G G u u i i d d e e t t o o S S n n a a g g g g i i n n g g Things to look for when buying a house old or new. 1 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

Things to look for when buying a house old or new.snagging-guide.co.uk/Complete_snagging_guide_2.pdf · Buying older property can be fraught with danger but with a little knowledge

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Page 1: Things to look for when buying a house old or new.snagging-guide.co.uk/Complete_snagging_guide_2.pdf · Buying older property can be fraught with danger but with a little knowledge

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Things to look for when buying a house old or new.

1 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

Page 2: Things to look for when buying a house old or new.snagging-guide.co.uk/Complete_snagging_guide_2.pdf · Buying older property can be fraught with danger but with a little knowledge

Wealth Warning.

The builder or vendor will not assist you to identify problems with thehouse you are purchasing. Take care to identify problems forrectification and do not be afraid to add as many things to your snag listthat you can find. This may be hundreds of items and is quite normalwith new properties. The builder is not your friend he is trying to make as much money as

possible for the minimum amount of work. Buyer beware!!

Disclaimer This ebook is designed to provide information only and should not be used as a replacement for proper financial advice from a surveyor. Legal advice should be obtained from a qualified solicitor or surveying advice from a qualified surveyor. Information contained in this ebook is our current understanding of the regulations and should not be interpreted as advice or recommendation.

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Page 3: Things to look for when buying a house old or new.snagging-guide.co.uk/Complete_snagging_guide_2.pdf · Buying older property can be fraught with danger but with a little knowledge

Part one

Guide to snagging a newly built house

Making the Site Manager’s Job Easier

You can use this ebook as a memory guide. By completing the checklist and making the Site Manager’s job easier you will generally have the work carried out much earlier to enable you to move in on the date promised. Use the checklist to identify items that need attention. Do not be afraid to list all items that are not correct. It is as well to remember that most building jobs are not completed on time and when planning a move it is advisable to add a number of weeks as a contingency to save yourselves a lot of frustrations. When making these decisions, the time of year, the general weather conditions, holiday periods, can all have a bearing on completion and highly optimistic completion dates are seldom adhered to. A big dose of commonsense is what is required when making your moving date arrangements.

Part two

A guide to the constructural integrity of an older property Buying older property can be fraught with danger but with a little knowledge it is possible to avoid some of the pitfalls. This e-guide will help you pick out some of the faults but if in any doubt, always seek advice from professionals. The seller of the property may be prepared to either meet the cost of any essential repairs or reduce the asking price as a result of any expert reports. Although this will take time, you could save thousands of pounds in the long run.

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Introduction to “snagging” a new property

Β When purchasing a new house it is a good idea for the buyer to do his own snag list in advance of taking possession and passing this to the site manager at least two weeks before the stated completion date, to enable him to deal with the work to be remedied.

Β To ensure this work is completed as quickly as

possible and to allow for any redecoration needed after the work is done, it is a good idea to give the Site Manager eight copies of your list so he can ‘high light’ the items to be done by each trade and have the work put in hand immediately. If you make his job easier, you will get better service and results.

Β It is wise to keep a number of spare copies so you can

check off the items completed and to have a spare to give the SM if you are still not satisfied that the list has been completed. 20 copies at 5p. a copy is a good investment.

Β To prepare your snagging list you can usually arrange to gain access to the

property for measuring up for carpets, curtains etc. and if possible view all the construction stages where this is allowed, bearing in mind building sites are dangerous places and safety of yourselves and others is paramount at all

times. The site manager’s permission should always be obtained when entering a site.

Β When carrying out your inspections arm yourself with a

good notebook or clipboard, a tape and a pair of binoculars. Do not try to rely on your memory. One usually forgets an important item.

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Starting with the roof level inspect the roof tiling for missing or damaged tiles noting the aspect, N S E or West, followed by the ridge and hip tiles, valley gutters, lead flashings and chimneys if installed. Pay particular attention to the latter to check all appears to be completed.

Check the sloping bargeboards, which are situated at the gable ends, and the horizontal fascia boards are adequately decorated and the gutters and down pipes are in line and in good order.

If you are able to view the property in a good downpour a blocked or badly fitting gutter soon becomes apparent. An overflowing gutter could also indicate an inadequate number of rainwater pipes. Sometimes increasing the diameter of the rainproblem. A drain gully at the base of the raiblocked with leaves or rubbish, wh If trees are located close to a propcan cause an annual problem, whicbe cleared. If trees are planted tooextract the moisture from the groucausing subsidence and wall cracksthe branches of the tree.

Inspect the eaves soffites to ensurefor birds or rodents to access your ventilation has been provided to enaffect your roof space.

View each elevation of the brickwoobvious defects especially for cracthese could develop into subsidencpronounced. (A little common senslatter as buildings do move a little

Pay particular attention to windowthem and the cills, which should shto doorframes and the thresholds. adequate weatherboards on the dothe waterbars in thresholds.

External lighting and extract ventsthat they are completed satisfacto

5 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

water pipes will solve this

nwater pipes could also be ich can easily be remedied.

erty, the falling leaves in autumn h often requires the gutters to close to the house the roots can nd under foundations, possibly . The roots often spread as far as

there are no gaps large enough roof and check that roof sure condensation does not

rks rendering or cladding for ks appearing in brick joints, as e at a later stage if they are very e is required when snagging the when drying out).

s, the mastic pointing around ed rainwater. This also applies Pay special attention to ors and the mastic pointing to

should also be examined to see rily.

Page 6: Things to look for when buying a house old or new.snagging-guide.co.uk/Complete_snagging_guide_2.pdf · Buying older property can be fraught with danger but with a little knowledge

A very important item is the “Damp Proof Course” (DPC). This should always be 150 mm above the external paving levels or ground and this 150mm should always be maintained.

Pavings should be inspected and free from puddling if laid correctly. A slope of 40 mm in 3 metres will usually shed the water from pavings, which is especially important in icy weather conditions. This is very important when elderly people are occupying the property.

Fencing should be erected without obvious damage and to true lines, bearing in mind the space between the properties. This could be a bone of contention at a later date if not done correctly and to the drawings, deeds and building regulations. A metre gap between a property and the boundary fence is usually required. A fence, which is erected with concrete fence posts, will last much longer than one with timber posts, reduce maintenance costs for the future.

Manhole covers and inspection covers to dragratings should be in good order and level w

External gas and electric meter cabinets shoorder.

The above items will also apply to garages inof the garage doors at hand over but obvioustage. Garden gates should also work properbe taken of gates sagging after hanging and lining up correctly.

Pay a visit in a rainstorm, if possible, to cheif the drive falls towards the garage and houdrainage channel and grating should be instagarage and house to remove storm water to

If possible view the gardens before completiand rubbish piles are being covered over witand turfs, which will sink out of level later. be slightly above inspection chambers and cgenerally sinks later.

Finally check the decoration finish on all visand that the correct house number is fixed ais operational before handover.

6 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

ins and the gullies and ith pavings.

uld also be in good

cluding the operation s snags noted at this ly. Special note should bolts and latches not

ck drainage especially se. If this is the case a lled in front of the a soak away or drain.

on to see if old brick h a thin layer of topsoil The level of turf should overs as the turf

ible joinery, doors etc. nd the front door bell

Page 7: Things to look for when buying a house old or new.snagging-guide.co.uk/Complete_snagging_guide_2.pdf · Buying older property can be fraught with danger but with a little knowledge


Any viewing should be done with the permission of the site manager. Beware of openings in floors and incomplete staircase openings without handrails for your safety and other people below.

If it is possible, view the under tile sarking felt to see if this is complete and no daylight is showing through the roof tiles. This can usually be done before the ceiling plastering is started. The sarking feroofing type felt laid over the rafters prior to the tilinbeing fixed. This felt should be laid with adequate lapany driven snow or rain to be channelled to the rain w

View the finished plaster ceilings and decorations for defects. On drying out you will generally find small shappearing at the junction between ceilings and walls. normal. Nowadays a cornice is usually provided which cracks otherwise they are usually dealt with at the redstage. If cracks are abnormally large they should be noattention.

The wall plastering should also be checked after decoobvious defects.

Some fine hair line 45° cracks often appear on either window and door openings which is normal unless abnThese are due to expansion and contraction of lintels remedied.

Shrinkage cracks will also appear at the junction of thand the wall plaster due to the drying out of the timbabout 5mm wide. These will normally be dealt with atthe maintenance period by fixing a Scotia or quadrantsimilar and will always appear if the staircases are fittplastering. A similar gap will also appear at skirting lesuspended floors. These gaps are generally covered bya Scotia or quadrant fillet will be needed where tiled finishes are laid.

It should be noted that on a typical 225mm deep suspejoist, that after drying out has taken place a gap of 5-normal. This gap, of course, increases the gap under dshould be expected.

7 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

lt is the g battens s to enable ater gutters.

obvious rinkage cracks These are hides these ecoration ted for

ration for any

side of ormally large. and are easily

e staircasing er, usually the end of fillet or ed before vel on timber a carpet but or vinyl floor

nded floor 6 mm is oors etc. and

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All joinery and fittings together with their decoration should be examined and any faults noted. At the same time the operation of all doors and windows should be tested and the ironmongery checked for any problems. If any large gaps are apparent, these should be noted. A gap the thickness of a £1 coin would be normal on timber joinery. This gap allows the doors and windows to open and close satisfactorily in summer or winter conditions. Also check to see that the rubber type gaskets are complete on joinery where these are fitted to reduce drafts.

Suspended floor boarding should not squeak if adequately fixed. It is not difficult for these to be remedied before the carpets or similar are laid and if they are not dealt with can be very annoying. Persistence with the SM to have these squeaks fixed is a must. The same can affect staircases. Some additional long fine screws fixed through the tread into the riser will usually correct this fault before carpeting. The gluing of additional triangular shaped blocks to the underside of treads prior to the soffite of the staircase being plastered will cure this problem.

Handrails and balusters should also be checked for any roughness and poor decoration and to see they are adequately fixed.

Ground floor finishes should also be examined for any obvious defects and any dirty marks noted particularly on fitted carpets.

Particular attention should be paid to kitchen, bathrooms and cloakrooms. Check all

taps operate correctly and the water all runs away satisfactorily especially when all are flushed and plugs pulled in baths and showers at one time.

The stopcock is usually located under the kitchen sink.(This stop cock is usually a brass valve with a two piece handle.) If not it should be located and be easily accessible.

Check that it will turn on and off easily. It is advisable to adjust the flow of this stopcock to suit the drinking water tap. It is also wise to turn it back ½ a turn from the fully turned on position, to facilitate turning off at a later date.

Kitchen cupboard doors should also be examined to see they are properly fitted and that the drawers operate satisfactorily. The under wall cupboard lighting should also be tested together with extractor fans and any white goods forming part of the fitted kitchen or utility room. Extractor fans in the bathrooms should also be tested.

The sealant to baths, showers and basins on suspended floors can also be affected by the shrinking of floor timbers. The baths and

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shower trays can easily be adjusted back into their original position and the affected sealant renewed as necessary. This will normally be required at the end of the maintenance period. If a gap does occur it should be resealed as soon as possible to avoid water entering especially in shower areas.

The tiling to walls and floors should be checked to see if the grouting is satisfactory. Poor an inadequate grouting to shower areas can lead to many damp problems if not remedied.

The kitchen fittings should be fitted and worktops level and not sloping to the front to avoid water running down the doors.

The water in baths should also all drain away satisfactorily.

Airing cupboard slatted shelving should also be free from rough timber to avoid splinters.

All light fittings should work properly and all socket outlets and light switches should have all their screws in place with no cracked faceplates. The consumer unit should have all the circuit breakers annotated to specific items and be easily accessible. A simple test can always be carried out on each socket if any doubt occurs, with one person switching off the circuit breaker whilst another person plugs in a small table light or similar on each applicable floor. This can only be done when in possession of the house, unless you have any doubts prior to this. A small baby light plug can always be plugged into a socket to see if it is working!

The boiler and radiators should all be inspected and any obvious faults noted. If possible the heating should be inspected when it is on, before handover so that any leaks can be detected as early as possible. All radiators should be checked after switching up the thermostat to ensure the heating is on. The radiator should be hot from base to top otherwise it may need venting via the bleed screw fixed at one end at the top of the radiator. This often needs to be done more than once when in use to exclude all the trapped air bubbles. All the wheel valves or Callofix valves with handles controlling the flow of water to and from the boiler or water and header tanks should be labelled with their function. It helps if plastic “key ring” tags are fixed to each valve with its purpose noted on the label. Ensure the plastic cover is refixed to protect the label. Red or blue labels can assist in fast identification of hot and cold services with yellow for gas supply pipes. You should always be aware of the position of the incoming gas stop valve in case of emergencies.

A full list of instructions should be handed over on completion for all boilers, white goods, extractor fans, heating controls, water softeners, waste disposal units, hobs, oven units and under floor heating controls where applicable.

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Earthing straps should be affixed to all fittings and wired to earth as required by the building regulations where necessary. All light fittings should be inspected for damage including external lighting.

The decorations should be viewed room by room and any snags noted, especially the halls and staircases.

Television aerials where fixed should operate satisfactorily together with any phone points installed.

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Name of client …………………………………………….. Contact no. ……………….. Address of Property……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. The following faults and incomplete items have been noted and I/we would ask that they be remedied in readiness for exchange of contracts on …………………………………………




Barge and fascia boards

Eaves soffites

Brickwork/ rendering



Window cills

Door frames

Door thresholds

External lighting and extract vents

Damp Proof Course



Manhole and inspection covers

External gas/electric meter cabinets



General external decorations



Flooring throughout

Plastering through out

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Window/door openings



Other joinery and fittings


Water Stopcock


Electric sockets and light fittings

Kitchen fittings

Cupboard doors, worktops

Electrical appliances

Bathroom / Shower 1




Extractor fan

Bathroom / Shower 2




Extractor fan

General decorations


Boiler etc.

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New Property Snagging List

Entrance Hall

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Smoke alarm Ensure smoke alarm functions and has battery fitted

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps, as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

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Entrance Hall

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Laminate floor Check all panel joints are a good

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

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Entrance Hall

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

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Entrance Hall

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

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Entrance Hall

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

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Entrance Hall

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

Thermostat Check thermostat clicks on and off when boiler is switched on.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Radiator in hall should not have a thermostatic valve attached.

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps, as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Laminate floor Check all panel joints are a good

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

Fire place

Check flue operates correctly by using a smoke pellet (available from any builders merchant , they will know what it is)

Gas fire Check pilot light

Check fire on all settings

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps, as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Laminate floor Check all panel joints are a good

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

32 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

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Dining Room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

Fire place if fitted

Check flue operates correctly by using a smoke pellet (available from any builders merchant , they will know what it is)

Gas fire if fitted Check pilot light

Check fire on all settings

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

35 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps, as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Laminate floor Check all panel joints are a good

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

40 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

Wall tiles Are evenly fitted and correctly grouted.

Window sill Tiles are evenly fitted and Correctly grouted no gaps to window frame

Work top Fitted securely

Level left/right back/front

Is correctly jointed to wall

No rough edges

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

End strips are fitted (no rough finish)

No scratches or other damage.

Is what you ordered

Base units Doors open and close

Doors are level

Unit is level (put a small spirit level on the bottom shelf)

Units are secure

Door handles are secured correctly

Base unit cupboards are empty

Shelves are fitted

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Kicking plate is fitted securely

Doors are what you ordered

Cupboards Finish is acceptable

Are what you ordered

Doors open and close

Doors are level

Cupboards are level (put a small spirit level on the bottom shelf)

Units are secure to wall

Door handles are secured correctly

Under cupboard lighting

Check on off function

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Dishwasher Does it work (check a wash cycle while you are doing the rest of the house)

Is it what you ordered

Does the door open fully

Does it close fully

Washing machine Check for operating instructions

Does it work (check a wash cycle while you are doing the rest of the house)

Is it what you ordered

Does the door open fully

Does it close fully

Sink Do both taps work

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Does water drain away

Check stopcock open and closes.

Does it smell ok

Is their a plug

Check for scratches or dents

Is it securely fitted

Check for drips under sing both taps and drain.

Extractor fan Check operation on all settings

Check that it vents to the outside.

Hob Check gas or electric 0perates

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check for operating instructions

Gas Check electric starter

Check all fittings are correctly in place

Oven Switch on and check it heats up.

Check for operating instructions

Check clock

Check fan function

Check light

Check racks are fitted

Check grill pan is present

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Fridge Check for operating instructions

Check door opens and closes fully

Check fridge operates correctly


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps as they will wear through the carpet.

Floor Tiles Tiles should be level and free from grout.

Joints should be filled with grout and smoothed.

Door/tile strip should be fitted correctly.

Lino/carpet tiles Check for lumps

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Laminate floor Check all joints are good

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Cornice Wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains/blinds Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

58 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

Wall tiles Are evenly fitted and correctly grouted.

Window sill Tiles are evenly fitted and Correctly grouted no gaps to window frame

Work top Fitted securely

Level left/right back/front

Is correctly jointed to wall

No rough edges

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

End strips are fitted (no rough finish)

No scratches or other damage.

Is what you ordered

Base units Doors open and close

Doors are level

Unit is level (put a small spirit level on the bottom shelf)

Units are secure

Door handles are secured correctly

Base unit cupboards are empty

Shelves are fitted

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Kicking plate is fitted securely

Doors are what you ordered

Cupboards Finish is acceptable

Are what you ordered

Doors open and close

Doors are level

Cupboards are level (put a small spirit level on the bottom shelf)

Units are secure to wall

Door handles are secured correctly

Under cupboard lighting

Check on off function

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Sink Do both taps work

Does water drain away

Does it smell ok

Is their a plug

Check for scratches or dents

Is it securely fitted

Check for drips under sing both taps and drain.

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Are extras ordered fitted

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

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Utility room

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains/blinds Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

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Are hot when heating test is done.

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Boiler & Heating system

Switch boiler on while checking the rest of the house and then return.

Check it switches on and boiler lights

With water heating off Switch thermostat down low and check boiler goes off

Check boiler heats water.

Check emersion heater works

Check you have an operating manual

Check the boiler has been installed by a certified fitter.

Check header tank is fitted and is working and pressurised at the correct level. If in doubt ask the builder for a full and detailed explanation of the workings of the boiler. Do not be fobbed off.

Check for water leaks

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First floor landing Check smoke alarms are fitted and work. Ensure battery is fitted

Family bathroom

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Extractor Fan Check On off switch

Check fan vents to outside

Door Handle operate freely

Door opens and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Lock fitted check movement and fitting.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

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Family bathroom

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

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Family bathroom

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Radiator Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

Basin Both taps work

Water drains away

Plug is fitted

Basin is not chipped or otherwise damaged

Basin pedestal is fitted

Toilet Full flush works

Family bathroom

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Half flush works

Water flushes away

No gravel or debris in basin

Check for leaks at toilet joint underneath bowl at rear of WC

Securely fitted to floor

Window Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing Window are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

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Family bathroom

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (Dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.


Fitted securely (to check, fit plug and fill bath with cold water to the overflow valve. Bath should not pull away from wall and wall sealant should not break seal)

Sealant correctly fitted

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Family bathroom

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check taps work and secure

Check water drains away.

Remove bath panel and check for leaks

Tiling Should be even and smooth with well-grouted joints.

Shower Check door opens fully or slides fully.

Stand in shower and gently bounce up and down . Shower base should be firm with no flexing whatsoever.

Check water flows on both hot and cold.

Check sealant on shower base and tiles

Check water drains from shower base.

Over basin light Check shaver socket

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Lights Check lights work

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

77 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

78 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

79 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

80 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

81 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Check radiators ere hot when heating test is done.

Fitted Wardrobes Check doors open and close fully.

Check clothes rail is level

82 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom One

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check any shelving is secure

Suspended floor Should not squeak or creak

Should not bounce

Check floor is level

En-Suite one

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Extractor Fan Check On off switch

Door Handle operate freely

Door opens and close fully and freely

83 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite one

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Lock fitted check movement and fitting.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

84 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite one

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Radiator Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

Basin Both taps work

Water drains away

Plug is fitted

Basin is not chipped or otherwise damaged

Basin pedestal is fitted

85 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite one

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Toilet Full flush works

Half flush works

Water flushes away

No gravel or debris in basin

Check for leaks at toilet joint underneath bowl at rear of WC

Securely fitted to floor

Window Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing Window are free of misting

86 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite one

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (Dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

87 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite one

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)


Fitted securely (to check fit plug and fill bath with cold water to the overflow valve. Bath should not pull away from wall and wall sealant should not break seal)

Sealant correctly fitted

Check taps work and secure

Check water drains away.

Remove bath panel and check for leaks

Tiling Should be even and smooth with well-grouted joints.

Shower Check door opens fully or

Slides open fully

88 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite one

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check water flows on both hot and cold.

Check sealant on shower base and tiles

Check water drains from shower base.

Over basin light Check shaver socket

Lights Check lights work

Check doors stay shut when closed.

89 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

90 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

91 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

92 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

93 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

94 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

95 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

96 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Check radiators ere hot when heating test is done.

Fitted Wardrobes Check doors open and close fully.

97 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom TWO

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check clothes rail is level

Check any shelving is secure

Suspended floor Should not squeak or creak

Should not bounce

Check floor is level

Check doors stay shut when closed.

En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Extractor Fan Check On off switch

Door Handle operate freely

98 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Door opens and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Lock fitted check movement and fitting.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame. Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

99 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Radiator Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Are hot when heating test is done.

Basin Both taps work

Water drains away

Plug is fitted

Basin is not chipped or otherwise damaged

Basin pedestal is fitted

100 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Toilet Full flush works

Half flush works

Water flushes away

No gravel or debris in basin

Check for leaks at toilet joint underneath bowl at rear of WC

Securely fitted to floor

Window Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

101 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Double glazing Window are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (Dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

102 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.


Fitted securely (to check fit plug and fill bath with cold water to the overflow valve. Bath should not pull away from wall and wall sealant should not break seal)

Sealant correctly fitted

Check taps work and secure

Check water drains away.

Remove bath panel and check for leaks

Tiling Should be even and smooth with well-grouted joints.

Shower Check door opens fully or

103 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Slides open fully

Check water flows on both hot and cold.

Check sealant on shower base and tiles

Check water drains from shower base.

Over basin light Check shaver socket

Lights Check lights work

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

104 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

105 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Check radiators ere hot when heating test is done.

Fitted Wardrobes Check doors open and close fully.

106 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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En-Suite two

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check clothes rail is level

Check any shelving is secure

Check doors stay shut when closed.

Suspended floor Should not squeak or creak

Should not bounce

Check floor is level

107 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

108 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

109 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

110 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

111 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

112 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.

Ceiling If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

113 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

114 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Check radiators ere hot when heating test is done.

Fitted Wardrobes Check doors open and close fully.

Check clothes rail is level

115 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Three

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check any shelving is secure

Check doors stay shut when closed.

Suspended floor Should not squeak or creak

Should not bounce

Check floor is level

116 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors Handles operate freely

Doors open and close fully and freely

Latch is free and fits into the strike plate

Self-closing fire mechanism operates correctly.

If lock fitted check movement and fitting.

2 keys supplied.

Paint finish

Underside of door is finished correctly.

Correct number of screws used to secured door to frame.

117 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Architrave inside and outside is fitted correctly with corners butted correctly.

Light switch Fitted level with doorframe.

Lights switch on and off.

Check for paint or plaster spots

If dimmer switch check on/off and dimmer function.


If screed check for “snots” (raised residue of cement left by builder) Screed floor should be completely smooth with no protruding lumps as they will wear through the carpet.

Carpeted area If carpeted, on your hands and knees feel for any lumps under the carpet area.

Carpeted area should be carpeted right upto the skirting board with no rucking or lumps in the carpet.

118 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Door/carpet strip should be fitted correctly.

Floor skirting fit is good

No excessive movement on floor

Level with no humps

Skirting Board Paint finish (no runs)

Corner joints should but accurately.


Paint finish should be smooth and with an even paint finish. Inspect with the lights on and off, from different angles. Painted surfaces should have at least two coats.

Coving wall to ceiling

Should be painted and smooth with no gaps, corners butting fully with no unsightly gaps

119 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

TV/Telephone points

They should be level

No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Electric points No paint or plaster spots

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Are extras ordered fitted

HI/FI Points No paint or plaster spots

120 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Do they work

Are they in the correct place

Windows Window sill should be flat and correctly finished

Window sill should fit either under the window or be fitted with a flexible joint.

Double glazing All windows are free of misting

Latches open and close

Window is free from drafts when closed

Rubber beading on frame is fitted fully on BOTH opening window and frame. There are always two beads.

Check Frame is secured correctly (open window hold frame and move backward and forwards frame should have no movement at all.

121 © Apex Europe UK publications 2008

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check any decorative window inserts are level.

Key for latch

Opening window opens smoothly and fully without obstruction. Check for builder’s debris. (dust and crud)

Screws used are stainless steel not mild steel (they will be rusty)

Window vent should open and close fully. Check foam buffer sealant strip is present.

Fire windows Check both sides open fully.

Ensure you understand how these work.


If smooth it should be completely smooth and without blemishes. Ensure plasterboard nails are not visible.

If patterned should be regular pattern without excessive lumps.

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check for any water stains creeping through paintwork.

Light fittings Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Wall lights Light fittings should be paint free and fitted with a bulb. Check lights work.

Alarm Sensors Check fitted securely

Does it work Test Alarm

Ensure is free from paint and plaster.

Curtains Are they the ones you ordered?

Track or pole should be level and wide enough to allow the curtains to be open without obstructing the window.

Curtain tiebacks should be equally spaced from the wall and fitted securely.

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Radiators Fitted securely to wall

Are level

No water leaks check either end.

Both valves open and close

Paint finish is acceptable

Are not rusty

Check radiators ere hot when heating test is done.

Fitted Wardrobes

Check doors open and close fully.

Check clothes rail is level

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Bedroom Four

Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check any shelving is secure

Check doors stay shut when closed.

Suspended floor Should not squeak or creak

Should not bounce

Check floor is level

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Front Door Lock mechanism functions

Inside latch or mortise functions

Security chain or device is fitted securely

Door is draft proof, (no drafts should be coming in from the sides or bottom)

Hinges should be screwed securely to frame.

Letterbox fitted. Internal draft fitted.

Spy hole clear and low enough to be used.

Back Door Lock mechanism functions

Door is draft proof, (no drafts should be coming in from the sides or bottom)

Hinges should be screwed securely to frame.

French Doors 1 UPVC frame securely screwed to frame.

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Doors open and close fully

One door locks top and bottom

Second door locks fully with handle.

Doors a draft proof. No gaps should be visible along the edges of the UPVC frame. Rubber beading should be present on all faces of both doors.

2 keys should be supplied

Keys should operate locks smoothly without undue pressure

Patio Door (sliding)

Doors a draft proof. No gaps should be visible along the edges of the UPVC frame. Rubber beading should be present on all faces of both doors.

2 keys should be supplied

Keys should operate locks smoothly without undue pressure

Doors should open and close smoothly with undue pressure having to be applied to open or close.

Kitchen Door Lock mechanism functions

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Door is draft proof, (no drafts should be coming in from the sides or bottom)

Hinges should be screwed securely to frame.

Garage Doors Check door slides up and over without binding

Check locks function 2 keys should be supplied

Check internal flip lock functions

Check garage door is not damaged , scratched or dented.

Garage Door Lock mechanism functions

Door is draft proof, (no drafts should be coming in from the sides or bottom)

Hinges should be screwed securely to frame.

Stairs Stairs should be wide enough to move your furniture.

Check for any excessive movement or creaking

Check balustrades are secure

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Item Action to check Notes (or OK)

Check carpeting is secure

Check lights work

Check remote switches all work.

Consumer unit (electricity fuse box)

Modern consumer units have trip switches instead of fuses. Check that this is fitted and use the check switch to check the system is working. This is usually the different coloured and different switch on one end.

Burglar Alarm Check functions and test system

Smoke alarms Check smoke alarm Functions

Loft Check that lagging is at least 100mm

Check loft is fitted with vents to ensure good ventilation

Check tiles are laid on felt

Check the loft door is a good fit and insulated.

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Introduction to the constructural integrity of older property

Buying property is an expensive business and unexpected costs can often leave you with very little income left in the first few years. Some of those costs can be avoided, or at least budgeted for by being aware of potential problems. It may be that you feel very comfortable with the ambience of a property but have doubts about some aspects of its structure. There are many things you can look out for yourself but if in any doubt, have a full structural survey carried out by a qualified surveyor before fully committing yourself. This is not a cheap option but could save you thousands of pounds in the future.

External Your notes

Damp proof course (DPC)

Should be 150 mm above surrounding ground level to be effective. If no thicker mortar joint is apparent at this level, the house may be an older property, early 1900s before DPCs were commonly use. Some DPCs consist of four courses of Engineering Bricks (blue black) or two courses of s lates, both being adequate. Check if a l iquid DPC has subsequently been injected in recent years to provide a DPC.

NB. If the plaster to rooms is damp, even if a l iquid DPC has been injected, the salts taken up by the brickwork and plaster could attract moisture from the air and then feel damp. The only safe remedy in these circumstances is to hack off al l plaster 1500 mm high and re-render with waterproofed cement and sand to eradicate this problem. This is expensive and time consuming when buying old properties if no DPC is present!

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Cracks in brickwork and mortar joints externally

Some minor cracks are acceptable but look for signs of major settlement cracks and if window heads are out of l ine, this could indicate major subsidence especially in clay soils and where there are adjacent trees too close to the house. Underpinning may be required!

Timber windows, door frames and doors

Check soundness of these with a thin knife or thin needle l ike bradawl especial ly at the base of frames and si l ls to test for rot.

Some of these can be dealt with and last for many years. It is a question of assessing the risk and al lowing for replacement some time in the future. Check al l doors and windows and the furniture operates satisfactori ly. Assess cost of replacement if necessary especial ly 5 lever deadlocks for external doors, windows and patio locks to comply with insurance companies requirements.

Decorations externally

Check quality and need for early repainting and assess cost of this especial ly if scaffolding wil l be required for upper storeys.

Rainwater pipes

Check rainwater pipes for s igns of leakage.

External pavings

Check for any remedial work required.

Manhole covers

Broken manhole covers need to be replaced. If possible l ift the last one at the property boundary and have another person flush the toi let and run the bath to check the free flow of the drainage.

Boundary fences

Check condition and state of repair of boundary fences. (Ask which boundary would be your responsibi l ity)

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Roofing and gutters

Check for sagging roofs and missing t i les or slates and lead flashings. If the property is, say over 30 years old, nail fatigue for the roofing nails may have occurred. It is a r isk you have to take into account with an older property. Also check the condition of gutters, fascia and barge boards for leakage and rot.


Check visually with binoculars the condition of the pointing etc on chimney stacks, also leaning of tal l ones.


Check if in sound condition and working satisfactori ly.

Outbuildings and Garages

Check condition especial ly if felt roofing is used. (Felt roofing lasts about ten years in good condition). Check operation of garage up and over door mechanism.

Gas and electric meters

Check if external and in good order.

Your notes

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Solid Floors

Check for soundness and level ness of al l f loors, if in doubt check further. Sol id f loors can be subject to “ground heave" and if present should be investigated. If f loor screeds are weak there can be a problem of chair castors etc. rutting them.

Suspended floors at ground level

These should have clear airbricks through walls to al low good venti lation beneath (very often blocked up which can cause dry rot in f loors). Try to raise a f loorboard here and there - usually near a radiator has short lengths of board, often loose, that can be inspected. (Dry rot has white tendri ls leading to white felt l ike pads or brown decaying timber and usually smells musty). If present, avoid buying or seek very special ist advice and quotes to remedy the problem before committing to buying. This usually costs more that you ever al low for. Boarding can always be sanded off after punching home nails which can be an attractive feature before carpeting.

Suspended upper floors

These should be inspected in the same way. Also check for any sagging.

Plaster cracks

Check the cause of any major cracks. Minor cracks at 45° over door heads are common and can be ignored unless they are major ones. Check for soundness generally – an odd loose area can usually be easi ly reskimmed.

Decorations generally

Check for soundness and cost of remedying if not to your taste.

Wall til ing

As decorations but check grouting especial ly in shower areas and above bath rims.

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Sanitary ware

Check al l works satisfactori ly and water runs away. Check for gaps between shower tray and ti l ing and also bath and ti l ing. These can usually be remedied by adjusting feet and then pointing with sealant.

Kitchen ware

Check al l in working order and that appliances work. Ask where stopcock is and ensure it works easi ly.

Wardrobe and all other doors generally

Check al l are operational.

Heating and radiators

Ask for a demonstration of heating system and check radiators heat up right to the top and that the thermostat cuts off heating when operated. Check the programmer for operation and that the immersion heater is in working order.

I f boiler is not a combination boiler, check in loft the condition of cold water storage tank and header tank for central heating. All heating and cold supply pipes in the loft should be adequately lagged. The cold water and header tanks should be f itted with properly f itted l ids. Check flow of hot water to the bath is adequate.

Roof lagging

This should preferably be at least 100 mm thick or more if possible. It should be kept back from the eaves to al low for venti lation to stop condensation. Roof t imbers and ceil ing joists should be inspected for s igns of dry rot or beetle infestation whilst inspecting this area. The roof t i l ing should have roofing sarking felt (a roofing felt underlay) above the rafters and below the ti les in most modern homes.


Check if these are used and when last cleaned. If in doubt, smoke test.

Double Glazing

I f not double-glazed check out cost for replacement and if al lowed under planning rules.

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Wire and consumer unit

Check for age of exist ing wiring and instal lation generally. If any socket outlets appear hot this is a s ign of break down of the insulation or the connections to the socket outlet – do a thorough check. Check al l cooker elements heat up at the same time.

Extraction fans

Check these are operational inside and out.

Internal gas and electric meters

Check access and workabil ity.

Gas fires

Check for use and service dates.


Check for ease of access for moving settees etc. and for excessive creaking and movement. There is often a gap between stair ing and plaster due to t imber shrinkage – this is normal and easi ly remedied with a t imber f i l let.

Flooring generally

Check boards or sheets are adequately nailed down to stop creaking.

Foam backed carpets

These deteriorate with age and tend to turn to powder beneath the carpet (remedy? – replace with new).

Burglar alarms

Check al l are operational.

Furniture and fittings

Ensure al l f ixtures, f itt ings and furnishings, including garden items, which are to be left, are l isted including curtain runners and l ight f itt ings together with any white goods.

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Your notes

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