This issue : Bain, Barraclough, Cl1adbourne, Garrett Meyerson . Auction Reports I.' Official Publication of the

This issue: Bain, Barraclough, Cl1adbourne, Garrett ... Topics, Vol. 2, No. 3...stamp!!. A gem lndeecl wile a usecl blo

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  • This issue:

    Bain, Barraclough, Cl1adbourne, Garrett

    Meyerson .

    Auction Reports


    Official Publication of the

  • VERY IMPORT ANT PURCHASE We ha.ve just a cquired the beautiful and very Interesting collec tion of •Mr. Ray-mond Blandford. It Is pa rttc ala rty complete In Canada and Newfoundland. The BriUah Colonlea a.re almoat complete for the 20th Century, many being In bloe!UI of tour.

    Among the Canadian Block of Four- Unused - U~c. 1868 Block of Four of Each of the Small Centa Iaeue, Many Shadee, unuMd 1897 .JUBILEE COMPLETE IN BLOCKS OF FOUR, SUPERB Blooke of Kina- Edward complete, all auperb Blooke of Quebeca, Perf a: Impert, alao Pain Imperf, etc .• etc.

    Among the Newfoundland Block• of Four- Unueed - Complete except for a few of the very early onee

    Included aN auch Alrmalla aa the DO-X and BALBOA.

    Write 'WI today and let'a have YOJr want llat. Our regular llat Ia f~ to all aertoua colleetora.

    Special Offer The two extremely raN King Edward wrappera overprinted - lc on 2c and tc

    on le. mint and lld)t folded. Holmea numbers 1111 and 1114.

    THE TWO FOR ONLY $12.00

    A. few Holm• Handbook 'and Catalog ue on Canada a.nd B.N.A. are left today and going fut at 16.26, poatpatd.


  • A. F. Lichtenstein's Exhibit at .N. Y. Meeting On T uesday, F ebruat·y G, l\1 r . A. F. Lichtenstein honored t he N. Y . meetJn~t

    with a vlelt, and showed portions of his early B.N.A. For one hour and a half, the listen ers sat amazed and thrilled while 1\fr. L i chtenstein, In hie quiet and un-assuming mannet-. (tesc•·lheStal rnte11.

    BRITISH C OL U MBI A: A block or tour of the lmperl. 2 t,;d. A 5c unused vertical pa ir, t he· only one known. The 10'< In ver :v fine condition . unused an

  • BNA TOPICS Published monthly by and for members ot the British North America Phila-

    telic Society


    Full page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 . 50 % Page . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.60 "" Page . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75

    I Inaertlona $5.00 -2.75 1.50

    Payable In advance. Send copy to the editor before 16th of month for tollowln!r month's publication. ·

    OFFICERS Pres.: W. R. Hoffman, 77-18 95 Ave .• Ozone Park 17, N. Y.

    Vlee Pres.: J . R. Barraclough, 454 M't. Stephen Ave., Westmount. Que Sec.: Jack Levine, 510 Liberty Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y.

    Treas.: W. C. Peterman, 80 Cranberry St., Brooklyn 2. N. Y.


    It Is with deep gr·atltude and sincere appr·eclatlon that I take this opportunity to express my thanks to all the members, officers, committees and Board of Gov-ernors for their very fine cooperation In the past. I only hope and ask that the members and newly elected Board and Committees will afford me the same help wher·eby our Society will continue to effect the continued progress and com-mendable status which Is ours. 1'he new board and committees ar·e already func-tioning and the member·s will t:oon be made aware of the plans and pi'Ogr·ams which are and will be promulgated for our· Society. A very hearty welcome to the new oftlcers and Boal'

  • Bringing News About People & Stomps by lan 8. Bain

    The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, has a collection of Canadian atamPI! known aa the Jeffery Collection. and according to a recent re-port 11'1 In the opinion of the experts, one of the finest In North America.. Profee-eor R. W. Torren11, of the Department of Romance of La.nguagee take11 a great Interest In lt.

    B.N.A.P.S. We underatand that Clarence Brazer. t he Proof expert and dealer of New

    York. Ia planning to issue a price llat of B.N.A. Proofs soon. Such a Llat would be welcome as ther·e Is practically nothing In thle line at all.

    B.N.A.P .S. • With the passing of Mr. Edward E. Goodchild. we dou bt If there will be any

    copies of the Holmel! Handbook of Can.ada having t he signature of the three editors.

    B.N.A.P.S. The New Holmes' Handbook and Catalogue of B.N.A. certainly fllll!· a rt~al

    need to collectors who did not posse1111 o ,Jarrett's. However, the 1929 edition of Jarrett's 111 stJll a good book on the subject . Since we do not pus out orchtda to philatelists let's say. "A 12 Penny Black t o Fred Jarrett and Dr. L. Seale Holmes."

    B.N.A.P.S. Those who nre Interested In plating the 1st leeue of Alberta Law Stamps

    wlll welcome a book which has just heen releued by the dealer K. Blleskl, of Winnipeg. Having trt~mendous holding!! In the Canadian Revenue field, Mr. 811-~~ld has the material to back up his 'll'rltlng. H e hopes t o hn!Ue In the fu t ure a hook on British Columbia revenues.

    B.N.A.P.S. For Firat Day cover fans In Canada. Have you ever been able to pick up the

    famous 1898 map stamp, Scotts #86 on a First Day cover ? That Ia a real Ftret Day cover, and haa quite a story attached to lt.

    B.N.A.P.S. Many stamps In the Canadian revenue field are rare. One that haa been very

    difficult Ia the $6.00 mint, 3d Issue Saskatchewan Law. It you have one, you pO· eesa a gem In the r a pidly growing revenue field.


    William Britton Stitt has reported t hree new Newfoundland Revenue stamps which to date have not been llsted In any at the tesues of " Topics." They are u follows:

    K ing Edward VII Perf 12 S50 VIolet Brown

    King O"eorge V Perf. 12 20%x2814 mm $20 Mustard $26 Rose.

    Dan Meyerson also reports: King George V Perf. 10% 21~x28'~ mm

    26c Blue


    Leae 10% for U.S.A. Funds PRICE $200.00


    We Ha.ve Them

    CENTURY STAMP COMPANY, 12&3 McGill College Ave., Montre•l, Qua. mat. uoo

  • RepQrt of the Treasurer Januar·y l, December· 31. 1944

    Fh·st Issue of TOPIC:::; donotted IJy a member·.

    flblCEI'P'l'S tor· year 1944: Member·shlp dues and fees, 1044 .......................... $333.62 Advertising und Classified To(Jics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165. H

    Total RecelptH applicable w 1944 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499.36 DEIN\RRED INCOMI

  • Report of the Secretary NEW ME MRERS

    139 Andersen, Peter 1., 92 Hawthorne St., Brooklyn 25, N. Y. 140 Bartlett, D r. L. S .. 115 Delawue Ave., Humlltcm. Ont .. Canada Ht Bayley. Walter s., 48 Roselawn Ave., T oronto 12, Ont. Cnnnda 142 Beck, Samuel E .. P. 0 . Box 121, S k yla nd. No. Carolina 148 Campbell. Frank ·w .. 1112 Pinehurst, Route 5, Roya l Oak, ·Mich. l44 De Lisle, Ivan J., 1891 London S t .. \V., Windsor, Ont., Canada 145 L llmson, Lt. Roger W., 74 Pleasant St .. Stoneha m 80, Mass. 146 Lee, Ensign Chester E., Navy # .221, F .P.O .• New York, N . Y. 147 Ll'111Je. Lloyd, 635 12th Ave., N . E .• St. Petersburg. Fla.

    APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP Beckman, W. C., 2432 Montague St .• Regina, Sn~~k ., (coli) (ex) CAN, NFD. pn-,;;

    - A•o, CO, PE. CAN. Nfo'D-RK, RP, Se. NFD--AM. By J . Levine, No. 1 Brazer, Clar·ence W., 4Hi Lexington Ave .• N e w York 17, N. Y . (Deal) H.N.A .

    Proofs & EIIRayfl. U.S. Proofs & Eaanye. By A. Hyde, Nc1. 43. Cohe n; Meyer A .. 2246 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn 29, N. Y . (co li) B.N.A. mint. By J .

    Levine, No. l. Grah'lm , Dr. John D .. 610 lOth Ave., Devils Lake, No. Dakota (coli) CAN--.A•o.

    BK, c. CO, V. 'Oy J. Levine . No. 1. Ouggenhelm, Allan M., 14468 Superior Rd., Cleveland Hgts 18. Ohio (coli ) New -

    foundland, Inc luding P roofs, Es~mys, e t c. By J . Levine, N o. 1. J ones, Daniel P., Bedford. Que, Can., (coli) CAN and covers mailed to Canada.

    Ay .J. R. Barraclough, No. 33. Liggett, C. Kirk, 500 West Ave .. Jenkintown, Pa. (C) (ex) CAN- A • . R, V. NFD,

    PRF~Ao. Used Br. Colonies. By J . Levine, No. t. Ma rtin, W. F . 13., 249 Argyle Ave., Ottawa, Ont., Cnn., (C) (ex) C AN. NFD. PRE

    -A•!>· CAN. NFD-AM, BK. CAN-13, C. CA .. CO, P . PL. By J . Lev~ne, No.1.

    Mellen, Wilson, Box 1232. Place d-Armes. Montreal. Que.,




    w IJ\IffRS POI~G £NDOWM£NT ~s~o .ooo fE"B. s ~ r7,19Z6 N V O"t-2 81".!!

    AC\M. ~. c. BA ... ~.w. · OEC.. r'\. E . ~---------------B~Ft HlGHLAND ~£ AUTIFY ~GATHERING~ o7l{~• AUGUSf 31S!TO SfPT[M8fR3'!! \N f N N I p t G

    a--rt .... ~. e&A. ~.

    MuSic:L.~ESriVAl ~VANGOVVER ·~ MAY. 30 '1' ('OJ u 1'4E 4 C!' 192.7

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    BROAt>'ll E'W 90Y5 -FALL FAlR-

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    BROCkVIL LE RE-UNION A WE E"K OF' JOY' JULY · IB · 2 4 ·1926 f ORO"iO .Y.M.C.A.

    61! t( .T . '"1Sf\o. e . F. -auY A -£Nf DOMINlON GOVfRNM


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    Bur~PLt OCT O SE'R 15~


    '11-'f A.A. _

  • "B" Slogans C. B. D. Ga r rett

    -t- BUY C H R I S1'11A$ SEALS euy c. •·

    -BU Y l't\ CH ~T E Z. GHRI~iM...S St~l.~ DES. sc £"U"' ' . A"" P • DE No t L


    6"i c .~. A . BUr CANADA'S



    .:t-BUY t CHR~STMAS





    BtJf c. r:: •~Y e. F". (e.&...) ____ __, BUY


    8tJY \/.e.





    StJy. Yf. '·



    (t,~'f &·A· fltl'/ "·6 • .(8tL)

    OTT'AWA To BELLE \SL -~ ~

    V3 o F SHottr~sT Ro uTE :10 Eullo PE·

  • B. N. A. Auction Reports Any membet· may write for Information about lots not mentioned In these

    reports. HARMER. ROOKE & CO .. 1'>. Y . ...• Jan. 19, 20. NOVA SCOTIA .... A cover with a v. f. shilling dull violet (1) and a 3p blue (3), cat. $286, sold for $710. P. E . I ..... The 9p violet on cover (8), ca t $3 .... $105. The 3c rose on cover (13) cat $2 •... $80.

    CANADA ON COVER: A pr of the U,S. 1847, 5c-$120, and the lOc, 1847. creased'--$110. The laid paper 6p violet (2)..-$105. A superb 3p on ribbed paper (4c)-$54. A horiz prof the 6p purple blk, wove, (5)- $100 A v. f. 6p green. B lk.

    /(Sb)- $102.50. Separate covers with the lOp blue (7)-$101, 100. A 71f.,p green (9 ) -$215. the deep green (9a)-$265. A cover with the 12~!. green (18)-$44. The perf 121f.,. 3c red (36) o.c.,- $32. A pr. of the large 6c (42)-$51.

    . ·CANADA OFF ·COVER: Used copies of the 3p red, laid (1) cat. $17.50-$40, 30. A used 6p on laid (2) cat $35-$50. The used 12p black on laid (3) cat $1500 -$1376. A superb used 3p red on wove (4) cat $6-$25. The 6p purple black (5) cat $35-$55. The used Gp violet (5a) cat $35-$51 50 A mint 12p black· on wove (6) cat $350()--$2500. A lOp blue on thick paper (7b) cat $6()--$80. A used H!.P green (9) cat $85-$105. A superb sheet margin pr of the 6c verm 05) cat $13-$52. A used blk 4 of the same (15)-$50. A used blk of 4 of the. 2c gr. (23)-$86. A mint blk of 4 of the 6c dark brown (25) cat $6()--$125. The script w'mark on ·the 15c (28)--$60. A used blk 4, 1c yell, lllhx12 (33)-$10. A used blk 4, 6c yell. bro., lllhx12 (38) o.c.-$17. A used blk 4, 5c slate green (43) lllhxl2, faults-$17. A used blk 10, perfs. missing, tOe rose lilac (40), 111,o2x12-$50. The 3c rose (36a) used blk '4, perf 12, faults-$15.50. A v. f. ueed blk 4. 6c yell bro. (38) perf 12-$28. A v. f . $4 Jubilee (64) cat $40- $43. A mint blk 4, 20c numert1l

    ·(84) cat $26-$38. The 2c carm. VIctoria booklet pane (77b) with covers, cat $85 - $100. A m,ln t blk 4, 50c Edward (95) cat $90--$150. A Jot with 38 booklet panel! (l04a-233a) cat $39.65- $61. A mint blk 4, 8c blue registration (F4)· cat $48-$102.50.

    H. R .. HARMER, N.Y., Jan 30 .... CANADA ..•. A v. f. used 6p greenish black (6b) cat $35-$45.50. A superb used 6p dull violet on t h ick soft paper (10) cat S15G--$155. A well centered $2 Jubilee (62) cat $40-$41. The 2c green booklet pane of 6 (107c) cat $40-$26.

    H. C. Barr, N. Y., Dec.' 15 .. .. CANADA . . . . A v. f. $3 Jubilee (GS) cat $40-$44. The 2c Carmine Edward boo-klet pane of 6 (90b) cat $100-$155. A min t blk 4 of the 50c Edward (96) eat $9G--$150. ·

    AUCTION COMMENTARY .. by D• n Meye reon

    J. Levine

    · At the Jan. 20 auction at the offices of H.1u·mer Rooke & Co., the following prices were realized on some of the Newfoundland Items that '\'ere offered for sale.

    A superb used copy of the 2d, #2, brought $335. A very fine unused copy of the 61hd scarlet, #7. with. a large part og brought UfO, while the same ~

  • A mint Do-X sold for $25, the Labrador set In the same condition tor $11.60, and the Balbo for $23.

    At the I

  • Further Notes on Newfoundland Booklets by Dan Meyeraon

    At the time that I wrote the article on Newfoundla~d Booklets that was published In the November Issue of "TOPICS,' there was one phase that was not covered at all. That was the question as to whether or not separate plates had been laid down for the printing of the booklet panes or whether the panes of 8 In the case of Type 1, or the panes of 4 In the case of Type 3, 4 and 4A, had been torn from the tops of the regular sheets Issued to the Post Office.

    Cut•sory examination would lead th(J collector to believe that the stamps were t orn from the regular post office sheets since the panes In the booklet In all cases are perforated all around. The only bit of lnfot·matlon that would tend to make one believe other.wlee Is found In an article written for "STAMPS" by George B. Sloane. several years ago. In discussing the Type 4A Booklet, Mr. Sloane has the following to say, and I quite:

    "In the second, and later printings, while the panes are again In blocks of 4, and perforated all around, It Is evident that the sta.mps were printed from plates specially designed for use In the production of etamp book-lets. The blocks show wider margins a ll at·ound the outside edges, and one booklet I have shows definite proof that the eta.mps are from a spe-cial plate. In this. a block of the 1c stamp shows not only the sheet mar-gin at top, but also an extra margin at the bottom. which Is wide and with no traces of any stamps below it. These special plates are probably eo arranged that the stamps are grouped In a series of double horizontal rows, with a sufficient space between each double row eo that when the printed stamps are perforated, and the stamps divided Into blocks, each block will have the necessary sheet margin at the top tor binding. Very likely there Is al~:~o a wldet· vertical spacing than usual separating each two vertical rows, which accounts for the wider margins at the sides of the stamps." Not being satisfied with the above logical explanation I wrote directly to

    Whitehead Morris Ltd.: producet·s of the stamps In the Type 1 Booklet, and to John Dickinson & Co. Ltd., who subsequently secured the contract tor the stamps that appear In the Type 3, 4 artd 4A Booklets.

    Both of the firms mentioned were kind enough to reply, and '.Yhltehead Morris Ltd. had this to say:

    "In reply to your letter, I have made Inquiries regarding the Newfound-land Pictorial set of Postage Stamps. The booklets were made up of stamps cut from the standard sheets of 100 as supplied to the postal Au-thority; no special pl:1te W.l\l! engraved fot· the booklet order."

    Your8 faithfully, For Whitehead Morrie Ltd. A. S. TILYARD

    The answer that I received from John Dickinson & ·Co. Ltd., Is as follows : "In reply to your letter regarding the Newfoundland Stamps we regret that we cannot give you any definite Information since all our records were destroyed when we lost our offices by enemy action In 1941. As far as our memory goes, the stamps that were supplied In booklet form were taken from the regular sheets of 100 and no special plate.a we1·e prepared."

    Yours faithfully for John Dickinson & Co. Ltd.

    A. H. B. In conclusion, judging from t'he contents of the above two letters, it Is wtth

    certainty that we can say that no special plates were laid down for the printing of the Newfoundland Booklet panes, and that all of the stamps used In the book-lets came directly from the standard sheets of 100 that were supplied to the Pos-tal Authorities.

    A vote of thanks Is due to Whitehead Morris Ltd., and to John Dickinson & Co. Ltd., for taking the time and trouble to anewer a question that has long p oeed a phllatellc problem.

  • Letters to the Editor Congratu'latlons on the fine articles appearln&' In the TOPICS. You are

    t-eally getting In some very Interesting material even for the Hrlous collector. I wu very Interested In W. W. Chadbournea article on the Prince Edward

    Isla,nd covers. I'd like to write to him and compare a few notes. He did not saY anything about bisects or t·eglstered covers. Here'• 110methlng I just discovered while going over some stampless covers.

    I have a stampless cover from Queenaton. C .. W., addressed to Charlotte-town with the PAID 3, Jarrett's No. 606, In black and Queenaton paid In black, on the face of the cover. Back.!ltamped: Clifton, Ont., June 28., St. John, N. B., June 29 ..... Charlotte-town. P.E.I .. July 1. The letter contained In the envelope Ia ack-nowledging a post office 01·der cor 6-9-7, apparently laaued at Cho.rlotte-town r. o. on May 27, 1872.

    'l'wo questions nutut•ally at·lse: why were they using the PAID 8 up In On-tario In 1872 when stam),)s were being used since 1867 (1 know tbla was a com-.mon practice, but why?). Secondly: Why was the Poatmaater at Charlotte-town issuing money orders In pounds, shlllln&'a and pence when that province had adopted the decimal aystem on Apl'il 17, 1871, and the post office was selling the cente value stamps over the counter since January 1, 1872. I have several dated covers for the year 1872. one of them FebrUaJ'.Y. 20 bearing the cents value stampa. Maybe someone can provide the explanatioln Cor these queetlona.

    L. Crosby .... Banff, Alberta

    There have been many opinions expressed In the various stamp magazines about the possibility or the Canadian Government Issuing a "VIctory" set to ac-claim the event. Such a set wa~:~ not Issued after the flrat war and It Is rensable to venture the opinion that the same precedent will be followed. Personally. 1 feel that those affected by this war will not need or want any reminder of what. ••rcce

  • final and authoritative handbook on Canadia n 11tamps. I would suggest that a Committee llPflolnted by t he P resident to assign a

    Htam).) to each membet'. and to wnrk out the details of this plan. Naturally, a ll of us would

  • For member• only. Rates 2c per word.· Min. 16 worde per ad. Three tlmee at price of 2. 600 worde at will $4 . 00, payable In advance. Scott'• numbers ueed unless otherwlee epeclfled.

    WANTED. Newfoundland booklets or panee. Aleo booklet covere or complete booklet remainder• with the stamps removed. Arthur Moll, 1240 73 .St., BrooklYn 28, N.Y.

    WANTED TO BUY-NEWFOU NDLAND RgVENUEB-lnland Revenue, an)' denomination with head of Queen VIctoria or King Edward, any denomination above ten ce~te with head of King George, any denomination above one dollar with caribou design. Transportation Tax or Money Order Tax, any denomina-tion. Send me one of abov.e stamps If you have no more. Please eubmlt with prices. Colln MacR. Makepeace, 1030 Hospital Trust Bldg., Providence a, R. I. WANTED-Newfoundland 6ti Caribou, # ,190, 191 and 269 upper left comer blocks with sheet margine and plate marklnge. Aleo clearly dated ueed coplee. Arthur Moll, 1240 72 St., Brooklyn 28, N. Y.

    WANTlED-CANADIAN Precancels; DOUBLED AND INVERTED VARilllTIJIIS. . Forward with your price or preference In exchange. Jack Levine, 610 Liberty Ave., Brooklyn 7, N. Y.

    WANTED-I atn making up a reference collection and need all philatelic lltero-ature covering the postage luuee of Canada and BNA. Pleue eend a U.t of • what you have and price to Ene. john s. Blverte, 715 O'll'arrell Bt., San ll'raa· cisco, Cal. Apt., Ill.

    '' WANTED-Anything unu1ual you have In used lllth cent. Canadlana In tine condition especially cover1, ehade1, cancellations and multiple plecee. Aleo your dupllcate complete bookletl. Bend with beet price to John B. Blverte, 785 O'Far-rell St., Ban Franclaco, Cal. Apt. 86

    WANTED-Newfoundland ac & lie envelope• ueed. Dan C. Keyereou 715 JDutem Parkway, Brooklyn 18, N.Y.

    WANTED-Newfoundland proofe, ee8aY• and 1peclmene. Dan C. Meyerson, 7111 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn 18, N. Y.

    WANTED-Newfoundland ac envelope•. Mint or ueed. Dan C. Meyei'IIOD 711 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn 18, N.Y.

    WANTED-NEWFOUNDLAND ONLY. Wholeaale eouroe of auppJ.7, llleo ~ elnglee on 20 day approval. Kenneth Mlnuee, 1211 Grand Concouree, New York 58, N.Y.

    .. 8A8KATCH,EWAN LAW8-1et prlntlnc- wanted the 711c, U and •• 'Y&luea. ~ 1 BERTA LAWS - 2nd Issue - buy or borrow any pairs, blocke or atrl~ - aJl . 1 valuee. J. Levine, 510 Liberty Avenue, Brooklyn 7, New York. r '

    ' .. WANTED-CANADA~SUPERB-u8ed elnglee, #18, 18, 20, S1, 81, U, 50 It IJ. ,, Newfoundland-18, 8'2, 38. 34, 48. R. A. Coleman, 1727 Beechwood, Pltteburt. ~

    I'M SORRY, FELLOWS! I APOLOGIZE!! Ot Course I got the Re8ponse From My Add La1t Month That lt'e Impollteneee

    Deeerved. After 10 Teare Seareh I Need A Lot Of

    2 CENT 18418'e Witn

    2 RING NUMERALS It You Have Any You Can Spare, Pleal!e Let Me Know.

    . REG. BARRACLOUGH P. 0. Box 115, Plaoe D'Armee Montreal, Quebeo


  • .. "

    . ' ~

    .~AN~DA t ' I • o ; I Prfe. 14 \&14 y , f . cop:r. (lara'e marirtn• \ ••...•..•..•.• .. •....... ••• •. • ... eo .oo 14 ..-Jor ~-entry, ~e exaznDle • .•..•..........•..•....•.. . ....•. , . 10 .00 14 WOYJ ~rood pr., cut Into allctlUY a.t bottom , rare •. • ....•...•.•.... 10.00 104 maJor. re-ent.r;r, 4 mara1a copy, paper all~rhtly creaaed before

    ,J111Du..r~· f . • •• .. •• •• •• . ••• • •• . • . •• .•• • • . , • . • . •• • ..••• . •.•.. ..••.• • 86.60 1tcl ~r ~-tl7. 4 m&ri1D copy on thlok hard paper, lnalcntfSo&nt faal& • ••••• • ••••••••••.••.•• • ••..••.•••••••••••••..•••.• , .• •• , ••.••• TI .M V.4 mllll ~--- 4 ~e maqtu a.n4 full o.~r., PJD crMM bat v.f . In ap~ce ra.re .•.. . •....... . .............. . .... . ........• •• ....•. 115 .00

    • '161!"cleep ~ pa.tr . •. •..... • . . ..••.•. . .•.••••...•.•.•••••• • •••• . • • 50.00 \64 maJor re-entry, flne copy ....•.•. . • • .•... . ......•. , •.. . •••••. 11 .50

    ( \64 N•entrr' lD bottom t ra ll\8- One v.f . .. ................. , .......... 1a.10 I ~d uaueell ,aperb, meetly o.~r ... , ......................... . ....... 41 .00 p , ~4 nHlcall7 rtb.,_, tine block, ex-Pack collecUon. only kn~WD block,

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