FINANCE AND TEADE. The binkm we tried to our utrnoBt yesterday. They were unable to give a single particle of nearu. For m to give bsnk news when the banks can give none would be a wcrfe of "eupereroga tlou." Exchange remained at par buy ing on New York, and premium sell leg, with J discount bnying ana par selling on New Orleans. A semi-oulci- statement In Europe says: "The Ger- man government estimates that the amount of silver likely. to bs disposed of by it will not exceed 7,500,000, and that it ia using sold at the rate of but two or three millions sterling per annum. This announcement has, no dcuor, contrib ute J materially to the late improvement in the market value of sliver." Gold ia New Yorfi quoied up to noon at 112, here 111. Nothing doing In scrips or bonds of interest. JSvvtnv. BCWng. Memphis tax scrip, old.. 52453 18369 Memphis tax scrip. 1H7S 8890 Memohlscurrency bonds... 3Vi37 M cm ph'.n gold bonds 10&C Knelbyciumy w.rTHi:in,.r 7S78 7882 Tennessee warrants. yS -- 0- arkanu Stale scrip 6QG3 6568 The cotton mabket yesterday was very nroi for low grades; better grades were ottering freely at quotations. The Keneral nceition of cotton was strong. There was a holiday at Liverpool, and we have therefore no quotations from that market, Lut New Yoik and New O leans quoted higher. The New York Bulletin of Wednesday savs: "Holderj sJU refrained from urging the sale of their supplies, but offered a little more freely, if anything, and in some cases Intimated that a concession would be made to increase business, but no alter ation was made on the genera! table of q ictitlona." The Memphis cotton ex change received tue following from me Kew iork Chronicle: "With one ex- ception, pro cr ret a is satisfactory: that is. the weather is generally suited for gocd development, and information la mostly favorable, with ercep'Jjn to this, that caterpillar reports come mainly from Mlddla Alabama, where It ralneJ ccn siderably. In that eection, our corre spondent thkki the damage is limited; others think irjury has-bee- done to the crops, if there had been dry weatner, the trouble in that section would have been arrested, but wet weather damaged the crop?." Quotations at the Mem phis cotton exchange were as follows Tttlerday. Day Ofore, Ordinary- -. .. TJiJJ 8 Good ordinary. . 9 y Mi uuw initialing ...... (hw4 -- 88 Middling 11 ef 'ill Good middling-illddll- nz --C122 312 ralr Market firm; sales, G30 bales, of all which spinners took 300 bales: export ers, 250; speculators, 109. Dusty cottons quote 6j7o; stained, 79c. Price of middling same time last year, 14Jc. COTTON STATEMENT. 1875-- 6. 1874-- 5. 1873-- 4. Received yesterday. 91 S7 8 Total . 4SI,fx)0 321.4S7 427,698 Shipped yesterday . I,UU3 Bl MX Total ..... 47JC7 321,231 421.108 Blocks 15.113 31,161 7,093 Imports. M. & C. B. K., 4; M. & T. It It.. 29: L. & N. G. S. R. K, 1; M. & Ii. It R.W., 11; steamers, 41; estimated per waeons and other eourcss. 5. Exports. L. fc N. G. 8. R. R , 42; steamers north, luzi; by ran norm, 42. The following are tie official tele- grams of the condition of the domestic marKeta as received at me cotton ex- change: Latest tdate of He- - fricg Telegramt. Market. ct'U. tTlet. Middling. Steady. 49 65 ll' btrong. 165 700 11H Finn. 31 50 1- 1- Flrni. Ul S 11 Firm. 110 200 rll Dull. 1 3 10 Quiet. 400 . lok Firm. 77 125 11 Firm. 3,0M 12 Oulet. 1 "Firm"" 2 "S Bteady. Gi 49 11 Galveston. NewOrl'ns. Mobile Bavannah.. CnarlestonJ Wllmlngtn Norfolk ialumore New York Boston Phila'lphia BU Louis Augusta, Yesterday's JSew York closing telo- - cram reports: ordinary, 10 11G2; cood ordlnary,9fa)13 1 lGc;Iow middling, 11 io; middling, 12 middling, same time last year, 14c; sales, 3081 bales. Tone of the market: At 10:30, jdull; 12:15, lirmer; 2:iu, nrm, nouers asning mgn-e- r; 3:05, Arm. The following are the closing rates in New York futures for yesterday and the day before: MONTHS. VESTEItUAT. DAY BEFOBX. Jannary 11 15-1- 8 11 February .. 12 2 11 Marcli 12 12M12 6 April. ir:ai2 2 12J4I312 6 May It 12 lG312ii Jnne 12 12 23-i- 2 12 July 12 12K312 13-1- 6 August 12 September 12 11 October 11 27-3- 2 nuau 13.10 Hovembcr HJiail 25-3- 2 n?iau 6 December.. 11 ij 32ft 11 13-- 11 rjales, 19,000; tone of the market at 10:15, e&sier; 10:45, quiet and steady; 12:30, firm; 1:45, nrm; 2:30, firm; 3:05, unchanged. New Orleans yesterday quoted mid- dling at llic at the close, against 14c at the same time last yeax; receipts, 165 bales; sales, 1250. The market closed Btrong. The movement at all the ports was re ported as follows Tbls Last Hame Time Week. Week. Last Year. Rec'ts since F'y 961 974 203 Kxp'ts G.Britain 3,333 Kxp'sloConUnt r.i 5tsS8 Bloc 177,812 203,757 117.&87 Gold in New York closed at 112; same time last year, 113. The pboduce market yesterday "was too dull for anything." Ejgs were generally 15c, small country parcels 16c. JBuHer unchanged, at 1222s. Chickens were without any alteration; in gjod demand aud supply, but not strong, at SI 252 25; some Hue old hens sold at $3. Corn was not offering; in store, for cash, 52(3)543. Oats are not inquired for; nominally 4041c for mixed; In store, 4244c. Bran was lower, if Wo may rely on the only sale reported to us, one car-loa- d at $11, but we found it held higher. Hay sales were mostly of Eralrie; five cir-loa- sold at $7, and 50 $7 50. all new hay; good hay, in store, $16 25 Bye seed, in stcre, 85c psr bushel. Wheat wt s without trans- actions of interest. Potatoes were taken by packers at $1 101 25, for good, per bushel measure; selling in store, ship- ping order, at $1 601 65; northern 0 barrels sold on the lauding at $1 50 Apple3 were taken, per bbl measure, at 60c to $1 50 a barrel; "pig" stuffia not wanted, and brings "p'g" prices; in shipping order good apples Eell in store at $1 502 50, and northern at S2 50. Slock Peas, in s:ore, at $1 60. Cornmeal was stagnant at S2 60. The following are merchant's wholesale cash prices, as reported by the chamber of commerce : FLOUR Quiet; superfine, S3 75ai 25; double extra, U 756 25; treble extra, S3 bOatt; choice family. 16 5037; fancy, r? 5038 per bbl. COKNMEaTL Firm ; ktln-drled- , 1270Q275 per bbl. I CORN Mixed, 52; white. 52o per bush. OATS Mixed, 11316c; while, 413460 per bush. H RAX 70c. HAY Dull; choice western, I243IC; pral- - S$a 10; mixed, J15318 per ton. BACON (Looee)- - Quiet; shoulders, 93 Jc; clear rib sides, Ilc; clear sides. 12o; brenk-IasL,I4- o; sugar-cure- d Jhams, canvased, 15o; packed, SiDXc hither. M KSS FORK Mesa pork, light welcht, 20 (3(2050; mesa pork, heavy, r2121 50; rump pork. 119. LARD In tierces, 12"al2J4'c; kegf, 13K ZZc, hair barrels, 12yt(al3c; In pailk, lbjc. BALING 8TOFFB-Qui- et; bagging, 2 aud 3K lb.l213Kc; baling twine, 14&14c; Iron ties, 6rtW4c; pieced ilex, 4c. M ACKEItKb Half bbls, No.l, iS; half bar- rels. No. 2. X7; hair barrel;. No. '3. ?6: kits. No. 1, $1 00; kits, No. 2, Jl 49; kite. No. 3, II 20 WHITE FIHH Half barrels. J5 50Q6 75. COFFKE-Ordin- arr. 19al9Wc: fair. J0a20c: Rood, 20X32lc; prime, 21X22c; choice, 229 ic. Java, atjjw; uoruova, iiipac RICE -- Ordinary to choice. KXHUc. BtJGAR LOUISIANA Firm; In hhds fair, y,c; fully fair, 10a; prime, 10c; cholce,'luJe; yellow clarlned,109IIc; while, 11' k. Barreled, hie hbzber. WOG R REFINED Refined A. per pound , 1123irc: crashed and powdered. 12f812Jcj Crunulated. 12ial2jc; cut loaf, 12c MOLASES-Comm- on. 40c; fair, 42345c: rlme,S0353c; strictly prime, 53357c; choice, i0c. 8VRUFS Common to fancy, 40S5c. SALT Coarse and common fine, in bar-le- s, 117531 S3; dairy, in bbla,J2 75S; LlTer-Po- ol coarse, in sacks, U 3031 40; Liverpool fine. In sacks, Jl 701 SO. BOAF Reeln and German, 506X0: uahulks uoxes run welcht. 15Xc: hall SL.15Xc: or box, 16c L'H 4Va5c per a. SU'.-8S- 34 per eal. i'Emkn r fl per bh nl n ut Ro46dale. fl 71 IjourtnaUy per barrtfFRLn-Ap- pi, iievr, 2; lemons, per box, tl2: oranges, per box. S!310; potato, new, lono. nominally ixtui ii; cabbage, per crate, t)S03l5Q. onions, new, $232 SO; bean, per bush., l 2S3I 75: dried apple. 7c. M ISCELL NEO US Butler west ern table, cnoice, iiaxic;iuirior, 15317c; eggs, i:mi&c wt &0cI; oysters. 2 B.Il COStf; coal-ol- l, 2l&22e; matches, 1737 23: cotton rope, 18&20c; grass rope. ll313o: powder, fcezs. Pi 35: shot, patent. . au; loaa. Kegs, tc; boa a, cases, tic MONEY 21ARKETS. BY TELEQRAPn. PARIS, August 5. Rentes, l(!6f. 40c. NEW ORLEANS, August 5. Gold, 112; New York sight, i premium. Ster- ling exchange, bankers' bill?, 548. LONDON, August 5. Amount of bullion gone into Btnk of England on balance to-da- y, 9000. Consols for money and on account, 96 11-1- 6; of 1855.100; 5 202 or 1867.1(J9t; 108; nsw 6s. 106J New Ytrk Central, 96; Erie, 12 j; Erie preferred, 20. NEW YORK, August 5 Money easy at 1 per cent Prime mercantile pa- per. 34 per cent. Customs receipts, $350,000. The esaistant treasurer dis- bursed $340,000. Clearings, $14,000 000. Sterling dull; 60 days, 4S9J; s'ght, 489J. Gold closed at 112, the only puce of the day. Carrying rates, 1 per cent. Government securities were dull but Bteady; coupons of 1881, 120; do. 18G5, 116; do. 1865, new, 117J; do. 1867, 119 j; do. 1868. 121; now 6s, 117J; 10-40- s, regular, 115? ; 10-40- a, cou- pons, 119; currency 6s, 126 J. State se- curities quiet ; Tennessee 6s, old,44 1 ; Ten- nessee 6s, new, 44; Virginia 6s, oid,27; Virginia 6s. new. 28; Missouri 6s, 1061. Railroad bonds generally firm and some what active. There was a nrm under- tone to the stock market this morning, and with the exception of Illinois Cen- tral, the entire list advanced i to 1 per cent. Business was moderately active, large dealings having been in Lake Snore, Western union, ueiaware, jjck- - awanna and western, Aitcnigan cen- tral and Rock Island. The greatest ad vance was made by micnigan central a d cotl stocks. The market became s eady and remained so until the after- neon, wltu me exception 01 bu xmui common, which rose from ibi to 61 Stocks toward the close were J to J per cent, oil from the best prices of the day, except in the case of Illinois Central, which recovered from 87 to aa. ueai Ings during the afternoon were very moderate, many Drosers ana operators having left for the country. The mar ket closed dull nnd steady. Transac tions at the stock exchange aggregated 70,000 shnres, of which 19,000 were Lake Shore, 6000 Rock Island, 00 Pacific Mall, 7500 -- 8t. Paul, 2500 Ohlos, 10,000 Wes ern union, iu.ooU Michigan uen trol, 5000 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, and 2500 Illinois Central. The closing quotations were as follows: Western union telegraph, vug ; uuick- - silver, 16: Quicksilver preferred, 10: facino JU.au, zat; Mariposa, bj; Mar- - posa preferred, 0; Adams JSxprea3, 112; Wells & Fargo's Express company, 83; American Express company, 591: United States Express company, 66; New York Central, 106; Erie, 13J; line preferred, m: itariem, 134; Harlem preferred, 133; Michigan Cen tral, 4Uf ; ranama, b; union iracmo stock, 68; Lake Shore, 3; Illinois Central, 88; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 95; Northwestern, 39; Northwestern preferred, 62 J ; Cleveland, Columbus, Cin- cinnati and Indianapolis, 37; New Jer- sey Central, 613; Rock Island, 1061: SL Paul, 361; St. Paul preferred, 684; Wabash, 2; Wabash preferred, 3; Fort Wayne, 23: Terre Haute, 6; Terre Haute preferred, 17; Chicago and Alton, iuu; unicago and Alton pre ferred, 107: Ohio and Mississippi, 12; Delaware, Lackawanna andWe8tern,94l; Atlantic and Pacific telegraph, 7 J ; Missouri Pacific, 6i: Atlantic and Pa cific, preferred, 2; Indiana Central, 3; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 19: Hannibal and St. Joseph, 10; Central Pacific bonds, 9; Union Pacific bonds, 4g; Union Pacific land grants, 4; union racino sinKing iunns, tn j. DRY GOODS. BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, August 5. Business continues moderate with domestic com mission houses. Daik and meiium prints injare good demand; the best standard ginghams are 10 J c. Cotton goods unchanged. itepellants and Kentucky jeans are in fair request. Men's wear woolens are in moderate demand. Foreign dry goods are quiet. PRODUCE MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH. LOUISVILLE, August 6. Flour nominal; family $3 75:3)4 00 Wheat in fair demand; red, 90S953. Corn dull at 45 47c Oats steady at 3233c. Hay nominal. .Provisions quiet. JrorK, $19 75 Bulk shoulders, 7jc; clear-rib- , 9c. Ba con, eg. lUjllc. Jdugar-cure- d hams, 1414c Lard quiet, 1313Jc. Whisky, $110. Bagging, 12c. CHICAGO, AugUBt 5. Flour quiet and firm. Wheat is in fair demand at lower rates; No. 2 spring S9c. Corn is du1! and a shade lower; No. 2, 45 J c. Oats is dull and a shade lower; No. 2, 30c. Pork is active, firm and higher at $18 50. Lard is strong and higher at llic. Bulk meats are in good demand and a sha le higher at 6279919 (o)iuc. wnissy is steady. ST. LOUIS, August 5. Flour steady and firm for sound medium ; fall extras at $4 505, other grades dull. Wheat easier, for cash optiors steady; No. 2 red winter, $1 15l 17 bid. Corn active but lower. 4142s. Oats steady; JXo. ,300. fork: higher, $iu ou; held at $19 75 at close. Lard higher; llc asked, He bid. Bulk meats dull; clear ribs, 103. Bacon firmer, 8, 10J, 11c. Hogs higher, $66 35: .receipts, 750. Whis- ky, SI 10. CINCINNATI, August 5 Flour quiet and steady. Wheat steady with a fair demand at 90c$l 05. Com quiet but firm at 4546c Oats steady at 28 38c. Pork steady with fair demand at $19.. Xard stronger; steam, lllllo; kettle, 12J13o; current make, 103 10 j 3. Bulk meats in fair demand and higher at 7g, 98. 9i, lUiWiOic. Bacon firm with fair demand at 8, lOJffilOS, Hillk5. Whisky. $1 10. Butte- r- choice, firm; western reserve, 1820c; Central Ohio, 17183. Hog) steady and firm, $6 306 50; receipts, 445. NEW ORLEANS, August 5. FJour scarce and firm; treble, $56 50. Corn ssarce and firm, 6063c. Oats quiet and weak; St. Louis, 3Sj. Cornmeal scarce and held higher, 53 50. Hay Is quiet; prime, $16. Pork dull and lower at $20 50. Lard dull and lower; jobbing at tierce, lli12c; keg, 123(ai3c. Bulk meats quiet: shoulders, 7!(HiSc. Bacon quiet but weak, 9, 11, lljs. Sugar-cure- d hams, 1415l;. Whisky, SI 12 1 13. sugar quiet but nrm; fair to fully fair, 99c; prime, 10c; choice, 10c. Molasses quiet but steady ; fair to choice, 45G0c Rice dull and nominal, 46c. xiran dull, 70c NEWYORK. Aueust 5. Flour verv firm; superstate and western. $3 65fS 4 35; St, Louis, $58 50. Rye flour firm, $4 705 15. Cornmeal steady, $23 Wheat slrone. with moderate demand: No. 2 Chicago, 959Sc Corn in moder- ate demand: mixed eraded steamer. 563. Oats steady; mix"d western and State, 3043c. Coffee Rio, cargoes, 14 17Jc gold; jobbing, 143l83c gold Ftroleum quiet; crude, 93c; refined, 17J?. Pork heavy; new me3s, S19 75. Middles firmer, 10i101i. Lard dull; prime steam. HJc. Butter firmer; western, 13fa24c Cheese. 3fSi9c Whis. ky, $1 11 bid, $1 15 asked AH.TIPICT A Ti STOKE. GrAYOSO ARTIFICIAL STONE GO, ARE now fully prepared to furnish, at short of their own manufasture: alone Stepf, Cblmno floes and Tops; Stone Hearths, i'lnselnr; Carblag:; Stone reaclnsr, Carriage fctepi, Taaet Aad Cemetery Work or all kinds. SIDEWALKS A SPECIALTY. A LL WORK GUARANTEED Give this new Home Enterprise your lltera patronage. Office and Yard : : 101 Union Street ap2 YV.ll. L.UV&KT, Haln gei. THIB MEMPHIS DAILY A-jPIPBAJ- SUtSTDuY. A.TJG-TJS- T 6. 1 87 6 .1 : : : KIYEK CHRONICLE. Weather sod Rivers. Weather cool, after a light shower in the afternoon. Rivers as follows : Orncz 810. 8x2. obs. U. 8. a. Memphis, August 5, 3 p.m. i Above low Chug's Water. Rse F'll Feet, i In's. lo's Ic'ti Cairo 16 7 . 12 Cincinnati 9 1 Davenport,.-- .. 3 3 Helena" AxkT 23 .'.ZZ 9 Keoknk 4 2 1 Little Rock 8 is Leavenworth 10 4 ... 2 Louisville 5 2 1 Memphis-- . 17 2 9 Nashville . 7 5 17 New Orleans.... 5 1 ..... Pittsburg 2 8 2 Hhreveport, 2tf 8 6 BULonls 14 10 12 Vloksbnrc .. 33 10 13 Ther. Deg. Below bench mark. OBSERVATIONS YESTERDAY. nme.j Bar. Ther- - Wind. f,n Weather 291 6:43 a.m. 71 S. E .03 Cloudy. 3 43pjn. 29.958! 85 8. W. .00 Fair. 10:08 p.m. 600321 73 j E. .40 Lt. rain. Maxlmnm thermometer, 86. Minimum thermometer, 68. W. M'ELROY, Serg't Big. Ber. U. S. A. BY TELEGRAPH. New Orleanp, Angus'! 5 Weather clear and warm. No arrivals or depar- tures. Vioksbubg, August 5. The wealher is warm and cloudy. Up: Pargoud and Golden Rule. Cairo, August 5. -- Noon. Weather c!ear; mercury 80. River 16 feet 7 inches and falling. Arrived : Cons Millar, Cincinnati, 8 pm. Little Rock. August 5 The weather is quite warm. River falling, with 8 feet by the gauge. Departed: Rosa Miller, Memphis; Ella Hughes and Maumelle, above. Cincinnati, August 5 Noon. River 9Jfeet4 inches and rising. Arrived: Charles Morgan, New Orleans. De- parted: Vint Sblnkle, Memphis. The weather is cloudy and warm. Evansttllb, August 5. Tne weather is cloudy, with light rain; mercury 73 to 82. River is 6 feet and falling slow- ly; wind from the south The Robert Mitchell is aground at Scuffle town. Business light. Louisville,' August 5. Weather is cloudy and warm. River is rising, with 5 feet 3 inches in the canal. Ar- rived: AndyBaum, Memphis; Glas-eo- Cincinnati. Departed: Andy Baum, Cincinnati; Glasgow, Evans-vlll- e. Movements nt tne Levee, ARRIVALS. Phil Allin, Arkansas City. DEPARTURES. Phil Allin, Greenville; Governor Gar- land, Arkansas river; Batesville, Wf ite river. BOATS DUE. A. J. White, Frank Forrest, Ste. Gen-eviev- e, John B. Maude, John F. Tolle, Illinois. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Vicksburq Ste. Genevieve, George W. Vickers, master, ten a.m. St. Louis John B. Maude, W. H. Blake, master, five p.m. BOATS LEAVING MONDAY. Cincinnati Golden Rule, O.P. Shin-kl- e, master, six a.m. AsHPORT Frank Forrest, Wm. A. Joplin, master, five p.m. Friars Point A. J. White, Nat S. Green, master, five p.m. Receipts Yesterday. Phil Allin 20 bales cotton, 1870 saoks cotton-seed- . Marine Miracles. More rain yfsterday. The A. J. White is due this morning from Friars Point. She returns again The Vick9burg packet Illinois will ar- rive this afternoon, and will leave again on Tuesday. The Governor uanana departed for Aikansas river with an excellent trip and a few passengers The Batesville went out last night for White river in place of the Ruth. She left with a fair showing of freight. The Cons Millar, from Cincinnati,wfll arrive this alternoon, with a fair trip. She returns to the Ohio on Tuesday next. The Anchor-lin- e packets leaving to- day are the St, Genevieve for Vicksburg at ton a.m., and the John B. Maude for St, Louis at five p.m. But one arrival during tne day the Phil Allin, from Arkansas City. She left again last night for Greenville, tak- ing out a fine trip of freight and a num ber of passengers. viOKtburg znoune: "a Dar is form ing on the opposite s'.de of the river from the lower point of the cut-off- , which it is thought will cutoff our Delta friends from the river." The Golden Rule sent word that she would be here morning. Those wishing to take a trip on a fine nas8eneer boat which is well officered, should be on hand Cantaln B. W. Wise Is acting pro tern. superintendent of the Memphis and Cin- cinnati packet company's office at Cin- cinnati, during the absence of his broth- er, Cammodnre James S. Wise. The John F. Tolle left Cairo on Thurs day at midnight, but had not passed this port up to dark last night. We suppose mat on her way down, while passing usceoia, sne stopped at me bar "for water." Stand Shearer, we want to ask you something: What part in your checkered . career does the term Shlngledecker" play V By its frequent use and application to the river histo rian of the Vicksburg Tribune, this chronicler is under a cloud. A private letter received in this city yesterday from Cincinnati, speaking of the new packet James W. Gaff, says she is ready for business, but Captain Bob Wise, her commander, has not yet de- termined when she will enter the trade. Vickibure Herald: "Jimmie Kerr, accept one little piece of advice from this m&rino: Empty your little basket of adjectives out of the window, and then you will nave a nttie more room in your river column for news.'" You don't want a man to commit professional sui cide, do yon? Would you have a man make shoes without his tools; go a sail ing without his sails; play Samlet with- out Hamlet; make soap-bubbl- without the wind what do you want tne man to do? TRUSTEE SAXES. TRUSTEE'S SALE, and by virtue of a Trust Deed UNDER to John C Campbell on the 2d day of November, lS66,byA.O. Roark, and duly recorded in the Register's omce or uneioy county. Tennessee. In book No. 53, part 2, pages 630, 631, C32, and to which reference Is here made; ana aiso Dy virtue oi nnai decree in the case of Amos Wood raff vs. A. C. Roark, No. 258, R.D., in the Probate Court of Bhelby connty, Tennessee, which decree was entered on the IStb day of June, 1878, appointing me UUBUm 111 Ultl HWTCU.U101 UUSKiJIUKRHIUI John C. Campbell, deceased, thereby confer, ring npon me ail the rights and powers of said John 0. Campbell, deceased, by virtue or said Trust Deed, I will, on the Olti amy of a n- - snsi, 1870, between the hours of 11 o'clock a.m. and 12 o'clock m.. in front of the court-hgjif- e, at Memphis, Tennessee, sell to the higuest bidder, for cash, the following de- scribed lot or parcel of land, lying In the county aforesaid, bounded as follows: Begin- ning at a stake couth 57" E 0 chains from a redelm, with redbud and other pointers, on the E boundary line of a six hundred and twelve acre tract, known as the WoodmS tract; thence north 11' E 1C7 poles to a stake on said boundary line, lronwood, red and whlteoak pointers; thence west 37' south 2& piles to a stake on the west boundary of said six hundred and twelve acre tract, tloewood and mulberry pointers, 'being the southwest corner of R. H. Brlnckley's division: thence son th S4' east S poles to a stake, three dogwood and two whlteoak pointers on said west boundary line; thence east 1 50 south 225 poles to the beginning containing 110 acres, more or less, together with, the Improve- ments thereon. The equity of redemption Is lb waived In the deed, and the property will be sold on account of default of the vendor. A.C. Roark. W. C. WOODRUFF, Trustee. Trustee's Sale. BY virtue of a Trust Deed made to me by John and Ellen Shea. I will, by direction of the beneficiary, John Morrison, sell at pub- lic salo.to the highest bidder, for cash, on Tneidny, Anxust 8, 1878, at 12 o'clock, on the southwest corner of Main and Madison streets. In the city ol Memphis, the following real estate; Part lot 150, begin- ning 68 feet west of smith shin of Jackson street; thenm west 17X feet on the south line of Jackson ii reet, extending en ih ward, between para! I. lines iroiu the front, setenty-fou- r and feet, with the lmcrovements thereon. Redemption bar' JOHN P. TREZKYANT, Trustee. SUMMER RESORTS. Yellow Sulphur Springs la Montgomery County, Ta., Near Christlansbnrg Depot, on the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad. A. BECKLEY & COT PROPRIETORS. Open ror TIM Mrs rrcm Ilrit Jane to 71 rat October TERMS: Board per day.... .....-..- .. --..J 2 50 Board per single week........... . 11 00 Board 4 weeks or longer, per week. ... 12 60 KnrRtnfrlA month ot IB daVH ... 49 00 For 2 consecutive months, per month., 35 00 Children nnrter 10. half mice. PerVantShalf price, or according to accommodation. Liberal arrangements made with families. WHITB CLIFF MINER 1L SPBIHS8 AND MOUSTAIN HEALTH KESOBT, COUNTY, EAST TENNESSEE MONROE opened for tho reception of guests on the first of Jnne, 1876. rheao springs are situated on Chllhowee mountain, fifteen miles southeast of Mouse Creek, Tennessee East Tenn., Va. and Ga. It. R. 1200 feet above the surrounding valley, and 3500 to 4000 feet above sea level. Rates of Board Per day, 52; per week, $10 60; per month (June), 35: per month (after Jnne), H special rates to families; hack-far- e one way, rc; rouna irip, S3. For pamphlets giving analysis of water, tempeminre ana inn particulars, auaress J. H. MAGILL, Proprietor, Moose Creek, East Tennessee. We cordially recommend the White C1I1I Springs to the citizens of Memphis as a splen- did summer resort lor health and comfort. The mountain scenery is beautiful: the mm eral waters tare fine, and the hotel Is new, spacious ana weii-sep- i. j us. usun u w, my21 J. T. LEATH. GREAT REDUCTION OF BOARD A T THE CELEBRATED ROCKBRIDGE t alum Spkings. Owing to the depressed condition of the country, the proprietor has determined to lower bis charges, that all may be able to derive tho benefits from thenseot these Justly celebrated waters. They need no recommendation, since they have so fully es- tablished their e ficlency through the thou- sands who have been brought from death's door to renewed health by the use of their wonaermi meaicinai waters, since, lasi sum- mer the Chalybeate Spring, which was opened last year, has been thoroughly analyzed by Professor M. B. Harden, of the V. M. I., of Virginia, and by comparison shows lt to be fully as strong as " Rawley " ol oarbonate ol Iron, having a small quantity more than one and a small Quantity less than the other two springs. So fn addition to the water that has mane inese springs so iamous, ine proprietor takes pleasure In announcing that he can fur- nish those who may need to drink either sep- arately or in connection with the more cele- brated waters of these springs a pore carbon ate oi iron icnaiyoeatej waier, lnienor io none, and equaled only by Rawley, in this State. This at the very cheap rates, with ac- commodation fully up to any previous year. First month of four weeks, 60 ; two months, eight weeks, 8100. Professor J. S. Davis, University of Virginia, resident physician. Send for circular. JAMES A. FRaZIER, my21 Proprietor. a WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS WEST YIRGINIA, elevation- - is 2000 fe6t above WHOSE long and favorably known, for thelrvaluable ALTERATIVE WATEKS, their charming summer climate, and tho large and fashionable patronage that annually resort to them, ARE NOW OPEN. Their capacity is about 1500 persons. Charges to J uly 1st, JS0 per month J17 50 per week; for months July and August, monthly $85; weekly, SU. Extensive repairs have been made since last season. Including the erection of a large hotel with all modem improvements, which will be kept open daring u Inter as well as summer. Also, several new cottages. Descriptive pamphlets obtained at the drag store of B. Mansfield & Co., Memphis, Tenn. GEO. L. PEYTON & CO., mySS eod Proprietors. Lauderdale County, Alabama, rilHE waters of these Springs are a specific In J. Dropsies, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Chronic Diarrhea, all diseases of the Liver, Skin aud Kidneys, and diseases peculiar to For circular, address Ju23 W. P. ELLIS. J. J. AUCXAXSEK. THOS. M MII.I.KB. IUKA SPRINGS. celebrated Springs, situated In THESE county, Mississippi, 115 miles from Memphis, immediately on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, will be opened for the reception of guests on June 15th. The waters of these Springs aro Justly celebrated for their hygienic properties, and consist of Sulphur, Alum, Magnesia, Chalybeate and Freestone. The buildings; which are entirely new, are beantiful in design, combining ele- gance with comfort. The entire furniture and fixtures are perfectly new. The grounds are spacious and delightful; the town quiet and refined. Express, post, telegraph and ticket-offic- es near the hotel, Bar unsurpassed. TERMS. Board per day, $2 50; per week, Sll: per month, S40. Children under ten years of age and servants half price; ALEXANDER & MILLER. Prop'ru. LUNCH HOUSE. Temperance Luncli-Hous- e, 160 MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURT- HOUSE, havlng-bee- transferred to the Women's Temperance Union, the ladles respectfully solicit a liberal patron- age, as they Intend to make the room pleasant and attractive, as well as to furnish the best of Coffee, with Lunch or Meals, at the lowest possible price, without the temptations of stronger drinks. Ladles and gentlemen, friends of the temperance cause, are earnestly sollc-e- rt to favor the pnterrtrinA rav24 SEWING-MACHIWE- S. A DECIDED ADVA-NUbV'- 2 ...... . . - - ro juam aepori. simcr im. rair. -1 WILLCOXj mf W& GIBUS g &4 K iUeUllloDln base of every machine HEW 3 n3' AUTOMATI Bs ci put SPW1NC MACHINE. Awarded the grand "Gold Medal of Progrcf s" S 5C of the American Institute, Nov., 1875, and the W" Scott Legacy Medal," of the Franklin Insti-C- tute, Oct., 1875. B S No otherSewing-Machin- in the world 5 has an "Automatic Tension," any other of the characteristic features as of this machine. AVillcox&GibbsS.Hr.Co., S (Cor. Eon4 St.) C58 Broadway, New York W It. B. HUTCHINSON & CO., 30 General Agents, 44 North Court St., Memphin, Tenn RECEIVERS SALS. MONUMENTS! THE undersigned has been appointed by the 8. Court RECEIVER for the late firm of ailDLDOOX, BUIiLETT & CO., of this city, and will offer, at private sale, their extensive stock of MARBLE AND GRANITE HEADSTONES, 8TATUARY, VASES AND MANTElB, Rough anil Sawed Marble, AT COST, and less than cost, to snlt purchasers. Now Is the time lo improve your cemetery-lot- s with first-clas- s work, at lowest prices, and for smaller dealers to stock their shops, as these goods will be told cheaper than anybody else can produce them. flONK BT1I.L Will sell the STEAM BTO.NE SAWMILL, flitted up with the latest patent Improvements, all in complete Tun- ning order, to any individual or company at a great bargain. Call at 81 Madison street. Iyl9 GEO. H. BEl.i. Kftoiver. t mi INSANITY. Private a wyium FOR THE INSANE. CINCINNATI SANITARIUM. ancominodatlons Tor ail da efci gUPftltloR Inpartment for epileptics and nervous Invalids. For terms of admlwlou and circular, address W. S. CUIPLEY, M.D bup't College Hill, Ohio. jyl5eod SEND YOUR. ORDERS COTTON PRESSES, HORSE POWERS ! eiM Oearlntt-.Pnlley- ., Suafllnp, Hsngtrs ana ConptlOB, Repair, all kinds of iron BdB, theTine of ' roUBDST OB aiACniSE-SIiO- P WORK to the BAUDLE, HEATH & No. 98 Second S5tx-oo- t, s IRdtomiplals. Agent, for . OllV- - JAILS Oil THE " COOK ft HEATH FBSFECTED SYSTEM." matesolc OrdotB Solioltocl and A. VAOCABO. B. VACCARO. A. VACOASO & IMPORTER'S AWD DEALERS IN Wines,Liguors and Cigars No. 324 PEO HT STREET. MEMPHIS. olo -- tent for j ooU'a STEAM ENGINES. Tne J. C. Hoadlej, Erie City, or Watertown Portable, or Wootlbnrj atauuuiuj)Vi unuiuoi obiuou xiUuicb, .tr with norlzontal Boiler. mHRESlflNG MACHINES OF ALT. ITTNDH. Ohampagno, A H0r?? RallWaL(Ta1UP?wej; THRESHEfe, SEPARATORS CLEAN ERS, 4iiu-nu- u Horse Thresher will thresh and clean seventv wheat in day;' the Two-Hors- e Machine, from BY AT idb Co. W. the the the ER IJ m, A. B. t.i,. tj The Uuf flve tn hnnri t. two hnnitrni Hftv and at l iV " ST, ; L " and double that quantity ol oats a day. Planters are invited to send In their orders at once. Z.T Ji "tuireu; xveapers ana naowers, oi anv kind of Machinery or Agricultural Implements wanted. Goods shipped from factory directto point Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, or any southorn State. BVBe snreti write ns before bnying elsewhere and you will save money by lt and get reliable machinery lu B. J. 8EMMM8 & OG. 287 MAIM STBEEE, -- IMPOKTEItS OT-- BASS ALE, HAVANA I DOMESTIC CI6AB We ara making Whlctw;ro.offerlnstJ lower prices than the compounded markets. Always on hand A PUZJL JLIIffa OP jLO - BIAIirF'8 DANIEL COTTON FACTORS, J JL SMITH, MM BRANCH RDKRS FlIiLKD US FACTORY 0 itiio ikowuif jivhu uia-- n vaiuuuio Cotton Gins BOLD TAYLOR, RADFORD & GO., If o. S69 Froiit street. WINUn IP'S Improved Gin. Price. 83 50 Stenci power Presses. Prlcfa from I a business connection JLEVENSOItf CO., Manufacturers Wholesale Dealers in CLOMllVG, White Street, York. Wlien you visit the City, shall in A CO.. firm of & is this by R. John B. from firm. D. is alone to sign tue nrm s name is D. July 20, 1876. JOHN B. 1 U UU1U bllD 111 Ul Ul UDUU1IA. & Co.. take this of to onr for their libe- ral in past, and them to firm of D. A. St Co. R. July 20. 1X76. JOHN B. BRUN & Ed New and always on hant'. work to. ST.. TJ?NH FREE WohkUMa nil ,ii..lrs UK.IIkIi on cr excuw o Urucg'j has the Addreu i.i iuf- - CO., Box 23V8, New York. ocJU-deu- u firoD . luttciuuea. ana ireignt rrom - nnn rH .,i iX hundred to hn.i. In in Depot, a In - lK TRICKS. CALlj AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE oeiore Daying. daw BY- - nersnvr ITnr.,1 n. rt 8110 to 8200. on hand. be see you, and serve New IS, have with jl. fc and JJ"0 46 Jfew your wants the above line. 3r3T- - Jr,, of A. & SOS.. Tenn. TEAM EH GuUett's Gins, Grist Mills, Scliofleld's Cotton Presses tider Mills, Sorglram Mills and Evaporator, Belting. Org w ! MADE ON OF COTTON TO MESS KOTICE. Hendrix, dissolved mutual consent, Hendrix and Bruner retlrinc A. Campbell author.zed liquidation. A. BRUNER. iciuiu Campbell we opportunity returning thanks friends patronage new Campbell W. HENDKljt.. Memnhls. Co., IBE Second-han- d Boilers jieamooai ananantation prompt- ly attended FOOT ADAMS tMiiiiiini by Indiscretion mgreuienu. VACCARO PKrovlnltTr ractory. two any Mississippi Machinery Jicbicu, JDniii-i- AND specialty ".y?A Etc. 266 ST., iinproveiueni WINOHIF'4 Gnm-Rettlu- e pleased to York, July 1876. formed, Messrs. Formerly HEESSEL Memphis. Brothers Co. SlO-81- 2 Front S8ti"et. ootton holesale CASH ADVANCES "SHIPLEY Liverpool, England. DISSOLUTIONS. DISSOLUTION THE Campbell CAMPBEL1-- . Memphis, recommend MACHINERY. Itolot. Lewis MEMPHIS WORKS MEMPHIS. MEDIOAJL. PKESCRIPTION floiltliespetMlycnreof FOR FERMOBE, Proprietors, 3?rorcn-.tl-,- r Imnorl. lqnore!ol!lhlsrand;to WHISKIES. C&FTS&N QJLH, OFFICE, FfiOHT HBMFB1 and Presses! 'Saempliis. Respectfully, Q235Z2S3'.G3Zj, AM MACHINES & CONSIGNMENTS facto: Grocer; BROWK ATTORNEYS. . , I. STB WART SOLICITOR AND- -' ATTORNEY-il- ' - Nt OHce No. 84 Poplar Sfec Ksnphls. WILL practice in tne Courts of Law and in West TenaJtuoe and North Mississippi, and give special idlentlon to conveyancing, etc- - "ais EANUOLPII, IUUU0XD & JORDAN have removed their Law Office to No. 35 Madison Street, First floor east of Telegraph'offlce. j30 JAS. R. CHALMERS. B. H. KING UIIAJLMKISS &- - KIIVS, jD. tto x-x- a. o -- v eiivt"2j aW) Friars Point, Miss. Will practice in Tunica, Coahoma and Bolivar counties; also the U. 8. Court at Oxford. CHAH. W. ADAMS. L. V. DIXON ADAMS & D1XO&, ATTORNEYS-AT-MW- , Hoom?21-28PIaiteraIii- 3. Hn' , .s, is it 1 amllaH rAtrtnt J1lrtniiii!t 2 cuit, FJliHINKM ' NMAM AND M1MS1S- - If Hlpw M w.i fecelvo prom pi attention. fb EtlSCEIiANEOUS. AYBR'S CATHSMIC PILLS For all the parp ses of a Family Plijsle, CURING Costlvenefti, Dy ipep tin, Janndlce, Indi gestion, Dysentery, Jonl Stotuacb nnd Ureal n, Ileaitnrhe, Er?iipelan, Plica, anenmatlom, irrnp-lion- s nod SUIa Itla- - easrfl. hllionmm, t.tvrr iwsnplalnf, Drnpy, Ttter, Tu- mors nod Malt Khennt. H'nrmn, Uonl, 5enalBl,as a Dinner Pill, and Purifying the Blood, are the most congenial purgative yot perfected. Their eflects abundantly show how much they excel all rier Pills. They are safe and pleasant totakevout powerful to care. They purge out the font humors of the blood: they stimulate the slucrzlsh or disor dered organ into action; and they Impart health and tone to the whole being. They cure not only the every day complaints ot everybody, but formidable and dangerous dis- eases. Most skilful physicians, most eminent clergymen, and our bert citizens send certifi- cates of cures performed and of great benefits they have derived lrom these Pills. They are the safest nnd best physic for children, because mild as well as effectual. Being sugar-coate- d, they are easy to take: and belnenurciy vege table, they are entirely harmless. PSEPABXD BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mast Practical nnd Analytical Chemist. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine KTOTIOB. THHE business oi Stratton & W'ellford will be L continued under the same firm name as before the death of Mr. John T. Stratton. hla estate retaining his interest in the same under me provisions or bis will. STRATTON & WELLFORD. Memphis. July 23, 1876. Jyffl daw WHEAT. 1ASH PAID FOR WHEAT. SACKS FUR- - ' ' his tied on application at No. 214 Front street. HAYDEN BROS. fcUMBSR. MOOROASSSTT&uO. 101BSR DEALERS, Nos. 351 and 353 Second Street. ii u MS i S "0 ft Dfloas. Lumber m o o e Sash Laths r a AN 3 r AND Bunds ; Shingles ?J Or M .0 4 r 0 Wl Os 1 4 a i '- i-r liilW1! 9 b OS Jg S Q5 .,K..U-- I I t .... Sl.SII I IJ SB 3 ' -- I (fi CHANCERY SALES. CHAKCEBI SALE OP REAL ESTATE. No. 1766, R. First Chancery Court of Shelby county. Geo. M. Had nail. Executor of Ja- cob Jiurkle, dee'd, v. Rebecca Bnrkleetai. BY virtue of an interlocutory decree ror sale In the above cansacra thnKth ilav of June, 1S76, 1 will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, in lront or the Clerk and Master's office. Courthouse Bnlldinsr. Main street, Memphis, Tenn., on Saturday, Angnst 36, 1870, wi'.hln legal hours, the following described itujjctbj.nibuaicu iu ouviuy l'uuqijt, Tennes- see, and in and near the city of Memphis, t: Being lots Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32, on Marley and Carroll avenues, in Jones subdivision. The remainder Interest In the following de- scribed property (after dower of Rebecca Bnrkie, etc ), to wit: Part of lot No. 1, front- ing on east side Second street 55 feet and run- - ntnsr back, between lines. 183 feet on north side and 195 feet on south side. Also, part of lot No. 2, rear of and part of Stockyard, fronting 60 feet on alley south side of said lot No. 2, and running back north be- tween parallel lines, 123 feet, and bslng the southeast corner or said lot. Alto, the fee in tho following property, to- wn: The f oath part of said Stocayard, lying lust west of the dower portion above, fronting 90 feet on said alley and running back, be- - bweeu pnrm:ei line?, ij leeu Also, the brick tavern lot, fronting 69 feet on east side of Second street and. running back east, between parallel lines. 195 feet to the west. side of said last lot above. Also. 19 BentNotesof FreyandStambrough, each for 8150. Also, two houses, etc., on the ground leased from one R. Marshall. belonzlne to said estate. and situated on street, etc. Terms of Sale The remainder Interest and fee aforesaid to be sold on a credit of 6 and 12 months; notes with approved security; lien retained to farther secare same, and eqnlty of redemnticn barred. The Not a and lonsea on lease to be sold for ensh. For particulars see plat and decree in the cans e. 'i'nis Augnst 2, 1S78. EDMUND A. COLE, Cleik and Master. By R. j. Black, D. C. and M. U. W. Miller and Randolnh. Hammond Jordan, Attorneys. au3 CHANCERY SALE OF REAL ESTATE. No 2298, R. Chancery Coart of Shelby conn- - ijr, icuucmco, Aiiurew ciewari ec ai. vs Anna B. Stewart et al. BY virtue of an interlocutory decree for entered in the above cansn nn th 29th day of Jnne, 1876, I will sell, at pun- - no auction, io me highest bidder, In front ot the Clerk and Master's office. Courthouse Bonding, Main street, Memphis, Tenn., on Saturday, Augnst 19, 1876. within legal hours, the following described property, situated in Shelby county, Tennes-ee- , to wit: All that property known as lots lion. uuu ana iwo, in uiock ro. ii, in bonlh Memphis, bounded on the north bv Vance street, and on the wtst by Tennessee (.treet, irumiug lm ieei on Tennessee Bireei, anu run- ning back 180 feet on Vance street to a alley, upon which is sltnated a cotton. shed, etc. Terms or Bale On a credit or six and twelve months; notes with good security required; lien retained to further secure same, etc. x tils j uly 2D, loi o. E. A. COLE, Clerk and Master. By R. J. Black, D. C. and M. Estes & iSllett, Attorneys. Jy6 CHANCERY SALE OF REAL ESTATE No. 2413, N. Court of Shelby county, Tennessee j. w MoKinney et al. vs.C.A.8tlllman. BY vlitue of an Interlocutors decree for sale, entered in the- - above canse on the 1st day of December, 1870, and renewed, etc.. May 6, 1876, 1 will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, in front of the Clerk and Master's office, Courthouse Building, Main street, Memphis, Tenn., on Hstnrday, August 19, 1876, within legal hours, the following described property, situated In Shelbv conntv. Ten. nessee, and In the city of Memphis, to-w- lt: The north half oi lot No. 201, in the Gieenlaw addition to the city of Memphis, as subdivided and laid off into lots according to the plan iiiereui, aa recuruei. Also, an undivided half-Intere- st In thn rut half of lot No. 22, In Wm. Ccoper's subdivision, ao bui veyea Dy ai. a. iverr in looa. ' Also, lots Nos. 3 and 4. in black No. 17. on south side of Vance street. Also, the 1 hold Interest, when attached. of C. A. Still n in the lot of land at the southeast cor r of Fourth and Poplar streets, fronting 14SK feet on Fourth street and about 150 feet on Poplar street, with the Improve- ments thereon. To be sold by lots or tenements, as the case may be. i erms oisaie-cas- n. This Jnly 25, 1876. E. A. COLE, Clerk and Master By R. J. Black, D. C. and M. J. M. Gregory, Attorney. Jy25 CHANCERY SALE OP REiL ESTATE No. 1790, R. Chancery Court ot Shelby coun ty, i enuessee. Hi. J . Means, iiary a. anelby et al. vs. W. M. James et al. BY virtue of an Interlocutory decree loz entered In the above canse nn ti n llth day of April, 1876, 1 will sell, at public auc tion, to tne uignesi Diuuer, in lront ot tne Clerk and Master's office, Courthouse Build- ing, Main street, Memphis, Tenn., on Saturday, August 13, 1870, within legal hours, the following described property, situaiea in enemy county, ienn to-w- lt: Beelnnins at a state nnn thnr.nrth iinont John Boom's e tract, or occupant, five chains and 3 links west of John Hoom's southeast corner on a hickory marked J. 8. on James Freeman's line; thence south 8 chains to a stake in the spring branch; thence west 2 chains and 61 links to a stake; thence south 5 chains and 25 links to a stake on Geo. W Oldham's north line; thence west with his own line, passing his northwest corner 'M chains and 82 links to a stake 7 links south of a sweetgum marked " B. S. G." on Joseph Gallaham'u line; thence north with said line asslng his, 19 chains and 30 links to a stake links north of a poplar marked B. G.S.: thence easts chains to a stake from which 8 27 W 14 links a sweetgum marked R. 8. G. on John Hoom's line; tnence south with said line 60 chains and 30 links to a stake 18 links from a hickory marked J. 8., said Hoom's corner; thence east with his line 26 chains and 48 links to the iiegtnnlng containing 40 acres. Terms of Hal rush Kuity orrodemptlo j tiarre.1. a- - i t r.,r m tne deed of tm- - llfrt Mauler. Attorney. STEAMSHIPS. IMMAH jLISTE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS FORQUEENSTOWNANI) LITEKPOCL Sailing from New York on SATURDAY of each week, from Pier 15 North River. CITY OF ANTWFRP, CITY OF LONDON. CITY OF BERLIN, CITY OF LIMERICK, CITY OF BRISTOL, C1TY or MONTREA U CITY OF BROOKLYN, CITY or NEW YORK: CITY OF BRUBHELH, CITY OF PARIS. CITY OF CHESTER, CITY OS" RICHMOND Passengers will find the-- e steamers tastefully fitted up, while the state ioms are light, airy and roomy. The saloons, arge and well ven- tilated, are the breadth be vewel, and sit- uated where there Ia leaia noise and motion. 8moklng-rsoais- , Ladles' Boudoirs, Pianoforte and Libraries, Bath-room- Barbershop, eta Instant communication with the stewards by electric bells. The steamers of this Com Dan v adnnt th Southerly Route, thus lessening the danger 11 uu. uju lun. Rates or Passage S0 and 8100, gold, accord, jng to accommodation ail having equal sa-lo- en privileges. itouna Trip Ticket 3145 and J175, gold. Steerage To and from all rolntji t rates. For dales of (talllne and nlmn nf .tai.. room I, apply to THOMAS FISHER, Emmet Bank, Memphis, or JUaH it. DALE. Agent, 15 Broadway. Nw York SBEBIFE'3 SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by virtue of an execution to me directed from the Honorable Chancery Court of Shelby county, Tenn , In the case ot Sallle A. Johnson vs. J. Beaumont, Executor, et at.. Judgment rendered on the 21th dayot May, 1H76, for the sum or thirteen thousand four and ninety-seve- n dollars and sixteen cents, with Interest and costs ot snlt, to satlsly said judgment, etc., I will, on Tuesday, mo Mtnday.'f Anijnit, 1876. in legal hours, in the courthouse. Memphis, Tennessee, proceed to sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right, interest and claim whatsoever which the estate of C. Deloach, or the heirs ol said estate, Effie, (Julia and ThoR. A. Deloach, have and hold In and to the following de- scribed real estate, to-w- it: 1st. One lot lying and being In the city of Memphis, county of Shelby and State of Ten- nessee, situated on the north side or Madison street, between Second and Third streets, ana being the west Ji of block No. 368 : Beginning at the intersection of the alley between Sec- ond and Third streets and Madison street; thence east 31 feet; thence north liSH feet to an alley; thence west 37 feet to an alley be- tween Second and Third streets; thence tonth with, said alley 14$ feet to the beginning on Madison street. See book 13, page 96, Regis- ter's office. This levy Is made subject to the dower rights of the widow. 2d. One equal moiety In a lot ol land In the cltyor Memphis, county or Shelby and State of Tennessee: Boanded on the north by Vance street; on the west by lot No. 3, in block No. 55; on the south by McLemore'B subdivi- sion; on the east by lot No. 3, and contains 7X acres, more or less. See book No. 3, page 117 or the Register's office. 1 he moiety ofC. Deloach descended to said heirs In above de- scribed property is levied on. 3d. One lot on the north side of Jefferson street, in the city of Memphis, county ot Shelby and State of Tennessee, being the lot Immediately east of and adjoining Joseph Montedonlco, between Second and Tulrd streets, having a front of 18 feet by a depth of 74 feet, and being a part of lot No. 342, levied on as the property of C. Deloach's es- tate. 4 th. One.equal moiety In a lot on Front street, city of Memphis, county of Shelby and state of Tennessee: Beginning at a point 14 feet north of the intersection of Front and Jeffer- son streets; running thence north 20 feet; thence east 74 feet; thence sonth 20 feet: i equal above 5th. One lot on the east side of Main street. city of Memphis, county of Shelbv and Htnix of Tennessee, sltnated on the northeast corner of the alley, between Madison and Monroe streets, being 37 by 148 feet, and a part of lot No. 234, it being that portion of let No. 231, ijiuK uciweeu iu uiiey aioresaia, ana me building recently erecttd and now occupied by Rice, atlx & Co. C.Deloach's interest (one-hal- f) and that ot heirs or hi- -, estate is hereby levied upon, subject to the rights i f surviving partner of E. M. Apperson A Co., of which De- loach was a partner. 6th. One lot on the corner of Fourth ami JeflVrson streets (northeast corner), In the city of Memphis, county of Shelbv aud Stt of Tennessee, being the west part of lot No. 553, of country lot 478, one-ha- lf ol which belong- ing to Deloach's eatate, and subject to rights of surviving pattner oi K. M. Apperson & CO., ievieu on as property ot u. ueiouch'8, estate. 7th. The following described tracts nf laml in the county of Shelby, State of Tennessee, and on President's Island the first beginning at a stake 6 links south of a hlciory marked W. L., the southwest corner or a342-acr- e grant In the name of Wm. Lawrence; thence west with Wm. Persons's line 36.68 chains to a stakn and hickory marked W. P.; thence south 41 chains to a stake In Round Lake, in all 55-3-2 chains to a stake in Round Lake: tnence west 68.25 chains with north line of Wm. Persons's 640-ac- tract to his northwest corner: thence xouth with his line 11.88 chains to a stake; tuence west i cnains to tne missibsippi river, IS links north of a box-eld- er marked N.; thence no said river with Its meanrierinf. northwardly about 266 chains, more or Ioo, meanders as follows, viz : NE 35 chains, N 10" E 20 chains N 18 E 41 chain. N 36 E 21 chains, N 73W E 45 chains, S 85 EA chains, 8 83 E 10 chain?, 8 8i 52 chains, S 87 EJ18 chains to Lawrence's NV corner; thence south with his line 57 chains to the be- ginning. Including alsoa59-acr- e grant In the name ef J. D. Ltraham, containing within these bounds 1392 acres (one-fift- h is the prop- erty of the location). Second The undivided one-thir- d interest in 50 acres of land on said Island, purchased by C. F. Vance underdecreeof the Chancery shit of the Common Law and Chancery Court of the city of Memphis, on application or tne heirs of Tweedle for partition, to which decree and record ol saia court reference 1 made for more particular description. Third-- An undivided one-thir- d part or a re tract on said island, exchanged for by Richard&on, Fletcher & Vance with John Overton, moro particularly described in the deed of said Overton, recorded in the Regis- ter's office of Shelby county, In book 68, page 282. The Deloach Interest In the President's Island lands is eatlmattd to te 700 acres, more or less, and such port .on Is hereby levied orj as the property of defendants, the estate of C Deloach or the heirs or said estate, to satlsly saldjndgroent, interest and costs. Memphis, 5th day of Jnly, 1876. C. Lu ANDERSON. Sheriff of Shelby county, Tenn. W. W. Coleman, Deputy Sheriff. j. now Att-- y for plaintiff. Iv7 BANKRUPTCY. NOTICE IS 1SANECUPICT. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of Gates &' Wood: Gates, Wood & Co., said firms composed of Samuel M. Gates, Albert M. Wood and Wm. M. BrooksIn Bank- ruptcy. undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Samuel M. Gates, Albert M. Wood and Wm. M. Brooks, of Memphis, Shelby connty, Tennessee. O. WOOLDRIDGB, Assignee. Memphis, May 30. 1876. my30 tn NOTICE IH BANKRUPTCY. In tho District Conrtof the United States, for the District of West Tennessee. la the mat- ter or Mnldoon, Bullett & Co.-- In Bank- ruptcy. undersigned hereby gives notice of his . appointment as assignee or Muldoon, Bul- lett fc Co., of Shelby connty, Tennessee. O. WOO LD RIDGE, Assignee. Memphis, Jniy II, 1876. jy!2 wed NOTICE IS BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the Unl ted States, f or the District of West Tennessee. In the mat. terof T. E. Glaf. In Bankruptcy. undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of T. E. Glass, of Burnsville, Haywood connty, Tennessee. Memnhls. May 30. 1876. my30 ta NOTICE IN BAXKEUPTCT. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of Richard T. Rroadnax, Jr. In Bank- ruptcy. undersigned hereby gives notice of his . appointment as assignee of Richard T Broadnax, Jr., of Tipton county, Tennessee. O. WOOLDRIDGE, Assignee. Memphis, May 16, 1876. mylfwed NOTICE IS BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of the United States, for the District of West Tennessee In the mat- ter of W. M. Hall. In Bankruptcy. undersigned hereby gives notice of hi appointment as assleneo of W. M. Hall, of Tipton county, Tennessee. O. WOOLDRIDGE, Assignee. Memphis, May 6, 1876j my7 tn NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District Court of the United State, for the District of Western Tennessee. In the matter of John A. Walter, Bankrupt In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt: rriAKE NOTICE, That a general meeting of X the creditors of said bankrupt will be held at the office of T.J. Latham, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy for said District, at Memphis, No. 19 Madison street, on the 18th day of May, 1876, at 11 o'clock ajn., for the purpose of de- claring a first and final dividend. I also give you notice that I have filed my final accounts as assignee of the said estate of said bankrupt In said Court, and that on tho 1st day of June, next, I shall apply to said Court for the settlement or my said accounts and a discharge from all liability as assignee of said estate, in accordance with the provisions of the 25th section of the act of Congress en- titled act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States,' approved March 2, 1S6S. O. WOOLDRIDGE. Assignee. Memphis. May 6. 1876. 19 Madison st. ffOTIUB IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of the United States, for the District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of D.H. Townsend, bankrupt, In Bank- ruptcy. To the creditors of said Bankrupt: rTtAKxiXiLruub, nat a general meeting ni I the creditors or said bankrupt will be . . .. m n A, t- - T I at horn Van Iter,. .- - em- - 19 aiauiJDi!ireet,uu luuKua.jano Fihift.NO. 11a.m., for tbe purpote of declaring myll wed A.M gnxn. NOTIUJ5 IN D4HKKDPTI1T. In the District Court of the United Btates. for it,a District of West Teunefe.-i- n the tnsi-e- i or J. T. Jfftraou In Bankruptcy. II1K tuuJcroIimed hereby given notice or tx'n I ' 1 as uignee of J. T. Jeffer- - kou Tenn. v OOLDRIDGE, Assignee. M einphls, J uly 37, 1876. JvZSM

THIB MEMPHIS DAILY .1 SUtSTDuY.FINANCE AND TEADE. The binkm we tried to our utrnoBt yesterday. They were unable to give a single particle of nearu. For m to give bsnk news when the

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Page 1: THIB MEMPHIS DAILY .1 SUtSTDuY.FINANCE AND TEADE. The binkm we tried to our utrnoBt yesterday. They were unable to give a single particle of nearu. For m to give bsnk news when the


The binkm we tried to our utrnoBtyesterday. They were unable to give asingle particle of nearu. For m to givebsnk news when the banks can givenone would be a wcrfe of "eupererogatlou." Exchange remained at par buying on New York, and premium sellleg, with J discount bnying ana parselling on New Orleans. A semi-oulci-

statement In Europe says: "The Ger-man government estimates that theamount of silver likely. to bs disposed ofby it will not exceed 7,500,000, and thatit ia using sold at the rate of but two orthree millions sterling per annum. Thisannouncement has, no dcuor, contribute J materially to the late improvementin the market value of sliver." Gold iaNew Yorfi quoied up to noon at 112,

here 111. Nothing doing In scrips orbonds of interest.

JSvvtnv. BCWng.Memphis tax scrip, old.. 52453 18369Memphis tax scrip. 1H7S 8890Memohlscurrency bonds... 3Vi37M cm ph'.n gold bonds 10&CKnelbyciumy w.rTHi:in,.r 7S78 7882Tennessee warrants. yS -- 0-arkanu Stale scrip 6QG3 6568

The cotton mabket yesterday wasvery nroi for low grades; better gradeswere ottering freely at quotations. TheKeneral nceition of cotton was strong.There was a holiday at Liverpool, andwe have therefore no quotations fromthat market, Lut New Yoik and NewO leans quoted higher. The New YorkBulletin of Wednesday savs: "HolderjsJU refrained from urging the sale oftheir supplies, but offered a little morefreely, if anything, and in some casesIntimated that a concession would bemade to increase business, but no alteration was made on the genera! table ofq ictitlona." The Memphis cotton exchange received tue following from meKew iork Chronicle: "With one ex-ception, pro crret a is satisfactory: that is.the weather is generally suited for gocddevelopment, and information la mostlyfavorable, with ercep'Jjn to this, thatcaterpillar reports come mainly fromMlddla Alabama, where It ralneJ ccnsiderably. In that eection, our correspondent thkki the damage is limited;others think irjury has-bee- done to thecrops, if there had been dry weatner,the trouble in that section would havebeen arrested, but wet weather damagedthe crop?." Quotations at the Mem phiscotton exchange were as follows

Tttlerday. Day Ofore,Ordinary- -. .. TJiJJ 8Good ordinary. . 9 y Miuuw initialing ...... (hw4 -- 88Middling 11 ef'illGood middling-illddll- nz --C122 312

ralrMarket firm; sales, G30 bales, of all

which spinners took 300 bales: exporters, 250; speculators, 109. Dusty cottonsquote 6j7o; stained, 79c. Price ofmiddling same time last year, 14Jc.

COTTON STATEMENT.1875-- 6. 1874-- 5. 1873-- 4.

Received yesterday. 91 S7 8Total . 4SI,fx)0 321.4S7 427,698Shipped yesterday . I,UU3 Bl MX

Total ..... 47JC7 321,231 421.108Blocks 15.113 31,161 7,093

Imports. M. & C. B. K., 4; M. & T.It It.. 29: L. & N. G. S. R. K, 1; M. &Ii. It R.W., 11; steamers, 41; estimatedper waeons and other eourcss. 5.

Exports. L. fc N. G. 8. R. R , 42;steamers north, luzi; by ran norm, 42.

The following are tie official tele-grams of the condition of the domesticmarKeta as received at me cotton ex-change:

Latest tdate of He-- fricgTelegramt. Market. ct'U. tTlet. Middling.

Steady. 49 65 ll'btrong. 165 700 11HFinn. 31 50 1- 1-Flrni. Ul S 11Firm. 110 200 rllDull. 1 3 10

Quiet. 400 . lokFirm. 77 125 11

Firm. 3,0M 12Oulet. 1

"Firm"" 2 "SBteady. Gi 49 11


New YorkBostonPhila'lphiaBU LouisAugusta,

Yesterday's JSew York closing telo--cram reports: ordinary, 10 11G2; coodordlnary,9fa)13 1 lGc;Iow middling, 11 io;middling, 12 middling, same timelast year, 14c; sales, 3081 bales. Toneof the market: At 10:30, jdull; 12:15,lirmer; 2:iu, nrm, nouers asning mgn-e- r;

3:05, Arm.The following are the closing rates in

New York futures for yesterday and theday before:


Jannary 11 15-1-8 11

February .. 12 2 11

Marcli 12 12M12 6

April. ir:ai2 2 12J4I312 6

May It 12 lG312iiJnne 12 12 23-i- 2 12July 12 12K312 13-1-6

August 12

September 12 11

October 11 27-3- 2 nuau 13.10Hovembcr HJiail 25-3- 2 n?iau 6

December.. 11 ij 32ft 11 13-- 11

rjales, 19,000; tone of the market at10:15, e&sier; 10:45, quiet and steady;12:30, firm; 1:45, nrm; 2:30, firm;3:05, unchanged.

New Orleans yesterday quoted mid-dling at llic at the close, against 14c atthe same time last yeax; receipts, 165bales; sales, 1250. The market closedBtrong.

The movement at all the ports was reported as follows

Tbls Last Hame TimeWeek. Week. Last Year.

Rec'ts since F'y 961 974 203Kxp'ts G.Britain 3,333Kxp'sloConUnt r.i 5tsS8Bloc 177,812 203,757 117.&87

Gold in New York closed at 112;same time last year, 113.

The pboduce market yesterday"was too dull for anything." Ejgs weregenerally 15c, small country parcels 16c.JBuHer unchanged, at 1222s. Chickenswere without any alteration; in gjoddemand aud supply, but not strong, atSI 252 25; some Hue old hens sold at$3. Corn was not offering; in store, forcash, 52(3)543. Oats are not inquiredfor; nominally 4041c for mixed; Instore, 4244c. Bran was lower, if Womay rely on the only sale reported tous, one car-loa- d at $11, but we found itheld higher. Hay sales were mostly ofEralrie; five cir-loa- sold at $7, and 50

$7 50. all new hay; good hay,in store, $16 25 Bye seed, in stcre, 85cpsr bushel. Wheat wt s without trans-actions of interest. Potatoes were takenby packers at $1 101 25, for good, perbushel measure; selling in store, ship-ping order, at $1 601 65; northern 0barrels sold on the lauding at $1 50Apple3 were taken, per bbl measure, at60c to $1 50 a barrel; "pig" stuffia notwanted, and brings "p'g" prices; inshipping order good apples Eell in storeat $1 502 50, and northern at S2 50.Slock Peas, in s:ore, at $1 60. Cornmealwas stagnant at S2 60. The followingare merchant's wholesale cash prices, asreported by the chamber of commerce :

FLOUR Quiet; superfine, S3 75ai 25; doubleextra, U 756 25; treble extra, S3 bOatt; choicefamily. 16 5037; fancy, r? 5038 per bbl.

COKNMEaTL Firm ; ktln-drled- , 1270Q275per bbl.I CORN Mixed, 52; white. 52o per bush.

OATS Mixed, 11316c; while, 413460 perbush.

H RAX 70c.HAY Dull; choice western, I243IC; pral- -

S$a 10; mixed, J15318 per ton.BACON (Looee)- - Quiet; shoulders, 93 Jc;

clear rib sides, Ilc; clear sides. 12o; brenk-IasL,I4- o;

sugar-cure- d Jhams, canvased, 15o;packed, SiDXc hither.

M KSS FORK Mesa pork, light welcht, 20(3(2050; mesa pork, heavy, r2121 50; rumppork. 119.

LARD In tierces, 12"al2J4'c; kegf, 13KZZc, hair barrels, 12yt(al3c; In pailk, lbjc.

BALING 8TOFFB-Qui- et; bagging, 2 aud3K lb.l213Kc; baling twine, 14&14c; Ironties, 6rtW4c; pieced ilex, 4c.

M ACKEItKb Half bbls, No.l, iS; half bar-rels. No. 2. X7; hair barrel;. No. '3. ?6: kits.No. 1, $1 00; kits, No. 2, Jl 49; kite. No. 3,II 20

WHITE FIHH Half barrels. J5 50Q6 75.COFFKE-Ordin- arr. 19al9Wc: fair. J0a20c:

Rood, 20X32lc; prime, 21X22c; choice, 229ic. Java, atjjw; uoruova, iiipac

RICE --Ordinary to choice. KXHUc.BtJGAR LOUISIANA Firm; In hhds

fair, y,c; fully fair, 10a; prime, 10c;cholce,'luJe; yellow clarlned,109IIc; while,11' k. Barreled, hie hbzber.

WOG R REFINED Refined A. per pound ,

1123irc: crashed and powdered. 12f812JcjCrunulated. 12ial2jc; cut loaf, 12c

MOLASES-Comm- on. 40c; fair, 42345c:rlme,S0353c; strictly prime, 53357c; choice,i0c.8VRUFS Common to fancy, 40S5c.SALT Coarse and common fine, in bar-le- s,

117531 S3; dairy, in bbla,J2 75S; LlTer-Po-ol

coarse, in sacks, U 3031 40; Liverpoolfine. In sacks, Jl 701 SO.

BOAF Reeln and German, 506X0:

uahulks uoxes run welcht. 15Xc: hallSL.15Xc: or box, 16c

L'H 4Va5c per a.SU'.-8S- 34 per eal.

i'Emkn r fl per bhnl n ut Ro46dale. fl 71

IjourtnaUy per barrtfFRLn-Ap- pi, iievr,2; lemons, per box,

tl2: oranges, per box. S!310; potato, new,lono. nominally ixtui ii; cabbage, per crate,t)S03l5Q. onions, new, $232 SO; bean, perbush., l 2S3I 75: dried apple. 7c.

M ISCELL NEO US Butler west ern table,cnoice, iiaxic;iuirior, 15317c; eggs, i:mi&c

wt&0cI; oysters. 2 B.Il COStf; coal-ol- l, 2l&22e;matches, 1737 23: cotton rope, 18&20c; grassrope. ll313o: powder, fcezs. Pi 35: shot, patent.. au; loaa. Kegs, tc; boa a, cases, tic


BY TELEQRAPn.PARIS, August 5. Rentes, l(!6f. 40c.

NEW ORLEANS, August 5. Gold,112; New York sight, i premium. Ster-ling exchange, bankers' bill?, 548.

LONDON, August 5. Amount ofbullion gone into Btnk of England onbalance to-da- y, 9000. Consols formoney and on account, 96 11-1- 6; of1855.100; 5 202 or 1867.1(J9t; 108;nsw 6s. 106J New Ytrk Central, 96;Erie, 12j; Erie preferred, 20.

NEW YORK, August 5 Money easyat 1 per cent Prime mercantile pa-per. 34 per cent. Customs receipts,$350,000. The esaistant treasurer dis-bursed $340,000. Clearings, $14,000 000.Sterling dull; 60 days, 4S9J; s'ght, 489J.Gold closed at 112, the only puce of theday. Carrying rates, 1 per cent.Government securities were dullbut Bteady; coupons of 1881,120; do. 18G5, 116; do. 1865, new, 117J;do. 1867, 119j; do. 1868. 121; now 6s,117J; 10-40- s, regular, 115? ; 10-40-a, cou-pons, 119; currency 6s, 126J. State se-curities quiet ; Tennessee 6s, old,44 1 ; Ten-nessee 6s, new, 44; Virginia 6s, oid,27;Virginia 6s. new. 28; Missouri 6s, 1061.Railroad bonds generally firm and somewhat active. There was a nrm under-tone to the stock market this morning,and with the exception of Illinois Cen-

tral, the entire list advanced i to 1 percent. Business was moderately active,large dealings having been in LakeSnore, Western union, ueiaware, jjck- -awanna and western, Aitcnigan cen-tral and Rock Island. The greatest advance was made by micnigan centrala d cotl stocks. The market becames eady and remained so until the after-neon, wltu me exception 01 bu xmuicommon, which rose from ibi to 61Stocks toward the close were J to J percent, oil from the best prices of the day,except in the case of Illinois Central,which recovered from 87 to aa. ueaiIngs during the afternoon were verymoderate, many Drosers ana operatorshaving left for the country. The market closed dull nnd steady. Transactions at the stock exchange aggregated70,000 shnres, of which 19,000 were LakeShore, 6000 Rock Island, 00 PacificMall, 7500 -- 8t. Paul, 2500 Ohlos, 10,000Wes ern union, iu.ooU Michigan uentrol, 5000 Delaware, Lackawanna andWestern, and 2500 Illinois Central.The closing quotations were as follows:Western union telegraph, vug ; uuick- -silver, 16: Quicksilver preferred, 10:facino JU.au, zat; Mariposa, bj; Mar- -posa preferred, 0; Adams JSxprea3,112; Wells & Fargo's Express company,83; American Express company,591: United States Express company,66; New York Central, 106; Erie, 13J;line preferred, m: itariem, 134;Harlem preferred, 133; Michigan Central, 4Uf ; ranama, b; union iracmostock, 68; Lake Shore, 3; IllinoisCentral, 88; Cleveland and Pittsburg,95; Northwestern, 39; Northwesternpreferred, 62 J ; Cleveland, Columbus, Cin-cinnati and Indianapolis, 37; New Jer-sey Central, 613; Rock Island, 1061:SL Paul, 361; St. Paul preferred, 684;Wabash, 2; Wabash preferred, 3;Fort Wayne, 23: Terre Haute, 6;Terre Haute preferred, 17; Chicago andAlton, iuu; unicago and Alton preferred, 107: Ohio and Mississippi, 12;Delaware, Lackawanna andWe8tern,94l;Atlantic and Pacific telegraph, 7 J ;

Missouri Pacific, 6i: Atlantic and Pacific, preferred, 2; Indiana Central, 3;Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 19:Hannibal and St. Joseph, 10; CentralPacific bonds, 9; Union Pacific bonds,4g; Union Pacific land grants, 4;union racino sinKing iunns, tn j.


BY TELEGRAPH.NEW YORK, August 5. Business

continues moderate with domestic commission houses. Daik and meiiumprints injare good demand; the beststandard ginghams are 10 J c. Cottongoods unchanged. itepellants andKentucky jeans are in fair request.Men's wear woolens are in moderatedemand. Foreign dry goods are quiet.



nominal; family $3 75:3)4 00 Wheat infair demand; red, 90S953. Corn dull at45 47c Oats steady at 3233c. Haynominal. .Provisions quiet. JrorK, $19 75Bulk shoulders, 7jc; clear-rib- , 9c. Bacon, eg. lUjllc. Jdugar-cure- d hams,1414c Lard quiet, 1313Jc. Whisky,$110. Bagging, 12c.

CHICAGO, AugUBt 5. Flour quietand firm. Wheat is in fair demand atlower rates; No. 2 spring S9c. Corn isdu1! and a shade lower; No. 2, 45 J c.Oats is dull and a shade lower; No. 2,30c. Pork is active, firm and higher at$18 50. Lard is strong and higher atllic. Bulk meats are in good demandand a sha le higher at 6279919(o)iuc. wnissy is steady.

ST. LOUIS, August 5. Flour steadyand firm for sound medium ; fall extrasat $4 505, other grades dull. Wheateasier, for cash optiors steady; No. 2red winter, $1 15l 17 bid. Corn activebut lower. 4142s. Oats steady; JXo.,300. fork: higher, $iu ou; held at

$19 75 at close. Lard higher; llc asked,He bid. Bulk meats dull; clear ribs,103. Bacon firmer, 8, 10J, 11c. Hogshigher, $66 35: .receipts, 750. Whis-ky, SI 10.

CINCINNATI, August 5 Flourquiet and steady. Wheat steady with afair demand at 90c$l 05. Com quietbut firm at 4546c Oats steady at 2838c. Pork steady with fair demand at$19.. Xard stronger; steam, lllllo;kettle, 12J13o; current make, 10310j 3. Bulk meats in fair demand andhigher at 7g, 98. 9i, lUiWiOic. Baconfirm with fair demand at 8, lOJffilOS,Hillk5. Whisky. $1 10. Butte- r-choice, firm; western reserve, 1820c;Central Ohio, 17183. Hog) steady andfirm, $6 306 50; receipts, 445.

NEW ORLEANS, August 5. FJourscarce and firm; treble, $56 50. Cornssarce and firm, 6063c. Oats quiet andweak; St. Louis, 3Sj. Cornmeal scarceand held higher, 53 50. Hay Is quiet;prime, $16. Pork dull and lower at$20 50. Lard dull and lower; jobbingat tierce, lli12c; keg, 123(ai3c. Bulkmeats quiet: shoulders, 7!(HiSc. Baconquiet but weak, 9, 11, lljs. Sugar-cure-d

hams, 1415l;. Whisky, SI 121 13. sugar quiet but nrm; fair to fullyfair, 99c; prime, 10c; choice, 10c.Molasses quiet but steady ; fair to choice,45G0c Rice dull and nominal, 46c.xiran dull, 70c

NEWYORK. Aueust 5. Flour vervfirm; superstate and western. $3 65fS4 35; St, Louis, $58 50. Rye flour firm,$4 705 15. Cornmeal steady, $23Wheat slrone. with moderate demand:No. 2 Chicago, 959Sc Corn in moder-ate demand: mixed eraded steamer.563. Oats steady; mix"d western andState, 3043c. Coffee Rio, cargoes, 14

17Jc gold; jobbing, 143l83c goldFtroleum quiet; crude, 93c; refined,17J?. Pork heavy; new me3s, S19 75.Middles firmer, 10i101i. Lard dull;prime steam. HJc. Butter firmer;western, 13fa24c Cheese. 3fSi9c Whis.ky, $1 11 bid, $1 15 asked



ARE now fully prepared to furnish, at shortof their own manufasture:

alone Stepf, Cblmno floes and Tops;Stone Hearths, i'lnselnr; Carblag:;Stone reaclnsr, Carriage fctepi, TaaetAad Cemetery Work or all kinds.SIDEWALKS A SPECIALTY.


Give this new Home Enterprise your llterapatronage.

Office and Yard : : 101 Union Streetap2 YV.ll. L.UV&KT, Haln gei.



Weather sod Rivers.Weather cool, after a light shower in

the afternoon. Rivers as follows :

Orncz 810. 8x2. obs. U. 8. a.Memphis, August 5, 3 p.m. i

Above low Chug'sWater.

Rse F'llFeet, i In's. lo's Ic'ti

Cairo 16 7 . 12Cincinnati 9 1

Davenport,.-- .. 3 3

Helena" AxkT 23 .'.ZZ 9Keoknk 4 2 1

Little Rock 8 isLeavenworth 10 4 ... 2Louisville 5 2 1

Memphis-- . 17 2 9Nashville . 7 5 17New Orleans.... 5 1 .....

Pittsburg 2 8 2Hhreveport, 2tf 8 6BULonls 14 10 12Vloksbnrc .. 33 10 13




nme.j Bar. Ther- - Wind. f,n Weather

2916:43 a.m. 71 S. E .03 Cloudy.3 43pjn. 29.958! 85 8. W. .00 Fair.

10:08 p.m. 600321 73 j E. .40 Lt. rain.Maxlmnm thermometer, 86.Minimum thermometer, 68.

W. M'ELROY, Serg't Big. Ber. U. S. A.

BY TELEGRAPH.New Orleanp, Angus'! 5 Weather

clear and warm. No arrivals or depar-tures.

Vioksbubg, August 5. The wealheris warm and cloudy. Up: Pargoud andGolden Rule.

Cairo, August 5. --Noon. Weatherc!ear; mercury 80. River 16 feet 7inches and falling. Arrived : ConsMillar, Cincinnati, 8 pm.

Little Rock. August 5 The weatheris quite warm. River falling, with 8 feetby the gauge. Departed: Rosa Miller,Memphis; Ella Hughes and Maumelle,above.

Cincinnati, August 5 Noon. River9Jfeet4 inches and rising. Arrived:Charles Morgan, New Orleans. De-parted: Vint Sblnkle, Memphis. Theweather is cloudy and warm.

Evansttllb, August 5. Tne weatheris cloudy, with light rain; mercury 73to 82. River is 6 feet and falling slow-ly; wind from the south The RobertMitchell is aground at Scuffle town.Business light.

Louisville,' August 5. Weatheris cloudy and warm. River is rising,with 5 feet 3 inches in the canal. Ar-rived: AndyBaum, Memphis; Glas-eo-

Cincinnati. Departed: AndyBaum, Cincinnati; Glasgow, Evans-vlll- e.

Movements nt tne Levee,ARRIVALS.

Phil Allin, Arkansas City.DEPARTURES.

Phil Allin, Greenville; Governor Gar-land, Arkansas river; Batesville, Wf iteriver.

BOATS DUE.A. J. White, Frank Forrest, Ste. Gen-eviev- e,

John B. Maude, John F. Tolle,Illinois.

BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY.Vicksburq Ste. Genevieve, George

W. Vickers, master, ten a.m.St. Louis John B. Maude, W. H.

Blake, master, five p.m.BOATS LEAVING MONDAY.

Cincinnati Golden Rule, O.P. Shin-kl- e,

master, six a.m.AsHPORT Frank Forrest, Wm. A.

Joplin, master, five p.m.Friars Point A. J. White, Nat

S. Green, master, five p.m.Receipts Yesterday.

Phil Allin 20 bales cotton, 1870 saokscotton-seed- .

Marine Miracles.More rain yfsterday.The A. J. White is due this morning

from Friars Point. She returns again

The Vick9burg packet Illinois will ar-rive this afternoon, and will leave againon Tuesday.

The Governor uanana departed forAikansas river with an excellent tripand a few passengers

The Batesville went out last night forWhite river in place of the Ruth. Sheleft with a fair showing of freight.

The Cons Millar, from Cincinnati,wfllarrive this alternoon, with a fair trip.She returns to the Ohio on Tuesdaynext.

The Anchor-lin- e packets leaving to-

day are the St, Genevieve for Vicksburgat ton a.m., and the John B. Maude forSt, Louis at five p.m.

But one arrival during tne day thePhil Allin, from Arkansas City. Sheleft again last night for Greenville, tak-ing out a fine trip of freight and a number of passengers.

viOKtburg znoune: "a Dar is forming on the opposite s'.de of the riverfrom the lower point of the cut-off- ,

which it is thought will cutoff our Deltafriends from the river."

The Golden Rule sent word that shewould be here morning.Those wishing to take a trip on a finenas8eneer boat which is well officered,should be on hand

Cantaln B. W. Wise Is acting pro tern.superintendent of the Memphis and Cin-

cinnati packet company's office at Cin-cinnati, during the absence of his broth-er, Cammodnre James S. Wise.

The John F. Tolle left Cairo on Thursday at midnight, but had not passedthis port up to dark last night. Wesuppose mat on her way down, whilepassing usceoia, sne stopped at me bar"for water."

Stand Shearer, we wantto ask you something: What part inyour checkered . career does the term

Shlngledecker" play V By its frequentuse and application to the river historian of the Vicksburg Tribune, thischronicler is under a cloud.

A private letter received in this cityyesterday from Cincinnati, speaking ofthe new packet James W. Gaff, says sheis ready for business, but Captain BobWise, her commander, has not yet de-

termined when she will enter the trade.Vickibure Herald: "Jimmie Kerr,

accept one little piece of advice fromthis m&rino: Empty your little basketof adjectives out of the window, andthen you will nave a nttie more room inyour river column for news.'" You don'twant a man to commit professional suicide, do yon? Would you have a manmake shoes without his tools; go a sailing without his sails; play Samlet with-out Hamlet; make soap-bubbl- withoutthe wind what do you want tne man todo?


and by virtue of a Trust DeedUNDER to John C Campbell on the 2d dayof November, lS66,byA.O. Roark, and dulyrecorded in the Register's omce or uneioycounty. Tennessee. In book No. 53, part 2, pages630, 631, C32, and to which reference Is heremade; ana aiso Dy virtue oi nnai decree inthe case of Amos Wood raff vs. A. C. Roark,No. 258, R.D., in the Probate Court of Bhelbyconnty, Tennessee, which decree was enteredon the IStb day of June, 1878, appointing meUUBUm 111 Ultl HWTCU.U101 UUSKiJIUKRHIUIJohn C. Campbell, deceased, thereby confer,ring npon me ail the rights and powers of saidJohn 0. Campbell, deceased, by virtue or saidTrust Deed, I will, on the Olti amy of a n--snsi, 1870, between the hours of 11 o'clocka.m. and 12 o'clock m.. in front of the court-hgjif- e,

at Memphis, Tennessee, sell to thehiguest bidder, for cash, the following de-scribed lot or parcel of land, lying In thecounty aforesaid, bounded as follows: Begin-ning at a stake couth 57" E 0 chains from aredelm, with redbud and other pointers, onthe E boundary line of a six hundred andtwelve acre tract, known as the WoodmStract; thence north 11' E 1C7 poles to a stakeon said boundary line, lronwood, red andwhlteoak pointers; thence west 37' south 2&piles to a stake on the west boundary of saidsix hundred and twelve acre tract, tloewoodand mulberry pointers, 'being the southwestcorner of R. H. Brlnckley's division: thenceson th S4' east S poles to a stake, three dogwoodand two whlteoak pointers on said westboundary line; thence east 1 50 south 225poles to the beginning containing 110acres, more or less, together with, the Improve-ments thereon. The equity of redemption Islb waived In the deed, and the property will besold on account of default of the vendor. A.C.Roark. W. C. WOODRUFF, Trustee.

Trustee's Sale.BY virtue of a Trust Deed made to me by

John and Ellen Shea. I will, by directionof the beneficiary, John Morrison, sell at pub-lic salo.to the highest bidder, for cash, on

Tneidny, Anxust 8, 1878,at 12 o'clock, on the southwest corner of Mainand Madison streets. In the city ol Memphis,the following real estate; Part lot 150, begin-ning 68 feet west of smithshin of Jackson street; thenm west 17X feeton the south line of Jackson ii reet, extendingen ihward, between para! I. lines iroiu thefront, setenty-fou- r and feet, withthe lmcrovements thereon. Redemptionbar' JOHN P. TREZKYANT, Trustee.


Yellow Sulphur Springsla Montgomery County, Ta.,

Near Christlansbnrg Depot, on the Atlantic,Mississippi and Ohio Railroad.


Open ror TIM Mrs rrcm Ilrit Jane to71 rat October

TERMS:Board per day.... .....-..- .. --..J 2 50

Board per single week........... . 11 00

Board 4 weeks or longer, per week. ... 12 60KnrRtnfrlA month ot IB daVH ... 49 00

For 2 consecutive months, per month., 35 00Children nnrter 10. half mice. PerVantShalf

price, or according to accommodation.Liberal arrangements made with families.




on the first of Jnne, 1876. rheao springs aresituated on Chllhowee mountain, fifteen milessoutheast of Mouse Creek, Tennessee EastTenn., Va. and Ga. It. R. 1200 feet above thesurrounding valley, and 3500 to 4000 feet abovesea level.

Rates of Board Per day, 52; per week, $10 60;per month (June), 35: per month (after Jnne),H special rates to families; hack-far- e oneway, rc; rouna irip, S3.

For pamphlets giving analysis of water,tempeminre ana inn particulars, auaress

J. H. MAGILL, Proprietor,Moose Creek, East Tennessee.

We cordially recommend the White C1I1ISprings to the citizens of Memphis as a splen-did summer resort lor health and comfort.The mountain scenery is beautiful: the mmeral waters tare fine, and the hotel Is new,spacious ana weii-sep- i. j us. usun u w ,

my21 J. T. LEATH.



A T THE CELEBRATED ROCKBRIDGEt alum Spkings. Owing to the depressedcondition of the country, the proprietor hasdetermined to lower bis charges, that all maybe able to derive tho benefits from thenseotthese Justly celebrated waters. They need norecommendation, since they have so fully es-tablished their e ficlency through the thou-sands who have been brought from death'sdoor to renewed health by the use of theirwonaermi meaicinai waters, since, lasi sum-mer the Chalybeate Spring, which was openedlast year, has been thoroughly analyzed byProfessor M. B. Harden, of the V. M. I., ofVirginia, and by comparison shows lt to befully as strong as " Rawley " ol oarbonate olIron, having a small quantity more than oneand a small Quantity less than the other twosprings. So fn addition to the water that hasmane inese springs so iamous, ine proprietortakes pleasure In announcing that he can fur-nish those who may need to drink either sep-arately or in connection with the more cele-brated waters of these springs a pore carbonate oi iron icnaiyoeatej waier, lnienor ionone, and equaled only by Rawley, in thisState. This at the very cheap rates, with ac-commodation fully up to any previous year.

First month of four weeks, 60 ; two months,eight weeks, 8100.

Professor J. S. Davis, University of Virginia,resident physician.

Send for circular. JAMES A. FRaZIER,my21 Proprietor.



WEST YIRGINIA,elevation- - is 2000 fe6t aboveWHOSE long and favorably known, for

thelrvaluable ALTERATIVE WATEKS, theircharming summer climate, and tho large andfashionable patronage that annually resort tothem, ARE NOW OPEN.

Their capacity is about 1500 persons.Charges to J uly 1st, JS0 per month J17 50 per

week; for months July and August, monthly$85; weekly, SU.

Extensive repairs have been made since lastseason. Including the erection of a large hotelwith all modem improvements, which will bekept open daring u Inter as well as summer.Also, several new cottages.

Descriptive pamphlets obtained at the dragstore of B. Mansfield & Co., Memphis, Tenn.

GEO. L. PEYTON & CO.,mySS eod Proprietors.

Lauderdale County, Alabama,

rilHE waters of these Springs are a specific InJ. Dropsies, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, ChronicDiarrhea, all diseases of the Liver, Skin audKidneys, and diseases peculiar to

For circular, addressJu23 W. P. ELLIS.


IUKA SPRINGS.celebrated Springs, situated InTHESE county, Mississippi, 115 miles

from Memphis, immediately on the Memphisand Charleston Railroad, will be opened forthe reception of guests on June 15th. Thewaters of these Springs aro Justly celebratedfor their hygienic properties, and consist ofSulphur, Alum, Magnesia, Chalybeate andFreestone. The buildings; which are entirelynew, are beantiful in design, combining ele-gance with comfort. The entire furniture andfixtures are perfectly new. The grounds arespacious and delightful; the town quiet andrefined. Express, post, telegraph and ticket-offic- es

near the hotel, Bar unsurpassed.TERMS. Board per day, $2 50; per week, Sll:

per month, S40. Children under ten years ofage and servants half price;



Temperance Luncli-Hous- e,

160 MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE COURT-HOUSE, havlng-bee- transferred to the

Women's Temperance Union,the ladles respectfully solicit a liberal patron-age, as they Intend to make the room pleasantand attractive, as well as to furnish the bestof Coffee, with Lunch or Meals, at the lowestpossible price, without the temptations ofstronger drinks. Ladles and gentlemen, friendsof the temperance cause, are earnestly sollc-e- rt

to favor the pnterrtrinA rav24


A DECIDED ADVA-NUbV'-2...... . . - - rojuam aepori. simcr im. rair.

-1 WILLCOXj mf W& GIBUS g&4

KiUeUllloDln base of every machine


Awarded the grand "Gold Medal of Progrcf s" S5C of the American Institute, Nov., 1875, and theW" Scott Legacy Medal," of the Franklin Insti-C-

tute, Oct., 1875. BS No otherSewing-Machin- in the world5 has an "Automatic Tension,"

any other of the characteristic features as

of this machine.

AVillcox&GibbsS.Hr.Co.,S (Cor. Eon4 St.) C58 Broadway, New York

W It. B. HUTCHINSON & CO.,30 General Agents,

44 North Court St., Memphin, Tenn



THE undersigned has been appointed by the8. Court RECEIVER for the late firm of

ailDLDOOX, BUIiLETT & CO.,of this city, and will offer, at private sale,their extensive stock of MARBLE ANDGRANITE

HEADSTONES, 8TATUARY, VASES ANDMANTElB, Rough anil Sawed Marble, ATCOST, and less than cost, to snlt purchasers.Now Is the time lo improve your cemetery-lot- s

with first-clas- s work, at lowest prices, andfor smaller dealers to stock their shops, asthese goods will be told cheaper than anybodyelse can produce them.

flONK BT1I.L Will sell the STEAMBTO.NE SAWMILL, flitted up with the latestpatent Improvements, all in complete Tun-ning order, to any individual or company ata great bargain. Call at 81 Madison street.

Iyl9 GEO. H. BEl.i. Kftoiver.t mi

INSANITY.Private a wyium


CINCINNATI SANITARIUM.ancominodatlons Tor ail da efcigUPftltloR Inpartment for epileptics and

nervous Invalids. For terms of admlwlouand circular, address W. S. CUIPLEY, M.Dbup't College Hill, Ohio. jyl5eod


COTTON PRESSES, HORSE POWERS !eiM Oearlntt-.Pnlley- ., Suafllnp, Hsngtrs ana ConptlOB, Repair,all kinds of iron BdB, theTine of '

roUBDST OB aiACniSE-SIiO- P WORK to the


No. 98 Second S5tx-oo-t, s IRdtomiplals.Agent, for . OllV- -


OrdotB Solioltocl andA. VAOCABO. B. VACCARO.


Wines,Liguors and CigarsNo. 324 PEO HT STREET. MEMPHIS.

olo --tent for j ooU'a


Tne J. C. Hoadlej, Erie City, or

Watertown Portable, or Wootlbnrj

atauuuiuj)Vi unuiuoi obiuou xiUuicb, .tr

with norlzontal Boiler.mHRESlflNG MACHINES OF ALT. ITTNDH.


A H0r?? RallWaL(Ta1UP?wej; THRESHEfe, SEPARATORS CLEAN ERS,4iiu-nu- u

Horse Thresher will thresh and clean seventvwheat in day;' the Two-Hors- e Machine, from

BY ATidb






m,A. B.

t.i,. tj

The Uufflve tn hnnri t.two hnnitrni Hftv

and at liV " ST, ; L "

and double that quantity ol oats a day. Planters are invited to send In their orders at once.Z.T Ji "tuireu; xveapers ana naowers, oi anvkind of Machinery or Agricultural Implements wanted. Goods shipped from factory directtopoint Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, or any southorn State. BVBe snretiwrite ns before bnying elsewhere and you will save money by lt and get reliable machinery lu




Whlctw;ro.offerlnstJ lower prices than the compoundedmarkets. Always on hand




RDKRS FlIiLKD US FACTORY0 itiio ikowuif jivhu uia-- n vaiuuuio

Cotton GinsBOLD


Ifo. S69 Froiit street.WINUn IP'S Improved Gin. Price. 83 50

Stenci power Presses. Prlcfa from

I a business connection JLEVENSOItfCO., Manufacturers Wholesale Dealers in CLOMllVG,

White Street, York.Wlien you visit the City, shall


A CO..

firm of & is thisby R.

John B. fromfirm. D. is alone

to sign tue nrm s name is

D.July 20, 1876. JOHN B.

1 U UU1U bllD 111 Ul Ul UDUU1IA.& Co.. take this of

to onr for their libe-ral in past, andthem to firm of D. A. St Co.

R.July 20. 1X76. JOHN B. BRUN



New and always on hant'.work




nil ,ii..lrs UK.IIkIion cr excuw o Urucg'jhas the Addreu i.i iuf- -

CO., Box 23V8, New York. ocJU-deu- u

firoD .

luttciuuea. ana ireignt rrom- nnn rH .,i iX

hundred to hn.i.In



a In

- lK


BY- -

nersnvr ITnr.,1 n. rt8110 to 8200. on hand.

be see you, and serve

New IS,have with jl.

fc and JJ"0

46 Jfew

your wants the above line.3r3T-- Jr,,

of A. & SOS.. Tenn.

TEAM EHGuUett's Gins,Grist Mills,Scliofleld's Cotton Pressestider Mills,Sorglram Mills and







Hendrix,dissolved mutual consent,

Hendrix and Bruner retlrincA. Campbell author.zed


BRUNER.iciuiuCampbell we opportunity

returning thanks friendspatronage

new CampbellW. HENDKljt..



IBESecond-han- d Boilers

jieamooai ananantation prompt-ly attended



by Indiscretionmgreuienu.






Mississippi Machinery Jicbicu, JDniii-i-



".y?A Etc.

266 ST.,


WINOHIF'4Gnm-Rettlu- e

pleased to

York, July 1876.formed, Messrs.

Formerly HEESSEL Memphis.

Brothers Co.SlO-81- 2 Front S8ti"et.





THE Campbell





Itolot. Lewis






FERMOBE, Proprietors,

3?rorcn-.tl-,- r






and Presses!










AND- -'

ATTORNEY-il- ' - NtOHce No. 84 Poplar Sfec Ksnphls.

WILL practice in tne Courts of Law andin West TenaJtuoe and North

Mississippi, and give special idlentlon toconveyancing, etc- - "ais

EANUOLPII, IUUU0XD & JORDANhave removed their Law Office to

No. 35 Madison Street,First floor east of Telegraph'offlce. j30


UIIAJLMKISS &-- KIIVS,jD. tto x-x-a. o --v eiivt"2j aW)

Friars Point, Miss.Will practice in Tunica, Coahoma and Bolivar

counties; also the U. 8. Court at Oxford.CHAH. W. ADAMS. L. V. DIXON


Hoom?21-28PIaiteraIii- 3. Hn' , .s,is it 1 amllaH rAtrtnt J1lrtniiii!t 2 cuit,FJliHINKM ' NMAM AND M1MS1S- -

If Hlpw M w.i fecelvo prom piattention. fb



For all the parp ses of a Family Plijsle,CURING

Costlvenefti, Dy ipeptin, Janndlce, Indigestion, Dysentery,Jonl Stotuacb nndUreal n, Ileaitnrhe,Er?iipelan, Plica,anenmatlom, irrnp-lion- s

nod SUIa Itla- -

easrfl. hllionmm,t.tvrr iwsnplalnf, Drnpy, Ttter, Tu-mors nod Malt Khennt. H'nrmn, Uonl,5enalBl,as a Dinner Pill, and Purifyingthe Blood, are the most congenial purgativeyot perfected. Their eflects abundantly showhow much they excel all rier Pills. Theyare safe and pleasant totakevout powerful tocare. They purge out the font humors of theblood: they stimulate the slucrzlsh or disordered organ into action; and they Imparthealth and tone to the whole being. Theycure not only the every day complaints oteverybody, but formidable and dangerous dis-eases. Most skilful physicians, most eminentclergymen, and our bert citizens send certifi-cates of cures performed and of great benefitsthey have derived lrom these Pills. They arethe safest nnd best physic for children, becausemild as well as effectual. Being sugar-coate- d,

they are easy to take: and belnenurciy vegetable, they are entirely harmless.

PSEPABXD BTDr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mast

Practical nnd Analytical Chemist.Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine

KTOTIOB.THHE business oi Stratton & W'ellford will beL continued under the same firm name as

before the death of Mr. John T. Stratton. hlaestate retaining his interest in the same underme provisions or bis will.

STRATTON & WELLFORD.Memphis. July 23, 1876. Jyffl daw


' ' his tied on application at No. 214 Frontstreet. HAYDEN BROS.



101BSR DEALERS,Nos. 351 and 353 Second Street.

iiu MS i

S "0ft Dfloas. Lumber moo e Sash Laths r a

AN 3 r AND

Bunds ; Shingles


OrM .0 4 r0Wl


4 a i'- i-r


9 bOS Jg

S Q5 .,K..U-- I I t .... Sl.SII I IJ SB

3 ' -- I (fi

CHANCERY SALES.CHAKCEBI SALE OP REAL ESTATE.No. 1766, R. First Chancery Court of Shelbycounty. Geo. M. Had nail. Executor of Ja-

cob Jiurkle, dee'd, v. Rebecca Bnrkleetai.BY virtue of an interlocutory decree ror sale

In the above cansacra thnKth ilavof June, 1S76, 1 will sell, at public auction, tothe highest bidder, in lront or the Clerk andMaster's office. Courthouse Bnlldinsr. Mainstreet, Memphis, Tenn., on

Saturday, Angnst 36, 1870,

wi'.hln legal hours, the following describeditujjctbj.nibuaicu iu ouviuy l'uuqijt, Tennes-see, and in and near the city of Memphis, t:

Being lots Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 27, 28,29, 30, 31 and 32, on Marley and Carroll avenues,in Jones subdivision.

The remainder Interest In the following de-scribed property (after dower of RebeccaBnrkie, etc ), to wit: Part of lot No. 1, front-ing on east side Second street 55 feet and run- -ntnsr back, between lines. 183 feet on northside and 195 feet on south side.

Also, part of lot No. 2, rear of and part ofStockyard, fronting 60 feet on alley south sideof said lot No. 2, and running back north be-tween parallel lines, 123 feet, and bslng thesoutheast corner or said lot.

Alto, the fee in tho following property, to-wn: The f oath part of said Stocayard, lyinglust west of the dower portion above, fronting90 feet on said alley and running back, be--bweeu pnrm:ei line?, ij leeu

Also, the brick tavern lot, fronting 69 feet oneast side of Second street and. running backeast, between parallel lines. 195 feet to the west.side of said last lot above.

Also. 19 BentNotesof FreyandStambrough,each for 8150.

Also, two houses, etc., on the ground leasedfrom one R. Marshall. belonzlne to said estate.and situated on street, etc.

Terms of Sale The remainder Interest andfee aforesaid to be sold on a credit of 6 and 12months; notes with approved security; lienretained to farther secare same, and eqnlty ofredemnticn barred. The Not a and lonseaon lease to be sold for ensh. For particularssee plat and decree in the cans e.

'i'nis Augnst 2, 1S78.EDMUND A. COLE, Cleik and Master.

By R. j. Black, D. C. and M.U. W. Miller and Randolnh. Hammond

Jordan, Attorneys. au3

CHANCERY SALE OF REAL ESTATE.No 2298, R. Chancery Coart of Shelby conn- -

ijr, icuucmco, Aiiurew ciewari ec ai. vsAnna B. Stewart et al.

BY virtue of an interlocutory decree forentered in the above cansn nn th

29th day of Jnne, 1876, I will sell, at pun- -no auction, io me highest bidder, In front otthe Clerk and Master's office. CourthouseBonding, Main street, Memphis, Tenn., on

Saturday, Augnst 19, 1876.

within legal hours, the following describedproperty, situated in Shelby county, Tennes-ee- ,

to wit: All that property known as lotslion. uuu ana iwo, in uiock ro. ii, in bonlhMemphis, bounded on the north bv Vancestreet, and on the wtst by Tennessee (.treet,irumiug lm ieei on Tennessee Bireei, anu run-ning back 180 feet on Vance street to aalley, upon which is sltnated a cotton.shed, etc.

Terms or Bale On a credit or six and twelvemonths; notes with good security required;lien retained to further secure same, etc.

x tils j uly 2D, loi o.E. A. COLE, Clerk and Master.

By R. J. Black, D. C. and M.Estes & iSllett, Attorneys. Jy6

CHANCERY SALE OF REAL ESTATENo. 2413, N. Court of Shelby

county, Tennessee j. w MoKinney et al.vs.C.A.8tlllman.

BY vlitue of an Interlocutors decree forsale, entered in the- - above canse on the

1st day of December, 1870, and renewed, etc..May 6, 1876, 1 will sell, at public auction, tothe highest bidder, in front of the Clerkand Master's office, Courthouse Building, Mainstreet, Memphis, Tenn., on

Hstnrday, August 19, 1876,within legal hours, the following describedproperty, situated In Shelbv conntv. Ten.nessee, and In the city of Memphis, to-w- lt:

The north half oi lot No. 201, in the Gieenlawaddition to the city of Memphis, as subdividedand laid off into lots according to the planiiiereui, aa recuruei.Also, an undivided half-Intere- st In thn ruthalf of lot No. 22, In Wm. Ccoper's subdivision,ao bui veyea Dy ai. a. iverr in looa.' Also, lots Nos. 3 and 4. in black No. 17. onsouth side of Vance street.

Also, the 1 hold Interest, when attached.of C. A. Still n in the lot of land at thesoutheast cor r of Fourth and Poplar streets,fronting 14SK feet on Fourth street and about150 feet on Poplar street, with the Improve-ments thereon.

To be sold by lots or tenements, as the casemay be.

i erms oisaie-cas- n. This Jnly 25, 1876.E. A. COLE, Clerk and Master

By R. J. Black, D. C. and M.J. M. Gregory, Attorney. Jy25


No. 1790, R. Chancery Court ot Shelby county, i enuessee. Hi. J . Means, iiary a. anelbyet al. vs. W. M. James et al.

BY virtue of an Interlocutory decree lozentered In the above canse nn ti n

llth day of April, 1876, 1 will sell, at public auction, to tne uignesi Diuuer, in lront ot tneClerk and Master's office, Courthouse Build-ing, Main street, Memphis, Tenn., on

Saturday, August 13, 1870,

within legal hours, the following describedproperty, situaiea in enemy county, ienn to-w- lt:

Beelnnins at a state nnn thnr.nrth iinontJohn Boom's e tract, or occupant, fivechains and 3 links west of John Hoom'ssoutheast corner on a hickory marked J. 8. onJames Freeman's line; thence south 8 chainsto a stake in the spring branch; thence west2 chains and 61 links to a stake; thence south5 chains and 25 links to a stake on Geo. WOldham's north line; thence west with hisown line, passing his northwest corner 'M

chains and 82 links to a stake 7 links south ofa sweetgum marked " B. S. G." on JosephGallaham'u line; thence north with said line

asslng his, 19 chains and 30 links to a stakelinks north of a poplar marked B. G.S.:

thence easts chains to a stake from which 827 W 14 links a sweetgum marked R. 8. G. onJohn Hoom's line; tnence south with saidline 60 chains and 30 links to a stake 18 linksfrom a hickory marked J. 8., said Hoom'scorner; thence east with his line 26 chainsand 48 links to the iiegtnnlng containing40 acres.

Terms of Hal rush Kuity orrodemptlo jtiarre.1. a- - i t r.,r m tne deed of tm- -







Passengers will find the-- e steamers tastefullyfitted up, while the state ioms are light, airyand roomy. The saloons, arge and well ven-tilated, are the breadth be vewel, and sit-uated where there Ia leaia noise and motion.8moklng-rsoais- , Ladles' Boudoirs, Pianoforteand Libraries, Bath-room- Barbershop, etaInstant communication with the stewardsby electric bells.

The steamers of this Com Dan v adnnt thSoutherly Route, thus lessening the danger11 uu. uju lun.Rates or Passage S0 and 8100, gold, accord,jng to accommodation ail having equal sa-lo- en

privileges.itouna Trip Ticket 3145 and J175, gold.Steerage To and from all rolntji trates.

For dales of (talllne and nlmn nf .tai..room I, apply to THOMAS FISHER, EmmetBank, Memphis, orJUaH it. DALE. Agent,

15 Broadway. Nw York


by virtue of an execution tome directed from the Honorable ChanceryCourt of Shelby county, Tenn , In the case otSallle A. Johnson vs. J. Beaumont, Executor,et at.. Judgment rendered on the 21th dayotMay, 1H76, for the sum or thirteen thousandfour and ninety-seve- n dollars and sixteencents, with Interest and costs ot snlt, to satlslysaid judgment, etc., I will, on Tuesday, moMtnday.'f Anijnit, 1876. in legal hours, inthe courthouse. Memphis, Tennessee,proceed to sell, to the highest bidder, for cash,all the right, interest and claim whatsoeverwhich the estate of C. Deloach, or the heirs olsaid estate, Effie, (Julia and ThoR. A. Deloach,have and hold In and to the following de-scribed real estate, to-w- it:

1st. One lot lying and being In the city ofMemphis, county of Shelby and State of Ten-nessee, situated on the north side or Madisonstreet, between Second and Third streets, anabeing the west Ji of block No. 368 : Beginningat the intersection of the alley between Sec-ond and Third streets and Madison street;thence east 31 feet; thence north liSH feet toan alley; thence west 37 feet to an alley be-tween Second and Third streets; thence tonthwith, said alley 14$ feet to the beginning onMadison street. See book 13, page 96, Regis-ter's office. This levy Is made subject to thedower rights of the widow.

2d. One equal moiety In a lot ol land In thecltyor Memphis, county or Shelby and Stateof Tennessee: Boanded on the north byVance street; on the west by lot No. 3, in blockNo. 55; on the south by McLemore'B subdivi-sion; on the east by lot No. 3, and contains7X acres, more or less. See book No. 3, page117 or the Register's office. 1 he moiety ofC.Deloach descended to said heirs In above de-scribed property is levied on.

3d. One lot on the north side of Jeffersonstreet, in the city of Memphis, county otShelby and State of Tennessee, being the lotImmediately east of and adjoining JosephMontedonlco, between Second and Tulrdstreets, having a front of 18 feet by a depthof 74 feet, and being a part of lot No. 342,levied on as the property of C. Deloach's es-tate.4 th. One.equal moiety In a lot on Front street,city of Memphis, county of Shelby and stateof Tennessee: Beginning at a point 14 feetnorth of the intersection of Front and Jeffer-son streets; running thence north 20 feet;thence east 74 feet; thence sonth 20 feet:

i equalabove

5th. One lot on the east side of Main street.city of Memphis, county of Shelbv and Htnixof Tennessee, sltnated on the northeast cornerof the alley, between Madison and Monroestreets, being 37 by 148 feet, and a part of lotNo. 234, it being that portion of let No. 231,ijiuK uciweeu iu uiiey aioresaia, ana mebuilding recently erecttd and now occupiedby Rice, atlx & Co. C.Deloach's interest (one-hal- f)

and that ot heirs or hi- -, estate is herebylevied upon, subject to the rights i f survivingpartner of E. M. Apperson A Co., of which De-loach was a partner.

6th. One lot on the corner of Fourth amiJeflVrson streets (northeast corner), In the cityof Memphis, county of Shelbv aud Stt ofTennessee, being the west part of lot No. 553,of country lot 478, one-ha- lf ol which belong-ing to Deloach's eatate, and subject to rights ofsurviving pattner oi K. M. Apperson & CO.,ievieu on as property ot u. ueiouch'8,estate.

7th. The following described tracts nf lamlin the county of Shelby, State of Tennessee,and on President's Island the first beginningat a stake 6 links south of a hlciory markedW. L., the southwest corner or a342-acr- e grantIn the name of Wm. Lawrence; thence westwith Wm. Persons's line 36.68 chains to a staknand hickory marked W. P.; thence south 41chains to a stake In Round Lake, in all 55-3-2

chains to a stake in Round Lake: tnence west68.25 chains with north line of Wm. Persons's640-ac- tract to his northwest corner: thencexouth with his line 11.88 chains to a stake;tuence west i cnains to tne missibsippi river,IS links north of a box-eld- er marked N.;thence no said river with Its meanrierinf.northwardly about 266 chains, more or Ioo,meanders as follows, viz : NE 35 chains, N 10"E 20 chains N 18 E 41 chain. N 36 E 21chains, N 73W E 45 chains, S 85 E Achains, 8 83 E 10 chain?, 8 8i 52 chains, S87 EJ18 chains to Lawrence's NV corner;thence south with his line 57 chains to the be-ginning. Including alsoa59-acr- e grant In thename ef J. D. Ltraham, containing withinthese bounds 1392 acres (one-fift-h is the prop-erty of the location).

Second The undivided one-thir- d interestin 50 acres of land on said Island, purchased byC. F. Vance underdecreeof the Chancery shitof the Common Law and Chancery Courtof the city of Memphis, on application or tneheirs of Tweedle for partition, to whichdecree and record ol saia court reference 1made for more particular description.

Third-- An undivided one-thir- d part or a re

tract on said island, exchanged for byRichard&on, Fletcher & Vance with JohnOverton, moro particularly described in thedeed of said Overton, recorded in the Regis-ter's office of Shelby county, In book 68, page282. The Deloach Interest In the President'sIsland lands is eatlmattd to te 700 acres, moreor less, and such port .on Is hereby levied orjas the property of defendants, the estate of CDeloach or the heirs or said estate, to satlslysaldjndgroent, interest and costs.

Memphis, 5th day of Jnly, 1876.C. Lu ANDERSON.

Sheriff of Shelby county, Tenn.W. W. Coleman, Deputy Sheriff.j. now Att-- y for plaintiff. Iv7


In the District Court of the United States, forthe District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of Gates &' Wood: Gates, Wood & Co., saidfirms composed of Samuel M. Gates, AlbertM. Wood and Wm. M. BrooksIn Bank-ruptcy.

undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappointment as assignee of Samuel M.

Gates, Albert M. Wood and Wm. M. Brooks,of Memphis, Shelby connty, Tennessee.

O. WOOLDRIDGB, Assignee.Memphis, May 30. 1876. my30 tn

NOTICE IH BANKRUPTCY.In tho District Conrtof the United States, for

the District of West Tennessee. la the mat-ter or Mnldoon, Bullett & Co.-- In Bank-ruptcy.

undersigned hereby gives notice of his. appointment as assignee or Muldoon, Bul-

lett fc Co., of Shelby connty, Tennessee.O. WOO LD RIDGE, Assignee.

Memphis, Jniy II, 1876. jy!2 wed

NOTICE IS BANKRUPTCY.In the District Court of the Unl ted States, for

the District of West Tennessee. In the mat.terof T. E. Glaf. In Bankruptcy.

undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappointment as assignee of T. E. Glass,

of Burnsville, Haywood connty, Tennessee.

Memnhls. May 30. 1876. my30 taNOTICE IN BAXKEUPTCT.

In the District Court of the United States, forthe District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of Richard T. Rroadnax, Jr. In Bank-ruptcy.

undersigned hereby gives notice of his. appointment as assignee of Richard T

Broadnax, Jr., of Tipton county, Tennessee.O. WOOLDRIDGE, Assignee.

Memphis, May 16, 1876. mylfwed

NOTICE IS BANKRUPTCYIn the District Court of the United States, for

the District of West Tennessee In the mat-ter of W. M. Hall. In Bankruptcy.

undersigned hereby gives notice of hiappointment as assleneo of W. M. Hall,

of Tipton county, Tennessee.O. WOOLDRIDGE, Assignee.

Memphis, May 6, 1876j my7 tnNOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY.

In the District Court of the United State, forthe District of Western Tennessee. In thematter of John A. Walter, Bankrupt InBankruptcy.

To the Creditors of said Bankrupt:rriAKE NOTICE, That a general meeting ofX the creditors of said bankrupt will be heldat the office of T.J. Latham, Esq., Register inBankruptcy for said District, at Memphis, No.19 Madison street, on the 18th day of May,1876, at 11 o'clock ajn., for the purpose of de-claring a first and final dividend.

I also give you notice that I have filed myfinal accounts as assignee of the said estate ofsaid bankrupt In said Court, and that on tho1st day of June, next, I shall apply to saidCourt for the settlement or my said accountsand a discharge from all liability as assignee ofsaid estate, in accordance with the provisionsof the 25th section of the act of Congress en-titled act to establish a uniform systemof bankruptcy throughout the United States,'approved March 2, 1S6S.

O. WOOLDRIDGE. Assignee.Memphis. May 6. 1876. 19 Madison st.


In the District Court of the United States, forthe District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of D.H. Townsend, bankrupt, In Bank-ruptcy.

To the creditors of said Bankrupt:rTtAKxiXiLruub, nat a general meeting ni

I the creditors or said bankrupt will be. . . . m n A, t- - T I at horn Van Iter,..- -

em- -19 aiauiJDi!ireet,uu luuKua.jano

Fihift.NO. 11a.m., for tbe purpote of declaring

myll wed A.M gnxn.

NOTIUJ5 IN D4HKKDPTI1T.In the District Court of the United Btates. for

it,a District of West Teunefe.-i- n the tnsi-e- ior J. T. Jfftraou In Bankruptcy.

II1K tuuJcroIimed hereby given notice or tx'n

I ' 1 as uignee of J. T. Jeffer- -kou Tenn.

v OOLDRIDGE, Assignee.M einphls, J uly 37, 1876. JvZSM