TIMBRE TUNES TIMBRE TALKERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB, CLUB # 1540871, AREA 19, DIVISION O, DISTRICT 20 Second Edition 2015-16 Special edition dedicated to DTM Baburaj Parakkal

Timbre Tunes - Edition 02,2015-16

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Second Edition


Special edition dedicated to

DTM Baburaj Parakkal



Editor’s note . 3

Road to DTM 4

Oh Toastmasters! What did you do to me? 6

Proud to be a toastmaster 8

Tall Tales Contest 2015 10

Club Officers Training 2015-16 12

Joint meeting: Timbre Talkers and Desert Pioneers 14

You can find us here 16

Club Officers . 16

Inside this issue…..


Fellow Toastmasters and soon to be Toastmasters,

Dias of Toastmasters provide plethora of opportunities to

develop a true leader in all sense. Most of the times in our

life we need motivation to push us whereas Toastmasters

teaches us to pull the opportunities to us.

Meetings are conducted in a room but it allows to break the walls of

inhibitions built by oneself.

The environment of a toastmasters meeting is intoxicated with positivity and

motivation which encourages to realize or develop our hidden potential.

All the fellow toastmasters are the living examples of the success of

toastmasters .

Personally, I have benefitted a lot from Toastmasters whether it is related to

communication skills or it is leadership skills. The list is unending and it’s still

a long journey where we get interesting challenges and the courage to face

them with e lan.

Second Edition of Timbre Tunes is very special as we celebrate the success of

DTM Baburaj Parakkal, Club Officers Training, Fifth anniversary celebrations

of Timbre Talkers, joint meeting with Desert Pioneers Toastmasters Club.

The season was wonderful and horizon seems bright and beautiful as always.


TM Tanujh Singh

VP Public Relations



Road to DTM

My journey with Toastmasters

began when my neighbor TM John

Joseph requested me to attend a

Toastmasters meeting as a guest in

March 2010. Reluctantly, I agreed

to attend not knowing that it will be

a turning point in my life. I was

warmly welcomed by the Ex-com

members and within few minutes

was impressed by the array of

speakers who did their projects.

During the table topics session the

Table Topics master asked if any

guest volunteer and I took the

challenge. The topic given to me

was ‘Characteristics of a Leader.’

Moreover only able to talk for 30

seconds was itself a big challenge.

Next came the evaluation session

and that got me really interested

because I had never came across

such evaluations where the

speakers are told the positive

aspects of their speeches and areas

of improvement.

I decided to join toastmasters

because I truly believed my public

speaking and leadership skills

needed improvement. Within few

weeks of joining toastmasters I

started delivering my projects. The

encouragement received after my

Ice Breaker motivated me to get

ready for the second project. One of

the senior toastmaster gave me an

advice which I in turn now share it

with new toastmasters, i.e. ‘give

your speeches as per the

objectives.’ Following his advice, I

started delivering my CC projects

with extra care given in adhering

my speech to the project objectives.

By the time I completed my CC in

1.5 years there was a drastic

improvement in my public speaking

skills moreover I realized my

hidden talent in delivering

humorous speeches. This

encouraged me to compete in

Humorous contest and went up to

the division level. After that, I

started incorporating humor in

most of my projects building up on

my strength.

Most of the Toastmasters dread the

table topics session whereas I really

enjoy and look forward to

participate in all the meetings. This

helped me to improve my thought

process and also my recollection

capacity of phrases, quotes and

incidents which are essential for

any speech.

On the leadership front, I took up

the role of VP Education in 2010,

followed by President of Timbre

talkers in 2011 and in 2012 took up

as the Area Governor. These roles

helped me to hone my leadership

skills especially to work with a non-

profit organization and interacting

with members from diverse

background. I took up the Judging

of the Division I contest as my High

Performance Leadership project

which helped me implement the

project management skills I had


In May 2013, I had the opportunity

to represent division I at the

District level International Speech

contest and was one of the finalist.

As part of my ACB, ACS & ACG I had

done the following advanced

manual. As I completed each

manual my speaking skills were

incrementally improved and also

helped me in understanding the

basic requirements for each type of


Distinguished Toastmasters Award

is not an end in itself, rather I see it

as just a milestone achievement.

There is still a lot to learn in Public

speaking and toastmasters is the

best forum for me to enhance my

skills. This journey would not have

been pleasant if not for the fellow

toastmasters who were my

constant companion during this

journey and their valuable

feedbacks helped in molding myself

to be a better speaker than what I

was five years back.

DTM Baburaj Parakkal


“Most of the Toastmasters

dread the table topics

session whereas I really

enjoy and look forward to

participate in all the

meetings. This helped me

to improve my thought

process and also my

recollection capacity of

phrases, quotes and

incidents which are

essential for any speech.”


ROAD TO DTM(continued…..)


Oh Toastmasters! What did you do to me?

The sun streamed through the glass

windows on the 15th floor - into my

office on the sea side. I turned to

face it and the rays lit my face with

its bright, rejuvenating radiance -

that which felt like a beckoning call,

a beckoning call right into my soul.

I look out into the sea and the

waves that crash upon the shore,

hitting and spraying foam upon the

rocks that lines its boundaries - the

boundaries within which it must

constrict itself to. The sun hides

behind rain clouds for yet another

moment pulling me into my

thinking mode.

With Area Contests, Division

Contests, DTAC down the line, Club,

Division and District PR activities -

all coupled with the hunt for a new

job and a squealing 4 month old in

my arms - man!!! Am I saturated? I

didn't purposely use the word

"Suffocated", coz "Suffocated" - I

was not.

It was just last year that I walked in

to Timbre Talkers Toastmasters,

excited and yet a trifle bit confused

and frightened about what lay

ahead. I walked right into the club

contest, participated and won. I was

congratulated, applauded and

treated as the rising new Timbrel. I

moved on to the area level,

participated and lost. But the same

crowd, congratulated, applauded

and treated me as the star that

would never quit trying - coz along

with being a new member who won

in the first try in a club competition,

I was also a first time Mom - 5

Months pregnant - and heavily


In 2 months, the responsibility of

being a VP Public Relations was

offered. I had lost my job during

that time, in fact - quit my job in

search of a better one at the

WRONG time. Being 5 months

pregnant and being in Kuwait

whose law advocated a paid 72

days maternity leave along with

another 3 months of reduced

working hours; no company was

ready to take the "risk" of hiring me

- no matter what I had

accomplished or what laurels I held.

In this scenario, I wouldn't lose

anything if I took up the

responsibility of VP PR, moreover; I

loved creativity... and take it up I

did. I learnt what it was to be a

team, I learnt what it was to be a

team player and I learnt what it

meant to be a leader. I learnt what

it was to keep my spirits high, no

matter if the world crashes around

you. And like luck has it, I receive a

call and land up in a great job with a

"work from home" option. Yes - I

am talking about Kuwait and "Work

from Home"

My belly grows as time went by and

when I was in my 7th month of

pregnancy, I receive a second call

from the Division Governor -

inviting me to be Assistant Division

Governor - Public Relations. With

work, and a belly that's too big for

my size, and nausea - I wonder if I'd

be able to take it up. But the voice

on the other end of the line said -

"Go ahead, we are all with you." And

take it up I did. I learnt what it

meant to be humble, I learnt how to

listen and heed and be lead by your

team. I learnt that greatness comes

from humility. I sat for Division

meetings - often sleepy and tired,

but smiled to see kind and

supportive souls - brighten me up

and pep me up for plans ahead.

Souls that let me pull back when my

mood swings hit me full swing and

souls that understood when

tantrums kept me away from

attending phone calls no matter

how important it was. I grew - not

just physically by the size of my

belly, but as an refined individual

all along the way.

TM Nancy Vijo


“I look out into the sea

and the the waves that

crash upon the shore,

hitting and spraying foam

upon the rocks that lines

its boundaries - the

boundaries within which

it must constrict itself to.

The sun hides behind rain

clouds for yet another

moment pulling me into

my thinking mode.”


My child was born on the 100th

Meeting Anniversary of Timbre

Talkers Toastmaster's Club, last

year in 2014. Being a toastmaster

from the time of her inception, she

was now a branded junior toast-

master and like a feather to her cap

- born on the 100th meeting. But

things weren't very favorable for

me at the work side - I'm forced to

resume work within a month, leav-

ing my child with my ever support-

ive papa - in - law. I continue to

attend meetings and work for the

club. There were times when moth-

erhood had taken its toll on me and

Toastmaster responsibilities would

drive me crazy, but there were oth-

er times, when I looked on to the

meetings to relax and network. I

would look on to the meetings to

see smiling and welcoming faces,

for the "go get it" "never give up"

attitudes. I would come home to my

child rejuvenated.

The sun shines brighter on me,

forcing me to shut my eyes and

bask in its glory. With tempera-

tures around 10 degrees and a cold

freezing wind, this is a welcome

change. The sun quickly sinks be-

hind rain cloud throwing a dark

shadow on me. I sink back into my

thinking mode again.

Almost the same time as last year.

Yet another club contest. I won in

the club level. Area contests are on

the way. I might win, I might not.

But it doesn't matter anymore. I

quit my job again, for the second

time in around 6 years of work life.

It feels like history repeating itself

(minus the part that I had a child in

me, now I a squealing 4 month old

in my arms). With my hunt for a job

still on , I'm approached with yet

another opportunity by the same

kind voice on the other end of the

line - this time for : "Division O Am-

bassador " from Kuwait. The same

voice said, “We will be there to sup-

port you; take it up" and - once

again - take it up, I did.

I'm swamped and saturated. Prepa-

rations for the Area Level Contests,

hunt for a better job, my child and

DTAC down the line. Being a full

time employee and manager in of-

fice; a wife, sister and mother back

home; being a VP PR in the club,

Assistant Division O Governor PR

and now the DTAC Ambassador -

has it gnawed on my sides? Has it

started to eat me up?

The sun’s rays hit back on me in full

vigor, cutting me off my thoughts. I

look out into the sea to find waves

crashing on the rocky boundaries

spraying glistening drops of water

into the air. The sun's rays beams

warmer on my face.

Have all these responsibilities eat-

en me up? Nope it hasn't. In fact -

Toastmasters has paved way to

make me a better me. I get selected

at all the interviews that I have at-

tended, probably coz I see every

question as yet another "Table Top-

ics' challenge. I perform well as a

manager, as I'm constantly chal-

lenged to come out of my comfort

zone at Toastmasters. I multitask

well, probably coz of the numerous

roles I play well at Toastmaster's

community. My 4 month old blab-

bers like she is delivering a speech,

as I completed my CC when I was

heavily pregnant with her. What

more could I have probably asked


And with all these, what had been

my boundary that I drew for my-

self? I realize - that my boundaries

had never been set by my husband

who is yet another toastmaster or

my siblings or my parents or even

my little 4 month old. My bounda-

ries had been set by me, myself.

Probably my fear, the fear that my

responsibilities as a mom and a

wife could only be done if I have no

other external activities - the fear

of failing at the opportunities that

were handed out to me at Toast-


As the seas and the waves crash at

the rocky boundaries, cutting me

off my thoughts again - I reminis-

cence - and marvel - at the way na-

ture has its own subtle ways of in-

stilling little lessons in me. And like

the waves, I shall hit on my rocky

boundaries, not to die down as si-

lent little salty sprays, but sprays

that glisten in the sunlight, like

sprays that smoothens out the

rocky boulders.

And will I constantly be able to do



As long as I continue to try..

As long as I push my boundaries a

little farther..

As long as I ensure that the sprays

glisten, no matter how salty it is!

As long as I learn to be humble

enough to learn..

As long as I never quit.

Oh Toastmasters! What did you do

to me?



Proud to be a Toastmaster

I have being in Kuwait for past 16

months and was wondering what

could I do with my past time and

suddenly this toastmasters article

pops up into one my internet feeds.

The next thing I know I was at the

Toastmaster’s fortnightly meeting

in my neighborhood. To summarize

my first encounter with

toastmasters; well I have never

experienced that amount of positive

energy under a single roof. They

made me feel special, I was well

received, introduced to the all the

who’s- who of the club. Right from

start till the end I was diligently

involved into the proceedings. I

came back that day with a feeling of

high, I had an introspection to do.

And the only conclusion which

came out of that fruitful session was

that I have to join this Institution of

self-development at the earliest.

Now that I am a proud member of

Timbre Talkers Toastmasters Club

my life has impacted at multiple


First thing I learned was is the

importance of “feedback”. I came to

realize that it is one of the most

important tools in the field of

communication. And at

Toastmasters, They all love to give

and receive feedbacks. It becomes a

way of life after a couple of meeting.

Being an extrovert person I am

always up for any interaction but it

always was a bit difficult for me to

first start the conversation and

later to continue the flow. But with

this tool in hand, I can now

effectively communicate with

others. I come up as more

presentable, amiable and confident

person all thanks to the feedback I

have received.

As a starter, I usually carry note pad

and a pen along with me to all the

meetings and to my surprise even

the most distinguished senior

leaders do that. As per them,

“learning stops only with you!” And

where else will you get so much

mental nutrients, so much to

ponder upon later but only at

Toastmaster’s meetings.

For every meeting; the theme of the

day outlines the discussion for that

meeting; it’s a good practice to

arrange few thoughts around the

topic so that you are ready to rock.

Then there is word of the day

introduced by the grammarian of

the house which we are all asked to

use during the meeting. These

initiatives not only improve your

vocabulary and thinking power but

make every meeting unique. The

several roles plays like Ah counter,

general evaluator makes you

accountable and if you are enough

sincere about them you are already

seasoning your professionalism.

Then there is this most entertaining

part of the meeting wherein we

have to deliver impromptu

speeches for a minute; that’s

something I always look forward to.

Toastmaster is also one big family.

We have guests and international

toastmasters visiting meetings joint

meetings. I could have never made

so many friends and important

contacts otherwise. And what’s

success without any enjoyment.

Humor is one aspect which gets

imbibed in the DNA of all

toastmasters. Most DTM’s attribute

their success to humor and rhetoric.

And where else but in Toastmaster

is the place where you hone these.

TM Abhinav Daharwal


“To summarize my first

e n c o u n t e r w i t h

toastmasters; well I have

never experienced that

amount of positive energy

under a single roof. They

made me feel special, I

was wel l received,

introduced to the all the

who’s- who of the club.

Right from start till the

end I was diligently

i n v o l v e d i n t o t h e

proceedings. I came back

that day with a feeling of

h i g h , I h a d a n

introspection to do.”


Toastmasters has introduced me

the whole range of attributes about

my personality which I never knew

existed. I started thinking,

planning, and the most important is

living a better life. And the whole

life ahead seems so bright. I am

confident most of you would share

my notions of this institution


“Coincidence doesn’t exist and

goose-bumps never lie. All you

have to do is turn down your

spinning mind, and continue to

follow all signs. Because you are

always worthy of becoming your

best and most actualized self.”

Victoria Erickson

Proud to be a Toastmasters, Are



“Toastmaster is also one big

family. We have guests and

international toastmasters

visiting meetings joint

meetings. I could have never

made so many friends and

i m p o r t a n t c o n t a c t s

otherwise. And what’s

success wi thout any



Tall Tales Contest 2015

Kuwait Toastmasters fraternity is

known to do something different

each year. This year to both the

Division Directors I and O – TM

Dr. Mohamed Makhlouf and DTM

Charles Pinho joined hands to put

forth a unique, uncommon,

unrivaled Tall Tales

Championship with a TWIST.

Both the divisions unleashed their

best talent they had amongst


Tall Tales – Which is an

exaggerated story or a lie crafted

in a speech form to make your

audience believe that this too can

happen or has happened. Tall

tales are often told in a way that

makes the narrator seem to have

been a part of the story, and are

usually humorous or good-

natured. The line between legends

and tall tales is distinguished

primarily by age; many legends

exaggerate the exploits of their

heroes, but in tall tales the

exaggeration looms large, to the

extent of becoming the whole of

the story. Each and every

participating speaker is given

three to five minutes to give a

short speech of a tall tale nature,

and is then judged according to

several factors.

Tall Tales with a twist –This was a

double trouble competition as the

adult toastmasters shared the

stage with the Gavelier’s for the

first time. Here all clubs held a

club competition several weeks’

back and got their best or most

deserving participant to represent

their club.

Later, the Curtain Raiser (semis)

was on the 23rd October, 2015 at

the American University Kuwait,

Salmiya. This was particularly

high spirited since the Best of 5

from each division moved to

represent their club to the finals.

Finally, the RED CARPET was

ready on the 6th November, 2015

where the all the finalist walked

with heads high and boot tight at

the Australian College of Kuwait

(ACK) auditorium. Close to a

hundred people witnessed a show

case of talent from both the

Division and Gaveliers.

Oh! What an outstanding oratory

competition, where the Gaveliers

outshined the adults and showed

their ingenuity. The two winners

from each category were honored

and the winner in adult category

bagged a return ticket from GULF

AIR to any desirable destination.

Kudos to both the Division

Directors and their able team for

putting forth a competition worth

attending and remembering.

TM Alifiya Lakdawala


Tall Tales – Which is an

exaggerated story or a lie

crafted in a speech form

to make your audience

believe that this too can

happen or has happened.


TALL TALES CONTEST 2015(continued…..)



Club Officers Training 2015-16

December 4th, 2015: we were lead

into the boundless halls of American

University Kuwait once again

eagerly awaiting the adventures and

animated training sessions set on

the agenda, we were not let down. A

brilliant collaboration between

Division I & O, Headed by, TM Alka

Kumra of Durrar Toastmasters Club

and TM Nancy Vijo of Timbre

Talkers Toastmasters Club. They

oversaw every last detail right from

the availability of members of each

club in attendance to the focus of

the “Team Awesome" challenge. Our

vigilant Division Governer’s DTM

Charles Pinho and TM Mohamed

Makhlouf backed them up as a

strong support.

We were stuck to our seats in awe

by the Keynote speaker DTM DON

PRADES: A Co-founding member of

The First Toastmaster Club in

Kuwait, who has since its Inception

been part of the Teaching Academic

at AUK, Heading the English

Department and leading his

students with all his years of

wisdom. During which period it only

took him took him 25 years to

accomplish DTM Level.

He headlined “WHO’S RUNNING

THE ZOO?” which took us into the

‘Parliamentary Procedure’s-a code

of ethics developed to establish base

rules and generalization for overall

EX-COM meeting Proceedings.

The Executive Committee to any

club is itself the backbone that

strives to constantly shake up and

positively encourage members

using professional tools and in a

systematic order so as to have a

very strong vibrant club

atmosphere and members that will

be enthusiastically benefiting

themselves and spreading the vision

of Toastmasters International.

Fundamentals of parliamentary


Justice and courtesy for all

Do only one thing at a time

The majority rules

The minority must be heard

Each proposition is entitled to a

full and free discussion and


The purpose is to facilitate

action. Not to obstruct it.


Call to order- facilitate a

quorum so that whatever is

decided is legal and can be


Reading and approval of

minutes – from previous

meetings so as to be approved

Treasurer’s report – has to be


Reports of officers and standing


Reports of special committees

Unfinished business

New business – time to be

introduced and discussed

Program for the following


Shown by a demonstrational video,

we understood Henderson’s

parliamentary guideline that easily

summarized for us, everything. This

is the link to the video for your

viewing pleasure: https://youtu.be/


Now ask yourself this question


Personally I feel it’s because,

Members don’t feel they are going

to learn something and this is why

its very important for the ex-com to

work on this aspect. This is why

Timbre Talkers Toastmasters Club

always joins and participates in

other clubs that helps us Learn new

ways of meeting conduct and hear

amazing speeches that opens up our

eyes to new sensations and gives us

so many more opportunities to meet

New people from all walks of life

and swallowing their experiences

thirsty For more because we learn

something new every day. A lot of

moments pass us by and we notice

them when we listen and pay

attention to the speech of another

person so I'd like to say "a little

introspection goes a long way".

TM Madonna David


CLUB OFFICERS TRAINING 2015-16(continued…..)

Members of Timbre Talkers

willingly went forth to help out

with capturing moments of the

meeting and all those who

participated, with the help of our

budding new Member Toastmaster

Abhinav Dharwahal.

I ventured on to Attend three

training sessions, and here is a look

at what I learnt.


By TM Anil Kumar of Bhavans

Toastmasters Club:

This individual takes up the role of

being at your beck and call before

and after any meeting and always

presents to solicit an inviting

atmosphere in the club. The SAA is

the first person on stage and makes

a huge difference impacting the

start of the meeting. Always follow

up with the members and makes

sure each person is up for any task

at any point of time. TM Anil then

spoke of having “moments of

truth”, wherein you engage with

the guests and members for their

honest opinions of the meeting

overall and role players and what

are the important tips that could be

used in future.


By TM Zenab Baniyan of Kuwait

Leaders Toasmasters Club:

We’ve Chosen ourselves to take the

effort to help our club grow as a

whole and work towards each

member growing and you are not

only confined to your single role,

this extends your wings to

Also being VP Education: You have

to assess a member’s learning

needs – and how you can exemplify

this and excel him further.

Be a VP Public Relations:

Promoting the club, the best you

can via word of mouth and using

online social media platforms. Most

importantly delegate a team to

work with you and delegate tasks

working with their strengths.

Download material and conduct

membership drives and host

outdoor meetings to get in new

members and also refresh the old

ones as we are always looking for

new ways and ideas to branch out

so learning from each other would

benefit us all.

Aside from making sure your

meeting has a “full House”, you

must set out your goals towards

achieving club medals and awards,

this is entirely a club initiative.


By TM Yousef Baniyan from

Kuwait Leaders Toastmasters


By human need, our values are

based on the recognition of our

duties by others, this is always

shown when you’re a Toastmaster

as your positive and encouraging

outlook can only bring forth good


TM Yousef Baniyan outlined the



Knowledge of your


Develop your strategy




Keeping focus on these points will

totally transform the club in the

grander scheme of things. Always

update your weapons you’ve

chosen to be a great public

relations officer. Get the

merchandised kits available on the

Toastmasters website. Also be

creative and design your own

posters and get involved in your

community activities that would

showcase the skills inbred in each

person and help bring out the

active and more cheerful side.

I’ve found that the baseline in just

these three trainings was to be

encouraging and self-motivated.

Only this attitude can effect change

positively towards the growth of

your club encompassing all the

beliefs of a Toastmaster. On a very

positive conclusive Note the

"Active Minds Toastmasters Club"

took home the Team Awesome

award as they worked together on

the difficult task before them

The world as we have created it is a

process of our thinking. It cannot be

changed without changing our

thinking. -Albert Einstein.


Joint Meeting: Timbre Talkers and Desert Pioneers

Joint Meeting: Timbre Talkers

and Desert Pioneers

Timbre Talkers had their 129th

meeting on 15th December 2015.

What makes it special this time is

the fact that it was a joint meeting

with Desert pioneers toastmaster


Yup! A joint meeting with all its fun

and glory.

Two heads are better than one. So

we had two toastmasters of the day;

TM Nancy (Timbre Talkers) and TM

Sukdeb (Desert Pioneers). They

enthralled the audiences with their

smooth speaking skills and wit.

The theme of the day chosen was "If

not you, then who? If not now, then


Such an elegant theme, isn't it?

Humans have the tendency to

'postpone', but it doesn't have a

place at Timbre Talkers! When an

opportunity knocks on our door, the

right frame of mind must be, "I will

grab it instead of leaving it to

someone else" and that's the way to

go. The role players for the day who

came to assist them were:-

From Timbre Talkers: TM Madonna,

TM Manoj Jacob, TM Abhinav.

From Desert Pioneers: TM Rajesh as

General Evaluator

The first speaker was CTM Krish

Prabhakar who gave a 20 minute

Keynote presentation. His speech

took us back several years to the

time of world leaders like Julius

Caesar, Adolf Hitler and Winston

Churchill. It was truly a

mesmerizing speech.

And finally, it was a special day for

the second speaker TM Baburaj

Parakkal because it was his 40th

speech after which he became a

Distinguished Toastmaster!

Congrats sir!

The cake cutting ceremony wrapped

it up for the evening but not the

celebrations. He was evaluated by

TM "Uncle" Xavier who was all in his

praise after completing this feat.

TM Shikha Chatterjee was the Table

Topics master of the day. Her topics

were quite random but jelled in

nicely with the theme of the day.

The best table topics award went to

TM Rajshekhar Iyer.

In the evaluation session, the best

evaluator award went to TM Xavier

for evaluating TM Baburaj's speech.

The photography session at the end

of meeting was real fun where

everybody wanted to be clicked

with DTM ‘The Baburaj’. He is the

new celebrity in town.

It is the legacy of Timbre Talkers to

have fun filled informative meetings

where everyone is welcomed. We

will take it forward.

Hip Hip Hurray!!!!!

TM Nandhini Narendran

And finally, it was a special

day for the second speaker

TM Baburaj Parakkal

because it was his 40th

speech after which he became

a D i s t i n g u i s h e d



Joint Meeting: Timbre Talkers and Desert Pioneers (continued…..)



1st & 3rd

Tuesday of

every month

7:15 pm to

9:15 pm





Club Officers:

Designation Name Mobile E-mail

IP TM Rajshekhar Iyer, CC 99815174 [email protected]

President TM Aftab Alam, ACB 55494351 [email protected]

VP Education TM Nancy Vijo, CC, ALB 97731210 [email protected]

VP Membership TM Madonna David 99147697 [email protected]

VP Public Relations TM Tanujh Singh 90988204 [email protected]

Secretary TM Nandhini Narendran 97138800 [email protected]

Treasurer TM Sagar Damani 51699408 [email protected]

Sergeant At Arms TM Annaji Sekhar 65969613 [email protected]