THY KINGDOM FALL - s3.amazonaws.com · “After Eden, Thy Kingdom Fall. All Kingdoms Fall, New Kingdoms Rise.” World War III. It was inevitably going to be one of religion, this

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Austin Dragon



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s

imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or

locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2012 by Austin Dragon

All rights reserved.

Published by Well-Tailored Books, California

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in

any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written

permission of the publisher.

Thy Kingdom Fall / After Eden Series: Book One

ISBN 978-0-9887235-0-4 (paperback)

ISBN 978-0-9887235-1-1 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-0-9887235-2-8 (ebook)

Book cover design by Luna Oliveira

Printed in the United States of America


A special thank-you to my editor Stephanie Mitchell who, to use a Doylean phrase, may not be

luminous but is a conductor of light, and whose one simple question elevated the book from

the stratosphere into space; Luna Oliveira, my book cover designer and all around digital Jedi,

because people do judge a book by its cover; and to all my beta readers through the process,

especially Lawrence Phillips, Erica Diamond, and Veronica Olofsson.

Special shout out to Mom and Dad—no good son would forget such a thing.

And a final thanks to Him. Inexplicable talent in anyone—myself aside—is truly an amazing

testament. What will the lightning strike of inspiration bring next?

“After Eden, Thy Kingdom Fall. All Kingdoms Fall, New Kingdoms Rise.”

World War III. It was inevitably going to be one of religion, this great, grim, evil war of

humans, machines, and other things in the shadows that have never existed before.

Unfortunately, neither the cause nor the outcome was within our perception, though the former

should have been. No one could ever have imagined that it would not just be the third of the

world wars, as that is unremarkable, but the explosion of the first global war of the

Technological Age, the Tek Age—a hell we had never seen before.

Net-Dictionary: ‘Wolf 359’

1. A red dwarf star located in the Leo constellation, approximately 7.8 light-years from Earth,

making it one of the stars nearest to our solar system.

2. A fictional space battle in the Star Trek Universe between the United Federation of Planets

and the Borg Collective in the year 2367.

3. The opening battle of World War III in New York City on September 11, 2125. Over sixty

percent of United States of America Atlantic Oceanic Battle Fleet was destroyed by the Supreme

Islamic Caliphate Battle Group on the first day.

Other terms:

Pagan: (American usage) a non-believer of god or gods; one that doesn’t believe in religion,

often negative to, hostile to or hateful of religion.

Jew-Christian: (American usage) a religious person, other than Muslim.

Table of Contents A BRAVE TEK WORLD ............................................................................................................. 1

Wolf 359 ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Tek World! ................................................................................................................................ 8

The Devil I Know .................................................................................................................... 16

The Lords of Earth ................................................................................................................. 21

Preach, Baby, Preach .............................................................................................................. 36

The Butterfly Demonicus Effect ............................................................................................ 62

Stillborn ................................................................................................................................... 89

I Could Kiss Arafat on the Mouth ....................................................................................... 106

Weird People ......................................................................................................................... 118

The Math That Lost America .............................................................................................. 138

Scare(y) Decisis...................................................................................................................... 144

Trog-Land .............................................................................................................................. 166

The Man Made Out of String .............................................................................................. 188

THE PROTESTANT ORDER................................................................................................. 230

It’s Always Sunny in Hell ..................................................................................................... 231

Faith World! .......................................................................................................................... 259

Good Blood ............................................................................................................................ 292

A “Free,” “Safe,” and “Civilized” Society .......................................................................... 299

Locking the Gates ................................................................................................................. 317

The Last Christians............................................................................................................... 349

Resistance Rising ................................................................................................................... 373

Guess Who’s Coming to Passover Seder Dinner ............................................................... 402

Objects Are Closer Than They Appear .............................................................................. 417

Teeth ....................................................................................................................................... 447

The Magi ................................................................................................................................ 452

Slow Boil ................................................................................................................................ 463

The Continuum ..................................................................................................................... 480

After Eden: Thy Kingdom Fall / 1


(Supremacy of the Pagans)


Austin Dragon / 2

Wolf 359

“A date which will live in infamy.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States

of America

America would have three dates of infamy. One of which was December 7, 1941, when the

Imperial Navy of the Empire of Japan attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor,

Hawaii. Four US Navy battleships were sunk, four others damaged; eight other sea-craft were

sunk or destroyed; 188 aircraft were destroyed; and 2,402 Americans were killed, with another

1,282 wounded.

Another had been 127 years earlier, in the War of 1812 against the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Ireland. On August 24, 1814, British forces invaded and occupied Washington DC,

burning public buildings including the White House and the US Capitol, which were both mostly

destroyed. It was the only time a foreign nation captured and occupied the nation’s capital.

The third was September 11, 2001, known universally as “9/11,” when nineteen Muslim

terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners and crashed two into the World Trade Center’s

Twin Towers and one into the Pentagon. The other was headed for the White House or the US

Capitol building before brave passengers seized the plane and it crashed in the fields of

Pennsylvania. Over three thousand people were killed that day, and the 110-story Twin Towers

collapsed and were destroyed.

Top of the World Restaurant, The Three Towers, New York City

8:02 a.m., 11 September, 2125

After Eden: Thy Kingdom Fall / 3

The New York City police commissioner gazes out the massive, slightly blue-tinted bow

windows. He stands in the same spot as he always does at this time and day of the year. The

Three Towers that Kanien built.

The breakfast meeting of senior New York brass, male and female, some in office-suits,

others in dress blues, has ended. They mill around talking to one another, drinking their

beverages, eating more food, and checking their mobile devices for messages.

President Cree Kanien had all the right credentials: long-time party activist and loyalist; the

right “religion”: Pagan, with the requisite number of public anti-religious comments over his

career; the right universities: Harvard and Yale; the right family: partner (hetero), two sons

(unverified), two dogs and a cat; mayor of Buffalo; governor of New York; vice president and

then president. There was nothing in his background that suggested he would go Jew-Christian

crazy one day while in office, but it was a unique craziness. He said he awoke one day and heard

a voice which told him that he had to build it “so they will come and your army can destroy

them.” Days later, he directed federal troops to seize the site of the One World Trade Center and

its surrounding areas and by executive order commissioned its total demolishment and the

subsequent construction of the new Three Towers.

He would be only the third American president impeached by the US House of

Representatives in America’s 349-year history. But unlike Andrew Johnson in 1868 and William

Clinton in 1999, who were acquitted by the US Senate, he was convicted. Everyone still wrongly

says Richard Nixon was impeached over Watergate (most people have no clue as to what

Watergate was). Nixon was the only other president who would have been impeached and

convicted, but he resigned the office in 1974—the only American president ever to do so.

Austin Dragon / 4

President Kanien had the sole distinction of being the only American president to be

impeached, convicted, and removed from office by the legislative branch, for gross abuse of

power over the Three Towers. But the ex-president was a marketing genius. The nation’s power

elite hated the buildings, but Kanien made the people of New York love them. And when New

Yorkers call something theirs, whether a person, place or thing, heaven help the person who

messes with it. No one, not even another president, would be removing the Three Towers to

rebuild the Old World Trade Center—One World Trade Center? What’s that?

At the opening ceremony for the building, Kanien stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his invited

attendees as he gave his remarks. These special guests were descendants of the victims of the

original 9/11 event. Kanien had some thirty-thousand present. He revealed in his speech that he

too was a descendant of a victim—though Homeland Security personal background files still

refute his claim to this day. It was reported that Kanien’s list of the “Children of the Three

Towers,” as he had named his special guests, had over a million names; after all, nearly sixty

countries aside from America lost people in the attack, Old Britain, the Dominican Republic, and

Japan being the countries with the next-highest losses in human lives. No one would touch these

buildings; they were the new international symbol of 22nd

-century New York.

All a moot point now; the Three Towers have been standing for fifty-three years.

“Maybe Kanien wasn’t so crazy after all,” he whispers to himself as he stares off into the

sky. From his vantage point inside the restaurant, 170 stories up, he can see almost eye-level into

the clouds, the very curvature of the planet, and at night it seems to him as if one could literally

step out into space itself. The view of the Atlantic Ocean is breathtaking; seeming so close that

he could stretch out his arm and touch its blue surface.

After Eden: Thy Kingdom Fall / 5

He smiles. To think that the man-made-global-warming “Flat-Earthers” over a century ago

said that massive flood barriers would need to be built all along the East Coast, including New

York, because of flooding from melting polar ice caps and rising global sea levels. Now the

experts are back to “we’re heading for the next Ice Age” again.

As far as New Yorkers and most Americans are concerned, the Three Towers are the tallest

buildings in the world. The actual distinction goes to towers within Caliphate and CHIN

countries, but they only built taller buildings to spite America.

The opinion of the American security and intelligence community, however, is that the

buildings are a security nightmare. More money is expended to protect these three buildings than

even the White House, and every year on this date, New York Homeland personnel wake up in a

cold sweat wondering if this is the year the Muslims will “try for it”—some attack reminiscent of

9/11. Or maybe even the CHINs.

The police commissioner’s predecessor had actually resigned his post because he couldn’t

handle the stress anymore. The commissioner has already had one stomach transplant, from one

of the best body farms, because he developed chronic ulcers. He pops a pill in his mouth—his

daily medicine for life to ensure he doesn’t develop any problems with his new stomach.

Nine-Eleven Holiday ceremonies will take up most of his day, and despite the elevated threat

level, everyone will pretend to have a good time.

“Commissioner, Kanien’s limo caravan is here. Fifth Avenue.” The voice of his chief of staff

sounds in both his ears through his flesh-colored ear-set device.

He touches the reply button on his wrist-band. “Keep him back until I get there.”

“Yes, Commissioner.” The line disconnects.

Austin Dragon / 6

This is truly intolerable. Kanien is an ex-president of the United States of America who still

draws a federal retirement stipend and has a Secret Service detail, but has been designated as a

potential terrorist by the current president. Technically, Kanien should not even be allowed to

enter New York City Metro, but everyone from the local beat cop to the New York Homeland

Defense and Intelligence Agency regional director ignores the terrorist threat directive on him.

Kanien is an insane old man, not a terrorist, and, more significantly, he’s one of the biggest

private donors to the New York sports culture community—the Yankees, the Giants, the Nicks.

What one sports writer called the “real three towers” in New York. It’s the kind of charity that

buys a lot of good will, loyalty, and friends in this town.

The commissioner shakes his head. Most likely he’ll have to fly to the Capitol again to talk

about it. But then, the president is an old man too. If this were even twenty years ago, no one,

himself included, would ever have ignored a presidential directive. However, the president

strangely isn’t pushing the issue at all. It’s as if he is allowing Kanien to be protected for some

reason. Everyone expects the president to be gone after the next election; his life-long reason for

political existence and the focus of political hatred—the Jew-Christians—are gone. Nothing in

the world has been the same.

“Commissioner! The east side!” The voice yells so loud in his ears that the commissioner

leaps straight up in the air. He bolts from his spot and runs to the east-side observation-window-

wall of the restaurant, pushing tables, chairs, and people out of his way. The room is in a panic as

police officers follow him.

For an American elite society that so hates religion, it is curious how many of the words and

phrases are just that—religious. He is at the east side: “My God!”

After Eden: Thy Kingdom Fall / 7

This is not possible! Nothing can breach our Atlantic Seaboard Defense!

Over the Atlantic Ocean, they can see them in the distance. The sky is filled with approaching

sky-ships, an air armada of what seem to be ancient 767s.

People yell out in shock, run for the elevators, or faint and fall to the floor. The commissioner

grabs his chest at his heart as his face contorts from a sharp pain.

Thirty-seven years earlier…