Through special education to meaningful occupation Recommendations based on examples of good practice from the project Project nr. 2015-1-SK01-KA219-008905 KA2: Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education, Training and Youths The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Through special education to meaningful occupation€¦ · Through special education to meaningful occupation Recommendations based on examples of good practice from the project Project

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Page 1: Through special education to meaningful occupation€¦ · Through special education to meaningful occupation Recommendations based on examples of good practice from the project Project

Through special education to meaningful occupation

Recommendations based on examples of good practice from the


Project nr. 2015-1-SK01-KA219-008905 KA2: Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education, Training and Youths






The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.  

Page 2: Through special education to meaningful occupation€¦ · Through special education to meaningful occupation Recommendations based on examples of good practice from the project Project



My Work is My Future aims to improve pre-vocational and vocational education for learners with learning difficulties and disability to better facilitate their transition to the world of work. Students with special educational needs are at risk of isolation and they often have limited opportunities to succeed in employment.

The study Vocational Education and Training – Policy and Practice in the field of Special Needs Education, issued by the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2012), claims that “individuals with special educational needs are, in relation to the labour market, usually categorised as marginalised or at risk of social exclusion.“ Therefore, it is important that pre-vocational and vocational education is of a high standard and tailored to individual learners‘ needs, with particular attention being paid to the integration of specific groups, including those with disabilities.

The project involves schools from five European countries and Turkey. Examples of good practice, methods, approaches and study programmes to develop pre-vocational and vocational skills will be shared in order to improve the quality of education, develop students‘ skills and support their transition to employment.

The schools involved cater for almost 900 students and employ over 300 staff who will directly benefit from the project. In addition, the project will create a website with a bank of tools and resources which will be available to anyone who is involved in developing pre-vocational and vocational education and supporting students with special educational needs to move into employment.

Project objectives

1. To set up a strong partnership between schools from the European Union and Turkey who provide primary, secondary and vocational education for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities. This partnership will share good practice, methods, approaches and study programmes which focus on developing pre-vocational and vocational skills and support the transition to employment.

2. To share, compare and analyse the pre-vocational and vocational skills curriculum in special needs education in each country. The partners will also share their experience in co-operating with local authorities, potential employers and other organisations to support students moving in to employment.

3. To embed and maximise the use of ICT based teaching and training. 4. To create a bank of resources and tools and make them available through an

open educational resource website. These resources will make use of new technologies e.g. ICT, tablets, interactive whiteboards, alternative and augmentative communication aids, the TEACCH approach, visualisation and structuring and video modelling.

5. To develop a common methodology focusing on preparing students for future employment from an early age by supporting the development of self-care skills and building a positive attitude towards work, followed by vocational training and participating in a work placement.

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What is the aim of education? Why do we educate children with a disability? What is their future?

In the education of each child, with or without a disability, we need to follow an aim; we need to have a vision which is created, changed and adapted in the process of education. The educational process depends on the child, including his or her personal and intellectual predispositions, interests, strengths and weaknesses, as well as on possibilities of the country in which the child is growing up. We need to adapt our vision from as early as possible to enable children to access opporutnities which are provided and guaranteed by a state policy after his or her education is completed.

Whether a child with a disability will have the opportunity to work in a protected environment or if he/she will stay at home or in an institution, there is a set of skills that each child should develop.

For this reason this project has focused on the methods and areas that we consider necessary for our students to acquire during their education and vocational training.

Pre-vocational preparation in this context begins from an early age because acquiring self-care, play, social and academic skills during nursery and primary education, together with supporting fine and gross motor skills, are essential for further vocational training in an area students choose according to their interests and skills.

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We focused on the following areas: 1

SELF CARE SKILLS Hygiene, eating, dressing, daily living tasks

PLAY SKILLS It imitates the activity of adults, links creativity with interests of the child, supporting the development of a child in every area.

MOTOR SKILLS Managing simple moves is a prerequisite for mastering play skills, work skills and self-care skills

SOCIAL SKILLS We are part of a society that has certain rules and

principles to follow

ACADEMIC SKILLS Knowing how to read, write and count are necessary skills for independent living, decision-making and self-development

WORK SKILLS It is closely related to other skills, teaches perseverance,

consistency, accuracy.

                                                                                                                         1  https://myworkismyfuture.eu/uk/  

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Principles for effective teaching of people with learning disabilities2  

Individuals with learning disabilities benefit from the same teaching strategies used to teach people with other learning challenges. This includes learning disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism.

SMALL STEPS - Each learning task is introduced one step at a time. This avoids overwhelming the student. Once the student has mastered one step, the next step is introduced.

HANDS ON - Most people are kinaesthetic learners. This means they learn best by performing a task “hands on“. Long verbal directions and abstract lectures are ineffective for most students.

VISUAL AIDS - Students with a learning disability learn best when information is concrete. They do best in learning environments where visual aids are used. This might include charts, pictures and videos. These visual tools are also useful for helping students to understand what behaviours are expected of them.

IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK – Enables students with learning disabilities to make a connection between their behaviour and the teacher's response. A delay in providing feedback makes it difficult to form connections between cause and effect. As a result, the learning may be missed.

Examples of good practice                                                                                                                          2   RAYNOLDS, T, C. E. ZUPANICK a M. DOMBECK. 2013. Effective Teaching Methods For People With Intellectual Disabilities. [online][cit 2016-4-10] Dostupné na: https://www.mentalhelp.net/articles/effective-teaching-methods-for-people-with-intellectual-disabilities/


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Video Scenarios Video scenarios are based on the principles of video modelling, using visual aids to support people with autism and/or learning difficulties and disabilities to acquire new skills. More information is available at https://myworkismyfuture.eu/uk/video-scenarios/

Picture Instructions Picture instructions (visually cued instructions) are designed as a visual support for people with autism and/or learning difficulties and disabilities to develop skills by using a step-by-step approach. More information is available at https://myworkismyfuture.eu/uk/photo-instructions/

Recommendation Video Scenarios and Picture Instructions have been successfully embedded in Súkromná spojená škola in Prešov in Slovakia, which caters for students with autism. We apply all the principles of effective teaching of people with intellectual disabilities and autism – visualization, “hands on” approach, small steps and immediate feedback. It is highly effective in teaching our students skills in all areas beginning with play skills, self-care skills and gross and soft motor skills in Nursery, followed by teaching of academic and social skills throughout the primary and secondary education and work skills in their vocational training. You can find many video scenarios and picture instructions and download them for free at https://myworkismyfuture.eu/uk/

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Building small businesses in a school environment Start small and focus on a specific area In 2003, Catcote Academy, Hartlepool, UK introduced the idea of Business and Enterprise, and the development of Enterprise skills, through a programme called Young Enterprise. A small group of students took part in the ‘team programme’ which is specifically designed for children with special educational needs. The aim is to develop confidence and vital life skills; each student took on a job role and worked as part of a team. Following the success of this programme, the school decided to introduce Enterprise lessons and activity weeks so that all students could benefit.

Embedding across the school In 2008, staff worked together to identify a way of embedding Business and Enterprise skills in all areas of the curriculum. This resulted in ten ‘Enterprise Commandments’, a set of skills that our students can develop to help to prepare them for adult life and the world of work:

Everybody matters – cooperate New things – try them Take the lead Ears – use them Respond to others – communicate Perform as a team Responsibility – show it Initiative – take it Solve problems Everyday meet your deadlines

Identifying opportunities Once we felt that the Enterprise Commandments were working well for our students we started to look at opportunities within the school environment for setting up small businesses that our students could be involved in running. This led to a Reprographics business, producing a range of printed publications to fulfil orders made by members of the public. A Coffee Shop was also established within the building and opened to the public on a daily basis. Both of these areas gave our students the chance to develop practical work skills within a sheltered environment where they could receive the support they needed from our dedicated staff.

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Extending beyond the school and into the local community In 2015 we identified a café space in the local Art Gallery that was no longer open. As this was formerly a valued community space, we approached the council and suggested that the school take over this business. The Vestry Café opened in May that year and represents the next step for students moving into the world of work, giving them experience of a busier environment. The Vestry also provides paid weekend and holiday jobs for students. Recommendation Extending our reach into the local community and showcasing our students’ talents to other potential employers has been very successful. We will shortly be opening our new shop ‘Catcote Metro’ in the centre of Hartlepool which will sell a range of products made by our students.

Coffee Shop – Small business in a school environment (at Catcote Academy, Hartlepool, UK)

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Monitoring the process of socialisation and assisting with employment of qualified students Goals of the monitoring service

• Realising the right to health insurance and financial aid after the completion of education

• Finding a job • Adaptating to a work

environment • Adapting of jobs • Information for employers • Organisation of free time for the

unemployed • Consulting students and parents

• Education of students in their final year (active search for employment, writing CVs, job interviews…)

• Cooperation and contacts with employers

• Cooperation with government organizations and non-government associations for aid for people with learning disabilities

Work methods

• Group work • Individual work • Workshops, training • Role playing

Recommendation In order to successfully embed the monitoring service for the process of socialisation and assisting with employment of qualified students we recommend implementing these activities into your curriculum:

• Contacts with students (continuous) (+ self-evaluation lists, monitoring lists) • Contacts with employers, providing information to employers • Workshops for students in their final year (enabling them to write CVs, requests,

job interviews, how to find job announcements…) • Directing students what to do to obtain certain rights after they complete their

education • Monitoring of and assisting with applying to the Croatian Employment Service

(HZZ) and Welfare Centres (CZSS) and getting their rights • Holding meetings with students in 3rd grade

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• Informing relevant institutions on completion of education • Group meetings with students to encourage them to actively look for jobs and

spend their leisure time productively, education groups, group support, encouragement and education

(Monitoring the process of socialization and assisting with employment of qualified students at Srednja škola – Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje, Zagreb, Croatia)


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Individualised Educational Plans (IEP) and Individualised Teaching Plans (ITP) What is Individualised Education Plan?

Individualized education plan is a tool which helps teachers, families and other professionals meet the educational needs of students with special needs.

Benefits of IEPs

§ Provides appropriate educational services to individuals

§ Determines appropriate and realistic objectives for the individual

§ Reveals whether these objectives are met or not.

What is an Individual Teaching Plan?

It is a plan that shows what the student and teacher do for the student to acquire the necessary behaviours in a detailed, clear and explicit manner. ITPs can be prepared daily, weekly or monthly. Objectives of ITPs are the short term objectives of IEP. They are the plans that guide the teacher on how to teach short-term goals in order to achieve the long-term goals in the IEP.

Recommendation It is very important to make IEPs and ITPs in all stages of the educational process of people with special needs because:

• all individuals, no matter what type and degree of disability, can learn. • language, problem solving, mental processes, behavioural traits and

characteristics of learning may differ for individual children • IEPs take into consideration the differences for individual development • students should be taught the necessary skills and expected behaviours they

need at home or in the daily life of the community

Using IEP in education and vocational trainging in İzmir Özel Eğitim İş Uygulama Merkezi, Izmir, Turkey  

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Vocational training Vocational training is important for SEN students because:

• Vocational activities contribute to an adaptive and integrative personality. • Training provides additional skills that prepare young students with disabilities for

work and independent living.

Vocational training is a dynamic relationship between four factors:

General areas of action:

• Daily living skills; • Educational skills for various games and leisure; • Building capacity and working skills.

The main objectives of the intervention are:

• Development, retention and recovery of each person as much as possible; • Compensation of the affected functions by stimulation of the valid functions; • Increasing the health and self-esteem of the person.

Using a variety of techniques – modelling various materials, knitting, fretwork, pyro gravure, quilling, painting on various surfaces. Our teachers organise curricular and extracurricular activities with students in the following workshops:

• Carpet weaving • Pottery and ceramics • Carpentry • Tailoring


• Participating in these activities influences the wellbeing of the individual; • The training should take into consideration social, psychological and physical

factors; • Interpersonal relationships represent an important factor of the training

process; • Vocational training is one of the most important supports for other recovery

actions and must be applied in collaboration with other specialists - a multidisciplinary team;






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• Develops personal autonomy, increase confidence in success and develops self-esteem;

• Discover and develop outstanding abilities and talents of the student; • Facilitates integration of the person in social, economic and professional life; • Learning the steps to make products helps students to develop their cognitive

skills: planning, memory, concentration and sequential processes.

(Students activities in school workshops of CSEI „Alexandru Rosca” Lugoj, Romania)

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Use of ICT in SEN education and vocational training It is a fact that ICT is a part of our life and education these days. Children, as well as adults, with or without disabilities are attracted to ICT and we often notice that our students with SEN are often a step or two ahead in the use of new technologies.

Students with intellectual disabilities and autism are strong visual learners; most of the time they like ICT and we can use it to improve their education.

What we can use: tablets, interactive whiteboards, computers, cameras, video-cameras, smartphones

How we can use them: to create video scenarios and photo instructions of self-care skills, play skills, motor skills, social skills, academic and work skills.

Benefits of use of ICT:

(preparation of a sandwich using a picture instruction at a School Café, Súkromná spojená škola, Prešov, Slovakia)

• attractive for students • easy to use (tablets - touch screen) • portable (tablets, smartphones) • access to internet – free OER –

myworkismyfuture.eu • easy to access and review video

scenarios or picture instructions • motivation • provides visualized know-how • uses small step approach • hands on approach – students

learn new skill while watching and practising at the same time

• immediate feedback – supervision of an adult

Recommendation In order to master making video scenarios and photo instructions, professionals working with students with intellectual disabilities and/or autism need to improve their ICT skills in:

• use of tablets – upload, download, copy and save videos and files • making and editing photographs and videos – video maker, photo editors • advanced use of YouTube channel to store videos; Slideshare to store

PowerPoint Presentation with picture instructions • to be familiar with a methodology of Video modelling and Visually cued

instructions (photo instructions) - free access to information at https://myworkismyfuture.eu/uk/

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Workshops at participating schools

Disposable overshoe covers workshop

Paper boxes workshop

Gardening workshop

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Woodwork workshop

Catering workshop at the School Café

Horticulture workshop

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 Active searching for employment – Workshop  

  Writing CVs – Workshop

 Job interview - Workshop  

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 Cooking workshop  

 Office support – workshop

Book binding workshop

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Carpet weaving workshop

Daily life skills workshop

Food preparation workshop

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                                                                                                                               Prešov, 2017    

Project nr. 2015-1-SK01-KA219-008905 KA2: Strategic Partnerships in the field of Education, Training and Youths




The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.