12 Tid Bits of Wisdom From the Wonderful Word Publishers JANUARY 2016 VOL.10 No. 1 EMMANUEL “GOD WITH US” Matthew 1:23 Our Lord Jesus Christ was God in the flesh! Just think about the God of all creation living and walking upon earth as a man for over 33 years in order to provide us with the pure and perfect blood that would wash away our sins and provide for us eternal life. You might say, “God didn’t come. It was Jesus, God’s son.” But the Bible says that Jesus was God in the flesh. John 1:1-4 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Christmas is not about Santa Claus; it is about the Lord Jesus Christ, God in the flesh. Jesus lived the life that we, because of death, cannot live. Jesus was not born with the curse of death, because He was not born of man’s seed. He didn’t come into this world with the curse of death and He did not have to die, but He did! He gave up His life to pay for our sins. No man took His life; He gave it freely so we could be united with the Heavenly Father. What a LOVE was expressed by God when He sent His son to be our savior! Why was Jesus hung on the cross? Because He made Himself equal (Continued on page 2) 1 TID BITS of WISDOM from the WONDERFUL WORD Publishers, Inc. 1801 Old Hickory Trail DeSoto, Texas 75115 Non-Profit Organ. U.S. Postage Permit 697 DeSoto, Texas 75115

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Tid Bits of WisdomFrom the Wonderful Word Publishers

JANUARY 2016 VOL.10 No. 1


OurLordJesusChristwasGodintheflesh!Just think about the God of all creation living and walking upon earth as a man for over 33 years in order to provide us with the pure and perfect blood that would wash away our sins and provide for us eternal life. You might say, “God didn’t come. It was Jesus, God’s son.” But the Bible says that Jesus was God in the flesh.

John 1:1-4 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men. Christmas is not about Santa Claus; it is about the Lord Jesus Christ, Godintheflesh.Jesus lived the life that we, because of death, cannot live. Jesus was not born with the curse of death, because He was not born of man’s seed. He didn’t come into this world with the curse of death and He did not have to die, but He did! He gave up His life to pay for our sins. No man took His life; He gave it freely so we could be united with the Heavenly Father. What a LOVE was expressed by God when He sent His son to be our savior! Why was Jesus hung on the cross? Because He made Himself equal

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with God. Man would not accept that He was God in the flesh. They didn’t mind Him being a prophet or a great man, but they were blinded to the fact He was God. After Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, He ascended into heaven. Je-sus told His disciples that where I go you cannot come. BUT, He sent the Holy Spirit, who is also God. Our God is a trinity. Three in One! God is again with us in the person of the Holy Spirit.

We know how the world received Jesus. They crucified Him! The ques-tion for us as believers is, “How do we receive God in the person of the Holy Spirit?” If you have received Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit abides in you. God is with you. The Holy Spirit has come to empower us and teach us about Jesus. He has come to comfort us in our daily lives. Yet many believers do not even recognize His work in their lives.

Eph 1:13-14 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that

holy spirit of promise,Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased pos-

session, unto the praise of his glory.

Through the Holy Spirit, God is present in our lives. We need to stop living as if God is far off and does not see what we are doing. God is very near every believer. Please read the verses below. They teach us how not to GRIEVE the Holy Spirit that lives in our hearts.

Eph 4:22-32That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt

according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.

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Matthew 1:23

READTHRUTHEBIBLEINONEYEAR!Enclosed is a Bible reading schedule. Challenge yourself to read thru your Bible in one year. If you do not know your Bible, you do not know your God. If you feel you cannot read thru in one year, begin reading and check what you do read so at the end of the year you can see how much, or how little you read God’s Word. don’t forget to send us your name if you read thru this year.


& Tid Bit’s of Wisdom

--Psalms 68:11--Founded December, 1966

WONDERFUL WORD Maga-zine, now Tid Bits of Wisdom, is theofficialvoiceofWONDER-FUL WORD PUBLISHERS, a non-profit, religious organiza-tion, endeavoring to publish Gospel Literature in the Span-ish Language for world-wide distribution, through Bible believing Missionaries at no cost to them. It is published as the Lord enables. It is dedicated to Missionaryactivityonthefieldsalready white unto harvest, and contending for the verbally inspired Word, exalting the LIV-ING WORD.

SPANISH TRACTSWonderful Word Publishers

P.O., Box 315Powell, Tenn 37849

[email protected]


Bro. Jerry & Gloria Brewster1801 Old Hickory TrailDeSoto, Texas 75115

e-mail [email protected]

website: tidbitswww.com214-293-5252

Ps 127:3-4 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.


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Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is goodto the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

and grieve not the holy spirit of god, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemp-tion.

let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

You will notice the action words given in these verses; put off, put on, be and let. This is our part of the work that has to take place in order to make changes to our lives. We have been given everything we need to live an overcom-ing life. Our problem is taking the low road and not the high road. It is so easy to just be natural. You must paddle upstream if you are to live the Spirit-filled life. The things God requires of us are not natural. They are heavenly.

Have you ever heard a small voice saying to you, “Don’t do that.” It’s not a audible voice, but you hear it. It’s clear what is being said. That’s the Holy Spirit directing your life. We are not to grieve Him, we are to obey Him for our own good. He is directing us into life, not death. Now there are many voices and if any voice tells you to violate God’s Word, it is not the Holy Spirit.

I could give you account after account of the times the Holy Spirit has saved my life from destruction. I could also share the times I didn’t respond and the trouble it caused my life. God is with us. We must draw nigh to God.

One day soon, Jesus is coming back to this earth and it could be any mo-ment. Today is the day of salvation and we must share that salvation with every one, because soon that day will be over. Until Christ returns, the Holy Spirit is here and GOD IS WITH US. ----JERRY BREWSTER


I suppose you noticed a change in the paper. I have not published a paper for two months. Have you ever heard of a writer’s block? Well, I have had one. I have known for sometime that we needed to make some changes, but it has not been clear as to how to make those changes. Jerry encouraged me to write this paper nine years ago this month. The paper is a work of mine and Jerry’s life, but I am the responsible party when it comes to producing the paper. In nine years I had not missed a paper. I had put two months together at times, but had never missed writing a paper.

There was a need in my life to back off these last two months. I have learned over the last nine years that the Lord chooses the timing of this paper. I set a time and panic when I am late and then the Lord gives me just what I need and I know the paper is not late. Jerry’s gift is teaching and mine is exhortation. We both love sharing what the Lord shares with us. We live to overcome and to teach and encourage others to overcome. That’s what we hope this paper does for the readers. Sometimes we just need someone to help us get up and point us in the right direction. Where would we be today if others had not done that for us through the years. I remember when we were going through a ten month testing and we felt all alone. It seemed there was no one really watching out for us. It was night and we were sitting in the living room kind of looking at each other not knowing what to do. We had encouraged each other as much as we could. I looked over at the book rack and saw a daily devotional by Spurgeon and said, “Well maybe Spurgeon has something to say.” The devotional was just what we needed. God uses the written word.

Hopefully I am back on line and ready to work. This paper is a rough draft. I will be working on the layout for awhile. I would appreciate any sugges-tions you might have. It has been a year and a half since Jerry retired. God has made a way for us through many who have shared their+ lives with us. Words can’t say thank you enough for being a part of our lives. The change in the paper will increase our expenses, but as long as the Lord provides we will go forward. Again, thank you for reading and supporting this little work. --Gloria Brewster

TidBitsofWisdomisanon-profitworkandoperatesthroughtheWonder-ful Word Publishers, whose founders were Bro. Dick and Mrs. Rose Cimi-no. The Tid Bits of Wisdom is published by Bro. Jerry and Mrs. Gloria Brewster. The tract ministry is operated by Mrs. Connie Cimino. all gifts are tax deductible. Tid Bits of Wisdom’s web site is tidbitswww.com. Our email is [email protected]. Phone: 214-293-5252

I can’t is a quitter.I don’t know is lazy.

I will try is on his feet.I can is on his way.

I will is at work.I did is the boss.

----Abraham Lincoln(Quoted in Bro. Raymond Barber’s book, gold mine of Knowledge)

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others’ lives. I knew where my daddy was working and what he was doing. When each of us had something going on in our lives the others knew where we were, when we would return, then we listened while they told us all about it. Many children today do not even know what kind of work their parents do.

Sin is reigning in to many Christian’s homes. Christians are not conquer-ing sin in their lives or helping their loved ones to overcome their sins. Many are not kind, they are not lovable and they are not helpers. Too often they simply hinder the work of God. You are not responsible for others in your home, but you are responsible for yourself and how you respond to those you live with.

You can’t build your house if you have unforgiveness, bitterness, malice and hatred for those God has called you to serve.

Godly love is what is missing in the homes today. Mother is the one who sets the mood of the house. If mother learns how to love with a godly love, that home is blessed and has great opportunity to be successful. If mother is a com-plainer, murmurer, bitter, foul-mouthed, short tempered, and etc, then that home is in for great trouble.

Is there great trouble in your house? Then begin being what you ought to be, and begin serving those loved ones with godly love, making the difference in your life and theirs. God never said we would not have trouble. He did tell us how to handle trouble. I don’t care what condition your home is in, start where you are by being the example of the Lord Jesus Christ in your home. Then, in a little while, share with me what God does to make a difference. I promise you, “Love never fails.” Remember,


HOME GOING OF LOVED ONES In two weeks we have seen 8 friends go to be with the Lord. On Sunday, November 22, our friends philip and elizabeth smith watched their son Jeff depart for glory. He had been very sick for some time and we had hoped God would raise him up. But it is wonderful to know that God makes no mistakes. That same Sunday our friends edward and flossie abbott were to-gether when Bro. edward went to be with the Lord. This is a missionary family that we have great respect for. They gave everything they possessed to do the work God called them to in Mexico. Sunday, December the 6th mrs. Betty Box went home to be with the Lord. Bro. Clyde preached her funeral and she was honored greatly for her love of the Lord, family and friends. One of our supporters, the VanZant family buried their daughter this last Sunday also. Our former neighbor mrs. frazier also passed away. Her children had been taking care of her for some time and the change will be hard for them. Our son-in-law, oscar deluna traveled to the valley to bury his niece. Our member mary Cory, buried her son-in-law, eddie rawdon the week of Christmas Also, the week of Christmas, we buried a good friend, turman oak-ley. Gloria had known the family since she was eight years old. There are many hurting people this season. Please pray for them as God brings them to your mind. Don’t forget, you will not live forever. Glo-ria’s father used to say, “You aren’t ready to live until you are ready to die.” For the Christian this is just a temporary separation. One day soon we will all be together. Please don’t forget to pray for those going through health problems also.Oneofourfirstsupporters,mrs. Bobbie mayhew has spent some time in the hospital this last month.

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alive as instruments of righteousness, making a difference in other’s lives. We are not to be CONFORMED to this world, but TRANSFORMED by renewing our minds. Our lives should PROVE what is that good and acceptable and per-fect will of God. Does your walk prove that God changed you?

One of the reasons we do not humble ourselves and serve those in our homes is because we think too highly of ourselves!! We are to think soberly, (Rom. 12:3) of ourselves. Don’t be a hypocrite (dissimulation). Serve from your heart. Learn to hate the things that destroy and cleave to things that are good. Use kindness when attempting to be affectionate. Put the other person first. Don’t half-way serve; put your heart into it. Be passionate in your spirit. Remember, you are doing this for the Lord, not man. The Lord loves that man and wants that man to be reconciled and to glorify Him. You are to “help” with that. Hope for the best and be patient during your tribulations. Don’t forget to pray at all times. Remember, bless and not cruse! Put yourself in their boat and paddle untill you both get to shore.

We are not to pay back evil. As much as lieth in us, we are to live peace-able with all men! Don’t even think about revenge. God will take care of that. If those in the house are acting as an enemy, feed them, give them drink and serve their needs. This will heap coals of fire on their head. All of this comes from Romans 12.

I used to think that heaping coals on some ones head meant setting them on fire, but that’s not what it means. At the time this was written, people would go to town and buy hot coals to take home with them to heat their houses. This means that your actions will help to bring warmth to their lives. Love, real love warms the soul.

The Bible says that in the last days, because iniquities shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold! We are there. Few homes have the warmth of love among them. Husbands and wives bite at one other, the children fight with one other and the dog and cat chase each other around the room.

My memories of home bring a warmth to my heart just thinking about it. We didn’t have a TV, so we gathered in the living room and fellowshipped with each other. My sister and I took turns sitting in daddy’s lap and we just kind of cuddled around one another and fellowshipped. We worked together, we laughed together and we cried together, but the secret was we did it all together! How long has it been since your house has gotten together. If you don’t sit at the table to eat your meals, you more than likely do not gather together.

We were all important in our house. Each one of us was involved in the

JESUS LOVES ME(Mrs. Barbara Law shared this with us)

Jesus loves me, this I know,Though my hair is white as snow.Though my sight is growing dim,

Still He bids me trust in Him.(CHORUS)



Though my steps are oh, so slow,With my hand in His I’ll go.

On through life, let come what may,He’ll be there to lead the way.


Though I am no longer young,I have much which He’s begun.

Let me serve Christ with a smile,Go with others the extra mile.


When the nights are dark and long,In my heart He puts a song.Telling me in words so clear,

“Have no fear, for I am near.”(CHORUS)

When my work on earth is done,And life’s victories have been won.

He will take me home above,Then I’ll understand His love.





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PROV. 14:1Prov 14:1-2

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord: but he that is per-verse in his ways despiseth him.


Well, how do we conquer sin in our homes? How does a woman build her house and not tear it down? Proverbs 14:2 is our answer. We must walk in uprightness, fearing the Lord. If we are a born-again believer, then we are born to do good works (upright works), not the works of the flesh. Every one who walks in the flesh ends in corruption. In other words, they stink!

We seem to think that we have the freedom to speak our minds to those we live with, when we would never think about treating the people on the street like that. We don’t have the right to speak our minds anywhere unless we first stop and ask ourselves, will my words destroy or bless those who hear. Our words are to be seasoned with SALT, not poison.

Rom. 12:21 says, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” This is how sin is conquered in your home and in your life. Have you learned how to do that which is pleasing to the Lord in your daily walk? If we do not respond to evil (think of evil as destruction) with good, we soon will be overcome by evil and will not be living in victory as the Lord intended us to do. We didn’t just receive eternal life to escape hell. We also inherited the riches of Christ Jesus and the precious Holy Spirit which gives us the power to overcome



Gloria Brewster

all things that are thrown against us. There is no excuse to fail! We may fail in our work, but we should never fail in ourselves. Nothing should overcome our faith. Failure is when the world is able to turn you away from God. I’m sure when Paul was in prison he didn’t feel like he LOOKED very successful, but his soul was not behind bars. Christians are free whatever the situation is as long as they are right with God.

If I was to come to your house today and ask your family what they thought they meant to you, what would they say? Would they say, by your ac-tions that they knew you loved them? Would they say by your action that they knew you were concerned about their lives?

Growing up I really believed that my grandmother (my mother’s mother) did not like me. She was very harsh to me. She expected me to turn out bad. She often talked about all the things she didn’t like about me and I never heard any praise from her. Later in life, after I had formed a family and she had watched my life, she did a complete turnaround and all of a sudden I couldn’t do anything wrong. If she needed help in her old age she would always say, “Just wait! Gloria can do that.” She looked to me for her help. As an adult, I look back and realized that granny and I were JUST ALIKE. What she saw in me was what she battled with. While granny was very hard on me, I can say today that God taught me so much about woman through mine and Granny’s struggles. We both learned in time how important we were to each other’s life, but Satan used those times of Granny’s harsh words to try and discourage me and make me hard toward her. It was a place that Satan could work with. Granny knew God’s Word and taught it to many ladies. Just think what I could have learned from her if we had not be at odds with one another all those years! Had I not experienced what it felt like to be disliked, I would have done the same thing to those I disagreed with. It did turn out to be good for me, but except for the grace of God, it could have been my destruction. I know Granny never desired me to be destroyed. She didn’t realize what her words were doing to me. What are your words doing to those in your house?

Do your words cause your loved ones to think you want them to succeed? What do you expect from those in your home? What you expect is probably what you will get!

If you have a husband, you are blessed with an opportunity to aid and admonish him to be a great man. If he is an evil head, then work on loving him to Christ, not pushing him, but working through him with godly love, making him hunger for righteousness. We are to present our bodies a living sacrifice to God. (Rom. 12:1) God doesn’t say, “Drop dead!” He wants us to present ourselves

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