
TheTown of Natural Opportunities - Atlantic County Library · Our "El Proctor" and "Bride ... Sold by the Water P0we~~ John Pratt, Morse ... Ilo had look- ’An Eye to His Epitaph,

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Page 1: TheTown of Natural Opportunities - Atlantic County Library · Our "El Proctor" and "Bride ... Sold by the Water P0we~~ John Pratt, Morse ... Ilo had look- ’An Eye to His Epitaph,


’!TheTown ofNatural Opportunities"

- Come and See ,

Summer Cottage Sites

Unrivalled Facilities for Manufacturers

¯e %,

For Particulars//ddr<’ss ~

~ay’s La~dinff l~ard ~f Tradei/

Mumllletl and fell lie b~lr~t hito n hingh,

tut3"liig that ~lit~ ?Uilltl rlili for hotn’liwllhtnlt li etlllnblc, oF n nllXs,StelI.

When Water Wae Avoided.1711111 cl)nll,arllth’ely recent x times

lhl,l’,, I;’li~t li int~ilhuil lirl,Jlldl.,e ligixlli~t

%VAt;ON itUILI,EIt., , \

Wagon Building andRepairing

Hlil’liig %lt’lig, lliX0 CarrhLg,’s antlt, l%’xprl.lla

\will be marled to any

address In the United

Statel, po~tage pre-paid, for

per annum,~n advance.


Boys, and Qirls/

Let the above trade markbe y~our guide when buyingshoes for’ your children.

It ~eans that shoes sostamped will fit well, retaintlieir shape, andlinear well,

. We carry alr lqathers, and


Nay’s Landing \°Writer Power Co.


Page 2: TheTown of Natural Opportunities - Atlantic County Library · Our "El Proctor" and "Bride ... Sold by the Water P0we~~ John Pratt, Morse ... Ilo had look- ’An Eye to His Epitaph,

, .

~omfort and Style Combined


Underwear ¯ Fine Hosiery

Gloves Cravats

Stotson H,4ts Warm Jerzeys

Manhattan ShirtsNobby Caps Bath Robes

Hunting Shirts , Woolen Goods

Fancy Vests ’ ,, train CoaB

Teach Your Child. To Saveand he wiU realize, thethe value of money.

Op,eB a saving ac:couut for hiln herc. 3

~per ccnt. intcrcst.

- f)ur llew i#Itf,~-dtq~.~ll vnl-illanrlf I it Bllfo nnl-l ’l~,)lnl)leh’ I1~

i(idlwll- Illethl,dlt lind u , ,ll-liiil¯l¯~ eiin nlnke lhelil- illltl- Ilulely llrl ~- lilid hurKlnr-I)rlllif, Uniii~ Ill und i~i.e Ihl!ln. 1

under the law. If any of it.~ officers die, they are,suceecded by nien equally as cal)alfle, Thgrefore,when they are your Executor, there is no ehmlceof lo,s,s or mi.smauagenlt¯nt throttgh the deathof the party, acth~tr ill this ¢-tpaeity. We draw

wills free when appointed l,~xcclttOrs.

I’IAFR Dl~,l.oi-ii’r III)XE~ l,’olt IIENT, $3.111) UI’,

Capital and Profits $525,000Deposits; $2.300,000

The Atlantic 5are Deposit & TrustN. E. Cot. Atlantic & l~ew York Areal, &tlantlc CRy, N. J.

Bell Telephone 1193-A

904 Atlantic Avenue,

/t.-I 7’/i," ,$,:

Flnl Buh,.-I’¢r tight per Inolltll- I,urllhlg" frontdill~k llll l0 p. In.l

Fu1* Nov~.illbOrI 1 )t~l’nll~or I ¯1~t uun1*y ...... ~1¯001,¯~i,ruilryl )hlrt.h. .................................... 75Al,rll , M,i).i ,hl-nt, 1 ¯hily, AItgti.~t ............ "¯t/4)

14,;111 eln bet, I)elol~.l" ................. ................ 7~,


Both Phoues 32.

................... - 7. ........................

When You Wafit Solid Clgar Comfort Smok~

¯ The (.~l#or t~ (,tv,,ltll/, ,

Our "El Proctor" and "Bride Cigarros" are Unequalled.

Lipscfiutz "44" Cigar Co.,Philadelphia, Pa.


Sold by the Water P0we~~

John Pratt, Morse & Company and Georgo N: Beebe.

V= ..................................................... -f

Do you know what, a .¯ Rem evablle Pllaten s,o

If you;,,learn about It, you will see that a typewriter without Itlacks a feature that Is ess,entlal~so essentlalf that e~entua!lyall typewriters will try t@have l;l. The one typewriter n0___woffering this feature [s the

’ ....Be r ga’ \

Results as well as in the Busy

Seasons. Try advertising

In "The Record",

¯ ¯ and watch the


M~nmouth Chemical Works,

Floors La.ld,...,Planed and ’ScrapedHardwood & Parquet Floors.

. SpecialtiesOld, Floors Scraped and Refinl~hed.


Fifty ~v, o ~ e.,,~ For Only$ .25 x

Fill out the fo,llowing coupon and ?nail it to this once to-day.

Please send ~he Atlant~c~_C~nt.~,P,;ecord to the [

Address,~ ......................... : ................... _...., [, ’

\For sale at.tlte~ V£atcr

Sto~̄ . Fr~,,h and pure¯


Page 3: TheTown of Natural Opportunities - Atlantic County Library · Our "El Proctor" and "Bride ... Sold by the Water P0we~~ John Pratt, Morse ... Ilo had look- ’An Eye to His Epitaph,

A Strange ""<":’"’"’0"0°’<’*’"°" House :,’ My "jnw~ Olattercd, but xtot sufficientlyto prevent my asking, ’°What.do you

......... Case ,;,,01 To Let

for yellr~l wlslied tO.be ma~l~, e,sp~dally i’ol ¯ the bonle she had’ltUggalltt~tby her. remarks= ui~n ehlldrelt," 3eitk|fi.~ "~),as .Iol)khlg at the ceiling, out of ’tl~window, any l)lav’e excePt Where hemight he expected to look..Suddenly

.’"’ I ’

prosperous ¯ .....

The Aitlst and the Piciutes, .... . ’el Mystery

n~. ca,rrO’L.., pmRccCoPyright bF American lh’e.s Azure-

elation, 1911.

’eeh’ed the’halt o¢ .lh~lt’for a.picture.I looked’at the man 81) astonl.ghed that.he hnstened to any: , "

"My i)rollt will t)e lint DO0 francs¯ I, ’l)ahl 11),,)’)04) frllnes for It." i Tiiklng thc uum!)er of llle nllop

Iwhel¯e lie said the ()tiler l)leliire was{ to t)O" ldl?Lql, ’I Mllggt, red,out of.the storei and was s.oonl I)efore the l)lctare l lind

¯ went to Florence, Italy.I

.I rented roonm’tltn whlow and her!dl{ughter, Of tho’.nnl"~le of Mleele, "File)"

’ oceuilled the, t0t) ll0or of a l)llndllig Oiltho river Aruo, 3 u.~ed ft front roomfor a studio and a rear rooln for a btn.l-room: The motl~er wn,~ a middle agedwoman, the dffughter about twenty-five¯ Their aneent,u’.~ had 1)ceil welt

I am Itn artist. Being hi poor, health L al,mt erouted In dreams. It, too, far ....exoe(~,ded lilly work I htl(1 ever done. denklila wn8 nn eminently resl)eceta"my doctor ordered me abroad, and, I i The dealer tohl me he had ilald 27,000 ble I>acimior of forty.

francs for It¯ One day he l’e~elved lltl ltivltatl0u tol,’ortunnlely I oec’uple.d room:.l with go with a fritend who liqed in tho

nn Anlerh¯an frh,ntl In tile Quartler ~uburbs for Sinner nnd the night.. Thel,alln nnd rushed home to tell hhilth:[t 1 hild dl~eoverell somethllig which’ dlffereoeo between- tTI ou8a-vilth_A_ we;11’ not explahied wouhl drive Ine crazy, man ill it, to rely’ nol.hh)g of tleverallie II~ltened to lit)" ."tory, but I cbuld lml)lsli ehlldren, nnd 1118 owil i~olltarysee by his expresMo!l that lie, too, nlmrtnlenttl was appallllig, In hl8owllfeared sonxetll.lng had occurred to d18-; bc~lroonl ho wouhl tIwlikell In theturb my ml:ntal Imlanee. lie would morning hmld fi tombllko idlenee. In

Off, I~Ut their estate hn,I "melted awiQ,̄ , Oxlwess Iio ol)inion till lie had BeCll "this abode of a faintly lie Ill.’," .awake

and Sonora MI.eele nlid he(" daughter, the l)ahlthlgs, and an I eo’ltld not re-got on with (llflh~llty. I11tillea, the illt’tln (lUlet 1 ln,91sted Oil his going with

for nearly nn bout llstenhlg to lilleeita-

’daughter, wits tilt artist I)l:l ill, hidlf, nle lit Ollee for the ilin’llOt~e, lie didIng 8ollnd8 that.scented like illli,’lle to

m)¯ ’lind, belngfanillhlr with nly work,him. .. ,

ferent one. ~ he l)rououneed the pictures nflne, There wei’e a eon~tant’ol)enlng )lad

~Neverthele,~,<i there was ,’~,,n|ethiug i though they were far beyond all;}’ Of’ I~lulttlng of doori,), water lx)lirlllg ill

remarkable aDout lllancll Mlceh’ Silo .,. .,.,,).l, i,,, h..I , .. ........ n bathrooln, ehlhlren rllilillnI.T, children

" wa~ neither 10rii’t-t) 7 -titil:( hofitei[y[ ’-:l~fil~i - i)n--ol’l-i; ii:ii~--l)T/71~ t-d oiir rooms,h,)utlng,-.children. ~colded,_ children

eyed of tile Italians are hlindsOllle, but I I neither lie llor I’ 811It,1 iiil3"thhig about’petted; now it few deep "tolled front a

/ Benorlna Micele’a eye.~’were n|ore, thall tile strallge i)equrrenco, bht Y¢lien wefather warning dohilliy tl~t If he

handsbme; they were..~o to H)e:lk. reached iheul lie sat down ,before Inc.didn’t atop foolhll,~,aad dl’es.~ hllaaelf

compelllnff. That Is, whell ,~he looked lit n I)lpe and alibi:! lie wouhl get It tq)ltliklllg and no%v

"Vi’hile yOll wer,~ ill Ill l?lorenee filial L felJulnltie (.till to l,]dle to ’¯conic tllldout of thenl lit the 1 felt a t~trango Oil( of 3;otlr ¯llelld yell ilndotlbtedly i let ille do yilllr hil|l’," It Wits tile, COil-force eolnl)ellhlg llle to 11o her blddhlg. 1)llhlted those I)h’ltlre~. iiot kl)oWhl~ trll,~t of tills life Iibl)llt hhll-lhls 11111Oll

¯ ~ot that tller~ v,-atl ilppiireilt e.xerel~e what yoii were dolllg; eOliseqlieillly , of llt~lii’l~ iilal lulereMa--wllh his Mlentl)f will. 8lie wa~ gelitleneSs itself. The yet) ’ rl,tiihied lie reinelllbrliliee of.{ ehaniber (list niililt, hhil yearn forpower ~lle exercl."ed wii~ rather "per- theln." ~ the olie it(ill hi(to ~ie elher.

8ila,~k¯e thqn forceful. "llut I wasn’t ollt of lily hend when i Jeillilll~ retiirlied to Ihe city. 8pOll(

i~ot Iolig lifter I arrived hl’l:lorenee 1 we." wr.’lpped tn lhe vle’¢¢~l glveli hi i the dily hi his ulllc’e, Wellt ill hh4 rooul

he tuflie~l his.eyes npoa the .lildy he-’ldde hhu and l~ll3v blushes eomlng’tind ... . Puntlhm,nt of Chlldrln,; , ’ . ’gOillg Ilkb .nn IlUl¯Orn. borealls, with Paren’ts should remember tJmt every(Indies oll’"lhe 1!!)8 like mnlllght On rip- dlstresslng, bhmdetirtlllng story told to

]ties of :water. Tilen their eyes IneL a child, ever’y supe~tltlons, fenr lie-The USllai .Imi)penlng-from mleh a..~l, tJ,l.led fate 118 ;}’0nlig life, alid their

’lnl~etdng of, eyes untl’er eucii elreum- Inentai’ilttltilde towlird ille child, their,tnnce~ nllght be emlnlrrndmtl~nt~ or It Whole Ireattllent of It, are llhnpl¥ mak-iillght b,o’lialf 0"lhbnrrasslnellt and half lag phonograllhlt: rtWl~l’da hi lt~ nntiire

i illllilaelllelll, or It inlgllt bO nngt~r. The whleli ,will, be rel)h)dnced wltll iiclen-It ok between (liegetWO v,’ns neither of tide exactnes, In Its flltnre II[f6, 8ayllthose., Thet.e wll,’l~tuore In that gltlneo Or.lson ISwett Manlen ia 8acee~la Maga-than hil8 I)eeli written in many R VOf zlue; VfhideVer yOU dO, never i)unlshunle, nlld lie volUlne eoilhl exl)re88, na it chlhl whell It" 18 811ffering with tear.inlleh. Th0 man’s eye8 said, "Let lls It 18 a ,cruel lhlng to punish elilld~llllafnlllll the l)letlil¯e. ’’ ,The wonlail’a itnld, lhe wily most nlother~’ do anlway, trot"1 will." "1o I)u~l,~!~ il ehlhl who, l( it, 18 alread~’Mnrrhlge,- or rather mating,. Is a, quh’erlng 3riCh tern)r., and tmlmelaily

4ultliriil Instinct. The reusoii neltllcr of when you "e ai)gr.v, is te~lble. Thellii,~e two hlul nlaled was beealise they ’,nl)l)lles to punishing

had from ehlhlhood been surroundedl)y llrllllchll con(lllh)lla, Ilo had look- ’An Eye to His Epitaph,ed npoil I1 ~tvonlllll critically, Judicially, Edmond de (ioneourt, ttle Freuehllllilil~ tlnle to (lellberate whether he hovelIs(, ad!nltled that he worked withwllnted her or not’If lie eollld get an eye I(~ hi8 el)lhtl)h, nlld he Wantedher-~whlle ."he hlid eoll.,31del"ed th0 men the el)ttal)h lo einhn’e for a Ionl time,t)f her neqllahltiinl’e hi the l~illlle fllall- IIe l-COOl’tilt 1111118 Journal tliat "tllt~Ion. While all thtlse collahleratlons, thonght Ilult the worhl luil.l" perl~ih

l)ro iiIl(t el)n, hll¢l riffled to make rally ll0t la."t forever, la tlne which tl~i)lllllng, ~uddelily It ~l)lli’lt hlul llllshed eii~lonllll~ < Illki lay iml, ml wilh gl~oln, 1bet11’eell Ilion( iilld lililde them one, idle(lid I,~ defrilnded by lhe (letll~ll~.¯ ~Nor -driest. II onlitt,.,r..tlmt- thera_waa. 11. lion. of thin l)lanel~ £or. I bale: wrltteugreat deal of the llrllllehll to I, tllnd be- ..only lit the hope of .eternal faille¯ Ahveen tlmm nnd reallzatlon. What rell~tation lasting 10,000,’ ,~0,000, eve-,WaS to folh)w was not n i)roec~s 100,IKI0 yelll’i4))voul’d bo.a’l)OOl’ l’eturnbulhlhif lip il love,. I)ut of breliklng flit Iho l)iiln,~ 1 It(lye tsken, the I)riva¯

own I)ll!’rlera. ~l’llen riley left {11o th)il~ I.lilil’e suffert’d. Under Iheso[ion."e both knew that tlii~ iirtlflelnl eondith)n8 It would have I)een betteret)iidltloli I)y whh’h Ihey were ~ur- to h)nlige liillile881y ihrough life dreanl-l’olin~led relluh’ed that llie)~ proceed lll~ Slid ~lnollhlg my thiio liway.’--~tep I)3" 8tel). hl Olli) re."peet they Chleago :~’ews.

,1yore very llellr, hi Iinolher they ’werefar Ill)Ill¯l, ’J’hey lill(1 l)ledgl{d a iqlent The k~nlutlte of Flowerl.

Irotll nnd yet they were i~lrllllgers. IBonle men were telling dog ~torle~

’ HealthfulBeautltul

¯ v" ;

"The Town of ,.... Natural Opp0rtunities’. ’ ,"~ ............

: ........-::.Gome and-See ............... ’ ....- ~: .....

° Summer Cottage Sites

Unrivalled Facilities for Manufacturers

b’<)r /’artb’Mars Adeh’,’ss

May’,,,, L~nding Board


of Trade

~,. ,, .,, , .., ,,


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Page 4: TheTown of Natural Opportunities - Atlantic County Library · Our "El Proctor" and "Bride ... Sold by the Water P0we~~ John Pratt, Morse ... Ilo had look- ’An Eye to His Epitaph,

1:ms tr_ame_]s._a dunlieat": Nr ....:’ :’_=_:~+, _, ’~c~ : " Or I-the prev!Ousli~lh~e ¯ :,:+assU ~ cor ~sibl~err-or-

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