*«* r,< s 1 > V /a^Mt4*\*i^JaiX#l^4^4«i •MT t * A « "ft-^ftww *«* <Mta« "•"^yip*" |BAa*»«~"- VHt^m *^-Kp*T^-* <- 4AH4tokM«^ ^b)^**!***^'^*^**.^ 1*1 njioNG TIMI cagnuatcmai E'E s t . J<***» OmA * . fcServi«» Sunday* Oetoaer Sllh,, w » School 9:80. Morning Prayer Wsennon J£*W« ,.» « rX cordial welcome to all, * Tonight, the Woman** Auxiliary h «D meet in the church rooms at ?:45» fids is an important jmeeting^nd a .jfojl attendance ia .desired, *,.),«, . First Ptttfyrfafl*ti r Gknfa'fit Rev. Wm. L. Findley/MInlster Sunday, October 27,10:80.' 7he'Rev. © V * WAMUNQTON L K T T » By Pre, Btlm*, (Mas Newa *a> tiw IrJNaev •> . S <N $?-: 5r7 Fred W. Palmer of Holley will cbn- d^ the service. ; .., -vi_t*i-../»i»*- , Mrs. Frederick Eiys;~of Bc^bejtei?; i3 to be the soloist m$ mMmMm Sneaks' setting of "I«et N0,t T^u» : jfort be Troubled." ' " .' Sunday School wJB be at the, ^ ^ iour—twelve o'clocknoijn., t " * Dr. Marion B. Palmer^ Fjrejrtdept of the Christian College, Bangkok; §Jajn, will add ---• ' - " ->• ----- o'clock. „ _ .. .. . tic land should hear Wm, Everyone w invited. Hr iteim^ij eloped ,*IWJ* mo- ««p»y"j*? ? Jh* 1*m. ftfthwhat- ;aywrt«loatys»$ tempted to tune f J S i p - f l l he c M p ^ l w a a j ^ *to& story pn3to%i»m* * ' coNitTTvrwtru, Liwv^sPAtni Trinity Evang. Lutheran Church Rev. C. Poecklerv Pastor. Twenty-second Sur^ajirjtfWKfrMty, .October 27, 10:00 a. m, - JTMCyftj^fcaT tlon will celebrate the # « t h juMv$fe s«ry of the publication of Luther 1 ! otechism. The pastor will deliver * ipecial sermon on Dent*' $6*7: l%n& these words, which/1 command' thee this day, shall be in thine henrf{ and thou shalt teach them diligeritlyi unto thy children, and (halt talk Of them when thou sittest in thine house, «nd when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and wfteh'thOU riiest up." Theme: T-he Quadricen- tenary Celebration of the Publication of Luther's Small Catechism. 1. 'The reison of this celebration. 2. When this celebration is Pleasing to God. Holy Communion will also be adrriln- iitered after the sermon. Registra- tion may be made Friday in the par- lonage. Quarterly meeting of th* voting members of the congregation will be held after the service }n the parish hall. The church board will meet Fridav evening at the parsonage. I **§30MrEBv TJmt Section Si* of mm s»jvk*0f4*site, m ** »n # t o s and v l l l a ^ *%AVH mufle « 3 -ordinRt to njfttit #«a ntneaa te U «. eit»ined t 8o f s e j i prac$e«bte, % $fy 4mlnat»ons, &lm%}mtw ** practiite. •Wet lhatt be ^l»«|it»vej nrovlded, however, {that % towk^ly Charged ^qWiero and iatldw from fhBs Axm *ttd Navy ojhhe, V$im |tti j ft ih» iate Civil W#?) »»4 honlxrlMy dl«^ - ~ "- * • * % » , marine* ox B fs,*"*.,* 1 ?"^* %*^ c ^ Marine ;of Jhc United States #«aWed in fwm wjllow tttigs. * •, iW^w^M^*^^*?^" 6 ; Of-course, Mr.lhearer was w « I ^ " | ! ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ««^8* lefos» the Senate- taveatisatuur ^^V$£Mty&J*£ tyW **»|fc jBiUtee to explain m P*ssesfion of ^„,lS?&«*Lw !,,!^VlMl.fLfe pertain *uppo?ea)y secret government- ISf! 0 * 1 iBnflS 1 JJSRffifSPlf-- al dofiuments,- but «b,?ut all anyone & * » J s ^ f f l ^ 2 J ^ * g gd^ *.*taM»(»ta«ft ^ . a » 5 B S s w p ^ ^ ^Of course, the defeat of Albert B, fe filjMtt?^' Fait has just suffered a Wow with As- «J WSSJ*S» JSSS? ? A - SjSS 1 aoclate Justice Httx ruling that evJ- ^ J W J S . I 2 2 * S L ^ *" enfow •- denee of Harry P. Sinclafrt payments, ment °* thi8 Saction,' to Mr. Pall might be placed before the jury, npW/tryine the latter on a charge of accenting, while Secretary of the Intorion In flOOiOOO bribe, th« consid- oration of; whfch^ tlte government St. IV' jr' Ev. Luth. Church Rev. Tl..^- G. Kuehner, Pastor. XXII Sunday after Trinity, "Octo- ber 27. 10:30 a. m. English Reforma- tion services. Sermon by tho pastor. The four rundredth anniversary of Luther's Catechism will be observed. Special anthems by the church choir. The public is invited. * Sunday School and Bible Class convene at noon. HOOVER HONORS EDISON v _ ! . i*. ••.<• •*-i,-* -«j J T Tnoae Wn0 M»*«ned on the radio charges, wak the leasa to Edward-L. Monday heard one of the beat and ?M?**L§\mtMM*Mn};E'P ont . «n|3W* Wffnws they ever «rve. But it atilLrfntahi^f* the de-heard. This was the world-wide fensfrto,be,heari : from, wherefore any broadcast of the celebration of the least ox me tw«or»«un ox in» ...UJ.-I.. anniversary of the invention of W E ' comment would "be oremature, Of coottte,6r«at<Britai6?iiiav»l par- ley bid» ih»»ve been accepted—tenta- tively, at Jeaslh-rby Italy, France and ,„, „ v ,„. . w ,„ . m Japan, Mfewith what eon4ition» and WM pre sent and paid qualifications teese acceptances have ute to Mr . Edl , on mt d j d been saddled.has pot yet been m«de y oun g. Graham McKamee » • » . « « . vA PP . S ,?i he ^ I f r t l S S * 0 do S x * the " e » a •« Edison built a duplicate cept to pull through the brfefpawe for the original bulb In the original 50th the incandescent l»mp by Thomas A. Edison at the Dearborn, Mich,, estate of Henry Ford. President Hoover *" a glowing trlb- Owen D. described *sUdir* aadbuHtd w M j p l t l r y . »i* Vilwrnttit celibmtlwi tor w mwmTrnkm AW MSDINA HIGH ^ I I ^ O ^ Honor U r t September, t i l l » Students with 00& o«? nbove in4our subjects: Bertramd Mallison Students with 00% or above in thrtf *4 SftGrada- OoniW pworth fflfrtBt* building'which had been purchased THE SALVATION ARMY E. Si St- hal! Mi-i' c chai Sal' Sun: T' moc' V Str.' Assi Eve 1 tuni" funn ',"( ^tni" Street. Medina, N. Y f- in Cha r ire. Capt. and Mra. l\(M-t on and Lt A. M. Porter jnliiy 7:15 ooon air at Mnin * 0. m. inside service, in own '.• ir> p. m. open air service op .'.'M'ct. . .iv !>-45 open air at Oak Or- and Main Streets. 10:30 p. m. •,..P service in the "hall. 11:80 •• School, -.iav 8 n. m. Cottage prayer i'. 7 Caroline Street. lre«day 7:15 Open air on Star Albion. N. Y, 8 p. m. Y. P. i My and Haljpwa'en party. me is expected to dfess in cos- is n prize will be given for the t and most original one station announcement. Of course, railroad projects in the East have been thrown into fresh con- fusion—perhaps completely out . of joint—through the creation of a group of gjgantic holding corporations by rival trunk lines, beyond the power of regulation by the Inter-State Com- „„„,.„„„„„. T .„ merce Commission, but at-this writing roBion ^ r o a d a l , 0 no human mind is capable. 01 fathom- ing the ultimate outcome. Of course, the cries sent up by the regular Republicans of the Senate im- ploring the Democrats and progressive Helen BalceAak,Micfj8»MMi l Elaine S*?] 1 ^ 9J'5P «I<^|tlin|Wa«. Carl Caldwell. .Marion. Gf$rtflekv kitfem «tt,<- Oarrohe. Vern» G»rr«tt,« Robert Qib« OBGra Sirll M 881 tiou of » ., prfMWMon ,. _. _ , 'sit' mm warrone. vern» usrratt, Robert « » • mmm 4 son, Tbelma Gould, Msw* K«r, filaaya Indlvidoat CIM» MacDonald, Margaret Smith, Harold 1 |<«o» Moriftft Suzanne, Alys Waterson, Studonbi with 90$ or above In two 1 subjects: Htetman Adams, Glenn Beach. Sam«, |»rk«r , JIMman » "'" Avtnue School ts and rebuilt thereby Henry Ford. The l}el Brown, Naomi Boyle'fiopald Bu?. Mr M l t S n ^ Pr n ft f^?«.^« t W r l ^"' fi WBW lP , lr JI,U « W/iUthrOD COT- Mr. Edison and Prof. Einstein in Ger-1 vin, Edna Ebe ng, Betty Fmdlay, mBny ^ JE? ?, iD8t0 l n 8 ^ l c e c o u l d b e Kathryn 0«w, Dorothy HalM, Ellis distinctly. A radogrnm from Jmmrt, Blwyn Ktoiha,n»ltb, Bonaid heard Commander Jaitte* McNtmara B JBlwln Carpenter 8B Grade , , [email protected] Clolewich Ma re Boyle s UonelWaw Mary Mahnke Mario Stanton , Helen Youlos Marir youles 88f 85 88, 85 > high for out any station subject. A radiogram from „„„„,,. „,„.,, .», w ».,»iiiiy,i „,,,,.„, . „»„,, ., Bvrd in the antarctic Lablgnn, Annabel LffioC eTOSI *B # # L-indko, Prances MCainiesko, Mary Vivian Boe 1 • 'Mastromonlco, Doris Miles, Albert BB Gi'ttde , ,- , . , Mix, Florence Pettis, Alfrieda Quin. gojothy Cluto sueedssful attempt to cut tern, Julia Roil, Francis Rook, Alice Ruth Montgomery broadcasting on this Skinnor, James Slack, John Smoltsen.jOB Grade &»™w«^,«« _ tA" »««,«" t„ thoir n »«i B t »"»J^<" Tho wheels of tho anti-lobby Margaret Smith, Stanley Sauir*.. MI*. * PhyIH» Farreli ?J?PJ a ¥J M J?.l^„ C0 . m l.*° l . t fW^^ machlno ore grindlnir. The grist op-'. Han feniller, Carlton Waters. ' Atmttpti Bjcqn pears at first glance to be a hetero-' Students with 00% Or abOvo In OHO genious mass, but upon careful anaysis subject: * IB Grade it is noted that under the Senate res-1 Fredorick Alderson, Robert AyrftUltV' Jfe?»«f Olmstcad Everybody welcome to'.our services. God KIHSS you. TERM "SHANGHAIED" COINED IN NEW ENGLAND "Ihinicane," the Columbia all-tnlk- hitr 1 -me of tb" sea which is coming to th< IHnna Theatre on Friday and Saturday is a graphic portrayal of life •bread r. dinner ship. All Of the ro- mance and adventure of the deep has been crowded into'thjft first all-talkinc sea HI it r:ia. Among other incident3 of mtii -t n the treatm^ntof sailors who have 1, e n "Shanghaied," or abducted from p<,rts of cali in order to fill tjte w*» rho tprm "Sbsnghaied" origin- ated m New England in the*days when sailme vessels were in their height. It »a. coined in such seaboard towhs as Salem, Glouster, Boston and New Bedford. • . ~ .- - r . , Men were hit^over the head drug- ged or rendered unconscious long enouKh to get themaboard a vessel an make out to sea. WheiitheV t»(?ah|ed coiuciousness. the m e n f s p * . OWSslWd mto service to complete it crew wMfth h« been thinned by desertioh of ttitt ™y As the first port of call for ftaeh »w»els was usually Shanghai. Ch&is, man so pressed int» Uerviee wottld «P«n hi« return to New England* tell bji friends and relatives that he had w o "Shanghaied". anco in pushing through their tariff bill,availed them nothing, and today thoy continue wallowing along help ,., - :~~. JI ".'" u _ . 1 .,i»n»(n.. n viuuuii VJ IIIVCSI>IKU»: uiu uuuviLiun ui iiuiuui aiiKun, Wilson WllliCy. linroiu , 1^1± l TS?^J^tt!SS. « ? . U * ! ? ^ WasldfiKton, thore^os Bannister, L.llio Boll, Paul i W k ^ , •ft^JJ* Oarald Wright 3B Grudo Dorothy Prudom 3A Grade ;»Ruth Piatt m Grade M»relii Mattoon Grant Colton Mable Wnlkor Central School,, 85 r" v ', "-Y—•••--.• •«---•• -"« ~~--" ,---•- 11 is notea inat unaer tne »enaro ros- < i'reuortcK Alaorson. Kobort Avrauit,' ^ijruce «. ^ " . i ' J & f c l S S n olution to in ^8tlgate the activities of Homer Bacon. Wllsori I X , Mm $&*&, ZlMRSLte?onnonen? 9 and forced tho lobby ot Washington, there was Bannister. LlliiO Boll, Paul Blackburn, ^l^ m a i n J f h X will to fnconjorate no attem P t to »eP"f»to the sheep from LUah Bolton, Ruth Br6nBon/Ger|rud« STh h eiXiRr\aTn%"^^^^^ ?- u ^ton. Jack Bundook, Ghrlltino -J t.. *u_ n„~„„-^o o„,i n m„rou»A« ° generic ierm. 11 may ~~> "CrVu" ~nZn™~n*» n «A nvmrrPBHlvfis u (f«V ,onu wrjn - " 3 ?' uy covor opon Bosh, Lillian Comoll, Annie Crockett, e , ^^J^^^«™-*o^S^hZ and n<""» ra bl e attempts unselfishly to Stanley Czorwinskl, kerbort Pelspnd, So the Senate continues to shout into lnfluence tho acfclon of congress, as ^torlan Gracscaak, Irving Gojdmaiif tho microphone,. < J ^ *™»« well as hidden and sordid efforts to ex- Eleanor Gotts, Marian GoWMelniB the fact that its audience of tne au is tra(Jt perBonfll advantages from legis- Grimes, Ruth Groff, Harriet Bank, listening in.^wheW. htiorit (Ruth J ^ J irmgaKl Hellwig, Albert Of course, Gen. Charles.G. Dawes, Heretofor0i in thia eo \ umn your. lorio, Grace Joy. Norrnoh Klolnsmith, AmbaB8adortothoCourtof,St.Ja^ correspondent has called attention to Julian Mornsezk,-ttegina ItoOMUm, wearing.ab^indTaWttPto-a^Ipe the m ^ hnt j obbylng ^ m0Bt sug . Robert Nagol, Eleanor OllvfifeWrginla- salt and smoking his jneVrtablg under- picioH8 and off<in8lve n d o n l y rea , ly ostrander. Ethel Pork, J *A Palker 1 , slung pipe, stepped•*°5CTb «««* dangerous when it is conducted In Vivian Peacock. Ida Pickett, Margaret France a few^daya ^^&yf n *"*"* secret;. No one can object to the ap- Posson, Thelraa Beach, Bll»abeth Rum. things under his ha|^Bt]$ f an ajmy poarnn(!0 0 f w u ne | g0 » no ; ore congress- sejy, Helen Schilling, Ivy Shepherd. Know.au i MO i committeea, plther voluntarily 1 Dorothy Shurgour, Esther ShttrgPttK rORTy YKAH8 AfiO »ujctouj|Ha r^idinai, eortiii^ Wint Cintt* Street and Wtit ^V»^*ol«l to 86 pri&n at 40 cent* to pMMwik, ga WatflmorJsJi ou#ation d«Kslt!C*eVop. 85 & m >M m $ «,<>««(>-«»tt. %»M of TmitMa ittthorl««(l hy ^mtt *« rt» non of floniiwittae, t» e o i r t f e fo r iu ding of a systaw far,Oi»'«p(«. 1 * of Sb rfohii'j*.OhineL S t v . Cl«*jro W, Wfjt, At > • • % » • 1jtf John R j ^ W , Hyri)«MHl«~R. QwaMrtjtoy MIIK •Ijtwlai AIU«rt PnxUi to JfBt^itim Gince l^lrrnan stookoy, Wlllam I. Wttldron, , n ! ' Tn tin!* day whvn.eapatrillar fre» quantJy is oxprti^ed ii tmmii « f «n« Mvmeo, It l» not ami** to k WI »^ tehtion to tha racord off W * * r L. Atnldon, em of the aniio««g»rwof tlio " IJwa^cfiattoft <o«-*' " 87 80 8R 85 85 87 87 89 85 J.I8VBN IN of correspondents but Mr. Dawel^5t'only^crupul. lonal h, M 87 80 Which oi)Br«i«" aiiilotai "*M about, but Mr. D wfffW^uij 0 r b teiiuent to jtate their views and Harold Snyder. Donald Tillman, t ously avoided A t N M M 2»JSffS to request that actlofi bp. taken in ac- raine Wienke, Eleanor Welch. MiW limitations **&$&#&*2SHKSS wdance with such views. Burwhen Wood, Blaio Wrijt% _ ... ••' concera?J^fj*tUh ^Plomacy tftorc Wc p U s5y- WO ttts-itcorner pro- ^ ' ° "* , n _, ceedings, when politieajr periscopes are i?. essential to ob»erv*iice, when the Geraldlne Davis BofothyGibipn Arlene *To- which vv.»«—w -^—K.-' and what he teifraet^shop talk.'^ Of course, President Hoover's Enforcement Gommission tort.after a powers behind "tW tlhroncs must bo long recess and * red t b ^»*™?™ B ™ sought, when money from tfnderterm- do something about rVohibltion, ap- ina g| e t6vutm 0 f ,^ p j y j, ^1^ Uv . pointed twp,oxperts W conduct a joint | , h , y ijJent when jS^ivlduals w|th a ' '^' " - ^ * ttB SL 0 / Go .T; «»J"c* pecuniary interest In • pehding &s& dale inquiry *in» thef lawIessnMS ernment enforcement officers. but ..— bill seek, by fair means or foul to at- apart from th6 fact that ttetma, taln ^ end . thew im Ioom iQt , can . perts who will aid the JvwKf"" 9 "} da] and ground for tocjulry. commission are Walter.»• folUk °t Whon unpovering of the Shearer New York, who aided the'United ^ eM e v o k < d A bilM ^ firotflt from General ta pw'epwr ~ " " " COAT VERSUS PANTS let.' ' JSay, Bosco, I heard yott We» -».ii T 1 . J w* ?,• Hid « f e -wtesf.-* •swarar' /«! I had a eoe* on pit. tongue « « my breath came in ihort pants." A BAr>c*8$'Cp*ir •• .' . Edwards, K.% fc£ "-* " % J . Phillips, Norwood _ *wut seven years agA. jrou ^al ^ «"r« to' interest'ime infaliiijfiiM^ ?J" ur KeiUHy. * bar! ' to e „. C 6<XB,, Famous A* J- P. Bheum«tie a« I was thea suffering with '*"« of rtesfmatlsw iand failed the AsstJ«r-x^^«Bl|t I. Will >«e to let"you,fe(iow«it&ii!fOur r «red me* I «ai» •«l i *»« w| * «-nd it tftthe#affi ,J «Brtee4 I fr^rn^jg Donald Tillman, Lor- loanor Welch. Mildred WrigJ| Senior Honor Bolt Sen^eiaber, 1»2| 91% Donald l a b W n T ' • " ' •"' 90% Carl Caldwell. Ellis James. 89% Mary Kerr, Glenn Blooming' Elaine Bennett, 88% Naomi Boyle, Wlnthrop Cur* vin, Edna Ubollnx. Verna Garrett, 87 85 October ... fourth lesion. courae will »•>-. -,., _ ..,„.. .. tifiod of the place of maitmg, ,*^i »'H0Pl»»utt|flg«' . night, at U o'cloek IKtiNtearn -fat, fhtvmtmUhi , ielumbla Broadcaatlnit OctoM 2^B»rr#: ««r1?K». ...f!»•' tlfff »fl *h« W»il#d 8*«Jf.» -0 itfoh. ;»w. IWiM t the «0|||K ,j»*»htii Columbia Broadcaatlng Hysuet its* tlomt In the United ffUtti^^QuMda. while a short w*v« #t«U»n> Wl*i of a recent eleetlon he m*~ M pjlprgnhone^ twenty ho»r» « 1 ly, Thet nhpuld Ins a rta&rd^j The lar«(iatrr#dio ileuit »v#r e Tapemaclei IBuflfalo^ lyewy*; the harvard t a w %h,P^l, deirelepmentir tM » c 0 l t l m n t n m t t i r i f f j^byigta were mpst be P^ejgyiWfi^S^i*,^ ju itfet as obnoxidua •* thoi* working Of course, the tirUr W W W J » - for or against Jnaval measures and came more cvmMa^^mcff^t^ ehipptejr bille, f h e vewfc flSt bearing expresaioas, Ajeufifam\MJffi&Wm the 8en«to e«»Wr»e« iustifled crits *nd Westerji wa&m%V& this itat#meht, Net *»ly did this they had won** -votes to W^ms^kM^mmm' imm-. > m F*»* port d«be?ttoft.»la«,.*fe»^^fe %g #prdr*ls%'i» lfati&itffi&l#. Snoot. MO. f«*^j > W M l»Kt|fc *? *1«t commpeo, .were working for tfoh wliich Placed the £ & ^ M m th«& owa oocketa, but it brought out farm relief measure over the JPft»£# im a s t r o r a M ^ *B»tnat*4 e ^ , M M * M s At one performanco. « * rwerl<^^M»#W'S f ifif *fa** « a n avow^lobbyist. . '•• Of cour*»> the Blnatf PW .on a ahw t ^ r MniWtlM)titiim " e stttmorM'BJer the leboyiat rota. In view of Kaugaret Ifpolfetttf s -'ftdrr!«*^Wir ^^^^l(lBmHt»*^rl'.«^ir>oV r ^' ... ,..., i f i l l called "the Amerkari system,* •etslony floSiW«o> «ft«3»f»|f»|1# c|WMd.#*t..he fSS^y^W^js '^elhie¥teW»' iKsffheja #»«• ^ n *- fr^JS s .?ore-«*»'cio^--"-"** ifeaih tfctot,jn immjpjm mm ilkw »-»n* wsK*r-4mm ~'~ *ay* in tha year # a .#rw» «nettieft "te<War4)robe, fttif *#a P ^i»jth,Os«tohWat |i^erHoaM;.p|i mdy» fflalApi.- >f•'-• - ,•"' :••'' , /«8'/# AIk# 0'DofieH, Awanda HP*» »ewe>* HWPWftir - . . , , . n w^fji- qniWUtlof, fthdil A th^muli« hole Wheat 9 «, The rig- 4tJ*# homi . ..Tha.loeal oflltttstioft Of ndsoii. "^ "" A V J»l0*»»tnt feat) ^ ^s^aT^r^a> ass ^ 1A Girada Kns^H^rrihelt 2A Grade - Jjm^f vmmw ^ JK'ajinttav JSig Helen t ^fk#, HmJI?fifW v** Ji^o" IIIIIIIIII;IIIIIHIIII J' \?~T Jffe- ?^" r *^rf & \wm $Mmm$o>, M * < 4 .t *\ - 0ur Idea oil» rtal herojfef »« tt»Mp[re without byliefr pr«>r «»Ui»>JW ,J» OT* eajft i$mw m M dfc*MM* the horn* *t*m whan It Is lo»lnwr the araw#, - »»•>" I " 1 ' ' "I 'i*»*s$stsjsM)isy* DIANA THEATRE Hone or pwiracr TAUUM ,' &aVtt WisIS* t O W l ^ , ^ HOtLt^ooD mtviiE or tf» ItHWMnMllMlfMHMiMSai' FrkU/ sad «et«r4ay HOWAlWaWiWOaWrB fit '< *Hi**i*Witr „„,; r 1 ,'i.ifn IM ' Haaida* aad tlaaelay 1' v •••tian <iiji mww njiuM^^gu nj iiH)i»,'^w(ip!a«yiSj>iws<i»j>a^a t PARK mum,' HOXK OF SILENT PfCTHEW : ^" Sstwreajr and Xumeay ^ 'J *4itfMit«lAiliir ^,i,! •^a.M

TIMI coNitTTvrwtru, Liwv^sPAtni - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031556/1929-10-24/ed...mBnyMr. Edison and Prof. Einstein in Ger-1 vin, Edna Ebe ng, Betty Fmdlay,

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*«* r ,<

s 1 > V /a^Mt4*\*i^JaiX#l^4^4«i • M T t * A «

"ft-^ftww * « * <Mta« "•"^yip*" |BAa*»«~"- V H t ^ m *^-Kp*T^-* <- 4AH4tokM«^ ^ b ) ^ * * ! * * * ^ ' ^ * ^ * * . ^


njioNG TIMI cagnuatcmai E'E

st . J<***» OmA * .

fcServi«» Sunday* Oetoaer Sllh,, w »

School 9:80. Morning Prayer Wsennon J£*W« ,.» « rX cordial welcome to all, *

Tonight, the Woman** Auxiliary h «D meet in the church rooms at ?:45»

fids is an important jmeeting^nd a .jfojl attendance ia .desired, *,.),«, .

First Ptttfyrfafl*tirGknfa'fit Rev. Wm. L. Findley/MInlster

Sunday, October 27,10:80.' 7he'Rev.


By Pre, B t l m * , ( M a s Newa * a >

tiw IrJNaev •> . S <N $?-:

5r7 Fred W. P a l m e r o f H o l l e y w i l l c b n -d ^ the serv ice . ; . . , -vi_t*i-../»i»*- ,

Mrs. Frederick E i y s ; ~ o f Bc^bejtei?;

i3 to be the soloist m$ mMmMm Sneaks' setting of "I«et N0,t T^u»: jfort be Troubled." • ' " . '

Sunday School wJB be at the, ^ ^ iour—twelve o'clocknoijn.,t " *

Dr. Marion B. Palmer^ Fjrejrtdept of the Christian College, Bangkok; §Jajn, will add ---• ' - " ->• -----o'clock. „ _ .. .. . tic land should h e a r W m , E v e r y o n e w invited.

Hr i t e i m ^ i j

eloped ,*IWJ* mo-««p»y"j*? ? J h *

1*m. ftfthwhat-;aywrt« loatys»$ tempted to tune

f J S i p - f l l he c M p ^ l w a a j ^ *to& story pn3to%i»m* * '



Trinity Evang. Lutheran Church Rev. C. Poecklerv Pastor.

Twenty-second Sur^ajirjtfWKfrMty, .October 27, 10:00 a. m, - JTMCyftj^fcaT tlon will celebrate the # « t h juMv$fe s«ry of the publication of Luther1! otechism. The pastor will deliver * ipecial sermon on Dent*' $6*7: l%n& these words, which/1 command' thee this day, shall be in thine henrf{ and thou shalt teach them diligeritlyi unto thy children, and (halt talk Of them when thou sittest in thine house, «nd when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and wfteh'thOU riiest up." Theme: T-he Quadricen-tenary Celebration of the Publication of Luther's Small Catechism. 1. 'The reison of this celebration. 2. When this celebration is Pleasing to God.

Holy Communion will also be adrriln-iitered after the sermon. Registra­tion may be made Friday in the par-lonage. Quarterly meeting of th* voting members of the congregation will be held after the service }n the parish hall. The church board will meet Fridav evening at the parsonage.

I **§30MrEBv TJmt Section Si* of

mm s»jvk*0f4*site, m ** »n # t o s and v l l l a ^ *%AVH mufle « 3 -ordinRt to njfttit #«a ntneaa te U « . eit»inedt8o f s e j i prac$e«bte, % $fy

4mlnat»ons, &lm%}mtw ** practiite. •Wet lhatt be ^ l»« | i t»vej nrovlded, however, {that% towk^ly C h a r g e d ^qWiero and iatldw from fhBs Axm *ttd Navy ojhhe, V$im | t t i j f t ih» iate Civil W#?) »»4 honlxrlMy dl«^ - ~ "- * • * % » , marine* ox

B fs,*"*.,*1?"^* % * ^ c ^ Marine ;of Jhc United States #«aWed in

fwm wjllow tttigs. * •, i W ^ w ^ M ^ * ^ ^ * ? ^ " 6 ; Of-course, Mr.lhearer was w « I ^ " | ! ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ « « ^ 8 *

lefos» the Senate- taveatisatuur ^^V$£Mty&J*£ tyW **» | f c jBiUtee to explain m P*ssesfion of ^ „ , l S ? & « * L w ! , , ! ^ V l M l . f L f e pertain *uppo?ea)y secret government- I S f ! 0 * 1 i B n f l S 1 JJSRffifSPlf--al dofiuments,- but «b,?ut all anyone & * » J s ^ f f l ^ 2 J ^ *

ggd^ *.*taM»(»ta«ft ^ . a » 5 B S s w p ^ ^ ^Of course, the d e f e a t of Albert B, fe filjMtt?^' Fait has just suffered a Wow with A s - «J WSSJ*S» J S S S ? ? A - S j S S 1

aoclate Justice Httx ruling that evJ- ^ J W J S . I 2 2 * S L ^ * " e n f o w • -denee of Harry P. Sinclafrt payments , m e n t °* t h i 8 Saction,' to Mr. Pall might be placed before the jury, npW/tryine the latter on a charge of accenting, while Secretary of the Intorion In flOOiOOO bribe, th« consid-oration of; whfch^ tlte government

St. IV' jr' • Ev. Luth. Church Rev. Tl..^- G. Kuehner, Pastor.

XXII Sunday after Trinity, "Octo­ber 27. 10:30 a. m. English Reforma­tion services. Sermon by tho pastor. The four rundredth anniversary of Luther's Catechism will be observed. Special anthems by the church choir.

The public is invited. * Sunday School and Bible Class

convene at noon.


v _ ! . i*. ••.<• •*-i,-* - « j J T T n o a e W n 0 M»*«ned on the radio charges, wak the leasa to Edward-L. Monday heard one of the beat and ?M?**L§\mtMM*Mn};E'Pont. «n|3W* W f f n w s they ever « r v e . But it atilLrfntahi^f* the de-heard. This was the world-wide fensfrto,be,heari:from, wherefore any broadcast of the celebration of the

least ox me tw«or»«un ox in» . . . U J . - I . . anniversary of the invention of W E '

comment would "be oremature, Of coottte,6r«at<Britai6?iiiav»l par­

ley bid» ih»»ve been accepted—tenta­tively, at Jeaslh-rby Italy, France and ,„, „ v , „ . . w , „ . m Japan, Mfewith what eon4ition» and WM present and paid qualifications teese acceptances have u t e t o M r . E d l , o n mt d j d been saddled.has pot yet been m«de y o u n g . Graham McKamee » • » . « « . vAPP . S , ? i h e ^ I f r t l S S * 0 d o Sx* the " e » a •« Edison built a duplicate cept to pull through the brfefpawe for o £ the original bulb In the original

50th the incandescent l»mp by Thomas A. Edison at the Dearborn, Mich,, estate of Henry Ford. President Hoover

*" a glowing trlb-Owen D. described

1« *sUdir* aadbuHtd wMjpltlry . » i* Vilwrnttit celibmtlwi tor w

mwmTrnkm AW


Honor Urt September, t i l l » Students with 00& o«? nbove in4our

subjects: Bertramd Mallison Students with 00% or above in thrtf

*4 SftGrada-

OoniW pworth


building'which had been purchased




St-hal! Mi-i'


chai Sal' Sun:

T' moc'

V Str.' Assi Eve 1 tuni" funn

',"( ^tni" S t r e e t . M e d i n a , N. Y f- in Cha r ire . C a p t . a n d Mra.

l\(M-ton and L t A . M. Porter jnliiy 7:15 o o o n a i r at Mnin

* 0. m. inside service, in own '.• ir> p. m. open air service op . ' . 'M'ct . .

.iv !>-45 open air at Oak Or-and Main Streets. 10:30 p. m.

•,..P service in the "hall. 11:80 •• School, -.iav 8 n. m. Cottage prayer i'. 7 Caroline Street.

lre«day 7:15 Open air on Star Albion. N. Y, 8 p. m. Y. P.

i My and Haljpwa'en party. me is expected to dfess in cos-is n prize will be given for the t and most original one

station announcement. Of course, railroad projects in the

East have been thrown into fresh con­fusion—perhaps completely out . of joint—through the creation of a group of gjgantic holding corporations by rival trunk lines, beyond the power of regulation by the Inter-State Com- „„„,.„„„„„. „ T . „ merce Commission, but at-this writing r o B i o n ^ r o a d a l , 0 no human mind is capable. 01 fathom­ing the ultimate outcome.

Of course, the cries sent up by the regular Republicans of the Senate im­ploring the Democrats and progressive

Helen BalceAak,Micfj8»MMil Elaine S * ? ] 1 ^ 9J'5P «I<^|tlin|Wa«. Carl Caldwell. .Marion. Gf$rtflekv kitfem

«tt,<-Oarrohe. Vern» G»rr«tt,« Robert Qib«



M 881

tiou of » ., prfMWMon ,. _ . _ , 'sit'


warrone. vern» usrratt, Robert « » • mmm 4 son, Tbelma Gould, Msw* K«r , filaaya Indlvidoat CIM» MacDonald, Margaret Smith, Harold 1 |<«o» Moriftft Suzanne, Alys Waterson,

Studonbi with 90$ or above In two1

subjects: Htetman Adams, Glenn Beach. Sam«,

|»rk«r , JIMman »

"'" Avtnue School ts

and rebuilt thereby Henry Ford. The l } e l Brown, Naomi Boyle'fiopald Bu?.

Mr M l t S n ^ P r nf t f ^ ? « . ^ « t W r l ^ " ' fiWBWlP,lrJI,U« W/iUthrOD COT-

Mr. Edison and Prof. Einstein in Ger-1 vin, Edna Ebe ng, Betty Fmdlay, m B n y^ JE? ?,iD8t0ln 8 ^ l c e c o u l d b e Kathryn 0«w, Dorothy HalM, Ellis distinctly. A radogrnm from Jmmrt, Blwyn Ktoiha,n»ltb, Bonaid heard


Jaitte* McNtmara BJBlwln Carpenter 8B Grade , ,

[email protected] Clolewich Ma re Boyle

s UonelWaw Mary Mahnke Mario Stanton

, Helen Youlos Marir youles

88f 85

88 , 85 >

high for out any station subject.

A radiogram from „„„„,,. „ , „ . , , .»,w».,»iiiiy,i „,,,,.„, . „»„,, . , Bvrd in the antarctic Lablgnn, Annabel Lf f ioC eTOSI *B # #

L-indko, Prances MCainiesko, Mary Vivian Boe 1 • • 'Mastromonlco, Doris Miles, Albert BB Gi'ttde , ,-

, . , Mix, Florence Pettis, Alfrieda Quin. gojothy Cluto sueedssful attempt to cut tern, Julia Roil, Francis Rook, Alice Ruth Montgomery

broadcasting on this Skinnor, James Slack, John Smoltsen.jOB Grade &»™w«^,««_tA" »««,«" t„ thoir n»«iBt »"»J^<" Tho wheels of tho anti-lobby Margaret Smith, Stanley Sauir*.. MI*. * PhyIH» Farreli ? J ? P J a ¥ J M J ? . l ^ „ C 0 . m l . * ° l .

t f W ^ ^ machlno ore grindlnir. The grist op-'. Han feniller, Carlton Waters. ' Atmttpti Bjcqn pears at first glance to be a hetero-' Students with 00% Or abOvo In OHO genious mass, but upon careful anaysis subject: * IB Grade it is noted that under the Senate res-1 Fredorick Alderson, Robert AyrftUltV' Jfe?»«f Olmstcad

Everybody welcome to'.our services. God K I H S S y o u .


"Ihinicane," the Columbia all-tnlk-hitr 1 -me of tb" sea which is coming to th< IHnna Theatre on Friday and Saturday is a graphic portrayal of life •bread r. dinner ship. All Of the ro­mance and adventure of the deep has been crowded into'thjft first all-talkinc sea HI it r:ia. Among other incident3 of mtii -t n the treatm^ntof sailors who have 1, en "Shanghaied," or abducted from p<,rts of cali in order to fill tjte w*» rho tprm "Sbsnghaied" origin­ated m New England in the*days when sailme vessels were in their height. It »a. coined in such seaboard towhs as Salem, Glouster, Boston and New Bedford. • . ~ .- -r. ,

Men were hit^over the head drug­ged or rendered unconscious long enouKh to get themaboard a vessel an make out to sea. WheiitheV t»(?ah|ed coiuciousness. the menf sp* . OWSslWd mto service to complete it crew wMfth h« been thinned by desertioh of ttitt ™y As the first port of call for ftaeh »w»els was usually Shanghai. Ch&is, • man so pressed int» Uerviee wottld «P«n hi« return to New England* tell bji friends and relatives that he had w o "Shanghaied".

anco in pushing through their tariff bill,availed them nothing, and today thoy continue wallowing along help

, . , - :~~. JI ".'" u _ . 1 . , i»n»(n. .n v iuuu i i VJ IIIVCSI>IKU»: uiu uuuviLiun ui i iu iuui aiiKun, Wi lson WllliCy. l i n r o i u , 1 ^ 1 ± l T S ? ^ J ^ t t ! S S . « ? . U * ! ? ^ WasldfiKton, thore^os Bannister, L.llio Boll, Paul i W k ^ , • f t ^ J J *

Oarald Wright 3B Grudo

Dorothy Prudom 3A Grade ;»Ruth Piatt m Grade

M»relii Mattoon Grant Colton Mable Wnlkor

Central School,,


r"v', "-Y—•••--.• •«---•• -"« ~~--" ,---•- 11 is notea inat unaer tne »enaro ros- < i'reuortcK Alaorson. Kobort Avrauit,' ^ijruce «. ^ " . i ' J & f c l S S n ™ o l u t i o n to in^8tlgate the activities of Homer Bacon. Wllsori I X , Mm $&*&, ZlMRSLte?onnonen?9 and forced t h o l o b b y o t Washington, there was Bannister. LlliiO Boll, Paul Blackburn, ^ l ^ m

a i n J f h X will to fnconjorate n o a t t e m P t t o »eP"f»to the sheep from LUah Bolton, Ruth Br6nBon/Ger|rud« SThheiXiRr\aTn%"^^^^^ ? - u ^ t o n . Jack Bundook, Ghrlltino - J t.. *u_ n„~„„-^o o„,i nm„rou»A« ° generic ierm. 11 may ~~> "CrVu"~nZn™~n*» n«A nvmrrPBHlvfis u ( f«V , o n u wrjn- " 3 ? ' u y c o v o r o p o n Bosh, Lillian Comoll, Annie Crockett, e , ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ « ™ - * o ^ S ^ h Z a n d n<""»rable attempts unselfishly to Stanley Czorwinskl, kerbort Pelspnd, So the Senate continues to shout into l n f l u e n c e t h o a c f c l o n o f congress, as ^torlan Gracscaak, Irving Gojdmaiif tho microphone,. < J ^ * ™ » « well as hidden and sordid efforts to ex- Eleanor Gotts, Marian GoWMelniB the fact that its audience of tne au is t r a ( J t p e r B o n f l l advantages from legis- Grimes, Ruth Groff, Harriet Bank, listening i n . ^ w h e W . htiorit ( R u t h J ^ J irmgaKl Hellwig, Albert

Of course, Gen. Charles.G. Dawes, H e r e t o f o r 0 i i n t h i a eo\umn your. lorio, Grace Joy. Norrnoh Klolnsmith, AmbaB8adortothoCourtof ,St .Ja^ correspondent has called attention to Julian Mornsezk,-ttegina ItoOMUm, w e a r i n g . a b ^ i n d T a W t t P t o - a ^ I p e t h e m ^ h n t j o b b y l n g ^ m 0 B t s u g . Robert Nagol, Eleanor OllvfifeWrginla-salt and smoking his jneVrtablg under- p i c i o H 8 a n d o f f < i n 8 l v e „ n d o n l y r e a , l y ostrander. Ethel Pork, J *A Palker1, slung pipe, stepped•*°5CTb «««* dangerous when it is conducted In Vivian Peacock. Ida Pickett, Margaret France a few^daya ^^&yfn *"*"* secret;. No one can object to the ap- Posson, Thelraa Beach, Bll»abeth Rum. things under his ha |^Bt]$ f an ajmy p o a r n n ( ! 0 0f w u n e | g 0 » n o ; o r e congress- sejy, Helen Schilling, Ivy Shepherd.

Know.au iM O i committeea, plther voluntarily 1 Dorothy Shurgour, Esther ShttrgPttK

rORTy YKAH8 AfiO »ujctouj|Ha r^idinai, eortiii^ Wint

Cintt* Street and Wtit ^V»^*ol«l to

86 pr i&n at 40 cent* to pMMwik,

ga WatflmorJsJi ou#ation d«Kslt!C*eVop.

8 5 &m>M m $ «,<>««(>-«»tt. %»M of TmitMa ittthorl««(l hy ^ m t t *« rt» non of floniiwittae, t» e o i r t f e for iu ding of a systaw far,Oi»'«p(«.1 *

of Sb rfohii'j*.OhineL S t v . Cl«*jro W, Wfjt, At > • • % » • 1jtf John R j ^ W ,

Hyri)«MHl«~R. QwaMrtjtoy MIIK •Ijtwlai AIU«rt PnxUi to JfBt^it im

Gince l^lrrnan stookoy, Wlllam I . Wttldron, , n

! ' Tn tin!* day whvn.eapatrillar fre»

quantJy is oxprti^ed ii tmmii « f «n« Mvmeo, It l» not ami** tokWI »^ tehtion to tha racord off W * * r L. Atnldon, em of the aniio««g»rwof tlio

" IJwa^cfiattoft <o«-* ' "


80 8R 85



87 89 85


of correspondents but Mr. Dawel^5t'only^crupul. lonal


M 87 80

Which oi)Br«i«" aiiilotai "*M

about, but Mr. D w f f f W ^ u i j 0 r b teiiuent to jtate their views and Harold Snyder. Donald Tillman, t ously avoided A t N M M 2»JSffS to request that actlofi bp. taken in ac- raine Wienke, Eleanor Welch. MiW limitations **&$&#&*2SHKSS wdance with such views. Burwhen Wood, Blaio Wrijt% _ ...

• • ' concera?J^fj*tUh ^Plomacy t f t o r c W c pUs5y-WOttts-itcorner pro- ^ ' ° "* , n_, ceedings, when politieajr periscopes are i ? . essential to ob»erv*iice, when the

Geraldlne Davis BofothyGibipn Arlene *To-

which vv.»«—w - —K.-' and what he teifraet^shop talk.'^

Of course, President Hoover's Enforcement Gommission tort.after a powers behind "tW tlhroncs must bo long recess and * r e d

tb ^ » * ™ ? ™ B ™ sought, when money from tfnderterm-

do something about rVohibltion, ap- i n a g | e t6vutm 0f , ^ p j y j , ^1^ U v . pointed twp,oxperts W conduct a joint | , h , y i j J e n t w h e n jS^ivlduals w|th a • ' '^' " - ^ * t t B S L 0 / Go.T; «»J"c* pecuniary interest In • pehding



inquiry *in» thef lawIessnMS ernment enforcement officers. but . . — bill seek, by fair means or foul to at-apart from th6 fact that ttetma, t a l n ^ e n d . t h e w im Ioom iQt , c a n . perts who will aid the JvwKf""9"} da] and ground for tocjulry. commission are Walter.»• folUk ° t W h o n unpovering of the Shearer New York, who aided the'United ^ e M e v o k < d A bilM ^ firotflt f r o m

General ta pw'epwr ~ " " "


let.' ' JSay, Bosco, I heard yott We» -».ii T1 .J w * ?,• Hid «fe -wtesf.-*

•swarar' / « ! I had a eoe* on pit. tongue

« « my breath came in ihort pants." A BAr>c*8$'Cp*ir •• .'

. Edwards,K.% fc£"-* " % J . Phillips, Norwood _ *wut seven years agA. jrou ^al ^ «"r« to' interest'ime infaliiijfiiM^ ?J"ur

KeiUHy. * bar! ' to e„.

C 6<XB, ,

Famous A* J- P . Bheum«tie a« I was thea suffering with

'*"« of rtesfmatlsw iand failed the Ass tJ«r -x^^«Bl | t I. Will >«e to let"you,fe(iow«it&ii!fOur r«red me* I «ai» •«li*»«w|* «-nd it tftthe#affi

,J«Brtee4 I fr^rn^jg

Donald Tillman, Lor-loanor Welch. Mildred

WrigJ| Senior Honor Bolt Sen^eiaber, 1»2|

91% Donald l a b W n T ' • " ' •"' 90% Carl Caldwell. Ellis James. 89% Mary Kerr, Glenn Blooming'

Elaine Bennett, 88% Naomi Boyle, Wlnthrop Cur*

vin, Edna Ubollnx. Verna Garrett,

87 85

October ... fourth lesion. courae will »•>-. -,., _ ..,„.. .. tifiod of the place of maitmg,

,* i »'H0Pl»»utt|flg«' . night, at U o'cloek IKtiNtearn

-fat, fhtvmtmUhi , ielumbla Broadcaatlnit

OctoM 2^B»rr#: ««r1?K». ...f!»•' tlfff »fl *h« W»il#d 8*«Jf.» -0


;»w. IWiM t the «0|||K


Columbia Broadcaatlng Hysuet its* tlomt In the United ffUtti^^QuMda. while a short w*v« #t«U»n> Wl*i of

a recent eleetlon he m*~ M pjlprgnhone twenty ho»r» « 1 ly, Thet nhpuld Ins a rta&rd j

The lar«(iatrr#dio ileuit »v#re

Tapemaclei IBuflfalo lyewy*;

the harvard taw %h,P l, deirelepmentir tM» c 0 l t l m n t n m t t i r i f f j^byigta were mpst be P ^ e j g y i W f i ^ S ^ i * , ^ ju itfet as obnoxidua •* thoi* working

• Of course, the tirUr W W W J » - for or against Jnaval measures and came more cvmMa^^mcff^t^ ehipptejr bille, f h e vewfc flSt bearing e x p r e s a i o a s , A j e u f i f a m \ M J f f i & W m the 8en«to e«»Wr»e« iustifled crits *nd Westerji wa&m%V& this itat#meht, Net *»ly did this they had won** -votes to W^ms^kM^mmm' imm-. > m F*»* port d « b e ? t t o f t . » l a « , . * f e » ^ ^ f e % g # p r d r * l s % ' i » l f a t i & i t f f i & l # . Snoot. MO. f « * ^ j > W M l » K t | f c *? *1«t commpeo, .were working for tfoh wliich Placed the £ & ^ M m th«& owa oocketa, but it brought out farm relief measure over the JPft»£# im a s t r o r a M ^

*B»tnat*4 e ^ , M M * M s At one performanco. « * r w e r l < ^ ^ M » # W ' S f i f i f *fa** « a n avow^lobbyist.

. '•• Of cour*»> the Blnatf PW .on a a h w t^rMniWtlM)titiim

" e stttmorM'BJer

the leboyiat rota. In view of Kaugaret



^^^^l(lBmHt»*^rl'.«^ir>oVr^' ... ,..., i f i l l called "the Amerkari system,*


floSiW«o> «ft«3»f»|f»|1# c|WMd.#*t..he f S S ^ y ^ W ^ j s '^elhie¥teW»' iKsffheja #»«•

^n*- fr^JS s.?ore-«*»'cio --"-"** ifeaih tfctot,jn immjpjm

mm i l k w

»-»n* wsK*r-4mm ~'~ *ay* in tha year

# a .#rw» «nettieft "te<War4)robe, fttif

*#a P

^i»jth,Os«tohWat |i^erHoaM;.p|i

mdy» fflalApi.- >f•'-• - ,•"' • :••'' , /«8'/# AIk# 0'DofieH, Awanda

HP*» »ewe>* HWPWftir - . . , , . n w fji-


f t h d i l A t h ^ m u l i «

hole Wheat9

«, The rig-4tJ*# homi

. ..Tha.loeal oflltttstioft Of


" ^ " " A V J»l0*»»tnt feat)

^ ^s^aT^r^a> ass ^

1A Girada

K n s ^ H ^ r r i h e l t

2A Grade -

Jjm^f vmmw ^ JK'ajiinttav JSig


t ^fk#, HmJI?fifW v** Ji^o"


J' \?~T Jffe- ?^"r*^rf

& \wm $Mmm$o>, M

* <4 .t *\ -

0ur Idea o i l» rtal hero jfef »« tt»Mp[re without byliefr pr«>r «»Ui»>JW ,J» OT* eajft i$mw • m M dfc*MM* the horn* *t*m whan It Is lo»lnwr the araw#, -

» » • > " I " 1 ' ' " I ' i*»*s$stsjsM)isy*


, ' &aVtt WisIS* t O W l ^ , ^

HOtLt ooD mtviiE or tf» ItHWMnMllMlfMHMiMSai'

FrkU/ sad «et«r4ay


f it '<

*Hi**i*Witr „ „ , ; r 1 , ' i . i fn I M

' Haaida* a a d t l a a e l a y 1'


•••tian <iiji m w w njiuM^^gu nj iiH)i»,'^w(ip!a«yiSj>iws<i»j>a^at


^" Sstwreajr a n d Xumeay ^

' J *4itfMit«lAiliir ^ , i , !
