Keysight Vector Network Analyzer Timothy Lee Keysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd Application Engineer Calibration and Connector Care

Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

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Page 1: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

KeysightVector Network Analyzer

Timothy Lee

Keysight Technologies Australia Pty LtdApplication Engineer

Calibration and Connector Care

Page 2: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Agenda• Calibration

• Connector care

• E5080A New Product Introduction

Vector Network Analyzer

Calibration & Connector Care 2

Page 3: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 3

The Need For Calibration– Why do we have to calibrate?

• It is impossible to make perfect hardware

• It would be extremely difficult and expensive to make hardware good enough to entirely eliminate the need for error correction

– How do we get accuracy?

• With vector-error-corrected calibration

• Not the same as the yearly instrument calibration

– What does calibration do for us?

• Removes the largest contributor to measurementuncertainty: systematic errors

• Provides best picture of true performance of DUTSystematic error

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 4: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Network Analyser – Errors


Types of Errors


DeviceMeasured Data





Systematic Drift Random

- Repeatable- Time variant

- Temperature variation

- Controllable

- Unpredictable- Non-repeatable

Remove by calibration? NOYES YES

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 5: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


NA – Calibration


Why calibrate?

CH1 S21&M log MAG 1 dB/ REF 0 dB


CH2 MEM log MAG REF 0 dB1 dB/


After two-port calibration

x2 1 2

After response calibration

Measuring filter insertion loss

data before 1-port


data after 1-port






6000 12000


Return Loss (dB)





MHzVector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 6: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 6









Frequency response

reflection tracking (A/R)

transmission tracking (B/R)


Six forward and six reverse error terms yield 12 error terms

for two-port devices

NA – Errors : Correcting Measurement Error2- Ports Devices : Full 2-ports Accuracy Enhancement

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 7: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


NA – Calibration


Types of Error Correction

Response (Normalization) Vector

Simple task More steps

One cal standard needed : Open, Short or Thru Requires to use standard for calibration : Open, Short, Load and Thru

Measured data divided by stored(Initial) data Able to remove systematic error

Less accurate Accurate measurement

Does not require measurement of phase or vector math

Calibrate for both phase and magnitude

Available in both vector and scalar analyzers Cal kit must match cal kit standard definition in analyzer

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 8: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


What is Vector-Error Correction? Errors



– Vector-error correction…• Is a process for characterizing systematic error terms

• Measures known electrical standards

• Removes effects of error terms from subsequent measurements

– Electrical standards…• Can be mechanical or electronic

• Are often an open, short, load, and thru, but can be arbitrary impedances as well

8Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 9: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

PageVector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care


Uncorrected Response 1 Port Full 2 Port

Fast Short standard yields better response

Reflection measurement Slowest

No errors removed Removes errors:DirectivitySource matchReflection tracking

Removes errors:DirectivitySource matchReflection Tracking

Removes errors:DirectivitySource, Load matchReflection trackingTransmission trackingCrosstalk

Not accurate Medium accuracy High accuracy Highest accuracy

Calibration Types

NA – Calibration
















Page 10: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


ECal Introduction


Electronic Calibration

- Precision single connection from one to multi-

port calibration

- Using known electronic impedance standard

- Programmable and highly repeatable

impedance states.

- Transfer standard – based on the measurement

accuracy of the original calibration and test

setup used to measure the ECal impedance


- Internal thermal compensation to limit

performance variation due to temperature


Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 11: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


ECal – How it works? Two port


Two Port Err Correction

- Similar to one port calibration

- ECal provides known values of

impedance standards (,

, , )

- Network Analyzer provides raw

measured value (,

- TT and LM can be solved using

equation 2 & 3

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 12: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 12

ECal - User Characterizations

ECal Characterization

1. Select adapters for the module to match the connector configuration of the DUT.

2. Perform a calibration using appropriate mechanical standards.

3. Measure the ECalmodule, including adapters, as though it were a DUT

4. VNA stores resulting characterization data inside the module.

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 13: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


TRL was developed for non-coaxial microwave



TRL CalibrationThru, Reflect, Line (TRL)

- Extremely accurate

- Test fixture or wafer probing measurement- Need not be defined as completely and

accurately as SOLT- Modeled, not completely characterized

- Quality and repeatability of TRL standardrelies on the characteristic impedance of a

short transmission line

- THRU – connection of port 1 and 2 directly or with a short length of transmission line

- REFLECT – connect identical one port high reflection coefficient devices (Short) at each

port- LINE – short length (different length

compared to THRU)

Transmission Line

- TRL reference standard

- Simplest elements to realize in many non-coaxial media

- Impedance can be accurately determined –physical dimension and material

- Traditionally being used as standard

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 14: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 14

Example : Microstrip test fixture

TRL Calibration




Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 15: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Connector Care

Page 16: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Rough Estimation of Connectors Cost


N Type ~$912.00



Adapter 2.4mm to 3.5mm~$670.00

Type F 75Ohm Cable~$1520.00

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 17: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Connector Examples

17Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 18: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Connector Considerations


Repeatability Measurement Accuracy

Type Compatibility Wear and Tear

Allows user to connect/disconnect while maintaining the performance

Test result is consistent andrepeatable

Choose the right connector to avoid cascading of different type of connectors

Choose the right connector for the test frequency range

Connectors are consumable and limited lifespanFrequent use = high wear and tear

Quality# Use

Production (Field)



Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 19: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Characteristic Impedance


Characteristic Impedance,

D = Inner diameter of outer


d = Outer diameter of inner



D = 7.0 mm ; d = 3.04 mm









ohms 500

=rZ ε

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 20: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Frequency Coverage



fmax(GHz) = approx. 120/D mm

7 mm = approx. 18 GHz

3.5 mm = 32 GHz

Ratio D/d constant

Depends strongly on dielectric

support and mating pin geometry


Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 21: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Connector Summary

C o n n e c t o r M e t ro lo g y In s t ru m e n t P ro d u c t io n C u to f f F re q (G H z ) S e x e dP re c is io n S lo t te d

C o n n e c t o r

T y p e F (7 5 ) N N Y 1 Y N

B N C (5 0 & 7 5 ) N N Y 2 Y N

S M C N Y N 7 Y N

T y p e N (5 0 & 7 5 ) Y Y Y 1 8 Y Y

A P C -7 o r 7 m m Y Y Y 1 8 N N

S M A (4 .1 4 m m ) N N Y 2 2 Y N

3 .5 5 m m Y Y Y 3 4 Y Y

2 .9 2 m m o r " K " 1

N Y Y 4 4 Y N

2 .4 m m 2

Y Y Y 5 2 Y Y

1 .8 5 m m 2 ,3

N Y Y 7 0 Y N

1 .0 m m N Y Y 1 1 0 Y N




C o m p a tib le w ith S M A a n d 3 .5 m m C o n n e c to rs

N o t C o m p a tib le w ith S M A , 3 .5 m m , o r 2 .9 2 m m C o n n e c to rs

1 .8 5 m m IS C o m p a tib le w ith 2 .4 m m C o n n e c to r

21Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 22: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

PageVector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

What mates with what?


Connector Type Frequency Range Mates with Notes

1.0mm To 110GHz 1.0mm Much smaller connector than any of those below

1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92

2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector by Keysighthas groove in male nut and female shoulder to distinguish these 2 connector types

2.92mm To 40GHz 3.5mm and SMA These two connectors use the same center pin

3.5mm To 34GHz 2.92mm and SMA

SMA To 24GHz 2.92mm and 3.5mm Uses Teflon as dielectric

Page 23: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Recommended Connection Steps



- Inspect

- Clean

- Gauge (if necessary)

- Connect

- Disconnect

- Protect (cap and store)

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 24: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

PageVector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Recommended Connection Steps – Do / Don’t


Do Don’t

Handling / Storage Keep connectors cleanExtend sleeve or connector nut(7mm)Use plastic end-caps during storage

Touch mating surfacesSet connectors contact-end down

Visual inspection Inspect all connectors carefully before making connectionLook for metal particles, scratches and dents

Use a damaged connector - ever

Connector cleaning Try compressed air firstUse isopropyl alcoholClean connector threads

Use any abrasivesGet liquid into plastic support beads

Gauging connection(If necessary)

Clean and zero the gauge before useUse the correct gauge typeUse correct end of calibration blockGauge all connectors before first use

Use an out-of-spec connector

Making connection Align connectors carefullyMake preliminary connection lightlyTurn only the connector nutUse a torque wrench for final connection

Apply bending force to connectionOver tighten preliminary connectionTwist or screw any connectionTighten past torque wrench “break point”

Page 25: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector



25Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 26: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Introducing the next generation ENA network analyzer E5080A,9 kHz to 4.5 / 6.5 / 9 GHz

Timothy LeeKeysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd

Application Engineer

Page 27: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


• 9 kHz to 4.5 / 6.5 / 9 GHz with bias-T

• 2 or 4-port

• Enhanced performance

Wider dynamic range (135 dB, spec)

Faster measurement speed (3 ms @ 201pts & 2-port cal)

• Expanded source range (-90 to +15 dBm, spec)

• Modern GUI with larger display

E5080A ENA Series Network AnalyzerThe next-generation ENA offering the best-in-class performance

with modern GUI on the new common VNA platform

27Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 28: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector





E5063A4.5/8.5/18 GHz

E5071C 4.5/6.5/8.5 GHz14/20 GHz

E5061B 1.5/3 GHz

E5072A 4.5/8.5 GHz

Keysight’sBench-top VNA platform

E5080A1st version4.5/6.5/9 GHz

New common VNA platform( PNA based, with new GUI)

PNA platform



The first shot of

Keysight’s new

common VNA platform

ENA platform

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 29: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


E5080A product structure


E5080A ENA Series network analyzer

Test set options

E5080A-245 2-port test set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz with bias tees

E5080A-265 2-port test set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz with bias tees

E5080A-295 2-port test set, 9 kHz to 9 GHz with bias tees

E5080A-445 4-port test set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz with bias tees

E5080A-465 4-port test set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz with bias tees

E5080A-495 4-port test set, 9 kHz to 9 GHz with bias tees

Software options

E5080A-009 Frequency offset mode #1

E5080A-010 Time domain analysis

E5080A-790 Measurement wizard assistant

Other options

High stability time base, Removable SSD, Keyboard, Mouse, Rack mount kits

#1. Provides basic FOM functions, SMC (Scalar Mixer Calibration), and VMC (Vector Mixer Characterization) macro.

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration &

Connector Care

Page 30: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


E5080A specs & features

E5080A E5071C (4.5/6.5/8.5 GHz options)

Frequency 9 kHz to 4.5/6.5/9 GHz, with bias-T 9 kHz to 4.5/6.5/8.5 GHz, without bias-T

100 kHz to 4.5/6.5/8.5 GHz, with bias-T

Test port 2 or 4-port, 50 Ω 2 or 4-port, 50 Ω

Dynamic range 135 dB (147 dB typ.)

(at 50 M to 6 GHz, 10 Hz IFBW)

123 dB (130 dB typ.)

(at 10 M to 6 GHz, 10 Hz IFBW)

Trace noise 0.0015 dBrms(at 10 M to 6 GHz, 10 kHz IFBW)

0.003 dBrms(at 10 M to 4.38 GHz, 70 kHz IFBW)

Stability 0.005 dB/deg.C(at 9 k to 3 GHz)

0.005 dB/deg.C(at 9 k to 3 GHz)

Meas. speed(201 pts, 500 kHz IFBW, 200 MHz span, 2-port cal)

3 ms (sweep mode: AUTO #1 ) 5 ms (sweep mode: swept, RF ranging fixed)

Source power -90 to +15 dBm (typ. +17 dBm)(at 50 M to 6 GHz)

-55 to +10 dBm(at 9 k to 5 GHz)

NOP Max 100,001 Max 20,001


#1. Auto mode: automatically selects the faster mode from Stepped or Swept.

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 31: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


E5080A specs & featuresE5080A E5071C (4.5/6.5/8.5 GHz options)

User interface Modern GUI Classic UI

Calibration capabilities SOLT, TRL, Response, Enhanced resp., Source/receiver cal Various dialogs/wizards selectable

(Basic Cal, Smart Cal, Cal ALL, … etc)

SOLT, TRL, Response, Enhanced resp., Source/receiver cal

Software options Freq. offset mode, Time domain, MWA Freq. offset mode, Time domain, MWA,

Enhanced time domain (option TDR)

Other major software capabilities

Fixture simulator, Equation editor, cXL,

PMAR (power meter as receiver)

Fixture simulator, Equation editor, cXL,

External test set mode #1

Programming Remote control with SCPI commands ( PNA-compatible commands)

Remote control with SCPI commands

Built-in VBA

Other hardware capabilities

High stability oven(option) , Trig In/Out, DC input ports

High stability oven(option) , Trig In/Out,DC input ports, Probe power

Multiport test set E5092A E5092A, E5091A #2

Display 12.1 inch 10.4 inch

Box height 6U 5U


#1. Assigns 4 test ports as direct source/receiver ports, S, R, A, and B.

#2. Discontinued test set, EOS in December 2014.Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 32: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

PageVector Network Analyzer Calibration &

Connector Care

E5080A’s two major features over E5071C

Enhanced performance

• Wider dynamic range

• Faster speed

Improve test throughput.

Drive down cost of test.

Enhanced usability with new GUI

Improves efficiency & comfort

of measurements in R&D.


Page 33: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 33

E5080A: 135 dB vs. E5071C: 123 dB (at IFBW=10 Hz, max source power)

Possible to use wider IFBW to achieve same dynamic range.

Wider dynamic range

E5080A : 0.17 sec(IFBW=10 kHz, Source=+15 dBm,

NOP=801, 2-port cal)

E5071C: 1.6 sec(IFBW=1 kHz, Source=+10 dBm,

NOP=801, 2-port cal)

10-times faster throughput

-110 dB

To measure DUT requiring 110 dB dynamic range…

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 34: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Enhanced performance

Faster measurement speed

Start [MHz] Stop [MHz] Span [MHz] NOPSpace Sweep[MHz] mode

1 50 2422 2372 476 5.0 Swept

2 2427 2485 58 13 4.8 Stepped

3 2485.5 2570 84.5 170 0.5 Swept

4 2570.5 2620 49.5 100 0.5 Stepped

5 2620.5 2710 89.5 180 0.5 Swept

6 2710.5 2725 14.5 30 0.5 Stepped

7 2730 3800 1070 215 5.0 Swept

8 3810 7950 4140 415 10.0 Swept

Segment-1 3 82 4 5 76

Example of automated mfg test of handset duplexer

Optimized segment sweep table for this DUT

• 80 dB dynamic range required.

• Applicable power level is +5 dBm.

• Use stepped sweep at segment-2, -4, and -6

to measure filter edges accurately.

34Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 35: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector



E5080A E5071C

Measurement cycle time

Dynamic range (Source= +5 dBm)

Measurement cycle time

Dynamic range(Source= +5 dBm)

70 kHz 88 ms 87 dB 96 ms 80 dB

100 kHz 73 ms 85 dB 82 ms 78 dB

300 kHz 54 ms 80 dB 77 ms 73 dB


• Dynamic range shown above is calculated from catalog spec at IFBW=10 Hz & source=max.

Speed benchmark test result

Nearly 2-times faster throughput


Example of automated mfg test of handset duplexer

Enhanced performance

Faster measurement speed

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 36: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 36

Enhanced usability

Quickly making setups

Add or deletetraces & channelswith icons

Tabbed soft panel Enables accessing your desired functions

within 2 steps.

Select tab,

and press desired softkey.

Long press or right clickto show popup menus.

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 37: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 37

Drag & drop traces with finger or mouse.

Enhanced usability

Intuitively laying out traces & windows

All traces plotted

in the same window

All traces moved to desired


Vector Network Analyzer Calibration &

Connector Care

Page 38: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

PageVector Network Analyzer Calibration &

Connector Care


Smart cal wizard

Quick Start dialog

SMC dialog

Enhanced usability

Easily making complicated setups with dialogs & wizards

Page 39: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 39

Register frequently-used softkeysto Favorite menu.

Add more icons on the tool bars.

Long press or right clickto register softkeys.

Enhanced usability

Customizable UI

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 40: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


E5080A’s other features inherited from PNA & E5071C


Function Features Benefits

Source power cal • Faster power cal speed than E5071C.

• Advanced techniques such as power cal using receivers.

Useful for amplifier tests.

PMAR(power meter as receiver)

• Plots power sensor’s measured data on the VNA trace. Useful for amplifier & mixer tests.

FOM / SMC(opt.009)

• Embedding/De-embedding usable in SMC mode.

• External SG quickly sweepable with Trig In/Out.

Improve accuracy & speed of mixer tests.

Equation editor • MATLAB® support Enable more complicated

data processing.

Cal plane manager • Characterizes fixtures/adapters with O/S/L cal kits.

• Other useful capabilities for modifying S2P data.

Improve accuracy at DUT planes.

Copy channel • Copy setups & user cal data to other channels (equivalent to E5071C’s save/recall channel)

Useful for making multi-ch setups.

Segment sweep • IFBW & source level settable per segment & per port Improves filter test throughput.

Multi-peak search • MKR search for multiple positive/negative peaks Useful for antenna tests.

Limit test • Ripple/BW limit & Point limit Useful for filter & antenna tests.


• Measures mixer’s phase. (up-down conversion method)

Enables deeper mixer characterization.

Inherited from PNA Inherited from E5071C

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration &

Connector Care

Page 41: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector



E5080A ENA Series Network Analyzer

9 kHz to 4.5 / 6.5 / 9 GHz

• Enhanced performance

• Enhanced usability

41Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 42: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector



42Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Page 43: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

FieldFox Measurement TipsTimothy LeeKeysight Technologies Australia Pty Ltd

Application Engineer

Page 44: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Agenda• Burst RF transmitter test (WIMAX)

• TDMA signal – GSM

• Pulse radar measurement

• 75Ohm calibration – CAT/NA

Vector Network Analyzer

Calibration & Connector Care 44

Page 45: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Burst RF Transmitter Test (WIMAX)

45Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care


- Use Burst RF as trigger source

- Set trigger level

- Set frequency span bigger than

signal’s BW

- Use average

Page 46: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


TDMA Signal - GSM

46Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care


- Use Burst RF as trigger source

- Set trigger level

- Set frequency span bigger than

signal’s BW

- Use average

Page 47: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


Pulse Radar measurement

47Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care


- Use narrow RBW in frequency


- Use Zero Span (0Hz) – time


- Use wide RBW in time domain

- Change sweep time to zoom


Page 48: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector


75 Ohm Calibration - CAT/NA

48Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care


- Use low loss 50Ohm to 75Ohm


- Change the system impedance

to 75Ohm

- Cal with 75Ohm load.

Page 49: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 49

Long cable under test

Slave / source Master / receiver

Trigger in Trigger out

Trigger out Trigger in

Ethernet cable

• Master / slave architecture• Trigger in /out keep both box in sync• Master provide test configuration, data

transfer and final measurement presentation

• Each box can be locked with GPS timing to get better dynamic range and stability.

• Test / jumper cable loss can be measured using VNA and recalled as cable loss in ERTA mode

ERTA Measurement setup

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Extended Range Transmission Analysis (ERTA)

Page 50: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector

Page 50

ERTA Measurement setup

Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care

Extended Range Transmission Analysis (ERTA)

Page 51: Timothy Lee Keysight Vector Network Analyzer · 1.85mm To 70GHz 2.4mm The outer thread size of 1.85 and 2.4 is bigger than SMA, 3.5 and 2.92 2.4mm To 50GHz 1.85mm 1.85mm connector



51Vector Network Analyzer Calibration

& Connector Care