This Clean Away COVID Toolkit contains links to all print and electronic resource materials from the Clean Away COVID public service campaign, as well as ideas on how to use these materials. Let’s get started! Clean Away COVID was developed by the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN), with guidance from the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). This product is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of a financial assistance award totaling $430,786 with 100 percent funded by CDC/ATSDR. The content presented is that of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/ATSDR or the U.S. Government.

This Clean Away COVID Toolkit

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Page 1: This Clean Away COVID Toolkit

This Clean Away COVID Toolkit

contains links to all print and electronic resource materials

from the Clean Away COVID public service campaign, as well as

ideas on how to use these materials. Let’s get started!

Clean Away COVID was developed by the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists (ASPHN), with

guidance from the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU), the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).

This product is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of a financial assistance award totaling $430,786 with 100 percent funded by CDC/ATSDR. The content presented is that of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/ATSDR or the U.S. Government.

Page 2: This Clean Away COVID Toolkit

| 2 | CLEAN AWAY COVID TOOLKIT https://www.cleanawaycovid.org

Clean Away COVID was developed to help families effectively protect against COVID-19 in the home.

Partnering with doctors and experts in environmental health science, we’ve gathered the

best and most recent guidance on the topic and made it engaging, approachable and

understandable for everyone. We’re also pleased to offer the Clean Away COVID materials

in both English and Spanish.


The Four Focus Areas of the Clean Away COVID Campaign

CLEAN AWAY COVID with Clean Hands

The first step to keeping

our homes clean is to make

sure our hands are free of

COVID-19 germs. Find out

how and when to wash and

sanitizer your hands.

CLEAN AWAY COVID with the Right Tools

Tasks are a lot easier to

accomplish if you have the

right tools. These simple

products will help you

maintain a clean and

healthy home.

CLEAN AWAY COVID with Frequent Cleaning

Cleaning the surfaces in your

home thoroughly and often

will reduce and remove

disease-causing germs,

protecting you and your


CLEAN AWAY COVID with Safer Disinfection

If you suspect someone in

your home is sick, follow this

guidance on when and how

to effectively disinfect the

surfaces in your home.

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| 3 | CLEAN AWAY COVID TOOLKIT https://www.cleanawaycovid.org



Clean Away COVID features an entertaining three-minute music

video that engages viewers through sensory learning techniques

including song, dance and live action imagery. Additionally, the

campaign has created a series of short live action videos with

focused guidance on each key message. All videos are hosted

on YouTube. Links to the videos are provided in this toolkit.

• Share the fun music video with staff, clients, family and friends.

• Play the videos in your facility’s waiting rooms or common areas.

• Share all of the videos through your social media channels and use the hashtag #CleanAwayCOVID.


The Clean Away COVID poster series provides key information

on keeping home environments safe during the pandemic. Their

clean and attractive layout invite readers to learn more.

• Print out the posters and hang them in your facilities, offices and common areas.

• Use the posters as part of your educational efforts.

• Share the posters through your social media channels and use the hashtag #CleanAwayCOVID.


Clean Away COVID offers a comprehensive learning series.

Users can engage with the complete series— which is divided

into four modules—at their own pace.

• Use the learning modules to enhance or augment education you may already be offering to your community.

• Share the modules with colleagues in other agencies or organizations that serve different constituencies.

• Display the modules in your facility’s waiting rooms or lobbies.

• Promote the modules through your social media channels, using the hashtag #CleanAwayCOVID.


The Clean Away COVID website is a robust and engaging

educational resource that can be referenced over and over


• Share the Clean Away COVID website link with staff, clients, family and friends.

• Place links to all of the materials from the website on your organization’s website by following the instructions on our Toolkit web page.

• Share the website through your social media channels and use the hashtag #CleanAwayCOVID.

Following are some ideas on how to use the materials in this toolkit.

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| 4 | CLEAN AWAY COVID TOOLKIT https://www.cleanawaycovid.org

Please share the following learning modules on maintaining safe and clean home environments. When using the individual modules, we suggest following them in sequential order for the most beneficial learning experience. Click here for the series.

COMPLETE LEARNING MODULE: (20:34 MIN): This complete module contains

modules 1-4 in one presentation.


(4:46 MIN): This module contains an

introduction to the Clean Away COVID

campaign and provides details on

personal behaviors and hand washing.

LEARNING MODULE 2: The Right Tools (6:01 MIN): This module details the best

tools to use in the home for effective

cleaning and disinfection.

LEARNING MODULE 3: Proper Cleaning (2:52 MIN): This module offers guidance

on how to properly clean home surfaces

and sanitize food preparation surfaces

such as cutting boards.

LEARNING MODULE 4: Safer Disinfectant Use (6:39 MIN): This

module offers details on how to safely

disinfect surfaces after cleaning if

someone at home is sick with COVID-19

or another infectious disease. It also

features a recap of all learning modules.

english learning modules

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english videos

3:00 MIN: Clean Away COVID Music Video 0:33 SEC: Wash Your Hands Often 0:34 SEC: Hand Sanitizer

0:42 SEC: Don’t Touch Your Face 0:39 SEC: Soap Destroys the Virus 0:36 SEC: Microfiber Cleans Best

0:39 SEC: Sanitize Food Prep Areas 0:45 SEC: Keep It Clean 0:38 SEC: Clean First Then Disinfect

Click on the underlined video titles to the Clean Away COVID videos in English. You can also find the entire English language video playlist here.

0:45 SEC: If COVID Is In Your Home 0:34 SEC: Lock Away Cleaning Products 8:10 MIN: Video Messaging Campaign

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| 6 | CLEAN AWAY COVID TOOLKIT https://www.cleanawaycovid.org

Use the following downloadable posters as reminders on how to maintain a safe home during the pandemic.

english posters

POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Wash Your Hands

Thoroughly and Often

POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Soap + Water

Remove Germs from Your Hands + Home

POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Clean Your

Surfaces to Reduce + Remove Germs

POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Keep the Surface

Glistening Wet to Disinfect If Someone

Is Sick

INFOGRAPHIC (8.5” x 21”): Step-by-Step

Cleaning + Disinfection

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| 7 | CLEAN AWAY COVID TOOLKIT https://www.cleanawaycovid.org

Please share the following learning modules in Spanish on maintaining safe and clean home environments. When using the individual modules, we suggest following them in sequential order for the most beneficial learning experience. Click here for the series.

COMPLETE LEARNING MODULE (24.05 min): This complete module contains

modules 1-4 in one presentation.

LEARNING MODULE 1 (8.07 min): This

module contains an introduction to

the Clean Away COVID campaign and

provides details on personal behaviors

and hand washing.

LEARNING MODULE 2 (5.59 min): This

module offers details on the best tools to

use in the home for effective cleaning and


LEARNING MODULE 3 (3.09 min): This module offers guidance on how

to properly clean home surfaces and

sanitize food preparation surfaces such

as cutting boards.

LEARNING MODULE 4 (7.32 min): This module offers details on how to

safely disinfect surfaces after cleaning if

someone at home is sick with COVID-19

or another infectious disease. It also

features a recap of all learning modules

and links to the Spanish language videos.

spanish learning modules

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| 8 | CLEAN AWAY COVID TOOLKIT https://www.cleanawaycovid.org

3:00 MIN: Clean Away COVID Music Video 0:33 SEC: Lávese Las Manos 0:34 SEC: Desinfectante Para Las Manos

0:42 SEC: No Se Toque La Cara 0:39 SEC: El Jabón Destruye El Virus 0:36 SEC: La Microfibra Limpia Mejor

0:39 SEC: Desinfecte Las Areas De Alimentos 0:45 SEC: Mantengala Limpia 0:38 SEC: Limpie Primero Y Desinfecte Despues

0:45 SEC: Si El COVID Está En Su Casa 0:34 SEC: Guarde Los Productos De Limpieza

spanish videos Click on the underlined video titles to obtain the individual Clean Away COVID videos in Spanish. You can also find the entire Spanish language video playlist here.

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| 9 | CLEAN AWAY COVID TOOLKIT https://www.cleanawaycovid.org

Use the following downloadable posters in Spanish to inform Spanish-speaking communities on how they can protect against COVID-19 in the home.

spanish posters

POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Manos Limpias POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Jabón y Agua POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Limpie Sus


LIMPIE Y ELIMINE EL COVID con manos limpias.

This product is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of a financial assistance award totaling $430,786 with 100 percent funded by CDC/ATSDR. The content presented is that of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of, nor is an endorsement by, CDC/ATSDR or the U.S. Government.

1. MÓJESE las manos con

agua potable limpia.

Puede usar agua fría o caliente. Cierre la llave

y aplíquese el jabón.

Mantenga a su familia limpia y segura. Lavarse las manos regularmente es una de las mejores cosas que usted y su familia pueden hacer para evitar que los gérmenes se propaguen de una persona a otra. Lávese las manos minuciosamente con agua y jabón por 20 segundos, antes de comer o de preparar alimentos. Después de usar el baño, de ayudar a un niño o niña a ir al baño, o de cambiar un pañal. Y después de tocar animales o mascotas.


Lávese las manos minuciosamente y a menudo.

2. FORME ESPUMA frotándose las manos

con jabón.

Jabónese la parte de atrás de sus manos, entre sus dedos, y

debajo de sus uñas.

3. FRÓTESE sus manos por lo

menos 20 segundos.

Para un conteo fácil tararee “El Feliz Cumpleaños”

dos veces.

4. ENJUÁGUESE sus manos bajo

agua potable limpia.

Asegúrese de enjuagarse todo el jabón de sus manos.

5. SÉQUESE sus manos usando una toalla limpia.

Se puede secar sus manos al aire si no hay una toalla

limpia disponible.


LIMPIE Y ELIMINE EL COVID con las herramientas correctas.

This product is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of a financial assistance award totaling $430,786 with 100 percent funded by CDC/ATSDR. The content presented is that of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of, nor is an endorsement by, CDC/ATSDR or the U.S. Government.

El jabón es un escudo simple, seguro y fuerte en contra de la infección. ¿Sabía usted que la mejor herramienta en contra del COVID-19 está ya en su casa? Use jabón líquido o de barra para hacer desaparecer los gérmenes de sus manos y de las superficies de su casa. El refregar y enjabonar con jabón y agua ayuda a descomponer el coronavirus, y el agua lo hace desaparecer por el desagüe. Cuando se lave las manos, recuerde de refregarlas minuciosamente con jabón y agua por 20 segundos. Cuando limpie las superficies, asegúrese de usar un paño de microfibra para ayudar a atrapar y a apartar los gérmenes.


Jabón + agua quitan los gérmenes de sus manos + casa.

Busque el logo de Safer Choice. Los productos de jabón y los limpiadores de

multiuso que tengan el logo de Safer Choice son efectivos y más seguros para su familia.

Simple es mejor.Cuando esté buscando jabón para las manos,

platos o de barra, evite productos con tintes y fragancias, los cuales pueden ser irritantes.

LIMPIE Y ELIMINE EL COVID minuciosamente y a menudo.

This product is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of a financial assistance award totaling $430,786 with 100 percent funded by CDC/ATSDR. The content presented is that of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of, nor is an endorsement by, CDC/ATSDR or the U.S. Government.

Los paños de microfibras son económicos y fáciles de encontrar.

Estos paños se pueden volver a usar y lavar cientos de veces. Son unos super héroes de la limpieza, ya que atraen la mugre, suciedad y

gérmenes y los aparta de sus superficies.

“Spray it down. Wipe it off. Wash it up. Clean it out.”

Este refrán pegajoso le ayudará a recordar los pasos apropiados para limpiar su casa.

Para mirar el video, haga un clic aqui.

La limpieza fácil y efectiva toma sólo unos pocos pasos. Primero, saque sus útiles de aseo esenciales — paños de microfibra, jabón y agua o un limpiador de multiuso. Con guantes en las manos rocíe el jabón o limpiador sobre la superficie y restriegue usando paño de microfibra limpio para soltar y quitar la mugre, suciedad y gérmenes. Use el lado limpio de su paño para limpiar la superficie. A medida que usted limpie cada superficie nueva, asegúrese de usar un paño de microfibra limpio. Cuando haya terminado, lave separadamente con agua caliente y detergente el paño sucio en la lavadora de ropa. Quítese los guantes y lávese las manos con jabón y agua por 20 segundos.


Limpie sus superficies para reducir + quitar los gérmenes.

POSTER (8.5” x 14”): Desinfección Mas


INFOGRAPHIC (8.5” x 21”): Paso-a-Paso

Limpieza + Desinfección

This product is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of a financial assistance award totaling $430,786 with 100 percent funded by CDC/ATSDR. The content presented is that of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of, nor is an endorsement by, CDC/ATSDR or the U.S. Government.

LIMPIE Y ELIMINE EL COVID con una desinfección más segura.

Tome precauciones sí está embarazada.

Si fuera posible pídale a otro adulto en su casa que encargue de desinfectar. Si no,

use un producto desinfectante más seguro que sea a base de agua oxigenada.

Asegúrese de que tenga una ventilación apropiada.Abra una ventana o prenda el extractor de aire para ventilar el cuarto cuando

esté desinfectando.

Desinfecte las superficies de uso frecuente.

Estas incluyen las perillas de las puertas y manillas, los interruptores de la luz, barandas, asas de armario, llaves del

lavamanos y manillas del inodoro.

Mantenga la superficie brillantemente mojada para desinfectar si alguien está enfermo.

Desinfecte sólo cuando se necesite. Si alguien en su casa está enfermo, es importante desinfectar sus superficies después de limpiarlas, para proteger a los otros miembros de la familia. Para desinfectar apropiadamente, rocíe o aplique el desinfectante a la superficie y deje la superficie brillantemente mojados por la cantidad de tiempo que aparece en la etiqueta. Asegúrese de que la superficie permanezca brillantemente mojada durante todo el tiempo. Cuando se haya cumplido tiempo, seque la superficie con un paño de microfibra limpio.


Page 10: This Clean Away COVID Toolkit

Thank You for Downloading the Clean Away COVID Toolkit. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact

ASPHN through this email link. We highly value your commitment to public health,

and we thank you for sharing this vital information with your communities.

Together, we can make a difference.


[tel & fax] 814.255.2829 [web] www.asphn.org • [facebook] www.facebook.com/asphn