1933 o Telex messaging network comes on line 1934 o “World Brains” 1937 o Bell Laboratories scientist George Stibit !ses rela"s #or a demonstration adder 1939 o $ewlett%&ackard is #o!nded 194' o T(e )om*lex +!mber )alc!lator ,)+)- is com*leted 1941 o .onrad /!se #inis(es t(e /3 )om*!ter o T(e #irst Bombe is com*leted 1940 o T(e tanaso##%Berr" )om*!ter ,B)- is com*leted 1943

time line computer

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• 1933

o Telex messaging network comes on line

• 1934

o “World Brains”

• 1937

o Bell Laboratories scientist George Stibit !ses rela"s #or a demonstration adder

• 1939

o $ewlett%&ackard is #o!nded

• 194'

o T(e )om*lex +!mber )alc!lator ,)+)- is com*leted

• 1941

o .onrad /!se #inis(es t(e /3 )om*!ter

o T(e #irst Bombe is com*leted

• 1940

o T(e tanaso##%Berr" )om*!ter ,B)- is com*leted

• 1943

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o  A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity

o Bell Labs 2ela" nter*olator is com*leted

o )!rt $erstark designs )!rta calc!lator

o &roect W(irlwind begins

• 1944

o 5irst )oloss!s o*erational at Bletc(le" &ark 

o $ar6ard ark 1 is com*leted

• 1948

o o(n 6on +e!mann writes First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC 

o &lankalk:l ,&lan )alc!l!s-

o “5irst act!al case o# b!g being #o!nd”

o “emex” conce*t

o oore Sc(ool lect!res take *lace

o &!blic !n6eiling o# ;+)

• 1947

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o anc(ester ark Williams%.ilb!rn t!6e

• 194<

o Cybernetics

o he !athematical heory of Communication

o 5irst )om*!ter &rogram to 2!n on a )om*!ter

o SS;) goes on dis*la" 

• 1949

o  lan T!ring =!oted b" he London imes on arti#icial intelligence

o Birt( o# t(e odem

o )S2) r!ns #irst *rogram

o ;>S) com*leted

o ;>S)

o B switc(es to electronics

o >>> de6elo*ed

o T % agnetic core memor" 

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o anc(ester ark com*leted

• 198'

o ;2 11'1 introd!ced

o Gre" Walter?s ;lsie

o agnetic dr!m memor" 

o +&L &ilot ); com*leted

o &lans to b!ild t(e Simon 1 rela" logic mac(ine are *!blis(ed

o S;) and SW) com*leted

• 1981

o )S2) *la"s t(e )olonel Boge" marc(

o 5erranti ark sold

o 5irst @ni6ac 1 deli6ered to @S )ens!s B!rea!

o A L"ons )om*an" introd!ce L;C%1

o +imrod on dis*la" at 5esti6al o# Britain

o T(e T!ring Test

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o  @+S;2DC ta*e dri6e

o  lexander >o!glas writes "#" #or ;>S)

o Grace $o**er com*letes %'

o S com*!ter o*erational

o B 70E agnetic ta*e

o @+D) com*!ter *redicts election

• 1983

o Grimsdale and Webb b!ild earl" transistoried com*!ter

o B s(i*s its odel 7'1 “>e#ense )alc!lator”

o o(n Back!s com*letes S*eedcode

o  W(irlwind core memor" 

o B E8' magnetic dr!m calc!lator introd!ced

o T(e 2+> )or*orationFs C$++) r!ns

• 1988

o ;nglis( ;lectric >;@); introd!ced

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o ;nglis( ;lectric >;@); introd!ced

• 198E

o >irect ke"board in*!t to com*!ters

o Librasco*e LG&%3' introd!ced

o T researc(ers b!ild t(e T%'

o 2)

• 1987

o >igital ;=!i*ment )or*oration ,>;)- #o!nded

o 5C2T2+

o 5irst com*!ter scanned image on S;)

o T$%T)

• 198<

o >igital &(one Lines

o $iginbot(am de6elo*s ennis$For$%o at Brook(a6en +ational Labs

o LS&

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o 2) introd!ces its odel 8'1 transistoried com*!ter

o SG; ir >e#ense S"stemH +etwork &ioneer

o SG; s"stem goes online

• 1989

o  !tomaticall" &rogrammed Tools ,&T-

o Br"ant )(!cking Grinder )om*an" magnetic disk dri6e

o )om*!teriing a “World Brain”

o B 7'3' ,“Stretc(”- com*leted

o S2 designs ;2 

o 19E'

o )CBCL ,)ommon B!siness%Criented Lang!age-

o >;) &>&%1 introd!ced

o +;) 00'3 goes online

o I!icksort algorit(m

• 19E1

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o )om*atible Time%S(aring S"stem ,)TSS- is >emonstrated

o B ntrod!ces 14'' series

o agnetostricti6e dela" lines

o in!teman missile g!idance com*!ter de6elo*ed

o +a6al Tactical >ata S"stem introd!ced

o Times(aring J t(e #irst online comm!nities

• 19E0

o  tlas com*!ter

o )ard 2andom ccess emor" ,)2-

o B 1311 >isk Storage >ri6e

o .ennet( 6erson writes A &rogramming Language

o T L+) introd!ced

o S*acewarK deb!ts

o T(e tlas )om*!ter deb!ts

o T(in%#ilm memor" 

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• 19E3

o  S)

o B;5L de6elo*ed at Bell Labs

o >)%1 com*!ter aided design *rogram is released

o >;)ta*e

o 6an S!t(erland *!blis(es Sketc(*ad

• 19E4

o )>) EE'' s!*ercom*!ter introd!ced

o >igital ;=!i*ment )or*oration introd!ces t(e &>&%<

o B 0318 disk cartridge

o B 0301 >ata )ell >ri6e

o B &a6ilion at +ew ork World?s 5air

o B anno!nces S"stemM3E'

o B introd!ces SB2;

o &roect T)T la!nc(ed

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o SB2; comes on%line

o SB2;

o Telet"*e introd!ced its S2%33 Telet"*e

o T(omas .!rt and o(n .emen" create BS)

o Trans#ormer 2ead Cnl" Storage ,T2CS-

• 19E8

o  Alphaville released

o 3) >>&%11E introd!ced

o B 0314 direct access storage #acilit" 

o Cli6etti &rogramma 1'1 is released

o Sim!la is written b" .risten +"gaard and Cle%o(n >a(l

o  Dictor 39'' deskto* calc!lator

• 19EE

o )arter#one

o $& introd!ces t(e $& 011E 

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o LL) D *roect begins

o 2) anno!nces its S*ectra series o# com*!ters

o Signetics <%bit 2

• 19E7

o B 13E' &(oto%>igital Storage S"stem

• 19E<

o >ata General )or*oration introd!ces t(e +o6a inicom*!ter

o B “innow” #lo**" disk dri6e

o T(e ot(er o# ll >emos

• 19E9

o $ooking !* J networks come online

o .ennet( T(om*son and >ennis 2itc(ie de6elo* @+

o T(e 2S%030%) standard is ado*ted

• 197'

o Banking !tomation 2eac(es t(e )!stomer

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o 5irst B com*!ter to !se semicond!ctor memor" 

o &ascal is introd!ced

• 1971

o $ewlett%&ackard introd!ces t(e $&%38

o LL) D s!*ercom*!ter

o ntel 11'3 memor" c(i*

o ntel introd!ces t(e #irst micro*rocessor

o Laser *rinter in6ented at erox &2)

o +etworked ;mail as an ;arl" “.iller **”

• 1970

o ) *rogramming lang!age is released

o S!*er&aint is com*leted

• 1973

o Birt( o# modern mobile networks

o n6enting t(e nternet

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o Linking t(e C##iceH ;t(ernet and Local +etworks

• 1974

o B anno!nces S+ ,S"stems +etwork rc(itect!re-

o erox &2) lto introd!ced

• 1978

o )ommercial +etworks !lti*l" 

• 197E

o )&M is de6e ,!se!mN 0'18-lo*ed

o ntel <'<' and /ilog /%<'

o a*anese man!#act!red d"namic random%access memor" ,>2-

o I!eenFs 5irst ;mail

o Ste6e Woniak com*letes t(e **le%1

• 1977

o  **le introd!ced

o  tari la!nc(es t(e Dideo )om*!ter S"stem game console

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o )ommodore 183' >atasette

o 2C c(i*s

o Tand" 2adio S(ack introd!ces its T2S%<'

o T(e )ommodore &;T ,&ersonal ;lectronic Transactor- introd!ced

• 197<

o 5irst com*!ters installed in t(e W(ite $o!se

o Laser>isc

o S(!gart 8 O%inc( #lexible disk dri6e

o  WordStar is created

• 1979

o  tari introd!ces its odel 4'' and <'' com*!ters

o otorola introd!ces t(e E<''' micro*rocessor

o Texas nstr!ments T 99M4 is released

• 19<'

o )ommodore introd!ces t(e D)%0'

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• 19<1

o 3 P%inc( #lo**" dri6e

o B introd!ces its &ersonal )om*!ter S%>CS released wit( t(e B &) ,&)-

o T(e 5irst ass “Web”H initel Goes &!blic

• 19<0

o )ommodore introd!ces t(e )ommodore E4

o 5ranklin releases **le “clones”

o nternetting as a B!siness

o itc( .a*or de6elo*s Lot!s 1%0%3

o S!n icros"stems is #o!nded

• 19<3

o )>%2C

o )om*a= )om*!ter )or*oration introd!ces t(e )om*a= &ortable

o icroso#t introd!ces Word

o 2ic(ard Stallman de6elo*s G+@

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• 19<4

o  **le )om*!ter la!nc(es t(e acintos(

o )>%2Cs introd!cedN m!ltimedia takes o## 

o )om*acTa*e

o 5las( memor" 

o atlab is released

• 19<8

o he C'' &rogramming Language is *!blis(ed

o +intendo releases t(e +intendo ;ntertainment S"stem ,+;S- in t(e @ASA

• 19<E

o )om*a= introd!ces t(e >esk*ro 3<E s"stem

o &ixar is #o!nded

• 19<7

o $"*er)ard re6i6es ("*ertext

• 19<<

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o at(ematica is created

• 19<9

o 1''N''' (ostsH T(e nternet )omes 5rom Be(ind

o )om*!ter de#eats master c(ess *la"er

o ntel introd!ces t(e <'4<E micro*rocessor

o acintos( &ortable is introd!ced

• 199'

o icroso#t s(i*s Windows 3A'

o &(otos(o* is released

o T(e QWorldWideWebQ is born

• 1991

o Lin!s Tor6alds releases t(e Lin!x kernel

• 1990

o &;G standard #inalied

o SS> mod!le

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• 1993

o ntel?s &enti!m micro*rocessor is released

o icroso#t Windows +T is released

o osaic *o*!laries t(e Web

• 1994

o )om*act5las(

• 1998

o Browser War H +etsca*e 6sA icroso#t

o >igital Dideo >isc ,>D>-

o B releases t(e T(ink&ad 7'1)

o a6a 1A' is introd!ced

o a6aScri*t is de6elo*ed

• 199E

o &alm &ilot is introd!ced

o Son" Daio series is beg!n

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• 1997

o )om*act >isc%2eWritable ,)>%2W-

o >ee* Bl!e de#eats Garr" .as*aro6 

o BFs >ee* Bl!e de#eats world c(ess c(am*ion Garr" .as*aro6 

o icroso#t introd!ces Dis!al St!dio

o T(e iacN a range o# all%in%one acintos( deskto* com*!tersN is la!nc(ed

• 1999

o  Wi5i )omes $ome

• 0'''

o 5irst camera *(one introd!ced

o @SB 5las( dri6e

o  0. b!g

o 0''1

o BitTorrent is la!nc(ed

o 5irst **le stores o*en

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o ac CS is released

o  Windows & is released

o iT!nes is released

• 0''0

o ;art( Sim!lator is world?s #astest s!*ercom*!ter

• 0''3

o Bl!%ra" o*tical disc

o "S*ace #o!nded

o &owerac G8 is released

• 0''4

o GoogleFs &C and t(e +ewN Slow Boom

o $acker gro!* non"mo!s #orms

o “Web 0A'” brings back nteracti6it" 

• 0''8

o Leno6o ac=!ires B?s &) b!siness

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• 0''E

o  maon Web Ser6ices La!nc(es )lo!d%Based Ser6ices

o  Derb ?to google? added to dictionaries

o  WikiLeaks establis(ed

o “T(e )lo!d”H )om*!ter !tilities ret!rn

• 0''7

o >ro*box

o 5irst 1 TB (ard disk dri6e ,$>>-

o T(e maon .indle is released

o T(e **le i&(one is released

• 0''<

o T(e acBook ir is released

• 0''9

o )lo!d%based network%attac(ed storage sol!tions

o B?s 2oadr!nner s!*ercom*!ter is com*leted

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• 0'1'

o T(e **le i&ad is released

• 0'11

o  dobe )reati6e )lo!d is nno!nced

o  rab S*ring *rotests s*read b" social media

o Siri is nno!nced

o 5acebook c=!ires nstagram

• 0'13

o ;dward Snowden

o T(e Stable 2elease o# icroso#t C##ice 3E8 is @n6eiled

• 0'14

o $TL 8 is nno!nced

• 0'18

o  **le Watc(

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,arketereN 0'18-

 ,#ormaciRnN 0'18-

Museum, C. H. (2015). Timeline of Computer History . Obtenido dehttp://www.computerhistory.or/time!ine/networ"in#the#web/

 $%Cs y &orm'cin, . (2015). TICs y formación timeline. Obtenido dehttp://ticsyorm'cion.com/2011/10/0*/inno+'ciones#en#educ'cion#

time!ine#inor''#inor'phic#educ'tion/M'r"etere, -. $. (2015). Social Media Timeline. Obtenido de


Museum, C. H. (2015). Timeline of Computer History . Obtenido dehttp://www.computerhistory.or/time!ine/networ"in#the#web/