I I W cT r r f c I 4A r 1 THE EVENING WORLD WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1908 2 4 l THREE DEAD IN BlAZE KINDLED e I BY A FIREBUG L 1 r Oil Poured in Hall of Crowded f Tenement on the East- Side J MOTHER AND BABES DIE Heroine Saves Five Children and Eighteen Families- Are Rescued I Three lives were snuffed out In n fire at No 83 East Third street at 1 A M today when an Incendiary slipped Into the basement of a big fivestory tene ¬ menthouse occupied by eighteen poor families and lighted a puddle of kero- sene ¬ he had poured on the floor- A number of other persons were burned and Injured by falling from windows and flroescapes and the death list would have been heavy had It not been for several muscular policemen who caught children as they were hurled torn windows by their frantic mothers The Dead Mrs YETTA MOSKOWITZ twenty live who lived on the third floor with her husband two children nnd a boarder MORRIS MOSKOWITZ thirteen weeks old son of Yettn The boarder known only as LOUIS The Injured LOUIS MOSKOWITZ husband of the dead woman smoke and burns 4 NATHAN MOSKOWITZ four son a smoke- r RACHEL GOODWIN thirtytwo smoke and shock FRANK CURUY policeman cut by t falling glass Mrs YETTA KRAUSS sixtyfive In- ternal ¬ Injuries from jumping and burns about head face and body Half a dozen children were bruised and cut by being dropped from tire escapes or windows and that number of men and women were alno Injurod the mad rush for safety but refused treat- ment ¬ ambulance surgeons The tenement Is owned by George Glazer a tailor at Fifth avrnue nnd l Twentyseventh street Glazer recently- old tho house to a syndicate of buyers but payments were not made promptly I and he foreclosed the mortgage a few I days ago This Is said to have caused I bitter feeling on the part of cevln In- terested ¬ persons V The tire was kindled directly under the alrshaft and betore It was dlocov- er d had eaten through the lower hall I way and mounted the stair welt to the roof cutting off all possible eucapo of tenants on any of the ippcr floor ex- cept by the fireescapes and rot I I Policeman Curry and Sergeant Fogar I ty uf the Fifth street station wore at First avenue und Third ali ct when u man came rushing up to them and criedThe tenement noun down at 83- U burning l Police to the Rescue The poll men sent the man to englns- hous No y nut door to the Fifth strait station anti run to the tenement whir they were juln d by Policeman Nestor Entrance to the house wu 1m I fri poslble Ths hallway was like a fur- l 1 OLCe Policeman Connel y came running up and with Horgt Kogarty went through the houit et No 83 und climbed along the cornice to the llreeacapu on thu blailng building Thu oap wa al- ready ¬ gorged with families The men In their fright Will beating back the women and getting to the street but the hard lILt of the policemen drove them to their place above The two policemen on thu escape then begun picking up the children and to 6ing thorn to the two policemen on the Street Women appeared at the windows on I the upper floor and those who hud children dropped them to the policemen I I on the escape These In turn dropped them to the men on the treat When the first engine arrived the es- capes ¬ front and rear wets hot as grid J dies and themes were vvvueplng out over the Iron ladders Mother and Babe Perish The Moskowlti family on the third J floor was awakened hy the cry of I Tire The husband und father tool the fouryearold son In his arms and called for his wife and the boarder Louis to follow Mrs Moskoulti car- ried ¬ the baby She thought the was following tho husband when she started for the root behind the boarder Mos kowlla with hU oldest son got to thn street down the front fireescape before he missed hlg wife und baby Then ho I began to yell A llraman ran up Ihu eaoape and cams I upon the bodies of the mother and baby- In the upper hallway The mother lay crocs the Infant and was horribly r burned She evidently had tried to save the child life at the sacrifice of her k wn On the stairway ws the body of I the boarder I Yalta Krauos the mother of i three sons and two daughters proved herself a heroine The Krausscs were on the second floor und found escape F1 cut off by tho hall und his llracBcapos ammed with tholr neighbors Mra Krause cut a clothes line and tied It bout her youngest son fihe lowered him to the ground und titan she low- ered ¬ all her sons and daughters In the same way Uy title time thu Humes were all about her liar night dress was blazing and In a frantic effort to save her lito she plunged lo tho Street ghe was unconscious when picked up HI but her children had not received so much as a scratch Ladder Broke Under Them Mrs JUchel Goodwin was about to leap from tho firesescape when a fire- man ¬ grabbed her In his arms and car- ried ¬ hero the street There she began C toecresm and suddenly collapsed c oa41Uo were eveu worse In the IA JL TI t1 Scene of East Side Fire and Wreck ol Hall Where People Were Burned rear of the house than In the front The police lowered the ladder extending from the first floor fireescape landing to the ground but part of the ladder broko from the weight on It and then the people above were cut off Again the tenants began throwing their children out Into the arms of the policemen or Jumping themselves Mrs Mary Mulholland sixtyfive- Martrd down n swaying fire ladder just cj a piece of glass crashed down on- e i CPO of Policeman Curry The next lBtrn Mrs Mulhollond lost her hold and plurged head first Tile wounded Curry caught her nnd she reached the ground without hurt Samuel JIailow his wife and two chil- dren ¬ looked as though they had little chance for escape on the top nreescape when the flrenen reached them and drew them from the blistering hot lad- ders ¬ Mover Rochman his wife nod two children were ni the third floor nni flames shooting out of the lower win- dow ¬ seemed to make escape Impossible Hochman took the children and caled- to a policeman Here caah them Saved Wife and Children He loaned both children from the win ¬ dow and then dropped his struggling wife to u polceman ona flrelnddei Next instant he made a leap himself and landed on his feet a good deal shaken up but unhurt When tho second alurm was sounded- a call was sent to He Ieue for nn am- bulance ¬ by Iolro Headquarters Tho ambulance cumIW lopliii up In charge- of Dr Lackey ChIef Croer saw the ambulance and turned Lackey back I didnt order this ambulance said broker not knowlnKthit arty otto was hurt Oat out of tho lines Lackey sot out of the lire lines but was cailed back Immediately It Is said Chief Crokor objects to the pres- ence ¬ of an ambulance burseon In the lines units uacolutely needed Before the tire was under control the tenement houto was a bnicklig eiell MURPHY FAILS TO BACK MCARRENS GAr BlING PLAN Tammany Leader Says Brook- lyn ¬ Senator Only Speaks- for Himself Thi iliilniiitlnn of Btiuitrir MrLnrron Unit In tint ovunt nf Pllmocmtlu eni- CIISH at Hit polls nnxl nionlli he sntilil- iiiuln an lUfoit to IKIVH thu Irirluhitiirii- rupful thu anttraoi Hurl hcttlnir luu- u a railed to tllu attention of Churl L Muipliy loilay Mr Muiphy said I IKIVII trail what Kcmitor MuJaiKii- m yu on tlllI milijfit Hi HpiMliu tinly till liliiiHrlf Would Tammany Hull ImcU un un- attciiuil to iipoal the antlheltlnK law Mr Murphr wau usUed 1 can only lupojl lie luplliMl that Kunitnr MuCuricn sped Us for hlnibflf anil nut for this orfaiiUntlun III an- nonncliitr uny planu he may liavi In mind Mr Mmjiliy nolil It was too mr y tn Klvti nut IlKiireu lull that hu Jjmkcil for a but majority fur Chanlir In this city Hu uililoil that whllu Chanler might sun ahead nf Jliyan there would not he a treat illfttrunrn In the vote fur the national und Hlato tlclctu- Mr Murphy was told thut thu llepnij- llrini Pal in tiint Ill cc HirU men tin kiinljleik have cnntrllniU I J0l < to I 11 Tammany campaign fund Jlu luld t1 t claim uim news to him And timers Is nut a word uf Irutli in It hu Tammany hail lin nut- r4rrtvs1oIme ucuny rum any kuch u source + i < Jf1 I- c c rr COUNSEL ATTACKS INDiCTMENT OF- T JENKINS HAINS Captains Brother Fired No Shot Is Argument of Mcintyre Cnpt Peter C Halm and his brother T Jenklna Mains were arraigned again today before Justice Garrretson In the i Queens County Supreme Court at Kluchlnij to Inrtlrtmrnts charging them with murder In the ft degre They i war taken trout the jail at hong Isl- and ¬ City to Hushing In an auto no bile haiuKuffid to sheriff Harvey and fnd r Sherirf Phillips Cipt IliiliiH itla remIt ly took no In tvrost In tin priirii illnK8 lie Hut with Ile head houoil anil contlnunllj ran Ills tuli Imnil through hlx har T Jcnlclna- llalna ulioMi liullctmrnt la nuobtloni- ill olin I MoIntyiH lOll lISt for tile ilefciibf wii8 till of life mill menu und ronfmcil nllh Ma Iasyems and his I mot her Major Iliiln- sIr Koblur nn nllriilct cmpinveil by I tliiililslrlilAtlointy WHS In couil Min- iUuftly oliMrviil Capt JJiiInd- Mr McJntyrc iiiuco whull th rftha I I lid nilril and feiilniilliiul mi aiKiinuiit- In fiivnr of his envied for MTinls lim to euinlnu tln inlniitiH of tilt Onun- lJtnj I which liulrttil tlio Halns iirpt hors fin llllliiK Ullliiiii i AnnU Ho hcoll liia miuunt 1111011 limo Kiimnil that I ho- InlirlmiiiU fliiijliu T liiililiio llalns 11th Ill inlet III lliu lust ilrviUO lu tIle Kill InabiitiKli IIM them lu no imiof that In tlnil a iluil at Annls- Jiistlcfi larrclson nveriulcd Mr M- lnt > its liintlin for tinilttloti to lu hpoit till iliiiiil Jury inliuiliH Mr Mc- JntiiH thini nhit hla duniuncr to tho In illitniiiit aialimt T JenUliiH lialns I Iii vvab gl11 until Filday lo dIe a brief JubtUo jaiiolsun announcpd that 1III would Bii a Ihlnn on tuft ileniiuitri- inkt MiMiili inunilni li nilliiK tie fn llfiixiit uf thi MUIIH uf the Inillttmuu aLulnut T Icnulna llalnu thu arralKii- nuiit or fapt llalnu will not bo prebbeil lull Ii lilnllitTb will pliibalily ho ur- iigiuil fur iilradliiK un Monday morn 11I11 o BOY HELD AS FIREBUG liiiuuli 11 f Iliiini fur the Krlendlosl- iinUvil Is Ill At limit iTipiefit nf time atithniltlcs nf the lloniu for Krlundlesa lays at No Ml Kant One ilnndred und Twentieth all eel Hniliilf Hhclllnuifr a sixteen yearold Inmate uan urreHted today on- a rmrK of uiton TIme tupfiiliitcnilcnt told the pollrs tint nn Monday Inn kii ill linti ft hail been men to empty thu till from a bIcycle imp und KHuiatn plln nf papers under the finnt ulniip of thu 111I1 ilK la nil oldfashioned unoden triune utrnc lure lie set lire In limo tnllammnblaII- IUKS hut list lazii wan dlscoveied In 11 inn und LIIIIIU of thu other boys 1Iul lnil It HhullhaulT teas itl awd from un uutitutu rcforiuutury a few wlis ago Th ft tiJ tJ J 1 FIFTEEN YEARS IN PRISON FOR FRANK MARRIN Former Brooklyn Lawyer Sen tenced for Swindling Widow Ten Years Ago FLED TO HONDURAS Counsel Will Continue Fight by Appeal to Higher Courts- Frank C Marrln the former ttorney who was found guilty last week In County Judge Dikes court In Brooklyn of forgery In the first degree after his arrest on a warrant ten years old was sentenced today to serve a term of not less than fifteen or more than twenty years for his crime The conviction and passing of sen- tence ¬ mark tho final chapter In one of the most remarkable cases ever tried In a Brooklyn court Marrln was arrested several weeks ago In a law attica In New York on tho aged warrant which charged him with swindling Mrs Catherine Barry the widow of R once wellknown Brooklyn contractor out of moro than JTO000 by means of false cer- tificates ¬ of acknowledgment to certain mortgages He fled to Honduras after his Indict- ment ¬ and when ho judged the coast was clear It Is alleged went to Chi- cago ¬ and engaged In various gctrlcht- ulclc schemes In Philadelphia he re ¬ sumed these operations and under the name of Judge Franklin Stone was In Ilicted for fraudulent practices Marrln when he uaa arrested In New York claimed Immunity from the juris- diction ¬ of the courts of thIs State Inas- much ¬ as he was out on bell allowed by the Federal Court of the District of Pennsylvania In the Judge Franklin Stone Case In sentencing Marrln today Judge Dike analfmeg him In scathing terms lIe called attention to his long Im- munity ¬ from arrest under the Indict- ment ¬ for forgery and told him him thit he hud smirched the fair name of the Brooklyn liar Ten minutes after sentence had been passed lonncr Surrogate Church se ¬ cured from Justice Gaynor an order to how cause why a certificate of rea- sonable ¬ doubt should not be granted This will act as the desired stay till the court records are completed and the motion comes up for argument which- It Is expected will be In two or three i days II NOT A WOMAN BUT A LADY SAYS MISS RAY BUCEY Deported She Declares She Is of a Good Lancashire Family Miss nay nucry tho tall and willowy young Englishwoman who with James Howard Allport the son of a London millionaire was detained at Ellli Isl- and ¬ when they arrived on the Mauri- tania ¬ im Friday went back today on the same eel her deportation hav- ing ¬ been mdrrrd by this ImmlBratlon authorities Allport has been sranted the prlvl lese of appeal and Is stll on Kills Isl- and ¬ At snlllnff time however tile lisndMinu young Mnniln wllo accompan- ied ¬ him on time Iusltaiilt Insisted ha why also u passenger going back Met on Board Ship Sho Days The oftloem of his Mauritania dn dared that Miss Bucoy was not u pea iongci hut reporters found her In nn In feldu btnteoom She ualil The advlous tlmt Mr Allports father riiblci tram England conuenilng inn un riot true I nevrtr sat Mr Allport bo- tnitt In my life until Wlt mot on tile ilmiti ret II fl lu I know that ho Is iniirrMl a mid lute cliii d run but tlmt hon notlini to ilu ultli tha COda I havii been tuuiud- NlmmLliilly I IUd not iomu ovtr ultli- Mr AllMrt uj hid ulfo You will tlnd that uo wero nut rcirtHtaied In th putt Bunker list nn nun anil wife KiiitlUrmoro 1 um not an actress or an nilMtiiltiroiis 1 atu not a uonmn but n laily of u Uno oh lanoualiliu mm II and Jmve been jircscntuil ut Court I luuu nn linlepcniltfiit fortune of my own mid when 1 landed In Amurlou I hart ttfcu and jewels worth IOOW Tile I Jewels tire III tItle jewel uiau luliitliiK tti a leather box with u iii tall around It Treated Scandalously Vou must MU IIOIH uluil 1 say IIOH- uuiiabCOUbly I Intro heart dealt with Tha miew slut 111 rc have pilnlud inuny scandalous thlnt about me uouu uf which Jiud coy buds In tact It haw bueu reported thut Mr Allport would remain here and uppeu UU case Uo will not iiu b u jiabbtmutr Oil tilts silt ii I navo nut satIn him silIca I cuino- jbiiurd but 1 knuw that such Is the cues Jhlsl way mistaken about this I umlon inlllloiialran soil lining a- seitsr PIi on thu iUuruUnU IIUHUVDI ac- he Ib itlll a tiribunur on UUiul lie Is thlriyfutr years old und when ho arrived hem a detective agency hail rt- colvod Inbtructloim from lii tattler to up unit also to hold up tiu Uucey rile elder Allport ileclamd that hU son was not m lItall rtiaponslbla- anil hal deserted n wife nnil rumllv in elope with the comely young KtigUh woolen KILLED BY FAST TRAIN LVON8 N Y Oct SlA nan be i llovod to bo W n Wcach ot Hilton N Y jac truck and kllUil by the Twen- I tleth Century Limited here tnday He stepped III front of the sulfl express I avoiding aIWiItliF train This mall was about tala taaL r h IBURBANKS KIN TAKE STAND IN 100000 SUIT 11 Several Say Bill of Sale Was- in Handwriting of Million ¬ aire Recluse QUIZZED ON THE WILL Admissions Made That Lega ¬ cies Did Not Reach Ex- pectations ¬ The suit against Caleb A Burbank an executor of the estate of Ambrose 13 Burbank the millionaire recluse to re- cover ¬ 100000 on a bill of snlo alleged to have been executed by the deceased was continued today before Judge Ward In th U S District Court Eu- gene D Hnwklns of Hawkins A Debt field counsel for tile executor put wit- ness ¬ Tolmnn through a severe cross pxn mlna lion Who IB payIng your expenses here he asked I am myself- Do you expuct to he patti back 7 Here Lawyer S S Whltehouso for the plaintiff Interrupted Id be a pretty mean sort of a law- yer ¬ If he didnt Under further crossexamination the witness frankly admitted that he had been disappointed In his uncles will as he had expected to receive an equal share with the other nephews and nieces He denied however that disap- pointment ¬ had affected his testimony Praise for Brooklyn Further questioning on the part of Mr Hawkins which appeared to hint at sharp practice on the part of his op- ponents ¬ brought forth a caustic re ¬ joinder from Mr Whltehouee who said We dont ndulgo In such practices In the little vllage Brooklyn I como from Mrs M Louisa Hill a niece of the deceased recluse was next called by Mr Whltchouse Mrs Hill who Is an elderly woman said that she had lived- In Bollgrade Me all of her life She Identified several specimens of hand- writing ¬ as standards of comparison- as well as the assignment signed by Ambrose n Burbank Crossexamined- by Mr Hawkins she saul that she had been left out of her uncles will alto ¬ gether and had been disappointed nn sho thought she would be remembered Edward A Dubenola of Cambridge- Mass said he had married hi first wife a nelce of Ambrose D Burbank twentytwo years ago and his second wife also a nelce of tIme age1 recluse twelve years ago Ho testified that he had visited Ambrose B Burbank In New York and Identified the handwrit- ing ¬ of Instrument as that of Mr Bur- bank fit Ill Man and Wife Testify His wife like him Identified the fclKnment and letter which had pre- viously ¬ been marked for Identlflcntli I Mr Hawkins objected hut Judtfi Ward overruled tho objection and said that he regarded the us III the nature of a receipt tot securities Mrs Eva A D DIskcn of tIll oily maid Ambrose B Burbank had hoarded lit her grandmothers lioirdlns house prior to her own marriage and thft situ had received letters from him while sho was away on vacation She was living she suld with her graiJ mother at the time Asked when Mr Burlmnk hud moved away she nild that It Wile after thu- dny when tile dot dlwl After Horn illHCUBflon tho date of the dogs d ath Sits fixed In 1WO Mrs Dlakon Winil lieu a poem on the death of tlin dog Jot flu being In nurbanks hinl wilting Mr Hawkins sprung H < ur- iii Iso by offering In evidence u IcttiM which the witness Iclentltled us In lu r- hiiHlinnds hand wni t I ng dlrectod to- uleb I A Burbank In the letter tim i writer said I base III my possession a IIOHI- IIwrlltnn liy Ambrose 1 I liurbanl oil ilu- ilmith of Ms slog Dot sown twclvv- jeatb ago 1 would like 011 tn lime this letter ulthoiiKli the other stile umiKl Ilku to have It althdUi of cutuBi I oxpoot thut you will rnmpun- flltU 1110 for It Tho wIt ticut mild that whIle Mr Our liunk biianlnl at lien I lOll iiI uhn hall Ire iiuntly scan him wrlto In hla loom hart nnd letters from hli nlectu whom ho ciild ilid tint write viearly to him Slit hall nut pxprrlril II IJ icy from him hut said that hit had iriimI- BPI lici gre liii niiti her one NOT A A1IRACIR- Juki Ilulii CQIIIK anil UITrrt There are some quIto remarknliot- liliigH 11511 I lOll Iii g every day which seem almost miraculous Somo porfuin would not bollovn that a inn < oulcl Buffer from cotfu- oilrliiklng HO iovtirtly HB to causa spells of unconsciousness Mid tn- llnil Cihtl Ill te id let In oliiingliiB front coffee to IoUum Is well worth record hut I usmi to lu a Rreat rofftu drlnUor- no much rn that It WitS killln lIe liy 1hlquei3 My heart huranio so woiik I oujil full tmtl He uwonsilmiH for an hour nt n tlmo Tim sjiellu cnuglit me boniotlmit two or three Union u ilay- My frlentla and even the doctor told mo It was drlnkliiK ooffee that paused tho trouble I would not be- llovo It and btlll drank coffee until I could not leave my room Then my doctor who drinks Ios turn himself persuaded mo to atop coffee flInt try Joatum After much hesitation concluded to try It That was eight months ago Slncu then I have hUll but tow of hoBO apelU uono for more than four months I feel better sleep batter and am better every way I now drink noth- ing but Postuin and touoh no coffee and as I am seventy yuan of age all my friends thlnk the Improvement qulta remarkable ° Theres u Ileaeon Name given by IVwtum Co lint tie Creek Mich Road Tho Road to Well vlllo in pkgs Ever read the above letter A new one appears front tIme to time They- are genuine true and full of human iatWMt J BOY BURGLARS- DODGE i BULLETS BUT ARE CAUGHT Pair Escape Fusillade From Brooklyn Mans Pistol That Wakes Folk COAT LED TO CAPTURE SixteenYearOld Lad Found Under Stoop Tells of Pal Who Is Taken in Bed The siege of a Brooklyn block today- by the police of the Fifth avenue sta- tion ¬ under Capt McOovcrn resulted In the capture of two verj youthful burg- lars ¬ one of whom win caught under a step the other was found In had In his home Both admitted that at 345 this morning they caused pandemonium In the blocks adjoining th home of Joseph Murray No 36C12 Fifth street when Murray who lied caught them trying to enter his homo by a rear window opened Ore on them Murrays aIm was poor though ho emptied his pistol bringing everybody within sound of the shots to windows The burglars got over a back fence and that wan the end of that particular episode In the Brooklyn dawn It was almost noon today before the besieging police came upon a stationer Harry Kaplan at No 3G2 Fifth avenue whose place also had been broken Into hy burglars and about 125 worth of goods taken Right after that tho trail got hot The police found an old coat which they assumed had belonged to one of the burglars In the back yard- of Kaplans place Found Under Stoop They starched the adjoining houses till they reached the house of Peter Ilndhall a plumber at Sixth avenue between Fifth and Sixth streets They were poking about under stoops when suddenly Undhall who had Just arrived home for luncheon yelled that thero was somebody under hLi front stoop The next minute out lashed a costless youth who tried to leap over the front fence of Ilndhalls yard but was trIpped by tho plumber At tho pollco station the prisoner snld he was Kdward Van Polt sixteen years old of No B17 Baltic Street Then he gavo the address of Patrick Carolan seventeen years old at No 128 Fifth avenue and said Patrick had been his partner In the morning raid The police went to Catalans homo and found him In tied Ho was very badly scared and admitted that lie hail been ono of the buiRlain shot at by Murray Ho pnlcl Van 1elt hind rd him escnpailp after the two hail met In a pool parlor Kmolveni worn found on both boy burg- larsSpecial j Sale llinrsday Friday Saturday 1500 Hats Dashing Attractive Styles Look at Them You Never Saw Such Beauties for Less Than Twice Our Puce I Every one of these beautiful hats was Inspired by Paris the J same lines and the ame kinds of trimming that the cay French t city pi + 5 into her linen and her most fashlonabe hat are repro duced in thiSc at 11 l- i J tI1j- I i1 A l1 1fJ P h I t I- P 4 Tvo No jEJ Alike Our hats at tills prlci are u betu tutu attractive aiuj artistic as Jnv you will at tluwhtit III Niw YOlk for 12 or f I S3no that Is not sty Inn a won more than we are abso- lutely ¬ sure of Ve art quite positive- that nowhere In all New York can you flmt hIts at 3i anti 5i5 tint will begin to compare In exquisite effectiveness with our hats at 409 i Hundreds upon hundreds to choose from anil no two alike I 6th Am Cor 17th St I For the Sick RoomIndispensable- NonPoIsonous and Antiieptic- nt Drug anil- p 11 arimtnt rJwr tilorti- TrlAl Umln- 10r IIII1IN W I t OT NO rr > iin- oBABYCARpES OG t Special Suit Sale r i1to 182O and 25 1 9983 I Tailored Suits i Thursday Only The sprit of the new season is em ¬ bodied in this charming assemblage off U i suits The variety is as bewildering as r the styles are attractive I 5 Directoire Creations i tj a 1 Louis XVI Ideas Smartr Hipless Effects ough Models Imperial Designs i ¼ i r Long Pointed Coat Suits 1 Every suit a revelation of style an- dYi economy and an exquisite examplp oft Wl r1 the new Autumn costumes Their effec s live trimmings of satin braid and buttons i are refreshing in their originality All of 2 1it materials of choicest weave arid fashioned into lines of classic gracefulness t Smartest New Colors Lt4 Catatuba Taupe JI7ista- ria Edison Bronze Navy j Smote Myrtle BeauvaisA i Blue Black and all the i i 4 newest shadts- Aho u a variety of stripes I I Until you see this collec lion you cannot reaize what c I aX marvellous values we arc offering for this sale tf- i ScALE AT cALL THREE STORES i Remember Alterations FREE I d 460J462 Fulton Stftd- BROOKLYN t rfi45651BroadSrred NEWARK s 135ODoes 20 Service- in a Brill Store is Because of Brill trade advantages here i are thousands of Suits Fall Coats and k Cravenettc Raincoats It 1350 that in 4 tailoring fabrics trinur T S style and de- sirability ¬ compare most favorably wlih I L v i III best S20 garments 14 I i ll i 5 fi Choose Your 20 Suil at I 1350 From L I 5d r l f iakt WORSTEDS in the i t i4 t A it L new forest green tan- bark f 1 lj r Jill tan and sky smoke i4 i fJ shades t flJ VELOURS in new j4 Henley and Regatta 4c stupes in olive tan and brown SAXONY CASS1MERES in olive tan 1 it 2 and brown shades two tone and shadow stripe effects Lj1y WORSTEDS In neat dark stripe and silk mixture effeeis and BLUE WOR ¬ U STED SUITS in smart stripe effects and j meltnn finished BLACK THIBET SUITS Choose Your i2O Fall Coat at 1350 From Stone olive tan brown and various f J I gray shades nf worstedcheviots and ve ¬ I 7 I hours and black and Oxford wale thibets f i Choose Your CravenettcS- 20 Froii II I I n J onrrlTtI About w JilTcient tyIis of specially WUViil gray worsteds In HainQlIs sntiitlv modeW lnd modernly tailored Py Hri G2 rs 5Ul50 for any of these Qarments and 11 suref 2O sCrvi vnUie and better Mian i2o tyle- r gzeeIuIl- It llorlrin Steep Own frnntt UNION OQUAHE14th StnBway 47 CORTLANDT n Greenwich 279 BROADWAY n Chambers St 125TH STREET cor 3d Avenue a WRITE FOR LISTS OF- THESE OUTFITS JoNI 4 lIuum Velour 77- S4998 IIIIII lo jjwft 1 rllurlil vaUIUI1I1I 10998 j 808 1 Iii 1 5 lIoom- lalurnl 69 98 LIBERAL ell EDIT TER1S 14975 JMSVorlh JSOODowo 100 Weckl I IJO W e Vjurwl- Osk 4 Jtoum- nrurnl 75 7M A HltmOn li i1 ICO to 1000 to 200 vain PHD FurnUlirJ for CI 906 Our rrxlU tarmac apply lio 10 1650 200 up t Yok 1114 CoaD aa w i SUNDAY WORLD WANTS WORK MONDAY MORNING WONDER5- I S A- l b

THE WORLD OCTOBER East Side Fire Hall Were Special Suit ... · A llraman ran up Ihu eaoape and cams I upon the bodies of the mother and baby-In the upper hallway The mother lay crocs

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L1r Oil Poured in Hall of Crowded

f Tenement on the East-



Heroine Saves Five Childrenand Eighteen Families-

Are Rescued

IThree lives were snuffed out In n fire

at No 83 East Third street at 1 A M

today when an Incendiary slipped Intothe basement of a big fivestory tene ¬

menthouse occupied by eighteen poorfamilies and lighted a puddle of kero-



he had poured on the floor-

A number of other persons wereburned and Injured by falling fromwindows and flroescapes and the deathlist would have been heavy had It notbeen for several muscular policemenwho caught children as they were hurledtorn windows by their frantic mothers

The DeadMrs YETTA MOSKOWITZ twenty

live who lived on the third floor withher husband two children nnd aboarder

MORRIS MOSKOWITZ thirteenweeks old son of Yettn

The boarder known only as LOUISThe Injured

LOUIS MOSKOWITZ husband of thedead woman smoke and burns

4 NATHAN MOSKOWITZ four sona smoke-

r RACHEL GOODWIN thirtytwosmoke and shock

FRANK CURUY policeman cut byt falling glassMrs YETTA KRAUSS sixtyfive In-


Injuries from jumping and burnsabout head face and body

Half a dozen children were bruisedand cut by being dropped from tireescapes or windows and that number ofmen and women were alno Injurod themad rush for safety but refused treat-ment


ambulance surgeonsThe tenement Is owned by George

Glazer a tailor at Fifth avrnue nndl Twentyseventh street Glazer recently-

old tho house to a syndicate of buyersbut payments were not made promptly

I and he foreclosed the mortgage a fewI days ago This Is said to have causedI bitter feeling on the part of cevln In-


personsV The tire was kindled directly under

the alrshaft and betore It was dlocov-er d had eaten through the lower hall

I way and mounted the stair welt to theroof cutting off all possible eucapo oftenants on any of the ippcr floor ex-

cept by the fireescapes and rotI

I Policeman Curry and Sergeant FogarI ty uf the Fifth street station wore at

First avenue und Third ali ct when uman came rushing up to them andcriedThe tenement noun down at 83-

U burning

l Police to the RescueThe poll men sent the man to englns-

hous No y nut door to the Fifthstrait station anti run to the tenementwhir they were juln d by PolicemanNestor Entrance to the house wu 1m

I fri poslble Ths hallway was like a fur-l

1 OLCePoliceman Connel y came running up

and with Horgt Kogarty went throughthe houit et No 83 und climbed alongthe cornice to the llreeacapu on thublailng building Thu oap wa al-


gorged with families The menIn their fright Will beating back thewomen and getting to the street butthe hard lILt of the policemen drovethem to their place above The twopolicemen on thu escape then begunpicking up the children and to 6ingthorn to the two policemen on the Street

Women appeared at the windows onI the upper floor and those who hud

children dropped them to the policemenI I on the escape These In turn dropped

them to the men on the treatWhen the first engine arrived the es-


front and rear wets hot as gridJ dies and themes were vvvueplng out over

the Iron laddersMother and Babe Perish

The Moskowlti family on the thirdJ floor was awakened hy the cry of

I Tire The husband und father toolthe fouryearold son In his arms andcalled for his wife and the boarderLouis to follow Mrs Moskoulti car-ried


the baby She thought the wasfollowing tho husband when she startedfor the root behind the boarder Moskowlla with hU oldest son got to thnstreet down the front fireescape beforehe missed hlg wife und baby Then ho

Ibegan to yell

A llraman ran up Ihu eaoape and camsI upon the bodies of the mother and baby-

In the upper hallway The mother laycrocs the Infant and was horribly

r burned She evidently had tried to savethe child life at the sacrifice of her

k wn On the stairway ws the body ofI the boarder

I Yalta Krauos the mother ofi three sons and two daughters proved

herself a heroine The Krausscs wereon the second floor und found escape

F1 cut off by tho hall und his llracBcaposammed with tholr neighbors Mra

Krause cut a clothes line and tied Itbout her youngest son fihe lowered

him to the ground und titan she low-ered


all her sons and daughters In thesame way Uy title time thu Humeswere all about her liar night dresswas blazing and In a frantic effort tosave her lito she plunged lo tho Street

ghe was unconscious when picked upHI but her children had not received so

much as a scratchLadder Broke Under Them

Mrs JUchel Goodwin was about toleap from tho firesescape when a fire-man


grabbed her In his arms and car-ried


hero the street There she beganC toecresm and suddenly collapsed

c oa41Uo were eveu worse In the


Scene of East Side Fire and Wreckol Hall Where People Were Burned

rear of the house than In the frontThe police lowered the ladder extendingfrom the first floor fireescape landingto the ground but part of the ladderbroko from the weight on It and thenthe people above were cut off

Again the tenants began throwingtheir children out Into the arms of thepolicemen or Jumping themselves

Mrs Mary Mulholland sixtyfive-Martrd down n swaying fire ladder justcj a piece of glass crashed down on-

e i CPO of Policeman Curry The nextlBtrn Mrs Mulhollond lost her holdand plurged head first Tile woundedCurry caught her nnd she reached theground without hurt

Samuel JIailow his wife and two chil-


looked as though they had littlechance for escape on the top nreescapewhen the flrenen reached them anddrew them from the blistering hot lad-


Mover Rochman his wife nod twochildren were ni the third floor nniflames shooting out of the lower win-dow


seemed to make escape ImpossibleHochman took the children and caled-to a policeman

Here caah themSaved Wife and Children

He loaned both children from the win ¬

dow and then dropped his strugglingwife to u polceman ona flrelnddeiNext instant he made a leap himselfand landed on his feet a good dealshaken up but unhurt

When tho second alurm was sounded-a call was sent to He Ieue for nn am-


by Iolro Headquarters Thoambulance cumIW lopliii up In charge-of Dr Lackey ChIef Croer saw theambulance and turned Lackey back

I didnt order this ambulance saidbroker not knowlnKthit arty otto washurt Oat out of tho lines

Lackey sot out of the lire lines butwas cailed back Immediately It Is

said Chief Crokor objects to the pres-


of an ambulance burseon In thelines units uacolutely needed

Before the tire was under control thetenement houto was a bnicklig eiell




Tammany Leader Says Brook-



Senator Only Speaks-

for Himself

Thi iliilniiitlnn of Btiuitrir MrLnrronUnit In tint ovunt nf Pllmocmtlu eni-

CIISH at Hit polls nnxl nionlli he sntilil-

iiiuln an lUfoit to IKIVH thu Irirluhitiirii-rupful thu anttraoi Hurl hcttlnir luu-

u a railed to tllu attention of ChurlL Muipliy loilay Mr Muiphy said

I IKIVII trail what Kcmitor MuJaiKii-m yu on tlllI milijfit Hi HpiMliu tinlytill liliiiHrlf

Would Tammany Hull ImcU un un-

attciiuil to iipoal the antlheltlnKlaw Mr Murphr wau usUed

1 can only lupojl lie luplliMl thatKunitnr MuCuricn sped Us for hlnibflfanil nut for this orfaiiUntlun III an-

nonncliitr uny planu he may liavi Inmind

Mr Mmjiliy nolil It was too mr y tnKlvti nut IlKiireu lull that hu Jjmkcil fora but majority fur Chanlir In this cityHu uililoil that whllu Chanler mightsun ahead nf Jliyan there would nothe a treat illfttrunrn In the vote fur thenational und Hlato tlclctu-

Mr Murphy was told thut thu llepnij-llrini Pal in tiint Ill cc HirU men tinkiinljleik have cnntrllniU I J0l< to I 11

Tammany campaign fund Jlu luld t1 tclaim uim news to him

And timers Is nut a word uf Irutli inIt hu Tammany hail lin nut-r4rrtvs1oIme ucuny rum any kuch usource + i <

Jf1 I-

c c rr




Captains Brother Fired No

Shot Is Argument of


Cnpt Peter C Halm and his brotherT Jenklna Mains were arraigned againtoday before Justice Garrretson In the

i Queens County Supreme Court atKluchlnij to Inrtlrtmrnts charging themwith murder In the ft degre They

i war taken trout the jail at hong Isl-



City to Hushing In an auto nobile haiuKuffid to sheriff Harvey andfnd r Sherirf Phillips

Cipt IliiliiH itla remIt ly took no Intvrost In tin priirii illnK8 lie Hut withIle head houoil anil contlnunllj ran Ills

tuli Imnil through hlx har T Jcnlclna-llalna ulioMi liullctmrnt la nuobtloni-ill olin I MoIntyiH lOll lISt for tile

ilefciibf wii8 till of life mill menuund ronfmcil nllh Ma Iasyems and hisI mot her Major Iliiln-

sIr Koblur nn nllriilct cmpinveil byI tliiililslrlilAtlointy WHS In couil Min-iUuftly oliMrviil Capt JJiiInd-

Mr McJntyrc iiiuco whull th rfthaI I lid nilril and feiilniilliiul mi aiKiinuiit-In fiivnr of his envied for MTinls limto euinlnu tln inlniitiH of tilt Onun-lJtnjI which liulrttil tlio Halns iirpt horsfin llllliiK Ullliiiii i AnnU Ho hcollliia miuunt 1111011 limo Kiimnil that I ho-

InlirlmiiiU fliiijliu T liiililiio llalns11th Ill inlet III lliu lust ilrviUO lu tIle

Kill InabiitiKli IIM them lu no imiof thatIn tlnil a iluil at Annls-

Jiistlcfi larrclson nveriulcd Mr M-

lnt > its liintlin for tinilttloti to luhpoit till iliiiiil Jury inliuiliH Mr Mc-

JntiiH thini nhit hla duniuncr to tho Inillitniiiit aialimt T JenUliiH lialns I Iiivvab gl11 until Filday lo dIe a brief

JubtUo jaiiolsun announcpd that 1III

would Bii a Ihlnn on tuft ileniiuitri-inkt MiMiili inunilni li nilliiK tie fnllfiixiit uf thi MUIIH uf the InillttmuuaLulnut T Icnulna llalnu thu arralKii-nuiit or fapt llalnu will not bo prebbeillull Ii lilnllitTb will pliibalily ho ur-iigiuil fur iilradliiK un Monday morn11I11


liiiuuli 11 f Iliiini fur the Krlendlosl-iinUvilIs Ill

At limit iTipiefit nf time atithniltlcs nfthe lloniu for Krlundlesa lays at NoMl Kant One ilnndred und Twentiethall eel Hniliilf Hhclllnuifr a sixteenyearold Inmate uan urreHted today on-a rmrK of uiton

TIme tupfiiliitcnilcnt told the pollrstint nn Monday Inn kii ill linti ft hail beenmen to empty thu till from a bIcycleimp und KHuiatn plln nf papers under

the finnt ulniip of thu 111I1 ilK lanil oldfashioned unoden triune utrnclure lie set lire In limo tnllammnblaII-IUKS hut list lazii wan dlscoveied In11 inn und LIIIIIU of thu other boys1Iul lnil It HhullhaulT teas itl awdfrom un uutitutu rcforiuutury a fewwlis ago


ft tiJ tJ J1




Former Brooklyn Lawyer Sen

tenced for Swindling Widow

Ten Years Ago


Counsel Will Continue Fight

by Appeal to Higher


Frank C Marrln the former ttorney

who was found guilty last week InCounty Judge Dikes court In Brooklynof forgery In the first degree after hisarrest on a warrant ten years old wassentenced today to serve a term of notless than fifteen or more than twentyyears for his crime

The conviction and passing of sen-


mark tho final chapter In one ofthe most remarkable cases ever tried Ina Brooklyn court Marrln was arrestedseveral weeks ago In a law attica InNew York on tho aged warrant whichcharged him with swindling MrsCatherine Barry the widow of R oncewellknown Brooklyn contractor out ofmoro than JTO000 by means of false cer-tificates


of acknowledgment to certainmortgages

He fled to Honduras after his Indict-ment


and when ho judged the coastwas clear It Is alleged went to Chi-cago


and engaged In various gctrlcht-ulclc schemes In Philadelphia he re ¬

sumed these operations and under thename of Judge Franklin Stone was InIlicted for fraudulent practices

Marrln when he uaa arrested In NewYork claimed Immunity from the juris-diction


of the courts of thIs State Inas-much


as he was out on bell allowed bythe Federal Court of the District ofPennsylvania In the Judge FranklinStone Case

In sentencing Marrln today JudgeDike analfmeg him In scathing termslIe called attention to his long Im-munity


from arrest under the Indict-ment


for forgery and told him him thithe hud smirched the fair name of theBrooklyn liar

Ten minutes after sentence had beenpassed lonncr Surrogate Church se ¬

cured from Justice Gaynor an order tohow cause why a certificate of rea-sonable


doubt should not be grantedThis will act as the desired stay till thecourt records are completed and themotion comes up for argument which-It Is expected will be In two or three

i days




Deported She Declares She Is

of a Good LancashireFamily

Miss nay nucry tho tall and willowyyoung Englishwoman who with JamesHoward Allport the son of a Londonmillionaire was detained at Ellli Isl-


when they arrived on the Mauri-tania


im Friday went back today onthe same eel her deportation hav-ing


been mdrrrd by this ImmlBratlonauthorities

Allport has been sranted the prlvllese of appeal and Is stll on Kills Isl-and


At snlllnff time however tilelisndMinu young Mnniln wllo accompan-ied


him on time Iusltaiilt Insisted hawhy also u passenger going back

Met on Board Ship Sho DaysThe oftloem of his Mauritania dn

dared that Miss Bucoy was not u peaiongci hut reporters found her In nn Infeldu btnteoom She ualil

The advlous tlmt Mr Allports fatherriiblci tram England conuenilng inn unriot true I nevrtr sat Mr Allport bo-

tnitt In my life until Wlt mot on tileilmiti ret II fl lu I know that ho Is iniirrMla mid lute cliii d run but tlmt hon notlini toilu ultli tha COda I havii been tuuiud-NlmmLliilly I IUd not iomu ovtr ultli-Mr AllMrt uj hid ulfo You will tlndthat uo wero nut rcirtHtaied In th puttBunker list nn nun anil wife

KiiitlUrmoro 1 um not an actress oran nilMtiiltiroiis 1 atu not a uonmnbut n laily of u Uno oh lanoualiliu mmII and Jmve been jircscntuil ut CourtI luuu nn linlepcniltfiit fortune of myown mid when 1 landed In Amurlou I

hart ttfcu and jewels worth IOOW TileI Jewels tire III tItle jewel uiau luliitliiK

tti a leather box with u iii tall aroundIt

Treated ScandalouslyVou must MU IIOIH uluil 1 say IIOH-

uuiiabCOUbly I Intro heart dealt withTha miew slut 111 rc have pilnlud inunyscandalous thlnt about me uouu ufwhich Jiud coy buds In tact It hawbueu reported thut Mr Allport wouldremain here and uppeu UU case Uowill not iiu b u jiabbtmutr Oil tiltssilt ii I navo nut satIn him silIca I cuino-jbiiurd but 1 knuw that such Is thecues

Jhlsl way mistaken about thisI umlon inlllloiialran soil lining a-

seitsrPIion thu iUuruUnU IIUHUVDI ac-

he Ib itlll a tiribunur on UUiul lieIs thlriyfutr years old und when hoarrived hem a detective agency hail rt-colvod Inbtructloim from lii tattler to

up unit also to hold up tiuUucey rile elder Allport ileclamd thathU son was not m lItall rtiaponslbla-anil hal deserted n wife nnil rumllv inelope with the comely young KtigUhwoolen


i llovod to bo W n Wcach ot Hilton NY jac truck and kllUil by the Twen-

I tleth Century Limited here tnday Hestepped III front of the sulfl express

I avoiding aIWiItliF train This mall wasabout tala

taaL r h



100000 SUIT


Several Say Bill of Sale Was-

in Handwriting of Million ¬

aire Recluse


Admissions Made That Lega ¬

cies Did Not Reach Ex-



The suit against Caleb A Burbankan executor of the estate of Ambrose 13

Burbank the millionaire recluse to re-


100000 on a bill of snlo alleged tohave been executed by the deceasedwas continued today before JudgeWard In th U S District Court Eu-

gene D Hnwklns of Hawkins A Debtfield counsel for tile executor put wit-ness


Tolmnn through a severe crosspxn mlna lion

Who IB payIng your expenses herehe asked

I am myself-Do you expuct to he patti back 7

Here Lawyer S S Whltehouso forthe plaintiff Interrupted

Id be a pretty mean sort of a law-yer


If he didntUnder further crossexamination the

witness frankly admitted that he hadbeen disappointed In his uncles will ashe had expected to receive an equalshare with the other nephews andnieces He denied however that disap-pointment


had affected his testimonyPraise for Brooklyn

Further questioning on the part ofMr Hawkins which appeared to hintat sharp practice on the part of his op-


brought forth a caustic re ¬

joinder from Mr Whltehouee who saidWe dont ndulgo In such practices In

the little vllage Brooklyn I comofrom

Mrs M Louisa Hill a niece of thedeceased recluse was next called byMr Whltchouse Mrs Hill who Is anelderly woman said that she had lived-In Bollgrade Me all of her life SheIdentified several specimens of hand-writing


as standards of comparison-as well as the assignment signed byAmbrose n Burbank Crossexamined-by Mr Hawkins she saul that she hadbeen left out of her uncles will alto ¬

gether and had been disappointed nnsho thought she would be remembered

Edward A Dubenola of Cambridge-

Mass said he had married hi firstwife a nelce of Ambrose D Burbanktwentytwo years ago and his secondwife also a nelce of tIme age1 reclusetwelve years ago Ho testified that he

had visited Ambrose B Burbank InNew York and Identified the handwrit-ing


of Instrument as that of Mr Bur-

bank fit Ill

Man and Wife TestifyHis wife like him Identified the

fclKnment and letter which had pre-viously


been marked for Identlflcntli I

Mr Hawkins objected hut JudtfiWard overruled tho objection and saidthat he regarded the us III thenature of a receipt tot securities

Mrs Eva A D DIskcn of tIll oilymaid Ambrose B Burbank had hoardedlit her grandmothers lioirdlns houseprior to her own marriage and thftsitu had received letters from himwhile sho was away on vacation Shewas living she suld with her graiJmother at the time

Asked when Mr Burlmnk hud movedaway she nild that It Wile after thu-dny when tile dot dlwl After HornillHCUBflon tho date of the dogs d athSits fixed In 1WO Mrs Dlakon Winillieu a poem on the death of tlin dogJot flu being In nurbanks hinl

wilting Mr Hawkins sprung H < ur-iii Iso by offering In evidence u IcttiMwhich the witness Iclentltled us In lu r-

hiiHlinnds hand wni t I ng dlrectod to-

ulebI A Burbank In the letter tim i

writer saidI base III my possession a IIOHI-

IIwrlltnn liy Ambrose 1 I liurbanl oil ilu-ilmith of Ms slog Dot sown twclvv-jeatb ago 1 would like 011 tn limethis letter ulthoiiKli the other stileumiKl Ilku to have It althdUi ofcutuBi I oxpoot thut you will rnmpun-flltU 1110 for It

Tho wIt ticut mild that whIle Mr Ourliunk biianlnl at lien I lOll iiI uhn hall Ireiiuntly scan him wrlto In hla loom

hart nnd letters from hli nlectuwhom ho ciild ilid tint write viearly tohim Slit hall nut pxprrlril II IJ icyfrom him hut said that hit had iriimI-

BPI lici gre liii niiti her one


Juki Ilulii CQIIIK anil UITrrt

There are some quIto remarknliot-liliigH 11511 I lOll Iii g every day whichseem almost miraculous

Somo porfuin would not bollovnthat a inn < oulcl Buffer from cotfu-oilrliiklng HO iovtirtly HB to causaspells of unconsciousness Mid tn-

llnil Cihtl Ill te id let In oliiingliiB frontcoffee to IoUum Is well worth recordhut

I usmi to lu a Rreat rofftu drlnUor-no much rn that It WitS killln lIe liy1hlquei3 My heart huranio so woiik I

oujil full tmtl He uwonsilmiH for anhour nt n tlmo Tim sjiellu cnuglit meboniotlmit two or three Union u ilay-

My frlentla and even the doctortold mo It was drlnkliiK ooffee thatpaused tho trouble I would not be-

llovo It and btlll drank coffee until I

could not leave my roomThen my doctor who drinks Ios

turn himself persuaded mo to atopcoffee flInt try Joatum After muchhesitation concluded to try It Thatwas eight months ago Slncu then I

have hUll but tow of hoBO apelU uonofor more than four months

I feel better sleep batter and ambetter every way I now drink noth-ing but Postuin and touoh no coffeeand as I am seventy yuan of age allmy friends thlnk the Improvementqulta remarkable °

Theres u IleaeonName given by IVwtum Co lint tie

Creek Mich Road Tho Road to Wellvlllo in pkgs

Ever read the above letter A newone appears front tIme to time They-are genuine true and full of humaniatWMt





Pair Escape Fusillade From

Brooklyn Mans Pistol

That Wakes Folk


SixteenYearOld Lad Found

Under Stoop Tells of Pal

Who Is Taken in Bed

The siege of a Brooklyn block today-by the police of the Fifth avenue sta-



under Capt McOovcrn resulted In

the capture of two verj youthful burg-


one of whom win caught under astep the other was found In had In hishome Both admitted that at 345 thismorning they caused pandemonium Inthe blocks adjoining th home of JosephMurray No 36C12 Fifth street whenMurray who lied caught them trying toenter his homo by a rear windowopened Ore on them

Murrays aIm was poor though hoemptied his pistol bringing everybodywithin sound of the shots to windowsThe burglars got over a back fenceand that wan the end of that particularepisode In the Brooklyn dawn

It was almost noon today before thebesieging police came upon a stationerHarry Kaplan at No 3G2 Fifth avenuewhose place also had been broken Intohy burglars and about 125 worth ofgoods taken Right after that tho trailgot hot The police found an old coatwhich they assumed had belonged toone of the burglars In the back yard-of Kaplans place

Found Under StoopThey starched the adjoining houses

till they reached the house of PeterIlndhall a plumber at Sixth avenuebetween Fifth and Sixth streets Theywere poking about under stoops whensuddenly Undhall who had Just arrivedhome for luncheon yelled that therowas somebody under hLi front stoopThe next minute out lashed a costlessyouth who tried to leap over the frontfence of Ilndhalls yard but wastrIpped by tho plumber

At tho pollco station the prisoner snldhe was Kdward Van Polt sixteen yearsold of No B17 Baltic Street Then hegavo the address of Patrick Carolanseventeen years old at No 128 Fifthavenue and said Patrick had been hispartner In the morning raid

The police went to Catalans homoand found him In tied Ho was verybadly scared and admitted that lie hailbeen ono of the buiRlain shot at byMurray Ho pnlcl Van 1elt hind rd him

escnpailp after the two hailmet In a pool parlor Kmolveni wornfound on both boy burg-



Salellinrsday Friday Saturday

1500 HatsDashing AttractiveStyles Look at ThemYou Never Saw Such

Beauties for LessThan Twice

Our PuceI Every one of these beautiful

hats was Inspired by Paris the J

same lines and the ame kindsof trimming that the cay French t

city pi+5 into her linen and hermost fashlonabe hat are reproduced in thiSc at

11 l- iJtI1j-

Ii1 Al11fJ

P h I

t I-

P4 TvoNojEJ

AlikeOur hats at tills prlci are u betu

tutu attractive aiuj artistic as Jnvyou will at tluwhtit III Niw YOlkfor 12 or f I S3no that Is not styInn a won more than we are abso-lutely


sure of Ve art quite positive-that nowhere In all New York canyou flmt hIts at 3i anti 5i5 tintwill begin to compare In exquisiteeffectiveness with our hats at 409

i Hundreds upon hundreds to choosefrom anil no two alike


6th Am Cor 17th StI

For the Sick RoomIndispensable-NonPoIsonous and Antiieptic-

nt Drug anil-p11 arimtntrJwr tilorti-

TrlAl Umln-10r


t OTNO rr > iin-



tSpecial Suit Sale


182O and 25 1 9983 ITailored Suits i

Thursday OnlyThe sprit of the new season is em ¬

bodied in this charming assemblage offU i suits The variety is as bewildering as

rthe styles are attractive I


Directoire Creationsi

tj a

1 Louis XVI Ideas SmartrHipless Effects

ough Models ImperialDesigns i

¼ i r Long Pointed Coat Suits 1

Every suit a revelation of style an-dYi economy and an exquisite examplp oft

Wl r1 the new Autumn costumes Their effecs

live trimmings of satin braid and buttons i

are refreshing in their originality All of2

1it materials of choicest weave arid fashioned

into lines of classic gracefulness t

Smartest New Colors

Lt4 Catatuba Taupe JI7ista-ria Edison Bronze Navy

j Smote Myrtle BeauvaisAi Blue Black and all the

i i 4 newest shadts-Ahou a variety of stripes I

IUntil you see this collec

lion you cannot reaize whatc I aX marvellous values we arc

offering for this sale tf-i ScALE AT cALL THREE STORES

i Remember Alterations FREE


d 460J462 Fulton Stftd-BROOKLYNt rfi45651BroadSrred


s135ODoes 20 Service-

in a Brill Storeis

Because of Brill trade advantages herei are thousands of Suits Fall Coats and

k Cravenettc Raincoats It 1350 that in

4 tailoring fabrics trinur T S style and de-


compare most favorably wlih

I L v iIII best S20 garments

14 I i

lli 5 fi Choose Your 20 Suil at

I 1350 FromLI

5d r l

f iakt WORSTEDS in thei t i4

t Ait L new forest green tan-barkf 1 lj r Jill tan and sky smoke

i4 i fJ shadest flJ VELOURS in newj4 Henley and Regatta

4c stupes in olive tan and brownSAXONY CASS1MERES in olive tan

1 it 2 and brown shades two tone and shadowstripe effects

Lj1y WORSTEDS In neat dark stripe andsilk mixture effeeis and BLUE WOR ¬

U STED SUITS in smart stripe effects and jmeltnn finished BLACK THIBET SUITSChoose Your i2O Fall Coat

at 1350 FromStone olive tan brown and various

f J I gray shades nf worstedcheviots and ve ¬I 7I hours and black and Oxford wale thibets

f i Choose Your CravenettcS-


FroiiII I I n J onrrlTtIAbout w JilTcient tyIis of specially WUViil gray worsteds In

HainQlIs sntiitlv modeW lnd modernly tailored

Py Hri G2 rs 5Ul50 for any of these Qarmentsand 11 suref 2O sCrvi vnUie and better Mian i2o tyle-


gzeeIuIl-It llorlrin Steep Own frnntt

UNION OQUAHE14th StnBway 47 CORTLANDT n Greenwich279 BROADWAY n Chambers St 125TH STREET cor 3d Avenue






4 lIuumVelour 77-

S4998IIIIII lo

jjwft 1 rllurlilvaUIUI1I1I 10998

j808 1 Iii

1 5 lIoom-lalurnl

69 98 LIBERAL ell EDIT TER1S 14975JMSVorlh JSOODowo 100 Weckl

I IJO W e Vjurwl-Osk4 Jtoum-

nrurnl75 7M A HltmOn

li i1 ICO to 1000 to 200 vain PHD FurnUlirJ forCI 906 Our rrxlU tarmac apply lio 10 1650 200 up tYok 1114 CoaD aa w i



