This amazing story started with Melody introducing herself to a reader. She is an eleven-year-old girl, who was born with cerebral palsy. Although Melody is completely non-verbal, she is very intelligent. She has a phenomenal memory, but is unable to walk or hold a fork. Melody is trapped in her own body, and the world doesn't seem like a welcoming place. When Melody was little, her parents took her to the doctor. The doctor didn't hesitate to announce that Melody was retarded and mentally handicapped. He suggested placing her in a residential facility, so her parents could move on with their lives. Melody's parents did not follow this advice, as they loved their daughter unconditionally. They enrolled her in Spaulding Street Elementary school, and the new chapter of Melody's life has started. Spaulding Street Elementary school was not a place where Melody was expected to learn. Most teachers did not have high expectations and just went over the alphabet for the hundredth time. Melody was irritated by it, but there was no way she could explain herself and have her voice heard. Some people in her life, however, were different. Their neighbor, Ms. Valencia, didn't give up on Melody, but encouraged her to grow and to learn. She expanded her communication board and provided support at every step of her life. When Melody was in fifth grade,she was placed in the inclusion class. Inclusion was a new initiative in her school, and Melody was excited and nervous at the same time. She couldn't believe that she would participate in a general education class with "regular" kids. However, not everybody was ready to accept Melody. Some students were laughing at her and treating her as mentally disabled. They were looking right past her, pretending she wasn't there; they didn't bother remembering her name. Melody wanted just one thing - to tell them what really was going on in her mind. Finally, the fortune smiled at Melody. With the help of her aid, Melody discovered Medi-Talker - a computerized device that would let Melody speak for the first time in her life. Melody's parents agreed to purchase it, and the "miracle machine" came in a big box right before Christmas. Melody couldn't have wished for a better gift. When Melody started using Medi-Talker, she felt like a different person. Her classmates and teachers could not believe that Melody had things to say; they were surprised, yet still skeptical. So when it was time to select Whiz-Kids team to represent Spaulding Elementary in a state, and then, possibly, in Washington D.C., teachers did not really consider Melody. When Melody successfully passed the first round, teachers and students thought it was a coincidence, or Melody just cheated. When Melody won the second time, there were no more reasons for a doubt - Melody was, in fact, a talented child. Melody was selected as one of the participants in a Whiz-Kids competition, and her team won the regional game. That meant that Melody and her classmates were to represent their state on a national level in Washington D.C.

This Amazing Story Started With Melody Introducing Herself to a Reader

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This amazing story started with Melody introducing herself to a reader. She is an eleven-year-old girl, who was born with cerebral palsy. Although Melody is completely non-verbal, she is very intelligent. She has a phenomenal memory, but is unable to walk or hold a fork. Melody is trapped in her own body, and the world doesn't seem like a welcoming place.When Melody was little, her parents took her to the doctor. The doctor didn't hesitate to announce that Melody was retarded and mentally handicapped. He suggested placing her in a residential facility, so her parents could move on with their lives. Melody's parents did not follow this advice, as they loved their daughter unconditionally. They enrolled her in Spaulding Street Elementary school, and the new chapter of Melody's life has started.Spaulding Street Elementary school was not a place where Melody was expected to learn. Most teachers did not have high expectations and just went over the alphabet for the hundredth time. Melody was irritated by it, but there was no way she could explain herself and have her voice heard.Some people in her life, however, were different. Their neighbor, Ms. Valencia, didn't give up on Melody, but encouraged her to grow and to learn. She expanded her communication board and provided support at every step of her life.When Melody was in fifth grade,she was placed in the inclusion class. Inclusion was a new initiative in her school, and Melody was excited and nervous at the same time. She couldn't believe that she would participate in a general education class with "regular" kids. However, not everybody was ready to accept Melody. Some students were laughing at her and treating her as mentally disabled. They were looking right past her, pretending she wasn't there; they didn't bother remembering her name. Melody wanted just one thing - to tell them what really was going on in her mind.Finally, the fortune smiled at Melody. With the help of her aid, Melody discovered Medi-Talker - a computerized device that would let Melody speak for the first time in her life. Melody's parents agreed to purchase it, and the "miracle machine" came in a big box right before Christmas. Melody couldn't have wished for a better gift.When Melody started using Medi-Talker, she felt like a different person. Her classmates and teachers could not believe that Melody had things to say; they were surprised, yet still skeptical.So when it was time to select Whiz-Kids team to represent Spaulding Elementary in a state, and then, possibly, in Washington D.C., teachers did not really consider Melody. When Melody successfully passed the first round, teachers and students thought it was a coincidence, or Melody just cheated. When Melody won the second time, there were no more reasons for a doubt - Melody was, in fact, a talented child.Melody was selected as one of the participants in a Whiz-Kids competition, and her team won the regional game. That meant that Melody and her classmates were to represent their state on a national level in Washington D.C.Well, this never happened. Melody's teammates and their teacher, Mr. Dimming, flew the earlier flight to D.C., "forgetting" to warn Melody about flight cancellation. Melody felt devastated and helpless. Here was another proof that she was still a girl with a "handicapped face," and she would never be one of "them."As Melody was thinking about her failure, her mom was ready to take her to school. It was one of those days when things were not going smoothly from the early morning - pouring rain, spilled orange juice, sick little sister... Melody's mom was rushing to get to work and drop Melody at school. As she was backing her car, she didn't notice her little daughter, Penny, following her. Melody saw Penny, and tried to warn her mom, but mom did not understand what Melody tried to say. Melody could not prevent the horrible accident. Penny had to go to the hospital, but luckily she survived.Melody finished her story right where she began it.

Cerita ini luar biasa dimulai dengan Melody memperkenalkan dirinya untuk pembaca. Dia adalah seorang gadis sebelas tahun, yang lahir dengan cerebral palsy. Meskipun Melody benar-benar non-verbal, dia sangat cerdas. Dia memiliki memori fenomenal, tetapi tidak dapat berjalan atau memegang garpu. Melody terjebak dalam tubuhnya sendiri, dan dunia tidak tampak seperti tempat yang ramah.Ketika Melody masih kecil, orang tuanya membawanya ke dokter. Dokter tidak ragu-ragu untuk mengumumkan bahwa Melody terbelakang dan cacat mental. Dia menyarankan menempatkan dia di fasilitas perumahan, sehingga orangtuanya bisa melanjutkan hidup mereka. Orang tua Melody tidak mengikuti saran ini, karena mereka mencintai putri mereka tanpa syarat. Mereka mendaftarkannya di Spaulding Jalan sekolah dasar, dan babak baru kehidupan Melody telah dimulai.Sekolah Spaulding Jalan SD bukanlah tempat di mana Melody diharapkan untuk belajar. Kebanyakan guru tidak memiliki harapan yang tinggi dan hanya pergi alfabet untuk keseratus kalinya. Melody merasa kesal dengan hal itu, tapi tidak ada cara dia bisa menjelaskan dirinya sendiri dan memiliki suaranya didengar.Beberapa orang dalam hidupnya, namun berbeda. Tetangga mereka, Ms. Valencia, tidak menyerah pada Melody, tapi mendorongnya untuk tumbuh dan belajar. Dia memperluas papan komunikasi dan memberikan dukungan di setiap langkah hidupnya.Ketika Melody berada di kelas lima, ia ditempatkan di kelas inklusi. Inklusi adalah sebuah inisiatif baru di sekolahnya, dan Melody sangat senang dan gugup pada saat yang sama. Dia tidak bisa percaya bahwa dia akan berpartisipasi dalam kelas pendidikan umum dengan "biasa" anak-anak. Namun, tidak semua orang siap untuk menerima Melody. Beberapa siswa menertawakan dan memperlakukan dia sebagai mental dinonaktifkan. Mereka melihat melewati dirinya, pura-pura tidak ada di sana; mereka tidak repot-repot mengingat namanya. Melody ingin hanya satu hal - untuk memberitahu mereka apa yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi di pikirannya.Akhirnya, keberuntungan tersenyum pada Melody. Dengan bantuan bantuan nya, Melody menemukan Medi-Pembicara - perangkat komputerisasi yang akan membiarkan Melody berbicara untuk pertama kali dalam hidupnya. Orang tua Melody setuju untuk membelinya, dan "mesin ajaib" datang dalam kotak besar tepat sebelum Natal. Melody tidak bisa berharap untuk hadiah yang lebih baik.Ketika Melody mulai menggunakan Medi-pembicara, ia merasa seperti orang yang berbeda. Teman sekelas dan guru-gurunya tidak bisa percaya bahwa Melody memiliki hal-hal untuk mengatakan; mereka terkejut, namun masih skeptis.Jadi, ketika tiba saatnya untuk memilih tim Whiz-Anak untuk mewakili Spaulding Dasar dalam keadaan, dan kemudian, mungkin, di Washington DC, guru tidak benar-benar mempertimbangkan Melody. Ketika Melody berhasil melewati putaran pertama, guru dan siswa pikir itu kebetulan, atau Melody hanya menipu. Ketika Melody memenangkan kedua kalinya, tidak ada lagi alasan untuk ragu - Melody adalah, pada kenyataannya, seorang anak berbakat.Melody terpilih sebagai salah satu peserta dalam kompetisi Whiz-Anak, dan timnya memenangkan pertandingan regional. Itu berarti bahwa Melody dan teman-teman sekelasnya yang mewakili negara mereka di tingkat nasional di Washington DCNah, ini tidak pernah terjadi. Rekan Melody dan guru mereka, Mr. Dimming, menerbangkan penerbangan sebelumnya ke DC, "lupa" untuk memperingatkan Melody tentang pembatalan penerbangan. Melody merasa hancur dan tak berdaya. Berikut adalah bukti lain bahwa ia masih seorang gadis dengan "wajah cacat," dan dia tidak akan pernah menjadi salah satu dari "mereka."Sebagai Melody memikirkan kegagalannya, ibunya sudah siap untuk membawanya ke sekolah. Itu adalah salah satu dari hari-hari ketika hal-hal tidak berjalan lancar dari pagi - menuangkan hujan, tumpah jus jeruk, adik sakit ... ibu Melody bergegas untuk pergi bekerja dan drop Melody di sekolah. Karena ia mendukung mobilnya, dia tidak melihat putrinya kecil, Penny, mengikutinya. Melody melihat Penny, dan mencoba untuk memperingatkan ibunya, tapi ibu tidak mengerti apa Melody berusaha mengatakan. Melody tidak bisa mencegah kecelakaan yang mengerikan. Penny harus pergi ke rumah sakit, tapi untungnya dia survived.oomm-3.jpgMelody selesai cerita kanannya di mana ia mulai itu.

Melody, adalah seorang gadis kecil yang berumur 11 tahun yang mengalami kelumpuhan sejak kecil. Dia tak dapat berbicara, tidak dapat berjalan, makan sendiri ataupun ke kamar mandi sendiri. Dia bertumpu pada kursi roda pink nya untuk bergerak kemana-mana. Yang dapat dia lakukan sendiri hanyalah menggerakkan kursi rodanya dengan bantuan knob atau pun memencet tombol remote tv. Namun dengan segala keterbatasannya, dia cerdas, memiliki ingatan masa lalu yang sangat baik dan memiliki kepekaan yang lebih terhadap hal-hal yang ada disekelilingnya seperti mencium bau, merasa bau tajam debu panas seperti rumah menghangat, dan juga musik. Ibu nya adalah penyuka music klasik seperti Beethoven dan mozart, sedangkan ayahnya penyuka music jazz. Melody sendiri sangat menyukai music country, akustik dan lagu-lagu patah hati. Banyak sekali kejadian-kejadian dan opini melody yang sangat ingin dia ungkapkan ke orang tuanya namun tak bisa tersampaikan karena dia tak dapat berbicara.

When Melody was little, her parents took her to the doctor. The doctor didn't hesitate to announce that Melody was retarded and mentally handicapped. He suggested placing her in a residential facility, so her parents could move on with their lives. Melody's parents did not follow this advice, as they loved their daughter unconditionally. They enrolled her in Spaulding Street Elementary school, and the new chapter of Melody's life has started.