1 Timbers Conservatives #12 A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from Douglas County, CO Date: 3-22-15 Vol. IV In this issue: 1. National Debt Clock 2. Opinion 3. Obama 4. Washington Politics 5. Newsbytes 6. Op-Eds 7. Heritage Action 8. Details 9. Colorado 10. Douglas County 11. Quote 12. Closing Note Monthly Sections: 1 st week Scandal Sheet 2 nd week References, Win/Loss List 3 rd week Readership 4 th week Local Events “Your newsletters are fabulous. How large is your editorial staff now?” U.S. National Debt: $ 18,159,678,910,000 (Sun .09:55 hrs.) Make NO MISTAKE! We are Homeland Security Washington cannot and will not fix itself

Timbers Conservatives #12 - News from Eagle County, ColoradoTimbers Conservatives #12 A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from Douglas County, CO Date: 3-22-15 Vol. IV In this issue:

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Page 1: Timbers Conservatives #12 - News from Eagle County, ColoradoTimbers Conservatives #12 A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from Douglas County, CO Date: 3-22-15 Vol. IV In this issue:



Conservatives #12A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from

Douglas County, CO Date: 3-22-15 Vol. IV

In this issue: 1. National Debt Clock

2. Opinion 3. Obama

4. Washington Politics 5. Newsbytes

6. Op-Eds

7. Heritage Action 8. Details

9. Colorado 10. Douglas County

11. Quote 12. Closing Note

Monthly Sections: 1st week – Scandal Sheet

2nd week – References, Win/Loss List 3rd week – Readership

4th week – Local Events

“Your newsletters are fabulous. How large is your editorial staff now?”

U.S. National Debt: $ 18,159,678,910,000 (Sun .09:55 hrs.)

Make NO MISTAKE! We are Homeland Security

Washington cannot and will not fix itself

Page 2: Timbers Conservatives #12 - News from Eagle County, ColoradoTimbers Conservatives #12 A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from Douglas County, CO Date: 3-22-15 Vol. IV In this issue:


Headlines Federal agencies made $125 B in improper payments last year

No record of Clinton signing 'separation' form Terror threat report leaves off Iran, Hezbollah

No more Freedom of Information [FOIA] under Obama WH Beck: ‘I’m out of the Republican Party’

House writes its own Iran letter, but to Obama

2 Days to Deadline on Iran Nuclear Negotiations 3 Weeks until Taxes due

Notice: I have had problems downloading some (not all) Breitbart articles. Attached is a red “Critical Threat” banner at the top with the bogus Norton logo in the upper right-hand corner. Already reported to Norton Security Suite. Re-boot your PC – no harm to your machine. Call Norton @ 877-272-7149 and refer to Case #2056700


A perfect storm Let me describe the “arena” for you:

Republicans have majorities in both House & Senate.

House Republicans already have a simple majority required for Articles of


Senate Republicans need 11 additional votes for a Super Majority needed for

Conviction and Removal from office.

Netanyahu won re-election – stronger than before

Obama exposed for funding & staffing opposition to Netanyahu’s election

A majority of Senators oppose Iran Deal (59)

360 Members of the House signed an Iran Nuclear Deal opposition letter to Obama.

House Republicans have a Super Majority (290) against the Iran Deal.

Defiant FOIA rules // Executive Privilege will backfire

AP is suing State Department for FOIA files

ATF M855 Ball Ammo ban forced off the floor by public criticism.

ATF Director resigns.

Page 3: Timbers Conservatives #12 - News from Eagle County, ColoradoTimbers Conservatives #12 A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from Douglas County, CO Date: 3-22-15 Vol. IV In this issue:


A.G. Eric Holder has resigned.

Opposition to A.G. Loretta Lynch nomination grows

Obama terminated Hagel as Sec. of Defense. Now on 4th in 6 years.

Pentagon Spokesman, Adm. John Kirby, stepped down.

Dan Pfeiffer & Jennifer Palmieri of WH staff stepped down.

FDA Commissioner, Margaret Hamburg stepped down.

Obama has antagonized the Courts over Amnesty

Court Injunction against implementation of Exec. Amnesty

ObamaCare is in the Supreme Court

Big Labor and Obama at odds.

Big Business opposes Net Neutrality

Obama will have to go up against Constitutional Attorney, Jonathan Turley.

Congress reining in the EPA and its secret science.

Judicial Watch indicates there are 18 FOIA lawsuits against the White House

26 States have entered a joint lawsuit against Obama’s Executive Amnesty.

Hillary lackluster campaign, credibility gap, possible criminal proceedings.

No good backup Dem Candidates for 2016

Harry Reid no longer Majority Leader, after injury.

Cheney’s scathing interview

Valerie Jarrett’s role in Iran Deal still unchallenged.

Congressional Budget cuts $5.5 Trillion

Sequester is an Obama “unforced error”

Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act

Obama has angered the Jews, Catholics, the Armed Services, the Small Business

Community, some Blacks, and any number of folks who have lost their healthcare or

receive less service at greater expense.

The more we squeeze Obama – the more he complains.

The “front” is building. “Clouds” are piling up and the “forces of nature” are

at work. Tornadic events are coming.



Page 4: Timbers Conservatives #12 - News from Eagle County, ColoradoTimbers Conservatives #12 A Conservative Precinct Newsletter from Douglas County, CO Date: 3-22-15 Vol. IV In this issue:


Obama ******************>>>


Always remember: The president is personally liable for his cabinet and other administrative staff under the “High Crimes & Misdemeanors” clause. If Obama knew of the private email address and did nothing about it – he is culpable along with Hillary.

[Israel] Top Obama official [Denis McDonough] to address Israel group opposing Netanyahu (There is a message in Obama’s opposition to Netanyahu. Try to guess it.) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/19/top-obama-official-to-address-israel-group-opposing-netanyahu/

[Israel] Obama congratulates Netanyahu on election win (Overtly disingenuous) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/28/obama-congratulates-israel-netanyahu-on-election/ http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/obama-congratulates-netanyahu-on-election-win/article/2561769

[Israel] Bolton: WH has done everything they can to defeat Netanyahu http://video.foxnews.com/v/4116590088001/bolton-wh-has-done-everything-they-can-to-defeat-netanyahu/?playlist_id=928378949001 - sp=show-clips

[Israel] Obama bid to beat Bibi backfires http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/18/obama-bid-to-beat-bibi-backfires/

[Iran] Obama Subverts Constitution to Achieve Iran Deal Obama is hell-bent on kowtowing to Iran. And he’ll subvert the Constitution to do it. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/16/obama-subverts-constitution-to-achieve-iran-deal/

[Iran] Obama ready to enlist foreign aid against America's representatives Reuters reported last week that major world powers led by the Obama administration "have begun talks about a United Nations Security Council resolution to lift U.N. sanctions on Iran if a nuclear agreement is struck with Tehran, a step that could make it harder for the U.S. Congress to undo a deal." This has now been confirmed by the White House. (Whose side is Obama on, anyway? This is willful intent to undermine Senate’s authority. Arguably unconstitutional)

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[Iran] US Annual Threats Assessment Removes Iran from Terror Threats List (Don’t tell me Obama didn’t have a hand in this maneuver. Quid pro quo)

The U.S. intelligence community’s Worldwide Threat Assessment removed Iran and its proxy Hezbollah from the list of terror threats to the United States. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/03/16/us-annual-threats-assessment-removes-iran-from-terror-threats-list/

[Iran] Democrats prepared to buck White House on Iran nuclear deal http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/democrats-prepared-to-buck-white-house-on-iran-nuclear-deal-116088.html

[Iran] It’s Clear Tom Cotton Won His Battle with Obama Even Politico, a reliably leftist media outlet that has done its best to support Barack Obama from pillar to post, is now tacitly acknowledging that hardline Senator Tom Cotton has won his battle with the administration over the letter he authored to Iran that was signed by 46 other GOP senators. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/15/its-clear-tom-cotton-won-his-battle-with-obama/

[Amnesty] ‘Like an idiot I believed that’: Judge blasts DOJ over immigration claims, threatens sanctions


[Amnesty] White House makes aggressive legal push on immigration A battle over a lawsuit filed by Texas and 25 other states, most led by Republicans, has put Obama’s programs in peril. In response, the administration is moving forward with an aggressive legal strategy, confident that the policies are constitutional. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/235729-white-house-makes-aggressive-push-for-courts-approval-on-immigration

Former White House Advisor: Obama Was ’Angry’ After Senate Killed Gun Control Former Senior White House advisor Dan Pfeiffer admits that one of President Obama’s angriest moments in the White House was after the Senate blocked his push for gun control. (Gun Control doesn’t rank with ObamaCare on priorities – yet he was the angry-est Dan Pfeiffer had seen. Maybe a “bad hair day” or maybe it really is an Obama trip-wire) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/16/former-white-house-advisor-obama-was-angry-after-senate-killed-gun-control/

White House confirms that Petraeus still advising on Iraq, Islamic State (This is schizophrenic! Petraeus was indicted for retaining classified government documents and STILL his advice is being sought on Iraq and ISIS?)

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No more Freedom of Information [FOIA] under Obama WH (Wow! He’s gonna blur the boundaries of FOIA and Executive Privilege) http://video.foxnews.com/v/4120388705001/no-more-freedom-of-information-under-obama-wh/?playlist_id=928378949001 - sp=show-clips

Obama administration sets new record for denying, censoring government files The government took longer to turn over files when it provided any, said more regularly that it couldn't find documents, and refused a record number of times to turn over files quickly that might be especially newsworthy.


Obama takes credit for economy http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/236165-obama-takes-credit-for-economy

President Obama Blames Bush for Rise of ISIS When in doubt, blame Bush. President Obama points the finger at former President George W. Bush for the rapid rise of Islamic State terrorists, and says the terrorist group is a consequence of the Iraq war. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/17/president-obama-blames-bush-for-rise-of-isis/

Obama doesn't want to mandate voting (Typical. Omar is just “stirring the pot”. Keep your eye on the target – those orders, memos, declarations which he has substantially undertaken) http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/236312-obama-doesnt-want-to-mandate-voting

President Obama floats mandatory voting (The president does not seem to have a focus on critical issues. He seems almost “scatter-brained”) http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/236255-president-obama-floats-mandatory-voting

[Fast Track] Dem: Trade officials ‘baffling’ lawmakers ‘with bullshit’ Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) on Thursday accused the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) of “baffling” Democrats “with bullshit” in an effort to advance President Obama's trade agenda. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/236345-dem-trade-officials-baffling-lawmakers-with-bullshit

Obama courts Dems on trade (Watch out! The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) could be a nuclear disaster all on its own!) http://thehill.com/policy/finance/235697-obama-courts-dems-on-trade

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CRISIS*DIRECTORY: 1. Presidential Irreconcilable Priorities 2. Presidential Defiance 3. Nuclear Iran 4. ObamaCare 5. Terrorism 6. “Server-Gate” Hillary Clinton 7. National Debt 8. Russia = Ukraine, Crimea 9. Executive Amnesty 10. Cyber Warfare 11. Internet Regulation 12. IRS 13. Benghazi 14. Veterans Affairs 15. Fast & Furious 16. Taliban Trade 17. Cuba * I have added Hillary Clinton (Server-Gate) to the list. Clearly, if Hillary faces criminal charges it impugns the Office of the President. * I have removed Yemen and Ebola. The former has been absorbed by Terrorism. The latter has diminished in threat and impact on America. * Not one of these crises has been resolved. Fast & Furious is still an open investigation 4 ½ years after fatal shooting of Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry (Dec. 2010)

*I have re-arranged the list of crises based on timeliness, threat and impact on America.

Nuclear Iran - pending

Deadline for Iran Nuclear Deal: March. 24th

Bolton calls Iran deal 'unprecedented' surrender Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton said Saturday that President Obama is negotiating “an unprecedented act of surrender” with Iran in discussions over its nuclear weapons program. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/235733-bolton-calls-iran-deal-unprecedented-surrender

#*@%^(&$# !!

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White House Scrubs Iran from Terror Threat Report http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/031815-744136-negotiating-with-terrorist-iran-through-appeasement.htm

House writes its own Iran letter, but to Obama A bipartisan letter on Iran signed by 360 members of Congress will be sent to President Obama on Thursday, one of its House signers said.


Author of Iran letter has 'no regrets at all' http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/235758-author-of-iran-letter-has-no-regrets

White House Begs GOP to Drop Tough Stance on Iran Nuclear Deal White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough wrote a letter on Saturday night to Senator Bob Corker (and the rest of the U.S. Congress) on behalf of the President regarding the ongoing nuclear talks with Iran. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/03/15/saturday-night-dump-white-house-begs-gop-to-drop-tough-stance-on-iran-nuclear-deal/

New photos reveal expanding reach of Iran in Venezuela and other parts of Latin America


Terrorism - failed NYT: $1 MILLION in CIA Funds Siphoned Off to Pay Al Qaeda Ransom Demand (Unbelievable) U.S. taxpayer dollars were siphoned off to al Qaeda in 2010 from a secret Afghan government fund that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) bankrolled, reports The New York Times (NYT). http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/03/16/nyt-1-million-in-cia-funds-siphoned-off-to-pay-al-qaeda-ransom-demand/

General: IS Recruits Could Enter U.S. via Caribbean (This is but one reason why Obama’s deal with Cuba is bad for American Security). http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/031315-743457-isis-could-enter-us-via-caribbean.htm

Terror threat report leaves off Iran, Hezbollah http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/236044-terror-threat-report-leaves-off-iran-hezbollah

Pentagon loses track of $500 million in military aid to Yemen, officials say http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/17/pentagon-may-have-lost-track-500-million-in-arms-to-yemen-officials-say/

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ObamaCare - pending Supreme Court heard King vs. Burwell. Verdict expected late June.

Republicans move closer to ObamaCare fallback Budget proposals from the House and Senate are moving the GOP closer to a fallback plan if Supreme Court strikes down billions of ObamaCare subsidies later this spring. Both chambers’ budget proposals include an obscure but powerful budget tool known as reconciliation, which allows committees to write bills that can’t be filibustered in the Senate http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/236147-both-chambers-relying-on-reconciliation-to-prepare-for-obamacare-case

GOP Senate Finance: At least $5.7 BILLION wasted on ObamaCare so far http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/236251-finance-chairman-wasted-spending-on-obamacare-at-least-57b

Senate Dems threaten to oppose deal on Medicare doc fees The aides issued the threat as House bargainers try preventing a 21 percent reduction in doctors' Medicare reimbursements scheduled for April 1. Negotiators want to craft an agreement annulling a 1997 formula that annually threatens deep cuts in those payments. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/15/senate-dems-threaten-to-oppose-deal-on-medicare-doc-fees/

National Debt – pending

It's ShowTime for the GOP budget fight Much of the fighting will center on budget negotiations, which get underway formally this week and are meant to outline funding priorities for the coming fiscal year and set limits on spending. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/its-showtime-for-the-gop-budget-fight/article/2561439

Federal agencies made $125 BILLION in improper payments last year

The level of improper payments was a new high after several years of declines. In addition to fraud, the errors included overpayments and underpayments, as well payments made without proper documentation. While the errors were spread among 22 federal agencies, three programs stood out: Medicare, Medicaid and the Earned Income Tax Credit. (How about correcting the incompetence in Washington rather than raise the Debt Limit. Punishment would work wonders on behavior modification! This is intolerable). http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/16/federal-agencies-made-125b-in-improper-payments-last-year/

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Medicare and the Sustainable Growth Rate for Doctors – in 75 seconds. http://dailysignal.com/2015/03/20/debate-pay-medicare-doctors-explained-75-seconds/?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRolv6zNZKXonjHpfsX56%2B4lX6WylMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4FRMtlI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFQrLBMa1ozrgOWxU%3D

Robert Rector Estimates Lifetime Retirement Costs of Illegals Granted Executive Amnesty at $1.3 TRILLION The lifetime costs of Social Security and Medicare benefits of illegal immigrant beneficiaries of President Obama’s executive amnesty would be well over a trillion dollars, according to Heritage Foundation expert Robert Rector’s prepared testimony for a House panel obtained in advance by Breitbart News. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/17/robert-rector-estimates-lifetime-retirement-costs-of-illegals-granted-executive-amnesty-at-1-3-trillion/

House GOP budget cuts $5.5 TRILLION in spending, balances in nine years http://thehill.com/policy/finance/235908-house-gop-budget-cuts-55t-in-spending-balances-in-eight-yearsRussia

Cyber-Security US close to indicting JPMorgan hackers http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/235787-us-close-to-indicting-jpmorgan-hackers

Net Neutrality - failed The legal case against Internet rules http://thehill.com/policy/technology/235672-the-legal-case-against-net-neutrality

VA Corruption – no progress

IRS – no progress

Keystone Pipeline – failed

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Washington Politics


ATF chief to step down http://thehill.com/regulation/administration/236423-atf-chief-to-step-down

[Lynch] Sens. Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker Announce Opposition to Lynch Two more GOP senators now say they'll vote against Loretta Lynch's nomination to be U.S. attorney general. She needs to win at least four Republican votes to be confirmed. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/17/sens-lamar-alexander-bob-corker-announce-opposition-to-lynch/

[Lynch] Fight over AG nominee Lynch takes racial turn, with ‘back of the bus’ charge. (Dick Durbin plays the Race Card. SHAME ON YOU, Sen. Durbin. Now

you will rate right up there with Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Eric Holder) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/19/fight-over-ag-nominee-lynch-takes-racial-turn-with-back-bus-charge/

[Lynch] Peter Kirsanow Details His Opposed To Lynch AG Nomination Civil Rights advocate Peter Kirsanow strongly opposes the nomination of Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder as Barack Obama's Attorney General. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/16/peter-kirsanow-details-his-opposed-to-lynch-ag-nomination/

[Lynch] McConnell blasted for 'unconscionable' delay in nominating Loretta Lynch The White House said "there's no single legitimate question" about Lynch's aptitude. (And who are you to “call the kettle black”? Some 200 House bills sitting on Reid’s desk says you have nothing to squawk about) http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/mcconnell-blasted-for-unconscionable-delay-in-nominating-loretta-lynch/article/2561565

Could Jim Jordan be next Speaker? (R-OH) Oversight Com. Gov’t Select Com. on Benghazi Judiciary Com. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/236227-could-jim-jordan-be-next-speaker-of-the-house

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Two Democrats want to restore voting rights for ex-felons A new bill unveiled by Rep. John Conyers and Sen. Ben Cardin would restore the voting rights of former convicted felons released from prison. (Dems are going to need felons to win in 2016!) http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/two-democrats-want-to-restore-voting-rights-for-ex-felons/article/2561796

Dem outcry on abortion measure they failed to notice threatens to stall anti-sex trafficking bill. (Another example of “Read the Bill”) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/12/dem-outcry-on-abortion-measure-failed-to-notice-threatens-to-stall-anti-sex/

Rep pushes bill to bar taxpayer money for lawmakers' first-class airfare http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/11/rep-pushes-bill-to-bar-taxpayer-money-for-first-class-airfare/

} Clinton Scandals (Server-Gate)

Clinton changes story (again). “Her team” reviewed all emails before deleting private/personal documents. Changes in testimony undermine her credibility.

State Department: No record of Clinton signing 'separation' form


Virtually impossible for top White House, State Department officials to miss Clinton’s private email address: security expert http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/19/virtually-impossible-for-top-white-house-state-department-officials-to-miss/

Did Clinton surrender right to privacy with private server? http://video.foxnews.com/v/4119581674001/did-clinton-surrender-right-to-privacy-with-private-server/?playlist_id=928378949001 - sp=show-clips

Hillary Clinton's Anti-Israel, Pro-Hezbollah Donor The danger of foreign influence-buying through foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation is seen in millions of dollars of donations from Issam Fares, a Lebanese politician and billionaire enemy of

Israel. (Hold the phone there, Ralph. Sounds like “Double Agent” dealing) http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/031615-743693-issam-fares-hillary-clinton-foundation-donor.htm

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Report: Conglomerate with Close Ties to Chinese Gov’t Donated Millions to Clinton Foundation A Chinese conglomerate owned by a delegate to the Chinese parliament reportedly pledged millions to the Clinton Foundation, raising questions about whether the Chinese are once again trying to influence U.S. politics with donations to entities associated with the Clintons. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/16/report-conglomerate-with-close-ties-to-chinese-govt-donated-millions-to-clinton-foundation/

Clinton Foundation donors while Hillary was Secretary of State had ties to foreign governments, report says http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/20/clinton-foundation-donors-while-hillary-was-secretary-state-had-ties-to-foreign/

Clinton Foundation health charity reportedly stopped publishing donor lists in 2010 (Clinton Foundation goes underground) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/20/clinton-foundation-health-charity-reportedly-stopped-publishing-donor-lists-in/

Andrew Napolitano: What if former secretary of state will never respect our laws? http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/03/19/hillary-clinton-what-if-former-secretary-state-will-never-respect-our-laws/

With so Many Red Flags, Why Isn’t the IRS Auditing the Clinton Foundation? Sixteen months ago, Nicholas Confessore and Amy Chozick wrote in The New York Times about the loose governance and financial performance of the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. For example, after more than 10 years in operation, the Foundation had internal controls that were only just coming into play while financial disclosures seemed sloppy and even misleading. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/16/with-so-many-red-flags-why-isnt-the-irs-auditing-the-clinton-foundation/

In twitter burst, Hillary Clinton slams GOP for working ‘against women’ (Sorry, Mrs. Clinton. Those snotty little attack slogans, esp. the ones about “war on women” don’t work anymore). http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/hillary-clinton-slam-gop-against-women-twitter-


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2016 Elections **************************

Larry Kudlow: Rick Perry: Time For a Military Man in the White House?


News Bytes**************************

Chicago’s Weekend Violence Tally: 22 Shot, 3 Dead The warm weather has now firmly taken hold of the Windy City, bringing residents to parks and the lakefront, but along with the welcome warmth some neighborhoods have also seen a rise in violence. Since Friday 22

residents have been shot and three killed in Chicago. (I don’t usually stick this in the Newsletter, but it is significant that Chicago has a weekly tally, and this goes on week-after-week!) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/16/chicagos-weekend-violence-tally-22-shot-3-dead/

Poll: Americans Want More Govt Spending, Lower Taxes, Legalized Pot (Sounds like a real intelligent crew, hey?) http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/21/poll-americans-want-more-govt-spending-lower-taxes-legalized-pot/

'Boeing's Bank' earns its name in closed-door rulemaking with aircraft titan http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/boeings-bank-earns-its-name-in-closed-door-rulemaking-with-aircraft-titan/article/2561649

Beck: ‘I’m out of the Republican Party’ http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/236101-glenn-beck-im-out-of-the-republican-party

Op-Eds **************************

'What would be most palatable to Boeing': Export-Import Bank's cozy relationship with its biggest customer? …And, the Boeing-Ex-Im relationship is unique in that Ex-Im actually dedicates 40 percent of its financing to Boeing. I can't think of another government agency that is so dedicated to serving one company. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/what-would-be-most-palatable-to-boeing-export-import-banks-cozy-relationship-with-its-biggest-customer/article/2561462

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Jay Sekulow: Obama’s revenge against Israel http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/03/19/obamas-revenge-against-israel/

Judd Gregg: A recipe for chaos http://thehill.com/opinion/judd-gregg/235746-judd-gregg-a-recipe-for-chaos

Ben DeGrow: CEA President on Performance Pay: “All Teachers Do the Same Job” http://completecolorado.com/pagetwo/2015/03/13/cea-president-on-performance-pay-all-teachers-do-the-same-job/

Only Bibi Can Effectively Lead against Iran's Threat A loss by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could, along with a bad Iranian nuclear deal, form a perfect storm of Islamist power. http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/031315-743485-israeli-election-is-a-churchill-chamberlain-moment.htm

Traitor Petition Run out Of White House Is Disgrace http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/031315-743486-petition-to-declare-senators-traitors-latest-from-desperate-obama-administration.htm

Cheney's Obama Critique Is Validated by Recent Events Dick Cheney isn't careless with words. So when the former vice president tells an interviewer, "I look at Barack Obama and I see the worst president of my lifetime, without question," it merits attention.



Byron York: On Benghazi, a timeline of State Department obstruction



Should preschool be in a federal K-12 education bill? http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/should-preschool-be-in-a-federal-k-12-education-bill/article/2561484

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Election Integrity

Oregon is first state to adopt automatic voter registration http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/17/oregon-is-first-state-to-adopt-automatic-voter-registration/


EPA's toxic mess on transparency http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/epas-toxic-mess-on-transparency/article/2561130

Obama's EPA and the death of federalism The Environmental Protection Agency, an entity well known for expanding its scope of power to advance an activist climate agenda, is proposing a top-down "Federal Implementation Plan" on states it determines are not sufficiently implementing the Obama administration's so-called Clean Power Plan. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/obamas-epa-and-the-death-of-federalism/article/2561359

EPA wants to monitor how long hotel guests spend in the shower http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/17/epa-wants-to-monitor-how-long-hotel-guests-spend-in-shower/

House passes GOP bills targeting EPA's 'secret science' A bill approved Wednesday would require the EPA to disclose scientific data behind proposed regulations, while a measure passed Tuesday would prohibit the agency from appointing registered lobbyists to the EPA's Science Advisory Board. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/18/house-passes-gop-bills-targeting-epa-secret-science/


Senate, House GOP differ on savings approach to Medicare http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/18/senate-house-gop-differ-on-savings-approach-to-medicare/

International Trade

Facing Dem anger, White House eases restrictions on classified trade files. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/236114-white-house-provides-more-access-to-trade-deal-details


GOP chairman pronounces gas tax hike dead http://thehill.com/policy/transportation/236117-gop-chairman-declares-gas-tax-hike-dead


US Annual Threats Assessment Removes Iran from Terror Threats List (Don’t tell me Obama didn’t have a hand in this maneuver) The U.S. intelligence community’s Worldwide Threat Assessment removed Iran and its proxy Hezbollah from the list of terror threats to the United States.

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Federal agencies made $125 BILLION in improper payments last year


GOP Senate Finance: At least $5.7 BILLION wasted on ObamaCare so far http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/236251-finance-chairman-wasted-spending-on-obamacare-at-least-57b

Secret Service seeks $8 MILLION to build fake White House for training http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/18/secret-service-asks-for-8-million-to-build-mini-white-house-for-realistic/

Rental cars for Michelle Obama’s Kyoto visit cost nearly $80 THOUSAND. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/20/rental-cars-for-michelle-obamas-kyoto-visit-cost-nearly-80g/


Steamboat Springs

Who owns Colorado?

Answer: WE DO!

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Congratulations Steve House is the new Colorado GOP Chairman

Vice Chairman – Derrick Wilburn Secretary – Brandi Meek

GARDNER’S ZINGER: Nails NASA for Shifting Focus from Space to Dirt http://coloradopeakpolitics.com/2015/03/13/gardners-zinger-nails-nasa-for-shifting-focus-from-space-to-dirt/

Out in the Bush ***************************

Town hall with Rep. Ken Buck – I attended the informal town hall at the Pegasus in Castle Rock on Friday. It was packed. I came away with mixed feelings: There was a landslide of questions about both House and Senate. Cromnibus, Homeland Security, Executive Amnesty, VA service and Veteran’s Choice Program and so on. The questions reflected the anticipated anger over the Congress’ failure to muster the votes to advance the GOP agenda – despite having conservative majorities in both chambers. The ouster of Spkr. Boehner was again brought up. Although I think it unfair that all this was laid in Ken

Buck’s lap, the hope would be he will take the message back to Washington and his peers. Editor

Feckless! I am so disgusted with the “new GOP” that I WILL NOT DONATE any

money to the conservative establishment, GOP, NRSC, Freedom Caucus, etc. until they “show me the meat”. Promises of more effective Leadership have woefully disappointed. We must not confuse activity with accomplishment – to quote the famous phrase. I am besieged by calls, emails, and letters asking for money. I have no idea how that money is spent. We still don’t get results. I know this hurts the young Turks in congresses who I admire and who really do stand for something. Better get the message to them early and not at Primary time. I see that Glenn Beck has bailed from the GOP too. PS: The GOP still owes me a Dick Cheney Limited Cowboy Hat after I donated back in mid-December~


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And here is another reason I won’t donate to the University of California Alumni

Foundation. Besides the fact they hired Janet Napolitano as President of the University System – was 9 campuses when I was there – asked Barack Obama to speak at commencement in 2014, and Irvine campus refused to fly the American Flag in their buildings – now they want to rename a building after a Black Panther who killed a cop. She was the first woman to appear on the FBI 10 MOST WANTED LIST.

I spent 10 years at 4 of the University of California campuses and received 3 degrees. An aunt, Carolyn Babcock, had an international dormatory building named in her behalf as part of a Presbyterian effort. I’ll be damned if I will support an institution of higher learning that has no better scruples than this!

Editor http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/03/20/student-group-demands-california-university-rename-building-after-convicted-cop/?intcmp=latestnews

Local Events: ***************

Douglas County Lincoln Day Dinner Save the date: Saturday, June 6th Location: TBA Final Call for DougCo Republican Women Dues.

Treasurer, Lucy Lord, as soon as possible. You can contact Lucy at 303-808-5059 or email at [email protected].


Stop the Boehner-Pelosi Doc Fix Bill

Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner want to increase America’s debt by $400 billion. That’s right. Even though he has a historic Republican majority, House Speaker Boehner is working with Nancy Pelosi to add hundreds of billions to our national debt. This is irresponsible and unsustainable. It’s a huge win for Barack Obama and the spending extremists in Washington. > > Call your lawmaker and tell them to say no to increasing our nation’s debt. The Boehner-Pelosi scheme will be moving to the House floor sometime next week. We must tell lawmakers to vote “NO” on the Boehner-Pelosi “doc fix” bill. They’ll say this is how you reform entitlements, but entitlement reform shouldn’t increase spending. Tell your representative that Congress must make cuts to pay for their spending, rather than increasing our nation’s debt.

Make the urgent call to your lawmaker today. Sincerely,

Russ Vought Vice President Heritage Action for America


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Margo Knutson of Coffee4Conservatives has joined with KLZ 560 AM to call for a “Money Bomb” as a congratulatory gesture for our new GOP State Officers. All you have to do to donate is to click on the link: https://secure.cologop.org/donate-25/ I am hoping they will push back the deadline for this, since I received it just yesterday.


Western Conservative Summit

2015 WCS15 * Sixth Annual

June 26-28, 2015 - Denver

"Your Story: Freedom Alive

The “other” conference – best in Colorado. Connections, Friends, Networking, books, workshops….wonderful. Special rates offered to college-aged students under 30 y/o. Never

disappointed. Editor

Scandal Sheet -1st of the Month Issue Obama’s threat of “considering corporate tax hike” is not a scandal (yet).

Obama’s threat to prohibit M855 ball ammunition in .223 caliber is not a scandal (yet).

Presidential influence on the FCC’s Net Neutrality, if verified, is a scandal.

Iran Nuclear Negotiations is a scandal – both the alleged content and the manner in which it was negotiated)

President Obama’s argument the United Nations should abandon the protection of Israel and to circumvent Congress in doing so – is appalling.

Hillary Clinton’s private (non-governmental) email and server is a scandal (just not presidential)… not until Obama attempts to excuse or cover it up.

Obama is considering making voting – “mandatory”


Frank Sinatra – My Way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU

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Some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for the sake of their party.

~Winston Churchill Closing Note

Please share this newsletter with your conservative friends. This is not on any

website and can only be obtained via my email address or phone number. Please tell me where you learned of the newsletter.

Suggested Reading

“The Case against Hillary Clinton” by Peggy Noonan

Never underestimate the strength of military women!

The Veterans Site

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I love this country and

I’m Proud to be an American!

In Loving Memory of my late wife, Judy.

She loved this country too…

The month of May is the celebration of graduates of

our military academies. I had the honor of

interviewing senior high school students who made

the first “cut” of applicants for Air Force Academy,

West Point, Annapolis and Merchant Marine. What

an honor.

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Being part of this team - One of the biggest thrills of

my life!

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David E. Adams, M.D., M.S. Fmr. 10th Medical Division, USAFA Precinct 342, District 28 2014 Alternate GOP Delegate Parker, CO (303) 728-9597

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are strictly my own and may not precisely reflect those of the G.O.P. Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, simply RSVP to this email address.