Three Generations of Behaviour Therapy

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Three Generations of Behaviour Therapy. Behaviour Therapy. 1950 - 1960 Joseph Wolpe : Systematic desensitisation. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Aaron Beck: Cognitive Therapy (CT) Albert Ellis: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) 1970 - now. Mindfulness Based Therapy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Three Generations of  Behaviour  Therapy
Page 2: Three Generations of  Behaviour  Therapy

Three Generations of Behaviour Therapy

Behaviour Therapy

• 1950 - 1960• Joseph Wolpe: Systematic desensitisation

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

• Aaron Beck: Cognitive Therapy (CT)• Albert Ellis: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

(REBT)• 1970 - now

Mindfulness Based


• 1990 - now• Mindfulness Based Stress Reductions• Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy• Acceptance Commitment Therapy

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Little Hans

Freud: "Analysis of a Phobia in a Five-year-old Boy” (1909) http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/36872_O'Neil_Ch_01.pdf

Wolpe: Fear = asosiasi stimulus (peristiwa di lingkungan) dan

respon (reaksi observable dan terukur) Teori belajar. Systematic disensitisation: (1) relaksasi, (2) hirarki

kecemasan, (3) imaginal exposure* + relaksasi*Imaginal exposure diganti in vivo exposure

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“Men are disturbed, not by things, but by the principles and notions which they form concerning things.”

(Epictetus, Greek Stoic philosopher)

Zeno of Citium, the founder of Stoicism, 300 BC

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Situasi: Tanpa pemberitahuan, teman-teman yang biasanya sekelompok dengan Anda tidak lagi memasukkan nama Anda ke dalam kelompok tugas dan malah menggantinya dengan orang lain. Saat hal ini Anda tanyakan, mereka semua berkelit.

Tuliskan:1. Pikiran otomatis apa saja yang muncul (automatic

thoughts).2. Sejauh mana Anda percaya dengan kebenaran dari

@masing-masing pikiran tsb. (skala 1-100)3. Emosi apa saja yang muncul (sedih, cemas, marah, dll.)4. Intensitas dari @emosi tsb. (skala 1-100)

Bayangkan situasi berikut ini…

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Prinsip dasar CBT http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/13969_Westbrook___Chapter_1.pdf

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1. Prinsip kognitif: Penekanan pada pikiran, beliefs, dan interpretasi (makna) yang diberikan terhadap peristiwa.

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2. Prinsip behavioral: Perilaku memengaruhi pikiran dan emosi.

3. Prinsip kontinum: Normal – abnormal dalam satu kontinum.

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4. Prinsip “here-and-now”.

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5. Prinsip problem sebagai interacting-systems

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6. Prinsip empiris: Teori dan praktik CBT harus dievaluasi secara empiris.

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Level kognisi

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Cognitive Therapy (CT: Aaron Beck)Negative automatic thoughts (NATs)


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Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT: Albert Ellis)

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Recommended supplements

The REBT Network http://www.rebtnetwork.org/ Dysfunctional Thought Record

http://bridgmandocs.com/forms/DTR.pdf Guide Self-Therapy Session
