Time Management- Rishi

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  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Time Management

    Jagmohan Singh Rishi

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Section 1

    Effective Time Management

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Time Management Principles

    Time Management Principles

    Spent Time Matrix

    Quadrant 2

    Effective Time Management

    What is Time Management?

    Essential Habits

    Types of Time

    Productive Work

    Busy versus Productive

    Urgency versus Importance


  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Key Concepts Identify the main obstacles to effective Time

    Management in your daily role.

    Understand the nature of Time Management. Understand a range of tools, techniques and

    concepts for Time Management.

    Use these techniques to build an effective Time

    Management process that will enhance yourproductivity and lower your stress.

    Explain the benefits of having an effective TimeManagement process.

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    Some simple concepts What is Time Management?

    Time as a Commodity

    Essential Habits

    Types of Time

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    Time is what we want most,but what we use worst.

    William Penn

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    What is Time Management?

    Time management has five main aspects:

    Planning & Goal Setting

    Managing Yourself

    Dealing With Other People

    Your Time Getting Results

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    Time as a Commodity

    The following simple statements will assist you

    frame the importance of time in everything thatyou do.

    Time is the most precious thing we have

    Time is ultimately the most valuable resource

    Time and how we spend it within theorganization must be managed effectively

    Time is totally perishable

    Time cannot be stored up for use later

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    Essential Habits

    Research and experience have consistently shownthat there are essential habits that driveexcellent time management. These include:

    Know where the hours are going

    Keep focused on the end result

    Work to defined priorities

    Schedule time for important issues

    Delegate routine tasks and responsibility for

    them Confront your own indecision and delay

    Take the stress out of work

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    Section 2

    Time Management Principles

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    Inside the cage, hang a banana on a stringand place a set of stairs under it.

    Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs

    and start to climb towards the banana.

    As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all ofthe monkeys with cold water.

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Individuals and organizations are payingincreased attention to time managementas a route to maximizing the return onactivities undertaken.

    There are four basic principles to consider:

    Time Management Principles

    Spent Time Matrix

    Quadrant 2

    Time Based Management

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    Time = life;

    therefore, waste your time and

    waste of your life,


    master your time and master your


  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Spent i e t i





    i es


    Preventi n

    Relati nship ildingPlanning

    Recreati n

    Interrupti ns

    Some eetings

    Popular ctivities

    Pleasant ctivities

    Busy Work

    Time asters


    Urgent Not Urgent




  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Quadrant 1 brings

    Stress & Burnout Crises management


    Focus on the immediate

    Quadrant brings

    Short term focus

    Crises management Low value on goals

    Feeling of victimization / lack of control

    Shallow relationships

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Quadrants & Cycling between Quadrants & brings:

    Total irresponsibility

    High dependency on others for basics

    Dissatisfaction in Long run


    Being in Quadrant brings:


    Perspective Balance



  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi



    Identify which quadrant you are

    currently in.

    Is it the most productive?

    What factors cause you to be in this

    particular quadrant?

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    In most organizations, when this matrix was applied it

    was found that most people tend to occupy quadrantbecause these tasks usually do not cause stress andcreate sometimes secure, a comfort zone.

    To illustrate,

    I am busy so I must be doing well.

    Moving between quadrant and can also represent aform of safe procrastination where the individual believesthat if they got around to things that all would be fine!

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    The Time Quadrants - Your College days

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Characteristics of a Quadrant 2


    From the above descriptions, it is clear

    that the most efficient quadrant to be in is

    Quadrant .

    Individuals that consistently occupy this

    space tend to share particularcharacteristics.

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    There are five basic criteria to allow a

    person to successfully function in

    Quadrant :


    Balance and Flexibility

    Focus An ability to get on with people

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    Quadrant 2 Requirements

    The basic requirements to reach Quadrant are: Clear definition of organizational roles and specifically your own


    Selection of and focus on SMART goals

    Development and utilization of schedules

    The practice of daily adapting in work role

    Saying No and Quadrant 2

    To stay within Quadrant , there is a requirement that youmust say no: In a professional manner

    When items are associated with Quadrant orQuadrantactivities

    Not important not urgent

    Will not deliver competitive advantage

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Dont be fooled by the calendar. There are

    only as many days in the year as you

    make use of. One man gets only a weeksvalue out of a year while another man gets

    a full years value out of a week.

    Charles Richards

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Urgency V Importance

    Have you ever noticed that everything at

    work is always urgent these days? But

    have you ever considered that everything

    urgent may not be important?

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    The Big Rocks

    Each week, you have priority

    tasks that MUST/SHOULDget done; These can be

    classed as your Big Rocks.

    There are also the non-important things that usually

    are not a priority; these are

    known as the Small Rocks.

    These big rocks are the most

    important things that need to

    be done and are linked to

    your mission statement and

    goals. Big RocksDVD1

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Once you have mastered time, you will

    understand how true it is that most people

    overestimate what they can accomplish ina year - and underestimate what they can

    achieve in a decade!

    Anthony Robbins

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Pre-Analysis Of Performance Pre-Analysis Of Performance

    The ability to learn from past experience allowstime management to improve performance aswell as the discipline of reviewing pastperformance allows the organization to:

    Define critical points in processes that need tohave particular attention paid to them

    Improve the overall utilization of resources bycapturing and implementing best practice

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    Analysis of Goals and Objectives

    By setting goals that relate to business

    performance and conform to SMART criteria the

    organization will improve productivity: S -- Specific and well defined objectives

    M -- Measurable outputs and inputs.

    A-- Achievable in terms of resources availableand expectations

    R -- Relevant to the overall business strategy

    T -- Time bound with an operational schedule

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    Problem No.

    Setting unchallenging objectives is another

    problem that many busy, but unproductive,individuals face.

    Objectives need to be set that challenge

    you in a realistic manner and take heed ofresource availability. Otherwise you arebusy without any possibility of success.

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    We all at times believe that we are

    overworked but are we really?

    Overwork can have effects that may be

    classified as:



  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    We all have probably expressed that we

    are overworked at one stage or another in

    our career. However, people areoverloaded for two primary reasons:

    The person or team does too much

    The person or team has too much to do

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    To deal with over-work, try the following.

    Understand your pressures Dont get worked up or panicked

    Dont blame everything on yourself

    Estimate time as well as possible

    Agree priorities and keep them

    Remind yourself that there is a limited amount of time availableto you

    The last approach and probably the most important Breathe and manage your time as you are in control of how you

    utilize your own time

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Urgency V Importance

    Have you ever noticed that everything at

    work is always urgent these days? But

    have you ever considered that everything

    urgent may not be important?

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Prioritization Grid

    Im a ce

    e cy

    P i i y 1P i i y 2

    P i i y 3P i i y 4

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    Wrap up:

    T: What was hard about listening to the directions?

    T: Where is the computer room/board room/TEC room?

    T: What was hard about listening to the directions?

    T: Is it my left or your left?

    Contingency Plan:

    If Ss get bored, make the maze impossible/give directions outside of

    the classroom/ into another classroom/ to front desk

  • 8/7/2019 Time Management- Rishi


    2009 Franklin Covey Co.37

    L&D- goal setting Meet friends for Movie Sunday Gym Training Mon,Wed, Fri Morning Computer Training Tues, Thurs, Sat 7 AM Dinner Sat night with Sharmas Finish Novel Due this FridayAttend CRM training Set aside time for Health check up Set weekly goals

    6.30 7.30 Work on Competency mappingAssignment

    6.00 8.30 Dinner with Sharmas

    8.30 11.30 L&D Goals Setting

    PostLunch : Shopping with Family5.00 7.30 Computer training

    6.00 7.30 Gym

    before 11.30 Attend CRM training

    6.00 7.30 Gym

    7.30 9.00 Work on CRM Project9.30 10.00 Listen to relaxation CD

    9.30 10.00 Practice my CRM sheet.

    6.30 8.30 Gym Training

    6.30 7.00 Set my weekly training and life goals8.00 9.00 Gurudwara

    5.00 7.30 Computer training- Adv. Excel

    5.00 7.30 Computer training

    \6.30 9. Movie

    10.30 Finish Novel

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    End of Part 1

    Transition to Time Management