Jacksonville Florida Times Union - 09/05/2021 Page : F01 September 7, 2021 1:17 pm (GMT -4:00) Powered by TECNAVIA Mike Szydlowski Special to Columbia Daily Tribune USA TODAY NETWORK What benets do zebras earn from their stripes? The function of zebra stripes have been debated for quite some time. The dierent hypotheses include: Camouage — However, predators seemed to nd them just ne in all tested settings. Temperature regulation — That didn’t hold up to testing either, and seemed to make little to no dierence compared to all white or all black bodies. Identication — The idea was that the stripes are like our ngerprint, and were used to tell one another apart. Scientic testing found no evidence to support this. So what is the function of the stripes? All animal spe- cies evolved over millions of years, and the features each species has are a result of many generations of natural selection. Natural selection simply means the traits that favor a greater chance of survival are passed down more than the traits that decrease chances of survival. Remember, though, the animal or evolution does not select what is best. The best traits get passed down more because that animal lived long enough to reproduce. Therefore, the stripes most certainly evolved because of some benet they gave the zebra. Built-in bug repellent It turns out that blood-sucking insects, particularly the horse-y, become completely confused by the pat- terns on the zebra. They are still very attracted to the ze- bra but, when they get close, they tend to lose control or crash into the zebra instead of safely landing for a bite. Scientists tested this idea by using very high-powered video cameras to monitor ies in a eld with both horses and zebra. From a distance, ies started advancing to the horse and zebra at the same rate. The stripes had no im- pact on keeping ies away. However, as the ies ap- proached the zebra, their ight became erratic — and they either ew right past the zebra or bumped into and o the zebra. At the same time, ies safely landed and started biting the horses. In another study, scientists put a striped coat on a horse and monitored the ies. Sure enough, the ies were attracted to the horse but, when some got close, they be- came so confused that they could not safely land. What about striped humans? Historians note that some ancient human populations in Africa, Australia and Asia had consistent body paint- ing traditions. It was unclear the exact purpose of the body painting. Could it have been to keep biting insects away? To test this idea, scientists bought mannequins and left some alone while painting others with markings similar to the tribal paintings. The results were clear: there were 10 times fewer horse-y bites on the painted mannequins compared to the unpainted ones. It appears that ancient humans were already well aware of the benets of striped skin. Mike Szydlowski is science coordinator for Columbia Public Schools.

their stripes? earn from do zebras What bene ts

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Page 1: their stripes? earn from do zebras What bene ts

Jacksonville Florida Times Union - 09/05/2021 Page : F01

September 7, 2021 1:17 pm (GMT -4:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

Florida Times-Union | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 | 1A

Mike SzydlowskiSpecial to Columbia Daily Tribune


What benefi�tsdo zebrasearn from

their stripes?

The function of zebra stripes have been debated forquite some time. The diff�erent hypotheses include:

Camoufl�age — However, predators seemed to fi�ndthem just fi�ne in all tested settings.

Temperature regulation — That didn’t hold up totesting either, and seemed to make little to no diff�erencecompared to all white or all black bodies.

Identifi�cation — The idea was that the stripes are likeour fi�ngerprint, and were used to tell one another apart.Scientifi�c testing found no evidence to support this.

So what is the function of the stripes? All animal spe-cies evolved over millions of years, and the features eachspecies has are a result of many generations of naturalselection.

Natural selection simply means the traits that favor agreater chance of survival are passed down more than thetraits that decrease chances of survival. Remember,though, the animal or evolution does not select what isbest. The best traits get passed down more because thatanimal lived long enough to reproduce. Therefore, thestripes most certainly evolved because of some benefi�tthey gave the zebra.

Built-in bug repellent

It turns out that blood-sucking insects, particularlythe horse-fl�y, become completely confused by the pat-terns on the zebra. They are still very attracted to the ze-bra but, when they get close, they tend to lose control orcrash into the zebra instead of safely landing for a bite.

Scientists tested this idea by using very high-poweredvideo cameras to monitor fl�ies in a fi�eld with both horsesand zebra. From a distance, fl�ies started advancing to thehorse and zebra at the same rate. The stripes had no im-pact on keeping fl�ies away. However, as the fl�ies ap-proached the zebra, their fl�ight became erratic — and theyeither fl�ew right past the zebra or bumped into and off� thezebra. At the same time, fl�ies safely landed and startedbiting the horses.

In another study, scientists put a striped coat on ahorse and monitored the fl�ies. Sure enough, the fl�ies wereattracted to the horse but, when some got close, they be-came so confused that they could not safely land.

What about striped humans?

Historians note that some ancient human populationsin Africa, Australia and Asia had consistent body paint-ing traditions. It was unclear the exact purpose of thebody painting. Could it have been to keep biting insectsaway? To test this idea, scientists bought mannequinsand left some alone while painting others with markingssimilar to the tribal paintings.

The results were clear: there were 10 times fewerhorse-fl�y bites on the painted mannequins compared tothe unpainted ones. It appears that ancient humans werealready well aware of the benefi�ts of striped skin.

Mike Szydlowski is science coordinator for ColumbiaPublic Schools.

Last week’s pop quiz answers1. Selective breeding is the term used when plants or animals arereproduced with the intent of bringing out certain favorablecharacteristics.

2. The watermelon that we know today was artifi�cially made by selectivebreeding just like all of the dog breeds we enjoy today.

3. A natural watermelon was very hard, had a white or yellow inside, wasvery bitter tasting, and contained seeds.

4. Scientists were able to use cave paintings of watermelons tounderstand what they looked like and how they were used over time.

5. Seedless watermelons take quite a bit of genetic manipulation inorder to produce a watermelon without seeds.

1. From this article, whichhypotheses failed because ofa lack of evidence?

2. Why do you think the zebradeveloped defenses againstflies as opposed to somethinglike mosquitoes?

3. How would you set up anexperiment to see if stripesrepel mosquitoes from bitingyou?

4.While it is annoying, howcould a horsefly be harmful toa zebra?

5. In what way did this fi�ndingconnect to both science andhistory?







IT’S JUST A JOKE!Q: Why do zebras have stripes?

A: Because they don’t want to bespotted.