THE BROWN DAILY HERALD An independent newspaper serving the Brown community since 1891 FEBRUARY 27, 2003 Volume CXXXVIII, No. 25 www.browndailyherald.com THURSDAY INSIDE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2003 TODAY’S FORECAST mostly cloudy high 30 low 19 BY ADAM STELLA If Providence is to coax direct monetary contributions from Brown and the city’s other colleges and universities through voluntary agreements or legislation, as Providence Mayor David Cicilline ’83 has pledged to do, it must first overcome several obstacles. Legally, the city cannot impose property taxes on universities, which are shielded under state law. Past legislative attempts to coax more funding from colleges and univer- sities, including one that would have imposed taxes on dormitories, have failed, said 2nd Ward Councilwoman Rita Williams. The state is unlikely to compel universities and col- leges to pay taxes given the opposition of Governor Donald Carcieri ’65 to taxing the state’s non-profits. During his campaign last fall, Carcieri told The Herald taxing the non-profits is not the solution to the state’s fis- cal problems and he would prefer to invest more in insti- tutions like Brown. The state is further constrained in taxing universities and colleges because as non- profit institutions they are shielded under fed- eral law, said Associate Professor of Sociology Hilary Silver. “Any change to the status of the non-profits could not discriminate” by distinguishing between universities and other non-profits, Silver said. In voluntary agreements, however, the city would probably seek to distinguish between universities and other non-profits. But there is a rift between the city and Brown and the Rhode Island School of Design about whether universities and colleges should be singled out among non-profits for additional revenue. RISD will discuss direct monetary contributions only if other tax-exempt institutions, such as hospitals and churches, are included in the discussion. RISD President Roger Mandle is “willing to bring a coalition together to talk about the tax issue,” RISD Director of External Relations Ann Hudner told The Herald on Jan. 29. “We believe this is a matter of shared concern for all non-profits,” Hudner said in a later interview. She said any discussion of taxing non-profits must include col- leges and universities, preparatory schools, hospitals and churches. “RISD is not standing up and saying we will pay taxes,” she said. Universities are shielded from property tax under state law; past attempts to get more money from schools proved unsuccessful see TAXES, page 4 part 3 of 4 METROSPECIAL & TOWN BROWN Kimberly Insel / Herald Dr.Ferdinand Jones led a discussion on music and social power Wednesday night. BY XIYUN YANG A lagging economy coupled with University expansion will likely cause sig- nificant deficits to the University’s 2003- 2004 budget in its current form, according to a University Resources Committee report. The URC, a committee consisting of administrators, faculty and students, meets throughout the school year to decide the budget for the following fiscal year. President Ruth Simmons presented the budget recommendations for the next fis- cal year to the Corporation last weekend. Simmons’ Initiatives for Academic Enrichment were given top priority in budgetary concerns but also ran into diffi- culty finding sufficient funds, Assistant Provost Brian Casey said. To compensate for the new initiatives, including the newly implemented need- blind admission policy, projected to cost $1.3 million, the report recommends an increase in overall tuition and fees by 4.4 percent to $37,942. “The implementation of the Academic Enrichment Initiatives requires a great deal of discipline to sustain, especially in difficult economic times,” said Provost Robert Zimmer. The overall cost of attending Brown will increase along with expected student con- tributions within the financial aid pack- age. Although the evaluation criteria for financial aid will remain the same, the report recommended the University’s sup- port for scholarship aid increase by an additional $2.2 million. At the same time loan expectations will rise for the first time in four years, by $500 for students in the lowest income group and $1,000 for all other students. The budget for financial aid has increased by 15 percent, Zimmer said. The increase in student self-help is a reflection BY DANA GOLDSTEIN Dealing with Providence’s $40 million budget gap is the responsibility of all the city’s residents — including the Brown community argued Mayor David Cicilline ’83 in a talk Wednesday at the Taubman Center for Public Policy. Cicilline busily jotted down any suggestion for change audience members sent his way. “This is our collective challenge, … our collective responsibility,” Cicilline said. “Financial problems won’t be solved by city government alone.” Cicilline said dealing with the city’s deficit was his number one priority, attributing many of Providence’s financial troubles to the administration of his pred- ecessor, Vincent Cianci. While Cianci tried to cover up the reality of the budget gap through measures such as “selling street lamps to a company in Texas” and “selling the port to a firm that defaulted,” Cicilline said he is coming clean to the residents of Providence. Their situation, he reported, is “pretty grim financially.” Contributing to severe budget shortfalls are contracts between the city and various unions that make it difficult for city gov- ernment to lay off superfluous employees of the police department, fire department and the schools. Additionally, if a statute limiting tax increases stays in place, even raising taxes, which Cicilline described as a last resort, would fail to solve Providence’s fiscal problems. The city has hired an outside firm to evaluate how Providence can enhance rev- enues and cut costs without raising taxes. To that end, Cicilline has voiced support for changing the tax status of the city’s non-profit organizations, including uni- versities, colleges and hospitals. These non-profits hold 50 percent of Providence’s real estate, yet are shielded Budget gap is everyone’s concern says Cicilline ’83 Poor economy, U. expansion will result in budget defecit BY LINDA EVARTS A multifaceted program explored music as a vehicle of social power for African Americans Wednesday night in MacMillan Hall. Opening with a performance by the a capella group Shades of Brown, the pro- gram showcased a movie and audience dialogue led by Dr. Ferdinand Jones, professor emeritus of psychology and former director of Psychological Services. Jones and his brother have done extensive research on music as a psychological resource for African Americans. “For African Americans, music and culture have become a form of territory, an area that they can control,” he said. “Singing increases the actual amount of territory you affect — people walking towards you walk into your voice before they come near your body.” The video, demonstrating the power of music as a medium for change, opened the floor for greater discussion on the topic. Students questioned the significance of music today, noting the material focus of much of contemporary music makes it difficult to find a more pro- found message. Jones spoke of the intrinsic signifi- cance of all music. He said, “There is always some message. It is legitimate to examine what’s being said and why.” He said the music people listen to can reveal a lot about who they are, and reminded the audience that the gospel music prevalent in the Civil Rights Movement was not of the mainstream culture of that time. “Perhaps some of the music we listen Program explores the power of music as psychological resource see URC, page 8 see CICILLINE, page 8 see MUSIC, page 6 University programs for underrepresented minorities under review nationwide campus watch, page 3 Computer hacker redirects Columbia Web site to a porn site Tuesday campus watch, page 3 Students, faculty dis- cuss global views of the war on terror at a Wednesday seminar page 5 Jaideep Singh ’03 says a strong U.S. policy on Iran would increase repression there column, page 11 Women’s tennis splits weekend matches, winning over UMass and losing to Temple sports, page 12

Thursday, February 27, 2003

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The February 27, 2003 issue of the Brown Daily Herald

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Page 1: Thursday, February 27, 2003

THE BROWN DAILY HERALDAn independent newspaper serving the Brown community since 1891

F E B R U A R Y 2 7 , 2 0 0 3

Volume CXXXVIII, No. 25 www.browndailyherald.com


I N S I D E T H U R S D AY, F E B RUA RY 2 7 , 2 0 0 3 TO D AY ’ S F O R E C A S T

mostly cloudyhigh 30

low 19

BY ADAM STELLAIf Providence is to coax direct monetary contributionsfrom Brown and the city’s other colleges and universitiesthrough voluntary agreements or legislation, asProvidence Mayor David Cicilline ’83 haspledged to do, it must first overcome severalobstacles.

Legally, the city cannot impose propertytaxes on universities, which are shieldedunder state law. Past legislative attempts tocoax more funding from colleges and univer-sities, including one that would have imposed taxes ondormitories, have failed, said 2nd Ward CouncilwomanRita Williams.

The state is unlikely to compel universities and col-leges to pay taxes given the opposition of GovernorDonald Carcieri ’65 to taxing the state’s non-profits.

During his campaign last fall, Carcieri told The Heraldtaxing the non-profits is not the solution to the state’s fis-cal problems and he would prefer to invest more in insti-tutions like Brown.

The state is further constrained in taxinguniversities and colleges because as non-profit institutions they are shielded under fed-eral law, said Associate Professor of SociologyHilary Silver.

“Any change to the status of the non-profitscould not discriminate” by distinguishing

between universities and other non-profits, Silver said. In voluntary agreements, however, the city would

probably seek to distinguish between universities andother non-profits. But there is a rift between the city andBrown and the Rhode Island School of Design aboutwhether universities and colleges should be singled out

among non-profits for additional revenue. RISD will discuss direct monetary contributions only if

other tax-exempt institutions, such as hospitals andchurches, are included in the discussion.

RISD President Roger Mandle is “willing to bring acoalition together to talk about the tax issue,” RISDDirector of External Relations Ann Hudner told TheHerald on Jan. 29.

“We believe this is a matter of shared concern for allnon-profits,” Hudner said in a later interview. She saidany discussion of taxing non-profits must include col-leges and universities, preparatory schools, hospitals andchurches.

“RISD is not standing up and saying we will pay taxes,”she said.

Universities are shielded from property tax under state law; pastattempts to get more money from schools proved unsuccessful

see TAXES, page 4

p a r t 3 o f 4



Kimberly Insel / Herald

Dr. Ferdinand Jones led a discussion on music and social power Wednesday night.

BY XIYUN YANGA lagging economy coupled withUniversity expansion will likely cause sig-nificant deficits to the University’s 2003-2004 budget in its current form, accordingto a University Resources Committeereport.

The URC, a committee consisting ofadministrators, faculty and students,meets throughout the school year todecide the budget for the following fiscalyear.

President Ruth Simmons presented thebudget recommendations for the next fis-cal year to the Corporation last weekend.

Simmons’ Initiatives for AcademicEnrichment were given top priority inbudgetary concerns but also ran into diffi-culty finding sufficient funds, AssistantProvost Brian Casey said.

To compensate for the new initiatives,including the newly implemented need-blind admission policy, projected to cost$1.3 million, the report recommends anincrease in overall tuition and fees by 4.4percent to $37,942.

“The implementation of the AcademicEnrichment Initiatives requires a greatdeal of discipline to sustain, especially indifficult economic times,” said ProvostRobert Zimmer.

The overall cost of attending Brown willincrease along with expected student con-tributions within the financial aid pack-age. Although the evaluation criteria forfinancial aid will remain the same, thereport recommended the University’s sup-port for scholarship aid increase by anadditional $2.2 million. At the same timeloan expectations will rise for the first timein four years, by $500 for students in thelowest income group and $1,000 for allother students.

The budget for financial aid hasincreased by 15 percent, Zimmer said. Theincrease in student self-help is a reflection

BY DANA GOLDSTEINDealing with Providence’s $40 millionbudget gap is the responsibility of all thecity’s residents — including the Browncommunity — argued Mayor DavidCicilline ’83 in a talk Wednesday at theTaubman Center for Public Policy. Cicillinebusily jotted down any suggestion forchange audience members sent his way.

“This is our collective challenge, … ourcollective responsibility,” Cicilline said.“Financial problems won’t be solved bycity government alone.”

Cicilline said dealing with the city’sdeficit was his number one priority,attributing many of Providence’s financialtroubles to the administration of his pred-ecessor, Vincent Cianci. While Cianci triedto cover up the reality of the budget gapthrough measures such as “selling streetlamps to a company in Texas” and “sellingthe port to a firm that defaulted,” Cicillinesaid he is coming clean to the residents ofProvidence. Their situation, he reported, is“pretty grim financially.”

Contributing to severe budget shortfallsare contracts between the city and variousunions that make it difficult for city gov-ernment to lay off superfluous employeesof the police department, fire departmentand the schools. Additionally, if a statutelimiting tax increases stays in place, evenraising taxes, which Cicilline described asa last resort, would fail to solveProvidence’s fiscal problems.

The city has hired an outside firm toevaluate how Providence can enhance rev-enues and cut costs without raising taxes.To that end, Cicilline has voiced supportfor changing the tax status of the city’snon-profit organizations, including uni-versities, colleges and hospitals. Thesenon-profits hold 50 percent ofProvidence’s real estate, yet are shielded

Budget gapis everyone’sconcern saysCicilline ’83

Poor economy,U. expansionwill result inbudget defecit

BY LINDA EVARTSA multifaceted program explored musicas a vehicle of social power for AfricanAmericans Wednesday night inMacMillan Hall.

Opening with a performance by the acapella group Shades of Brown, the pro-gram showcased a movie and audiencedialogue led by Dr. Ferdinand Jones,professor emeritus of psychology andformer director of PsychologicalServices. Jones and his brother havedone extensive research on music as apsychological resource for AfricanAmericans.

“For African Americans, music andculture have become a form of territory,an area that they can control,” he said.“Singing increases the actual amount ofterritory you affect — people walkingtowards you walk into your voice beforethey come near your body.”

The video, demonstrating the powerof music as a medium for change,opened the floor for greater discussionon the topic.

Students questioned the significanceof music today, noting the materialfocus of much of contemporary musicmakes it difficult to find a more pro-found message.

Jones spoke of the intrinsic signifi-cance of all music. He said, “There isalways some message. It is legitimate toexamine what’s being said and why.”

He said the music people listen tocan reveal a lot about who they are, andreminded the audience that the gospelmusic prevalent in the Civil RightsMovement was not of the mainstreamculture of that time.

“Perhaps some of the music we listen

Program explores the power ofmusic as psychological resource

see URC, page 8see CICILLINE, page 8 see MUSIC, page 6

University programsfor underrepresentedminorities underreview nationwidecampus watch,page 3

Computer hackerredirects ColumbiaWeb site to a porn siteTuesdaycampus watch, page 3

Students, faculty dis-cuss global views ofthe war on terror at aWednesday seminarpage 5

Jaideep Singh ’03 saysa strong U.S. policy onIran would increaserepression therecolumn, page 11

Women’s tennis splitsweekend matches,winning over UMassand losing to Templesports, page 12

Page 2: Thursday, February 27, 2003



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Elena Lesley, President

Kerry Miller, Vice President

Jamie Wolosky, Treasurer

Joseph Laganas, Secretary

The Brown Daily Herald (USPS 067.740) is published Monday through Friday during the aca-

demic year, excluding vacations, once during Commencement, once during Orientation and

once in July by The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. POSTMASTER please send corrections to P.O. Box

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daily. Copyright 2003 by The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. All rights reserved.


Coup de Grace Grace Farris

A Story Of Eddie Ahn

My Best Effort Will Newman and Andy Hull


Pornucopia Eli Swiney

Survival and Reproduction Ross Loomis

LECTURE — “War Against Iraq: Is this a War for Oil?,” Fareed Mohamedi,PFC Energy, Watson Institute. Room 106, Smith-Buonanno, 4 p.m.

PANEL DISCUSSION — “Improving High School Learning Opportunitiesfor Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: What Districts andCommunities Can Do,” Kris Gutiérrez, University of California, The EducationAlliance. Inn at Brown, 5 p.m.

WORKSHOP — “Role and Status of Black Graduate Students,”Part of BlackHistory Month. Third World Center, 6:30 p.m.

LECTURE — “The Novel and the Sea,” Margaret Cohen, New YorkUniversity, John Carter Brown Library. John Carter Brown Library, 5:30 p.m.

FILM — “Ma camera et moi,”French Film Festival. Cable Car Cinema, 204South Main St., 7 p.m.


ACROSS1 Piedmont city5 Identified

10 Belt14 “Believe” singer15 City NW of

Orlando16 Drive-__17 Lady of Spain18 Non-meat-eater19 Bed in a

restaurant20 Decorated type23 Indisposed24 Story of

Pinocchio?25 First name in

tyranny28 Seventh Greek

letter30 Flew fast33 Old kids’ show

with a roll call37 Nice friend38 Belief system39 Off yonder40 Film with Blue

Meanies45 Slender,

graceful women46 Backwash

creator47 Unfamiliar48 Job listing

letters49 Morse

character51 John Montagu’s

title59 Urban renewal

target60 What cops

keep61 Isle of exile62 Food stamp

org.63 Nets64 Cambodian

capital65 Conceited66 Iroquois

enemies67 Whittle

DOWN 1 Appliance


2 Chase off3 Great Smokies

st.4 Faisal II, for one5 Kind of shop6 Service expert?7 Star witnesses?8 Enthusiasm9 Offers as an

inducement10 Title vehicle in

a 1947 play11 Propeller sound12 Bowed, in

music13 Primary day:

Abbr.21 Beekeeper

played by PeterFonda

22 “Women andLove” author

25 “If __...”26 Fifths of halves27 Without warmth29 Wrong30 Economy-size31 Puckish32 One of the


34 “M*A*S*H”actress

35 Columbus sch.36 Bar order41 European car42 Exuberant cry43 Wild excitement44 Unimaginative50 Punk51 Adamson


52 Autobahn auto53 North Carolina’s

Cape __54 Rani’s garb55 DermaPure

target56 Pelvic bones57 One with a

handle58 Healthy59 Explorer, e.g.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16

17 18 19

20 21 22

23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36

37 38 39

40 41 42 43 44

45 46 47

48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

59 60 61

62 63 64

65 66 67




By Joy C. Frank(c)2003 Tribune Media Services, Inc.




Stumped? Call 1-900-226-4413. 99 cents a minute

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THE RATTYLUNCH — Vegetarian Mexican Bean Soup, LobsterBisque, Popcorn Chicken, Cheese Ravioli with Sauce,Sticky Rice, Zucchini, Magic Bars

DINNER — Black Heritage Dinner Special

V-DUBLUNCH — Vegetarian Mexican Bean Soup, LobsterBisque, Popcorn Chicken, Cheese Ravioli with Sauce,Sticky Rice, Zucchini, Magic Bars

DINNER — Black Heritage Dinner Special



High 33Low 31

mostly cloudy

High 37Low 28

rain/snow showers


High 33Low 20

snow showers

High 30Low 19

mostly cloudy

Page 3: Thursday, February 27, 2003




Columbia homepage directsvisitors to pornographic siteVisitors to Columbia University’s home pagewere redirected to a pornographic site onTuesday after a computer hacker struck thesite for the second time in two weeks.

For approximately 20 minutes Tuesdayevening, Columbia’s Web site displayed themessage,“Columbia University in the City ofNew York has a secret…”The site then auto-matically routed visitors to www.cumsplat-ter.com, the Columbia Daily Spectatorreported.

A similar incident occurred Feb. 16, whenfor approximately six minutes the Web sitedisplayed the message,“Free Vasiliy (sic)Gorshkov” before redirecting visitors to thesame pornographic Web site.VasilyGorshkov is a convicted Russian computerhacker.

On both occasions, the hacker used thename and password of a senior staff mem-ber at Columbia’s Office of Public Affairs,one of only a few people who can makechanges to the Web site.That password hassince been changed, and Columbia Securityand the university’s information servicesdepartment are investigating the incidents.

“We are maintaining our security for thesite, and we are investigating what hap-pened,” said Eileen Murphy, executive direc-tor of the Office of Public Affairs.“We aretaking it seriously.”

Pamela Vogel ’89, associate director ofComputing and Information Services, saidonly Kate James, Web editor for publicaffairs and University relations, has access toBrown’s Web site. A hacker with only James’password could make changes to the Brownhomepage, including redirecting users toanother site, Vogel said.

Hackers can steal passwords with key-stroke-recording software installed onadministrators’ computers or with “sniffer”programs that monitor network activity,Vogel said.

Vogel said she did not know of any hack-ing incidents at Brown.“We haven’t hadpeople who write viruses or hack into Websites,” she said.

Brown has a policy of encrypting all pass-words, making password theft difficult andan incident like Columbia’s unlikely, Vogelsaid.“We wouldn’t want anything like thathappening on our watch,” she said.

—Julia Zuckerman

BY MOMOKO HIROSEAfter several incidents of racism oncampus, Connecticut College cancelledclasses last Tuesday to discuss diversity.

Connecticut College has seen eightrace-related incidents since October,according to the college’s bias incidentlog. The incidents included graffiti,threatening e-mail and phone mes-sages and defacement of posters.

In October, racist graffiti was writtenon two students’ doors. The campusremained relatively quiet until anotherspate of incidents occurred this month.

On Feb. 13, a female student of colorreceived a phone call telling her to “goback where (she) came from.” Threedays earlier, a Black History Monthposter was defaced, with “Black HistoryMonth” crossed out and “NiggerMonth” written over it.

During the day of diversity forums,students first met in small groups in

residence halls. Then all 1,650 studentsconvened to discuss the incidents andfuture plans, said David M. Milstone,dean of student life.

“Students came forward (after theincidents) and said, we have a list ofdemands, and these are the things thatin our mind would go a long way tohelping the community grow,” Milstonesaid. “It was to deal with some of thequestion marks and deal with some ofthe anger and educate all the differentthings that go into responding to cam-pus incidents.”

“We can guarantee that all incidentswill be investigated and the perpetra-tors, if found, will be subject to the fullrange of disciplinary procedures.Equally important, the college is takingstrong measures to affirm the solidarityof our community and our collective

BY LOTEM ALMOGWith Brown’s housing lottery just aroundthe corner, many students are beginningto feel the impending tension.

For Brown students who believe otherschools distribute housing in a lessstressful manner, here are the facts aboutthe systems at other Ivy League universi-ties.

Columbia University, CornellUniversity and Harvard University allhave some form of a housing lottery.

In March, students at Columbia canregister for the housing lottery online,either individually or with a group of stu-dents with whom they want to live, saidRoss Fraser, executive director ofUniversity Residence Halls.

Fraser said the Columbia lotteryoccurs in two stages: the lottery assignshousing to groups or suites and then toindividuals. All registration is done elec-tronically.

“When I first got to Columbia, you’d

U. housing lotterysimilar to other Ivys

BY ZACH BARTERThe future of programs designed exclu-sively for underrepresented minorities isunder discussion at universities nation-wide, following a decision last month bythe Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology to open two such programsto applicants of all races.

Brown is currently in the process ofevaluating how its programs size upagainst those at MIT, said AssociateDean Karen McLaurin-Chesson ’74,director of the Third World Center. Shesaid she was unaware of any timetablefor the evaluation.

The MIT decision came after the U.S.Department of Education’s Office of CivilRights began investigating the school’sseven-week summer programs — onedesigned for high school students andthe other for incoming first-years. Bothprograms were limited to African

American, Hispanic and NativeAmerican students.

The investigation led MIT, which hadearlier defended the legality of the pro-grams, to reevaluate its stance, saidRobert P. Redwine, dean for undergradu-ate education and professor of physics atMIT.

“We concluded, somewhat reluctant-ly, that they could not legally be main-tained as racially exclusive programs,”Redwine said.

Two interest groups opposed to theuse of race-sensitive policies in highereducation — the Center for EqualOpportunity and the American CivilRights Institute — brought MIT’s pro-grams to the attention of federal author-ities. The groups accused MIT of violat-ing Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,which prohibits racial discrimination byany institution that receives federal

funds or grants.“We are very skeptical of any racially

exclusive program, and the law is skepti-cal of any racially exclusive program,”said Roger Clegg, general counsel at theCenter for Equal Opportunity. “That kindof racial and ethnic discrimination is notonly objectionable as a policy matter, it’salso illegal.”

Also this month, Princeton Universityreversed a minority-only policy at itsWoodrow Wilson School Junior SummerInstitute after receiving an inquiry fromthe two groups.

McLaurin-Chesson, who oversees theThird World Transition Program, an ori-entation for incoming minority first-years, said she was confident TWTPcould withstand any inspection.

“I’m not feeling any imminent danger

Conn. College cancels classesto discuss problems of racism

Programs designed for minorities areunder discussion after MIT decision

see MIT, page 7

see LOTTERY, page 4see RACISM, page 6

Page 4: Thursday, February 27, 2003


Cicilline said he believes col-leges and universities are sig-nificantly different from othernon-profits, such as hospitals.This difference must be consid-ered in the relationshipbetween higher-educationinstitutions and the city.

Williams agreed withCicilline about the differencebetween universities and othernon-profits.

“(Colleges and universities)are a business that provides aservice,” Williams said. “Thereis a big difference between edu-cational institutions and shel-ters and other non-profits.”

Another issue to be resolvedwhile reevaluating the relation-ship between universities andthe city is whether universitiesare in complete compliancewith existing tax statutes,Cicilline said. The state’s taxlaws provide universities tax-exempt status for propertyused for an academic purpose,but not other holdings univer-sities may have.

RISD currently pays proper-ty taxes on six buildings it ownsand maintaings on Sout MainStreet for retail purposes,Hudner said. Brown also paysproperty taxes on its retailspace.

Herald staff writer Adam Stella’05 is the assistant metro edi-tor. He can be reached at [email protected].

continued from page 1


have to pick a number out of abox. ... Now they’ve automatedthe lottery number distribu-tion,” said Michael Foss ’03,president of Columbia’sUndergraduate HousingCouncil.

Cornell students who want tolive on campus enter a seniority-based lottery. Rising seniorshave first choice for rooms, fol-lowed by rising juniors and thensophomores, said PatrickSavolskis, manager of housingand dining offices at Cornell.

Like Brown students, manyCornell students feel the systemis unfair, Savolskis said. “There’sno perfect lottery system.Someone will always feel they’vegotten the short end of the stick.… The ivy is always greener onthe other side,” he said.

Every year after the housinglottery, Cornell’s housing officereceives scores of complaintsfrom students who are disap-pointed with their housing, hesaid.

The Harvard lottery system isa bit different. Rising sopho-mores at Harvard choose agroup of students — up to eightin total — with whom theywould like to “block,” said DianaHovespian, administrative assis-tant in the housing office.

Harvard then conducts aninternal lottery, assigning a ran-dom number to each group,Hovespian said. Each group isthen randomly assigned to oneof Harvard’s 13 residential hous-es, and individual room assign-ments are made later by the fac-ulty in the house itself, accord-ing to Harvard’s housing Website.

Most students will stay in thishouse, only rotating rooms,throughout the remainder oftheir undergraduate years,Hovespian said.

Housing supply and demandalso vary at each school.

Housing for Columbia under-graduates is guaranteed for four

years, and about 95 percent ofundergraduates take advantageof university-provided housing,Fraser said.

In light of the expensive andhard-to-find off-campus hous-ing options in New York City,Columbia students are generallycontent with campus housing,Foss said.

“There’s no sense of peoplebeing unhappy living on cam-pus,” he added.

At Cornell, students are notrequired to live on campus or beon meal plan at any point duringtheir undergraduate education.Housing is only guaranteed tofirst-years, sophomores or trans-fers who wish to live on campus,assuming they register on timefor the lottery, Savolskis said.

During the Cornell lottery, ris-ing seniors and juniors can onlyacquire campus housing up to acapped number of beds,Savolskis said. If more upper-classmen want on-campushousing than the number ofbeds reserved for them, theymust move off campus or signup for the wait list, he added.

Only about 5,800 Cornell stu-dents — less than half of allundergraduates — live in dorms,Savolskis said. Even when thenumber of students living inGreek housing is added to thatfigure, the number of studentsliving on campus is still less thanhalf, he said.

“The off-campus market hereis enormous,” Savolskis said.Cornell provides free listings foroff-campus housing to under-graduates as well as some assis-tance in dealing with misguidedlandlords.

Harvard guarantees housingall four years and most studentsstay on campus for the entiretyof their undergraduate educa-tions, said Harvard sophomoreDiana Saville.

Typically, Harvard studentsare satisfied with their assignedon-campus housing, but a highdemand exists for exceptionalrooms in each house, Savillesaid.

Saville lives in “the quad,”

which is notorious for being farfrom the center of campus andthus undesirable to rising soph-omores, but she said the qualityof housing made up for the dis-tance. Harvard offers shuttleservices to and from the quad,she said.

Herald staff writer Lotem Almog’03 can be reached [email protected].

continued from page 3


Page 5: Thursday, February 27, 2003



BY PRIA SINHAAt a seminar Wednesday night led byProfessor Catherine Kelleher, studentsand faculty examined global perspec-tives surrounding the war on terror.

“Are the U.S. and Europe GrowingApart?” which took place at theJoukowsky Forum in the WatsonInstitute for International Studies is oneof five events comprising this spring’sGlobal Security Seminar Series.

The seminar’s emphasis was onbuilding and maintaining a broad-minded and contemplative dialogueand avoiding the assumptions, preju-dices and presuppositions to whichnations and their publics often suc-cumb, Kelleher said, professor in theStrategic Research Department at theU.S. Naval War College in Newport andadjunct professor at the WatsonInstitute.

Kelleher and others noted the dangerof reducing what could be healthydebate to ignorant “cartoon character”head-smashing.

Before opening the floor for discus-sion, however, Kelleher set out to definethe current political situation to com-pare it to other time periods in recenthistory and to outline four explanationsfor the existing policy clashes among

the U.S. and European nations.While emphasizing the singularity of

the current international dispute overthe war on terrorism, Kelleher did insistsimilar arguments have happenedbefore. She specifically cited the SuezCanal crisis, the Vietnam War and theUnited States’ involvement in Bosnia asthree instances of comparable debate.Later in her lecture she said, “We havechosen not to notice” their relevance tothe current situation, describing thisnational attitude as a “convenient polit-ical out.”

Kelleher presented four reasons forthe emerging divergent policy patternsamong the United States and Europeannations, the first being the Bush admin-istration’s style.

“If you will, it’s the politics of person-ality,” Kelleher said, going on todescribe the U.S. administration’s strat-egy as “aggressive Wilsonianism.” Shenoted the significance of the contrastbetween the foreign policies of GeorgeH.W. Bush and George W. Bush, the firstof which was gradual and deliberate,the second of which is anything but.

“Given the old nightmare that he, likehis father, will fail at the polls, Bush Jr.feels pressure to move more quicklyand more expansively,” Kelleher said.

Kelleher’s second point centered onthe consistent policy differences amongEuropean countries, citing Germany asthe “most obvious opponent” ofprospective war. France, Kelleher said,has long established itself in oppositionto American foreign policy, although “itis not clear to me that, in the end, theywill not fold.” Kelleher then addressedthe position of Great Britain and theplummeting approval ratings of PrimeMinister Tony Blair despite (or perhapsdue to) his support for war on moralgrounds.

The third explanation Kelleheroffered for the increasing internationaltension is the countries’ differing per-spectives on the role of force. Europeannations, Kelleher said, generally viewthe use of force as a “last resort,” whilethe United States is historically muchmore willing to engage militarily.Kelleher did, however, warn against thedanger of oversimplifying Europeanpolicy and of failing to consider certainkey players in the European communi-ty.

Fourthly and, according to Kelleher,most importantly, the post-Cold Warbalance of power system leaves the

BY AKSHAY KRISHNANThe University’s Core Crisis ManagementTeam met last week in response to thenational Code Orange alert and otherpotential security threats, wrote WalterHunter, vice president of administration,in an e-mail to The Herald.

The University has also been in com-munication with other universities con-cerning threat issues such as FBI DirectorRobert Mueller’s Feb. 12 warning of possi-ble attacks on college campuses, Hunterwrote.

Mueller said universities are possibletargets because they are loosely guarded,often in the public eye and possess mate-rials for nuclear weapons, according to aFeb. 13 article in The Chronicle of HigherEducation.

Colonel Paul Verrecchia, chief of theDepartment of Public Safety at Brown,attended a conference in Washington,D.C., in December sponsored by theDepartment of Justice’s Office ofDomestic Preparedness, according toHunter. The conference briefed heads ofpublic safety agencies from campusesacross the nation about the possiblesecurity threat at college campuses.

“(Verrecchia) is a member of the U.S.

Brown crisis teammeets in responseto Code Orange

Students, faculty examine global perspectiveson the war on terror at Wednesday seminar

see TERROR, page 9see SEMINAR, page 7

i can smell your spicy brain.

Page 6: Thursday, February 27, 2003


commitment to diversity, toler-ance and civility,” ConnecticutCollege President NormanFainstein said in a statementissued to The Herald.

Phillip Gedeon, chair of thestudent group InterculturalPride, said the incidents escalat-ed because the college did notmake a strong enough statementagainst aggressors.

“I thought the school didn’ttake a personal stance on the sit-uation in terms of ‘this is wrongand this is what’s going to hap-pen to any individual who iscaught doing these acts,’”Gedeon said. “The school didmake a statement, but it wasn’texpressing the consequencesthat the individual faced if theyare caught doing this.”

Milstone said not all the per-petrators may have beenConnecticut College students.

“We believe that part of what isgoing on is that there’s an outsideorganization in Connecticut thatis not necessarily a whitesupremacist group, but it’s simi-lar,” Milstone said. “But we’reguessing it’s a combination (ofcommunity members and out-siders), because some of the loca-tions of some of the incidents, it’sdoubtful that someone from theoutside would have come in and

done it.”For Gedeon, the forum was

effective in making the collegecommunity aware of the issuesand incidents.

“I feel that a lot of studentswere not aware of the incidentsthat have happened on campus,and this forum made it a realityfor them,” Gedeon said. “I believethat it wasn’t successful in thesense of ‘what can we do as acommunity from here?’ … It real-ly was the beginning stage to startthe dialogue among all students.”

Elli Nagai-Rothe, a senior andchair of multicultural affairs ofthe student government associa-tion, said overall, the forum waspositive.

“I think it was good that peo-ple were able to get out theirideas and everybody’s perspec-tives were heard,” Nagai-Rothesaid. “But I think there definitelywas a need of students on cam-pus for some kind of larger, all-campus response.”

Nagai-Rothe said the college isat a critical point where every-

body is ready and waiting, wherethings can actually be accom-plished.

“Some students I know arewaiting for action, and there’s alot of folks on campus who arewaiting to see what’s happeningnext,” Nagai-Rothe said. “Peopleare working on a proposal tohave a diversity requirement inour curriculum, and there arefolks trying to arrange larger dis-cussions on whiteness and whiteprivilege and affirmative action.”

Fainstein sent a letter toConnecticut College parentsafter the last incident, saying,“we marked the importance ofdiversity and tolerance with adistinct break in our collectiveroutine … the bias incidents,deplorable as they are, have cre-ated an extraordinary opportuni-ty for collective learning andgrowth.”

Herald staff writer MomokoHirose ’06 covers the Third Worldcommunity. She can be reached [email protected].

continued from page 3


to now is underground musicfor change,” he said.

Jones spoke specificallyabout the importance of musicas a mode for creating and put-ting forth an African Americanself-image. Calling upon histheory that African Americansdo not readily believe what theyare told by others, he said musicwas fundamental in their con-struction of an identity separatefrom that relegated to them bysegregationist culture.

Much of the discussion cen-tered on music as an empower-ing agent for women. Whenasked about the prevalence ofwomen in music culture, Jonesacknowledged “they’re in thebackground.”

The audience discussed sev-eral ideas as to why this is thecase, and Jones identified bluesas an exception. “Record com-panies found that certainwomen blues singers were ableto sell better and became well-known,” he said.

Sponsors of the programwere impressed by the results.“We’re excited about theturnout and the issuesaddressed,” said Katharine Eng’03, leader of the Brown SuicidePrevention Advocacy Network,which co-sponsored the pro-

gram in conjunction withBrown Mental Well-Being, theCommunity Help AdvocacyRing, Psychological ServicesOutreach and BuildingUnderstanding AcrossDifferences.

Jean Joyce-Brady, seniorassociate dean and director ofStudent Life, said it “struck atthe inner section of issues” and“embodied the complex think-ing we encourage.”

Herald staff writer Linda Evarts’06 can be reached [email protected].

continued from page 1

Music “I thought the school didn’t take a personal

stance on the situation in terms of ‘this is

wrong and this is what’s going to happen

to any individual who is caught doing

these acts.’”

Much of the discus-

sion centered on

music as an empow-

ering agent for

women. When asked

about the preva-

lence of women in

music culture, Jones


“they’re in the back-


Page 7: Thursday, February 27, 2003


to the program. I don’t thinkany of the (MIT) programs dealwith the kind of things we dealwith,” McLaurin-Chesson said.

She said she believed theMIT programs were more aca-demically oriented than TWTP,which she said focuses more onsocial and cultural issues.TWTP offers something crucialto minority students byencouraging them to buildcommunity on campus, shesaid.

“That part of the programdeals with an aspect of social-ization that is typically under-appreciated by our society,” shesaid. “When else do (minori-ties) have an opportunity tocome together like that? Notvery often.”

If white students wereincluded in the program,McLaurin-Chesson said, shewas not certain how much theywould add to or gain from theexperience.

Clegg, however, said exclu-sive policies should be avoidedin all their forms.

“It’s generally a bad idea tosegregate students on the basisof race and ethnicity,” Cleggsaid. “Any student can beharassed because of their skincolor or ethnicity or sex or anyother number of characteris-tics.”

Brown does not currentlyoperate any exclusively minori-ty summer programs for highschool students, nor does itconsider race as a factor insummer studies admissions,said Karen Sibley, dean of sum-mer studies.

“We don’t have anythingcomparable to MIT now andhaven’t for six or eight years,”she said.

The University used to oper-ate a summer program for

incoming engineering studentstargeted towards students fromunderprivileged backgrounds,but the program was open toapplicants of all races.

Redwine said MIT remainscommitted to the goal ofencouraging diversity on cam-pus and providing opportuni-ties for underrepresented stu-dents despite the change. Theprograms, which he said havebeen very successful in meet-ing those goals, will continue touse race as one factor amongmany in the applicationprocess, the standard practiceof admission offices at manyU.S. universities.

Clegg said he hoped the MITand Princeton decisions will bethe harbinger of change acrossthe country.

“I hope that any school thathas a racially exclusive programwill look at what MIT has doneand will reevaluate their pro-grams,” Clegg said.

Clegg said his group is cur-rently in the process of contact-ing universities about raciallyexclusive programs and report-ing their findings to federalagencies. He would not divulgethe names of specific schoolsand would not indicate ifBrown was under investigation.

“We’d like to give them sometime to change them on theirown before we press mattersfurther,” Clegg said.

The reversals come at a timewhen race-conscious admis-sions practices are receivingincreased attention across thecountry. On April 1, theSupreme Court will hear argu-ments in two cases challengingaffirmative action admissionpolicies at the University ofMichigan — the first time thecourt will revisit the issue sincethe landmark 1978 Bakke case.

Redwine said the MIT deci-sion was part of a larger trendagainst affirmative action poli-cies, a trend he said he finds

troubling.“It’s very worrisome that the

nation seems to be turningaway from the type of affirma-tive action programs that havebeen very successful in thepast,” he said.

McLaurin-Chesson said pro-grams such as TWTP can with-stand legal challenges only solong as people understandtheir true missions.

“If there’s the perceptionthat there is no value to stu-dents of color coming togetherto break down stereotypes, that(argument) might not holdmuch water at all,” she said.

The need for programs suchas TWTP will be around as longas discrimination takes place inthe United States, she said.

Herald staff writer Zach Barter’06 can be reached [email protected].

continued from page 3


Carolyn Lewenberg recorded astandout second run and movedUMass above Brown for the title.

Only five women competed inthe giant slalom from Brown,and all five finished in the top 15.Leading the way was DiBonawith a total time of 1:36.59 for afifth place finish. Behind DiBonain seventh place was Stantonwith a time of 1:37.00, her bestgiant slalom time of the season.Stanton recorded the third-fastest second run time in thefield. Rounding out the top tenwas Swaffield who skied her wayto tenth place with a time of1:37.37.

Stephanie Breakstone ’06went from 83rd place to start to12th place after her first run andended up in 13th place in the

giant slalom. This was thebiggest move from start positionto finish position in the field.Brown was the only team inRegionals to finish five womenin the top 15.

“Brown has distinguishedthemselves as one of the bestwomen’s teams in the country.Their talent and depth will bedifficult to match,” saidFinnochio. “I am excited to seewhat Nationals will hold forthese young women. They are anextremely competitive team.”

continued from page 12


United States as the singleremaining superpower. Giventhis imbalance, current interna-tional tensions would likely havebeen present “even withoutIraq,” Kelleher said. During thisportion of her talk, Kelleher ref-erenced a poll that asked sub-jects whether the United Statesand Western Europe “should bemore independent.” France andthe United States were on oppo-site ends of poll results, indicat-ing the French public favorsincreased independence (60percent in favor) and theAmerican public does not (29percent in favor).

Kelleher’s talk was followed bya discussion lasting more thanan hour, during which Kelleherand audience members furtherexplored the changing roles of

domestic and foreign policy, thedebate over European cohesive-ness and the long-standingAmerican ideologies that partic-ipants said are often propagatedand manipulated by contempo-rary media. One audience mem-ber cited French diplomatCharles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord’s observation that “theU.S. has 32 religions and onlyone gravy,” which provoked alaugh and general agreementover the fact that now, more thanever, American ideology “needsto be re-shaken and looked at,”Kelleher said. When audiencemembers raised the issue of theUnited States’ unbalancedmedia representation and itstendency to wipe importantevents from the collective con-sciousness, Kelleher interjected,“It would be nice if somebodystood up and pointed this out.”

Kelleher has a history of activeinvolvement in foreign relations

and security studies. During theClinton Administration, sheserved as personal representa-tive of the Secretary of Defensein Europe and she founded theWomen in International SecurityProgram.

“We have reached a pointwhere one wonders if the shrill-ness of the tone is not related tothe thinness of the argumentand of the electoral vote,”Kelleher said.

Although deeply critical ofcurrent U.S. foreign policy, shesaid she believes the Bushadministration “is asking,broadly, the right questions:What should our role be? Howshould we address terror?”

The Global Security SeminarSeries was born out of a desire tofoster open dialogue, accordingto series organizer Linda Miller,senior fellow of the WatsonInstitute and professor of politi-cal science at Wellesley College.

continued from page 5


“Brown has distin-

guished themselves

as one of the best

women’s teams in the


n e w a n d i m p r o v e d : b r o w n d a i l y h e r a l d . c o m

Trivia CornerWhat language

is spoken in

New Zealand?

a.) English

b.) German

Page 8: Thursday, February 27, 2003


of enormous demand and is inline with Brown’s peers, he said.

The budget report projects a$4.8 million disparity betweenwhat is necessary to continue theacademic enrichment programand what has been saved throughefficiency evaluations, Caseysaid.

“The president’s academicenrichment plan (is a) slamdunk, definitely first priority. Butthe money, I don’t know wherewe’re going to find that,” Caseysaid.

In the current fiscal year, theUniversity has saved $2.5 millionfrom the re-allotment of salariesfrom vacant staff positions with-in the University, but these cutswill not be enough next year,Casey said.

The report recommends theUniversity actively cut back onvarious aspects of its burgeoningbudget next year, said ElizabethHuidekoper, executive vice presi-dent of finance and administra-tion. She said the cuts will bemade in a balanced way and will

come into review in the final ver-sion of the budget in May.

The academic enrichmentplan, despite the financial obsta-cles, is essentially necessary,Huidekoper said. In comparisonto Brown’s peers, the Universityalready lags behind in student-faculty ratio, faculty salaries,financial aid and other vitalfacets, she said.

The report recommendedother increases in the budget,such as faculty salaries, researchsupport, staff compensation,including salaries and benefits,information technology, gradu-ate student support and publicsafety.

The Corporation, whichreviews and approves everyadministrative change, onlyvoted on and endorsed theendowment draw and tuitionchange recommendations lastweekend.

The URC report was the pre-liminary framework to the finalbudget that will be approved bythe Corporation in May.

Herald staff writer Xiyun Yang ’06covers the University ResourceCommittee. She can be reached at

continued from page 1


from paying property taxes.Brown alone has real estate val-ued at approximately $500 mil-lion.

President Ruth Simmonsrecently raised concerns aboutBrown being held accountable tothe city for taxes. Echoing thisopinion were several audiencemembers at yesterday’s talk. “Idon’t know what we’re gettingfrom you that we’re not payingfor,” said one Brown student whosaid he lives off campus. He saidhe felt Brown was a self-sufficientinstitution that acted as one ofProvidence’s major attractions.

Cicilline was firm in hisresponse, saying he recognizesthe cultural and service contribu-tions Brown makes toProvidence, but that theUniversity has failed to fulfill itseconomic responsibilities to thelarger community.

“It isn’t a question of self-suffi-ciency; you aren’t allowed to iso-late yourself,” Cicilline said. “Youlive in a world, and that world isProvidence. You aren’t allowed todisengage for four years in yourUniversity setting. You have enor-mous responsibilities.” Aresounding round of applausefollowed that statement.

Aside from taxes, Brown cancontribute to the city by helpingto attract industry, the mayorsaid. Providence’s time as avibrant manufacturing centerhas passed, Cicilline said, but as aresearch university, Brown is inthe unique position of being able

to attract bio-tech industry to thecity.

Cicilline also described re-establishing trust in governmentas a primary concern of hisadministration.

“A problem of the political sys-tem is that people only hear badnews during elections,” he said.

Cicilline said he followed apolicy of public disclosure at “myown peril because ultimately I’mgoing to be held responsible for(the city’s troubles).”

Establishing an honest gov-ernment after Cianci’s tenure isno small feat, Cicilline said, liken-ing it to “a rubber band. Eachtime you try to change it, there’sconstant pressure to go back tothe old ways.” The mayor usedanother metaphor to describethe challenge of addressingdeclining schools and risingpoverty and unemploymentwhile simultaneously changingthe process by which city govern-ment achieves its ends.

“We’re rebuilding the airplanewhile the airplane is still inflight,” he said. Cicillinedescribed the new superintend-ent of schools, police chief, gov-ernor and city council as cooper-ative partners in his reformefforts.

“We’ve only just started toscratch the surface of things weneed to do to transform this city,”the mayor said. “As good asProvidence is, that day is comingwhen it will be truly magnifi-cent.”

Herald staff writer Dana Goldstein’06 can be reached [email protected].

continued from page 1


believe me, it’s not as bad as it looks.

Page 9: Thursday, February 27, 2003


unreasonably, that football play-ers are at greater risk while train-ing their massive bodies inextreme heat.

But the NFLPA errs on the sideof caution, if it’s erring at all.

“We all know the risks associ-ated with the supplement indus-try,” says NFLPA spokesman CarlFrancis. “We wanted to ensurethat our players were protectedfrom a health-risk factor. We haddone studies and research onephedrine. We saw where itwould cause various ailments. Wethought it was the best thing toban it altogether.”

Francis says the NFLPA wantsthe penalty for ephedrine infrac-tions reduced, but such a changewould not alter the overall mes-sage. Any 15-year-old can buyephedrine, yet theprovoking sev-eral profanity-filled exchanges,according to a source close to thenegotiations.

The bickering resumed lastweek. When Orioles owner PeterAngelos said that the owners

proposed a ban on ephedrine,union counsel Gene Orzaresponded like a snotty law pro-fessor, saying that managementdid not specifically request aban, and that the union wouldhave opposed it becauseephedrine is legal.

Well, union head Donald Fehrsits on the board of the U.S.Olympic Committee, and theInternational OlympicCommittee bans ephedrine.Mariners general manager PatGillick points out that the unionraises safety concerns about out-field fences and warning tracks,yet refuses to confront darkerquestions.

No doubt, players also mustaccept individual responsibility.But would Bechler, a 23-year-olddesperate to be a major leaguer,have jeopardized his career byusing a banned substance?Doubtful.

The union always is readywith roadblocks, always full ofexcuses. It can attack the drugproblem any time it wants. Anytime it chooses to get its priori-ties straight.

—The Sporting News

continued from page 12

MLB drugs

Attorney’s Anti-Terrorism TaskForce and has regular conversa-tions with members of other lawenforcement agencies,” Hunterwrote.

Several DPS officers —including Captain of DPS EmilFioravanti — have receivedtraining in responding toweapons of mass destruction,responding to hazardous mate-rial incidents and dealing withblood-borne pathogens, Hunterwrote.

Fioravanti has also participat-ed in a table-top exercise spon-sored by the Rhode IslandEmergency ManagementAgency that simulated a terroristattack using weapons of massdestruction, Hunter said.

Other universities haveresponded to Mueller’s warningand the Code Orange Alert.According to the HarvardCrimson, Harvard is prepared torespond to any attack, thoughthere have been no signs of animminent attack. At ColumbiaUniversity, university authoritieshave held group discussions andquestion-and-answer sessionswith students focusing onColumbia’s plan of action in theevent of a potential terroristattack on New York City or theUniversity, according to theColumbia Spectator.

At Brown, the Universityestablished a Web site withinformation to help prepare thecommunity for emergencies likea terrorist attack; the address ishttp://www.brown.edu/Administration/Finance_and_Admin/Emergency/index.htm. Hunterdetailed the University’s pre-paredness policies in an e-mailto the Brown community.

The University is workingclosely with local and federalagencies to ensure it is preparedfor an event that would threatenBrown’s security, Hunter wrote.

Some Brown students saidthey did not believe a terroristattack on Brown’s campus is like-ly, saying they were not worriedabout an imminent attack.

Christopher Savage ’05 saidhe believed the University could

not do much to prepare for a ter-rorist attack.

“These attacks are completelyrandom and hey, if I’m going todie, I’m going to die,” Savagesaid.

Joshua Butler ’04 said he fearsthe mass hysteria created by themedia and news networks aboutpossible attacks.

“I’m more worried aboutbeing caught in a riot. I don’t feelthreatened personally. I thinkthese threats are being overexaggerated for political rea-sons,” Butler said.

“There seems to be little thatthe University can do in meetinga terrorist threat whilst preserv-ing our fundamental rights andliberties,” said Michael Graves’06.

Hunter wrote that he encour-ages Brown students to reviewthe information on the Web siteand to keep families informed oftheir activities. “We are doingour best to face these challengesin a way that permits our com-munity to maintain the normaldaily rhythms of academic lifewith a minimum of disruption,”he wrote.

Herald staff writer Akshay Krishnan’04 covers crime.He can be reached [email protected].

continued from page 5

Terror Several DPS officers

— including Captain

of DPS Emil Fioravanti

— have received

training in responding

to weapons of mass

destruction, respond-

ing to hazardous

material incidents and

dealing with blood-

borne pathogens,

Hunter wrote.

Page 10: Thursday, February 27, 2003




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Welcome efficiencyWhile students may grumble about the housing lottery eachspring, Brown’s system — though not ideal — leaves littleroom for improvement.

It’s true Brown’s housing situation has inherent flaws. Thequality of rooms available varies widely — some will end upin New Dorm singles while others are left stranded in NewPembroke. But because the only ranking system used todetermine lottery numbers is based on seniority, it can hard-ly be called unfair. Aside from this, things are left up tochance.

Considering these limitations, the Residential Council hasvaliantly worked to make the process as painless as possible,while proving itself one of the most efficiently-run studentorganizations on campus. ResCouncil worked with the Officeof Residential Life to condense the number of segments thisyear, helping curtail what in the past has been a drawn-outprocess.

And unlike many other organizations on campus, whereendless debates lead to indecision and committee forming,ResCouncil actually brings issues to the table and resolvesthem in a timely manner. We applaud the recent proposal tomake nearly all campus suites co-ed, an issue of great con-cern to the student body — both logistically and politically.

Strides in recent years to bring co-ed suites to Brown haveconfirmed ResCouncil’s utility — acting as a liaison betweenthe students and the administrators — and built the commu-nity’s trust. We encourage ResCouncil to continue seekingstudent opinion and work beyond co-ed suites to improvethe quality of living — both in facilities and community-building — at Brown.

Other student leaders could take a cue from ResCouncil.Needlessly complicated meetings accompanied by quasi-administrative double-speak accomplishes nothing. Cuttingto the heart of an issue and having the guts to make a deci-sion, does.


CCC ignores the logicof instituting aplus/minus system

To the Editor::

Tuesday’s decision by the College CurriculumCouncil not to recommend changes in Brown’sgrading system (“CCC votes against grading policychange,” Feb. 26) was unfortunate not only becauseit again thwarts a reasoned effort to make that sys-tem less of a blunt instrument, but also because ofwhat it says about the state of academic governancehere. Specifically, it reveals how a vocal, well-situ-ated minority can block a change that the greatmajority of faculty members want.

The CCC overlooked or ignored a simple issue offairness. If a new grading system were put intoplace, students who, for any reason or even no rea-son, didn’t want to take courses for a grade couldstill take any course (or every course) S/NC. Andprofessors who didn’t like the new system could stilloffer all of their courses S/NC, or decline to use-pluses and minuses and continue to grade withonly A, B, and C. After all, nobody is proposing toend S/NC or require that instructors use every stepon the scale.

The CCC, however, didn’t merely vote to contin-ue grading the “old way,” but to compel the campusmajority, whose considered professional judgmentdiffers from theirs, to continue grading that way,too.

We have heard much in recent months abouthow the new faculty governance system, still beingput into place, will be more efficient and moreresponsive, and enable the University to make bet-ter decisions. Here is an important test of thatclaim.

Luther SpoehrLecturer

Department of Education Feb. 26

Hookah bar no worsefor health than anyother hangout

To the Editor:

After reading about what sounds like an unin-formed letter from Raffaela Kane concerning thehealth hazards of hookah tobacco, I’m dismayedthat someone at Brown could think in such a nar-row minded manner.

First of all, all of the bars in the College Hill areathat I am aware of allow patrons to smoke ciga-rettes; some bars even sell cigarettes. What aboutsmoking a hookah at a bar is more dangerous toone’s lungs than smoking cigarettes at a bar? Whydoesn’t Kane attack all bars that allow smoking ifshe is so concerned with the health of Brown stu-dents?

The hookah bar does not force patrons to smoke,it just provides them with that option. Also, Brownstudents are very aware of the fact that tobaccoinhalation is a health risk; in fact, the managers ofthe hookah bar have placed an explicit warningabout the possible effects of tobacco smoke in largeprint on the inside cover of their menu!

Finally, what in the jiminy dickens doesResidential Life have to do with any of this? Thehookah bar is a bar. Students do not live at a bar;they live in dorms or apartments. Therefore,Residential Life has no jurisdiction in this matter.

Although Kane may have possessed good inten-tions for writing the letter, the logic of her argumentis extremely flawed. Her letter seems like anattempt to curtail any type of social outlet thatemerges within the Brown community.

Zach Aarons ‘05Feb. 25

Page 11: Thursday, February 27, 2003



How not to deal with IranA hardline stance would spur further repression

President Jacques Chirac and Chancellor Gerard Schroeder: Doyou bite your thumb at us, sir?President George W. Bush: I do bite my thumb, sir.Chirac and Schroeder: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?Bush [aside to Colin Powell]: Is the law on our side if I say ay?Powell [aside to Bush]: No.Bush: No sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite mythumb, sir.

And so continue the negotiationsregarding war with Iraq. Meanwhile,NYPD officers patrolled Times Squareand Grand Central Station with automat-ic rifles, the Bush administration raisedthe nation’s terror alert level to orangeand there was a nation-wide duct tapeshortage after government officials sug-gested people prepare a safe-room incase of terrorist attack.

In plain language, the Bush adminis-tration is doing a bad job in its War onTerror, Osama bin Laden remains at large,and no matter how much Bush squints,he just doesn’t look like Saddam Hussein.Saddam does pose a threat, but North

Korea’s Kim Jong Il poses a more immediate one, and Bush’s cow-boy lingo and Rumsfeld’s untimely transatlantic potshots aredoing nothing to grease the wheels of diplomacy in the U.N.Security Council.

The debate has stopped being about Iraq and become an arm-wrestling contest between the cowboys in Washington and theappeasers in Europe. (And while it’s nice that Latvia and Estoniasupport the United States, I really don’t think it’s a good idea toinvolve ourselves in a war having alienated France, Germany,Russia and China.) The attitude of the Bush administration hasmade it necessary for German and French politicians to saveface. A more politically deft handling of the situation on theadministration’s part would have avoided more than the usualamount of rancor between the United States and its allies.

There may be compelling arguments for military interventionin Iraq — there may be compelling arguments against it — butthe burden of proof falls to George Bush. Instead of presenting apersuasive case either to our European allies or to the Americanpeople, Bush chooses to insult the former and intimidate the lat-ter. The government’s alerts regarding terrorism do little morethan fuel fear. In order to protect itself, and in the slim hope thatadvance warning will disrupt terrorists’ plans, the governmentissues color-coded alerts and suggests the citizenry stock up onbottled water — then at least if something happens, governmentofficials can’t be accused of ignorance, incompetence or both.

Yet these and other measures are almost totally useless in pro-tecting the country from terrorist attacks and only serve to fright-en the citizenry and stall the economy. Few people are likely toview the anti-aircraft missile launchers stationed around theMall in Washington, D.C., with comfort; the sight of NYPD offi-cers patrolling public spaces with automatic rifles is similarlyalarming. Terrorists strike cheaply, quickly and without warning;how exactly are missile launchers and rifles going to defendagainst suicide bombers or dirty bombs? Instead of coming upwith innovative solutions to these new problems, Bush insteadhas chosen to throw money — $380 billion to be precise — atobsolete solutions for Cold War problems.

President Bush’s political tactics (or lack thereof) have alienat-ed our European allies, allies he will need if he intends to makegood on his promise to build a democratic Iraq; and meanwhile,the economy has tanked and the best idea Bush can offer is totake money from the poor and give it to the rich, in the form ofanother huge tax cut.

If Bush is serious about fighting terrorism, he needs to do whatthe United States has never done, and execute a regime change inIraq that results in true democracy and somehow avoids inflam-ing the resentment of Islamic fundamentalists. Negotiating somekind of peace between Israel and Palestine would also stabilizethe Middle East, and would not involve American boys fightingand dying in the desert. North Korea’s nuclear program must behalted, and the country must be incorporated into the Asiancommunity and given enough aid in rebuilding its economy toensure that it can feed its population by some means other thanselling weapons to terrorists. But to accomplish these tasks, Bushand his team must relinquish their chest-beating ’tude and re-acquaint themselves with political politesse.

Freedom from fear


WHEN IRAN REVEALED EARLIER THIS MONTHthat it was mining uranium for use in nuclear powerplants, some Republicans must have privately beenquite pleased. Finally, Iran proved worthy of beingin the “axis of evil.” For a country so richin natural gas and oil, the Bush adminis-tration argued, a civilian nuclear pro-gram can only be one thing—a nuclearweapons program in disguise. Will Bushcall for regime change in Tehran? Toolate, the Iranian people are well on theirway to toppling their repressive theocra-cy. It would be wise not to antagonizeIran now, because it would strengthenIran’s hardliners, who will rally theircountry against the threat. Anti-theoc-racy forces within Iran—which aregathering considerable strength—would be set back in the process.

The repression of free speech, thepower of unelected mullahs, and the treatment ofwomen in Iran are certainly deplorable. ButIranians are already battling with their governmentto improve their condition. Last year was anextraordinary one for Iran. Massive protests erupt-ed when the government sentenced academicHashem Aghajari to death for saying Muslims caninterpret the Quran individually and shouldn’tblindly follow clerical dictates. Many Westernobservers see in Iran the seeds of a movement thatcould inspire a region-wide change in the relation-ship between Islam and politics. Iran’s youth areclearly frustrated with the regime and will not toler-ate repression much longer. Protesters interviewedlast November said they were not only ventingagainst hard-line factions, but questioned the legit-imacy of the entire regime. Many clerics themselvessay they would like the mosque to move away from

politics. Symbolically, the government backeddown on Aghajari’s death sentence, though his fateis still not certain.

Also, if Bush tried to use moral rhetoric withIran, he would sound more ridiculousthan he already does with Iraq. WhileDonald Rumsfeld was shaking Hussein’shand in 1983, Iran’s soldiers were dyingat the hands of the U.S.-backed Iraqimilitary. And not just by bullet woundsand bombings, but by chemicalweapons. Iranians fought Hussein foreight years, and have more reason tofear him than we do. Hussein was our

man, fighting our enemy. We increasedU.S. weapon sales to Iraq after theinfamous gas attacks on the Kurds in1988. A 1994 Senate investigationrevealed dozens of biological agentswere shipped to Iraq in the mid-1980s

under U.S. license, including various strains ofanthrax (more than the small vial of anthraxPowell presented to the Security Council). So theRepublicans are in no position to lecture anyone,especially Iran.

The people of Iran are doing in their countrywhat Iraqis and North Korean cannot do in theirs:fight policies of their government and challenge itslegitimacy. In 1980, when many progressive ele-ments of the Iranian Revolution were starting torealize that Ayatollah Khomeini was not the enlight-ened leader they thought he was, it was too late tocontest him. War with Iraq was underway and thecountry couldn’t afford an internal power struggle.Today a large portion of Iran, disillusioned with theIslamic Revolution, is unafraid to challenge theoc-racy. If, in the face of American threat and large mil-itary presence in Iraq, disaffected Iranians were toput aside their differences with the regime it wouldindeed be a shame. Change, after all, is best when incomes from within.



THREE WEEKS AGO THE BUSH ADMINISTRATIONput America on high terror alert with the admoni-tion: Stay calm and buy duct tape. My mother’sreaction was to rush out and buy plastic sheetingand duct tape and declare that in the case of anuclear terrorist attack my family willcamp out in the biggest bathroom.

Well. With that glittering recom-mendation for war doing a little dancein a pink tutu, the solution seems obvi-ous. If attacking Iraq would mean thatterrorist reprisals are imminent, thatfamily safety drills would become rem-iniscent of the Cold War, that my 11-year-old sister might grow up afraid togo to malls or movies and that a roll ofduct tape could be all that standsbetween us and the grave, then wemight be crazy do it. But while this gutreaction is one we all understand, inthe long run, not attacking Iraq nowcould present an even worse alterna-tive: the possible death of our nation at the handsof a madman who may fast become an uncon-trollable piece on the political chessboard.

Many believe this is Bush’s war for oil. They latchonto “No blood for oil!” because the slogan seemsto explain everything. People assume that what thisadministration says cannot be taken at face value,and that there are subterranean politics at work.Protesters hail France as the voice of peace and rea-son in the U.N. Security Council against the big badAmerican president who fell into an oil slick and

never crawled out. Hearing a foreign governmenttake a stand they agree with, these protesters seemto accept that government’s words as truth.

After the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein offered theUnited States cheap oil in exchange for minding

our own business. The United Statesrefused. Iraq offered the French a simi-lar oil deal and found them with theirmouths zipped and their wallets open.Now that the United States is about totake on this dangerous enemy, Franceloudly and self-righteously discussesthe merits of peace in order to hide hertrue motives: fear of losing cheap oil.

They know about the blood onSaddam’s hands. They admit he hasweapons of mass destruction and thathe is likely to use them if he is not dis-armed. Yet it is the United States,which faces the possibility of manycasualties, that the world accuses ofgreed. France has been caught with its

pants down, and few have noticed. It is they whoexchange blood for oil.

It’s a dog-eat-dog world, and Jacques Chiracdoes what is best for his territory. If we regard theIraq situation as not personal, just business, theFrench are not selfish dogs, just a people doingwhat they can to preserve their economy, regard-less of who else suffers.

So if one must, respect the French for their abil-ity to preserve their low gas prices, their seat atthe U.N. high table, and in the future, their taste-ful lacy curtains blowing in the breeze whileAmericans sweat in homes hermetically sealedwith gray tape. But don’t idolize them as altruisticpeacemakers.



These French fries are oily!Why we should learn to say “No blood for oil” in French

Jaideep Singh ’03 hails from Sugarland, Texas.

Alexandra Toumanoff ’06 is not affiliated with anypolitical party.

Sarah Green ’04 plans to drive to Maine in case of nuclear fallout,that is, as long as the escort to the stadium isn’t canceled.

President Bush is losing the war on terror

Page 12: Thursday, February 27, 2003

BY BRETT ZARDATwo dual matches this past weekend leftthe women’s tennis team with both aconvincing victory and a heartbreakingloss.

The Bears showed no mercy in dis-patching the University ofMassachusetts by a score of 7-0 onSaturday. After capturing the doublespoint by winning two of three matches,Bruno swept the singles competitionwithout dropping a set.

Sunday the Bears faced a tougherTemple University squad in a make-upmatch. As has been the norm, HeadCoach Norma Taylor tweaked the line-up again before the match in hopes offielding the strongest team.

“It creates a competitive atmosphere,which isn’t always a good thing,” saidYelena Klurfeld ’06. “But at the sametime, it gives you motivation to trainharder.”

The extra training incentive may havepaid off in the doubles portion of thecompetition.

“We started out really strong, winningthe doubles point,” said Caroline Casey’03. “We were really happy to win thedoubles, because doubles has been aweakness for us.”

With a point in hand, Bruno neededonly to split the singles matches toclinch a victory against Temple. Whatlooked like a great opportunity quicklyturned sour when Victoria Beck ’04defaulted at number one due to illness.The momentary narrow lead vanished,leaving the Bears knotted at one withfive matches outstanding.

“They were really strong at (positions)two, three and four, and then withVictoria having to default, it just madethings go the other way,” Casey said.

Alex Arlak ’05 and Kim Singer ’06 wonat number five and six singles while theBears dropped the third and fourth posi-tions. With all but one of the courts

cleared and the match tied at three, theattention shifted to the number two sin-gles match. Klurfeld entered into a deci-sive third set just as the other matchesended.

“I didn’t feel pressured. I felt a sense ofmotivation. I felt an obligation to win,not for myself but for my team, and inthe past I never had to worry about thatbefore,” Klurfeld said. “In the past it wasalways about personal victory.”

With the home crowd at the PizzitolaSports Center behind her, Klurfeld bat-tled valiantly, but was unable to comeaway with the win.

“I feel as if I let my team down, but atthe same time the motivation I had onthe court was to win for the team,”Klurfeld said.

The disappointing 4-3 loss drops theBears’ overall dual-match record to 4-2.Bruno next faces Rutgers University atnoon on Saturday followed by a meetingwith Seton Hall at noon on Sunday. Bothmatches will be he held at the PizzitolaSports Center.

Sports staff writer Brett Zarda GS covers thewomen’s tennis team. He can be reached [email protected].


FEBRUARY 27, 2003 · PAGE 12


Looking to rebound, women’s tennis plays host to Rutgers and Seton Hall this weekend.

Get the drugsout of MajorLeague Baseball

M. squash wins Hoehn Cup, tops Williams in final

Heartbreaking loss, 4-3 to Temple,follows 7-0 victory for women’s tennis


If the players union truly cared about end-ing drug use in baseball, it wouldn’t waitfor the toxicology report on Orioles pitch-ing prospect Steve Bechler. It wouldn’trequire the U.S. government to banephedrine. It would attack stimulant andsteroid use with the zeal it reserves for itsnever-ending power struggle with theowners and finally take a stand.

Even if ephedrine turns out to be a min-imal factor in Bechler’s death, MajorLeague Baseball’s drug-testing program iswoefully inadequate. The union had everyopportunity to help MLB get tough ondrugs in the sport’s new labor agreement.Instead, it consented only to a toothlesspolicy that drew immediate ridicule fromexperts.

The MLB program addresses steroidsbut not ephedrine, an ingredient in sup-plements that helps players lose weight orincrease their energy level. What’s more,no one seriously believes that the new pol-icy will quell steroid use; mandatory test-ing will occur only if more than 50 of theapproximately 1,200 players on 40-manrosters test positive during a yearlong sur-vey period. The union’s resistance to moreextensive testing stems in part from its dis-trust of management, a distrust that isintensifying six months into a four-yearlabor agreement. The depressed free-agent market again is raising suspicions ofcollusion, and the union fears manage-ment would use stricter testing to punishplayers rather than rehabilitate them.

“You’re damn right it’s a problem,” oneagent says, referring to the use of steroidsand supplements. “But how are you goingto get anything done in an environmentlike this?”

The owners’ pattern of deceit is well-documented, but a proactive union lead-ership would be more concerned with thethreat to its players’ health than the threatof management misconduct. Likewise, aproactive leadership would not use thecop-out that ephedrine is sold over thecounter, thus entrusting the welfare of itsmembers to the Food and DrugAdministration, which is under pressurefrom lobbyists.

“There are products out there that areallegedly natural, but there’s no clear proofthey are not harmful, and (there are)strong suggestions that they may be harm-ful,” says Cal Ripken Jr.’s agent, RonShapiro, referring not just to ephedrinebut to performance-enhancing drugs notcovered by the agreement, such as humangrowth hormone. “There is a duty to domore than perhaps just education. Thatduty exists by virtue of the reality that pro-fessional athletes feel such pressure toperform. If we feel a sense of responsibili-ty to the people we work with, it might takemore than education.”

Baseball players should have learnedfrom the ephedrine-related deaths of col-lege football players Rashidi Wheeler andDevaughn Darling, not to mention thedeath of the Minnesota Vikings’ KoreyStringer, who also had used the substance.Yet, one baseball agent estimates that 75percent of players use ephedrine. Severalplayers related their own frightening expe-riences with the drug after Bechler’s death.

How many warning signs must theunion receive? Funny, the NFL PlayersAssociation had no problem agreeing to aban of ephedrine, even though no traces ofthe drug were found in Stringer’s system.The baseball union might argue, not

WrestlingThe wrestling team finished up the 2002-2003 regular season at Harvard with a 29-12 loss to the Crimson. The Bears are at8-12 overall and 1-6 in EIWA, finishingthe Ivy season at 1-4.

Clint Frease ’03 and Nick Ciarcia ’04led the team once again, recording winsfor Brown. Ciarcia won by decision at184, 3-1 in overtime as Frease won bydefault. The only other Bear that record-ed a win at Harvard is Chris Ayers ’03,who also won in overtime by a 6-4 deci-sion at 165.

Also wrestling for Brown, though notvictorious, were freshmen Dan Appello’06 at 125, Doran Heist ’06 who waspinned at 4:30 in 174, and freshmanheavyweight Lee Beane ’06. Adam Santee’04, Anthony Marconi ’05, Shawn Cully’05 and Michael Savino ’05 also compet-ed for the Bears, though the Harvardopponents proved too much for them.

With the Ivy season behind them, theBears set their sights on the EIWAChampionships, which begin March 7.

SquashThe men’s squash team captured theprestigious Hoehn Cup at the 2003National Collegiate Men’s Squash

Championships, held at Princeton. TheBears reached the finals of the B Divisionwith wins over Hobart (7-2) and Navy (7-2) before earning a 5-4 victory overWilliams in the championship match.

With the teams tied at 4, the champi-onship came down to the number onematch, where senior co-captain BenOliner ’03 came through with a 9-2, 4-9,9-7, 5-9, 9-6 victory over Williams toclinch the championship for the Bears.

Also winning for Brown againstWilliams was Brad Corona ’04, a 3-0 win-ner at number three, Sean O’Boyle ’05,who captured a 3-0 decision at numberfour, co-captain Robert Park ’03, whoearned a 3-0 victory at number six, andJay Beidler ’05, a 3-0 winner at numbereight.

Winning both matches against Hobartand Navy were Oliner, Breck Bailey ’06 atnumber two, Corona, Park, Justin Wong’05 at number seven, Beidler and GavinWatson ’05 at number nine.

SkiingThe skiing team set new records for itself,for Brown and for the region at the theECSC Regional Championships. Browncame in second as the Bears finished fourwomen in the top 10 for the first time in

team history in the slalom. Brownaccomplished two more firsts when fivewomen finished in the top 15 in the giantand six in the top twenty.

Brown was the only team in the regionto place all its squad members in the top20 overall.

“This team’s efforts are only starting toshow. Nationals will be their time toshine,” said Head Coach KarenFinnochio. “Their momentum is peakingat the most crucial time of their season.”

No other team involved in the compe-tition had as many racers finish in the top20 as Brown. Leading the way and tyingfor fifth place were Adrienne Jones ’03and Molly Sheinberg ’04, who bothrecorded a time of 1:32.95.

Hilary Swaffield ’06 attacked themountain during her amazing secondrun, finishing seventh with a total time of1:33.45. Doria DiBona ’03 recorded a topten finish as she skied her way to tenthplace with a time of 1:33.95. CaitlinStanton ’03 rounded out the Bears in thetop 20 as she went from a 79th-place startto a 17th-place finish.

Brown was winning the slalom untilUniversity of Massachusetts skier

see MLB DRUGS, page 9 see BRIEFS, page 7