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T.I.M July 2012

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The July 2012 edition of the T.I.M magazine

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Costa Blanca

Regards Tim Team




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Nickie Pickering: 606 891 [email protected] Area , La Romana, Aspe & Hondon de las Nieves areas

John Chandler: 620 042 [email protected] region & Quesada

John McGregor: 600 088 341 (La Marina area)

Dennis: 617 843 028 Hondon de los Frailes, Albatera, Catral, La Murada, Benferri, Orihuela & Costa

Alan Longstaff : 647 018786Torrevieja and Coastal

Kevin Rendall: [email protected] Pola, Elche and Gran Alicant

Inland and CoastalWelcome to TIM’s 92nd edition and to those long, lazy, hazy days of summer - even global austerity cannot spoil the Spanish sunshine. However, in the UK they are probably taking cost cutting too far. Fancy making an 86 year old monarch and her 90 year old consort stand for four and half hours in the rain at their own party. Even the guests came by boat to avoid the London congestion charge!! What about the poor Duchess of Cambridge? According to media reports she only has one pair of shoes - times are really hard! At the time of writing (and against all predictions) England are still going strong at Euro 2012, unfortunately, so are Italy, Germany and Spain. Andy Murray is still in with a chance at Wimbledon (although it hasn’t yet started) and so remains British thus far. (I don’t know if you’ve also noticed but he reverts to being “Scotland’s” Andy Murray when he loses). The Olympics are getting ever closer but Bully won’t be taking part, he prefers peace and solitude to the crowds.

Last month, Bully was tracked down hiding out in the S and J’s British Food Store advert on page 34. Bully was spotted by Mrs C. Walsh of Castalla.

The winner of the Sol Aero pleasure flight was Harry Gruenheit of Fuente Blanca, Fortuna. Congratulations to both our lucky winners. This month’s free to enter competitions can be found on page 51. Our thanks for all your calls, forum visits and feedback, it’s always great to hear from you.

Looking to buy or sell second hand items? Then why not pay a visit to our ever changing; on line classifieds section at www.timspain.com it’s totally FREE to place any item. Whether it’s a car or property for sale or a house for rental, there are all these together with thousands of other items.

Until August, enjoy!

The SEAT 600

The Garden

The Legal Page

Elche: you won´t be disappointed

La Marina Business Pages

Going Out

Summer Fun

Inside the July edition...









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John (Murcia)

Page 4: T.I.M July 2012

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Think of the SEAT 600 like the Beatles. The SEAT 600 is, or was, a car of enormous social and cultural significance. It wasn’t simply a car it was a symbol of the new Spain. In the 16 years between 1957 and 1973 when it was manufactured 800,000 were sold. As Spain began to move from a backward rural economy of donkeys and peasants to the modern European nation that is today it was the SEAT 600 that put Spaniards on the road.

When the Seiscientos was introduced most private vehicles on the road were microcars, three-wheeler vans and motorbike side-car combinations. To travel long distances the only real option was public transport. Small as the SEAT 600 was it was a proper car with room to carry the family to the other side of Spain. Anyone of a certain age will have stories of a the 10 foot long 600 miraculously transporting three generations of family and all their luggage to one of the new seaside resorts.

The SEAT 600 was a direct copy of the Fiat 600 designed by the Italian engineer Dante Giacosa and introduced at the 1955 Geneva Motor show. It was not a complicated car. It did 40mpg on 72 octane fuel and had an electrical system that relied on just 3 eight amp fuses. Its 633cc water cooled engine produced only 21.5hp but, as it weighed in at just over half a ton, the engine and four speed gearbox could get it up to about 60mph with a following wind. It had the engine at the back and a small boot at the front. Mechanically it was sound and car’s only real problem was the cooling system. Apparently most 600s went about with a bit of wood propping open the engine cover to stop them from overheating.

The company that built the car, SEAT (Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo), came into existence in 1950 with an agreement between the Spanish Government and Fiat. The Government had 51% of the stock, Fiat 7% and a consortium of Spanish banks the other 42%. The factory, which was in Barcelona, produced its first car, the SEAT 1400A, in 1953. Initial production was only five cars per day. As production stepped up SEAT looked for a new car to produce alongside the 1400 and they chose the 600. The first Spanish 600 rolled off the production line in 1957. It went to the son of a General.

The 600 had lots of nicknames but one of them, el ombligo, the bully-button sums it up. Why the belly-button? Because everyone has one. Within three years of the model being launched the waiting list had reached 100,000 cars. Supply couldn’t match demand so, in true Spanish style, they closed the waiting list. Unless you had a friend in the factory or in Government you would have to wait years to get one. In 1967 nearly half of all cars on the road in Spain were SEAT 600s.

You still see plenty on the road today. If you’re caught behind one try not to grumble as you wait for a good place to get past. Think of it as an opportunity to inspect a bit of motoring history.

The SEAT 600

By Chris Thompson

Page 5: T.I.M July 2012

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Face to Face Reviews ?

It is surprising, speaking to our Clients, that for many years since they arrived in Spain, that they have left their

investments or pensions firmly in the UK. These can be a selection of ISA’s and PEP’s, Investment Bonds and benefits accumulated through a company pension or personal pension. More often than not, these underlying investments have not been monitored or reviewed since they arrived and the UK Adviser that once used to look after your interests, is perhaps a little uncertain on how these investments will fair now that your roots are firmly established in sunny Spain.

It is important that you continue to have your investments continually monitored to ensure you are giving your hard earned money every opportunity of growth over the medium to longer term.

If you want to retain your UK investments or pension funds that is your decision and may be the right one and we can compliment your decision by acting on your behalf and giving you face to face advice, where the benefits will certainly act in your favour. AES International are FSA regulated and also registered with the Comisión Nacional del Mercado del Valores (CNMV) and Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (DGS) and is authorised to give investment advice under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFiD).

Our advice can extend to the retention of your UK investments and also cover any offshore investments that you have, where periodic discussions can be held in the comfort of your home and help and support is always close to hand.

For example, you may have several UK pensions that you wish to leave in the UK and we can offer you independent investment advice, with perhaps the added support in the future to move your funds into a QROPS (overseas pensions) when the time is right, giving greater flexibility and excellent tax efficiency.

It is important that you seek quality and qualified advice from professional independent financial advisers. If you would more information, please contact me by phone 966196563 / 689 151631 or email: [email protected]

Page 6: T.I.M July 2012

By Barbara Barton

You see these huge cacti all over the place.

They grow with flat rounded pads called nopales and produce attractive flowers followed by edible fruits. In Spain they are commonly referred to as Higos Chumbos but they taste nothing like figs or even pears for that matter.

Of course, it’s called prickly pear for a very good reason, it comes with two kinds of spines. There are the larger fixed spines and also smaller finer spines called glochids. These finer spines easily detach and can become lodged in the skin so utmost care is needed when handling.

The prickly pear is a prolific grower, great for filling big spaces if you have lots of garden. They are also an effective deterrent against burglars, no self- respecting con is going to try and climb over a prickly pear!

The fruit of the prickly pear – the chumbos – can be eaten raw or cooked. Harvest time is generally August and has to be done very carefully. Wear thick gloves or use a pair of long metal barbeque tongs. Supposedly, the best time of day to collect your chumbos is early morning when the spikes have been softened by the morning dew.

The fruit must be peeled and contains large seeds which are eaten whole (or discarded) as they are so hard you run the risk of a broken tooth.

The flowers are really pretty and come in a variety of colours ranging from red through to yellow.

I was once given a crate of prickly pears and decided to make prickly pear jelly. The fruits are also commonly used to make a refreshing drink and even ice-cream. Neither of which I have any personal experience of.

A final interesting fact (or piece of useless information), is that there is a specific insect (Dactylopius coccus)

which feeds on prickly pear and is famous for producing cochineal. The natural red dye is made by crushing the bodies of the insects.

So, there it is. Prickly Pear - a fast growing burglar deterrent with pretty flowers and edible fruits.

For those who already have prickly pear in the garden OR have access to a crop...

this is my recipe for Prickly Pear Jelly:

40-50 Prickly Pear fruitsSugar

Lemon Juice


Wash and peel the fruit.

Chop roughly and place in a pan, along with the seeds. Add 200ml of water and bring to a gentle simmer.

Simmer for around 20 minutes until really soft

Tip the pulp into a fine sieve over a bowl and leave to drip overnight to extract all the juice. Try not to rub the

pulp through as this makes the jelly cloudy.

Next morning, discard the pulp. Measure the juice and pour into a large pan.

Add 450g of sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to each 600ml of juice

Heat through gently, stirring until the sugar has dissolved

Bring to the boil and boil until you reach setting point

Turn into sterilised jars and seal(If you have any trouble getting a set then add more

lemon juice and re-boil for 5 minutes before testing again)

This is not an exact science! I used this recipe and made 5 jars of jelly, but the yield will depend on the amount of juice extracted from the fruits and can vary enormouslyIf you can’t get a set then don’t despair, use as a sauce to spoon over vanilla ice-cream

Till next time.........................

An addiction to gardening is not all bad when you consider all the other choices in life.

Cora Lea Bell

TIM Magazine™


By Barbara Barton

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Optunia: Prickly Pear Cactus

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Costa Blanca

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JAGUARS Big Cats, Camera - Action

Written by Eric Arnold

A few months ago the JEC in Spain were contacted by CBL Media, a film company making a film in Spain, they wanted a classic Jaguar to feature in a movie, imagine our excitement. They wanted a car from the 50’s or 60’s for one days filming. Willing members submitted pictures of their beloved Jaguars, E Types, XK140’s and an XK120 DHC. I must admit I was gutted when I found out they wanted cars from that era and could not use my 98, XK8 DHC. However, CBL Media invited me along for the filming day, I would like to thank them for the opportunity.

A bright red 1953 XK120 DHC was chosen, owned by Chris Fox who happened to live a few minutes from the filming location in Pliego. The film called Cariño, is a dark thriller, the story revolves around a motorcyclist who crashes, badly injured, he is found by an old man and is then held captive in a remote location, he eventually escapes, running through the woods he stumbles on to a country road, this is where our lovely Jaguar comes in to use; he stumbles in to the road and is hit by the car driven by a young Spanish actress Laura Martuscelli. I started to panic, collisions at speed between human bodies and cars usually result in serious injury to both the person and the car, the XK120 is a rare and beautiful car and not easily replaced, on the other hand, we can always find another actor - only joking, honest.

I asked Julian Nicholson, Executive Producer, why a Jaguar? he replied, “When choosing the car we wanted a contrast. The old man living alone in the rugged, natural environment and the “visitors” to his world coming from a more civilised world. The Jaguar looks so good on screen, it’s like having an “A lister” in the credits. We also had to consider the character in the film, the driver, played by Laura Martuscelli, the car had to be her car”. Following some instruction from Chris Fox, the cars owner and David Sedge, his mechanic, Laura became more and more comfortable behind the wheel with every take. She said “At first I was very worried that I would damage it but then realised just how well the car handled, in the end I did not want to give it back...I LOVE THAT JAG”.

Shaun Hughes, Director who was also instrumental in the choice of car for the film; he said “It was a great opportunity for us to have a Jaguar in our film. They are beautiful cars and we feel very privileged. The XK120, with it’s beautiful curves won out over the classic E Type, as it seemed more like the female driver in our film would drive something like this. Naturally as a filmmaker you feel your production values rise with the inclusion of a Jaguar in any shoot”.

Not much to tell you really about the actual filming, lots of preparation, lots of hanging around, lots of “bodily fluids”, Kayleigh Sutherland, the brilliant make up artist’s own concoction, then the shout, quiet on set, roll camera, ACTION, first the sound of that 3.4 Ltr V6, the crackle of the tuned twin exhausts, sun glinting on the paintwork, the bright red big cat

bullets up the country road, an injured man run’s out of the woods into the path of the speeding car, the squeal of brakes and tyres, the slightest puff of smoke from the rubber and car and man make impact, more bodily fluids, not really, but that is what it will look like on film. They take the same sequence over and over even reverse motion shots to simulate an impact with the windscreen and a “green screen” sequence with Kayleigh on hand with her patented bottle of blood and gunge. Filming finished in the early evening and we all went home tired, dusty, but buzzing with adrenalin. For more information about the film and to see a little teaser, go to www.carinofilm.com

The JEC in Spain is organised by Eric Arnold, email [email protected], phone on 609931647, JEC web site www.jec.org.uk

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Costa Blanca

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The Legal PageWritten by Rob Innis with Jill from Pellicer & Heredia, who have

recently opened another office in Quesada, Rojales.

This month we look at the new and amended situation for those needing to take out Residencia which also affects healthcare cover.

On the 24th of April 2012, in the “Bolletín Oficial del Estado”, the changes in the laws governing access to the Spanish Social Security system were published. These changes affect Residents who use the system in that they can no longer obtain medical assistance unless they are working in Spain and paying into the system, or are receiving a pension from an EU member state or EEA (European Economic Area) state and properly registered into the Spanish Healthcare system.

EU holidaymakers can receive emergency care if they produce their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or national equivalent. Remember the Spanish system is contribution based whereas the UK system is residence based. The Valencia voluntary contributions system for health cover is no longer taking applications. This change provoked the modification of the 2007 law governing the entrance, free circulation and residence of EU and EEA citizens in Spain, specifically stating the following:

1. EU and EEA citizens now only have a right to residence in Spain for a period of three months or more providing that they:

a) Are working in Spainb) Can demonstrate sufficient funds (ie pension income) to be able to reside in Spain without working and are covered by a complete private medical insurance or cover provided by pension status entitlements.c) Are studying in Spain and can demonstrate sufficient funds to be able to reside herewithout working, and are covered by a complete private medical insuranced) Are a family member of a person who complies with the requisites of a), b) or c).

2. Family members of those mentioned in no. 1) who come from countries outside the EU and EEA have a right to residence in Spain providing that the EU or EEA citizencomplies with the requisites in a), b), or c).

3. With regard to those mentioned in no. 1) - a), they have a right to residence in Spain even if they are not working, only if:

a) They have a temporary incapacityb) They have been made redundant after working for more

than a year and are looking for a jobc) Their job ended after working for less than a year and they are looking for a new jobd) They are doing a professional course

4. No. 1) - d) and no. 2 only refer to the spouse and children of the EU or EEA citizen.

5. EU and EEA citizens MUST now apply for their Certificate of Residence (Residencia) at the nearest police station within 3 months from the date they enter Spain.

6. With this application they will be required to present proof of the requisites mentioned in no. 1 - a), b), c) or d).

7. No specific amount has been established to show sufficient funds, and each application will be treated according to the personal situation of the applicant.

But when this rule was previously in force (early 2000s) the typical amount expected was equivalent to the basic Spanish pension.

For assistance in applying for your residency or residency for your spouse and children - Please contact Jill at Pellicer & Heredia Abogados on 965 480 737. She will also assist those qualifying for medical assistance in obtaining their health cards, and deals with all matters related to health cover as well as all driving licence, vehicle transfer issues etc.

New Quesada Office Now Open

Pellicer and Heredia have now opened another office in Quesada, Rojales in Avda. las Naciones, 36 L6, located opposite the Caja Murcia bank.

This new office will be open Monday to Friday 09:00 to 14:00 and other hours by arrangement.

After extensive refurbishment this facility will add to their existing branch network in Hondon, Petrer, Pinoso and Alicante and offers their full range of services including legal, gestoria, tax, wills, and accountancy etc.

The Quesada office can be contacted on 965 480 737, the staff speak English and don’t forget to mention that you are a TIM reader.

Page 11: T.I.M July 2012

Costa Blanca

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Aspe – Hondon de las Nieves – Pinoso

Hyundai Getz, Fiesta or similar Automatic cars available Full airport service Child seats & booster seats available

Ex hire cars available for purchase with FSH

1 day from 45 € 1 week from 120€

www.hondonrentacar.com – [email protected] Tel: 620 900 690 – 966 195 205

Motoring Page.

The motoring page has now been placed on hold for the next few month’s, due to Julian’s ever increasing work load and the fact that his wife is pregnant with twins.

You can still get in touch with Julian at Cartec on 680 877 745.

We would like to congratulate Julian and his wife on there up and coming event.

Page 12: T.I.M July 2012


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Give or take quite a few eastern Europeans and the sizeable contingent from Mali, none of whom officially exist, near enough two hundred and thirty five thousand people live in Elche which makes it about the same size as Derby or Stoke-on-Trent. Most of the illegals notwithstanding, I’d hazard a guess that the majority of those inhabitants haven’t got the foggiest idea how lucky they are to call the place home. I once suggested, rather dismissively, of Elche, that..... “the place only has two good things in it, a football club and the bypass on the edge of town.” Having lived here for five years now and after enjoying everything my very agreeable adopted small city has to offer, I realise that was probably one of the ‘wrongest’ things I’ve ever said. Here, by way of my snivelling apology, is why that initial opinion of mine was so wide of the mark. I’ll begin with a short history lesson.

Over time Elche has been home to various invaders, many of whom have left their own legacies. A couple of thousand years ago the Romans arrived and promptly called the place “Illice” (pronounced ee-ye-they with the ‘th’ of they spoken very softly), to this day locals are still known as Ilicitano’s or, for a single female, Ilicitana. Next up to try their luck were invading armies of North African Arabs, (Moors), who, upon finding very little sand and no dates, began to feel somewhat homesick. Their little leaving gift, just prior to being kicked out by some angry Christians, was hundreds of thousands of palm trees, which, these days, Elche is synonymous with and are protected by law. The Greeks too also had a brief stay and nowadays one or two local organisations still bare the name Helike, although this Grecian handle is nowhere near as prevalent as the much better known Roman moniker.

Since arriving here in 2007, I’ve grown to understand and love a very underrated city. Elche doesn’t have the cache of say, Granada or Salamanca, two of the more famous and historic Spanish cities, but it’s no less nice. Visitor numbers are increasing year on year, and, thanks to a town council with an abundance of the handy pairing of civic pride and nous, so too are the amenities and attractions on offer. What doesn’t half help to raise the Elche profile is the title, (in Spanish), Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Bestowed upon the city by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, it’s a World Heritage award given to the Elche Palmeral Park, a fabulous green oasis, one of

ELCHE: You won’t be disappointed

By Kevin Rendall

Page 13: T.I.M July 2012

Costa Blanca

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many, in the heart of the city. For first time visitors that is just the start of the surprises, but what else does Elche have to entice and then captivate the tourists who flock there throughout the year?

Packed with historic buildings and architectural gems, including Altamira Castle and the Basilica of Santa Maria, which dominates the skyline, Elche combines the very best of ancient and modern. A stones throw away from the wide open spaces of the Plaza Santa Maria, Elche boasts a sizeable shopping area, one that is home to both household names and small private stores. As you’d expect from a city that grew wealthy from the production of shoes, footwear retailers feature prominently, particularly in the maze of alleys and walkways connecting the main thoroughfares. A leisurely stroll through the city centre and beyond offers up a wall to wall cultural experience second to none, you can also add to that any number of half decent culinary delights too because the place is awash with decent restaurants, enough to suit all budgets and tastes. It is in August though when the city of Elche really excels itself and never fails to delight.

Every year, from the 11th to the 15th of August, Elche stages its Fiestas Patronales, during which the life and times of a Saint or Virgin, the patron, of the town or village, are commemorated. In Elche, La Patrona is La Virgen de la Asuncion, the deity in whose honour townsfolk stage sombre church ceremonies and colourful street parades. Elche’s fiestas are really built around the moving and deeply religious Misteri d’Elx play. Performed in two parts on consecutive days, the 14th and 15th, act one, La Vesprà plots Mary passing away surrounded by the apostles. La Festa follows during which the burial, assumption and coronation of the virgin are depicted. These two days are the most important in the entire year and enjoy greater prominence in the city calendar than even Holy Week, (Semana Santa). In recognition of the stature of the event, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, (UNESCO), declared the Misteri one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, Elche takes enormous pride in the fact no higher accolade is bestowed for cultural expression.

The day before La Vesprà Elche puts on an event I can only describe as monumental, but with special emphasis on the mental. In my blog a couple of years ago, I wrote about it thus. …..On the night of the

13th, the residents of the city, and by proxy much of the surrounding countryside, enjoy The Nit de L’Alba, the most spectacular firework show you’ll ever see, in honour of the city’s patroness. Spectacular really is understating things a tad, for a full forty minutes Elche resembles a war zone, in 2009 some old folk in Benidorm thought the Costa Blanca was being invaded. Then, as if by magic, on the stroke of midnight the city falls silent and plunges into an eerie darkness as the Virgen de la Asunción, illuminated by a pyrotechnic halo, rises from the dome of the massive Basilica de Santa Maria. A pretty unmissable event....... I really can’t improve on those words here, but try to imagine fireworks soaring skywards from every tall building in all four corners of the city simultaneously, it really is an amazing, deafening and spectacular sight.

Don’t just take my word for it, come and see for yourselves, those thoughtful Ayuntamiento types have even laid on bicycles for hire incredibly cheaply. At various points around the city, more than thirty actually, cycle parks can be found and you aren’t compelled to return them to your starting point. You won’t be able to take your borrowed bike to the top of the Basilica de Santa Maria though, getting there involves a climb of 150 steps, it sounds daunting but it really isn’t I promise. If you invest two euros and make the effort you are rewarded with the most fantastic panorama of the city and an excellent photo opportunity. Do you know the best thing too? During August, many thousands of Ilicitano’s head for the coastal resorts of Santa Pola and Arenales, so parking, normally quite difficult, is a cinch. Obviously, with so many less people cluttering up the place, the best restaurants are far less busy too. Free public performances of the Misteri d’Elx take place at 1700 hours on both the 14th and 15th and are held in the Basilica, it’s advisable to get there early. Make the helpful and knowledgeable, English speaking staff, at the principal Tourist Information Office your first port of call, they’re situated at the main gate of the Parque Palmeral. Alternatively, check out http://www.visitelche.com/

Page 14: T.I.M July 2012


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Currency Queries ...I was wondering if you do a fixed exchange rate on monthly transfers to Spain?

I have money sent here monthly by the bank, which incurs charges and unpredictable rates. I was looking for a company who can guarantee a set rate for a period of one year or longer?

- Yes, we can offer a fixed rate on regular transfers using a ‘forward contract’. This entails maintaining a deposit in your account which would be 10% of the total contract value.

For example:-An annual transfer amount of £20,000, with a fixed rate of 1.22 every month for a year.

You would have to maintain a deposit of £2000 (10%) in your account for the year to hold this rate.

If you chose only 6 months then £1000 would be needed as a deposit but we would only guarantee the rate for 6 months. The maximum contract period is 24 months.

There is, of course , an element of risk with this sort of contract in as much as if the rate improves you will still only receive the contracted rate. However, this can also work in your favour if it goes the other way.

We have full-time analysts who are very experienced in predicting financial markets and would be glad to advise you of the best time to take out such a contract.

Remember that even if you do not use a forward buy contract, our rates will always be considerably better than the high street banks, and we do not charge any fees for transfers.

GBP/EUR updateRate on 21/06/12 1.2399 0.8065GBP/EUR Daily chart 01/01/12 –

21/06/12 The GBPEUR rate remains very volatile and has been ranging in a channel, between 1.255 and 1.225.

Analysts are expecting a breakout one way or the other to give it some direction!

The Greek dust seems to be settling now with the Greek government finally forming a coalition but will market confidence increase? Really the answer should be yes, but it’s a question of credibility, so doubtful..... Watch this space!

Join our facebook – Currenciesfor You Spain –and get our daily updates on news and exchange rates. We are always happy to answer any queries you have,

By Janet LeesCurrencies 4 You

E. [email protected]

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To advertise with TIM call 606 891 644 NOW!

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TIM Magazine™

Has the original intent and spirit of the Olympic Games been lost? Is it now just a multi-billion pound obscene event dominated by global corporations marketing their goods whilst the tax payer picks up most of the bill?

It is incredible to think that the 21st century event with its huge complexities and global involvement began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, southwest Greece, as part of a simple religious festival to honour Zeus, king of gods. These humble proceedings inspired the ‘modern’ Olympic Games which begun in 1896.

Those original games set the scene for some of today’s political infighting and alleged bribe culture surrounding the International Olympic Committee (IOC). As the very early games grew in importance and significance political rivalries, religious wars and takeovers were all part of its history. As important people wanted to be associated and share the games limelight and prestige.

Planning for the London 2012 games goes back to the late 1990s because bids had to be prepared and submitted by the deadline of July 2003. By May 2004 London was shortlisted along with four other cities from the original nine. Finally on 6th July 2005 all the hard preparatory work and lobbying culminated in London being chosen (for a record 3rd time, following 1908 and 1948) over Paris by a margin of only four votes in the final voting round.Despite the jubilant faces of Lord Coe and others, doubters were at work claiming it was an impossible task to stage the games in London due to financial, transport, ecological and numerous other obstacles. Whilst terrorists took action and bombed London’s transport system the following day, July 7th, killing 52 innocent people.

Soon after that tragic event legal wrangling started over ownership and purchasing of land in east London with companies claiming they were unfairly displaced and major land contamination scares adding millions to the budget for the cleanup operation.

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Words by Rob Innishttp://robinnis.wordpress.com/

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Costa Blanca

However the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games under Lord Coe’s (holder of 4 Olympic medals) chairmanship pressed on with the job of staging the games.

After the hugely expensive Millennium Dome fiasco another major area of concern was the potential of constructing yet more costly stadiums which would fail to serve any cost effective and worthwhile long term purpose. Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park located in Stratford, east London, with its 500 acres site is the main focus. Alongside new construction many events will utilise pre-existing facilities.

Despite another of the major issues – London’s poor transport infrastructure and time needed to travel short distances, the main venue will be only 7 minutes from central London via the new Olympic Javelin train service.

Overall the games will be held in 3 main zones: Olympic Park having 9 venues, River Zone with 4 venues in the Thames gateway area (ironically for non-water based events) and Central Zone with another 9 venues including Wembley all within greater London area. In addition there are other locations, primarily for the water based events and football outside of London.

The largest construction effort has been the athletes’ village with 17,000 beds in 3,300 apartments. These plans were reduced by 25% because the private funding could not be secured. The shortfall of beds has been dealt with by non-London based event participants being accommodated elsewhere.

Given its topicality green issues have been integral to the planning and building with even officials and athletes transport being low emission vehicles.

Some of the final implementation has been made after changes to original plans caused by budget or other unforeseen issues. Given the incredible scale of building venues, villages, infrastructure, transport planning, sponsorship, promotion and ticket sales etc it is a truly incredible undertaking. A very long way indeed from the early games lasting just one day.

Under the slogan of ‘Inspire a Generation’ the games will commence on July 27th and culminate on August 12th by which time a total of 36 sports will have been contested for by over 10,000 athletes watched by millions of spectators both live and on global television.

Ticketing has been controversial with payment up front and allocation being a bit of a lottery. Currently (early June) the official website says:

“There are still plenty of tickets available for London 2012 – whether you’re interested in watching world-class sport, going to a cultural event or enjoying the views from the top of the magnificent Orbit on the Olympic Park.”

Well let’s hope it is a sell out before the action starts and that the books are balanced by Lord Coe and his committee.

With the eyes of the world clearly on London, let’s pray for good weather, the transport infrastructure to work, and mainly for no terrorist activity (security forces missiles on alert as a deterrent) and of course for Team GB success as well as all the other worthy competitors.

Sport or big business? – you decide.

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The bota, is an essential tool for every thirsty Spanish shepherd. Throughout the centuries and lovingly immortalised through the writings of both Hemingway and Cervantes, now days though, the bota has been reduced in many parts of the world to a vessel used by the less well off.

What a great pity this falling from grace is. If more people were to appreciate the history and craftsmanship surrounding the bota, as well as the simple rules employed for its use and maintenance, then maybe the bota would be treated with the true respect that it thouroughly deserves. The bota came into existence long before any wooden caskets and wine bottles, and in its self, the bota is probably as old as Spain, the bota is said to have evolved from the pellejo, which is the skin of a goat carcass sewn together and sealed liquid tight. These carcass made botas were used by many Spanish families in years gone by to store up to a years worth of wine. In the Cervantes book Don Quixote, it was a line of these pellejos that were torn apart by the mighty sword of Don Quixote.

The original botas held around 1.5 litres of wine for mainly individual use, and in days gone by no Spanish shepherd or farmer worth his salt would be found tending his flock or fields without a full bota by his side. Indeed, botas are still very much used in the more rural areas of Spain.

Making a bota is very much considered an art in Spain, and is a very labor intensive process and those that still make bota’s are called a botero. The first step in making a bota is to acquire a goat skin then salt it, this salting closes the pores of the skin; the hair of the goatskin is then trimmed to a length of approximately a centimeter. The pattern is then laid on the skin and cut to shape, once this has been done, the pattern is folded together hair side out and lightly stitched. The botero will then use hemp thread and rubs it with olive oil in order that it will pass through the skin with more ease, at the same time, the botero will use wild boar hair to re stitch around the edges of the bota whilst all the time keeping constant pressure on the stitching to ensure a liquid tight seam, when this is done, the botero turns the bota inside out so that the hair side is facing in, the bota is then soaked in water and inflated, and then dried in the sun. The botero then pours boiling hot olive oil into the bota, once this has cooled it is then tipped out, which then renders the interior of the bota impermeable. The last part of the procedure is to attach the spout, in years gone by; these were made of wood or bone, but now days the spouts are made of plastic. The spout is placed in the open end of the bota and secured firmly again with stitching.


1) Botas will only hold wine or liquors with a maximum strength of 25%vol .

2) Never put soft drinks in a bota as they will eat away

the interior coating.

3)If a bota is deflated, always warm in the sun before trying to re inflate.

4) To clean a bota, pour in a cup of wine or brandy and turn the bota every 8-12 hours side to side, do this for

three days.

5) Do not hang a bota, always lie it on its side.

The Spanish Bota ( Drinking Vessel)

By Micheal Kaern

TIM Magazine™

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Hondon de las Nieves

Over the past couple of weeks the Sonrisa Strollers

(pictured above) raised a further 100 euros for the

Sienna Trust, Adam Rudd completed his epic 500-mile

bike ride and the money pledged for him, following

our appeal in the TIM magazine, was donated to the

Maya Challenge. Last, but not least, the opening of our

collection tins resulted in a magnificent 90 euros for Paul

Cunningham Nurses. So, as we finally close Sonrisa, our

congratulation to all the people who have kindly hosted

Sonrisa events, worked tirelessly to help stage them and,

most of all, came along & gave so generously. Together,

over the past three years, we have raised close to 8,000

euros for charity.

However, the Sonrisa Strollers are keeping our name

alive. We now have an international dimension. Some

charming folks from Sweden have joined our group

of English, Irish, Scots & Welsh. After twenty-four

different walks from Bar Rocas in Nieves we now are

now starting & finishing at La Finca on the La Montanosa

Urbanisation. So, if you fancy a very gentle stroll in the

surrounding countryside of forty-five minutes to one

hour, a cup of coffee (or a beer) and a chat, we will be

meeting at 11:00 a.m. every Friday morning. We may be

contacted as follows -

E-mail [email protected] or phone Ros 667

359808 or John 687 074097

The prospect of a cool weekend with some live jazz and real craftwork is just the thing to pep up all us bored inhabitants of the Costa. The Jubilee Jazz Band makes with the noise, and the craft association Amata sets the scene with 30 genuine craft stalls. With the chance of some spontaneous Charleston dancing, antique portrait photography while you watch and wait, classic cars just to lust over, lots of people in 20s costumes and some really crazy types to liven up the show. Hondon de las Nieves is the place where the action will be and 14 and 15 July is when. The Roarin’ 20s - almost authentic and can you tell the difference?.

Hondon Town Hall wanted something different, and not just another one of those endless Medieval Markets with bits and pieces from various pound shops. So they got in touch with Amata, and the result is a Craft Fair with more than a touch of the Roarin’ 20s. The Jubilee Jazz Band swings Dixieland as it has been putting out ever since, Ly walks on stilts and juggles (no mean feat in those tight dresses), there is a photographer to take black-and-white photographs in period dress of anyone with the readies, there are some classic cars to admire (and hire if you want to get spliced) and one and all are dolled up to suit the period. Why, perhaps we might even get some of the older folk of the Costa to dive into their wardrobes and dig out the glad rags they stored at the time - you never can tell.

Plus of course the usual high quality stands chosen by Amata, with the people at the stand selling only what they make themselves (sorry, no bath tub gin). Amata was chosen by those upright Hondon citizens because Amata promised (and their word is as good as you are going to get) that only high quality craftwork made by the people selling the stuff would be on show. Which makes for a change - there’s nothing here that’s imported or from the factory, just thirty stalls with ceramics, soap, wooden toys, puppets, turned and carved wood and leather belts, shoes and bags. Some of the people that are so clever with their hands will be running workshops for younger citizens, where they can make something to take home. There’s even a merry-go-round for the kindergarten set and non-electronic arcade games for the juniors.

Hondon de las Nieves Craft Fair will start at 6 pm on both Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 July. Dress up and join the fun - it promises to be a gas. Hondón lies between Elche and Novelda; to get there, take the exit “Aspe” on the A7 or A31 motorway and in Aspe itself follow the signs “Hondón de las Nieves”.

For more information, ring 639 979 678, we even speak English.

A weekend of jazz and craft in Hondón

de las Nieves

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Important, unhealthy, news from the National Government

The Spanish Government in Madrid recently announced that it is now considered compulsory for any foreigners who stay more than 3 months in Spain to apply for a residencia card.

They also confirmed that those with no residencia would only have access to emergency medical treatment in case of serious illness or accident by use of EHIC. There will no longer be any cover for GP’s, consultants etc as there has been in the past. Even when now applying for residencia they will not consider granting this unless you are paying into the system, either by self-employment (autonomo) or by being employed legally by a third party, or you are pensioner having transferred your health care to Spain. Otherwise, in order to obtain a SIP card you are now required to provide proof of Private Health Insurance.

Courtesy Jennifer Cunningham. See her advert page 21.

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Most people - if you mention Jumilla – think of Jumilla wine. It’s hardly surprising when you consider that there are forty-one wineries within the D.O. Jumilla, either in or around the “ciudad del vino”. Not forgetting the infamous Fiesta de la Vendimia, where people get soaked in red wine.

John and I have been living in Jumilla for four years so we know our adopted home-town pretty well. We have both retired, though I keep fairly busy writing not only articles like this but also my blog, so we came up with the idea of showing English speaking visitors around Jumilla to keep us busy - and “Walkers Tours of Jumilla” was founded.

The local tourist office does some excellent walks around town, but they are all in Spanish, which many people find a bit challenging, to say the least! Our walks are free and tailored to meet different people’s requirements as, much to the surprise of many of our visitors, there is a lot to see in Jumilla. We have shown groups of over 50 people around town as well as many couples on their own. Whether you like visiting museums, exploring pretty gardens and squares, or just wandering around the back streets of the old town, there is sure to be something to interest you in Jumilla.

Many British people, who live here permanently like us, book one of our tours when they have visitors and want to entertain them cheaply! In addition, for around 5€ per person, we can book a visit in English to one of our local bodegas, which includes a tour of the bodega followed by wine-tasting accompanied by nibbles.

As well as their excellent wines, Jumilla has a strong tradition of good music, with two bands, a symphony orchestra, an award-winning composer and many talented local musicians. In the month of July the two will come together in Música entre Vinos: a series of concerts held in bodegas. Each event costs 20€, which includes a tour of the bodega, followed by the concert, and plenty of good food washed down by equally good wines. You even get to keep your tasting glass! Prior booking is essential as many of these events are sold out in advance. You can reserve your tickets directly with the individual bodegas or buy them at Los Chilines wine shop on Avenida de Levante in Jumilla.

Dates for your diary:

Saturday 7 July. 20.00. Bodegas Xenysel. Music from the Vogue (swing/mambo/pop). Tickets: [email protected] or phone: 617 290 171.

Saturday 14 July. 20.00. Bodegas Bleda. Music from Oché Cortes (noche de boleros). Tickets: [email protected] or phone: 968 780 012.

Saturday 21 July. 20.00. Bodegas Viña Elena. Music from the David Abellán Trio (Latin jazz). Tickets: [email protected] or phone: 619 900 220.

Saturday 28 July. 20.00. Bodegas Alceño. Music from the Banda Juvenil de Música de la AJAM (one of our two excellent youth bands). Tickets: [email protected] or phone: 968 780 142.

You can contact me for further information via my website: www.spainuncovered.com

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Many of the calls I receive each week are from desperate owners, whose dogs have become aggressive towards humans or other dogs. The first thing most ask me is, “My dog is aggressive, can you please train him”? I could, but it wouldn’t make any difference to the dogs state of mind. When in the UK I live a few miles away from the Metropolitan Police training centre for dogs.

In my opinion these dogs, along with the trainers are probably the best in the world. On the other hand, some of these highly trained, highly intelligent dogs cannot be let off the lead in a public field or park because they have difficulties mixing with other dogs.

Dog training gives you a dog that can follow commands but it doesn’t give you a balanced dog. Similar to if I visited a hospital where people are suffering from some form of mental illness. Most of the patients could follow certain commands but just because they do does not mean they are balanced.

People in the western world are obsessed with the phrase, ‘dog training’. When someone first gets a puppy, or adopts a rescue

dog, the first thing that springs to their mind is, ‘dog training’. The UK is full of halls every Sunday with dogs walking around in circles and owners desperately trying to not slip up. I have witnessed many of these classes and one thing most of them have in common is tension. Most owners are tense and nervous.

Another phrase I hear most weeks from owners seeking help is. “I have owned dogs all my life”. What difference does that make? I have owned a car for most of my life, but I still haven’t got a clue how that big lump of metal underneath the bonnet gets the wheels to go round and round! Familiarity doesn’t always equal knowledge.

I believe it is not always about getting your dog to follow certain commands. It is about understanding how their minds work and what it is they need on a daily and lifelong basis for them to remain in the state they were born, which is balanced.

I observe on a weekly basis, owners standing at a kerb or in other situations trying to get their dog to sit. If the first command of, ‘Sit’ did not work the second and third commands are said with increasing anger and frustration. That only tells your dog one thing. That you are weak. With that the dog automatically realizes that if you are weak then he has to become the leader of this relationship, because someone has to hold it together.

When I am out walking my five dogs, I am not interested in them sitting at a kerb. What I am interested in is their state of mind, which is calm. Coupled with the fact that Billy, my German Shepherd has hip dysplasia, so the last thing I want is for him to be sitting and then standing up continually. As long as they are calm, I see no reason why I have to command them to sit at any given point. I personally acknowledge that they are the wiser species and I have 100% respect for them.

What I do on a daily basis is not practice the ‘sit’ or the ‘down’. I practice dog psychology. I make sure their needs have been met. I make sure I am in a calm state of mind and I always communicate with them, using their own language.

What type of relationship would you have with a Spaniard, if you always talked to them in English? Many humans must start to understand what their dog really needs, rather than what the human ‘thinks’ they need.

For me, it’s a ‘no brainer’. By speaking their language on a daily basis and always nurturing their calm side, I thankfully end up with dogs that are very relaxed and they also give me something that is an honour to receive from any dog. That is their trust. They have taught me how to interact in their world and for that this has made me a better and more calmer person. That is why dogs will always have my eternal respect.

By Peter Singh www.thedogyouneed.com



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Chapter one: Samantha, Part 3 As my time of knowing Samantha drew to a close, her lifestyle went through some astounding changes: she had sold (well!) the lovely, large, rambling house near the centre of Bournemouth; and astoundingly the lucrative student-boarding business and even the door-to-door sampling operation had both gone. Derek was seemingly permanently back on the scene and they had moved to nearby Parkstone, very prestigious and exclusive into a very much smaller two-bedroom house. The quaint little house high up on a hill enjoyed wonderful views where you could see the ferries going to and coming from Cherbourg daily, complete with hundreds of yachts dotted about in the bay. The house was quiet and peaceful, in direct contrast to the full-on lifestyle Samantha had been running for the fifteen years I knew her.

Not everything in the garden was rosy, however – literally in one case. A ‘Major’ problem in Sam’s life appeared to be the huge tree in next door’s garden, apparently ruining a fabulous panoramic view she desired of the complete coastline. The house was owned by a crusty old ex-army colonel and his wife, who had no intention of even trimming the tree, let alone cutting it down. But she-who-was-used-to-getting-her-own-way was determined it had to go: with the new fabulous vista there would be a dramatic increase in house value – which of course, was the way Samantha’s mind worked. The colonel was too old, too fat, too difficult for Samantha to contemplate using her tried and trusted female wiles to get her own way, and so she was having to resort to other devious measures, like Derek joining the golf club to try and ‘get at’ the colenel, but to her disgust membership was full and Derek went on the waiting list.

Their income had also been dramatically eroded: from years of making people redundant for the gas board, Derek had unexpectedly been made redundant himself – another heinous crime according

to Samantha. Now with her full-time lover almost permanently under her feet for the first time, she immediately searched for ideas of lucrative employment for her ‘Greek God’. One unused room at the back of the house was available, so she sent Derek on a crash teaching programme: before he had even finished, Sam was ‘encouraging’ students at the colleges to attend extra private English lessons, thus supplementing their lower income. But Derek’s mere everyday presence irritated her immensely, he not dutifully ‘clearing off’ early every morning until evening time, which had worked perfectly previously. Samantha began to yearn for the old financially-good, unharassed days, and this new lifestyle just did not compare...

My last memory of Samantha was one weekend we spent at their lovely new abode, as she described her wrestling with her new-found problems, as ever picking our brains to check she hadn’t missed any possible avenues. The best laugh for me on that occasion was Sam sharing that there was a little light in her new semi-darkness. Apparently she’d heard a new dishy young dentist had just opened a practice nearby: now Sam wanted her crowns fixing, teeth whitening, in fact she had a long laundry list of expensive cosmetic dental work, that had to date proved uneconomical. She phoned for an appointment in front of us, coquettishly giggling directly with the dentist as she set it up. My mind boggled as I listened, taking me back to her lurid description of playing with the osteopath. Would he attend to her teeth before or after, I wondered? Surely not during, with his hand holding the drill, shaking with desire? And how about the bill – would they go halves, as per the bad back routine? Perhaps with her withered economy he might not even charge her, and she’d eventually emerge with the best gnashers on the south coast? How many sessions? Would Derek suss, or was he too wrapped up doing his bit teaching the students? And what was the latest with the colonel and the tree saga? Surely Sam’d find a way...

I’ve lost touch with her now, although she did phone me once after my divorce from Verna when she made a few casual-but-obvious

naughty suggestions, which, needless to say I didn’t pick up on. Over the years we knew each other I‘d had plenty of

time to study Samantha’s style, and listened to her stories long enough to realise she always had to

have an angle to obtain what was best for her - and that would not necessarily be for the

benefit of the recipient. I’d love to know the answers to the latest questions - but it’s probably best I don’t!

Samantha forms part of John’s planned next book, called ‘The Ex-Files’: all about his

ex-wife’s strange group of female friends! If you have any comment or observations, please let John know

on [email protected] – thanks!

By John McGregor

The ‘Ex’ Files.

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To advertise on the La Marina

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Contact: John McGregor600 088 341

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k Re



Compiled by Rob Innis

This month a crime thriller set in Spain, a Booker prize winner, and a topical thriller.

Deadly Secrets By Robert Tenison

Tenison puts his first hand knowledge of Spain and his research talents to good use in his fast paced crime thriller – Deadly Secrets. We are soon into the action as the first hapless character bites the dust and the plot thickens as greed and cunning come into play. The love angle is also in evidence with romances and lust but maybe someone has an ulterior motive?No words are wasted as something happens on every page as the story is told in short scenes, often in parallel with the other characters as they interact.

The complex swindle is credible and when the police and other agencies swing into action their methods are obviously based on reality, some of which might surprise you.

Mainly set on the Costa del Sol, but events cause the action to relocate to several other destinations and again the detail is good allowing the reader to visualise the locations.

Although we know who most of the bad guys are there are still surprises and twists as the finale unfolds and the characters, which in the main are well drawn, face the consequences of their devious activities. So a cracking good read for a debut book that will keep you turning those pages as the story climaxes. (Available from Books4Spain.com)

The SeaBy John Banville

After reading this, my third, Booker Prize winner I have realised that if you like slightly obscure, ponderous, with a large overdose of rarely used words (imprecation, maja, convolvulus - to mention but a few) that serve only to interrupt the stagnant flow with a basic plot and unbelievable characters (not to mention the rather suspect

‘twist’) then read Booker Prize winners. And yes I do admit to skimming a few pages near the end due to fatigue (or should I say the diminution of my attention) But perhaps this luminous novel about love, loss, and the unpredictable power of memory from an ‘Absolutely masterful writer’ was just not for me.

Thanks to last month’s guest reviewer - Margaret Rowland, aspiring writer and member of Torrevieja Writers Circle, who reviewed Fall of the Giants and thanks also to John Edwards, another member of TWC, who reviews:

Private Games

By James Patterson and Mark Sullivan

I have just read this latest book in a day. What two better subjects to pick than corruption within sports management and the intentions of a ‘hard done by guy’ who wishes to obliterate the forthcoming Olympic games in London.

That’s not all for we get layer after layer of intrigue to make sure that we keep those pages turning. Foisted upon us are characters that are definitely super natural but wear their knickers on the inside. Heroes take a beating, go without sleep and still they carry on working ceaselessly to foil the plotters. Yes, there is more than one nasty. Cleverly, there are women involved as well, but not only the over performing Yard detective who plays second string to our man hero. Mr Patterson throws in a teaspoon full of mythology to give it an intrinsic taste that arrived via a very nasty conflict of twenty years ago. Get the message. It is all designed to move it all along at a very rapid pace and it does just that. To balance out all the tension there is that other emotion, love, that does come shining through and it is well done.

It would be ridiculous of me to give you the ending to this fabrication as the Olympics will take place in July (see Olympics article in this edition) but I will keep more than one eye on ‘The News’.

Try a visit to http://books4spain.com/ a site I have recently discovered which is dedicated to books on Spain with reviews, offers and lots of other useful and interesting information.

All books reviewed on this page are available new and sometimes used from good bookshops and a variety of online book sellers. Some are available as eBooks which can be read on many other devices including a PC or Laptop as well as an Amazon

Rob Innis now publishedOn Amazon Kindle eBooks

For more information



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In this edition of TIM I thought I’d offer you a great summer recipe to try . Talking about what you should eat, how you should eat etc... is all well and good but we also need practical interesting and inspiring food ideas and recipes to make nutrition information a usable reality and get EATING!! I believe food should be three things:




This cooling quick fix pudding is of Iranian and Persian origin and is actually prepared during summer to beat the sweltering and yes, its name literally means “Ice in Heaven” and it truly takes you to heaven. It’s very good for the digestive tract especially during the warmer months. In Ayurvedic terms it will cool your excess heat.


Rice flour: 75g150g of fruit sugar or stevia sugar alternativeAlmond Milk/Rice or Dairy (you choose): 1 litre2 tbs of rose water5 Cardamon pods, crushed.2 tbs of crushed pistachiosRose petals for decorationToasted Chopped Pistachios: for garnishing


Place the milk, rice flour and sugar into a pan. Stir constantly over a medium-low heat until the sugar dissolves and the mixture begins to thicken (around 10 minutes).Add the rose water and the cardamom pods and stir until the mixture is thick and glossy. Remove the cardamom pods and pour the mixture into the container you want. It can be in bowels or small sweet shapes. Leave to cool in the fridge for 2 hours. Finish by sprinkling on the pistachios and Rose petals. Add gold leaf if you are feeling really decadent!!

Enjoy the dessert al fresco and with a glass of your favourite tipple.

For more healthy recipes check out www.nutrifitnutrion.co.uk

Summer NuTrI FIT recIpeS


By Lucie Nutrifit

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“ Get on yer bike.”Monthly cycling tips / advice and routes.

by Gary and Lynn “Cyclogical” Quesada.

Cycle Route 21: Quesada to Hurchillo .

This is a great scenic route with a few hills thrown in. Leave Quesada by the Arches and pick up the canal road past Alonso’s car garage (the canal is under the concrete slabs). Follow it over the hump-back bridge and into La Haradada, straight on at both roundabouts then at the first junction straight across, at the second junction turn right and cycle up a long gradual climb over the AP7 motorway (1.2kms ) then take the first on the left, you will now see the canal. Follow this canal all the way about 5kms until you come to a pumping station where you turn right, up the hill and pick up the dirt track which takes you into the car park of La Fortaleza restaurant. Turn right on the road and first left, you are now on the Pedrera / Torremendo road. Follow this road all round the Reservoir passing the pumping station and just keep going enjoying the view as it is breathtaking. There are a couple of hills to climb but nothing major, once you come to the first junction turn right and head downhill towards Hurchillo. After about 1km you start to climb and this is the hardest one, quite steep so you may need to push. We cycle up here every Thursday night after doing Rebate and as long as you are in the right gear you’ll manage it. At the top you will see a sign for the Country Pub called La Fuente and is well worth a visit and a great place to stop for refreshments or a meal, it feels like real Spain here and it’s approx 1km from the main road. After your break make your way back to the road and turn left, this is a great 3km downhill all the way to Hurchillo. At the traffic lights / junction turn right and head for Bigastro where you can either go through the town or stay on the ring road. The town square area is lovely with many places to stop and eat at. On your way back you can either pick up the river and head all the way back to Benijofar or stay on the road and head for Benezucar, Jacarilla, Algorfa and Benijofar then turn right and head back towards Quesada. This is quite a long route so make sure you have plenty sun screen and water.

Totals Cycling time: 6 Hours. Distance: Approx 65 Kms.

Summary: This is a beautiful scenic route with fantastic views over the lake and surrounding countryside, the ground is very undulating with a few steep hills, great route but not suitable for beginners.

All Routes are now available from our website.

Team Cyclogical,winners of the Team Trophy in last month’s Annual Marcha Cicloturista

“Trofeo Dama de Guardamar”

Paul Cunningham Nurses try to be there at the latter stages, free of charge, for any terminally ill patients. Already they have supported many patients and their families. This service needs a constant stream of funds and is supported by many fund raising events.

To help further raise the ongoing monies needed, there are now three Paul Cunningham Nurses charity shops Our team of nurses, carers and fundraisers are dedicated to working tirelessly. Many in the community have taken the Charity into their hearts and give generously, and not just money, as often just a little time can help a lot. Please help us continue helping more people spend their final days with dignity. If you would like to find out what you could do to help or find out more about the fund raising we do, please email: [email protected] or call 639 318 526. Give a little - help a lot!

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Page 36: T.I.M July 2012

1 cup jasmine rice

2 teaspoons unsalted


1 large clove garlic, finely


1/4 teaspoon red pepper


3 tablespoons pure maple


3 tablespoons fresh lime


3 tablespoons reduced-

sodium soy sauce

1 teaspoon cornstarch

4 salmon fillets (4 ounces

each), skin removed

1 teaspoon canola oil

2 packages (5 ounces

each) baby spinach

2 teaspoons black sesame



1. Heat oven to 400°F. Cook rice as directed on package. In a

small saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Sauté garlic and

pepper flakes until garlic is lightly golden, 1 minute.

2. Add syrup, juice and soy sauce; cook until bubbling, 3

minutes. In a bowl, combine cornstarch and 1 teaspoon water;

stir into garlic glaze. Cook until slightly thick, 1 minute.

3. Arrange fillets on a foil-lined baking sheet. Spread 1 teaspoon

glaze over each fillet. Roast until just cooked through, 12


4. In a medium skillet, warm oil over medium heat. Add 1

package spinach; sauté until just wilted. Remove from pan; set

aside. Repeat with second package spinach. Divide rice among

4 bowls; top each with 1/4 spinach and 1 salmon fillet, broken

into large pieces.

5. Drizzle with remaining sauce; sprinkle each with 1/2

teaspoon sesame seeds.


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TIM Magazine™

Asian Salmon Bowl with Lime Drizzle

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Costa Blanca

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Costa Blanca

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The Inland Magazine™

ACROSS1 Champagne (6)4 Whisky (6)8 Supporting column driven into the ground — wading bird (5)9 Nuclear reaction (7)10 Reading desk (7)11 South American mountain range (5)12 Pleasure (9)17 Golf course by the sea (5)19 Type of biscuit (4,3)21 Opponent of new technology (7)22 High IQ organisation (5)23 One who dies for a cause (6)24 Lariat (anag) — star in Aquila (6)

DOWN1 Hurried and noisy activity (6)2 Type of light soft roll (7)3 Milky coffee (5)5 Waterfall (7)6 Attempted (5)7 Fair and square (6)9 Having no commit ments (5-4)13 Vindicate (7)14 Fairy queen (7)15 Downhill ski race (6)16 Middle East market — fund-raising event (6)18 Lowest point (5)20 Ship of the desert (5)


SUDOKUJune´s Crossword Answers

If you would like the answers for this month’s crossword and can not wait for next months magazine to get the answers

please go to our website at www.timspain.com

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Costa Blanca

Page 42: T.I.M July 2012

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The Spanish have a fascination with fire and pyrotechnics; therefore, it’s not surprising in the land of fiestas that hogueras (bonfires) feature on the holiday calendar throughout the year. Las Fallas de San José in Valencia is probably the most lavish and well known, closely followed by Noche de San Juan in Alicante, but there are many others. Most burn bonfires and caricatures fashioned from papier-mâché in an extravaganza of flames and spectacular firework displays. What is surprising, though, is a small hamlet near Pinoso can boast a hoguera to rival anything the big names have to offer. Nestling below El Cabezo sits El Faldar; blink and you’d almost miss it. And yet each year the residents of Faldar construct an effigy worthy of a place in the hall of fame for hogueras. Burnt on the final night of their fiesta in late June, the effigy is the culmination of many months of work by a small, dedicated team of amateurs. It begins in the winter months, when ideas for the next hoguera are chewed over with sausage and a few nips of bandy. With only a modest budget, it’s amazing how they manage to produce large, sometimes huge, detailed models made almost entirely from wood. Miguel, the ramrod of the construction team, told me they first came up with the idea in 1995. 1996 saw the first effigy built, followed by one every year. These are just a few: a giant, old-fashioned gramophone that actually appeared to play music, a working water-wheel, a lighthouse complete with flashing light, Concorde in the process of taking off (each passenger window displaying the face of a resident or family friend) and the clock tower in Pinoso, so detailed as to be indistinguishable from the real thing. I asked the team what had been the most difficult to make, and the best, in their opinion? Without hesitation, they answered, ‘The Eiffel Tower. At over twenty-two meters tall, they were obliged to install a red light on the top to warn low flying aircraft. A crane was needed to manoeuvre the sections in place, and final adjustments required a man with a steady head for heights. And yet, after all the months of hard work, it was reduced to ash. I asked one of the ex-patriot members of the team what he thought about this. ‘At first,’ he said, ‘I thought it a shame. Now, I can’t wait to see them burn.’ There was a definite glint in his eyes when he said this.

El Faldar’s fiesta begins on a Friday night with the erection of the effigy, coinciding with the arrival of

San Juan Bautista (their patron saint) to welcoming Chinese fire crackers and rockets. The statue of San Juan then resides in the association clubhouse for the duration.

On Saturday lunchtime the Mayor of Pinoso visits for the inauguration of the hoguera. Arroz con conejo y caracoles follows, and as the afternoon progresses, a petanca competition, kiddie’s face painting and sports, concluding with a kind of pot-luck meal with live entertainment.

Sunday begins with a communal breakfast, followed by a mass in honour of the saint, more food, chinchon and finally the crema de la hoguera – the burning of the effigy, accompanied by fireworks. Firemen stand in the wings and children shriek with delight when the hoses are turned on them. Throughout, the whole occasion is great fun and well worth a visit. So don’t let size fool you, and pen El Faldar’s fiesta in the diary; you’ll definitely receive a warm welcome, particularly on Sunday night.El Fa




By Nick Faulder

42 E-mail: [email protected] • Web site: www.timspain.com

Page 43: T.I.M July 2012

Costa Blanca

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Page 44: T.I.M July 2012

A large woman, wearing a sleeveless sundress, walked into a bar

inDublin, Ireland. She raised her right arm, revealing a huge,

hairy armpit as she pointed to all the people sitting at the bar

and asked, “What man here will buy a woman a drink?” The bar

went silent as the patrons tried to ignore her.

But down at the end of the bar, an owl-eyed drunk slammed his

hand down on the counter and bellowed, “Give the ballerina a


The bartender poured the drink, and the woman chugged it

down. She turned to the patrons and again pointed around

at all of them, revealing the same hairy armpit, and asked,

“What man here will buy a lady another drink?”

Once again, the same little drunk slapped his money down

on the bar and said, “Give the ballerina another drink!”

The bartender approached the little drunk and said, “Tell

me, Paddy, it’s your business if you want to buy the lady

a drink, but why do you keep calling her the ballerina?”

The drunk replied,

“Any woman who can lift her leg that high has got

to be a ballerina!”

It’s 2012 and it’s the Olympics in London. A Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman want to get in, but they haven’t got tickets. The Scotsman picks up a manhole cover, tucks it under his arm and walks to the gate. “McTavish, Scotland” he says, “Discus” and in he walks. The Englishman picks up a length of scaffolding and slings it

over his shoulder.. “Waddington-Smythe, England” he says, “Pole vault” and in he walks.The Irishman looks around and picks up a roll of barbed wire and tucks it under his arm. “O’Malley, Ireland” he says, “Fencing.”

A girl enters an adult shop and asks for a vibrator.The man says: “Choose one from our range on the wall.”

She says “I’ll take that red one.”The man replies: “That’s a fire extinguisher.”

This blonde decides one day that she is sick and tired of all these blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid. So, she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart.

While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her Husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand.

Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. He notices that she is wearing a heavy parka and a leather jacket at the same time. He goes over and asks her if she if OK. She replies yes.

He asks what she is doing and she replies that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women are dumb, and she wanted to do it by painting in the house.He then asks her why she has a parka over her leather jacket. She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and it




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Page 46: T.I.M July 2012

It might seem like you’ve made the biggest mistake in your life but you will get past this difficult episode. It won’t be impossible to resolve a relationship conflict. Providing you both want to get through this you can overcome anything. If you’re angry with yourself for having said or done something wrong, remember that you are human and everyone makes mistakes. Work on forgiving yourself. It’s early days yet but eventually your focus will shift from the past to the future.


Someone in your life is living in denial and ignoring things they should be dealing with. You understand why they don’t want to face up to their problems but as a friend you are concerned. That’s why you won’t give up in your effort to help them cope. Once they change their attitude it will also change aspects of your life and your relationship for the better. In hurting themselves they are hurting you but it will take some time before they appreciate this.

When was the last time you slowed down to notice the beauty around you? The season doesn’t matter, whether it is falling leaves, rain, sunshine, wind or snow, take a moment to appreciate nature’s beauty. You’re so busy living your life that you aren’t taking any time to see, hear and feel all that is natural in your surroundings. Pause for a while to listen to the birds chirping and to hear the leaves sway in the breeze. Make time to smell the roses.

You have your own ideas, you can be headstrong but is this stubborn mood getting you anywhere? Your way may seem to be working fine for you but do you realise how much this attitude is upsetting those around you? People are starting to question decisions and choices you made so naturally and easily. That’s why you’re getting defensive. It is time to start listening to what they are saying and to stop creating further problems and difficulties.

Friends calling you at awkward moments are distracting you and stopping you from getting on. They may not understand your frustration when it’s not just one incident but a number of things that make it impossible to focus on what you should be doing. Rather than explaining your need for peace, lock the door and turn your mobile off. Someone who loves to gossip could be spreading nasty rumours and this will cause trouble in the workplace.

You have a lot of interesting things to discover before you reach the goals you’re now setting for yourself. You’re feeling more adventurous than usual and you want to achieve something special through trying new experiences. Be prepared for a few missteps and slips along the way to the top. It takes more effort to climb up a cliff than to abseil down it. Even the sure footed mountain goat, symbol of your sign, can slip in difficult conditions.

It’s going to take determination and effort to climb up that ladder to achieve what you are striving for. If you aren’t serious at the start, move aside to make room for someone who is more dedicated and focussed on their goals. It would be a waste of their time and yours to pretend to have an interest you haven’t got. If you are intent on your goal, the more effort and time you put into this, the more it will be worth it.

It’s difficult to escape a negative cycle if almost everyone you know is in it too. Relatives and friends you would normally look to in times of difficulties are trying to resolve their own problems and it won’t be fair to add to their troubles. You feel forced into having to stand on your own two feet but don’t feel tempted to sacrifice your principles for the sake of breaking out of this rut. Cling on to the important things of life.

Anyone who complains about life being uneventful isn’t seeing it from the same perspective as you. You don’t need fun, action and frantic activity to feel fulfilled. You value whatever time you can get to relax and be introspective. When you are ready you will get up, go out and make something happen. You could never be bored plain and simply because you make your own entertainment if there is nothing for you to do.

Not every bump in the road or hurdle that’s in front of you has to be faced alone. A wise and experienced friend or relative will help you look beyond your doubts and fears. The right kind of support can help give you courage and out of this you will find the inner strength to cope with whatever difficulties are facing you. Things can only get better so don’t waste your time worrying about anything. Onwards and upwards.

Finding some ‘me time’ when so many other people depend on you isn’t easy but it is possible. Set your alarm to wake you thirty minutes earlier each morning and use that extra time in your day to pick up a hobby or catch up on your reading. Whatever you do, don’t use this as a chance to get a head start on your usual chores or it will defeat the objective. A new friend or acquaintance has an offer or invitation to tell you about.

Special dedication will be needed to restore or repair an item that has emotional value to you. You will think it worth it and you won’t understand why some people try to put you off the idea. If you can’t afford to do it in one go, you will take it one stage at a time. If it takes special machinery or a special process, you will find someone who can help. There’s a lot to gain from being patient and friendly with grouchy individuals.

Taurus Gemini Cancer

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio



Sagittarius AquariusCapricorn

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June 22nd - July 23rd

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Costa Blanca


Fully furnished new villa in secure, gated community with communal pool. 2 beds, bath, lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, storage. Glazed porch. Available for holiday let by discussion. Build: 94 m


Plot: 201 m2 € 500 / mth


Unfurnished new detached villa in a private, gated community with pool. 4 beds, 2 baths, lounge/diner with fireplace, American style fitted kitchen. Glazed terrace, A/C. Garage. Build: 181 m


Plot: 887 m2 € 750 / mth

Ref 02609 La Matanza – ALICANTE

Rustic finca ideal for cultivation or for the construction of 2 individually designed villas up to 300 m


Excellent location with fantastic views. Only 10 mins from the Alicante-Murcia motorway. Plot: 25,000 m

2 € 89,995


Ideal for B & B. Spacious country house with pool and separate guest house. 8 beds, 4 baths, large lounge, fitted kitchen, glazed terrace. Garage (260 m


storage. Peaceful location with panoramic views. 3 mins drive from the town. Build: 245 m


Plot: 8,900 m2 € 189,995


Spacious detached house in enclosed gardens with private pool. 3 beds, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, 2 lounges, office. Light & airy property. 5 mins from the town and all amenities. Build: 206 m


Plot: 1,000 m2 € 122,500


Fully furnished ground floor corner apartment with communal pool. Fitted kitchen with all new appliances. 2 beds, bath, lounge/diner. Pre installation A/C. Within 5 mins walking distance to the town.

Build: 70 2 € 49,995

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Huge penthouse, front line beach with stunning views. 4 beds, 3 baths, fitted kitchen, utility, lounge/diner. 115 m

2 terrace. Communal

pool, 2 parking spaces. Lift access. Fully furnished and equipped Build: 150 m

2 € 350,000


Detached country house on an enclosed plot with lovely views. Neighbours close by. 3 beds, 2 baths, kitchen, lounge/diner. Spacious porch. Security grills. 2km from the town & amenities Build: 150 m


Plot: 3,800 m2 € 114,995


Studio apartment, only 2 mins walk from the beach. Lift access. Fully furnished. Lounge/diner, American style fitted kitchen, bathroom. Glazed terrace. A/C. Communal pool. Perfect for holiday use. Build: 34 m

2€ 36,995


Detached country villa in peaceful are with 4 beds, bath, fitted kitchen with utility, lounge/diner. BBQ, arched porch, storage. 5 mins from all the amenities in the town. Build: 130 m


Plot: 5,000 m2 € 149,995

We need more properties to sell! Contact us to arrange

an appointment

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c/ San Rafael, 11, 03318 La Murada, Alicante


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Buy Direct


Unfurnished, new build villa in a private, secure community with pool. 2 beds, 2 baths, American style fitted kitchen, lounge/dining room. Carport, roof terrace, storage. A/C Build: 132 m


Plot: 753 m2 € 650 / mth


New furnished detached villa in private, secure community with private pool. 3 beds, 2 baths, lounge/diner with fireplace, American style fitted kitchen, glazed terrace. Garage. Lovely views. A/C. Build: 180 m


Plot: 900 m2 € 800 / mth

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TIM Magazine™

Paul Cunningham Nurses try to be there at the latter stages, free of charge, for any terminally ill patients. If you would like to find out what you could do to help or find out more about the fund raising we do, please email: [email protected] or call 639 318 526. Give a little - help a lot!

The Royal British Legion in Spain: Pinoso Branch

Members of the Royal British Legion in Spain, Pinoso branch took a trip to the seaside on Saturday 26th May when they attended a march and fun day at La Zenia, courtesy of the RBL in Spain, Orihuela Costa branch. The event was the first opportunity for the Pinoso branch to show off their newly acquired standard. The photo shows a very proud standard bearer, Norman Spence, in front of the branch members just before the march commenced.

The RBL in Spain, Pinoso branch has a full programme of social events throughout the year so why not come along to one of our branch meetings, which are held on the last Tuesday of every month at La Blanca Paloma restaurant just outside Pinoso. You will be made very welcome and you may decide that joining the

Royal British Legion is for you

For more details, please contact: Ann Booth, Branch Secretary. Email: [email protected]; Tel: (0034) 686 696 365.


Email: [email protected]

(ONE SIZE: 95 x 45)

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Costa Blanca

THE artificial grass experts

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Two out of the three section winners, Jim Brightmore and David Fellows, who are both weekday members at Font Del Llop, showed everyone that local knowledge and regular golf can be converted into success. An excellent round from Jim, playing off a handicap of 13 and scoring 40 Stableford points, was the highlight of the day in the beautiful setting of this fairly new course nestling in the hills between Aspe and Montfort Del Cid.

In the absence of Captain Geoff visiting the UK, the organisation of the June Golf Day, was left in the capable hands of Vice Captain Graham Palmer with a little help from his friends. At one time he had 43 golfers wanting to play. This was eventually whittled down to 38 due to a handful of unavoidable last minute cancellations. Out on the course 10 groups prepared to tee off at 10.00 am from the First and Tenth tees. Despite the split start progress was slow as members tried their best to keep on the fairway. The longish, springy rough was waiting to devour wayward balls making them difficult to find. Recent hollow tining also contributed to problems for some on the greens making the Winner’s 40 points an even more remarkable achievement. In the Matchplay Knockout John Ainscough and Les Goddard progressed to the next round with wins over Graham Palmer and David Fellows. Ken Knight carded 34 points to finish the best of 8 eight guest players which included HVGS founder member Keith Williams now resident in the UK.

Before presenting the prizes the Vice Captain reminded members to respect the dress code when representing HVGS. On behalf of the Society he wished George Bromley and Arthur Lawton a speedy recovery from minor ailments. He welcomed the guests and hoped everyone had enjoyed the day. He praised the excellent turnout and congratulated the winners. Finally, he thanked the members who had helped him to organise his first event in charge.

Member Category H´Cap Points Prize

Jim BRIGHTMORE Gold Winner 13 40 Superior Wine John AINSCOUGH Gold Runner Up 15 34 Plonk Steve MUNN Silver Winner 22 30 Superior Wine Jim LYNCH Silver Runner Up 16 29 Plonk David FELLOWS Bronze Winner 28 28 Superior Wine Steve LEE Bronze Runner Up 28 22 Plonk Ken KNIGHT Best Guest 28 34 Superior Wine Dave STEVENS Nearest the Pin 3rd Wine

MarkBLOEMHOFF Nearest the Pin 7th (2nd Shot) Wine

John AINSCOUGH Nearest the Pin 17th Wine John AINSCOUGH Longest Drive 11th Wine Steve INGERSON Best Front 9 non winner 18 pts WineMartin TAYLOR Best Back 9 non winner 18 pts on C/B Wine Martin FORDER 2 on the Card Sleeve of BallsBob BERRIMAN 2 on the Card Sleeve of Balls Bernard COX Green Fee Refund €35.00 Cash Peter GLADWELL Football Scratchcard Southampton €20.00 Cash

Winners HVGS Stableford – Font Del Llop Golf Resort– Tuesday 12th June 2012

For information on how to join HVGS contact the Secretary, Jim Lynch, on 666 208 416 or email [email protected] . To reserve your place on the list for the Society Golf Days contact the Captain, Geoff Rabey, on 966 191 763 and 619 577 192 or e-mail him at [email protected]

50 E-mail:[email protected] • Web site: www.timspain.com


Hondon Valley Golf Society Forthcoming HVGS Golf Days and Other Events Tuesday 10th July El Plantio Meet 09.15 am in Clubhouse Tuesday 14th August Alicante

Meet 09.15 am in Clubhouse Tuesday 11th September Alenda Meet 09.15 am in Clubhouse Tuesday 9th October Font Del Llop

Meet 09.15 am in Clubhouse Tuesday 13th November El Plantio Captain’s Day To Be confirmed

Page 51: T.I.M July 2012

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Costa Blanca

The May meeting of the Campo was held at Alenda on a warm and sunny Friday with the course in its usual excellent condition. Unfortunately, we had to say farewell to some of our keen golfers who are leaving for the summer but look forward to their return later in the year. We wish them well.

Having missed the golf day in April at Altorreal, the writer received reports that, although it was well worth €27.50, the course does need some TLC. Nevertheless, everyone appeared to enjoy their golf and are happy to return.

The Alenda course, as everyone knows, is still good value for money at €35 and we welcome any new members wishing to join us here or at any other course we visit during the year.


WINNER DAVE BRATLEY - 32 ptsSECOND BRIAN JOHNSON - 31 ptsN/P 3rd JAN HENDRIKSN/P 13th MIKE BALSOMN/P 16th DAVE BRATLEY DATES FOR 2012 20th JULY ALENDA first tee 9.36am - €35 incl. buggy

24th AUGUST EL PLANTIO first tee 9.28am - €45 incl. buggy

Need your clubs regripped or repaired? “Mick the Grip” visits AJ’s in Nieves on a regular basis. Please speak to John or Ann for further detail - Telephone 965480718.

CONTACT BRIAN ON 966 677 852/ 618 834 774 OR BARRY 965 480 716/686 374 717 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES WHATSOEVER



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Singer Electronic Knitting machine, Pro Power complete home gym, Tel 965 486 566 Albatera.

Set of Wilson golf irons 3 to SW together with 3 wood, golf bag, balls, tees and trolley including golf shoes size 43 and bag. 60 Euros complete. Pinoso Area. 968 969 638.

Gents and ladies golf clubs, bags and trolleys 100 euros each, salon free standing hair dryer as new 100 euros, box of weights total weight 14kg as new 50 euros Tel 965 369 983 Benferri

6ft Pool table complete with balls etc, good condition, paid 1425 euros when new at spainpool.com, will accept 450 euros. Salado Alto, near Abanilla 966 196 609.

Cot, mattress, pillow, blankets, etc. 20€,Push chair, rain cover, canopy 25€,Car seat 25€, Very good condition Call 967 090 401 / 673 493 712 Caudete

Portable air conditional unit - vgc. Cost over 200€ will accept 60€. Thermostatic controlled mobile oil filled radiator - vgc - only 25€. 965 979 368 Beneixama (Villena).

Nursery furniture, pine cot and mattress suit up to 2 year old 45 euros, travel cot and carrier 10 euros, padded blue and white high chair and tray 30 euros, all hardly used in excellent condition Tel 968 685 364 Fortuna

A Pair of wrought Iron gates for sale. 2 meters High, Width 3 meters (total width, each gate with hinge 150 cm) 150 euros La Murada. Tel 649 280 204

Dark brown leather recliner chair with massage, had very little use as new condition 150 euros Mob 625 248 171 Torremendo Alicante

One white metal, double glazed window for sale, complete with separate grille. H.129.5 plusbox 1.50. W.1.30 V.G.C 100€ ONO Tel: 678 338 543 Teresa de Cofrentes area buyer collects

Two prom internal light teak wooden doors,& all trims (all still in wrap ) 200 euros also Honda pramac px2500 petrol generator hardly used Tibi area 240 euros, 07511 179 043 Engish mobile Tibi area

2 Piece settee, misty brown as new 250 euros Aspe; 628 029 279

Free Standing air conditioning unit, with warm air outlet and timer, self contained water fed 60 euros Monovar / Casas Del Senor Tel 638 337 357

Generator Fujiyama F-GF Petrol, New unused, High output 5.5kw, 390 euros. Hondon de los Frailes Tel. 610 667 706

Cast metal green Rose design oval garden table and 5 chairs. 966 196 631 Pinoso area

For Sale; Philips RW DVD player, type DVDR/730/00 for recording programs from your tv, hardley used ,Euro 50. Aspe tel 628 029 279

Cooker hood, wooden oak colour, brand new still in box, never fitted, cost 350 pounds, bargain at 50 euros Tel 633 324 547 Abanilla

Wii Cyberbike game with exercise bicycle controller - little used in original box €50. Tel. 965 978 874 or 669 615 185 (Pinoso)

Elegant inlaid sideboard/drinks cabinet - only 55 euros. call 966 196 634 La Romana

4 Vigas cemento 13x 2.60 mt 20 euros. 60 Bovedilla Ceramica 70e/eX25X13 30 euros. Aspe area, buyer collects. Tel: 965 495 041 Mob: 676 743 855

Pre-Natal 3in1 pram. Pushcahir, pram and car seat. Red and grey. Complete with matching bag and sunshade. Good condition 100 euros also Mamas & Papas automatic baby rocker. Battery powered. Multicoloured. Plays 5 tunes. Good condition. Castalla area. 25€ ono. 669 693 859.

[email protected]

Sell it Fast Sell it For FREE! You can place your unwanted items in our Classifieds section FREE of charge up to the value of 500 euros. Simply text your unwanted items too 680 976823 or email them to [email protected] remember, no more than 25 words per item and no more than 3 items per household, and please always include what area you live in, we do not take FREE classifieds over the phone. Last day for Free ads is the 18th of the month

When sending through your items by email, please only send in normal size text.

If you have an item for sale over 500 euros or if you have a commercial advert and would like them listed in the Classifieds section of the magazine, then call 606 891 644. Closing date for Classifieds in the magazine is the 19th of the month.

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Page 57: T.I.M July 2012

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Costa Blanca

Astral Pool Multivalve. 6 positions. Brand new, never used. 50 euros. Pinoso area. Tel 681 126 506

Dinning room table and chairs,Table and six cushioned chairs in pristine condition, used once. 199 euro or nearest offer. Tel 965 480 341 Hondon Nevis

Various steel wreckers, large drop leaf dinning room table and six chairs cost 1,400 pounds will accept 375 euros, immaculate resturant coffee machine 325 euros, double steak and meat grill 75 euros, four tv sets 25 euros each, three sets of golf clubs 25 euros each plus old cartwheels offers Tel 688 805 958


Large van leaving for Uk 26th June returning 7th July, space available both ways, ring Paul on 634 030 636

Joiner/Carpenter Fully qualified joiner. 35 years experience (12 in Spain), anything from a shelf to a new roof. All general repairs. Decking a speciality. Tel 966 182 839/662 048 869 or text 680 755 943

R E M O VA L S - D E L I V E RY AND PICK UP SERVICE.Large van and competitive prices. Call 658 626 315

T R A N S L A T O R -I N T E R P R E T E R - S p a n i s h -English Doctors, hospital, legal affairs, what ever the need be, 25 years experience. A professional service assured.Castalla,Onil ,Ibi ,Tibi ,La Foia area... Call 658 626 315

Spanish made easy. Basic conversational Spanish classes, Castalla/ Onil/ Ibi areas with a bilingual English/Spanish teacher. Interested Call 658 626 315

Have a service to advertise? Want to get noticed? Want a good price? Then why not enquire about advertising on the TIM Spain website, www.timspain.com or email [email protected]


Avon representatives required. Be your own boss, earn good commission and have fun! Call Jacqueline 679 548 451



2nd hand cars bought and sold Tel 691 260 502

Jeep Wrangler Laredo 4 litre, 1993, 128,000 klms, Itv until October 2012, suma paid, hard top and soft top included, tow bar, 3,000 euros ono Tel 644 125 597

For Sale Chrysler Stratus Sebring, 1998, 2.5 v6 cabriolet, electric soft top, nice car 3250 euros, All documents up to date, Lhd Spansih vehicle, 9 months itv, Tel 622 136 618




*Mono capa *Skimming*Rendering *TilingAll building works

undertakenCall: 686 264 099

Large van leaving Spain to the UK and UK to Spain every month. space available both ways, very reliable Tel or 690 818 090,

UK mob: 07504 927034 email:

[email protected]

B. J. TOOL HIREMacisvenda

You need it? We’ve got it!From Acrows to Wacker Plates

Collection/Delivery availableRepairs & Servicing to most

types of tools.Chain Saws re-sharpened.

650 763 177 or 636 286 841

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35 yrs unique skill baseall work licensed and

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Hablamos tu lengua –

We speak your language.

Translation/interpretation service. 10€ per hour.

Need a translator/interpreter? Are you a translator/interpreter

looking for more work?Please call 679548451


Freelance Writer, Nick Faulder: websites, magazine articles, ghost writing, etc. Research time is charged hourly, the written work per word. For a professionally presented piece, fully proofed and ready for publication, contact [email protected] for a quote.

ESCAPE THE HEATEnjoy a Mini Break near

the French Pyrenees. Book 3 nights and get fourth night and dinner free.




Cars Vans M/Bikes Quads etc.



Tel Phil (Fortuna)607 848 332






(See our main ad.)

For Sale Citroen Berlingo 1.9 diesel, Spanish Car, Year 2005, Itv’d very good condition throughout, 5 door, air con, cd/radio/ electric windows/ central locking, 167840 km or 104290.940 miles, lady driver, 4,750.00 EUR ono

Tel 606 891 644

Page 58: T.I.M July 2012

TIM Magazine™


Your unwanted mattresses any size and any condition, will collect please Telephone 644 125 597

Wanted gas cooker in good condition or gas hob electric oven 651 024 914 Castalla

Wanted ,2 wheel girls bike for 5/6 yrs old. Needed for the month of August - Willing to buy, rent or loan. Pinoso area. Telephone 965 978 743 or 608 574 449

“Country properties under 150,000 euros urgently wanted in Sax, Salinas, and surrounding areas. Buyers waiting. Free market valuation - no fee until sold. What have you got to lose? Contact Steve or Claire on 965 474 314 / 675 218 436 or email [email protected] Discretion assured.”

Wanted petrol lawnmower, push along or sit on, or an Allen scythe, please call 629 589 232 or email [email protected].

Wanted gas cooker or gas hob electric oven Tel 651 024 914 or 688 805 958


Do you have an Event/Events happening at your bar/restaurant? You can now place your up and coming Events FREE of charge in our Events Calendar at www.timspain.com. Get your business noticed today!!

A competent female vocalist wanted to collaborate with song writer and producer in the recording of new original unpublished songs. Must be able to sing and the ability to multi track an advantage. This is a serious commercial venture for some up and coming talent. Alexander [email protected]


PARTY YOURSELF INTO SHAPE FOR SUMMER!! Ditch The Workout, Join The Party!! ZUMBA FITNESS CLASSES with Certified Zumba Instructor In pinoso, La Romana, Fortuna, the Hondons, La Zara for details contact Donna 966 195 876/699 408 773 www.zumbaiberia.com

HEALTH & FITNESS Danze Fitness Fusion (similar to zumba), Sculpt & Tone, Personal Training, The Heathy Eaters Club. Classes in Sax & La Romana, PT venue or home. Call Tina (Dip PT, RSA, IAF) 659 422 501.

Car Boot Sale in Salinas nr Sax every Sunday/ fully legal, see www.rastro.timspain.com for more information and how to get there.


DOG loving couple, willing to care for your dog(s) in our home on a 1-2-1 basis,no other dog in home while yours in residence. Six years experience, references available. Reasonable rates, Pinoso area. For further details please ring 966 195 501, or e mail. [email protected]

FREE KOI & GOLDFISH – Large Koi and Goldfish free to a good home, I need the room. Must provide your own carrying bags or container. Email [email protected] or telephone 965 978 247 or 609 931 647.

You can always place your pets on our classified site: www.timspain.com, place up to 3 photos, let people see them!


La Romana for rent/for sale, unfurnished three bed new house in village, further details Tel 659 658 760


Are you house hunting/ or looking for a relaxing Holliday 30 minutes inland from the coast and 25 mins from Alicante Airport in the real Spain! Long and Short lets available, fabulous road connections to all parts of Spain. Golf Course 15 mins drive away. Two beds, two bathrooms, American kitchen/ diner, Sky tv, Air con, use of pool and jaccuzi, beautiful views, great for walking or cyclists. Sax area call 638 026 230 for more info and prices.

Dog loving man offers to look after your dog/dogs on a one to one basis, living in my house, walked twice a day and given affection allowing you to enjoy your holiday. Reasonable rates. 968 686 340 or 696 209 567 email:[email protected]. NEAR FORTUNA






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Page 59: T.I.M July 2012

A few people have said to me that they’d love to learn to fly but don’t really know what they would do with the license afterwards. After all, they could never afford to buy and run a plane of their own!

I suppose if you fancy a Learjet then that’s probably true. But there are lots of aircraft that can be picked up for less than five grand. Basic yes, but perfectly airworthy and loads of fun!

One of my favourites is the X-air. A rag and tube high wing affair, with a fiberglass pod for a cockpit. Pretty it ain’t…looks like Patrick Moore in a bow tie! But once you’ve got over this and shoehorned yourself into the cockpit the aircraft is almost tardis like it’s so spacious! The dual controls are solid, rudder pedals are fluid and with independent toe brakes for turning on a sixpence.

In flight the aircraft is very stable, aileron is quite heavy as is rudder giving you the feel of a much larger aircraft. Tons of elevator authority makes even 60 degree bank turns easy to control.

The X-air in standard form doesn’t have flaps, and although available as an option I don’t know why you would need them as it’s not exactly slippery, gliding about as well as Anne Widdecombe! But if you really need to lose some height quickly then opposite stick and rudder produces a sideslip enough to nearly treble your descent rate!

Slow is the order of the day, with a cruise speed of about 55kts. But you don’t buy this type of plane to go fast. Summers day over the beach, doors strapped open with the wind in your face soaking up the view….55kts sounds great!

As a training aircraft they are brilliant, and feel so big in flight. You could train a student to fly this and then stick him in a big six seater, I think he’d handle it.

If you were to bend it then all the parts are just bolt on. You could replace the entire undercarriage in a couple of hours, and probably get a bit of change out of 300€.

Insurance is 300€ a year, servicing costs on the Rotax 582 engine are miniscule, fuel burn is 17 litres per hour! If you’re on a tight budget why fly anything else?

You could buy four of these for less than the price of my Aeromoragon M1. Ok, not as cool, but cool disappears as

soon as next year’s model appears on the scene.

Owning an X-air is a bit like having a plain wife…. Nothing to look at but low maintenance, doesn’t let you down, fun to ride, and your mates don’t all want a go!

Oh well, it’s my wedding anniversary today, so better get back to my rather gorgeous one (Wife, not plane)!!

Don’t forget…flights from just 20€!!! Now on facebook as Solaero Flyingclub.

until next time,Chocks away!!

Costa BlancaCosta Blanca

E-mail: [email protected] • Web site: www.timspain.com

For more information see our main advert above or call 609 685 132 / 966 195 508 (Chris/Jan)

A View from the pilot’s seat

Winging it!By Chris Pickles. (Sol-aero Flyers)

Looks like Patrick Moore

Glides like Anne Widdecombe!

Page 60: T.I.M July 2012

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