The Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge

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The Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge I. How do we define “the word of knowledge’? The word of knowledge is the supernatural revelation of facts—past, present or future—which were not learned or developed through the efforts of the natural mind. It may be described as the mind of Christ being imparted to the mind of the believer.

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The Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge

I. How do we define “the word of knowledge’? The word of knowledge is the

supernatural revelation of facts—past, present or future—which were not learned or developed through the efforts of the natural mind. It may be described as the mind of Christ being imparted to the mind of the believer.

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II. What are the four kinds of knowledge?A. Natural Human Knowledge1. This knowledge is natural not

supernatural.2. This knowledge can be

expanded through research, study and human effort (II Tim. 2:15).3. This knowledge can be a source of human pride (I Cor. 8:1).4. This knowledge will increase throughout the ages (Dan. 12:4).

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B. Fallen Man’s Supernatural Knowledge There are two sources of spiritual power in the world—God and Satan. This knowledge is that which is obtained from the world of the occult. This includes information gained from supernatural sources other than the Holy Spirit of God. It includes interactions with witches, wizards, mediums, séances, divination, astrology, horoscopes, Ouija boards, fortune tellers and the like (I Sam. 28:8; Is. 8:19-20).

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1. This form of knowledge is a counterfeit to the true and is an abomination to the Lord (Lev. 19:26; Deut. 18:9-14; I Chr. 10:13-14). 2. In the Old Testament those who practiced these things were to be put to death (Ex. 22:18; Lev. 20:27). 3. Seeking this type of knowledge will lead to defilement (Lev. 19:31).

4. God is offended when we seek this type of knowledge (Lev. 20:6).

5. We can expect this type of activity to also increase throughout the ages (I Tim. 4:1).

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C. True Intellectual or Spiritual Knowledge This is spiritual knowledge that

can only come to us through knowing God and His word 1. This knowledge is that which

comes to us when we are born again and have our eyes open to both see and enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:3, 5).2. This is knowledge that comes to us from knowing God personally through Jesus Christ (John 17:3).

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3. This is knowledge of the ways of God that comes to us from the Holy Spirit who dwells within us (I Cor. 2:11-14).

4. This knowledge comes to us by seeking the Lord in prayer and in His word (Ex. 33:13; Ps. 119:130).

5. This knowledge is eternal knowledge that will last forever (Mt. 24:35; I Pet. 1:25).

6. This knowledge is also on the increase (Is. 11:9b).

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D. Divine Supernatural Knowledge This is a word of knowledge

as described above. 1. This is not psychic

phenomenon, extrasensory perception, clairvoyance or any other thing that is forbidden by God.2. This is not the result of human ability or pursuit.

3. This is a supernatural gift given by God in an instant of time.

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4. This is the knowledge of a portion of information from God’s total knowledge that can only be known divine impartation.

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III. What are some examples of the “word of knowledge” in operation?A. Samuel was able to tell Saul that his lost donkeys were found by a revelation from God (I Sam. 9:15-20).B. Samuel was able to find Saul hidden in the baggage by a revelation from God (I Sam. 10:21-23).C. Nathan was able to know the secret sin of David by a revelation from God (II Sam. 12:7-13).

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D. The prophet Ahijah was able to see through the disguise of Jereboam’s wife by a revelation from God (I Kgs. 14:1-6).

E. Elijah knew that Gehazi had asked for a reward from Naaman by a revelation from God (II Kgs. 5:20-27).F. Jesus knew that Nathanael was sitting under a fig tree by a revelation from God (John 1:47-50).

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G. Jesus knew that the woman at the well had five past husbands and that she was living with a man who was not her husband by a revelation from God (John 4:17-18, 29).H. Jesus knew that Lazarus had died by a revelation from God (John 11:13-14).I. Peter knew that Jesus was the Christ by a revelation from God (Mt. 16:16-17).J. Peter knew about the conspiracy of Ananias and Saphira by a revelation from God (Acts 5:3).

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K. Ananias knew where Saul (Paul) would be residing by a revelation from God (Acts 9:11-12, 17).

L. Peter knew that three men were seeking him by a revelation from God (Acts 10:17-23).

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IV. What are guidelines for the operation of the “word of knowledge”?A. Ask God for insight as to why you were given this piece of information. B. Ask God for wisdom as to how to act upon this information.

C. Ask God for direction concerning with whom this information should be shared. D. Ask God how this information can be used for the purpose of love and edification.

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V. How do we define “the word of wisdom”? Whereas the word of

knowledge is informative, wisdom is directive. The word of wisdom is the supernatural application of knowledge. It is knowing the divine course of action to be taken in regard to the natural or supernatural knowledge God has given. It is proper judgment for action.

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VI. What are the four kinds of wisdom?A. Natural Human Wisdom

Natural human wisdom is naturally applied knowledge (I Cor. 1:18-31; 2:6; Jam. 3:15).

B. Fallen Man’s Supernatural Wisdom This is the type of wisdom that is forbidden by God that was used by Satan to tempt man in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:6; Dan. 2:27-28).

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C. True Intellectual or Spiritual Wisdom1. This is wisdom that comes down from above (I Kgs. 3:28; I Cor. 2:7; Jam. 3:17).

2. This is the wisdom reflected in the Book of Proverbs (I Kgs. 4:29-34).3. We are told to get this type of wisdom by respecting the Lord and the Word of God (Job 28:28; Pro. 4:7-8; 9:10).4. This wisdom can be a stumbling block to the faith of some (I Cor. 1:18-25).

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D. Divine Supernatural Wisdom

1. It is not human ability.2. It is a gift from God.3. It is a small part of God’s total

wisdom (Rom. 11:33-36; 16:27; I Tim. 1:17).

This gift of the word of wisdom is a sudden and miraculous giving of wisdom to be applied to a particular situation, answer a particular question or utilize a particular piece of knowledge.

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VII. What are some examples of the “word of wisdom” in operation?

A. Joseph had a word of wisdom as to how to save the world from the coming drought (Gen. 41:25-36).

B. Moses’ mother had a word of wisdom as to how to save her baby from Pharoah’s sword (Ex. 2:1-10 with Heb. 11:23).C. Jethro had a word of wisdom for Moses as to how to oversee the nation of Israel (Ex. 18:13-26).

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D. Nathan used a word of wisdom as to how to approach David about his sin (II Sam. 12:1-14).

E. Solomon had a word of wisdom for the two women who were fighting over the same baby (I Kgs. 3:16-28).

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F. Jesus had words of wisdom when answering those who were trying to trap Him in His words (See Matthew 22:15-46).1. When they questioned the source of His authority (Mt. 21:23-27).2. When they asked about paying taxes to Caesar (Mt. 22:15-22).3. When He asked them about Christ being the Son of God (Mt. 22:41-46).

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G. Paul had a word of wisdom when he was before the Sanhedrin and realized that there was no way that he would get a fair hearing (Acts 23:1-10).H. Paul had a word of wisdom concerning the safety of the crew during a violent storm (Acts 27:21-35).