Then And Now…. Then And Now…. Guest Presentation: Dr. Bennie Guest Presentation: Dr. Bennie Wilson Wilson UTSA March 2009 UTSA March 2009 Copyright and All rights reserved Copyright and All rights reserved

Then And Now.... Guest Presentation: Dr. Bennie Wilson

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  • 1. Then And Now. Guest Presentation: Dr. Bennie Wilson UTSA March 2009Copyright and All rights reserved

2. Were you surprised by.. The Wall Street Crash? The Financial Meltdown? AIG? Or other examples of bad leadership? 3. Broke, busted & disgusted. We believe that we are in a very comfortable spot in terms of our capital, Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain told analysts July 18, after the bank wrote down $9.4 billion 4. Psssst: Want a New Idea? Then try reading an Old Book! 5. Why Traditional Business Psycho- Babble Is Not Enough Jim Collins, Good to Great Page 1: Good is the enemy of greatWe dont have great schools because we have good schools. We dont have great government because we have good government Page 202: Big Hairy Audacious Goals: However, as exciting as BHAGs are, we left a vital question unanswered: What is the difference between a bad BHAG and a good BHAG? 6. A Question of Leadership ......Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski throws a $ 400M party 7. A Question of LeadershipNo justice,no muffins? 8. West Points Honor Code a Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do 9. After Enron, these questions seemed fundamental In Business Leadership: Is the answer new laws or old values? In Competition: What new skills are needed to survive in a much tougher environment? In Strategy: How can competitive organizations link dynamic leadership with disciplined follower-ship? 10. A Question of Values Milton Friedman: I dont think thereis such a thing asbusiness ethics.A business canthave ethics anymore than a buildingcan have ethics 11. A Question of Values Amitai Etzioni: B-schooleducation notonly fails toimprove themoral characterof students,it weakens it. 12. Lessons Learned? Or just identified? Sarbanes-Oxley: Full employment for accountants Fanny Mae & Freddy Mac: Leveraging Debt Sovereign Wealth Transfers Result: The Perfect Financial Storm of 2008-2009 13. Contemporary BusinessThinking "Some companies claim to value business intelligence. But often what they really mean is that they subscribe tothe Wall Street Journal." (Paul Bracken, Yale School of Mgmt.) The Strategy Safari by Mintzberg.Business strategy as ceremony, to make leaders feel good about themselves 14. The Perfect Financial Storm A Closer Look Rising US deb levels: sovereign wealth transfers financing rising costs of energy & offshore production Government cant bail out all bad loans or failing institutions Underlying flaws: Banks not verifying identity of customers or ability to repay Unable to deter highly sophisticated, network- centric cyber-crime 15. Business as War: The Model Values, trust and honor are basic to everything else Recognizes that technology is no substitute for leadership Disciplined innovation The enemy always gets a vote! 16. Why is a New Business Approach So Important Right Now? Black Swans: The Perfect Financial Storm, The Electronic Pearl Harbor or both? Emerging Threats: Financial IT; offshore software development; net-centric cyber-crime Competition: News skills/applications needed to survive the tougher, globalized environment. Better CEO Tools: Actionable intelligence, early warning & the Doctrine of No Surprises 17. Business as War: Strategy STRATEGY = TIME TIME= CHOICE (Yours or the enemy) CHOICE DEFINED by BIZINT: WHAT DO WE REALLY KNOW? PS: No kiddin, Folks: The enemy always gets a vote! 18. Business Intelligence Not spying but well beyond market research Best example of digital information transforming the CEOs world But only if he is smart enough to demand it Sources: Internet, trade pubs, humans Apps: risk management, competitive analysis, strategic planning (yours or theirs) 19. Enterprise Security Security not just overhead its life! Indelible responsibility of the CEO & Board Stockholders can demand accountability Threats: CEOs will confront terrorists, thieves or auditors Training: to link defense in depth to realistic action plans / scenarios 20. Business War-gaming..the Next Big Thing The Intelligence Audit Defining the Competitive Environment Knowing the Competition Simulating the Future Learning Lessons.not just identifying them Bottom Line: WINNING! 21. To review VALUES MATTER MORE THAN LAWS! SO DOES STRATEGY!! BIZINT = CEO SURVIVAL TOOL SUN TZU WAS RIGHT! 22. So WHAT??? The only acceptable versions of the usual What About Me? Question Are: What About My Values? What am I doing to improve my Personal Skills and Abilities? What About: Right Here & Right Now? Will I Become a Self-Serving Leader or a Servant Leader?