I s~. f \r »-,• •• -- -*\7 4 - V* ' ' #^»S[ *;r .,* /V * * » •'• .: I " J Moving Pictures of Current Events Kinetiscopic Views of the Local Happenings of the Week fJIS;®; MARKET REPORT These quotations are corrected weekly by 1 lie Sisseton Milling Co,,'aud ure absolutely tollable. v. iieui. No. I ." 1 '. *»i.oo A beat. No. 2 !>o Wb*at. No 3 &> Vheat, No. 4 7K Rejected 6D Vewl Wheat SO to 55 Macaroni 78 to T9 K.ai $1.07 Oat* 20 to 22 llarley No. a 21 HarleT, No. 4 20 Barley. No. 5— —23 C. Louis Weousdrotfe to the Agency Sunday. Howaivi B^iicock wont to Mllbank to attend court Monday. Mrs I). P. SteveiiS spent several day* in Corona last weeK. l'aul Hahcock returned yesterday front the cities. Dr. Hicus, of Milbank, wascavourt- ioi; around town yesterday. J. D. McKay, a stockmanof Apple- ton, Minn., was in the city last Sat- urday. ' Harry Jessup, the genial represen- tative of the "Paris Murton Co.," ar- rived ID town Monday. Miss Cunningham, of Go«d Will, left on Monday's train for Los Ange- les, California. t. .T. J. Batterton went tl;iwn to Mil- bank Monday to attend the term ot court In session theru. , Mr*. A. W. Linrlquist came up from \Vilm>t today to visit with re- latives and attend the Eastern Star meeting this evening, O. 11. Bergstrom, the >iiss.;ton cigar maker, returned from Monte'idio Wednesdav, where he has visited for the past two weeks. Little Basil Perkins cut his 'hand quite badly on a piece of glass Tues- day. so that it was necessaay to take several stitcries in it. H. S. Morris left on Monday tor the cities. lie will make- a trip into No. th' Dakota during his absence and vvill prooably he away two or three w eeks. Thos Peever,.!. A. Ttickert and II. S. Morris, this week, received their new Knight's Templar uniforms and they are a little the swellest "glad rags" that ever came down the pike. Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Brewster, who have been visiting Mrs. Heath for •icveral weeks past, returned via. Browns Valley to their home at El- bow L<afce Minn., leaving here Tues- :1a jv Miss Sophia Larson, formerly em- ployed in the tailoring department of C. L. FolKatad's store, has accepted the position of assistant matron at the Good Will mission school and e.itered upon her duties this week- As an evidence of his appreciation of the work of the tire compiny during the tire IU his store, C. I<. Folkstad treateJ ttu rtre laddies to a spread at the cluti rooms last Friday evening. The Dode Flsk orchestra—It eost the boys of the Cavalry $22» 00 to get them here. Generally concedcn to be the best musical combination west of Chicago. They wnl give a two hours concert on January 25th at 7:45. Admission 50c. Don't miss the best attraction since Sisseton b«- sac - L OST—On Agencv road near Sisse- UID, the tlrst of last week, an old well-worn coonskin overcoat with mink c$»ilar. and the initials D. E. E. worked out wlt.n silk thread on inside of collar. Infurmation concerning the same, leading to its return, will be suitably rewarded. Address, D.E. Evans, Good Will, S. Dak. t Chief of Police MacHusban was ar- t rested last Friday on a warrant sworn out by Dan Sullivan, charging him with knowingly permitting gambling to go on in the city of Sisseton. The case was brought before lustice Wll- c.«x aod a change of venue taken to .ludge Prindeville. As we go to press the case is now in progress. The ' friends of Mr. JIusban say that it is acaseof spite work. Tbere will be a joint instal.'atnn of the A. F. 4- A. M and Eastern Star lodges tonight. Mrs. W. W. Downie, Past Grand Matron of the state, as- - fcibied by Mrs. A, D. Coongut, of ' Milbank, will conduct tlic Eastern Stor installation. Eiuunt Cumming-j, or Elflugion was in the city Tuesday. Ed Gee. of Efllngton, was a caller at the S TANDABD office Tuesday. Mrs, Momeny left Saturday tor a few days in the cities We want a correspondent in every town in the county. , Superintendent Jones was suffer- ing with a severe cold the first of the week. Geo. Scott, of Wilmot, was in the city Tuesday. II. L. Spackman returned from the cities Wednesday. Adolph Eastman visited in Sisseton between trains Wednesday. 4 Bert Bloomhall, of Peever. was in town Wednesday. Dr. Iiobb was at Peever on profes- sional busine&s Wednesday. Remember we do job printing in a doAii-to-now style. .Call on the S TAND A it D for printing. The installation of officers of the Royal Neighbors will take place next Tuesday evening. Geo Rlx, one of the shining legal lights of Milbank, was iu the city Tuesday. A. W. Lindquist and daughter Miss Muriel, of Wilmot, visited relatives In the city last Saturday Miss Connelly, of MilbanK, visited with her sister, Miss Maggie Connelly ot this citv, the tlrst of the week. B OHN—On Saturday, Jan. 14. to Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Janish, of Sisse- ton, a bey. President La Uue, of the B'lrst Na- tional Eank of Hrowns Valley, was a business visitor in Sisseton Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Paulson were called to Christine, North Dakota to attend the funeral of Mr, Paulsou's mother. Axel Nelson, one of the prominent farmers east of town, was a pleasant caller at the S TANDARD office Wed- nesday and enrolled his name on the subscription list of this journal. A. .1. Tuor went to Peever last Friday night to shake his loot at the dauce given by the Peever dancing club. ' : Ho UN—In Sisseton. on Tuesday, Jan. 17, to Mr. and Mr*. Mons' Mon- son. a boy, and Mons is justly elated thereby. Dave Johnson, of Ellington, who has been visiting at his old home uea r Sioux Fails, returned Tuesday and went out home the same day. An aggregation from Peever, con- sisting of Postmaster Wilson, John Peterson, Chas. llodin and Mine Host Hensel took the town by storm yes- terday. A. F. Bailv, of the Agency, walked up to the Editor's desk yesterday and liquidated his indebtedness to the S TANDARD, with a year iu ad- vance for good measure. The adjusters have been busy this week, adjusting the Are loss on the Folkstad clothing stock. The mat- ter is not emirely settled as we go to press. ' Mayor S. Anderson, Bert. IJIootuhall and postmaster Chas. Nelson, of Peever, were in town last Saturday and the town down the line tipped up when they left. Chausse, the caterer and restau- ranter, has an advertisement in this issue. When you want a good meal call on Chaussee. He know* now to cater to tne wants of hungry hu- manity. Just to hear the caller of the Dode Fisk company is 6aici to be worth many times the price of admissiou. He is a wonder and has a reputation all over the west. Remember the dance and concert the same night. Coneert, 50c. Dance $1,50, all night. Major Jackson, of the Agency, was the recipent of a handsome gold mounted ebonv cane, the past week, from bissoD who lives in California The Major is exhibiting the handsome gift and is justly proud of it. In another column will be found the official statement ot the First I National Bank of Sisseton. As will 1 be seen by this statement, this flioan- j cial institution is oueof the safest in > the state and that it is guided, man- aged and upheld by men of integrity! and sound business principles. Ti-Wa-Kan Powwow || TheTi-Wa-Kan tribe of Red Men, of Sisseton, enrolled officers last Fri- day night. Chief Shienk. of Winona, being there to assist There was a special council tire at the wigwam last night at which a class or pale faces were adopted.after which there was a big feast. For the benefit, of those jvrm are not initiated into the Sioux language, however, the menu ami its transla- tion is given as follows: Tu-Kee Waham-pa. Oyster Soup. Canta toto. Pau-gee. , > ,;i : olives. Radishes. Ilagh an-Ska. Uaked Whittisli C j' Ma-^a skl-Co Ce-um pa. : : Roast Duck. Jie do Pa tan. O ma-ni Cba. wMitslied I otatoes. Beans. . Mln-ne-wn kan Sku-ya . Punch. Une-pa-bo-tona. Uame Salad. A-Suiie pi Wa-Sna. Cbeese. A-bauya-pl. Crackers. Pe-ghu ta Sa-pa. Coll'ee. Cliun-dl Yu-Kunl pi. Cigars. It is s:ii(l all participants had to speak in the Sioux language and that anyoue who tilked plain Kuglish dur- ing th" bariquet was subjected in the penalty of losing one teaspoonfui of puuch for each olTense. Court, House Cullings. HEAL ESTATE TKANSKKRS. (This list is furnished by the courtesy ot the Sisseton I.oan and Title Company. A com plote list of real cstaie transfers will appear each we k.) Wallace 11 Sands nr..l wife to Marv I. Morris Ne. 'j Nw. >i Sec. 5 Tp. 12G K 52. W. 'i s*. '.j and .-e 'j sw. Sec. :12 Tp. 127 K 0. llei.rv S. Morris and wife to Sisseton I.oan & Til Je Co. >t\ >4 Xe. k, aiiil N. ' a .-f. H, See. 4 Tp 121 K. S. Sw. St'c. ami Lot 1 Sw hw. \ Stv. ::u Tp. l'Jii K. 01. SI. Noble Wlleo\ to Airrns K. fierce I.ots ifl. 21. 22. 23. and 24. Iliock 114. Sisseton. 4150. Cairit- K. Evtirlit >o Liudsiey C. Kvereit I«ol 2 Sec. li. Lets 3. 4 and 5 and Se. '4 Nw. Sue. 7 Tp. 122U. 47 StllU und other lonsUifialion. 1). 11 Smilh and wife to Karl K. Smith S Ne. U Sec. 2fl Tp l'J2 R. 49. a 1150 Ellen Smith and htisbaiul to Karl E. Smith N. 4 Ne. "H Sec. 21> Tp. 12J R. 4 l J. #2673. Newell N. Powell and wife to William H. Michener Lots 7, S and 9 and Part of Lot 10 Block s While Kock. »2ihX) Henry Thorson'o Freda U. Thorson .Lots 13. 14. lf> and 16 Uloek 12G, sisseton. Thuum Craigo and wife to A. O. Overby The undivided H of the Se. U and S. Ne. Sec. S'l'p. 122 R 4S. f240,l. Jobn K. Hauifart and wife to John M. Geisnr Lois M. 11 and 12 Rlocl; 1. llapcarv and Rteves' Addition lo While Rock, tlixi. UeorKe Wnans aad wtfo to l)r. J. M. Allen West'iof Lot 5 Hlock 5 White Rock. 1350. Martin A. Swanson and wife to Ole C. Ilal- ber« Ne. ^ Sec. 7 Tp. 127 R. 52. S3 1 .' O. Peter J. Johnson and wife to II. F. Horlng ion Sw See. II Tp. 123 U. 53. J1000. DOWN AT OLD AUNT MARY S It is said that II. A. Meicalf. the present county auditor, will at the expiration of nis leriu in March, just move across the hall and accept the position of deputy county treasurer. ILLEGAL FISHING. On Monday game warden Nejedly arrested »lartin Miller, P. Stevens and Thos. Olson living near Lake Traverse, on the charge of "illegal" Ashing by using a seine They had their hearing before Justice Somer- ville and wee fined $40 each or 20 days in the cou ity jail In default of the flue they will serve their sen- tence. ID TEN DOLLARS REWARD. I will pav $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of the thler who stole my overcoat out. of the Banner office Monday evening. L. C. Emsimon". FREE! The Latest Game. Send three cents to pay postage to n'iimoud Boat- Luie, Ortonyille, Minn. AS N'T It pleasant. O brother mine. In those old daya of the lost sunslil ne Of youth—wiieti tbe Saturday's chores were through, And the "Sunday wood" in the kitohon. too. And we went visiting, "me and you," Out to Old Aunt Mary's? ' * It all comPR back so clear today ! Though I am as bald as you are gray- Out by the barn-lot and down the lane. We patter along in tho dust again. As light as the tips of the drops of tho rain. Out to Old Aunt Mary's! We cross the pasture, and through the wood Where the old gray snag ot the pop lar stood Where tbe hammering "red heads'' hopped awry. And the buzzard "raised" in the "clearing" sky And lolled and circled as we went by Out to Old Aunt Mnry's. And then in the dust of th<3 road again: And the teams we met. and the countrymen: And tbe long highway, with sunshine spread As thick as butter on couniry bread. Our cares behind, and our hearts ahead Out to Old Aunt Mary's. Why. I see her now in tlio open door, Where the little gourds grew up the side and o'er The clapboard roof! And her face—ah, me: Wasn't It good for a boy to see— Aud wasn't it good for a boy to be uut to Old Aunt Mary's? ' Atul.O my brother, so far away. This is tell you she waits to-day To welcomo us—Aunt Mary foil Asleep this morning, whispering. "1V11 The. boys to como!" And all is well Out to Olil Aunt Mary's. f jAMts WiiiTCOMn RILEY. Prescrip- tions tilled by us are a guaranty of accuracy Pure Drugs. Accurate Prescriptions. The Palace Drug Store | Dr. E. V. Bobb, Pro"o. A Full Line of Druggists Sundries in Stock Our llrugs are Fresh uad have ful. strength I mm : il <S1 f i V r This Space is Reserved for the use of MATTHEWS I LEAVITT -y m. i i t -tf r t -4 ¥» - .'11 The Square dealing HARDWARE FIRM SISSETON S. D. +wmmmam+ •I o\ ?i FARMERS! 1 O. J. JENKINS. PRES'r. J. ROSS. VlCE-PUKS. A. D. PAULSON. CASnilB Reservation State Bank, of Sisseton, South Dakota. ; ^ The oldest Banking house in Sisseton. Farm wnd City Loans made. Collections a Specialty, Insur- >: ance Wrltton. Wr, do a general banking business .. .. S r Vour Patronage Is Solicited. _ E A S W hi Come in and look over my large stock ol s FARM MACHINERY. .X* 5 r' •'V A J. <• S dI cI at Reasonable Prices. I mt ; , .n A. W. Tower, ' , * Successor to C. E. Reed. 7 , I :ousn I IDK) IIJIWEU WITH THE:;- First National Bank 4 Of Sisseton, South Dakota 4 BECAUSE We are in the National Ranking System, tho safest and best protection tho gover:i nent can give. BECAUSE We publish sworn statements six times a year showing in detail the condition of our bi.i.<. BECAUSE Our bank is examinodat unknown tlm?s'by a National Bank Examiner. BECAUSE, We have safety deposit lioxes for rent under protection of our durable vault and burglar alarm.. BECAUSE SVe carry ourglar in-iur-iaca and all tlnse precautions mean that we are O A ljir 1 as to responsibility. Safe against fire. " J-J against burglars. Safe will be your aeposit. We sell emigrant tickets to and from Europe. Wc Issue drafts on any of the foreign countries as well as Minneapolis, Chicago ami New York. For il you can open a savings account with us and have tbe use of a little steel savings bank free. Subscribe For SSt# f "ft A N*' > I 'a m II k ^ The Sisseton Weekly STANDARD SAY! Watch This spacs for ths announcamant of . AXNESS & CO. Fo.r Job Printing THE STANDARD V | 1 ' $1.00 a UNTIL MARCH FIR T HUB RESTAURANT! *j r 3 »'«• 11 4 1J i v .<'* - :i & 1' -, c *• Ci, " W* - First class meals served at* reasonable rates! and Confeotinery always on solicited. \ Fruit hand. our i . ^ * >> /«. ~cl. 1^ luW. \ > r»irt >> 'k V* ^ •X $ f r r * ^ .a\ ,'f*v , % -V ^ * A. yfif.-h r- Q> patrocagc v"4f •••;• i ' i". 1 ' JXi 't f ;t;- » 3 ^ % I^ | r < •». « #K ' + .XL

Ti-Wa-Kan Powwow || Moving Pictures of Current EventsOn Monday game warden Nejedly arrested »lartin Miller, P. Stevens and Thos. Olson living near Lake Traverse, on the charge of

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Page 1: Ti-Wa-Kan Powwow || Moving Pictures of Current EventsOn Monday game warden Nejedly arrested »lartin Miller, P. Stevens and Thos. Olson living near Lake Traverse, on the charge of




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Moving Pictures of Current Events

Kinetiscopic Views of the Local Happenings of the Week fJIS;®;

MARKET REPORT These quotations are corrected weekly by

1 lie Sisseton Milling Co,,'aud ure absolutely tollable.

v. iieui. No. I ."1 ' . *»i.oo A beat. No. 2 !>o Wb*at. No 3 &> Vheat, No. 4 7K Rejected 6D Vewl Wheat SO to 55 Macaroni 78 to T9 K.ai $1.07 Oat* 20 to 22 llarley No. a 21 HarleT, No. 4 20 Barley. No. 5— —23

C. Louis Weousdrotfe to the Agency Sunday.

Howaivi B^iicock wont to Mllbank to attend court Monday.

Mrs I). P. SteveiiS spent several day* in Corona last weeK.

l 'aul Hahcock returned yesterday front the cities.

Dr. Hicus, of Milbank, wascavourt-ioi; around town yesterday.

J. D. McKay, a stockmanof Apple-ton, Minn., was in the city last Sat­urday. '

Harry Jessup, the genial represen­tative of the "Paris Murton Co.," ar­rived ID town Monday.

Miss Cunningham, of Go«d Will, left on Monday's train for Los Ange­les, California.

• • • t.

.T. J. Batterton went tl;iwn to Mil-bank Monday to attend the term ot court In session theru.

, Mr*. A. W. Linrlquist came up from \Vilm>t today to visit with re­latives and attend the Eastern Star meeting this evening,

O. 11. Bergstrom, the >iiss.;ton cigar maker, returned from Monte'idio Wednesdav, where he has visited for the past two weeks.

Little Basil Perkins cut his 'hand quite badly on a piece of glass Tues­day. so that it was necessaay to take several stitcries in it.

H. S. Morris left on Monday tor the cities. lie will make- a trip into No. th' Dakota during his absence and vvill prooably he away two or three w eeks.

Thos Peever,.!. A. Ttickert and II. S. Morris, this week, received their new Knight's Templar uniforms and they are a little the swellest "glad rags" that ever came down the pike.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Brewster, who have been visiting Mrs. Heath for •icveral weeks past, returned via. Browns Valley to their home at El­bow L<afce Minn., leaving here Tues-:1a jv

Miss Sophia Larson, formerly em­ployed in the tailoring department of C. L. FolKatad's store, has accepted the position of assistant matron at the Good Will mission school and e.itered upon her duties this week-

As an evidence of his appreciation of the work of the tire compiny during the tire IU his store, C. I<.

Folkstad treateJ ttu rtre laddies to a spread at the cluti rooms last Friday evening.

The Dode Flsk orchestra—It eost the boys of the Cavalry $22» 00 to get them here. Generally concedcn to be the best musical combination west of Chicago. They wnl give a two hours concert on January 25th at 7:45. Admission 50c. Don't miss the best attraction since Sisseton b«-

sac-L OST—On Agencv road near Sisse-

UID, the tlrst of last week, an old well-worn coonskin overcoat with mink c$»ilar. and the initials D. E. E. worked out wlt.n silk thread on inside of collar. Infurmation concerning the same, leading to its return, will be suitably rewarded. Address, D.E. Evans, Good Will, S. Dak. t •

Chief of Police MacHusban was ar-t rested last Friday on a warrant sworn

out by Dan Sullivan, charging him with knowingly permitting gambling to go on in the city of Sisseton. The case was brought before lustice Wll-c.«x aod a change of venue taken to .ludge Prindeville. As we go to press the case is now in progress. The

' friends of Mr. JIusban say that it is acaseof spite work.

Tbere will be a joint instal. 'atnn of the A. F. 4- A. M and Eastern Star lodges tonight. Mrs. W. W. Downie, Past Grand Matron of the state, as-

- fcibied by Mrs. A, D. Coongut, of ' Milbank, will conduct tlic Eastern

Stor installation.

Eiuunt Cumming-j, or Elflugion was in the city Tuesday.

Ed Gee. of Efllngton, was a caller at the STANDABD office Tuesday.

Mrs, Momeny left Saturday tor a few days in the cities

We want a correspondent in every town in the county. ,

Superintendent Jones was suffer­ing with a severe cold the first of the week.

Geo. Scott, of Wilmot, was in the city Tuesday.

II. L. Spackman returned from the cities Wednesday.

Adolph Eastman visited in Sisseton between trains Wednesday. 4

Bert Bloomhall, of Peever. was in town Wednesday.

Dr. Iiobb was at Peever on profes­sional busine&s Wednesday.

Remember we do job printing in a doAii-to-now style. .Call on the STAND A it D for printing.

The installation of officers of the Royal Neighbors will take place next Tuesday evening.

Geo Rlx, one of the shining legal lights of Milbank, was iu the city Tuesday.

A. W. Lindquist and daughter Miss Muriel, of Wilmot, visited relatives In the city last Saturday

Miss Connelly, of MilbanK, visited with her sister, Miss Maggie Connelly ot this citv, the tlrst of the week.

B OHN—On Saturday, Jan. 14. to Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Janish, of Sisse­ton, a bey.

President La Uue, of the B'lrst Na­tional Eank of Hrowns Valley, was a business visitor in Sisseton Tuesday.

Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Paulson were called to Christine, North Dakota to attend the funeral of Mr, Paulsou's mother.

Axel Nelson, one of the prominent farmers east of town, was a pleasant caller at the STANDARD office Wed­nesday and enrolled his name on the subscription list of this journal.

A. .1. Tuor went to Peever last Friday night to shake his loot at the dauce given by the Peever dancing club. ' : •

Ho UN—In Sisseton. on Tuesday, Jan. 17, to Mr. and Mr*. Mons' Mon-son. a boy, and Mons is justly elated thereby.

Dave Johnson, of Ellington, who has been visiting at his old home uea r

Sioux Fails, returned Tuesday and went out home the same day.

An aggregation from Peever, con­sisting of Postmaster Wilson, John Peterson, Chas. llodin and Mine Host Hensel took the town by storm yes­terday.

A. F. Bailv, of the Agency, walked up to the Editor's desk yesterday and liquidated his indebtedness to the STANDARD, with a year iu ad­vance for good measure.

The adjusters have been busy this week, adjusting the Are loss on the Folkstad clothing stock. The mat­ter is not emirely settled as we go to press. '

Mayor S. Anderson, Bert. IJIootuhall and postmaster Chas. Nelson, of Peever, were in town last Saturday and the town down the line tipped up when they left.

Chausse, the caterer and restau-ranter, has an advertisement in this issue. When you want a good meal call on Chaussee. He know* now to cater to tne wants of hungry hu­manity. •

Just to hear the caller of the Dode Fisk company is 6aici to be worth many times the price of admissiou. He is a wonder and has a reputation all over the west. Remember the dance and concert the same night. Coneert, 50c. Dance $1,50, all night.

Major Jackson, of the Agency, was the recipent of a handsome gold mounted ebonv cane, the past week, from bissoD who lives in California The Major is exhibiting the handsome gift and is justly proud of it.

In another column will be found the official statement ot the First I National Bank of Sisseton. As will 1 be seen by this statement, this flioan- j cial institution is oueof the safest in > the state and that it is guided, man­aged and upheld by men of integrity! and sound business principles.

Ti-Wa-Kan Powwow || TheTi-Wa-Kan tribe of Red Men,

of Sisseton, enrolled officers last Fri­day night. Chief Shienk. of Winona, being there to assist There was a special council tire at the wigwam last night at which a class or pale faces were adopted.after which there was a big feast.

For the benefit, of those jvrm are not initiated into the Sioux language, however, the menu ami its transla­tion is given as follows:

Tu-Kee Waham-pa. Oyster Soup.

Canta toto. Pau-gee. , > ,;i : olives. Radishes.

Ilagh an-Ska. Uaked Whittisli C j'

Ma-^a skl-Co Ce-um pa. : : Roast Duck.

Jie do Pa tan. O ma-ni Cba. wMitslied I otatoes. Beans.

. Mln-ne-wn kan Sku-ya . Punch.

Une-pa-bo-tona. Uame Salad.

A-Suiie pi Wa-Sna. Cbeese.

A-bauya-pl. Crackers.

Pe-ghu ta Sa-pa. Coll'ee.

Cliun-dl Yu-Kunl pi. Cigars.

It is s:ii(l all participants had to speak in the Sioux language and that anyoue who tilked plain Kuglish dur­ing th" bariquet was subjected in the penalty of losing one teaspoonfui of puuch for each olTense.

Court, House Cullings. HEAL ESTATE TKANSKKRS.

(This list is furnished by the courtesy ot the Sisseton I.oan and Title Company. A com plote list of real cstaie transfers will appear each we k.)

Wallace 11 Sands nr..l wife to Marv I. Morris Ne. 'j Nw. >i Sec. 5 Tp. 12G K 52. W. 'i s*. '.j and .-e 'j sw. Sec. :12 Tp. 127 K 0.

llei.rv S. Morris and wife to Sisseton I.oan & Til Je Co. >t\ >4 Xe. k, aiiil N. 'a .-f. H, See. 4 Tp 121 K. S. Sw. St'c. ami Lot 1 Sw hw. \ Stv. ::u Tp. l'Jii K. 01. SI.

Noble Wlleo\ to Airrns K. fierce I.ots ifl. 21. 22. 23. and 24. Iliock 114. Sisseton. 4150.

Cairit- K. Evtirlit >o Liudsiey C. Kvereit I«ol 2 Sec. li. Lets 3. 4 and 5 and Se. '4 Nw. '« Sue. 7 Tp. 122U. 47 StllU und other lonsUifialion.

1). 11 Smilh and wife to Karl K. Smith S Ne. U Sec. 2fl Tp l'J2 R. 49. a 1150

Ellen Smith and htisbaiul to Karl E. Smith N. 4 Ne. "H Sec. 21> Tp. 12J R. 4 lJ. #2673.

Newell N. Powell and wife to William H. Michener Lots 7, S and 9 and Part of Lot 10 Block s While Kock. »2ihX)

Henry Thorson'o Freda U. Thorson .Lots 13. 14. lf> and 16 Uloek 12G, sisseton.

Thuum Craigo and wife to A. O. Overby The undivided H of the Se. U and S. Ne. Sec. S'l'p. 122 R 4S. f240,l.

Jobn K. Hauifart and wife to John M. Geisnr Lois M. 11 and 12 Rlocl; 1. llapcarv and Rteves' Addition lo While Rock, tlixi.

UeorKe Wnans aad wtfo to l)r. J. M. Allen West'iof Lot 5 Hlock 5 White Rock. 1350.

Martin A. Swanson and wife to Ole C. Ilal-ber« Ne. ̂Sec. 7 Tp. 127 R. 52. S31.' O.

Peter J. Johnson and wife to II. F. Horlng ion Sw See. II Tp. 123 U. 53. J1000.


It is said that II. A. Meicalf. the present county auditor, will at the expiration of nis leriu in March, just move across the hall and accept the position of deputy county treasurer.


On Monday game warden Nejedly arrested »lartin Miller, P. Stevens and Thos. Olson living near Lake Traverse, on the charge of "illegal"

Ashing by using a seine They had their hearing before Justice Somer-ville and wee fined $40 each or 20 days in the cou ity jail In default of the flue they will serve their sen­tence.



I will pav $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of the thler who stole my overcoat out. of the Banner office Monday evening.

L. C. Emsimon".

FREE! The Latest Game. Send three cents to pay postage to n'iimoud Boat- Luie, Ortonyille, Minn.

AS N'T It pleasant. O brother mine. In those old daya of the lost sunslil ne

Of youth—wiieti tbe Saturday's chores were through,

And the "Sunday wood" in the kitohon. too. And we went visiting, "me and you,"

Out to Old Aunt Mary's? ' *

It all comPR back so clear today ! Though I am as bald as you are gray-Out by the barn-lot and down the lane. We patter along in tho dust again. As light as the tips of the drops of tho rain.

Out to Old Aunt Mary's!

We cross the pasture, and through the wood Where the old gray snag ot the pop lar stood Where tbe hammering "red heads'' hopped

awry. And the buzzard "raised" in the "clearing"

sky And lolled and circled as we went by

Out to Old Aunt Mnry's. And then in the dust of th<3 road again: And the teams we met. and the countrymen: And tbe long highway, with sunshine spread As thick as butter on couniry bread. Our cares behind, and our hearts ahead

Out to Old Aunt Mary's.

Why. I see her now in tlio open door, Where the little gourds grew up the side and

o'er The clapboard roof! And her face—ah, me: Wasn't It good for a boy to see— Aud wasn't it good for a boy to be

uut to Old Aunt Mary's? '

Atul.O my brother, so far away. This is t« tell you she waits to-day To welcomo us—Aunt Mary foil Asleep this morning, whispering. "1V11 The. boys to como!" And all is well

Out to Olil Aunt Mary's. f


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