Tigers - August 17th

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  • 8/11/2019 Tigers - August 17th



    Theme: On your mark get set GO!Basic Truth: God made me God loves me Jesus wants to be my friend foreverKey Question: Who loves you?Bottom Line: God loves meMemory Verse:"othing #an se$arate us from God%s love& 'omans ()*+, "-r.Bible Story: God loves me and will save the day /he 0ost 1hee$ Luke 15:3-7

    LEADER:2i, friends! Who is ready to sing with me today? (Pause.)3ay! 0et%s sing a fun song abouthow God loves us 2ere we go!&

    Lead children in singing He Saves the Da.!

    LEADER:4ren%t you so glad that [Bottom Line]God loes meand 2e loves all of you, too? (Pause.)/hat makes me so ha$$y! 0et%s get ready to hear a 5ible story about a she$herd and his shee$ 2ereally loved his shee$ almost as mu#h as God loves us! - #an%t wait to hear all about it!&

    !hat "ou #eed: 5ible and 6 #otton balls

    ST$R"TELLER: 7ome here, everyone, and sit with me! -t%s story time! 3ay for story time! Our story

    #omes from this very s$e#ial book8the 5ible! (H"ld u# $i%le and la it d"&n.) 7an you say, 95ible%?&

    %&'LDRE# and ST$R"TELLER:5ible!&

    ST$R"TELLER:We love the 5ible be#ause it has God%s stories in it 4nd God%s stories are always/':;! /oday%s story is about a she$herd and his shee$

    (Place '"ur c"tt"n %alls in 'r"nt "' the children. Hide the 'i'th "ne near "u &here "ure telling the st"r.)

    1hee$ are white, fluffy animals /hey say, 9baa baa% 0et%s $retend these #otton balls are shee$ 7anyou say, 9baa baa,% like a shee$?&

    ("ve the c"tt"n %alls ar"und &hile "u and the children sa* %aa %aa.!)

    %&'LDRE# and ST$R"TELLER:5aa baa &

    ST$R"TELLER:One day the she$herd was #ounting his shee$ 7ount with me&

    %&'LDRE# and ST$R"TELLER:One, two, three, four &

    $n "our Mar() Get Set) G$*August 17, 2014 .:. Tiger Room

    Pathways Church Early Childhood i!istry

    This !ee(+s Sco,e

    Bible Story


  • 8/11/2019 Tigers - August 17th


    ST$R"TELLER:Oh, no! One of his shee$ was missing! 2e loved his shee$! 2e had to go find it! /heshe$herd started looking everywhere! 2e looked u$! (L""k u#.) 0ook u$ with me!

    2e looked down (L""k d"&n.)0ook down with me! 2e looked all around (L""k all ar"und.)0ook allaround with me! 4nd finally he found his missing shee$! 3ay! 2e found the shee$ he loved!

    (H"ld u# the 'i'th c"tt"n %all "u had hidden.)

    2e $i#ked u$ his shee$, gave it a big hug, and #arried it all the way home!

    (Place the 'i'th c"tt"n %all &ith the "ther '"ur c"tt"n %alls.)

    Guess what! God loves you more than the she$herd loved his shee$ -t%s true! God loves you! !holoes you-.

    %&'LDRE# and ST$R"TELLER:[Bottom Line]/God loes me*.

    ST$R"TELLER: /!ho loes you-.

    %&'LDRE# and ST$R"TELLER:[Bottom Line]/God loes me*.

    ST$R"TELLER: /hank you for being su#h great listeners today "ow let%s $ut our hands together,#lose our eyes, and talk to God

  • 8/11/2019 Tigers - August 17th


    Shee, in the &eartShee# in the Heart! is an activit that enc"urages children t" &"rk t"gether t" get all the shee# int" theheart.

    !hat "ou #eed: >ainter%s ta$e and #otton balls

    !hat "ou Do:$e'"re the activit: =ake a large outline of a heart on the floor with the ta$e 1#atter the #otton balls onthe floor around the area where you will do this a#tivity

    During the activit: @ids will $ush the #otton ball shee$ into the heart using their finger or hand On#e allof the shee$ have been gathered into the heart, #ount them 'e$eat as many times as desired

    t the end "' the activit:1it down around the heart and talk about how the #hildren hel$ed take #are ofthe shee$ ust like the she$herd did in our story

    !hat "ou Say:$e'"re the activit: What sha$e do you see on the floor? (Pause.)4 heart! /hat%s right! We are going to$lay a game where we try to get all the shee$ into the heart, ust like the she$herd took #are of hisshee$ in our 5ible story today 5ut do you see any shee$? (Pause.)Oh, here they are!& (H"ld u# a %ag"' c"tt"n %alls and scatter the+ all "ver the 'l""r.)

    During the activit: 0ook at all the shee$! /o get them into the heart, you%ll need to ta$ or roll them withyour finger like this (De+"nstrate.)Okay, little she$herds, get those shee$ into the heart! (Pause.)Wow, you were great at getting the shee$ into the heart! 7an you hel$ me #ount all the shee$? (/"untthe c"tt"n %alls sl"&l and "ut l"ud &ith the children.)0et%s do it again!& (,e#eat as +an ti+es asdesired.)

    t the end "' the activit: /hat was fun! 7ome sit with me around the heart 3ou took good #are of allthe shee$ today -n our 5ible story we heard about a she$herd that had a lot of shee$ to take #are ofand he left them to go find the one missing shee$ /he she$herd loved his shee$ and took #are ofthem ages on the Website, white $a$er, and #rayons

    !hat "ou Do:During the activit:;n#ourage the #hildren to draw a line from the shee$ on the left side of the $a$er tothe mat#h on the right side of the $a$er -nstru#t the #hildren to #olor the shee$ on#e they have foundall the mat#hes

    Ma(e 't 8un

    Ma(e 't 8un

  • 8/11/2019 Tigers - August 17th


    !hat "ou Say:/he she$herd in our story today looked and looked until he found his missing shee$ - want us to lookand look on this $a$er until we find all the mat#hing shee$ (" t" each child as the &"rk.)/heshe$herd took #are of his shee$ be#ause he loved them God loves you even more! !ho loes you-[Bottom Line]God loes me7.

    -f you ha$$en to finish u$ with these a#tivities early feel free to use any of the a#tivities in the $res#hoolgame binder -f you are unsure as to where to find this binder, $lease #onta#t your servi#e #oa#h

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