Page 1 “Thomas said, ‘…how can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well….” (John 14:5b-7a NIV) “If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS; I WILL COME TO YOU. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.’” (John 14:15-21 NIV) Dear Friends and Family, Greetings once again from the tropical isle of Hispaniola! We are coming to the end of our coolest season here. Our temperatures have not yet warmed up to HOT and we find ourselves cold at times, when temperatures hover in the 70’s and low 80’s. Even our new folks are becoming climatized and feel cooler, too! How quickly being stateside at Christmas has turned into springtime and the Easter season! While many things have waxed worse and worse in the world over these last months, we have many good things to report. Above all, we still have and know the Way, the Truth, the Life! We still have our sure hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! What wonderful promises we have from our Father, what tremendous comfort from the Holy Spirit, and what glorious assurances we have from our Lord Jesus! Jesus didn’t leave the early disciples alone; He sent His Spirit to live in them…and in us. As persecutions and many evil things intensify around the world and devastating events like storms and floods happen more frequently, it’s very reassuring to know that our Lord and Savior will not leave us as orphans. He will come for us at just the right time!! Hallelujah! Maranatha! After a wonderful Christmas in Ohio with family and friends and a slew of doctor appointments there, it was back to a few very full months in Haiti. Here’s how this first part of 2019 unfolded: January On Thursday, January 3 rd , our new SIF family moved to Haiti to join us! Travis, Erin, Noah, Eloise, and Fitsum Brubaker flew in on Missionary Flights International, along with our 6-month intern, Colin Zimmerman. Greg and Fanfan met them at the airport with our two big trucks. They were able to transport most of Brubakers’ belongings directly from the airport to their new home, located just down the road from us. Excitement was running very high for all of us that day! Many prayers and God’s amazing, wonder-working ways brought that day to reality! The Brubakers slept their first few nights at the guesthouse. This allowed time to unpack many Unloading included lots of trips up and down the steps from the parking spot to their door! Brubakers in front of their new home! April 2019

^Thomas said, …how can we know the way? Jesus …...Page 1 ^Thomas said, …how can we know the way? Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the

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Page 1: ^Thomas said, …how can we know the way? Jesus …...Page 1 ^Thomas said, …how can we know the way? Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the

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“Thomas said, ‘…how can we know the way?’ Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and

the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you

really knew me, you would know my Father as well….” (John 14:5b-7a NIV)

“If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and He will

give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world

cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him,

for He lives with you and will be in you. I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU AS ORPHANS; I WILL

COME TO YOU. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me.

Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father,

and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he

is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will

love him and show myself to him.’” (John 14:15-21 NIV)

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings once again from the tropical isle of Hispaniola! We are coming to the end of our coolest season here.

Our temperatures have not yet warmed up to HOT and we find ourselves cold at times, when temperatures

hover in the 70’s and low 80’s. Even our new folks are becoming climatized and feel cooler, too!

How quickly being stateside at Christmas has turned into springtime and the Easter season! While many things

have waxed worse and worse in the world over these last months, we have many good things to report. Above

all, we still have and know the Way, the Truth, the Life! We still have our sure hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus

Christ! What wonderful promises we have from our Father, what tremendous comfort from the Holy Spirit, and

what glorious assurances we have from our Lord Jesus! Jesus didn’t leave the early disciples alone; He sent His

Spirit to live in them…and in us. As persecutions and many evil things intensify around the world and devastating

events like storms and floods happen more frequently, it’s very reassuring to know that our Lord and Savior will

not leave us as orphans. He will come for us at just the right time!! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

After a wonderful Christmas in Ohio with family and friends and a slew of doctor appointments there, it was

back to a few very full months in Haiti. Here’s how this first part of 2019 unfolded:


On Thursday, January 3rd, our new SIF family

moved to Haiti to join us! Travis, Erin, Noah,

Eloise, and Fitsum Brubaker flew in on

Missionary Flights International, along with our

6-month intern, Colin Zimmerman. Greg and

Fanfan met them at the airport with our two big

trucks. They were able to transport most of

Brubakers’ belongings directly from the airport

to their new home, located just down the road

from us. Excitement was running very high for

all of us that day! Many prayers and God’s

amazing, wonder-working ways brought that

day to reality!

The Brubakers slept their first few nights at the

guesthouse. This allowed time to unpack many

Unloading included lots of trips up and down the steps from the

parking spot to their door! Brubakers in front of their new home!

April 2019

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of their totes of clothes and household supplies as well as to make sure their basic necessities were in place

(water, electric, fans, vehicle, keys, and mattresses). Thanks for your many prayers for all of us—with their move

and this huge transition—and for the teams that quickly followed their arrival!

January 5-12. Sharonville UMC Team (OH) with 10P, led by Barb

Sailor. This team helped build 5 houses in Lafferonney (near Faith

Academy). During one house build, the three teenage siblings all

prayed to receive Christ! The team also moved scaffolding to the

new church site in Cazeau (near the airport), where the Haitian

crew was hard at work putting posts in for it (in preparation for

our next team to build it). The team also did some work at the

Brubaker’s house including making screens for more windows,

putting up clothesline poles, and setting batteries in place for

their solar electric system.

That week, Noah (3rd grade) and Eloise (K) began attending Quisqueya

Christian School. They were able to join the other students just coming

back from Christmas break to start the 2nd semester. (QCS is where our

girls, the Banks kids, and Nick Lukkarila all attended.) Erin was thrust into

the school commute and has done well adjusting to driving here and

finding her way around. Noah and Eloise really like QCS and are doing

well there.

The flurry of activity that week also included acclimating Brubakers to

their new house staff— all these things happening while the two of us

were trying to recover from a flu bug! Never a dull moment!

January 12-19. Rolling Plains UMC Team (Zanesville, OH) with 9P, led by Tim Swingle. This team arrived on the

9th anniversary of Haiti’s massive earthquake, a date never forgotten by those who lived through it. This team

came anticipating building a church in Cazeau, a daughter church of Rendezvous Christ Church in PAP, where we

attend and take many of our teams. The structure will also

function as a cafeteria/assembly room for the 500

students attending the adjacent school on the property.

Kris Kemp, who helped oversee building Village of Grace’s

church in 2016, joined them with his valuable construction

skills. Three of Brubakers’ relatives also came to help with

the project: Erin’s dad (Randy), her brother-in-law

(Brandon), and Travis’s brother (Braden). We all enjoyed

time with the Brubaker family!

This was a huge week! With the Lord’s help, they were

able to build the church in Cazeau in four days! For the

team’s last workday, they built a house in Lafferonney and

saw a bit more of the countryside. In spite of winter

storms in the Midwest, all the team members made it

back home on schedule. Much praise to God for working

out the details for this week—and every week!

The Sharonville team in front of our customized truck that is serving us well!

Noah & Eloise headed to school in their uniforms.

Everyone working on Cazeau’s new church. Can you see the line of spectators?

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The following week without teams was spent preparing for the next two groups—getting all construction materials

delivered to the house, purchasing a few more medicines, hiring a few more translators, and stocking up on


January 26-February 2. Richmond Team (VA) with 18P, led by Ferdie Baruch. This team worked in two locations

near Croix des Bouquets. Thirteen provided a mobile medical clinic, working out of Faith Academy’s

church/cafeteria. They saw 1,000 patients and distributed around 250 pairs of reading glasses. Nearby, in

Lafferonney, the other five team members built 5 houses. One day, a couple who were new to the area came by

the construction site. After talking with

them, they become Christians! What a

delight to lead them to the Lord! The man

had a very infected foot. They helped him

get to the mobile med clinic for

treatment, meds, and careful instructions

with the hope of saving his foot. We love

it when God allows us to be part of timely

encounters for Him!


February 2-9. Asbury UMC Team (Salisbury, MD) with 10P, led by Bob Love. Our guys were able to drop off the

Richmond team at the airport and bring the Asbury team home on the same trip! Our version of “house-

flipping” happens on days like this! Sunday after church, the team visited long-term missionaries, Tom and Bev

Brumley, at their home/school. Tom is from their hometown. The team built four houses in Kago during their

first three workdays. The fourth house was for a couple

with eight children— all VERY grateful to have a 12’x12’

house! Unfortunately, local protests were scheduled for

Thursday, so our team stayed at the guesthouse. In the

morning, we shared part of our story and HIStory in

Haiti through us. In the afternoon, the team extended

the roof of Greg’s workshop. It provides a covered,

shaded, and thus cooler area in which to work. Thanks,

team! On Friday, the team ventured to Croix des

Bouquets, built a house, and were a testimony to the

people there. They skipped the usual Friday sightseeing

as protests ramped up all over town. Thankfully, the

team was able to get to the airport Saturday before

protests escalated and to leave PAP as scheduled.

You may have seen Haiti on the news during the next week (Feb 9-16). “Manifestations”, as they call the protests,

were pretty much country-wide. The organizers made sure to block all the major roads which left folks virtually

homebound all week. All schools and businesses were closed. (During unrest like that, it is kind of like our US

blizzard/snowdays when people are told it’s best to stay off the roads and just stay home!) The US Embassy raised

Haiti’s travel warning to Level 4 which added to our decision to cancel the team scheduled to arrive Saturday, the

16th. (The team was able to reschedule for later on, as were Colin’s parents for their cancelled trip.)

Asbury team members extending the roof of Greg’s workshop

The Richmond Team, a combination medical and construction team. Some of them have been serving with us on short-term teams for 20 years!

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The next week, things settled down for the most part and normal daily life and work resumed. The Embassy,

however, continues to keep the travel warning at Level 4. This scares many away and unfortunately further

extends the crippling effects of the earlier unrest on the economy.

February 23-March 2. COS (OH)/VF-Messiah (PA) Team with 12P.

This combined team was led by Barb Daniel/Sam Toombs (OH)

and Adam Davis (PA). They decided to “come on down” as

scheduled—and were able to be a real witness of God’s love—

reaching out when many groups wouldn’t come. They built 8

houses in Kago and went to Lafferonney on Friday to build a 9th

house. Colin’s folks, Leroy and Tracy, came for a visit toward the

end of that week. They joined in with the team and then had a

few days afterward for sightseeing “up the mountain” and

around PAP. It was great having them here.

*This team came from three churches: Church of the Saviour UMC in Cincinnati, OH; Valley Forge UMC in Valley Forge, PA; and Messiah UMC in Lafayette Hill, PA


The week of Mardi Gras—usually celebrated wildly in Haiti— was very subdued since the government said Mardi

Gras wouldn’t be celebrated this year. Some schools were even having classes, making up for the lost days in


Getting ready for the next two weeks of teams gave Travis and Erin a chance to see how the two of us prepare—

Greg ordering lumber and the supplies for houses, and Cathie the food and guesthouse supplies for the teams’


Because of the continuing fuel shortages and uncertain future supply for the country, we added one more set of

inverter batteries. This ensures we have enough solar electricity to last the night when teams are here, without

running the generator 2-3 hours each evening. So we expect to be “off the grid”, not needing unpredictable and

expensive city power or the generator (or diesel fuel to run it). Being totally independent is the way to go. It

truly is a blessing that solar power now runs the guesthouse, the Brubaker’s house, and Fanfan’s school!

We had our share of breakdowns. A freezer, fridge, and two washing machines quit working. The blue truck

needed fixed. Before we bought extra batteries, the generator quit working and the repairman took a week to

fix it (while a team was here). There’s almost always something needing fixed—light switches, doors, toilets. And

that’s part of what makes every day different here! Everything is back up and running now—until tomorrow.

March 9-16. Pilgrim UMC Team (St. Johns, MI) with 4P, led by

Mitch Hallenbeck. Our board president and her husband joined

them from Ohio. They built 3 houses in Kago and spent some time

walking around and visiting in the community. They also spent 1 ½

days working on additional restroom facilities in Village of Grace.

They put the roof over the building one day and put doors on the

13 bathroom stalls another. Their last workday was spent building

their 4th house, this one in Montreal. Before flying home, the

team loaded the truck with construction materials for the next

team to use. (With the start of Daylight Savings Time on 3/10, it is

still dark when teams normally load the truck at 6:30 am.)

Three churches sent team members for this group. Together they built 9 houses!

Some hard workers: Eric & Pam Hammers from Ohio and Linda, LaTonya, MaryJo, and Mitch from Michigan

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March 17-23. Leesburg UMC Team (OH) with 7P, led by John Welling. They were the team that had to reschedule

from February. Because of downed 737 planes, the airline changed their plans again, to fly in a day later, on

Sunday. In spite of these setbacks, and because of their persistence and faith, they finally made it and were a

blessing to all! The day after they got to Haiti, the Elkhart

team arrived, so we had two teams overlapping.

March 18-25. Faith UMC Team (Elkhart, IN) with 5P, led by

Brian Conwell. They came from Monday to Monday

instead of the typical Saturday to Saturday. On Monday,

the Leesburg team headed off in their preloaded truck and

built a house in Kago. Meanwhile, the Faith team flew in

and were oriented at the guesthouse. Tuesday through

Thursday, both teams worked together in Kago, building

two houses each day. Tuesday was a special day. At one of

the house builds, the husband was a believer already and

his unbelieving wife prayed to receive Christ! Also, a

pregnant lady walked by and said she wanted –not a

house—but to be saved! She accepted Christ too!

On Wednesday and Thursday, Travis & Colin led construction while Greg was off buying 13 toilets for Village of

Grace and starting to install them. Friday both teams were out in Lafferonney, building a house for a woman in

great need. Afterward, they stopped to see Faith Academy. After school, some of the HOPE girls spontaneously

surrounded Greg, beautifully sang in perfect English “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns, and gave him kisses on the

cheek. That was a precious time for the two of us, even though Cathie wasn’t there to witness it. We/they

worship You Lord in all You take us through! That was a taste of heaven on earth!

That evening, the Leesburg team had their debriefing. They flew home the next day, while the Faith team had

their final workday. It was spent at Village of Grace and setting more toilets in place for that community. It

reminded us of the kid’s chorus, “If you want to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.”

Sunday, March 25th, was the opening church service

at the new Cazeau church. (This is the church that

was built mid-January by the Rolling Plains team.

After they built it, Bos Remy and his crew poured the

cement floor. Then our guys spent another day

adding some finishing touches to the building.) It was

great that the Faith UMC team got to attend the

premier (and packed!) service with us before flying

home the next day. We were thrilled to be part of the

service and to worship the Lord with Haitian and

American believers! Because of SIF’s

role in the construction, Greg was

asked to say a few words during the

service. After church, the whole

congregation celebrated with a meal

of rice and beans and chicken.

We’ve heard that 9 were saved that

day and 7 at the next Sunday’s

service. Praise the Lord!

The combined Leesburg & Faith teams. They really enjoyed working together and seemed like old friends!

Above: Greg speaking in Creole to the congregation at Cazeau Church’s inaugural

service. Right: Worshiping God together

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Without teams scheduled this month, our coworkers were able to take care of some needs stateside. Brubakers

went back to PA for a few weeks for Travis to have hernia surgery and recover. Colin went home to PA to help

his Dad with the family business. Fanfan went to Ohio to speak, visit, and raise funds for Faith Academy.

We are so very thankful for their help and what they each add to SIF’s ministry in Haiti! Brubakers are adjusting

well and we ask for your continued prayers as the first year is usually the hardest for all who come to serve in

Haiti. Colin is a huge help again this year. We know the Lord has great things ahead for him, wherever He leads

him after his internship. (We hope it is back to Haiti again!) And of course, Fanfan has been faithfully serving

alongside us for 19 years now! He continues to be a tremendous blessing to everyone. In late January, Junior

Cineas joined our staff to reach out more to the people of the communities we serve. He will aid in their

discipleship and help them build lasting relationships with Christ. Pray with us that God will use us all mightily to

further His Kingdom and glorify His name!

Everyone will be back for the two teams scheduled in May. We will most likely take our furlough mid-June through

July, returning to Haiti early August before the two teams scheduled that month. Please call or email Cheryl at the

home office if you want us to speak or share during that time. (740-398-3082 or [email protected])

If you have thought about bringing a team or joining an existing one, call and talk to Cheryl. She’ll be glad to

provide information and answer any questions.

We are so grateful for your support for this ministry—through financial gifts, prayers, and sending or coming on

teams. Thank you all! Most of all, we praise the Lord!

Continue to seek His face daily and honor Him in all you do. Soon He will be coming for His bride!

Looking unto Jesus,

P.S. We’ve shared with some of you about Greg’s appointment last December with a specialist at Cleveland Clinic. We

discussed the possibility of him having major surgery this summer for his extreme achalasia. They would remove his esophagus

and stretch his stomach up to his throat. After much research and prayerful consideration, we’ve decided the risks outweigh

the benefits at this time, so he will probably not have the surgery until we retire in a few years.

The SIF crew in Haiti: Travis, Erin, Colin, Fanfan, Cathie, Greg, & Junior

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Greg & Cathie Benson

April 2019

Praise the Lord with us:

1. For our co-workers on the field: Fanfan, Brubakers, Colin, and Junior.

2. For teams and people served and ministered to.

3. For God’s protective hand on teams and us during winter storms, Haiti protests, sickness, and other snags.

4. That Greg’s CLL continues to be in remission.

5. For hearts that have been drawn to Jesus.

6. For the new church in Cazeau being built and functioning.

7. For discipleship training in progress.

8. For the Lord’s daily presence and guidance and comfort; That He doesn’t leave us as orphans!

Pray with us:

1. For God’s wisdom, strength, and good health.

2. For the upcoming May and August teams; For the recruitment and scheduling of more teams.

3. For furlough plans to be God-designed.

4. For continued great transition for Brubakers as they learn the ropes of SIF ministry and the Creole language.

5. For God to direct Colin as he seeks out what’s next after his internship ends.

6. For our kids and grandkids. For each of their walks with the Lord to remain strong and their lives to be lived fully for Him. (Mikayla gave her heart to Jesus 3/17, 6 days after she turned 5. She said, “God loves me so much, I want to love Him back!”) For God’s wisdom and strength for all of us. For Andrew and Linette as they totally renovate their new home. For Ian and Melissa as they seek to begin building theirs.

7. For us all to be looking to—and looking for— Jesus, obedient and rejoicing daily!

Contact us at: Contact the home office at:

[email protected] [email protected]

3170 Airman’s Drive #2125-SIF PO Box 227

Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 Fredericktown, Ohio 43019

Website: www.sifministries.org 740.398.3082

Who Am I by Casting Crowns

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth Would care to know my name Would care to feel my hurt? Who am I, that the bright and morning star Would choose to light the way For my ever wandering heart? Not because of who I am But because of what you've done Not because of what I've done But because of who you are I am a flower quickly fading Here today and gone tomorrow A wave tossed in the ocean A vapor in the wind Still you hear me when I'm calling Lord, you catch me when I'm falling And you've told me who I am I am yours Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin Would look on me with love And watch me rise again? Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea Would call out through the rain And calm the storm in me? Not because of who I am But because . . .……

The HOPE girls singing “Who am I” to Greg and a team. We praise God

they are growing in Him.