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InnovationInnovationThe word innovation derives from the Latin word innovates, which is the noun form of innovare "to renew or change," stemming from in"into" + novus"new"Innovation is the development of new customers value through solutions that meet new needs, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market needs in value adding new ways.i!usion of innovation research was "rst started in #$%& 'y seminal researcher (a'riel Tarde, who "rst plotted the )*shaped di!usion curve. Tarde +#$%&, de"ned the innovation*decision process as a series of steps that includes-.irst knowledge.orming an attitude/ decision to adopt or re0ectImplementation and use1on"rmation of the decision Invention and Innovation/n invention is a uni2ue or novel device, method, composition or process. It may 'e an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating an o'0ect or a result. /n invention that achieves a completely uni2ue function or result may 'e a radical 'reakthrough. )uch works are novel and not o'vious to others skilled in the same "eld.)ome inventions can 'e patented. / 3atent legally protects the intellectual property rights of the inventor and legally recogni4es that a claimed invention is actually an invention.The theory for adoption of an innovation, called difusion of innovations, considers the likelihood that an innovation is adopted and the ta5onomy of persons likely to adopt it.Invention if the formulation of new ideas for products or processes Innovation is all a'out the practical application of new inventions into marketa'le products or services Sources of innovationPeter Drucker, one of the greatest management thinkers from the last century, defned in his book Innovation and Entrepreneurship !"#$% & classes of 'PP'()*+I)IES, -e named these the .S'*(/ES '0 I++'12)I'+., namely3 )he *ne4pected- /n e5ample of the une5pected is the development of 6utra)weet. / chemist developed a new chemical. /ccidentally he got some of it in his mouth. To his surprise it tasted very sweet. This was the start of a development tra0ectory that took many years 'efore 6utra)weet was introduced 'y )earle into the market. Incongruities3 Incongruities or con7icts 'etween opposing functions, re2uirements or values may 'e the start of an innovation. .or e5ample the re2uest for a small car with still enough space on the inside seems to 'e incongruent. This however was solved in a new design as the )mart. Process +eeds3 /n old prover' says that 8necessity is the mother of invention9. Industry and 5arket Structure- Industry markets and market structure may o!er opportunitys for new types of services. :utsourcing of activities such as maintenance of the IT infrastructure is an e5ample.Demographics3 emographics have long 'een a ma0or source of innovation creating opportunities for new types of products and services./hanges in Perception3 /n e5ample of changes in perception as source of innovation is the following. In older days health was seen as related to 'ody mass, meaning fatter people were perceived as more healthy. In the last century this perception changed as a result of medical studys that revealed that overweight was a risk factor+e6 7no6ledge3 Last 'ut not least new knowledge has produced many opportunities for new products. The emergence of micro*electronics and new programming methods and tools, 'iotechnology, nano*technology etc have 'een the main motors of innovation and progress over the last decades. This will pro'a'ly continue for the coming decades9. Importance or 8enefts of Innovation5arketTo survive adverse changes in operating circumstances;To make life easier for their customers and help them improve their 'usinesses;To gain competitive advantage;To protect market share;To reposition an organisation and raise its market pro"le; E4ternal 0orces To comply with legislation +actual :r anticipated,; To reduce competition and