1 THE WORLD OF SPORTS Courntry ...................................... National Sport Canada ............................................... Ice Hockey India ....................................................... Hockey Pakistan .................................................. Hockey USA ....................................................... Baseball England ..................................... Cricket, Football Australia ....................................... Cricket, Tennis Indonesia ............................................ Badminton Malaysia ............................................. Badminton Spain .............................................. Bull Fighting China ............................................... Table Tennis France ...................................................... Croque Japan ........................................... Jujuthsu (judo) Scotland .................................................... Rugby Russia ........................................................ Chess Olympic games The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece. The first games were held in 776 BC in Olympia. The games were banned by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in AD 394. The games were revived by the French nobleman Baron Pierre de Coubertin who is regarded as the Father of Modern Olympics. The first modern Olympics were held in 1896 at Athens. 'Play the game in the spirit of the game' was the message of Baron Pierre de Coubertin. 'Citius, Altius, Fortius' ('Swifter, Higher and Stron- ger') is the motto of the Olympics. The emblem of the Olympics is composed of five intertwined rings, each of different colours representing the five continents of the world. Black ring representing Africa, yel- low ring representing Asia, blue ring represent- ing Europe, green ring representing Australia and the red ring representing America. It is placed at the centre of the Olympic flag which is white in colour. The epigram of the Olympics is "The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well". The Olympic Flag, created in 1913 at the sugges- tion of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was raised for the first time at the Antwerp Games in 1920. The Olympic Flame was ceremonially lit for the first time at the Amsterdam Games in 1928. The modern version of the Flame was adopted in 1936 at the Berlin Games. The Olympic Flame symbolises the continuity be- tween the ancient and the modern Games. The torch used to kindle the flame was first lit by the sun's rays at Olympia, Greece and then carried to the site of the Games by a relay of runners. Now it is brought to the venue from Athens. B[p- \nI Hfn- ¼n- Ivkpw, ]pcm-X\ Hfn¼nIvkpw X½n-epÅ _Ôs¯ {]Xo- Im- ß-Iambn kqNn- ¸n - -¡p¶XmWv Hfn¼nIv kv ^v tfbnw. It was only from 1900. (Paris Olympics) women were allowed to participate in the Olympics. Women took part in track and field for the first time in 1928. The Olympic Games are held after every four years. However Olympic Games were not cel- ebrated in 1916, 1940 and 1944 because of the world wars. National Sports and Games

THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv

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Page 1: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv



Courntry ...................................... National SportCanada ............................................... Ice HockeyIndia ....................................................... HockeyPakistan .................................................. HockeyUSA ....................................................... BaseballEngland ..................................... Cricket, FootballAustralia ....................................... Cricket, TennisIndonesia ............................................ BadmintonMalaysia ............................................. BadmintonSpain .............................................. Bull FightingChina ............................................... Table TennisFrance ...................................................... CroqueJapan ........................................... Jujuthsu (judo)Scotland .................................................... RugbyRussia ........................................................ Chess

Olympic games The Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece.

The first games were held in 776 BC in Olympia.The games were banned by the Roman EmperorTheodosius in AD 394.

The games were revived by the French noblemanBaron Pierre de Coubertin who is regarded as theFather of Modern Olympics.

The first modern Olympics were held in 1896 atAthens.

'Play the game in the spirit of the game' was themessage of Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

'Citius, Altius, Fortius' ('Swifter, Higher and Stron-ger ') is themotto of theOlympics.

The emblem ofthe Olympicsis composed offive intertwinedrings, each ofdifferent colours representing the five continentsof the world. Black ring representing Africa, yel-low ring representing Asia, blue ring represent-ing Europe, green ring representing Australia andthe red ring representing America.

It is placed at the centre of the Olympic flag whichis white in colour.

The epigram of the Olympics is "The essentialthing in life is not conquering but fighting well".

The Olympic Flag, created in 1913 at the sugges-tion of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was raised forthe first time at the Antwerp Games in 1920.

The Olympic Flame was ceremonially lit for thefirst time at the Amsterdam Games in 1928. Themodern version of the Flame was adopted in 1936at the Berlin Games.

The Olympic Flame symbolises the continuity be-tween the ancient and the modern Games. Thetorch used to kindle the flame was first lit by the

sun's rays at Olympia,Greece and then carriedto the site of the Gamesby a relay of runners.Now it is brought to thevenue from Athens.

B[p-\nI Hfn-¼n-Ivkpw,]pcm-X\ Hfn¼nIvkpwX½n-epÅ _Ôs¯{]Xo-Im-ß-Iambn kqNn-¸n- -¡p¶XmWv Hfn¼nIvkv

v̂tfbnw. It was only from 1900.

(Paris Olympics) womenwere allowed to participate in the Olympics.Women took part in track and field for the firsttime in 1928.

The Olympic Games are held after every fouryears. However Olympic Games were not cel-ebrated in 1916, 1940 and 1944 because of theworld wars.

National Sports and Games

Page 2: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv


An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ theOlympics. Olympics are intended only to test theskills of individuals and teams, not of nations.

sKbnwkv \S-¡p¶ cmjv{S-̄ nse cmjv{S-̄ -e-h-\mWv Hfn¼nIvkv DZvLm-S\w sN¿p-I. ClosingCeremony bpsS A²y-£³ IOC {]kn-Uâ v BWv.

Jesse Owens of the United States was the hero ofthe 1936 Berlin Olympics. Owens won four goldmedals. He was nicknamed as ‘The Ebony Antelope.’

In the 1976 Montreal Olympics Nadia Comancciof Romania became the first gymnast in Olympichistory to score a perfect ten.

Host Country is allowed to participate on everyteam event.

First Asian city to host summer Olympics wasTokyo in 1964.

The 1996 Olympic Games were held at Atlanta,USA. 2000 Olympics was held at Sydney.

International Olympic Committee (IOC): IOC isthe governing body of the Olympic Games.

The headquarters of the International OlympicCommittee is at Lausanne, Switzerland. It wascreated on January 23, 1894.

Olympic Museum is also at Lausanne. Jacques Rogge of Belgium is the President of In-

ternational Olympics Committee (IOC). IOC {]kn-Uânsâ Imem-h[n 8 hÀj-am-Wv. Juan AntonioSamaranch 2001Â Øm\w Hgn-ª-t¸m-gmWvPmIzkv tdmKv sXc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-«-Xv.

Indian Olympic Association was formed in 1927.Ct¸mÄ CXnsâ {]kn-Uâ v kptcjv IÂam-Un-bm-Wv.

The venues of the Olympics are chosen sevenyears in advance by the IOC.

Athens Olympic Games 2004 2004 Olympic Games were held in Athens. After

108 year Olympic Games returned to Athens. Anju Bobby George, the flag bearer (Captain) of

Indian team. Michael phelps American swimmer who bagged

eight medals including six gold medals. Athena and phevos were the mascot of the games. Justin Gatlin (USA) won the gold medal in 100 metre

race for men. Anjy Bobby George got Sixth place in Long Jump. Australia won the Hockey gold medal defeating

Netherlands in the final.

\mev an\n -ä nÂHcp ssa HmSp-Itbm? Akm[yw! ANn-´-\obw! Hcn-¡epw \S-¡m-¯Xv! CXm-bn-cp¶p Imbn-I-tem-I-̄ nsâ hne-bn-cp-̄ Â; 1954-h-sc.a\p -jy -N -c n - {X -¯nsâ Bcw`w

1 Mile in 4 Minutes

apXÂ 1954-hsc a\p-jysâ a\-Êns\ aYn¨ Nn´,

a\p-jysâ Ign-hp-IÄ¡v Hcp ]cn[n D­v F¶Xmbn-

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km[y-am-¡n. \mev an\näv sIm­v Hcp ssa HmSn-

sb-̄ n. (3 minutes 58.8 seconds) B hÀjw Ata-

cn-¡-bn Hcp amkw-I-gn-ª-t¸mÄ _n\n-Ì-dpsS

sd¡mÀUv tPm¬ emâen F¶ Bkvt{S-en-b¡m-

c³ XIÀ¯p. ASp-̄ -hÀjw 36 {]mhiyw temI-

¯nsâ hnhn[ ̀ mK-§-fn Cu sd¡mÀUv Xncp-̄ -

s -̧«p. Hmtcm hÀjhpw Cu sd¡m-ÀUp-IÄ amän Fgp-

X-s¸-«p-sIm-­n-cn-¡p-¶p. Ncn{Xw C\nbpw BhÀ¯n-

¡-s¸-Spw. a\p-jy\nse Imbn-I-i-àn-bmIp¶

`qXs¯ Cf-¡n-hn-«Xv 1954þse _n\n-Ì-dpsS sd¡mÀ-

Um-bn-cp-¶p. Cu sd¡mÀ-Un-eqsS XI-À¡-s -̧«Xv a\p-

jysâ ]cn[n Nn´-bpsS Xn«-bm-bn-cp-¶p.

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]co-£-Ifn \n§fpw amäv sXfn-bn-¡Ww. BZys¯

\qdv dm¦p-I-fn-sem¶v e£y-am¡n apt¶-dp-I. Hcn-¡Â

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t\Sm³ IqSp-X hnP-b-§Ä Im¯n-cn-¡p-¶p. Pohn-

X-¯n t\Sm-hp¶ Gähpw DbÀ¶ DtZymKw kz´-

am-¡p¶Xp hsc aÕ-cn¨v apt¶-dp-I.

Page 3: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv


Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore won silver medal inthe double trap shooting and he become the firstIndian sports person to win an individual olympicssilver medal.

USA topped in the medal tally china placed secondand Russia at the third place.

India at the Olympics India officially participated in Olympics for the first

time in 1920. India won the Olympic hockey gold six times at a

stretch from 1928 to 1956 (1928, 32, 36, 48, 52, 56).and again in 1964 and 1980.

Norman Pritchard representing India won twosilver medal in the 200 metres and 200 metershurdles in the 1900 Paris Olympics.

K.D. Yadav of India was the first Indian in postindependence era to win an individual Olympicmedal. 1952 slÂkn¦n Hfn-¼n-IvknemWv Ct±lwsh¦ew t\SnbXv.

Milkha Singh the ‘Flying Sikh’ at the 1960 RomeOlympics broke the Olympic record in the 400mand yet failed to win a bronze medal by 0.1seconds. The race was very close. The gold andsilver medalist broke the world record and the nextthree broke the Olympic record. Milkha’s timingof 45.6 seconds was a national record for 38 years.

Leander Paes won a bronze medal at the AtlantaOlympics in 1996 in tennis.

Shiny Wilson is the first Indian woman to reachthe semi-final in the Olympics (800m at LosAngeles).

P.T. Usha is the first woman finalist at the Olympics(400 m hurdles).

Shiny Wilson became the first woman Indiancaptain to lead India when she captained the 1992Barcelona Olympics.

Anjali Vedpathak became the first Indian shooterto have made it to the Olympic finals (at SydneyOlympics). ss^\-en ARvPen F«m-a-Xmbn^n\ojv sNbvXp.

Karnam Malleswari became the first Indian womanto win an Olympic medal.

69 Intem ̀ mtcm-Zz-l-\-̄ n-emWv IÀ®w atÃ-izcn

sh¦-e-sa-UÂ t\Sn-b-Xv. She won the Bronze medalin the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Suresh Kalmadi is the president of Indian OlympicAssociation. Indian Olympic Association formedin 1927.

Rajyvardhan Singh Rathore become the first In-dian to win an individual silver medal. (2004, Ath-ens)

Historical Achievements in Olympics

The hero of the Berlin Olympics held in 1936was the great Jesse Owens of U.S.A. He wonfour Olympic gold in that year. He was nick-named 'Ebony Antilop.'

In 1976 Montreal Olympics Nadia Comaneu ofRomania was the attractive figure, when she be-came the first person to score full points in thehistory of Gymnastics.

In 2004 the Olympics will he held at Athens inGreece. AYo\, ̂ othmkv F¶o c­v ]mh¡p«n

IfmWv 2004þse Hfn-¼n-Ivknsâ ̀ mKyNnÓ§Ä.

2008 Olympics will be held at Bejing in China.

Summer Olympic Games: The Summer OlympicGames are held during the summer season of thehost city, usually between July and October. TheSummer Olympics will last for sixteen days.Usually Summer Olympic games are mentioned as“Olympic Games.

Playing AreasWrestling ..................................... Arena, RingIce - Hockey ............................................. RinkSkating ..................................................... RinkGolf .......................................................... LinkBoxing ...................................................... RingBaseball ............................................ DiamondBadminton .............................................. CourtLawn Tennis ........................................... CourtJudo ......................................................... MatArchery................................................. RangeEquestrian ............................................. ArenaTable Tennis ...........................................BoardAtheletics .............................................. Track

Page 4: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv


Winter Olympic Games The Winter Olympic Games were started in 1924

at Chamonix in France. The 1998 Winter Olym-pics was held at Nogono (Japan). The 2002 Win-ter Olympics was held at Salt Lake City in U.S.A.

2006 Winter Olympics will be held in Turin (Italy) 2002 Winter Olympics champions : Germany top

the medal tally with 12 golds. The only one In-dian representative : Siva Kesavan.

Germany’s George Hackl made olympic historywhen he became the first athlete, in a summer or ina winter olympics to win a medal on the sameindividual event at five consecutive times. The lastmedal was won in 2002, In the Salt Lake City WinterOlympics.

Paralympics The Paralympic Games are the Olympics for

athletes with disabilities. They are held every fouryears, immediately after the Olympic Games, andalways at the same venue.

The first Paralympics were held in Rome in 1960,with about 400 athletes from 23 countries. Until1972, they were restricted to athletes with spinalinjuries, but now include those with otherdisabilities.

Winter Paralympics have been held since 1976. India’s Devendra created history by winning the

first ever gold for the country in Athensparalympics 2004 in Javelinthrow.

The Commonwealth Games The Commonwealth Games is the sports festival

of Commonwealth countries. J.Astley Cooper is called as ‘the founder of com-

monwealth Games’. The Games are held once every four years mid-

way between the Olympic Games. The Commonwealth Games began in 1930 at

Hamilton, Canada. The Commonwealth Games were originally called

the British Empire Games. The 1994 Games were held at Victoria. 1998 Games were held in Kuala Lumpur (Malay-

sia). It is the first Commonwealth Games to beheld in Asia. Seventy countries participated in it,Australia topped the medal tally. India finishedseventh.

The 2002 Games were held at Manchester(England)

The 2006 Games were held at Melbourne (Austra-lia)

The 2010 Commonwealth Games will be held atNew Delhi.

Common Wealth Games - 2006 The 18th Commonwealth Games were held in

Melbourne (Australia) Indian shooter Samareshjung

was honoured with the DavidDixon Award by the Common-wealth federation for Best Ath-lete of the 18th Common wealthgames. Samreshjung who wonfive Gold, one silver, one bronzemedals in shooting. He becomethe first Indian to bag thishonour in the Games history.

Australia topped the medals tally, England finishedsecond. Canada placed third. India finished in thefourth position.

Asian Games Asian Games is the most important sports event

of Asia. Asian Games are held once in four yearsmidway between the Olympic Games.

The first Asian Games were held in 1951 in NewDelhi by the intiative of Jawaharlal Nehru. Dr.Rajendra Prasad inaugurated the first AsianGames. Eleven Nations participated in the firstgames.

Numbers of PlayersBaseball .................................... 9 on each sideBasket ball (men) ....................... 5 on each sideBasket ball (women) ................... 6 on each sideBridge ....................................... 2 on each sideCricket .................................... 11 on each sideFootball .................................. 11 on each sidePolo .......................................... 4 on each sideVolley ball .................................. 6 on each sideHockey .................................... 11 on one side


Page 5: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv


The motto of the Asian games is 'Ever Onward'.The emblem is a brightful rising Sun with inter-locking rings. Games is organised by Asian GamesFederation based at Singapore.

The 12th Asian Games were held at Hiroshima(Japan) in 1994.

In 1998 the 13th Asian Games were held atBangkok, the capital of Thailand.

Thailanad has a record of hosting the most num-ber of Asian Games (four times) in 1966, 70, 78 &98.

14th Asian Games were held at Busan (South Ko-rea). India finised 8th with 10 golds.

2006 Asian Games were held at Doha (Qatar) The venue of 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou


Asian Games 2006 The 15th Asian Games were held at Doha Capital of

Qatar. China topped the medal tally. Japan, South Korea,

Kazakhistan were placed in the second, third andfourth positions respectively.

India placed in 8th position with 10 Gold, 17 silver,and 26 Bronze.

Koneru Humpy won the Gold for India in rapidchess.

In womens 4 × 400 metres relay, India won the goldmedal.

In Long Jump, Anjy Bobby George won the Silvermedal.

The official man Mascot was ‘Oryx’. Tae Hwan - Park, the Korean Swim-

mer was declared the most valu-able player of the games. He won3 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze med-als.

Jaspal Rana won 3 gold medals inshooting.

Leander Paes and MaheshBhupati won the gold medal in theLawn Tennis doubles.

Sania Mirza and Leanderpase won the gold medalin mixed doubles of Lawn Tennis.

Olympic Council of Asia asked the Indian OlympicAssociation to return the Silver medal won bySanthi Soundarajan in Women’s 800 m run as Santhihad been disqualified on failing a gender test.

Afro - Asian Games The first Afro Asian Games was held at

Hyderabad (2003), the ‘Hightech City’ of India.UÂln-bnÂh¨v \S-¯m³ \nÝ-bn-¨n-cp¶ sKbnw-knsâ thZn ]n¶oSv ssl{Zm-_m-Zn-te¡v amäp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. Gjy³ ̀ qJ-WvU-¯n-s\bpw B{^n-¡³`qJ-WvU-̄ n-s\bpw kwtbm-Pn-̧ n-̈ p-sIm­p \S-¡p¶ sKbnw-km-Wn-Xv. “Shero” F¶ knwl-¡p-«n-bmbn-cp¶p sKbnw-knsâ `mKy-Nn-Ów (Mascot).sKbnw-knsâ hmIyw (Logo) “Two continents andone spirit’ F¶-Xm-Wv.

The Second Afro - Asian Games will be held atAlgiers (Algeria) in 2007.

SAF Games SAF Games - (The South Asian Federation

Games) is a sports festival of South Asian coun-tries which started in 1985.

Important Grounds inCricket

Lords Stadium ..................... London (England)Leed’s Stadium .................... London (England)M.C.G. ........................... Melbourne (Australia)Oval ................................. London (England)Auckland ................................. (New Zealand)George Town ................................ West IndiesBridge Town ................................ West IndiesKingston ...................................... West IndiesSabina Park .................................. West Indies

Indian Cricket StadiumsBarabati Stadium .................... Cuttack (Orissa)Wankade Stadium .................... Mumbai (M.H)Brabourne Stadium ................... Mumbai (M.H)Chepauk Stadium ........... Chennai (Tamil Nadu)Chinnaswami Stadium .... Bangalore (Karnataka)Eden Gardens ............... Kolkata (West Bengal)Firozeshah Kotla Ground ................. New DelhiGreen Park .................................. Kanpur (U.P.)

Tae Hwan - Park

Page 6: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv


The first SAF Games were held at Kathmandu,Nepal (1985).Dhaka (1985), Kolkata (1987),Islamabad (1989), Colombo (1991), Dhaka (1993),Chennai (1995), Kathmandu (1999), Islamabad(2004), Colombo (2006) were the venue of otherSAF Games.

The SAF Games have been renamed as South AsianGames .

The next SAF Games will be held at Dhaka(Bangladesh) in 2008.

SAF Games 2006 10th SAF Games were held at Colombo. India placed top in the medals Tally Pakistan came

second and the hosts Sri Lanka third. Afghanistan participated in the games for the first

time. Maldives did not get any medal.

National Games National Games are held once in every two years. Unity, Peace, Co-operation and Good Will was

the theme of the Games.In 1985 National Games were held in Delhi.1987 - National Games were held in Kerala1999 - National Games were held in Imphal2001 - National Games were held in Ludhiana2002 - National Games were held in Hyderabad2007 - National Games were held in Guwahati

National Games 2007 33rd National Games were held in Guwahati (Assam) 33 teams participated in the Games. Mrs. Sonia Gandhi inagurated the games. Nagland participated in the games for the first time. Rehan poncha (Karnataka) and Richa Misra (New

Delhi) were selected as the players of the Games. In Medals tally Services, Manipur, Assam were first

, second, third places respectively. Kerala got 75 medals (30 gold , 22 silver, 25 bronze)

placed 4th in the mdeals tally.

Sports-TermsTerm SportsBench Press .................................. WeightliftingBouncer .................................................. CricketBull’s eye ............................................ ShootingBunting ............................................... Base BallButterfly Stroke .................................. SwimmingCaddie ......................................................... GolfCanon ................................................... BilliardsChukker ....................................................... PoloCover Point ............................................. CricketCue ....................................................... BilliardsDead Ball ................................................. CricketDeuce ..................................................... TennisDribble ................................................... HockeyFeather Weight ........................................ BoxingFinesse ................................................... BridgeFlick ........................................................ CricketFollow on ................................................ CricketFull Toss ................................................. CricketGambit ...................................................... ChessGoogly .................................................... CricketGully ....................................................... CricketHalf Nelson .........................................WrestlingHazard ................................................... BilliardsHook ....................................................... BoxingJab .......................................................... BoxingJigger .................................................... BilliardsJockey........................................... Horse RacingLet ................................................. Table TennisLittle Slam ............................................... BridgeLob ......................................................... TennisMallet ......................................................... PoloPawn ........................................................ ChessPitcher ................................................. Base BallPivot ................................................. Basket BallPunter .............................................. Horse RaceScoop .................................................... HockeyScrum ...................................................... RugbySilly Point ................................................ CricketSquare Leg .............................................. CricketSteeple Chase .................................... Horse raceTee .............................................................. GolfUpper Cut ............................................... BoxingYorker ..................................................... CricketMid-on .................................................... Cricket

Page 7: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv


Next National games will be held at Ranchi(Jharkhand)

World Cup Cricket First World Cup Cricket was held in England in

the year 1975. ICC is the International Cricket Council set up in

1909 for regulating cricket competitions in theworld.

Its headquarters is at Dubai. S. Venkita Raghavan was the captain of the In-

dian team in the 1975 and 1979 World Cup Cricket. India won the world cup cricket in the year 1983

by defeating West Indies, under the captaincy ofKapil Dev.

The present President of ICC is Percysonn ofSouth Africa.

In 1999 World Cup Cricket was held in England,Australia won the cup by defeating Pakistan.Shane Warne of Australia declared ‘man of thematch’ in the final, Rahul Dravid of India took

maximum runs in the 1999 World Cup (461 runs).Lance Klusener of South Africa adjudged as the‘Man of the Tournament’ in 1999.

2003 World Cup - South Africa 2003 World Cup Cricket were held in South Africa. 2003 temI-I¸v {In¡-än ]s¦-Sp¯ cmPy-§Ä

14 BWv. \ao-_nbbpsS temI-I-¸nse Ac-t§äw

IqSn-bmbncp¶p 2003.

The Mascot of the 2003 world cup cricket was ahorse named 'Dazzler.'

Shane Warne of Australia was suspended fromthe World Cup matches 2003. This is because hewas tested positive for the banned stimulant. Thisis the first time in the history of the world cupcricket tournament a player is being suspended.

2003 world cup was won by Australia by defeat-ing India. This is the third time Australians werecrowned as the champions.

‘Player of the Tournament’ 2003: SachinTendulkar. He also become the highest run scorerin the entire world cup cricket tournaments.

Man of the match in the final match was RickeyPonding, captain of the Australian team.

Chaminda Vaas of Sri Lanka became the firstbowlers to get a hatrick in the first over.BZy Hmh-dnse BZy aq¶v t_mfn-emWv hmkn\vCu A]qÀÆ t\«w. B Hmh-dn sam¯w hmkn\vIn«nbXv 4 hn¡-äm-bn-cp-¶p. 2003 thÄUv {In¡ävaÕ-c-̄ nÂ.

In 2007 World Cup Cricket will be held atWest Indies.

Cricket Cricket originated in England in the 13th century. Cricket is the national game of England and Aus-

tralia. It has eleven players in each team. The length of the cricket pitch is 22 yards or 20

metres. Mainly Cricket matches can be classified in to

two (i) one day cricket or limited over cricketwhich lasts for one day and (ii) test cricket whichusually lasts for five days. So the Internationalrecords of the cricket matches are kept underthese two heads separately.

Persons and SportsPerson SportsAli Sher ....................................................... GolfAllan Boarder .......................................... CricketAjay Jadeja ............................................. CricketAmar Singh Sokhi ................................... CyclingAnil Sood ........................................... SwimmingAshok Shandilya ................................... BilliardsAswini Nachappa ................................ AthleticsBahadur Singh ..................................... AthleticsBrian Lara ................................................ CricketChris Evert .............................................. TennisClive LIoyd ............................................. CricketConchita Martinez ................................... TennisDhyan Chand ......................................... HockeyDibyendu Barua ....................................... ChessDingko Singh .......................................... BoxingGeet Sethi .............................................. BilliardsJansher Khan ......................................... SquashJaspal Rana ......................................... Shooting

Page 8: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv


Test Cricket - Records The highest number of runs in test cricket was

taken by Brian Lara by breaking the record ofAllan Border.

Beyond Ten Thousand is Allen Border’s book. The highest wicket taker in test cricket is Shane

Warne of Australia (519 wickets). Brain Lara of West Indies holds the record of

scoring maximum runs in an innings of a testcricket (400).

The first to score ten thousand in test cricket isSunil Gavaskar. Sunny Days and One day Won-ders are his books. Little Master is his popularname.

Sri Lanka's 952 for six declared against India isthe highest ever total for a team in an innings ofa test match.

Jim Laker of England (1956) and Anil Kumble ofIndia (1999) are the only two bowlers to take allthe ten wickets in an innings of a test match.

Don Bradman of Australia holds the record ofmaximum batting average in test cricket (99.94).

Gähpw IqSp-X U_nÄ sk©zdn sSÌn t\Sn-bn-«p-ÅXv {_mUvam³ (12 F®w)

Gary Kirstein of South Africa became the first bats-man to score centuries against all nine other testplaying nations.

Allan Border (Australia) was the first player toscore 11,000 runs in test Cricket.

Donald Bradman was the youngest player to scorea double Century in Test Cricket.

Fred Spofforth (Australia) - First hattrick in Testcricket against England in 1878 - 79.

Harbhajan Singh (India) - First hattrick by an In-dian bowler in Test Cricket.

Irfan Pathan of India is the first bowler in TestCricket to claim a hattrick in the first over of a testmatch.

Kiran Baloch (Pakistan) was the highest individualscorer (242 runs) in women’s Test Cricket.

Ajay Ratra of India is the youngest Wicket Keeperto score a century in Test.

Ian Healy (Australia) - Most Catches (366 in 119test) by a Wicket Keeper in Test Cricket.

Mark Waugh holds the record for most number ofcatches by a fielder in Tests (181)

Steve Bucknor (West Indies) is the first umpire toofficiate in 100 or more Test matches.

Sachin Tendulkar scored most number of centu-ries in test - Cricket.

One day cricket records The maximum number of runs in one-day Interna-

tional Cricket wastaken by SachinTendulkar of India.

The maximum num-ber of one day centu-ries scored by SachinTendulkar.

Wasim Akram of Pa-kistan took mostnumber of wickets inInternational one-day cricket.

Pakistan's batting star Saeed Anwar made the high-est individual score (194) in one day cricket, againstIndia.

Shaid Afridi of Pakistan is credited with the fast-est century out of 37 balls in one day cricket.

Cups and TrophiesName of the Cup Sport

Ashes ................... Cricket (Australia-England)Aga Khan Cup ................................... HockeyThomas Cup ................................... BadmintonUber Cup ........................................ BadmintonDuleep trophy ..................................... CricketRanji Trophy ........................................ CricketIrani Cup .............................................. CricketMerdeka Cup ...................................... FootballNagjee Trophy ................................... FootballRovers Cup ........................................ FootballDurand Cup ........................................ FootballSanthosh Trophy ............................... FootballCopa America Cup .............................. FootballPrince of Wales Cup ................................. GolfIndira Gandhi Gold Cup ....................... HockeyChampions Trophy ............................. HockeyBeighton Cup ..................................... HockeyDhyan Chand Trophy ......................... Hockey

Sachin Tendulkar

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The fastest fifty on one dayers was scored bySanath Jayasurya of Sri Lanka against Pakistan(50 in 17 balls).

Saqlain Mushtaq of Pakistan is the only player totake hattrick twice in one day cricket.

Super Max Cricket It is the new form of cricket which combines test

cricket and one day cricket. The idea of supermaxcricket is created by the former captain of NewZealand Martin Crowe. For a team there will betwo innings consisting of ten overs in each in-nings. The scheduled 10 overs must be bowledwith in 45 minutes. There will be ‘Maxzone’; scor-ing runs in this area gives the batsman twice theruns scored by him. Maxzone is the area which isbehind the bowler. One interesting rule is that abatsman cannot be got out in a ball which isbowled just after a no ball.

BCCI Board of Cricket Control in India (BCCI) is the

regulating body of the game in India. BCCI president is Jagmohan Dalmia. BCCI secretary is S. Karunakaran Nair, he is the

first malayali to hold the post. National Cricket Academy Director is

Kapil Dev. The Cricket Academy of India was set up at

Bangalore. Indian Cricket team Selection Committee Chair-

man - Dilip Vengsarkar

Cricket - Miscellaneous Glen McGrath of Australia is popularly known as

‘The Enforcer.’ Nilesh Kulkarni is the first Indian cricketer to take

a wicket in his first ball in test cricket. ‘Quickie’ is the Colloquial term for a fast bowler. England and Australia fight for the Ashes Cup. England and West Indies fight for Wisden tro-

phy. Chetan Sharma of India made the first hat trick in

World Cup Cricket. “One More Over” is the book written by E.A.S


Masur Ali Khan Pataudi was given the title ‘Tiger.’ Thomson of Australia is otherwise known as

‘Tornado.’ Donald Bradman of Australia scored 29 test

century’s in his career. He is called the Don. C.K. Naidu was the first Indian captain of the

Indian Cricket team. “Hitting Across the Line’’ is the book written by

Vivian Richards of West Indies. Lala Amarnath scored India’s first ever test cen-

tury. Sunil Gavaskar scored his 10,000th test run in

Ahmedabad ground. The first official cricket test match was played at

Melbourne between Australia and England in1877.

The oldest cricket club in India is the CalcuttaCricket Club and it is also the second oldest inthe world.

India played their first official test match at Lord’sin London (1932).

sSÌv {In¡-än Ac-t§äw Ipdn-¡p¶ Gähpw

{]mbw Ipdª hn¡äv Io¸À F¶ _lp-aXn

C´y-bpsS ]mÀYo]v ]t«Â kz´-am¡n (17 hb-

Êv). The first official test played in India is at Mumbai

between India and England in 1933 - 34. India won its first test match victory against Aus-

tralia in Kanpur in 1959-60. The first ever one day International match was

played at Melbourne in 1971 between Australiaand England.

India played her first one day International atLeeds in England (1974). Ajith Wadeker captainedIndia in that match.

The official name of the first world cup cricketwas Prudential World Cup.

Twelve Nations participated in the 1999 world cup. Shoaib Akhthar of Pakistan is known as

‘Rawalpindi Express.’ Vengsarkar of India is known as Colonel. Sunny Days and one day wonder were written by

Sunil Gavaskar. He is known as 'Sunny' or 'LittleMaster'

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The Cutting edge is the book written by JavedMiasnad of Pakistan.

Amir Ekhi played test cricket for both India andPakistan.

A batsman can be dismissed in 10 ways. Standard cricket bat is made from Willow Wood.

CXv hfsc flexible BWv.

Important cups associated with Cricket: AshesCup, Deodar Cup, Rubber Cup, Dileep Trophy,Renji Trophy, Rohinton Baria Trophy, Vizzy Tro-phy, Sharjah Cup.

Virendra Sehwag is the first Indian ever to scoretriple century in a test match (309) and it is thehighest individual score by an Indian in testCricket.

Steve Waugh (Australia) who played most num-ber of text matches (168 matches)

Tadenda Taibu (Zimbabwe) is the youngest cap-tain in International Cricket history.

Vivian Richards (West Indies) scored fastest cen-tury (56 balls) in Test Cricket.

W.L. Murdoch (Australia) scored first double cen-tury in Test Cricket (1884)

Muttiah Muralitharan (Sri Lanka) is the first bowlerto take 1000 wicket in international cricket includ-ing test and oneday Matches.

Nathan Astle (New Zealand) scored fastestdouble century in Test matches.

Mahela Jayawardene (374) and KuramaraSangakkara (287) scored 624 runs for the 3rd wicketagainst South Africa is recorded as the highestpartnership in Test Cricket

Important terms associated with cricket: Duck,Follow on, L.B.W., No ball, Wide ball, Leg bye,Googly, Silly point, China man, Stumping, Yorker,

Full toss, Slip, Stumps, Flipper ,Umpire, Snick,Gully etc.

In one day international cricket (50 overs) the teamwhich scored most of runs in a match is Sri Lanka(443/9 against Netherlands)

M.S. Dhoni (India) - Highest ever score by a WicketKeeper (183) in Oneday cricket.

Stephen Fleming (New Zealands) holds the recordas Captain in most number of one dayinternationals.

Saurav Ganguly is the third batsman in onedayinternational cricket to score 10000 runs.

World Cup Football First World Cup Football was held in Montivideo

the capital of Uruguay in the year 1930. Thirteencountry participated in it and Uruguay itself wonthe championship.

World Cup Football is organised by Federation ofInternational de Football Association (FIFA). FIFAwas established in 1904. Its headquarters is Zurich.

Present FIFA President is Sepp Blatter (Switzer-land)

Brazil holds the record of winning maximum num-ber of World Cup Football, 5 times.

First Women’s World Cup was held in 1991. The World Cup Soccer Tournament takes place ev-

ery four years. In 1998 tournament was held in France.France became champion by defeating Brazil.

India qualified for the World cup football once in1950 from Asian Group.

World Cup 2006 2006 world cup matches were

held in Germany. 32 Countries Participated in

the Tournament. Italy defeated France (5-3) in

penalty shootout to win thefinal

France Captain ZenedineZidane was adjudged thebest player of the world cup and there by won theGolden ball Award.

Grounds Associated with FootballBrook Land ....................................... EnglandWembley ............................................ LondonMerdeka Stadium ....................... KualalumpurCorporation Stadium .......................... KolkataSalt Lake Stadium ............................... KolkataAmbedkar Stadium ......................... New DelhiNehru Stadium ............................... New Delhi


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Golden Shoe (Boot) Award for scoring the high-est number of goals in the World cup (2006) waswon by Miroslav Klose of Germany.

Germany’s Lukas Podolski was named as the bestyoung player by FIFA.

Gianluigi Buffon of Italy won the Lev YashinAward for the best goals keeper.

The FIFA fair play award for the tournament wasjointly awarded to Brazil and Spain.Ronaldo of Brazil, setting the world record of high-est number of goals (15 goals) in World Cup His-tory.

2010 World Cup will be held in South Africa. 2014 World Cup will be held in Brazil.

Football (Soccer) Football is otherwise known as ‘Soccer’. It is the

world’s most popular sport. It is the national sportof most European and Latin American countries.In each team there will be eleven players.

Football as it is played today is developed in theUnited Kingdom. The duration of the games is nintyminutes.

Football field measures 100 yds to 130 yds inlength and 50 yds to 56 yds in breadth.

Terms Associated with Football : Kicking,Offside, Goal kick, Sudden death, Penalty kick,Golden goal.

Cups Associated with Football : DCM Cup,Durand Cup, Merdeka Cup, Santhosh Trophy,B.C. Roy Cup, Subrato Cup, Rover’s Cup, NehruGold Cup, Nagjee Trophy, Copa America Cup,African Nations Cup, FA Cup, Federation Cup,G.V. Raja Memorial Trophy, IFA Shield, Jules RimetTrophy, Kalinga Cup, Stafford Cup.

The oldest football tournament in the world isthe English F.A. Cup.

The oldest Football tournament in India is the‘Durand Cup’ started in 1888. It is the oldest inAsia and second oldest in the world. It begin atShimla and shifted to Delhi in 1945.

CXp hsc A©v {]mhiyw tIcfw kt´mjvt{Sm^n t\Sn-bn-«p-­v.

^n^-bpsS 2006 se Gähpw anI¨ ̂ pUv t_mfÀF¶ ]Zhn Cä-en-b³ Xmcw ̂ m_ntbm I¶-hmtcmt\Sn

2005 se Gähpw anI¨ ̂ pSvt_m-fÀ ]Zhn {_ko-en-b³ Xmcw sdmWmÄUntªm t\Sn.

The trophy which is awarded to the winners ofthe Nation’s Junior Football Champions is B.C.Roy Trophy.

Edson Aranfes do Nascimento Pele is the realname of Pele who is also known as ‘the blackpearl of Football.

Beverley Ranger of UK is known as ‘Female Pele’ Football introduced in Olympics in 1908 and U.K.

won the first gold. Calcutta is known as Mecca of Indian football

and Kerala is known as ‘Cradle’ of Indian Foot-ball.

tIc-f-¯nse ̂ pSvt_mÄ sa¡ F¶-dn-b-s -̧Sp-¶Xv


A columbian football player was killed by gun-men in 1993, after he scored a self goal in theworld cup was Pablo Escobar.

Oldest Football club in India is Dalhousie Club,Calcutta (1878) and the oldest club in the world isSheffield Football cup.

Hockey Hockey is the national game of India and Pakistan,

The number of players in each team is eleven. Field of hockey is 100 yard in length and 60 yards in

width. The normal duration of the game is 70 minutes. Terms associated with hockey: Bully, Carry,

Scoop, Stick, Dribble, Roll-in, Fifty yard line, Pen-alty stroke etc.

Hockey StadiumsDhyan Chand Stadium ................. LucknowLal Behadur Stadium ................ HyderabadNational Stadium ...................... New DelhiSawai Man Singh Stadium ................ JaipurShivaji Stadium ......................... New Delhi

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Trophies and cups in hockey : Aga Khan Cup, AzlamSha Cup, Beighton Cup, Lady Ratan Tata (NationalWomen's Championship), Rangaswami Cup, IndiraGandhi Gold Cup, Dhyan Chand Trophy etc.

Dhyan Chand, Pargat Singh, M Sommayya,Jagbir Singh, Jude Felix, Dhanraj Pillai, GaganAjith Singh are well known hockey players ofIndia.

Dhyan Chand is known as Hockey Wizard. Hisbirthday, August 29 is celebrated as the NationalSports day of India. He is well known as Grandold man of Indian Hockey. He was also awardedthe Padma Bhushan.

Hockey was introduced in Olympics in 1908.England was the first Olympic hockey champions.

The oldest hockey tournament in India theBeighton Cup.

The hockey penalty stroke is taken from a dis-tance of 7 yards or 6.4m.

The highest governing body of World Hockey isFederation International Hockey (FIH) formed in1924.

The first world cup hockey for men was held in1971.

The 2006 World Cup Hockey matches were heldin Germany. Germany won the title by defeatingAustralia in the final.

Sohail Abbas of Pa-kistan holds therecord for scoringmost no of goals ininternational hockeymatches (280 goals)

Dhanraj Pillay hockeyacademy situated inMumbai.

Tennis Tennis originated in France. Formerly winning all the four major Tennis tour-

naments, that is Australian open, French open,Wimbledon and U.S. open in a calendar year istermed as a ‘Grandslam’. But now winning any ofthese tournament is called a ‘Grandslam.’

Important terms associated with tennis : Deuce,Back handstroke, Double fault, Volley, Smash, Let,Ace, Set, Game etc.

Trophies and cups associated with tennis : DavisCup, Wimbledon Trophy, French Open, Austra-lian Open, U.S. Open, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Cupetc.

Places Associated with tennis are Rolland Garrosin France, Wimbledon in U.K, Flushing Mead-ows in U.S.A.

Arthur Ashe was the first black man to win aWimbledon.

Leyton Hewit of U.S.A. became the youngest manto win a Grandslam when he won the 2001 U.S.Open Championship.

The weight of a tennis ball is 20z (57 g). Wimbledon is the worlds oldest Lawn Tennis

Tournament (1877)

Sohail Abbas

Australian Open2007 - Roger Federer (Men)

Serena Williams (Women)2006 - Roger Federer (Men)

Amelie Mauresmo (Women)2005 - Marat Safin (men)

Serena Williams (Womens)

French Open2006 - Rael Nadal (Men)

Justine Henin (Women)2005 - Rafel Nadal (Men)

Justine Henin (Women)

Wimbledon2006 - Roger Federer (men)

Amelie Mauresmo (Women)2005 - Roger Federer (Men)

Venus Williams (Women)

US Open2006 - Roger Federer (Men)

Maria Sharapova (Women)2005 - Roger Federer (Men)

Kim Clijsters (Women)

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Don Budge became the first man to win all thefour major trournaments in a calender year, andfor women the credit goes to Maureen Conndly.

The International Lawn Tennis Federation formedin 1913.

Archery Archery is the oldest sport in the world. Terms associated with the game are Bow sight,

Nocking, Fight Shooting, C lout Shooting etc. Cups : Federation Cup. Limba Ram, Shyam Lal, Krishna Das, Skalzang

Dorzi are the famous players of India associatedwith Archery.

Badminton The game that was popularly known as Poona

game. It is the National game of Indonesia andMalaysia. Badminton court measures 44 ft, by20ft for doubles and 44ft by 17 ft for singles and44 ft by 20 ft for doubles.

The International Badminton Federation (IBF) isthe world governing body of Badminton. It wasformed in 1934.

Terms associated with Badminton are deuce,drop, let, love all, smash, drop etc.

Cups Associated with Badminton areUber Cup (Womens International Cup),Thomas Cup (Men’s International Cup),Yonex Cup, Konica Cup, S.R. Ruia Cup etc.

Prakash Padukone (India’s youngest NationalChampion), P. Gopichand, Madhumita Bishat arethe famous Indian Badminton players.

Basketball Basketball was invented by James Naismith of

Canada in 1891. The number of players in each team is five

(women’s team has 6 players). The game lasts for40 minutes.

Terms associated with Basketball are Heldball,Jump ball, Pivot, Steal, Tap, Dribbling

Cups associated with Basket ball : William JonesCup, B.C. Gupta trophy, S.M. Arjuna Raja trophy,Todd Memorial trophy etc.

Magic Johnson and Michel Jordan are the worldfamous Basket ball players.

Volleyball Volleyball was invented by William G. Morgan

(USA) in 1895. Its old name was Mintonette. There are 6 players in each team. Terms associated with volleyball are blocking,

heave, holding, service, volley, spiker, libero etc. Trophies and cups associated with volleyball are

Centennial cup, Indira Pradhan Trophy, ShivanthiGold Cup, M.M. Joseph Memorial Trophy,

Jimmy George, Dalel Singh, Abdul Basit are thefamous Indian volleyball players.

Kabaddi Kabaddi originated in India. Kabaddi is the game which combines the quali-

ties of rugby and wrestling. In this game eachside has 9 players who all play on the groundtogether. It is a pursuit game, requiring the play-ers to run and hold their breath for a long time.Lona, Rider, Anti, Cant are the terms associatedwith Kabaddi.

Federation Cup is associated with Kabaddi. P. Ganeshan, S. Rajarathnam, Ashok D. Shinde

are the Indian players associated with the same.

Chess Chess originated in India. There are 64 squares on a chessboard. Each player

has 16 pieces - a king, a queen, two rooks, twobishops two knights and eight pawns.

Tems associated : Castle, Checkmate, Stalemate,Diagonals, Bishop, Gambit, Rook, Pawn etc.

Cups associated with chess are Naidu Trophy,Khaitan trophy, Limca Trophy and World Cup.

Federation International des Echeces (FIDE) isthe governing body of the game.

Gary Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov, Gata Kamsky,

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Boris Spassky and Viswanathan Anand are worldfamous chess players.

Famous Indian chess players are BhagyashreeThipsay, Anubhama Gokhale, Nisha Mohita,Dibyendu Barua, Praveen Thipsay, AnupamaAbhyankar, Vijaylekshmi, P. Harikrishna AbhijitKunde and the Khadilkar Sisters.

Praveen Thipsay was selected as the third IndianGrandmaster after Viswanathan Anand andDibyendu Baruah. Recently Abhijit Kunte and P.Harikrishna were also became Grand Masters.

S. Vijayalekshmi has became India’s first WomanGrand Master and Koneru Humphy the secondWoman Grandmaster. Humphy is the worlds firstwoman to grab the mens grand master position.

Boxing Rules on Boxing is known as Queensberry Rules. Playing area of boxing area is called ‘ring.’ Rabbit punch, break, cut, hook, jab, slam, upper

cut are terms associated with boxing. The Yankee stadium, in New York and Madison

Square Garden in U.S.A. are associated with box-ing.

Famous persons: Mohammed Ali, Evander HolyField, Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis.

Golf Playing area of Golf is called Golf Links. Caddie, put, tee, bunker, dormy, fairway, fourball,

links, par are terms associated with golf. Cups associated with Golf are P.G.A. Tour, Ryder

Cup, Curtis Cup, Eisenhower Cup, Momura Tro-phy, Prince of Wales Cup, Walker cup, MuthiahGold cup.

Sunday Lodge in Scotland is famous for Golf. Tigger Woods is the famous player associated

with Golf.

Swimming Breaststroke, butterfly, crawl, dolphin kick are

terms associated with swimming. Personalities: Sebastian Xavier, Wilson Cherian,

Anil Sood, Rupali Repeli, Nisha Millet, Mihirsen,Arati Saha, Alexander popov, Ian Thorpe.

Places associated with swimming are Subhas

Sarovar (Kolkata), Talkatora Swimming Pool (NewDelhi).

The country which invented backstroke swim-ming was Egypt.

Breast Stroke style in swimming is the slowest style.

Baseball It is the national game of U.S.A. Baseball has

nine players in each team. The game very muchresembles cricket.

Ground Measurements: Diamond shaped ground,90ft, on each side and 127 ft, along the diagonals.

Base, Battery, Bunting, Catcher, Diamond, Hitter,Home, Pegging, Pincher are the terms associatedwith Baseball.

Brooklyn in U.S.A. is famous for the game.

Billiards Playing board measuring upto 10 ft long, 5 ft side

and 3 ft high. Bolting, Cannon, Jigger, Cue, are the terms asso-

ciated with Billiards. Cue : _nÃymÀUv Ifn-¡m-\pÅ Ìn¡m-Wv.

Geeth Sethi, Michael Ferreira, Yasin Merchant andBob Marshal are the famous players associatedwith billiards.

Shooting Ball’s eye, Target Magpie are the terms associ-

ated with shooting. Jaspal Rana, Abhinav Bindra, Anjali Bhagavat and

Sunny Thomas are the famous Indian shooters, Bisley in England is famous for the game.

Weight lifting Bench press, Deed lift, Squat, Clean and Jerk and

Snatch are the terms associated with weightlifting. Karnam Malleswari and Kunjarani Devi are the

world famous Indian Weightlifters. The Bardwan trophy, Winchester Cup are asso-

ciated with weightlifting.

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Miscellaneous A half nelson, head lock, rebound, scissors, heave,

hold, rebouts are terms associated with wrestling. Lekshmibai National College of Physical Educa-

tion is located at Gwalior. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose National Institute

of Sports is located at Patiala. The Sports Research Institute is in Punjab. Velodromes are oval tracks for cycling that slope

inward steeply. Davis Cup (Tennis) was presented by the Ameri-

can politician D.F. Davis in 1900. Col. Prem Singh is known as the Grand Old Man

of Indian Polo. Jansher Khan and Jahangir Khan are associated

with squash. The first Indian to swim across the English Chan-

nel was Mihir Sen. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award is the highest

sports award in India. Arjuna Award is given tothe best sports person annually. It was intro-duced in 1961. Dhronacharya Award is given tothe best sports coach in India from 1985.

Milka Singh is known as the Flying Sikh of India. India's sports goods are mainly manufactured in

Jalandhar. Michael Ferreira (Billiards) won the most world

titles for men five times in a row. The first sports museum in India is at Patiala. P.T.Usha is known as the Golden Girl of Indian sports. The first Indian to win an individual world title in

any sports is Wilson Jones in Billiards. Country's first Archery Academy the Tata Ar-

chery Academy has been set up at Jamshedpurwith the slogan 'Aim for the gold'

India's Kunjarani Devi earned the distinction ofbeing listed among the greatest weightlifters ofthe world.

The Indian Athlete who participated in five suc-cessive Asian games is P.T. Usha.

The first Asian Athlete to win an Olympic goldwas Mikio oda (Japan, 1928, Tripple Jump)

The first Indian woman athlete to win a gold inAsian games was Kamaljit Sandhu, 400 m at 1978Bangkok Asiad.

The first woman Arjuna Award winner was RimaDutta.

Horse Racing is popularly known as Sports ofKings.

The word ‘Judo’ means Easy Way. Black belt is associated with Karata.

Sports Current Developments Army XI won the Durand Cup (2005) by defeat-

ing sports clube de Goa. Australia won the champions Hockey Tourna-

ment (2005) beating the Netherlands in the final. England won the World Team Squash Tourna-

ment (2005) defeating Egypt in the Final. Ranji Trophy (2006) Uttar Pradesh won the Ranji

Trophy defeating Bengal in the final. It was thefirst ever Ranji title for Uttar Pradesh.

Simon Maiyo (Kenya) won the Delhi InternationalMarathon (2006)

Viswanath Anand won the Corus Chess Tourna-ment. (2006)

National Volley Ball Tournament (2006) Railway won men’s and women’s titles by defeat-

ing services and Kerala respectively. Narain Karthikeyan -

First Indian ever to takepart in Formula one rac-ing.

South African hit a worldrecord 438 for nine (50overs) the highest everchasing score by a teamin one day Cricketagainst Australia’s score of 434 for 4 in 50 overs.

Pakistan won the under-19 Cricket World Cup(2006) by defeating India for 38 runs in the final atColombo.

Indian Cricket team set a record by winning 15one day internationals in a row while chasing.

ICC Awards 2006Player of the year ......... Ricky Ponting (Australia) Test player of the year ................. Ricky Ponting One day player of the year ...................................................................... Michael Hussey (Australia) Emerging player of the year ..... Ian Bell (England) Umpire of the year .......Simon Taufel (Australia)_ Captain of the year ............. Mahela Jayawardene Women’s Cricketer of the year ...................................................................... Karen Rolton (Australia) Spirit of Cricket ..................................... England

Narain Karthikeyan

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Hasim Rahman (USA) won the world BoxingCouncil Heavy weight Tournament.

Hendrik Buhrmann (South Africa) won theAmbay Valley Asian Masters Golf Tournament(2006).

India’s Jeev Milkha Singh won the Volvo ChinaGolf Tournament (2006).

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka to hostthe 2011 World Cup Cricket.

New Zealand and Australia will host the 2015World Cup Cricket.

England will host the 2019 World Cup Cricket Thomas Cup 2006 won by China. Viswanathan Anand of India won the Magistral

Ciudad de Leon Active Chess Tournament beat-ing World Champion Vaselin Topalov.

Saina Nehwal wonthe philippines opensingle title. She be-came the first Indianwomen player to wina four star badmintontournament.

India Cricket teamcreated history bywinning a Test Seriesagainst west Indiesafter a gap of 35 year. The last time when Indiawon a Test Series on the Carribbean Soil underthe Captaincy of Ajit Wadekar (1970-71).

Netherlands won the Sultan Azlan Shah Hockeytournament by defeating Australia in the final.

G.N. Gopal is the first malayali International Mas-ter in Chess.

In Champions Trophy Hockey (2006) Netherlandsdefeated Germany (2-1) in the final to win the title.

Abhinav Bindra of India won a gold medal at the49th world shooting Tournament.

Tiger woods won the British open Golf tourna-ment (2006).

The Netherlands won the 2006 women’s HockeyWorld Cup defeating Australia.

Germany won the Men’s World Cup Hockey de-feating Australia (4-3) in the final atMoenchengladbach (Germany). Germany becomethe only second team after Pakistan to win WorldCup titles in a row.

Australia won the ICC Champions trophy 2006defeating West Indies in the Final.

Punjab won the Santhosh Trophy (61st 2006)defeating Bengal (5-3) in the Tie Breaker Penaltyshoot out.

Vladimir Klitschko of Ukraine won the Interna-tional Boxing Federation (IBF) heavy weightWorld Tournament.

India won the Women’s 2006 Asia Cup cricketTournament by defeating Sri Lanka in the Final.

Dempo Sports won the Durand Cup (2006) bydefeating JCT mills (Phagwara) 1-0 in the final.

Jeev Milkha Singh won the Nippon Series golfTournament.

Fernando Alonso (Spain) - won 2005 World Mo-tor Racing Championship becoming Formulaone’s youngest ever world champion.

Apa Sherpa of Nepal holds the record of mostconquests of Mount Everest.

Shane Warne become the Second bowler in thehistory of Cricket to take 1000 wickets in Test andone days.

Ranji Trophy 2007 won by Mumbai defeatingWest Bengal in the final.

Allan Border Medal (awarded to best player inAustralian Cricket) 2007 won by Ricky Ponting.

2011 World Cup Cricket final will held at Mumbai. Fabio Cannavaro - wins FIFA’s world player of

the year (2006) award.

Davis Cup Winners2006 ................................................. Russia2005 ................................................. Croatia2004 ................................................... Spain

Saina Nehwal

Roger FedererHe has completed 161st consecutive weeks as worldNo.1 player, has overhauled one of the longest stand-ing marks in the world tennis jimmy connors’s of 160consecutive weeks as No.1

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Which Australian cricketer is popularly knownas ‘The enforcer’ ?

Glen McGrath Who was the first Indian cricketer to take a wicket

with his first ball in test cricket ? Nilesh Kulkarni

Name the Athlete who refused to compete in the100m relay race at Paris Olympics in 1924 becausethe event was held on Sunday ? Eric Liddell

Which country scored the highest ever test in-nings score ? Sri Lanka

Who is the highest wicket taker in one day Inter-national cricket ? Wasim Akram (Pakistan)

In which Swimming Race all the four strokes arecombined ? Medlay Race

Which game is known as the ‘King of Sports’? Horse Racing

What is a ‘Test Double’ in Cricket ? Taking 100 wickets and scoring 100 runsin test matches

What is the colloquial term for fast bowler ? Quickie

England and Australia fight for the ‘Ashes’. Butfor what trophy do England and West Indiesfight for? Wisdens Trophy

What is ‘SCUBA’? Self Contained Underwater Breathing

Apparatus In which sport are the terms ‘schussing’ and

‘traversing’ used ? Skiing

Malcolm Marshall is related toCricket

The term ‘iron’ is associated with Golf

Who made the first hatrick in World Cup Cricket? Chetan Sharma (India )

Selected Questions - Sports

Which cricket player in the world scored maxi-mum number of centuries in one day cricket ? Sachin Tendulkar

Who was the captain of the Indian teamin 1975 and 1979 World Cup cricket tournaments? S. Venkataraghavan

National Sports day of India celebrated on 29thAugust is the birthday of which sports man ? Dhyan Chand

Who was the first Indian in Independent India tohave won a medal in an individual Olympic event? K.D. Jadhav

Who was the second Indian chess player to earnthe title of Grand Master ? Dibyendu Barua

Name the trophy awarded to National FootballChampion. Santhosh Trophy

The interval between two Olympics is ––––– years four

What is the distance between the two wickets incricket field ? 22 yards

Where is Melbourne ? In Australia

Which woman won the Wimbledon Champion-ship five times continuously ? Martina Navaratilova

With which field Gail Devers is associated ? Athletics

–––– is the first chess player in India to becomea Grand Master : Viswanathan Anand

What is ‘Ashes’ connected with ? Cricket

Who was the ‘Bown Bomber’ ? Joseph Louis Barrow

The first woman athlete in India who reached theOlympics finals is –––– P.T. Usha

Page 18: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv

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In which sport or game is the term “catch a crab”used ? Rowing

How many centuries did Sunil Gavaskar scoredin Test Cricket ? 34

What is the measurement of a Footballground ? 91.4m long × 48.7 m wide

What is the weight of a Tennis ball ? 2 Oz (57 g)

In which country Tennis originated for the first time? France

The first Asian games was held in the year ? 1951 ( New Delhi)

Who invented , Volleyball ? William G. Morgan

Sanday Lodge in Scotland is famous for : Golf

Where is Shivaji Stadium situated ? New Delhi

How many players are there on each side in awomen’s Basket ball game ? 6

Which cricketer has become the first batsman inhistory to play against all the Test playing coun-tries both at home and away ? Mohammad Azharuddin

Who is popularly known as “Hockey Wizard ofIndia” ? Dhyan Chand

Who took the highest number of catches in TestCrickets ? Mark Taylor

Who wrote the book One More Over ? E.A.S. Prasanna

Which place in India is famous for winter sports? Gulmarg in Kashmir

Who donated the Davis Cup for LawnTennis ? Dwight Davis

The term “roll-in” is used in ––– Hockey

Which Indian Cricketer was given the title“Tiger ? Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi

Who won the 1999 World Cup Cricket ? Australia

Which Australian Cricketer is called“Tornado”? Jeff Thomson

How many test cricket playing nations are therein the world ? 9

The terms Scoop and Bully are associatedwith Hockey

What is the literary meaning of “karate” ? Empty Hand

Which is the oldest sport in the world ? Archery

Which country won the first World Cup Foot-ball? Uruguay

How many test centuries did Donald Bradmanscore in his career ? 29

The Cricket legend Donald Bradman belongs to Australia

Who was the first woman athlete to be awardedthe Arjuna Award ? Stephie D’Souze

What is the distance of the Marathon race ? 26 miles 385 yards or 42.195 km.

Who was the first Athlete to be awarded thePadma Shri ? Milkha Singh

Who was the first Indian Captain to Indian CricketTeam ? C.K. Naidu

Where is the headquarters of International Ol-ympic Committee ? Lausanne (Switzerland)

Where is the headquarters of FIFA ? Zurich ( Switzerland )

Who said “ Play the game with the spirit of thegame” ? Barron Pierre de Coubertin

Who is the first cricket player in the world toscore three successive centuries in his first threeTests? Mohammed Azharuddin

Page 19: THE WORLD OF SPORTS...2 An important feature is that no country ‘wins’ the Olympics. Olympics are intended only to test the skills of individuals and teams, not of nations. sKbnwkv

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Who inaugurated the first Asian Games held in1951 at the National Stadium, New Delhi ? Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Which games was popularly known as “PoonaGame” ? Badminton

Who invented Basketball ? James Naismith

For which sports Brooklyn in USA famous for ? Baseball

When did India get Olympic Hockey Gold Medalfor the last time ? 1980 (Moscow)

Who wrote the book Hitting Across the Line ? Vivian Richards

Who banned the Olympics in the 6th centuryA.D? Theodosius

In which place the first Commonwealth Gameswere held ? Hamilton (Canada)

Who is the only Olympic athlete to have won theNobel Prize ? Philip J. Nepl Baker

Which is the largest Indoor Stadium in India ? Indira Gandhi Indoor stadium (NewDelhi)

Where was the venue of the first Winter Olym-pics held in the year 1924 ? Chamonix ( France)

Which athlete won two Olympic Gold Medalswhile on parole ? Bob Hayes

Which famous athlete was nick-named as “TheEbony Antelope” ? Jesse Owens

Which athlete’s autobiography is known as theInside Track? Carl Lewis

Who was the first Indian athletic coach to re-ceive the Dronacharya Award ? O.M. Nambiar

What is the real name of Pele, the Brazilian Foot-baller ? Edson Aranfes do Nascimento Pele

Who was the first Indian woman athlete to win agold in the Asian Games ? Kamaljit Sandhu

Name the only Olympic game event where menand women can simultaneously compete witheach other. Tennis

In which sports the team “Mohun Bagan” is as-sociated ? Football

Mercykutty is associated with Athletics

Who scored India’s first ever Test century ? Lala Amarnath

For which sports Grand Prix is famous for ? Motor Racing

In which year did India officially partcipate in theOlympics ? 1920

What is the duration of a normal hockeymatch ? 70 minutes

Which stroke is the slowest in swimming ? Breaststroke

In which country did the name basket ball origi-nate ? USA

In which cricket ground did Sunil Gavaskar scorehis 10,000th test run ? Ahmedabad

Which country invented backstrokeswimming ? Egypt

What is the width of a football goal post ? 24 feet

Arjuna Awards were instituted in the year . 1961

In which year Dronacharya Awards were insti-tuted? 1985

Which Basketball player is known as Air Jordan? Michael Jordan

Who is the first Indian woman to win a GrandSlam match ? Nirupama Vaidyanathan

Which country has hosted the Asian Games formaximum number of times ? Thailand