Student Name Tile Cross Academy

Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

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Page 1: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

Student Name

Tile Cross Academy

Page 2: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

Tile Cross Academy to

You will soon be starting on the exciting Journey to your new Secondary school where you will meet lots of new people and

complete many new exciting activities.

This Learning Passport will give you the chance to tell us lots of things about you and your work and we will try to discover what you love to learn and how you learn best. Your passport will be passed to

your new Tutor who will help you settle into your new school.

Page 3: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

When I am not at school I like to: One thing that I really want my new school to know about me is:

My name is: My age is:

The date I was born on was:

I live with:

My personality is: (Circle the words that best describe you) Noisy Angry


Forgetful Grumpy

Lazy Silly


Bright Calm Cheerful


Enthusiastic Friendly

Funny Generous Gentle

Lively Happy

Helpful Likeable Quiet Sensitive





Shy Ambitious

Add any other words that would describe your personality:


Tell us all about yourself. What is your personality? Do you have any hobbies?

Page 4: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

My Primary School is:

The lessons that I enjoy the most at school are:

The lessons that I find the most hard at school are:

I learn best at school when I can:

I find it difficult to learn at school when:

Tell us all about your Primary School. What lessons did you enjoy?

What are you most proud of?

Page 5: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

These are some of the things that I have

done in Year 6 that I am really proud of:

(Fill in the bubbles to show the things that you have done in Year

6 that you are most proud of)



7. 8.

2. 1.



10. 9.

Page 6: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

This year I have been really happy at school because: If I do well at school I like it if: This year I have been sad at school because: If I get upset at school it helps me if I can:

1. 2. 3. 4.

(Fill in the clouds) 1. 2.


4. 5.

(Fill in the Medals)

Page 7: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

Throughout Year 6 you will have learnt new things in different ways. This may have been:

VISUAL (Learning by Seeing) AUDITORY (Learning by Listening) KINAESTHETIC (Learning by Doing)

We all learn well through a mixture of the above, but many of us prefer ONE of these LEARNING STYLES more than the others.

Above all, ENJOY your learning, ENJOY finding things out and ENJOY finding out

about yourself!

When you know how you learn effectively, you will find that learning becomes easier for you. So experiment with as many different sorts of

tasks as possible.

Which Learning Style do you think most suits YOU?

How do you learn best?. Try to discover which learning style best suits you.

Complete the learning log questionnaire.

Page 8: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

Complete the questions and from your answers you will be able to see what sort of learning activities best suit the way you prefer to learn and work.

When you arrive at your new school you will have a good idea of which sorts of tasks help you learn best.

For these questions, choose the first answer that comes to mind and tick either a, b or c. Don’t spend too much time

thinking about any one question.

Q1. When you study for a test, would you rather:

a. read notes or look at diagrams and illustrations. b. have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts to yourself. c. write things out on cards or make diagrams or models.

Q2. Which of these things do you tend to do when you listen to music:

a. daydream and visualise the things that the music means to you. b. hum or sing along. c. move with the music, tap your foot etc.

Q3. When you read for fun, do you prefer:

a. a book with pictures in it. b. a book with lots of words and text in it. c. a book where you answer questions and solve problems.

Q4. When you tell a story, would you rather:

The following questions will help you to discover more information about

the way that you prefer to learn.


Page 9: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

Q5. When you do leisure activities, do you prefer to:

a. watch TV, read or play on a computer. b. Listen to music. c. Play sports or games.

Q6. When you see the word ‘DOG’ what do you do first:

a. visualise an actual dog. b. say the word “dog” quietly to yourself. c. remember a time when you were with a dog, stroking it etc.

Q7. In a long queue at the cinema, what are you most likely to do:

a. look at posters advertising other films. b. talk to the people around you. c. tap your foot and shuffle around.

Q8. When you are learning, do you prefer:

a. looking at work written down. b. listening to a person talking and giving instructions. c. participating in activities, making or doing.

Q9. When you are really concentrating, are you distracted by:

a. messiness or untidiness. b. noise, talking or music in the background. c. people moving around.

Q10. You have just entered a museum, what will you do first:

a. look around, find a map showing you the location of exhibits. b. talk to a museum guide, ask for directions and explanations. c. go to the first exhibit that looks interesting, read info later.

Page 10: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

If you discover that you are a good VISUAL learner, why not choose tasks that require you to

make mind-maps, posters, PowerPoint presentations, videos, diagrams, charts, graphs.

Work out the results from your learning log questionnaire. If you have more a’s, then you are likely to be more of a VISUAL learner. If you have more b’s, then you are likely to be more of an AUDITORY learner. If you have more c’s, then you are likely to be more of a KINAESTHETIC learner. Now complete the following:

According to the Learning Log Questionnaire I am more of a

____________________________________ learner.

Did this match what you first thought?

If you are a good KINAESTHETIC learner, you may want to focus on doing tasks that require you to make or build

things, to use your hands, to move around, or to carry out an experiment.

It’s a good idea to do a range of projects that require you to use all three different learning styles but remember which style

helps you to learn best.

If you are a good AUDITORY learner, spoken presentations, reading aloud, songs, work based on

discussions and debates etc. will suit you best.

Page 11: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

These are some of the skills I have and the things that I am good at: 1.





1. 2.

3. 4.

These are the things that I find a little more difficult and must practice a little more:

Page 12: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

I am looking forward to these things at my new school: I am a little worried about these new things when I come to my new school: These are my ambitions for the future. What would I like to do when I leave school? What will my life be like?:

Thank You for completing your Learning Passport.

Try to remember how you learn best.

We look forward to meeting you at Tile Cross Academy very soon.

Page 13: Tile Cross Academytilecross.academy/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Tile-Cross-Learning... · which learning style best suits you. Complete the learning log questionnaire. Complete the

You must have lots of questions right? List any questions that you have below. Other

students may also have the same questions and your new form tutor will try their very best to answer these

questions during your first days at Tile Cross Academy.