TIMES. VOL. III.- NO. 14J». NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.: WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 27, 1872. PRICE THREE CENTS. «t- si.:<J >^S« I'ainier, r-j (;; ii.DKX STUKKT. MISCELLANEOUS. J. T. HUNTER, Real Estate Agent, Ni.v. L'.arvs«i. K K ititl S Also, K^lsoiriiiii:^ and F-p-er Hanging llniniiii; .lone at -hen !nti?e. liv t! ,^^^^"':^L;;V;;;: A Number of Fine Dwellings .*;«, i SUILDISG LOTS. SI.ATK WM. A.'VAS- AMAX. j Several Fine Farms, FFJCK-- 1 :; lilUAM STKKKT.j OB. SAU.', AMI l..>::ky cVii-uers and ..^V;P e i.n'.-.insrs made «..!«-r t!:;:il. - j•= • ' : .viiaw fll \. T. 141 George Street, Civil Engineer A.vri ARCHITECT. ox /:.L-<r auires and F NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MOUNTAIN SEMINARY KOli BOTH SKXliS. A thorough and superior school in :i!l its ajr poiutinents, with moderate prices. Kiricciitli .ScNNion Opuna April 3 Kl.Y. I,. I. STUUTKN/illltGIJ, 1'iin., SeijiKtley's Mountain Springs, \. J. Female College, WW IVJ The Bsst in the World. m / \ VST Kits A.\i> £ J-S». PISH IN TK3IR SEASON, tiie Time, Oystfi's The M a p s Efevatad Ranges, ASp THE M a 2Te e Furnaces, i:v .h;- ; l.-' '..;;'•••- <T" irt . ^''vered in every j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ,, rUh ^ ., nJ Sllccpssfu i com . j.^r; u! liieci:;.. _ - ,_ ! binatimis <.f scientific ffiinires ever broiulirtt- v -„ "^-. \ - N '•"".:, rwck '-'^''•'• I[i --""' v ':--e.v<ii-v to see then, to I. No. ; u:.-.'.rd &t.e--.,_.N..«r„: ui..-,« .<.k. .u0 , lvilll . cd ih . a llulil!lli: iK-ttt-rcmi be purchased Carpet ; MICHAEL >"o. ISO Burnet street, nexi door to Nejv, be^ !e«vp to inform h:s fr:-.-rn!.- anil ihe j>i>;j;;e i^:i- era!lv tiiat he i* jire;;::reJ t" !'urn;>h I.:st :iud fcl^ i_'^rpets.at the !uvve---t ca-h JITIOL'S. iTriier? :br weav;;i_r pro ni^lr Jl!-1. "XICiUEL HAVI-:?. ALSO FOR SALE, TIIE Pfienix Furnace A.SD i¥afker Furnace j nr-th excellent srtcle.s and highly approved, I '• 7-t?" Cull at tbe ' | t> ; Plumbing and Heating Establishment. I J. ILEIPIX^SFELD, '{ IHI G.VI.T Practical Binder in this citr, binds Magazine*, Mastc, Library j (-,,;,;_•; And Law Hooks, Pamphlets, etc., in Jumble | and-ot*~t bindings, a.t t;io-ii. i r;ite }ir;ce.*. Di-:.N.MN S J ' K E E T , P. FMNAN. ndne.it bindn_cs, p SI Alba!iy strett, rear ol Teilii.uei Vun Ang- a'o Bookstore. teb'S-Iv J. Vstilor nail V.xvelfiov <":<» Cleaner HU<1 SJtpaircr. Assortment of Sec«nd-h:iinl Ciotiii.;^. Neck-iies. Coilars, Etc., Ktc. * 2«» Dennis f-;'tre<-t, One Poor from corner o! ll-iiain s'. sp:s I v o. GO TO A. X\'OLFSCHTS CRYSTAL CLOTHING a T o ii E , A. IT c t i o 11 e e i*, 55 Albany Street, XKW I!IU'NS\VK"X. \. .1. " <t?udli naitt ' mi > " u " ila c::; '" '•"""'•'•'• ; Com mere© lirif.k DEPOT. *: MILK, ' AT ALL HOETRS CF TEE DAY. VaaLiew'sGroaery, 0 L 0 Til 1 N & g IV. J. !(«. .:o!u II Uj-ako.'ey, J'i'. £>-, 1'reMdt-nt. Spriiii; Se.-sion opens April 7. For terms, etc , address as above. Cheap Farms, Free Homes! on the line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land ^'laut of 12,0i'U,uC0 acres in tbe best tannin;; •••'nd mineral lands in America. 3,(in i.n 'ii acres in Nebraska, in the Great I'l.itio Viill.'y. the Gurc'en of the West, now for Thesr; kinds me in the central portion of the United State's, mi the 41:4 degree ot North Lati- iiulc. the central l'ne of the great Temperate 7. >;ie o' tiie imeiicau Continent, and for grain- i_'i-.juin^' :iuil stc-ek-rai»iug iiiiMirpassud by any in ihe Luiteil States. Ciicijier in l'rice, rnnre favorable terms iliven. and more convenient to market Uian can be iound elsewhere. ViiEE IiD.MESl'KADS FOR ACTUAL 3ET- TLKI1S. Tho ue'u iocatioiis for Colonies. Soldiers entitled toa Homestead of liji.i acres. Free x'ass.-s to J'LirehasL-is of land. Send for thenew Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in Kn^lish, German, Swedish and Danish, tuai.'ed free everywhere. Addiess 0. ¥. DAVIS, Land Coniniit~icner, U. 1\- K. Ii Co., Omaha. Neb Extraordinary improvements IS Cabinet Organs. The Mason AII.Lnilin Orijan Co. rPspt'ctl'iillv announce the imroduciion of improveitit-ills of much more tiian ordinary mterest. Thc^e are lii.nb AXD PIPE CADI.VET O;:G4NS, !;ein^ the only succe sfu! combination of real p:pes wnli reeds ever made; b\v's TKA* sros.'.v; KEY-HOARD, which can be in.-tantly moved the right or left, changing the pitch or traiisjinMnjr the key. For drawings and descriptions see circu- lar. .NEW AND ELI.GANT STILES OP DLL'ELE REED CABINET OKNANS, at^ll' 1 , ^ioiiaud J125 each. Coiniderinf; ca- paeitv. t-le^.uice and thorou2:li excelUnce ot workmanship, these are cheaper than any be- fore oiielid The J!a<iii i Hamlin fJr^.-ins are acknowl- edged Ue.-t, i:ni! from extraordinary facilities '.or mauu'r.cture ['us company can atlord, and now undertake, to sell at prices which render tlu-.'n L'MJ'JKSIIONAHLV CHEAPEST. p'our octave organs -^5tJ each; five octave or- caus i'l'Ji', *1L'"J ami upwards. With tbree sets r. eds Jflj'J aud upwards. Forty styles, up to jl,.-'i»j each. New Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonial cireuhir, with o|iiuion> of more than one thou- sand uuiMoians, .-t-iit tree. .Tl.\st>.\ A S1.OUIX OB(iA\ CO., ] ,~>4 Trenii nt ^tre-t, Uo^tou ; ~'1.' ( > I3roadnav, \ . V. "WORSES." Read, worthy Patron, and heed, . Then, if .you ever should need Book or Job Printing done, call. Your wants in this line we'll meet, At Twenty-two Albany Street, Where printing is we//done for ti 11. RAILROAD TRAVEL, Peun§ylvaiiiu Rallroud Kev Vork Division WINTER ARR4XGEME1VFS [•fti-i.pr^r f G 13 Rich and Elegant Designs. .Wu l'.it:i-ri:s.i'lriscil ii. (iul.lanil lll':.i 1. Lo'.vest Prices. O'o Sixth avi-uue. New Vork. «uare, Wlcre you willtoda DLTJO S^k of j PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS. Fafi and Winter *i-. *•••• * : - a . , i *!••••. - jc.T- IT- 73 UHl'RCH STiCKKT. : ' UL^Jeili"^.'READY MADE and I GOOD, DLi:il:!,E A.\DCIIKA!', Shitijieil lieady fo.'- T.-e. .Manufac-tured bv | J. \V. Chaj.i!;an i. Co., .Maditon, Ind. . ";' ~-*/T~ S^nd f"r circular. ; Our Specimens of Ornamen- tal Printing will bear a favo. able comparison with the productions of any other first-class Printing 1 house in this State, both in ftuality and Price. Posters of all sizes and varieties executed in a superior manner, with the greatest Steam-power Rauidity, and at the most Seasonable Sates. ClKKl, Merchant Tailor, MADE TO ORDER, The Beecher Fruit Baskets AXD DEALER I:. AT P1JJCKS THAT tteady - Made Clothing,. DolV Competition ! #LI "AN":> OEXTS' FUKMSill.V(LCO<>!)S. ; • » 1 j \; __2J No. 173 Neilsou Street, Kew Brunswick, ^ next door to National Buck ol New Jersey. : ( -»U(_- Ol tlirt llliitft iliSiOQ^lVe " : JilfiTiint Stocks o:' Clutiilnir i' AKso.a' pc3,-ra!a^..rtniI-at_or C!ot!-. ^issi- Jj^ ;iru ; JJ^^ ;, ^ •MI \\WM :) Biv-n-s. Vesllr.^s. ell'.. »!i:ch h>- i> ;.' »*li bv the vard, or niuLeto otiiei iii litvVr-i the uixve>I prices. iir;-..iriiij tu.( J'les.^;!!^ n. j atlv doiie, .-A l!u-'.-IINII apjl lv »,">(). ALBAV1 STKKKT. 20 s SCH^KIDEK, uniK^^hY Law Ai=o, a S;:i-j;:.Hd Assort!::!. 1 :-', of I Gentlemen's Fiirnishing Goc aiid. QUAET. PI.VT. jl i Are iiuiversJil' favonlit-s with berry growers, ! j dealers am! consumers. They are' the ne itest, ; ci'inj'!ete>t. lu':-t venlilated, and ilurabili:v cou j .-idered, cheapest fruit package iu the world i.i'i.litv cuirantced. 1'or Mile by the tiade ^riKTiHy. Auilres-, forpii'^e list and circula of ii frii'in 's, the Ueeeher liasket Company W t.-ivii!e. Conn. Thf a'U-i;':'. p c:i-ii.-J to the & SON. .VA.xrFAvrruicn^ OF t -\"l>. -I') M.MUKs- LANE, >'«W Y Wiil >end Se^ar at $"'>, ^lo, vl.', ^^', ^;")5, ti\O. and ^li.'i por 1.CUC MANUFACTURER OI - ,CUX'K<. E'lV. ] Ornamenird >I:iir ^Itwilrj- '*" four's notice, any kar.il. v.e^ht or s ^'. Fiue Watches and r'ryjc'i Cl-.'i'^s, u .., r.:i::i'J ; IJ , " " i«"ep correct time. Anter.'c.in and Km.'i>h; Watches always onhand. .Musical iioxes Ue- j V UAir-ei. Al! !i"e>v J e w v l r y a i u i W a t e h e s iu:i'ii'_ '."."or "me w^rrauteJ; if i't.k'.:: nitiiiii a yea' r*!'iiireiJ iviii.out tv.-i ; -rep iirii:.; neatly i'.:)ii ' T atroii^lv dou'.\ ' ' DJ^.irous ot pioa.-inir a! vii.' ir :v fa\ writs' with lUeir i.atr.'n >:e. 1 =..::•."' .. i:i_.;v s.-.ppt't: ; Irom the cot*i:n.i:'); v. Verv resi.oc::.::\ v. •-< mdlll-l.v* " -.u:!l"-, r i:\- •:'•••:: OUX .SVii'XWii, Haod-scwej, ar.v:iy' ; •>, i£tlil<l«'l>, who oonteni[>hite building, supjdied I with uur new illusuaii'd Catalogue on reeeip ; .! .stamp. A. .1. IJieSineil Jk Co.. Alcliitectnra lie K; P.Ib':-!:i'rs. -J ' W'airen Street, New York wherever express companies will take them '.'. 0. IK, in no smaller quantities than .">(.>(', o ;inv, or ol diMi'ivnt kinds. Satis'action guar , antei'd, and refer to the notorietv and satistac _- | lion they have given,. and still give, iu the *^ ' manufacture of tliL-ir jjenuine "ileershaun M:;ut;f:.fUtr(.-.! by tin- N e w Uru:;?-*icfc »ud ^••ri'i'lk ll-.'sierj' Ccnii-^aivs. >iKN"S & I5OVS L::-a">JEU GAKMEiSTo h""l Of the best'outili'y, snl vriil De sold at VJKHV LOW 1'KiCES A Sj>!'.iiiiiJ S:^ -J:I v l'ijfr Gi;r'i!f for CUSTOM WORK, F.-iyhu.nnhly Out and We!! 31 ;u].- UV THK UO.-'T AKH-TIf C-.TTr !'o A large vnriety ot LADIES' CLOAFINGS. WANTED F."K Pi S YORK. on h..-'J. done ii shirt notice ar.-.i ia" '.ae best ::;ii.;i 3',J Abx.'. a- mil assoi tmeut ot' HAMFICTIRED WOS'i L":C.1S* J. 4*1 TSCIIEK, -IT t .sl.- S -!'iiLr m ls ill i r!i ive of the citv of .\'f« Yerk it< vai iou> |'ha-es. I'll' p:;!aC"S and iliirk ili'li^ ; i t - ii-'r~; is tilths ami {rau.is; a:i'! po,it]•_•; ui- ; itsaeventur tn pli i!'. Store, U-">" t ine if i :ns : -;"••! 'l;<^ i ii-.' \\ iii k. i 'u I'.i. NEW UKINSWlt'n, N. J. D. AGENTS I T.' sell tiie in.proved Klo'ence Sewing Maehi: [ >liii.s foiir uiile; ent stitches. Kuiis the work tour wavs r Ka>ten> its nirtt en< '-'or l;i.i'.::v, ^i:npiie;tv atni Dural'iinv, is wi h- Libt-ral terms. Salesroom No. Beautiful Girls I" , v , vi> , M ; UNi ii ,V Icnnvpacker, .Managers. iCKNl'S WANTED.—Airents make more X\. iii'iii'v at v.-o;!v for us than at anvthniL* WITH BEAUTIFUL CURLS. permuDetit. i'arncu- lars iVve. <i. ^in:> »n i Co.. Fine Art hubliah t r>, r>»n'and, Mai-.t 1 . ARCHXTHOX?*. AND t h an i c a I I'] n ^ i r. c 141 George Street, G:JV,T".-. ii «' IT jTT <^J l-i'.NO CO.. \. V. Kir.-t-cla»s*2!<i\ tJ k_ -No Ujreiits. Xauies of patrons in I' ttes in eirculr i i :' r : :i i! > . C a iKlij;lit- t r.tightest u'tlnPij m- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AGENTS. \"s Turkish Halm r.itii'.i and will change t i i)"i'.i:: !til curls. Contains lu'tlnr^ t'.it ''ii the contrary is hi^lily . •: :>• a'iv ad li-i-o; on receipt ••!' A_'• n;. '|: M>, Che.iii>t. Hex -. i -I--' - tates in eircular. TKIKCXE BI" >"eiv Vu'rki iire 6rtn are »u:,:u?ri-ed to c isiK^ in t'-is pap':'. >:• . ». STEVISXS, {Late ot New Vcrk ci:_r'. .-S3 CHURCH STREET, „.] " XKW liKlJ.VSW'ICK.' CUNDERANGO. >•• | Sui>ply ot Bark Assured. l'rice Keduced. •'. ' Bliss, Keene & Co's Fluii! Kxtra.-t. ",(:rcs Cancer, Scrofula, Siplnlis, Catarrh, '• nheiimatisni, Xeurahzii, I'til^onaiy Cum- i'i.iints. Ulcers, Salt Rtieiim, Skin diseases, all :' '.i -ml I>isea-e~. Is purely vegetable. Tbe best I k'.uwn lilond 1'urititr. Sold b.- all I>rug^is:.< . l'rice IU'IT bo'tle. Observe the trade liiark. ! Send tor e-rcalar. Otiice, (iu Ceder Street New York. N th. 1 i ^ r - i c Ki.-Il..-:i Co::.••. ;.; -!.e Iii .T.nl ue. ks. J';, a ..-•:eei!, or 1.1 lite-S on rv.' ler. Ir. f. S;. Croix"'.- j ••u-e u i : \ iri.i'il mous- SU^'OLhe-; :..^ ,• in ^.ix dc-i. S-:.i toan v ;:d- ', I h''.i'a. I'a.' 1 •*--"'"• BROOMS ! RKWARD For any c .se ot Ulmd. l!leeding.Itchin>; or L'l- eerated"l'iles that &'S Pll.1 K«3I«OV tails to cure. It is pre- p-red expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Drug- _::s's. Price •!< 0. " tulJM JL>."JS.2V r J^ I !S T, Banet Street, Nrw l!tuusi»ick. r I Solivv. AT WHOLBSALB OH BETAIL. A II. por.simg concerunl mn- takr- noticp. that the ; IX. >..bs:.TII«T, AdmmistMtor. et'.. of Heiwiniin CHiRLHS A. VOORHEES, i " st ' '•<•• ^c^i-eil. mt.nd to exhibit ListinMac- , .-'iiai i.. i:,,. .i.jji:e ur Ihe Orphans' totirt for the Opi'Osit.- '.ie New IlaV-street Mission, Wr.-t | ^, li; . al -'." ! ' » : ''/l • - " . inthe terin of April tieit en- Ji r.-W liVrllm'. Kverv descnpiion ot HriXtms manufactured to order. ja;? hm l. !'_J.wJui ' DANIEL D it p n i lui'iil ami allowance, tin* same Hem i r.-t ar.litoi an,: stued by tho .^u llal.-J I-Vt. -.1 " "• Jfere, on a CLroinaiic Press, Work in prismafic drcs.s, At one impression is done. And also bear this in^mind, CUHHI work of e\'ery kind Is done at prices to suit everyone. GREAT China and Japan Tea Comp'nv 209 BURNET STREET. Encouraged by the tremendous success they Vu-,- attained since they have opened, and by general request of tbeir customers, have added : > t •.-:i- ^tock'of i Coffees; Spices, ANO FINE GROCERIES, s Large and "Well Selected Stock of AJVJT> I3OJVJE&TIC Wines and Liquors, which we will sell at wholesale and retail at the I'rivate Families vvi'.l (iiiii it to their advantage to buy from M, M Our Goods are Pure, and We Warrant Them FOR MEDIC AX USE. Try them, and satisfy yourselves. Get your Teas, Wines and Groceries at New Yoik Wholesale Prices, Irom The Great China and Japan Tea Co., 209 BUltNET STREET, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., 471 9THAVENUE, NEW YORK. jicW-'-tf WDIN8TOCK &EATTFKAN'. Proprietors. A. M. WAY, Real Estate and Insurance Broker AND AUCTIONEER, NOTARY PUBLIC ANO COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS For tlie States ot 2^ew Jersey and JTiew V orb. Office—No. 167Neilson Street, New Brunswick Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged. iySURAXCE eflected in any of the fo!lo»ing first-claaa eomomiea: OontinenUI. Atl&o tic, Hanover. Neir F»rk, Yonkers of New York, London, LirarpotfTand Globe. AUCTIONEERIMQ attenjed to with promptness and dispatch. au l-!y = A. M. WiY New Brunswick to PtklladelplUtt. Leave New Brunswick at 1.45, 8.28, 9 47, 10.52, A. H.; 1.52, 2.40, 5.23, 6.12, 7.50, 10.42 P. M t*u<ladclphl» to New Branairlc Leave Philadelphia at 12 midnight, 2.86, 7.00 8.80, 11.00 A. Al., via West Puikdelphia: 1.20' 3.00 P. M., via West Philadelphia ; 8.00 P. M., via Camden; 5.30, 6.45 P. M. via West Phila : delphia. New Brunswick to New York. Leave New Brunswick at 8.17, 4.44, 5.11, 6.26, 7.06, 7.56, 9.04, 9.50, 10.42, A. M.; 1.05, 8.00 8.21, 4.61, 6.00, 7.29 and 9 P. M. New Vork to New Brunswick. Leave New York at 7.D0, 8.30, 9.30, 10 A. M ; 12.30, 1.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.10, 5, 5.20, U.30 S 30, 12 midnight. Sew ilranswlck and millstone Kali road. Leave New Brunswick at 5.15 and 8 30 A 11 and 2.01, 5.41 and 6.36 P. M. Leave Millstone at ii.36, 7.26 and 9.20 A M and 4.00 and 9.06 P. M. t'ertk Am boy and Woodbridee Rail- road. Leave New Brunswick at 6.30 and 9.50 A 11 and 1.05, S.00, 4.51 and 6.00 P. 11. Leave Perth Amboy for Bahnay at 7.01, 8.01 11.56 A. M., and 3.45, and 6.30 P. it. ttoc&r H1J1 and Kingston Railroad Leave New Brunswick at 8.23, 9.47 A. II., and 5.28 P. M. freehold and Jamcsburg Railroad Leave New Brunswick at 8.23, 9.50 A. M., aud 5.23 P. M. and Pemberton Railroad ^ New Brunswick at 8.23 A. H., and 5.23 P.M. Bel fide re and Delaware Railroad. Leave New Brunswick at 9.50 A. II., and 2.4C and 5.23 P. M. ^ The 8.23 A.M., and 2.40 P. W. trains go via Camden. Passengers to all point* south of Farming dale, en ihe New Jersey Southern Bailroad, take the 8.23 A. M. train. Tickets lor sale and baggage checked through for all points South andWest, H. CLOW, JR., Ticket Agent. Nov. 20, 1871. Buy Your LUMBER! OF ROLFE & SON, AT STEAM SAW AND Planing Mills, 143 Burnet Sftreet, meh21-ly FOOT OF NEW. , CRCANS MELODEONS. 81.000 's offered as a challenge to those who call themselves professors, or anv one else, who will produce Pianos superior to what I am selling, tbat will wear as well, that will stand in tuue as well, or that have that volume and power of tone equal to mine, after a fair trial; and I amselling them at about Hali tbe N&w York Prices. lly Pianos are made by the Oldest and Most Skilful Makers, and with great care, and that is eaough of itsel 'o prove their superiority. To persons wish- ng to make their selections in New York it will be preferred, as it will t-ave extra handling, and the piano will be bought for them, and put up free ot charge at the same low prices. 1 sell a good, new 7 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO and what I call F/rst-Class Pianos, hat sell in New York fo ^650 to $750, which ue as good as they make, I sell FOR $325 TO $350.? They are equal in tene to what they ask $1,000 for, the only d flerence being a little extra out- side finish oa the case. And I sell them fro:n #4.'>o to $.)00 for the best, the same which those who call themselves professors sell for $1,000. 'ersons wishing to purchase will please call on he proprietor and he will give them all the in- formation he possesses, without charge, whether they bay or not. Don't forget the place—>'O. 3 U1KAM STBEET, New Uruns- wick, N. J. US-diiwiv E. V. ADDIS W. H. FISHER, Merchant Tailor AND Clothier. ROBERT LEE Ciustom No* I Paterson Block, NEW BBUN8WICK. apll-dawly I N BANKRUPTCY.—DISTRICT A. of New Jersey, as: At New Brunswick the Twenty-eighth day of February, A, D.1872. The undersigned hereby giret notice <jf his appointment aa Assignee of Alexander Whit- locJt, of New Brnnswick. in the county of Mid- dlesex and State of New Jersey, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. K. T. B. SPADER, Assignee, Washington street, New Brunswick, N.J. mh2~3toaw THE DAILY .TIMES THG STOItY OF COI1MO. Philip II., King of Spain, ILke many other powerful monarch?, loved to lay aside the insignia of royalty, and, fol- lowing the example of Caliph Haroun Alraschid,. roam the streets of his cap- ital of a night, accompanied by a faithful servant, in disguise. He was thus often enabled to discover himself causes of popular discontent, tram- mels of conspiracies, or wishes for re- form; also, to perform mauy acts of munificence towards the poor and meritorious. In theyear J549 Philip paid a visit to the capital of the Netherlands, Brussels, where he resided some time, and was entertained in a manner which recalled the magnificence of the days of chivalry. He was still the idol of the people, who hoped that the sonof Charles Y., by treading in the footsteps of his illustrious father, would continue towards them the favors and wise policy which had ren dered both Spain and the rest ofthe empire so unusually-flourishing 1 . How Philip responded to these expecta tions belongs to history. I will only mention that at the peiiod of the ac^ tion ol this story he was in the zenith of his popularity. One night, when the ceremonies of the court was over, Philip summoned his faithful- servant, Ruy Gomez. Masking his face with a long gray- beard, and enveloped in a great Span- ish cloak, he and his attendant went forth into the dark streets of Brussels in quest of an adventure. They had not proceeded far in the direction of the river, when their,at- tention was drawn to a person hurry- ing with rapid and uncertain steps to the bridge, J>y his excited gesture the king concluded that he was some unfortunate creature driven by de- spair to seek a watery grave. He, therefore, hastened after him^ and, to- gether witli Gomez, arrived just in time to prevent his leaping over the >arapet into-the river. " Stop ! for God's sake, stop !" cried Philip II. " Who may you be ? Let me alone, say. My life's my own, and I sup- pose I may do as- I choose with it V" "That youmay not; It belongs to God who gave it. He alouc may take it," " Wherefore then does He not pro- vide me the wherewithal to sustain t ? He feeds the vermin, but leaves man so dependent that he must die of starvation, as I amdoing. Unhand me, I say. unhand me !" Tiie desper- ate man sought for his rapier, but it was gone. " What misfortune has driven you o this rash extremity?" asked "the cing. •., " Sir, this is my misfortune, and may it never be yours. I have not tasted food for two days." "Alas! poor youth." He was a tall, lauk young man, ,who, had he been properly led andclothed, would have been reiharkably handsome. His bony frame was elegantly built, slender and graceful, yet strong. His eyes were black and fiery, his brow broad and intellectual, his features regular, but at present much marred by their extreme moagerness. The expression of his countenance, under favorable circumstances, would have been open and engaging, but misery lad stamped with a haggard, care- worn look, piteous to behold. The King of Spam, putting his hand firmly on the young man's shoulder, again sighed, " Alas ! poor boy." " Don't, stand there sighing and looking at me. Inthe name of the saints in Heaven, can you give me [ood—iood and employment''. If no!, let me end my mi.sciies." " Young man, look into niv face. See, does it look" careworn 'f " Very much so." " Well, young sir, when you have jone through as much of agony as myself then you think of leaving this world in search of another, where, as tist punishment for your crime, as worse fate awaits "you iu eternity. Who are you ? Above all"—here Philip searched for tliQ tiny crucifix- hat hung from the rosary he wore round his wrist, " you are a Catholic?" " Who dares to question'it ?" ex- claimed the youny man haughtily. " I am." "Are you a gentlemanV" again jiiestioncd the king. " By my patron saint, I am, sir—as true a gentleman as ever wore a sword." " Gentleman Or not, you are a -hrLstiau. Come, follow me, and I will give you some supper and a bed "or the night. To-morrow we (con- tinued King-Philip who, accustomed as asovereign to speak in the second person plural, had difficulty to adopt the first person singular in his dis juise)—that is, I will further ques- ion you as to what you can do to •am yonrlivelihood for the future. There, Gomez, lead the way." Holding the rescued youth by the land firmly, lest he should escape, ulip, preceded by Ruy Gomez, bent us step toward the palace. On his way curiosity, one of the trongest passions of this great sov- reign, got thebetter of his charity, and notwithstanding the young man was BO weak as to render his answers lmost inaudible, the king obtained rom nun the outline of his history. Ie was, he said, one Alfonso Sanchez Coelio, anative of Portugal, and a portrait painter by profession. Hehad been driven Irom Spain by order f the Marquis Don Louis de Maria Yalle, Governor of Badajos, for the ;rime of falling in love with his ex- ;ellency's daughter, Donna Estafania, n whose company he had been much hrown during a considerable time employed in the execution'of her pic- ure. He had wondered to the Xetherlands in hope of .obtaining work. But although he had done all his power to earn his bread, he had n every case failed, and for two days ie had not tasted food. He was too proud to beg, and, maddened by want, he had sought to free himself of his miseries by a violent death. The king provided Coelio, as he romised, with a substantial meal and good bed, and ihe next morning he MRS. J. L, PASCO wishes to inform her friends and the public generally that she has taken the store, No. 159 Biirnet Street, next door to Washington Hail, and fitted it up as afirat-cass Oysier J Bfetat Satan roR Ladies and Gentlemen. where she will be pleased at all times to lur- nish them with Home-made Cakes PIES AND .TEA BISCUIT. HOT TEA, COFFEE awoke much refreshed, to find Ray - Gomez by his couch, hplding in his hand a handsome suit of clothes for his service. Vainly did he question the shrewd Ruy as tothe con- dition of his unknown bene- factor. Ruy informed him that tbe gentleman was named Don Paea j that he was in the service of bis Catholic Majesty, and that presently, when he had finished his collation, the Senor Don Paez would come to- him, and talk of his prospects for the future. Accordingly, when Sanchez Coelio had dispatched an excellent breakfast, the king, still wearing his disguise, entered. [CONCLUDED TO-MORROW.] - CHOCOX.ATS. Oysters in Every Style, NUTS ALL KINDS AND FE0IT- Jso, a full supply of Whitman It Co.'a justly selebrated Philadelphia Confectionery. N. B.—Parties furnished with suppers at ihort notice. Families supplied with Oycters. 159 BURNET STREET d29-8m 159 WATEBS'S New Scale Pianos, WITH IRON FRAJfE, Overstrung 1 Bass and Agraffe Bridge. MELODEONS AND Cabinet Organs, THE BEST HANOTTACTCBID. WARRANTED FOB SIX T£ABS. Illustrated catalogues mailed. A large dis- ;ount made to Ministers, Churches, buuday- ichools, Temperance Societies, etc. » A Great Offer! Horac* Waters, 481 Broadway, N. Y., will dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Melodeong, and Organs, of six nrst-class makers, including Waters'?, at extremely low prices for cash, «r will take from $4to$1S monthly until paid ; the same to let, and rent applied if purchased. New 7-octave Pianos, modern improvement*, or S275, cash. Anew kind of Parlor Organ, the most beautiful style ^nd perfect tone ever made, now on exhibition at 481 Broadway, New York. TESTIMONIAL OF WATIRS's PIANOS. Mr. Horace Water* has just issued a catalogue 1 his ue«r instruments, (jiving a new scale of rice.", which thows a marked reduction from ormer ratas. We happen to know that his nstrutncntt; earned him a good reputation long jelore Expositions and the " honors" connect- :d therewith were even thought of; indeed, »re ave one of Mr. Waters's pianos now in our evidence (where it h#s stood for years) of .vhich any manufacturer in the world might veil bu proud. We have always been delighted with it as a sweet-toned and. powtrrul instru- ment, and there is no doubt of its durability ; more than this, some of the best amateur play- rs iu the city, as well as several celebrated ihtniets, have performed on the said piano, und all pronounce it a superior and first-class instrument. Stronger endorsements we could n6t give.—Jlotnf Journal. mhr5-ly MBS. FB1KCSS- ffALLIHG, wishes to inform her friends that she has re" moved te 165 Neilson Street, where she will continue the basineaa of Dress and OloakMaking, .nd where will be found « general assortment Of DRESS TRIMMINGS AJfD J. Variety of Other Goods, ALL NEW and selected with this locality. regard to the want* ot Thankful for past farora, by strict attention to business she hopes to merit a continuance ol the same. splS-lr U. S. MAIL LXNTE. Steam between New York, Qneenstown So XAverpoBL The Steamships Manhattan, Minnesota, Col- orado, Chicago, Nebraska and Nevada, sailing from New York every Wednesday. Cabin passage $90 gold; steerage passagefrontNew York, $80. To New York at lowest rates, pay- able in currency. Passage from and to Pans, Hamburg, Rotterdam ana Antwerp at equally 'ow rates. Remittances to Great Britain, Ire- land and all parts of Germany. Apply. to WILLIAMS & GUION. 29 Broadway, N. 1L or JOHN MURPHY, 141 Neilson street, Kew Brunswick. N. J. l Steam Dyerand Scourer. r. No. 93 Church street. New Brniswick, is now prepared to do every description offastnessin his line, iathjB beat manner and at reasonable rates. All order* promptly attended to at abort notice. spS»-ly

TIMES. - digifind-it.com · times. vol. iii.-no. 14j». new brunswick, n. j.: wednesday evening, march 27, 1872pric.e three cents. «t- si.:^s« i'ainier, r-j (;; ii.dkx

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Page 1: TIMES. - digifind-it.com · times. vol. iii.-no. 14j». new brunswick, n. j.: wednesday evening, march 27, 1872pric.e three cents. «t- si.:^s« i'ainier, r-j (;; ii.dkx


«t- si.:<J >^S« I ' a i n i e r ,

r-j (;; ii.DKX S T U K K T .



Real Estate Agent,Ni.v. L'.arvs«i. K

Kititl S

Also, K^lsoiriiiii:^ and F-p-er Hanging

l lninii i i ; .lone at -hen !nti?e. liv t!

, ^ ^ ^ ^ " ' : ^ L ; ; V ; ; ; : A Number of Fine Dwellings.*;«, i SUILDISG LOTS.SI.ATK

WM. A.'VAS- AMAX. j Several Fine Farms,F F J C K - - 1 : ; l i l U A M STKKKT. j OB. SAU.', AMI

l..>::ky cVii-uers and . . ^ V ; P e i.n'.-.insrs made«..!«-r t!:;:il. - j•= • ' : .viiaw

fll \ .T.141 George Street,

Civil EngineerA.vri


ox /:.L-<r

auires and F



A thorough and superior school in :i!l its ajrpoiutinents, with moderate prices.

Kir icc i i t l i .ScNNion Opuna Apr i l 3Kl.Y. I,. I. STUUTKN/illltGIJ, 1'iin.,

SeijiKtley's Mountain Springs, \ . J.

Female College,WW IV J

The Bsst in the World.m

/ \ VST Kits A.\i> £ J-S».


tiie Time,Oystfi's

The Maps Efevatad Ranges,ASp THE

M a 2T e e Furnaces,i:v . h ; - ; l . - ' ' . . ; ; ' • • • - <T" i r t . ^ ' ' v e r e d in every j ^ ^ ^ ^ r , , r U h ^ . , n J S l l c c p s s f u i c o m .

j . ^ r ; u ! l i i e c i : ; . . _ - ,_ ! b i n a t i m i s <.f s c i e n t i f i c f f i i n i r e s e v e r b r o i u l i r t t -

v - „ "^-. \ - N '•"".:, r w c k ' - ' ^ ' ' • ' • I [ i - - " " ' v ' : - - e . v < i i - v t o s e e t h e n , t o I .No. ; u:.-.'.rd &t.e--.,_.N..«r„: ui..-,« .<.k. . u 0 , l v i l l l . c d i h . a l l u l i l ! l l i : iK-ttt-rcmi be purchased


• >"o. ISO Burnet street, nexi door to Nejv, be^!e«vp to inform h:s fr:-.-rn!.- anil ihe j>i>;j;;e i^:i-era!lv tiiat he i* jire;;::reJ t " !'urn;>h I.:st :iudfcl^ i_'^rpets.at the !uvve---t ca-h JITIOL'S.

iTriier? :br weav;;i_r pro n i^ l r J l ! - 1 ."XICiUEL HAVI-:?.


Pfienix FurnaceA.SD

i¥afker Furnacej nr-th excellent srtcle.s and highly approved, I

'• 7-t?" Cull at tbe ' |

t > ; Plumbing and Heating Establishment. IJ. ILEIPIX^SFELD, '{


Practical Binderin this citr, binds Magazine*, Mastc, Library j (-,,;,;_•;And Law Hooks, Pamphlets, etc., in Jumble |and-ot*~t bindings, a.t t;io-ii.ir;ite }ir;ce.*.

Di-:.N.MN S J ' K E E T ,


ndne.it bindn_cs, pSI Alba!iy strett, rear ol Teilii.uei Vun Ang-a'o Bookstore.teb'S-Iv

J.Vstilor nail V.xvelfiov <":<»

Cleaner HU<1 SJtpaircr.Assortment of Sec«nd-h:iinl Ciotiii.;^.Neck-iies. Coilars, Etc., Ktc.

* 2«» D e n n i s f-;'tre<-t,One Poor from corner o! ll-iiain s'.

sp:s I v




CLOTHINGa T o ii E ,

A. IT c t i o 11 e e i*,55 Albany Street,

XKW I!IU'NS\VK"X. \ . .1.

" <t?udlin aitt'mi >"u"i la c : : ; '" '•"""'•'•''• ; C o m m e r e ©lirif.k DEPOT.


VaaLiew'sGroaery, 0 L 0 T i l 1 N &

gIV. J.

! (« . .:o!u II Uj-ako.'ey, J'i'. £>-, 1'reMdt-nt.Spriiii; Se.-sion opens April 7. For terms,etc , address as above.

Cheap Farms, Free Homes!on the l ine o f the

UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD.A land ^'laut of 12,0i'U,uC0 acres in tbe best

tannin;; •••'nd mineral lands in America.3,(in i.n 'ii acres in Nebraska, in the Great

I'l.itio Viill.'y. the Gurc'en of the West, now for

Thesr; kinds me in the central portion of theUnited State's, mi the 41:4 degree ot North Lati-iiulc. the central l'ne of the great Temperate7. >;ie o' tiie imeiicau Continent, and for grain-i_'i-.juin ' :iuil stc-ek-rai»iug iiiiMirpassud by anyin ihe Luiteil States.

Ciicijier in l'rice, rnnre favorable termsiliven. and more convenient to market Uiancan be iound elsewhere.ViiEE IiD.MESl'KADS FOR ACTUAL 3ET-

TLKI1S.Tho ue'u iocatioiis for Colonies. Soldiers

entitled to a Homestead of liji.i acres. Freex'ass.-s to J'LirehasL-is of land.

Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, withnew maps, published in Kn^lish, German,Swedish and Danish, tuai.'ed free everywhere.

Addiess 0. ¥. DAVIS,Land Coniniit~icner, U. 1\- K. Ii Co.,

Omaha. Neb

Extraordinary improvementsIS

Cabinet Organs.The Mason A II.Lnilin Orijan Co. rPspt'ctl'iillv

announce the imroduciion of improveitit-ills ofmuch more tiian ordinary mterest. Thc^e are


!;ein^ the only succe sfu! combination of realp:pes wnli reeds ever made;

b\v ' s TKA* sros.'.v; KEY-HOARD,which can be in.-tantly moved t» the right orleft, changing the pitch or traiisjinMnjr thekey. For drawings and descriptions see circu-lar.


at^ll '1 , ^ioiiaud J125 each. Coiniderinf; ca-paeitv. t-le^.uice and thorou2:li excelUnce otworkmanship, these are cheaper than any be-fore oiielid

The J!a<iii i Hamlin fJr^.-ins are acknowl-edged Ue.-t, i:ni! from extraordinary facilities'.or mauu'r.cture ['us company can atlord, andnow undertake, to sell at prices which rendertlu-.'n


p'our octave organs - 5tJ each; five octave or-caus i'l'Ji', *1L'"J ami upwards. With tbree setsr. eds Jflj'J aud upwards. Forty styles, up tojl,.-'i»j each.

New Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonialcireuhir, with o|iiuion> of more than one thou-sand uuiMoians, .-t-iit tree.

.Tl.\st>.\ A S 1 . O U I X O B ( i A \ CO.,] ,~>4 Trenii nt tre-t, Uo^tou ; ~'1.'(> I3roadnav, \ . V.


Read, worthy Patron, and heed, .

Then, if .you ever should need

Book or Job Printing done, call.

Your wants in this line we'll meet,

At Twenty-two Albany Street,

Where printing is we//done for ti 11.


Peun§ylvaiiiu Rallroud — KevVork Division


[•fti-i.pr^r f G 13

Rich and ElegantDesigns.

.Wu l'.it:i-ri:s.i'lriscilii. (iul.lanil lll':.i 1.

Lo'.vest Prices.O'o Sixth avi-uue.

New Vork.«uare,

Wlcre you will tod a DLTJO S ^ k of j PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS.Fafi and Winter * i - . *•••• * : - a . , i *!••••.

- jc.T- IT-73 UHl'RCH STiCKKT. : '

UL^Jeili"^.'READY MADE and

I GOOD, DLi:il:!,E A.\D CIIKA!',

• Shitijieil l ieady fo.'- T.-e. .Manufac-tured bv| J . \V. Chaj.i!;an i. Co., .Maditon, I n d . . " ; '

• ~-*/T~ S^nd f"r ci rcular . ;

Our Specimens of Ornamen-tal Printing will bear afavo. able comparison withthe productions of anyother first-class Printing1

house in this State, bothin ftuality and Price.

Posters of all sizes andvarieties executed in a

superior manner, withthe greatest Steam-powerRauidity, and at the most

Seasonable Sates.


Merchant Tailor,MADE TO ORDER, The Beecher Fruit Baskets


tteady - Made Clothing,.DolV Competi t ion ! #LI"AN":> OEXTS' FUKMSill.V(LCO<>!)S. ; • » 1 j \ ; __2J

No. 173 Neilsou Street, Kew Brunswick, ^next door to National Buck ol New Jersey. : (-»U(_- Ol tlirt llliitft iliSiOQ^lVe

" : JilfiTiint Stocks o:' Clutiilnir i'AKso.a' pc3,-ra!a^..rtniI-at_or C!ot!-. ^issi- J j ^ ; i r u ; J J ^ ^ ; , ^

•MI \\WM:)

Biv-n-s. V e s l l r . ^ s . e l l ' . . » ! i : ch h>- i> ;.'»*li bv t h e v a r d , o r n i u L e t o o t i i e i iiil i t v V r - i t h e uixve>I p r i c e s . i i r ; - . . i r i i i jt u . ( J'les.^;!!^ n. jat lv do i i e , .-A l !u- ' . - I INII

a p j l l v


uniK^^hY LawAi=o, a S;:i-j;:.Hd Assort!::!.1:-', of

I Gentlemen's Fiirnishing Goc

ai id. QUAET. PI.VT.

jl i Are iiuiversJil' favonlit-s with berry growers, !j dealers am! consumers. They are ' the ne itest,; ci'inj'!ete>t. lu':-t venlilated, and ilurabili:v couj .-idered, cheapest fruit package iu the worldi.i'i.litv cuirantced. 1'or Mile by the tiade^riKTiHy. Auilres-, forpii'^e list and circulaof ii frii'in 's, the Ueeeher liasket CompanyW t.-ivii!e. Conn.

Thf a'U-i;':'. pc:i-ii.-J to the

& SON.

.VA.xrFAvrruicn^ OF t-\"l>. -I') M.MUKs- LANE, >'«W Y

Wiil >end S e ^ a r at $"'>, l o , v l . ' , ^ ' , ;")5, ti\O.and ^li.'i por 1.CUC


Ornamenird >I:iir ^Itwilrj-

' * " f o u r ' s notice, a n y kar. i l . v . e ^ h t or s '.Fiue Watches and r ' ryjc ' i Cl-.'i'^s, u .., r.:i::i'J ; IJ ,

" " i«"ep correc t t ime. Anter.'c.in and Km.'i>h;Watches a lways on hand. .Musical i ioxes Ue- j

V UAir-ei. Al! !i"e>v Jewvl ry aiui Watehes iu:i'ii'_' . " . " o r "me w ^ r r a u t e J ; if i ' t .k ' . : : nitiiiii a yea '

r*!'iiireiJ iviii.out tv.-i ; -rep iirii:.; neat ly i'.:)ii •' T atroii^lv dou'.\ ' '

DJ^.irous ot pioa.-inir a ! vi i . ' ir :v fa\ w r i t s 'w i th lUeir i.atr. 'n >:e. 1 =..::•."' .. i : i_.;v s.-.ppt't: ;Irom t h e cot*i:n.i:'); v.

Verv res i .oc: : . : : \ v. •-<m d l l l - l . v * " -.u:!l"-, r i : \ - •:'•••::

OUX .SVii'XWii,

Haod-scwej, ar.v:iy';

•>, i£tlil<l«'l>,who oonteni[>hite building, supjdied

I with uur new illusuaii'd Catalogue on reeeip; . ! .stamp. A. .1. IJieSineil Jk Co.. Alcliitectnra

lie K; P.Ib':-!:i'rs. -J ' W'airen Street, New York

wherever express companies will take them'.'. 0. IK, in no smaller quantities than .">(.>(', o;inv, or ol diMi'ivnt kinds. Satis'action guar

, antei'd, and refer to the notorietv and satistac_- | lion they have given,. and still give, iu the

* ' manufacture of tliL-ir jjenuine "ileershaunM:;ut;f:.fUtr(.-.! by tin- New Uru:;?-*icfc »ud

^••ri'i'lk ll-. 'sierj' Ccnii-^aivs.

>iKN"S & I5OVS L::-a">JEU GAKMEiSTo h""l

Of the best'outili'y, snl vriil De sold at


A Sj>!'.iiiiiJ S: -J:I v l ' i j f r Gi;r'i!f for

CUSTOM WORK,F.-iyhu.nnhly Out and We!! 31 ;u].-

UV THK UO.-'T AKH-TIf C-.TTr !'o

A large vnriety ot




SY O R K .

on h..-'J.

done i i shirt notice ar.-.i ia" '.ae best ::;ii.;i3',J Abx.'. a- mil assoi tmeut ot'


L":C.1S* J . 4*1 TSCIIEK,

- I T

t . s l . -


-!'iiLr mls ill i r!i

ive of the citv of .\'f« Yerkit< vai iou> | ' ha -e s .

I ' l l ' p:;!aC"S and i l i i r k i l i ' l i ^ ; i t -i i - ' r ~ ; i s t i l t h s a m i { r a u . i s ;

a:i'! po,it]•_•; u i - ; i tsaeventurtn

pli i!'.

Store,U-">" t i n e

if i :ns :

-;"••! 'l;<^ i i i - . ' \\ i i i k . i 'uI'.i.


D. AGENTSI T.' sell tiie in.proved Klo'ence Sewing Maehi:[ > l i i i . s foiir uiile; ent s t i tches .

Kuiis the work tour wavs r

Ka>ten> its nirtt en<'-'or l;i.i'.::v, ^i :npiie;tv atni Dura l ' i inv , is wi h-

Libt-ral t e rms . Salesroom No.B e a u t i f u l G i r l s I " ,v, vi> , M; U Ni ii ,V Icnnvpacker, .Managers.

i C K N l ' S WANTED.—Airents make moreX\ . iii'iii'v at v.-o;!v for us than at anvthniL*WITH BEAUTIFUL CURLS. permuDetit. i ' a rncu-lars iVve. <i. in:> »n i Co. . F ine A r t hubl iaht r>, r>»n'and, Mai-.t1.


t h a n i c a I I'] n i r. c141 George Street, G:JV,T".-. ii

« ' I T

jTT < J l-i'.NO CO.. \ . V. Kir.-t-cla»s*2!<i\t J • k_ • -No Ujreiits. Xauies of patrons inI ' t t e s in eirculr

i i :' r : :i i ! >

. C a iKlij;lit-t r.tightestu'tlnPij m-



\ " s Turk ish Halmr.itii'.i and will change t ii)"i'.i:: !til cur ls . Con ta ins l u ' t l n r ^t'.it ''ii the con t ra ry is hi^lily u». •: :>• a'iv ad li-i-o; on receipt ••!'• • A_'• n;. ' | : M>, Che.iii>t. Hex -. i

-I--' - tates in eircular.

TKIKCXE BI">"eiv Vu'rki

iire 6rtn are »u:,:u?ri-ed to cisiK^ in t'-is pap': ' . >:•


{Late ot New Vcrk ci:_r'.


CUNDERANGO.>•• | Sui>ply ot Bark Assured. l'rice Keduced.•'. ' Bliss, Keene & Co's Fluii! Kxtra.-t." , ( : r c s Cancer, Scrofula, Siplnlis, Catarrh,

'• nheiimatisni, Xeurahzii, I ' t il^onaiy Cum-i'i.iints. Ulcers, Salt Rtieiim, Skin diseases, all

:' '.i -ml I>isea-e~. Is purely vegetable. Tbe bestI k'.uwn lilond 1'urititr. Sold b.- all I>rug^is:.<. l'rice I U ' I T bo'tle. Observe the trade liiark.! Send tor e-rcalar. Otiice, (iu Ceder Street

New York.

N t h . 1 i ^ r - i cKi.-Il..-:i Co:: .•• .;.; -!.e Iii . T . n lue . ks. J';, a..-•:eei!, or 1.1lite-S on rv.'

ler. I r . f. S; . Croix"'.- j••u-e u i : \ iri . i ' i l m o u s -S U ^ ' O L h e - ; :..^ ,• in ^.ix

dc-i . S-: . i to an v ;:d-

' , I h''.i'a. I ' a . ' 1 • * - - " ' " •


RKWARDFor any c .se ot Ulmd.l!leeding.Itchin>; or L'l-eerated"l'iles that D«

&'S P l l . 1 K«3I«OVtails to cure. It is pre-p-red expressly to cure

the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Drug-_::s's. Price •!< 0. " t u l J M

JL>."JS.2V rJ^ I !S T ,

Banet Street, Nrw l!tuusi»ick.r

I Solivv.A T W H O L B S A L B O H B E T A I L . A II. por.simg concerunl mn- takr- noticp. that the

; IX. >..bs:.TII«T, AdmmistMtor. et ' . . of HeiwiniinC H i R L H S A . V O O R H E E S , i " s t ' '•<•• ^c^i-eil. mt.nd to exhibit Lis tinM ac-

, .-'iiai i.. i:,,. .i.jji:e ur Ihe Orphans' totirt for theOpi'Osit.- '.ie New IlaV-street Mission, Wr.-t | , l i ;.al-'."! ' »:''/l • - " . in the terin of April tieit en-Ji r.-W liVrllm'.

Kverv descnpiion ot HriXtms manufacturedto order. ja;? hm l. !'_J.wJui ' DANIEL D i t

p ni lui'iil ami allowance, tin* same Hem

i r.-t ar.litoi an,: stued by tho . ullal.-J I-Vt. -.1 " "•

Jfere, on a CLroinaiic Press,

Work in prismafic drcs.s,

At one impression is done.

And also bear this in^mind,

CUHHI work of e\'ery kind

Is done at prices to suit everyone.


China and Japan T e a Comp'nv209 BURNET STREET.

Encouraged by the tremendous success they Vu-,- attained since they have opened, andby general request of tbeir customers, have added : > t •.-:i- ^tock'of

i Coffees; Spices,ANO FINE GROCERIES,

s Large and "Well Selected Stock of


Wines and Liquors,which we will sell at wholesale and retail at the

I'rivate Families vvi'.l (iiiii it to their advantage to buy from M, M

Our Goods are Pure, and We Warrant ThemFOR MEDIC AX USE.

Try them, and satisfy yourselves. Get your Teas, Wines and Groceries at New YoikWholesale Prices, Irom

The Great China and Japan Tea Co.,209 BUltNET STREET, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.,

471 9TH AVENUE, NEW YORK.jicW-'-tf WDIN8TOCK & EATTFKAN'. Proprietors.

A. M. WAY,Real Estate and Insurance Broker


F o r tl ie S t a t e s ot 2^ew J e r s e y a n d JTiew V orb.

Office—No. 167Neilson Street, New Brunswick

Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged.

iySURAXCE eflected in any of the fo!lo»ing first-claaa eomomiea: OontinenUI. Atl&otic, Hanover. Neir F»rk, Yonkers of New York, London, LirarpotfTand Globe.

AUCTIONEERIMQ attenjed to with promptness and dispatch.a u l - !y = A. M. WiY

New B r u n s w i c k to PtklladelplUtt.Leave New Brunswick at 1.45, 8.28, 9 47, 10.52,A. H.; 1.52, 2.40, 5.23, 6.12, 7.50, 10.42 P. M

t*u<ladclphl» to N e w Branair lcLeave Philadelphia at 12 midnight, 2.86, 7.008.80, 11.00 A. Al., via West Puikdelphia: 1.20'3.00 P. M., via West Philadelphia ; 8.00 P. M.,via Camden; 5.30, 6.45 P. M. via West Phila:

delphia.New Brunswick to N e w York.

Leave New Brunswick at 8.17, 4.44, 5.11, 6.26,7.06, 7.56, 9.04, 9.50, 10.42, A. M.; 1.05, 8.008.21, 4.61, 6.00, 7.29 and 9 P. M.

New Vork to New B r u n s w i c k .Leave New York at 7.D0, 8.30, 9.30, 10

A. M ; 12.30, 1.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.10, 5, 5.20, U.30S 30, 12 midnight.

Sew i l r a n s w l c k and mi l l s tone Kal iroad.

Leave New Brunswick at 5.15 and 8 30 A 11and 2.01, 5.41 and 6.36 P. M.

Leave Millstone at ii.36, 7.26 and 9.20 A Mand 4.00 and 9.06 P. M.t'ertk Am boy and Woodbridee Rai l -

road.Leave New Brunswick at 6.30 and 9.50 A 11and 1.05, S.00, 4.51 and 6.00 P. 11.

Leave Perth Amboy for Bahnay at 7.01, 8.0111.56 A. M., and 3.45, and 6.30 P. it.ttoc&r H1J1 and Kings ton Rai lroadLeave New Brunswick at 8.23, 9.47 A. II., and5.28 P. M.freehold and Jamcsburg Rai lroadLeave New Brunswick at 8.23, 9.50 A. M., aud5.23 P. M.

and Pemberton Railroad^ New Brunswick at 8.23 A. H., and 5.23

P.M.Bel f ide re and Delaware Rai lroad .

Leave New Brunswick at 9.50 A. II., and 2.4Cand 5.23 P. M.

^ The 8.23 A.M., and 2.40 P. W. trainsgo via Camden.

Passengers to all point* south of Farmingdale, en ihe New Jersey Southern Bailroad,take the 8.23 A. M. train.

Tickets lor sale and baggage checked throughfor all points South and West,

H. CLOW, JR., Ticket Agent.Nov. 20, 1871.

Buy Your




Planing Mills,

143 Burnet Sftreet,

meh21-lyFOOT OF NEW.


8 1 . 0 0 0 's offered as a challenge to thosewho call themselves professors, or anv one else,who will produce Pianos superior to what I amselling, tbat will wear as well, that will standin tuue as well, or that have that volume andpower of tone equal to mine, after a fair trial;and I am selling them at about

Hali tbe N&w York Prices.lly Pianos are made by the

Oldest and Most Skilful Makers,and with great care, and that is eaough of itsel'o prove their superiority. To persons wish-ng to make their selections in New York it

will be preferred, as it will t-ave extra handling,and the piano will be bought for them, and putup free ot charge at the same low prices. 1sell a good, new


and what I call

F/rst-Class Pianos,hat sell in New York fo ^650 to $750, whichue as good as they make, I sell

FOR $325 TO $350.?They are equal in tene to what they ask $1,000for, the only d flerence being a little extra out-side finish oa the case. And I sell them fro:n#4.'>o to $.)00 for the best, the same which thosewho call themselves professors sell for $1,000.'ersons wishing to purchase will please call onhe proprietor and he will give them all the in-

formation he possesses, without charge,whether they bay or not. Don't forget theplace—>'O. 3 U1KAM STBEET, New Uruns-wick, N. J.

US-diiwiv E. V. ADDIS

W. H. FISHER,Merchant Tailor




No* I Paterson Block,N E W B B U N 8 W I C K .

apll-dawlyI N BANKRUPTCY.—DISTRICTA. of New Jersey, as: At New Brunswickthe Twenty-eighth day of February, A, D.1872.

The undersigned hereby giret notice <jf hisappointment aa Assignee of Alexander Whit-locJt, of New Brnnswick. in the county of Mid-dlesex and State of New Jersey, within saidDistrict, who has been adjudged a bankruptupon his own petition by the District Court ofsaid District.

K. T. B. SPADER, Assignee,Washington street, New Brunswick, N.J.



Philip II., King of Spain, ILke manyother powerful monarch?, loved to layaside the insignia of royalty, and, fol-lowing the example of Caliph HarounAlraschid,. roam the streets of his cap-ital of a night, accompanied by afaithful servant, in disguise. He wasthus often enabled to discover himselfcauses of popular discontent, tram-mels of conspiracies, or wishes for re-form; also, to perform mauy acts ofmunificence towards the poor andmeritorious.

In the year J549 Philip paid a visitto the capital of the Netherlands,Brussels, where he resided some time,and was entertained in a mannerwhich recalled the magnificence of thedays of chivalry. He was still theidol of the people, who hoped thatthe son of Charles Y., by treading inthe footsteps of his illustrious father,would continue towards them thefavors and wise policy which had rendered both Spain and the rest of theempire so unusually-flourishing1. HowPhilip responded to these expectations belongs to history. I will onlymention that at the peiiod of the ac^tion ol this story he was in the zenithof his popularity.

One night, when the ceremonies ofthe court was over, Philip summonedhis faithful- servant, Ruy Gomez.Masking his face with a long gray-beard, and enveloped in a great Span-ish cloak, he and his attendant wentforth into the dark streets of Brusselsin quest of an adventure.

They had not proceeded far in thedirection of the river, when their,at-tention was drawn to a person hurry-ing with rapid and uncertain steps tothe bridge, J>y his excited gesturethe king concluded that he was someunfortunate creature driven by de-spair to seek a watery grave. He,therefore, hastened after him^ and, to-gether witli Gomez, arrived just intime to prevent his leaping over the>arapet into-the river.

" Stop ! for God's sake, stop !" criedPhilip II.

" Who may you be ? Let me alone,say. My life's my own, and I sup-

pose I may do as- I choose with it V""That you may not; It belongs to

God who gave it. He alouc may takeit,"

" Wherefore then does He not pro-vide me the wherewithal to sustaint ? He feeds the vermin, but leavesman so dependent that he must die ofstarvation, as I am doing. Unhandme, I say. unhand me !" Tiie desper-ate man sought for his rapier, but itwas gone.

" What misfortune has driven youo this rash extremity?" asked "thecing. •.,

" Sir, this is my misfortune, andmay it never be yours. I have nottasted food for two days."

"Alas! poor youth." He was atall, lauk young man, ,who, had hebeen properly led and clothed, wouldhave been reiharkably handsome.His bony frame was elegantly built,slender and graceful, yet strong. Hiseyes were black and fiery, his browbroad and intellectual, his featuresregular, but at present much marredby their extreme moagerness. Theexpression of his countenance, underfavorable circumstances, would havebeen open and engaging, but miserylad stamped with a haggard, care-worn look, piteous to behold. TheKing of Spam, putting his hand firmlyon the young man's shoulder, againsighed, " Alas ! poor boy."

" Don't , stand there sighing andlooking at me. In the name of thesaints in Heaven, can you give me[ood—iood and employment''. If no!,let me end my mi.sciies."

" Young man, look into niv face.See, does it look" careworn 'f

" Very much so."" Well, young sir, when you have

jone through as much of agony asmyself then you think of leaving thisworld in search of another, where, astist punishment for your crime, as

worse fate awaits "you iu eternity.Who are you ? Above all"—herePhilip searched for tliQ tiny crucifix-hat hung from the rosary he wore

round his wrist, " you are a Catholic?"" Who dares to question'it ?" ex-

claimed the youny man haughtily." I am."

"Are you a gentlemanV" againjiiestioncd the king.

" By my patron saint, I am, sir—astrue a gentleman as ever wore asword."

" Gentleman Or not, you are a-hrLstiau. Come, follow me, and I

will give you some supper and a bed"or the night. To-morrow we (con-tinued King-Philip who, accustomedas a sovereign to speak in the secondperson plural, had difficulty to adoptthe first person singular in his disjuise)—that is, I will further ques-ion you as to what you can do to•am yonrlivelihood for the future.

There, Gomez, lead the way."Holding the rescued youth by the

land firmly, lest he should escape,ulip, preceded by Ruy Gomez, bent

us step toward the palace.On his way curiosity, one of the

trongest passions of this great sov-reign, got the better of his charity,

and notwithstanding the young manwas BO weak as to render his answerslmost inaudible, the king obtainedrom nun the outline of his history.Ie was, he said, one Alfonso

Sanchez Coelio, a native of Portugal,and a portrait painter by profession.Hehad been driven Irom Spain by orderf the Marquis Don Louis de Maria

Yalle, Governor of Badajos, for the;rime of falling in love with his ex-;ellency's daughter, Donna Estafania,n whose company he had been muchhrown during a considerable timeemployed in the execution'of her pic-ure. He had wondered to the

Xetherlands in hope of .obtainingwork. But although he had done all

his power to earn his bread, he hadn every case failed, and for two daysie had not tasted food. He was tooproud to beg, and, maddened by want,he had sought to free himself of hismiseries by a violent death.

The king provided Coelio, as heromised, with a substantial meal andgood bed, and ihe next morning he


wishes to inform her friends and the publicgenerally that she has taken the store,

No. 159 Biirnet Street,

next door to Washington Hail, and fitted it upas a firat-c ass

Oysier J B f e t a t SatanroR

Ladies and Gentlemen.where she will be pleased at all times to lur-nish them with



awoke much refreshed, to find Ray -Gomez by his couch, hplding in hishand a handsome suit of clothes forhis service. Vainly did he questionthe shrewd Ruy as to the con-dition of his unknown bene-factor. Ruy informed him that tbegentleman was named Don Paea j thathe was in the service of bis CatholicMajesty, and that presently, when hehad finished his collation, the SenorDon Paez would come to- him, andtalk of his prospects for the future.

Accordingly, when Sanchez Coeliohad dispatched an excellent breakfast,the king, still wearing his disguise,entered.



Oysters in Every Style,NUTS 0¥ ALL KINDS AND FE0IT-

Jso, a full supply of Whitman It Co.'a justlyselebrated Philadelphia Confectionery.

N. B.— Parties furnished with suppers atihort notice. Families supplied with Oycters.




New Scale Pianos,WITH IRON FRAJfE,

Overstrung1 Bass and Agraffe Bridge.



WARRANTED FOB SIX T£ABS.Illustrated catalogues mailed. A large dis-

;ount made to Ministers, Churches, buuday-ichools, Temperance Societies, etc.


A Great Offer!Horac* Waters, 481 Broadway, N. Y.,will dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Melodeong,and Organs, of six nrst-class makers, includingWaters'?, at extremely low prices for cash, «rwill take from $4 to $1S monthly until paid ;the same to let, and rent applied if purchased.New 7-octave Pianos, modern improvement*,or S275, cash. A new kind of Parlor Organ,

the most beautiful style ^nd perfect tone evermade, now on exhibition at 481 Broadway,New York.


Mr. Horace Water* has just issued a catalogue1 his ue«r instruments, (jiving a new scale ofrice.", which thows a marked reduction from

ormer ratas. We happen to know that hisnstrutncntt; earned him a good reputation longjelore Expositions and the " honors" connect-:d therewith were even thought of; indeed, »reave one of Mr. Waters's pianos now in ourevidence (where it h#s stood for years) of

.vhich any manufacturer in the world mightveil bu proud. We have always been delightedwith it as a sweet-toned and. powtrrul instru-ment, and there is no doubt of its durability ;more than this, some of the best amateur play-rs iu the city, as well as several celebratedihtniets, have performed on the said piano,

und all pronounce it a superior and first-classinstrument. Stronger endorsements we couldn6t give.— Jlotnf Journal. mhr5-ly


wishes to inform her friends that she has re"moved te

165 Neilson Street,

where she will continue the basineaa of

Dress and OloakMaking,.nd where will be found « general assortment Of


Variety of Other Goods,

ALL NEWand selected withthis locality.

regard to the want* ot

Thankful for past farora, by strict attentionto business she hopes to merit a continuanceol the same. splS-lr

U. S. MAIL LXNTE.Steam between New York,Qneenstown So XAverpoBLThe Steamships Manhattan, Minnesota, Col-

orado, Chicago, Nebraska and Nevada, sailingfrom New York every Wednesday. Cabinpassage $90 gold; steerage passage front NewYork, $80. To New York at lowest rates, pay-able in currency. Passage from and to Pans,Hamburg, Rotterdam ana Antwerp at equally'ow rates. Remittances to Great Britain, Ire-land and all parts of Germany. Apply. toWILLIAMS & GUION. 29 Broadway, N. 1L orJOHN MURPHY, 141 Neilson street, KewBrunswick. N. J. l

Steam Dyerand Scourer.r.No. 93 Church street. New Brniswick, is now

prepared to do every description of fastness inhis line, iathjB beat manner and at reasonablerates.

All order* promptly attended to at abortnotice. spS»-ly

Page 2: TIMES. - digifind-it.com · times. vol. iii.-no. 14j». new brunswick, n. j.: wednesday evening, march 27, 1872pric.e three cents. «t- si.:^s« i'ainier, r-j (;; ii.dkx


OFj-'j-CK, y o . C? .'.r.n.'iXY STVJIJ-'T.


1>ATI.T E v e r v Afte:"i ; .v:>n—Wrnk ^ on T i i u r r d a v .

D A I L Y — F i t ' i e e u cen"« a w e e k , w h e n s'-rv.-d '••:•'

c i m e r . o r j 7 . " 0 a v i - i r , HI a d v a i n - c . » ' . • :i ?viit!>jr d a i L

W E E K L Y — l a v i r i a b ' y in .-..!•. :.\:c-•. f. • y '-'•

Clul«~ o f t e n o r o v e r , $';.-"••• r . . - ' - , iv '•'•'•• ' i1'"

for t h e ge t t e r np of ilie rlw'i.

A. K. tiordon.•be addressed to



THE STREETS.The condition of our slivels lias

a* matter of universal complaint

> . n ^ r a : i o n , ai"l subsidy, :m.l la ml

g r a n t s , : ; ;! , :iU, :iu< 1 everything thai

men iMiik nl»>i;i, or talk about, when1 >"T.I.J ;iiv sober n:i'l some not, have

\ . m u l i'l:-e,\ ei|U:\l rights and equal

Tinvii'. LTC* IH-P1. For a moment I

! ;:.!:ii;;:inl I was hearing philosophies.

<1:;UMIHII, lawyers, demagogues, lee-

! Hirers, moralists ami divines i'\jiivss-

iii'j; t hu r views r.nd ii.vlin^s in all Ihe

dilV.reiil lanyuajres and dialects under

the *iin. Thuu;;h T I'ould nut under-

•-Idlid a syllable ol a fori!:::i toniTiKV

I knew distinetlv uii_.ugh, tor Un- pur-

pose of an old [.lownriM, who had k>ny

learned to tell all the difleri-nt birds

fin Anierienn forest, by their, ehirjiimj;

and >iiiLrii'i_r, that T stood in the midst

during the whole _ Winter, and justly o f a^vou^hvWrn^u,:om m! l s s . Art. so. Sidewalks have been wofuily out- ol" repair, the street crossings often

seemed as if they were the depositions• of all the loose mud in the neiiihbor-

• t_

hood, and many of the sidewalks, atthe best verj" narrow, were in main

ean do wonders . A r t has revolut ion-

ised the world. Ar t and science have

reformed and t r a n s l o n n e d unti l all

! forms and modes are unlike what thes

places obstructed by stono and otherobstacles. The ijuestioii has bjen.

wuo is to -blame ? This conuhas been variously answered. Somesaid—"The property owners : '" somesaid—" The Commissioners ot Streetsand Sewers;" whille others insistedthat the "Street Commissioner" wasthe person to blanu. We have madeinquiry in regard to the matter, and

wi'iv. A r t aii'l ^ci'.iR-L'

to l i ie p h o t o g r a p h e r tli

hav irlllV'l

•iiv to


hk-h Ipivs'.-nt in living, im;

' 1 J - L ' I K land impressions the IV.-:M in winch In i ] n u " stooJ, ami thom.r .uim' . i i i"^ expres-

sions of laces an 1 countenances ; but

lo photograph, l-1 ' I nna te upon can-

vas or otherwise, such •sounds as I

was am--<- ' with, though they wciv

the nh!-l i;vii)LT, impressible ami im

|,or!>ii.-i!>!e *-'f all luiinan ihings (for

will u>~>! our thoughts live when all

sponsibility of at least, a portion ol j

these shortcomings. Tin- >-;•• rin-

tendent of Streets gols a lair salary

for looking after the >:i\"jt». observ-

ing if "they are in ]iro[>'.--r condition,

and seeing that rcp.tirs are made.

How well this industrious employee

of the Republican Council lias ful-

- believe we are. able to place the iv-|,!1:lU,ri;li flings shall be resolved intot'n-.-ir original Hothln^iie-s V), neither

art nor seieiu-e has yet vouchsafed to

mortal man. For a moment 1 was

i i'liie nvt'-rwiiehiii'd. J int. an iiivinci-

his duties we leave for

ble bootblack skulking through" thecrowd soon disturbed my reverieswith a subdued penetrating "black

yer iioots," which sent into retirement

eral public to decide.UI" - : J• '= " ' j i o r the n igh t a j ie rp l .xed and juiz

.1 Ol.P

T H E last phase of Erie seems to be *. j s

the worst that that unfortuiiate C••m- \ / ,

pany has experienced in all" its e\ful history. The stock ha- gone ujto G7, and while; a few men will doubt-less.realise immense fortunes from theriseVmany others will be ruined. JayGonld, it is supposed, will make overthree millions-of dollars by the opera-tion, which will probably have a ten-dency to make him re-igned to hisejection from" the jiresidemy of the

--road. The New York !»",•/.'' sevms

•i:*s Cliai 'Si 's BDroy«"i

y / ; • • ' • . ' • • • • / . ' : . •'• i « .

- ! !Mr. Sc i iurz h:^ v.hv:i<~ls i iunic o u t b i s

i l ease , so fur as s h o w i n g v i o l a t i o n s of t i n

i iw bv the oili-jjrs of the "War D.par t -mtur , as well ;iS such iudiilVrencu to, ilnot open ili-re-jiiifd of, our inteniationulDtjlmalioi-B as l iuda .no parallel in rccenlhisli'i-y save in the conduct of the Eng-lish Government tov.-aril us during ourwar. The more the tacts are brought out(in th i - point the clearer it will be provedand the \Ml--e. we s u s p . c t . i t will ap-pe ir. For instance, the real explanationill' ill1.1 j-iile of tlie navy Remingtons m a d e

: a: .-Spriuuiieid probably is that Ueuiing-

t o t h i n k t h a t <J -n . G r a n t , 1 ) a n . ! i " » — w h o hail uu imlc i in i t e e o u t r a c t w i t h. . . - , , , , ,- - • . i l h e F r e n c h G o v e r n m e n t for all oi hisb n - U e s a i u l o t h e r p o l i t i c i a n s g o t « 1 ' ! u.:..lls ?eL-iii.«r th i i t Uiu w u r ivas a l m u t tu

the change in Ejie merelytive 'jmrjiores. Most ot•Which has changed hnn.lr

i- ] cose tun

the stock

has 1

iiis iob to end, used his infill-ock j tly ;,r nuiireetlv, with the Wai

i ;uui >iiivy iK-p-irtini-nts to get possession'eui | ( ) t t h , . , L . - 1 ( , _ , , , , . , r i l j , , s w l i ieh were just

purchased b y Engl i shmen . They vvil! j bei;i;_; iim-iit/.l at'tlie ^

Jierea ' te r see cause t o regre t e

ing dabbled in the stock.

iuhl Armory,i;ir.ii M/iit t l i ' i n nil' u n d e r h is c o n t r a c t be-I (ore his nni i - is were c n u n t e n i m m l e d . .

As ;tr;;ih; :t i\n< t l ieory , w e k n o w t h a tMr. IJniicsnii Ii;is t ' .stii ieil t h u t t h e con-t:\iel t'"i" lln- s i ! ' ' ot' t h e s e g u n s was notni:i.li' t i l l hi te in March , w h e n it w.-is wr l ik n o w n the w:tr was over . l !u t on refer-

here reciived the lii.-ttlu order for t l i

MCCLVUE -i 11 be admitted isj • * -

-•• h i s sea t in t h e P e n n s y l v a n i a S e n a t e

I t w a s s l iown t h a t i - nunnous f r a u d s j ri.'iir to Ui<- tiie "I the l;<j'>'li/<r<ni, we lhut

/ w e r e p e r p e t r a t e d b y . t h e C r a n t 1 II- I l ^ . ^ / ^

ju i l i l i cans iu 1'liiia i c l p h i a . a n d hi-nci-j _vt.,...,j ] ( , t

t h e i r c a n d i d a t e , Co l . <<ray, h a s K i : i ! t <

e j e c t e d i r o m h i s sea t . T i i e Sen. i t i

w i l l s t a n d 10 D e m o c r a t s , l o l i c p u b

-Heans a n d o n e lnde j j endc i i t t inti- j

- G r a n t R e p u b l i c a n .

the pl-.t e of the first lot,L' IUVY, which cri ler %vas C'.-n-

. ' A i-.ii.i. was reported in thr- Assem-

bly, at Trenton, on Monday, lor a

free bridge over the I ran ian , in tins

city.. We.hope that this bill will be

]>rOmj>tlv passed, and tlms give us

• chance for our lives here in 2s i


t - i k e

iut-j in

t i n n e d l i i e fir.-! w e e k in FeVi ru t t r y , : un l tlirtl

i l i e a i m 1 i'i.r» w e r e k e p t b u s y — e v e n w o r l . -

ii1;; o v e r - h . u r : — u a r l n . L ' F e h r i i i i r y l o c o i u -

• j i '1-j ' .e-and . - n u l i;ii t h e i i :>t l o t . T h i s s h o w s -

'• • : ; : In • 1) "• u . i in for t h e r : i l e <jf t l u . - e a n u -

ii.i:.-' l i : ivc !:e.-;> I P . M I I ; in .7;:r.t!riry, o r tit t in-

!;.'<•>' t h e fir-! Wi e k in F e l i r n : i r y , tl:::ii«il>.

K ! c..>ir.-i\ ii is ' [ ' l i i e p<>-.-il>l.' ilitii t l i e rrcv.r<l

t i i e r t o l in t h e . N a v y IK 'Uilnit j iH b u u i s chile

•j. m o n t h la . ier .

' I ' l iu iz< ii• I ; i l f u c U u i c clc . i ; ' e n o r . g h ,

t h o u g h w e ^ J I - Unit I h u U o r . i ' e CwliiHUItee.: l i l h : ; l ic.is iiei.ii n i t i k i : ; ^ tl t h i n ; m d c . i r e l o s


EMI". '

i:iv •s.'.i^'i'.ion o i ' t h u t i i ' j et is : i l ru : i ' ly p r e -

[K.ri d t o l c j i o r t t h a t t h e r e w : i s n o v i o l a t i o n

i! l a w . iiiiil o n l v " a n i n . p r o p r i e t y " iu l e t -

liiji; ! t e n i i n s ; ! o n l i t ive t h e g n u s a l t e r i t w a s

l o u i i d o u t . t h u t h e w a s t h e i i g e u t o f t h er V c i ; e h . T h i s w i l l a s s u r e u u b o d y s a v e

Hut, /.v

i.-c win) wh-h to be asii ired. 'J'hat our• war officers knew whe re these a r m s were

" ~ ' i; iia^, ::iri iilso that t hey were deal ing, i!" ' , in.t d i ixc ' ly with F r e n c h ugciits, yet wilh

I men w n o were ac t i ng openly for them :jt .at verv i-lo-v couneel ioi is we i e mfide be-j l w i e n ' l h e u l i r c r e s : , m l HIL' F r e n c h s!ii|-^ ;and ih;;t UM: ii;U ;. r c e ol ihe K"iniiii; tr!i r

Thr "IHtl J'loiriiinn •• A iv

Herts Jfi.rr lioutblacks—lli

thrir Ininutrs.

[from O a r Own Cot res[) i i ; 'c : . t

- W / A S i i i N - i - i - r o x , 3 l a r e h -2\. 1

. M K . K K I T O K : Y O U w i l l r e a d i l y ' ;n-d t h e i r t ^ u i i s l i o - n iir, .t t o l a s t w a s b<,--\

. " T , . , , , ' . I c o : i s t a i : l a m ! p o t . n t a t t h e w a r c l i k ' e , t u n

- i m a g i n e t h a t J r e l i e v e d m y s c . t l r - m : l h . l t I h l . ,.;,., , . , , , a , , f t h e w i ' o l c b u > h u - s :

t h e j a w , c l a m o r a i u l i m p u d e n c e o t t i n - W . I J c l e a r t o ni l i"ij•••-.:• d in it a! t h u t i m e .

first.batch o f b o o t b l a c k s w i t h a < l i t t l i

GOLD, BGilQ AKD STOCK MARKETS.Piir.TKn r.v . M. CONHTia.Ki;1; \ i -n , OKKHJK NI

N>;\v Vn;:r., Ma:;h 'J7Gold oivneu lo ;ii;y at *U. S. (i's 1!•"'•; ' 1£IJ7ISI-.-J lit:'!. 18i58Stii 111;.; | 10-40':,Sii5 1 In-.. I Cur. bouds.\-,v I l l ' " I Coup

i\ \x.-.f;r:R r . &. A.rf-Aci; STREEf.

39 A. J!.

. 11 - " . ,

l O . s "11"> ' ±


AD e\ 'en ivc lin; has oc "ir"i < <1 in l'ortl.eyden, JS. V.

A member of the Michigan Legislature,is accused of biiberv. •

Two men v.vre i.n Mi.i.Jiiy binned todeath at Stillwater, Miuu.

Kriu stock ranged yesterday in Wallstreet betwetn 01} and G7i.

The revolutionists iu the Str.tc of J'abas-ci), Mexico, have binii defeated.

The Hiiti-h House of Commons has voted10 reduce the duties on coffee uud chiceory.

Michiiul JIayes was ur res ted for the al-Icued murder of James O'Doimell in 1807.

The report of conclusion of n literaryconvcution between Franco and America isdenied.

Jii tlie U. S. Senate, yesterday, the Housebill rcpeaiiui; the duties oil tea anil coil'.'i.'•.•.as debm.ed. AmenduieiHs niakiug salttind coal Irec were voted down. A billwas introduced, looking to the adoption of auailorm raihvay guiigu throughout thecountry. In tiie Ilor^e, the day was spentin n;im;sUTi!ii; ou the. Potomac Uailroaubill.

! ei ator I'.iltcr.-on's testimony beforethe French Anns Iiivcsti^utiiig Coui-uiittee. yesterday, wtis important, as itshowed that the scandal was not ot re-cent date. The President kuew all aboutit-lung ago, und at least one Adminis-tration Senator advised Senator Fatter-son that lie ought to communicate to thePresident the laeis which had come tohis knowledge. In connection with 1111.-phase of the investigation we have somenew names wh;eh figure in the scandal,notably those of Ucn, Ii^ulls, of theOuartermaater's Department, and Mr..C.K. Garrison. These names will naturallyfcULarest additional veins ot testimonywhich must be opened und followed.The protest of Senator Sunnier in exhaustive and conclusive as to the law andprecedent bearing upon thi^ right of aCommittee to summon a Senator beforethem to testify. But his argument onthe unprecedented character of the Com-mittee itself is much more calculated toattract attention, and it will recall thefact that the Administration Senatorshave committed a seiious offense in de-ciding its personnel.— Tribune.

From Poughkecpsie to Ivjwbury the

Hudson is comparatively free from ice.

At Poughkeepsie the ice has been forced

back by the tide closing the ferry track.

The ice is also on the move at Tivoh, andthe Jerry is open at that place. Abovethere is a solid bridge of ice to Albany.The hit'-ness oi the season is regarded asextraordinary. A year ago to-day fann-ers were plowing ami planting potatoes.To-day the host is three leet thick. Thesteamboat Ansonia is expected to leave

Vork to-morrow ior Sal


Wall Paper.!n (.on.-Hiuence of lmvine (o move o i r | lace

:l biisnitss, we are oli tr iug from now to May1, 1S72, our entire stock of Wull Puper at the

U I . V D o u !>>i . \*u .— W h e i e l h i 1 l u n r i s u u n u t u r. t ! !v ( i r v , y o u n i u v b e s u r e l i u a it i s d . i n ^ ; i n i uH U K H ; i i ; i . c i i i H v v i t a l i s e d , i t w i l l M ) o u b e u s<\cv\ ;i.- 1 .J . ;VI ' . - i.i N o v e m b e r . I ' u r i ! t h e w i t h i ' i - -iii-^ i i b i r s ;iii-l s u i i u i ' i i i e TIK- l o r n i u s c a l p w i l hL v o u - ] - . .L i iKi i r i ,n . u m l t h e e v i l , w h i c h.-. ii ;•. i . e ^ • > . > [ i e u l i i i i n a ' . e i l l will be

Tallowing low prices.

Gold Papers,wnril: '"roni »iO cts. to #1.53, at 40, 45, 55 atd

ii |i.(n> per piece.

SATINS,worth 27 and SO cen's, at


White Blanks,worth in, 17 and !8 cts., at

EO, 11 and 12 Cts. per Piece

Brown Blanks,worth 10 eta.,

For 7 Cts. per PieceAn excellent opportunity for those intend

ing IO

Paper Tliis Springto purchase at an advantage.

All our btjck warranted perfect.MORGAN & HH1VL.ER,

liuok and Stationery StoreNo. 5 Peace s ieet, New Brunswick, IK'.J


, No.30,-H. olThe Members of ibis Lodg

requested to atteud the regulu:meeliiifiof said lodge on WEDNEdUAY EVENING, MARCH27, at 7.$i> sharp, vhen busness of impowanee will bbrought before lhem.

]5y order,W. W. VAN AKSDALE, W. C

S. O. CHOKLTON, VV.K.S.nih2i-2t

HAMM.Pupil of Ferdinand Laub, of Moscow, herebybe^s to announce that he is ready t j give

Lessons Upon the Violinat his residence, No. 43 French street, or at tbresidences nf Li.s pupils, as they desire. Term:and all lurther particuliirs may be learned a'


Xo. 24 Albany street.References": Uev. C. D. ITartranftj Prof. Jame;

Garland and Prof. Van dur Loetl.

>])uedilv l e u i c d i e d . i t i.s - b s o h l t e l y n e c e s s a r yl u r i l ie h e a l t h u t t l u b r u m t h a t i t be kc; i tai ' i t lurLit-jtv i ao i> t w i t h u p i - v p u r a t i o n c a p u b U -D[ n o u r i s h \wx .:nit i m ii; i»rati n j ; i t . i . v o n ' s K:i-th .Li ron i u l t i i s t h u ^ e euiKi i l iu i i> f u n d is llit1 o n l ya r i i c i e t h u t a c t u a l l y ] i a t s ne'.v l i ie i n t o t i ie' j^jj"i i ; irv i uU ' . s , l l j i u n ^ l i w l i c h t h e n a t u r i ln o i n i - i i . i; e i J t h a s ceas t ' i l l o p a s s . r l h i s p u r e.nul l in r t i : l e>s vi-^'et . t i le p ; i . p : i r ; i t : cm i s u . b - |a o r b e d b y t i i e s k i ' i ot t l i e ! i i .aa in i h e r o > t s oft h e l i u i r , a m i p ; : s se> i n t o I h e t i l ^ m e i u s b y t h el o r u u ol c .ij>i '1 j.i-y a t t r a c t i o n . mli-JO-; w

O K A D M I . N T K L I . N O T . M . E S : II l l i e y d i d , a n

t t l i e i u a s ::irain.st t i i e dcj 'k-1 i n g l a n c e t , t h e

d r a s t i c j / u r i i e , a m i t i ie t e r r i b l e s a l i y iu i t s ; o f t h eii iut- j r ia mudir- . i , wot i l i ! a r i s e !r in e v e r y u r a v e -\ : i l d . T h e i n o t l . ) ot nioi l t -r i i t : ict l ic . i l ^ " i e n c e i.-•' i ' l c se rVi . . ;in 1 KcLra ia tu , n o t D e s t r o y , " a n t ! n or c a i c : i v u] o u r d u v i s i o t - n ' i r e l y m h : i r a i o n \ 'w i l l : t h i i pli i i a t i t h f o p l i i c lo i i i c a s D r . W ; . . l k e t ' s\"i-:ctLi!>le \ ' i a e ^ ; : r l > ; l l e r s . I n t h i s p o w t r f . i l ,v e t b i i n u l e s s t e'.* or i ' . f .ve , d y - p e p . - i a , b ih i - .u - .c u n i p ' . a i i i t s , a n d a l l d i s e a s e s o f t h e i t o t l i . i c h ,i iver , bo' .vrls u n d n e r v e s , encoa i i ' . e r an u r c -

Amateur MinstrelsThe Students of Rut

gers College,umit-T' the ]>rofe-.=iona! dii-cctinn of Messrs.llouten and Sharnley, inlend giving

Two Entertainments in Greer's Hall

On March 27 and 23, for the .benefit of the

Rutgers Boating AssociationADMISSION 50 CTS ; HESERVED SEATS

Tickets c:m bo ]iiirch;isod, :ind reserved seat:secured, fioni a diagram of the Hull, at Prof(iiii-1 tnd's. mh22-tit

^ i . - i a b l e a i i t i d

T H K j i o s rt ! i e i > \ i s p i i p t i e

l h f


Pt£R>oN in the world i;-p y IIIIIIL; lookd dark andhe feels " o u t o f h u r ' s " with hiin-elt; ;

.ii:il e v c r \ b o d y el.-e. Li fe i.i a b u r d e n t o h ip iTl is c a n a l l b'.1 c l i - t n ^ e d b v t a k i n i r P e r u v K i iS1. rup (a protoxide of ir in i. C:-vsesof ii7 v^-iirs.siajiuing have been cured uv it. mhliZT-lw

T U B Ii is more r«nim mnlur thearm than anv lannlv sew inj; mach ine .

I licit.'


l i m i t (it a ivas . -.liable1 d o u b t ,

c e i i n i n l v o t ' . uh t t o h e M J I I I P e x -

C e r e m o n y a s p e r s o n s W l : n c \ c r J i a r ! ; p ^ . n a t i . ^ : : \ v . . y i . h : , ; . ; i c - s t h a t I h e F i e l i c h

• c o m p a n y , s u p p o s i n g t h a t 1 s h o u l d !vT .>ver iune : : t p - . a i M v i r a l mi l l i on . . . m o r e1 . , " - - • ! m o n e y t o r i h e a n u s t h a n ih . 1 I i r . l cd S l a t e . -

s o o n I K - i t : p o s i t i o n t o p u - u c m y » . - ! ^ ^ . ^ u . , „ ! , ; . , . , „ W : l , iu l ; . n . j , f l l l . . h ,

« | t i i r i e s a n d o b s e r v a t i n n s r e s i n < : i r . g ; K i e n c i i r r n . m i i i i s - i . i n ; I ) i i t t h i s b y n o

. t he propor t ion oi whi tes : m l black- means ahsoiU-d the diil'.-KiKe.. . . - , , i , i i', and ior what f

without molestation. J>ut 1 liad not

; .proceeded a. siimlesiiuare on ntv way. | On Sumlay

before I was accosted by another half j David .i.m.'s r.

ilozeii of the mo>t inveterate, imporiu-

iiate bootblacks, ei\>ssini: my p;ilh.

asking questions and looking me in

the lace most beseechingly at first,

then disappointedly, and then angrily.

"ix'cing others passing without being

thus molested, I took it ior granted

there was something; peculiar or

anomalous in

ng, a iu;:ro uaineo

he lmu-e of a farmer

nan:ed Miur-iy, neat Nashville, Ti;/n., and.

win n the latter oil', red rcsis:ance, the mi-tn

.-hoi hii'.'. d . a d . T i n m u r d e r e r w a s a r r e s t ed

and l.niiznl in j til, li'il a n in : i ! r ia !ed n u b

iii '-ki ' op:-u t h e pii .-on and l o c k iiiiu ou t .

n twice , , t h e y put n r. pe

':! i i ta i i i ; id h i m to

. - h > « , r . i ; i _

u i j . h i s 1H.I-U u i u l

j p.>s!

m y case , a m i t l i a t I

p(1,i;(, :.qi;.ll,. , , „ . , , , hilll ; , „ a , . . , „ , , .S i \ j i . i i l c i i i u n c a n i i ; t o L l i e i i s i ' u c

\ v M ^ ' ; ^ l ^ v . , . k c - p i i ^ -IH1 c rowd oilw r l i revolvers, U;R! evivnril h im to th r,„, j ( . c s.n..;,,n. where he tun i yL'S'.i'i\!.;_v af:cr-


For Moll Patcles, Freckles,iiid Tan . a the r'aci', use T e r r y ' s Moth andi-'.'.-k'rj I.'iti.iu. It is reliable and liannle. .- .So !d bva l i dr.ij;gi>ts;. JJepot 411 l iond s ' ree t ,Ne-.v V'ork. '" nihM I'.'niu'-il

Skin Diseases.l 'e r rv 's Improved Ctinedonc uud Piniplu

Hjiiu'dV. l i ie Skin Modicinc uf Hit- A-^«. l>tV i t iTHi i t e i l l o c u r e l i e d , AN' l i i t e ;tn>l M a ' l r i i i ' c dl ' i in [>lcs ; I' l f s ' n \ V u r : i i?, a n d J i l 1 ' ' . c l i t d d i & i i ^ u : 1 -. U i u n s o f t h u F i i c e .

P r e p a r e d o n l v b v P i . U . C . I ' e r r v , i ) o r m ; ; -p . ! . w i > t : - , : i U.ri.tl Mi - ' j : ! , NL-'.V V n - k . ' S U1 bvP ; r i r ^ i '!:• f v i rvwiiCiL1 . m i l l - I :IIU'<M1

To Consumptives.T'.ie adver t i se r , hav ing been porniniifLitK

ciifL'-l of that dread disease, Cousuii iption, bv a>in:j.le reino.ly, is anx ious to make known tohis »elluw-sufit.'rers the UILMIIS of cure . To all\vl:(> (le-i;-..1 it, he will swd a -'opy of the p ;e -r.cnpt:or. r.s^-d - fn-e of cha rge ) , with the direc-tiuiir. for T>repuring und usini; the same, whicl:they will 1:.ml a >ure Cure lor ('i'ii<uui;'li^!i,A>t)i!i!ii, HiT-ticliitis, etc. I'iiriir_-s wishing tin.1

prescr ip t ion will jile.ise addressUi:v. KDWAKl) A. WILS0X,

2'M South Third street, Wilhanisburg, N.V.

COAL, COAL !We are now receiving a supply of



H. RICHMOND & GO.,tnlr_:3-l\v Opposi te Post Ollie

Mr. Van der Loeff,Graduate of the Hollaed Military Academy

DESIRES PUPILS IN MUSIC(Vocal and Instrumental),

P l i K N C H , O-KK.P.X A-ISJj

Mathematics, mechanical Drawir<*,


For terms apply at 55 Albany street, or a'Garland's Mu-,ie Store, -It Albanj street.

KEFEKEN'CES :llev. Dr. Campbell, Uutgers College ; liev

M_r. Hartranfi, Albany Btreet ; Mr. HcnrvW'i'stoii, K,:<l N'ew Brunswick'; Prof. Garland•Jt Abanv street. idU-tiin

• w o u l d n o t b e ] < e n n i t t e d t o s a t i s l y m y i :i"(>n. l i e d n i i e d ihu i lie n m i d i i . d Mti t -- - , ' • '. j i a v . but I'liiile^setl otlii-r c i i n i e s . W h e n the

i n ] u - a , v . o n t h e t r r . o ra i l . " . i ' l M ^ . , , ^ i ; . l V . i j r . , w u : l ud a d c t ; i , ' h m , m oil i o i ' p s i k t t i i i i d ID ;;et ;;s :i eivilblacks; so 1 '.a-iU-nc,] lo scuk

• A m i . s i r . a : , , , w l in \ V . i > h i i i . ' f n i s ^•• '•'-•r t h e d i i c c t i o n of t h e M-,yor, u r r ived ,- - ' , , , , . . . . . . r , | t h e m o b b:u! d. tie its wor! ; , t he r : tmlc :u ie ;s

reu.arkab:c pkco.- \\ <\\: m wl.ut j ,,a,, iriS! ^ .uul ,,,iIy a (.,,nvd ,., t.xlUcdcsjK'cls V Ii il l t i t l h ! i k i l T h s e A d." TCSJK'c ls V I i . i l i e l i H i l t i t r . t l e . rh;i ' .";ie- ! • u ik i r s -o i i ietr.:iiiU'il. T h e ; e . w e r e :id-

• t o r a n d v a i ' . l v , i ! t ; ; l- Vv,,],}v l o 1H I ' • r i " ^ i by U.-v. l i n n v n . w h o deuoinic< di m u ) h iw, :u.d p l e d g e d hun~t-it to ex ; eu'.i

•'• I liie : . ! « - , :;iii! piiLi~L t'.'i i- l lel lders. T h u - el ; l I K . v j w h o i :iit ieip:itt ' . l in t h e p r o e e v d i n i ; ot the

" i ni ' i ' j tire --i-l'l os'.'d to lie l i i i ' i i rad m e n .

. , , : K L r a l , . ) l l t y ,met witli. Atu r I

ior a k-\v iuoiiu'ii". >

that you are in a j>"-h:.-n ::\

shake hands •with all tlu- w . •

the whirli^riy" of event--, in \

from ovi-rv iialjoii and the1;

In the Hinlsoii Cou'ity Cnurt oi Over

ai:d Tcrmitier, J e i x y City, the jirocci.-d-

i:i.~s v.\ the mallVasunee c:i-es Were con-

tribes seem u> have divi>pi •.! dewi;

here. But tit:u: rushes on, and so dothoughts and j . - , nes. You rai.iimIcre pause to cxprv-s your suri>ns-.'.utter au; exelaiiiat:..:;, :u:.l jmt

tiie i-a-es of the Chutal!-



Bookbinding.A Young Girl, 14 to 15 Years cl Age,

w a n t il t.-> ' w i r n t h e l i o n k l > : n < l i n t r T v a d c . A\<-I ' l y ti< I . 11 k l i : ' _ > l i h i , o i A l b a n y s i i f . ' t .


Ore whu ir.-iU-rsi..nd3 irond je.tbingi» iH iL j . l.ii'urii! withes ^IVL-11 Applv to

R. H. L1KWITT,'ir!.'_7 ?r No 1". l>cri;i« S i :

±-J OOiii S XO 1 j e t .

In F ; .i1.: AC.ISIC. I I .V > i c i . c i ' s l > a h i : : : _ , N

T H E L A H S B S T A 3 8 3 R T H I B X 9 T


Millinery & Straw Goodst i e r olleied in >'ew Brunswick at

Mis . A. A. D o n n e l l y ' sF..\s;iio.\.\r,i.E ^III .I .IXKUV,

i2<» Dennis Street.

W e Uikt- I ' l c i s u r e in a n a i n t h a n k i n g o u r p a t r o n -l i r p a s : j . v v , i s . u n d h e ^ t i m v i i e t h e i r att i-n-l ion to ii m u c h U i i j e r a n d l i ne r s e l e c t i o n of

CHOICE SPRING GOODSihun we have heretofore offered. Owine tovt vy niodei ate expenses and close economy anduiMirng imlustiv and perseverance we think.. iiioderan- protit is as trood to ns as a vervi.inch larger to IIKIM.' who have a in^^i grcatei'•xiieiite. iVe think it will repav ^T?U lo ^ivr.-.oi earlv call and eii'.inin^ our gtock, Cuin-

i'l-isiii^' i. complete line tf

Millinery and Straw Goods.-We cordially invite those wlio have neverine!. iM-d geods of ns to call and jad^e tor

h i b1 i:io!i:s'.-!ves wliflu'r they cmnct .-a', moii- :i byI iviiij; us at lcist ;i share of their patronage.

interrogatory, , . t | ; i . r o l i -

jec t , s t range , startliuur. ^r:u:.i.

va t ing- or ruli<:ul<>us i i i t . ; \ \ :

, said t o in

".•:i;::«i--:.,;•,•:, ,,[ I ' o lk -e . e o n v i e t e d of , r t : , , . , i t , ^ e t , ?;;it .b 'c for Ul'uvs or c'.ub rooi.is.•i>:>; :L ,I. y. 'A,.-,r.,i be d i s p o s e d o f on S a l - in,.-..,;,^ ,,[• !ii'-i:iy. '1 he , . - , - ,.t Mes.-srs. V i e e h u n l ' " ' " FUANK^NtfTKIN" A. S ! HKL. i ?

rii!'.'_T-li.i No 11 l'.-:ie.' S tu-et . I

Stolon.-$100 Reward'

A; !. i>RI'Kl:S A1TESI)-

uan t in

; U 1 i t hes p i r a c y . W C I C l > . . s t l

lal>.-er.oc otl no i co>U!U e f

: i

of Work:;, uud:.<. rs indietcil tor eon-.'i.i ii "H aeiMiin t o i ' t h e• •*. ^ 1 he l u n i i e r e a s en t : ! t h e M a y i , ] - m . o n

f - 1 1 . i s , •

W i l l b - t i v m i

I'L.-.l t o t h e ;itro.-t: i : ; \ - i i ; T . i r ; i i : ' . t i t i n t h a t w i l l

i e o : i ' . i j i i o c o f i h e l e r - i . u |

hD TO.



MRS. A. A.

IttH. VAN DBRi!s to oin-n a siming class for

L2o Dennis Street.

\; i i u o i u l s o i i l o r c o n s n i r a e v . : . n i ] ; , , . . ,- , , , , ,,. ( • „ - . , , . . l ' l n s i c i l l l l ) H t , r l > ~ , , l ' ,

' - " ' L X l O r i l o n - l " - \ " u r L ^ " - ' K t l i c;,, i> .;i;,l will reuilcr a decision on Sat--iny. file iuo.-ecutor for the Stute u'uve

i l ' '

crowds' on wave. -And thus it wa-.

- •while I was tryinir to eout.t \\y u .•

differeut nationalities around me as I

Stood in the hotel, that I learned tl'al

politics, and uiii'omai-y, and state*-. [i'!'1.^ ] ' d .,i-i\L' : i ^ a " 1 = ' t ' -F_ u

mansbip, and eonmieivial relations,, j ^ i trial w\v. oeeupv several days.

and the Alabama T n a t v , and French

Spoliation, and Cuban independence, an:= i 'i'iiVu'ii'11 ii- p'jivntrr./or UH> Fa

a n d . Japaneso progn-.~<. :.r,d Cuolie iudemiiity io Vvw-my.

; " ' ' a ' • ' - 4 A 'b , ' ,n-V s ! , r L T ' - , . , f,h e ' e r e ^ e e ; hev . L. D. l l a r t r a n l t . .>v.v k » , a n d i h e iii W - r ' s n a - i i e . •• C a ' v iN V i l ! v - l '-~ Uroadw.iv, X c i V o r k , " on a plate- . l l . , back and who le't an old r i . o t i . i . rca rr.-^e m its place. A liberal r eward wiit be- ivcn tor ih-- ix-mru ot said h-.uik.ro. .

\V. V. SMrSOX, j r p i l t ; Annual Meetius of the Stockholders ofCit HioaJ'.vav, N. Y.; Kodui >;, | JL the New Brunswick and Cranburv Turn-

M N J k C f l i;

Matawa-i, N. J.

J.11K J.AiKST bTYl.Es

I pike Cominny. lor the purpose of electing ai Bo:ird_ of Dir^ctor.s 1o serve for the ensuing| year, will be holden at the Bull's Head Hotel

Of 0f:i:i!r.i-u'.::l rrlui-.i.; for Halls, Soirees, -.'ar-i'ln '1'C.city rf sew- B unswick, on Saturday,i ~.~ -~ 7 , , , . i March .:", l'-72 I'oils will be opened at 12

ties, etc . executed at i . . . TIME, .loo J'nutmg i O . c l o ( . k n , ; o l l i a n d wiJi rtmoln open until oneKstablishinent, -21 Albany -tn:.t. Ollice opi-u i o'clock P.M. JOHXT. JENKINS, Pres.Jill S o'clock 1'. M. '.IL'ST.rs UKRIiK. K, pee'v. iuhS-ltd3tw

WANTS, FOR SALE, TO LET JTC.Dwelling Mouse and Lot for


I ofler for sale the Dwelling House and Loton KaBton avenue, next to the corner of Som-erset street. The building is of three stories,frame, with brick basement; seven rooms.Will be sold cheap. Apply to Thomas Tene-son, next door.


Stock jfor Sale.Four Shares of the

National Bank of New Jersey Stock.

mh26-StApply to


Nurse Girl Wanted.

A girl, from 12 to 15 years of age, wauled to

attend to a baby. Apply at 216 Burnet street.mh25 3t


will sell on Wednesday, the 97th inst., at 10A. M., at Bunker Hill Farm, 3 miles from £ixMile Kun,


as 2 Horse?, 4 Cows,-5-Hogs, Mowers, Reapers,Hay, Straw, Manure, Etc., Etc.

Also, on Thursday, the 2Sth inst., at 2 P. M.(at his salesroom, No. 17 Hiram street, a largestock of

Household and, Kitchen Furniture,belonging to a family leaving town, consistingof three or four ingraia carpets, stair carpets,liunges, bureaus, tables, chairs, bedsteads,leather beds, mattrasses, eil cloth, lookingglasses, pictures, cooking and parlor stoves,one oyster counter, etc., and a large lot oicrockery. Sale positive.

Win. E. Brower respectful'y solicits AucliouSales of real aDd personal property. His strictintegrity and ability enables hini to guarau'eeentire satisfaction to persons placing their,property in his charge. ;-,ale.= seuled dav aftersale. Charges very moderate. nih25-3t

Dissolution of Partnership.THK Partneitdiip heretofore existing between

Buckelew A rion is th :s day dissolved bymutual consent. All persons haffjbR claimsagainst the firm, and those in<Iebted to theHrm, are requested to call f^r settlement at theold stand, S117 Burnet street.


Though withdrawn from the firm, I will atillbe found on hand and will feel the same plea-sure as in the pajt waiting on my friends, andinvite them to call.


Copartnership.Tlie undersigned, having formed a partner-

ship under the name and firm of

Buckelew & Stelle,will be fonnd at Ihe old stand occupied byBucke.ew & Son,


where we intend to keep a full supply of nilgoods in our line, and our motto is : Quick salesand small profits. t

Ciosing-Out SaleOF CLOTHING,


at No. 214 Neilson street, commencing on Fri-day evening, March 21', a t ? o'clock, and cou-• inuing till the goodi are all dispose of. titockconsists of

0YERC 0A TS, CO A TS, PAXTS,Vests, Furnishing Goods, Etc.


\ . P. PROVOST, Amtioneer. mli2!>-4t*

FOR SALEon the premises at Public Auction on

SATURDAY, MARCH 30at 2 o'clock P. M., the late

Residence of William Gee, Esq,corner of College Avenue and Hamilton streetpartly furnished.

Safe positive^ Terms easy. Sold togetheror divided to suit purchaser.

For particulars inquire of S. S. Mangim &Co., 157 Oeorge street, New lirunswick, or ."!•Vassau street, New York. Also of A. II. WAYAuctioneer._mh23-td S. S. MA^GAM &. CO.

Wanted.A Woman to do <«eneial House,


Good referenced required.

JOHN S. DE HAR1\mli20 l\v Cor. Ntilson & -Schureinan Sts

House to Let.So. 21 Scliurcinaii Street,

containing 11 rooms. Apply to FRANKEriTEIN & SICHKL, No. 11 Peace street, or

W l f ' Cl h3lat Wolfson's Clothing Store.


THE subscriber will sell at public sale, at hisresidence ou the Straight Turnpike., two

miles trom New lirunssvick, on TULKSDA.YMARCH 23, at 10 o'clock A. M., Household andKitchen Furniture, consisting in part ot Bur-eaus, Solas, Tables, Chairs, Beds, Bedsteads,hooking-Glasses, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mntting,Window Shades, etc.. etc. AUo, one year oldCult, one yearling Colt, wo Shoats," and avariety of larinmg utensils and other m tides.

i»li:!l-lw WM. UU-XIIA.M.


Call on

J. B. Parsons & Son15 Church Street

• You wdl find it to, your advantage to selectyour





Money to Loan on Bond arscl

In sums to suit, on City or Country Property.

Bills of Exchange on England or Ireland

from one pound upward; '. Also, ou all Ihe principal European Cities in i;nv amount.

JEVNX (VtttTR) I.VSI itJa i l lHt, 1S7<J, 14,i(



Large Assortment.

Care taken to give customers a

Neat FittingAND



Live Stock and Other Personal



will rell at Public Sale, on THURSDAY,MARCH 28, 1S72, at IO o'clock A. M., at Ross'sHall, Franklin Smith's Farm, on the RiverRoad, between the Railroad and L?nding, thepersonal property of James Jameson. Condi-tions made known on day of sale.


For- Sale.

TWO BOILERS, - 4x10 FEET,fire box 5 loet 10 inches ; steam drum 2x2 feet.KLC.1I containing SO three-inch tubes, 14 feetlong. Will be sold low. Aiiplv to

mhlS-lm* "H. 13KNNER.

For Sale,House and Lot on Division street, near II >m-

lton street. The lotis 35x120,the house 22x2S.Nine finished rooms. The House is as good ajnew. Can be bought on easy term's:~- Inquireof P. H0UG1IT0N, Shoe Store, lfi Church-street. • mhl5-2»

Garden, Field & Flower

SEEDS,Strawberries, Raspberries,

Blackberries, Currants,

<>aoscberric!>, drapes,

Itliubarb, Asp:i rajus,

Fruit, Onamental any h t Trees,SHRUB5, VIXE8, ROSES,


Double Tuberoses, Gladiolus, Lillies,Dahlias, Etc.,

Vegetable Plants, Seed Potatoes, Bird Seeds,Timothy, Fine Mixed Lawn and other Grassy

Seeds, Red, White and other CloverSeel, Seed Corn. Oats and other

Seed Grains, Excellent Stockof Peas, lieans, Etc., Bone

Dust, Guano Super-phosphate,

Poudrette, all pure, in small packages (forgardens) and by the ton. Agricultural andHorticultural Implements, Holbrook's SeedSowers, BunkerhoiTs Corn' Sheller, Separatorand Cleaner, Hoe*, Rakes, Forks, Spades,Pruning Shears, Knives, Rustic Work, Etc.

Our Latalogues giving descriptions of varie-ties, and directions tor culture, on application.We have been located on

Cherry Lawn Farm,(1}.< miles from store) for 10 years. Growingsmall fruits, vpge ables, etc., for market weknow the value of pure and true seeds, plants,etc., to the farmer, gardener and Iruit grower.All can relv up^n us furnishing pvire seeds,plants, trees, etc., that will give the best satis-faction. Orders for trees, plants, etc., shouldbe received at the earlist day possible as iheyare brought direct from the larm and nurserv.Samples and popular varieties can be seen aridbougat at the store in seasonT Prices on appli-cation.

D. H. BROWN 4 ROXS,Seed, Agricultural and Horticultural Estaoi^h*

ment, 24 Hiram street, -Cherry .Lawa > aim, Clilton'avenue,

feb!7-daw3m New Brunswick. M.

Two Houses for Sale.NTos. 57 and 5!' liavnrd street, iust built.

Twelve Rooms, with sub-cellars, hot and cildwater, bath rooms, gas, and all the modernmprovements. Appiv to

M. D. VINCENT, 190 Burnet street, or toHAKDENBERGH 4K1RKPATICK,

Real Estate Agents, 14U George street.inliU-lm

SCOTTRO.N'S ADJUS.T-ABLK MIRROR gives IbeFront, Side and BackViews Perlectly. Partic-ularly useful to Ladies,Hatters, Milliner?, HairDressers, etc. Receivedthe Highest Premium at1he American InstituteExhibitionin 1870. Send

for Circular, inclosing stamp.MCHMONir* PCOTTRON,

febin-dftwSm 181 Canal Street, Nevr York.



int, 1S72, # ,


IVS8IJan, 1st,

HIRTFORn FIKE ifiSllAssrts, Jan. l«t,


COMFANV, Brook lyn , N. v . . Net «!a«l, A«« t t S J a n .

COMPANY, Liverpool , N c i C , , b A . M i » , j r , n . l , 1 8 7 i ,

V, N,.»v York Net r a . h Annetm,




F U R N I T U R E ,At Reduced Prices. a


CALL AND SEEour large and varied assortment of ,

Gent's, Youtli's and Children's Spring- {styOF

HATS, CAPS, ETC.The Broadway Style ef Silk

Now Heady,

Also, a 'well selected assortment, of

Gent's Furnishing Goods, GIOYCS, Umbrellas, Etc. 'AT

J. S. 6s E. STEWART'S,3V O . 4 KINGr 13 L O C Ii .

Also. Agents for Singer's Improved New Fumily Sewing Machines—the best in tin- worldfV«lv


Defiance to All Competitors.

51 Churcli Street,



or rent. Possession eiven immediately. Applyin the vremises. Also for sale, my stock oiSegars, Tobacuo, etc., at cost.

C U A R L E S JOSTEX.feb2S-lm*

Assignee's Sale.IV BANKRUPTCY.—District Court of the

United States, District of New Jersey.— In tliematter of Alexander Whitlock, Bankrupt.

Thu Subscriber, Assignee of the eniate andilioc s of the above-named bankrupt, will sellat Public Auction, on

TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1872,ar °2 o'clock P. M , at the stable on Redmondtreet, Lear Railroad avenue, in the city ot Suv

Brunswick, ihe following assets which haveone to' his hands a* Assignee of said estate,o wit :

Two Horses, 1 Wagon, 1 Sleigh, 1 SetUinb'.i- and 2 aets Single Harness, 1 Robe,ffellf, Blankets and Stable Furniture Whendrne at the Stable 'he sale will be continued athu unfinished building on Welton street whenwill se 1 3 Ladders. 7 Work Benches, 1 Mor-

isiug Machine, 2 Boring Machines, I Grindtone, 8 Jackscrew Wrenches. 1 Crow Bar, 2

Floor Clamps, Lot of Carjener's Tools, Lo'. ofBmlder"s Hardware, Lit of P.tterns Lot of

ouldings and Strip?, several Lots of Buildingilaterial, Lot of Glazed Sash, Lot of Poultry,.nd 21 Chestnut Posts with all other propertym the premises pertaining to the business.mh-21-IOt K. T. U. SPADER, Assienee.

For Rent.p i ROUND Floor and Cellar. No. ?2 AlbaryJT street. Apply at THK TIMES office.d23-dawtf

Xotice is heraby given, that a meeting of theStockholders of " T h e Perth Ambny amBound Bronk Railroad Compnny " fur the election ol nine Directors of said' Company, wilbe held at the ollice of McCarter <t Keen, No810 liroad street, in the. cit7 of Newark, onWednesday, April 3, 1372, at 11 o'c ock A. M.oi said dav. •


mlil4-2t Comnii's




Notice is hereby given ihat a mpeiini: of theStockbold(-»'s ot the ' ' IJiiund lirook and EustonRailroad Companv " for the election of NineDirectors for sailCompmy, will bj held at theotlice of McCarter & Keen, No. slo Broadstreet, in Ihe eitj ol Newark, N. J., on


at 11 o'clock A.'M. ol said d-iv.Dated Match -M, Ib72.


mh21-2t :' Commissioners.

C'ouiuii!t!>iaiicr«' Stile of RculEstate.

BY virtue ot an order of the Orphans' Courtof the county cf Middlesex, the subscrib-

ers, Commissioners appointed to make partitionof the lauds and real estate, whereof JohnOkerson diei seized, intestate, will sell at F'ulj-lic Vendue to the highest bi !d r , on SATUR-DAY, MAY IS, 1S72, in parcels to suit pur-chasers, on the p emise«. at 2 o'clock in iheafterneon; all thai land and real estate, situatein Xonh Kruuswiek township, conveyed by thesaid John Okerson by Peter (ierdon's execut-ors by deed ot March 7, 1350, recorded in Mid-dlesex County C'erk's office, in book 51 ofde ds, on pages 527, etc., containing about 7»;acres, after deducting so much as said JohnOkerson conveyed to Jacob DeHart Dec. 201853, and to .onn Evans July 30, lt-53. Condi-tions made known on the dav of sale bv


mh2E w8t Commitsionera.







WINfl JELLIES, - _r •




I r j Frank Walters,f rom N«-w Yi>!-1<, i« in diiu-in- of l l i is I h

Parties Furnished with tee Cream,

Confectionoy-y, lite,

at short notice antl on re;voii.-iMt* trrnis.


Page 3: TIMES. - digifind-it.com · times. vol. iii.-no. 14j». new brunswick, n. j.: wednesday evening, march 27, 1872pric.e three cents. «t- si.:^s« i'ainier, r-j (;; ii.dkx

NEW RROKiWICE POST OFFICE, j Miriam's Song and' Athalie. The noble

, oiclicstra of Ebun and thu chorus ol our

Orrics " "" - .BOCRS—FROM 7 A. M. TO S P. M

•SCXCATS F^y* 7 TO 5 P. 11.


proposition lias ofteu been made to con-

oxlus and Delivery of 3Ia!U.TI1IB OF CLCWISP.

Ynrfc. North, East aud Wesi, 10.10 A. X.d ."..!,> p . M.

ado!phi;i. BaMir.or-. TV.islrn^ton and the


c.irh. S.<X-. 9.35 A. >!.iV.acetcm, Ti\.-n:nr.. l


5 I 'li-.'Ungton, T i \ . n : . g

iu.a Camdeu S.'.»' A. M. ;i:u4. ."> 1'. M.TIME OF DEUVEhY.

XewVorfc Nunh.-Ka.-i aud West,'.•.00, 10.'."'A. M. snd* and 7 P. M.

. Jersev Cirr. Newark, KHiab#th and Rahwaj,» t » JsrseviVav, !' A. M. and -: P. M.

PhiN<l-' ">'-ia " H:i'.tii.-ore. Washington andSouth.«"A M.': 5.:." -•«•!: P. M.

Philadelphia and 'lie W est and Camden &Arnbof W J T I".-*-. A. M., and 7 P. M.

MiJdIe!.;i-:'.. =r,d Millstone, 5.00 P. M.South li'ivcr. 1".i5 A. 51,S'X Mile liun, Monday, Wednesday and Fri-

dav, Z P. M.SiiJitgwn. 11.30 A. M.Foreign Mail S< A. M., 7 P. M.Monmouth Jjunction, Kingston, Ko~kv HiiU

Hai linden and Bktfenbun;, 5 A. M. and 7 1'. M.Middlebasi anci Millstone, 5 A. M.South Kiver, 12.45 P. M.


THE LEGisTATtuE.— The pre.=s upou ourcolumns compels us to omit (l:e Legislativeproceediugs of yesterday. In the Senatethe supplement m the .Ti-iscy City Charter,which {.-roposr-ii to :.l>.'li.--h the fystem ofcommissions which was tk-noiKiced even lythat Radical orpin, 'the Trenton Gazette,was defea!i".'.—Mr. Juiriird, of course, votingto sustain the ru-cully com missions ; tnt'on ly R e p u b l i c a n s w h o voted for t h e billwith the DcUiocicts were Messrs. Hewill,of Mercer,. anil Taylor, of E^ssx. Weshall irive lbe debate and vote iu fu.lto-morrow. In the House, the printingqii> slion cams up, and the majority repoitof the investigating committee was adupt-ej—o-l! to '22. This report recomraendedthe cutting down of prices and putting

THE DAILY TIMES.rieal Record.

Reported for THE PAILY TIMES.YCESDAT, March ifi.

CV M3. ! BAKOMETEE.. . • " • ' j » P.M -i'.' •.<> inches

\ \ KDXESDAT, M&rch L7.

. . .2-3" i 7 A. M . . . .3-'.ll!> inches

. . . 4 J - | 12 M S".,r. "

12 M.. clouev. Wind X. *.".

TIIKFT AT MATAWAN.—I5y an aavtr-

tisementin another column it wi'l be seen

that $100 reward is offered tor the recov-

eir of a buujjy be'.unirir.ir to Mr. AV. V.

Simpson, of 3Iatav.au. L'st Friday

night an old lJ->c!;;iway was left at his

place and his hand^Jine buggy stolen :

hnd he has reaion in t!ii::k the thief be-

longs iu this vicinity. Let the police look

out for him.

ITEMS.—Mr. "William Swalrnhis sold his firm, 20 acres, for s-J-2,000.

.—Mr. James Perkins h;u- soli two acres

near the depot, with two tenement houses.'

- to-D. IS. Farrington, of IVdiway, for *6.-

OCK).—Jolin Davi Json will deliver his lec-

'ture to-morrow evening for beneiitof theSunday-school of thePrcsbytciian cluirch.

^ Jt bids fair to a success. Tickets are

•I»ih<r off lively.

v.n Society will make up a grand enter- solidate Hutgers Female College of New

York and the Rutgers College here, and

some Tanjum writers liave even argued

at length that women should be admit-

ted into our College by the Trustees,

and speculated on the changes the new

regime would effect in College life, a

well as the delights of the new confru

ternity. But not into the wildest dream

of the Sophomoric contributors did tin

idea enter of what hazing would be unde

the new arrangement. Probably it was

thought that that innocent pastime

would be, if not dispensed with, at leu-

confined totbe male side of the house.

Not so. The Boston Traiotrriyt says

"an innocent Freshman at one of the

colleges at which sex \± ignored has

written to his mother that lie has been so

hazed by some thoughtless Sophomores

of the female persuasion that his studies

have been sadly intemipted." Whereupon

the Trilmnc p-.inigraphist conjures up

visions of what hazing would be under

the circumstances—and even descends to

the abuse ot woman's pretensions that

her entrance upon her "rights" wo.uld

purily the opposite sex. It says of the

above story:

"We sincerely hopethat this isascandal.An increase of order, politeness, regular-ity, and refinement in University life hasbeen promised as one of the charming re-sults of opening the - colleges to thelassies. We were to have no more " huz-

Checsemau Fisher, Will'am H. HelmGeorge W. Ilowell, Charles I'. Ford, GeoW. Willis, Joseph Ryno, II. S. Boice, A,L. Dunham, Abtn. Van Fleet, James C,Sullivan, U. G. Van Sickle, It. G. VarPelt, P. lloughton, Albert Dye, John II

Cornell, Lewis A. Povvelsoii, Win. W

j the printing out to bidders. Meisrs.

lloicouibe and Letson, Democrats, of this

county, voted and -Mr-. Fisher, Re-

publican, nay. The House also resolved

to adjourn at noon on Thursday of next

week, April 4.

Pi-.MSFiKi.i'.—A prominent merchant ofPl.iiiilieM requests U3 to insert the follow-ing :


lu answer to th


many malicious .mil

- THK MI.NSTI:I-:;> To-Xn.nr. — The

•weather has cleared on cspecial.y for ourCollege boys trt-u:ght. Remember thatthe favorite "Tony "of the Color Guard,Sharpley, and Mr. Van Houten. who hasi|ii;te a 'local reputation, are: to havecharge; and that some o;' the funniest ofthe College boys are to take part in theluinstrels. The performance will be re-peated to-morrow evening, and let everybody look out lor reserve 1 SLUIS at Gar-

- laud's..

la'se reports coi'ceruinK the prevalence ofsmallpox iu Plaiu'ieid, the undersigned,membeis of the Hoard of Health of the city,do certify that at the present date there i-i.ut a single ca^e ot'sm:iiipox and but threecases of varioloiii wituiu the city limits—allcouvalesceut.

The total number of cases of smallpoxand varioloid this year to this d-i'e has beenbut lij, ot which five have beeu iaLalAbout 4.Out) vai'ciiialio-is have been raid/in the las' two weeks, a large proportionat the expense aud under the direction olthe Board. Iv>t a single case of smallpox orvarioluiu has been reponed within the lastrive days, and the city was never more freefrom malignant or other disease than at thepresent time.

J. 11. EVANS, President,D. J. MARSHALL. Vice-President,J. C. Sni'iiKN, .\I. D., Oily Pnysician,C. 11. M-.I.LM\.V, M. D., Cos'. Puysiciaii.A. GlLliEKl',CI.AI::; KOI;KI:S.PuiulieM, .M.irch 24, 1ST-'.

N E W B O O K . — " A Noble Lord,'' being

the sequel to "The Lost Heir^of Liulith-

j,'ow," by Mrs. Emma I). E. N. South-

worth, is in press, and will be published

in a few days by T. li. Peterson it Broth-

ers, Philadelphia, Pa. It is said to be

the best book this popular -authoress has

ever written. " A JSoble Lord '" will be

issued in a large duodecimo volume, uui-

lonn with Mrs. South worth's otjier works,

and will be sold at the low price of $1.7-3

iu cloth, or si..3;) in paper cover"; or

c ipies will be se:!t by mail, to any place.

niLf,"' nor hen-stealing, no more shavingof the President's horse, nor tamperingwith tile chapel bell, and none of thevenerable little misdemeanors in whichthe ingenious young gentlemen have forso many generations found delight. Allthese were to be rendered obselete, not tosay repulsive, through the gentle influ-ence of the Freshwoinen and other studi-ous virgins—but-the Tranncr'niCs storyblights oil our golden anticipations. Andworse than all," we have an alarming sus-picion that even Freshmen will not objectto untimely visits of the "haz ing" de-scription from their lovely associates, norSophomores nor Juniors. ' Human natureis sometimes highly discouraging.We rather think ourselves that a Fresh-man threatened with hazing by his Sopho-more sisters would be in the condition .ofFlynu, the Confederate Irishman, whowhen told t<; run or he would be capturedby the Northern forces, stopped at onceand cried—''Bs gorra, if iver there wasa feller that wanted to be captured, hisname is Tom Flvnn."

IT I I E Scm.Ki-Nisi-; AFKATR.—Mr. Chris- i>>>st-p:iid. liy the publishers, on.receipt of

tojiher has offered a reward n! £">o iurtlie ihe pri.'i- ot the work ia :i letter to them.

* rec.iv ry of the hor-e steien from his The following new books are having

stal»k's jit Vni-rlii- -s Station !>v D.nven. ! immense sales, and should be rc:id by nil :

the assaulter of Mr. Si-hli-miinir. There i " John Jasper's Reflet," being the si ijuel

is :i rumor about town that the horse ran ; to Charles Dickeus's '• .Mystery of rUwin

. in at :i Mr. HuMer's. on George's Koad. I'nmd ;'" a new and enlarged edition of

noar the- Poor. Farm, la-t niyht. ami i.- ! " Meisler Karl"> Ski irii Hook." by Charles

coiisidertl.lv injured. Tlie police have:'-;. Leland : "Aunt Patty's Sei ip I5ag,"

"bren unable to capture l l iwm. alth.muh ! by Mrs. Caroline Lee lien!/.; " A Noble

- it is the opinion of sonic that he is eon- ] Woman," by- Mrs. Ann S. Stephens;

pealeil s.iiiewliere in this vieinitv. " C'yiilla." by the author of •' Initials;"

Sclik-uniug's condr.inn is hiwraMe to " Kate Kennedy,'" by Mrs. C. J. Xi'wby ;

spei-dv rccovtTT. / 'Monsieur Antoine," by George S.'.ml ;;a-ni the poem of " lJeautilul Snow."

u" S-n.l to T. J!. Peterson iV Brothers, 1'hila-t r i delphia, fur their Illustrated Catalogue.

ilioy came upon a d!i>\,ned LH>-\V in 'lie! _. _.

waler. Ilorniii d, iht-y' i:a?'rn. d a>i:o:f| '• E; . :n:i:p.v—ll was announced in those

aa»l quickly notified Coroner II.my ol~ tin i; ! t-,>:r.!:ius MHH; weeks" i,£o that M:s-r5 Mo:-

discovery. Tii" Co:o;:?r io.d them to haul ! .^-._n & Sliivler, books-rl'i-r-* and stationers,

the body-up to the \?>Miy-street lind^i , j ,,f i'L..u.:e Hive!, were to be favored by their

A IJicu SEI .U — V.-.-mday wliilc

fi~litrmen were ciui-irri; down th


Ct>m]tlftc J.ist of t/ir Conipnnit-s, TheirOfficers and JUemburs.

The following is a complete list of the

members ot the Fire Department of this

city, as certified to Common Council on

Monday night. We intended td publish it

yesterday, but the City Clerk's ollice re-

fused us access to it on the ground that

the Frcd'>!i'.n:i had not force enough to

prepare it lor so prompt publication .'

Whether the City Clerk has a right thus

to favor one paper more than another,

even though one be his own, the public

mav judge. The list was furnished us to-

day but two or three hours before our

time of publication, though promised atH o'clock :

Van Arsdale, Wtu. Perdun, Jos. •). Bouney, l'\ A. Wiseman, John Van ArsdaleCharles W. Kent. George. W. AndersonP. S. Van Anglun, N,ilium Kent, J. I.Sehuyler, George Grigg, J. N. TerrilJohn Kuoll, Howard Wcstm-r.. Wm. Berdine, Jr., C. W. Garrctson, Wm. H. VaUiGril)', John II. Andersen, John H. Fine,E. \V. Chamberlain, Samuel N. VenableAustin Moore, Joseph A. Sedam, Josep'Fisher, Jr., Lloyd A. Souville, CharleiMcMullen. Total. 50.


J. C. Seutt, Foreman ; P. II. Allcndorf,Assistant ; John Stanley, J. Craig Voor-hees, Kichard JI. Beekman, B. J. Fisher,John M. Buekelew, Jr., Charles Denton.George 0. Gilliuan. Archibald II. AllenJohn Helm, Jr., Uriah DeMart, W. JCook, J. J. Holland, Edward PowclsonCharles Fisher, S. L. Williams, gj^KMarsh, Isaac L. Fisher, James M. Guise,Total, 30.


Caswell Voorhees, Foreman; ThomasGriggs, Assistant; Frank B. Thompson-Peter J . Stults, Ailrain Bergen, Charles M,Martin, Peter Montfort, Isaac Dunn, L.Bartholomew, William Tindell, Wm. H.Van Sickle, Joseph ilieks, Samuel L. Dun.ham, William Hunt, Juc«b Bergen, Abra-lam Van Liew, John Still well, Isaac HenIncks, John Phillips B. T. Cornell, Ste->hen Van Liew, William StoktS,- Israel

Britton, Schuntk JJeunetl, Isaac Suydam,Edward Kyno, John MeKeag, A. K. D.hint, Wyekoir Voorhees, George U. Heed,ohu Miller, John Van Duerseu, Henry

Va>i Norlwiek, Jacob Van Sickle, JosephMeeker, George Pyait, John Smith,

Vil'iam II. Ciavton, Aitrick It. Dolau,Peur Vau Liew, -Frederick y'un Sickle,Aaron Dean, Albi.rt Blue, Charles E Wood,James Titus, M-jnj-nn'n Mills, Oort 'c VanHoruvick, Henry !ii;-ha:ds, J.)hu C. Hill-mnn, Jami':; U. Mo;i house. ToUil, 50.


John W. Kelly, Foreman; Joseph Kelly,Assistant; Jacob .H. Vau Horn, PhilipPendcrgrast, Theodore Lung.-laH', AndrewParieut, Patrick Hilcv, Joliu Dunn,. HenryMartin, James Hoririek,' Charles Whiilock,John (~miih, Maurice McDonnell, JohnMiller, John Marsh, Peter Kempton,Patrick Murris. John Nolan, AlexanderMeCauly, John Feriau. Total, liO.


James Hagerty, Foreman; KobertStewart, Assistant ; John M.'Geer, Fran-cis Harding, James Iloughton, JohnDaily, Daniel O'Connell, Daniel MeCrelis, John McCrelis, John Waldrnn,Christopher Covn, Francis Bogaii, E(i-ward Kennedy, Christopher Garretv,James Murphy, William Laden, John 3McLaren, Kobert Gilland, Thomas Kemp,Edward Meagher, Thomas Carrigan,Dennis Cahill, James Boyle, WilliamMeagher, Thomas H'.ckcy, James Meag-her, Wiiiiani Concannon, William Flem-ing, George -3IcCann, Asher Fleming,James Murphy, John Harkins (carpenter),Patrick llowley, John Harkins (tele-graph), Patrick Collins, Philip Smith,William Curren, James H. Coe, MichaelLawless, Charles Kenyon, Kobert Cuddy,Jeremiah Cronnin,.Mi-chac-1 Tierney, JanusII. (jillhooley, Charles Walker, JamesSmith, Edward McOollighan, John Con-nolly, Edward llarkins, John Gregory.Total, ."50.

l'KO'i'Kl'TIu.N" IlOSi: ( O.MPANV.Kobert Furlong, 1st Assistant Fore-

man ; Israel Buz/.ee, '-'d Assistant; Chas.A. Dodge. ThaiKKus Crook, John Boyle.Abm. Buz/.ee. John Qtiinlan, Peter Col-lins, John Lewis, William MeKllheny,Lewis Kivley, Charles Selbey, JvlwardCarr, Kobert Lilly, 1'iiiriftk Kellsir, Join

.1872. Merotatu' 1872.Transportation Co.'s Steamers


The Oldest Auctioneer

have commenced their

Regular Trlpg for the Season.

Will lejve New York for New Brunswick everyluesday and Thursday at 12 o'clock, noon,trom

I* ie r HO, J V o n h H i v c r ,

foot of Vestry Btreet. WiU. le»ve New Bruns-wick for New York every Monday and Friday.

From Philadelphia for New Brunswick everyWednesday and Saturday frpai Urat Wharfbelow Race street.

Freight received for Bound Brook, Millstone,rriggst jwn, Kingston, Rocky Hill, Princeton

and Trenton.

MILES ROSS A BRO.. AgentB,mM9-2w 189 Burnet Street.



Real Eptate Agent

Notice or Election.M1K Stockholders of the United States

Building and Loan Association are here-by notified that an election for officers and ninedirectors tor the ensuing year will be held atthe oflic? ot Jenkins & hon, Neilson street, onlieTlrst Tuesday in April, when the annual re-)ort will be presented.mhl«-td PATRIfiK HAGERTY, Sec'y.


STOCICent's and Bojs



C1T V.

The subscriber having completed businessarrangements with the flowing firms, for thetale and exchange of


Square, New York City ;tEITCU &-H, S. BURNS, No. 35 Broad

street, Charleston, S. C,Is prepared to transact all kinds of business

in our line, and we believe our facilities are in-ferior to none.

>oods ot all kinds received on conimistion,to be sold at private sale or public auction.

Auction Bales in City or Country

attended to promptly.Passage Tickets and drafts sold to all parte

of Europe. Farms and city property for talecheap.

A . P. P B O T O S T ,

Auctioneer, Real Estate and Stock Broker,


(Odd Fellows' Hall), New Brunswick, N. J.mh2-lmdaw

Spring* Campaign!AT




!:li Arcnne, opp. Cooper IlI.ufaj-ette Place, opp. Asta


DKI'AliTMETiT liFFK AliS.KoiiKUT C. HEI.M, Cliiel Kngineer.W. S. SrnriNi;, 1st Assistr'.nt Ivigiue'er.EPWAKD LACY, 2 1 Assistant Engmuer.

i II:I-;I:IY HOSE co. .

Ja'nes L. Fi>!ier, Foieman ; Cornelius , . „ . , , . ,. • . . . , •A ^ L i n t ; William A.. Mayo, ^ s t a n t ; Patrick Kelly, A n d i w b m i t h ,

ySerenson, Charles 1'elton, Peter Zimmer-man, John McLareii^John JJtiggan. Total,

I I IUKK.NIA K X i i l X K CO. , N O . S I \ .

John T. JIax, Foreman; John Moore,i k K l l d i

pre?ent landlord with a new store, to be

ireeled on the site o{ the budding now ec-

which they did; Mr. Henry meanwhile

' impanueliu^ pan of a j ; ry a".d applying le

^ir . D.Hiirt, the irulertaker, tor a c-Jli::. j t-(;pkd hytl; 'm. T:-.o?e gentltmen r.ow ii:-

e l c Dngoirg down to view the bi»iy, tue ] t'vrm us that our statement needs eonee;-

meu hauled it to the surfeuv a:;d for.nd it J fug. - Ailhousih i;iveii to under.-taud that

was a huge dead d-'gl We ring -he cur- j il:i:v were to have the new sh.Te when

lain down to spare the feelings .it the < 111- | finished, it set nis, il we arc comcl 'y in-

ciuls and everybody com cm- d. Win ther j lormcd, ih:il the owner of the premises rs

Ilie sell wasgnttcn up by 111: li-hrniK ::, or | L.:lrly -as during t'ne month of Uc:obiT his!,

whether 'they \vt re dtfeive.l uijo, we do :ioi ; ; l l l ( | without con~uHin!i or -eve n nolilyiiig• know.

IXMAN'S Fr.ui.-Y.—The ancient chroni-

Vles of this ancient b.iroui;h speak ot In-

lnsn's Ferry which was crossed by boats

before the canal wits ilug ur the fated i we

hope) toll-bridiii1 built. The terry under

'r the jidvance of Mvilisation lure was

aSiwlished ; and, the tew rotten ilock-logs

- which are revealed whenever Albany

strevt-is excavated are all that remain tw

; tvll the story of the last Century. It is

- tJierefore with the utifyist humiliation

that' we now have to ]jTo:id- tor the re-

i-stabiishment ot the icrrv — for 'we are

Utterly - averse- to another toll-bridge!

This ferry is n.\w absolutely needed

across Peace street: and ii the ehv do

not attend to the matter we call lor the

immediate formation ri' a sioek com-

OXK OK Till-: l>u> Wi'Kimi - A late

number ol ya!i;i\ publishes the lollowin^

note; Prof. Cleveland Abbe, in an article

, entitled " Historical ISotc on tRe Method

ol Least Squares." in the Ainirii\'n ./•'«,-•

)nil f,r' itcinit'C ti/til Art*, i-hows tha t th i s

me thod , thoiiiih first publ i shed in a

-priut i t l form by Le O end re in l^oii, ap.d


".time in Nnv

s s i n I T l ' - j , w a s p u l ' l i r - l i o i i I '

I J . , b c i t A . l n i i n . a t , | I : l l i '

r u i ^ . - u - k . X . J . . i l l t h e :

the occupants ot" the fact, quietly leased

said new store to the lonner partner of one

of the presMjt linn, who disposed oi his

interest formerly with the express a g r u -

iiieut thai he woul 1 not, in any way, lntci-

lere with their trade. Fortunately, hov.-

rv"' r. on the same day U at Moit-an i\; t'hiv-

ler were notified that they could i.ot have

the new store, one of our ivspi c'.ci! citi/.-jn-,

Ambrose Kandolp'.i, K-i| , went to Morgan

A: Snivler and made arianLremeuts to (.red

a building c.\pr'.js«ly adapled to their us1 ,

on Church strce:, j .isl below the store now

occupkd by Mr. Metlar, corner of Churci.

aud Neilsou streets. <>ar yo'.-.m Irim !>

have succeeded udmirauly iu their hurincs.-

so tar, aud we doubt not Ural a i;eiu'io;'.>

public will accord them a liberal sb: r.' i t

patronage. Iu another column u ;• p:i;:t :•."

anmuiucemeut by the lira; wh ;c'i i< \\iy,{\\\

Ihe attention of those about purc!i...~i: i:

articles in that line.

Hoi v \VEI:K. - M a n y of our readers ::;v

inteic.-ted in the services, of this solemn

week, lor whose use we give a blief s.a'.i-

meu! o! Ihe chid iv . :r.s :

Sur.dav — tenth day ol' Nisan. JL^V.S

outers into .!•- :u~ali :n \\i;'a jialsn.-: weeps

)Ver Ihe cilv : tcai he- ard lua!> in tl.e

mple , anil rclurHs at i-vciiiiii; to D.tlianv.

Mouilay—eleventh day of Nisan. l ie

h wab,.limes K. Moore, Isaac Selover. CUarles\~>cy, Joim S ro'ole, UL-IIJ imiu Petty, OeeolaSmith. Josi-ph Tnick-i'.ou, Kichaid Wiiod-hull, George Churfliwi;:d, Clark 's Uroben,Alfred Tallin m, Kdwin Tallinan, I-aaC(iriggs, John Van 1) isen, Charles Carbon,.John Ciui'niL', John Tallmanu. Total, 2f.


L. II. Cinmberlain, Foremiu ; FrederickSiaat, Assistant ; Henry L. Janeway. An-drew Ten Eiok, Wil!i-im II. Acken, li- n-jamin Opie, \ ' . M. M. Suydam, Joan II.Koife, Wm. II. Pett.e, W. E. S. Delliirt,Vaicntinc. Smiih. J.imes S. Van Anglen,Win. ll. Filler, James Cornel!, John C

Is:i:-.c llaistead, \\ i'lliam Colliu?, Diviil II.'X'oorhees, William S. Stroni;, AnthonyVcihmtin, Peler 11. Suydam, Theodore F.Quick, John V. Ciamberlam. Total, ^"J.

W A ^ I l l N l . l o N K N I i l N F . < J . , N o . O N K .

Tuomas ISaley. Foitman; William F.•^tr.iud. Assistant ; Henry C. IlousellMatinas II. Taylor, Francis F. Randolph,Kichard M. Uayles, John C. Latham,I'harles 11. Me(.Knnis, Theodore Wilicox,• Ir., Edward W. smith, Tueodore %Villcox,Sr, C'Kiths Wooli'ieks, Kmer.ild Sampson,Uobclt E Aguew, tleiuy Teubroec!<,CMarles 11. Uram, Joim (). Strong, JohnI'atlen, D.iniel i):inavai], Frederick Albert,il-niai-d Ca!imhau, Orville T. Kindolp!',

M'. G'ntv, P.strick Ha\es,- John P.l\ler \"an Noli', Jair.eslJ.lI.il!,


l'eFTiio;:ias Coyn, Aiidieiv Welsh, P. Hamji-inn Wye!;- !l', L.vi 1). J a n a r d , Oha'rles(ircv-r, Wi::iiini II. Ilir.chinan, WiiiianiI'aiaiiiiie, Henry ('. Fislier, TUoniin l J a -• icit. . \1 ' : :I!:SIII Cortelyou. Kiiubl • Dunliani.ii.-or_'c H. K ib-.'tliiiiii, C'liarl. s Kule, .Man.i'. o'.vn, John Si. l'jlkin, John W~. U .visor,I', u r S. A'Uius.m, Coniel.us Buckeleu,

. <Mam, .•\iisTU.-lii.-Wi.iiuai 11. Cu/.-

, .Miller, JiiM'ph,->x, G.oi^e liolle,

T\V i S M l N i . T o X 1 i i J ~ !•: i U

John I1'. r,i!eri;:isl, Fureman ; Wiiiiani O.I'-'iii)' r.-, 1st As.»i-l:itn ; J.lines Aliboit,Uobi-ri lUiiler, V. V. V m Horn, Waller K.Sam! I.-.III, J•iM'ph Lc/.ii-r, Joseph IK-auan.John l';< r--.>:>. Aii'l:e,v Manning, WiihainC.' .k, Ti,.i.,;. r.- .M .han, Jolin O'N.'ill, Mil-Lull Koss J . F. ii-iiul'>!;>!]. Jacob Il.mly.iairel Vo"riit.es, l lenrv 1'iice. John Oruii',

Wil.iam Pell. Total, i o .


Dennis Iloughton, Michael McFadden,James Smith, Augustus tfpittel. PuterTennison, Jr.,SPeter Tennison, Sr.. T. R.Lester, Chnstoplier AVcller, John Har-kins, John Bradley, Matthew Fox, JamesTool, Stephen Suyder. Frederick Siopell.Nicholas Sell mm, Henry Zimmerman.John Cook, Michael Farrelly, James Mui-vey, Bryan McGillick, John Leary. JohnMonaghan, Terranee Bradlej-, AlbertWaller, John Z >u, George Greting,Michael Horan (No. 1), Augustus Shuy-ster, John Kettyler, Andrew Fisher, PeterO'Brian, James Burns, William Master-son, Theodore DelJult, Michael llorau(No. 2), Charles Williams, Peter P. ltob-insou, Thomas Burk, Michael Minch,John McAndrews, Cornelius Tierney,Hubert Gouid, Patrick Fox, James Fin-uigan, Nicholas Weller. Total, 50.

l I l l i K U M A 1 I O S I 0 ( . ( ) . , . N O . S I X .

John Doiinigiin, Foreman; EdwaidHeamy, 1st Assi-tant ; Henry Moore,William Dolan, John Felton, RichardBerkleus, llu^h Began, Joseph AlcICIhany.Daniel Mastcrson, Patrick Manly, JanusMcGarrig.il, James M.cMalion, Michae1

Glynn, John Duti', Michael Leaiy. Thos.Costello, Chailes Long, Charles Griirgs.Martin MeGowan, John Casey. Total,. 2').

' A ' S - I W E S t <* oft" B2<fc>i£><?<*5 .

At a meeting of Relief Council, Xo. 10.

O. U. A M, i f New Brunswick, hold

March 2~>, Ii7'i, tlie follow ing preatnbk

and resolution- were adopted :

Whereas, It. has pleased Almighty God.in His Hif:nite wisdom, to remove bydeath our iriciid ;ind brother, ISAAC V. P.DA\ is.i.N, a memliLi' ol llehef Council.No.40. (). I". A. M.: tlierefore, be it

Resolved, That while we bow iu sub-mission to the dioren of Providencewhich has. called him .".way iroin ourmidst, we will ever cherish lire memorywith ihe fondest recollection.

Resolved. That we deiply sympathisewith his a!!!Cted family, and offer ourearnest prayer that they may be sustainedunder their aiillctioii by that Omnipo-tent Power that tempers the wind to ihe" shorn lamb."

Resolved, That the officers and mem-bers of tin.-. Council will attend his fun-eral in a body.

Resolved, That a copy of these rcsolu-

Now's Your Time!Having " purchased the >ntire"2"stock of

Monuments, Headstones^


belonging to


(also the business staad upon which contem-plated improvements are to be made, requiringthe removal of the stock), I do now otler thesame at

Prices Below Cost.

PROPERTYFor Sale and Exchange



New York Office—89 Nassau street, Room f.

1,154 "FARMS,of every description, in all parts of New Jersej

Forty-one of these

Farms to Exchangetor Houses and Lets, etc., in New Brunswickand other cities and towns.


for sale, on my books, in New Brunswick.

mchl-lmdaw JAMES H. SILLCOCKS.

R. K. S.iydam, Foreman; William. B. tions be transmitted to his bereaved

by the study of a

-ouic months pre- j

. It'll to this invi ! t

( pr ize problem u tV

viiHls'y in tha t J>I.T:O iicul. This Pro!'.

A d r a i u was Professor ot M ; i; l.rma; ics and

Kat.UTal Phi losophy in Uir- . - rs Coilcje ,

a n d was one .of tl e n: .-' le iuarkai . c !

m»thcni : i t ic ians tfljt h ive i v : lived. It

has been SUlil by si'illi1 of 1.":- adi::;;-, :s

- t h a t the re w:.s no solvai.le ;.: ' : , . .:•.; u-.-.a

h e could not solve.

| way a piophetic malediction on the li = ' t icc, I II iii.lniot, Assirtaut ; J ames W. Reams, I family, and that they be published in thepi'l 'ers of this city, aud in the Michri/tica'which was a type ol" the JewUh pcop'e ;

cleanses the Temple, and returns to l lelharv.

Tuesday—twelfth day of Nisa i \ I 'm-

I eeeding again to Jerusalem, finds the tij;

| t :ee withered ; speaks the prophetic par-! ables of the wicked husbandmen and wci'-

| .line least ; foretells His crucitlxiou, aud

:;its Ihc Temple forever.

Wednesday —thirteenth day of Nisan.

Tint\ !cb:j ' - i ^ .

His l;



T h e :in»-

T H E C O X C K K T ON - M . ' M M ^ . — R i i ' . u r

for the'sake ot our readers ;h.;!i fc:: ti.e

Ciionil Society do we need to make nun

tinnoi tbeconi el t next Monday; torwlnie

a g»KJil house is already assured, we are

anxious ' that 'the eiitcrtainmeiit should »•

not be missed by any who appreciate, or an

want to learn to appreciate, good music.

The solo siBgers aie .Miss A:::«>:nctre S:«r-

ling, contralto, wiio •jujs.-'Ji.-i.".' per year hour (9 A. M.i : He gives up the" ghost

for leading the congrogatioua! .-iii^i:;^ in {'•'' - - ) • ' s l>"ly laid in the tomb.

Beecher's Fhmoutl i Church: Miss Hen-I Saturday—sixteenth day of Nisan.

F.lias M. Siieocks, A. V. 1). Westervelt.iO.Uv.ird 15. Sullivan, Jacob Spader, C.W. Casiner, Alexaiuler White, Jameslieiitoji, N. I.. Jimerson, J. n . J. Voor-_liees, John Na.ey, Ja<per Provost, PhilipWeigh1, William Denton, Peter Henry,Jacob Uakenev. Frank McGiiire, JacobL. Chevalier. W.lliam L. Reams, ThomasWard, Christopher Barrett, Geo. Bier, L.Grunwald, Lucas ditcher, Dennis Foley,Henry Feister, Geo. Freese. John Iluyler,Thos. Havens, Joim McLuiiihlin, FrankPette. I. M. Blue, G.orge Oiiver, MillerIioudinot, John Donnelly. Michael Sta-,pleton, Henry Meahley. John Lawrem-e,

i i l i . ' . -.1 T « . - • * I ^ ' l J i l l T ^ T . l _ . _ mr i


.ToNvniAX C. Goiu.i:.(_'. S. l i t isi;.wu>.J. L. P A S C O .


M.-piracy of the chief priests.

tecs to betray him.

:-day —fourteenth day ofi'.tisthc Passover with His disei-TJolin Priestly, Lewis litddle, John Man-i in this city for which piles have beenInstitutes the blessed sacrament ol | ">ug, Wm. I>oyd, Samuel Chevalier, driven, in this case rendered necessary by

•dy and Blood. Goes to Geth-



lle is betraved

day of Xuan. The

Crucitixiou : Jesus crucified at the third

F- rietta Becbe, soprano ; aud Miss Ant. ;>i:i Jesus at rest on Paschal Sabbath:


Wilson, Charles King, WilliamWilliam Hyde, Johnson Go id-Total, 50.

The Stieet Commissioner advertises to-day for bids for the longest sewer everproposed lor this city. It is to be. 10,2oOfeet in length, and will cost not muchless than £175,Gl>0. A portion of it, 800feet, is to be built on a foundation ofpiles. This is the first sewer ever builtin 'drithe marrdiy bottom. The sewer is calledthe Boyd street, Badger avenue and Ped-die street sewer.—A?«•<»;•£ Courier.

N l I l ' T l ' X E HOSK CO.

\V:ii. 11. Doekerty, Foreman; Jamc;Downie, William Furman, tfamuel -Me-Cullock, James Cornell. William Uub-bard, William Khoades, Adaui Gluttiug,John Van Derhoof, G. V. Parent. PatrickWalsh, Theodore Stcut, Frauk Reynolds,George Meyers, O-.vilise Kline, William

Henue, niez/>-soprano. ot wliom Mr. His Spirit in Paradise. j Vau Skiver, Edward Moore, Kobert

Hamtn, our newcomin- «i-.:siei:ui, speaks Sunday—Easter Day. lie rises tri-1 I;:»vrence Thomas S. Criehton, James

in the highest terms. .Miss Sterling will uniphr.ut from the grave and shows Him- u ) w n - o a , ~ .

aiug Meudelsslion's Spring Song; Miss : H-;IJI!'.VC to His desponding and we eping

Jfecbe Torrtnte's " Show Me Thy Ways " ; | dis> -Spies, gladdens them with His pres-

Mi9s Heune " A h , uion t i ls" irom Le

Prpphete. Tliese Ix-aides their solos in

ence, and gives them the ble-^ing of


1'IIKXIX EXC.tNK CO., NO. TIIIIKE.C. W. Schuyler, Foreman ; Adrian Graff,

Assistant; John Lawrence, John Voor-hees, II. li. Parsons, Kichard M. White,E. L. Goodwin, Win. K. Van Arsdaii


New BrunswickSavings Institixtion.


Deposits Received cf any Amount.

Interest at ihe rate- <if t; per cent, per arnum,free f.om all tases ou ul, sams, trom f 5 aud uplward.

All moneys deposited previous to Aj-iil 10.will draw miereit Irun April 1.

Tee service* of this Institution RI.> offered toall those seeking a SAFli and nu L'.N'UOCbTEDSKCUIilTV fur thcii saiingrf.

nih21-3w ^ • DURHAM, Treasurer.

J. McMAHON & GO.197 Burnet Street.

New Goods at Old Pricesnohvilhstandinir the increased prices in theDry Goods Maiket, and the excitement createdin the advanced prices among the Dry (roodsfrateruiiv, we still continue to sell for oldprices from the fact of us having taken ad-vantage in

Buying Before the Recent Rise

in the New York Market. We have always onhand a very extensive stock ot

DRESS GOODScomprising the choicest and


A Full Line of

LACK SILKS,Japanese Silks, Irish Poplin Robes, in the mostL'IL'I iljt styles and ut the lowest prices.

Our great specialty is ia

SLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS,single and double warp, and Silk Mohairs, inrtbich nr)ne can compete with us in prices. \Vehave other varieties in Fancy Dress Goods,Irom the lowest to the finest grades, veryc'neap.

We mvile the attention ol buyers to our large• TId c.irefully selected stock of Domestics, con-.•.istinj: of Brown and While Sheetings, Shirt-mxs '-tripes. Check, Jeans, Cottonauea,. Den-•'-. <>ingham<<, I'rints, etc., etc.

\ !' li line of Men'B and Boy's Spring CaJJf>-; - :-.t very attractive prices.

1 '::•• I;P bargains iu Table Liuens, Towels,*. • - "^ovhesund Napkins, always on hand.

•V - . .lid line of llosieiy. Gloves and Fancy•> • Inch Will command the attention of

h i - wilier. Please call and examine.•V r. -Oae piice onlv—hnuest dealinK to al t

inh';-(l.v,v McJUlION 4 WARD.

Mason & Hamlin'sCelebrated Organs,


Aijrnt for this City- <tn<l Yi<:intty,mhC-lmdaw


LATEST STYLEand be^t manner, at 13S Neilson street. OrdersIrom the country promptly attended in.

Also, City Propertyfor sale and exchange in Newark, Elizabeth,Rahway, Trenton, Philadelphia, and New York.Brooklyn, Jersey City and all towns within icircuit of 25 miles.

A Large Number oi

FARMS IN NEW YORK STATE,ot all sizes and prices—some can be exchange''

600,000 Acres of Southern Lands,

Plantations, Farms, Country Seats, eto.

Large Assortment oi Western Lands ior saleand exchange in most of the Western States.

Money to Loan on Bond amiMortgage.

Papers for the sale and transfer of propertymads out correctly, and with neatness and dis-patch, and acknowledgments taken.

I have such a large assortment that Ithink I can suit anybody wishing anything iumy line. Give us a call.

'c J. S. FERGUSON,mch27-lvin3 Real Estate Aeent. opp. Dnnnt


Living in the Auction Rooms, watching the marshals' and sheriffs' sales ;

attending all the forced cash sales of Bankrupt Stocks thrown upon the.market

Buying of Houses Hard Up for Money;

of men who must have a thousand to-day or go under, and of houses that have

gone down, and others that must go; and from.' every source where the best of

goods can be bought for less than their market value, then selling them out quick-

ly, at a small advance, to

Cash Buyers Only,has caused thousands to daily visit this store to make their selections from the

Largest Assortment in the City.New AdvitiiaJ Crowding (kit the

Ambition Instead' of Luck ;

Voorhees & Stryker,RSAXi ESTATE AGENTS.


Ciish against Credit,


YiTe are selling Slandard Calicoes at 9 cts., worth everywhere 12| cts.; extra

Heavy Ginghim 12] cts., worth 10 cts.; Splendid Muslin at 13$ cts., cheap at 15

Corner of Schuyler and French Streets.

Also, 39 Nassau street (Room 22), New York.

THE BEST SELECTION OF FARMSever ollered atone time in this market, situatedin Middlesex, Somerset, Monmouth and Mercercounties. A laige assortment of

New Brunswick City Propertyfor sale. Some real bargains, store stands,mechanic stands, aud one ol the best stands ofmill property iu the State. Aho, vacant lots.

House and lot on. French street; good loca-tion; lot 50x100 feet; large hall. House con-tains nine rooms. Will be cold cheap.

Double House and Lot on French street; lot50-\ 9 i feet. House contains 12 rooms, extragood far school or boarding. Will be soldverylow. . . .

House and Lot, French street; Lot 60x130 ;house large and as good as new. 1'rice $8,0u0.Terms easy.

House and Lot on French street^ corner lot;size of lot 33x130 ; house new ; dining-roomand kitchen in rear in complete order. Verytine location. $0,600. Very cheap.

House and Lot on Paterson street; nice largehoute; good location; now in complete order.$400c

House and Lot on Bayard street, $3,800.House and Lot on Bayard street, $4,500.House and Lot on Bayard street, $8,000.House and Lot on Bayard str.et, $ti,000.]Honse and Lot on Bayard street, $6,500.Houses and Lots on Railroad avenue, $2,700.House and Lot on Railroad avenue, $3,500.House and Lot on Neilson street, $6,000.Hoase an'1 Lot, Liberty street, very low.House and Lot on Hamilton avenue.Houee and Lot on College avenue.House and Lot, Townsend street, $3,500.House and Lot, George street, $7,500.House and Lot,Millstone, cxtra'fine location;

barn, hovel, and almost one acre of land; houselarge, containing 12 rooniS. $£,000.

House and Lot in Coe's Park, East NewBrunswick, cheap.

House and Lot on Jersey avenue, near Handystreet; two lots of ground; house in good re-pair. $3,000.

Some extra choice farms for sale at"lowprices, also for exchange on cash basis.

One farm of Hi acres, 12 acres ot meadowland on Millstone river; stock, crops and tools,live milch cows, three horse*, hogs, fowls, e c.A full stock ot utensils for tanning use. Verytine location. Farm in eood fence. Plenty ofall kinds of fruits, eic. $3,fO0.

Other choice fariu.s for sale very low prices.ja29-Smis

H. Lorleer & Jos. f amsckeL

l-J- lawlm B. BROKAW

GASUME.1200,000 Bushels

at one-half Oi) c e .n t Pe r bashel; for sale at theManhattan Gas Light Company's Works, footof West lsth street and East 14th sireet, NewYork city, mh5-w]m

Peterson & Morgan,MANUrACTUREBS Or

Liquid Blue, Blacking,AND

Superior Black inks.Also, Agents for E. Morgan's Sons' Soaps andSapolio. Send on your order* to

PETERSON & MORGAN,jalT-dawly^ South River. N. J.

A Q B N T S W A N T B J ) for " Convent LifeUnveiled." by Edith CGorman, Escaped Nun,whose disclosures are thrilling and startling.Agents are taking from 10 to 20 orders a dayIt is the best selling book published. Send forterms. Conn. Publishing Co., Hartford, Ct.

ja3-4w •

Cabinet Furniture.

Upholstering, Papsr-Hanging'



In all their various branches,

Done in-the Best IManner.

and npon]reasonable termp' at

No. 27 Albany Street,NEW BRUNSWICK, N.*J.

N. B.—The latest styles of Farnitnre al-ways on hand. ..Particular attention givenj tothe


corresponding with any design or patternfurnished.


of all kinds done in the best manner. Also

Billiard and BagateUa Tables Repairs*?oc25-6m

Lt our specimens ol fineJob PiiutiBE •* Ho. 9»


One Million Spools of Cotton,in white aud colors ; 3 aud 0 cord soft finish at 3 cts. a spool, worth 6 cts.; one hun-

dred thousand cards Hooks and Eyes, in white and black, at 2 cts. per card ;

Splendid Pacific and Manchester Delaines ai 13 cts., TTOrth So cfs/j ten'Tttousand

yards «

SPLENDID SPRING DRESS GOODSat 15 cts., worth 25 cts.; one thousand yards Silk and Wool Dress Goods 'at

12J cts., worth 25 cts.; Bahnorar Skirts at 50 cts., worth 75 cts.; Elegant do, at 65

cts., worth $1.00 ; Children's Felt Skirts at 50 cts., worth $1.00. No wonder the

Frightful List of Failuresall over the country, yeur after year i They don't buy their goods cheap.

Wtat's the Use of Wasting a Dollarwhen you can save it. An extra large assortment of


at prices that iu self defense you will buy of us.

10,000 YARDS SUMMER DRESS GOODS!at 12J cts. per yard, consisting of

English Bareges, Organdie Lawns,Pacific Lawns & Summer Cin&hams,

•worth 20 cts. in any store in the State. These prices will at once show you tbe

vast difference between buying lor cash and upon credit; between the right way '

and the wrong. Ah, who knows the

WASTE OF MONETwhen you get your goods of rnen who buy and sell on credit ? They make the

iunocent suffer for the guilty, and

who have dwindled down to but lew, help make up the losses they have met by

selling on credit. Specialties in


Mourning Goods, Alpacas, Empress Cloths,AND




Lj oil's One Price Stare

mh20 -6m21 PEACE STREET.

Page 4: TIMES. - digifind-it.com · times. vol. iii.-no. 14j». new brunswick, n. j.: wednesday evening, march 27, 1872pric.e three cents. «t- si.:^s« i'ainier, r-j (;; ii.dkx


o r



CONSTELLATION.• ' An act to set on a new township in the• -county of Jfltddlesex, lo be called I!K -

',* .' t'ownsbip of Cranbury. :• 1. Be.it enacted by the Serr.le a.\A Gi?i-!

- eral Assembly ol the t ia ; t -o i .W.v .uv><.-y. 'That-all that part of tu t in-.vi*>i*ii*s<>! Smrli <

- Brenrwick and M.iu-rne, ir. i!*•_- c:>ui*ty i.i• .Middlesex, lying within tin l>-uiiul:iri(-:- and |

"descriptions foiinwi•:•.<:. \<> v-.U: j : -iiii'i: - z ' U n p a r a l l e l e d I u d t i c c m e u t si n t h e m i J J l L i i ! M : : ! - l i • : . - \\ .<;. :i: • I . • ; • ' • ' '•>'•

W h e r e D e v r ! ' : = K l o w k e : : ' i ' ! i r - ! U f i \h.- - : i t » C ,

. mud running thtnee up tlu nii'iil.i oi DL-UI":-Brook the several couises t t r t u t to iht-

'- "middle of the highway riinnin^ irom Gray'sMills to PJainsboro ; i h t w e iu an raster!}' !

" direction to tue viliaize of Plainsb«>ro; 'thence aloog the miildli- of ilic road lo;idii.i; j

• Irom Plainsboro to Scon's inru'jr, and I'ol- '•lowing said rea l un:il it iBUrs'Clsllie Cruti- ;

,"• bory and New Brunswick tutnpike ; ilmiceeasterly along lhe new road untii it iutt-r-

- sects tbe public road leudi::^: fr> ir. l?it-- village of Washington to ("raubury : ibeaee

northeasterly aloDg said r >ad to lVus-iutHill school-house: thence eaM.i'y aloni;the middle of a new road U) r. L>L-:R1 iu thesame by the dwelling bouse -<f TimothyMcCartev; thence Miirlierly direct to the

"point where the public road crosses theCamdeo ami Amboy Huilf-oad, ntar ihedwelling bouse ot" Julin S. Dcy ; ilu-cce-southwesterly along the Caoideu auu Am-

* boj Railroad to lue h\zh bridge on ibepublic road leading from Cranbury villageto Cranbury station ; tbepce scuiberiy fol-lowing the middle ot tUeiuost direct public

' road leading from, the snid Ll^u bridge toWyckofTatmills to where it s'.rikes lhe pub-lic road lealiug from aid NVyckuff's irills

- t o the Kcd Tavern : t:j(.iice a due southcoarse, as tbe iieedic n«.w points, to thechannel of W'yckotl't mill poml, which i?the Millstone Kiver; thence lolU)wii!^-;'iemiddle of the said Millstone Kivir ii.eseveral courses thereof to tbe pluee <«;' L-.-

- ginning,shal l be and hereby is set <•;!' tr-. mthe said townships of South CriLrivkk audMonroe, and made a sejmmle twwnsL:;), t<>

" be called and known by tU- name uf " TueTownship of Crauliary."

2. A n d be it cuacteil. T!iat the inhab-i t an t s of the township of Cianbury tluillb e and they are L-.-reby consti tuted a b.nlypol i t ic and" Corp. irate, and shall be styleda n d known l>v the- name ot •• the .iahab- ,

. , i tan ts of the" township of Craubnry. in \ .-aon be issued. Although our circulation is al-_the COUnty of Middlesex," Uiul shai!_ be ' r e a d v j tf a n d continually- iucreaMU!:, still it

t i Caiivassaj-s.



Greenbacks for All.



Tli-.-Third Number of TUK CONSTELLATION will

-~-*w v"*-•**• j — --~~.—, — - . - | [.j^jy i;irzo uuu cont iuuai iv nieieaMiiy;, s>im uentitled to all tlie right?, power-, author-]ity, privileges and advantages, and sub- | is nothing like what it ought to be. We bhouM

I have

J 20.000 Boiia Fide S i i t a f e s

lo increase the circulation. We therefore otler

Ten envies, or.e year

T'.vyn:v-live cupU-s, one year.

Filly copies, une year


. 9.00

16.00One hundred cjjjies, one year 30.00


Remarkably Low Terms.

j ec t to the same regulations, governiiientand liabilities as the hih:iijitaa:"s oi' theother town=hi])s in the county ol'.Middle-sex.

3. A n d be it eiKic:.e.|.'Th:it the inhab- ii tants of the said townih i ] /o f Cranbury ihereby created, shall hold their tir?t an- ! in iliU and adjoining counties, and it only re-

. . nuai town meeting at tlie inu oi' WilliamStnl ts , in tlie village oi Crani-ury.. on tlie

. .day appointed by law lor iioldiiig the ! slightest to pi ice our subscription list where• , annual town meetini/s iu tlie other town- .

Ships of the county of Middlesex, and j l l 1>™P^' belongs.annually thereafter at such pht<'.' in the ; • AH must admit that fifty cents a year is very

- said township ot C'rauburv as a mnjnntv i . ,. , ,- Of. the legal voters ot said'township"shall . llIW f o r =u c b A ™>er a s " e P u b l l t l 1 ' b n t w e a r e

d e t e r m i n e ; ' t h a t at said town meetings • «i:iin^ to afford it at still lower rates, in orderttoey shall vote by ballot until it shall be

/ otherwise , determined aei.-oniuig u> !a\\ ;a n d t ha t all the provi.-;ons and re^tric- t-llt. following terms:

-~ t idns ot an act entit led •• An act u> ,authorise tlie inhabit-ints of "the s^vt-rui \townships ol this ."Man.- lo vote bv ballotat their town meetings."" approved March itwenty-second, outs thousand eiLrht huu- ;dred and sixty, and of the supplements :

• thereto.-shall apply to the inhabitants ol 1theiownslup oi Craubury.

;_ 4. And be it enacted" That K/.-kial ;Silvers, Matthew A. line and D.Cham-]bers Lewis, be anil ihev are hereby' ;ip-

i -"-r' pointed judges oi election, to hold" and" , preside over the iir^t town iiieetinir, and

£dwin A. lirowu is hereby nppointed. town clerk of said township of Cranbury,

f_- _ to hold their respective olii'ees -until the'ir ] V l ' L a t d " o u r subscribers say ab»ut it :-'"Successors are elected ami ijuahlied in

their stead: and any p a son actitii; u>judge of election or town clerk, shall beentitled to huid any oiiice in said town-ship to which they, by a majority ot the

'legal voters ot said township, may beelected: provided, that in ease o i ' t h eabsence or inability to serve ot any ofsaiU persons so appointed by this act, amajority of the letxal vuteis present mayfill such vacancy.

: 5. And be it enacted, Tiiat K/ekial. • Silvers, Matthew A. Hue and I). Cham- '

bers Lewis, or a majority of them be, and ' p \ -r\ T ^ 771 l\T ~T\ 4 p\ T^ n\ •" they are hereby authorised and required T R l l , H, V K A kS '- to divide the said township of Cial-.bury V H i J U H i J i l f l l U ..j_ Wto convenient road districts, and to re- j'T port the same in writinir to the cleik ol.' " said township,,, who shall lay the stune

beiore the legal voters pre.-'eiit ut tlie. .opening of the pVdK <m the moniir.i; of

the first annual town meeting, which Taiddistricts shall remain in li.uo until

v '-.altered or changed by the township com-mittee.

6. And IJC it cnactc;]. That tiic iid.al.it-- a a t s ot said township i.f I'ranbury .-ha':!

elect, at their first annual town mcetinu.I'^uch officers as are authorised to be•cfiosen in the otlier townships ol the<?aanty ot Middlesex, and shall vote 011t ^ e same ballot tor tht; amount of moneyt o be raised for school purpose?, fur tin-

\in«l and repair of roads, for the siip-

edition to this we

aw.irded ou May 1" :

y Hut iu

nUer these prizes, to be

¥•,1 the largest club. . . .

Fur tiit- second in si/e.

For the third "

I'or tht- fourth 4i

I'li/es to be jiaid iu


. 15.00

. 10 00

. 5.00

but no e'ub admitted to competition haviDg

less iliaa one hundred subscribers. Should

there be four clubs contending, having each

We will Double the

a ; d 'i

Above Prizesl I'r:-'1S l " l"°"1" <->tI»«-'r c l u b s

F. A. WISEMAN,Watchmaker and Jeweler,

NOmvl 5 -



G a r l a n d ' s ' This is the Oldest AgencyGENERAL THE CITY-

MUSIC STORE,24 Albany Street



Oi New Jersey.

i OFFICE:A L a r a e A s s o r t m e n t of the bepi j

Pianos, Organs, aud Melodcns of the be.t I »o. 9. Exchange Place, Jersay Citymakers, at as lo.w prices as it is possible lofurnish superior instrumeuts.

Steinwgy's Pianos,tbe very best l'ianos manufactured, at prices jfrom $4."0 to ^1,000. Over Due hundred anhfty of these Pianos have been sold by ]'ro-jfessor Garlamliu this city and elsewhere. •

The "American Piano,"a well made and durable instrument, possessingline qualities. Prices from $300 to JtiuO.

The Gabler, Emerson and Gordon Pianos.

Prices from tiV5 to JSOO. i

Mason &. Ilaiiiliu's Celebrated •Organs, \

of every style. PRIXCE & CO.'S


No. 139 Gecrge Street, N « w Brunswick

Sweet-Toned Organs and Melodeons. ! riP

ONE PRICE ONLY.Each Instrument sold at the lowest price,

- over ; a u j u 0 further abatement made.

Rutsen Hardenber^h,

All Description of ProperlyInsured at Fair Bates

1 ol premium, and for a term of years if desired.i Special attention given to desirable

Dwelling House and Farm Risksppll-lj


one hun.iri.Hi .-nl>se:ibers each, \i this uiauuer:

pport ol the poor, and tor t-uc

b h dher pui


d over—1st..

" - '. 'J..

" —3d..

'• —1th.

il over -1s t . .•• — - J . .


j I'anvassiTs will

. .c'ja'.'ccs are liere

vasse:- --.Is oul\- 41''


, h;s

poses as may be authon-ed by law.". 7. Aud be it enacted, That tin- toy, i.

committee of the township of C'raiihurv."together with the town committees i-t

( t h e respective townships of South Llnms-! "wick and Monroe, shall meet on the sci•-j o n d Tuesday ot April m-xt, at tlie inn ct^Wil l iam Stults, iu the vi!l:ij;o»f Cranburv.- mt'ten o'clock iu the forenoon, und »h:i"ii

* -then and there h:ive to proceed by writ., - i l ^ j , s igned by a majority of the''members•x. o f each township committee, to allot ;md\ d iv ide between the said tDWiiships ail|- ,their paupers which are hereby charire-•'" able to that township within tlTc bounds

df'which they shall have ac.pared tlu-irsettlements respectively, and'to :i!i,,t ; in ii•diTide between the said township* a'.i

. property and monies on hand or due. inproportion to the taxable propeity u:uinotables as valued aud assLsseil l v :i--- ^.. ,,.;,sessors, within t h e i f respective limits o! -•"-•"-••-''•• -vlul

t h e said townships at their last assc?-- •j n e n t s ; and that tiie inhabitants ot the ' A w-/-w -w^ •skid township of Cranbury shall be liable : $ O v l J 3 6 S 1 Q . 6 , OYt o p a y their jus t proportion of the debts, ''if any there be due, and to supp >:; -.r.-.d <••udnta in the paupers so allotted to th-em :a n d i f any of the persons c ;:;;...;.1:i:

O t h e r o f the town committees shi! l rc-Joaepr neglect to meet as aforesaid, th. ~assembled may proceed n> make the saidal lo tment and division, and the decision

a majority of those present, -shall beal and conclus ive: provide,! that it

hal l a n d may be lawful to adjourn theOre meet ing to such time and placeithin the said township of C'rani-irv a~

ot those assembled tnav think


. 30.00

. 25.00

. 20.00

. 15.00

. 12.00

. 10.00

. 5.00

please take notice what

ulltt'i'*!. Supjiosin^ a can-

>ubs-:rii>t'i's by the l.'ili ol

cents t;ach, and i^ets the lur^e

ward wou'ul be, i1' cents for tacli j

this lor n ;-.i,T;ii;e c( only



25 Working Days.

And be enacted. That nrthius in thisIsball be so corst/ued as tointeriere with! officers now elec;td in that part of lhe

1 of South Brunswick and Monroeifely, aet off and called lhe township

5«lCranbory, nof»wiih the cooimi.^ioas ol^"jaaticea of tbe peace, nor commW-ioners ol

until they shall cspine by their own

T:.;s would be over tive dollars for only a lew

Eu-LiTs >,''.u--.:i:i_; t'aeh ilav. W e also p romUe u

$50 Cash PremiumFOB 2VIRY9. And be H enacted, Thi« the committee

the ea!d township of Craubury .-h:i 1: the boundary lices of said towushi

»be surveyed and marked when n;ce>.-ar..10. And be it enacted, Thut the to-,vi:-l«P of Cranbury shall form part of ihi i* 1-assembly district of the county ol j a m ! o v e r = so that no one witu enten.rise


I'iitios, Organs an3 Melodeous to Ileut, orsold on Monthly Instalments.

Musica Instruments of fvery ilescri|itic:v j

Violins, Accordecns,

Guitars, Concertinas,

Flutes, Harmonicons,

Piccolos, Tamborines,

Flageolets, Bones,

Banjos, Drums,

Fifes, Triangles,

Pitch Pipes,

Tuning Fortis,

Jews Harps,"

Music Boxes,

Violin Strings,

Guitar Strings,

Banjo Strings.

SIIKKT Mfsir—the largest collection everkept in this city.

Jiuofici/'s Choip Mu.-f -id Pult'uations.


HITCHCOCK'S Dime and Ila.lt Dime Music.

Mrsic BOOKS of every description, for Sun-day, Public aud Private Schoo's.

Pianos, Organs and Melodeons tuuei1 hy acexperienced Tuner Irom New York

S. S Mangam & Co.,{&eal Estate Agency,


Insurance Brokers.



Boom 1SX, Second Floor, and

tSTO. 1 5 7 G E O R G E S T R E E T

Adjoining the New Brunswick Hotel,


Parties wishing to purchase, or having

Property to Sell or Exchange,OB DESIBINS


b** aprjlving at either or our offices will receiveprompt intention.

By close attention to business we hop*merit a liberal share of patronage.


V l.l.Xotice.

ns < - o c c r j r d m a y take n o ' i c " i h a t th--

GARLAND'SG-eneral Mus ic S tore , ~- -VJ:1

* 3-1 -Albany Street,

New Brunswick, Jf. J.

- rit>pr. Kxcculnr . c - l c . of Jolin . - t i nes , d c -' 1 >••!. :n'.ci;d I " c x h i - i t bis liual ac to ' ju t to iho• I.i - B u: th.• tirp'n n i t ' C u r t for i lu ' c-ouniv nl Mi.ldic--' r , :n iliv u , i a i f April u i ' t t i-D?!.in».'. i o r si-tt!o-11 e[;l :,t1.,I a l l o w a n c e , l h e Kime b i i u g !irfal audi ted.1 1,1 ~ u t e 1 Iiy t i e Su - r i ' t - i t o .

l ' . . t -d :••,•!.' 11.rv : 4 . 1STJ.ISA IC S. RU.VY. X.


V l.\. ii-T.-i::? coLi erued n;ay take n-'tjee, t^iat the• ul>M.T.bL'i >. Kx'.cntors. etc.. of Wru. L.

»Lr. And be it cnacte.1, That a:i : cts ai d*" Of acts incousisteut with tbe pro-

I O ac', be, :.n: t'-.e same are, b< r by

he bulkeii t t the largest pri/.e.

, anu ihut mi- act bhe!y.

Approved March 7,1ST2.

take tiL-ct

To jour interest byJab Anting done it T O i r


CHANCERY OF .NEW JEKSKY.—Be-ween the International Life Insurance andF t

Trust Company, Complainants, and lienrv \ \ .Cathu, Trustee, et als.. Defendant.

Sale under the above Fieri Facing stands ad-journed until MONDAY, the Sth day of APRILA. D. 1S7-, at the sauu- lunir and p'aoe.

JiUASD. 8XKDKKKK l.ate Sherifl.mhl4 4tw

Xoi icc .

4 L T . p c r f i m « r , , i : r , T i i , M ' m : i y l . i k , ' n .» : i . - •. ! h : , t t i "S u b s c r i b e r , A , l m i i } ; t 1 r a t o ' - . e u - . . ,,: J . i u . c - V .

* p : i , l , - r . (li i -o . td , ' , i . i n t c U ' l t o o i l i l - i t I n - i h i a l a tH»i . i i : tt o l l j .* J i u ! ^ , ' o : ' t i n ' Or j ' l i r iDs" ( . ' o u t f.-r t i n ' , o : ! i t v , ' lU ^> : !o . -^x , i u t k e U M n i o f A p r i i 11,-\t < • : : . - . l u^ - . ' l o r• . - f i v i i K H H n u d a i ' o u i u i c , Hik- f a i n - L i . u i ; nr= ' im . ' n c d a n d t t i l c d b \ - t h e S u r r o c a t o .

U J I . ' . I Ki-hruary -M," 1S72.!Vi -•• Jin KROSEX T. B. .-TA!,.VR

t;tS d. iult'tlfllo iXblDit their lm;i! ac-ut to tb-- Jji:^e if tlie Orp^aus ; tuurt fir [Lp!>•}• !•(' Mi ; d i > s u : . i u t l i e t e r m o f A p r i l u e x t t u -

n^. :«>r .-fi:l^ tu-*i t aiul :»I!owaDce ; the same .being'. i!:tii;rd a':d s'^tt1-! hy tlie ^urrcgiU1.ale : 1\ hru irv -7. 1^12.


-.:.7-;\-.:ii (,KO. W. SCHKVi K.

Xoliec.I.I. I


AI.I.I.I. 1- i-oc-i'rn.il mat take n,i t io, H at the' r s , Kj'-cul'->-s, i'U- , of Wi'liam Ma!oy,

«ltc-a-ed . intoud lo exiiiMi t!n-ir uuul ai-tuuut to 1 h^Judi:c of tlie orjihacs' L « - l ( , r • he rouuty of Mlddli'-fex. in tlw t. n a o f A p r . l n s t cn-uin^. for selilc-meut aud all,>waii<-f, tlic s.ime beius firit audited andaUiteJ **y l h n Surro.ru',1.

i>; t-";:c rued miy take rintu-e. that thej T i t-ni»scri.,,--, I l i e -iitor, e t c . , of J o h u A c ^ c i m a u .• le,-,' ; - e d . i u l t n i I I M I I I l.|t his fioitl :icc unit t o llio•I,.d, -ein- tli>- ' rjiti i i .s ' l 'o-irl lur the t< un ty t-f Mul-d'opc?:. in i b e Te rm of Apri l n e x t i-n?i;i -g. for se t t l e -11.em ar.d a l lowance : l i i - - s a m e b e i i g l lrst audi teua u d s t a t e t bv tlie S u r r o g a t e .

H:iteil March 7, 18TJ.n iUT- l td - i i iw A3RAHAM AXCEI.MAX.

fcb'2«uiwi.Kwis API-I.F"\TEH1XLX \ \ . MAI.UV.

RIFLES, SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS., j u n m a t e n a i s of eyery kind. Wnte for pricelist, to Great Western Gun Works, PittsBurg,f*- Army guns and revolvers bought ortraded for. Agents wanted. jalSn4w


MONTH to sell our Universalp Cement, Combination Tunnel,utton Hole Cutter, and other articles. Sico

Norelty Co , Saco, Me. mhS8n4wUnUCV MADE Rapidly with Stencil andnlUllCI Kev Check Outfits. Catalogues,tamoles and lull particulars free. S M. Spen-cer, I ruttleboro, Vt. mh28D4w


Rend TO" address, stating eipericnce, suc-cess and* book now selling, and receive our newA f i E N t ' J P O C K E T C O m P A N I O H ,

Worth $10.00 to any book agent.11,'ib.bird Uros., Publishers, 723 Sansom street,hbiladelphia. hw

Wells' Carbolic Tablet*FOR Conous', COLDS AND HOIESIKS S.

These Tablets present the Acid in Combina-tion with other efficient remedies, in a popularform, lor the cure of all Throat and Lung Dis-eases. Hoarseness and Ulceration of theThroat are immfdiarely relieved and statementsare constantly being sent to the proprietor ofrelief in cases of Throat difficulties of yearsstanding.

CAUTION. Don't be deceived by worthlessimitations. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets.Price 25 cts. per box. John Q. Kellogg, 18Platt street, New York, Sole Agent lor theU. S. Send for circular. mh28-4w

Select Boarding SchoolFor Young Ladies—at Greenwich, Conn. ForCirculars address Mrs. D. S. Trowbridge.


Three Years in a Man Trap!A companion to " Ten Night's in a B r

Room," by T. S. Arthur (the most popular ofAmerican authors), is now ready. It is a start-ling expose of liquor making and Belling, athrilling recital of a three years life in a citydram shop, sliovs up the vile deceptionspracticed in bar room?, and is the most power-ful work of the kind ever written. Will beeagerly read by thousands, and is certain tohave an immense sale. Apply for an agenund do good as well as tnake money, to

J. M. Stoddart & Co., Publishers, Phiiad'a.mh2So4w

Get the only Standard Book ot the kind pub-lished A *10u Baved yearly by all who pof sess it.

•can be rr.ade by agentsm canvassing lor Vou-

Iman's Dictionary ofEveryday Wants, con-

taining 20,uC0 Receipts in Every Department ofHuman Eflort, than in any olher possible way.From $15 to #40 a w eK insured. It is forevery Housekeeper, Fanner, Trade and Pro-tess on. For the sick and well. A reliablebook ol permanent value 10 every wide-awakeprogressive person It sells itself. Kxtratei-uis. AddroBS, F. M. Reed, 13:' Kighth street,New York. . mhiiSD4\v

We have nearly ready anew, low-priced, pritcucal

book that is sure to be eagerly sought tor by allclasses. Just the work for the times. It willbe the cheapest and most saleable book everpublished and on a ritally inttrestinq and im-pmtaut subject. Live agents sheuld lose notime, but write at once for particulars audtecure the best territory, lor when we anuounce lhe title and name of the author, oneof tha most popular and successful in Americato-day, there will be a rush for agencies. De-pend on it you will miss a great chance if youdelay.

We will sund free to agents illustrated circular and terms that defy competition. AddreisGeo. Maclean,* Publisher, 7a3 Sausom street,Philadelphia. mh'JSDlw

Oh, Would I Were a Chisighs* the weary and exhausted one, as thelanguor and lassitude of Spring comes uponhim. Come find receive vigor aud strengthIrom the wonderful South American Tonic,

J U ft U B E B A.Long and successfully used in its native coun-try, as a Powerful Tonic and Potent Purifierof the Blood, it is found even to exceed theanticipations founded on its great reputation.According to the medical aud scientific peri-odicals ol London and Paris it possesses themost powerful tonic properties known to Ma-teria Medica.

Dr. Wel ls ' Extract ot Jurubebais a perfect remedy 'for aU diseases of theBlood, Organic Weakness, (ilacdulous Tumors,Dropsy, Scrofula, Internal Abscesses, and willremove ail obstructions of the Liver, SpleenIntestines, Uterine and Urinary Organs.

It is strengthening and nourishing. Libnutriciou» food taken into the btomacb, it assimilates and difluses itself through the diiculation, giving vigor and health.

It regulates the bowels, quiets tbe nerves,acts directly on the secretive organs, and byits powerful Tonic and restoring eflects, pro-duces healthy and vigorous action to thewhole svstem.

Jehn'Q. Kellogg, 18 Platt street, New To-tSole Agent for the United States. Price ondollar per bottle. Send for Circular. mh2Sp<v


Tbe most extensive and best-aesoited stockin tho above line ot goods can be found at ihovarious branches of •

G. & S. HEYMAN & MACKwho, in consequence of the enormity of theirsties and immense facilities for production, areenabled to offer their austomei'3 and the publicgreat inducements during coming season. Weoffer special advantages to parties intendinghousekeeping. We will sell

A Complete Chamber Suite,(Imitation Walnut) with the bed, bolster andpillows, consisting of 14 pieces, for $30.

A Complete Parlor Suite,Consisting of Jete-a-Te'e, Ladies' & Gents'Chaiis, and tour side chairs in Keps, solid Wai-uut irame, toO.

All ether goods in our line at proportionatelow prices.

Live Geese Feathers and MattressesSpecialty.


388 & 390 Hudson Street,corner of Houston St., entrance on the coiner.

Branch Store, 555 6th Ave., cor. 33d st-eet.Branch Store, 1023 3d Ave., cor. 61st street.Fae oties 376, 378 & 380 Hudson street


A Book for Farmers." Tlie Art of TAMING HORSES,'

Explaining how to break, saddle and mouna colt, how to break a horse to harness, tomake a horse lie down, follow you, and standwithout holding. Also, valuable receipts fodiseases. Agents wanted, best terms.

W.R. CARTERmhl4o4w 013 Sansom street, Phila.



His Divinity established and Rationalismrouted. The most popular and rajidly-selliEgreligious work ever issued. For circulars ad-dress U. ri. Publishing Co., N. Y., Cincinnati,Chicago or St. Loujs. mh!4p4w

Given Awayto any Book Agent,

A $5.00 GREENBACK,and a specimen of the

GREAT IBDUSTBIESof the United States.

1,300 Pages and £00 Engravings, Printed inEnglish and Herman.

Written by 20 Eminent Authors, includingHorace (Jreeler and John B. Goueh.

- Agents wanted iu every town to solicit ordersfor this work, on liberal terms. It sells to allclasses, and no library should be without it. Jis a complete history ot all branches of indus-try, processes of manufactures, etc. No likwork ever before published. One agent sold133 in eight days, an .ther 125 in one week,another 263 in two weeks. An early application will secure a choice in. territory. Fulparticulars and terms will be sent free, with aspecimen of this great work, and a $5 00Greenback.

J. B. BURRi HYDE, Hartford, Conn.4


Life of James Fisk.Brilliant l'en Pictures of the Sights am

Sensations of New York.

TAMMANY FRAUDSBiographies of Vanderbilt, Drew, Gould an<other Railroad magnates. All about JostiMaDsfitld, the siren, and,Edward S. Stokes, thassassin, octavo of over 500 pages, profusel;illustrated- Agents wanted. Send $1 00 looutfit, and secure territory at once. Circularfree. Union Publ shing Co. Phila., Chicago oCincinnati mh' SDiw

Edward A. Morrison827 BROADWAY,

Near 13th Street, New YorkB O N N E T S , ROUND H A T S ,

Caj>,<, millions, A(ck Hies, Lacs, liujftes, Dies,Ti iniminys mad*' lo Order. ?


, CURTAINS,Lambraquins and Other Decorations.

Dealers and others wanting first-class goodsmay have on application Drawing and Esti-mates for Furniture, Lambraquins, Shades,etc G. L. Kelty 4 Co., 7i2 aud 724 Broad-way \ Y mh23i>3m

ONE MILLIONGreenhouse anfl Bedding Plants,


Flower and Vegetable Seeds,Illustrated Catalogues of which, numbering IT?pages, mailed to all applicants on receipt of 2.")cents. To those who will state in what paperthey saw this, two beautiful colored plates willaUo be included. . m h 3 4

Seedsmen, 35 Cortlandt Street, N. Y

CARPET STOBE,123 Bowery, N. Y.

(3 Doors belew Grand Street).

Mattings 25 and 30 Cents per Yard.

Ingrain Carpets 50 and 75 Cts. per Yard.

A large Stock of Brussels, 3 plysand Ingrainsin .New Designs.

Oil Cloth at manufacturers' prices. Wall1'aper, Window Sbades. Curtains and Cornices,very cheap. All goods gnaranteed as repre-sented Five per cent. Discount on all Billsover $'20 Oil. mh29D3m

Warren Dangejr.w T> „•,..„ I »Am Jiut. 1-371first Premium

Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet. Broil-ing Door, Fender Guard. Dumping and ShakingGrate, Direct Draft. Fuller, Warren 4 Co.,286 Water street, N. Y. feb5-Sm

Whitney's Keats Foot Harness Soap.»TKAM KKF1NKD.

It Oils, Blacks, Polishes andSoaps at the name time. Put up

S_ ^ i „ in large and small size boxes, alsoy^r ~ in 3 Ib. bars. Has been in use tor

years and gives perfect satisfaction. Rend stamp for our Waverly. Address(J. F. Whitney it Co., 50 Milk street, Boston,M Sfi

STAMMERING INSTITUTE.The most bopeltss cases of Stammering are

cured by Dr. C. O. Favor, 525 North SiJthStreet, Philadelphia.


ClECXTLAES AUD BILLHEADS,fn plain or fancy colors. Call and examinespecimeug and prices at Tm Tmia Job office.

G. Conover.33 Church Street. 33


has a full line of



Gentlemen's FnrnMim Goods.The & Custom] Department

will always contain a choice selection of the]

Most Seasonable Goods,which will be made up to order in the mosiipproved style.



G. L. Hardenbergk

J. Bayard Kirkpatrick,

Real Estate Brokers,STRUCT..

HOUSES FOR SALEin the best portions of the city, with all mod-ern conveniences,

4t Reasonable Kates ami

Easy Terms.on

Building Lots or Plots,canrenient to Depot To those contemplatingbuilding inducements will be oflered.

ALL INFORMATION GIVENby applicaticn at our ofiice.

Having been appointed local agents for the

EptaWe Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES,

we are now prepared to i3sue policies for LifeInsurance'at the lowest rate3, and to makeloans on approved

Real Estate! Securities

n sums of (5,000 and upwards.febl-dawSm


LEACH'S,The One Price Stationer,To buy all kinds of Writing Paper, Envel-

opes, Account and Memorandum Books, cheap.86 Nauaa Street, ) „ _ _ „ . ,

277 Greenwich Street,) N e w Y o r k -A large assortment of Diaries all the year

arouDd. Books of any pattern made to orderat the shortest notice. mh5—ftmdaw


frinted in a stjte equal to any in this country,at TOM TIKIS Job office.



Sleet IroD, Tin ani Copper WareNo. 2 King Block


Also dealer in all kinds oi


Boot and Shoe Store,


Mver Livingston,

No. 9 Churcli Street.

Rangesi _


Cooking Stoves,

Parlor Stoves, Etc1

Especial attention la called to Jumes Spear& Co.'s

Fireplace Henter,

" The Colden Sun,"

the most perfect base-burning and illuminatingfireplace stove of this at;o ; and to tin- Anti-Clinker, Hot Base, Self-fee"ding, Revolving,

[Light Parlor and Office Stove.Also to the improved

"New Empire,"Hot Air, Ga,s and Base-burning Cooking Stove,lor wood and coal, with Hawks' Auxiliary AirChamber and Patent Ash Sifter; and to Doyle's

"Great America,"

improved Double-acting Flue, first-class" Cook-ing Stove, und Doyle's Summer und WinterAttachment. •;


these admirable stoves, and our large assortmeut of other articles in this line, before pur-ehasing elsew'iere.

in all its branches promptly performed in thebest manner.

Also Agent fer the ce'ebrutedj

Wakefield Earth Closet.Call and see our specimens and get a circular

with full particulars.

WM. H. ARMSTRONGingf Block


TVo. Sd2-fimdaw

H. S- Voorheesi

34 Burnet Street,


ll now offering k

Fine Stock of FurnitureAt Reduced Prices.

und solicits tbe public to

CALL A N D EXAMINEE;» assortment, wh'cn Is as large as any in NewBrunswick. I call i;«r*: :u 'ar attention lo-my stocfc

Coiia.t. Dg of


MAFO8ANY SUITESft-hleh I am selling at a

V E E Y L O W P R I C EI haTCconslaDtlyoc hind

S O F A S ,L O U N G E S ,


tft.Trimmed in the bctl ninnar.ancl Warrtntei.'arrcpresc&ted

tf^U.Plna'"' r.*ll mnH rTumln*. novlO.l^wl

1 beg leave to announce that I have openeda now family Root and Shop Store at the abovenumber, where I will keep on hand a LargeAssortment ot -



Boots, Shoes and Gaiters.

ladies', Misses' and Children's French andGlove Kid, SLige, Pebble Uoat, Morocco <indCalfskin, Itntton, Laced and Coiiijrt'ss Gaiters,Slippers ol rill kinds, Uubbpr Hoots, Arctics,Aluskaa ami SandaN, Ovrrslioes, suitable forMen, Womon und Children.

I have akoon hand a well selected stock of

Valises Satchels,

which I can ofier at very low prices. Bolicit-ing your patronage, and full value lor yourmoney, respectfully,



No. 9 Church gtreet,

New Brvmswick.N J.



AGENTSa*"e wan'ed forevery town inNew Jersey, towhom commis-ipu will be pmdn C A B H .

Apply in personor by letter atthe oflice of


S. M. Co.,'.<C> Chamber St.,

X. Y.feb2i; Smdaw

The PERUVIAN SYRtTP makes tlirwralc strong;and cxpeLs dl<ea.se by supplying the blood withICATraE'a^bwK VrrALinxo AGENT—IRON.Caution I!e sure yon pot Prrnvlan Syrup.Piiiiililileun-ee. J. I'. Di:."SMOKK. Proprietor .

Ko. PIODPV St., New York.Sol. ">T Druggists gtucra'.lj.

PROPOSALSFOB Excavating tor the foundatioBS of the

State Asylum for lhe Iiiiane to be builtat Morristown, New JcrEey.

Notice is hereby given that the plans andspecincition3 for the building above namedmay be teen bv parties contemplating biddingfor the contract above designated at the officeof General Fitz-John l'orter. Superintendent,at Morriatown, on and after Wednesday, March <«, until April 1. next, after which last men-ioned date no bids will be received.

The proposals must be in writing, and sentunderseal to General Porter, at Morriitown, en-dorsed " Proposals for Excavation," and the

asts of bidding will be the cubic yard, tbe»rth to be used in grading around the buildingnd damped wherever required.


mh5-oaw4w Commissioners.




Jos. Livingston,,MERCHANT

Tailor and Clothier,Keeps constantly on hand a Splendid Assort

meut of all kinds of

Ready - Made ClothingOr THE LATEST STYLUS,


Together with every variety et



Also, a good assortment of Gentlemen's Fur-nishing Goods, Trunks, Valises and Satchels.

Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere.

My Motto: Quick Sales.and Pmall Profits.<315-dawlv


M. SCHAWB,Octician and Oculist:


XfEW Bi^rasWICK, N. J.,

From Wctlne'sday, April a, to Fri-day, Smirch 5, 1.812.

REFERENCES:Having used Eye-Glas»es and Spec-

acles supplied by M. SCHWAB, andmanufactured by him, we would cor-dially recommend him to till whoneed any aids to sight as a mostskilful Optician, and an obliging andreliable man.

Rev. Dr. XV. H . Campbell,resident ef Rutgers Collude, N-w i!r.»s-

wick, N. J .Prof. George II. Cook,

of Rutgers College, New* Brunswick, N. J.Mr. J o h n Clark,

New Brungwick, N. J.Mr. Johnson L-ctson,

New Brunswick, N. J.Lewis Applegale ,

ecretary of the New Brunswick Fire InsuranceCompany,

Ex-Gov. Parker,Freehold, N. J.

fg~ I hare no Pedlars or Agents. *,p9'71-<lawly