Time and Consciousness

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  • 7/23/2019 Time and Consciousness


    Time and Consciousness

    This is a lecture given at the 2013 Esoteric Book Conference,based on Chapter 2 ofVolume 2 of cience of !ight"

    There are a fe# ne# age t$pes #ho sa$ the$ don%t believe in time, #hich to me is like sa$ing that & don%t believe in

    having a skeleton" Bones are obviousl$ there, even if $ou don%t see them on a living person, and a ver$ important partof our e'istence" &n the ne't () minutes #e #ill understand Time and its importance in manifesting consciousness

    and therefore structuring our realit$" *e then #ill learn a techni+ue for timing rituals, because even a pett$ ritual

    #hen done at the right time #ill be effective" To the ritualist, altering the nature of manifestation, time is the ke$% to

    the door#a$"

    -irst #e must define time. Time is the force impelling events for#ard /kalana and is measured b$ change

    /parim" There are those #ho #ish to live forever, but the signs of age sho# that time is al#a$s moving for#ard"

    Ever$thing changes e'cept the fact that ever$thing #ill change" Time is a constant the onlyguaranteed constant,

    and has therefore been e+uated to god" The Bhagavad t4 sa$s,

    Klakalayatm aham (X.30b)

    & am the Time of the Calculators 5calendar makers6"Aham evkayaklo (X.33c)

    &ndeed, & am imperishable Time"

    The Bh4gavata tradition teaches that there are three different levels of time 516 7ara 84la. the supreme level of Time

    as a deit$ #ho motivates creation, 526 9kma 84la. subtle time creating the building blocks of realit$ and perception,

    and 536 th9la 84la. empirical time that is perceived in units"

    Time as a deityis seen as that #hich pulled forth matter /prakti from consciousness /pura, moving all things

    forth into e'istence" :niverses, solar s$stems, and planets spinbecause of the turningof this Time, and our

    individual e'istence as souls come forth b$ this movement" -rom a single undifferentiated realit$, Time creates

    differentiation #hich makes a $ou% separate from other%"Subtle timeis the making and unfolding of the soul%s

    karmas and the arising of thoughts in the mind" ;s a dream unfolds, this time is not dense, $et it structures the nature

    of whatis e'perienced and whenit is e'perienced /the se+uence of thought forms" Physical timedetermines the

    actions #e choose to take because it impells the desires / vtti #hich lead to our actions" Time is not manifested b$

    space /ahv but b$ action /kriy"% 516;ctions done in the ph$sical realm are measured in units of time, such as

    those seen on the clock, developed b$ umerian astrologers millenniums ago"

    Time as a god /the consciousness of Time is called reat Time /!ahkla and is generall$ said to be a form of arkness% /84l"

    he is the limitation of the infinite nature #hich allo#s us to e'perience a temporal and ignorant e'istence the

  • 7/23/2019 Time and Consciousness


    blindfold that hides our divine nature /making the illusion real" he is the mother of our material e'istence, our

    mental e'perience and our individualit$" &n our perceivable realities, the dance of these t#o are seen in the movement

    of the un and the ?oon standing opposite /pa and then coming together /saghaa each month, as the un

    leads this dance around the circle of the stars /bhachakra"

    Time is called that #hich is not broken /akhaa, meaning it doesn%t stop" The un and the ?oon keep spinning,

    #hich our solar s$stem pulsing /spana the #a'ing and #aning of the ?oon in a month, the lengthening andshortening of the da$s in a $ear" &n this same #a$, subtle time pulses the breath /pra of the soul /"#va, and as #e

    breath, thought impressions arise from the @va and come into the mind"

    k4l k4las$a kalan kalpan4hetur9pii AA

    84l impells /kalani time and is the cause of cogitation /kalpana"526

    Time, breath and thought are inseparable" To stop the mind, the breath is stopped and in the process one enters a

    place of timelessness. this is called irvakalpa am4dhi" Time moves and the breath pulses life forth, and thoughts

    arise" The nature of arising thoughts is based on tendencies /saskra from this and past lives, as #ell as the

    nature of the time% #hich is impelling the thoughts for#ard"

    v$omn4 ca vartate $asm4t pr44p4naprav4hakA

    -rom the void, he sets in motion the continuous in and out breath"dv4da4ntasthit4 $asm4t tasm4t k4l tu devat4 k4l par4 smt4 AA

    The goddess 84l #ho resides as the nature of the t#elve

    is kno#n as the upremeDpo#erDofDTime"

    k4lakala$ate $asm4t tasm4t k4l tu devat4A

    84l is the goddess #ho measures out Time"

    84l is said to be slim of figure, her limbs beautifull$ diverse and composed of time and momentF" he is called

    84lakak4la, the keleton of Time" The bones give structure to the bod$, as time gives structure to realit$" Time is in

    the bones, #hich are e+ual to the number of da$s and ruled b$ the un #ho turns time" The movement of the un and

    spinning of the earth mark empirical time, and generate life and breath"

    Units of Time

    7r4a Gespiration ( seconds

    Vighaika H pr4a 2( seconds

    haka H0 vighaik4 or 3H0 pr4a 2( minutes

    ?uh9rta 2 ghak4 or I20 pr4a (J minutes

    =or4 1K2(th of the da$ or L00 pr4a H0 minutes

    ;has 30 ghak4 or 10"J00 pr4a 536 12 hour da$light

    ;hor4tra H0 vighaik4 or 21"H00 pr4a 5(6 2( hours

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    That movement of mindDpr4a is time #hich is calculated and divisional"F5)6; Gespiration /pra is four seconds

    #hich is e+ual to one minute of arc in astronom$"

    i' pr4a create a vighaik4 composed of 2( seconds" There are H0 vighaik4s in a ghaik4 /that is 1((0 seconds5H6" ;

    ghaa is a large earthen #aterD@ar that has a hole in the bottom" *hen filled #ith #ater it takes e'actl$ 2( minutes to

    leak out, similar to an hour glass #ith sand" Calculations allo#ed the timekeepers to determine ho# long the

    da$Knight difference #as, based on ho# much #ater #as left at the end of the da$"

    Mur present s$stem of time keeping, #ith 12 /2( hours and H0 minutes #as developed b$ ;strologers #ho #atched

    the sk$" &t is s$nchroniNed #ith the breath and based on the rotation of the Earth, measuring the movementO change


    ;rk and time

    3H0P 2( hours

    1)P 1 hour

    1P ( minutes

    0P 1)% 1 munute

    0P 01% ( seconds

    P 0% 1)%% 1 second

    Time sustains the #orld b$ giving it se+uence and therefore order" The Qodiac is called Viu%s manifestation as Time/Klarpa" Thetime of birth indicates the position of planets, #hich indicates the karma of the individual and the

    enfoldment of those karmas in an individual%s l ife" -rom the astrologer%s perspective, Time controls ever$thing, and

    the stud$ of astrolog$ is the stud$ of god as Time /klapurua" The birth chart is a picture of the astral time, and an

    astrologer #orks to read this time as #ell as all varieties of time calculated from astral movements"

    7erforming rituals at a time that fits the fre+uenc$ of the ritual makes it effective b$ aligning the universe #ith $our

    intentions" !earning ho# to read time and kno#ing #hich increments are to be used for #hich purposes takes time"

    ;nd it is #ell #orth the time to learn, especiall$ if $ou are doing an$ t$pes of ritual" & #ant to teach a techni+ue to time

    rituals removing the negative effects of the planets"

    -irst though, #e must understand t#o t$pes of time in our da$, #hich are found in an &ndian m$th" The un, #ho is

    the visual deit$ of Time, had t#o children" The eldest #as Rama >harmar4@a, #ho #as born from the un%s #ife

    9n$a" ;s Rama upholds the natural #a$, his time is calculated from unrise" The other son #as 84la born from

    Chh4$4, the shado# of his #ife" 84la #as not interested in follo#ing his father and so does not depend on unrise" &n

    this #a$, there is time dependant on the un and time dependant on the clock, each has its purpose on various levels"

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    There are k4laDhours and $amaD

    hours" ; k4laDhour starts at H ;? no matter #hat, it is the automated clock that indirectl$ correlates to the c$cle of the

    un" This is important for civil purposes to insure that ever$one is using the same hour" ;strologicall$, it can be used

    to see the planetar$ hours and #hat the$ are bringing into $our da$ to da$ life" The $amaDhour starts at sunrise, and

    has 12 hours in the da$ and 12 at night" &ts siNe is lengthened or shortened depending on the length of the da$" These

    hours are often utiliNed in initiation charts"

    o# for something $ou can utiliNe.

    Klachakra Tantra

    The 84lachakra divides the da$ into eight parts and the night into eight parts" These parts are called kal4, and refer to

    the da$Knight divided into 1H hour and a half parts" *henever time is divided, it is given planetar$ rulerships based

    on the fre+uenc$ of its division" The rulership of these kal4s is according to the planets ruling the directions of the

    84lachakra" ; kal4 starts at H ;? no matter #hen the un rises"

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    The 84lachakra is

    an J petaled lotus diagram belo# is a line dra#ing, #hich is underneath the Buddhist ?andalas commonl$ kno#n"Each lotus petal is connected to a planet in an order specific to the 84lachakra" The first kal4 /1S hours of the da$

    #ill be ruled b$ the lord of the da$" The second kal4 #ill be ruled b$ the planet second to it in the 84lachakra in a

    clock#ise direction"

    -or e'ample, on aturda$, the first kal4 #ill be aturn%s kal4, the second ?oon%s kal4, the third #ill be G4hu kal4" &f

    aturn%s kal4 runs from H ;? till I.30, ?oon%s kal4 #ill run from I.30 till L;?, #hich places G4hu kal4 bet#een L;?

    and 10.30 on aturda$" ?an$ &ndian emphemeris /pac4gas @ust list the times of$hu kalfor each da$ of the

    #eek since this is considered the most inauspicious kal4 of the da$" &t is not beneficial to do an$ good #orks, but the

    best time to do ritual or other remedial measures" The chart belo# is for +uick reference and to insure $ou are

    calculating correctl$, but it is easiest to simpl$ remember the planets lording the 84lachakra"

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed Thursday Friday Saturday

    H.00DI.30 un ?oon ?ars ?ercur$ Uupiter Venus aturn

    I.30DL.00 ?ars G4hu Uupiter Venus ?ercur$ aturn ?oon

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    L.00D10.30 Uupiter un ?ercur$ aturn Venus ?oon G4hu

    10.30D12.00 ?ercur$ ?ars Venus ?oon aturn G4hu un

    12.00D 1.30 Venus Uupiter aturn G4hu ?oon un ?ars

    1"30D 3.00 aturn ?ercur$ ?oon un G4hu ?ars Uupiter

    3.00D(.30 ?oon Venus G4hu ?ars un Uupiter ?ercur$

    (.30D H.00 G4hu aturn un Uupiter ?ars ?ercur$ Venus

    The best time to do a #eekl$ ritual to a planet is on the da$ of the sign lord, at the kal4 of the planet" o if

    one has ?oon in ;ries, the best time for that individuals #eekl$ ?oon remed$ is on Tuesda$ at ?oon

    kal4 /1.30D3.00" &f Uupiter is in Capricorn then #eekl$ Uupiter ritual can be done on aturda$ from 1.30

    to 3.00"

    The kal4s of the night are also ruled in the same #a$ e'cept starting

    at the fifth planet in the k4lachakra from the da$ lord" Mn aturda$, the first 1 S hours after H 7? #ill be ?ars kal4,

    the ne't #ill be Uupiter kal4" &n this #a$, the evening starts opposite the da$ lord on the k4lachakra as if it #as the

    setting of the da$" Mn ?onda$, the last 1 S hours of the da$ /(.30DH is aturn kal4, at H 7? #ill become Uupiter kal4"

    This timing can also involve the evening /though need not if the da$ and night signs are taken into account" &f the

    un is in the ?ercur$s night sign, emini, then the ritual can be done *ednesda$ night at I.30 to L7?" &f the un

    #as in Virgo, ?ercur$s da$ sign, then it #ould be better to do a ritual on *ednesda$ afternoon during 1.30 to 3 7?"

    This can be follo#ed in man$ cases e'cept #hen the time is late in the night" -or e'ample, if Venus #as in emini, it#ould have its best time on *ednesda$ night during 1.30 to 3;?" ;s one #ould be unlikel$ to emplo$ a priest

    /pu"r# at this time or do other rituals like feeding the poor etc" then it #ould be better to use the da$ timing as ne't

    best" This timing is used for #eekl$ rituals to remove the negative effects of planets"

    The 84lachakra is for destructive /nihana purposes, and should onl$ be used for such or it #ill cause suffering" *e

    are tr$ing to remove the defect of a planet, #hich relates to the defect of that fre+uenc$ #ithin that #e #ant to


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    *h$ leave $our house for #orship if the temple is closedW The 84lachakra is turning and he is dancing" The kal4 is a

    door#a$ in #hich a specific energ$ can be accessed" *hen the door#a$ is open specific change can actuall$ happen"

    & recommend finding the specific G4hu kal4 for $our chart and begin using that time to remove $our delusions, so

    clarit$ and vision gro# in $our life"F

    516V4ts$4$ana, $4$a Bh4$a &&"3L, translated b$ 7annikkhar, Gaimon 84laakti. The 7o#er of TimeF in %onceptso& 'ime, edited b$ Vats$a$an, 8apila" This concept can be compared #ith the 8antian concept of Time #hich puts the

    manifestation of time #ithin space"


    536This is calculated in theatapatha rhmaaX&&"3"2J

    5(621H0 $ears is the time period for the precession of the vernal e+uino' through one Nodiac sign of 30 degrees"

    5)6BhadD;ra$aka :paniad &"("3

    5H6The 2( hour da$ has 1((0 minutes"
