Tianamen Square Samantha Shepherd 2 nd Period

Tianamen square

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Page 1: Tianamen square

Tianamen SquareSamantha Shepherd

2nd Period

Page 2: Tianamen square

Why Should You Care?People should care about the massacre at Tianamen Square because thousands died fighting for freedom and Democracy from their oppressive government, in a peaceful manor. Collage students gathered to protest the wrongdoings and demand for government reform.

The government’s reaction to this was full out man slaughter. Tanks and police men were sent in. They killed and beat the students. This is a prime example on why some of them were protesting.

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What else was going on?May 1st, Disney-MGM

Studios opens to public for first time in Disney World.

July 5th, TV show Seinfeld premieres.

November 7th, David Dinkins become the first African-American mayor of New York City.

December 25th, the Berlin Wall falls.

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Page 5: Tianamen square

Two Survivors and Their TalesChaohua Wang Fang Zheng

Lost both his legs when a tank crushed them, when he escaped strangers helped him out. Years after living in a wheelchair he was able to stand again thanks to the prosthetics the public and American doctors have offered.

When Chaohua was 36 she was involved in the Tiananmen Massacre. She only left the square for brief negotiations with top government officials and a tip to the hospital when she passed out from hunger. Then twenty years later, at the age of 56, Chaohua got what she didn’t get in collage in China, a Ph.D.

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What happened?

Collage Students from Beijing, Shanghia, and nearby cites gathered together in Tianamen Square to protest to their government and demand for Democracy. The protested lasted more than ten day before the government sent in PLA tanks and police. When they got there the massacre that fallowed was a full out man slaughter and blood bath.

Even today, on the anniversary of June fourth Chinese still protest, using the same slogan, and having a moment to remember those who were killed.

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Political CartoonThis cartoon not only is

about the Tiananmen Square but also the Iraq War. The drawing is based on the unknown Chinese man that stood in front of the tanks. Now it’s the terrorist in the tanks and an American ‘twittering’ in a form of protest.

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Hello? Are you awake? *taps glass*Do you understand why the Chinese wanted

freedom and Democracy? If so, list some of the reasons.

Do you think the Chinese government was right in what they did?

If you were a college student in Beijing, China near the square would you have gone to fight for your rights?

No, yes/no answers. Give some reasoning behind your answer.

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A Song for the FallenTiananmen Square

Bei, the Chinese symbol for sad, sadness, sorrow, and sorrowful.

“In Death’s Shadow” represents the Massacre at Tiananmen Square well for it was actually written for those who died that day. If fits for many were killed and they stood strong. Even if the world weeps today no one was there when it happened. No one was there to hear them cry, but today the sound is strong.

They died, with family and friends watching. Their hope of reform and justice was broken when the police and tanks came and mercilessly slaughtered them.

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