Page of 1 22 What’s Inside 8th 17th 9th Waldorf Coffee Morning Breakfast with Brits SunSetters Page 2 Page 22 Page 13 Page 7 Page 6 Brits Abroad Team Discounts Previous Events November Events Regular Events The Wire November 2016 November at a glance Page 21 Features 30th Newcomers Coffee Morning To contact us go to:http://www.britsabroadshanghai.com/ 13th Book Club 12th Fun Quiz 3rd November Walk 8th Twinings Tea Factory Tour I have just returned from three lovely weeks in Scotland. Autumn was in full swing and the sun was shining. It's my favourite time of year and,although we were having to wrap up warmly as we were waking up to low single-figure temperatures, it was not a problem. Walking my grandchildren to school on chilly mornings was a treat. We even spent one afternoon in the woods collecting conkers. It's years since I've done this and it was as much fun as I remembered it. Of course, autumnal sunshine and blue skies made it all the more pleasurable and the clean fresh air was wonderful. I know the rain and damp will return but, for this trip, at least, it was perfect weather. I had to laugh as one BA member posted on FB that she had woken up to a chilly 18c, I had woken up to a chilly 3c. All relative, I suppose. Sadly, as I returned to Shanghai, the skies were grey and I couldn't see far even though it was a balmy 25c. I'll take the cold weather and clear skies anytime. It's something we live with here and after a while you don't really notice it. After a few days back, I feel as if I've never been away as there is so much to do. Lots of events coming up and, as always, it's great to be involved. Brits Abroad is an important part of my life here, as I'm sure it is for so many of you. Without it, Shanghai would be a very different experience. So to everyone who helps out keeping it going, however much or little you are able to offer a big thank you to all of you, as every little helps and, without your input, it would be very difficult to have the group running as well as it does. If anyone out there is thinking they might want to help, in whatever way, or if you're not sure what you can do, just contact any of the committee members and we will soon find something that will suit you. Brits Abroad needs volunteers, so please come forward, we'd love to have you. 20th Weekend Walk

The Wire November 2016 - Brits Abroad Shanghai · Twinings Tea Factory Tour I have just returned from three lovely weeks in Scotland. Autumn was in full swing and the sun was shining

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What’s Inside




Waldorf Coffee Morning

Breakfast with Brits


Page 2

Page 22

Page 13

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Page 6

Brits Abroad Team


Previous Events

November Events

Regular Events

The Wire November 2016

November at a glance

Page 21 Features

30th Newcomers Coffee Morning

To contact us go to:http://www.britsabroadshanghai.com/

13th Book Club

12th Fun Quiz

3rd November Walk

8th Twinings Tea Factory Tour

I have just returned from three lovely weeks in Scotland. Autumn was in full swing and the sun was shining. It's my favourite time of year and,although we were having to wrap up warmly as we were waking up to low single-figure temperatures, it was not a problem. Walking my grandchildren to school on chilly mornings was a treat. We even spent one afternoon in the woods collecting conkers. It's years since I've done this and it was as much fun as I remembered it. Of course, autumnal sunshine and blue skies made it all the more pleasurable and the clean fresh air was wonderful. I know the rain and damp will return but, for this trip, at least, it was perfect  weather. I had to laugh as one BA member posted on FB that she had woken up to a chilly 18c, I had woken up to a chilly 3c. All relative, I suppose. Sadly, as I returned to Shanghai, the skies were grey and I couldn't see far even though it was a balmy 25c. I'll take the cold weather and clear skies anytime. It's something we live with here and after a while you don't really notice it. After a few days back, I feel as if I've never been away as there is so much to do. Lots of events coming up and, as always, it's great to be involved. Brits Abroad is an important part of my life here, as I'm sure it is for so many of you. Without it, Shanghai would be a very different experience. So to everyone who helps out keeping it going, however much or little you are able to offer a big thank you to all of you, as every little helps and, without your input, it would be very difficult to have the group running as well as it does. If anyone out there is thinking they might want to help, in whatever way, or if you're not sure what you can do, just contact any of the committee members and we will soon find something that will suit you. Brits Abroad needs volunteers, so please come forward, we'd love to have you.

20th Weekend Walk

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The Wire November 2016

David Betts-Hollinrake

Jacqui Muir




Sam Cunningham


Mary Beth Stock

Advertising and Discounts

Walks andProofreader

Community Outreach and Vice President

Jane Sutton

Eunice Taylor

Alison Want &Michele Nettesheim


Karen Carrington

The Wire Editorand Vice President

Beverley Darle

Mary Bardet

Rhonda Mahs

Breakfast with Brits

Anne Witherspoon & Lesley Stirling

Join the Brits Abroad Team!

Mahjong May I Book Club

Gillian Knight

Public Relations

Stephanie Quayle

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The Wire November 2016

Brits Abroad Committee ElectionsThe annual Brits Abroad Committee elections will be upon us before we know

it. All Committee positions are up for election at the AGM which will take place in March 2017.

As we are aware, the expat community has a revolving door and members come and go which brings sadness when people leave but helps provide us with a fabulous eclectic mix of people stepping through our door.  We continually need to recruit new people to keep the Committee up to full strength and in great working order. If you enjoy the many activities and events put on by Brits Abroad, please consider joining the Committee to ensure they are able to continue. Your time commitment can be flexible to fit in with the multiple demands of expat life; your Shanghai expats need you. Please find a brief summary of the Committee positions on the next page. If you would like any further information or have any queries, please have an informal chat with any of the Committee members you know or contact us by email at [email protected]. If you do decide you would like to stand for one of the positions, please register your interest with the secretary, Sam Cunningham, at the same email address by 10th December 2016. Help to make 2017 another fun year.

President ▪ Represent and promote Brits Abroad in the community and to be a point of contact for our members and outside organisations. ▪ Address members at our social gatherings and chair the monthly Committee meetings. ▪ Oversee and liaise with all Brits Abroad Team members to ensure the smooth running of the organisation. ▪ Communicate with companies and other organisations when looking for sponsorships or donations. ▪ Write monthly article for The Wire and update President’s Message on the Website. ▪ Problem solve any issues within the organisation. ▪ Ensure that all Committee members, existing and new, fully understand the content of the constitution within one month of their

appointment. ▪ Develop positive and active relations with the British Consulate General and the British Chamber of Commerce. ▪ Prepare Annual Report for the AGM. Vice-Presidents (2) ▪ Assist the President in all Presidential roles where necessary. ▪ Deputise for the President in their absence. ▪ Support all Sub-Committee Coordinators. ▪ Oversee the organisation of the annual events, including attendance at the Expat Show. ▪ Maintain the Hotmail Account. ▪ Collate information for the weekly Bulletin. Secretary ▪ Prepare the agenda for monthly Committee meetings, circulate the agenda and any supporting papers to Committee members. ▪ Take Minutes at the monthly Committee meetings, type up the Minutes and circulate to all Committee members. If the

Secretary is unable to attend any meeting, arrange for another Committee member at the meeting to take the Minutes and write them up.Keep Brits Abroad Team Calendar up to date, distribute monthly with the Minutes.

▪ Keep Brits Abroad Team Travel Details Schedule up to date, distribute monthly with the Minutes. ▪ Ensure that all Committee members and Representatives receive a copy of the Constitution when they are appointed. ▪ Prepare the agenda, associated notices and supporting paperwork for the Annual General Meeting for circulation to the


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The Wire November 2016

▪ Take Minutes at the Annual General Meeting, type up the Minutes and circulate to all Committee members and Representatives.

▪ Ensure that copies of all meeting Minutes and supporting paperwork are retained and copies made available to members on request.

▪ Maintain Committee members, Representatives and Sub-Committee members lists with contact e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

▪ Book venue for monthly Committee meetings. Treasurer ▪ Receive all funds from Brits Abroad activities. ▪ Disburse funds and ensure receipts are obtained. ▪ Settle bills with all accounts. ▪ Hold coffee money float. ▪ Record and take coffee money from attendees at the monthly Coffee Morning venue. ▪ Settle bills from all Coffee Mornings after the event.▪ Keep accurate accounting records and receipts. ▪ Prepare monthly financial statement for Committee meeting. ▪ Keep running total of all Community Outreach funds. ▪ Issue invoices to sponsors/advertisers and ensure payment received. ▪ Prepare annual financial statement for inclusion in the Annual Report to members. ▪ Print cheque template for charity presentations.

Membership Secretary ▪ Attend Newcomers Coffee Mornings, Breakfast with Brits and at the Waldorf Coffee morning. ▪ Welcome newcomers and introduce them to Brits Abroad and other members. ▪ Sign up new members, enter them on the database and bulk email list, send out welcome email, and prepare membership

cards. ▪ Collect membership payments and pass on to the Treasurer. ▪ Maintain membership database and bulk email list – adding and deleting members where appropriate. ▪ Respond to email enquiries about membership. ▪ Arrange renewal of subscriptions at end of year. Social Coordinator ▪ Head up Social supporting team. ▪ Organise events for Brits Abroad to host. ▪ Plan and organise the annual events. ▪ Send details to The Wire Editor, Website Coordinator and Vice President for inclusion in the weekly Bulletin. ▪ Prepare event advertisements. ▪ Take bookings via sign up/email – confirm with attendees. ▪ Liaise with the Community Outreach Team re charitable events. ▪ Record attendance at events, arrange payment for events and pass charitable contributions to the Treasurer. ▪ Provide post-event reviews for The Wire. Community Outreach Coordinator ▪ Head up Community Outreach Team. ▪ Liaise with the Charities who Brits Abroad sponsor. ▪ Initiate fundraising ideas and volunteering opportunities. ▪ Write update articles for The Wire. ▪ Attend charity events on behalf of Brits Abroad. ▪ Inform the Treasurer when funds are needed for presentation.

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The Wire November 2016

The Wire Editor ▪ Collect information for and prepare the monthly online publication, The Wire. ▪ Set the standard for layout, format and internal consistency of presentation within The Wire. ▪ Upload The Wire to the website and notifies membership via e-mail that the publication has been posted. Website Coordinator ▪ Ensure that there is an assigned person or group of people to manage and administer each of the admin. pages of the

website (Calendar, Events, Membership, Discounts, Advertising, Publications, About Us, Community Outreach, Home Page, E-mails, Book Club, Walks, Mahjong, May I, Social).

▪ Provide training, support and holiday cover for each of the website administrators. ▪ Solicit feedback from end users to ensure the website is working and is easy to use. ▪ Coordinate with Website Developer concerning any bugs, issues or changes required. ▪ Help coordinate testing of changes. ▪ Design and arrange printing of marketing material.

Public Relations Coordinator ▪ Promote Brits Abroad via Shanghai publications, websites, schools and relocation companies to attract new members. ▪ Communicate with companies and other organisations when looking for sponsorships or donations plus vendors. ▪ Update local free magazines ensuring all relevant details are up-to-date. Advertising Coordinator ▪ Pitch advertising opportunity to potential sponsors. ▪ Serve as primary contact for all potential/current ad. sponsors. ▪ Respond to all advertising related inquiries. ▪ Secure advertiser's artwork and coordinate with appropriate Committee members on ad. placement. ▪ Collect advertising payment and pass to Treasurer. Discounts Coordinator ▪ Pitch discount alliance opportunity to potential participants. ▪ Work with Website/E-mail Coordinator to have discount alliance listing posted on website. ▪ Serve as primary contact for all potential/current discount alliance participants. ▪ Respond to all discount alliance related inquiries. ▪ Secure confirmation on alliance listing prior to posting on the website. ▪

We are supported by a fantastic group of Representatives who are always on hand to assist us. Brits Abroad is a fabulous Team and we can only exist with the help of volunteers. Please help to

keep us going.

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The Wire

Waldorf Coffee Morning 📝 First Tuesday each month (normally)

10:00am - 12:00 Noon Salon de Ville, Waldorf Astoria

2 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu, On The Bund , 2 Cost: 100RMB members/150RMB non-members

Tuesday, 8th November

Newcomers Coffee Morning 📝 Last Wednesday each month

10:00am - 11:30am Pret a Manger, K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Lu

300 K11 Wednesday 30th November

Book Club Selected Tuesday each month

10:30am - 12:30pm For information, email [email protected]

with Book Club as subject Tuesday, 15th November

Pudong Breakfast with Brits 📝Third Thursday each month 10:00am - 11:30am

Paulaner Brauhaus (Binjiang) Riverside Promenade, Binjiang Da Dao, Pudong

, Cost: 65RMB members/75RMB non-members

Thursday 17th November

Regular Monthly Fixtures

Regular Weekly Fixtures

Mahjong *Mondays

1:30pm - 4:30pm(or from 12:30pm if you want lunch)Park Tavern, 840 Hengshan Lu, near

Tianping Lu 840 840

Cost: 50RMB includes drinks with free

refills. 60RMB non-member trial session.

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th November

May I? *Wednesdays

1:30pm - 4:30pmPark Tavern, 840 Hengshan Lu, near

Tianping Lu 840 840

Cost: 50RMB includes drinks with free

refills. 60RMB non-member trial session.

9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th November



💻 Sign up at http://www.britsabroadshanghai.com/

November 2016

SunSettersSecond Wednesday of each month 

5:00pm - 8:00pmThe Shanghai Brewery

20, Donghu Lu 20

Wednesday, 9th November

New venue!New


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The Wire November 2016

Nanjing Road, once the most famous shopping street in Asia and described by one writer in 1920 as “certainly one of the most interesting streets in the world", will be the start of our September Walk. Then on to People's Square, once the site of a huge horse racetrack which was in the very centre of the former International Settlement and at the very heart of high society. The track is long gone but the clubhouse remains, along with other impressive buildings of the era, one of which houses the Zero Centre Point of Shanghai. Join us as we explore the heart of Shanghai, past and present.

This is a members-only event (20 rmb), out--of-town visitors may attend (50 rmb) if places are available. All proceeds go to charity. Sign-up only, no drop-ins, as this event is sometimes full with a waiting list. More details and sign-up on the website.

(*Please note this is a repeat of the September walk when we had a rainy day.)

November Walk: Gems at the Heart of the City Thursday, 3rd November 10:00am to 12:00 noon*

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Waldorf Coffee


Tuesday, 8th November

The Wire November 2016

November Events

Our monthly get-together in the luxurious surroundings of the Waldorf Astoria, formerly “The Shanghai Club”. This historic

venue is a perfect location for our members and friends both East and West of the Huangpu River. Enjoy free-flow tea, coffee &

juices and a selection of savoury & sweet canapés. Members 100RMB, non-members 150RMB.

Vendors will be present at the November coffee morning, including Epermarket and a Homemade Sausage stall.

The Charity A.P.M. will also be presenting their great new Cookery Book (in French, English and Chinese), which shows you

how to buy and cook all those mysterious Chinese fruit and vegetables that we see on the markets.

Don´t forget to have a look at the DVD exchange table – bring, exchange or just take home some nice films. 

Join / Renew: The membership team will be available at this event for you to join BA or renew your membership.

Contact : Email [email protected] with ‘Waldorf Coffee Morning' in the subject

Waldorf Astoria, Salon de Ville, 2 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road, on the Bund.华尔道夫酒店⼤堂楼层,黄浦区中⼭东⼀路外滩2号Those requiring special access (pushchairs/wheelchairs), should use: No. 88 Sichuan Zhong Road 上海四川中路88号

10:00am-12 NoonWaldorf Astoria

The Salon de Ville

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The Wire November 2016

Special Tour of Twinings Tea Factory Tuesday, 8th November 2pm-4:30pm

Do you love tea? If so, sign up quickly for this very popular visit, it’s limited to 12 participants!

The factory is situated beyond the reach of public transport but car sharing will be organised.

This is a members-only event, there will be a charge of 100RMB per person, which will be donated to charity.

See our website for more details.

Fun Quiz

Saturday, 12th November


The Fun Quiz is back! Maximum of 4 per team, numbers are limited to

40 people. Prizes for the winning team.

Sign up here. Cancellation policy applies. Your reservation will be confirmed by email.

Cost: Members 140RMB per person, Non-members 200RMB per person. Price includes supper and one free drink. Happy Hour drink deal also available.

Park Tavern, 840 Hengshan Lu, near Tianping Lu 衡⼭路 840 号 近天平路 Metro Line 9 and 1 Xujiahui Line 1 Hengshan Lu. Exit 13. At top of steps turn right. Keep the shopping centre on your left. When you meet Hengshan Lu turn left go past Starbucks. Across the junction of Tianping Lu. Once across this junction. The Park Tavern is a few minutes walk on the left-hand side.

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The Wire November 2016

Brits Abroad Book Club

Tuesday, November 13th


See website to sign up.

This is a club open to all members of Brits Abroad and can be joined at any time during the year.We hold monthly meetings, on the third Tuesday of each month. Members of the group volunteer to host the meetings in their homes and usually provide tea, coffee etc. The host researches questions for discussion. (This is not really arduous since there are many websites to help and we hold a batch of back-up questions if necessary!). The discussions are informal and all contributions are warmly received. It is always interesting to hear a range of opinions and to listen to various interpretations and responses to the same book! All that is required of you is that you enjoy reading a variety of books and you are happy to come along to the meetings.

This month we shall also be watching the film version of the work during the meeting.

November’s Book is “Mao’s Last Dancer” by Li Cunxin The extraordinary memoir of a peasant boy raised in rural Maoist China who was plucked from his village to study ballet and went on to become one of the greatest dancers of his generation.  From a desperately poor village in northeast China, at age eleven, Li Cunxin was chosen by Madame Mao's cultural delegates to be taken from his rural home and brought to Beijing, where he would study ballet. In 1979, the young dancer arrived in Texas as part of a cultural exchange, only to fall in love with America-and with an American woman. Two years later, through a series of events worthy of the most exciting cloak-and-dagger fiction, he defected to the United States, where he quickly became known as one of the greatest ballet dancers in the world. This is his story, told in his own inimitable voice.

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The Wire November 2016

Come and join us along the riverside at Paulaner in Pudong. Enjoy a lovely selection of scrambled eggs, cold meats, croissants, rolls, jam and tea or coffee.

Paulaner, Riverside Promenade,

Binjiang Da Dao, Pudong 滨江⼤道,⾹格⾥拉⼤酒店

Sign up on the Brits Abroad website

Breakfast with Brits

Thursday, 17th



Newcomer Coffee





A relaxed venue for newcomers and existing members to meet.

The membership team will be available to sign up new members.

Pret a Manger, K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Lu


See our website for more details.

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The Wire November 2016

The countdown’s on to the best Christmas party in Shanghai!

Save the date: Lunchtime Thursday, 8th December

November Weekend Walk Our November Walk will take place on Sunday, 20th November so that working partners and families may have a chance to join our monthly outing. Watch out for more information in the Bulletin and full details and sign-up on the BA website. Hope to see you there !

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The Wire November 2016

Previous Events

The food on offer was delicious. A selection of sandwiches and savoury pastries, - the curried chicken ones proving very popular - scones with jam and cream, a delightful array of desserts and, of course, plenty of freshly-made tea - although glasses of bubbles seemed to be more popular on the day!  A station serving duck pancakes was set up in the courtyard, with a chef making them up as required. This was a surprise and a very welcome one. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon and we all left having eaten one dessert or one sandwich too many - if that's possible ! It was another great event, in a great location, with members getting together over food and drink to chat, something we are all very good at ! All in all, a wonderful afternoon.

Welcome Back Afternoon Tea

It's always nice to catch up with people after they have been away over the summer and our Welcome Back Afternoon Tea is the perfect place to do this. The Liquor Factory at The Intercontinental Hotel proved a great venue to hold this event and, with sunny skies, the outdoor courtyard was an ideal location. Food was set up inside in one of the villas and the whole area was ours for the afternoon.

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The Wire November 2016

September Walk: Gems at the Heart of the City

The rainy weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the 13 ladies who joined the "Gems at the Heart of the City" walk, as it was a chance for us to explore some locations of historic importance to Shanghai. Our walk along East Nanjing Road revealed that some grand buildings were formerly famous department stores for the fashionable Shanghai residents in the 1920's and 1930's. We also discovered the impressive interiors of The Pacific Hotel, Park Hotel and Grand Theatre Cinema, the last two built in Art Deco style by Laszio Hudec (whose architecture has featured on several of our previous walks). My highlight was standing in the gorgeous Park Hotel to find the designated Zero Centre Point of Shanghai. The second half of the walk explored the area of People's Square which was previously a horse racecourse in the city centre. The former Shanghai Racecourse Clubhouse now stands at the edge of People's Park and you cannot miss this tall building with its huge clock. Continuing our walk, we admired the modern architecture of The Shanghai Grand Theatre, Shanghai Museum and Urban Planning Exhibition Center which are quite a contrast to the " Old Shanghai" buildings. Strolling through People's Park brought us to our final destination for a delicious lunch at Barbarossa which is attractively positioned in the centre of a lily pond. A perfect place for some tapas and wine !

Please note, if you missed this walk in September, it will be repeated in November.

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The Wire November 2016

As October for the Brits Abroad organisation is traditionally our breast cancer charity month, a special pink-themed fund-raising lunch was held at The Langham Hotel on Tuesday, 20th October. Pink was certainly the colour for the day as every guest wore their best pink outfit for this worthy occasion. The guests who joined Brits Abroad Shanghai enjoyed a glass of Prosecco on arrival, courtesy of the De Vere Group, and were then treated to a delicious three-course lunch which had been specially selected by the chefs at The Langham. In keeping with the pink theme, they enjoyed dishes such as shellfish bisque, grilled salmon and strawberry-flavoured white chocolate cylinders filled with pink mousse.

Brits Abroad Annual Breast Cancer Charity Lunch

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The Wire November 2016

More important, however, was the focus and purpose of this event, to raise funds to support breast cancer awareness in China. We were delighted to be joined by Ying Liu Ko from Shanghai United Family Hospital, who gave a very informative presentation about how previous money raised by the Brits Abroad Shanghai members had been used to fund an ultra-scan breast cancer screening programme for teachers living in Anhui Province. The intention is that these teachers will now roll out this screening programme to other women living in Anhui Province.   The Brits Abroad Shanghai pink-themed charity lunch and raffle raised a total of 13,149RMB. We are delighted that all the proceeds raised from this event will go to support this cancer charity as it continues its work to raise breast cancer awareness in China.

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The Wire November 2016

October SunSetters

Reminder, SunSetters is now on the second Wednesday of the

month, at The Shanghai Brewery Donghu Lu

New day, new venue!

What a change for SunSetters ! With the closure of the Southern Belle, we met on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at The Shanghai Brewery on Donghu Lu. We had a good turn-out and joined with The American Ladies.  It was also great to see several of the better halves come along later.

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The Wire November 2016

September Drop in Drinks

Friday, 23rd September saw our last attendance at a Brits Abroad event in Shanghai.  Drop in Drinks at Beef & Liberty drew a small but select group to enjoy a few beers on the terrace and enabled us to say goodbye to some good friends.  Brits Abroad has been a big part of our lives in Shanghai - long may it continue.

Steph & Tim Ward

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The Wire November 2016

October Walk: Rise of the West BundOn a lovely, sunny Monday morning, the sun gods in our favour, 20 ladies, guided by our group leader, Kelly, set out to enjoy the beauty of the West Bund area of Shanghai. Our first destination was the Longhua Martyrs’ Memorial Cemetery Park. Amazing, large Soviet-type sculptures are dotted around the Park which is lush and green, with large bamboo plants screening some areas, even in early autumn. An amazing sculpture sits behind the eternal flame dedicated to the Unknown Soldier. Like most parks in Shanghai, this park was being utilised by many locals enjoying the space - dancing, playing music, catching up with friends and, of course, performing tai chi.

Just around the corner is Shanghai’s largest and most important temple and pagoda. Originally built in 242 AD, it is still used as a place of worship by locals. We continued on to the Civil Aviation College, then walked on to discover the art museums in the area. They include the Shanghai Centre of Photography, the West Bund Artistic Centre, the Yuz Museum and the Long Museum West Bund. This area was once a glum industrial area, now it is being transformed into a green corridor and continues to be developed as the art hub of Shanghai. Apparently this area is “Shanghai’s answer to the South Bank in London or Museum Mile in New York”. A lovely way to end our walk was a stroll for some, while others picked up the pace, on the new walkway along the Huangpu River. There are walking and jogging tracks and, best of all, at this stage, it is all very serene as many people have not yet taken advantage of this new area. Martha Koufos

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The Wire November 2016

Starting in one of the famous food streets of Shanghai, Shou Ning Lu, our guide, Sophia, took us all on a culinary tour. At our first stop, we were introduced to water snake, twice fried, as well as crayfish and many other delights, including some Taiwanese desserts; and the braver amongst us partook of a glass or two of Chinese rice wine. After a short walk, we were treated to some lamb kebabs and then off to a small Sichuan restaurant for some spicy dishes, finishing off with sweet and savoury salt and pepper pastries. Everyone enjoyed tasting something that perhaps they have never had before and trying restaurants that most would not normally consider venturing into. It was a fantastic evening and we all left with a greater appreciation of what flavours and experiences are available in Shanghai.

Night Market Food Tour

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👪👫👭Welcome to new Brits Abroad members who signed up over the last

month: Mirjam & Joachim Bremer, Lena & Joachim Vin Scheele,

Babs & Brian Williams, Jing & Tetesuya Yoshinaga

The Wire November 2016

Welcome to our new members and goodbye to two very active members of Brits Abroad. We wish Steph. Ward and Diana Cracknell all the best for the future.

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The Wire November 2016

Health & Well Being:

Body Concept Pilates GYROPTRONIC (10%) CAD Dental (10%) Diva Life (10%) Elysian (10%) Emperor CrossFit & Fitness (10%) Shanghui Health TCM Centre (10%) Skin City 5.5 (15%) The Sanctuary (25%) Waldorf Astoria Shanghai (25%) Four Seasons Hotel Pudong (15%) Greenwave (10%)


Dutch Items Shanghai (10%) Ceci ~ The Art of Living (5%) Ipai Auction Company (5%) Marion Carsten (15%) Mayumi SATO (10%) VirginiMosaic (10%) Yipin (10%)

Education: Shanghai Chinese Now Language Centre (10%) Future Power (20%) iManadarin (15%) MandaLingua Chinese Language School (15%) Mandarin NOW Language (10%)


Mosaic Voyages (5%) Shanghai Expat Expert (10%) Autralia Expat Travel (10%) Bespoke Shanghai & Bespoke Beijing (10%)

Food & Beverage:

EMW Wines (20%) Epermarket (6%)

Ferrer Estates/Wine Club Freixenet (10%)

Fritz Patisserie (15%) Futree Tea Shops (20%)

Glo London (15%) Grand Hyatt Shanghai (15%)

Kate & Kimi (5%) Kebabs on the Grille (10%)

L.A.L.A. La Cucina di Luciana (10%) Magnum Wines (20%)

Mr Harry (10%) Vedas (Indian Cuisine) (10%) Vizcaya Coffee Shop (10%)

Mr.Meat (10%) Bocado Restaurant (Free drink) Husk Restaurant (Free Drink)

Vedas (10%)

Other Services

HomePro Shanghai (10%)