The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and Ination Gikas A. Hardouvelis and Dimitrios Malliaropulos y February 2005 Abstract The predictive ability of the yield spread for future economic activity is related to a symmetric predictive ability for future in- ation: An increase in the slope of the nominal term structure predicts an increase in output growth and a decrease in ination of equal magnitude. A monetary asset pricing model with sticky goods prices and an intertemporal rate of substitution larger than unity can explain these relations. The model also predicts that the slope of the real yield curve is negatively associated with future output growth and positively associated with future ina- tion, a prediction also borne out of the U.S. data over the period 1960:Q1 2004:Q2. JEL: E43, E44. Keywords: Term structure of interest rates; Nominal yield spread; Real yield spread; Output Predictability; Ination Pre- dictability; General equilibrium; Sticky prices; Consumption-CAPM; Asset pricing. This is a substantially revised version of an earlier draft, circulated as C.E.P.R. Discussion Paper no. 4314. y Gikas Hardouvelis (corresponding author) is at the University of Piraeus, EFG-Eurobank-Ergasias and C.E.P.R. e-mail:[email protected]. Department of Banking and Finance, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli & Dimitriou Street, 18534 Piraeus, Greece. Dimitrios Malliaropulos is at the University of Piraeus and National Bank of Greece. e-mail: [email protected]. We would like to thank the seminar participants at the universities of War- wick and Piraeus, and the participants of the 2004 Economic Theory and Econometrics conference in Syros, Greece, for their comments. 1

The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

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Page 1: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

The Yield Spread as a SymmetricPredictor of Output and In�ation�

Gikas A. Hardouvelis and Dimitrios Malliaropulosy

February 2005


The predictive ability of the yield spread for future economicactivity is related to a symmetric predictive ability for future in-�ation: An increase in the slope of the nominal term structurepredicts an increase in output growth and a decrease in in�ationof equal magnitude. A monetary asset pricing model with stickygoods prices and an intertemporal rate of substitution larger thanunity can explain these relations. The model also predicts thatthe slope of the real yield curve is negatively associated withfuture output growth and positively associated with future in�a-tion, a prediction also borne out of the U.S. data over the period1960:Q1 �2004:Q2.JEL: E43, E44.Keywords: Term structure of interest rates; Nominal yield

spread; Real yield spread; Output Predictability; In�ation Pre-dictability; General equilibrium; Sticky prices; Consumption-CAPM;Asset pricing.

�This is a substantially revised version of an earlier draft, circulated asC.E.P.R. Discussion Paper no. 4314.

yGikas Hardouvelis (corresponding author) is at the University of Piraeus,EFG-Eurobank-Ergasias and C.E.P.R. e-mail:[email protected] of Banking and Finance, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli &Dimitriou Street, 18534 Piraeus, Greece. Dimitrios Malliaropulos is at theUniversity of Piraeus and National Bank of Greece. e-mail: [email protected] would like to thank the seminar participants at the universities of War-wick and Piraeus, and the participants of the 2004 Economic Theory andEconometrics conference in Syros, Greece, for their comments.


Page 2: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

1 Introduction

Following the original independent �ndings of Chen (1991), Estrella andHardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), alarge body of empirical literature has documented that the slope of theyield curve �de�ned as the di¤erence between nominal long-term andshort-term interest rates of Treasury securities � is positively relatedto future real economic activity. An increase in the nominal long-termrelative to the nominal short-term interest rate is associated with anincrease in real economic activity next quarter and a number of quartersinto the future, with the predictability peaking out in approximatelyfour to six quarters.1

In this paper we provide new evidence that the ability of the nominalyield spread to forecast output is related to a simultaneous forecastingability for in�ation. Speci�cally, an increase in the nominal yield spreadis associated with an increase in future output and a simultaneous drop inprices of approximately the same percentage as the percentage increasein real output. Figure 1 depicts this symmetry by graphing the samplecorrelations of those variables at di¤erent forecasting horizons.The evidence on the symmetric predictability of the yield spread is

robust to a number of econometric speci�cations. The �rst speci�ca-tion is the traditional multiperiod forecasting regression with bootstrapsimulations that check for the statistical signi�cance of the results. Thesecond speci�cation is the one proposed by Jegadeesh (1991) and Ho-drick (1992), in which the dependent variable is the one-quarter-aheadgrowth in output or the one-quarter-ahead in�ation and the independentvariable is the cumulative average of the current and lagged nominalyield spread. The third speci�cation calculates the implied coe¢ cientsof multiperiod regressions from the dynamics of a vector autoregressivemodel.2 All three econometric formulations point to the same result: Asymmetric predictability of the yield spread for output and in�ation.The symmetry in the predictability of output and in�ation is further

corroborated by the remarkable �nding that during periods when theforecasting ability of the yield spread for output deteriorates (especiallyafter the mid-1980s), its forecasting ability for in�ation also deteriorates

1Later examples are the studies of Harvey (1989), Plosser and Rouwenhorst(1994), Haubrich and Dombrosky (1996), Bernard and Gerlach (1996), Davis andFagan (1997), Estrella and Mishkin (1997), Smets and Tsatsaronis (1997), Dueker(1997), Kozicki (1997), Dotsey (1998), Ivanova, Lahiri and Seitz (2000), Hamiltonand Kim (2002), Moneta (2003). These papers have shown that the predictability ofoutput is also present in a number of countries outside the United States.

2This approach has been used by Campbell and Shiller (1988), Kandel and Stam-baugh (1989) and Hodrick (1992) in predicting stock returns at various horizons.


Page 3: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

by an approximately similar amount. The rolling sample regression coef-�cients of Figure 2 point this symmetry quite clearly. The predictabilityof in�ation and real output seem to be mirror re�ections of the sameeconomic phenomenon!The symmetric predictability of output and in�ation via the nominal

yield spread is a stylized fact, which requires an economic explanation.We, therefore, proceed to build the simplest possible general equilibriummonetary model that can explain not only output predictability, but thesymmetric price predictability as well. A monetary model is requiredbecause the empirical evidence is based on the nominal yield spread,not the real yield spread, and the predictions refer to both output andin�ation. The model follows the work of Rotemberg (1982, 1996). It isessentially an one-factor general equilibrium model of a monetary econ-omy with sticky prices, which is able to explain the stylized facts as aresult of intertemporal smoothing of rational consumers. We derive ex-plicit analytic solutions of the model, which relate the predictive powerof the yield spread to two main �deep� structural economic parame-ters: the degree of price stickiness and the elasticity of intertemporalsubstitution of the representative consumer.One key feature of the model is the simplicity of its dynamics. The

dynamics are driven entirely by the nature of price stickiness, whichare embedded in the general equilibrium framework.3 Because pricesare sticky, current economic shocks lead to predictable changes in fu-ture prices and output. These expectations, coupled with consumptionsmoothing and arbitrage, lead to contemporaneous changes in real andnominal interest rates. A second key feature of the model is that thevelocity of money is constant and, thus, productivity and money sup-ply shocks lead to symmetric e¤ects on future output and in�ation, acharacteristic which is required in order to explain the new empiricalevidence of the paper. A third key feature is the opposite in�uence ofshocks on real and nominal interest rates. Positive productivity shocksincrease real but decrease nominal interest rates. Positive money supplyshocks decrease real but increase nominal interest rates. A fourth keyfeature is the fact that the in�uence of shocks on short rates, nominaland real, is stronger than their in�uence on the corresponding long rates.Thus, the nominal yield spread moves in the opposite direction from theterm structure of nominal rates and the real yield spread moves in theopposite direction from the term structure of real rates.The model predicts that the nominal spread is positively correlated

with future output growth and negatively correlated with future in�a-

3This feature distinguishes our model from the class of a¢ ne yield models, whichare econometric in nature and their dynamics are exogenous (Ang et al. (2003)).


Page 4: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

tion. The model also predicts that the real yield spread is negativelycorrelated with future output growth and positively correlated with fu-ture in�ation. Finally, the model explains why previous authors such asFama (1990) and Mishkin (1990a,b), who regress the di¤erence betweenfuture long-term and short-term in�ation on the current nominal yieldspread, �nd stronger evidence of predictability for long horizon in�ationthan short horizon in�ation.The model�s implications for the predictive power of the real yield

spread is subsequently explored in greater empirical detail. First, weestimate the relationship between future output or in�ation and today�sex-post real interest rate spread using Generalized Methods of Mo-ments and we �nd that, indeed, the qualitative predictions of the modelare born out of the data. Subsequently, we use the earlier vector au-toregression to calculate the implied regression slope coe¢ cients for mul-tiperiod regressions of output growth and in�ation on the current realyield spread. These implied coe¢ cients do show a negative relation ofthe real yield spread with future output growth and a positive relationwith future in�ation.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents

the empirical evidence on the predictive ability of the nominal yieldspread for output and in�ation. Section 3 presents the general equi-librium monetary model - whose detailed description is contained inAppendix A - and derives analytic solutions of the covariance betweenthe yield spread and future output growth and in�ation. Section 4 ex-plores the additional empirical implications of the model regarding thepredictive ability of the spread of real interest rates. Section 5 concludesand discusses possible extensions.

2 Empirical Evidence on the Predictive Ability ofthe Nominal Yield Spread

2.1 DataThe empirical analysis is based on quarterly data for the United Statesfrom 1960:Q1 to 2004:Q2. Data are from the Federal Reserve Bankof St. Louis (FRED II) database. As a measure of economic activity,we use seasonally adjusted data on real, chain-weighted Gross Domes-tic Product (GDP), expressed in 2000 prices. Prices are measured bythe seasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index (CPI), and represent themiddle month of the quarter. Long-term interest rates are annualizedyields to maturity of the 3-year, 5-year and 10-year Treasury Bonds.Each yield spread is computed as the di¤erence between the long-term


Page 5: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

interest rate and the 3-month Treasury bill rate.4 All interest rate dataare monthly averages of the second month of the quarter. Choosing themiddle month of the quarter for prices and interest rates instead of thequarterly average alleviates the aggregation bias of the later regressions,but the results are very similar when we use average quarterly data.Table 1 reports summary statistics (Panel A) and correlations (Panel

B) of the data. The yield spread is positively correlated with the one-year ahead GDP growth, with correlations ranging between 0.41 and0.44, and negatively correlated with one-year ahead in�ation, with cor-relations between -0.28 to -0.34. The highest correlations are with the10-year spread. Output and in�ation are contemporaneously negativelycorrelated. Observe also that the three yield spreads are highly corre-lated with each other, with bivariate correlations ranging between 0.97and 0.99. In our subsequent analysis, we follow the earlier literatureand utilize the 10-year spread.Panel C of Table 1 presents the estimates of a �rst-order autore-

gressive model of the three variables of interest: The growth in output,�yt+1;the level of in�ation, �pt+1, and the spread between the 10-yearnominal yield and the 3-month yield, st+1. The �rst-order VAR is aparsimonious representation which describes the dynamics of the vec-tor of the three series quite adequately, as corroborated by the Schwarzcriterion. Observe that the nominal spread at t, st; retains a positiveassociation with next quarter�s growth in output, �yt+1; in the presenceof the other two contemporaneous variables, �yt; and �pt: Similarly, itretains a negative association with next quarter�s in�ation, �pt+1, in thepresence of the other two variables.All three variables are stationary, with output growth being the less

persistent of the three. Indeed, Panel D of Table 1 reports Johansen�s(1988) Likelihood Ratio tests of cointegrating rank, which are based onthe vector error correction representation of the three variables. Thesetests con�rm that all three variables are stationary, implying that ourVAR(1) representation of the data is satisfactory.

2.2 Multiperiod Regressions

Table 2 presents formal evidence of the predictive ability of the nominalyield spread for future GDP growth and in�ation. The table reports esti-mates of the typical OLS regression used by most researchers to measurethe predictive ability of the yield spread for future output:


k)(yt+k � yt) = a0;k + a1;kst + uy;t+k (1)

4Series codes: GDPC96, CPIAUCSL, TB3MS, GS3, GS5, GS10.


Page 6: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

where yt is log real GDP, 100( 4k )(yt+k � yt) measures the annualizedgrowth rate of real GDP from quarter t to quarter t + k in percentageterms, and st is the nominal yield spread, measured as the di¤erencebetween the 10-year and the 3-month yields. The table also reportsestimates of a similar OLS regression for future annualized in�ation:


k)(pt+k � pt) = b0;k + b1;kst + up;t+k (2)

where pt is the log of the Consumer Price Index in the middle ofquarter t. The two equations are estimated simultaneously as a systemof seemingly unrelated regressions because of the need to subsequentlytest cross-equation restrictions.Below the coe¢ cient estimates of Table 2, we present the Newey-

West (1987) t-statistics, which correct for conditional heteroskedasticityand autocorrelation of order k � 1: In curly brackets below the coe¢ -cient estimates, we also present the 5% and 95% fractiles of the slopecoe¢ cients, which originate from 5,000 bootstrap simulations. In thesimulations, we impose the null hypothesis of no predictability of outputgrowth and in�ation, a1;k = b1;k = 0. Speci�cally, in each simulationrun, we construct arti�cial time series for each variable �yt;�pt and stas independent AR(1) processes. The AR(1) coe¢ cients are set equal tothe diagonal elements of the estimated VAR coe¢ cient matrix, reportedin Panel C of Table 1. The starting value of each series is set equal to itsunconditional mean (i.e., zero). We then draw with replacement fromthe empirical distribution of the VAR residuals of each original series.Subsequently, we calculate the multiperiod changes yt+k�yt and pt+k�ptand perform the k regressions per equation. After 5,000 simulations,we calculate the 5% and 95% fractiles of the slope coe¢ cients of themultiperiod regressions from their simulated distribution.Stambaugh (1986, 1999), Mankiw and Shapiro (1986) and Valkanov

(2003), among others, have noted that in speci�cations like ours, the esti-mates of the slope coe¢ cients a1;k and b1;k tend to be biased because theregressor in the forecasting equations (1), (2) is only predetermined; it isnot exogenous. Hodrick (1992) shows that the small sample propertiesof the slope coe¢ cients of multiperiod regressions can deviate substan-tially from the standard asymptotic distribution whenever the dependentvariable is serially correlated. Hodrick proposes Monte Carlo analysis tocorrect for the bias in estimated coe¢ cients and to construct standarderrors.The estimates of a1;k and b1;k in Table 2 follow Hodrick�s suggestion

and are adjusted for possible bias. The means of the coe¢ cients of thebootstrap distributions are subtracted from the OLS estimates and the


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result is the one which is tabulated. It turns out the bias is very small,so the adjustment does not make much di¤erence.5

The estimates of coe¢ cient a1;k are qualitatively similar to those ob-tained by a number of previous researchers. Both asymptotic t-statisticsand 95% con�dence bounds from bootstrap simulations con�rm that theyield spread has predictive power for future GDP growth for horizonsup to the two-year horizon that we explore. The adjusted R20s peakat k between �ve and seven quarters. Economically, an increase in the10-year yield spread by 100 basis points predicts an increase in outputgrowth by about 0.8 percentage points in one year�s time.The in�ation equation also shows substantial predictability that lasts

for approximately �ve to six quarters. An increase in the 10-year yieldspread by 100 basis points predicts a decrease in consumer price in�ationby about 0.9 percent one quarter ahead, and by about 0.7 per cent inone year. In contrast to the GDP growth predictions, the adjusted R20sare highest in the one-quarter ahead horizon and decline monotonicallyafter that.The sixth column in the table (Column �W�) presents Wald tests of

the null hypothesis of symmetry, i.e. that the coe¢ cients a1;k and b1;kare of opposite sign and equal magnitude, b1;k = �a1;k. The hypothesiscannot be rejected in any of the horizons. The coe¢ cient magnitudes arealso economically very close to each other. The last column in the tablereports the sum of the coe¢ cients along with the 5% and 95% fractilesof its bootstrap distribution. Again, we cannot reject the hypothesis ofsymmetry in any of the horizons.

2.3 An Alternative Speci�cation of the ForecastingEquation

Researchers have criticized the use of long horizon regressions with over-lapping forecasting horizons, particularly the ones which �nd little evi-dence of predictability in the short-run but strong evidence in the long-run. For example, Valkanov (2003) shows that the t-statistics in verylong-horizon regressions do not converge to well-de�ned distributions.Similar results are provided by Campbell and Yogo (2004). Our earliermultiperiod regressions of Table 2 do not fall in this category, as we�nd evidence of strong predictability in the short-run. Moreover, we didpresent simulations results on the statistical signi�cance of the estimatedcoe¢ cients. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile exploring alternative speci�-cations, which were utilized by previous researchers in order to partially

5The bias in the one-quarter-ahead real growth regression is approximately -0.02and in the one-quarter-ahead in�ation regression -0.08. The bias declines at longerforecasting horizons.


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circumvent the overlapping horizons problem. One such speci�cationwas proposed by Jegadeesh (1991) and was later also utilized by Ho-drick (1992). It avoids the overlapping horizons problem, by estimatingthe predictive equation only for one quarter ahead and, instead of cu-mulating the dependent variable, it cumulates the independent variable,as follows:

100(4)�yt+1= c0;k + c1;kst;k + ey;t+1 (3)

100(4)�pt+1= d0;k + d1;kst;k + ep;t+1 (4)

where st;k = 1k

Pk�1i=0 st�i is the average nominal yield spread between

time t and time t� k� 1. For k = 1, the regression coe¢ cients c1;k andd1;k are identical to the corresponding regression coe¢ cients a1;k and b1;kof earlier equations (1) and (2). For k > 1; these coe¢ cients di¤er butthey still capture the same covariance between future output growth orin�ation and the current nominal yield spread that the earlier ones did.Table 3 presents the estimates of c1;k and d1;k for the di¤erent fore-

casting horizons k. The Newey-West (1987) t�statistics, which arein parentheses below the coe¢ cient estimates, correct for conditionalheteroskedasticity and autocorrelation of order four. As in the previoustable, the slope estimates are adjusted for small-sample bias by subtract-ing the mean of their distribution from the same earlier 5,000 bootstrapsimulations. The 5% and 95% fractiles of the simulated distribution ofcoe¢ cients are reported in curly brackets. Recall that in each simulationrun, we generate independent time series�yt;�pt and st. In the presenttable, we have also calculated the average nominal yield spread st;k fromthe arti�cial data and have subsequently performed the k regressions perequation.The results in Table 3 are similar to those in Table 2. There is output

and in�ation predictability in all horizons, although the signi�cance ofprice predictability decreases after seven quarters. The hypothesis ofsymmetry is not rejected. In fact, the magnitudes of the coe¢ cients areeconomically very close to each other, con�rming our previous results.

2.4 Implied Slope Coe¢ cients from a Vector Au-toregression

A third way to examine the predictive power of the nominal yield spreadis to construct the implied multiperiod regression slope coe¢ cients fromthe short-run dynamics of the VAR estimates of Table 1, Panel C. Thisvector autoregressive approach was previously utilized by a number ofauthors to conduct inference about the ability of dividend yields to pre-dict stock returns at various horizons (Campbell and Shiller (1988), Kan-del and Stambaugh (1989) and Hodrick (1992), among others). The


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slope coe¢ cients of multiperiod regressions can be backed out from theparameter estimates of the VAR. These slope coe¢ cients re�ect the mar-ginal predictive power of the nominal spread when controlling for thecurrent level of real output growth and in�ation, and are constructedunder the assumption that the information set of economic agents in-cludes only the current and past history of the nominal spread, the rateof growth of real output and the level of in�ation.Let zt+1 = [�yt+1, �pt+1, st+1] represent the vector of de-meaned

variables and assume that zt+1 can be modeled as a �rst order autore-gressive model: zt+1 = A zt + ut; with the error process satisfying thestandard properties E(ut+1) = 0; E(ut+1u0t+1) = V:Since zt+1 = (I�AL)�1ut+1; the variance of the zt process is: C(0) =P1j=0A

jV Aj0:6 Also, the covariance between zt and zt+j is C(0)Aj0 and

the covariance between zt and 1k

Pkj=1Etzt+j is

1kC(0)[A+A2+ :::+Ak]0:

The slope coe¢ cient a1;k in the output regression (1) is the covarianceof the yield spread with the k-periods ahead cumulative growth, dividedby the variance of the yield spread. Thus, the estimate of this coe¢ cient,as implied by the VAR, is:

a1;k =(1=k)i01C(0)[A+ A2 + :::+ Ak]0i3


where im; m = 1; 2; 3 is the m�th column of the (3 � 3) identitymatrix. Similarly, the slope coe¢ cient b1;k in the in�ation regression(2) can be calculated from the VAR as:

b1;k =(1=k)i02C(0)[A+ A2 + :::+ Ak]0i3


The distribution of the implied slope coe¢ cients is computed from5,000 bootstrap simulations of the VAR under the null hypothesis thateach of the series �yt+1, �pt+1, st+1 follows a univariate AR(1) process.In particular, we generate arti�cial data by drawing with replacementfrom the vector of estimated VAR residuals as ezt+1 = diag(A)ezt + eut+1,where diag(A) is the main diagonal of the estimated VAR coe¢ cientmatrix A, eut+1 are the bootstrap residuals and the initial values are setequal to the unconditional mean of the variables, ez0 = 0. Subsequently,we estimate the VAR with the arti�cial data and calculate the impliedslope coe¢ cients a1;k; b1;k and the sum a1;k + b1;k for horizons of 1 tok quarters ahead. In order to correct for bias, we subtract the meanof the bootstrap distribution of the slope coe¢ cients from their VARestimates, given by equations (5), (6).

6In computing C(0), we truncate the in�nite sum at j =200.


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Table 4 presents estimates of bias-adjusted slope coe¢ cients from theVAR. This bias is very small. We report in curly brackets below the coef-�cient estimates the 5% and 95% fractiles of their bootstrap distribution.The implied output coe¢ cients a1;k are all positive and statistically sig-ni�cant in all horizons. The implied in�ation coe¢ cients b1;k are negativeand statistically signi�cant as well. The hypothesis of symmetry is notrejected in any of the horizons. Observe that the implied coe¢ cientsa1;k and b1;k are smaller in magnitude than the corresponding coe¢ cientsin Tables 2 and 3. This is because the coe¢ cients in Table 4 re�ect theextra predictive power of the nominal spread when controlling for theinformation in the current real output growth and in�ation.Summing up, all three econometric speci�cations arrive at the same

result: The nominal yield spread is a symmetric predictor of output andin�ation.

2.5 Subperiod ResultsWe now explore the symmetry in predictability in more detail. We askwhether or not the symmetry is present throughout the sample period.Table 5 presents the four-quarter-ahead forecasting regressions of theearlier Table 2 over four separate subperiods. Each subperiod spans adecade, with the exception of the last one which is longer, including thelast years of the sample period up to year 2004. The table reveals thatthe ability of the yield spread to predict one-year-ahead GDP growthbroke down during the 1990s, con�rming the earlier results of Haubrichand Dombrovsky (1996) and Dotsey (1998). However, this predictiveability may be coming back after the end of the prolonged expansion ofthe 1990�s.7

The interesting new information in Table 5 is the behavior of the priceequation. We observe that, remarkably, the predictability of in�ationfollowed the decline in the predictability of output in the latter partof the sample period. This close relation between output and pricepredictability is even more striking when we run rolling regressions andtabulate the time-varying regression coe¢ cients.Figure 2 presents rolling regression estimates for the regression equa-

tions of Table 5. The rolling sample window is 40 quarters long. Observethat the rolling estimates a1;4 and b1;4 are almost a mirror re�ection ofeach other. This evidence suggests that when looking for an explanationfor output predictability one has to tie that explanation to a simulta-

7The yield spread did in fact a good job in predicting the 2001 recession. Theestimated slope coe¢ cient in (1) over the period 2000:Q1-2004:Q2 is 0.70 with a

standard error of 0.15 and an R2of 0.57. Of course, the number of observations is

still too small to make any reliable inference.


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neous price predictability in the opposite direction.

3 AMonetary Asset PricingModel with Price Rigidi-ties

In this section we present a general equilibrium asset pricing model ofa monetary economy in order to provide an explanation for the jointbehavior of output, prices and the term structure of interest rates that wedocumented in Section 2. Our model is relatively simple and is, indeed,able to describe the qualitative features of the observed correlations interms of very few deep structural economic parameters. We begin byproviding a brief overview of earlier theoretical models.

3.1 A Brief Review of the Theoretical Literatureon the Predictive Ability of the Nominal YieldSpread

The previous literature has focused on explaining the predictability ofoutput, that is, half of the empirical evidence that was presented in Sec-tion 2. Early attempts to explain the correlation of the yield spread andsubsequent output or consumption growth essentially provided heuristicstories of the correlation. Estrella and Hardouvelis (1991), for example,interpret the positive association between the yield spread and futureoutput growth as arising from market expectations of future shifts ininvestment opportunities and/or consumption (an expected future shiftin the IS curve that would a¤ect future output and future short rates,hence the current long rate). They claim the association is not dueto the current behavior of the central bank (a current shift in the LMcurve, which a¤ects short-term rates and future economic activity), asthey control for the central bank�s behavior in their regression analysis.Later on, Estrella (1998, 2003) built IS-LM models in which the behav-ior of the central bank is important. In the context of those models,Estrella shows that the predictive power of the yield spread depends onthe preferences of the central bank and, in particular, on the importanceof in�ation targeting relative to the importance of output stabilizationin the monetary policy rule.Others have concentrated on models of the real economy and the

consumption-based CAPM (Harvey (1988), Hu (1993), Den Haan (1995),De Lint and Stolin (2003) and Estrella, Rodrigues and Schich (2003)).According to the Consumption-CAPM, there is a positive relation be-tween the real yield to maturity of a ��period bond, rr(�)t, and theaverage expected growth rate of consumption between period t and pe-riod t+ � , 1

�Et(ct+� � ct):


Page 12: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

rr(�)t = �� +1


�Et(ct+� � ct)] (7)

where �� is a constant and � is the elasticity of intertemporal substi-tution between present and future consumption with respect to the realrate of interest and is equal to the inverse of the coe¢ cient of relativerisk aversion, .Many authors transplant the positive association of the level of real

rates with consumption growth in equation (7) to a similar positive as-sociation of the spread in real interest rates with future consumptiongrowth. This, however, is misleading. De Lint and Stolin (2003) explainthat equation (7) results in a negative relation between the real yieldspread and future consumption growth. To see this, rewrite equation(7) for the case of � = 1, and subtract the result from (7):

rr(�)t � rr(1)t = �+1


�Et(ct+� � ct)� Et(ct+1 � ct)


Observe that the left-hand-side of equation (8) is, indeed, the realyield spread or the slope of the real term structure. However, the right-hand-side of equation (8) is no longer the expected growth in consump-tion but the expected di¤erence between average growth in consumptionover � periods and the one-period growth. To translate this di¤erencein growth rates into a level of growth rates, suppose that consumptiongrowth follows an autoregressive process of order one, with an autore-gressive parameter �, 0 < � < 1. Then, equation (8) becomes:

rr(�)t � rr(1)t = �� 1

�1� 1

�(1 + �+ : : :+ ���1)

�Et(ct+1 � ct) (9)

The slope coe¢ cient in the above relation is always negative. Thisis because the growth of consumption is a stationary process and thusshocks to consumption a¤ect the short-run growth rates a lot more thanthey a¤ect the long-run ones.8 It is clear, therefore, that the typicalC-CAPM model cannot account for the positive association betweenconsumption growth and the real yield spread.9 A model of the nominal

8Harvey (1988) claims that the empirical correlation between future consumptiongrowth and the current real yield spread is positive. Nevertheless, he provides GMMestimates only for the relationship between future consumption growth and the cur-rent level of real interest rates, not the spread in real interest rates. His claim isessentially based on an alternative OLS speci�cation, but the speci�cation is clearlyrejected by his data. We explore this issue later in Section 4.

9De Lint and Stolin (2003) show that this result holds even when the level of logconsumption is an autoregressive process as opposed to the growth in consumption.


Page 13: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

spread could, perhaps, be the solution to the problem. This is what wesketch below.

3.2 The Elements of the Proposed ModelOur theoretical framework is a modi�cation of Rotemberg (1982, 1996).In Rotemberg�s model, prices are sticky in the short term due to theexistence of costs of price adjustment. We modify the model by usinga power utility function and by adding a bond market, in which house-holds can borrow or lend their proceeds for 1; :::; N periods. The exis-tence of price rigidities implies that shocks to output and money supplylead to forecastable changes in future price and output growth. Theseforecastable changes lead consumers to adjust their savings in order tosmooth their consumption over time, generating a correlation betweenthe current yield spread and future economic activity and in�ation.There is a long theoretical literature on general equilibrium mod-

els of in�ation and the term structure (Danthine and Donaldson (1986),Constantinides (1992), Sun (1992) and others). Benningha and Protopa-padakis (1983) were the �rst to emphasize the breakdown of the FisherTheorem. Stulz (1986) points out the presence of a negative relationbetween expected in�ation and real asset returns. Marshall (1992) pro-vides empirical evidence consistent with Stulz. Donaldson, Jonsen andMehra (1990) build a model of the real term structure, not the nominalone, but are among the �rst to examine its properties across the businesscycle. Labadie (1994) builds a model of the nominal term structure, byintroducing a cash-in-advance constraint and explores the behavior ofboth the nominal and the real spread across the business cycle. DenHaan (1995) introduces money via a shopping-time technology. Bakshiand Chen (1996) introduce money in the utility function.Our model di¤ers from earlier ones mainly in the way we introduce

dynamics. The dynamics are endogenous and are driven by price sticki-ness. In the model, the economy is populated by identical, in�nitely-livedhouseholds. Each household produces a type of intermediate good whichis an imperfect substitute for the other goods and sells it under condi-tions of monopolistic competition. Prices of intermediate goods adjustwith a lag to changes in demand and costs of production due to the ex-istence of a cost of adjusting prices. Firms purchase intermediate goodsfrom households and use them to produce a single consumption goodwith a constant returns to scale technology. Households can buy or sellnominally risk-free �� period discount bonds which promise to pay R�;tdollars in all states of the world at time t + � ; � = 1; :::; N: Consump-tion goods must be paid for with money, i.e. households are subject toa Cash-In-Advance constraint. Money is a non-interest bearing secu-


Page 14: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

rity. Each period, the central bank makes a lump-sum money transferto households.The full exposition of the model is contained in Appendix A. Here,

we begin the analysis by skipping to the solution of the model for thenominal interest rate and for the prices of output:

rt(�) = � log(�) +1


�Et(ct+� � ct) + Et(pt+� � pt)

�+ �(�) (10)

pt = �pt�1 + (1� �)(1� �)Et


�k(mt+k � xt+k) (11)

where rt(�) is the continuously compounded, annualized nominal yieldto maturity at time t of a zero coupon bond with maturity � periods;ct, pt, mt; xt are the natural logarithms of consumption, prices, moneysupply and productivity, respectively, �(�) is a constant term premium,� 2 (0; 1) is the degree of price stickiness, � 2 (0; 1) is a constant,and � is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution of consumption withrespect to the real rate of interest, which with power utility equals theinverse of the coe¢ cient of relative risk aversion, � = 1= .Equation (10) is the well-known optimality condition of the Consumption-

CAPM, but is now expressed in a monetary environment with in�ation.It says that the nominal yield to maturity of a � -period zero couponbond at time t is determined by the sum of the expected average con-sumption growth and the expected average in�ation between time t andtime t+ � .Equation (11) says that prices are a linear combination of lagged

prices and long-run equilibrium prices, which are given as the discountedvalue of expected excess money supply over productivity. An expectedincrease in money supply increases current prices because it increasesthe demand for the �nal product. An expected increase in productivitydecreases current prices because it decreases production costs per unitof output. Due to the existence of costs of price adjustment, there isa lagged adjustment of prices towards their long-run equilibrium. Thespeed of this adjustment depends negatively on the degree of price stick-iness, �.In order to derive a simple price equation in terms of observables, we

specify the stochastic processes driving money supply and productivity:

mt = �m +mt�1 + "m;t (12)

xt = �x + xt�1 + "x;t (13)


Page 15: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

Money supply and productivity follow random walks with drift factors�m; �x and independent innovation processes "m;t and "x;t; respectively.Taking expectations of equations (12) and (13), conditional on informa-tion up to time t; gives: Et(mt+k) = mt + k�m, Et(xt+k) = xt + k�x forall k = 0; : : : ;1. Substituting in equation (11), we obtain:

pt = �pt�1 + (1� �)(mt � xt) +�(1� a)�

1� �(14)

where � � �m��x: Taking the �rst di¤erence of equation (14) gives therate of in�ation as a function of contemporaneous and past innovationsto money supply and productivity:

�pt =(1� �)

(1� �L)(�mt ��xt) = �+ (L)("m;t � "x;t) (15)

where (L) = (1 � �)=(1 � �L) is an in�nite-order polynomial in thelag operator L: L is de�ned as: Lizt � zt�i; thus (L)zt = (1� �)(zt +�zt�1+�

2zt�2+ � � �+�pzt�p+ � � � ). Note that (1) = 1; meaning that anone-o¤ monetary shock leads to a proportional long-run increase in theprice level, whereas an one-o¤productivity shock leads to a proportionaldecrease in the price level. The conditional expectation of the long-runrate of in�ation is given by Et�pt+1 = �+ "m;t� "x;t (long-run quantitytheory).The relationship between output, money and prices is given by the

cash-in-advance constraint (A6) - described in Appendix A, togetherwith the condition that in equilibrium consumption is equal to output,i.e., in logs: yt = mt � pt. Substituting (14) in this equation for pt andtaking �rst di¤erences, we obtain:

�yt = �x + (1� (L))"m;t + (L)"x;t (16)

According to equation (16), real output growth is a function of cur-rent and past monetary and productivity shocks. Since (1) = 1, themonetary shock, "m;t, represents the transitory component, whereas theproductivity shock, "x;t, represents the permanent component of outputgrowth.

3.3 Why does the Yield Spread Predict Future Eco-nomic Activity and In�ation?

In order to derive the term structure of interest rates as a function of un-expected changes in money supply and productivity, we �rst compute theconditional expectation of the continuously compounded output growthand in�ation. From equations (16) and (15) we obtain for the conditional


Page 16: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

expectation of the growth rate of output (consumption) and prices fromperiod t+ k � 1 to period t+ k for k � 1:

Et(�yt+k) = �Et(�pt+k) = �k (L)"t (17)

where, for convenience, we have excluded the constants and re-de�nedthe innovation process as the productivity minus the money supplyshock: "t � "x;t � "m;t: It follows that the continuously compounded,annualized rate of output growth between time t and time t + k; giveninformation up to time t; is:


kEt(yt+k � yt) = �


kEt(pt+k � pt) = ��(k) (L)"t (18)

where �(k) = (1��k)k(1��) :

Next, setting k = � in (18) and substituting the resulting equation in(10), we obtain for the time t yield to maturity of a ��period nominaldiscount bond as:

r(�)t = � log(�)� (1�1

�)��(�) (L)"t + �(�) (19)

where �(�) = (1��� )�(1��) :

Using equation (19) and noting that �(1) = 1, the � -period nominalyield spread, de�ned as s�;t = r(�)t � r(1)t; can be written as:

s�;t = (1�1

�)�(1� �(�)) (L)"t (20)

and the conditional mean of the � -period real yield spread, de�ned asEt(rs�;t) = s�;t � ( 1�Et(pt+� � pt)� Et(pt+1 � pt)); can be written as:

Et(rs�;t) = �1

��(1� �(�)) (L)"t (21)

Equations (20) and (21) demonstrate that the e¤ects of pro-ductivity and monetary shocks on the nominal and the real yield spreaddepend on the degree of price stickiness, �, the elasticity of intertempo-ral substitution, �, and the term to maturity, � . Note that 1� �(�) > 0for � > 1 and 0 < � < 1; implying that long-term nominal and real in-terest rates react less strongly than one-period nominal and real interestrates to a productivity or monetary shock. This occurs because most ofthe change in expected in�ation and output takes place in the �rst peri-ods following the shock, implying that the average expected one-periodinterest rate over a horizon of � periods changes less than the currentone-period interest rate. Observe also that the nominal yield spread re-acts in the opposite direction from the direction of the real yield spread,


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provided that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, �; is largerthan unity.To understand the mechanics of the model, let us trace the e¤ects of a

positive productivity shock, "x;t. In the model, the shock is permanent,hence, once it occurs, it is expected to in�uence the level of outputforever. Also, in our experiment, the increase in productivity occurs withthe money supply process unaltered. Thus, given price stickiness and thefact that the cash-in-advance constraint has to be satis�ed, the positiveproductivity shock drives contemporaneous output and consumption upby �"x;t and contemporaneous prices down by (1 � �)"x;t, creating thebase of comparisons with expected future levels of consumption, outputand prices.From the next quarter on, prices are expected to slowly decline to-

wards their long-run equilibrium, since they have a negative gap toclose. Prices will adjust downward by �[(1 � a)"x;t] in period t + 1,by �2[(1 � �)"x;t] in period t + 2; by �3[(1 � �)"x;t] in period t + 3;and so on. Given an unchanged money supply process and the need tosatisfy the cash-in-advance constraint at the end of each period, outputis thus expected to rise symmetrically by �[(1 � �)"x;t] at time t + 1;�2[(1� �)"x;t] at time t+ 2; �3[(1� �)"x;t] at time t+ 3; etc. Observethat as the horizon increases, the successive percentage drops in pricesand percentage increases in output decline in absolute magnitude. Theabsolute value of the expected average cumulative percentage drop inprices and increase in output from period t to period t+ � ; which equals��(�)[(1� �)"x;t]; also declines as the horizon � increases:Real annualized interest rates of maturity � increase proportionately

to the corresponding increase in real output over the next � periods:(1=�)��(�)[(1� �)"x;t], while the spread between the � -period real rateand the one-period real rate declines by �(1=�)�(1� �(�))[(1� �)"x;t]:Nominal interest rates are in�uenced by the increase in real rates and bythe simultaneous decrease in expected in�ation. The � -period nominalrate will change by�(1� 1

�)��(�)[(1��)"x;t]; which is negative as long as

the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, �; is larger than unity. Thespread between the � -period nominal rate and the one-period nominalrate increases by (1� 1

�)�(1� �(�))[(1� �)"x;t].

A positive monetary shock has exactly the opposite in�uence on in-terest rates. It increases expected in�ation as prices fail to adjust im-mediately upward, but are instead expected to increase gradually overtime. The gradual increase in expected future prices drives expectedfuture output down by a symmetric amount. Real interest rates declineand nominal rates increase, provided that � > 1. The real spread widens


Page 18: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

and the nominal spread shrinks.10

More formally, one can compute the conditional covariance of thenominal and real term structure spread with the k�period ahead con-tinuously compounded annualized output growth, 1


i=1�yt+i, andthe k�period ahead in�ation, 1


i=1�pt+i. From equation (20) ofthe nominal spread and equation (18), and noting that the innovationsare i.i.d. with constant variance �2"; the conditional covariance betweenthe time t nominal yield spread and the k�period ahead continuouslycompounded annualized output growth and in�ation is:


k(yt+k � yt)) =


k(pt+k � pt) =

(1� 1

�)�(k)(1� �(�))�2(1� �)2�2" (22)

Similarly, the conditional covariance between the time t real yieldspread and the k�period ahead continuously compounded annualizedoutput growth and in�ation is:


k(yt+k � yt)) =


k(pt+k � pt)) =

� 1��(k)(1� �(�))�2(1� �)2�2" (23)

Figure 3 displays the above two conditional covariances between thenominal and real yield spread on the one hand and future output growthon the other, for various values of �; ranging from zero to one. In the�gure we set � = 40 and k = 4, to match the covariance of the 10-yearyield spread and 4 quarter ahead GDP growth. Furthermore, we set�2" = 3:6; the sample variance of the di¤erence in innovations of quarterlychanges in GDP and M3 money supply.11 Finally, we set � = 1:5, in line10It should be noted that, as emphasized by Rotemberg (1996), a positive money

supply shock generates a positive contemporaneous correlation between changes inprices and output and if monetary shocks dominate productivity shocks, then themodel allows for a contemporaneous positive correlation between output and pricegrowth. On the other hand, in the model, the revisions in expected future changesin output and prices always move in opposite directions.11Innovations were estimated using an AR(1) model for both output and money

supply. Seasonally adjusted M3 money supply is taken from the IMF database,code: USI59MCCB. We use quarter averages from monthly data in order to ensurecomparability with GDP, which is a �ow variable.


Page 19: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

with Vissing-Jorgensen (2002) and Bansal and Yaron (2004).There are several results worth noticing from equations (22) and (23),

and Figure 3. First, the conditional covariance of the real yield spreadwith future output (price) growth is always negative (positive). Thisrelationship is consistent with De Lint and Stolin (2003) and our earlierheuristic discussion for the growth in consumption. Subsequently, inSection 4, we examine whether or not this prediction is supported bythe empirical evidence.Second, for the conditional covariance of the nominal yield spread

with future output (price) growth to be positive (negative) in the model,as is the case empirically, the elasticity of intertemporal substitution hasto be larger than unity. There is considerable variance among earlierstudies that used aggregate consumption data in order to estimate thesize of parameter �:12 However, the latest work on household income andasset allocation data by Vissing-Jorgensen (2002) and Vissing-Jorgensenand Attanasio (2004) shows that the condition � > 1 is a good charac-terization of bondholders. Namely, for bondholders the elasticity ofintertemporal substitution is larger than that of stockholders and islarger than unity, perhaps closer to 2.6. The higher the elasticity ofintertemporal substitution, the smaller the required response of real in-terest rates to exogenous shocks in order to restore equilibrium in theeconomy. Thus for � > 1, exogenous shocks do not a¤ect real inter-est rates as much as they a¤ect expected in�ation. The in�uence ofreal interest rates on the level of nominal interest rates is, therefore,overwhelmed by the opposite in�uence of expected in�ation on nominalrates.Third, the size of the conditional covariance between the (real or

nominal) yield spread and output growth is highest for intermediate val-ues of the degree of price stickiness �:When � is very close to zero, pricesare very �exible and, hence, the serial correlation in price and outputgrowth is small, preventing the shocks of the model from generatinglarge revisions in the expectations of future changes in prices or outputand in the yield spreads. At the opposite extreme, when � is very closeto unity, prices are very sticky and, although there is very high serialcorrelation in output and prices, the size of the revisions themselves arevery small relative to the size of the shocks.

12The earlier time-series studies concentrate on estimating the parameter = 1=�,using aggregate consumption data: Brown and Gibbons (1985) estimate a range of between 0.09 and 7, implying a value of � from 0.15 to 11. Mankiw, Rotemberg andSummers (1985) estimate between 0.09 and 0.51, implying a value of � between2 and 11. Harvey (1988) estimates a range of between 0.33 and 0.96, implying avalue of � between 1 and 3. Hall (1988) �nds a very small �:


Page 20: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

Finally, the model generates a positive conditional covariance be-tween the current nominal term structure spread, s�;t, and the futurechange in the rate of in�ation, 1

k(pt+k � pt) � (pt+1 � pt), provided, as

before, that � > 1:


k(pt+k � pt)� (pt+1 � pt)

= (1� 1

�)(1� �(k))(1� �(�))�2(1� �)2�2" (24)

The above covariance is zero at horizon k = 1, since at that horizonthe change in in�ation is by construction zero. Then, at horizon k =2; the covariance becomes positive but small and, subsequently, as theforecasting horizon k increases, it keeps rising, but at a declining rate.For very large forecasting horizons, the above covariance approachesthe value of (1 � 1

�)(1 � �(�))�2(1 � �)2�2", which equals minus the

covariance of the nominal spread with the one-period ahead in�ation.Thus, equation (24) provides an explanation of the previous �ndings ofFama (1990), Mishkin (1990a,b, 1991), Jorion and Mishkin (1991) andothers, that the nominal spread can predict the change in in�ation atlong horizons a lot better than at short horizons. Frankel and Lown(1994) provide a similar interpretation to ours.

4 Examining the Predictive Ability of the Real YieldSpread

Our model is able to explain the symmetric predictive power of thenominal yield spread for output and in�ation. However, it has strongimplications about the behavior of the spread of real interest rates aswell. It claims that a similar symmetric predictive power exists for thespread of real interest rates. Recall that equations (18) and (21) com-pletely characterize the dynamics of output growth, in�ation and thereal yield spread, while equation (23) describes the symmetric predic-tive power of this real yield spread In this section, we explore thoseadditional empirical implications in greater detail.The chosen econometric framework resembles the earlier one. We

begin by writing down the equilibrium relationships of the real yieldspread with expected future output growth and in�ation in the familiarform of predictive equations, as follows:


kEt(yt+k � yt) = �0;k + �1;kEt(rs�;t) (25)


Page 21: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented


kEt(pt+k � pt) = �0;k + �1;kEt(rs�;t) (26)

where Et(rs�;t) is the ��period ex-ante real yield spread, de�ned as:Et(rs�;t) = s�;t�



�� Et�pt+1

i, with s�;t denoting the

nominal yield spread, which is measured as the di¤erence between the��period and the 1�period nominal yields.According to our model, the slope coe¢ cients in the above equations

are governed by the relationship: ��1;k = �1;k = � �(k)1��(�) and �0;k; �0;k

are two constants.13 This is easily seen by substituting equation (18)for (L)"t into equation (21). Put di¤erently, the real yield spread isnegatively related to expected output growth and, in a symmetric way,positively related to expected in�ation.Next, observe that the empirical assessment of the predictive prop-

erties of the real yield spread is not as straightforward as the earlierone for the nominal yield spread. Real rates and, hence, the real yieldspread, are unobservable and have to be somehow approximated, but theapproximation creates measurement error with the usual consequencesof causing inconsistency in the estimated parameters. To get around thisproblem, we perform two alternative exercizes. First, we use ex-postreal interest rates to estimate multiperiod forecasting equations, but uti-lize instrumental variables in order to avoid the inherent biases of theOLS estimation. Second, we utilize the earlier estimates of the vectorautoregression of Table 1, Panel C to derive implied forecasting regres-sion coe¢ cients, in a manner analogous to our earlier estimates for thepredictive power of the nominal yield spread. These implied coe¢ cientsare then adjusted for bias using simulations.

4.1 GMM estimatesLet us denote the multiperiod horizon forecast errors at time t for pre-dicting real output growth and in�ation from period t to period t+k as:�t+k � 1

k(yt+k�yt)� 1

kEt(yt+k�yt) and �t+k � 1

k(pt+k�pt)� 1


Then, we can rewrite the predictive equations (25) and (26) as two re-gression equations:


k(yt+k � yt) = �0;k + �1;krs�;t + e�t+k (27)

13Adding the constant terms �0;k and �0;k in equations (25) and (26) is justi�ed byour assumption that the money supply and productivity follow random walks withdrift �see equations (12), (13). Earlier, we omitted these constants from equation(18) in order to simplify the notation.


Page 22: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented


k(pt+k � pt) = �0;k + �1;krs�;t +

e�t+k (28)

where the error terms are de�ned as: e�t+k = �t+k+�1;k(�t+k� �t+1);e�t+k = �t+k + �1;k(�t+k � �t+1).Table 6 reports Generalized Method of Moments estimates of equa-

tions (27), (27) using as instruments a constant plus four lags of eachof the following variables: (i) quarterly real GDP growth, 1

i(yt � yt�i);

i = 1; :::4; (ii) quarterly consumer price in�ation, 1i(pt � pt�i); with pt

denoting the log CPI of the middle month of the quarter, (iii) the quar-terly percentage change in crude oil prices, 1

i(log(ot)� log(ot�i));with ot

denoting the average price of oil in the middle month of the quarter14

and (iv) the observable at time t ex-post real yield spread, rs�;t�i. Sincewe use seventeen instruments and estimate two parameters per equation,there are �fteen overidentifying restrictions in each estimated equation.The results in Table 6 are organized in three panels. Panel A reports

estimation results using the 3-year ex-post real yield spread to forecastcumulative real GDP growth and in�ation up to four quarters ahead.Panels B and C report estimation results using the ex-post 5-year andthe 10-year real spread, respectively. The reason for using the 3-year andthe 5-year real spreads in addition to the usual 10-year real spread has todo with sample size. In the case of the 10-year real spread, we lose thelast 10 years of observations, whereas in the case of the three-year realspread we only lose the last three years of observations. The t-statisticsbelow the coe¢ cient estimates are based on Newey-West standard errors,which correct for serial correlation of the residuals up to three lags.As suggested by theory, the slope coe¢ cients of cumulative real GDP

growth are all negative and the slope coe¢ cients of cumulative in�ationare all positive. With few exceptions, all slope coe¢ cients are statisti-cally signi�cant at the 5% con�dence level. The �fth and sixth row ofthe table reports the J�test of overidentifying restrictions. The tests donot provide evidence against the model speci�cation.15

4.2 Implied Coe¢ cients from the Earlier Vector Au-toregression

One can construct an alternative estimate of the real term structurespread by generating in�ation forecasts within the earlier vector autore-

14We use IMF data for crude oil prices, ot; series code WDI76AAZ.15We have also utilized a more parsimonious set of instruments, which are a con-

stant plus four lags of output growth, in�ation and the ex-post real yield spread.The qualitative features of the estimates remain the same, but the overidentifyingrestrictions in the price equation are rejected in many cases.


Page 23: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

gressive model of Table 1, Panel C. Thus, using the same methodology asbefore, it is possible to generate the implied slope coe¢ cients �1;k; �1;k ofequations (25) and (26) for a hypothetical regression of the multiperiodoutput or price growth on the current real term structure spread.The VAR methodology has two main advantages, compared to in-

strumental variables techniques such as GMM. First, the VAR can bebased on the nominal yield spread, thus avoiding issues of exogenousmeasurement of the real spread. Equations (25) and (26) can be es-timated directly from the VAR of Table 1, Panel C, as the VAR cangenerate simultaneous forecasts of output growth, in�ation and the realspread. Second, when the VAR model of Table 1, Panel C, is utilized,the results for the predictive power of the real spread are internally con-sistent with the results of the predictive power of the nominal spread,shown earlier in Table 4. Finally, the problems of inconsistency in theestimated slope coe¢ cients can be corrected using the standard simula-tion techniques that we employed earlier.The slope coe¢ cient �1;k in the output regression (25) on the, say 10-

year, real yield spread (� = 40) is the covariance of the real yield spreadwith the k-quarters-ahead cumulative annualized growth, divided by thevariance of the real yield spread:


�st �



�� Et�pt+1

i; 1k


�V ar

�st �



�� Et�pt+1


Using the VAR(1) model zt+1 = A zt + ut; where zt+1 = [�yt+1,�pt+1, st+1] is the vector of de-meaned variables, the estimate of theabove slope coe¢ cient can be represented as a nonlinear function of theVAR coe¢ cients (see Appendix B):


0i3 � 1401k

P40j=1 (i


jC(0)A(k)0i1) +1k(i02AC(0)A(k)

0i1)hi03I3�3 + i02

�A� 1




hi03I3�3 + i02

�A� 1




(30)where im is the m�th column of the (3� 3) identity matrix I3�3 and

A(k) = [A + A2 + ::: + Ak]. The �rst term of the numerator is thecovariance between nominal yield spread and k-quarters-ahead expectedannualized growth. The second term of the numerator is minus thecovariance between k-quarters-ahead expected annualized growth andthe 40-quarters-ahead expected annualized in�ation. The third term ofthe numerator is the covariance between the k-quarters-ahead expectedannualized growth and the one-quarter-ahead expected annualized in�a-tion.


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Similarly, the slope coe¢ cient �1;k in the in�ation regression (26) canbe calculated from the VAR as:


0i3 � 1401k

P40j=1 (i


jC(0)A(k)0i2) +1k(i02AC(0)A(k)

0i2)hi03I3�3 + i02

�A� 1




hi03I3�3 + i02

�A� 1





Table 7 presents the results of this exercize. As in the earlier impliedVAR coe¢ cients of Table 4, we present bias-adjusted estimates of theslope coe¢ cients along with the 5% and 95% fractiles of their distri-bution from 5,000 bootstrap simulations. As predicted by theory, theoutput coe¢ cients are negative and statistically signi�cant for all hori-zons. Also, the in�ation coe¢ cients are positive, but are statisticallysigni�cant only up to four quarters ahead. It is worth mentioning thatthe bias in the estimated slope coe¢ cient �1;k of the in�ation equation isvery large and positive, especially at short forecasting horizons. This isapparently due to the fact the an estimate of expected in�ation appearson both sides of equation (26).16 The last column of Table 7 reportsthe sum of the (bias-adjusted) slope coe¢ cients along with the 5% and95% fractiles of its bootstrap distribution. Once again, the hypothesisof symmetry cannot be rejected.

5 Concluding Remarks

We examined the predictive ability of the nominal yield spread for futureoutput and in�ation in the United States and discovered a symmetricpredictability. Over the period 1960-2004, an increase in the yield spreadis associated with a future increase in real output and a decline in in�a-tion of approximately the same magnitude. This symmetry is present inthe various supberiods as well.In order to explain this new stylized fact, we developed a parsimo-

nious monetary consumption based asset pricing model, whose maininnovation is the introduction of nominal rigidities in the economy inform of sticky prices of the consumption good. Due to price stickiness,shocks to the economy generate predictable changes in future output andprices, hence, allowing for intertemporal consumption smoothing e¤ectson interest rates. This generates a correlation between the current yield

16At the one-quarter horizon, the estimated bias in �1;k is 0.79, that is, the un-adjusted original estimate of the coe¢ cient is 0.96, instead of the reported adjustedestimate of 0.17. This bias declines monotonically as the horizon increases to reachthe value of 0.35 at the two-year horizon. By contrast, no substantial bias is observedin the output equation. The bias in �1;k is less than 0.02.


Page 25: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

spread and future expected output growth and in�ation. We derived an-alytic solutions of the model, which relate output growth, in�ation andthe term structure to unanticipated changes in productivity and moneysupply.In the model, productivity shocks in excess of shocks to the money

supply generate a positive correlation between the nominal yield spreadand future output growth and a negative correlation between the nomi-nal yield spread and future in�ation. The theoretical model can explainthe observed stylized facts, provided that there exists some price sticki-ness and that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution is larger thanunity.The model makes a sharp distinction between the behavior of nom-

inal and real interest rates. In the model, real interest rates move inthe opposite direction from the direction of nominal interest rates, andthe real yield spread moves in the opposite direction from the directionof the nominal yield spread. This distinction was passed over by theearlier literature, which attempted to explain the output predictabilityof the nominal yield spread as a direct implication of the Consumption-CAPM Euler equation. As DeLint and Stolin (2003) show, this Eulerequation predicts a negative relation between the real yield spread andfuture real output growth, not a positive one, as was typically assumed.Our model incorporates the Consumption-CAPM Euler equation andpredicts a negative association between the real yield spread and futurereal output growth and, at the same time, is able to also predict the ob-served positive association between the nominal yield spread and futurereal output growth.We explored the empirical implications of the model for the real

yield spread and found them to be consistent with the data. Namely,we found that the real yield spread is negatively associated with futureoutput growth and positively associated with future in�ation.Overall, a simple one-factor model goes a long way in explaining

the sign of the correlation of both nominal and real yield spreads withfuture output growth and in�ation. Nevertheless, it is clear that sucha model is too restrictive to account for the observed magnitude of thecorrelations between the variables. For example, the model predicts thatthe magnitude of the association between the yield spreads and futureoutput and price growth declines with the horizon, whereas the evidencedoes not necessarily show a signi�cant decrease in this magnitude as thehorizon increases. Also, in the model, the term premium is constant andthe yield spreads are perfectly correlated with future output growth andin�ation. This is because all variables are driven by the same stochasticdisturbance, namely the innovation of productivity in excess of money


Page 26: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

supply.In order to account for less than perfect correlation between the vari-

ables, one has to include more than one stochastic disturbance drivingthe variables. One possibility would be to relax the assumption of aconstant velocity of money in order to allow for asymmetric e¤ects ofproductivity and monetary shocks on expected output growth and in-�ation and, perhaps, allow for a monetary policy rule as well. Anotherpossibility would be to allow for a time-varying term premium, whicha¤ects the slope of the yield curve independently of productivity andmoney supply shocks, leading to changes in the yield spread which areuncorrelated with predictable changes in future output and prices.17 Afurther modi�cation of the model would be to introduce richer dynamicsin the driving processes of money supply and productivity. For exam-ple, assuming an AR(1) process for money growth allows for predictablechanges in output and in�ation due to mean-reversion in money supplyin addition to predictable changes related to price stickiness.18 Allowingfor richer dynamics of the stochastic disturbances driving the economywill lead to more �exibility in the dynamic adjustment of the term struc-ture to economic shocks.

17A decline in the term premium due to lower output volatility might be able toexplain the breakdown of the predictive power of the yield spread during the 1990s.18See Rotemberg (1996), equations (12)-(16), for a modi�cation of the model in

this direction.


Page 27: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

AppendixA: Description and Solution of theModelLet Yt be the output of the �nal good. It is produced using a contin-

uum of intermediate goods as inputs indexed by i 2 [0; 1]: The produc-tion function of the �nal good is given by:

Yt =

24 1Z0



; 0 < q � 1 (A1)

where Yt(i) is the input of intermediate good i and 1=(1 � q) is theelasticity of substitution between goods. Final goods are produced underconditions of perfect competition. Firms take prices as given and chooseYt(i) in order to maximize pro�ts, given by: PtYt�

R 10Pt(i)Yt(i)di; where

Pt is the price of the �nal good and Pt(i) is the price of intermediategood i. The resulting demand functions for intermediate goods have theform:

Yi;t = Yt


� 11�q


Households produce intermediate goods using labor, Li;t, as the onlyinput, according to the production function

Yi;t = Li;t �Xt (A3)

where Xt is a productivity shock. There is monopolistic competitionin the market for intermediate goods. Households face the demand curvegiven by equation (A2) and set the price Pi;t in order to maximize theirutility function.The utility function of the representative household depends on con-

sumption of the �nal good, leisure (which we model directly as disutilityof work) and negatively on the cost of adjusting prices.Utility of household i is given by:



�kf 1

1� C1� i;t+k � X1�



1� nL1�ni;t+k

� c2X1� t+k [lnPi;t+k � lnPi;t+k�1]2g (A4)

where Et is the conditional expectations operator given informationup to time t, � 2 (0; 1) is a discount factor, is the coe¢ cient of relativerisk aversion (which, with power utility is equal to the reciprocal of theelasticity of intertemporal substitution, = 1=�), n is the elasticity of


Page 28: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

labor supply w.r.t. real wages and and c are positive constants with cdepending positively on the cost of price adjustments. As in Rotemberg(1996), we add a multiplicative productivity shock in the two disutilityterms in order to ensure that technological progress does not lead to asecular decrease in labor input.19

At the beginning of period t and prior to any trading, the moneysupply and productivity shocks are observed. A currency transfer takesplace of size Ti;t: Later, in deriving explicit solutions to the model, weassume that the cash transfer Ti;t is a function of last period�s moneystock, Mi;t�1 and a current shock �m;t:Besides the currency transfer, thehousehold also carries wealth from earlier periods in the form of currency,which originates from two sources. The �rst source is its income inperiod t-1, Pi;t�1Yi;t�1. The second source is the gross interest receivedfrom zero coupon bonds it had bought during the earlier periods, t-1, t-2,..., t-N. At the time they were acquired, these bonds, Bi;1;t�1; Bi;2;t�2; :::;Bi;N;t�N , had an original maturity of 1, 2, ..., N periods respectively. Thegross nominal interest received at time t is

PN�=1R�;t��Bi;� ;t�� ; where

R�;t�� is the gross nominal interest rate (not annualized) of bond Bi;� ;t�� .Following Lucas (1978, 1982), the exchange of money, bonds and

goods takes place in two phases. In the �rst phase of trading, the house-hold divides its post-transfer wealth among bonds, Bi;� ;t; maturing at� = t+ 1; t+ 2; :::; t+N , and cash, Mi;t. Thus,

Mi;t +NX�=1

Bi;� ;t = Pi;t�1Yi;t�1 + Ti;t +NX�=1

R�;t��Bi;� ;t�� (A5)

Goods trading takes place in the second phase. In this phase, thehousehold must �nance its consumption purchases, Ci;t;with the cur-rency it accumulated previously, so that

Ci;t �Mi;t=Pt

As is typical in this literature, we assume that since money has noother use than facilitating transactions of goods, the cash-in-advanceconstraint is binding, so that real money balances acquired during theprevious periods determine consumption. Also, there is no money leftover in the form of wealth to be carried into period t+1, an assumptionwhich was already incorporated in earlier equation (A.5):

Ci;t =Mi;t=Pt (A6)

19See Rotemberg (1996) p. 509 for a discussion.


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Next, using equations (A5) and (A6), we can write the equation forconsumption as:

Ci;t =Pi;t�1Pt



� 11�q



R�;t��Bi;� ;t��Pt


Bi;� ;tPt


Substituting equations (A2), (A3) and (A7) into (A4), we obtain:




1� [Pi;t+k�1Pt+k



� 11�q



R�;t+k��Bi;� ;t+k��Pt+k


Bi;� ;t+kPt+k



�k X1� t+k


1� n



� 1�n1�q



2X1� t+k [lnPi;t+k � lnPi;t+k�1]2 (A8)

Maximizing (A.8) w.r.t. Bi;� ;t and Pi;t leads to the following optimal-ity conditions, evaluated at the symmetric equilibrium where Pi;t = Ptand Yi;t = Yt:



�� PtPt+�


#= 1; � = 1; :::; N (A9)

0=Et[� �q

1� q




�1� +


1� q



�1�n+c (lnPt � lnPt�1)� �c



�1� (lnPt+1 � lnPt) ] (A10)

Equation (A9) is the well-known asset pricing formula of Consumption-CAPM. We assume that the joint conditional distribution of consump-tion and consumption prices is i.i.d. lognormal. Thus, de�ning thecontinuously compounded, annualized yield to maturity at time t on anominal discount bond with term � as rt(�) = log(R�;t)=� and takinglogs of equation (A.9) leads to equation (10) in the text. Note that, ingeneral, the parameter �(�) is time-varying,

�(�)t � � 12�[ 2vart(ct+� � ct) + vart(pt+� � pt) + 2 covt(ct+� � ct; pt+� � pt)] :

However; when we loglinearize the optimality condition, we make the


Page 30: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

assumption that the joint conditional distribution of consumption andprices is i.i.d. lognormal. Hence, the conditional variance and covari-ance terms are constant and, as a result, the term premium is equal toa constant �(�) = �1


� 2�2c;� + �2p;� + 2 �cp;�

�; where �c;� and �p;� are

the variance of ct+� � ct and pt+� � pt and �cp;� is their covariance:Next, we log-linearize equation (A10) around the sample means of

Pt+1=Pt; Mt=PtXt; Xt+1=Xt: Denoting these sample means 1+�; M=PX;1+ g and ignoring constants, the loglinearized version of equation (A10)reads:

Et[���c(1 + g)1� + q



�(pt+1 � pt) + c(pt � pt�1)

+� 1�n1�q (M=PX)1�n � �(1� ) q



�(mt � pt � xt)

��c�(1� )(1 + g)1� (xt+1 � xt)] = 0


where lowercase letters, pt; mt; xt denote logs of the upper case vari-ables.Equation (A11) is a second-order di¤erence equation in pt. As in

Rotemberg (1982, 1986), this equation has a unique, nonexplosive solu-tion if one of the two roots of the characteristic equation is smaller thanone while the other is larger than one. Thus, the solution to equation(A11) is equation (11) in the text, where � is the root smaller than oneand 1/� is the other root of the characteristic equation.


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Appendix B: Implied slope coe¢ cients of multi-period regressions of GDP growth and in�ation onthe real yield spread from VAR(1)

The OLS slope coe¢ cient of regression (25) is:

a1;k =Cov

�st �


P40j=1Et�pt+j � Et�pt+1

i; 1k


�V ar

�st �


P40j=1Et�pt+j � Et�pt+1


The numerator can be expanded as:


st �




Et�pt+j � Et�pt+1












�Cov "




Et�pt+j � Et�pt+1






Using the VAR model zt+1 = A zt + ut, where zt+1 = [�yt+1, �pt+1,st+1], we can compute the unconditional variance of the zt process as:C(0) =


jV Aj0:Also, the covariance between zt and zt+j is C(0)Aj0

and the covariance between zt and 1k

Pkj=1Etzt+j is

1kC(0)[A+A2+ :::+


Hence, the �rst term in the RHS of (B2) is given by 1ki01C(0)[A +

A2 + :::+ Ak]0i3:The second term in the RHS of (B2) is:


Page 32: The Yield Spread as a Symmetric Predictor of Output and In ... · Hardouvelis (1991), Harvey (1988), and Stock and Watson (1989), a large body of empirical literature has documented

�Cov 1







!+ Cov







=� 140











�i02Azt; i

01[A+ A2 + :::+ Ak]zt

�=� 1






jzt; i01[A+ A2 + :::+ Ak]zt



�i02AC(0)[A+ A2 + :::+ Ak]0 i1

�=� 1






jC(0)[A+ A2 + :::+ Ak]0i1�



�i02AC(0)[A+ A2 + :::+ Ak]0 i1

�Next, the denominator of (B1) is:

V ar

st �




Et�pt+j + Et�pt+1


=V ar

i03zt �




i02Ajzt + i02Azt


=V ar

i03zt + i02

"A� 1







"i03I3�3 + i02

"A� 1





"i03I3�3 + i02

"A� 1





The OLS slope coe¢ cient of regression (26):

�1;k =Cov

�st �


P40j=1Et�pt+j � Et�pt+1

i; 1k


�V ar

�st �


P40j=1Et�pt+j � Et�pt+1

i�can be derived in a similar way.


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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

Panel A:Summary Statistics, 1960:Q1 - 2004:Q2

variable mean variance skewness kurtosisGDP growth 3.33 5.01 -0.44 0.17In�ation 4.21 7.83 1.36 1.413-m T-bill 5.66 7.72 1.12 2.123-y yield 6.69 7.44 0.95 1.055-y yield 6.91 6.94 0.97 0.8410-y yield 7.12 6.46 0.95 0.593y-3m spread 1.03 0.63 0.02 0.565y-3m spread 1.25 1.01 -0.12 -0.0710y-3m spread 1.46 1.57 -0.16 -0.45

Panel B:Correlations, 1960:Q1 - 2004:Q2GDP growth In�ation 3y-3m 5y-3m 10y-3m

spread spread spreadGDP growth 1.00 �0.40 0.41 0.42 0.44In�ation 1.00 �0.28 �0.32 �0.343y-3m spread 1.00 0.99 0.975y-3m spread 1.00 0.9910y-3m spread 1.00

Panel C:Vector Autoregression Estimates, 1960:Q1 - 2004:Q2

�yt �pt st R2

�yt+1 0:20�(2:87)




�pt+1 0:06(1:49)




st+1 �0:03�(�2:17)




Panel D:Tests of cointegrating rank, 1960:Q1 - 2004:Q2

� H0 ��max 99% cv Trace 99% cv0.32 r = 0 66.25 25.52 95.25 35.650.11 r � 1 19.63 18.63 29.00 20.040.05 r � 2 9.36 6.65 9.36 6.65


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Notes: In Panels A and B, GDP growth is the four-quarter ahead di¤erence of quarterly log GDP. In�ation is thefour-quarter ahead di¤erence of the log of the mid-quarterCPI. 3-m T-Bill is the 3-month Treasury Bill rate. Bondyields are yields to maturity of 3-year, 5-year, and 10-yearTreasury bonds. All yields are annualized and represent aver-age values for the second month of the quarter. Yield spreadsare calculated over the 3-month T-Bill rate.In Panel C, a �rst-order VAR is estimated for (i) real

quarterly GDP growth, �yt+1; (ii) quarterly consumer pricein�ation, �pt+1; and (iii) the 10-year minus the 3-monthnominal yield spread, st+1: All variables in the VAR are an-nualized and de-meaned.In Panel D, we report Johansen�s test for cointegration

between the three variables of the VAR: (�yt+1; �pt+1; st+1).Column ���reports the eigenvalues of the long-run � matrixof the Error Correction representation, columns ���max�and �Trace�report Johansen�s (1988) Likelihood Ratio testsof the null hypothesis stated in column H0; where r is therank of the � matrix: Column �99% cv�reports 99% criticalvalues.

�(y) denotes signi�cance at the 5% (10%) level.


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Table 2: Regressions of k�quarter-ahead cumulative realGDP growth and in�ation on the current nominal yield


100( 4k)(yt+k � yt) = a0;k + a1;kst + uy;t+k

100( 4k)(pt+k � pt) = b0;k + b1;kst + up;t+k

SUR system estimates, 1960:Q1 - 2004:Q2

k a1;k b1;k R2y R2p W a1;k + b1;k


(3:21)f�0:40; 0:40g


f�0:62; 0:65g0.06 0.16 1:68




(3:73)f�0:39; 0:39g


f�0:61; 0:64g0.13 0.15 0:16




(3:48)f�0:37; 0:38g


f�0:60; 0:63g0.18 0.14 0:00




(3:33)f�0:36; 0:37g


f�0:59; 0:63g0.20 0.12 0:01




(3:24)f�0:36; 0:36g


f�0:59; 0:62g0.22 0.11 0:02




(3:13)f�0:35; 0:35g


f�0:59; 0:61g0.21 0.09 0:04




(2:97)f�0:35; 0:33g


f�0:58; 0:60g0.20 0.07 0:06




(2:80)f�0:37; 0:38g


f�0:57; 0:58g0.17 0.05 0:08



Notes: yt : log real GDP. pt : log CPI of the middle monthof the quarter. st: 10-year minus 3-month average nominalannualized yield spread of the middle month of the quarter.Columns a1;k and b1;k report bias-adjusted estimates of theslope coe¢ cients. The bias is computed as the mean of thedistribution of the coe¢ cients using 5,000 bootstrap simu-lations of the VAR under the null hypothesis that in�ation


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and real output follow their historical autoregressive pattern,but cannot be predicted by the nominal yield spread. Insidethe parentheses below the coe¢ cient estimates are NeweyandWest t-statistics, which take into account the conditionalheteroskedasticity and autocorrelation in the residuals up tok�1 lags. Inside the curly brackets { } below the t-statisticsare the 5% and 95% fractiles of the distribution of coe¢ cientsfrom the bootstrap simulations. Columns R2y (R2p) report theadjusted R2: Column W reports Wald statistics, which aredistributed as �2(1); of the null hypothesis of symmetry, H0 :b1;k = �a1;k; i.e. that the nominal yield spread predicts oppo-site cumulative changes in real log GDP and log prices. Thenumbers in square brackets below the Wald statistics are as-ymptotic p-values. The last column reports the sum of theestimated coe¢ cients. Inside the curly brackets below theestimates are the 5% and 95% fractiles of the distributionof a1;k + b1;k from the bootstrap simulations. �(y) denotessigni�cance at the 5% (10%) level based on the simulateddistributions of coe¢ cients.


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Table 3: Regressions of one-quarter-ahead real GDP growthand in�ation on the average nominal yield spread of the

current and k� 1 previous quarters100(4)�yt+1 = c0 + c1st;k + ey;t+1100(4)�pt+1 = d0 + d1st;k + ep;t+1

SUR System estimates, 1960:1-2004:2

k c1;k d1;k R2y R2p W c1;k + d1;k


(2:46)f�0:40; 0:40g


f�0:62; 0:65g0.06 0.16 0:82




(2:92)f�0:42; 0:43g


f�0:67; 0:70g0.10 0.14 0:08




(2:98)f�0:44; 0:45g


f�0:70; 0:74g0.11 0.13 0:01




(2:99)f�0:46; 0:46g


f�0:75; 0:78g0.12 0.12 0:00




(2:90)f�0:48; 0:48g


f�0:78; 0:82g0.11 0.11 0:04




(2:79)f�0:49; 0:49g


f�0:82; 0:86g0.10 0.09 0:04




(2:71)f�0:50; 0:50g


f�0:85; 0:89g0.08 0.07 0:06




(2:60)f�0:52; 0:52g


f�0:89; 0:91g0.07 0.06 0:06



Notes: See the notes of Table 2. �yt+1 : annualized one-quarter-ahead real GDP growth, �pt+1 : annualized one-quarter-ahead CPI in�ation, st;k: average yield spread be-tween time t + 1 � k and t (st;k = 1


Pk�1i=0 st�i). Here the

Newey-West t-statistics correct for autocorrelation in theresiduals up to 4 lags. All coe¢ cient estimates are bias-adjusted.


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Table 4: Implied slope coe¢ cients for hypotheticalmultiperiod regressions of cumulative annualized futureoutput growth and in�ation on the current nominal yield

spread calculated from the estimates of a VAR(1)

Sample: 1960:Q1 - 2004:Q2k a1;k b1;k a1;k + b1;k1 0:21y

f�0:24; 0:25g�0:20�

f�0:14; 0:15g0:01

f�0:29; 0:30g

2 0:24�f�0:24; 0:24g

�0:24�f�0:18; 0:19g

0:00f�0:23; 0:24g

3 0:26�f�0:22; 0:24g

�0:27�f�0:21; 0:22g

�0:01f�0:21; 0:22g

4 0:26�f�0:21; 0:22g

�0:29�f�0:23; 0:23g

�0:03f�0:32; 0:33g

5 0:26�f�0:20; 0:21g

�0:30�f�0:24; 0:24g

�0:04f�0:32; 0:33g

6 0:25�f�0:19; 0:19g

�0:30�f�0:24; 0:24g

�0:05f�0:31; 0:32g

7 0:24�f�0:17; 0:18g

�0:30�f�0:30; 0:31g

�0:06f�0:30; 0:31g

8 0:24�f�0:16; 0:17g

�0:29�f�0:24; 0:24g

�0:05f�0:29; 0:30g

Notes: See Table 1, Panel C, where the VAR(1) is esti-mated for the de-meaned �yt; �pt; st, with st representingthe spread between the 10-year and the 3-month nominalyield: The implied estimates of multiperiod regression slopecoe¢ cients are computed as in equations (5), (6) of the text.The table reports bias-adjusted estimates. The bias has beencomputed as the mean of the distribution of the coe¢ cientsusing 5,000 bootstrap simulations of the VAR under the nullhypothesis that in�ation and real output follow their histor-ical autoregressive pattern, but cannot be predicted by thenominal yield spread. The numbers inside the curly brack-ets are the 5%- and 95%-fractiles of the distribution of theslope coe¢ cients, which are based on the same 5,000 boot-strap simulations of the VAR. Column a1;k + b1;k reports thesum of the bias-adjusted slope coe¢ cients, with its 5% and95% fractiles in curly brackets. �(y) denotes signi�cance atthe 5% (10%) level based on the simulated distributions ofcoe¢ cients.


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Table 5: The forecasting ability of the nominal yield spreadduring the subperiods

Sub-sample SUR results for horizon k = 4

100(yt+4 � yt) = a0;4 + a1;4st + uy;t+k100(pt+4 � pt) = b0;4 + b1;4st + up;t+k

1960:1969 1970:1979 1980:1989 1990:2004a1;4 1:96�




b1;4 �2:06�(�2:90)




R2y 0.22 0.70 0.49 0.04R2p 0.41 0.44 0.39 0.02W : b1;4 = �a1;4 0:02




Notes: See the notes of Table 2 for the de�nitions of vari-ables. Inside the parentheses below the coe¢ cient estimatesare Newey and West t-statistics, which take into accountthe conditional heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation in theresiduals up to 3 lags. Rows R2y (R2p) report the adjustedR2: Row W reports Wald statistics, which are distributed as�2(1); of the null hypothesis of symmetry, H0 : b1;4 = �a1;4;i.e. that the nominal yield spread predicts opposite cumula-tive changes in real log GDP and log prices. The numbersin square brackets below the Wald statistics are asymptoticp-values. �(y) denotes signi�cance at the 5% (10%) level.


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Table 6: GMM estimates of future cumulative real GDPgrowth and in�ation on the current ex-post real yield spread

100( 4k)(yt+k � yt) = �0;k + �1;krst;j + e�t+k

100( 4k)(pt+k � pt) = �0;k + �1;krst;j +

e�t+kPanel A:

3-year real yield spread, 1960:Q1 - 2001:Q2Forecasting horizon in quarters (k)1 2 3 4

�0 4:00�(13:85)




�1 �0:51�(�2:85)




�0 2:93�(9:22)




�1 0:80�(5:13)




Jy 14:56[0:48]




Jp 17:93[0:26]




Ry20:08 0:15 0:17 0:16

Rp20:22 0:05 0:00 0:00

Panel B:5-year real yield spread, 1960:Q1 - 1999:Q2

Forecasting horizon in quarters (k)1 2 3 4

�0 4:08�(12:27)




�1 �0:45�(�3:08)




�0 3:02�(8:46)




�1 0:82�(5:56)




Jy 13:95[0:53]




Jp 22:81[0:09]




Ry20:05 0:12 0:16 0:17

Rp20:33 0:17 0:09 0:07


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Panel C:10-year real yield spread, 1960:Q1 - 1994:Q2

Forecasting horizon in quarters (k)1 2 3 4

�0 3:89�(10:47)




�1 �0:29�(�2:72)




�0 3:89�(12:13)




�1 0:79�(7:40)




Jy 13:98[0:52]




Jp 23:39[0:08]




Ry20:03 0:07 0:09 0:10

Rp20:45 0:35 0:29 0:26

Notes: The table reports GMM estimates of the abovetwo equations. 100( 4

k)(yt+k � yt) : k-quarter ahead annual-

ized real GDP growth. 100( 4k)(pt+k � pt) : k-quarter ahead

annualized in�ation. rst;j : ex-post real yield spread (j-yearminus 3�month real interest rate). The j�year (3�month)ex-post real interest rate is computed as the di¤erence be-tween the j�year (3�month) nominal bond yield at time tand the ex-post j�year (3�month) ahead annualized CPIin�ation observed after period t. The instrumental variablesare: a constant, 4 lags of quarterly real GDP growth, 4lags of quarterly in�ation, 4 lags of the quarterly percent-age change in crude oil prices and 4 lags of the j�year realyield spread. Jy; Jp is the J�test of overidentifying restric-tions, distributed as �2(15). p-values are inside the squarebrackets. Newey-West adjusted t�statistics are inside theparentheses, which correct for serial correlation up to 3 lags.�(y) denotes signi�cance at the 5% (10%) level.


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Table 7: Implied slope coe¢ cients for hypotheticalmultiperiod regressions of cumulative annualized future

output growth and in�ation on the current real yield spreadcalculated from the estimates of the earlier VAR(1)

Sample: 1960:Q1 - 2004:Q2k �1;k �1;k �1;k + �1;k1 �0:31�

f�0:21; 0:22g0:17y

f�0:21; 0:19g�0:14

f�0:30; 0:29g2 �0:32�

f�0:18; 0:18g0:19�

f�0:17; 0:16g�0:13

f�0:25; 0:25g3 �0:30�

f�0:16; 0:17g0:16�

f�0:16; 0:15g�0:14

f�0:24; 0:23g4 �0:27�

f�0:14; 0:15g0:18�

f�0:16; 0:15g�0:09

f�0:22; 0:22g5 �0:24�

f�0:13; 0:14g0:11

f�0:16; 0:15g�0:13

f�0:22; 0:21g6 �0:21�

f�0:12; 0:13g0:08

f�0:16; 0:15g�0:13

f�0:21; 0:20g7 �0:19�

f�0:11; 0:12g0:06

f�0:15; 0:14g�0:13

f�0:20; 0:19g8 �0:18�

f�0:10; 0:11g0:05

f�0:15; 0:14g�0:13

f�0:19; 0:18g

Notes: See Table 1, Panel C, where the VAR(1) is esti-mated for the de-meaned �yt; �pt; st, with st representingthe spread between the 10-year and the 3-month nominalannualized yield: The implied estimates of multiperiod re-gression slope coe¢ cients are computed as in equations (30),(31) of the text. The table reports bias-adjusted estimates.The bias has been computed as the mean of the distributionof the coe¢ cients using 5,000 bootstrap simulations of theVAR under the null hypothesis that in�ation and real out-put follow their historical autoregressive pattern, but cannotbe predicted by the nominal yield spread. Inside the curlybrackets, we report the 5% and 95% fractiles of the distri-bution of the slope coe¢ cients, which are based on 5,000bootstrap simulations of the VAR of Table 4, under the nullhypothesis that in�ation and real output follow their histor-ical autoregressive pattern, but cannot be predicted by thenominal yield spread. Column �1;k + �1;k reports the sum ofthe slope coe¢ cients. Inside the curly brackets, we report the5% and 95% fractiles of the distribution of �1;k + �1;k frombootstrap simulations of 5,000 runs. �(y) denotes signi�canceat the 5% (10%) level based on the simulated distributionsof coe¢ cients.


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Figure 1: Sample correlations with the current 10-year minus 3-monthinterest rate spread: �GDP growth� denotes the correlation of thek�quarters ahead annualized real GDP growth. �In�ation�denotes thecorrelation of the k�quarters ahead annualized change in the ConsumerPrice Index.


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Figure 2: Recursive slope estimates of predictive regressions for one-year ahead real GDP growth (�a1") and in�ation (�b1") on the spreadbetween the 10-year and the 3-month yield, using a moving window ofwidth = 40 quarters.


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Figure 3: Theoretical covariance between one-year-ahead GDP growthand the 10-year minus 3-month yield spread. The straight line is thecovariance between GDP growth and the nominal spread. The dottedline is the covariance between GDP growth and the real spread. Baselinesimulation assumes � = 1:5; �2" = 3:6: The horizontal axis measures thedegree of price stickiness � (�100).