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Tiered Storage Infrastructure

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Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 1

SAM-QFS Overview

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SAM-QFS Organizational Changes

Moved to tape organization Aug 2012 – Same development team – New program team members

Adding engineering support Increased management focus

SAM-QFS was recently moved from the disk into the tape organization. This is extremely good for SAM because there is better strategic alignment between the product and the tape organization, and we are receiving increased management focus and resources. The development team has stayed in place, and the program team has changed. This means new Product and Program Managers, as well as other members of the p-team working other functions

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StorageTek Storage Archive Manager (SAM) Mature HSM / archiving product with proven scalability & reliability

– Originally developed ~1995 – Scaled to 40PB+ for at least 2 customer sites – Some customers managing 2 billion+ files (in multiple file systems) – 500+ active customer installations

Seamless policy-based hierarchical storage management / archiving Optimized for Solaris, archive and security environments Open standards-based

– POSIX compliant file system – .tar format

Complete, Open, Integrated Storage Management

Now that I’ve shown how SAM works at a very high level, I want to give you some more background information on the product. SAM is a very mature product and has been in the marketplace for over 15 years, and has a large install base. It is extremely scalable in terms of capacity and the number of files it can store. By setting policies, users and implement and manage an HSM system in a way that is relatively seamless. SAM-QFS is based on open standards, has a POSIX compliant file system, and stores files in the open .tar format

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SAM Architecture

Metadata Server (Solaris Server)

NFS, CIFS -1 to 10 GbE

SAM Policies

QFS File System


Primary File System


High Performance



Capacity Disk


SAM Tape Archive Copy

Offsite SAM Copies

• Hundreds of SAN clients • Hundreds of file systems • Billions of files • Petabytes of disk cache • Exabytes of archive

This shows a high level overview of a typical SAM architecture. Keep in mind there are several ways that SAM-QFS can be architected and implemented. At the heart of the system is the metadata server. Below that is the primary disk, or disk cache. Both metadata and system data are stored on the primary disk. Archive copies can be made to capacity disk or tape. This particular view shows 4 tiers of storage. Then there are the QFS clients, which can interface with the files using NFS or CIFS The SAM-QFS architecture is extremely scalable. Multiple file systems can be used, enabling the system to scale to billions of files. Oracle disk and tape storage technologies enable the system to scale to several PB’s of disk cache and EB’s of tape archive space.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 6

Basic Functions of SAM Files are managed by policies, user interaction is not required

SAM Data Mover

Archive • Dynamically

copy data to disk and/or tape Release

• Release files from primary cache based on policies

Stage • Return files to

primary file system on access request

Primary Disk’s File



There are numerous functions within SAM, but this slide shows the 3 primary ones. The Archive function copies data to disk and tape. Release removes the files from the primary disk / disk cache. This frees storage space and improves the performance of the cache. Staging returns the files back to the primary disk so they can be easily accessed by applications. These basic functions copy and move files in the background and don’t require user interaction.

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SAM-QFS Archiver Function

Tape Systems Capacity Disk

Archive •Dynamically copy data to disk and/or tape

•Data remains on primary disk

•Process archive files based on




•Other factors

File System

The SAM archiver function monitors the file system and identifies files that need archive copies. This is rule-based and files are processed based on the policies the user has implemented. It processes candidate archive files based on age, size utilization or other factors. SAM will dynamically create up to four local/remote copies across tiers of storage based on policies.

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SAM-QFS Releaser Function

Tape Systems Capacity Disk

Release •Release files from file system based on policies or user request

•Metadata remains on the file system

File System

The releaser function removes files from the disk cache. As with the archiver. Files are processed based on factors such as utilization, age and size. The user can also set polices based on how much of the disk cache they will allow to be used. SAM will begin releasing files if a high water mark threshold is crossed, even if other policies related to some of the files themselves have not yet been triggered. This gives users more control over the operation and performance of their system. An optimized set of policies will allow the user to achieve high performance while minimizing the cost of their disk cache. It is important to keep in mind here that even when a file is released from the primary disk, the metadata for that file remains. SAM can also archive copies of metadata back to the storage tiers, but we are not going to cover that functionality in this webcast.

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SAM-QFS Stager Function

Tape Systems Capacity Disk

Stage •Return files to primary file system on access request

File System

When an application needs to access a file that is has been released (in other words not on the primary disk), the stager function is used. The stager function makes copies of files that are on archive tiers onto the primary disk. When the released file is requested the stager will read from the 1st available copy. If for some reason the 1st is unavailable, the stager will try the next available copy. When determining which of the copies of the files is first available, tape mounting and positioning optimization is considered.

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Sun Storage Archive Manager Recycling Process

Space on an archive volume can include 1 or all of the following: – Active files in the file system – Files that have been removed from the file system – Files that have been changed in the file system (SAM

creates a new archive of changed file) – Unused space

SAM Recycler is used to reclaim space on archive media

– Keeps track of space consumed by expired data to the minimum defined by site-specified parameters

– moves all marked images to another volume


current file expired files

unused space changed files

Media 1 Media 1

Media 3 Media 2 Media 2


Changing or deleting files in a file system does not delete archives copies created on archive media Recycling is used to reclaim space on archive media Recycling has to be started manually or by cron(1M)‏ Two options (mutually exclusive)‏ Standard recycling Recycling for archive copy retention

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QFS File System, QFS Client AND NFS and CIFS

Fully shared block I/O among Solaris and Linux QFS Clients NFS and CIFS to the QFS Client

. . . . . . Block I/O

. . . . . .

QFS Clients

NFS and CIFS Clients

File I/O

QFS File System

QFS role is to enable sharing and management of files and access to users. Built-in disk striping, spanning, stripe grouping Linear scalability in large sequential I/O. Client protocol (NFS, CIFS) Quotas/User rights File/iNode mgt Performance Features SAM role is the management data across storage Tiers.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 12


Support for secondary operating systems (Mac/Windows) via open protocols (NFSv4 & CIFS/SMB) Enhance tape data quality with T10000C Data Integrity Validation

(DIV) support Additional static defined tracing (sdt) DTrace probes Expand support for selected hardware, software and clients

– T10KC tape drives, Solaris 11, LTO5, ACSLS 8.0.1 and 8.0.2

Continue to drive quality in the core product – Over 250 tracked issues addressed in this release

Released June 2012

Confidential – Oracle Restricted

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SAM-QFS 5.3 Patch

Support for Solaris 11u1, LTO6, SL150, ACSLS 8.2 – Preliminary support for T10KD

Certain SAM-QFS API binary libraries released in 64 bit version DIV performance improvement 45 bug fixes

Released March 2013

Confidential – Oracle Restricted

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SAM-QFS Use Cases

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Healthcare Use Case – Novant Health

CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE “Oracle’s Sun Storage Archive Manager—in conjunction with its StorageTek tape drives and modular library system—has enabled us to develop a cutting-edge, high performance long-term archiving solution that easily and affordably handles our high data volumes while providing the flexibility our users need when accessing critical healthcare files.” Robert Dick, Datacenter and Archiving Resources Lead, IT Technical Services

COMPANY OVERVIEW • Not-for-profit integrated system of 13 hospitals and a

medical group consisting of 1,124 physicians • Industry: Healthcare • Employees: 25,000

CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES • Store and duplicate more than 80 terabytes of data—

including radiology images like mammography screens, chest x-rays, ultrasounds, and MRIs—at an affordable long-term cost

• Meet the archive needs of multiple applications to standardize technology and realize cost efficiencies

• Provide the flexibility required to access application data quickly, when required

SOLUTIONS • Sun Storage Archive Manager • StorageTek SL8500/SL3000; StorageTek T10000

RESULTS • Improved system-wide efficiency • Cut time to file backups from 18

hours to one hour and 20 minutes

July 2012

Stores 910 Million Files with Combined Storage of 776 Terabytes

Novant Health provides an example of a customers using SAM in the healthcare industry. Novant stores over 900 million files using SAM. While SAM can store this many files, it is important to remember that storing this many requires the use of multiple QFS file systems. While there isn’t a theoretical limit to how many files you can store in a single QFS system, the time it takes to do samfsdumps and file system checks will degrade when you have more than about 100 million files. Novant use SAM to store medical data such as radiology images, x-rays and MRI’s. Regulations vary depending on the country, but in many cases customers are required to keep medical data for 50 or even 100 years. With these requirements the use of tiered storage including tape becomes essential to comply with the regulations while keeping their TCO low enough to meet their budget.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 17

Media and Entertainment Use Case - T3Media Ingests up to 100 TB’s of Data Per Day

CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE “Oracle’s StorageTek, Sun Storage and SAN solutions fit our needs perfectly, providing an integrated architecture that ensures we can store 100 terabytes per day and manage hundreds of thousands of assets effectively and efficiently.” Brian Noecker, Vice President, Information Technology

COMPANY OVERVIEW • Offers cloud-based storage, access, and licensing

services for master-quality video • Industry: Media and Entertainment • Employees: 175

CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES • Deploy a highly-available environment for the

company’s cloud-based storage clients • Quickly digitize and store content • Scale easily to meet individual client needs • Ensure short- and long-term integrity for content

SOLUTIONS • StorageTek SL8500 • StorageTek T10000B • Sun Storage Archive Manager • Oracle Solaris

RESULTS • Achieved three- to five- times disk

tier performance improvement • Saved at least 25% in fiber

duplication, card infrastructure, and infrastructure management costs

May 2012

T3 media is a customer in the Denver area that manages larges video files. They offer cloud-based storage, access and licensing services for master-quality video. T3 need to be able to quickly digitize and store the content they receive from their customers. Because they are a very rapidly growing business they need a tiered storage solution that can easily scale to meet their clients needs. This customer typically ingests 50TB of data per day, and at peak times can ingest up to 100.

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Customer Success: GGP Media GmbH Industry: Media and Entertainment

• Complete transparency for users and applications, with minimal administration outlay due to automated processes

• Fast data recovery in case of failure, with no separate backup required • Option to switch to new storage technologies during continuous operation

Ingolf Friztsche, Technical Team Manager “The Storage Archive Manager from Oracle allows us to control the rapidly growing number of files in the pre-press department, relieve our administrators and guarantee high levels of availability and data security.” Success Story: http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/customers/060238.pdf








• User-defined, expandable central file system with transparent data access • Reduce impact of failures, particularly in areas relating to production • No time limit on data storage, support migration to new media

Another media and entertainment use case is GGP Media, this one is located in Europe. GGP creates publishing solutions for book, magazines and commercials. They needed a central file system that provided them access to all of the data in their archive. SAM-QFS has been able to provide this access to their data transparently to all of their users, with minimal administration required. GGP has also been able to migrate to new tape media technologies, without interrupting the day to day operations of their archive.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 19

Research Use Case – Queensland Brain Institute

CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE “Oracle Sun infrastructure and Oracle Premier Support ensures our critical research data and systems are secure, always available, and easy to access.” Jake Carroll, IT Manager

COMPANY OVERVIEW • One of the world’s largest neuroscience research organizations • Industry: Education and Research • Employees: 380 CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES • Reduce file retrieval times to ensure researchers can access

data such as magnetic resonance imaging files and high-resolution scans in a timely manner

• Shorten backup times to minimize the impact of this process on the ability of staff to access files

• Ensure support is readily available to assist with issues such as failed parts or outages

SOLUTIONS • StorageTek SL3000 modular library system • StorageTek SL500 modular library system • Sun Flash Accelerator F20 PCIe Card • Sun QFS software • Sun Storage Archive Manager • Oracle Premier Support for System

RESULTS • Ensured scientists can access the research

data and image files they need much faster than before

• Cut backup times from seven hours to between five and ten minutes, enabling more frequent backups that ensure data security

• Engaged Oracle Support technicians to help prevent outages that may result in failed experiments and the loss of hundreds of thousands of research dollars

February 2011

SAM is widely used in universities and research centers, and Queensland Brain institute is one of our SAM power users. They are one of the worlds larges neuroscience research organizations. Queensland Brain Institute uses SAM with T10KC drives in a SL3000 library to store image files and other data for research scientists. With their T10KC drives they are able to ingest data at a rate of over 2 GB/s, maxing out the throughput performance of the drives. They also have 1.7PB of data on LTO3 and LTO4 technology.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 20

Transportation Use Case - Navis COMPANY OVERVIEW Navis provides a software platform that is used at shipping

terminals around the world Customer looking to Oracle for a new tiered storage solution to

handle data management of their virtual environments from disk down to tape for disaster recovery

CHALLENGES/OPPORTUNITIES Expanding rapidly and moving to a virtual infrastructure to help

support their global software development Needed to meet increasing service level demands for data

availability while still having a cost-effective data storage solution

“With 25% of the world’s container moves handled using our software, having a stable data management environment is essential to our customers.” - Stephen Schleiger

ACTUAL RESULTS – Saved over 50% by offloading some storage functions to

the SL3000

– Using SAM-QFS to ensure that the right content is in the right place at the right time through pre-defined policies

– Able to consolidate multiple applications and deliver deterministic levels of performance priority for each one while linearly scaling to meet growing capacity and performance requirements

Pillar Axiom 600 StorageTek SL3000 Modular Library System

This last case is not in one of the 5 verticals that are the primary sweet spots for SAM. SAM-QFS users in many industries outside of those verticals. Navis is a customer who provides a software platform that is used at shipping terminals. They have been expanding rapidly and need to meet increasing service level demands for data availability while still maintaining a cost effective data storage solution. Navis’s software is now used to handle over 25% of the worlds container moves. They needed to considate data from multiple applications and deliver performance priority for each one while scaling to meet their growing performance and capacity requirements. They have been able to implement SAM-QFS to ensure that the right content is in the right place at the right time

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Oracle Optimized Solutions for • Tiered Storage Infrastructure

• Lifecycle Content Management

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 22






A p p l i c a t i o n S i l o s Propr ie tary

Maintenance N i c h e Fragmentation



IT Environment



Rigid Legacy

First Generat ion

Point to Point

Hard Coded Status Quo


I n f l e x i b l e

E x p e n s i v e

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What We Hear

Slide Transition: What we hear from customers like you is that I.T. complexity gets in the way of serving the business. .You’re consumed with the endless integration, configuration, tuning, and testing that custom-assembled systems require – with little room left for innovation and change.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 23

Traditional Approach

Rethinking IT Deployment Strategies

Collection of vendors

First integration is in your

data center Complex matrix

of products

Staff focused on making

it work

Oracle’s Optimized Approach

Engineered to work together

One point of accountability

Tested & proven architecture

Staff focused on strategic projects

To summarize, we can contrast the two approaches – the traditional approach of mix & match vs.. Oracle’s optimized solutions. There are significant gains that can be made by leveraging a complete solution that is engineered to work together. 1) With a collection of vendors, it can be challenging to determine who to turn to for specialized knowledge and support. Suppliers are typically accountable only for their components and not for the overall configuration and end results of your deployment. With Oracle Optimized Solutions, Oracle, as the developer of everything in the configuration, is in a unique position to support your needs. 2) A matrix of products may be optimized independently but not optimized to work together as a single system. Within Oracle, teams collaborate through the development process to recognize and take advantage of synergies across products to deliver the best results. 3) In the traditional deployment model, the first assembly of these technologies is in your data center either through IT staff or a paid integrator. How to best configure, tune, and deliver high availability is a patchwork of practices around various products in the configuration. With Oracle Optimized Solutions, you are leveraging configurations and practices that have been developed and shaken out by Oracle. Practices are developed with awareness of the other components that will be in the stack vs.. in isolation. Finally, the complexities noted above place a significant burden on IT staff, which is forced to spend a significant amount of time working to support day-to-day operations, including maintenance and updates. By reducing the complexity, Oracle Optimized Solutions can enable staff to turn more focus to strategic projects and spend less time on day-to-day concerns.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 24

* See substantiation slides

Oracle Optimized Solutions Leadership

WebCenter Content 11x faster vs. x86


Oracle Unified Directory

3x greater scale

WebLogic Server 3.6x lower TCA/3.4x Perf than

IBM Power 780 Middleware

Data Management

SAP Up to 7x faster queries

PeopleSoft HCM 11x faster, ½ the cost of IBM

Oracle E-Business Suite 2x lower TCO vs. IBM

Enterprise Applications

Backup and Recovery 5x less cost & faster vs.


Enterprise Cloud Infrastructure 2x better TCO than IBM/PowerVM

Core Systems Infrastructure

WebCenter Portal 38% lower TCA vs..


Agile PLM 36% lower TCA vs. IBM

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 3.5x faster vs. IBM

Siebel CRM Up to 3x lower TCO vs.IBM

Enterprise Database Cloud 4x better $/perf vs. IBM

Lifecycle Content Management 2.5x better TCO over EMC

Oracle Database Replace IBM for 2.6x TCO


Tiered Storage Infrastructure 73% lower cost vs. EMC tiered


Through Oracle’s unique capabilities to co-engineer Hardware and Software to deliver greater run time attributes around performance, availability, security, and management combined with TCO advantages, Oracle delivers 15 different Optimized Solutions that deliver significant differentiation and value over the competition. These astounding results are the proof that Oracle is uniquely positioned to deliver unparalleled customer benefits like no one else. No other competitor is capable of engineering optimizations into a single vendor solution like Oracle by applying engineering enhancements to specific areas of the stack where the results are greatest from firmware to application code. All claims used on this slide have substantiations coming from respective Solutions. See Substantiations slides at the end of this presentation. Per Oracle Legal you MUST include those slides for ANY public presentation

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 25

Data Growth and Access Requirements The nature of storage and data management has to change

•300x Growth from 2005 to 2020


•80% of data is never used after 90 days. Why?

* Source: IDC Document 1414_v3: THE DIGITAL UNIVERSE IN 2020: Big Data, Bigger Digital Shadows, and Biggest Growth in the Far East, 2012


2009 >130 Exabytes

80% of Fortune 500 executives say enterprise-wide collaboration is the key to success

40 Zetabytes 40,000 Exabytes

Not just growth but recognizing the value of data and increased usage of data Increasing diversity of data types 80%+ of data is unstructured The re-use of data is shrinking 80% of data is never used after 90 days Is it because it truly has no value or because they cannot access it????? But the need to archive is growing The good news is companies are seeing value in information. 80% see collaboration is the key to success. 90% had big data initiative’s in place by the end of 2012. They are ready and staged to use the data to achieve success in product development and in corp strategy. update 30x to 40x;  making "increasing" lowercaseas IDC reecntly documented, it was is estimated that in the 10 years between 2010 and 2020, the size of the “Digital Universe” will increase 29X  That’s a 41% increase in content every year.  And many thing this is even conservative and that we may see closer to 60% annual growth, which would give us a 100x increase in digital data.  Source: IDC Digital Universe Study, 2011 The combination of growth in data and on-going data center evolution means that both the mix of data and it’s anticipated usages are changing as well. Here are 5 key items that are driving not just the growth of data but how we deal with it. And how we deal with it will be key to the data center of the future. Increasing variety of data :: People have typically thought of Oracle as a database company, but 80% of data created and available is actually unstructured. This means that the majority of your capacity is going towards e-mail, document and video storage – which probably has a different value per gigabyte than the data in your core databases. If you are treating all of your data equally, like it was all a high-performance business critical database, you may be behind the benchmarks set by your competitors. Similarly, 80% of data is never used after 90 days. This is tightly tied to the unstructured number, but is also the case with structured data. For instance, how often do you look at e-mail that is over 90 days old? Similarly, once you are outside of a fiscal quarter, you are less likely to need to dig down into orders and shipments for that quarter and can probably do your Business Intelligence work from summary data. Or, consider that we are seeing a significant increase in requests for 100 year archives – and these are not just from digital libraries (the preservation and duration of data in digital libraries is a whole other topic). We are seeing these from governments, research organizations, and industries that need to keep track of data on population wide drug interactions or individual airplanes for 10, 20 or 50 years – and not just have them locked away in a cave somewhere but have them available quickly (if not immediately) when called on to do so. One question for you to think about is what your organization’s archive horizon ought to be. Or, how are you going to deal with the energy consumed by storage? It’s already 40% of the power consumed and is growing 20% per year. With systems actually requiring less power every year. Within 10 years, the total power consumed by storage could increase to more than 6x what it is today – representing over 75% of the energy consumed in the data center. Considering that 80% of the data is never looked at again, and after 6 months that number increases further, we need a better way of dealing with massive amounts of storage. And of course the cost of managing this data is exploding as well. The increasing number of data sources, data formats, government regulations and the business critical nature of data is driving up management costs by 25% per year – even faster than energy utilization rates – so that data and storage management will become the number one cost within many data centers. With all of this growth in size and capacity, it is more important than ever to align the value of data with the capabilities and cost of the storage it is stored on. We need to drive the cost of storage used for data that is never referenced again to virtually zero, we need to accelerate access to critical data so we can run our businesses faster and smarter, and we need to do this in an efficient manner which doesn’t overwhelm storage and database administration staffs.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 26

Today’s Paradigm: Data Has Infinite Value Collaboration and Re-Use with new and old, private and shared content Data analysis resulting in successful products and corporate strategy








People do not actually look through telescopes, ask a customer what they bought last, or watch the weather. Instead, the web, large complex instruments or applications relay data to datacenters, and only then do we look at the information on computers. Much analog and history data on paper and in journals is converted to digital to be stored and analyzed. People ask questions and having the computer analyze the data for answers. Content is shared.

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Tiered Storage Infrastructure Solution Overview Solution Architecture Overview

10 GbE Network

Data Center Network

Oracle Systems Primary and Disk Archive Storage

Servers StorageTek Tape/Data Management


Tape Analytics

OKM Encryption

StorageTek SAM



ZFSSA 7120

ZFSSA 7320

ZFSSA 7420 Pillar

Axiom 600

StorageTek Tape Hardware



StorageTek SL150

StorageTek SL3000

StorageTek SL8500

Fibre Channel SAN

Applicatoins Unstructured


Applications Unstructured


Applications Unstructured


Applications Unstructured


User Network 10 GbE Network

Oracle Solaris

Oracle Solaris Cluster

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 28

Tiered Storage Infrastructure Dynamic access to 100% of Content

Application • Ingest • Access • Collaboration • Search • Reuse

Content Experts

Tiered Storage • Cost Effective • Dynamic • Policy Based • Storage


Storage Experts

Storage Abstraction

There are content experts that understand their applications that ingest and index content. It can be documents, video, images, etc. That expert does not care where the data lives, just so it is protected and comes back dynamically when it is accessed. To accomplish this, you need a storage abstraction layer. The application will continue to write and read using standard protocols such as scsi for block protocols and NFS or CIFS for IP based file protocols.This enables the introduction of a tiered storage infrastructure without requiring the applications to write to an API and without requiring files to be restored from a backup.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 29

Combining Three Data Storage Requirements

Access data of any age in any location at any time Data protection copy

generated by a policy Storage Abstraction of all tiers

of storage behind a single view

Storage Abstraction

Tiered Storage



Data Protection

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Application Writes Standard Block or File I/O







d Fi

le o

r Blo

ck P



• Easy but expensive • Does not scale • Data protection is a separate application

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Introduce Tiered Storage to Meet Requirements

Primary Disk

Disk Archive Appl





d Fi

le o

r Blo

ck P



Tape Archive

• App changes required • Lower device cost but

limited scalability • Data protection is a separate


Application can continue to write to primary disk and may even have the logic to move data to capacity disk, maybe even keep two copies. Why should the application know what storage a piece of data should live on? Applications do not know how to write to tape. BackUp apps can write to tape and a very few archive apps can write to tape but have trouble keeping up with the tech changes in the tape industry.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 32

The Missing Part: The Storage Abstraction Layer

Tape Archive

Primary Disk

Disk Archive













d Fi

le o

r Blo

ck P



• No application changes • Lowest cost • Data protected on ingest • Greatest scalability

Application continues to write using a standard block or file I/O to Storage Archive Manager. SAM takes care of writing to primary disk, archive disk and tape based on policy. Keep up to 4 copies local and remote storage. Recommended to always keep two copies on tape but that is better then possible hundreds from monthly full backups. Easy: App does not change. All data appears on-line Lowest cost: Now you can use tape via the storage abstraction layer

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 33

Distribution of Content on Tiered Storage

Tiered Storage content distribution

– 5%: High ingest and access rates – 30%: Fast access from disk archive – 200%: Tape archive includes data


Dynamic management – Flexible storage policies determine

data locations – User access triggers automatic


Tiered Storage and Dynamic Management Lower Costs







ent o

f con


Capacity per Device Type

Primary Storage Disk Archive Tape Archive

Tiered storage for the

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Oracle’s Tiered Storage Architecture Oracle Optimized Solution for Tiered Storage Infrastructure

Sun ZFS Storage Appliance or Pillar Axiom 600

StorageTek Tape Library and Drives

Oracle SPARC T4 or T5 Servers

Network: 10GigE, IB, FC SAN

Oracle Solaris and Oracle Solaris Cluster StorageTek

Storage Archive


5 configurations: large/med/small with ZFS, med/large with Pillar

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 35

Solution Using Sun ZFS Storage Appliance Component Small Medium Large

Server Network Software

SPARC T4-1 SAM License FC Switch Oracle Solaris Cluster

SPARC T4-2 SAM License 10GbE Switch FC Switch x 2 Oracle Solaris Cluster

SPARC T4-2 SAM License 10GbE Switch x 2 FC Switch Oracle Solaris Cluster


Sun ZFS Storage 7320 2 HC* SAS II 4 Write Flash 512GB Memory

Sun ZFS Storage 7420 2 HS SAS II 2 HC SAS II 4 Write Flash 1024GB Memory

Sun ZFS Storage 7420 4 HS* SAS II 4 HC* SAS II 8 Write Flash 1024GB Memory

Tape Systems StorageTek SL150 LTO5 x 4

StorageTek SL3000 T10KC x 6 Oracle Key Manager

StorageTek SL8500 T10KC x 10 Oracle Key Manager

Tape Management N/A ACSLS + Server

STA + Server ACSLS + Server STA + Server

Raw Disk Capacity 120TB

HC*: 24TB HS*: 144TB Total: 168TB

HS*: 48TB HC*: 288TB Total: 336TB

Raw Tape Capacity

60 slots 90TB

953 slots 4.765PB Scales to 15PB

3178 Slots 15.89PB Scales to 500PB

Large M




* Note: HC = High Capacity HS = High Speed

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 36

Tiered Storage Infrastructure with ZFSSA Target Small Architecture

FC Network

SPARC T4-1 SAM QFS Servers

CIFS Client

NFS Client

QFS Client

10GbE Network

Oracle Optimized Solution for Tiered Storage Infrastructure Customer Application

Servers 7320 Storage

2 HC SAS II 2 Write Flash

SL150 LTO5 Drives

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 37

Tiered Storage Infrastructure with ZFSSA Target Medium Architecture

FC Network

7420 Storage

SPARC T4-2 SAM QFS Servers

CIFS Client

NFS Client

QFS Client

SL3000 T10KC Drives

2 HS SAS II 2 HC SAS II 4 Write Flash

ACSLS Media Server

STK Tape Analytics

10GbE Network

Oracle Optimized Solution for Tiered Storage Infrastructure Customer Application


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Tiered Storage Infrastructure with ZFSSA Target Large Architecture

FC Network

7420 Storage

SPARC T4-2 SAM QFS Servers

CIFS Client

NFS Client

QFS Client

4 HS SAS II 4 HC SAS II 8 Flash

ACSLS Media Server

STK Tape Analytics

10GbE Network

Oracle Optimized Solution for Tiered Storage Infrastructure Customer Application


SL8500 T10KC Drives

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Solution Architecture With Pillar Axiom Medium Large

Component Raw Capacity Component Raw Capacity SPARC T4-2 SAM License 1 server 10GbE Switch FC Switch x 2 Oracle Solaris Cluster

SPARC T4-2 SAM License 1 server 10GbE Switch x 2 FC Switch Oracle Solaris Cluster

Pillar Axiom 600 1 Slammer 4 FC Bricks 4 SATA Bricks

HS: 28.8TB HC: 104TB Total: 132.8TB

Pillar Axiom 600 2 Slammer 2 SSD Bricks 8 FC Bricks 8 SATA Bricks

HS: 57.6TB HC: 208TB SSD: 1.5TB Total: 266.9TB

Tape SL3000 (953 slots) T10000C x 6 OKM

4.765PB Scales to 15PB

Tape(3178 slots) SL8500 T10000 x 10 OKM

15.89PB scales to 500PB

Tape Mgmt. ACSLS + Server STA + Server

Tape Mgmt. ACSLS + Server STA + Server

Oracle Solaris 11.1; Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.1; StorageTek SAM 5.3-01

Architecture: SPARC SuperCluster Full Rack 2 VMs (LDOMs) per node DB VM: 25% CPU and RAM APP VM: 75% CPU and RAM S11 LDOM for Solaris 11 DB instances: 2 Oracle RAC Instances Home directories: /oracle/<SID1> and /oracle/<SID2> S10 LDOM: 6 Zones - creatable by OpsCenter SAP Installations Solaris Cluster Installation Solaris Cluster Configuration for SAP SAP Software: ABAP Instance: EHP5 fpr ERP 6.0 Java Instance: Enterprise Portal (EP) 6.0 Additional Solaris x86 Machine: Load Generator Additional Application Server(s) SAP GUI Load Generation for DB System Power Benchmark (TBC) Shared Storage: /oracle and /sapmnt must be NFS mountable 1. Installed on internal ZFS SA or 2. Installed on additional external HA ZFS SA Availability of Installation Media: Download from SAP or Upload from Walldorf

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Tiered Storage Infrastructure with Pillar Axiom Medium Architecture

FC Network

SPARC T4-2 SAM QFS Servers

CIFS Client

NFS Client

QFS Client

SL3000 T10KC Drives

ACSLS Media Server

STK Tape Analytics

10GbE Network

Oracle Optimized Solution for Tiered Storage Infrastructure Customer Application

Servers 1 Slammer 4 FC Bricks 4 SATA Bricks Pilot

Pillar Axiom 600

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 41

Tiered Storage Infrastructure with Pillar Axiom Large Architecture

FC Network

SPARC T4-2 SAM QFS Servers

CIFS Client

NFS Client


Media Server

STK Tape Analytics

10GbE Network

Oracle Optimized Solution for Tiered Storage Infrastructure Customer Application


SL8500 T10KC Drives

2 Slammers 8 FC Bricks 8 SATA Bricks Pilot

Pillar Axiom 600

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Oracle Optimized Solution for Lifecycle Content Management

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 43

Lifecycle Content Management Adding Content Management to Tiered Storage

Application • Ingest • Access • Collaboration • Search • Reuse

Content Experts

Tiered Storage • Cost Effective • Dynamic • Policy Based • Storage


Storage Experts

Storage Abstraction

There are content experts that understand their applications that ingest and index content. It can be documents, video, images, etc. That expert does not care where the data lives, just so it is protected and comes back dynamically when it is accessed. To accomplish this, you need a storage abstraction layer. The application will continue to write and read using standard protocols such as scsi for block protocols and NFS or CIFS for IP based file protocols.This enables the introduction of a tiered storage infrastructure without requiring the applications to write to an API and without requiring files to be restored from a backup.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 44

Content Has To Be Managed To Have Value Documents, Images, Voice, Video, IM



Public Sector




Media and Entertainment

Not just growth but recognizing the value of data and increased usage of data Increasing diversity of data types 80%+ of data is unstructured The re-use of data is shrinking 80% of data is never used after 90 days Is it because it truly has no value or because they cannot access it????? But the need to archive is growing The good news is companies are seeing value in information. 80% see collaboration is the key to success. 90% had big data initiative’s in place by the end of 2012. They are ready and staged to use the data to achieve success in product development and in corp strategy. update 30x to 40x;  making "increasing" lowercaseas IDC reecntly documented, it was is estimated that in the 10 years between 2010 and 2020, the size of the “Digital Universe” will increase 29X  That’s a 41% increase in content every year.  And many thing this is even conservative and that we may see closer to 60% annual growth, which would give us a 100x increase in digital data.  Source: IDC Digital Universe Study, 2011 The combination of growth in data and on-going data center evolution means that both the mix of data and it’s anticipated usages are changing as well. Here are 5 key items that are driving not just the growth of data but how we deal with it. And how we deal with it will be key to the data center of the future. Increasing variety of data :: People have typically thought of Oracle as a database company, but 80% of data created and available is actually unstructured. This means that the majority of your capacity is going towards e-mail, document and video storage – which probably has a different value per gigabyte than the data in your core databases. If you are treating all of your data equally, like it was all a high-performance business critical database, you may be behind the benchmarks set by your competitors. Similarly, 80% of data is never used after 90 days. This is tightly tied to the unstructured number, but is also the case with structured data. For instance, how often do you look at e-mail that is over 90 days old? Similarly, once you are outside of a fiscal quarter, you are less likely to need to dig down into orders and shipments for that quarter and can probably do your Business Intelligence work from summary data. Or, consider that we are seeing a significant increase in requests for 100 year archives – and these are not just from digital libraries (the preservation and duration of data in digital libraries is a whole other topic). We are seeing these from governments, research organizations, and industries that need to keep track of data on population wide drug interactions or individual airplanes for 10, 20 or 50 years – and not just have them locked away in a cave somewhere but have them available quickly (if not immediately) when called on to do so. One question for you to think about is what your organization’s archive horizon ought to be. Or, how are you going to deal with the energy consumed by storage? It’s already 40% of the power consumed and is growing 20% per year. With systems actually requiring less power every year. Within 10 years, the total power consumed by storage could increase to more than 6x what it is today – representing over 75% of the energy consumed in the data center. Considering that 80% of the data is never looked at again, and after 6 months that number increases further, we need a better way of dealing with massive amounts of storage. And of course the cost of managing this data is exploding as well. The increasing number of data sources, data formats, government regulations and the business critical nature of data is driving up management costs by 25% per year – even faster than energy utilization rates – so that data and storage management will become the number one cost within many data centers. With all of this growth in size and capacity, it is more important than ever to align the value of data with the capabilities and cost of the storage it is stored on. We need to drive the cost of storage used for data that is never referenced again to virtually zero, we need to accelerate access to critical data so we can run our businesses faster and smarter, and we need to do this in an efficient manner which doesn’t overwhelm storage and database administration staffs.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 45

Oracle Optimized Solution for Lifecycle Content Management

High Performance Storage Tier

High Capacity Storage Tier

Archive Storage Tier

File Servers

SAM-QFS maintains the File Store − Filesystem Metadata − Stores files dynamically in policy defined


WebCenter Content manages the content − Content Metadata in an Oracle Database − Stores in policy defined File Store − File versioning

SAM-QFS archiving file system

Oracle Content Server Content Metadata


More information on LCM can be found at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/hardware-solutions/oo-soln-lifecycle-content-mngmt-403579.html

When using SAM with Webcenter Content, 100% of the data is available at all times. To the application, all of the files appear online even if they have been released from the disk cache and the only copies available are on an archive tier. The content server is unaware of the actual location of the data. If there is a delayed tape mount, WCC will wait until the media is available. SAM QFS presents the file system as if all data is on primary disk. As data is accessed that is on archive devices only, SAM dynamically stages the data to the primary disk or directly to the application for immediate access.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 46

When Does Data Lifecycle Start and End?



Content Workflows

Content on Storage

Content Management Lifecycle – Revisions and edits – Approvals – Workflows – Summarization – Transformation

Retention Lifecycle – Appropriate storage location – Data protection – Disaster recovery – Migration through technology changes – Sustainability

Complete Lifecycle

The lifcycle of content within a content management application take data through revisions, edits, approvals, summarization. At each step, it may be necessary to save that particular copy of the data. When all is complete and the final copy is ‘finished’, that, to a content management person considers the lifecycle complete. The lifecycle of the content to the infrastructure means taking content and protecting it, storing it in proper storage based on access requirements, choosing appropriate ingest storage to meet ingest requirements. Storing it in multiple locations or on multiple tapes for protection. Migrating all content seamlessly through different storage technologies as they change.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 47

Access to 100% of Content Stored Anywhere



Content Workflows

Content on Storage

Content Access

∞ Weeks Months

The lifcycle of content within a content management application take data through revisions, edits, approvals, summarization. At each step, it may be necessary to save that particular copy of the data. When all is complete and the final copy is ‘finished’, that, to a content management person considers the lifecycle complete. The lifecycle of the content to the infrastructure means taking content and protecting it, storing it in proper storage based on access requirements, choosing appropriate ingest storage to meet ingest requirements. Storing it in multiple locations or on multiple tapes for protection. Migrating all content seamlessly through different storage technologies as they change.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 48

Managing Content with Oracle WebCenter Content

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 49

Unified hub for all types of unstructured content End-to-end content lifecycle management Automate document-centric processes Pre-built enterprise application integrations

Oracle WebCenter Content Comprehensive, Pre-Integrated Enterprise Content Management

WebCenter Content is a comprehensive ECM platform that allows you to: Have a single content hub for all types of unstructured content (documents, reports, images, video, audio files) Provide end to end content lifecycle management – from creation to archiving Automate document-centric business processes by integrating content in the context of business processes (to give end-users what they need to be more productive) - Have content integrated with enterprise applications out of the box (Siebel, PeopleSoft, E-Business Suite, JD Edwards) so you can avoid the costs and complexity of customized, brittle integrations. The benefits: Reduce Costs: Manage all unstructured content in one system, reducing the storage, licensing and management costs associated with having dozens of content repositories Gain Efficiencies: By moving to a single source of truth, better integrating content with business processes, and vastly improving access to content for your employees Reduce Risks: With a single system of record, you get improved consistency and auditability, easier compliance with business policies & regulations, and better content security Create Value: Improve business agility and optimize revenue by leveraging content across applications, business processes and departments with WebCenter Content’s OOTB integrations and superior extensibility

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 50

Oracle WebCenter Content Comprehensive ECM Platform

Comprehensive Full-featured Document and Image

Management Business Process Workflow Engine Records and Retention Management Document Imaging and Capture


Create Index


Cleanse Search


Version Capture




The WebCenter Content platform is unique in the market because it is: Comprehensive: Oracle provides a single, complete, integrated enterprise content management (ECM) platform – enabling you to reduce complexity and implement a solution with the lowest total cost of ownership. By better managing content as a strategic asset and more easily integrating content into enterprise applications and business processes, Oracle helps you reduce costs, gain efficiencies, minimize risk and create value with improved business agility. Our content management platform is comprehensive and feature-rich, enabling you to quickly implement and build out content-centric workflows across the organization, from regulatory to clinical to manufacturing. With the goal of helping you optimize operations as well as mitigate risk. Pre-Integrated: Our platform provides pre-integrated adapters with Oracle’s Business Applications, providing faster ROI and improved business responsiveness by connecting critical business content to existing business processes. Oracle Content Management is a key part of other Oracle middleware technologies, is strategic to Oracle Applications Unlimited, and is the content platform for all Oracle Fusion Applications. Which means Oracle will continue to invest in the technology – adding in new integrations, features and certifications. The end result: OOTB integrations simplify deployment and save you money: “Oracle WebCenter Content enables customers to leverage the Oracle product stack, which can reduce the overall cost of deployment.” – Gartner ECM Magic Quadrant Report, Oct ‘11

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 51

Oracle WebCenter Content Pre-Integrated ECM Platform for Oracle and Industry Standards

Pre-Integrated Oracle Database and Fusion

Middleware Out-of-the-Box integrations with Key

Business Applications NEW! IHE Cross Enterprise Document

Sharing for Imaging (XDS), for managing the sharing of documents between healthcare enterprises


Create Index


Cleanse Search


Version Capture




The WebCenter Content platform is unique in the market because it is: Comprehensive: Oracle provides a single, complete, integrated enterprise content management (ECM) platform – enabling you to reduce complexity and implement a solution with the lowest total cost of ownership. By better managing content as a strategic asset and more easily integrating content into enterprise applications and business processes, Oracle helps you reduce costs, gain efficiencies, minimize risk and create value with improved business agility. Our content management platform is comprehensive and feature-rich, enabling you to quickly implement and build out content-centric workflows across the organization, from regulatory to clinical to manufacturing. With the goal of helping you optimize operations as well as mitigate risk. Pre-Integrated: Our platform provides pre-integrated adapters with Oracle’s Business Applications, providing faster ROI and improved business responsiveness by connecting critical business content to existing business processes. Oracle Content Management is a key part of other Oracle middleware technologies, is strategic to Oracle Applications Unlimited, and is the content platform for all Oracle Fusion Applications. Which means Oracle will continue to invest in the technology – adding in new integrations, features and certifications. The end result: OOTB integrations simplify deployment and save you money: “Oracle WebCenter Content enables customers to leverage the Oracle product stack, which can reduce the overall cost of deployment.” – Gartner ECM Magic Quadrant Report, Oct ‘11

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 52

Architecture of Lifecycle Content Management

• WebCenter Content

• WebLogic • Oracle RAC

•SPARC T4-2 •StorageTek SAM •Oracle Solaris Cluster

• Tape Library

• Primary Disk • Disk Archive

• Tape Drives

Storage Network

FC Network

Tape Analytics ACSLS

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 53

10GbE 1GbE


Server Consolidation Using Sun SPARC T5



SPARC T5 Oracle Virtual Machine


LDOM2: 12 Cores • Oracle RAC

LDOM1: 4 Cores • SAM QFS • Oracle Solaris Cluster


LDOM2: 12 Cores • Oracle RAC

LDOM1: 4 Cores • SAM QFS • Oracle Solaris Cluster

LDOM3: 16 Cores • WebLogic Server • WebCenter Content

LDOM3: 16 Cores • WebLogic Server • WebCenter Content

Data Network

ZFS Storage 7420

StorageTek SL3000

Pillar Axiom 600

8GbFC SAN Switches



User Network

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More Information for Optimized Solutions

Oracle Optimized Solution for Tiered Storage Infrastructure − http://www.oracle.com/optimizedsolutions

− http://www.oracle.com/us/solutions/oos/tiered-storage-infrastructure/overview/index.html

Components of Tiered Storage Infrastructure – Storage and Storage Software (StorageTek Storage Archive Manager)


– Servers


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Unified Tiered Storage Solutions

Issues: – Numerous hardware configurations – Lots of front end applications / content managers

Usually industry specific – Customization is the norm

Solutions: – Oracle Optimized Solutions

Tiered Storage Infrastructure Lifecycle Content Management

– Deeper integration with specific applications Video Evidence Lifecycle Management

Customers Asking for End to End Archiving Solutions

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 56

Video Evidence Lifecycle Management

Provides a video record of officer engagements Automatically uploads video data to a central

system – No lost thumb drives / scratched DVD’s

Tested end to end Archive video for 5 years, fast access to last

180 days of video Solution includes:

– SAM-QFS, Axiom 600, SL3000, T10KC

A Standardized Solution For Archiving Police Video

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 57

SAM-QFS Community

Oracle has an online community for SAM-QFS – https://communities.oracle.com/portal/server.pt/community/sam_qfs_storag

e_archive_manager_and_sun_qfs/401 – Or go to https:communities.oracle.com and search for “sam-qfs”

Can be used to: – Ask questions about SAM-QFS – Learn about best practices and optimizing SAM-QFS – Interact with Oracle and customer experts

Data Integrity Validation

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 59

Data Integrity Validation with SAM-QFS 5.3 and T10000C

T10KC can verify the integrity of data: – When data is written – When data is read – At any other time (using the tpverify command)

Enables customers to verify the data in their archive is accessible

Records have DIV CRC added at host

Records Sent to Tape with DIV CRC

Record DIV CRC checked; write

and read

StorageTek Data Integrity Validation will protect your data from the time the data leaves an application until if is securely stored on tape. Since the application initially generates the CRC it is an independent verification that the data is still good. This CRC can be checked without transferring the data to the application.

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 60

Tape drive performs CRC comparison, alerts server

of corrupted record

StorageTek Data Integrity Validation

Data Validation with SAM-QFS Discover Corrupted Records Before They Are Written to Tape

Server appends CRC to each record and sends to tape drive

Write Step 2: Server pulls file from disk, and generates

32-bit CRC over each record within file

Write Step 1:

Server re-sends only the failing record

Write Step 3:

Disk Server T10000C Cartridge

Record is corrupted inside

server Tape drive reads back file with 32-bit


Verification Step 1: Tape drive hardware compares re-created CRCs to tape CRCs

Verification Step 2:


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DIV Throughput Performance

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T10000C reads record(s) while comparing CRCs

on tape to re-created CRCs

Step 2: Server sends

SCSI Verify command to T10000C

Step 1: Tape drive sends SCSI Verify status

to server

Step 3:

Data Auditing Data is Verified Within T10000C, NOT an External Server

tpverify command is SAM is used to perform an audit

T10000C Cartridge Server

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