THE WILD BLACK HEN ________________ "The Wild Black Hen" is a play in three acts about how the indigenous Kreung montagnards of Cambodia succeeded in resisting the Khmer Rouge efforts to wipe out their very identity by obliterating an ancient religious culture, traditions, and entire way of life while forging them into Khmer Rouge subjects. Written in 2013, the play has not yet been staged. by Patrick M Hughes

The Wild Black Hen

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"The Wild Black Hen" is a play in three acts about how the indigenous Kreung montagnards of Cambodia succeeded in resisting the Khmer Rouge efforts to wipe out their very identity by obliterating an ancient religious culture, traditions, and entire way of life while forging them into Khmer Rouge subjects. Written in 2013, the play has not yet been staged. For background see "Memoirs of Montagnard Religion, Traditions and Legends: An Indigenous People under Siege".

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"The Wild Black Hen" is a play in three acts about how the indigenous Kreung montagnards of Cambodia succeeded in resisting the Khmer Rouge efforts to wipe out their very identity by obliterating an ancient religious culture, traditions, and entire way of life while forging them into Khmer Rouge subjects.  Written in 2013, the play has not yet been staged.


Patrick M Hughes


[email protected]

Cast of Characters

PAN A Kreung man in his late 50s. Pheav's father, and

Rantui's husband.

PHEAV A Kreung man in his mid 20s.

RANTUI A woman in her mid 50s, who is something of a shrew.

ANCESTOR KHAWN Never seen on stage. Can be a woman (Chalaun would be her Kreung name). If so, then

Narin, the bodyguard will also be a woman (Rim would be her Khmer name). One actor/actress can play both roles since neither Khawn nor Narin speak onstage.

COMRADE OUM A Khmer man in his early 30s. The Khmer Rouge Commune Leader.

NARIN OUM's bodyguard. Never speaks. A man or Chalaun a woman in mid 20s.

NAM A Kreung man in his early 60s. YÉ ÁRAK's brother in law.

YÉ ÁRAK A woman priestess in her mid 40s. Salorn her daughter is expected to become Pheav's

wife, and though she never comes onstage she plays an important role in the motivations of the other actors.

Historical Background

From the fourth century hundreds of clans lived along the Annamite range from Vietnam to Burma. These peoples had different languages, and dialects. They called themselves "chon chiet", but they were never an organized nation, or even organized tribes with a central authority. The French named them montagnards cutting borders through their regions to make Cambodia, Vietnam etc.. The play is set in the village of one clan, the Kreung (Krung) of Ratanakiri Province, N.E. Cambodia.

The Khmer (Kehmáyre), the lowland Khmer are the main ethnic population in Cambodia. Following the French colonial era, Prince Sihanouk wanted to unite the newly independent nation. Hoping to make the montagnards more Cambodian he named them Khmer Loeu (Loo), or upland Khmer. He also tried to Khmerize them but without success. Then in the 1960's, Sihanouk sent Lon Nol's troops to bring Ratanakiri rebels under control. Residing in the uninhabited north, these were a mix of Cambodian Vietnam style communists, the more secretive Pol Pot Khmer Rouge nationalist communists, Vietcong and some montagnards resisting Khmerization. When Lon Nol became dictator in 1970, this military assault on the Khmer Loeu continued. He was overthrown in April 1975 by a Cambodian Communist Party-Khmer Rouge-Sihanouk conflict ridden alliance. For a year Comrade Ya, a Khmer lowlander and Vietnamese style communist encouraged the Khmer Loeu to keep their traditional way of life. But in April 1976, Pol Pot and his secretive associates in the ANGAR created the state of Democratic Kampuchea vowing to forge an agrarian-based Khmer communist society. Many communists fled to Vietnam, while others, including Comrade Ya were murdered. Driving everyone out of the cities to the fields, the Khmer Rouge launched their "four year plan" with the objective of producing three tons of rice per hectare. For the montagnards, the Khmer Rouge rule 1976 to late December 1978 involved an effort to obliterate their identity, culture, and entire way of life.

The author's information concerning how the Khmer Rouge operated in this Kreung village is based on informal chats with some Khmer Loeu and Kreung friends who lived through the terror. However the characters and events in this play are entirely fictional. His Kreung friend, Choung Pheav who was Chief Magistrate in 1992/3 took him to the various killing fields. Pan, the village chief and Pheav's father had many stories, as did Yé Arak the priestess, and Nam, her witty brother in law.


The entire play is staged in the inside Pan's Kreung montagnard bamboo hut with a roof of woven leaves, grass. Photos of stage items are available. There is a fire USR built on a flat rock with a large black iron pot with a kerosene lamp hanging behind the fire. The highlanders squat on their hunkers. There are three bunks made of bamboo poles DSL, USL,USR. Above the bed DSR there will be a secret way for someone to exit the hut. There are Kreung designed mats hanging on the walls, and jars of rice-beer DSL. DSR there is a bamboo chimrung, with a woven bamboo "altar" on top, where montagnards place bits of food for the spirit birds. Hanging on the wall above each bunk there is the traditional basket used by men and women. There are three flutes hanging on the wall USL. There is a set of small gongs with little cudgels to strike them on the wall CSR. Traditionally, men play instruments and women sing. There will be a few Kreung-style axes/hatchets hanging on the back wall to the right of the door. Upstage is the front wall of the hut facing the village circle. Rooftops can be visible through the front door (USL) and window of the hut (USR), and behind them a setting sun, or moon and stars. The hut is built on stilts and through the door one can see the deck railing on the other side of the crossover, with a wooden mortar for pounding rice at the window. When leaving the actors will turn left at the door and be seen passing the window before going to go down via an unseen ladder.


May 1976- December 1978

Scene Breakdown

ACT 1: Scene 1

Inside Pan's hut, it is late afternoon early May 1976 when the Kreung are completing the burning of the forest in preparation for the rice planting.

ACT 1: Scene 2

In Pan's hut it is January 1977 after the first harvest season under the Khmer Rouge. It is dusk and the family is coming back from the fields. All the traditional items are gone from the walls, but are hidden under the bunks. The chimrung remains DSR.

ACT 2: Scene 1

In Pan's hut it is late afternoon, one year later at the end of the second harvest season managed by Comrade OUM. The Khmer Loeu see little of it due to orders from Comrade Number 1. Moreover everyone now realizes that it is OUM’s incompetence that has resulted in a harvest well short of the designated target. The sun is setting behind the hut in early February's dry season, the first month of the Khmer Loeu year. 'Tis the time for sacrificing, feasting and drinking with the spirits, but they have nothing to sacrifice, no rice beer to celebrate.

ACT 2: Scene 2

In Pan's hut it is later that same evening. The stage is semi-dark. The chimrung is still DSR but closer to center of stage. Then we see RANTUI, PAN, PHEAV rise up and sit on their bunks.

ACT 3: Scene 1

In Pan's hut it is one year later, December 1978 and the harvesting is done, though once again they have failed to reach Number One's quota.

ACT 3: Scene 2

In Pan's hut it is December 25, 1978, early morning.



Scene 1

SETTING: Inside Pan's hut.

It is late afternoon early May 1976 when the Kreung are completing the burning of the forest in preparation for the rice planting. RANTUI and PHEAV are ducked down below the window USR. PAN is USL short of the door USL peeping out in such a way as to let the audience see his face. We hear shots in rapid succession, grenades explode, shouting and screaming, and the sound of people running every which way. Face sideways to the audience, wide mouth open, PAN peeps out the door, and then across the stage toward

RANTUI and PHEAV who are looking out the window.

PAN(Whispering.)What do you see? (More shots, rapid gunfire, screaming, and shouting NO NO! RUN,RUN, groans, and the guttural sounds of people dying. There are squawking chickens, barking dogs, shrieking monkeys and squealing piglets. There is the sound of bamboo cane lashing naked backs. Throughout this mayhem, the actors onstage speak in loud whispers.)

PAN(Hands raised to the sky.)Kray Gauv! They shot him!

RANTUI(Terrified.)Dav Mam is tied naked to the chimrung stakes. (We hear the lash of the cane, her screams, laughter, and then silence.)

PAN(Bowing his head in sadness.) They’re dragging Kapek away into the forest.

PHEAVWhat? Kapek fought with Yorng, Comrade Ya and myself against Lon Nol. (More shots.) He was even a communist. Who are these animals?

RANTUI(Angry, terrified, and bitter.)


These beasts were conceived in Ya's communist belly.

PHEAVComrade Ya's communists let us live our way of life in peace. (The sounds from outside grow louder. More shots.)

PAN(With a sense of impending doom.)Comrade Ya was good to us, but this... (We hear a rapid burst of fire, and screams.)

RANTUI(Rantui looks out the window, pulling her head back in immediately.)They fired through Nang Seang's window.

PAN(Feeling that they're doomed.) They'll kill us all.

RANTUIWe're just mountain people. We're no threat to anyone.(Everyone freezes in position and posture. ANCESTOR KHUN SA KHAWN speaks from behind the stage.)

ANCESTOR KHAWNAncestor Khun Sa Khawn proclaims Evil is about to spawn(Pause.) Spirits weep like monsoon skiesStrange whirling winds ariseAiming to bring an instant closureTo fawn and tiger To clan and customBirthed that day a bald young ogressFought her lover in lethal aggressHatchets cutting Legs into treesArms into paths Blood into riversTo outline our landsEstablishing forever The unity of spiritsAncestors the living Those not yet bornOur Kreung community.


Now here comes a smithyTo remodel this workpieceWith bellows and blowsWill hammer to hardenDestroy what is different.

Oh, let him comeThe foolish oneHis eyes can't seeWhat makes us free

(Actors unfreeze and look toward window. There are more shots and shouts. We see a man, OUM, charge past the window and stride into the hut to center stage. He is carrying a short bamboo stick in the left hand, wearing the checkered scarf of the Khmer Rouge. He is in uniform, and barefoot. Another armed man, NARIN, holds up a long thin bamboo cane in his right hand, fires two shots in the air when passing the window, and steps in USL behind OUM. NARIN is wearing a baggy green uniform and the checkered scarf of the KR. NAM, a neighbor follows the two KR into the hut, and is in character, playing the fool. He is twitching his head and slowly rolling it back and forward as he stands on the balls of his feet staring at OUM USR from behind. Every now and again throughout this next scene we hear shots, shouts, machine gun bursts from outside. PHEAV moves further DSR.)

PAN(Speaking in a calm voice and looking at OUM.)Yes.

OUM(Harshly looking at PAN DSL and pointing at him with his stick.) So they call you the village chief?

PANAnd who are you? (NARIN digs him in the ribs with the butt of his gun. PAN falls to his knees, but gradually gets up again.)

OUMI am Comrade Oum, Commune leader.

PHEAV(Interrupting.)Commune leader? Comrade Ya let the elders and chief Pan resolve problems in our community. (NARIN slaps him with the cane.)


OUMNever interrupt me. (Bragging.)I owe absolute obedience to Pol Pot, my commander in chief, Comrade Number 1.

PHEAVComrade Number One? Who's he? (NARIN slaps him again.)

OUMComrade Number 1 is the supreme leader of the Angkar Padevat, (Raising his voice, pointing his stick.)everyone's mother and father.

PANAnd I, Sir, am Choung Pan, an elder, and still chief of the Khmer Loeu in this village. (NARIN butts him again. This time PAN stays on his feet.)

OUM(Speaking like the rattle of a gun.)Do not call me Sir. There are no elders. No chiefs. We are all equal subjects of the Angkar.

NAM(In character his face contorted in a squint moves UPR.)It's me, Sir. Nam. Yes! (Triumphantly.)I am an Angkar equal subject with new mother father. (As if completely bewildered, scratches his head.)But how is that different? Khmer Loeu, chief, priest, me, we always live as equals?

OUM(Angrily.)Why have you been following me around? You’re an idiot Nam.

NAMAhhhhh! So now we're all equally like me?

OUM(Enraged, points to NARIN, who whacks NAM on the arm.)

NAMI'm confused. So there's Comrade Number 1, yourself, and this one here.(Pointing to NARIN.)


Do you all have more equality than the rest of us equals?

OUM(Taken aback, but then sticks out his chest.)We know the scientific thinking of the Angkar.

NAMAhhhhh. Good thing you have us to do the work while you're doing all the thinking.

PHEAVComrade Oum. According to Kreung tradition we are equals because the spirits reside in each and every one.

NAMBut Pheav! Oum is in command. The rest of us will work for the success of the Angkar's scie (sigh-hee) thinking. (Clapping.)HeheHehe.

RANTUI(Ignoring NAM.)Elder, Chief, priestess always worked like everyone else.

OUM(Signals NARIN to whack her.)You will be silent woman.

RANTUI(Without displaying her sarcasm.)It is true, Comrade Oum. I speak too much.

PHEAVBut it is our custom that women speak the same as men in our gatherings.

OUM(Signals NARIN who whacks PHEAV.)Silence!

PHEAVAnd women also sing our songs in the fields. Narrate our myths in the evening.

NAMFrom now on the spirits of the Khmer Loeu will work for the Angkar! HeheHehe.



The Khmer Loeu are no more. There are no forest spirits.

PHEAVThe spirits may be unseen, but they are every bit as real as all we can see.

RANTUI(Terrified.)And we must make sacrifice to thank them for all that we have, and all that we shall receive or we will die.

OUM(Shouts.)Silence woman. There will be no more sacrificial rituals. (Signals to Narin who whacks Rantui.)

NAM(Disappointed and in OUM's face.)No rituals. But how will we drink, laugh and make merry with our ancestors?

OUM(Exasperated.)Make merry? Fool. Humor is also prohibited.

NAMBut you bring such good news. Should we not smile and laugh? HeheHehe.

PAN(Eerie. Not himself.)Men play the gongs that charm the spirits.

PHEAVWe all dance together around the chimrung.

OUMThere will be no non-revolutionary entertainment. (Narin fires a shot through the roof.)

PAN(Bewildered.)But we must sing, dance, drink rice beer to thank our spirits for the dry harvest.

OUM(Signals Narin who whacks PAN. RANTUI is observing all this with terror in her face. OUM rattles out the mantra to all onstage.)


Comrade Number 1 has launched the "four Year plan" to produce three tons of rice per hectare, and tons of potatoes here in Ratanakiri. Our science and technology will build an agrarian utopia. (Almost shouting and raising his finger.)This is the Angkar way.

NAM(Twitching, he opens his arms wide, bows deep, and, and amazed, he speaks triumphantly like OUM.)See! HeheHehe. (He looks about at everyone, pointing with his finger.)From now on it is Comrade Oum, not the spirits that will give us soul power through the scie (sigh-hee) way.

OUMFor once you are right, fool.

PHEAVPotatoes? The forest is full of potatoes.

OUMNot the tons you will grow in fields for the Angkar.

PAN(In horror.) You must not cut down the sacred tall trees or clear the holy hills.

OUMOld man. You will be re-educated. (Signals NARIN who whacks Pan.)

PHEAV(Diverting attention away from Pan.)Who will produce these tons of rice throughout Cambodia?

OUMThe capitalist prostitutes have been driven out of Phnom Penh to work in the paddy fields. The monks are defrocked, and bend their backs like everyone else.

NAMHeheHehe. (Imitating a monk.)No more Khmer (Emphasizes Khmer, i.e. like OUM.)monks holding out the bowl. HeheHehe.


PHEAVWhat good is science if we have to bend our backs as always? (OUM signals NARIN who butts PHEAV, who falls to his knees.)

NAM(Steps in between PHEAV and NARIN, and drops to one knee.)Pheav! Sigh-hee will be our magical source of abundance. (Gets up, and faces OUM.)The spirits and ancestors will clap and cheer for your sigh-hee way. We'll play the gongs, sing our songs. (He bows the Khmer way, hands together in prayer form, and a slight bow of the head.)

OUMThere will be no gongs, no singing. And don’t give me that Buddhist bow. (Signals NARIN.)

PHEAV(Has gotten up and is calm.)I fought with Comrade Ya's communist army, and when Lon Nol was defeated, he supported our traditional ways. (NARIN holds up his bamboo and takes a step toward PHEAV.)

OUMNarin! (He stops NARIN who was about to strike PHEAV.)

PHEAVComrade Ya was happy to see us produce our harvests as ever before.

OUM(Looks at PHEAV suspiciously.)And who are you?

PHEAVMy name is Choung Pheav, the son of chief Pan.

OUMI heard of you. You’re a traitor! Abandoned our forces. (Signals NARIN, who butts PHEAV.)

PHEAVI am no traitor. After my elder brother Yorng was killed, Comrade Ya gave me permission to return home and help my parents.


RANTUI(Interrupting him sharply.)You two should never have disobeyed your parents and left the village.


OUMSilence woman. (Signals NARIN who whacks RANTUI. We hear some shots in the distance throughout the following tirade. Addresses everyone.)Comrade Ya was a traitor. Tortured by Comrade Duch in Toul Sleng prison, he admitted to being a Vietnamese spy and was shot.

PAN(Startled, shocked and bewildered.)Comrade Ya saved us. I do not understand.

OUMAll communist traitors are dead.

NAMSee. Comrade Oum is just like us. He is not a communist. He will not be shot.

OUM(Proudly.)We are the Khmer Rouge.

PHEAVI heard of you when I was in the forests up north.

OUMNow you will hear more of us. Foreign Russian and Vietnamese communism will be rooted out. This is a Khmer revolution.

NAM(Triumphantly.)We must be Khmer Rouge now!

PANBut we are Khmer Loeu. We have always been different. (Oum signals Narin, who whacks Pan.)



We are the Kreung among the mountain peoples. It was Sihanouk who named us Khmer Loeu, upland Khmer, but we are not Khmer. (NARIN fires a shot through the roof, everyone ducks down in terror.)

OUMStand up everyone. Sihanouk is under house arrest.

PAN (Eerie, as he begins to get disoriented.)The tall trees shed no tears in the dry season.

OUMIf you do anything in the Khmer Loeu way, anything that is not the Angkar way you will be re-educated.

NAMHeheHehe. Chief Pan. You said we are different. You will be uh..re-eded...whatever Comrade Oum said, and be the Angkar way.

OUM(Ignoring NAM. Looking at PHEAV and warning.)And another thing young man. Love huts for single girls will be torn down. There will be no more sex with single girls.

NAMI always said it. (Wise admonishing tone.)As well leave a man alone with a single girl, as a tiger in a forest full of deer.

OUMDisplays of affection will not be tolerated.

NAM(Amazed.)But what will we do at night?

OUM(Ignoring NAM.) Adultery is punishable by death.

NAM(Pointing a finger at them all.)I always said so.



Only the pure are qualified to build the revolution.

NAMPure as rice beer, that's what we must be.

OUMRice will be grown in paddy fields, the ancient Khmer way, but with new scientific methods.

RANTUI(Shocked, speaking to OUM.)But we grow the dry rice!

NAM(Butting in.)That makes pure rice beer. HeheHehe.

OUMPaddy fields produce much more rice that your chamkar. And will produce even more with our modern technologies.

NAMAnd our hard work.

RANTUI(Dismissing NAM.)The monsoon rains will be here soon. We've almost cleared the forest. Soon it will be time to plant the chamkar.

OUMSilence woman. Don’t you dare question the science of Comrade Number 1. (He signals to NARIN, who walks over to RANTUI and strikes her. PHEAV begins to move, but PAN holds up his hand. OUM continues.)Good! You now know rule of Number One. Absolute obedience. (He stares at PHEAV who does not lower his eyes.)

NAMSee. We are all equally obedient now.

PAN(Interrupting.)But how can we keep rice plants on our sloping hillsides during the rainy season?



Insolent Khmer Loeu. I will tell you how to do everything right. Our science can overcome every problem.

RANTUI(Sarcastically.)You will fail.

OUM(Signals NARIN to strike her, and shouts.)Silence woman.

PAN(Eerie.)The spirits will be angry. We will starve.

OUMFool. (Sharply since he fears re-education for failure.)I will manage every step of the scientific way in total obedience to Comrade Number One.

NAMSee, his obedience will be rewarded. With the scie way we will never be hungry again. (NAM dances up and down, grimacing and acting the fool.)Comrade Oum is now in charge.(He begins to bow.)Oops! (He stops the bow, and raises his head high sticking out his chest.)As you say, (Thumping his chest.)we are all equal, Comrade Oum.

OUMShut up. (Threatening all.)By cane and torture, re-education and death, you too will obey Number One. I shall succeed.

PHEAVThe forest will feed us if the rice fails.

OUM(Signals NARIN to whack PHEAV, and continues threateningly.)Taking fruits from the forest for your family is individualistic enterprise, to be punished by death.


PHEAV(Ironically.)Pan can bring the Kreung together and order (Emphasizes order.)everyone to work your way.

OUM(With a warning tone.)Any such gatherings of the Khmer Loeu are forbidden. I alone am in command. Anyone who does not obey the orders of Number One will be taken to the forest.

PAN(Incredulous.)But it is the spirits that always told us what we must do?

OUM(Signals NARIN. Continues sharply.)Silence. Spirits, ancestors, traditional ways are no more. (Pointing the stick at each one in turn.)You will all start preparing paddy fields for wet rice tomorrow. (OUM signals to NARIN, pointing to the chimrung DSR. NARIN turns over thechimrung violently. RANTUI gasps in horror. He points to the gongs. They are ripped off the wall. NAM stands in a bent pose with one hand held as if he had a gong, and the other hand is beating the gong. PAN is shocked. OUM points to the ornamental mats with symbolic designs that reflect their Kreung identity. NARIN in rips them off the wall. OUM points to the jars of rice beer. NARIN kicks them over.)

OUM(Shouts.)Am I dead? No! See! The spirits have nothing to say. (Pointing to all the things on the floor.)Get rid of this trash. Now. (OUM turns on his heels and storms out. NARIN follows, and fires shots along the crossover and down the ladder. Actors freeze in position.)

ANCESTOR KHAWN(In scoffing tone.)This stranger rides on raging windBelieving only what can be seenAn arrogant folly rules his mindSo it's impossible for him to gleanOr know what always matters mostSo off he goes to shout and boastAnd does not see the spirits prance


About his feet to play and dance.With cane in hand he beats his preyTo work in paddies they do not cherishThe shoots will die and friends perishThese fiends will fail in every way.

While terror reigns your pain will growI'll stand beside you all the timeWhat's done in secret he cannot knowWe'll play the flute and sing the rhyme

We shall forbear this ranterWho will not hear the banterNor see the nightly laughterThe Kreung today hereafter(Scoffing laughter to fade away. Actors unfreeze.)

NAM(NAM mimics OUM chest out, mouth twisted wide open, and speaking in a hissing whisper.)Now we're all equally insignificant like the spirits.

RANTUI(Shocked.)Don't you dare talk like that.

NAM(In character, mimics OUM.)You Rantui will obey from now, and you’ll hold your tongue too! Hehehehe.

PAN(Himself again, whispering.)Shhhhhhhsh Nam! He's gone. Stop playing the fool!

NAM(Himself.)I did everything but stand on my head.

PANWhen he burst in that door, I thought we were dead.

NAMI thought he'd believe we were all fools like himself. (Laughter all round, except for RANTUI.)


PHEAVI thought I'd never laugh again.

RANTUI(Sharply.)Laugh? Laugh? What are we going to do?

NAM(NAM twisting and turning in a meaningless crazy way and waving his arms every which way, shaking and bobbing his head, CSR.)What are we going to do? Hehehee. What we have to do! Heheheheee.

PAN(Himself.)Nam. Stop with these antics.

NAM(Himself.)It's alright Pan. We all must resist oppression, and each in their own way. We cannot allow fear to get inside us.

PHEAVThat's important. We must seem to obey, but we can show a little spine.

NAM(In character.) Me? Spine? (Walking like a bent old man with a stick, and looking miserable.)Me spine is bent.

PHEAV(Laughs.)Thanks Nam. You shore up our soul power.

PANWe have no weapons.

PHEAVWe have the spirits and ancestors on our side.

RANTUI(In a cutting tone.)Pheav! You and Yorng disobeyed your parents and joined the communists to fight Lon Nol. You abandoned the Khmer Loeu way. And now looks what's happening.


PANRantui! Please. There is enough fighting outside. Dissension in our hut will drive out our spirits.

PHEAVOur traditions call for unity among ourselves and the spirits. That's the Khmer Loeu way.

RANTUI(Looking at PHEAV.)Unity! You broke the very unity you now want to establish, and without the protection of the spirits my lovely Yorng was killed.

PANPheav sacrificed a water buffalo when he came home to pay the penalty demanded by the spirits, and re- establish harmony. That too is the Khmer Loeu way.

NAM(Himself.)Rantui, you judge your son too harshly. Please. He will marry my niece Salorn. She will be fruitful and produce many grandchildren.

PANCome. Let there be peace between us, the spirits and our ancestors. (The village grows silent, and lights on stage begin to fade. PAN turns off the lamp. NAM places a hand on PHEAV's shoulder and goes out the door. PAN, PHEAV and RANTUI go to the chimrung, stand it up, and put the food back on the altar. PHEAV and RANTUI get on their knees, and put their arms around the chimrung. PAN, standing behind the chimrung facing the audience stretches out his arms and raises them up slowly, and with hands together in prayer, silently begs forgiveness of the spirits and the ancestors, and pleads for their help. When the lights on the stage are fully turned off, the stars and a half moon can be seen above the outline of trees through the front door and window upstage.)

PHEAV(Whispering.)Mother Rantui! Together we will survive.

RANTUI(Hissing.)You should never have left the village.

PANRantui! Let your bitterness go.



(To PHEAV.)You brought this tyrant to our village. He will destroy the Khmer Loeu.

PHEAVOur priestess, Yé Arak, she will show us how to keep unity with the spirits that live in our home, in our village, in our fields.

RANTUI(Bitterly.)Dreams. Dreams.

NAMSister Arak will dream, and the spirits will show us how to practice our traditions in secret ways.

PANLet us be silent. Shiiiiiish. Let's listen for their word.

PHEAVThey are neither seen nor heard, but speak through the song of a bird, a stick in the field, the wind in the trees, raindrops falling into puddles, the fish jumping in the river.

NAM(Himself.)In strange and unusual events.

PANAnd when we dream.





Scene 2

SETTING: In Pan's hut.

It is January 1977 after the first harvest season under the Khmer Rouge. It is dusk and the family is coming back from the fields. All the traditional items are gone from the

walls, but some are hidden under the bunks etc.. The chimrung remains DSR.

(Exhausted, PAN staggers in and goes to his bunk USL coughing. He is clearly ill, and has a vacant stare. RANTUI follows him in, goes to the fire USR, takes the lid off the pot, and looks inside. PHEAV follows her with a hatchet hanging from his shoulder, and hangs up the hatchet and goes to his bunk USL. Yé Arak their priestess, neighbor, and NAMs sister in law enters while RANTUI is speaking. Yé has a hatchet hanging from her shoulder and carries a bowl of herbs. She goes to DSR, sprinkles some herbs around the chimrung, and places the bowl in front of the chimrung. RANTUI looks around at them one by one as she speaks.)

RANTUIThe Rum family were taken away last night.

PHEAVThey were good people. Like many others they openly defied Comrade Oum.

YÉThe smell of death surrounds the Khmer Loeu. Thousands died for no reason at all. (Shots and shouting are heard in the village.)

PHEAVWe must find a way to remain strong.

RANTUIThe rice harvest has yielded little.

YÉ'Tis as if the locusts swarmed over the land.

PHEAVThe potatoes were better.

RANTUIPriestess Yé. We are starving.

YÉSo too are the scrawny pigs, hens and dogs in our village.


PHEAV(Eerie.)The creatures in the forest enjoy abundance with the spirits, but we have scraps and watery rice soup.

RANTUIThe little we harvested was taken away to feed we don't know who.

YÉWe slave like the water buffalo.

PHEAVWith the cane on our backs.

YÉThe elderly are dying off.

PAN(Staring across the hut, not addressing anyone.)Heard a hungry boar growl.

PHEAVFather Pan.

RANTUIYé Arak. Priestess. Have you had any sign?

YÉChickens and pigs are counted every day. Blood sacrifices to the spirits cannot be made without domesticated animals. How can we maintain unity with our spirits and ancestors?

PHEAVThe only blood being spilled these days is that of the Khmer Loeu.

PAN(Eerie, not himself.)Heard a disobedient woman howl.

PHEAVFather Pan, you are not yourself anymore.

RANTUIIs there no hope?


YÉWith no sacrifices it is more and more difficult to dream and hear the spirits. But yes, there is hope! Last night I had a dream. Walking though a dense forest I came to a cliff. On the other side of the giant chasm our ancestors were dancing, birds flew about them, the deer watched as they sacrificed a cow. They began to eat. Then an ugly owl came and invited me to climb into its stinking stomach. I was full of fear, but went in and we took off over the valley.

RANTUIAnd did you sit down to eat with our ancestors?

YÉI remember landing in their midst. I did not feel the hunger anymore. Then I heard a woman's voice. She told me to offer forest food to the spirits, this is how we can survive.

PHEAVOffer forest food to the spirits? Yes. Of course. We must change in the short run. But at night. We have to appear to live the way of the Angkar.

PANNothing is as it was.(All actors freeze.)

ANCESTOR KHAWN (KHAWN speaks at first in eerie tone as if he were crazy Pan.)Forever the river Chum has flownAway from the rising sun at dawnBut why, asks Pan, are catfish barbThe otter python eel and carbSwimming toward the setting sunNo more by poison dazed or stun.

A wise old man he saw the heartlessAlarming touch of heedless careless Utopian reason that rules this spiritlessSickening murderous world of subjectsCoerced into failed collective projects.So Khawn did spare Pan's ancient wisdomThe sight of this delusional vision.

Though banned we'll stand secure beside Our people with creative rituals I'll guide To harden your resolve and fly abreastLike eagles returning to a mountain nest(All actors unfreeze.)


RANTUI(Lamenting.)Pan may not be himself, but he is right. Nothing is as it was.(Sneering.)Comrade Oum, Friend Rantui! Friend Yé Arak. That’s how we must speak from now on.

YÉThis new language of utopia will blind us to the truth. But only if we let it.

PHEAVIf that’s the way we must speak to survive, then let's do it. It is the way of the ugly owl.

RANTUISurvive. Survive. With nothing in the pot? With our neighbors caned and shot every day?

YÉThe owl and the ancestors have shown us the way. We'll live the truths of our ancient life in new ways.

PANSoftly stir the rice soup.


PHEAV(Turning to Yé Arak.)Friend Yé Arak. Pray with me.

YÉAs always.

RANTUI(Fearful.)What are you going to do?

PHEAVI must go to the forest and bring back the wild fruits of the spirits. The spirits have said so.

YÉBut it is dark.


PHEAVThat will be my cover.

YÉThe ugly owl will show you the way.

PHEAVThere is a grove near the sacred waterfall. Wild vegetables, potatoes, fruits, nuts of all kinds.

YÉ(Triumphantly.)We can eat and sacrifice to the spirits.

RANTUI(Sharply in rebuke.)Oum calls that private enterprise. They will kill us all, like they did Tep Seng and his family. Pheav! Do not disobey me again.

PAN(Dejected, he continues to stare across the hut.)Slaughter, slaughter everywhere. (Pan begins to wander aimlessly about the stage.)The rat ate the chicks. The cat ate the rat. The dog killed the cat. The boar killed the dog. The tiger ate the boar.

YÉRantui, you said we starve. Pheav must go if we are to live, and sacrifice to the spirits.

PHEAVI can slip out though an opening in the bamboo.

RANTUIThe pigs will grunt and squeal. The dogs will bark. The hens will squawk. Don't you dare go.

PHEAVI can get by them.

YÉLast week in a dream I saw a fish jump in the pond to swallow a fly. That is the way of the sacred forest.



(Smiling.)Soon we can make sacrifice to the spirits, place food on the chimrung altar (Points to the chimrung DSR.)and eat our fill.

YÉThe abundance of the forest will compensate for the failure of our harvests.

RANTUIBut can't we find a safer way to maintain unity with the spirits?

YÉI have been told. This we must do.

PHEAVOtherwise we will lose soul power and become weak like children.

YÉThis terror will end, but throughout it all we can remain the Kreung of Ratanakiri.

PHEAVExactly. That was the message of the owl. In extra-ordinary times, we must do extra-ordinary things to be ourselves.

PANNothing is as it was.

YÉYes Pheav. The Khmer Rouge will not capture our soul-power. We will act to celebrate with the ancestral spirits, and this pledge I guarantee with my blood. (Taking her hatchet off her shoulder, she raises both arms above her head and walks toward the chimrung. Standing with her back hiding the right side of the chimrung from the audience, she puts her right index finger on the altar, and with her left hand brings the hatchet down cutting half the finger off. When she stands back the half-finger is visible on the chimrung. Yé lets her blood spill from the finger walking around the chimrung. PHEAV rushes to her side having taken a burning stick from the fire. They are on either side of the chimrung, YÉ ARAK L and PHEAV R. PHEAV takes her wounded hand in his and puts the stick to the wound. YÉ ARAK does not flinch.)

PHEAVÁrak you are truly our priestess.

PAN(USL is looking at YÉ's back. It's as if he had recovered his old self for a moment, but is horrified.)


Yé, my friend. Your sacrifice is not our tradition. This is most unusual. It means the past is truly past.

YÉNo Pan. We will invoke the spirits, even if this be a new way in a time of terror.

RANTUIIn the past it was the blood of a sacrificed pig or chicken that we sprinkled around the chimrung.

YÉSo now let my blood take its place. (YÉ points to the altar on the chimrung, and then raises her hands to the heavens holding up the finger in the air.)Take this finger o spirits for we can no longer sing our songs of praise, play our traditional music on the flute, harp and gongs.

PHEAVYé your sacrifice is too great, but now the spirits and ancestors know that we are truly one with them.

PAN(In a daze.)The spirits will be happy now.(All actors freeze.)

ANCESTOR KHAWN(KHAWN speaks merrily.)Together we are forever boundBy curling waters winding roundThese holy hills and by the soundOf sacrifice bled in to the groundWith songs and gongs and merry glanceOh Spirits hold us deep in tranceTo revel with you and so perchanceBring all together in a dance That conquers bitter brutal absurdityWithstands the stranger's heartless crueltyHas Spirits the living and dead in unityTo overcome our every insecurity.(All actors unfreeze.)

YÉ(Raising her eyes toward the spirits.)


Even though Comrade Oum has ordered me to bury the magic stick that I use to ward off evil spirits, the finger I have sacrificed in your honor oh spirits will be my spiritual wand. (Pointing with the finger stump.)Go with Pheav to the forest. Go Pheav! (RANTUI turns off the torch and sits on her hunkers to the left of the fire. YÉ stays by the chimrung. PHEAV takes a basket which has been hanging over the bunk, crawls out the secret exit in the wall. PAN stares after him. Clearly he is now in a state of deep shock as he wanders DSL.)

PANIt is time to go to work. Comrade Oum will be angry. He will kill even more Kreung. Hurry.

RANTUIPan. Pan. Pan.(She whispers this last time.)Pan, it is time to go to bed. Yé. Please help him. I fear his soul power is being captured by an evil spirit.

YÉ(She goes to PAN and stands beside him with her hand on his right shoulder. PAN continues to stare out at the audience.) Pan! Can you hear me?

PAN(Slowly in a solemn voice.)The spirits said we were not to sacrifice creatures of the wild, only animals reared in the village.

YÉThe owl took me to the ancestor's holy hill, and I was told what to do.

PANPheav! Come back. Do not kill the wild black hen. Let it fly off into the sacred tall trees.

RANTUIPan. What is happening?

PAN(CS PAN stares at the finger on the altar.)Now it is the spirit of Comrade Oum that protects us.

YÉ(YÉ turns PAN around to face her, and leads him to the chimrung.)Pan, your manner is most unusual, but I believe it is a good sign.


RANTUIGood sign? Good sign? How can that be?

YÉThe good spirits have captured his soul to protect him. Like crazy Nam, he will confuse Comrade Oum. (NAM comes on stage. He looks about him, and realizes Pheav is not in the room.)

NAM(Himself.)Pheav? Where is he? Wait. Don't tell me he's gone to the forest. (Triumphantly.)I knew it. We will not starve.

YÉAnd we will have food to sacrifice to the spirits.

RANTUI(Angrily.)Shhhhhhhhhish. Stop talking, all of you.

NAM(Looking at the altar he sees the finger. Speaks in a normal voice.)Yé Arak. Without that finger, Oum will say you cannot work in the fields. You have signed off on death.

YÉShould that happen Nam, you will look after my daughter Salorn. She loves Pheav, and he her, though Oum forbids them to be together. I beg you.

PANComrade Oum is now our chief. A chief must not act superior. If not, our tradition demands he be killed. (PAN moves DSR to chimrung.)

RANTUIYéeee! You might be heard.

NAMPan! Do not speak of our ancient ways. Yé Arak…. (Stops short on seeing Comrade OUM pass the window. NARIN fires two shots in the air. OUM bursts into the hut, arrogantly waving his short bamboo, followed by NARIN with a long cane in his right hand, and an AK 47 in his left.)


OUMIs this a meeting? I said no gatherings. (Looking at YÉ.)What are you doing here?

YÉI came to give Pan some traditional medicines. (She picks up a bowl from beside the chimrung and shows it to OUM.)

OUMTraditional medicines? (He signals NARIN who whacks her.)The Angkar must be purified of your faith in things past. You will be re-educated and show repentance.

PAN(Speaking to no one.)A chief must not think he is superior.

OUM(He points to PAN.)Now what’s wrong with Pan?

RANTUI(Bitterly.)He is going crazy because of your madness.

OUM(Signals NARIN to hit her.)Keep your tongue to yourself woman. If I didn’t need every hand in the field…(Pause.)You will be reformed through extra labor.

PAN(Eerily.)Comrade Oum grew the rice shoots. Comrade Oum organized the transplanting to the paddy fields. Commune leader Oum has shot the disobedient. He has caned the shirkers. This is the right way. In a few months our bellies will be full. The sparrows will sing once more. The piglets will chase one another.

NAMPan is right, even though he be crazy. HeHeHehehe.

OUMWhat is going on? Am I the only sane person around here?


RANTUI(Sarcastically.)Our whole world is insane. You have killed half the workforce. The dibbled rice shoots went floating down the hillsides, or rotted in the paddy fields you prepared ever so scientifically.

OUMWoman. I know what I'm doing. (Signals NARIN who whacks RANTUI, and turns on YÉ.)Yé Arak! This rebellion is your doing. (Looking about suspiciously.)Where is Pheav?

NAMHe is at my house (He dances like a fool.)With Yé Arak’s daughter, my lovely niece.

OUMI told him not to be with her. Sex between people not married is punishable by death.

NAMSex? Sex? Sex on an empty stomach? (He looks about him in a crazy manner.)Hehehehe!

OUMOnly the pure can make the revolution.

NAM(Now hilarious.)Sex. Sex, Comrade Oum. I have not heard those wild screams in years! I am pure. Hehehehe!

YÉYou know Comrade Oum, Pheav and Salorn are but friends. Not lovers. Nam was with them all the time. He came in here just now before you.

OUMIf you are lying, I will have the girl flogged naked at the chimrung, and eat her liver before she dies.

YÉ(Horrified, her hand to her face.)



OUM(Again looking about suspiciously, sees her finger. Startled and afraid, he asks:)What did you do to your finger? (He looks to the altar.)More witchcraft to make my crops fail?

NAM(In character speaking to all.)Crops fail? Because of a silly ritual? No one can doubt Comrade Oum's scie method. It is all powerful.

OUM(Viciously.)Yé Arak. You want to humble me in the eyes of Comrade Number One with your spirit doings. (He points to the chimrung, and NARIN knocks it over.)

NAM(Getting between OUM and YÉ.)You are our master and most scie leader, Comrade Oum. (He bows.)You are the giant in our village. Yé Arak is but our tiny sister. Her finger has no power.

OUM(Fearful.)What other kinds of spirit doings are going on? I will be disgraced because of you all. (OUM looks about him angrily. )

YÉWhat do you mean disgraced.

OUM(Enraged.)You have been trying to make the spirits angry with that finger.

NAMThe spirits may be angry with us for not living the ancient ways, but not with you. But what about Number One?

OUM(Taken aback.)He is our father and mother.


NAM(Leaning backwards.)You may have to be re-edded by father and mother. HeheHehe.


OUM(Affected by the thought of being re-educated, speaks with suspicion and fear to YÉ.)Has Pheav gone to La Ork village to betray me to my superior Comrade Sokha?

YÉ(She sees his fear, and seeking to assure him, speaks in a very friendly manner.)You know very well he admires you. There is nothing he could say that might harm you in the eyes of Comrade Sokha. You have done all that is right in the eyes of Number One.

OUM(Looks about him, scared.)I have followed Number One's every command.

NAMThen it is he who will be re-edded.

OUM(In a rage.)Stop this talk, you fool.

PHEAV(PHEAV is seen passing the window and enters through the door.)What’s the problem here?

OUMWhat have you been doing? Did you have sex tonight? Did you go to Commune Leader Cheang Sokha?

PAN(Slow, staring into the dark so to speak, he wanders about the stage.)Our ancient caves have collapsed. Our rivers are flowing backwards. The rains are going up into the clouds. The heavy skies are falling to the ground. The tall trees have crashed to earth. Elephants no longer roar. Buffalo speak. Tigers cow down before us. The fish walk. Birds swim. The wild black hen is seen no more. (He sits on bunk USL.)



See! He, he, hee, hee! Everything is topsy turvey, turvey topsy. Nothing is as it was or was what it is. Maybe we’re all crazy. HeheheHehe.

PHEAV(Speaking very calmly and deliberately, with the faintest hint of a threat.)Comrade Oum. It is our duty to work the fields for you.

OUM(Viciously.)That is the only reason you are alive.

PHEAV(Continues assertively.)You have killed too many. But since I am now chief, I will make sure your next harvest is a great success.

OUM(Looking threateningly into PHEAV's eyes.)You have failed this first harvest. Comrade Number One said that to keep you is no gain.

NAM(Standing between OUM and PHEAV. To break up the potential for danger speaks in PHEAV's face.)And to lose you is no loss. HeheHeheHehe.

PHEAV(Ignoring NAM.)Comrade Oum, you need us all. You cannot afford to lose even one more worker.

OUMAlright then. But Yé, I’ll cut your rations for this sorcery.

PHEAVIf you weaken us all, kill all those you do not like, your harvest will surely fail.

OUM(OUM shows some fear, but then snaps out of it to attack.)Pan cannot work, so he cannot eat.

YÉHe is but an old man.

OUMAs Nam just said, to lose him is no loss.


PHEAVBut he is the most respected person among the Kreung.

OUM(Signals NARIN to whack PHEAV, and shouts.)I am the Commune leader.

NAMSee, Comrade Oum is most respectable one. HeheHehe.

OUM(Eying them all suspiciously and exasperated, says:)This hut is full of conspirators.

YÉComrade Oum, our families and their ancestors have been friends for centuries.

OUM(Threatens with his short stick.)I’ll be watching you all the time. (And quips.)No more talk of ancestors. And keep that finger to yourself. (He marches out with NARIN who fires two shots into the air when passing the window. PHEAV goes to the window and watches them go down the ladder. He then turns back toward the others.)

PHEAVWe must be careful.

RANTUICareful. Careful. He's on to us. We'll be murdered for this conspiracy.

YÉIt is only a conspiracy for the survival of our soul power. We have no weapons.

NAM(Himself.)I think we have hit the right tone with him. Not openly defiant, but also not totally submissive.

YÉWe are not alone in this. The spirits have assured us.



You are now the only priestess still alive among the Kreung. We must begin to tell people about the owl and your sacrifice.

RANTUI(Terrified.)That is far too dangerous.

PHEAVNot if we select people with great care. The real problem is that Oum knows nothing of what we really think, but that means he can imagine anything.

NAM(Himself.)He is afraid, and fear robs a man of his reason.

YÉWhen you startle a sleeping snake it makes him dangerous.

PHEAVFear makes a dog snarl.

NAMA tiger growl.

RANTUIWe must wear a mask at all times.

YÉ(Smiling, she bows.)With many displays of submission to sooth his pride.

NAMPlay the chattering fool like me. HeheHehe.

PHEAVEnough. The forest food. It’s under the hut.

NAM(Himself.)I’ll get it. (He goes out the same way as PHEAV did, and climbs back in almost immediately.)

PHEAV(On seeing YÉ about to leave.)No, Yé. Stay and eat with us, and I will give you food for Salorn.


YÉ(Embraces PHEAV.)Pheav my friend.

RANTUI(Bitter.)Oum said Pan was to get no ration.

PHEAVWe’ll all share in giving him a little to eat. (He sits down beside PAN on the bunk USL.)Father Pan! Father Pan! Don’t be confused. We know who we are. The Kreung of the Khmer Loeu. We’ll be forever with our ancestral spirits in the forest.

PAN(PAN gets up and wanders about, and then stops up facing the audience. In plaintiff tone.)The soul power of the Khmer Loeu is ever more diminished. We are dying. The spirits are dying. (PHEAV who has gotten up, puts an arm around his father’s shoulder and leads him back to the bunk USL. NAM brings in bananas, sweet potato, peanuts, cashew nuts etc.. YÉ stands up the chimrung. The whole group gathers the chimrung on their hunkers. They raise the bits of food to the spirits, put a token bit on the altar, and gobble down the rest. In a gesture of solidarity they put food in one another's mouth every so often. PAN stands up. He does not look at the group, but stares DSR at the chimrung. The stage slowly goes dark.)





Scene 1

SETTING: In Pan's hut.

It is late afternoon, one year later at the end of the second harvest season managed by Comrade OUM. The Khmer Loeu see little of it due to orders from Comrade Number 1.

Moreover everyone now realizes that it is OUM’s incompetence that has resulted in a harvest well short of the designated target. The sun is setting behind the hut in early

February's dry season, the first month of the Khmer Loeu year. 'Tis the time for sacrificing, feasting and drinking with the spirits, but they have nothing to sacrifice, no

rice beer to celebrate.

(PAN is sitting on the bed USL.)

PAN(Looking at his empty bowl.)'Tis the most you’ll get. In the past we were never hungry. Don’t open your mouth. Silence. (Raising his right hand above his eyebrow as if looking into the sun as he stares across the room at the window USR.)The spirits were everywhere, in everything and in every Khmer Loeu. Now they are no more. (RANTUI, YÉ and NAM enter in the middle of this soliloquy. They stare at PAN for a moment. They are exhausted, and hunker down around the fireplace, NAM behind the fire, RANTUI L, YÉ R. PAN continues...)But Comrade OUM has saved us. ‘Tis the end of harvest season. Rice, animals, fruits in abundance. 'Tis the first month of the year. A time to celebrate the generosity of the spirits. Let’s strengthen our soul power that this abundance may be renewed in the year to come. ‘Tis time to beat the gongs. To play the flute. To stroke the harp. Open the jars of rice beer. Let’s all carouse. (Pointing to the chimrung altar. )Time for sacrifice. Tie the pig to the chimrung. He dies, we eat, we live. There is life in death. Come. (Waving his hand in welcome to the three.)Come all. Let’s be joyful with our ancestors. (All actors freeze.)

ANCESTOR KHAWN(KHAWN speaks in scoffing tone.)Oh Pan you say this Oum has broughtAbundance like the spirits of yoreBut you are not yourself since thought


Now rambles on without its coreFrom watching planting that is absurdYet carried on so undeterred

Oum pays no heed to ancient wisdomThat spreads like moss in ages grownThrough spores on wiry stems with leavesSo green in shady forest groves.Hence famine reigns among my peopleThe rice-shoots rotted in watery groundThey have no rice which is their stapleBut wait here's how we'll all rebound

I'll tell Ye Árak in a dreamOf novel rituals to please the spiritsThat bolster us to resist Oum's scheme Help keep us strong in stressful straitsTo bide our time until he goesFor as this Angkor harvest showsTheir reason stumbles as it goesThey fail in all that they propose(Pause and then fading away scoffing tone.)Just you wait and seeeeeee...(All actors unfreeze.)

RANTUI(Ignoring PAN. She is both angry and fearful.)Pheav is gone three days now.

NAM(Himself.)I hope he was not taken to the forest.

YÉ(Terrified, but hopefully.)A friend said he's still at the re-education center.

NAMNo matter how terrible that may be, Yé, it's better than being shot.

RANTUIHe’ll never be seen again.


(Hopefully.)Many of the taken come back alive these days.

NAMSo many were killed the first year they don't have enough people to do the work.

RANTUILet's wait for him then, though I can't help thinking...

PAN(PAN is now staring across the room DSR.)Old ways are not dead. Soon I'll join the ancestors to live in union with the land of the Kreung.

RANTUI(Angrily.)The ancient way is not much help to Pheav now.

YÉ(Rebuking.)Rantui! That is not so.

RANTUIHow will it help?

YÉ(Holding up her finger stump.)The spirits and ancestors strengthen his soul power and ours.

NAM(In character.)We don't look so good. HeheHehe.

PANLet's drink ‘till drunk. Let the spirits occupy us.

YÉPoor Pan. He is no longer himself.

NAM(In character.)Neither are we. HeheHehe



He will never be himself again.

YÉHe was always wise.

RANTUINow he is crazy.

NAM(In character.)So are we. HeheHehe

YÉHe embraced our ancient ways at all times.

PANBorn weak in soul power, I grew in strength as I embraced the Kreung traditions.

RANTUIGrow in strength? Comrade Oum makes us live and work in foreign ways.

YÉRantui! We are doing everything possible to retain the blessings of the ancestors. (Holding up her finger stump.)They still reside among us. Put your trust in the spirits.

RANTUIBut here? Right now, Oum prevails.

YÉTrue Rantui. So many dead.

RANTUIAnd what is left of the Khmer Loeu way?

YÉWhen we speak words that are not those of Oum's revolution.

NAMWhen we are not being watched. That's when.

YÉWhen we walk with the spirits in our dreams.



(Sarcastically.)Dream away in the past, but we must live right here.

YÉThe eyes of the Khmer Loeu can see the evil in Comrade Oum's utopia.

NAMWe always celebrated the spirits.

YÉMarking each step in our lives with joyful offerings.

NAMFinding union with our ancestors in death.

YÉWe never before imagined an alternative way of life.

NAMOr that things might one day be different.

YÉWe had no need to.

RANTUI(Sarcastically.)But here and now? The blood of the Kreung flows like a stream through our lands.

PAN(Eerie.)The powerful Chendu spirit is coming down from the mountain to destroy all who abandoned old traditions.

NAM(Himself.)Look how Pan walks safely in his dream.

YÉAt least he didn’t have to harvest the "crops".

RANTUI(Bitterly.)What crops? Once again the harvest did not meet the goals set by Number One. Oum was so sure of his sigh- hee methods!


YÉLike last year, they took away most of the rice and potatoes we produced.


(In character, playing Oum, severe.)You'll all think better on an empty stomach. HeheHehe.

PAN(In a dreamy voice.)He who knows what he knows must be even more enlightened. So said the red bird.

NAM(In character. With a stern face.)Pan longs for the past. He will be given an Angkar "invitation". HeheheheHehe.

YÉNam! You go too far.

PANThe pigs and chickens are fat. Get them ready for sacrifice.(PHEAV enters. He is exhausted, but shows no fear despite the obvious marks on his face, chest and back from whippings with a bamboo. He embraces RANTUI who has stood up. They hug. Rantui sobs.)

PHEAVI am alright Mother.

NAMPa Long Vin was in re-education. Told me all about it. Now they think they have broken your soul power with their sigh-hee method.

PHEAVYes. Some of the others were tortured, forced to dig a hole in the ground, and buried alive.

YÉHow did you survive?

PHEAVThe spirits were with me throughout it all. I am all the stronger for their cruelty. (Smiling, continues.)And I kept my mouth shut as much as possible. (PHEAV goes to PAN, sits down beside him, and embraces the old man.)


PANPheav my son. (Smiling.)Welcome. So once again you brought home a wild black hen from the hunt? (PHEAV stands up and crosses over to DSR.)

PHEAV(Smiling.)Yes father. Mother Rantui will cook it later.

NAM(In character playing OUM.)Are you re-educated Pheav? Hehe heheHehe.

PHEAV(Smiling.)Yes, comrade Oum.

NAM(In character throughout this exchange.)Will the Angkar forgive you and wipe the slate clean? Hehe heheHehe.

PHEAVYes, Comrade Oum.

NAMDid you admit to failure in the rice paddy and potato fields? Hehe heheHehe!

YÉNam! Can't you see he is in pain?

PHEAVIt's alright Yé. Laughter is good. Yes Nam. I am forging a new revolutionary character.

NAM(Imitating OUM, pointing with his finger.)Now tell me the truth. Are you just faking?

PHEAVComrade Oum, I have cut out my heart. Know no feelings. No pity. Only cruelty.

NAMWould you kill Pan for the Angkar?



I am an instrument of the Angkar. Reformed through labor.

NAM(Imitating OUM.)Yé Arak, you will repent stealing that potato. Admit your guilt or you will be smashed. HeheheheHehe.

YÉ(Smiling.)Yes Comrade Oum! Yéee. Your sigh-hee is all powerful.

RANTUI(Joining in the fun for the first time, and laughing.)Your thinking is rational, ration or whatever.

NAMSee, you are laughing Rantui. Humor is forbidden.

PHEAVBut we have reason to rejoice. I am re-educated.

NAMYou have become rational, like Comrade Number 1.

RANTUIYes Comrade Oum. I too am rationed.

NAMYou've all given up your primitive superstitions.

PHEAVOur traditions blinded us to your rational wisdom.

YÉThey make us see your abundance as deprivation.

RANTUIYour magnificence as squalor.

PHEAVYour leadership as a failure.

RANTUIYour instruction as punishment.


PHEAVBut now we know you're the all knowing one.

NAM(Holding up a finger to emphasize it.)I have taken you on the right path.

YÉTradition says the wrong way is the right way.

RANTUIAnd the right way is the wrong way.

NAMNow Pheav. You have been re-educated. Tell me. What did Yé Arak do?

PHEAVShe stole a potato.

NAMYou do well to rat her out. (Stern, but with absolute amazement, incredulity.)But why do that? Does she not command your respect? Is she not your priestess? (Trying to get Pheav to show his traditional belief.)

PHEAVOh no Comrade Oum. We no longer have priests. I ratted her out because she was hungry and broke the rule.

NAM(Outraged.)No one is hungry in our socialist utopia. Repent of this lie.

PAN(Carrying a split bamboo rice bowl to NAM.)Come fill the bowl. Would that the harvest were more plentiful.

NAM(In character to PAN.)Fool. Of course the harvest has been plentiful.

YÉ(Laughing.)You ratted out on me Pheav. I’ll be disappeared. And for a potato!


NAMQuiet woman. Pan. Repent. Everyone has a full stomach thanks to scientific farming.


PHEAV(Bowing.)Oh great Oum. We’re all too full to eat anymore.

NAMI said no bowing. (Pretends to whack him with a cane.)We are all equal. See. (Pointing to PAN's bowl.)See. His bowl is empty. He has had his fill.

RANTUI(Laughing.)Comrade Oum. It is our joy to laugh on an empty stomach. To celebrate abundance sober. To sacrifice a domestic cockroach. That is the new scie way of the Khmer Loeu.

NAM(Stern rebuke.)Laughing again. Hunker down everyone.

PHEAVWe all need more re-education.

NAMDown with you all. You too Pan. (They all sit down in a semi-circle center stage. NAM stands behind them. PHEAV turns around to look at him. NAM pretends to cane his head, and continues...)Don’t you dare look at me. Any of you! Yé. You committed economic sabotage, stealing a potato from the collective.

YÉWe’ll I did, and I did not Comrade.

NAM(Gives YÉ a pretend blow to the shoulder.) Your petit bourgeois indecisiveness is unacceptable.

RANTUIPetty boor...?


NAMYou are always "on the one hand" and "on the other hand", all the way down to "on this little finger, and on the other little finger".

YÉComrade Oum. Who worked hard to produce the potato?

NAMYou did.

YÉThen who owns the potato?

NAM(Pretend shouting.)Own? Own?

YÉ(Butts in.)So how could I steal a potato from myself?

NAMOwn? You own a potato?

YÉAnd if there is no ownership any more, how could I be said to steal?

NAM(Pretending to hit her.)Woman. You will rid yourself of all vestiges of capitalism.

RANTUICapit! What’s capit?

YÉ(Trying to hold back the laughter.)Who is, are capits?

NAM(Proudly, trying to recover from the hits.)The Angkar will steer us.

PHEAVFrom this time forward the transformation must be total.



NAMWe live in an agrarian utopia.

YÉDo we have utopia already or will it be in the future?

NAMOf course we do. Can't you see it all around you?

RANTUISee Comrade Oum is right. The pigs and chickens are fat as Pan said.

NAMBut Pan is crazy.

RANTUIYou mean we see utopia in the rice paddies?

NAMWhat are you all talking about?

RANTUIBut where are we to look if not at rice paddies, pigs and chickens? Is utopia like the spirits? Everywhere but seen nowhere?

NAM(Enraged pointing to and tapping his head.) Here. Here. I am enlightened. You are enlightened.

RANTUIDoes enlighten utopi mean we starve Comrade Oum?

NAM("Strikes" her on the back with the cane.)We now know the teachings of Comrade Number One. You are no longer irrational as in the past.

YÉOh. I can seeeeee, even though I be irrational.(All actors freeze.)

ANCESTOR KHAWN (KHAWN in joking tone.)


You laugh though here in dire distressReviving soul-power by making merry'Tis time that rice-beer cheer and blessUnburden all of pain they carry(Now turning into satire.)You know we're creating a socialist utopiaBy using rational scie (sigh-hee) planningTo fill your stomachs without myopiaAnd have a land evermore enchantingShhhhhhhhh (Lowering tone initially.)This harvest makes the Angkar angryFor now moreover my troops go hungry(Back to normal voice.)So let me here make this suggestionThat will for certain ensure ingestion'Till now we kill rebellious KreungThen throw their bodies in the fieldBut think my friends an arm a tongueA liver or buttock will always yieldEnough to feed you all when boiledAnd keep the soldiers forever oiledTo charm your spirits and raise a cheerMake timely sacrifice primed with beerFor sure we'll share so much abundanceWith tasty corpses in attendanceGive Oum a little to please the AngkarReveal his revolutionary characterShow cruelty without concern or pityAnd never stand before sub-committeeNor be obliged to endure re-educationIndomitable tall maintain his stationWith stomach full like Number OneJust see how much we care for OumShhhhhhhhhhhhAlong comes Oum to end our funFor in utopia laughter is undone.(All actors unfreeze. NAM is about to speak, but OUM is seen and heard stomping past the window. He marches through the door, NARIN behind him.)

OUM(Loudly.)What’s going on here? (He stands USR.)


RANTUIWe’re finishing our dinner. Look, Pan’s rice bowl is empty.

NAM(In character.)'Till now our bowls were full. But now they are all empty. We make merry and laugh. HeheHehe.

OUMRepent this joyfulness. (He points to NARIN who whacks NAM with his bamboo.)

PHEAVThe potato crop has been a great success.

OUM(Suspicious.)What do you mean? What are you suggesting?

PHEAVWe are happy with the Angkar's utopia.

OUMThe rice will be better next year. This time you will obey every command of Number One.

NAM(In character.)Ahhh. Progress. That's the word. HeheheHehe.

PHEAVWe exist only for the happiness of the revolution.

OUM(Warning him.)What is it with you people? Do you mock me? Pheav, you have been re-educated. Are you not smashed? (Points to Narin who whacks Pheav.)

PHEAVMy character is transformed.

PAN(Lost.)What's all this talk of progress, change? We live the eternal cycles that shape our lives.


OUM(Ignoring PAN speaks to PHEAV.)Transformed, you say Pheav. But I sense you are not yet pure.

PHEAVI have learned the obedience of the Khmer Rouge.

OUMMaybe I need to be more persuasive. (Pause and then torturing him.)Maybe Salorn should marry another.

YÉ(Shocked.)My daughter has been given to Pheav already. (OUM signals NARIN who whacks her.)

OUMInsolent woman. So you admit they had sex?

YÉWe have not been allowed to build her love hut.

OUMSex is only for married couples.

PHEAVWe have been waiting to get married.

OUM(Torturing him further.)You know, don't you, that the Angkor must endorse her partner.

PHEAVThis cannot be.

OUM(Sensing victory.)I am told that Salorn is a "naughty woman".

PHEAV(Enraged but speaks calmly.)Who said that?


OUMMaybe she should marry one of my soldiers.


OUMDo you want her to be "played with" by my soldiers?


OUM(Enjoying himself.)Would you prefer she marry me?

PHEAVComrade Oum. If she cannot be my wife, then let her marry Comrade Teal of the Tampuan.

OUMHe's another Khmer Loeu. He cannot make her pure.

YÉPlease. It is not our custom to marry a Khmer.

OUM(Threateningly.)Custom? Custom? I will convince her or she will feel the red hot bar on her chest.

YÉNoooooo! (Angry, she opens her mouth to speak, but PHEAV interrupts. )

PHEAVWait Yé. (Sensing the potential for OUM to gain a victory in marrying SALORN.)It's best we talk no more about this right now.

OUM(He looks at YÉ threatening.)Any more to say? (YÉ bows her head.)



(In character to diffuse the situation.)Seeeee! Sister Yé is happy to be silent Comrade Oum.

RANTUI(Breaks in.)See Comrade. She obeys Pheav because he is our chief.

OUMI am Commune Leader.

RANTUIBut Pheav is the chief of the Kreung.


RANTUIEveryone looks up to him.

OUM(Shows some fear.)And?

YÉ(In anger makes a veiled threat in retaliation for Salorn talk above, she points her finger stub in the air.)You would do well to respect him, as do all the Kreung who work for you.

OUM(Shows some fear, but attacks YÉ bravado style, and signals NARIN who whacks YÉ.)Do not raise that finger in the air. I have nothing to fear from any of you.

YÉ(Busts out in anger.)But you may have reason to fear Number One.

OUM(Signals Narin again. Enraged.)He has every reason to be happy with my work.

YÉ(Pointing her finger stub at OUM.)Number One gave us rice shoots to produce three hectares per acre...




OUM(Threatening YÉ, but now he shows fear.)Are you saying your spirits are better than Number One's scientific method?

PHEAV(Getting between them.)No one can say he is above the Commune Leader and the scientific method.

OUM(Pleased with himself. Looking at PHEAV and puffed up with arrogance.)Not even you.

PHEAVAhhhh. So now you are Kreung?

OUM(Angry.)What do you mean? (Boasting.)I am Khmer Rouge.

PHEAVYou are Commune Leader of Number One's revolution, but I am chief of the Kreung.

OUM(Realizing that he has made a mistake taking on the chief.)Very well then. Let's leave it at that. It seems that your re-education is complete. (OUM sees that YÉ is about to speak.)You have more to say?

YÉBows her head.

OUMGood. (Happy to get out of this whole conversation.)Number One will be pleased with your obedience. Praise be the Angkar. (OUM sweeps out, NARIN behind him.)

ALL(Bowing, bowing, bowing.)Comrade Number 1 be praised.


NAMPheav? YÉ? What's wrong with you both?

RANTUIHe might have killed you.

PHEAVHe grows weaker with every harvest. For now we must not give him any sense that he has found a way to break us.

YÉA soldier or Oum to marry Salorn? We cannot let that kind of talk stand.

PHEAVOf course not. And he will not carry out this threat unless we provoke him into it.

PAN(Wandering about the stage.)Show no emotions. That's the new way.

RANTUI(Ignoring PAN, to PHEAV.)How can you be so sure?

PHEAVYou saw how he put an end to the conversation.

RANTUIWhen I reminded him you were chief.

YÉAnd when I reminded him of Number One!

NAM(Himself.)Yé, I couldn't believe you said that.

YÉHe was bent over, and I just gave him a little push.

NAMHaHahaha. I saw the fear. He needs our obedience to keep Number One off his back.



When I go about advising obedience, I will tell close friends what the spirits told us to do. How they too can keep faith with the Kreung.

YÉGood. But Oum must have seen our fear when he threatened Salorn.

NAM(Himself.)He dare not take her away. He dare not kill Pheav.

PHEAVHe wanted to believe my re-education was a success, that Number One's ways are successful.

PAN(Dazed.)The Kreung are all Khmer Rouge now.

NAMMore of Oum's sigh-hee thinking!

PHEAVHowever if he threatens Salorn I will have to take her to the northern forests.

YÉNo one lives there except wild animals.

PHEAVI was there with Comrade Ya.

YÉTrue. You will both be alright.

PAN(Dazed.)The wild black hen flew off into the forest.

NAM(Himself, ignoring PAN.)You can always go to Vietnam.

YÉ(In fear.)But what will happen to us after you are gone?


RANTUI(Terrified.)They will kill us all.

YÉ(Voice fading.)We may all have to run away.

PANThe ways of the stranger must be shunned or the spirits will be angry.

PHEAV(Is about to speak, but reaches out to YÉ, takes her hand and they lead all the others in a circle of silent prayer around the middle of the hut, and then around the chimrung.)





Scene 2

SETTING: In Pan's hut.

It is later that same evening. The stage is semi-dark. The chimrung is DSR but closer to center of stage.

(RANTUI, PAN, PHEAV rise up and sit their bunks. YÉ and NAM come in through the door. PAN wanders about all the time and speaks as if in a dream.)

NAM(Himself.)Oum got drunk. He's dead asleep.

PHEAVHe drinks because he hates himself.

NAMComrade Number 1 will have Oum taken to the re-education center. (He laughs as he lights up a kerosene lamp.)

YÉUnlike that beast, we drink to rejoice, and let the spirits take over to grow our soul power.

PHEAVWould that we had our rice-beer jars.

YÉCome. Let's sit around the chimrung as we have done these past two years to tell stories of spirit doings among us. (They all sit around the chimrung, except for PAN who wanders about the stage, with NAM facing the audience standing behind the chimrung.)

PANLies by day. Truth by night. So shall it be.

NAM(In character.)But Pan, Oum is himself by day and tries not to be himself by night. HehehHehe

PHEAVWho has a story to tell?



(Himself.)Today I was collecting the last of the potatoes in the chamkar, when suddenly, a wild black hen came flying out of the brush, crossed over my head, and continued on above the open field to dive into the forest at the other end.

YÉYéeeee. This is most unusual.

RANTUI(Awed.)A wild black hen never leaves its own forest.

YÉ(Hushed.)It has to be a sign.

PAN(In a dreamy voice, staring up toward the roof.) 'Tis you Pheav. 'Tis you. You are the only hunter that always comes back from the forest with a wild black hen.

YÉThat is true.

PANPheav, you are at home once again, at one with us, nature, the spirits and ancestors.

RANTUI(Angry.)But maybe this means Pheav will leave us all once more?

YÉNo. Not at all. It means that he will lead us out of these potato fields, and back to our way of life.(They all clap softly and smile, and touch one another on the back of the neck, and raise their hands in the air.)

NAMBut "lead" Yé? That is not our tradition. A chief was never allowed to think he was superior.

YÉThat is true. Oum is a leader, not a chief. But the Kreung must be organized into a single force.


NAMDesperate times call for desperate measures Yé, like when you cut off your finger.

RANTUIA single force? Don't tell me you are thinking of taking on Comrade Oum?

YÉEventually it will come to that or else we are done for.

RANTUII don't know.....

NAMHow will we get guns?

PHEAVI know where some were buried during the war with Lon Nol. But they would not be enough.(PHEAV begins to think over YÉ's suggestion, and walks slowly USL.)

PAN(Eerie.)The unborn, the living and the dead are one with the spirits. That is the real utopi. (Laughing crazily.) Ha,ha,haaaa. We have seen Comrade leader Oum's scie utopi!

NAM(In character he plays PHEAV.) Now Priestess Yé. Pan does not recognize that I, Choung Pheav am superior.

YÉYes Leader Pheav("Whacks" PAN.)He has disrespected your authority.

NAM(In character playing PHEAV, sticking his chest out.)I alone know the wishes of the spirits.

RANTUI(Ignoring PAN and NAM and YÉ.) Stop this. You all know there are traitors in our midst who will do anything for a bowl of soup.



(Himself.)Those people are no longer Kreung, and they are few in number.

YÉThey are Khmer Rouge now. Rape and kill like soldiers.

RANTUIThey turn children into spies.

NAM(Himself.)Tell on their parents. Have them sent to the re-education center.

PHEAV(Coming back into the group.)Yé. I agree that we need to organize, but an uprising? Isn't that a bit much?

RANTUIWe will never be able to do that.

NAMPheav. You are a Khmer Loeu soldier.

RANTUISoldier. Soldier. He is my son.

YÉAnd Pheav, you have begun to talk with people in the different villages. They are listening to you.

RANTUIStop this talk.

NAMAnd Pheav has kept us alive with forest food.

YÉIt's time we thought of ending this misery.

PHEAVI suppose that since we have recovered our soul power, we might begin to re-think our situation.

PANThe production of soul-power must follow the seasons of the year.


PHEAVPan Father. The seasons no longer go round and round. We live in a year-round winter, but in time we can change things once again.

PAN(Outraged, almost as if he were himself.)Time. Time. Where did you learn this word? Change? You look to a new future for the Kreung?

PHEAVNo. We must make changes now to restore the eternal round of birth, life and death with the spirits in our forest lands.

PANWe are lost.

NAMNo Pan. The spirits will speak to Yé in dreams. They will guide us.

YÉYes, and they still do. I too have a tale to tell.

RANTUIHope it's better than your talk of revolt.

YÉI had a strange dream in the early morning.

PHEAVTell us. What happened?

YÉI was on a great mountain. A hawk flew down from its nest on the cliff top, and landed on a log beside me.

PHEAVAnd what did it look like.

YÉIt was like none I had ever seen before, with a white head, black bill, red back, short black tail and bandy yellow legs.

NAMYéeeh! Surely it was a spirit.


PHEAV(Clapping.)Great news.

YÉThis shows that we have kept the spirits on our side.

NAMBut what did the hawk say to you.

YÉIt said we were to continue to follow the Khmer Loeu calendar in secret rituals.

PHEAVAnd just as we have been doing?

YÉYes. That's what will give us the strength we need.

RANTUIStrength for what?

NAM(Himself. A touch of fear in his voice.)Yé! I am afraid to even allow myself think of ending this terror.

RANTUIBut will offerings of forest foods to the spirits grow our soul power?

YÉOf course. The spirits have spoken to me.

RANTUI(Raising a warning finger.)You are all forgetting Yung.

YÉThat was long ago. Before Oum came into our lives.

NAM(Laughing.)Yung got so angry when he found a chicken eating from his rice bowl.



The fool thought it funny to sing a sacred song as if he were about to sacrifice it.

YÉYes. He thought it was such a big joke to make fun of our ceremonies, but the spirits didn't think so.

NAM(Serious.)He was screaming for days.

RANTUIAre we not doing the same? Ridiculing our traditions with these petty rituals?

YÉThings are different now. The hawk has made our path clear.

PHEAVI agree. Many Kreung grow stronger by the day, even as Oum grows weaker. But how will we turn this strength into a victory?

NAMYes. How?

YÉYou told us about Pheav's wild black hen. Well the hawk looked out over the tall trees, and I followed his eyes.

NAMAnd what did you see?

YÉA wild black hen flying away!

PHEAVSee. This suffering will end.

RANTUI(Sarcastically. )And Yé. Tell me. When will all this happen?

NAM(In character. )When ‘twill happen! HeheHehe.



More easy talk of revolt.

YÉ(Ignoring NAM.)I do not know Rantui. The hawk flew back to the mountain without telling me.

RANTUIAnd now you all want Pheav to organize an army on the basis of this tale. Absurd!

NAM(Himself.)The spirits guarantee our future.

PANAll will be the same. 'Twill be as it was.

RANTUI(Exasperated is about to speak, but says nothing...)

PHEAV(A brief silence, then getting up.)Enough. We will find out when the time comes. And now let's thank the spirits, ask their blessings, engage in our traditional rituals.

RANTUII still think the spirits are upset with these rituals.

YÉCome, we have been assured. Join me around the chimrung. (They stand up and begin a slow circling of the chimrung with YÉ in the lead, PHEAV, PAN, RANTUI, NAM. PAN is waving a hatchet up and down with one hand, and is "playing" a wooden flute with the other. I suggest that a CD of the Kreung music could be heard softly in the background. The other men gesture as if they had a gong in one hand, and a stick beating it in the other. The women pretend they are singing. YÉ has a bag hanging down by her side from which she will take out the items and place them on the chimrung altar. She is holding out her stump finger and waving it as if it were her magic wand. The whole effect is spiritual, eerie, and suggests their strength, unity, and the power of the sprits they invoke.)

PHEAVO spirits. You who pervade the mountains, the rocks, the trees, the waters, the plants, birds and animals, that live in every village and every hut ...

YÉEverywhere above the earth and beneath the sky, in all that is seen and not seen.


PHEAVYou spirits that have grown in every Khmer Loeu through their mother's milk, and continue to grow their soul power and abundance.

YÉGive us strength to endure.

PHEAVStrengthen our love for one another.

PANOur lands were formed in great and fearsome events, lightening, floods, fire that demonstrated the spirit's power over all things.

RANTUIOnly one woman survived to give birth to the land of the Kreung.

NAMIt was laid out with its trees, lakes and rivers, paths, areas for planting, the proper locations for villages, the holy hills that might not be touched were named, and fearsome spirits came to live in the mountains.

YÉ'Tis time to sacrifice a piglet to the Arak Nam, the spirits that inhabit our household and keep us free from illness.

PHEAVArak Nam. We have no piglet to sacrifice. We can offer forest food instead to maintain our unity and our health. Arak Brii, forest spirits, I beg you. Take these wild mushrooms you have given us. (YÉ places the mushrooms on the altar.)

PANArak Sarok take this sacred banana from our spirit grove. (YÉ places a banana on the chimrung altar.)

RANTUIArak Chendu, great mountain spirit. Take these stones and destroy the Khmer Rouge.(YÉ places a few stones on the altar.)

NAMArak Nam, Oh house spirits, take this jar of honey, and bring sweet unity into our bitter lives.


(YÉ places a jar of honey on the altar. Then she takes a boiled egg out of her bag and holds it up with between her stump finger and another, and steps to one side DSR. The others got further DSL, so she is facing L to audience, as she enters into a state of delirium, shaking her head, and bowing down, swirling around, throwing her head backwards. She then holds the egg up high, and in a state of trance, speaks:)

YÉThere. There. (She points with the egg at a point over the audience.)I see a flower growing between two tall trees. (She bends down, reaching out as if to pick it up, and then raises up her hand and brings it in a circle all around the audience.)Oh. How wondrous. There. There. I see a big water that stretches far from the eyes, and it is blue. And there. (She points to the other side of the audience.)I see a spirit playing a wooden flute. He is dancing in the sand. It is Aracreh, the spirit of the Kreung, and he is enveloped in a great light. Now we can all be assured that the Aranetha are content with our sacrifice and devotion to tradition. There will be harmony in the world of the Kreung ... spirits, ancestors, the living, those yet to be born, the birds, animals and fish, the land of Ratanakiri. Comrade Oum shall not prevail.(All actors freeze.)

ANCESTOR KHAWN(Speaks merrily.)Oh Pheav, a wild black hen our seerAmong the teeming fauna and floraYou kick and peck a lizard hereA fat worm there aware of sonoraAsleep and coiled on sunlit stone they dreamNo need to cease your cluck cluck cluckingContented forage beside the forest streamAhead you see a shadowed hawk that's floatingAbove the thicket's green and raceAcross the forest floor to flyInside a tree-hollow hiding placeWith hatching speckled eggs that lieOn leaf and feather in safe retreatFrom where you speak for you are freeDespite the brutal callous conceitOur enemy flaunts and you foreseeThose days ahead with ritual meatOn every chimrung and village bowlWith youngster's born to live not dieWhen joy returns to make us wholeWe'll walk these lands with head held high.


(All actors unfreeze.)

PHEAVLet us celebrate. (He stands up, and goes about handing out empty rice bowls.)Eat your fill. (They all take food from the chimrung altar, eat with their fingers from a bowl, at times putting food in each other's mouths. NAM pulls an empty rice-beer jar but from under the bunk DSL placing it DCS.)

NAMCome! Drink and make merry with the spirits though the jar be empty. (PHEAV takes a hatchet down from the wall. All but for RANTUI who remains DSR go to the jar. In turn they put the bamboo sticking up out of the jar into their mouths, and make a loud sucking noise. PHEAV takes some rice beer from his mouth, and rubs it on the blade of the hatchet. Then each in turn goes reeling off to the left and right and stage, and they begin to move in a circle, the women swaying, pretending to sing, the men pretending to play their flutes and gongs. PHEAV keeps the the hatchet by his side. They are in a trance, each one possessed by a spirit. They laugh, heads rolling up and down, over and back in their happy drunken parade around the stage. PAN too, has risen from the bed and sucks his fill. NAM is the last to suck out the rice beer. He remains CS conducting the ritual, pretending to play a gong.)

NAM(Himself.)The spirits give us forest food, but Comrade Oum thinks abundance comes from the Angkar’s scientifs powers!

YÉNo! Our strength comes from the great hawk.

NAMThe wild black hen, and the owl.

YÉComrade Oum has only given us rice shoots floating down the hillsides like leaves in the river.

PHEAVWe never had such hungry winters before.

NAM(In character.)Woman. Have you not had enough potatoes? HeheHehe.


PAN(Staggering toward the jar.)I want more rice beer. (All but Rantui laugh.)

YÉIs Pan recovering his old self. Always liked a sip.

RANTUI(Enraged.)Stop. Stop. You are all fools like Nam. Stop this mockery of the right ways of the Khmer Loeu. You will have us all destroyed by the spirits.

NAM‘Tis you and Comrade Oum that are the fools. The right way is not possible today.

YÉPlease Rantui. This is only for now. The spirits understand.

PHEAVMother Rantui. If we cannot live the Khmer Loeu way as we have done for centuries, it is not our way to despair. Let us celebrate the loyalty of the spirits in the only way we can and remain unbroken rather than lose ourselves to Oum's terror.

PAN(Having a lucid moment.)Rantui, my wife, be with us. (He takes her by the hand, and leads her around the jar, and going back into his crazy self, shaking his head and talking to no one in particular.)Ha, ha, ha, haaaaa! We have tricked Comrade Oum. Lies by day, truth by night. Our spirits are among us. We just lost sight of them for a little while. ‘Tis all so strange with these new ways. All that was right, is now taboo. Laughter is silenced in our village. Never mind. 'Tis but a passing moment. Our traditional cycle of life continues. (His wandering has taken him back to his bed. He lets go of RANTUI's hand, lies down and continues to mutter to himself.)





Act 3

Scene 1

SETTING: In Pan's hut.

It is one year later, December 1978 and the harvesting is done, though once again they have failed to reach Number One's quota.

(PAN is sitting on his bunk, staring across the hut. RANTUI, NAM and YÉ come in from the fields as PAN speaks. RANTUI goes to the fire USR to look into the pot. YÉ stands to the left of RANTUI. NAM goes CSL.)

PAN(In his eerie voice.)'Tis the end of the year. Once more the fields are harvested. Once more Oum's crops have failed.

YÉ(Laughing, she hands Rantui a small bag, and walks DSR.)Rantui, I stole a little rice for your pot.

NAM(In character.)A little is a lot these days. HeheHehe.

YÉ(Laughing.)Nam you will be re-educated.

NAM(In character, now playing the role of interrogator.)You stole. It is you that needs re-education.

YÉTo steal from the Khmer Rouge is a virtue.

NAM(In character.)So the virtuous must do wrong to be virtuous.

YÉ(Laughing.)We may be hungry, but the guards are scared because of the bad harvest. They don't look at the single girls anymore.


NAMFear has made the bad virtuous. HeheHehe.

YÉOum is scared they will rebel.

RANTUIWell that uprising is more likely to be successful than ours.

YÉOum now has an AK 47 hung over his shoulder, and that's not to protect him from us.

NAM(Himself.)But the guards are also scared of us. They may have been told of this talk about an uprising.

YÉOum struts around swinging a katana. Says he'll cut our heads off.

RANTUI(Looking at Yé.)Says you sabotaged the crops with that finger.

NAM(Himself.)The fool is wise to believe in the power of the spirits.

YÉEveryone knows that his sigh-hee method failed him.

NAM(Looking at Yé.)Says your rituals made the Kreung too weak to work.

YÉHe well knows why we cannot work. He killed too many, and made the rest of us work longer and longer hours.

PAN(Fearsome and eerie.)Oum angered the spirits, and reaped what he has sown.



And what about us? Will we die for his obedience?

NAM(In character.)He is afraid of being the first to go. One more disappeared by Number 1. HeheHeheHe.

RANTUI(Ignoring Nam.)He'll take us down with him.

NAM(In character.)The Angkar will re-educate Oum in the Kreung method. HaHaHaHaaaaa

YÉRantui is right. Whatever his fate, we must make our own future.

NAM(Himself.)Number One gave him a warning last year.

RANTUIAnd we were whipped all the more for that. He fails, we suffer.

PAN(Eerie.)The spirits are no more. Only Comrade Oum provides.

RANTUIPan talks nonsense. Oum provides nothing.

YÉ(In rebuke.)Rantui! Pan is still our chief.

RANTUIWe no longer see Pan's soul power.

YÉHe is being protected by the spirits.

RANTUI(In a rage.)Our spirits. Oum spirits. No spirits. Enough.


YÉPlease Rantui. Do not doubt the spirits. They have made it possible for us to be Kreung, no matter how terrible Oum's repression.

NAMAs they have done for all who listened to Pheav and Yé.

RANTUI(Gesturing a "forget about it sign", she changes tone.)Does anyone know what's taking Pheav so long to get home?

NAM(In a hushed voice.)He was to see a number of people in other villages.

RANTUI(Fearful.)He didn't tell me about that. Moving from village to village is prohibited.

NAMThe Kreung fear for the future like the soldiers. They too are getting restless.

RANTUIThe Kreung are hungry and desperate.

YÉ(In awe.)And grow rebellious.

NAM(Himself.)No wonder the guards are afraid.

YÉThey sense it.

NAMThey are not so quick to whip us anymore.

YÉSometimes I think they have become more afraid of us than of Comrade Oum.

NAM(Himself, amazed at the reversal.)And they are all more scared of Comrade Number 1 than we are of them.


YÉ(Laughing, imitating the guards.)Their necks are in a knot from going about looking every which way for danger. Firing shots when a bird flies off into the forest.

RANTUI(Butting in.)Pheav is in danger because of all this talk about revolt. Someone is bound to betray him.

YÉHe will be here. I had a dream last night. Pheav will bring us good news about our future.

RANTUI(Frustrated.)Good news? Good news? With these killers on the prowl? Only in your dreams.

NAM(Himself.)Yé. Please. Tell us what happened.

YÉA giant elephant came crashing through the forest and ran into the middle of the village. She threw up her head, raised her trunk to the sky looking about, and shaking her massive ears, roared again and again. WOAL WOAL WOAL.

RANTUI(Terrified.)Was it in a rage?

YÉI thought so at first. She began turning and turning around, churning up the dust and went on WOAL WOAL WOAL. But I noticed she did not have the wicked eye of a raging elephant. It was all so strange.

NAMAnd then what happened?

YÉA baby elephant burst through in through the trees and raced to its mother.

RANTUISo why was she looking for her baby in our village?


NAM(Himself.)This has to be a sign.

YÉThis is a good omen. I'm sure of it. Not even Oum can resist a force like this.

NAMYou think we are her baby?

YÉThe baby is our future.

RANTUIBut did the elephant speak to you? Say anything?

YÉNo. You see I woke up full of joy.

RANTUIThat's crazy talk. Have you been kidnapped like Pan?

YÉNever doubt the dreams.

NAM(Himself.)And Yé always knows how to interpret them. (All actors freeze.)

ANCESTOR KHAWNYes Nam, I speak to Yé in dreamsForetell a future that will upsetThe current rulers triumphant themesSo far we did not pose a threatBut we have learned to face abuseTo feel unconquered inner peaceTo see absurdity in this misuseOf violent power for soon will ceaseThis project of theirs to redesignBoth land and us that cost a lotWe have been treated like filthy swineWith bitter harvest that left us naughtBut note you well this baby hawkThough head be ugly warts and allA golden future is born to walk


On bright red claws to re-installTraditional ancient sharing waysRestore equality and tranquil days.(All actors unfreeze. They hear OUM climb the ladder, and see him pass the window. They signal each other to be quiet. NARIN fires two shots in the air. OUM bursts in with NARIN behind him. Both are holding a katana, and OUM swings it about making the Kreung spread out to the walls.)

OUM(To Yé, pointing the katana at her.)What are you doing here?

YÉWe came to see if Pan was alright.

NAM(In character.)And we found him all wrong. HeheHehe.

OUM(To YÉ.)Have you been pointing that finger at him?

YÉ(Incredulous.)To cure him?

OUM(Sarcastic unbelieving.)Don't tell me you have given up all those absurd rituals?

YÉNo Commune Leader.

OUMSo you admit it then?

YÉNo Comrade Leader.

OUM(Swirling the katana about.)Have you been pointing that finger at the crops? (A little scared.)Did you make them fail?


YÉNo Commune Leader.

OUM(He swirls about to face RANTUI who is behind the fire. He points the katana at the pot.)What are you cooking?

RANTUIJust our rations of rice Comrade Oum.

OUMLooks like you got big rations.

NAM(In character.)We revel in your abundance Comrade Oum. HeheHehe.

OUM(Looking about him suspiciously.)You all look well fed.

NAMThanks to your scie method Comrade Oum.

OUM(Nods to NARIN who whacks NAM.)Where is Pheav?

RANTUIIt is getting dark, and we are worried. The soldiers might...

OUM(Sharp.)The soldiers only punish the impure.

NAM(In character.)The pure became impure and now they will be pured again. HahaHaha.

OUM(Ignoring NAM. Suspiciously.)So what is that Pheav up to? Is he talking with conspirators?


NAM(Looking about.)Conspirators? Conspirators everywhere! HahaHaha.

OUM(Vicious.)They uprooted the rice shoots. Now they steal the little that survived.

NAMThey will all be caught by scie methods. HeheHehe.

OUM(Ignoring NAM. Speaks in anger.)Pheav is one of them?

YÉNo Comrade Oum. He went to the furthest away fields today. (She opens her hands wide and spread out the left hand, while closing all but the wounded index finger of her right hand indicating the long journey Pheav had.)

OUM(Oum misinterprets. Afraid of her magic he signals NARIN who whacks YÉ.)Don't you point that finger at me.

NAM(Drawing OUM's attention to himself.)Comrade Oum. Hehe. We hope Pheav did not run into any bad people that might make him impure. Hehe.

OUMWhat do you mean bad people among the Kreung? Are they plotting rebellion?

NAMNo, no, no, Comrade Oum. I overheard some people complain about them in the fields.

OUMThen who are these people that complained?

NAMI do not know them Sir. They were from another village.

OUM(Nods to NARIN who whacks NAM.)Which village?


NAMI am but a fool Comrade Oum. Nothing stays in my head, that is if there were anything in my head in the first place. HeheHehe.

OUMI will put a guard outside your hut to watch for Pheav's return. (Warning.)Something is afoot here, and I will find out what you're up to. And when I do, you will feel the cane on your backs, and more. (He waves his katana at them, and turns toward the door where PHEAV is standing. His forehead is bloodied.)

OUMWhere have you been? Plotting and scheming to overturn the Angkar?

PHEAVNo Commune Leader. I was detained by soldiers when coming home from the chamkar.

OUMWhy did they detain you? What were you up to?

PHEAVThey are just angry.

OUM(Signals NARIN who whacks PHEAV.)Angry? Angry? They have no need to be (sarcastic) "just angry".

PHEAVThey are afraid.

OUMAfraid? Afraid? Afraid of what?

PHEAVOf Comrade Number One.

OUM(In a rage mixed with fear, he roars.)The Angkar is our father and mother.

NAM(In character.)And a good father must punish a son's failure. HahaHaha.


PHEAVThe soldiers say the Kreung caused the bad harvest, but they believe it is they who will be punished.

OUMDon't you dare say the soldiers of the Angkar are afraid of Comrade Number One. (Pointing at PHEAV, signals NARIN once more to whack PHEAV.)

NAM(Dancing about drawing attention to himself.)Comrade Number One is our father and mother. We all have nothing to fear.

OUMOf course not. Comrade Number One is a benevolent leader. He smiles on his children.

NAMHe smiles because the harvest has been so good.

OUM(Scared, comes back real fast.)What are you suggesting?

NAMNothing Comrade Oum. He has much reason to rejoice, as do we all.

OUMOf course we do.

YÉSo there is nothing to fear.

OUMFear? Fear?

NAMWell. The spirits may not be with us.

YÉSince you told us not to invoke the spirits Commune Leader.

PHEAVThat might be why our work produced no abundance.

OUMThe Khmer Loeu cannot be trusted, but I have nothing to fear from your superstitions.


NAM(In character.)See. Yé's finger is but a stump. She is powerless.

OUM(Defiant.)And your forest spirits have run away.

NAM(In character.) The spirits are afraid of Comrade Oum.

PHEAVThey know you well by now, and fear your anger.

OUMAnd I know you Pheav. You are the ringleader. You may not leave the hut. My guard will see to it. (OUM threatens them all with the katana and he marches off with NARIN, who fires two shots in the air. RANTUI and YÉ embrace PHEAV. NAM dances about. PAN raises his hands in the air, and embraces PHEAV who is now CS. Smiling, he speaks in a low voice.)

PHEAVDon't be afraid. The hawk told the truth. The Khmer Rouge will soon be defeated. (The others, except for RANTUI rejoice and raise their hands to thank the spirits.)

RANTUIPheav! The evil spirits have captured your soul power too. You are crazy like everyone else around here. (We hear gunshots out in the village, and screams and the sounds of people, pigs and chickens running about.)

NAM(Himself.)Pheav. This is not a time to play our games.

PHEAVBe assured. No. (He moves to CS.)Do any of you remember Biantuan? (Biantwuan)



He fought with you and Comrade Ya against Lon Nol.

YÉWhen Comrade Ya was taken away, he disappeared. We had no idea what happened to him.

PHEAVI know now. (Smiling.)He fled to Vietnam, and joined the communist military. He is a Captain.

RANTUI(Suspicious she walks DSR to face off with PHEAV.) Why are you talking about him now? You didn't meet up with him, did you?

PHEAVYes. And he gave me the great news. The Vietnamese army is about to invade our Province. (YÉ and NAM are ecstatic and dance around PHEAV. More shots and shouts are heard from outside. PAN stands up, twitching and shaking his head, then he smiles as if he is regaining control of himself once more and listens intently.)

RANTUI(Suspicious.)And why is he here now? (Sensing her anger, YÉ and NAM stand DSL near PAN who is still on the bunk.)

PHEAVHe is recruiting Khmer Loeu to join the invading army later this month.

RANTUI(Angry.)And you? What did you say?

PHEAVI said he could count on me.

NAM(NAM, as himself, bounces around PHEAV as he speaks in character.)Me too! Me too! HahaHaha!

RANTUIPheav! You did not!



(Eerie.)Our world is turning upside down once more. Soon it will be right side up.

YÉYes Pan! (Clapping her hands.)The Khmer Rouge way will die, and our way of life will be restored.

PHEAVWe and many others have been have been loyal to the spirits. Oum and his henchmen are scared. Their time has come, and I want to be part of making that happen.

RANTUIDo not disobey me again Pheav. The spirits will be avenged this time. You will die.

PHEAV(He is not belligerent, just firm.)Better to die than to do nothing.

NAM(In character.)Better to play the fool than do nothing. If you can't defeat them, confound 'em. HeheHehe.

RANTUI(Desperate.)But Pheav. Pan and I cannot cut and burn the forest for the next planting?

PHEAVI will only be gone for a short while. Biantuan assured me that the Khmer Rouge will be wiped out in weeks.

RANTUI(Now almost shouting.)So why does he need you? (NAM moves out of the way USL.)

PHEAVThe Khmer Loeu must be fully engaged, and make this invasion our own.

RANTUI(Speaking harshly.)And what about Salorn? You say you love her. The elders have already assigned a field for your future family. She cannot work that field all alone.


PHEAVListen mother. To fight is the only way to regain our soul power. Show the spirits how much we value our traditions.

RANTUI(Hopefully.)With the Khmer Rouge gone before the new year, we can sacrifice a pig for your wedding. Be merry with the spirits.

PHEAVAs I said, this war will be over in a few weeks.

RANTUIPlease Pheav. I beg you. Do not go. I have a premonition about this. You cannot leave your parents and your future bride. You are going too far. The spirits will not protect you.

YÉPheav is right Rantui. The Kreung and their spirits must participate in this revolt.

RANTUIPheav. Must you become a soldier again to be fully involved. Is there no other way? You are my only son now.

NAM(Himself.)No Rantui. Pheav is not only our chief. He is our leader. Only he can lead us out of this darkness.

PAN(Dazed voice of one who does not understand.) A leader? Not me the chief. Not priestess Yé. No one is leader.

RANTUI(Sarcastic.)Oum is a leader, and he led us into death.

PAN(Dreamy voice.)Comrade Ya was good to us.

NAM(Himself.)Rantui. Maybe you are right. There just might be another way.


RANTUIAre you playing the fool again?

NAMNo. Pheav is needed at home, but not just for his family.

YÉThe Kreung need him now.

NAMRight. They have been listening to him. They have taken his advice. They want him to lead us out of this horror story.

YÉIt is the spirits that guarantee our future.

NAM(Himself.)But we must work with them. Listen. Most of the elders are dead. Most of those skilled in the arts of the Kreung have been murdered. Recovery of our traditional ways will not be easy.

YÉBrother in law Nam. I have not heard you speak seriously in three years.

NAMWell then, listen carefully. I am saying that the spirits and the Kreung need Pheav's steady hand here at home.

YÉOh Nam. Like the hawk, the owl, and the wild black hen you are the voice of the spirits.

NAMThe Vietnamese army does not need Pheav. But we do. We need someone to bring all the Kreung together.

YEWe know there will be violence.

RANTUI(Afraid.)The exiled Kreung will come home with weapons.

YEThey will have to be disarmed.


NAMAfter three years in Vietnam, they will not be the same.

RANTUIThey will never be the same.

YEDon't say that. We will all recover.

NAMWe need a leader to deal with these problems.

YEBut not forever. We must return to the old way of equality.

NAMRight. But for now, we prepare for the invasion.

YÉAnd Pheav must recruit for Biantuan.

RANTUIAnd once the Khmer Rouge begin to run, he can lead the recovery at home.

YÉMy Salorn loves you Pheav. She needs you. But Nam is right. We all need you, and there are others to fight the Khmer Rouge. Your role as chief is here. In our villages and communities.

PHEAVOK. Biantuan will understand. I will recruit Khmer Loeu in the coming weeks. We will be ready for this invasion.

NAM(In character once more.)The Khmer Rouge will run all the way to the Mekong river. HeheHehe.

PHEAVNo need to fear. Oum is finished.

PAN(Eerie once more.)Comrade Pheav has come home.


NAM(In character, he stands straight eying the invisible OUM DSC. Pointing.)You Comrade Oum, the Angkar has given you an "invitation". On your knees. Keep your head down. You are not worthy of re-education. (NAM goes center stage and playing OUM, he drops to his knees.)Please, Comrade Number 1. It was the Khmer Loeu. They could not carry out your scientific ways. They never grew potatoes before. They are ignorant. They are lazy no goods. (There is laughter all around. NAM now goes back to playing Comrade Number 1and speaks to "OUM".)Off with his head. Without a head this failure will wander aimlessly about for all eternity, never to be reincarnated. (Laughter.)

RANTUI(Laughing)Enough Nam.

YÉLet us celebrate the good news with the spirits. (She leads them all, except PAN in a circle slowly dancing around the chimrung.)

PAN(Wandering about aimlessly.)Pheav is chief, but he must make no show of superiority. The spirits reside in all Khmer Loeu. We all have the ancestors in our villages and huts. We are all equally Kreung. (He continues to wander muttering to himself.)





Scene 2

SETTING: In Pan's hut.

It is December 25, 1978, early morning.

(PAN is looking out the door. YÉ is DSR. RANTUI is looking out the window.)

PAN(Perplexed.)Yé, something strange is happening.

YÉMaybe you are becoming your old self. Truly the spirits are among us.

PANI wasn't just talking about myself. What is this going on outside?

What do you see?

PANPeople are running from hut to hut. Greeting and embracing one another.

RANTUIAnd they're not headed for the fields!

PANAnd the soldiers are not interfering!

YÉThat is really unusual. Could it be the Vietnamese?


It can't be that! The soldiers may be afraid, but they would surely run if they had any idea the Vietnamese army was on route.

YÉOf course. Just hoping. That's all. But yesterday evening I saw a bunch of soldiers marching off toward Banlung.


PANWhat do you think Rantui?

RANTUI(Walking DSL, ecstatic.)I don't know for sure. bit I have a good feeling. Marching off? Were they being attacked by the Kreung?

YÉNo. But they believe the Kreung will cut them to pieces.

RANTUIThe soldiers in our village? Why have they not fled?

YÉOum is threatening them with his AK47.

PAN'Tis topsy turvey again.

RANTUII'm surprised no one shot him.

YÉThey must be afraid of something else.

RANTUIBut of what?

PANThe vengeance of our spirits and ancestors.

RANTUIRubbish Pan! But I see a great change in you.

PANAnd for the better.

YÉThe spirits are giving back your soul power.



(Sitting on the bunk DSL.)This is all so strange. But listen. I too have changed. (PAN goes to center stage.)These past three years I began thinking I had offended the spirits, having been so angry with Pheav. Thought that was why we all suffered so much. I doubted the spirits support for me. Yesterday, after work, I overcame my fears, stole a chicken, went into the forest to sacrifice it to Arak Chendu.

YÉWhat did you ask for?

RANTUIThat he wipe out the Khmer Rouge. This is the revenge of the Kreung.

YÉArak Chendu is the gem mountain punisher. That's why the soldiers are running away!

RANTUII also asked that I be punished for my sin in failing the spirits.

YÉWhat did he ask you to do to restore harmony between you, the spirits and the ancestors?

RANTUII was to go to the place where our ancestors always swam in the river Chum, and wash myself while begging the ancestors for forgiveness.

YÉThat's all! No need to make a sacrifice?

RANTUIThat's right. And I felt so good. As if I were whole again.

YÉTruly you are at one.

RANTUIAnd then last night I dreamt that a great spirit entered my body. I heard traditional music, someone was playing a flute. I was ecstatic on seeing a flower, a kachuk dilating in a pond. It was wet and fresh. I awoke this morning full of soul power.

YÉYéee. (PAN embraces RANTUI)We are blessed.


(PHEAV rushes in the door, with NAM behind him. They go DSR.)

PHEAVThey're here. The Vietnamese broke through the forest and are headed for Banlung.

NAM(Himself.)The Khmer Rouge have begun to run. Hahaaaaa. They are not going to fight. They don't want to die. (Jumping up and down in character.)Cowards.

YÉThe spirits be praised.

PHEAVThey would be foolish to put up a fight against the Vietnamese.

RANTUIThe traditional ways will be restored.

NAM(Himself.)And we feared the Khmer Rouge might never be overcome. (They begin to dance in a circle around the middle of the stage. OUM is seen passing the window, and storms into the hut. He is carrying an AK 47. NARIN is no longer with him. He is a little drunk.)

OUMYou have betrayed Kampuchea. All of you. (During the following exchange PAN listens carefully, gradually stops shaking his head etc..and then moves closer and closer to OUM toward the end of the interaction.)

NAM(In character.)Betrayed? Betrayed? Have we not broken our backs for you in the fields?

OUMYou side with the foreigner against your own.

RANTUI(During the accusations, all, led by NAM circle around OUM who is center stage, and speak when coming from behind him CSL and proceed DSL.)You are the foreigner here.


NAM(In character.)You made us do everything as never before.

RANTUIGrow the crops of the Khmer in our fields.

YÉForbidden our sacrificial festivals.

PHEAVKnocked down our single girl huts.

NAMYou murdered and tortured old and young.

YÉYou starved us to death. (The Kreung are lined up in a curve DSL. )

RANTUIWhere is your bodyguard?

OUMHe fled.

NAM(In character, speaking into OUM's face.)The coward....HeHehehe. But his cowardice made him wise. Are you not scared too?

OUM(Fires two shots in the air. Ignoring NAM speaks to all.)The Vietnamese will steal everything they can find.

PHEAV(Ironic.)They'll have a tough time trying to find the "everything" after three years under Commune Leader Oum.

YÉ(Led by YÉ they all circle in reverse direction, and as they come out right CSR from behind OUM, they speak and move to DSR.)The birds no longer chirp in our village.



They have no food on the chimrung.

OUMThe Vietnamese call themselves communists, but they are just like the capitalists.

RANTUIYou kept everything from us.

NAM(In character, sniffing OUM's breath.)Even our rice beer. HahaHaha.

OUM(A little drunk.)The Vietnamese are just like the Russians.

NAMAll communists drink too much. HeheHehe.

YÉComrade Ya respected our traditions. (YÉ moves slowly toward the window and looks out.)

RANTUIAnd you killed him for being a communist like the Vietnamese.

NAM(In character, and in OUM's face.)Oum. I'm not sure you're up to a sprint, but the time to run is now. Hehehehehe.

RANTUIHe is too well fed to run.

PHEAVAte our potatoes by the ton.

NAM(In character.)HeheHehe. Maybe Comrade Oum can stagger to Banlung!

OUMFool. I could shoot you all.

NAM(In character playing drunk.)


If you could see us.

PHEAVGo Comrade Oum. The Vietnamese are close.

OUMI won't allow foreigners to rule Kampuchea.

NAM(In character.)There's rice-beer courage for you. HahaHaha.

OUM(Raising a clenched fist, and firing a shot into the air.)I'll fight to the death.

NAM(In character, holding up a finger, and moving it in a circling motion.)Ah yes. Just like your bodyguard! (The circling motion stops.)

YÉComrade Oum. Your soldiers are racing off across the O Chum stream. Who is going to fight alongside you?

NAM(In character.)They have abandoned you. HahaHaha. They think you are a failure. That Comrade Number One will gut them along with you.

PHEAVThey saw your face go white when that messenger came from Number One. What did he say to you?

OUM(OUM does not respond.)

NAMAhhá. And they see the Khmer Loeu take out their hatchets.

OUM(Sarcastic.)Afraid the Khmer Loeu will kill them? With hatchets? I am surrounded by traitors and cowards.


NAM(In character.)Now it is you who must be afraid of us! HeheHehe. And we have no need to fear you.

OUM(Slurring and in a boast.)I will fight you and defeat the Vietnamese.

NAM(In character, puffing his chest out.)Big man!

RANTUIYou only have one weapon.

NAM(In character.)And no army! You are alone. HeheHehe.

PHEAVComrade Oum, the Vietnamese have come by the thousands.

NAM(In character.)Run like the village piglets. HeheHehe.

RANTUILike chickens ahead of the dogs.

YÉAre you not afraid of us? See how we have remained strong, and resisted your every sigh-ee method to bend us into Khmer Rouge.

OUMAfraid of you and your spirits? Absolutely not. You are of no importance. But Vietnamese communists. Yes. I fear what they will do to our Kampuchea.

NAM(In character. Pointing to the hatchets on the wall.)Maybe we should sacrifice you like a water buffalo, and place your head on the chimrung for the birds. HahaHaha...

PHEAVWait Nam. That is not the Kreung way. Comrade Oum. Though we have lived in terror, you have nothing to fear from us.


YÉ(Pointing her finger.)But Oum, you should fear being captured by the spirit punisher who will capture your very self, for so it has been told.

NAM(In character.)He will even steal your scie method. HeHeHehe.

YÉOur spirits and ancestors will hound your every move.

RANTUIEverything you touch will be cursed.

PHEAVListen Oum. We have no need to lay a hand on you. So go now before someone does the wrong thing.(OUM turns around and staggers out the door. All actors freeze.)

ANCESTOR KHAWN'Tis over and done you're out the doorTo ignore our pain you did your bestNow golden hawk is back once moreTo float on winds o'er mountain crestAttend our lands from aerie highsAnd speak in dreams to our priestessWho hears the spirit that clarifiesWhat guarantees harmonious successLike leaves that grow in tune yet holdAn individual personal hueFrom each a caring love so boldCooperation compassion grewDespite a tortured cane inflictedWe stand together unrestricted(All actors unfreeze.)

NAM(In character.)Run. Run. Run. Comrade Oum.

PAN(He has followed NAM to the door.)


What's your hurry Oum? Stay and have your fill with us. You can live and eat with the pigs under our hut.

NAM(In character.)We'll stuff bits of food through the cracks in the bamboo floor. HeheHehe.

RANTUIYou will eat better than we did.

PHEAVCome now. We are the Kreung of the Khmer Loeu. There is no need to belittle the defeated.

PAN(PAN comes back center stage ignoring PHEAV.)The children will pelt you with mud in the rainy season.

YÉSee! I was right. Pan is back! (RANTUI and PHEAV hug PAN while she speaks.)The spirits captured his soul power, but now Pan feels at home. We are all at home.

PAN(Lucid holding PHEAV out from his with his two hands, and looking into his eyes.)Pheav my son. I have been given new life, but you are now chief in this village. And you are right. No need to hound Comrade Oum.

YÉAnd we need both of you to restore the ancient ways.

PHEAVPan father. You are the wise one as always, and I still have much to learn.

YÉGuided by the spirits we grew our soul power, kept ourselves intact, (Smiling at the thought of their foolishness.)but we were a little foolish to think of an uprising.

NAM(Himself. Thoughtfully.)Now we need more wisdom and guidance from the spirits to stand up to the Vietnamese. Who knows what they will do with us?



After the Khmer Rouge, we're ready for anything.

NAMThe Khmer Rouge tried to smash the Khmer Loeu for all time.

PHEAVThe Vietnamese cannot do worse than that.

PANWe didn't want to be Khmerized by Sihanouk, to be communist like Comrade Ya, nor Khmer Rouge.

NAM(Himself.)We can never allow foreigners dictate our way of life.

PHEAVNever. But at least this last foreigner showed us how to grow potatoes. (Laughter all round.)

NAMMaybe this scie method has something to offer after all. (More laughter.)

PANI saw lots of potatoes, but few made it to my bowl.

PHEAVEven the pigs like them.

NAMLooks like we are going to grow Oum's crop of potatoes if not his rice.

PHEAVBut I am told that it's true what Oum said. He got his tons in the lowlands of Ratanakiri. The Khmer wet rice method does produce more and better rice that we do in the chamkar.

NAMNow you tell us. But when Comrade Oum was doing all his sigh-hee rational thinking, he was thinking the wrong way about our hillsides during the monsoon rains.

PHEAV(Laughing.)So his reason was irrational.


NAMComrade Number One thought everywhere was the same! But everywhere is different.

RANTUIWait. Listen everyone. What if Oum is right about one thing? Should we fear the Vietnamese?

NAM(Himself.)Im hoping the Vietnamese communists will be like Comrade Ya.

RANTUIBut as Oum said, they too are foreigners.

YEAnd we've all heard stories about the persecution of the Khmer Loeu Mnong (Minong) in Vietnam.

PHEAVBiantwuan told me they abandoned the ancient ways and rituals to follow some American religion. The spirits must be angry. That is why they suffer.

RANTUIBut the communists are forcing them to live like communists! Just like the Khmer Rouge coerced us to be like them.

NAMThey are being forced to give up the new religion? That is also not right.

RANTUIWill they do that to us? Force us to be communist?

NAM(Himself.)We don't want to abandon our spirits. We are an ancient people. Here before the Khmer or the Vietnamese arrived.

PHEAVNam my friend, you are right. There is no reason for us to abandon all the ancient ways that have served us so well, and the spirits have taught us to adapt.

YÉ(Hopefully.)Well Comrade Ya was a friend. So maybe...


NAM(Himself.)Biantuan is also a friend. He will respect our wishes.

PHEAVYes. Though I think he is a communist now, like most Khmer Loeu that fled to Vietnam.

RANTUIPheav, we must not follow him in this.

NAMYou must rally the Khmer Loeu that have not changed.

YÉBe our leader. Show us the way.

NAM(Himself.)Help us keep faith with our traditions. Like Rantui I fear being overcome by the Vietnamese even if we have nothing to fear from Biantuan.

PANPheav, you are the wild black hen in the forest. You will keep us safe.

PHEAVWe will stand firm.

YÉThey can rule the Khmer, but not the Khmer Loeu.

PHEAVThat will be our new way.

YÉPheav you stood up to Oum.

RANTUII thought you were giving in.

NAM(Himself.)'Tis wise to appear weak when you are strong.

RANTUIOum thought he had all the power.


NAMWe led him by the nose.

YÉ(Laughing.)Don't forget, the spirits were on our side.

PANAn ancestor captured my soul to make a fool out of Oum.

NAM(In character imitating OUM.)Commune Leader Oum strutted about like a rooster.

YÉNow he runs like a wild boar ahead of a tiger's claws.

NAM(In character.)Spurting around the trees.

RANTUI(Joining in the laughter.)He thought it was funny to deny the spirits, but the spirits did not think he was funny.

YÉLike Yung and the chicken.(Laughter. )


I remember him. He should have let the chicken eat his rice from the bowl.

NAM(Himself.)Then let's rejoice. We have little to sacrifice, but be happy, the rice beer jars hidden in the forest are full.

YÉWe can make-do as we did these past three years.

PHEAVThe little we have will be shared with the spirits and the villagers.


RANTUIBe it ever so poor, the harvest was not taken away. We will not starve.

PAN'Twas a smart spirit that made me crazy.

NAM(In character, dancing.)'Twas a wise day I played the fool. (The men take out their invisible gongs, flutes. PHEAV leads them around the chimrung, the women pretending to sing traditional songs and dancing.)

ANCESTOR KHAWNHoHoHoooooooooooHoooooooooo