This is in continuation with my previous article proving historicity of lord Krishna. if you haven’t read the previous articles, then please go through the below link: Proving historicity of Krishna-Birth and names of lord krishna Proving Historicity of Krishna-Scriptural, historical and archaeological evidences < http://www.mallstuffs.com/Blogs/BlogDetails.aspx? BlogId=150&BlogType=Spiritual&Topic=Proving%20Historicity% Scriptural,%20historical%20and%20archaeological%20evidenc In my previous article, we saw the discovery of lord Krishna kingdom ‘Dwarka’ near the coast of Gujarat. In this article, we will explore more details of this discovery and will also see many other archeological and astronomical evidences regarding the existence of lord Krishna. A ccording to Mahabharata, city of dwaraka was constructed by t he A rchit ect -god Vishwakarma by request ing 12 Yojanas of land from sea god, near the western shore of Saurashtra . This city had six well-organized sect ors wit h commercial and resident ial zones, palaces, plazas, wide roads, port s and other public utilities along with an eye-catching sea harbor. The descript ion of t he underwat er discovered cit y mat ches exact ly wit h t he descript ion ment ioned in our ancient t ext s. The belief that 12 yojanas of land was requested from Sea god is well supported from the designs and foundations seen in the walls of the discovered city. Interestingly, there is also a ment ion of t he passport t ype system according to which all dwaraka citizens need to carry a seal (having three headed mythical animal) as their identity while entering or leaving the dwaraka massive gates. Coincidently, a similar Dwarka seal has been found in the This article is downloaded from www.mallstuffs.com

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ProvinghistoricityofKrishna-ArchaeologicalandastronomicalevidencesThis is in continuation with my previous article proving historicity of lord Krishna. if you haven’t read the previous articles, then please go through the below link: P roving his toric ity of Krishna-Birth and names of lord krishna P roving H is toric ity of Krishna-Scriptural, his torical and archaeological evidences <http://www.malls tuffs .com/Blogs/BlogDetails .aspx? BlogId=150&BlogType=Spiritual&Topic=P roving%20His toric ity%20of%20Krishna- Scriptural,%20his torical%20and%20archaeological%20evidences
In my previous artic le, we saw the discovery of lord Krishna kingdom ‘Dwarka’ near the coas t of Gujarat. In this artic le, we will explore more details of this discovery and will also see many other archeological and as tronomical evidences regarding the exis tence of lord Krishna. A ccording to Mahabharata, city of dwaraka was constructed by the Architect-god Vishwakarma by requesting 12 Yojanas of land from sea god, near the wes tern shore of Saurashtra . This c ity had six well-organized sectors with commercial and residential zones, palaces, plazas, wide roads, ports and other public utilities along with an eye-catching sea harbor. The description of the underwater discovered city matches exactly with the description mentioned in our ancient texts. The belief that 12 yojanas of land was reques ted from Sea god is well supported from the des igns and foundations seen in the walls of the discovered c ity. Interes tingly, there is also a mention of the passport type system according to which all dwaraka citizens need to carry a seal (having three headed mythical animal) as their identity while entering or leaving the dwaraka mass ive gates . C oinc idently, a s imilar Dwarka seal has been found in the
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The seal of Dwaraka O n carbon dating, this seal has been dated to the Late Harappan period at least 3000 years old, approximately around 1528 BCE. Many other artifac ts like citadels , Brick walls , fortifications , Roman
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amphoras , Stone anchors for ships etc . have been carbon dated from 2500 BC E to 4 th century BC E thus perceiving dwarka as the bus ies t port of wes tern India of that era.
Other Archaeological Evidence You can find many other archaeological evidences of dwarka in hundreds of videos on youtube and many other artic les written on that underwater discovery. So keeping dwarka as ide, I will now switch to various other evidences (direc t or indirec t) regarding Krishna worship around the 1s t millennium BC E. A cave painting of 800 BÑE in Mirzapur(U.P) shows a warrior looking charioteer about to throw a chariot-wheel on a warrior staring at him. Now, this painting can be pointed to the incident of Mahabharata where lord Krishna is about to hurl the chakra (wheel) on Bhishma-Pitamah.
Krishna about to throw a chariot-wheel on Bhishma P itamah
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Even the Greek authors in their works have the desc ription of lord Krishna worship as V asudev during the early 4 th century BC E. Greates t of all emperors A LEXA NDER’s conques t of ruling eas t more or less came ended after their encounter with PO RUS (Parvateshwar), the powerful king of the Indus c ivilization. However, A lexander s till had some success in ruling north- wes tern c ities like Takshila. To expand their conques t of ruling eas t, greek ambassadors frequently exchanged words with Indian kings . Heliodors, one such Greek ambassador was sent to kingdom of Videsha (Besnagar, central India) from Taxila to meet king bhagabhadra.
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Greek Embass ies in A nc ient India
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Amazingly, this Greek ambassador created a historical record of becoming the f irst non-Indian devotee of lord Krishna. He was so devoted to lord Krishna that on his vis it to Besnagar, he erec ted a Garuda-pillar to honor the'God of all Gods' lord Krishna. This inc ident is well-documented by many other authors as well and so, is cons idered as one of the direc t earlies t archaeological evidence of Krishna-consc iousness .
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Heliodorus Garud-pillar with Insc ription This pillar with insc ription can be s till seen in besnapur region of U ttar P radesh. Insc ription says This Garuda-pillar of V asudev (Krishna), God of all gods , Is here erec ted by Heliodorus , A n obedient follower of lord V ishnu, Inhabitant of Taxila, The son of Dion, Who came to vidisha as Greek ambassador Under the order of Great King A ntialkidas , To meet King Bhagabhadra,
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Then ruling success fully in fourteenth year of his rule.
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V asudev Krishna-God of all Gods Heliodors have been recognized as the firs t wes terner convert to V aishnavism by many his torians and scholars . Similar insc riptions are also found in 2nd century BC E Hathibara and Ghosundi where an entire enc losure is consruc ted around Narayana V atika. A lso, there lays a foss il s tone called Shaligram resembling Vasudeva & Samkarshana in Nagari village of Udaipur dis tric t(Rajashthan). O ther evidences from Indo Greek period are paintings and gold coins of A gathoc les kingdom (200 BC E). Images of Balaram holding plough on his hand and brother Krishna with a discuss
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(Sudarshan Chakra) engrossing one f inger can be found on the opposite sides of such gold coins.
A gathoc les C oins showing Krishna and Balarama. This coin is carbon dated to year 172 BC E and was excavated from O xus valley at A i-Khanum region of A fghanis tan. This coin with Sudarshan chakra-bearer krishna and plough-bearer balarama was a very signif icant discovery questioning the entire history taught in India. This also shows that Indian empire inc luded the entire P akis tan, A fghanis tan and parts of P ers ia.
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Krishna and Balarama together
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In the graffiti embedded on stones of Chilas cave (2000 BCE) in Western Pakistan, evidence of Vasudeva-Balaram worship can be found. P aintings of lord krishna and brother Balaram are engrossed on the rocks with the names mentioned below their images as V asudev and Samkarshan respec tively. Insc riptions of lord Krishna on seals , coins and s tones shows that real life heroes were worshipped ac ross the whole Indian sub-continent. There are many archaeological evidences(1st century BCE) of worshipping f ive vrishni heroes - Krishna , Balaram, Samba (Krishna's younger son),Pradyumna (Krishna's elder son), and Aniruddh (Krishna's grandson). 11 kilometers wes t from Mathura, lies a Mora well, where the insc ription tells the erec tion of a s tone temple by a princess , named Tosho, to honor the Five V rishini heroes together termed as Bhagavatam Panchavirana. Maues (85 BC E), an Indo-Scythian king was a devotee of Balarama(Krishna brother) along with the Greek gods Nike and Zeus. Many of his coins had the insc ription of a King in a c ross legged seated pos ture and one of his coins , carbon dated to 1s t century BC E, depic ts Balarama.
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Balarama engraved in C oin of Maues . The las t Kushan king of Bac tria and North India named himself as V asudeva I (c . 200C E) and honor Krishna by minting his images on coins .
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C oin belonging to Indo Bac trian emperor V asudev I O ne of the major evidence is the A ihole Insc ription of emperor Pulakes in I I (634 C E). Inscription declares that the War of Mahabharata was fought 3735 years ago. So, the date of Mahabharata can be calculated as 3735-634=3101 BCE. From all the above archaeological evidences one can safely believe that lord Krishna and brother Balarama were his torical charac ters of 3 rd M illenium BC E and were worshipped as divine entities s ince their death. I f you are s till not convinced than I have more evidences for you. Let us analyze the as trological desc ription from our anc ient texts .
Astrological Evidence for dating Krishna there are many archaeological details mentioned in anc ient sc riptures which many scholars are trying to decode continuous ly to derive the lord Krishna birth and time period of
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Mahabharata war. Us ing as tronomical details , Dr Narhari A char, who works as a phys ics professor at Memphis Univers ity, Tennessee, has derived the probabilis tic date of Mahabharat war and calls it as the most genuine his torical document of whole human c ivilization. Dr. A char used more than 140 as tronomical details mentioned in Mahabharat as a feed data to the well known P lanetarium software (NA SA uses this to launch artific ial satellites ). This software validated all the as tronomical details mentioned in ved vyasa Mahabharata and derived the year 3067 BC E as the exac t year of war between P andavas and Kauravas army.
Image from Narahari A char's presentation on Mahabharata war Whole series of Narahari A char's research can be found in the below youtube links
Determining the date of the Mahabharata war by
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Dr. Narahari Achar- 01 <http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=en2pXlLrlR4> Determining the date of the Mahabharata war by Dr. Narahari Achar- 02 <http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=3ArJuVaIYMg> Determining the date of the Mahabharata war by Dr. Narahari Achar- 03 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uplsKrMatdc> Determining the date of the Mahabharata war by Dr. Narahari A char- 04 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSsy377utec> Determining the date of the Mahabharata war by Dr. Narahari A char- 05 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qETuLlIYHEE>
Making use of the same software, Dr. A char derived Krishnas birth year as 3112 BCE. Now the astrological references mentioned in Mahabharata is so unique that such a situation (like three eclipses occurring continuously after 36 years) that they can occur only once in 10,000 years.
Motivated by Dr. A char's research, another Indian sc ientis t, Dr. Manish P andit who works in UK as a Nuc lear Medicine Physician, provided numerous archaeological, astronomical, linguistic evidences to validate the case. To make his evidences s imple to unders tand, he c reated a well-s truc tured documentary showcas ing all evidences that came out from his research. Astronomical proof of lord Krishna existence by Manish pandit <http://www.mallstuffs.com/Blogs/BlogDetails.aspx? BlogId=81&BlogType=Spiritual&Topic=Scientif ic%20Proof%20of%20lord%20Krishna%20existence
C ontrary to above research, an Indian professor, Dr. P .V .
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Sanjay desc ribes the 3 inauspic ious ec lipses to king
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Dhritrashtra However based on the sc ientific and more detailed s tudy & research undertaken by Dr. A char, we should take the findings of Dr. A char are true because it also matches the dates we got from various other A rchaeological and literary data.
Historical veracity of Krishna The A nc ient sc riptures , A rchaeological evidences (marine as well as terres trial), and A s trological details all refering a particular time span of lord Krishna. Because of too much complexity and long time period, we were not able to derive the exac t date of lord Krishna birth. Still based on the evidences we got, we can derive the most probable time- frame of lord Krishna exis tence and we can at leas t be sure that he exis ted. Based on all the analyzed data and evidences shared with you, the most appropriate time-period of Krishna's should be 3300-3100 BCE.
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Krishna, the H is torical Enigma A t the end of this artic le, let us rejoice with the fac t that the most exc iting renowned figure of Indian Culture, Dance, Philosophy, Music, Art, Drama and Religion ruled the Earth just 5 millennium ago. Also give thumbs up to all the great ancient sages of our country for their oral and cultural value based teachings to their students because of which we are proud of our ancient past. I dedicate this whole series of artic le to lord Krishna, naughty kid of mother Yashoda; the honour of Gokul; Savior of the weak; love of the Gopis ; Friend of the virtous; and one who is above all
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(God of the gods) Jai Shree Krishna ............
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