[This is the transcript of a 7 minute video by - katana · PDF file[This is the transcript of a 7 minute video by ... Despite the tremendous economic disadvantages that came ... In

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[This is the transcript of a 7 minute video by Evalion giving, in her endearing teenage anime style voice, a short summary of why Hitler wasn’t (((evil)))*, but was in fact, the opposite of that — KATANA.]

* It's become a trend in some Alternative Right circles to indicate the nasal voice of a whiny jewish speaker by enclosing key emphasized

words in multiple parentheses/brackets.


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Published on Apr 20, 2015

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Apr 23 — Views: 8,024 - Comments: 541 - Likes: 622 Dislikes: 87

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Apr 20, 2016 — Views: 4,079 – Comments: 287 – Likes: 453 Dislikes: 48


Why Hitler wasn’t

EviLby Evalion



The media and school system has told you all your life that Adolf Hitler was the most evil man to ever live. Unfortunately you were told lies, and you most likely believe them.

Hitler’s very rarely accurately portrayed. You know, even Churchill once said that the victors write the history books.

But what we hear about Hitler through the media and the school system is extremely biased. Because they don’t want to offend the Jews.

In this video I’m going to tell you the truth.

This is why Hitler was not evil. In fact he was the opposite of that. He was a very strong leader and a brilliant man. Adolf Hitler truly cared about his people and his country that he institutionalized.

After all, “Nazi” is a slur for a National Socialist. National Socialism is a world view and philosophy of nature. Nationalism is the individual’s responsibility towards the community and their love for the country.

Socialism is the community’s responsibility and love towards the individual.

Basically the one who does the most for the community has the highest social status, instead of the one with the most money.

Along with that was a process of class unification, ending the concept of class struggle.

Hitler took the broken republic Germany became after the First World War and turned it into one of the greatest empires ever!

Before the Nazis came to power the unemployment rate was at a record high. People resorted to drugs and prostitution.

The country was in an absolute mess. People knew they needed change and that’s why Hitler had so much support. When Hitler came to power he freed Germany from the most destructive force the world has ever known: The international jewish community.

Which plagued Germany before Hitler rose to power and is today corrupting everything that is of positive nature. In order to prevent that from happening the Jews declared war in Germany as soon as Hitler got elected.

Despite the tremendous economic disadvantages that came along with that, he still managed to put six million unemployed Germans back to work.

Hitler made Germany the most prosperous nation on earth. Hitler also noticed that the German birthrate to a critically low. So he encouraged German woman to become mothers and wives. Often in propaganda pieces you will see mothers being portrayed as heroes. Hitler himself supported traditional family values.

He recognized that families are the primary unit around which a functioning society is built. To encourage Germans to marry and start a family, he passed a law that enabled married couples to obtain, interest free loans of a minimum of one thousand Reich marks. Which is equal to nine months salary.

For each child the couple gave birth to, the couple didn’t have to repay two hundred fifty marks.

Hitler was a very compassionate man.

We know this because he cared for animals. He himself was a vegetarian. In fact, the Nazis created the first animal rights laws and banned animal experimentation.

Hitler loved German shepherds. Here’s my favorite video of him, with a bunch of German shepherd puppies running around him. It’s so cute!

In 1934 Hitler passed a law which regulated how many animals could be killed in hunting per year, and to establish proper hunting systems. This law has now been adopted by most Western countries.

The Nazis also created the first environmental protection laws in history. The German Imperial Conservation Law of 1935 was passed, which protected remaining portions of landscape and free nature or whose preservation on account of rarity, beauty, distinctiveness, or on account of scientific, ethnic, forest, or hunting significance, lies in the general interests.

Hitler didn’t only care for the health of animals, but he also cared for the health of his fellow German citizens.

Hitler was very straight edge. He did not drink or smoke. While serving in the military during World War One. He often talked to his fellow soldiers about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco.

Hitler encourage the first. Anti-smoking campaign ever. And Nazi doctors were the first to write a major scientific paper linking smoking tobacco to lung cancer.

Hitler wanted his citizens to be happy and healthy. That is why he was the first to create socialized health care. He also strongly encouraged competitive sports among the youth.

And the results of what could be seen in the 1936 Olympic Games. Germany won most gold, silver and bronze medals completely overshadowing all of it’s competitors.

Hitler loved art, since he was an artist himself. He supported many German artists.

Also the Nazis made so many innovations to film and science in general.

Like, did you know, the Nazis created the first ever jet engine.

Adolf Hitler also didn’t want his citizens overworking themselves. So he funded numerous workers’ welfare programs, like vacation trips.

A free radio for every citizen. And he was the first to introduce the forty hour workweek. Also he made it so that every large factory had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools for it’s workers.

You’re probably thinking that’s nice that Hitler gave the Germans those wonderful benefits, but what about the “Holocaust”, what about Auschwitz?

Well, I did say at the beginning of this video that victors write the history books. I am personally a “Holocaust” denier.

It’s very clear to me that the events of the so-called “Holocaust” were very exaggerated. I don’t believe that there were gas chambers and evil Nazis and all that crap.

I have a video planned in the future of why I deny the “Holocaust”.

However in the meantime if you want the truth right now, I encourage you guys to check out these two documentaries, The Greatest Story Never Told and Hellstorm. I have links to these in the description below.

If you guys watch these documentaries or have seen them before tell me what you think down in the comments. I’ll personally love them and highly recommend them. Thanks for watching guys and here’s a short video clip to wrap things up.

The Impartial Truth[Speech by Hitler]

Therein we conceive our final victory.For we have seen what it leads to with the others.

Twenty years ago they secured an apparent victory.And what has come of this victory?Nothing but misery and despair.They fought their war only for the damned plutocracy, for a few financier dynasties, ...Which administer their capital markets!For a few hundred, ... who in the end control these people.That should serve as a lesson for us all!And one day there will come a time when all of us will join the fight for this Reich with confidence for this Reich of peace, of work, of welfare, of culture.Which we want to erect and which we will erect.I thank you!

[tumultuous applause]



Version History & Notes

Version 1: Published Apr 23, 2016_________________

Notes* Total words = 1,380

* Total pages = 37*Total images = 56

* Except for the cover, most images are screenshots taken from the video.


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