Sals. 50 City lots, Texus Hotel, Douglas Avenue, and 4 quarer sections of land. Enquire of G. H. UEUnlSGTON. 48-t- r. Many Ladies Suffering from Nervousness, I'ainlui Peri- ods and Debility, will ltnd there is no way in which their healt may be so effectually re- gained; relief from pain obtained, and func- tional regularity obtained, as in the use of I'arker's Ginger Tonic. The nursing mother, exhausted by the care of her little one, tinds bsr steength and neives restored by its use, while the mother's comfort thus secured, is imparted through the milk to her babe, mak- ing tbo little one happy, cheerjul, free from pain, and disposed to refreshing sleep. Buy a $1.00 bottle from your druggist, George G. Matthews & Co., or a sample bottle at fifteen cents, and test its merits. 41- - Is Your Life Worth Saving ? Consumption lias its origin in colds and neglected coughs, that at first are hardly no- ticed. We hear them among our friends every day. How oftsn they lead to the grave, when a simple rcmndy taken in time would prevent suffering, broken health and save life. Brown's Coi'gh Balsam is the most rc-lti- lim hmlln" remedy ot the a::e. It promotes expectoration, and allays irritation ofthe throat and bronchial tubes causing the lungs te throw off all unhealthy secretiona and removes the tendency to cough. Trice fifty cents per bottle. Public speakers and singers and all per- sons f ubject to hoarseness and throat affec- tions, find immediate and permanent relief by using Brown's Tar Troches. Twenty-fiv- e cents per box. All of Brown's Popular Western Remedies lor sale by all druggists In Wichita and El Paso. Mf To the Ladies of Wichita. For good Hair Work and Hair Jewelry call on Mrs Mary Klentz. Combings worked up in any style. Old switches worked over and dyed. A full stock or Hair or any shade on hand. Main street, next door to Linen's tlrr floods Store. 44--tf Now ..us Line to all Trains. 3Ir. Cleaveland ol the Douglas Avenue Liv- ery Stable has put on a new bus sold will car- ry passengers to all parts of the city to aad from trains al25 cents per passenger. Orders lelt at the Douglss Avenue House or at the office et the Douglas Avenue Livery Stable will receive prompt attention. iS-8- m .A.. CT. MAjrcrAcrrjREB or Carriage,. :.,j vV ? Spring' Wagons, 1 have bonght ont the shops end lots, known as J. the Douglas Avenue House, and have Would do well to bring their Snlkey, Gang and other Plows, to my shops, and get them repaired If they do not run right, I can make tLem. I am prepared to do any kind of Uepalringyou want done, on either. PLOWS, WAGONS, MOWERS, I MILL ALSO KEEP A GOOD nORSE SnOER. WOOD IDe3PA.r-TrL3N- T, Will be conducted by Mr. Craw, an experienced workman, who has had long experience in building Carriages, Platform Wagons, etc. S9- - 49-t- f COLORADO COAL! .A.T EXTOIT'S. Red River Coal. Fort Scott Pennsylvania Brick, Stone, Lime, Plaster, Cement & Hair. AT J. E. CALDWELUS CHINA Water Street, north Moser. OR Hated Ware, Spoons Knives Forks, Tocket Lamps AND COAL OIL, ETC. THE OP WIIITE IN 4 PIECES WHITE WAHE FOR FOUR A SETT 70 PIECES WUITE WARE FOUR A SET TIECES WHITE WAKE FOR FOUR A SET PIECES FOR A SET PIECES FROM FOUR SIX BIRD CAGES FROM OEE jfX FROM CENTS SEVEN 7 Tatterns of Glass setts, $1 to S1.75 cich. 11 do do Uehlets,S1.50to$2JOperdoz Glass Howls, open and high or low. Bar Glasses, Ale, Beer and Glasses. 32 Etc. N. Porrey's old on of desolved with M, R. The A. J. and Bottles, and Cutlery. and Knives, and Chimnies. BE 32 BEST AND OF Or GKAXITE DINNER OF GRANITE ELEVEN OF ELEVEN OF ELEVEN SIX OF ELEVEN TO DOLLAR TO FIFTEEN TO covered, 20 PATTERNS 0 PATTERNS OF BRACKETS. 23 OF LAMPS. ALL SIZES OF A FULL OF GOODS MUST T5REET. Platform Wagons, Flows, Etc., sand, partnership CARRIAGES, REAPERS. GRANGER. Coal. Anthracite Coal. Osas;e Coal. Scranton Coal. HALL! Castors STONEWARE, STONEWARB, SOLD. MAIN BTKXT. WHOLESALES OHIMUIES. COAL OIL AiSTD STONEWAKE. ASSORTMENT GRANITE GLASSWARE SOUTHWESTERN KANSAS. l-A.:jvi::f- s- DOLLARS' HOLLARS CHAMBER GRANITE DOLLARS. CHAMBER DECORATED DOLLARS. JAPANDD DOLLARS. DOLLARS. MIRRORS DOLLARS. Lemonade GLOBES. oia:-isrx)EXjiEKy- S- CHANDELIERS. PATTERNS REFLECTORS. CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, MIBBO.BS! ASSORTMENT GROCERIES. MAIN REFLECTORS cmeOcos! COME AND PRICE. For Sale. Seines, nets and boats by L. W. Clark. 42--tf Have yon seen tho Sllvertype pictures They aro certaiuiy very life-lik- e and desira- ble, and will sot fade. Any kind of a small picture enlarged. We learn that over 3G,000 were copied during the past year. 03-t- l Sold Out. C. W. Hill wishes to say that all parties in- debted to him will please call and settle, as he has sold out and wants to close up bis ac- counts as rapidly as possible. 3.-- Hedge Seed. Allen .t Tucker bave just received s large lot ot Hedge Seed a choice article, and war- ranted new. 47-- tf Proven Beyond a Doubt. That Brown.s Family Medicines are taking tho lead in curing tbo disease of the West. Havo you headache? Are yoa biliious? iVwn'j titer Pillt will cure you. Try them and you'll ue no others. Uratct'i Ceugh Cif-sam will relieve that prossure on tbe chest and stop that cough. Mnien't Jriiea Salu la the great healing remedy of the age. It re- moves Inflammation and cures old Sores, cuts, bruises, bums, and trost bite. All of Browne CtleoraitJ Wettern Jlenudiet for salo by all druggists In Wichita and the great west. 43--tf Seod Potatoes. A car load each of Northern Early Kose and Peach Blows just received at Jocclyu A 's, 34 Main street. 49 tf D. M. Lesee, 31. D., late Ltnder & Losee, physicians and surgeons, will attend to pro- fessional duties as usual, Office in D. M. Lasee & Bro.'s drug store, next to the Eaglo Black, Wichita. 43-- tf Everybody knows that the only good Corn Planter is Brown's. All styles and numbers -- old by Smith & Keating. Also drills and check-rower- Order early and secure a re- liable improved open heel drop planter. Ask at Losee's new drug store, by the Ea- gle Block, for their'M'riinera" five-ce- cigars 41--tf Very fine French perfumery at Losee's new drug store. 41-- tf Beniember, Smith & Keating have the largest stock of implement, iu Wichita. Buy- ing direct and in immense quantities tbey can and will give prices and terms that no one else can. 43-t- f We have for sale a lot ol good sows and pigs. Jxo. Kelly. Attica, Oct. 13, 1877. 29-- tf Wichita, Kansas, March 1- -, 1S7S. AVe would return our thauks lor the very liberal patronage the past season and call at- tention to the Iron U.ipgood Sulkeys. Not- withstanding the old plows defied competlon and maintained their, high reputations to tbe ast, tbe Improved suikeys are far superior to any before brought to this market. Can only bo appreciated lully by trying them. Come and see, ceme and see I .Nertb, side ot Uou-I- as avenue, Wichita, Kanas. A. J. Cook & Co. Oh. I navcr was so happy since I wa born; I'm riding en the Uapgeod plowing for corn. LIMITED MAIL ROUTE from St. Louis to the East COMPOSED OF THE Vandalta Line, Pan Handle AND PENNSYLVANIA, R. R. The only Ronte mnninjr rullman Palace Cars lrom at. l.cuisto -- New York without change. The above represents ihe shortest and quickest route from St. Louis to the seaboard, rnnnlas ihrmuih one ot Hi' most populous ami interesting portions of the rnun ry.with many large ami cities upon us line. It psse through VaudalLi, hflinsriam, I'erre Haute. IivlUnnpulis :tichmond, t'lliua (o- - Urbatu, Uoltini-Im- s, .Newark, stubenville, i'ittsburir, Crnuon, Altoona, Ilurrisburg, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Irenton, o J., and Jersey City, on Its route to New York. Two Fast Ezpre.3 Trains Dailjr. On Arrival of Trains from the East and South. DAYLIGHT EXrKESS Leaves the Union De-i-- at. Louis, every inorninsr. and heiup a Kust uprtss, stops only at principal station. It has Pullm-i- r.lice Sleeping Cars Imr t.oluin!)U, Pitts burg PhllaildphiaandXrw York without chanst-u- but one cb.itife to Huston, Italtimore anil Washington. U arrives m ew York early tbe next evening, only one night out, and gives a il.iy-lig- ht view otthe td ecensry of the Pennsylvania ll.iilroail. FAS I' LINE EXPKE-- S Leaves Union Depot, St. Louis, stopping only at prin- cipal stations, with Pullman Palac8 Can for Lonisvilla & Cincinnati, Palace Sleeping Curs for Chicago, and the favo.ite Pioneer Line of Pullman Palace Drawing Itooin Sleeping Curs. For Columt.is. Pittsburg, Philadelphia, and sew York without change. C3"Uelns the Only Line practically under one management between at. LouUnnd New York, passengers are assured of through connections, .ml are not subject to delays at mtermedlat points Incidental to other lli.ea. checked through to all Eastern cities. JJ-Tl- ie Quickest Time is reeniarly made by this Line, and fare always as low as by other routes. EJ-tlct- for saleat all Ticket Offices In the L. P. FARMER. General Passenger agent. Pennvtvnnla Railroad Pblladelgbiit. W. L. O'BRIES, tieiierat piusenger agent, Pan llan'ile Koute, Columbus. Ohio. CHA&. F. FOLLETT, General Passenger agent. Vandalta Line, Si Lout-- , 4,-l- y Dl! A i G, 0LIN OEasVwosMrfgton St!,' Chicago., Ills, for the cure of nil DUeascs of Private nature, resulting from early abuses or infections of either sex. beiuinal Weakness producing Emissions, Loss of lemiry, Irajwir-e- il night. Lost Manhood or lui;trncy, us uebility? perm-inintl- cured; diseases of be Illaibirr, Kidneji. Lm-r- , Ltuigs, Asthma, Catatrh, Pile.., all Chronic Diseases, and iii Females, ieM to his treatment. Dr. fl;n butfhaii a file Ioug experieucc, uufl enrej when- - others lilt lie is u irranuate of the Re- formed ocfcuol, us-- s no Murenry, ban tbe largest pr.cnec in the t . 3 Luilie-- requiring treatment wthprivnU' home and board, call or write. Every convenience for paiieub. bend urty cent for sample of Rnbber Uoods and circular ot unporunc information Dy express. Dr Olia'd Female Pills, 83 per Rox. Consulta tion tree MARRIAGE GUIDE 273 pages. oecreU arl inlormation lor the soungand middle aged tboth srxw. oa all Ulseu-.tf- r of private na- ture Valuable anvice to Hie "urrietl a,nl. those couteniplating marriage. How to be healthy and truly-happ- y in tne married relati n. Lsery body should get tkia book. Price jo cU to any address, ecaltd. 2I-3- Jt nPIIIMand Morphine Habit absolutely end UrlUIri speedily cured: no publicity. Head stamp for particulars. DR. CARLTUS. 5 187 Washington St., Chicago, ill. P-- IJ Greatchincetomatemoney Ifyovtcan't UUlUiget gold you can get greenbacks. W need n person in every tswn to take subscrip- tions for the largest, cheapest and b. st illustrat- ed fiinlly publication In th world. Any one can become asocccsslid agrnt The most elegant works of art given tne to subscribers. The price Is so low that almt everybody subscribes. One agent reports maEiiig our SRiO In a week. A laily agent reports taking over luo subscribers in tea days Ail who engage make m'ney fast. You can devote all your tune to the business or only your spare time. You need not be away lrom home over night. You can do it as w Hoe others. Fnll particulars, directions and terms free Klegani and expensive outat free. If Jon, want proHtabie work semi us your address at once. It costs nothing to tar the business. Ho one who emrnjfe fails to make great pay. Ad- dress TheFeoplc'a JoumiJ,"I'ortland, Maine. 21-l- y Bridge Notice. Notice is hereby given thst a petition will bo presented to the- - Roard of County Commission- ers of Sedgwick county. Kansas, at their regu- lar session in April next, ensuing asking for n appropriation of SC0O for the purpose ol build- ing bridge across Little Artnsas river, on sec- tion line between section 0 and 10, town 3, R,l, west. Estimated cost tswu, Signed, ELIJAH ALLEX, SAMLELFRY. and others. Wichita, Kan., MarthM, 1878. iM Notice. V. S. LAND OFFICE, ) J Complaint having been entered at this office b7 Henry Gawthrop, against Euhratm Staley for abondoninghis riling No. dated May 22d, lsTO, upon the se.' see. 26, township 9 south, range 4 nest, in Sedgwick county, K..as, witn a View to the cancellation of said tiling; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this ofliceon theOihddy or April, 1873, at O o'clock A. M., to respond and turni'h testimony con- cerning said 1 ieged abindoorBent, the said Hen- ry Gawthrop here gives notice that he will enter said ti act by virtue of D. a. 11,43. 11. L. TAYLOR--- ". Register. A CPHEMICM WATCH MKO CHAIN astern J lnder, Free with every order. Outttt tree. J. B. UAYX0KD4C0., Chicago, IU. 24,98 ". -5t i . . . -- 0&i,.. .jS -- 3 m M- - U

The Wichita city eagle. (Wichita, KS) 1878-03-14 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85032573/1878-03-14/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · is ,T T"1jW,0'?T! 7'--T BHWWlilBE,!- - " ' j T Wf-- JMV

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CI I Y AND COUNTY NEWS.J. 1. Humphrey Is gettinjr-hi- s home phco

In line chape.

Why ain't Wichita Miperior location tor a

bread cracker ractory r

VT. B. Williams traded tor the plac knownas the Graham farm between the riven.

Mr. V. C. Cartwrigbt tells us that the pros-pe- ct

of ft heavy peach crop la very fine.

lcc and crisp lettuce fresh every moral nrfrom the City Garden at Allen & Tucker's.

William McCrackcn has been appointedpostmaster at Sunny Dale, Sedgwick county.

Mr. L. T. Stewart brought u in yesterdaya peach limb the buds of which were In full

bloom.XT. E. Stanley has changed his office loca-

tion Into New York Block, over Murphy &

Relily's store.

All coal in this market, except Coloradocoal, in this market has declined in price one

cent on a bushel.

Rehearsal or cantata at Episcopal Churchroom In Occidental Block this Thursday even-

ing by the Wichita singing club.

Mrs. Judge 31. S. Adams supplied thatbcaulilul collection of flowers which were so

admired last Sabbath morning and evening atthe 31. i;. church.

Sire. Annie Wation has changed her placeof busincis to the room with A. Ssmmor. Sheis receiving a new stock or spring goods, andin ites the ladies to call aud see her stock.

Judge 31. S. Adams and Colonel 111 "V

Lewis have erected in the grounds surround-ing their respective homes, grape arbors, andother improvements.

"J. 31. Baldernon, one ot the prominentlegal lights ol Wichita, and It. Jacks, or lbsStar Clothing llouse, v Isitcd thi city Tues-

day. They left early yesterday morning forhome." Wellington I'rtMt.

A boy, assisting in arranging Eagle HallMonday, pkked up from the floor the pen-

dant ot an ear ring ar breast pin with an st

setting. Tne owner can procure thesame by calling on Charles Schattncr.

Miss Henrietta Steele, ot Troy. Doniphancounty, sister of Hon. John JI. Steele, ot thiscity, is paying Wichita, her brother .andIriends a isil.

Charley Warrincrsays business in the trans-

portation line is picking up wonderfully andhe and bis force get rest neither day or night.

U. II. Altsn r turned from St. Louis lastFriday nberc he had been laying in a springand tunimer stock ct boots and shoes.

Harris & Harris bate commenced an actionagainst one ol the saloon keepers of this cityunder the chli dsmagolaw. Suit was brought

by the wife tor telling whisky to her huband.

Sol. H. Kohn and JI. W. L:vy have gone toKansas City In the interest of the immigra-tion scheme set on toot by the City Counciland citizens. They will return

Still they come, a steady stream of immigra-tion and Steele & Levy still aro lu the Heldselling to and locating them. I). Witherellbought of them the nwqr 13, town 27, lw;3Ir. Garwood, of Michigan, se qr 8, town "7,

lw; Mr. Grady, of Pennsylvania, nw 12,2S, 2w; Mr. Welsh, sw 11, town 28, 2w; Mr.Howard, of Tonica, Illinois, sw 15, town 20,le. They have also sold seventeen I otherquarters during the week. We Idrn Iromtheir abstract books of thirty-thrc- o transfersofland for which warranty deeds have beengiven since the 4th Inst., which al-- o give anIdea of how rapidly sales are being made.

In this Issue will be lound a report of thecity schools by l'rof. 3IcKIir., Superintendent.It speaks well ter the schools. Accept oi hiskind invitation to call, and see for yourself.It is a duty that every parent owes to bischild, its teacher and himself to v hit aud en-

courage the cause of education m every pos-

sible way.

All members ol the Library Associationthat wish to make selections of books for thelibrary will please band in the list with theirnames on next Saturday as tho committee arcpreparing to send a new order for books.

In reporting the caa ot Samuel Buntonwhom Major Dunning conveyed to tbo SUteInsane Asylum last week, we mado a mis-

take. He was held to trial in the districtcourt, was defended by Judge Jewett and U.C. Slussand was acquitted.

Hon. E. P. Thompson informs us that hocan And no evidence ol the presence of theUcssiau fly or any effects ol the supposed at-

tack or that insect upon the wheat last fall.He has had much experience with the fly In

Pcnn) lvania and ought to know.

Wichita proposes to ship Ice from Wiscon-sin. Xx. Wichita propose", God

Council Grote Repullican-Demscra- t.

Yes, but money will bring the ice.

The Manhattan Induitrialiit, edited byJolyi A. Anderson, President of the Agricul-tural College, and Issued from that institu-tion, has been offered as a prize to that schol-

ar in each ol tho public schools of the Statewho shall write the best local item for theirhome newspaper. Prolcssor McKim, in pur-suance ot said offer, furnished tho Wichitaschools with a subject this week and invitedthe competition, the compositions to be sub-

mitted to the editor of the Eagle and pub-

lished in this paper. The subject was "Com-pctcliv- e

School Examinations," under whichhead the scholars were invited to give an ac-

count of the exami'iatfon then being held.Four of the to report" wera furnished us yes-

terday, but too late for examination and pub-

lication this week.

Tte semi-annu- al distribution of the Stateschool. fund was declared last week. Sedg-

wick coui.ly gets 52,477.60. Fcrly-niu- e

couutics in the State receivo less than Sedg-wick, and only twenty receive more, whichis satisfactory enough when it is taken intoconsideration that she Is among tbo newestcounties, some ol which Utter do not .receiveanything.

Mr. Itecse Jennings, from Adams county,Ohio, a gentleman of large mean, an oldfriend and acquaintance ot Judge Reeves andA. L. Tboma, is sailing around over thecounties o! S;dgwick ani Sumner. He sayswo have the finest country he ever saw, andhe proposes to cultivate a good portlcn of ft.Jut before starting wost he had sold hUhome farm ror ?S0 per acre, $.0 less than hewas ofiercd two vcars ago.

Reynolds tho temperance revivalist, writosthat he will be In Wichita by Friday night'strain and that he will be ready to open upSaturday night a most vigorous campaign. Hewants certain committees appointed, one ofthem consisting ot six ladies but what thatcommittee is for wo won't state a big hallengaged, and all ministers, members of thechurches and the blue ribbon fraternity to gelon the whole armor and be all ready for theassault which is to bring down the strongholdsand lay low the mighty. It will be worsethan a giasshoppcr famine for the ssloon menwho will be compelled not only to bedgo onrents, but water-u- p their drinkables In a waythat would male a milkman blush 3o re-

served scats. Music by all the choirs In thecity combined. Many are already feeling akind ot goneness. lonesome like, in contem-plation ol thinned ranks, ot their depletedsideboards and their decantur at home filledonly with sorgbum vinegar. The time isBbcrt for those ivho would indulge iu one laitgrand old spree, is an earnest warning too se-

rious to to laughed at, if wo may believe thereports which da ly rtaeh us lrom many Kan-sas towns.

The cariosity of some ladies is unlimited,and wtieu they become curious to knowwhere their liege lords or lovers spend theerentige, they will go to a deal of trouble,an.) run a too J many risks of being recogniz-ed to sai.'s'y that curiosity. For instance,one uignt list week, at a late hour, wc met ayoun.laMj on Main street In disguise, run-nin- e

down the street in great baste. At thispoint our cuiioity was aroused and wewatclieJ funhtr proceedings of the lair one.She took a position In a dark corner whereshe ciuid waicii both a saloon and bagnio.Havo not beard th result, but we will wagera a ckle that a truant lover was taken in be-

fore midnight by that girl.


Mr. Lehman, the greatest fur dealer in theworld, was in the city this week. He was ne-

gotiating with Hays Brothers for furs, etc.

G. F. nargis will startlor Galveston.Texas,this week to be absent about thiee weeks.

Dr. C. C. Furley is absent In Topeka thisweek.

D. P. Alexander has gone ta Texas to helpbuild thirty miles ot railroad,

MIs Fullsr, of Sedgwick City, Is spendinga week with Miss May Demlng at tho Tre-mo- nt

House.Sol Kohn has gone to St. Louis, Kansas

City, Topeka and other cities .of lessor noteto be away ten days or more.

Ur. Kirkpatrlck, ot St, Louis, brother of

our fellow townsman, V. It., Esq., called onus Monday. For tbo benefit ot the girls wewill say that the doctor is good looking andtingle,

W. H. Stevenson, of 3Iitan,Sumner county,was In the city Friday accompanied by hisestimable wife.

C. C. Wheeler, an old settler, haa gone toAuburn, New York, with bis wile to remainawhile.

Sheriff Hi Y. Conner and Marshal TomFleming, of the city of lino drug stores (Emporia), spent Saturday lastm Wichita. Theygive It up on the city question. They thoughtthey nover saw so many people In their livesbefore in one day, add they were both at theCentennial on Pennsylvania day.

Brother J. C. Post, of Hutchinson, is in thecity. 3lr. Post has many friends In Wichita .

Robert 3IcCabe, of Topeka, is visiting rela-tives and friends in the city.

Will Cochran paid us a visit Monday. Heis traveling for a new grocery firm in KansasCity, Cochran, Carroll & Beckman, the heav-iest and strongest grocery, lirm in the AVcst

J. G. Walker, who owns a farm nearJamesburg and resided on it a while, but gottired of Kansas and went to Ohio on a vMt,staying about two years, returned last weekto his former love. The change in the vicini-ty ol his farm has been so great with im-

provements that on arriving there he couldnot go to his old home, and alter wanderingaround for some time was compelled to

where his farm was.

Seven little bitsof dogs vicro holding somekind or a consultation down on Lawrenceavenue, near the Presbyterian church, yes-

terday morning. The convocatien was re-

markably homogenous in in its make-u- so

much so that we couldn't help smiling at thegeneral averagu or each iittlo body, tho ear-nestness ot each little lace and tac emphaticwiggle or each little curly ;tail. Just thencame bounding down the avenuo a big jackcotton-tai- l, who, in deflcrenco to tho yolpingchorus set up, or the imminent danger of aformidable charge, scooted into a hole underthe sidewalk, followed by the whole pack insingle file. Emerging at another hoio somefifty feet distant, tbo rabbit turned the nextcorner, only to fall Into the jtws of a big dog,who was loiturcly jogging along, with nothought of such a wind-fal- l. The last dog ofour convention was Just going in at the holewhere the rabbit disappeared, as the first dot-wa- s

coming out of the hole from which thegamo escaped. Nothing was plainer to thefirst dog. than that the last dog was hot on thetrail, so he lollowed him. So with each sub-sequent emerging dog. When we left the lit-

tle fellows bad completed the circle and wereGetting warmed up to the work, ave rasingtbrao dogs un'jVr the walk, one earning out,another going in and two on a dead run be-

tween boles, little dreaming that the gamehad been gobbled. There mu.t be a moralto this tale: So goat the whola world, thebuiness men, the politicians, the pleasure-seoker- s,

and we might add the newspapers,all kicking up a dust and tearing along likemad just alter tho one ahead, while somelucky dog picks up the fortune here, the hon-

or there, tne leadership m another place,leaving the great human train to wear out ina fruitless chase alter itself.

In another column we publish the inter-view or an later-Ocea- n reporter with W. C.Woodman, oflhis city, touching his Nationalfinancial scheme. It will be observed thatthe man detailed for the work by that greatjournal was a financial expert and that everyquestion put went right lor the pith of thematter in band. It will be noticed also thatthere was no uncertainties or generalizationin the replies ol Mr. Woodman. We havethought at times that it might be barely pos-

sible that our people failed to fully appreciatethe wisdom mid comprehensiveness or theplan of our fjllow townsman. You know "aprophet is not without honor save in hisown country ." We don't mean all of ourbusiness men, for many of them who gavethe matter attention not only appeared to betaken with the scheme, but indorsed it, andalso asked Mr. Woodman to take the propersteps to lay it before the powersofthe country. From the Jacksonville (III-- )

daily Journal, published at Mr. Woodman'sold home, we sec that he addressed a largeaudience in that city on Wednesday evening,March Ctb. A column report orthe meetingIs given, and a hearty vote of thanks, includ-ing a resolution touching the views present-ed adopted.

P. S. A dispatch receive J yesterday morn-ing, lrom Uarrisburg, informed us that Mr.Woodman was to deliier 111 lecture lastnight at that capital to the solons of the greatKey-ston- e Stato. It looks very much astiiough he was bound Washlnttonward, butanother week will tell.

City Schools.

Report or the city public schools for thesixth month, cndiu March 8, 1S7S :

RECEIVED DUKING MONTH.From lat month's registration .173Sew pupils 24Uy tramler 10By returned pupils 35

Total during the month ..Gi-- ..

Vr'XTUDIUWX AND REMAININGl"ranferrd SOn account ot sickness 15Left olunt.irllr 10Suspended lor irrogular attendance 31Suspended for niisconduct 0Remaining members TiO

Total enrollment during year 71W

Average number belonging 574 45Average ilaiiy attendance ...MUOoPercent. of attendance tlGSSNumber of tardinesses ISO.Neither absent nor tardy 2G4.Cased ot corporal punishment..' 5.Number ol times teachers tardy .. 5.Number halt daysteaciers absent 2.

The present term will c!oo Friday, March22.1. On ths alternoon or each day or thelat week tbo teachers will all keep "'openhouse," when the members ol the Board,parents, and all others Interested, are cordial-ly invited to visit the schools. Tne recita-

tions will consist of reviow lessons or exam-

inations in the work ot the term.O. F. McKim.

Rev. John Kirby took bis text somewherein the book of Genesis last Sabbath morning,wo do not remember now ir we knew then.Whether it wa the soft breathings ot awak-ening spring, the quiet glory ol the sunlightthat fell glinting through the half open shutters, or yet the spell of the flowers placed athis side, or all ot these happy Influences com-

bined, we know not, but the discourse thatwelled up lrom the heart aud fell from the"

lips ofthe speaker stirred to the profoundestdepths the natures or tho waiting audience.That it came of an inspiration, reflected fromtrae earnest faces before htm, we would ratherincline. The prepared mental feast, the text,and in truth tho very Uible itself, was lostsight of, and the speaker, resting beneath aheavenly benediction, seemingly begotten of

the fruits of his past month's labor, and filledwith a sense ol the griefs and woe9 of humanity, poured out from bis overlull cup alibation ol genuine sympathy that found sresponse in a hundred earnest eyes that glis-

tened In tears. Every cloud that trails itsthreatening length across life's horizon lienot only gave a silver lining, but spanued itwith a bow of beauty aud promise, and intoeach aching breast instilled dews that wonback the trusting faith of "all's well 1" andplumed anew the spirit's fluttering pinions.Ho apologized at the end for torgetting hist:xt and prepared discourse, but tnere wasnot a listener present, saint or sinner, thatwas not glad that he had. Grand mental ef-

forts, embodied in tine language and embel-lished with bold and striking imagery, suchas 3Ir. Kirby is wont to offer, will commandthe affirmative answer and applause always,wherever mind reigns; but to reach directlythe heart ol man and to persuade.it to open,as unfolds the flower's petals In the morning'dews and light, and to send out its incense otsympathies and lift, is transcendently a finer

nobler work. This he did.

The lovers ot good music, the which ourtown boasts such a number, will he delightedto hear hat Caroline llichlngs, who wentwest last fall will stop in Wichita upoa her re-

turn and give three entertainments. JamesS. Smith, the manager, wrote us last weekthat the troupe would be here on the 19th,butowing to some delay he writes again, fromDenver, that tho company will bo in Wichitaon the 22d, 23d and 21th of March, 01 coursethe ball will be crowded, as our people weredelighted with the combination last fall.

There will be an examination ! teachersfor Sedgwick county at tho Third ward scboelhouse in Wichita, on Saturday the 23d day of

March, 1873, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m.31. H. Bruce,

County Superintendent.

The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe KallroadCompany arc having built at Aurora two dining-

-room cars, which aro to be run on theirroad by the first of 3Iay.

With but little inconvenience we can passupon tho condition of incisors, or eTen pre-

scribe for an affected molar, but the doctor,D. W. Smith, finds this being taken around a

corner and cleaned out about mail matter byone and threatened by another lor certain ar-

ticles is becoming monotonous. The close cr

should readily distinguish betweenthe luxuriant brown whisker of the doctorand the fire-re- d of the editor, besides the doctor is decidedly a handsome man. TV e aresorry to admit it, but the ladles never mistakethe identity.

Some of the farmers ot the Kaw Valley,throush the Lawrence Dally Jturnal and3Ianbattan Vaf iV.WMf, are giving estimatesol raising corn in Kansas. All the work andexpenses, from the removing ol the old stalksto the cribbing of the crop are Wken into ac-

count. One estimato makes the corn costten cents per bushel. We would like to see

some estimate from our Arkansas Valley

farmers.Captain B. Davis brought up lat week

from Carthage, Missouri a lot of superiorwork horses, which he is offering for sale.He disposed of one-ha- ll ol his herd beforereaching Wichita. Captain says as soon as

no can make his arrangements he rroP0,esto return to Wichita to live.

Geo. Shlichter, for years in the hardwarebusiness In this city, and whose acquaintancenot only comprises nine out of ten ot the peo-

ple ol this county, but knows every businessman in the soutnwest, is now connected withMarbourg, of Atchison, In the capacity ol

traveling agent. George's many friends willoc glad to know that he is in his old businessagain.

The affairs of, and ail the property belong-

ing to, the creditors ofthe late National Bauk,were turned over to Judge AV. C. Little lastSaturday. Judgo L. has not got down intothe true inwardness of affairs yet, but in a

short time will be able to tell just how mat-

ters stand. Tbo probability Is. another div-

idend will be declared in about two months.

Information is wanted ot Charles UncasLcichhardt. last heard of at Eaton Springs.McAlIster county, Indian Territory. Anyone knowing his whereabouts will please ad-

dress Chas. G.Scott, lock box 3J. Wichita,Kansas. The press will do his mother a favorby copying this notice.

J. J. .Merrick, one of the original proprie-tors or Harper Center, was in the city Friday

and Saturday. He proved up on his claim

which was tho first piece or land secured lromgovernment in that new county. Many landbujers are going into Harper, bnt as no titles

have been received yet buyers find them-

selves reduced to the proposition either tobecome settlers or buy out somebody's claim

and settle anyhow Harper is a goodcounty.Congresman Ryan writes us that the directmail route Irom Wichita to Harper hereto-tor- e

spoken ot will becomo a law at an early


Our people will remember the two girls

nnmed Germain who were bronght to Wichi-

ta in 1S72, shortly alter Custer's light with

thu Cheyennes, and whose parents had beenkilled by the Indian. Tho girls had beenm captivity nearly two years when 3Ijorlilies brought them to this city. Tho Housepassed a resolution some time since, allowingeach $2,200 to be held In trust by the Secretary orthe Interior until they shall Become of

age. The Senate Committco on Indian Af-

fairs hac agreed to recommend its passage.

Ed. Eagle James Smith came to Snmnercounty last December to see his brother, andcame to Wichita and registered at the Valley

House December 13, on bis return to Illinois,

and since that tirao has not been heard from.His friends are alarmed and request you togive this netice a place iu your paper. He Is

a young man ot temperate habits, ana it is

supposed had no money only to bear his expenses to his home in Logan county, Illinois.State papers please copy.

James Stewart.About the only practical way to get Douglas

Avenue and 3Iain street into shape again, and

it would be the quickest and cheapest, is with

plows and scrapers, and the addition of a

hundred or so wagon loads of dirt. To at-

tempt to till up the boles by hauling dirt wouldprose an interminable job, and then the jabwould not be a good one. But we may be

mistaken.We .neglected to notice last week the re-

ceipt ofthe Kansas atate Agricultural Reportlor 187G, as complied by Allred Gray, theSecretary. It is called the Centennial reportand Is very elaborite and lnterestin. TheLegislature provided for a biennial report for

the years 1S77-- and Mr Gray is sending outblanks from which to make the compilation,an understanding of which will be had byreading an article beaded "Kansas StateHoard ol Agriculture," found

Ben. Bear, the Sedgwick country poultryfancier whoe splendid fowls have gotten areputation in this and adjoining counties, re

ceived n cock and hen Sunday night by express from Ohio, ror which ho paid $20 and


.Mrs. Ralph is canvassing for a very fine 200

page work entitled the Murphy Movement,bound in blue and gold, containing a fine por-

trait of Francis 3Iurpby, and other illustra-

tions. Sho will call upon our citizens duringthe next few days.

Sunday School Convention.

A Sunday School Convention will be heldat El Pao, Kansas, Sunday p. m. aud even-

ing, or Jlarch 24, 187S, to which ali the neigh-

boring Sabbath schools are most cordially in-

vited. Convention to meet in Hip school

hotie at El Pao promptly at 2 o'c'ock p. ra.

Devotional exercises Irom 2 to 2J o'clock:lecture aud talk by Dr. Humble, agent fortbeAmerican Sunday School Union. 2J to 3; gen-or-

discussion, 3 to 4; Why should the Sab-

bath School be supported and sustained ?

What are the duties of the community to theS'bbathScool? What are the difficulties in

tbe way ol the Sabbath School and how arethey to be overcame? 4 to T question drawerand short discussion'. Evening exercisosopen at 7 o'clock, consisting or music, lec-

tures and blackboard diagrims, atlwhicbtime we expect Mr. Stanley and others fromWichita to participate. Come one, come all,to our Sunday School convention.

II. C. Tucker, hupt. El Paso S. S.

Mr. J. R. Grant sonds us full accounts ortho terrible tiro which in a few hours left HotSprings a dreary, blackened waste, The city,as most or our readers know, is or was situated in a narrow gorge in tbe Ozark Mountains, and the flames licked up both sidesclean. One hundred and fifty bouses wereburned and a half million dollars worth ofproperty destroyed. We make the followingquotation from 3Ir. Grant's letter: 'Hundreds are homeless and in need of aid. Ste-

vens and myself lost about on hundred andthirty dollars, yet w are comparatively hap-

py, as It is but drop in tbe bucket to tbe thou-

sands which to-d- lie smo!deri'ig in ashes.Geo. Bowlin, formerly cl Wichita Vlcservcsgreat credit ror tbe manner in r.McU he ton-duct-

himsell during the long siege ot eighthours constant run ot his engine, which hehandled coolly and manfully, never leavingbis post of duty until tne flames, in tbeircourse of destruction, were overpowered andthe fire fully abated. His hands ana facewere burned to blisters, in several spots, fromthe intense heat from tbe engine and fire. Itwas really a young Chicago fire, and thebuildings all being ot pitch pine lumber, andvery dry, you can form some idea how itmust have burned

Tbe Mayor and city authorities have tele-

graphed for aid and tents for the homelessmass, which I presume are now oa the roadfor the relief of the poor and suffering.

With my regards I am yours rerpectiuliy,J. B. Grant.

The Kansas Methodist Conference closedMonday night. Tbe following appointmentswere made for this district :WICHITA DISTRICT, A. H. WALTER, P. K .

Wichita, J. Kirby.Wichita Mission, supplied by E. C. Brooks.East Wichita, L. F. Laverty.West Wichita and Eldridge supplied by A.

S. Embree.Cartwrlght, John McQuiston.El Paso, G. W. Harmony.Belie Plalne, J. W. Cain.Belle View and Rolling Green, to be sup-

plied by E. W.Abbot.Wellington, J. H. Boicourt.Oxford, J. W. Stewart.South Haven, supplied by Roman.Arkansas City, T. S. Hunt.Caldwell, A. W. Ryan.Wlntieid, J. L. Rusbridge.Winfieid Circuit, P. D. Labr.Dexter and Tisdale, W. U. Rose.Lazette, M. C. Green.Douglass, C. A. Stine.Augusta, J. A. Hyden.Eldorado, O. A. Palmer.Plumb Grove, A. Cain.Quito, H. Waitt.Sedgwick, D W. Cameron.Cottonwood Falls, P. F. Jones.Toledo, supplied by C. Masses.Florence and Cedar Point, H. J. Walker.J. F. Nessley, Chaplain to State Scnalt.

3Ir. Charles N. Kent, or Jacksonville, Illinois, for years connected with the post officeof that place, and an old acquaintance andfriend orN. A. English, called on 3Ionday.Mr. Kent desires to locate in Wichita, pro-tidi- n;

he can secure a desirable situation.

Bishop Vail, erthe Diocese or Kansas, willreach this city Saturday. ConHrnutlon serv-

ices will bo conducted by him at the Episco-pal room in tho Occidental Block on Sundaymorning, and the ordinance of baptism willbe administered In the afternoon at the same

place. The Rcverencd Bishop is not only anable man, but revered throughout the Statefor his eminent piety and goodness or heart.

Morning services at Eagle Hall at 101 o'clockand.Sunday School at 21 o'clock at Episcopalroom in Occidental Block, and evening ser-

vices at 71 o'clock at the same place.

Fum Seeds.

Tbe following quotations for farm seeds arofor wholesale tots tc country dealers

Lis. Priceper 6. mtrbu

Red clover GO $6 50AllalU clover. 60 14 00Timothy 45 125Hlue grass, clean 14 1 Go

Blue grass, extra clean 14 1 75Ked top 14 1 25Orchard grass 14 2 00Common millet CO GO

Red top, ar button onions 23 2 25

Osage Orange . GOO

3Iiss Jennie Soult has again engaged herselfin business with Mrs. G. 31. Henderson, ather stand south ot Douglas avenue, on Mainstreet, in dress and cloak making and milll-ncr- r.

She will be pleased to meet her oldcustomers and friends, and hopes a close adherence to the wants of the people will maseher new ones.

Es cry other person youraeoton the streetis a stranger. The city is full of them and so

is the country. Nine out of ten come pre-

pared to buy land, a largo per cent, of whomwill become actual residents immediately, orat no distant day. The metropolis, of theSouthwest will make a grand stride forwardthis season as will tbe magnificent countiesaround her.

Next Monday evening at 4 p. m. a specialtrain will leave Wichita, conveying the OddFellows, wives and sweethearts, of this placeto Newton, at which place the members ofthe ordf r of brotherly love give an cntertain-raeu- t.

The party going up will consist of

Ufty persons or mere and the special will re-

turn them at whatever hour they may desire.Fare round trip, $1.00. wo believe.

The statement was made at the M. E.church last Sabbath morning that all tbe debtsof the society bad been paid up in full, except$110 back on the minister's salarv for theyear ending this week. The sum asked wasdoubled in a few moments, with the under-

standing that tho surplus was to go as a bo-

nus to Ml . Kirby, $220.

The Frontiers did themselves infinite creditin their entertainment Tuesday night. Theboys did not make a single blunder, and theaudience were delighted beyond measure.Four buudred and seventy-flv- o people werepresent, one of the largest audiences ever as-

sembled in Eagle Hall.

J. JI. Steele is one or the petit jurors of theUuited States Court which meets in Topekathe Sth ef next month.

Mr. E. W. Lane ba3 purchased a farm be-

tween the rivers.

Ben F. ParccIIs received a dispatch" that hi

father died at eight o'clock this (Wednesday)morning iu Forrest, Illinois.

David Razure, who formerly kept the hotelof that name at .Newton, and a Mr. Arnold of

the same place, had a shooting affray last weekat St. Joe, overRasure's wife. The wife hadgone off with Arnold to St. Joo aud was fol-

lowed by Rasure. The husband Is expectedto die, but tbe man who cajitured tbe aflec-tlo-

first and the honor afterwards of thewile is all right, the ball striking his pocketbook instead of his vitals.

The Wichita Eagle publishes an extendedmarket report now just what has been need-

ed by the country readers ever since the townbecame a market center. Wo will keep it on

file for reference and tbe accommodation ofour friends bereatter. Arlantat City Traveler.

For the years 1S73, '74 and '75 we publisheda tull column of market reports weekly, butwo discontinued them from tho Tact that thereseemed to be little demand ror more tnan tbemention ol the uiling prices or a few stapleproductions. Our reports now are compiled

carefully by our and busii.ess man each

week after visiting all tho principal houses or

both shippers and dealers, and will bo foundperfectly reliable.

Colonel George H. English, we are in-

formed, contemplates removing to KansasCity, where he will continue his law practice .

We have learned nothing ot the motive i orreasons lor this step upon the part ofColonelKuglidi, who, since his residence here, en-

joyed a large and lucrative practice inwith the firm or Adams, Ruggles &


"The Wichita Eagle mado its first ap-

pearance on our table last Saturday, all rightBro. 3Iiirdock, we thouut you didn't wanttbe Glvle to vilt you.but we forgive you,because jour EsGLK is the best bird thatsoars in Southern Kansas. Dodge City Qlole.

3Ir. Berger, father of Dr. Berger, ol ElPa-- died Tuesday night about 12 o'elock.

Harvey Homer received 3 dispatch 31ondayfrom Ohio, stating that his mother was dead.She was also mother of Mr. Ilarttl.

Street sprinkling business has commencedagain. Glad ol it.

Lost A breast pin witb black enamel set-

tings. The finder wll please leave it at thisoffice.

JIARltlED.At El Paso. Kansas, on the 5tu Inst., by A.

Minnich, ., Mr. L. H. Staflord and SIisAdie J. Johnson, all of Sodgwick county,Kansas.

'ear Wichiia, at the residence of C. O.Lee, on Tuesday. March 12. 1878, by the Rev.J. P. Ilarsen, Joseph A. Bigger and Mary Ellen Courtwright, both or Sedgwick county.

At the residence of the bride's rather, V.H. Missey, en W edneday. March Gth, by theKev. J. P. Ilarsen, M. R. 3Ioser and LucindaB. 3Iassey.

We wish our friends M. R. and bis bride a

long and happy life.

At the residence or the bride's parents, onSunday, March 10th, by the Rev. J. P. UarsenCharles S. Smith and Matilda Depenbaugn.

At tbe residence ot the bride's father in At-to- n

township, by Rev. J. F. Nessley, on the17th of Februajy, Mr. Wm. Coleman to MissSarah Poe.

At tbe residence ot tbe bride's lather, inPayne township, last evening. Miss Alice ia

Lane and Mr. Joshua Devore, all olthis county.

Josh, you are to be congratulated in secur-

ing one ol the sweetest, most tender-hearte-d

and industrious girls in all the land. Monapossesses the heart and the joyousness ol asinging bird. Guard ber with your love, sup-

port her with your sympathy and the happi-

ness of your lives will be without a cloud.Happy happier far than tho a,Waui ihe laurel on thy brow;She that nukes the humblest hearthLovely but to one ea t&rtn.

For the Eagle.Eeold. Ptjst ui Wic--i. Katul ProtMtlen


At a meeting held in Kechi, Hlghlaidschool house, March 4th, A. T. Torvrla waschosen chairman and W. B. Williams secre-

tary. Remarks were listened to from Messrs.Williams, Fanning, Brown, Tovria, Rockeyand others, stating the object of tbe meetingwas to organize tor the purpose ef assistingthe officers ot tbe law in capturing end pros-ecuting In the courts of justice horse thieves,and all other thieves and all vlolaters of lawand order within the jurisaiction or this or-

ganization. Messrs. W. B. Williams and J.K. Brown were appointed to draft a consti-

tution and s. J. K. Brown was elect-

ed Captain. Jacob Rockey, C. H. Fanning,D. L. Hunter and A. Whitecotton Lieuten-

ants. A. T. Torvria president. W. B. Wil-liams secretary, and J. K, Brown treasurer.Tbe townships were well represented by thebest citizens ot the county, and mean busi-ness. Our next meeting will number onehundred and fifty men and will act In concertwith all other societies in this and othercounties. W. B. Williams, Sec.

March 4, 1S78.


Uncalled for March 12, 1878.To obtain any ot these letters, the appli-

cant must call to "Advertised Letters,' andgive the date ot this list.

If not called for within one month they webe sent to tbe dead letter oifice.

Letters aro not advertised until tbey haveremained in the office one week.

LADIES' LIST.Avery Mrs S W Ayers Mrs M AAlbar Mrs M 31 Aams Mrs SBratley Mrs 31 Brown Mrs DBowman Mrs S Bone Miss HBennett 3Iiss M J Bcrney3IrsNBarnes Miss J Cousins 3Irs LClark Mrs E Clark JIrs 31 A 2Casterline A Evans Mrs LFuller Miss 31 Fonda LFox Miss M Fisher Mrs LGreen Miss S E Fields Miss JGanie O Kaster Miss DAumpbrey Sirs J HarnbucleMJohnson Mrs A Johnson Mrs MJones Mrs J Jones 3Iiss 31 AJohnston Mrs P Kirby Mrs 31

Lvon Miss M Moore Miss LMcDonald Miss S A Rogers ilrs X LRoady 31 While Mrs B

GENTS' LIST.AyersTU Allen J HAd-e- y C Adams C 4Burroughs G W Butterfield B SBrown A J Bragg AUray E Brees J DBrown A J Bowden E RBoon H Bowman A LBlunkensee 31 Bliss D KBlevins AV Blnnin.ham CBigham W R Beck WBevans C Benlon DCBirkman W L Bennett J JBarton J Bartlett A JBarberS Bays WCurtin T Cromwell OCrouter C W Comes .1

Clarke F Chase W IICannon J Carson J WCalhoun D B Cambbell J RCampbell W Dewey AUiehl C Dulman ADownaway C W Dorou G I)Drummnnd D Evans J WFuller 31 E Freemin IIForrest X R Foster J FGrunt G Gregg D SGreon E Goodwin R RGilchrist C C Henrichs Wlltu J lli.ti SUibbsrd X Heath J WHail U S Hake DHammers J T Ilammnn N EHudpctnSM HuNcJHudson C Horie GHoyt A D UJohnston W3Iooe S E Moris J FMorris O Jlorrls JSMorris A Moore .1

Millard P II Miller D 11

MilcheliS A Mares. IX3lHthesB JUnning NMcGriff J 3lcNamu 31MtGce P JlcCoy JMcAUams I) Roeuback WItoenback It Robr Rev SRon land G E Roady JRoberts C Sturg's ItStiff J m Stipp II PSle;ens H Ross EStacy W White BWideman J Walker W

31. 31. MtiltnocK. Postmaster.


Now Millinery.

3'ew goods, latc-- t spring styles at my newtand on Main street, in A. Soramer's jewelry

store. I am opening a sprin; stock of millin-

ery late and fashionable styles which I am of-

fering cheaper than ever ottered before in thiscity. Call and see.

50--tf Annie Watson.LIVELY.


Tho Only Dry Goods Store In thoOity Doing a Rushing Business.We have opened this week a good assert-ment- or

Hamburg and Nansook Embroider-ies, the most select patterns otthe season, atastonishing low prices. These are from thefirst great Boston sale or these goods.

New Dress Goods from GJcts up. Elegantdesigns In new Bourctto effects and Suitings.Wc intend to sell them rapidly and havemarked them accordingly. New goods con-

stantly arriving. We propose to lead themarket in popular prices and variety andquality of assortment.

50-- lt Geo. Y. Smith & Co.

Mrs. A. Kramer has just received, directIrom New York City, her spring stock or la-

dies and misses hats, consisting or all the la-

test importations direct from Paris. Ladiesare cordially invited to call and examine mystock ol millinery. Next door to Woodman'sbank.

3Irs. Orris has taken rooms with Mrs. Kra-mer where sho wlli carry on dress-makin- g inall its departments. She will also keep a fullI.ne of the celebrated Domestic patterns,


Rosea Brothers, 3Ierchant Tailors In theDaguer Block, received yesterday a nice lotof piece goods of the latest shades and styleslor Spring Suits, Spring Overcoats, DressSuits, etc. 50-- lt

J. G. DUNSOOMB.Eagle Block, Wichita, Kansas.Never waits to be forced into felling goods

cheap, or raakins a revolution in high prices,but gives his customers the benefit ot all thebargains he is in constant receipt of. Worospcctfully call tho attention or the countrytrade in particular to our large and cheap as-



for spring and summer wear. Also to ourspecialties In A


Remember that we won't be undersold, andthat we always have special bargains to ofler,in the purchase of which you can save money.We now ofler12 pounds dried apples for $1 00

10 pounds light brown sugar 1 00

10 pounds rice 1 00

0 pound good cofieo 1 00

1 pound good tea 251 pound extra tea 50

1 poend extra candied honey 20

Clark's or Coats' best spool cotton 5

Men's plow shoes from 1 25

Ladies' sho'es from 1 25

Give us your orders and we will guaranteegoods and prices. 49-- tf

Sunny Dale, February 12, 1S7S.

Mr. Editor : riease give notice to thepublic in your paper that I have a largeamount of trees and shrubbery for sale at my

fruit farm, twelvo miles north ot Wichita.Blackberries, per hundred $ 1.50Raspberries " 1.50Gooseberries " 3.00Grapevines " 5.00Junebetries " 20.00Ito-- e Buhes " 10.00CherryTrees " 20.00ForestTrees " 1.50

47-t- f William McCracken.

For Sale or Trade,

Forty tons of up-l1- naJ one SpringWagon, Stock Hogs ene Brood Sows, onethree-ye- ar old Durham Bull, two fresh cows.Inquire ot O. A.Thomas, two and one-ha- lf

miles northeast of the city. J49-- H

Gr.aPK Vines. A. Hanson has a lot orchoice grape roots for sale. Inquire at Corbett's or Shuman's store or of A. Hansen.


Subscriptions taken for all papers and mag-azine's at publishers prices at the Post Office

Book Store. 43-- tf

Colorado Coal just received, splendid quali-

ty and clean as anthracite, at Exton's.'38--


The New York Store,WILL, FOR THE NEXT


Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Etc.,


Fine Cashmcrj, all colors, 40c, 50, 75c and$1.00.

Xlne Black Alpaca, 20c, 23c, 30c, 40c, 50c,C0c,70c, and $1.00.

Russian Cloth, 10c, 12lc, and 15:.

Great reduction In all branches of the Notion Department

1,000 dozen Threads at f7c per dozen.

New Hamburg Edgingc, 3c, Cc, 7Je, 10c,

12ic, !5c, 20c, 25c and 30c.

i lannels at less than cost.

Ten Cases of Lonsdale and Fitilt of theLoom.

Ten Cases ot New Choice Prints.Water Prooft regardless of cost.100 Cases or Boots and 50 cases of Shoes,

warranted, that must be sold.Largest and Best Stock or Clothing in the

West. It will pay you to call and see the greatreduction In this Department whether youpurchase or not.

We will close our entire stock of Clothingin the next thirty days.

Underwear less than cost.Good Hats, 50c, 75c, and $1.00.New Carpets New Patterns.White Bhukets,S2.23, $2.60 and $3.00.On account orthe mild winter, and buying

a very large stock, you will find our goods allnew and choice. No odds and ends, and atprices never before heard of, since the dis-

covery of America.43-- M. Kohn & Co.

A full line ot Garden Seeds, in bulk, at Al-

len & Tucker's. 47--tl

Wall Paper.

A large stock ot Spring styles of wall paperof new designs, just received from tbe facto-

ry, at G. H. Hernngton's post ofUco bookstore. 40--tf

Now Drue Store.At D. M. Losee & Bro's, next to Eagle

Block, Douglas Avenue, can be had drugspatent medicines, stationery, imported per-fumery, hair oils, bruhes, combs, scentedsoaps, cigars, cough candies, prescriptions re-

liably prepared day; and night. 50- -

Emmet .t Kikk make a specialy of theland office and loan business. Call on themat their otlicc.in Commercial Block, Wichita,Kansas, for a copy ot tho "Imigrants Guide."

IS-t- f.

Cash for Bones. 1 am now prepared topay $0.00 per ton, cash, for Bones and Hums,delivered at tbe side track in Wichita, thesame to be dry and tree from hide and sinew.

. John Exton.Wichita. February 19. 1S7S. 43-4- t

Seeds, Seed3.

Allen & Tucker are making tbe Seed Tradeone of their specialties. All kinds of Kield

and Garden seeds can be had in their season.42--tf

Cut This Outand tend it to your friends in tho cast advis-ing them, when they visit Colorado, NerMexico, Arizona, or the San Juan mines, totake tbe Atchlon, Topeka .t Santa Fc Itaii-roa- d,

the new southern route through Kan- -'

sa, iathc Arkansas Valley,. to Pueblo mak-

ing direct connection with the Denver ItioGrande Hallway for Colorado Springs, Den-

ver, and all potats in Northern Colorado,Canon City, Garland. Del Norte, Lake City,El Jloro, Las Vegas and Santa Fe. Trainsleave Kansas City every day In the year, withI'ullinati Sleeping Cars, and p?scnger

with all tbe modern imprevcraents.For map, circulars and detailed informationak them to send to

T.J. ANDERSON,General Tassengcr Agent, Topeka, Kansas.

For Sale.

Eighty-acr- e farm and city residence. TriceS00. Address,

D. S. IlUSON, Agent.40-- tf Wichita, Kansas.

Boot arid Shoe StoreOf John Braitsch, manufacturer of and deal-

er in boots and shoes. Keeps on hand thebest ready --made stock. Also manulacturcsto order, guaranteeing satisfaction. All

goods warranted. Repairing neuMy done.J. Braitsch, No. 100 Douglas Avenue,


Farmers, be sure to seaSmith & Keating'Star Sulky TIow before buying. It gives sat-

isfaction in every respect every time. 45--

An Elegant Preparation

Designed to meet the public want for aharmless hair dressing and restorative, is

found In I'arker's Ilalr Balsam. It acts likemagic, commencing at tbe very root", re-

moves Dandruff and ail humors from thescalp, and never rails to resitre faded or grayhair to its original youthlul color and beauty.Failing bair is immediately checked by itsuse, and it produces a growth or beautifulyoung hair, soft, glossy snd luxuriant, thatsurprises every one. These properties addedto its exquisite perfume and purity of com-

position, render it tho growing favorite of

toilet table everyweere. Buy a bottle fromyour druggist, George G. ilatthews & Co,,and test its merits. 41- -

For Sals.50 City lots, Texus Hotel, Douglas Avenue,

and 4 quarer sections of land. Enquire ofG. H. UEUnlSGTON.

48-t- r.

Many Ladies

Suffering from Nervousness, I'ainlui Peri-

ods and Debility, will ltnd there is no way inwhich their healt may be so effectually re-

gained; relief from pain obtained, and func-

tional regularity obtained, as in the use of

I'arker's Ginger Tonic. The nursing mother,exhausted by the care of her little one, tindsbsr steength and neives restored by its use,while the mother's comfort thus secured, is

imparted through the milk to her babe, mak-

ing tbo little one happy, cheerjul, free frompain, and disposed to refreshing sleep. Buya $1.00 bottle from your druggist, George G.Matthews & Co., or a sample bottle at fifteencents, and test its merits. 41- -

Is Your Life Worth Saving ?

Consumption lias its origin in colds andneglected coughs, that at first are hardly no-

ticed. We hear them among our friendsevery day. How oftsn they lead to the grave,when a simple rcmndy taken in time wouldprevent suffering, broken health and savelife. Brown's Coi'gh Balsam is the most rc-lti-

lim hmlln" remedy ot the a::e. Itpromotes expectoration, and allays irritationofthe throat and bronchial tubes causing thelungs te throw off all unhealthy secretionaand removes the tendency to cough. Tricefifty cents per bottle.

Public speakers and singers and all per-

sons f ubject to hoarseness and throat affec-

tions, find immediate and permanent reliefby using Brown's Tar Troches. Twenty-fiv- e

cents per box.All of Brown's Popular Western Remedies

lor sale by all druggists In Wichita and El

Paso. Mf

To the Ladies of Wichita.

For good Hair Work and Hair Jewelry

call on Mrs Mary Klentz. Combings workedup in any style. Old switches worked over

and dyed. A full stock or Hair or any shadeon hand. Main street, next door to Linen's

tlrr floods Store. 44--tf

Now ..us Line to all Trains.

3Ir. Cleaveland ol the Douglas Avenue Liv-

ery Stable has put on a new bus sold will car-

ry passengers to all parts of the city to aad

from trains al25 cents per passenger. Orderslelt at the Douglss Avenue House or at theoffice et the Douglas Avenue Livery Stablewill receive prompt attention. iS-8- m

.A.. CT.

MAjrcrAcrrjREB or

Carriage,. :.,j vV ?

Spring' Wagons,

1 have bonght ont the shops end lots, known as J.the Douglas Avenue House, and have

Would do well to bring their Snlkey, Gang and other Plows, to my shops, and get them repairedIf they do not run right, I can make tLem. I am prepared to do any

kind of Uepalringyou want done, on either.




Will be conducted by Mr. Craw, an experienced workman, who has had long experience inbuilding Carriages, Platform Wagons, etc.

S9- -

49-t- f


Red River Coal.

Fort Scott


Brick, Stone, Lime, Plaster, Cement & Hair.




Water Street, northMoser.


Hated Ware, Spoons

Knives Forks, Tocket Lamps










7 Tatterns of Glass setts, $1 to S1.75 cich.11 do do Uehlets,S1.50to$2JOperdozGlass Howls, open and high or low.Bar Glasses, Ale, Beer and Glasses.



N. Porrey's old on ofdesolved with M, R.


A. J.

and Bottles, andCutlery.

and Knives, andChimnies.














Platform Wagons,Flows, Etc.,





Anthracite Coal.

Osas;e Coal.

Scranton Coal.




























For Sale.Seines, nets and boats by L. W. Clark.


Have yon seen tho Sllvertype picturesThey aro certaiuiy very life-lik- e and desira-ble, and will sot fade. Any kind of a smallpicture enlarged. We learn that over 3G,000were copied during the past year. 03-t- l

Sold Out.C. W. Hill wishes to say that all parties in-

debted to him will please call and settle, as hehas sold out and wants to close up bis ac-

counts as rapidly as possible. 3.--

Hedge Seed.

Allen .t Tucker bave just received s largelot ot Hedge Seed a choice article, and war-ranted new. 47-- tf

Proven Beyond a Doubt.That Brown.s Family Medicines are taking

tho lead in curing tbo disease of the West.Havo you headache? Are yoa biliious?iVwn'j titer Pillt will cure you. Try themand you'll ue no others. Uratct'i Ceugh Cif-sam

will relieve that prossure on tbe chestand stop that cough. Mnien't Jriiea Salu lathe great healing remedy of the age. It re-

moves Inflammation and cures old Sores, cuts,bruises, bums, and trost bite.

All of Browne CtleoraitJ Wettern Jlenudietfor salo by all druggists In Wichita and thegreat west. 43--tf

Seod Potatoes.A car load each of Northern Early Kose and

Peach Blows just received at Jocclyu A 's,

34 Main street. 49 tfD. M. Lesee, 31. D., late Ltnder & Losee,

physicians and surgeons, will attend to pro-

fessional duties as usual, Office in D. M.Lasee & Bro.'s drug store, next to the EagloBlack, Wichita. 43-- tf

Everybody knows that the only good CornPlanter is Brown's. All styles and numbers-- old by Smith & Keating. Also drills andcheck-rower- Order early and secure a re-

liable improved open heel drop planter.

Ask at Losee's new drug store, by the Ea-

gle Block, for their'M'riinera" five-ce- cigars41--tf

Very fine French perfumery at Losee's newdrug store. 41-- tf

Beniember, Smith & Keating have thelargest stock of implement, iu Wichita. Buy-

ing direct and in immense quantities tbey canand will give prices and terms that no oneelse can. 43-t- f

We have for sale a lot ol good sows andpigs. Jxo. Kelly.

Attica, Oct. 13, 1877. 29-- tf

Wichita, Kansas, March 1- -, 1S7S.

AVe would return our thauks lor the veryliberal patronage the past season and call at-

tention to the Iron U.ipgood Sulkeys. Not-

withstanding the old plows defied competlonand maintained their, high reputations to tbeast, tbe Improved suikeys are far superior

to any before brought to this market. Canonly bo appreciated lully by trying them.Come and see, ceme and see I .Nertb, side otUou-I- as avenue, Wichita, Kanas.

A. J. Cook & Co.Oh. I navcr was so happy since I wa born;I'm riding en the Uapgeod plowing for corn.


St. Louis to the EastCOMPOSED OF THE

Vandalta Line, Pan Handle


PENNSYLVANIA, R. R.The only Ronte mnninjr rullman Palace Cars

lrom at. l.cuisto --New York without change.

The above represents ihe shortest and quickestroute from St. Louis to the seaboard, rnnnlasihrmuih one ot Hi' most populous ami interestingportions of the rnun ry.with many large ami

cities upon us line. It psse throughVaudalLi, hflinsriam, I'erre Haute. IivlUnnpulis:tichmond, t'lliua (o- - Urbatu, Uoltini-Im- s,

.Newark, stubenville, i'ittsburir, Crnuon,Altoona, Ilurrisburg, Lancaster, Philadelphia,Irenton, o J., and Jersey City, on Itsroute to New York.

Two Fast Ezpre.3 Trains Dailjr.

On Arrival of Trains from the East and South.DAYLIGHT EXrKESS Leaves the Union De-i--

at. Louis, every inorninsr. and heiup a Kustuprtss, stops only at principal station. It hasPullm-i- r.lice Sleeping Cars Imr t.oluin!)U, Pittsburg PhllaildphiaandXrw York without chanst-u-

but one cb.itife to Huston, Italtimore anilWashington. U arrives m ew York early tbenext evening, only one night out, and gives ail.iy-lig- ht view otthe td ecensry of thePennsylvania ll.iilroail.

FAS I' LINE EXPKE-- S Leaves Union Depot,St. Louis, stopping only at prin-cipal stations, with

Pullman Palac8 Can for Lonisvilla & Cincinnati,Palace Sleeping Curs for Chicago, and the

favo.ite Pioneer Line of PullmanPalace Drawing Itooin

Sleeping Curs.

For Columt.is. Pittsburg, Philadelphia, andsew York without change.

C3"Uelns the Only Line practically under onemanagement between at. LouUnnd New York,passengers are assured of through connections,.ml are not subject to delays at mtermedlatpoints Incidental to other lli.ea.

checked through to all Easterncities.

JJ-Tl- ie Quickest Time is reeniarly made bythis Line, and fare always as low as by otherroutes.

EJ-tlct- for saleat all Ticket Offices In the

L. P. FARMER. General Passenger agent.Pennvtvnnla Railroad Pblladelgbiit.

W. L. O'BRIES, tieiierat piusenger agent, Panllan'ile Koute, Columbus. Ohio.

CHA&. F. FOLLETT, General Passenger agent.Vandalta Line, Si Lout-- , 4,-l- y

Dl! A i G, 0LIN OEasVwosMrfgton St!,'Chicago., Ills, for the cure of nil DUeascs ofPrivate nature, resulting from early abuses orinfections of either sex. beiuinal Weaknessproducing Emissions, Loss of lemiry, Irajwir-e- il

night. Lost Manhood or lui;trncy, us

uebility? perm-inintl- cured; diseases ofbe Illaibirr, Kidneji. Lm-r- , Ltuigs, Asthma,

Catatrh, Pile.., all Chronic Diseases, and iii

Females, ieM to his treatment. Dr.fl;n butfhaii a file Ioug experieucc, uufl enrej

when-- others lilt lie is u irranuate of the Re-formed ocfcuol, us-- s no Murenry, ban tbelargest pr.cnec in the t . 3 Luilie-- requiringtreatment wthprivnU' home and board, call orwrite. Every convenience for paiieub. bendurty cent for sample of Rnbber Uoods andcircular ot unporunc information Dy express.Dr Olia'd Female Pills, 83 per Rox. Consultation treeMARRIAGE GUIDE 273 pages. oecreUarl inlormation lor the soungand middle agedtboth srxw. oa all Ulseu-.tf- r of private na-ture Valuable anvice to Hie "urrietl a,nl. thosecouteniplating marriage. How to be healthyand truly-happ- y in tne married relati n. Lserybody should get tkia book. Price jo cU to anyaddress, ecaltd. 2I-3- Jt

nPIIIMand Morphine Habit absolutely endUrlUIri speedily cured: no publicity. Headstamp for particulars. DR. CARLTUS.

5 187 Washington St., Chicago, ill.

P-- IJ Greatchincetomatemoney Ifyovtcan'tUUlUiget gold you can get greenbacks. Wneed n person in every tswn to take subscrip-tions for the largest, cheapest and b. st illustrat-ed fiinlly publication In th world. Any onecan become asocccsslid agrnt The most elegantworks of art given tne to subscribers. The priceIs so low that almt everybody subscribes. Oneagent reports maEiiig our SRiO In a week. Alaily agent reports taking over luo subscribers intea days Ail who engage make m'ney fast.You can devote all your tune to the business oronly your spare time. You need not be awaylrom home over night. You can do it as w Hoeothers. Fnll particulars, directions and termsfree Klegani and expensive outat free. If Jon,want proHtabie work semi us your address atonce. It costs nothing to tar the business. Hoone who emrnjfe fails to make great pay. Ad-dress TheFeoplc'a JoumiJ,"I'ortland, Maine.

21-l- y

Bridge Notice.

Notice is hereby given thst a petition will bopresented to the-- Roard of County Commission-ers of Sedgwick county. Kansas, at their regu-lar session in April next, ensuing asking for nappropriation of SC0O for the purpose ol build-ing bridge across Little Artnsas river, on sec-tion line between section 0 and 10, town 3, R,l,west. Estimated cost tswu,


and others.Wichita, Kan., MarthM, 1878. iM



Complaint having been entered at this office b7Henry Gawthrop, against Euhratm Staley forabondoninghis riling No. dated May 22d,lsTO, upon the se.' see. 26, township 9 south,range 4 nest, in Sedgwick county, K..as, witna View to the cancellation of said tiling; the saidparties are hereby summoned to appear at thisofliceon theOihddy or April, 1873, at O o'clockA. M., to respond and turni'h testimony con-cerning said 1 ieged abindoorBent, the said Hen-ry Gawthrop here gives notice that he will entersaid ti act by virtue of D. a. 11,43.

11. L. TAYLOR--- ".Register.

A CPHEMICM WATCH MKO CHAIN asternJ lnder, Free with every order. Outttt

tree. J. B. UAYX0KD4C0., Chicago, IU. 24,98

". -5t i . . . -- 0&i,.. .jS

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