cavum mil tint m Thin injr Otto hptr. Offen the I*rf Mt mmtm TO ASVXBT3IES! VOL XVII DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MARCH 19,1887. NO16 THBtUOMBMA puuLiauiu ana n o p u n o u . OaWawllukwelfcfeM, ant ieav total ••Hail Una.teat TU» Of •IIIUICE1PTIO1I IKValU- BLV INADVANCE. uieYun aj.go •ii Monui 1. Tow ton SO « 7»]> 1 sula 1 ml in 3 ni 4 85 15 0OJ ai (MI ii do! os oo| s ut III 6 50 7™ H00 S GO 60 660 650 KM II) 00 }»"• " IWIMIMB, H. P.. in nuimi or m u i i e x DinEurj. omoB «T in r/uti win, DOTtt, 1.1. Corner of Ilaaiwetl see t n a . Ma. DOVER. N. J. 1. B. JOLLCY, Proprietor. •neeaaaOavriaia tola*, tfflHLON HTNET, OOCIBILOl-iT'UW, SMeVaa IVOBUOWI 410 I0TU1 ,DBU0, iwn nu umimm. Bonn,«. J T 0. BIRBWIHTH, I. M. DOVER, N. 1. AsULHM 01 OEM km MIHUUU, BCaTEM or H1MB8. A list or char** fiU'BU*.uoaau|ilir.tHKJ. 4 LHUlUaC 0. 8MTK, CUU»EIXOH AT LAW. INO UROAIIWIT, NOW York. ItealdeDco, Diivnr, X. J JOHN J. ECKHART, 8. H. BENJAMIN, PAIXTEK, O«ee le Ike oU I1OI SKABUILIIINO n w i K.. povrni, N. 1. HOUSE AMIMH flMNTiM, CAMI.UIS Paper cnnlnwta .few. rial,, a. the IOWM awMiWe iera» oaelateat III It. eiraaUei .Treallv guci work NOTICE! K«Ute or n«vU IUm«ell, deeeuMI. the orHer ef Ike Hurrogelr <»TM iMtmlrtd suil LIK1I|;-M.UI, mitire l> ivruur given toa i| ntrtun,* litviuiz eltlmi <K>lci»t ibe r.i.tc i<( Di.l.l HuMBX-'il, late ol d» OiuiiJ (,f Unrrliailtitto-tcml, toprn.i D[ the MM, Milder O.lh or llwinu, (a \, •oilber, on or Wort* .IH <•«, t.i» ... oe-iber neit. bumx IIIU muutlii from the rlaleoriftiaord-r: an., my ercutlnr ntplect in>.oUin?,u.ndeihlttl Me or Inr claim, •into aalb «r aiir.Mt.oa, triilm, ibetime •» Hn tBrt.will be*„,..* LAVI^ nf LI* or fc*r aeifcH. Henforaftltiit Iho Admliil.u.t.ii. Dated Ike .rat ila- of ••Mi A. D- 18t»7. IMIl,YC.Il4aHUtI.L. Ailroitiiitrat.il, >< I** In .ke.. 11If. K. 1. J.J.LANQDON MT. PLEASANT BTUKK line* in nil UwU of (BEST FLOURI AT THE LOWEST quorttll I'll CDS. GOOOM, •MCEMES M. PROVISIONS BOOTS and SHOE!., and fverethiria whiuti Ii Berieriilr brjit Ii ' i.iiifciia ip,!i cl»|tj „! H.L r lrr la.araace ••« I nl KHalc Ami. OFP. POST ornoe, DCTH, S t«R«lly aNtboratd iKeut, wltb cartlfleate of aRtlKiiltj lur tb« Hfeai «ompaatel ID Ik* World, luclmliiig Ibo !ollo*iiig: KTINFIITAlj, or NtWVOB«. :Ht»Ma, I)? XKWY0II1. KltalX, W BfUtOhtTN. sses'tjsisas •BTRKflN, ••* MINI AHHINOro-J, or »»».«,•. 1'HfrVtOr.MOI WMBlhOfWI. Tim onlinilnd PfBuiioei 01 thru romp*.ntt .•Wilier tit b tbe Individlal Kapnniiiiilltr tbeir WH.I1I1 v •U.rehol.len,» «f nach Inwieoae jpoptlom i s to entitle tb*ti it ihc runes. wt imt itriiMMinnee. r«o*<Mlr«blfl dwclllBK* for m l , on Kor- L. W. THURBEft, •VPUtUTTlMDUT or PO11JO tWHOOLf or souus OOUHTT. otnoc .Ti.t Bnui^nvu,' MAVItN AND HAIR CUTTING . SALOON. SUSSEXSTREET, k U n K m MMtaiWM) aaU DOVER, M. J. J.0. KOOKBFELLKB, DOVER, N.J. MM tv«r J. A. I^OB'I itm.'***. 4 !•••• |iMlllff*« UP WOODtm ml*. R. F. JOLLEY 4 Co., SHIRT lAHOFACTUEERS, NIK'S lOIWISHERS. 831 BROAD St NEWARK, N.J. LAMUt UP aUr IOOCI ri tkl KlVk ESTABLISHED 1830. C.BOMGE B. V0OBHKK8, lust AU in an nuiMi otr.iunlu iiurar OOITTUCMM'. PAINTS, OILS, &o. A8R1GIILTUIUL IMPLEMENTS '••••• aMrwUltimi. ' SAFES AND SCALES. VStMMaaM t Va>M0« BWaffaMOyim Q<9Qah DR.G.W.Mc»AVIT DENTIST, (OTBB 10. t glOHE-BBIOK BLOOI.) Olirih mghtK-.ni Mm. DOTUJ.1. OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Ctrpwitar afrf tiHttor, DOVER BAND, fr.l. FrMk Kmttor, Lutftr. S. MtNck;•- PrnMcM. Th e*ceri eT ta. ltover Baal wieh te »a|aec,te,¥»|ieMI rvixr ..r.ia* wtas °. f eiA 0jK uMn. aa IkeflrraRlodluaj t«)liiK. A «w»lirnt*i(kf2rni«r*»; I W H anil a!lite uiUHOtlff-i ID m^« cWr, liiUnn lit oml. OHHI «|>riaK *at«r. v«tlH.f or frilt »«*i, O« lit. 1I><|M> riMil BMM•«« aittl M f utl trn Ihiver For (wrikulura m j»«i, O« lit. 1I><|M> riMil B M f utlm tnrn Ihiver. For k K4 « r J M f utlm Alt'/, O«ten 11 J. N«ii.l.l*...r Ml* p FOR SALE. l U v l n a tf-BMVMl frets (b«i |.lat>*>, I tif*r my Man (alt >••«.• Sl*J OrlUr ba-rawiil) a«4 X lor-Ala l^e-irUii rii..««.i.,-B oa aftuc Jill. Uirad Hpiiait water; itfiod ifirdriBj itv riefcjrer Irtil INN: pice U,m, Trtmt •«•-. Tint proitrtj I* clear of all .neuMabranpM. for pariiculam iuqairfl nl the Km *,•••• or •r ttMiuUciibor. •tle-p FOR RENT. FOR RENT. .NUN tna.ll litto Of ffiiil t o Iw tbalie«t In j u uiy ntor<i inaula m> . All ordfra drllvl -.,s', 1 ,rjis" J. J. LA FORCITE POWDDR Is the bent Wauling |»ow. derlnthe Market. U ii per cent, stronger Hun anjr known expUnlve, In nut nu dnngtfoiH to haudle or transport. In plaxtle and produces nrach leta ftimea. I* waterproof anil wold tM loir HX tiny other hlRh explosive. At .tema /troiti hw lir KTf b. •ao.: 55 Llkarly St., N. V. WKki: OrakMVlllt, N. J. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. Amos H. Van Horn, 73 MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J. Will law.* •>4»r, tor Carpet and r'uraltarf lit cant pllie, wltk m iMiall airpmlt •• men ana hala IkiM until Niiriac wllaoHt extla tsaalgr. IIOIIuTlNO. BNUINBf), •«H« Pl'NPINU BMilNU. IX>NM»H > arf Ll(kl Caalw la Iron, trw, r&^;s:s o . r bTb?t The Equipment or Iron lines a Ud THE IEST HOLIDAY SIFT I Tnltliti tor tlii) coming year, in FOR RENT. th« 1.1 ol April opal wiy km««and atotrk M. Io» «*.n»M bj J. B. * {TP.SANUEBSOK. KkMir, H.J. 0HA8. LURCH, nAUOBrOKSALEeaeesyteraia. Flaaaa Ule a**l «t bait price, liaaee take. '- " - luuaa aad Plaaw taatd ui frialKd. DRAKE ft KING. 7M Jt 76B BROAD ST., NEWARK. HKW Tft.l|]| t -:• NKK r TERM! DAY AND KYKMMl HE8SIONH. PVMtnaiikUp, n«ok-kMpiD|t, Aritbaoelic, d«ii(v SjiAlMnf Mr Hfrataa 41 C*rtHp«nd«ii(v, SjlMnf, Mr. Hfrataa 41 per uonlk. Shorthtiod 15 fnrIhrra mottlhi. TjpewriUBf, GflnNMlair and Card WnllNg. 0. T. m&UJt, MMlBtl. WILLlAl KIKti raUCnOal, B00TANDHBOB1AI.E1.. PAHK HOTB1J. nona.v.1. BasTMIanrR. Virat-ol.H pccwatniwHeiie ra^ .ad ttaialem IELI-IH HI. If I. well .IM-ked with all atone of Ike twal atariaks an. clinm. HI, Bool rooiH Ualways open la all !«r*trs cf li.'STi,'™^—iSRr™ "" la aorriaaad adj.ial.1 enatka, aa ..kl~w». .. PIANOS t I S U I LUBCB, a » FaaHa Ave., far. »a K.. Saw Tark City. BUCHANAN BROS. « FARMERS MT. OLIVE ROLLER MILL be ftrliaaied ror the bpat roltrr flinr aiad« in Ihr-HtRte It (tie fallealiiR rate, VIE: For a#h barbel Ho. I whta* tbe, gel in ric-hinge u lot, (••cmrravorlTc'latralBhtfir, da roller l.ar sod II Hm. Irani at aolla. I"Our •Mal>"lf*aa7 nateat iMUrfluura.il IS rae. kraa. •lba.morcrlourlfnabr.il. TryiL NVrnllv yonr,, I. BTEfBina 4 CO., Ml.Olfv., N. 9, Clint* Cellecttr'i Nitlct. TbaCcnntr Colleclor will Ira IttneHanw. Rale*, aftlce, Uorrl.law., fur Ilia tnimaclJoB ef ba^BCM, onTbundav of rach weik. from l.'.k»fc A. It., MU LM. II. All •aaleatiuaa for bin ahoald ' •aekawar. MAHIXIM I MILLIaERYl MILLINERY I llheUlulFall iljle, a n t» foaadat MRI3. OEO. FARR'S JOSEPH C. I0HNSON, •SmltM* DplMM*nr maal tUpmi it ttM «M M«n« m€ Wtm. I, Caltattf. ttUMrW MMti* UMl fcMfl;. MlfWU awdi ap aaal total, C S MBMIIB«. BI DUVKII. FIMT-CLAIS BAND MUSIC. SHOES! SHOES! Who 'would purchase a machine made shoe when HEAGAN & CO. will furnish their own make Little Falls Calf, Button, Laced and Congress at the following astonishing prices: Calf Tap, plain or tipped Bait, - - - - - - - 13.50 " •' Con.re«s - - ..• - - - 3 50 hand tewed, teamleti, - - - - - - 4 . 5 0 KM - . ... . . . 5.00 . i We accumulate this line of Shoes in dt(U season that we may keep our men steadily employed in order to retain their services for the busy season- The quantity of these goods are limited) and every pair wtll outwear two pair of factory made goods. Come early and supply yourselves. HSU.OAN A CO., OPP. U H l l DEPOT, UOVEB.JU TENNESSEE ADO A U M B a OEVEL- oratNT- THE VIEW* Or W. nBUlOB BU3!IEI>L—i 1UON MUM THAT WILL VMUEHSCU. KNOLAWU. ^•-1) nu lii» rtliiru fniui nu t-xtuuuei] Huntbiiutrip, fouuil iiiui ifiiitu futliu lit! nv<>r wbat in kuowu aa tb« Birm- laiu rtgioo. If r. Bussell ia tbe young liHliiuan wbo bus been operating CMfully fur Hcvcrul niontbs in Hontb- Bivm-itics, UpuakiuK of liis ttip be ; •• I was ruurfc tLun ple,BeO witb uiv visit to tlie Hnutb, where my im ilialu obji'ct wna to look over tbe prop- Grlifn of Ilii! TciiDCSbce Coal and Iron Citiupauy, iu wliicli I Luve Imvilv. At Nasbvillc Mr. N. cliLlriuitu uf II10nuance committee, and Mr. J;iim>ii Bowruu, Hecnitar; and im>r o[ tun cinipuny, were quite obliging to unc rue all possible iofoimation as to Hiii-uutpbt of coal'auil iron, nnd tbe af- fairs of iho compaoy in general. Mr. tir sluiweA me tlie ilaily rcporls of from llii'ir several olliericH, wbicb mgu 3 5IHI tons. As to iron, from u'biit I could galber nt tbe onlce aud from tbo iiMnugKri at Ibe furnace, tlie nil|iiit will iiniuti, 430 Ion, ilailj. \ii»»». Umtcrand ltowronInformed me Imt Ilieir preuent pronti are most utia- •BCIOI-.. I alno met nt NB.bville Mr. W. M. Unncnii, Mr. Kcilb, Proidentof the rib Nnt.uniil liana, Mr. Williimii, Vim l'roaiileut ol tbe First National ik, IIKI Ci.l. A. B Colvar, dirccton BUY OFTHE MANUFAC1UDER AT, FIRST COST. SO (IUVOR D u l y Brn8S(il» per yard tlSS, reduced to !)9 ant». 100 «teiivT«Jf<!rt'yvBrui»ala p<* yanl 75 i«.ut-, ieA<"«-il iobouts. 100 pieces All-wool Ingrain per ynrd 75 coutR, loducod to CO ceuts. 2fi s low-priced lugruin, per yard only 25 emits. SUITS T 60 Parlor Suite, all the latest atylcs of frames, upholstered in Plain Ifohair aail BaiboasuJ FIUHII, regnlnr price $7Z, reduced to $50. 25 talor Suits, (7 pieces),Walnut frames, regular price 150, reduced to (30. BEDROOM -:- SUITS. fiO ffnlont Bodnum Suits, Msrlile lop, 8 pioi es, regular price ?li5, reduced ta $i7.S0. SO Walant Bedroom gaits, Murblu Top, 8 pieces, tegular price (SO, tciluccl to J37.S0. !">0 Antique OuV Doilroom Suits, pieces, regular price SiiO, reduced to #3ti. 50 Arib Bedroom Suite, regular price tm, reduced to »:!7.'i0 l>0 Ash Uedroom Suits, regular price »:W, reduced to *22/>O. JTOCherry Bodroom Suits, regulnr price (4U, to close tlielu out ouly ?27.fl*>. 23 Bed Lounger), regular price *H, 'educed to W.73. !i5 good mural Mattrcsseu ouly «1, redncL-d to ?:l. good Bcdapriags, regular prico fB, reduced to $1.50. 25 ti ft. Ittcnsion Tables, regular price $1, reduced to HIS. I trill. SET.L 111' EXTWE iTflOK COXMSTIXU IIP arble Top Tables, Sideboards, Clothes Presses, Book Canes, Writing Desks, Extension Tables, Cliuirm of all kinds, Bedding, Stores, Oll-clolh, etc., etc., —NEARLY AT— —j COST PRICES |— and* hold them until Spring with a small deposit °» them ' extra charge. (EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT.) 0r Oooda dcUwcnd f m of cbu|> Io aor (art orUrn Sitie. without AMOS H. VAN HORN, 3 MA11KFT STREET, NEWARK. CASTOR IA far Infante and Children. n r»l!«. OaMtrallni 1. TUarrnoia, Erucltul Oarin Courin, in nnun nnaa, K.T. CARRIAGE PAINTING. CHA8. Q. OHIFFFN, Ten (lie beit iDiIaeementi In ttili Hue in tlm BtbABioatraaaoBBbl IIANCE. Pru't, , r.nora«,l(.J, •inj jtUM hatanbeen in bmf neii. &large •tonga roan It tttmolitt) io liii •hop OB Cliaton BU Dover. J. J. YBEELAND, CARPENTKR BMtl WILDEK, POVBB, M. J. ^nin«thc Dover 1 ^ ^I'rf ^r THE LiaC-allB CLUI A nuprise nwaited most of tba mem- bera a* tliey entered Paradise Hall at tbe nsaal weekly meeting Saturdsj I. 'i'lie old stove bad been replaced Mining entirely new andunique, •fld tbe Coitiiutlee oa Ai>lrolof,y, t< vbow uotiring eCorU Uwobange in due, were at hand to point out tbe new pur- otiite sadrspttiale on ill weriU. Harjn« betm empowered to take snob action u Ibej tboagbt bNt ander tbe eiroumiUBoea, (be ooMBitiee tuld tke old otove for USS owfa in band. Tu«y IIMB lent Ibe Boney on a cbattle aiott- »to •aaJoon i i wbo Iwd aet up i In "Kftinlaek," wwapiMd to keep ouaiomen away for two weeki, and wbea be baatAd ap (bay Hiied upon bis •tore to aatiafy the mortiagt. Xbe new atove Ucalled " Tbe Polar King," two laga are miaaiDg. tbadoor Ittcha a binge, and tliere are aercral racks wbiob nigbt aa well have been left >nt, bat it is a great and grand improve- ment oa tbe old one. Wben properly fed »i.b nail kega taken frou ttw abed* back of th« hardware a t o m it will warn tbe tberuonwtber upto 110defrreeB, at which point er«n Elder Tootf OMUMI to ahiver aod pnla on a •aniowery look. B ^ v t which tliey inti <!.i!eiilult><l tlioil pi-ofils for line yew would lio uvcr 61,000,000. Tlioj \M6 tlicii 1 CBtituatu on iron eolil for forward JelivtT.V. 'f p fixed clinrgcB RU.1 tt biobiag fauil ol ^70,000 wliicli would Itvve between uud 7 l>ei <nmt. dividuad on the orJJDirj They K;,J- l iu dividcud, pill t of thi. will be u tlie balance de- volnl to npouiug more coal Holds. Mr. ilowrun i* a conntrjiUiiB of miac, wbc las lirrn nil bis life io tbe iron indl nil 111 o« years residing iu tills country, Hu M«i«l Im had boon nil over tbe iron rtic* of Uugtnod nut] America, Ibu Tail iu iron comes, us it will come, tbiH Tennessee ami Alabii will lie able to produce iron at a profll ithcr flection cf tlie coantry will lie nblo to <li>so. From Nisliville I vreut Io iioulb Pitlsliurg, utappingto u furnnco of Ilie cempegy al Cowan, and NatUville. tunn daily. I diHluot betwiien tbat town It pioducci uboat 70 '1 did not visit tbe iron and coal a luTennessee, but I nndarntani] taut the cojl anil iron arc of good <]oal- itv anil pnsily worked. At tlie mines in tbe Tcuneiwee division tbe company baa a daily output of 1,700 tons of ooal. Tbe Alabama portion of tbe comiiany's prop- ertv I naw tbcrougbly. A few ruilee frotnUirmiugli.im Ibey bave literally a iron, Ihe orn being taken out 1 quarry. Mr. Morris, who iformed methat be wna tikiniogtdatiy 1,(10(1 tons ol ore tbat produced BO per cent, of iron, and wben tbe new f nraioa. wore completed nl Enaley be oooldbe able to like out 3,000 tons willi tbe Bii milea from tbe iron ore DM' is tlie Fralt coal mine md tbe fonr lew 'urnices of tbe comptnj nudel connlrao> iion, wbich are being rapidly puaked forward to coiupletioo. Two will be cendy by Augunt and tbe otter n few luotltiu later, llieae fornaets bavo a minimum output of sis hundred tone, ~ was much struck wilb tbe rate witb wblcb IbC caul is handled, tbe mint. pmilncing 3,000 tons daily. Five are being made wben some- tblng like 2.5OU tons more will be ob- ined, lint even thlt will not satisfy the emaml, wbieb K growing day by day i ench new enterprise is atarted M Birroincbam nnd in that neighborhood. feel certain before two yean arc over that the company will be prodociag imelhiua. like 10,0011 tona daily. A profit of 25 cents per ton would provide 'or all died charge, and sinking fund, saving snracipnt to pay5 per cent lividend to Ihe ordinary itockbolden, but I cannot understand wby tbe naan- ?nt tloesnot work tbe coal opening! us well anday, aa tbere ire several ippoailion furnaces standing idle for ant <jf coke. At Birmingkum I visited lioA'ico funioces, now the property of •lit- company, marled none nine years ;.. l>y Mr. T. E. Rillmin, wbo .till •noeca them and is Vice President of Ihc Tennessee company. Mr. Hillmii ras billing to give me ell neoeasaty in- Uis oulput I. something ike 180 tons daily. Be informed me at in mast depressed timei Le , altta to make a bandsomo pront ind find a ready market for bis pigiron. Wbrn tho four now furnacen are oom> ilctcd at EiiB!oy be aaya tbe company will be aide to put out iron even cheaper *:nn be can dD witb tbe Alico turnioes, •• tbe iron ore will be laid down at the 15 oraU Im then be oan get Droat present and the ooal md coke » ire on Ihe spot. One an eaaily estimate wbat a bandaoma proflt the lompany will be able to make aboard pricesranas bigu for iron not year an ley are at present, when Ihe oompeay rill prodoco aomelbing Uke 100,000 lows\ it a 85 profit as tbey are makingBOW. MI conditions would leave a profit of two million dnilara or 20 per cent, Io tbe •rdinury shareholders as intereal on bonds is more thin met by- Ibe eoal bun- [ness. Many a,k ' Where will yon and market fur ituch an ontpnt of iron f 'lity hove only toBo to Tennnaes and labama and tbey will even in ashort 'ait am trail enterprises atarling np and I couteniblation snfflcienl to take it nil. on may laugh, b u l l taytbat tbe day ill come wben the Panama Canal is " tb>t Iba iron product, of Ihc ico section will be .hipped on urges from South Pittsburg to be nt tbe moutb of tbe Miaaia- ippi for Melbourne, Ojlculla and 8ban- ;boi, underselling the English prodneL' l a Caagat laa "lair." Mr. II I.. Eminon, I, a auccnafil fanxr via« mar Kwnicn. Station, in Hull.aui iwoHbi|i. KorH)nietim. paat b. ka, ,1 tbat III.' Tbe Chairman on tbe CoBBlittee on Ligblboiua ,iibniltted tba followinf writtea report: "Diaoouuiltwe, bavin' uia mqtiarted i look ouer de weatber report, ol Prof. Bumau Jooo. tor de laa 1 tbne atoalaa an detemiine wkelber dia olab eoaU l apaa bli reliability aa a me.bet prophet, woald rtjpostinlj report dal ont of aistj-eiK ptediotioaa aude by d« Frofeaaor ooly three tnraad oat to bo a'KCt. WbileobaBalarterpanealaie din kia be lot bora Wiuiai aa' other., we lael it oar dootj to add oat dia olab etn'l take aiob miibtj laull cbaacea aa to Io badaaay in ita aaiad." " t perfectly agree wid de report," re- marked Brother Oirdaar, "andegeek- retary will write de Frofeuoc to de eafcek, dat we aball boy our weatber io oliaoka an' apUt it np to anil unraeWea." A VfUKC'H ABOLUUD. Tbebrandi clnbat Winebtater, Va.. wa. eatabUaled about a fear a«o, and lor tba bit til moot, oomplaiala hire been frequent ind nuaaeroni that the *8 TIBWKV FBOM AHAIIJtOUt bThXVf A railruad lutm, writiug uliuut the Interstate e luw, « You see tbe railroad uicii don't know, not one ol them, bow the newbill «. opcratf, except tbat HH it nuw Ntundh will prcclnde Weatern graiu from eut< ing tbe Eaatero markelu, aocordluff tbe "Langand aborl-baul clauae," wbic ia, that nomore shall be charged :' proportion for a short baul than for loog haul; in other worda, if n railroi now carries a hundred nonndh of flrsi clan freight a distance of rXKI mile! fi aaj (for convenience) 80 cent*, it would bave to carry tbe aame amount of nrn %- olaaa freight to Kewark lor nine-tcnll of a oent, a dinbraee of about nine mile A. about 80 percent, of tnc curmne of the average B, K, conies from thi local traac, it ia very easy to «co Uial tbey cannot afford to make tbe short baal rates conform to the long baul, bul vice vena, in other words tbey will make tue total ol tba baslr n eoaatitale thi throagb rate to a given point. Jcanuol for the lire of me aee how it is posiible [orthe Weslern people to market Iheii goods io the Elst (unless tbey ship I', boat) if Ibe bill ia carried oat to tbo let ter. Of ooune ttw Comaissioners havi the power to repeal any of its objection able olaueea, and I aappose tbey wil amend il to Nit Ihe Woatern akippura and abokek thelong andabort haul pur- an apelyiBg to, say graio; if tbia is nil aiU be Ihe conunencemenl of aoclety waa a bad lot ol Proofa wen trull/ oblaiaed tbat ol tbe eilty- four awabera ol tb. branch wbo met a a week, ailty4bree ought to be ia for Mealia* «ad tbe odd i tlor beaUng Ma wife, Brother Oardneran- nounoed at tliii Betting that tba ehutef o f ' T b a White Boaea" bad been re- role'aiidtbelelegniphwinaeot, aad that circokr. woald be lent out wainia* tbapabliototaateBiel. voaaMM aBunoira. " I bold b*ak ia aiy band," eiid tba 'doeameat, a letter of inqwiry from a memtwr of da Kieblgu Latfilaafcu aiin* what poetabu dia Li»-Kila Olab will take iaeaas ol war batwwM the Ua.tad BtteiM'Caaade: It awpriaai fMAUaay ewekia f«rk momea* atp- dl ld ftmhs anj odder loyaMy Io oar k poa* dal we woald poaiahaa dan OM of keatry. yy Wealwald tberjoaeofaiaeek a gov'ateal ooatnet an' asafca laa maeh aa awsaiblw. while da while folks wo«td be hfttaaVd«Ifmtte'." 11 Doei «• aaderstu' «VCha*r la predict a wart" ia^wttaw b "Ma, BB. ] Geaadaaa' diakeatry aa awiaa to be nirecbed Bka palUn' aa ob ananaaaW, bat dar woal be aay war. Aenaa da ooe.n, gov'aHata ma' go to war to keep oMranbjaskaiaK baloa din aUa wa fail atop loooaatdeeoal. Atrwakata- anjitwotaC dairBoof. ia ravor of a row, bat a. Bseki.ic aa' fatwaar hei got l o b e heard from Bab- war am dedar'd. De Called State, tad Canada as big'air it'aa' ole 'aallo bakav. dainelw, aa' arler a liana dU ekla. aaniek will die awaj oa an air aa' 4. Iran an' da eagle will Iia d o n togalkar •gala ii peaee. Da a n' taoalw Bad. between da lv»teatrie. akoald ke written by auBeakBh-bnw. He Buy M be iHe to git ia auay big words, bat ke will d e l e t e Ihreeaiile liBitao plainly dat It WOBI be fo'Bile, to OMparty aa' oily two to de other."—DOroU Aajl Pnu. roada gel also*) aay rat. a. wante. Tkea ~ AI iJiiiinmr rmingMij Wbea Mr. Jeakiai weal to ki, bed- »a al half-paat one, it wa. with the determination of going to akep, aad with another determination that kewoald aot be Interviewed by Mr.. Jeakina. Ho aa MOB ai ke had eatend Ihe door and depoailed bla lamp upon tbe dreaaing- Ublc, he began biaapereh : "I looked tbe front door. I pat the chain on. I palled Ibe key out a little bit. Tbe dogtoinside. I pat tha Ulan oat. I emptied Ihedrip pin in the re. frignmtor. The cook took tke nUver Io bed with her. I pat a ewe aider Ike knob of tbe lack hall door. I ahal Ike raatmlega over tke bath rooa window.. The parlor nre has0Jal oa. I pal tbe cake boi back in InecloM. I did Bat drink all tke arilk. It i, not goiag Io rain. Kobody gave ale aajr aeaaage for yon. Iauiledyoir leUen uacoaail got dowa toon. Year Bother did not eaUaltheaaVe. Hobodr dud akal wa were iaiemted ia. Did not hear of a marriage or .uga.eBeat. I an. Tory oosjat the oaoa BMkia( oat bills. I eve h a n g a y d o l b c , over okahr baoka, want s s » w egg tor bratkfaat. Ittliak that ia all, ud I win now pal oat laa "rat," Mr. Jeakina Ml that be had kedged agiiaat aUiasairy, and triuBpaaai smile waaaponbia face aa ke look bold of the eaa check, and sighted a line for Ibe bed, wben b e a u greeted by aring, ing laugh and tha query from Mm. J.i- Mai: '• Way didn't yon take o»your kat r •>•-•> AhMrWrtaaa. AgeaUeaaa entered a Chicagogna lore and aaked to be shown aotae re- volven. " Here is a nioe family weapon,'' aaid tbe clerk. "Family weapokj I" a family weapon; joel the thing ban tke benelt on kia products, and railroads are allowed to charge him on kin (rain rale, leu than the local rales, tbe dealer, in anebjaery will nay, here, yon oaBBot torn yoar grain into noui nnlMa you nave my machinery, and ] cannot aford la pa/ anok eiborbitant chargwa for freight unless I increase the prioa of fonr. Tbe aune would apply to all ki.ds of agricultural impiemnnU ; and if the ball is once alarled, it ia hard to aee where il will stop. Il is mj opin- ion that at Ihe neit aeaiol of Congress lha bill will be ao aanneed (if not aboliahed) that IU moat intimate friends will lot recogniae it. It is a good thing for railroada, for it prohibits tha cutting of rales. The rate, anal be published openly, nnd no one can be favored. A man who sbipi a hundred Ibi., of freigb! a year can gel jut the same rate a, be who.Up, of tons, Tbb puts aJIroadioa an eqaal fooUnn, and Ibe one that ghee tba moat aatiafaetory aeniee-bewt tiaw, ic.,willb« the one to got the DUiBeae, You aee BO OBe known whal April Sib win bring forth, ead ia ooajeqaeaee Ike Weatern bujera are ioaking ia NewYork like l i e , , and atarj ptaeeol goods aaipped ia inrari haty aaatraetij for to go Weal before tbelaler«ata Coauaene Bill becomes opemtit*. Thiaof couraemakeaagraiid laah. Thai agala. during the peat tan Jay, ratei to Wnatnra poinaibaTe beea ~ otaalaad i e n r y road ineager to add a aewikipper to hia IW, kopiag by •kowiagaim fawora aow, Io letaia bit patroaag. altar April 4th; eoBaeoneoce, aaekalkiagaaealtalea. TbedUhnwt reada benpatched apa Ireoe now, aad rales an a«Ui iwatornd Io all appear- aaeaa, yet If a shipper i, aharp, he eaa War Iteeaa'l tke •atlerCMae. It is 1 question often asked at|tbis sea- noil of tbe year, especially !>y those wbo up but two or three cows, Hud girt! no .'ciul attention tu the dairy buiitics*. I ocoaeioaally bear of one wbo bau to vburn ail day lieforu tbe butter will cnuie. I duulit if uuy work etumei-tr.il ttitli tbe farm reoeiveii Ho largt.' a. pi:n-f:iit- Bge of iinneceBMii} lalior iwovburniiir; -iog tbe coid months of winter. Tbere are Meveral points to be consideredin connection with tbia subject, sueb as tbe kiud of ciiuru uacd, the conditiou of tbe cowe, tbu kind of feed given, etc. #ut those wlio are successful butter makera iu lummer, if tbey fail in winter, way feel quite anre that the difficulty arises chiefly from the difference io tempera- ture. If they will keep Ibe milk and ,'reaiu at Ibe aawo temperature iu winter aa iu autuuicr, tbey will bo very likely to find tbe lung ohuruiugH unnecessary. But tbia is a diflealt thing tor tbe ma. to do ; neither do I consider it oeceuary thai it should, bo done. (Julie a low temperature dora not injure the ireaui, uor prevent the butter from com- ing, provided the temperature of the cream be auflicienlty raised several hnuro before churning. Let me give a few Tery simple direc- jns wblcb bave been thoroughly tested and proved sound. Intbe first place, a thermometer ; Jo not attempt tu .•burn inwintar without one. Oue suit- able for all ordinary purposes can li» taught for about rllty acnts i and it will pav for itself many times in one aeaaoii. " VOIJ (ili'irr'.^f (t;.:;.. \ *it.^C, uu uiini atir tbn cream every day, and put a iinall iiandful of sun in it early in tbe week. For several bonrs before churn- ing, raise the temperature of Ibe cream o abont t!2 dcgrccB. When put into tbe cbunmec that is one or two degrees ' ilgber thin Ibis. After dinming .few lutes, no tbat tho cream bas been thoroughly niiied aud tho temperature made uniform, test the cream again. Vo- »it stands as high as 63 or 64 degrees, pour hot wuter slowly into the cream, churning nt tbe name time BO as to mix as quickly as possible. Before tbe mm is iu tbo churn, I never pour hot rater into it but raise iu temperature by letting it stand inawarm room near tbe t. You will not be likely to have to urn inoro than thirty minutes before rinaot butter will begin to appear. aoon an tbia lakes place pour odd water into tbe churn, and thebutter will gather hard and nice. I nnd no dtta- ully in getting ihe butter to comadar- ing the coldest weather. Infact, I pre- fer cold weather for butter nuking. It cr to raiae tbe temperature of tue in winter tbaa Io keep it aulB- Biently low during the heat of aumme.— '. 1. H., in If. B. Farmer. Tte reaalala lafame. In the aqaare clow by ia a statue to FarmeggulBiBo, of reoent workinuihip, ud adrilkiBg fountain. There are but twporlhneaboota of water in Parma, but even tbat u a krgeaag to 1 1 of taee, oae hone lOOwittlMUCIIFICt A noalhara pafet priaH tan totlowinf Boriag rtory of nabHaw arif-aaetMee by adog-a lie large Newfoundland. A •uapiag party oa the ooael of Oeorgla, r Bavaaaab, bad beea aaoaiag them- arrraabyswiBBiacia tbe Day, aad a vaatanaoaa lad aaavJ Charlie Balk* bad awam math farther, and •laid loag- ertbantkoraaL Tha writer, wbo m laeowaeroftba (hat, draejal kiaaalf, aad waa bar/ at tke oanap groandato- aMinfl anapar whaa heheard aa aamj. Aiaddeaoatcry |n|d ata acwthiig waagalagBnanf oa thaakora. Ol biaf a rife aad baateaing back, witb Carlo at ay heels, I beheld feller a diatanoeaway. nionaiig eitb all hu •urilt, and oaly a lew yards behind him Ihc vertical Dn of a hage abark. Tber. mwl ao pomiUIUw t a i l tha boy's life oonkl he anted; we were without boala, and 0ah aad man were waearl; ia line from us that I lid not dare to Bn. Iia Mfload Buck Oarw, oomprehaading the ailaatioa, daahed through tbe aorf, and darted Io iwin toward Charlie with a speed I have never aeeB equaled by any land animal. The boy, baling kiaorely covered most of Ihe dlatance between the reef and Ihe ihore when the man eater started after him. wu compara- tively fnah, aad, when ke eaw tbe noble dog kaateaing to hia help, Bade a anal deaperale etbrtlo anoape. In another iaataat Carlo Wa. elo» to hia. i-aat then, however, the abark, haviag flotne Bear eaoogk, Inned ao that we ooold aen hia white belly glistening in the twilight, and waa all ready for Ibe .price that woold annly ban ended CbarBea lite, wbea Carlo, leaping clean over Batter'a lofm, appeared to go etraigh! into the mooater'a anxith ; aad laa hHar, aavilg got bis upper, disap- peared ia deep water, while Ibe kd in a few aeeoads wan aafe oa Iba abort. That aight oar joy over oar eonmde'l maeae wu Bunded witb nonow for tinWeno gallantly » r i l s e d ia bk behalf, aad Io tab day tbe Boaaorv of that thrilling •eene tUJaBe with eadaeea for the Ian of Black Barto, my dog hero. i : ta.a n aildlnKa. Jobbiim SLATE BOOFINO. ara.ai.Bd froa ibe buit qturrl 1quality or Mr lud.udlaid.if i •1HDUM4 TTWklMlkt itWIktM, mp tin.l'.-i.ntriR uinm n(arm-. luTI JTmTTT pfmeil Iwiir, ttiat cnulit ulk Bad plead to Rn lom. anil act thill alia, tba IDcckertown Ind Why Haees an Itoewa at Wllllm. The oaatom of throwiag one or Bore old aboea alter the bride and groom, either whan th«y go toehureh to be mar- ried or when they start oa their wedding journey, is so oldthat tke aaamj of stretches not back Io tin beginning. Borne think it teprraeatK an aaaaall, aad ii a lingering trass of tbe enatom among savage nation, of carrying away t b . bride by violence; others think that it Ua relic of the ancient lawof eicbange or pnr obese, nnd that it formally impliedthe aamader by tbe parent, of all dominion or authority over tbeir daughter. Una, a likenewtoa Jewinh onatom mentioned in tfae Bible. Tbun in DenteroBomy we rend that when the brother of a dead man refused to Barry hi. widow ahe Hearted her indepaadenea of him by "looaing hi, .hoe." Alao ia Both, when the kiaaaun 'n- c 1 im to Ihc inberl- ... lu to Roth alao be indi- . . , cated hia ajuenl by pinokiug hn nboo ats t. eight iacaM vah Mtb. aM«tb, th, and giving it to Boaa. It was also the saullar eari Mai pal iato tke .wealac «f tt! oustom 01 the middle ages to place the rsealver, It le paeaiM. la talk la wUaaera bulband'a ahoe on the head of tba anp. till aonnh, In token ol hia nomination. rlhaaoBe can aad il neat of tkeae pUin towns, nnd, es- pecially lathe traveler wbo baa jnaa left BwilierUBd, tbe loen of raaoilg water ia No Swiss village iaeomean, » >wa nuowdad, bat from aBinprenend- ing iron pipe there guaae. forth, pelloeid, glittering anil opaleat, a atream of Ihe I and fnahaw) water, wnich leaae la jofonaaad alaathearn iato. baain with a gay aaak by night aad by day, and poors naTwittoaujndiiafaroloaioa. Bat ia tbeja Lombard Iowa, eoeroaly hen aad then eaa be loond a Inmbiriag with long aad auanive haadle, at which n few Binutea' severe loU pro. ~ ».aaalthtypoora.daicgardlydrib- of water. Where fotrrteiaa are tbey prattle with Manwd aid paraiawiiot. iota, aad nheHer tbeir iaadeqaacy nadcr atetae in Ihe saodent tsate. Aa a rale, the modern ta«c In Italy M oat whilbetler tbaa in Eigknd. Theyddight tohoaor Iheaattyn ami the heroes of Called Italy, Mo Iowa bet has it. Cono ViHorw Emamnoele and ViaOnnar, with (or theaaoat part atatneaoHkr. Bare aad there k Tin Maaamn d'Aaaglio with no Matu. Thawworaaaf art are l o t better than ire cmgiw of Mr. Oobdea or all Bobert PeeLaadtka arowaiaf horror sfnllil nutoe of Victor Emntanal here in the laaia di Corle. It would bcieg a blu.u, tbe cheek of a Yankee atonenaaion.-— baaary af the I It aay one has taken theriverronteto BndiPeathinder the dellalon that he to aee file neeaery be ia quukly dia- bojed. Tke riueet Menery of tbe Eraanba it above Vienna, between tb. capital aid Linn, aad alao farther op, as ~ir as P.aaau. Along tbia part ol ita snne then ii a oooetaat auoceasioa of rilkgee with cutlM, hUU crowned with rains, nbbeyn in pictanaqne localiliei and undaeapes of great beauty aad rarlety. It in in tbia roapect on. of tbe moat aoteil parts of Anatria, which baa greater variety of landeoape beaaty tfaaa any other country of Europe. Below Buda-Peath tbe view, ire line md bold. The nhorea an atore abrupt and there are splendid reach- of the river, which receive, huge Iribntariei aad bnooBaBB awn najniHn For aonae diataaee below Vienna Ihe levee, an a Ikoogh not noatiai»«. The bud near the baaksU low and thehUU beyond them Ihe gentleat aadalatfeae. ke town, that an paaaed from lone to ime do little to wnbanoa the interest as I. their appealanoa. tboagh all of hid their little aaUnwith tbe rnrki SOO or MO ~ bank, auoi after kavug VianiaTia bis- A aneeaaafnl test of the Oakaai Burhl ignal bntera waa made in New Torn u.. .r night by ctacera of the army and r. The oomBoa torch, lighted with oil or turpentine, baiikeretofore been nerd lor carrying mlaaaa,, at light between far at alaUoaa,oaBoardlahta well as on ebon, bat tha .ysten has ' aalruMworthy. The Uatnaa batera is nu smturol by aiiaepH aw- ibanical devbM that aUahei of light can snow. Mdesired. Then laaba eor- with the dtah aidthe dot Intha eorra|»ndingilhlhednih.^SaK •aah with Ibe dot. Tbelaaleta hi aot • o n tbaa eighteen iBeben hiajh, and eight incheaaquaK. A amall leap with Ibe tame in tba focus of aparahoHe n- fnrnkhei tbe light Jane eloae bafora tba aanu. by aaeaaa ol wnieh the uhea are regulated, aooordnur to the lom a y ^ m t f telegraphy. !%.«.>», rendered steady by aeana of a Kesed draught. Ibe toapeal diaUnn »;rn.U.i b u been between Fort Mycr and Soaar Loaf Mountain, Va., .Wot tbirtj-avw milea i nlgnara bave been d c h a n n d W - tween tbe reservoir in Brooklyn lad Bandy Hook, about twenty mSnapart.

tin m mil mmtm - Rockaway Township Free Public Librarytest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-03-19.pdfTow ton SO « 7»]> 1 sula 1 ml in 3 ni 4 85 15 0OJ ai (MI

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Page 1: tin m mil mmtm - Rockaway Township Free Public Librarytest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-03-19.pdfTow ton SO « 7»]> 1 sula 1 ml in 3 ni 4 85 15 0OJ ai (MI

cavum mil

tint mThin injr Otto hptr.

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puuLiauiu ana n o p u n o u .

OaWawllukwelfcfeM, ant ieav total••Hail Una .teat


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in nuimior muiiex DinEurj.

omoB «T i n r/uti w i n ,DOTtt, 1.1.

Corner of Ilaaiwetl see t n a . Ma.


1. B. JOLLCY, Proprietor.•neeaaaOavriaia tola*,




iwn nu umimm.Bonn,«. J


DOVER, N. 1.


BCaTEM o r H1MB8.A list or char** fiU'BU*.uoaau|ilir.tHKJ.

4 LHUlUaC 0. 8MTK,


ItealdeDco, Diivnr, X. J




n w i K.. povrni, N. 1.




cnnlnwta . f e w .rial,, a. the IOWM awMiWe iera» oaelateat

III It . eiraaUei .Treallv guci work

N O T I C E !

K«Ute or n«vU IUm«ell,deeeuMI.

the orHer ef Ike Hurrogelr

<»TM iMtmlrtd suil LIK1I|;-M.UI, mitire l>ivruur given to a i | ntrtun,* litviuiz eltlmi<K>lci»t ibe r.i.tc i<( Di.l.l HuMBX-'il, late old» OiuiiJ (,f Unrrliailtitto-tcml, to prn.i D[ theMM, Milder O.lh or l l w i n u , (a \,•oilber, on or Wort* .IH <•«, t.i» ...oe-iber neit. bumx IIIU muutlii from therlaleoriftiaord-r: an., my ercutlnr ntplectin> .oUin? ,u .nde ih l t t l Me or Inr claim,•into aalb «r aiir.Mt.oa, triilm, ibe time •»Hn tBrt.will be * „ , . . * LAVI^ nf LI* or fc*raeifcH. Henforaftltiit Iho Admliil.u.t.ii.

Dated Ike .rat ila- of • • M i A. D- 18t»7.IMIl,YC.Il4aHUtI.L.

Ailroitiiitrat.il,>< I** In .ke. . 11 If. K. 1.



line* in nil UwU of






and fverethiria whiuti Ii Berieriilr brjit Ii' i.iiifciia ip,!i • •cl»|tj „!

H.Lrlrr la.araace ••« I n l KHalc

Ami.OFP. POST ornoe, DCTH, S

t«R«lly aNtboratd iKeut, wltb cartlfleate ofaRtlKiiltj lur tb« Hfeai «ompaatel ID Ik*World, luclmliiig Ibo !ollo*iiig:

KTINFIITAlj, o r NtW VOB«.:Ht»Ma, I)? XKW Y0II1.KltalX, W BfUtOhtTN.

sses'tjsisas•BTRKflN, ••* MINIAHHINOro-J, o r » » » . « , • .

1'HfrVtOr.MOI WMBlhOfWI.Tim onlinilnd PfBuiioei 01 thru romp*.ntt

.•Wilier tit b tbe Individlal Kapnniiiiilltrtbeir WH.I1I1 v •U.rehol.len,» «f nach Inwieoae

jpoptlom i s to entitle tb*ti i t ihc runes.wt imt itriiMMinnee.r«o*<Mlr«blfl dwclllBK* for m l , on Kor-


or souus OOUHTT.otnoc .T i . t Bnui^nvu,'



k U n K m M M t a i W M )aaUDOVER, M. J.


DOVER, N.J.M M tv«r J. A. I^OB'I itm.'***.

4 !•••• |iMlllff*« U P WOOD tm ml*.



NEWARK, N.J.LAMUt U P aUr • IOOCI ri tkl KlVk



lust AU in ann u i M i otr.iun lu

iiurar OOITTUCMM'.

P A I N T S , OILS, &o.


'• • • • • aM rwUltimi. '


VStMMaaM t Va>M0« BWaffaMOyim Q<9Qah



Olirih mghtK-.ni Mm.DOTUJ.1 .


Ctrpwitar afrf tiHttor,

D O V E R B A N D ,

fr.l. FrMk Kmttor, Lutftr.

S. MtNck;•- PrnMcM.

Th e*ceri eT ta. ltover Baal wieh te»a|aec,te,¥»|ieMI


..r.ia* wtas °.f eiA0jK uMn. aa Ike flrraRlod luaj t«)liiK.

A «w»lirnt*i(kf2rni«r*»; I W H anil a!liteuiUHOtlff-i ID m^« cWr, liiUnn litoml. OHHI «|>riaK *at«r. v«tlH.f or frilt»«*i, O« lit. 1I><|M> riMil B M M •«« aittl •

M f utl trn Ihiver For (wrikulura mj»«i, O« lit. 1I><|M> riMil BM f utlm tnrn Ihiver. For

k K 4 « r JM f utlm

Alt'/, O«ten 11 J.N«ii.l.l*...r

M l * p

FOR SALE.lUvlna tf-BMVMl frets (b«i |.lat>*>, I tif*r my

Man (alt >••«.• Sl*J OrlUr ba-rawiil) a«4X lor-Ala l^e-irUii rii..««.i.,-B oa aftuc

Jill . Uirad Hpiiait water; itfiod ifirdriBj itvriefcjrer Irtil I N N : pice U,m, Trtmt •«• - .Tint proitrtj I* clear of all .neuMabranpM.for pariiculam iuqairfl nl the Km *,•••• or•r ttMiuUciibor.



FOR RENT.. N U N tna.ll litto Of

ffiiil to Iw tba lie«t Inj u uiy ntor<i in aula m>. A l l o r d f r a d r l l v l

- . , s ' , 1 , r j i s "J. J. LA


Is the bent Wauling |»ow.

derlnthe Market.

U i i per cent, stronger

Hun anjr known expUnlve,

In nut nu dnngtfoiH to

haudle or transport.

In plaxtle and produces

nrach leta ftimea.

I* waterproof anil

I« wold tM loir HX tiny other

hlRh explosive.

At .tema /troiti hw lir KTf b.•ao.: 55 Llkarly St., N. V.

WKki: OrakMVlllt, N. J.



Amos H. Van Horn,73 MARKET ST., NEWARK, N. J .

Will law.* •>4»r, tor Carpet and r'uraltarf lit cant pllie, wltkm iMiall airpmlt • • men ana hala IkiM until Niiriac

wllaoHt extla tsaalgr.




> arf Ll(kl Caalw la Iron, t rw ,

r&^;s:so.rbTb?tThe Equipment or Iron

lines a Ud


Tnltliti tor tlii) coming year, in

FOR RENT.th« 1.1 ol April opal wiy km«« andatotrk M. Io» «*.n»M bj J. B.


0HA8. LURCH,nAUOBrOKSALEeaeesyteraia. FlaaaaUle a**l «t bait price, liaaee take. '- " -luuaa aad Plaaw taatd u i frialKd.


7M Jt 76B BROAD ST., NEWARK.HKW Tft.l|]| t -:• NKKr TERM!

DAY AND KYKMMl HE8SIONH.PVMtnaiikUp, n«ok-kMpiD|t, Aritbaoelic,

d«ii(v SjiAlMnf Mr Hfrataa 41C*rtHp«nd«ii(v, SjlMnf, Mr. Hfrataa 41per uonlk. Shorthtiod 15 fnr Ihrra mottlhi.TjpewriUBf, GflnNMlair and Card WnllNg.

0. T. m&UJt, MMlBtl.

WILLlAl KIKtiraUCnOal,


PAHK HOTB1J.nona.v.1. BasTMIanrR.

Virat-ol.H pccwatniwHeiie ra —.ad ttaialem IELI-IH HI. I f I. well .IM-kedwith all atone of Ike twal atariaks an. clinm.HI, Bool rooiH U always open la all !«r*trs cf

li.'STi,'™^—iSRr™ " "la aorriaaad adj.ial.1 enatka, aa. .k l~w». ..


• I S U I LUBCB,a» FaaHa Ave., far. » a K..

Saw Tark City.




MT. OLIVE ROLLER MILLbe ftrliaaied ror the bpat roltrr flinr aiad«

in Ihr-HtRte It (tie fallealiiR rate, VIE: Fora#h barbel Ho. I whta* tbe, gel in ric-hingeu lot, (••cmrravorlTc'latralBhtfir, da rollerl.ar sod II Hm. Irani at aolla. I"Our•Mal>"lf*aa7 nateat iMUrfluura.il IS rae.kraa. •lba.morcrlourlfnabr.il. TryiL

NVrnllv yonr,,I . BTEfBina 4 CO.,

Ml.Olfv., N. 9,

Clint* Cellecttr'i Nitlct.TbaCcnntr Colleclor will Ira IttneHanw.

Rale*, aftlce, Uorrl.law., fur Ilia tnimaclJoBef ba^BCM, on Tbundav of rach weik. froml.'.k»fc A. It., M U LM. II. All•aaleatiuaa for bin ahoald '•aekawar. MAHIXIM I


llheUlulFall iljle, an t» foaad at


JOSEPH C. I0HNSON,•Sml tM* DplMM*nr maal tUpmi

it ttM «M M«n« m€ Wtm. I, Caltattf.

ttUMrW MMti* UMl fcMfl;. MlfWUawdi ap aaal total, C S M BMIIB«. BI



SHOES! SHOES!W h o 'would purchase a machine made shoe

w h e n H E A G A N & CO. wi l l furnish their

own make Litt le Fal l s Calf, Button, Laced

and Congress a t the following astonishing


Calf Tap, plain or tipped Bait, - - - - - - - 13.50

" •' Con.re«s - - ..• - - - 3 50

hand tewed, teamleti, - - - - - - 4 . 5 0

KM - . ... . . . 5.00

. i

We accumulate this line of Shoes in dt(U

season that we may keep our men steadily

employed in order to retain their services for

the busy season- The quantity of these goods

are limited) and every pair wtll outwear two

pair of factory made goods. Come early and

supply yourselves.






•-1) nu lii» rtliiru fniui nu t-xtuuuei]Huntbiiutrip, fouuil iiiui ifiiitu futliu

lit! nv<>r wbat in kuowu aa tb« Birm-laiu rtgioo. If r. Bussell ia tbe youngliHliiuan wbo bus been operatingCMfully fur Hcvcrul niontbs in Hontb-Bivm-itics, UpuakiuK of liis ttip be; •• I was ruurfc tLun ple,BeO witb

uiv visit to tlie Hnutb, where my imilialu obji'ct wna to look over tbe prop-Grlifn of Ilii! TciiDCSbce Coal and IronCitiupauy, iu wliicli I LuveImvilv. At Nasbvillc Mr. N.cliLlriuitu uf II10 nuance committee, andMr. J;iim>ii Bowruu, Hecnitar; andim>r o[ tun cinipuny, were quite obligingto unc rue all possible iofoimation as toHiii-uutpbt of coal'auil iron, nnd tbe af-fairs of iho compaoy in general. Mr.

tir sluiweA me tlie ilaily rcporls offrom llii'ir several olliericH, wbicb

mgu 3 5IHI tons. As to iron, fromu'biit I could galber nt tbe onlce audfrom tbo iiMnugKri at Ibe furnace, tlienil|iiit will iiniuti, 430 Ion, ilailj.\ii»»». Umtcrand ltowronInformed meImt Ilieir preuent pronti are most utia-•BCIOI-.. I alno met nt NB.bville Mr. W.M. Unncnii, Mr. Kcilb, Proidentof the

rib Nnt.uniil liana, Mr. Williimii,Vim l'roaiileut ol tbe First National

ik, IIKI Ci.l. A. B Colvar, dirccton


SO (IUVOR Duly Brn8S(il» per yard tlSS, reduced to !)9 ant». 100

«teiivT«Jf<!rt'yvBrui»ala p<* yanl 75 i«.ut-, ieA<"«-il io 5« bouts. 100

pieces All-wool Ingrain per ynrd 75 coutR, loducod to CO ceuts. 2fi

s low-priced lugruin, per yard only 25 emits.

SUITS T60 Parlor Suite, all the latest atylcs of frames, upholstered in Plain

Ifohair aail BaiboasuJ FIUHII, regnlnr price $7Z, reduced to $50. 25

talor Suits, (7 pieces),Walnut frames, regular price 150, reduced to (30.

BEDROOM -:- SUITS.fiO ffnlont Bodnum Suits, Msrlile l o p , 8 pioi es, regular price ?li5,

reduced ta $i7.S0. SO Walant Bedroom gaits, Murblu Top, 8 pieces,

tegular price (SO, tciluccl to J37.S0. !">0 Antique OuV Doilroom Suits,

pieces, regular price SiiO, reduced to #3ti. 50 Arib Bedroom Suite,

regular price tm, reduced to »:!7.'i0 l>0 Ash Uedroom Suits, regular

price »:W, reduced to *22/>O. JTO Cherry Bodroom Suits, regulnr price

(4U, to close tlielu out ouly ?27.fl*>. 23 Bed Lounger), regular price *H,

'educed to W.73. !i5 good mural Mattrcsseu ouly «1, redncL-d to ?:l.

good Bcdapriags, regular prico fB, reduced to $1.50. 25 ti ft.

Ittcnsion Tables, regular price $1, reduced to HIS.


arble Top Tables, Sideboards,

Clothes Presses, Book Canes, Writing Desks,

Extension Tables, Cliuirm of all kinds,

Bedding, Stores, Oll-clolh, etc., etc.,


—j COST PRICES |—and* hold them until Spring with a small deposit °» them '

extra charge. (EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT.)

0 r Oooda dcUwcnd fm of cbu|> Io aor (art or Urn Sitie.



CASTOR IAfar Infante and Children.

n r»l!«. OaMtrallni1. TUarrnoia, Erucltul

O a r i n Courin, i n nnun nnaa, K.T.



Ten (lie beit iDiIaeementi In ttili Hue in tlm


IIANCE. Pru't, ,r.nora«,l(.J,

• i n j jtUM ha tan been in bmf neii. & large•tonga roan It tttmolitt) io liii

•hop OB Cliaton BU Dover.


POVBB, M. J.^nin«thc Dover1^ I ' r f ^ r

THE LiaC-allB CLUIA nuprise nwaited most of tba mem-

bera a* tliey entered Paradise Hall attbe nsaal weekly meeting Saturdsj

I. 'i'lie old stove bad been replacedMining entirely new and unique,

•fld tbe Coitiiutlee oa Ai>lrolof,y, t<vbow uotiring eCorU Uw obange in due,were at hand to point out tbe new pur-otiite sad rspttiale on i l l weriU.Harjn« betm empowered to take snobaction u Ibej tboagbt bNt ander tbeeiroumiUBoea, (be ooMBitiee tuld tkeold otove for U S S owfa in band. Tu«yIIMB lent Ibe Boney on a cbattle aiott-

» t o •aaJoon i i wbo Iwd aet upi In "Kftinlaek," wwapiMd to

keep ouaiomen away for two weeki, andwbea be baatAd ap (bay Hiied upon bis•tore to aatiafy the mortiagt.

Xbe new atove U called " Tbe PolarKing," two laga are miaaiDg. tba doorIttcha a binge, and tliere are aercralracks wbiob nigbt aa well have been left>nt, bat it is a great and grand improve-

ment oa tbe old one. Wben properlyfed »i.b nail kega taken frou ttw abed*back of th« hardware atom it will warntbe tberuonwtber up to 110 defrreeB,at which point er«n Elder Tootf OMUMIto ahiver aod pnla on a •aniowery look.

B ^ v t which tlieyinti <!.i!eiilult><l tlioil pi-ofils for line yewwould lio uvcr 61,000,000. Tlioj \M6tlicii1 CBtituatu on iron eolil for forwardJelivtT.V. 'f pfixed clinrgcB RU.1 tt biobiag fauil ol^70,000 wliicli would Itvve betweenuud 7 l>ei <nmt. dividuad on the orJJDirj

They K;,J-l iu dividcud,

p i l lt of thi. will beu tlie balance de-

volnl to npouiug more coal Holds. Mr.ilowrun i* a conntrjiUiiB of miac, wbclas lirrn nil bis life io tbe iron indlnil 111 o« years residing iu tills country,

Hu M «i«l Im had boon nil over tbe ironrtic* of Uugtnod nut] America,Ibu Tail iu iron comes, us it will

come, tbiH Tennessee ami Alabiiwill lie able to produce iron at a profll

ithcr flection cf tlie coantrywill lie nblo to <li> so. From Nisliville Ivreut Io iioulb Pitlsliurg, utapping tou furnnco of Ilie cempegy al Cowan,

and NatUville.tunn daily.

I diHluot betwiien tbat townIt pioducci uboat 70

'1 did not visit tbe iron and coala lu Tennessee, but I nndarntani]

taut the cojl anil iron arc of good <]oal-itv anil pnsily worked. At tlie mines intbe Tcuneiwee division tbe company baaa daily output of 1,700 tons of ooal. TbeAlabama portion of tbe comiiany's prop-ertv I naw tbcrougbly. A few ruileefrotnUirmiugli.im Ibey bave literally a

iron, Ihe orn being taken out1 quarry. Mr. Morris, who

iformed me that be wna tikiniogtdatiy1,(10(1 tons ol ore tbat produced BO percent, of iron, and wben tbe new f nraioa.wore completed nl Enaley be ooold beable to like out 3,000 tons willi tbe

Bii milea from tbe iron ore DM'is tlie Fralt coal mine md tbe fonr lew'urnices of tbe comptnj nudel connlrao>iion, wbich are being rapidly puakedforward to coiupletioo. Two will becendy by Augunt and tbe otter n fewluotltiu later, llieae fornaets bavo aminimum output of sis hundred tone,~ was much struck wilb tbe rate witbwblcb IbC caul is handled, tbe mint.pmilncing 3,000 tons daily. Five

are being made wben some-tblng like 2.5OU tons more will be ob-

ined, lint even thlt will not satisfy theemaml, wbieb K growing day by dayi ench new enterprise is atarted M

Birroincbam nnd in that neighborhood.feel certain before two yean arc over

that the company will be prodociagimelhiua. like 10,0011 tona daily. A

profit of 25 cents per ton would provide'or all died charge, and sinking fund,saving snracipnt to pay 5 per centlividend to Ihe ordinary itockbolden,

but I cannot understand wby tbe naan-?nt tloesnot work tbe coal opening!us well an day, aa tbere ire several

ippoailion furnaces standing idle for

ant <jf coke. At Birmingkum I visitedlioA'ico funioces, now the property of

•lit- company, marled none nine years;.. l>y Mr. T. E. Rillmin, wbo .till•noeca them and is Vice President of

Ihc Tennessee company. Mr. Hillmiiras billing to give me ell neoeasaty in-

Uis oulput I. somethingike 180 tons daily. Be informed me

at in mast depressed timei Le ,altta to make a bandsomo pront

ind find a ready market for bis pig iron.Wbrn tho four now furnacen are oom>ilctcd at EiiB!oy be aaya tbe company

will be aide to put out iron even cheaper*:nn be can dD witb tbe Alico turnioes,

• • tbe iron ore will be laid down at the15 oraU Im then be oan get

Droat present and the ooal md coke» ire on Ihe spot. One a n eaaily

estimate wbat a bandaoma proflt thelompany will be able to make aboardprices ran as bigu for iron n o t year anley are at present, when Ihe oompeayrill prodoco aomelbing Uke 100,000 lows\it a 85 profit as tbey are making BOW.M I conditions would leave a profit oftwo million dnilara or 20 per cent, Io tbe•rdinury shareholders as intereal onbonds is more thin met by- Ibe eoal bun-[ness. Many a,k ' Where will yon and

market fur ituch an ontpnt of iron f'lity hove only to Bo to Tennnaes andlabama and tbey will even in a short'ait am trail enterprises atarling np andI couteniblation snfflcienl to take it nil.on may laugh, bul l tay tbat tbe dayill come wben the Panama Canal is

" tb>t Iba iron product, of Ihcico section will be .hipped on

urges from South Pittsburg to bent tbe moutb of tbe Miaaia-

ippi for Melbourne, Ojlculla and 8ban-;boi, underselling the English prodneL'

l a Caagat laa "lair."Mr. II I.. Eminon, I, a auccnafil fanxrvia« mar Kwnicn. Station, in Hull.auiiwoHbi|i. KorH)nietim. paat b. ka,,1 tbat III.'

Tbe Chairman on tbe CoBBlittee onLigblboiua ,iibniltted tba followinfwrittea report:

"Diaoouuiltwe, bavin' uia mqtiartedi look ouer de weatber report, ol Prof.

Bumau Jooo. tor de laa1 tbne atoalaaan detemiine wkelber dia olab eoaU

l apaa bli reliability aa a me.betprophet, woald rtjpostinlj report dalont of aistj-eiK ptediotioaa aude by d«Frofeaaor ooly three tnraad oat to boa'KCt. WbileobaBalarterpanealaiedin kia be lot bora Wiuiai aa' other.,we lael it oar dootj to add oat dia olabetn'l take aiob miibtj laull cbaacea aato Io bad aaay in ita aaiad."

" t perfectly agree wid de report," re-marked Brother Oirdaar, "andegeek-retary will write de Frofeuoc to de eafcek,dat we aball boy our weatber io oliaokaan' apUt it np to anil unraeWea."

A VfUKC'H ABOLUUD.Tbebrandi clnbat Winebtater, Va..

wa. eatabUaled about a fear a«o, andlor tba bit t i l moot, oomplaiala hirebeen frequent ind nuaaeroni that the


A railruad lutm, writiug uliuut theInterstate e luw, «

You see tbe railroad uicii don't know,not one ol them, bow the new bill «.opcratf, except tbat HH it nuw Ntundhwill prcclnde Weatern graiu from eut<ing tbe Eaatero markelu, aocordlufftbe "Langand aborl-baul clauae," wbicia, that no more shall be charged :'proportion for a short baul than forloog haul; in other worda, if n railroinow carries a hundred nonndh of flrsiclan freight a distance of rXKI mile! fiaaj (for convenience) 80 cent*, it wouldbave to carry tbe aame amount of nrn%-olaaa freight to Kewark lor nine-tcnllof a oent, a dinbraee of about nine mile

A. about 80 per cent, of tnc curmneof the average B, K, conies from thilocal traac, it ia very easy to «co Uialtbey cannot afford to make tbe shortbaal rates conform to the long baul, bulvice vena, in other words tbey will make

tue total ol tba bas lr n eoaatitale thithroagb rate to a given point. J canuolfor the lire of me aee how it is posiible[orthe Weslern people to market Iheiigoods io the Elst (unless tbey ship I',boat) if Ibe bill ia carried oat to tbo letter. Of ooune ttw Comaissioners havithe power to repeal any of its objectionable olaueea, and I aappose tbey wilamend il to Nit Ihe Woatern akippuraand abokek the long and abort haul pur-

• an apelyiBg to, say graio; if tbia isn i l aiU be Ihe conunencemenl of

aoclety waa a bad lot ol • Proofawen trull/ oblaiaed tbat ol tbe eilty-four awabera ol tb . branch wbo met

a a week, ailty4bree ought to be iafor Mealia* «ad tbe odd i tlor

beaUng Ma wife, Brother Oardner an-nounoed at tliii Betting that tba ehutefo f 'Tba White Boaea" bad been re-role'aiidtbelelegniphwinaeot, aadthat circokr. woald be lent out wainia*tbapabliototaateBiel.

voaaMM aBunoira." I bold b*ak ia aiy band," eiid tba

'doeameat, a letter of inqwiry from amemtwr of da Kieblgu Latfilaafcuaiin* what poetabu dia Li»-Ki la Olabwill take ia eaas ol war batwwM theUa.tad BtteiM'Caaade: It awpriaaifMAUaay ewekia f«rk momea* atp-

d l ld ftmhs anj odderloyaMy Io oar


poa* dal we woaldpoaiahaa dan OM ofkeatry.

yyWealwald tberjoaeofaiaeeka gov'ateal ooatnet an' asafca

laa maeh aa awsaiblw. while da whilefolks wo«td be hfttaaVd«Ifmtte'."

11 Doei « • aaderstu' «V Cha*r lapredict a wart" ia^wttaw

b"Ma, B B . ]

Geaadaaa' diakeatry aa awiaa to benirecbed Bka palUn' aa ob ananaaaW,bat dar woal be aay war. Aenaa daooe.n, gov'aHata m a ' go to war to keepoMranbjaskaiaK baloa din aUa wafail atop loooaatdeeoal. Atrwakata-

anjitwotaC dairBoof. ia ravorof a row, bat a . Bseki.ic aa' fatwaarhei got lobe heard from Bab- war amdedar'd. De Called State, tad Canadaa s b ig 'a i r i t 'aa ' ole ' aa l l o bakav.dainelw, aa' arler a liana dU ekla.aaniek will die awaj oa an air aa' 4 .Iran an' da eagle will Iia d o n togalkar•gala i i peaee. Da a n ' taoalw Bad.between da lv» teatrie. akoald kewritten by auBeakBh-bnw. He Buy Mbe iHe to git ia auay big words, bat kewill d e l e t e Ihreeaiile liBitao plainlydat It WOBI be fo'Bile, to OM party aa'oily two to de other."—DOroU AajlPnu.

roada gel also*) aay rat. a. wante.Tkea ~

AI iJ i i i inmr rmingMijWbea Mr. Jeakiai weal to ki, bed-» a al half-paat one, it wa. with the

determination of going to akep, aadwith another determination that ke woaldaot be Interviewed by Mr.. Jeakina. Hoaa MOB ai ke had eatend Ihe door anddepoailed bla lamp upon tbe dreaaing-Ublc, he began biaapereh :

"I looked tbe front door. I pat thechain on. I palled Ibe key out a littlebit. Tbe dog to inside. I pat tha Ulanoat. I emptied Ihe drip pin in the re.frignmtor. The cook took tke nUver Iobed with her. I pat a ewe aider Ikeknob of tbe lack hall door. I ahal Ikeraatmlega over tke bath rooa window..

The parlor nre has 0Jal oa. I pal tbecake boi back in InecloM. I did Batdrink all tke arilk. It i, not goiag Iorain. Kobody gave ale aajr aeaaage foryon. Iauiledyoir leUen u a c o a a i lgot dowa toon. Year Bother did noteaUaltheaaVe. Hobodr dud akal wawere iaiemted ia. Did not hear of amarriage or .uga.eBeat. I an. Toryoosjat the oaoa BMkia( oat bills. Ieve hangaydolbc, over okahr baoka,

want ss»w egg tor bratkfaat. Ittliakthat ia all, u d I win now pal oat laa"rat,"

Mr. Jeakina Ml that be had kedgedagiiaat aU iasairy, and • triuBpaaaismile waa aponbia face aa ke look boldof the eaa check, and sighted a line forIbe bed, wben b e a u greeted by a ring,ing laugh and tha query from Mm. J . i -Mai:

'• Way didn't yon take o»your kat r•>•-•>

A h M r W r t a a a .AgeaUeaaa entered a Chicago gna

lore and aaked to be shown aotae re-volven.

" Here is a nioe family weapon,'' aaidtbe clerk.

"Family weapokj I"a family weapon; joel the thing

ban tke benelt on kia products, andrailroads are allowed to charge him onkin (rain rale, leu than the local rales,tbe dealer, in anebjaery will nay, here,yon oaBBot torn yoar grain into nouinnlMa you nave my machinery, and ]cannot aford la pa/ anok eiborbitantchargwa for freight unless I increase theprioa of fonr. Tbe aune would applyto all ki.ds of agricultural impiemnnU ;and if the ball is once alarled, it ia hardto aee where il will stop. Il is mj opin-ion that at Ihe neit aeaiol of Congresslha bill will be ao aanneed (if notaboliahed) that IU moat intimate friendswill lot recogniae it. It is a good thingfor railroada, for it prohibits tha cuttingof rales. The rate, anal be publishedopenly, nnd no one can be favored. Aman who sbipi a hundred Ibi., of freigb!a year can gel j u t the same rate a, be

who .Up, of tons, Tbb putsaJIroadioa an eqaal fooUnn, and Ibeone that ghee tba moat aatiafaetoryaeniee-bewt tiaw, ic. ,willb« the oneto got the DUiBeae, You aee BO OBeknown whal April Sib win bring forth,ead ia ooajeqaeaee Ike Weatern bujeraare ioaking ia New York like lie, , andatarj ptaeeol goods aaipped ia inrarihaty aaatraetij for to go Weal beforetbelaler«ata Coauaene Bill becomesopemtit*. Thiaof couraemakeaagraiidlaah. Thai agala. during the peat tanJay, ratei to Wnatnra poinaibaTe beea~ otaalaad i enry road in eager to add

a aewikipper to hia IW, kopiag by•kowiagaim fawora aow, Io letaia bitpatroaag. altar April 4th; eoBaeoneoce,

aaekalkiagaaealtalea. TbedUhnwtreada ben patched ap a Ireoe now, aadrales a n a«Ui iwatornd Io all appear-aaeaa, yet If a shipper i, aharp, he eaa

War Iteeaa'l tke •atlerCMae.It is 1 question often asked at|tbis sea-

noil of tbe year, especially !>y those wboup but two or three cows, Hud girt! no.'ciul attention tu the dairy buiitics*. I

ocoaeioaally bear of one wbo bau tovburn ail day lieforu tbe butter willcnuie. I duulit if uuy work etumei-tr.ilttitli tbe farm reoeiveii Ho largt.' a. pi:n-f:iit-Bge of iinneceBMii} lalior iw ovburniiir;

-iog tbe coid months of winter. Tbereare Meveral points to be considered inconnection with tbia subject, sueb as tbekiud of ciiuru uacd, the conditiou of tbecowe, tbu kind of feed given, etc. #utthose wlio are successful butter makeraiu lummer, if tbey fail in winter, wayfeel quite anre that the difficulty ariseschiefly from the difference io tempera-ture. If they will keep Ibe milk and,'reaiu at Ibe aawo temperature iu winter

aa iu autuuicr, tbey will bo very likely tofind tbe lung ohuruiugH unnecessary.But tbia is a diflealt thing tor tbe ma.

to do ; neither do I consider itoeceuary thai it should, bo done. (Juliea low temperature dora not injure theireaui, uor prevent the butter from com-

ing, provided the temperature of thecream be auflicienlty raised several hnurobefore churning.

Let me give a few Tery simple direc-jns wblcb bave been thoroughly tested

and proved sound. In tbe first place,a thermometer ; Jo not attempt tu

.•burn in wintar without one. Oue suit-able for all ordinary purposes can li»taught for about rllty acnts i and it willpav for itself many times in one aeaaoii." VOIJ (ili'irr'.^f (t;.:;.. \ *it. C, uu uiini

atir tbn cream every day, and put aiinall iiandful of sun in it early in tbeweek. For several bonrs before churn-ing, raise the temperature of Ibe creamo abont t!2 dcgrccB. When put into tbe

cbunmec that is one or two degrees' ilgber thin Ibis. After dinming . few

lutes, no tbat tho cream bas beenthoroughly niiied aud tho temperaturemade uniform, test the cream again. Vo-

»it stands as high as 63 or 64 degrees,pour hot wuter slowly into the cream,churning nt tbe name time BO as to mix

as quickly as possible. Before tbemm is iu tbo churn, I never pour hot

rater into it but raise iu temperature byletting it stand in a warm room near tbe

t. You will not be likely to have tourn inoro than thirty minutes beforerinaot butter will begin to appear.aoon an tbia lakes place pour odd

water into tbe churn, and the butter willgather hard and nice. I nnd no dtta-

ully in getting ihe butter to coma dar-ing the coldest weather. In fact, I pre-fer cold weather for butter nuking. It

cr to raiae tbe temperature of tuein winter tbaa Io keep it aulB-

Biently low during the heat of aumme.—'. 1. H., in If. B. Farmer.

Tte reaalala la f a m e . •In the aqaare clow by ia a statue to

FarmeggulBiBo, of reoent workinuihip,u d a drilkiBg fountain. There are buttwporlhneaboota of water in Parma,but even tbat u a

krgeaag to 1 1 of taee, oae hone

lOOwittlMUCIIFICtA noalhara pafet priaH tan totlowinf

Boriag rtory of nabHaw arif-aaetMee bya d o g - a l i e large Newfoundland. A•uapiag party oa the ooael of Oeorgla,

r Bavaaaab, bad beea aaoaiag them-arrraabyswiBBiacia tbe Day, aad avaatanaoaa lad aaavJ Charlie Balk*bad awam math farther, and •laid loag-ertbantkoraaL Tha writer, wbo mlaeowaeroftba (hat, draejal kiaaalf,aad waa bar/ at tke oanap groand ato-aMinfl anapar whaa he heard aa aamj.

Aiaddeaoatcry |n|d ata acwthiigwaagalagBnanf oa tha akora. Olbiaf a rife aad baateaing back, witbCarlo at ay heels, I beheld feller adiatanoeaway. n iona i ig eitb all hu•urilt, and oaly a lew yards behind himIhc vertical Dn of a hage abark. Tber.m w l ao pomiUIUw tail tha boy's lifeoonkl he anted; we were without boala,and 0ah aad man were w aearl; ia linefrom us that I lid not dare to Bn. I i aMfload Buck Oarw, oomprehaading theailaatioa, daahed through tbe aorf, anddarted Io iwin toward Charlie with aspeed I have never aeeB equaled by anyland animal. The boy, baling kiaorelycovered most of Ihe dlatance betweenthe reef and Ihe ihore when the maneater started after him. wu compara-tively fnah, aad, when ke eaw tbe nobledog kaateaing to hia help, Bade a analdeaperale etbrtlo anoape. In anotheriaataat Carlo Wa. elo» to hia.

i-aat then, however, the abark, haviagflotne Bear eaoogk, Inned ao that weooold aen hia white belly glistening inthe twilight, and waa all ready for Ibe.price that woold annly ban endedCbarBea lite, wbea Carlo, leaping cleanover Batter'a lofm, appeared to goetraigh! into the mooater'a anxith ; aadlaa hHar, aavilg got bis upper, disap-peared ia deep water, while Ibe kd in afew aeeoads wan aafe oa Iba abort. Thataight oar joy over oar eonmde'l maeaew u Bunded witb nonow for tin We nogallantly » r i l s e d ia bk behalf, aad Iotab day tbe Boaaorv of that thrilling•eene tUJa Be with eadaeea for the Ian ofBlack Barto, my dog hero.

i : ta.a naildlnKa. JobbiimSLATE BOOFINO.

ara.ai.Bd froa ibe buit qturrl1 quality or Mr lud.udlaid.if i•1HDUM4 TTWklMlkt itW IktM,

mp tin.l'.-i.ntriR uinm n (arm-. luTI JTmTTTpfmeil Iwiir, ttiat cnulit u lk Bad plead to

Rn lom. anil actthi l l alia, tba

IDcckertown Ind

Why Haees an Itoewa at Wl l l lm .The oaatom of throwiag one or Bore

old aboea alter the bride and groom,either whan th«y go toehureh to be mar-ried or when they start oa their weddingjourney, is so old that tke a a a m j of

stretches not back Io tin beginning.Borne think it teprraeatK an aaaaall, aadii a lingering trass of tbe enatom amongsavage nation, of carrying away tb . brideby violence; others think that it U a relicof the ancient law of eicbange or pnrobese, nnd that it formally implied theaamader by tbe parent, of all dominionor authority over tbeir daughter. Una,a likenew to a Jewinh onatom mentionedin tfae Bible. Tbun in DenteroBomy werend that when the brother of a dead manrefused to Barry hi . widow ahe Heartedher indepaadenea of him by "looaing hi,.hoe." Alao ia Both, when the kiaaaun

'n- c1 im to Ihc inberl-. . . lu to Roth alao be indi-

. . , cated hia ajuenl by pinokiug o§ hn nbooats t. eight iacaM vah M tb. aM«tb, th, and giving it to Boaa. It was also thesaullar eari Mai pal iato tke .wealac «f tt! oustom 01 the middle ages to place thersealver, It le paeaiM. la talk la wUaaera bulband'a ahoe on the head of tba anp.

till aonnh, In token ol hia nomination.

rlhaaoBe can aadi l neat of tkeae pUin towns, nnd, es-pecially la the traveler wbo baa jnaa leftBwilierUBd, tbe loen of raaoilg water ia

No Swiss village iaeomean, »>wa nuowdad, bat from aBinprenend-

ing iron pipe there guaae. forth, pelloeid,glittering anil opaleat, a atream of Ihe

I and fnahaw) water, wnich leaae lajofonaaad alaathearn i a t o . baain

with a gay aaak by night aad by day,and poors naTwittoaujndiiafaroloaioa.Bat ia tbeja Lombard Iowa, eoeroalyhen aad then eaa be loond a Inmbiriag

with long aad auanive haadle, atwhich n few Binutea' severe loU pro.~ ».aaalthtypoora.daicgardlydrib-

of water. Where fotrrteiaa are tbeyprattle with • Manwd aid paraiawiiot.iota, aad nheHer tbeir iaadeqaacy nadcr

atetae in Ihe saodent tsate.Aa a rale, the modern ta«c In Italy M

oat whilbetler tbaa in Eigknd.Theyddight tohoaor Iheaattyn amithe heroes of Called Italy, Mo Iowa bethas it. Cono ViHorw Emamnoele and

ViaOnnar, with (or theaaoat partatatneaoHkr. Bare aad there k

Tin Maaamn d'Aaaglio with no Matu.Thawworaaaf art are lot better thanire cmgiw of Mr. Oobdea or all Bobert

PeeLaadtka arowaiaf horror sfnlli lnutoe of Victor Emntanal here in the

laaia di Corle. It would bcieg a blu.u,tbe cheek of a Yankee atonenaaion.-—

baaary af the IIt aay one has taken theriverronteto

BndiPeathinder the dellalon that heto aee file neeaery be ia quukly dia-

bojed. Tke riueet Menery of tbeEraanba it above Vienna, between tb .

capital aid Linn, aad alao farther op, as~ir as P.aaau. Along tbia part ol itasnne then ii a oooetaat auoceasioa ofrilkgee with cutlM, hUU crowned with

rains, nbbeyn in pictanaqne localilieiand undaeapes of great beauty aadrarlety. It in in tbia roapect on. of tbe

moat aoteil parts of Anatria, which baagreater variety of landeoape beaaty

tfaaa any other country of Europe.Below Buda-Peath tbe view, ire line

md bold. The nhorea a n atore abruptand there are splendid reach- of theriver, which receive, huge Iribntarieiaad bnooBaBB a w n najniHn For aonaediataaee below Vienna Ihe levee, a n

a Ikoogh not noatiai»«. Thebud near the baaksU low and the hUUbeyond them Ihe gentleat aadalatfeae.ke town, that a n paaaed from lone toime do little to wnbanoa the interest as

I. their appealanoa. tboagh all ofhid their little aaUnwith tbe

rnrki SOO or MO ~

bank, auoi after kavug VianiaTia bis-

A aneeaaafnl test of the Oakaai Burhlignal bntera waa made in New Torn u . .

.r night by ctacera of the army andr. The oomBoa torch, lighted with

oil or turpentine, baiikeretoforebeen nerd lor carrying m laaaa,, at lightbetween far at alaUoaa,oaBoardlahta— well as on ebon, bat tha .ysten has

' aalruM worthy. The Uatnaabatera is nu smturol by a iiaepH aw-ibanical devbM that aUahei of light can

snow. M desired. Then laaba eor-with the dtah aid the dot In tha

eorra|»ndingilhlhednih.^SaK•aah with Ibe dot. Tbe laaleta hi aot• o n tbaa eighteen iBeben hiajh, andeight incheaaquaK. A amall leap withIbe tame in tba focus of a parahoHe n -

fnrnkhei tbe light Jane eloaebafora tba aanu. by aaeaaa ol wnieh the

uhea are regulated, aooordnur to thelom a y ^ m t f telegraphy. !%.«.>»,rendered steady by aeana of a Kesed

draught. Ibe toapeal diaUnn »;rn.U.ib u been between Fort Mycr and SoaarLoaf Mountain, Va., .Wot tbirtj-avwmilea i nlgnara bave been dchanndW-tween tbe reservoir in Brooklyn ladBandy Hook, about twenty mSn apart.

Page 2: tin m mil mmtm - Rockaway Township Free Public Librarytest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1887/1887-03-19.pdfTow ton SO « 7»]> 1 sula 1 ml in 3 ni 4 85 15 0OJ ai (MI


Tin Dover Printing Company

Saturday, Marrhi lit. 1887.

Iiittjittslirjjr Uew-ioUM.

In., ,l.-|ii>.ii. A . * ii>ll«- l..».i\s«.l.-mi i-lit'i k. rail !»• u»l n-ml.v. ]»il>li

• u f l l i ! \-. liiMll.v, I" tlir I'IILT!i)N »!!;•.•..• mui.lt'l.vlhim.'l r'.lli'i.ll.v,

UIIIMIT at \Vn>..iiii|jtuti. Wiurii, ll,.- Tiu-i.-.-- in 1--M, i.i.d wiiit-li

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IM'V .ll'lll'|-1. I'llfM'tlVll,ili/i' littt i)i-i I I ut i<ii 1

(li.il IliitnVI :iutl I'l.iuli .dl I tie .Mo ini I A i l ing"!

.HMl.-nii,;, l lBi ( . t . .l . iu Urnl.iiii i.l.,mt tiliy t|i]Hil^ol n, 111 SlirwiTk.un.t ..!!.• ll.11

,lln-r lw,. .I.IVH, at i h . t r l i

II,... In...


,•1 1,.' -.mvh.lHM. r..v

* l ' l » *I t i l " HIM


\vvi l;i,I S .Tl

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. .eni ln-r i- t o . . *

.,1: , , . .H-Hi.K. • • i -MlH

A I'litinfii lor .S i iu-mr.v ., , B w u - m M l . w l . l d i » M• fi.r I l i f f vfirK. O-ii-iir;,, i,,-. H M.IM-LI. .L...L L.I.-..I IS . . | 1 *l . | IW.» l l i» - l l WUK

III Hlllljlll


b.V II

IM.j . l l i lVI . I Iln- 1,111.. .-MSI. l . f l " ! ' 1 till" llll.tillll

Iv'jLrkNiMl WjMli''!l''l-.i"lVllll'lil' u r U r wlim-l

nill't^^^H ifl.(!('=:V' Ii.'i ll"iiw.f.ltli-iriir.tw»il [•• know ilii'uMii"<urili<'ii<'i>|il<'

uy HIM .von liv » ' 11 III II' 111.,

ill lit.- h<-1.i iiun.luy nK.miiiK uml '. A. M. ll..rri«V IHHI Si

•writ MTimnrt-K-it


I U . M . Kml 1'ii-^UvtH'iiiiif.iiKnx.Hii.iK-. N"*t « « • .p «i l l t-ii tu I'.ilif.TH.w. Mr. lliinii* I"". i n ]i;i.-4li>r ul Mif M. K. Climi'li In-rc tinHi i- yejirn ntlii ill tilt! tlicilllliUir liit-n-ain-i-llnl,1,1,i i»rfii.iHHi <iii thf H u m * li.v m* unti i ini:

I i l i i i n - n i l , w l i i r l i c i i i i t i i - r i Iiini

m l u t • c i v . l i t . M r . II

U<[ |

IlllVf ll

].iil. ai

/l'ic-.v a

wliuwl l .i., Hit-ir i,...»..r>-. I Iitriwtllljf Slllll lull "I l-'ill'IICiitllPHS,-,'1' Till* ••lll.ll ttill 1)1 ll.fllU'Upl'luloiiiM iifw tli'M Li' l«lmri' n i l l nri-uuil-lUi Miu'll l>it- tin


Hu.dK>iue Invitation a id Cart Wtrk.IViili IIM' newest K.ri|it tjpen Jnnt rcieivsil

in- Kit i i» |>n'])iirR.l tu <li> mi|n-rb work in tin-

\ M - l l i ; i ( - H A V l ( H ) K - H n i c lSiKra.iiitiiii M. K. rm-*r>ujitii-,r i:,.<-.i. ic . i i \v r'.iii.'i..iI I,. ,1 It..,, .'.ml., l.olli «l !{..>

im.i'III) ,\,;,l l>

WILSON- Al Mniiut I'll

NOTICE.- minimi in.-, tir.ir nl' 11K- Blo.kboltlert.orli i,iii AHin- lCiiilruiHl L-omimiiy will Iw

1nM WKhSKSDAY, Al'UlL tttli, lt«7. atI.YI.M'U A. M., at tli.' Trini.in Il.n

ion, N. .1.J. WKSLKV l ' lLLMAN,


Mineral Farm far SalaAT l l i n X U , S. J.

l'oj.Hi>M>iuii (jivi-li Iitiiiiiiliali-I.v. It'ijuiH!


II' nilill*!.. IJIllllH1 Mill- lit (tie Hull" illU. Julltu.v. lMv«r. N. J i


ui Ji.Vlnrl I'.ll.


liiiiniHlritliir nf Cliarlc- <<lll.:ii, ilt-i-ru-ed.




CK.ly roml tux worked fj.imm•f ntxoH remitted, Win• paid County Collector, 7,1.12 VI

iUD-lit, r.r'J!K18paid ijouuth-*) IfiifiO

•• J. Wright lirucn,Tr«a S. 134) 40

bul. iluiiliiuH! uncol-lerteil, "H!W

FOR RENT.IIOIIM- -in I'niHiui-'l ftrcct, now <weu-

\>m\ l.v A.V. Smilli, titim April Int. A ie-Moplmeof rttiitilvii'tt. Ajil.lv tu

H. V. OHAM.v ]>uvvr, N.J,


O«H- BM1. on gntm.-i•t fr'm April 1st loany. For Irriim, apply

jfff.iVB/iTiNl.Dj 1OKn.MASS, )

Thn 01.1 FI'11'IMH'HM1. on SOHK.-I aireet,l iv .r , will be let fr-m April 1st to ant- orginKitmu or society. For tcriim, apply

tlii in; tln-.V miKlit rrtjoir..— - - • • • •

POST 01*11..luliii Willin

Mis'r-r*. \\"i\ ;,m 1. KirliMlJ^. J m l l lirill-.'1 liui.dniiin ruiulu I lift r c m -illrn:.'!.! ll.Mi'Mnttn, t',., IUHI

viiliu- lie l.i.il.]II>II. V m m

i-rfti'iv. .li.ln, l>.iil M.'^-IK Willi;nIlilllilll IllNi-M'lUl

iinK ,hi.i>iiM>i Kh.i.r 1 DmI r.li'i'lhin. ('in

Tut tilHull

Kt. M.-Ktiuhi K it ml twiWII nut. Tlitw lili--.nl n

m i n i wit- lillr.l i.i i l - nliei'ituMi iMim.-ily,

r.irw.ir.l HLLIIUM- ilinl iiiuv«.l ^uliriliifttirjr InulU.Mjrn.l,..].

til»l Tor ^1'lH'ni TriHl.-e. Kvi'^'tIlillU |IIIW.Inil'viTv .- l,.:l,,l.|,v, II.I wrnnnliii): nor an.v

r.l.-rliv K.I S, Hm.tres.'il i'liulrtiiun, ami'. Till' KUlll Of «MNhont l:>\. nln.'ti «u-

0IBHA1I TALLKT.T1i.!".Mm- ivT<>H"..niiiH..1tH|Uw:

ilMt i'tii«J • ii lit tal (I IIK n l ill tin: hull i.!uy (-vt'uiiia, i

M'l' (),.' Ihl.'k.'l

.t't'f. TiV Urn


-li.ill liilirl'it. It lint, v.iiitl nliltl lU-'t' l iri' l lK'll :>llll .M^UII'l'I'H 1111

Hl.ilimi njr-'lil-. t i ! l f S r i ! | ' t l "innnnei.H, i n u i luirul l i iH, lU'-jniti-lnt-r-, ftnpt-i•i i i icnilt' i it i i iud 11.11 k m .

r. N , I . . . , (.-„].-. I KM].

i l l n . N t f i n e c i l w ; i - ' n r » t

It' vvi^ buiit'cli in Iht.'k-

, iv nl II i.Ylni'li A. 11.

v, Ii.. k u r u l i im (i.'U.'l

i' t l i : i l Iir


iiitd (or MITIII'III

Ikliiy ikli.uit Ilir |Htijiri'HH nl iPH. ulll i l.itiii>lii mill tliuili-HI ii

niruati'Hill) kU.lMrtlll.l.V 111inc. "fil umlifiiK »'miilxlli.Ti'.' 'i'li.'.vtlrt'iiicti in Hie ntli.lite ' ,.1'tlif rmt of tin .' I iimmiut'lliixkimlol ^irenh.iinn IN jii,l i>* ]>lulilulil(.'ll.nvii.'x tliroryof vvolii'ion ..r Itnli. luuer-H 4 l l l ' ,

Ihm.ulU vr .M it

K l l l l

.411 thi' |»,,.l- ut'i.- n.'ll ili.]-elKiin.l II. H:u,n l.i.Ki^lt , | , ,1 VII it,.' IIOIIMlitno. l.itltn Irri,.-. Cfn- Jt^.ii.kfH W.>lrtiui|iiy «.in.In lul in In r ,ii:rnbiilir (<tiiuin-H. Wi' nuiil.l n'i'iiiuiiu'ui. tliis Inthn liuint 1iii*liili..n.* mill if n if.

Tlio t/mirierlv iiniif om on TUIMIIIV.full of it!lcn>«tinn rviMlinj;. Fi.O to

et'ltatiun Uv Cli'iirsiuli nl jourlloli. Hintlrlle's

ml I itI- rtlll'Kfl.4 t'..,..(> ut' II

i l l 1

ill,. , , . .

lllO tl..JaUl o f t lUKU u U b

i' Still

i l .T . Wd,.li ln.hiiiiil.li t.-itmtif in,I! mil hi.

.ii.'.m i:nl,, , , ,!, I,opiiri'lii.M'ilil fi.i

•reull.v iniri'liiisi.l II tin.• l l .O' i of Cluirlc

TIIP will Io A]»il 1M|

li W. Mill.«r. winIHlti

lut iw.If Illlllll III-.I LVI'.I..II- I'IKIM^IM Ill.OIltnUU * i l l i , , . n e to.n.l i l l * 1'c-iH.rlo.l

•I.|..VMI. l.t.ll.la.'l

HiliM rtltkcr «lll «-i tu Iti'iiilvMimii. K.I. .>]>cur, I'runi Linln Itrnok. will ink,-ilmr^.- oMr*. IliiKtT-rt tuitn I!.- I't.iiiiiit! jit'iir. JoinVilnius* ni l l }<<' t;i K, I >, Mi'i.]it<ii*.- li.M.Nf, amiM'illiani (VvH.nnl In Culilnn. tifoyit- S.lluirunl itiitl Krnnk M, Slt-iiluns will l u hillioii tlicuiiM Iv.'i* Ilir tluiirs »l liDiihi.'k'.'.'iiiii;jor i l io lirm. (it-.u^ii willcnitio to tliin |>h.-tU1..1 tierii| ly (li» IK.IIMI.U |{c.irKr T. S.v... Lhainer iiml f-'innU »ill -;i. m S.lin..li ,i« H.nin

Mtt. LVIIUINMI "!"• lii>- I- . t. M'i-i ill iKlowl.vr.-tov.-rin-.

Mr. Ilorum, tin r,,ni,..i, i,-.- ,-rci.m ,l,-,.l<-r iiN « » Ymk. irul ii ^ H l . - m .ut l i m hiil

tlieiiitPHlliin i>( imriliuniii- iT.iiui. Il IK ni w n w l Mr. U i l lmntS . Nmij-briiital will lur

jiixti him will! nil (he rrcaui he linn fur Mile.


m-ut till' icry <|ui.'ll.v. .lo-Ub' Iti'ail «-u'

yrnrif, Al.r.ilnim R lln.lil, tlnri- iear.f-jKiilution loial".-*[:•:. Ui^.yt-'nrti.ii.i,v nlliiilebtf.lin'** mi Hi.' Hfimol limi*|., WUNIMby nvoiAoriHuiu aCJ\ | iir-fut. It WIHiinaDimi>ii<>l.v n-nlvi'il llud tin.- TrtiHtetMriiot tin: ruiict'iiir to |irnriiil ntitl ntliAtlseaiinwiliii 'tli i ' i l istlift.

Wm. Smilli liai intiveil in tl.,- ln.u^ «f J. ,1Jnnos mi tin nia.l tu WXHTIHO from IlnLfifci'.

Mr. <!. Mini. Truin V.itk Stuti'. ex|ieH- I.liiuVPflntlh. fun.. ..I Win. M:.». abi.ul A\m1-t. Wi-wM.-.-ii,.. Mr. Jinn utu.iupUH UKHIDu« hi' vvns Mr. U'm. Miiu'* Innn.T wln-n In.•rfftMlhl^iifw l>.>a-.-.

7Xn. K. MOOII,-J'» li r, on ••..uniit nf tincoht wcftibcr, U nut plLl>£Tc^^tllA£>rinvi'4|itill)

is jilt -civ of i. .• in the Ink.- ji-l.

VllCHlluf » •ran llicn: tt'ur

liuilm Mt'Oeilo wliii-h 1 vvrui.liTK Wlin liuvu ni't i t•'Wliiit l.iit-kivfl Vfl I"

luii uiiJt I'rtsi.l.nt,V l.'iilc,

l(rmitll*Yiioi' lmrii:lali ip,Nor licui.l utiiiui tin' Vrtlitwntnnf.

Mr tit'V«>rli(lic<l n |xn.taiio am tup,Ami nvwr mm n telijiiioiw.

H K tioHMtA I'tiilM n( Lin kurci;Hv "ire bf ciiilld nut w.ir-U .1 input i l l :

i U Illliil hi«l |>with Wlntluuli iirnilM',Ami ni>*cr 1I:III » mulch In sorateli.

Hut in thrnf Ja.v»itBi«nn' tu IIAHX,

'\V,-\c all ihr^c tiling-; luil ttnlu, »ln» !

I vnUmn! Hi. .

I llll<Illllt It i.

HliovvmuchHtmn.-tb. All il# rantlr-ft behind, and the Unlini tiekft•with the Kreulr.xt nuijnriiy It h.i* •

XXLTOaf *WD TICI1I1TT,I.t-v, I t .T. Vim CiiiiiiN-n |ireaL'brn Itii lam

MillQU Metlinilisi Clniri'ti on •' t'otitereuerNuntluj," Mntrh 27111. \\v .lo tint kuuwviictlier lie will \\v ri-tiirti.-.l t« tlii- .•lmrj;funotlier year ur nul.

Mr. Nuali I h v . n - , l i n o : near lli.i.i.uHl.•Will inovo tw JHiltou IlitH Miirin^. Iu Mr. J.-turK. ltlg(i*' temiLl lioiidi'. f.iruierluv m.upi-tl 1..VMr. Suj-iln

"Dame Kiintoi 'lorraftnwni lut.v.nli it fullicr-in-lui


HKH it t Mr, l',.viJ

W e

well I hit -J.HIIJ;e runu LI till Uy fit wl»<riir«r be gsirwho bU!< l.e.u tuKer. Nr. Wnlt.

ut the Foul mine* lor XVITHI uiitnlHiao preacliinc in Dm I'otlirt) and IIMliool boDMH, liu-. led lor miioi* |t«rnw e taave not lciriieil.

Mr. Wealey Ih-milf, we lit-itr, t« ,lnuvtiiu thoTtjtiij.lc lioimr, ucar SluJIDJ kee|i Iwarjf-i *.

Mr.Ebenecet Ctiblt ban n-im.l tbnn-eently noli] to Mr. llt.xry. Hi, Mr. Cubbrt-tainji bit old liom- f.tr ut loact

Mr. Da-riil ('. Wull nn I- cttii

Jlr. H « * T * J N O < i.nuitk i- Icritical condition, l i . , m l i hLe m*j not recover.

I.'!-., S.,111



' Ilif, -oHel.v ut Jolin l)e(inl...]ir.

I.-eam'.ii M.-urlft leverwill not H|>rt>u.l h i e

Trent..11 ,-1,,,,,-si- lo i<.mii.H-uic it [ If, [ifhiTiitil, Ilirrntlriail bin mi ii nji.-jiliilii.'tract null ilif Miiilr, Imv in tin- Stalo Kloii|i.'iil ii. Uuvcrimr .Vhliott Iritid I.i tihiuit-.tr itim Hit- I'utril Nluti-s H 'tintu bytiuliliiiK Ibi' n.iln'.t.N ..O^IIHC bo tlnm-lit itwuuid hi' |Ki|iitlur, biiiln-iniiH-oiKHfonni)'and a rj.iin.ii.l man wa- iipclmi to the •>!««».

title i)ai.J Iln

umltrr to knack tlio IIL'W th>i

Tli*. U..r-c- ul Mr. Ljut .num Kot tirt.l ol*ttiiiiOiiin in from uT VuH-uliue', stole in Slilu>|.emi.l een.-lieic.l la Ko Imm... Tlm.v Iuwii.v wilb'int iloin^ un.r |i*ttie^hirbarui, u

iu tlinrliu|icil lien- for tli»' ImU.rrnr, |ircat'btduiilitut Hnrmuti laat ftumlay. Helia*Hi)l»h..lhin-iiuritu ul Uruw SimiiDiiry and tfonc bo meto join tl.t- Xnrjlantl (JoiilVr.'.i..-. 1 wiih liimHiiii't'M M he ){oeH fruni n«. I helkve tin:premlier i* lu be nii]iiilif<i frtuii tin- wmitiary«t!j.t M-iiriil-o. I).,I.


ITAIB0P1.i»lli|.el.'.-li,II.Millll.i»«...tin,1..llfiBl.,luml tlii' 1»H! olllii'ii. fur the rti't>i>li'

«-,re -1...-U..I I.T il,,- -,e.,,iT(.. | | (bin be not tinea^P thru il i* the vut.>r> own fault it* Ihere«>• iilnir v>.leani a fair ..iiint uflh« 1ml lot Hami I buvf mil lirnt.l» wi.nt of fmiU with t ier.Milloii .-IIIIIT HIIII- ur tin- ' (ln-Ht Minfi.uct-finiK." K l)ol>l<- liii.Id WUH tlm tHrRet in Ml.• •llvf lint lie i:num ull' mori' Iliuu I'liinjUeriT.In li.vram nil tlieottliTi-H on tbe mil no H.ik.twitli lint ffWi'tii'jitliiutt wttv. Ilio vli'tlm* til)e-.4lpctl. l.iil ilie.vi.lt irUin.-.i llielr rmwnund f;mif out of tlie tlery trlul " wiclarn," mitnewf HIP olfctfil rntU M.

Clark, tlie tintlprtaki'r and fitrnitnnt numliotu .Vewluu. «-u* in town ro-i!ar hmkinu i ta Murk t l-am..rin.r.et -trir.n by Mr. A)>KiatC 1>y <


) K ,i> Hullord,

l»ta rlcrk m the Ktanhopo bonno. Mr. CUrkvim in rouipuBT with An.livw I*lil11i|«-. Males

It i- rP|i..rieU tbal IIIK Wri|[lit mine tinMiuit Hill, neur l u u p l n p . wiil Nixinht- oj»eu«l.It lia^ not Iweu »ork«l mr atwiut lour veurs.We lin-to it IN true.

Jtibn 1'billipn will move from tbf WriEhtfarm bitck to hi* fara in 4.n>cn towmhip,

hunt April 1st. John Into bi'cn mu.tnii usW i t two jean* and hR anitlils rnmpatibnlitre breii nerecablf nri«hlMir«. unil would bertliuiiirdtOBtn.v.

It i«M|H.rte,l that Kilitor Knerb " liaa wonl.tun- i.n.t tltmr, i t " uml liu» tiu.l witli bhmiguc what hcniTt-roan uutiu Mith Ilia toe Hi.

Ihe Diatriniuirial »<•;" tbal thin tall * par ofth» editorial iT.ft inaj never be to|i|ilcij by

the lluruucratk- i-aoilidate fur poiim] keeperjf Ituntliilpli tiiwimht]i townntil]) wun badlyJclentL-a, but will notowa It. lie u c w m nixright* uml mij-i UP will inniritatD tbe poult Ion[he poojilr linro elcelwl bin to. Wn arexorry, hut hinl lv think hf* will ever decor*tothe liallu of I hi' ('avititl im Cntiemiiiniar. orSt-ciitur, ulllioiiRb lii3 nmiiltbn «i l l le.,1 him

xt uinica the anrpriM i>artl» hol.l at tlirrc-aidi-iii-e* u{ Sam Kw.ikliiimcr, Jatuca Able

IMI AII.OB murk. Tlw Rirl. Hud U»jn Wereair ' T rrfi->ru>l uml Irn.l a jully t ine .

iufeB iJE . . .e ( leor R . 'i- tutu Uucknl out. Wu will have to «o ulao-

•rboff for im!t. We are very Horrj.We. •

Mr. \V. palrVIII|ili', nl Ni-wiirk.<•;.)..(• li.'i.'f.. isil.it Sir. V.S..V

.-.- iiuil, i.ii|i('i'iiil.'iiili'iil ol MIL- III^'II jii i . l u l . . 1 ! * . V.., wliMi Mr. Abi-ui. i..-I l« liki'ii ^iiimlini] IIH Sii|nrvmi)r til'theJi-nwy SiHillii'tii K. K.. IUIK hoiu tninit-i l tnUr . Ahhiilt'* |.hiri! tnitl tin' l;.lli'retnnii'il lo net iti the ttutni' eii.i.icitj1 JIH>l |1..n.t»f.irfl. Wliilf »<• d u l l y wt-l.-iuiip

Mr. Alilmlt JiiiuHiK ii« ii(tnin. klill ui' lisitf Ino niii-li ii KcnllL'tiiiin 1.x Mr. l)ulrvni|ite, W-i,o In- U our --I tliUH" nenii.!. whiih-H.Mil.'.lil a 1 niilnr.-.l uieu tl.it II e*.i

E90t for Hatchlnf.Wruniinllt' .-«;•« from llral.eln.il utt.ok foi

I'liU liin;;. Tivo dolttrt far a until IIR ul llllnBtiilif^'L'at bounty anil tdiod ijualiticH of tinWvarul.itt«>F tnnki! for tlii'in frionAs wburrvuiiNirMiii.'.d. J. AliNUT.

D<if.'f, N, J., Mircli 11 111, 1897. 15S*




;4iioj. uu UiiluD fit., upp. Dover iuiuiVr j a u l

An' jiri'iMriii to ta'tc ami *secute all enninti'ii' U-T Imil.litittx, am) furniati iinUurM|I>M.IJX ami tt'irL-ill^Btioni, "ben denlrcl.

K'a'f It')j6u|-douo in the bent uiiiuacrttiKith tin- hrat iiiatrrlalx,

i pil

i lllh,


li.' luHlllDHleIln- l-L'.i-uleU. ln-t'i


« trilVlllU, lllit tlHT tillMilli mi itbiiuiliiut'f uf tniiTi'itshikltlj;,.vili iywuliiit. nl Imlf-iKiri nv

Urni l l. ' -lit-

ol I.ixl J . a t , -•..!]-ii~liiiK of Julm X>. \Y. Stiekk-, Win. Hill , A. Ki.nlinitti midis. ft. Ti|i]mli, tisive iiniiiimeil in kPf-p Oif-it.i lit and li.tvv n xniull li;il:ntri< in i|l(-

livitKiirj-. A n-jiort ol ihu reci-i|*tti am! i v•MUll.tUI.-l> Will I Ul(lt) ill OIlllT tl> ftllllW tllB),i'.i|ile llif iiflual flint »f iiinlntnliiiiif: llm•|itiinn. A In fa*' iilli'iiiliiut'i' imit-Hirril aii'lllui

ulte uii inU-n-Mt hi tlie timtliT mill hi' oil IlllllllTh.M-nniiH. mill buih-rx I'urllit: Itmtmi llt.ie

Attiii'luii>'ia fiii'lnry tmvp arrlnil . Ifriuu Aiit.ll ur.< tiuntUK Ihuiotif« of tbt. twoliuiitl-i ,U.\ .!.,• ,ml«..,« ui l l f.r- ( . , . . | with |b<Hun nr tin- thirilhml.lUih'.

•pi Ik-iifli innll'heo. Hull. trb.iH.ir i"'iilI'll Fell., )HKJ, In livt- v.iir-i lu Hluli- i>ihinlili'iiillnt! (fullty tu the nl pill in;; ol' Ktl.

UiMtil uml urrlvcil iu itufki'ivraj Tlnrnila,'

The ii.i sishKi'piai'lhie in mill rn^inj:iii Mils

Ttau fiir|n'iitt'rii tire IHIHIIV tiliylt«til upWm. ll.To.M'.- iiuwht'iiMf.uiiatli.'liimiw

.iilly rIVni|.


Wo heartily nt'ltomou to h]ii-uk to tbe (met*

u tbc t- lid tb.w

iiftliPK WIIH tifltl wt theai'li.ml uwme on Tiieniliiy t-Tentiij,'. NaruU Uith.Ur. Win. II. Vi nil).'. Ihu illsirii-l flerk, t-allt-tlthe intflinu to or.ler. Frimk M. t l m * wun

n Chairman nftbu inrellnii and JolmSmith win VII»M>II Sttr«Uiy. TAtew*. Itubert('. HUw uml Win. ('CIUM-II Wf-r.' (.-IKIM'I.H'IUM of ihu elcilioti, T«o lueti wtrt- liutui> lur tru-ti*— HCHHIM. W. Dllnrtl i ier kmV. S. Corwin. Vutt-M wei4> .m«l by ballot, 111.nij;l.t to Imthe L-IIKO at all Mt-Imol Uieutiuit"Tbiru-t'oiir vottM were UAHI, 2.'> fur (1-ir.loeimid ll tor IVrwin, wtih-ti IJIIVO Mr. 41nnluri111 lui'jiiiilj. i lm uitelitii; tblouitbout wmeiiiitlui'teil nilb .inicllu-nn.

Itov. M. C, l!i't-il vi l l iiniich hi- IUITWII" i h e M. I! t'liurchiinMiiiiiUy mnrn-

ililienBiu IhiK. Mart'bill be nivt!ii

\M ol iMitneiHnrie Crtitur, ol

yh. Tbn meriting >n tb« e

h l i d iitt;., bn» 1n: 1 Ilio

Huext of liiw iiHrcuiH ut tlii-* ]ituif tur Ihe |«i»lilayn,i-Scmitdf riu.llehl WHS reelt-eletl Irunii-i

ol K«mi Moute tioh.iol, Hi-,1. Nn. H. 'Ihe Henit.ir IH it goi.il mull for nuv kiud ol liusiaretiIT..1 nnr who is well r^^e.-t.tl. He h 1lirrwil liasiiHM- man .itnl »nc wlio IIDIIH uftcib, ii.H-irsttirhi**..miniitiity.

l>i. Ditvlim ituvc 1111 ait intcttniuiiiviit iiI'oiiniiV Hull luot Tluir.tddv I'vcniiij: lTllnet. Il was miitt tu hi1 uotnl l y HIDNK who utcnilctl.

Mr. t 'ml. llray i» ut-tinK HN fli-k.l ngeot atDmkiHvillf, iu thi' plate uf Wtu. 1>. Htwkilello-

ii itknle at Iitft<t:bi>ol IIUUH thli-VH

We ure buviiiii m'miiucSliitih wmtbeennw,il l l

Wm. Kti

m m u i hwlicn HIP tuoutli i

*'ii.jnr.illoot it to K*1 ulioll lul.

redHi.niilil)- e.\pttitttl.It U uiid.ri't.HHl Unit Thus. Ileytiold-,

hi* iiliitm, will UkocbiiTK" oft tie Wnnlui;on l-'uriti' ini«f, whii-h U ahuut to rt-nuiOJrtTUtlOLfl.

•in. piaiiy loi-i ut ihe reiideuri-ol Mr.lliniK'y Moutlay evoniuj;, in ti.tnoroi

thu MifuWH Himmoun, of 8iu« HiuL% N. V., wluinuM-rlrrcHiiLfa lirrc. auil wlio HIT now vis-icfrieDiUii .thisvicluitj .lliiuiiLiml wbiMlnenUwnf K.ntrht .Nu.»,

uobeltliu tbftHeliool tioiutt Tiu-i'day ov«<»-\£. Mr. Diivhl Jt>nkio» WUN i-lictt-.l triiFlcu

for tho lt*rm ol thriM^ yent*

ili.. ten hu red J..l*Ur-of the -.bout.

I fly, »• ibr.T louutl rtiut Ibe luupopi* it imiM-d far.

•rthnniiiiiiti'tii>ni> hiniilrcd ntiilIIU i.-dHjual.! f.

Soiut-lliinK n<Lotion to hathopiiinniidi. liartnlr*

i* Dr.anie» uut

1'rUr, 2T.it*.

• Coiif-h xCroup Mrdkiue rrlievea inttanitnniton of Ikaibroutatnl tubc» of tbui utigi.auJ van* voaud uruap. l'ric*, 'Jit i-U.

A.hilf L1II0/, enrriajif iimuiifaiturur, HHCarroll St., llulfulo, X. Y.. i-tuten: " I « MfttiihlCi with mtiwen of Ilif itiniiaeh, nlrkunatlai'he and Kinorwl debility. l lnnWkHlOiniUilleriCun-tliDiJ."

- • » • , 7-

W - 1 . OOUtAKD,Oftrriafffl Triminvr and Furni-

ture Vpholittrtr,IITACKWELL STREET, DOntB.H. J.

(Nest to ParJtfl A OUik'a.)IalrMattraaaf a mad* to order ami old aiai

.._««ct tnadu over. Window ihadci made amibun*. Ordera for til kladt of " ~neat 17 and promptljesei



Somt, N. J., Marcli imb, 1M7._ .„ II. Uutan, K-lwardKicr,JBH lltowD. Thin. Murtuu,lUitirClsrtk, Jo* O'llrinc,Hattie A. Cos per, .1. H. Vhtrr,vttuj'nwkM««i •

A no it c'joiuuuii,' jI.iHu'li' HruL._,.McbolM Fob;. 1'cKr Vaaaiadale.

Taablalnaarurtliaabovelattaraiar "aaTirUied'-ud s l . e d.U of ihUliil.

O. 0. HISCHkUH. P . V .

.1. C. HE*

mlpil ptoinptl;

Wit. M.H.IAI.1-.

1 with H. V. B. SeariDM.]

Imported Whlti Mlnnercu!

Tin' cmninn i.iwl <-! Amcrici ami y,reit EnjIKI. licavy UJITH,


v iu p|,loffur({r*ndpeilio_in WliiteHiMihircaairum tin- Imat luenknin F.MK'IUHI, anil nro now book!tig Dideralui

nt JfHnr l:!i fill fur*}.

HOCK 8.)nr glr.jii i>r I'lvninnlh Rocka are w.iui n. I'liiti* (it lints leaNuii aru from btril«i'i>r-ior Kiniidaril of eici'tlcncn. II fur 1;

i:\ ft.r SO : r> lor (It). A fiw choice brt-ediitoct'T.lali.r H i k a t t j e a d i .


Public Salt of P i n m l Prip

erty tn- RMI Cttatt.Tlit' iob-oritiM will OIT.II> far wlo al l.~ . , - .

leoi-iMni tlir mail lcMli'»t Irnm Dcnfill« to\tniptuu. on FUIUAY, MlIUJH 25th, the fol-(iwiiii! tiroperly; Onu norrel born', 3 r u n ,»o .if mine with cilTCK by their aide. 8 two

,;car ol.l cultH, 2 tot•well biitly i-le'Kb, M'IV) rowla. AUu Jill _ .ma plicfl IB ACBErt OF LAUD, on the roautt..).iit; -riuiiD-'iivillDlti Bock, way Valley, par Iif i.lnch !• t.lUble anil part W.M.J, k\mt*icrod of Und, on which the »uh*(xiber no-n whieli the tubavriber now

d bonite and Imra. on the roadt B L MU t

liMiptrtDover I _ . ..J6.1i«ll t.n hmtl


THKRutir-criWfor tlie

Lombard I t

have at-repted HI a

«Huriitinn liavinii * paid

d l h r d iil npuanitaiofani

uaift-d in tlie uaafDeai olomiiiiit moiif.v OD Wenlern propertj ancut'i[t.tiatiiiii tli« aet'nritiea iu n.ncb naaier MIlu.iicltl U< ihp iDvralor «U per ceot. per an-mini, [tayiiltln ncmiuntnmlly uu Ural nort-

* nt» ft.rer.illy arlpuled pmpertk* *'"- -* —'•• '—* rail Inlereat fi

Wts in vile the nt ton I ion of pei-anna b .loim- tu invent in *unia of «{K) ao.l u|>wardiii tho m'liiitl™ wliieb we ure prcparetl tiIff i' nt pur and iu-cnied ioteifit and wit boyi pen pe tottic louder.

ration clihrr hy letter or lu p-raon to

UiCAKT£U,WlMJAMSON,V]|.;CAftmAtlvrut-jH and CoUDwIlon at Law,

WU llrawl Ht» MewariloM.ni, X. MvCABTtK,K. D. Wii4.iftNi*oK,

Estate of William A. H

t*cott, deceased.to thePB8U4I

of tbu , . . .loiirlui'iitb day or March. A.•and elghi bantlnd aad •Ight;-bbroh.v girt'it to all perauaa havlat dtJaaikf-aiuut Ibe estate of Wm. A. B. Heolt, lala olthu Count-' of Mttrrli, ^eeaaed, lo uvaenl theisaie, under oatb or •Mrnation. to tho tab-wriber, oj or before Ibe loarteeatlnUyolOe

itier nMt, heluft !• ooutha from the date oli»itiurJor;irilaD.?cr«litornegleotltigtol>rtpgIn aud oililblt his or ber olaini, UDder oaib ornffirHiatiuu, witLln tbetfuju Mtiinitad, will ~lotfrci birrtj.l ol hla or t m aetwa tkantgalnel the A'huluiatraltfr.Dated the f.nmn'iiili daj of March a. p. ll


Adniniatntar.'ClO.v Weohawken, • . * .

0. H. H 3WELL, - Auctioneer,


THOBSDir.IlRGH 24/87



it bis leaideoce, t.D Hi noBtlH credit tot ap-;nr:irt>d emlorxcd note* for all awni o*er 125.faalc . - . . ... . . — -at 1 o'clock

1 Turn Stylish Bay H i r m ,

6 Alderney Milch Cowa,

6 Alderney Hatftrt,

2 Alderney Yeirlla|tf

Parm WaRcw, MOWIDX VaefalDa. 1 m J U k t > ,Harrow*. I'tow., Sulca and Satlar Seitea.Grain CraJIfi. -fejlh-*. Hio»*)U, SpidcB. Hu-nof . ,B . l ' i . O.im BholW. Onlter. Obeatnat,Walnut. 0a* and P.M rtatk. BBd Boarda,'»rno itat of

Iron Bare and Ctdar Poitt

(ur fendns, 3 Ik-inn Macfa.M, l i t W Oal-La Ki tl Ie, Iron Batli Tub, 1 Colniabla two-ovi w " lot %w Vum and Oartja Toola, Wlw,







nuim w> i

•£-r*.*??5p?SP5 j »"


Mar, tt. l u Ital. from lait jeur a;iW KlIKW.

Fel./JN. •• A. Kiinfinmi, Col.Kim, )K77, ai ID

•' imt, m" IK*), • :n« ••' l*«l, (IM11 18*1. M SI

IJUBH npet'iul. . •bml M.l l .mr»u, Coi. 9i


K<('.t M. B. Htroll, Col,1HWI,

k-e'd M. ll.Nlntit, L'ol.li

'. DOVIT 1'riutini Co. . . . $& MiKoudwork . . . . ' . : «*«

" returna *muHoiiutiea ou wild uui-

UIUIH 1«SONbni-ii iluiniiKe ft! 2ftTare uf poor MnWIKlertloo cxpenaea ami

HMtorhotel and|ioll-iasplac«a •JOT. 75

J. P. mtickle, Juntlee,tats warrant, *,. ' 11 in

Oom.of A p p a l . «IH)M. II. Mtr-U. fJol. op

('oiuruUte* aad Virile m mHQ.M1 guide boarda . . . . MK7A. KuraiaD, <M nxtW. P. llrjao, A w w r 38T «M. B. Strait. Uort^ea SOllW

•' bookmfce. »UftBalance. 8!Wi4

Stale of Nnw JerwyMorrli ConnlyT

Chanpa E. Tlppelt beinidulr awora on bin ratli Mflb that lbt» abov.atateaneubi «re trite and oomot.

Iworn and Mibaerlued iIMIOM n * thli la*h >daj- of Martb, 1887. )

JUUK 8. Oumom, MoUry l>ablic.


A litEW buoae oaApril leniodera

Arenne, frot roan, gwod water MIa

HOUSE TO LET.Tbe Coopor rcild^nw on Mt. Hate Are. . .

mmj, dealMbl* reaiileaer, with lajprove--DODtB, good water, fruit, ate. Htu efRhtrount'. Applr to Mm. UaoMr.at tkehnoae,or Ut John J. fevkhart, Mstria atra-t.


tltefoUowiMPropert*-! SrAKMHOUaV,COIB, tbeiioia, lull, «6 thtckeea, double

*h*»T7 barncaa, aew far* wafi*, t i —goa, bcavv alat, wltfc lro0ins mill, c o n ahellar, * pi

, ..j, fl toytlMa, t Ural.* era-tie*, IS toBaof tiaf, tnora or ICM. iabaihela ol pctatt-w. t i ts a lot ' '•rlioU-, - f r " - -

pprlusj wagoa, bcavv alat, win iroo abotitraia tan sine mill, c o n ahellar, * plowa, lr.Ceaai p o t , % •oytbca, t RKIB cra4lca, o:

icle*, InclndlDRHKllfraawtflKaMemen ami, tuartila*tnp parlor atavd,mcrcmotbeilhlogi nutiaKiHtloued.

title to comnKOi* at II oVlockatotn,,. oe.t ^ ' ^ ^ j ^ j

FIRM TO Lkn-.-^ThThna im whlah ttatoaak will Ink* place will W let M «aaj tome.

PUBLIC SALE.Tli* tubscrlU r will MU ai hit raaithBep

»eBniark, on

WEDNEiDAY, MARCH 2U,1BW, tba following propMone cow am) calf. oa»baatf tlire«-i|«iB|t wt*r-wagon, lumler «IK«BI

3 Rtcel tootb harrow*, Dnldwr pk>w, I c mplowa, t«l team baranta, wa«on pale, I twteAght fcanuaa, 2 netoaewUfbt h u i H s , (Wib,palronehorioboka, trMt-abod atod, » l>arijarJ fawli, Mir sola atrapa, atrar of belli, 9cbuma. f rafTeradl* 11 bVahla of pilat


wli, Mir sola atrapa, atrar of belli, 9. f rafTeradl*. 11 bVahola of pilatopa,

ae.*tt(a, atieha, horac hay rake, a ilrasrlngknitea, a n » n . puat e n , otdtr bwrwl, rjitwwindlaa*. nint liammer, cnoppiait — ' - * -raica. lot .rebain.. bwi, pteka, catablea. chain,tnlBfraBf•taim^i

al 1 O'JIOC* V. M. aaarp.M. D. UTOHKL, AaMloaeer,

FRAZEE, CONNET & Co.Ctatral Dry C M * Start.

657 I 659 BRMD St.


Flnt Btttfid PitMMMtwfltt.

F I M Btulfld PitMRUitorift,

eo«pri>lag •legant Bead<4 Collar-. Capcaand Panel*, aeuarale Oraam—'~ " '

OallMm >nd Kdg<AIMI, T*ry floe Hn«lde4 Ol_ r . . . _ - ,

and 8ets>, for WaJita, CollansaJSltMTeaTallof wbUh a n 0- - . <IMlrabl«, aad aa rk..p aitbe beat gooai caa be pni-ehaacd at la aay

ity. WeaiaaaakattotitlaataBaBaeialoftarn i of tooda for


.ndadiai Ten fina GnWoiaariM andOnia. S'tama Nal.aoaka and )


wilt a baiatlfo! UaaoClalaaU' Cu>, Unaaaa. I•kliu.aaaalaat.aaaaurka.wail a(«Uabweukaaeb aatieaa aa goad gaaaa aaa right I







Men's Fine Calf, Genuine Hand Sewedtoes, - • , •

Men's Fine Calf Shoes, Goodyear welt,equal to hand sewed, -

Men's Laoe Shoes, solid leatherthroughout, oorreot styles,

Misses Extra High Cut Sohool Shoes,Ladies' Kid Vamp, Patent Leather

Trimmed, Laoe Shoes, very stylish, $2.00




Pannage tickets on all the principal lines, and drafts, for sale at our office.




JOHN A. LYON'S.t» ai« aaw aferlBf juaalcr iadaMwau to nujwa tbaa mafarliltliatalai aromar->t •III H. a D M WAV D o n LOW u .alt Ihe pankaair. I . a l te la a im oal aatIra .tack «« .kail aaar a»aM ganaBnta waildcrablj

BSIaOW COST.•UT ml.f»ctarilr ta all wha wkb la ka>.Btku ban aaaa sa Ika a,Klec,f..ecj |i•aj about it. Xiawlalanlaaupman


(IK»eB*i;8HlSlirEllh..cawaBbairaeaa; noaalf vaj i

la orfat la pnpan for oar aaaual laranlory we •tall aaka a aaaaial alaaablat M aB aatwlaMrmoaa. ]l«rnl-) Bataala.1 Batiallil aH. A. LYOFa, Oaa. taaKil ••«»•

Bprlat ti h«r*l Be an wi, to li -mr itook tf UVWt

mBHT OTttOOATi. u d a royal tttak it U. I k m U

uwtkw Nek U Xowwk u i kat fcw oatiMo tk»t will oo«

fart with It Vkis I* not fiaey, bat Hut. fh* oalr tro»Wo

with th» faclUh Uamu««, wkoa wt atttmpt to la i wort*

to da oar itock jutiot, it ita tvnttj. Wordt tit att firt a

proper oonoptlon of ita dxa u d •oaitottBtti. Tktro att

(armanti of nnj i ln and eebr; of trory wolf kt, and .f all

mattrials. Wo kavo raaauktd both tho DOBMUO and tho

roroi«n Harkota and gathtrod thorofrom a oollootloa tnm

wkleh aaybody t u bo oaitoo.

Another point: Tko wkote itook b of tho L A f » R t U

whother you •urekato a Coat at H mr oat at $1«, they will It

tonally woU. It don't coot mjmoro to sake a cto**.tthaa

a poor one to thoto who know how. Tktro'i tho rao; thoy

don't know kow. Who don't t Why not half the oltthlaf

dealer* ia thi toutry. If tiny did wt ihoold not MO W

maay Ul-tttinf tarntnta on tho atrttt. But oomo In aat

toe the COATS.

KcORBOOR A CO.,150 s i l l 852 BROAD STREET,


III7.I # 1887.

Pillsbury's Best.Oni ttoek of n e n l i u d i u i i every department n thorongh u d

complete, having bought largely and STRICTLY FOB CASH, We

•lull offer to the Spring trade at still lover prieen Oar goods are of

the beat qnalitf and an Inspection will convince the closest buyer ot

the genaineness ol this advertisement. All competition will be squarely

met and our patrons can rest assured ot onr intention ol fnBy meetingtheir requirements.

SPWH6 C18THW.We are receiving daily! We have al-

most everything pertaining to CIOTHIHGfor Men, Youth, Boys and Children'swear. We sell all CLOTHIRO at a pricelow enough so that no one in the city ercountry can undersell us. In ease yonwish to buy #10 suit ask to see our #6.80they will please you.

Should you wisha #19 suit take alook at our #10.00ones; that is verylikely what you arelooking for.

We sell Suits aslow as #3.80 and ashigh as #89.00.

Always have on hand 2,000 pairs ofPants to select from 75c. to #7 a pair.

We have them as long and as short asyou require, as small and as large as youwish them.

Single Vests 90c. upwards; also LinenDusters and Market Gowns, and a full lineof SWEET ORB OVERALLS AWD PARTS,warranted never to rip,50c. upwards.' Trya pair and yon will use no other.

We also keep Carpenter's Aprons.All the latest styles of HATS and CAPS

which we will sell at a price fully as lowas the lowest. Everything in the line ofNECK-WEAR, SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, HALFHOSE, Cotton, Linen and Silk Handker-chiefs, Paper, Linen and Celluloid Cuffsand Collars.


WARD'S IMP. ABGOST - •• •CELLULOID, (all atylea and dm)

Trunks, Satchels, Um-brellas. Nothing will bemisrepresented and oneprice to all at


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March 19.


1887." t .« . J.,


Maafcea« kM r«Ui two far a lack-up.JotH J. !>•«/ is auktai » trip to Ksw

OrlMM.It b mlawial ta eafasli a treat Use than sit

lankes in lsaatti,Naaaept iHMiDMr eltiWM wbeaerwltiaed

The f radaatiti etaaa sf Dnw

C r a i g K . O u n r i u , o f M u r r U u i w u . l n p r m u i -n e a t l y u a u e d ( o r p i t c h e r o u t h e 1 ' r i D u e t c at « s n t h i s y t u r .

B « v . i t . P a y M i l l s b U g o t u D r . C u y k r ' sl a r t i h i n B r o o k l f u , a a d i s t k e firat e v a n g e -

l i s t e v s r i a v i t e d t o c o n d s o t M e e t i n g s i n t h a ti b u r c h .

J a s . V a n H U n , t h e l i a t i g w a u w h o e v e rT n t g l o w n , » u i l w u « * e m v t l u i o a g o c e n t t oS t a t e p r i s t t n f n n i E u e x c o a n t j , U a » b c i

/ milttheflntteraftatfaf

A Mil ta ataaibitlbs ass rfelerUea •tickets

Tfa* ffiMud hag's naataiUa sa aproaaat is aa»PMalj wwok**.

The Yum*** H. E. Clunki

John J. Derry has wM tbc Brigta pn)>-•rt j , s«ar Mi TaWr, to Ve-J. t in .

ThewUeweitawlateTbei. O. Haitij baaMa»ve4 ftvau Sew Yott te Sparta.

Dr.ias. Daaglas will felwaak* hi* 4r*|•ton bastajese la Marrtstowa A|>ill 1«.

flM.W.Jaaikiu,EM|., haa W H a4»lt*>4t» pnsttee IK tka V. a 8up;««M Coart.

A UII to aboil* the pall tax m aXutsdla the I M N O< Aassaiblj as WwtwWv,

fc>v. N. V«r mil , , M bMB aMdMtoJi aWoaaarM nvlval at H»«burjport, M M .

Tk* MasiiaoB W. C. T. V. smtued batcaflaeaai saaiaitebn for voMrsoi electua4aj-

A MorHatowi Ira bat M I W M a febt ofem* *4tt. which Ik*/ gave ip long ago a*

MtM **0 by fU N M H to wplealak lla

•oofMefefciUrea sal l u a b m of Rra*apaaph at Paaaaek m aMfeted with tbe

lefebata aext ia tbn last aa* that anaay H.E. atcaohsra will be wltb their anemt

t>«U W. Walla*, fsr TownCoamlttaewsuIn Morris Uwatalp, waaaefeattd by « l j e »Majority.

" 'KbtittMta n&*U MI TatsOaj vatrd downthe Joi»t nNhitlMi to rleet V, S. SeaaUra by

flea. J. S. Sehaltas iareaertcd ts!af th* Lordtetate tlwna|a>iea la Kaontsa ka

sukiBK tat In* Maa4Bj af Heateaber alabor holiday.

Hatty Hsfaa has geae to sMi*liia:fcaui,Ala, when bn BUJ be • • » laceeaarat IDHadlai a wilt.

A Oeajoflrsita IssaiwtoF of Elrctkis afMnrrlitowi sat beklld tbe bai all day andlariat ta vat*.

Mr. Oes» MagMaa, pMarif tor of tbe Doversilk aitll. baa beaa graated a patent for atsasioa devlee.

VIvS haaJrsd a i tn eaatn *f Ibe K » wareprialed last week te ias»t <be deaaaad for Itlath* at wi starts.

Our agnl Uwniaaa. Mr. Jas. Pord, hasbeen very III, bat b able, we an ajad to say,ta get aktat again.

Luigi Vlsaura, • rraltvaadsr. baseaileetsdaearly «H la Uerrlateva for tbe Itelisn

E. K. PoHar eaa* AaMwblrataa Douoaoaaddms * • Kalgata of Labarat Wasblagtoa,If. J., ta-awrnw Might.

Kdward Warasr, of I t w m N«ek, whilehewing a kg asarlv cat bb foot ia twain, aadli in a praeariaai aoadHiM.

A quartette of Drew Bemlnjrj stadsnli ategiciDK eeacena tbat araverjr hhfhlj spokenof la Bewatk aad slaswh

Probably the «aly belsg that ku't tlt*d afthis waathftr aad dseut tong lorajlldaBaa " I* the e»al «o1t\

The olergyaMB wa» •arrtrdvoM1

ttttaslinaatgwa girt deaisa (he Mar; thatT i f . s y r s . drank at iheUsw. ^

I t U r n p o r l e d t h a t

i R . t W W p j m n y .

A g u n d u b i » a b o u t t o 1

s H t o w u , w i t h d i l l ) b u u w ,

X b e r e i t b i . r d l . r


>u1tl ~Ofin i-unie uiili a

c t f e v e r l a p r e r a l i -

r s a n l e n d t a « u r -

u K f , e t c ,

b e ( j r u u u d n u j

uf (li

CaUaVIMn W TM1 ItAn.

•he C u s i u i i i ' , i t f I V o I m l . 1 1 1 . N . X , c > j : i u i | i i i ) U Hb e U m i a O H B i * t - r I . v a ^ u t . v U i t . - i l l i o r e r

! K i t i i i i l n . v c \ t - i i i n « t n L ^ I n i i l i x l r f i ' t i o n l o rII t i l l 111.'I' livfcHt 1111(1 W'l<1'« lH'Illt'll «I1I»«<

I I I l l i . - j w i n h e l 1 . . ™ , ' J i m L i t i l r ( i h n . l Hu l a y e d t b e a i u t t v u r y p u i t i l * u t [ t l i t l t i i u i n

i n r t i u u r k a b l y n u i c k l i m e . B u l l w o o I l i ot r u t h U B J c e n t t b o W l ! I n I l i c ( ! U H ! I I I >u t r , M b L ' r e u i i g U U n H u e a H r u u u i l t b t i l • l i u a l ,t b b i t o u r a e o f w b i o b l l t t l l d r o v e u » d t u

• t u p p e d , T l i e n I b c fl(Ul v o a r i ' d a v e r t o t e n t e rn d t h e n l w * i k t o t b e C i w i o w e n d . F a r r d r o v e

i i M e d , b u t H R t b e b a i t u m u e o u t b uc a u g h t i t u g m u n u i p u t i t i u t b e C a s i n o g o a l

b T i l I b

Ta* K*v Jersey Weather Chronicle aUtostbat W. t . Harris, tbelr corres'iMiiidtot in thisesusty. observed aa sarthshock at Hour.March ft). laatiuK *>« s»snd>. Tba eiaet

me « n i;30 r. H.

Mr. Heir* Drake, ose of Heath an'a aVlesteftfsaai, sad a lesdiog elder in the lad fre*bilerlaa Chan* Iroui the time nl IIN urRauli*tiM la 1WW. died on Titeiday, 8Ui Itmt., unnra few hours'IllntM.

Mow Providence has an orcapUation or tlieMs «f Teavaetanoe wbkb haa been•Utance niooe before the war, and his 1*itrrtalaed the Grand IHTIIIUB uftlie fltatR

at Us gaaawr •*ssfoui.Tbase who lieinl U*v. Dr. J. CleuPtit

French's recent leutura iu DoY«r will be(uiard to I n n fiat bit only sou ii so dangeroasly ill with typhoid fever that tut slightfaojHsof recovery are enter)wiued.

lr. SBMBIOI* has in contemplation Ibc!tLoa of a inprrb hoaM uu Smith • treat,listewn, opiioalte thn nite ol (ho <!»libleateatl, lliat will probably cost•UM.UIM.

It ia tu be hsilt of Powertilla s to icDr. Carver, the celebrated slot, challenge

bntfc Orabaui. tbe English piPR-on obot, wboliven at fine Brook In tbla CoBair, aad Cap.Haxsrdus It (• tal«i ilrabam will avoept umlwill name Erb's graundH, la Newark, w> tbo

let.It Is ao affair of cum bow Mr. Hoick'sBUBotoutbeAnfl-rlni ttokft. Wedidu't

print It and don't cire auythlnit abeut il.Bat evt>n a mlunke ia s poor eiiinse for the

apt t* deceivu vsteni and rob Mr. UrloutBfvotei.

Tbe ftitMet a>il*ter in wrnriK ID attrilmliiiKIP Jtv« rereat tiuiulcldra tn Mnnbi uoitnt.v to

ram. Wblnkvy tiaa enuiiRh tn (ID with ruth•, but n* a nwti'<r i'f ':•<•( ftin><>, mxl

IHwaibiy iotir, ul \\u-uc uuiu'KiJe. men fromtbet canies.AibmUatflrtccali.il pool, fur «£ia>ld*',

sraa mode to be played lu Honotas im «a(m.day «l«bt, between Chss. Meas. of tbul pi senaad Daaiel Oehkr. orl>ovir. Dfan failiN!toappear aad Itahlur, wbu waa oa liund, re-mivsd *f> forfeit.

With Commissioner or 1'ullee Viti JuliaHartar at Horrlstown. Str>wt CotuailisonerCaleaisn at Midlooe, atd l'r#t.l.l#nt of ttio

rd of Heath Ht.vtr* at East Orange, a goodft or Ibe N. V. cttT Kiveriuotit In dlitri-

bated along tha I) , I. a: W. KMI.Tl>e Hev. Wm. H. llugl*-, nl Oruen, N.

V., ba< atveuted tbe rrcton<)ii|» ol thn Kuli-oipal Cbarvb of tbn Uedturner, sit slorns-

i, and will cflwnieace bis uew dutita fnJane. Uf\: Mr. Hughes In a ioo-in-Uw ofthe late Uenrral i'bomas 1). Htissej, of I'ater-

•Urt the Caeioa rusbci- Kotthe ball,rbich then Uavrreed tbe floor several timii,

¥»rt got it aui drove, 1st was •tupped.Tben it csnulo cenlurbnt Bell jneiiled it

Alter s «RUt nroDDd the Cusinocsiue to Dovur, uud a hot drii

lode for tliu UuTer cage, wltiublno *tvie. Hull thru a«<ut It over la tlieII end, when the tight rotted sniilltJ tlmlno t'MKe, till Dill scut tha ball out to

t'arr, win put it In after six nilimU-i play.UDII led off if lliu llird mill anil o]>eued tin 1.1uround iLe L'aeiuo goal. Van droi-e andnixwd. but an il cniun . 'it ut Ow oide Ih-llrbdiUfditiulbo (tonl witb a vicious cro*»ib.it. Time of goal l i niinntrs; whole time

,11 iniiiul««. jtiiexliiliition coallieu |ilu,vti1. but it tailed i»olj about two

oiotitre. Tb« ll^bt wns Mt onue Torced urouud:he CanlLo CURC and lieiI made ooeof tlie

r KtL'U lirrv. Wliile tliuniug tbeliall toward tliu DKVIT end be gsvti tu jmsslug

a left-bauiled barkwmd shot, which t<hikit Casino uoal kfrper i'itni|ilotcly off bislurd ADII vitpturfd his CUHIIR l.ftlttru lie kntw

rlmtbudnsppiwd.I H > V K K H V K . I - A V O H U H .

T h e D . n e r r i n k w a n c r n w d m l w t t l i i t o u j ii u W w J u e « ) » T e v e u l P R to w i t u e * M t h « l i

U B w b t i b i h u L U t l e O i a R l * w e r t t o p l a ya s t l i i n n O H f t o n , a n d t l i e i ' s o w t l i u U I I

l y « a u t P » l < ' ' l K H n m o v u r w l t n u a i e d b e iD n a t n u w u « H i e i l c i ' ) < U i i ( [ o n e l o r t l i e i h a m -U b i p o f t h e r k i t U i u u d U m I ' u v o n l a s

i r o u c h t a u o B i b i n a t i o n o f t b e I t c a t p r o f u s :

I a X c w Y m k a u d K o w J e r s e y ,H u l l « o t * w n y w i l l ) t b n H m t r u a h u o d f . i l -

i w e i l i t w M U » w k k e d v r o n a a t i o t w f a i u t iI f u u l n e r , t i n 1 ' a T o u i n g o a l k i ^ l w r , e ( u | i i > * H

A U n l i t a r n o u d t h « I ' a v o u i *« o 4 l followed, i n w h i o b I k I I u l n a „ „ ! a u a t h u rs h o t , b u t w a s i t u p t H ' d . T h e b a l l t h e a < - a m c

< D o v e r , b u t V i ' i i i i r u t i t b u u k . u u i W i t l l

MUp< uttaaOri alssT t i f n e w l y i l e n t * d K a m t o l p h T o w m b l p

C u a i u i l i t w m e t u u d a r n u u l i o i l i n t h e K D U I MH o n s o o n M o n d i t y u i o r n l n f f . 1 ' r e n e n t . M i - s i r s

J o h n U u w u i n u , J u s U . U n r r e l l a n d L . U r i u u tH H l d f O . M r . U i i w u l o j l w a s e l r L t r d C b i l r -I H M U , 4 a s . l M : » r n i l l T r e * i . i i H ) r , a u d J » » I I .N t r i K b b u u r T u i r n K b i p A t l n r u i - y . T b e f o l l o w -i U K o t t l u i - M p r e s c D t f d t l i e i r o - " k l a i u » t h « ; J U P .I I . i t o N i - h , C k > k ; J a K . M H u l i c k , A i s e ^ u r ;

J i i » . C o i » i w r , H u r v e . v o r u f H I J I I I W U V H . J U S . l l t -L i u K l i l i u , ( l e o . A . P o o l a a d H t - u r y K . ' o u t d y ,C i t u u i i i i c i i i u e r i o r A p p e a l * , a o d ( ' n u s t a U r HM . J . H y a o , E . € . B u r n e t t , O e o . T r e d e a n k ka a d J e r o m e I I . V u i i n | | . 1 h e r o l i n w l i g I K I I I I Uw e r e p r e s e u i i ^ l t i n d a p p t u v m l i C o l l e o i o r I IL . D u n b i i n i n i b o s u m o f t S . i . i W ) ; T a s a s a n rJ « . l l . ( . ' « m l l i u t h e s u m . - f V l D f l O ; L o n -s l a b U H . J . l t j a w i D V b e i i i i o u f t U t K N ) ,U o a s t a b l e H T r t d « u u l p k s s d B u n m i t t ot . U « o l * l , « W e a « h . T l i e b o n d u f C o u - I

> p«1M JN M. I . paiwif hM «aa* ta bis b«aw InIndian* ta toh* an apaariataMBt.

IBdT Waa4 heeaBM ill aK.la M Wrdatadayaad *aa reawved ft*aj •!• oftne to hi. b*we

was IaM overs . BMm»tt~ I)*" oibj-djl

ceaaa* ot fi-Coiketor MuL'raaaea wVie M»ttint and tbt> nnlaiew turniHl v\w ta CullevtixDunham. Theaneouiih tifTrwiNntr C»tn-l|

•id luti vateMuilurueelio biaiiuill'an bm uwu *urdfM*r.

Va4ar law naeat act a(Cmgrc*aritoiwiagthafraaiallvnry mwatol •#•»#». Matriatownwill tMMtta Ha heawito after Jnij lrt. _

i l , M. OeaAale tea atat Waw tba atiftMahto af * iHHja ifaMaaad-baaked raUUamak*Wktoh ha abHaMt*barc»bat !• rtorUa.

A •allMalaa I N toUl !• tb* Pint Pr*aLy ••atUa Chant , ManWava. last laanay, toclear a f tha MMII «tbt •* tba »a«aaaat>

AaAaaavarnarMBst ainlhw lw« fairrmahalaVr bill UU tb* • • / •'<** eleetteaIbaan abwM last week will atrve brtt • « •

psafla aw |at*reat|ag tlwavWltM to to4Ma tba Ixhlgli Valley Co. tobwJMabraaoa r«ai ire* that al-Mto

At tbe r*r« M*lbo-ll«l INM*r*W» Wkiubmni at Wllkeaitarro, I'u , llm (lr«t or Um

weri. UJV. W. *'. IHi-knon, ol the Psverehnrcti, was transferred lu Hsuketlitowa.

b i i M M i l i , « b o « • • t h e C « H i f f r -M t . w a r , w a i i i | > | H ) l n l i

I h i v e r « s s n e . H I M ! t U v . • • » T . J a b U M i i t a, , t , l l p . . K r v . A . I I M i l l e r

w a a n a p a e i a t M l C h ^ r a i a a o l t b h l X a la a d K r v . W a i , U x u l d w n t a | ' p « l i > l c d t o i h *

I w O ^ r a i a a W u > k , i t > « l w l h K U n o kY o r k a u d V r w a - k . V k a € w i f r r

« K . . , i » t - j r , ) l u u f i l l e U . - i i . r a i

Mr. A. V, HaNilk w i n a M M rto ah* Ofana)> Baigkkarkaaai. thai be « y

i wataiar* warn* to hU New York

JC L. riadia. af Raaarer Keek, wat tryingto trim a M M aver hie head *h*a tbe a ie

«Mhk b-ad ayea taa fthaatlj

tt guf the rsanib Tbvy bare nu itl^

M tbair pr*MiiB( a»d laber[»y. bat donl Jectollieirtshbigiwrt in norcrnBu^Mt «fJ4«».hk-b tb*y bnl<l !• unM!ri)»taral. Hfv

tr^dbruak, thu new p*»1ur of tb» Iluver.bu.ifc, 14 well fcnowa hy r^-w. »f btalof.nwr ennMCUon wlib Jarry M«Aulty'a 1 -

i to »ew lark eily. »» '* a. .Jaat , a»ih ami iatoll»i«a1 g «

• M , aad ab«aU he v»rr aeorpiabU Io hUher*. wllnwbwai weh.>|ie b« will h v e

ftomMhwhlshatl l lr ia . traailbe Ih- ent le ftm «h»w that the Iblrty d i /a «f

k tor Law Abb** bars a«t jet

AD**rightaf waj to araawa* tba N«wJ O I H H «IU ball* a hra«A law

HNNtlva a« lha w w7^^^ jurats tbat tried ta«

Mattb CeaalT Malrmd raa off t U trsak•aar Qreaa Pead TSSleUsr sad relhal dawatat beak.

TtoGaw«Ngatlaaal pr-H» • ' MatiW-wahave n n U i for their atstor, Bev.C. II. H.

taa eattaga J J. A. Drake, aa

bnth aiewhers of Aaeembly and th« geaalorM a Wamn enaaty. t»a aMftbei of tea-graas, Speakat «f tbe iatewbly, HmlJMt ofbn ClaW tfaBat«, a large Majority of the

•mheraartb* lieghifttiR, and -lpo-t tbebaraftB*UMgrMii«a>IPI«trler' T u"

«Mrt will iMdar Ita 4aabhai aa Saturday.

of Dnar, aad Da WiU C.iPleaaJadgeo

brMeg l f ewrk^Mayar Cfcaj. rHealay, af f*»j CiU,

JZJSZu** Mtd-aa, -*»';•••• «RMthtttraat, MawiUWM, a»* will fakaanhtansMMaatbafa.

Ull h» M«bea the Oaarl of P*rdoas eoavrnas1 on

J Jaege Khtpas-u, caaawl IM JailwrTit-.. presralHl addltloaal attftteae

Ik. u . . d .U.U.. ol Ito •wkkoMn .1

<n B J o * MMlDlruttn. T " Pl»««*

u d Ed. P. »•drtaUnl P»* WM«I* W ( iUU, *«•!.« pm»" I" * • "* * *"•E .1 Eulud. l

b b ~»»* tank '»• " •

fttsrjSSMtowaahkV,lnthaaibw.tt«tifiW«.-^ .arh r«.ptcta« sitltea, ^

learned with regret by bis olil-tiMthm awttoa. « • wltorwaBl n a

k W iddt||p IslbM af ai aeaaier Ja»-•d and I '" " t"l*~l


Bs t k\ Johaa, pastar »l lk« r-rit N. K,Cb«r.b,w» tared oa asm p » £ i t i . ts lheraaau »t Prateettoa Lodge, Heights aadIndies of the Qaldei ttar, •» Twriw « « -

rbea be arrlva* tb«» — ~ - '


i b o t . T i u < , 1g

u l n u l c a . I n t b e

mly l» I M »

t> • h i v iPurr followed

Wui. H. L6 , A I 1 . I I I V . M

» 1 t n e e t i i . H o f U U V . T w - b o o l a i s -1 1 1 i n i t l O p u b l i c H U I K I U I h o i i m o i it n i n g t t U ' W u i t c u l l e d t o « r * > r b yi u ! « • ! ( . U k t r i i - l ( . : h - i - k . t ' a i i l . I ) .

Hilii V

, - t l l I m - i l u | ' i i W i l l ! «

m i i [ ) i . I I . A .T i l t ) M m * o f B . I t . l i tI c n n u l l l n v i u j i ^ x j i i r i ' d J ^ T

H . I t . l t c u i i i l l *** u i M i i i i i m i w l yl l i u f u l l t e r m o t i l i r o o . r e u r n .

D i n t r l c t C l e r k L i i m b c i t p r : « e n l t a l j i e i t u -D D H I r e y o r t f o r t b e y e a r f m l i u g M a t c h I n t .m i , s a f o l l o w s , w b l e b v a n r e c e i v e d u m le r d e r e d p l a c e d o n t b o n o i u u i v M .


«a« il I.

UMIIU •puropriatkw . . W J Wa t u «i'bool tux •>••«•* J»mrliit " " tJKHU

•• l a u r e l c u b w a d s 4 V H N 1" Teooh«ra i.fiifiiM" J a t . i t . i r 4 H H N I" f a r r e p n i r » a n d p a i n l i i i K 7 ( 1 7 i l" f o r b o o k x u e d x t u t i o n e r y W i H i

'- »inrilieutaiu::::::::: ' ISw" " taking cetmua J l ^ j ; MKTII

Hal. in hmdH of Collector *7,ll)H 14

Total number of .LilHr.'u Iti iHstrlrt f ^

Toui''iiuiiilJrllof d'lildrcu'ou iVliduireiii*i4!r ™

Average mouthlj aUtudnuce «W*«nry by tin. Trust em l"«r tlio .-«|*uw«t "f tUecuniiuj; i«!ur, went voted to bo mi in I by lux :Tu pay bomlu dim Aug. 1-1, 1*W, •1,!HM; topiiy interf-t mi IHIIIIU, iKiiN); tn limlutaili theachoo! free, #1,700; fur bouks nuil xtotioiivry,*:',-KJ; tor repair*, *)X>0; t«t«t. (rt,S«W.

Uurnetl llllWiiylh>uHtre-jew>-l>-r,Piursou, of Mur

jut. I>riviiutafure>'d tim ball He*;, ..aud druvs fur tlie Uuvtr coil. Imt Peer abut

ml. Tliuu it nyrali'd to Pavoaia; tv Do curera IVrr uluppod auulber; a tlj(iit arouudvcreml, thsutuoeutrr, buikto u«ver audmud Ibut K»al> Pfer BiakinK ADotkorrlcxt .top. Doll ruu It down tu Pavonls wild<•!« a di-.pitalf drive, but (lianigcr fuikda; thaati>Dover, where 1'uer again atiuti>ui ; to Puvotiia, wLcre them WUH a tlKliti>ond tin. C«K<', •>• *uklt White mo it torr, wlioee flue iliivo was stopiiod. Net) toivtr mitl l ink muiiLil 1'uvi.niuK cnue,

\litre tj'srr ni»Htil !•<« illtv» i to DovLr.wbiu'.ulur blocked it and tout it bark, mid FarrFHS rliut rut ou two Olives is Mitci-mion;

u tu Iluvtr, bul llfll trk-kfd it buck autlmdu another ternflo ahit, only tu dud Gran-

niaihcwuy. 1'OBD thu llKl>t wux*dmm around Ibe Dover jt*>»l till Wlntegot

hull out to l'uvouia (luarterw ; to ucutrr,b«re Taylor ilinkcd il. Admperate battle

,iwrd fro On ecutrr Io Mini sntutd Ps*onlai,tu wblrli Uell drove like ligbtnlns and

Farr followeil bint, but botb Ken Intitralrd :U* Duver, whi*t« I'cer niude aauther brilliant•top; aud White seut it to Fsrr, wbo *••ibut UBT; to rtuttr, *heu Wkiieattaiu puK«ed

mid Fitr drove will nu bftttr lurk i lurouter Hrlcf, wbcm Taylor Btu|>rwtl it vbvh

id fall umde Ibe U||btaro««d Ps^onlslioal. Filially I'urr brtiugbt ibc ball out toBell, who wliHckud it iu aflurlwcnly-eight

letuid bout Ibe PmoHin ruilit-r j{uttbe hall, but Ibe light wan MOH truutfenedto 1'dVUBia quartun; then to tea I tr, but Tuy-

got it back. TIIPD cHiue u hot Hjtbt iijur, viiiliuK In Hill ((etliin: tte hall, amUDII (Uf tiulit urniiDil t ie PMVOLJM eitgi

'IIB Puvoula* woik<>il it nut In tuuter, but'u>lur nut it back aad »'Mrr aluiont made the;o»l. Kfutorantrr wt»re Whit* blocked;

ouml P.imaiu goal; then to never where

•*k*-kV.*T4UHtm*> work ia awardta'ai bisM- Bell Asally workt-d It away, bat ibeivoilin foicfU H back lwltf>, Taylor alaft-ni! them eaoh tlm-. llnll u u wade apnrb run, sud warm woih followed in tbeifonla i)tanara. Whit* ttaslly brtRRiag tbe

ball If Vflrr, who aiadt) tun Pavonin goalb s neat (iriws shot. Tlair, (11 uilaatm.Idl W»K Dm Ia the tbird rnab, but h

rusbera *rs l over tse ball i s s Wuit* g«l itIo Cavunla nisrUfn | Io aeater lliree limes,

locking It twice and White oove ; tond wruundttuir Koal; sflgbt la cea

ter, fultowcd by a bat drim lor Dover oaie,• likh Peer atopped ; ataaasi Dover cage till•eat tu Pavouia by Taylor, when Parr1

rinj wan clieuiri] ; to vcnler twiceand stopped each Hue by Taylor j tbes fromeod tn cad of riuk luur t i - " Fwally ltt.ll•rat it dowa and White ram It rig lit up to

ivosiN cage, but was *to|iiird thrre; toPoyer l*icer Bell gHliog it eseh Haw,gtM waning II dea/a to Paveaia, where be

t»HXutjtiatbcgo«|. finallyM Oliver wtitr* in a flew and waim •tight In lisut of tbe KO.1 tbe Pavonlaa foiccd:be hall lu anil llrovn Ksrr into the esgs with

Tiase, 111 miaatos.Tlie fuurib rath wia wvi by Hell wbo

opcued tke wotk aronptl Favonia eale; tbcato Itever, but Peer sent ti back.

ttrsgglu right la front of Dover *«««, but••verfaegtilltout, asd Bell rab it dnwut*I'avonla; Io oeitter and cbevked by Wblte,fallowed wilb astroag thrive by Taylur.wfaiehwaa stopped. Then cam* !««. desperatiflghti—one areuBd eseti cage; to outer tsiWhile worksw It back; to tester Mu Bellgut It baek ; to Devtr, wbete Tsylor stopped

diiv«, aad While got tt Uck. Then fol-iwrd a IsngiRht frsa the center ar tbe risk

to Ike end »f tbe Pavaala goal. Taylor aadWafle trading the half back te Dell aud Fartevery tifpe |t paBie tp pcapsr, and Tayloruisklug use kaadMiP* laag drier, wbipb c ine

^aruaptuifagthe «"•!, while Bell did tineword behind tbe seal. Once it reached tkep o u r «ual Mt Hell worked ft baek with aneiBert mi , and be and |Parr coBllased tleirworbananafavcnisgaal. TI

sr, wkcm Taylor tent il to Vur, whowd it to P*H aad tbo latter drave band

WWMIV. but was atepM- Next tbe ballvtiasd tbe risk tow end to end lor nearly•liaulca Without aay «hsuee lor

till Bell laally get It te rarr, who drove and•aeA. Hall taaa tried bli '

wasaloostepped. Viaslly.^HtbeballNacbedoeatsr, Wblte ssadc a etrwag atraigbt driver " , uto the ravonia goal, while the rinkrang'with the apaUwst. Tlae wf goal » (Bslantcai wj<ala Jfipe pf g a w oae hour, U

This bria| tha last gasie oi l i e Maaoi tiDover lbs OCMslea wta Bude a bescflt (ortbe l)oi*r playars, aad their reoelplaawaated 10 betweea fW aad •100, ebuwingvery kladlj regard on the part of tbe peoplefor tbe yeang plajars. Ot Ibe 8T gaawswhich they have played alaea they were

Ufy have wan U , aad aaaet of tfcgaawa have beta wltb seaM ot tbe best teisistn tbe CMBtry, auds ap af Li red professional

from cTetTwhera, while tbe Dotleant Uss beaa snaipiiid ef tawa bars alsae,wltbHt «fliila> help, (a fant. thtrs ta a*atrietly taeai Uaai ta ba toaod any where that•aa begia to approach them » skill sadeadiraoM.

To-wMrraw-Batarday-algbtUw DoTrnge.a Kcwbarg, N. Y., to play lbs great prsfes-sipaal toawi sf tbat pi sec oa tbelr awa losr.

Bslifhtfslrt« iiivenio linker Opera House

OB Mouilav aud Tuesduy evfomji* by tbe

those osio|M!lcut to pipwss ov opinion tinMt licard iu Dover in mauj years. Tlieii

oiecn blond wltb ai-eurauy and ewtetnpm*id iiivi; nut->p»«iuu to all their rcndiiluuaat uiuke them doubly pleuaing. Wliilu uotIxliliiff to iletriut from this aeoernl

Ituce It la but fair h> any thut Mixsu, tie contralto, wou lliu |iret!tniacut pittUn admimtioti ul litr Uesrvrn. ttml her riiJ powerful Yoke, HHI! utateblesReiprawiiurd and seen to the beat advantage

The Hose Buali," will long renmin n |>lerj wilb nil lor uuditare. Tlie sw<jlrB, |wrff.;tiy nantraltiul, amlcb

iuttiaation of Mlsn HIGVCUMU won unusisud Mr. Thomas's rare aad•rmigbt a csrdtal weloewe

i believer he apputtrcd.roe -ligbtly aVeetod by IniantnsM Ibe Irst

Blgbt, but wa« fanlttFsa tbe sreoad evealogaad won blut a large itlisre in tbe geaeralpraise bestowed. This voval *ably ssppleaMNted by tbo Instraawatal skillf Ml* BvkHMI, (he piantat, whose eiocuMon

tasde her a l i r a favorite. KlpeoUlly lileSB-iBg, too, wsa the pleasant asd eordial w»y lawbtflhalltkB BHwhrn responded to the lacusant m i l l s , glrlsg their bearers a ampauiug atusl<!al treat, bath in vitality aud

Tba Bsgiaearing aad Mlalag Juaraal aflutHatnrdJUrsaya:

ANBBIOI* Hia-Thli Biarkst is firm, buttreaiely <l"W- Them ia no lncger an J talk

jf advaadng prices, tka atbrt appsan lobenlber to dUpntve any daollKt. Deliveries

t d b b ll th f

•uu nl ib.i Ni'w Yorkho iiiitrrkJ Mix* Kimn»tovrti, u (.'ouplu of wiwkx

ullcd tor Kniopu hint Huhirduy uud l«ltbiH yoUUK lirido luluud bin], TitfATi.v'a (rlpudu•ay thut bin cum is aliutiar to that of tbe notiol Uowtnoilcir*' Kitlihon, wlm recently bcauivtutaoKlfd will) an nilveuturtsi aud claim*that lit' married k«r while intoiirattul. Th»yfurther indicate tbat proceedtujti will >onulu commenced Io anuul the inarrlu*!1, amiHint tlo llr«t ati'p ha« \*eta tubou by the Hepit-rntluu of tin' yuima ]>«ti\ Io tliU w.mii-i•lion

N w f ' / i n ' i i i • r . i t ' t a m eK r e p u t a h i c b o u r n ' s i u

iork, iu wbinh »tie wan known IM \Mlmrood, uud that *ho weut directly fruni a•iuui* buuao (a therunidtiuuuoftboL-li'rgy-wbu mirrkii liurtu fonuif Tillitoy. (J. J.

look, the partner ol ynunu TiH'dO.i'x father,)»: " Unrne.it ia very npvutaut uml bit-rly regret* ibii dUgrsce he bus brought ou4 luwtly. H» caoii'lo DID a fewiluys ne°d Hid Mr. Junta wm goiiiK to Kurojtu imd

Is WHIUUII. 1 iidii^cilbiiutoK" b.v ulluiimis.low luun ho will ruuiuiu uwiiy I do not

>w. I lisvi> lueti iijTiinucil l>y scvi'ml Ri'U-meu who eaw Mr. Tinauj the day lbi« uiur-ttnue luuk plutu tliat be waa very IDIH.1I iu-n&iuati-il. Ho told uo bimwir lie did iknow wuat lie ws« doing. IIin father ba«IUMA tu wu bint while bo is tied t« IHotuaa. I da not know what Mr. Tii~-<mnitluM If bis tun 1 rave it ber. He has itid bU sou'* albn-sote anil cut bim att '

The Msu-h uettinii of the CaajaMB Uauacilwax tisld «i> Monday evening. Preient,Mayor Bit liardu, Becordor Crltt«adea, Alder-man llanMand CoMsviiaKB Beaob, Garnll,Kckhut aad Sllcbw. Tbe ul-ateaol the loststeetlsg wcru nsd ami approved.

Manhsl Kollxy reported BO arreptaFibruary and 7q male ami 9 female trsnpsuwomawdsti-d vltli ltMlglvgs.

Tbefollowina bills were audited and orderedpaid : Jan. 1'. Kelloy, V*. W. I,. P»il\ QuHavii, | t«t t'orrMrattoti par Mil for'dbnury, (311 Clapp aV Jsaei Mf«. Co., rn-

Craekeii, Collr«l«r, I1M; P>r.ie« k. Clark,W.Tt

K n i r i n e e r l ) p n n e l t r e p a r t e d t b e r r * I g >a a t t o n o f T b e o d o r * S c b o n f r o b S t e a m e r N o .

a u d I b c F i p u l N i o n » f O e w r g e l ' i * t i r f m urtretloB I I . s u d L . C o a i p a n y . A e l i o n i n

b o t h c a s e s w a a e a n f l i a M d .J o b s U r m n s B c r w a s s i r a a t e d p e r m l s n l o n I o

e r e o t a l a m p p o t t i n f r e a t o f h i s r e s i d e n c e ,a e a r s a s o r t s t r e e t .

t b a t t h e t » i1HH4 aad 1 m be relerrad t* the Fin eComlittee for HttliOn motion it WM resulved that a barrel ofBsaent be iuraiited Andrew Mode per, Jr., Ut

•ako alteration! it the ditch on till pre mi sei

swatkeflev.V J emThe Bev. Or. W. 3. Qill, a promt sent Pres-

byterian clergyman, dlnd at tbfl MemorialHoapital, Orange, on MoBdiy, of blood paiaw-

;. He waa taken ill a lew weekiago witblonplicatton of diwaw*, whlub reaultnd U

blood tKilsuulog. Ue was taken to thn He•orial Hospital two wctiki ago. Vr. Uill waa.orai in Belfast, Ireland. 1B 1830. and l;»<luated froB) (jueen't CclleRo, Belfast.

HoeaoMlottaii twaatry la IMG, and for atime worked willi Br. Moody. Ha t b n se-

the pastorate of Dei Molaes, l a , 1'reib/terlan Cburcb, wUere ke remained antilMliMl to tie Wc«tmistnler Cburch, ut Ualli-H R . Later he was called to tbe Trinity

ihytprlin Church, af «roak1yo. ana after. . y e a r s was M Mod la ts»e cb«rgo of tb

PresbyterUa Cburcb at Bcbuuley'a N.mn-Uin, N J. He •«•«• Harried. Tbe funeral

it hU late cbareb at " ' ' 'Muuntabj, at a P. M., ea Tkaradsy.

PraaUbtotaAdTarttasn.ItMidM Its Urge regalar dronlatfou, con-

ceded ta be vsitly greater thaa any other_. a|«i>er la Northern New Jersey, tbe Kastten bmes eiira edirtois of considerableeoBOtqaence. Thas wilbIB ait weeks it has

three eitra editions oa Issporlanttrial, tka {.ettic

trill aat lbs Scrub Oaka tragidy-theafgnnwafwhlcb h u beau 1,700 eitramnlet la add ills* to th* regular lumber forthese weeks. Is all tbla the advertisers gettbe btaeflt without extra cost. In fart thepeople of tills county know that If aayth'ug

• " ' * ' ts givetbcneftMapcWofitandB

j CilirH Mart lavaaltoa.Cornelia* M. Brown, a n t o n d waiter at

Jotlej'e Hotol, haa laveotsd a aaw gam«board aad three verj InteKatlag sad iagen-loaa itaatrt to be aUred theteon. A desenp-lion af tbe gasMs would be too lengthj, batthey are all ofawery entertalulaic cbaneU-rwbik Ibe ariginlBsl board »bows tbat thtiinventorUpoaseosedofconsiderable skill aia4naghttnan. l lfha* bsdtbc aamsnribtd d'haa,014 »J|Sr||bt Ic hVf aa

illrigd , 4 » J | | f j•I N.w Yarfc, wbo will wag DnblUh t

WBjalaa la Wall *aa*tuare to balattU tfceHabar.atUatlaaaoa

losing aut Mia of E.

*K- Uensrla dosing out his bnalneioff«n for tale sll hlaaaiallng applinno^a, in-cluding seaffoltUng, banging and atuding,ladders, paints of ill kludi, oils, aid all

CwaasiBd tavOaasb lyisp.Mart rsliabU article fur old or young, a

« l j at Ik* Brisk Drag Mats.

cuprmei r u t THI or/aKTUXT.Vrnni t U f inplleit Ktiriut! nuuibrr of tin'

rnitin Vitltry Qusrtoi l.v w« cilrai t tli*- fol-

'lit'Ti'luu- XiiiBUri;;!!! hiis s-M li^ fiirui i.i

i^l i i . . , i ( inUi-tul i^l ' i . iHiB i .Jol ini:

I,!,,,,,,, It. Ilinl )inr.-li;i...l;i lol ol'h'N i.rri-ain tbv turn, ul Mr*. SWri-Triiimi.-ral Mid-Vi.ti.-.v.

irii-i- IH,IIM-.,II Lute lliii>:ih-iiiiL:.• II Ihi« will l>i' .iLmit lf>l\,mi.

Out u.wiiBUMii. Mr i: M. I'urlli•», lia« ruu-ledtofi imltl i tlir. (' ii l l .ot N..I. ui lh

Uw. Mr. Cbauilwr*, "I Sjiuitu, IKI* <irc-oi>t-II null from lh« PIWMIIIli'iiim fhnii- li ullUiniff, oud will tuova l<it< on oruboiil April

U. M. llirtkH ltuouUy iiiii-uhuM^d it tM«t ufly-Un) norca of kwivy tbuberul U i l l . Ti-

r, near I'tfUeravlUr, lu »lii.-li i i i '^i l l re-

i t b i i o f tiioMuirii. (umitv ltullriuul, to Iteijiltiii to Hlitoml nail ill'. Mill It' it is In bpitiiit'uctiii'td iiito •'r.M-ulfit.i'."11. P.llutt'iird nudDiivid ISirurj m« ubuul,.inU a trart of luixl Innu MIH. l.vdla A.

U it toll* <|durrf oi uu uiituii prujiurtiuiin."John Millnr, Ibe a iw lullliTHt *M-U, Vrt-

t willi (juitei liiislitiliiDO u lew IIH.VHkiHutlinrpuolll..- sii*t will. Wlnli)

{ gruin tuov«iilu Wl it litre** « n i i t y

c - k , N o w V o r k . T i n ^t tllO U

K i u u L l i i u r y i n U m I n i t e d H t u tThe limo miiue ijaarv ut Vuruoy Im*

i'ili |uitit<ilroiig,^luriuKlhc pusi wft'cUc |;ivi-H cnt[>ioyuii'iil to 11 limit

LilHt w t f k I'M , ui><i II1.-.V 1t.;idr|H'd over IL'-H tuun ot Muiu-, tft'Hidw

g l \ I t u r t l c y ^ f r oH l w i l b l i o n u r n u l i

, I V I H

H b e a d t i

1urKt.- O buil.liu

trlleyville,t l m o j f ur

tLe W ^very diijt-ipvctMl l

liutirujoi- H u . Kurtley & Horn will•uut'b iutii a U<MV iniliiittry, tliut (if-idKo bnildui*.•• L'lic-k' Joliu " Vim rijckle, voiu

liowuiti "Tuiiiicr," IM oviii' 107 yt'urTullud tbfttiitli Ihu


DCIJ or HOIUB ibiitot-nhuu Uu rcuvbud Uvriimttbe butt<l Io get a lk lift


Oeoeivea for Thirteen Ye<"i,A fi:w wei'krf tiKittlii- wife ol K- (*iil!>( r,

wiinltT <it t h U i i l m e . Ii'it IIDI- !'"»"• wit Iti.rlfiuiiii ill hi-r UuMluiitl- iilc.v. and it i

i " : Ir.ti

l>ilili>'ii,H.x i>l'» linn) aiv luiini.-'I. JMMI

IK'1 I..T. Sill!,'.. llU»< !,;-» t,li,- Wi l l L> Kll

'llt.1 f.M

i l l o r l i - i h ' i l i t l i v f t ' v c u . v t - i i n n l ,' '!•! l , y h<-v l . n i l l u T i n

* i n i l f i

i n i M r * . S i r h o l

K i n c h i i i i l , b u t i ' i ' i t i v M > u t i : t i h o r e t l i u l *\u- u a xL I T « ) i M i u . I l d - ( i m I I U H L U I I - 1 d i e d u b o i i t

r b r u u ^ ' i ' l t r t t tig*'- ) l r , K k ' l x ? r I I U H b i ' f j u n | i i ' u -

A F i n * I p r a a d .T i m W l i i t t n o t i K V u l l v . v P o u l t r y u m l fcl.iok

l l r i s f i t i i i c A H H O C L I I M H I K ' I V O t i m j n i e r l i w l ( ! V i > i > -[ o U ' l , D t . r p i , t t » w l i i c b

l t t i . i ii . i v i t e t l . L v

h i l l i i f f u r i ;o f M r . S i n i i i r

i D K * k f 1 l u 1 l y p n < pT i

l l-ittl.-l n. JI IHI n

, p1 1 t l m « t u <

w i l l bt>>ti<, I b r y

a * ) i ( r ! i i l [ . v » n i n : e i ] i ] ) K t h f I I L - Wl i o r t t i M , w b l c l i i h i ' j a r t ) u u i n u i ; i l l ' ' l i r n l t n i n -

V » n : I I K . 1 I ' l y i i m u t l i l i o c k r . m i d l ' t : l : > i i D u . k n .T l i u n i ^ d I ' m - S I , l l i ' n i i i i d < i < i £ t i 1 ' B N n l n n l t d

u i l i o w u i k o i ' l i n i i i l i u i , ' lhv»>- i m i -t i f y l i u v u i l i i K ' U t M ' d w i t h s l o c ky

D I . , ' u r t U .

" H o n P t w w I 1 Tn i j . . « - l i « o u f , . u t U i u t i l i /

r ( i i i w c r . l . m i i i T ! . y u h f l d i ni t i U n i t | i l t i i ^ f , l o r « u e l e c t r i c i i n ' i l i. T i m u . a u n n . T X u l t\><: N o r r i s

r i n l . i K l i t C u i u p u u y I m v e a b i m t i - o nr : i U B c i i H ' i i l « w l t l i l l m c s l n t o u f l b t :

o l t l i c I

tio J!»i>uriiiiiiing ti

d i d i u c t i n -i r m i c t o n l o r t h > > i n


Vjlluy bt HIOI>I><'<Ir " to K-lu bhu up

H t i i i U u l K D i n e o f t h e l i u y x l i o k m i c U f d i l u w i iu m i f u o . 1 o l d K e u t u c k u j u u - b m k c s U m l

l i m y n u t l i e n o i j i r y i p u l l t l i i i i t s m i u i l i u c x: « u « b y , b u t w l u - u i t t u n a v . l u m i l ' u f b U o l d -

. I t m b l o B l u i f t l - « " W P g M i c m l l yi n t l U l i u " « i l t l u ' t l u r . '

A Tear1! FaMertte at Hibsrala.r o u 1 m m E H A ; - 1 I . O f o l l . t w i u t f s t u t c -

f u d i u n U - « i b e g i u H u m l w o r k o u t d el i b v r u i u c b a r t i u o t l l i o S u w u r k M . l i . l ! o n -

! i u ; i j , t l u r i u t c l l i u p r t H

1 K H . U P ]

, / i W H d n y "

l u u i i t u M i r v i u u * 4: * U , [ a d u l t * 7 . o h i l d r v n M VI

r i u ^ t l u u N , [ T l i u m d u y 7 : 3 0 I . * . ] . . . . 4 1i t ' l t d I l l P I ' l i n i t B G T V I L ' I ' K l i l ti l i n t m m r e r a i t f i l 4 1

j D i , [ t l i u r o b , t . | J i l i i i r L i i > . f u n < > r : k U 1 . . 1 1 l ti h l l H , [ I r u D i b i m n o t o I U K I * - , u m l u> t n e

" " • J • . : • : • : ( • 3»»

J. W. BAUHLrr.P. 8.—At tho lait Otiiirturly Coufcrm'i'.e,

Ub, were H]iiitiintuil tiiS ruilowiug

Uu M io*ii»ue.—Wm. Mny, J. A. UlcUorda, It.Da.l.lo.;tiuri;li K(tou»ioB.—K J. Kuwe, J. Kuctl,

r., .1. W, Williiims.Sunday 8obtMils.-J. Aynro, M. Peugilly, O.

i*. Vuud«rhoof.Th,,-u - J Matth«we, Wm. I1 hi Hi,.-, Wm.

Tcuiacrnucc-II.. n . I.fflii, .1. rco«illyt J,

fklui'alloD.~M. I,. Cox, A. Q. Itrondw^H,

L't>urch~TtM(irt*;—Ettmrini'l Barton, .T.andcrlwtt.Parsouaga Vcruiliira.-Hoanl of TntMona.CbuKh Mii.lc.-J. W. William*, J. A,

Wi-Laria.Pread»r'o Hsl»ry.-M. 1. Cox, £. llmtoa,

. Hoilib-8kwar.ln.-Ww. May, |r \ J. BOWP.)veil, J. Mattbcwii, J, w". Wlllianis. M. L.

, K. Jlartoa Krcordlnu, M. 1- Cox;

To Cuttut for a Maial,S o m e o f I b e o l d e r c h l l d r u u o f t i e f u u | i

n c o H O b i u i l i u t b i n p l a e o a m » l u d y i n « t i ' e iu t i f l o u I e n i i H ) r o i i c o i i i ( ' « n i | n ! i i t i ( H i f o r a n i l

n x u l u l o l V . r o . i b y \ V , J c i . n l n g H D o n 1 0 r e s tY u r k c i t y . T b e r e t i t a t i o n i t w i l t b o l i e -

d u t o o e o f t b o B t i u d a y a f t o r n o o n m e e t -i n a s o f t b s O m i i e l T e m V a r M o n t ' n l o n , w l « u

j d H w i l l a w a r d t h e m e d a l t a t b o m o s tn i o r i t o r l u U M , u u d t h e b o l d e r o f i t w i l l b e e n -

t l e d U> c o B p c U i f o r 1 1 m o r e c a t i i y g o l d o rl l s m o n d m o d a l I n h e o f h n u ] b j t b n o a n w

i s n i n t h e f u t u r e .

} i a t r l e t , J . W , W i l l i a n a . J. W. U.

ABeawkaUe Mi Uatakvtfuudsy hint waa the (OnUflnlversary of the

wadding of Hr. and Mrs. Stopben Lj.n, ofM h b J l HUh 101

p jw » s b « i r u J u l y H U h , 1 0 0 1 ,

What tha Ciaaba H a n Dsae.L M I fall (In- ProhfMtlou ersnki in New

s r » y h e l p e d U > e l e c t a D a m o « r a t i o l < e x i a l a -i r e , Y c a t n r d i j i u t b e H O U M o f A x i c i a b l y* K f p n b l i i t a M e m l e a v o r e d t o p u n s a n i w> r t n n t n i o a n u w i n t b e i a t e r e i t s u f t e m p e r -i e « - a k i g b l i c c n w U I I s f i n l l a r t o t i n t r e -

c e n t l y P M H M I b y I h . K o p u b l i u a n s i n t l i e N e wn r k i j e g U l a t u r e — b u t I b e D e s i o c r n t * o p -

BfA I I M M u l i n o s t t o a B a n . s a d a n i o n d e d I ta * t o v i r t u a l l y k i l l i t , b y t b « e l m s T o t e o f( o 2 K B u t l » r t l i o D f t w o v M t * w t i h b t b n

P r o h i b i t i o n i n t i h « l ] i i ! d to | i u t I n I b e I ^ K i a l a -t u r o I b l x i m p o r t a n t m e a s u r e w o u l d h a m n e -

• ! > i v , a n d w m i i d b a v n r e s u l t f l i l i a e l o *i n g B j a a y d r i u k l i i K i i l i o p a a n d l a r g e l y d n i r o a s -f u g l u t e u i p c r n i u i o I n t h i s M u t e , T l w f r a n k 'M i g h t t o ( e e l p r o u d u f t b e l r w o r k .

HiMrs. Lyon,

twtb Pvnutaia, KM horn July Ulti, iMWTlx>y wercaiarriod MarehlSts. VSH, and IIHT<lived iu Kporta ever ainm. Mr. Lyou Ii In excellent hnsltb, ami his witn was altraja re•arkably healthy until lant f«ll,wfaonskB wasvery sick for two or tbren months, but it nowio improved that "he is »li1o to bo aroiisd,

WUppaar * H U u t Uti«J.The Whlppany Vigilant Hoeiots tot the lie-

•etion of Tliievca, litld a aKctlnjl 1'iatVridnyuvunlug for tbu eleittlon of olttoers. who willserve one year, They lire ns followR: Presi-dent, Nflimu Tunis; Vice President!, W. W.Cook, L. II. Ford, A. I'. Puulmlcr aad V. ii.Urlflltba; Secretary, II. V. Itoynolds; Treas-urer, W. It. Wilson. Tun Movicty sow nutu-

Hflmlieni, and tbe vigil citemlito " |wr<waal property."

pA report wat vitrrcat In lbi« vieinity

Saturday that DAVC Moon—wlm w». weut lyIram Ulalu Prlmtn, nFtvr nerving

sentence lor tbe killing nl fain Hrat w i f e -bad killed bUwuoud wife, to whom I.e was

arried but u ibart tlaie ago. l'p«uwaa lesraed that the report wu* untrue,H nrople on Mine UHI *aj that tbe MoonMinboaid la a place of fre^neut revelry, awlolenee when the heitds of it are In drink. Ifit* be true it in time la nbow up. Morris

county isbaviDg too many homicidei for itsgood name, aud tbe people a n not in thebtiuior to tnlsrsto Riaob noro or It. It is iuld

tfcn oditaaiun rtiarrtnl to Moun guiii wile and ft drunken vonade wbo w u iuthe bonse wilb hrr a terribl«

PMtafrraaJafaUaTata.Krastui E. Potter, tbe •• Yankee tchoolaster " of Horrii couaty, was In tbe city t<>-•y, looking ui runaed aud b.ppy u. if he

md bueu elected Tatted SUtes Hcuutor.I'm so pronil ul my one rote," silil Mr.

I'olter, •' that I doo't know bow to exprwsmye\t." AsMimblynian Danabne, wkuwith Mr. Putlor, Bnld, - Well, the Dfuowratn

id Bot elect anybody, WB «Hd not elect any-IHMIJ, and the Ucpiihliuns did not elect auy

IJ." '• Thst'a about the alae af it," nitlJPatter. Mr. I'otttr will spnak to-night at

a 1'ibur tneetiog to be held in flenler'sTheatre, jentj Citj.-lfsw.rk Mew-, Marchli.

PartOratncan be»i Buyplteeti tbe country* * nectlng for the election of a road over-<er. All the voter, tors nut like tbev do at

towu tuvetlng sud make a stubborn %lit forsucoess, wilh challenges, clentioneoring andall tba niusi features. Bach a neetlng washeld on Tuuday olglt of last wflck, and it

made iaku»cly eiciUag by the close rauof tbe eaadidatva eLtered la the m-e, Tbenumber nf votus polled waa 1?), ofwli

Hokieana r«di.t«ed W, Tb<* IlotteuJas, Keasu 48, and Mattering 2.

A t t b e r e c e n t i a j e o f t h e h o r s e s o f t h e l a t eA U e n U u l d « m l t b , o f O r m - R e c o u n t y , N . Y ,t h e s t a l l i o n H e p U g o a , f o r m e r l y o w n e d U yQ e o . | . S e n f l y , o f fi«rnardsvil|e, b o u g h t H ,O o n e s t i u , a y o u a i ; s t a l l i o n , w h l . h w n a a u l d

I b e i e p n e y s a l e t w o y e a r s « | a ( o r 1 1 5 0 , w as u i d u t t b U s u l u f u r * H , i M . A n u i u i

M o r r i * n o u n t y b o w a i e n a t t e n d e d t h e B H I Ia n d J o s . W . O j i t l e n , o f M o r r l . t o w n , nt b e b i d d i n g a s D o u t e i t l c a t » 5 , 0 0 0 , b u t d i dn o t g e t l i r a .

•evrra AcadsBtatA very •crinim art-iileut oceiirretl at tln> hi

worka of I.ttdlow Uro*., the tore part ol laotweok ; A joqng man named 8ttnrtcr«, wfaiin tbe eniila? «1 n milfcrnin near (,ibert.Oarnnr, wai st the wothand bia above! aeuenow got oau|(bt in tbubt-Ulna ur wbeel, wiiieb threw It toward him.It itruck him in the fonMewl ami out hiteverely, baitfe* fracturins bb) nkull —UnlontstOairtte.

i t l i j ; l ! t d i n i t t u J t l i i r r i i t a w i i . T b c r c

V 6 I 1 1 1 1 I I p t ; r f f i i l i i j j o o f i t w o u l d b od n r m U i M U . I I t i i u l . t ^ t i t ( . ' t i m p i t D y

H i r u t » c x t o i i d t h d r w i r c " t o f l u r i - rn v k i i H i b u f o w u i i l d b e 1 1 c t i m i u u l t y

u t l i o n o c l i ' i l ] ) u t v i > T . I n^ . i i l y H . u l i l b u t— i l i ' t u n c i .

* - • - * •

It. latriok's Saw-• I n h [ l e o j i l n o f t b b H o e t i i u i b a i l v e r y f a i r

i r t l i i > e b c D r v u n v n o t t b o n a l u l J a y o f l l t e l rn t . A t « o V l o i k I n t h i ) ttiornhm t h uu l ' S i , l ' i i i r i L k ' M A I K U I K C , l l r a m h

[ < i . ; i , o f i l i i r t [ i l i i i ' v , a a B i - i D l i l i d a t M t , M u r y ' i *

t b u d y , H I H I I I I S, w b e l

n l u J l > . ri l i t I H I . I I V ^ U I I N l . P a t r i c k b y I t i - v , F n t h e ri i i i L - 1 % 1 1 , m i l l c l o r i l i m w i t h i t u u t i i u ' o i i r i i i t or u m l > , v t l i o c h o i r . I n t l i e t - v e n i n t ! t h o I H O U I -- i r . f i i j u y ^ t t t i t - u i t t u l v ^ u t t l i u b u l l , w l i e r ol i r e w i n * d u m i i i j ; , r e f t C M t i n i L - n t H 1 1 m l n t L c r

i u i u c i i t u m u u i i l t d t o i i b m i l i f i M ) .

Th* CbttbAB Lots! OpUss) Aflt.T h e b i l l I n r c j i c a l t b o C l i n t h i m I n v u l O | i t i « i i

^ 1 c u m o u p i n i l i c H e u n l n t m W u l m ' t u h j . l u* n ] i » t f h i i i f n v o r o f t l i b i f ] i c « 1 i ' r S o a i t t o r

rijtuB m i i t l | j i ( > i a a i i e a t i i l b e t n ( r t i r l y i l m w in l u t r o l c i t t i o n u u i l K i ' D u t o r W M I H o w e d I i i

n l i o n I n I l i c f i w t t l i u t h e w i i n f o r I l i v r u p c a l e- l i i l i - h i d I t r i m l . l i f i i t i o p j i o u t u t W U H a ^ u i u H:. S t ' u a t o r U V r l » m b l c i l ( I m t u u t h i s I N S I H

I I I I I t n w i i H h i j i b u d ( j o n o D o u i n ^ m l l c f oh t t l m r B l m m I W B . A H e r t l i t u i m n f i M s l o i

l u t < • ' - l o w t i H l i i | i I m i l b i ' i - u m a d e l K ' i n o c r a t )< w h i H k t y I X K I I C I b o b i l l t o r t ' i - i m l w i n l o «u v i i t u n l ' i t i ) 1 1 , m i d , H m o t i o n b y M i

T t a t o i i ! n u n a l d e r w a s t a b l e d .

Tlie 6 rent Viullntt Ctiaruu UwHan- A Trluiuub,

In uunvi.-waLifju 11 few evenings agoa iiistinmiiHhfd clieralat and phyiiclftD,who is also an enthuaiastio sod criticallover of music, told an int«ie«UofBtoiy abuutUlu Bull and John Erics-eon, tlit! gruat inventor.

II siicms that they were friend* in<':u}y III.\ but drifted apart and did notnuH't again until egcb liad btcomalamuus. Hull bad charmed tba can ofadmiring thousands all over the eivil*\;.t:l wi.ld, while tbe part tha graatuitK'Iianiuiau played in naval w i r f u tduring the rebellion roused the nortbto enthusiasm and itartled Uw world

Hull happened to be in New ITorkon a concert tour, determined to tookup liis old friends and renew theac-miaintaiicu. He found him in UiiU(nksho|isiirroiiudQd by tools, machlD-<ry, di-signa, models, and material*used iti mechanical comtructiong,ilirectiiij tho labors of a corps of at>i

g bis leave Ball invitedKdesson to attend bis concert thatnight. Ericsson, however, declined,Buying ho had nu time to wattle.

'i'licir acquaintance being thus ro-nml, Bull continued to call on hisd friend -when visiting New York,

iinil usually when taking his leavewould uak KricaBon to attend his con-tL'U.iiut JiricsBon alwajB declined theinviiiitlou

1'poii 0110 occusion Bull pressed himurgently, and said: "If you do uotcome I ulmli briug my violin hero and|>luv in your H)IOJ>."

Erlrauwn repUud prurtly:"If you biingtlKi thing nere (shall

BimiMh it."

Iluro w«re two men tho veryoppo-sitfs of oit.eli other. Jiull an linptiuiive,RttRitntic dreamer; Ericsson gtern,thoughtful, practical, iiioving everjmoveiiKUt with mathematical preci-sion.

Hull's curiosity was aroused to knowwhat effect music would have upontlm trim, mutter of iucl iniiii uf HgiiHU'uuud drules. 8o, Inking his violin withMm, Im wtnt to Eric^aoii'a Bhop. l iehud l'eir.orod the airings, sactvi tiuti

that the violiu would BC:: ^ie in bud condition.

M \iu ontereil tin shop, noticing aisi>l«i!it;d expnaslon 011 EricaBon'Bt«', Hull called liiB attention la eer-iiii defects in the instrument, and,imkinj of its coimtmctiun askedrk'Siifmiibont tht; scipntKiu and iiceon-iu ]no]ierltk*3 involved in the grain

F CGiluiti woods. Frani tltiit he passed1 to H di.svtii!sioit of soiiud waves,inn.winUuiics.cti!.'i'o illusti-uLe hi» niputilne, lie replacedi« Btring3, uiid, improvising g fewloriH, driiteil into a rich melody,'flic woikmon, ehiunu'd, droppedieli' toitls, anil btoud in bllant M'uuder.Hi! pluyed uu mid on, jind when

mill]' ho cenafd, Ericsson raised his~nml hcinl, ami, with moist eyes,ml:

"Do not stop, (io 0111 (io on I Ir vcr know until now what there was.fkingiti my lifc"-Lmvell Sun.






EflUaUt OKkuii .Ror ti Co., tbe Nuvsrk nlotliiers,tlmlr Siiring sonoumjoiuenl

There l« not 11 wore rt'liablr,liouse ID IIIII clothing trade In Now Jtuwe?,

liilo tbelr imnensB stwk*. lend inn stjk-a,lue wurkiiiuimliiii anil Htipcrior tuuleriuls,umblmi In UHka (tin tiomtu ouo vf tht bestfur bargains to bo found lu tbe Ixmlcrs of

w }nrxo;.

U, II. T.," of Stanhope, se*ds m thefollowing, which is easy, but amj |iau1c

f tha little folk*: A liny wax sent towith a throe .|u»rt BUII tlve quart

ro to get exactly four <iu»rt« ot water.lie iiucstbu is how is Ue goiog te netaarc

t l l tw a t i < r l i u v l o t t n o o t u a r > x c * { i t t h s

- - • -riCUlTT MIW1.

Newton is going to hsvu n iig« tit-atlmud dollar ouKinc h«u«c.

Mr-, linnuub If. Hwav-c dlud »t Dulittatiun tuBt week, ngad 9;t,W. II. Ooupliu, or Humbarji, Snssoi

IIKH bnU-huil tbin tt|inuff 10,(WO trout.laclr^ttiilowowilihav<i tbu name old Ike onejht ovor »««iit tliiit year M tht charter <•

tlon,Tho QCW lUl.tUt Cbutvk nt Waabfns;

waa .ledK.ilwl lu-t week, free «f debt.

Dr. J. Msrohal Paul, ol lklvidere, died auddcnljr yesterday morning, of iiarumuuiitbuanoofH,

Tbo Mayor of HuckctUhiwB has tii.nl j ,ounc t£) fur pernUtiBK io keeping aaoni without 1 If rime ia dofianct) ot ttiu an-

Iboritlci.,a»n*nl Itor, of rVaiikliini, was bnuti_™

gsme fur bla ik-k slstur no Ttinnday af lustweok v b m bin gun exploded. Tbe chargeentered his wrist and kdged In the ibouldHis arm haa been amputated.

Wm. Csriieuter, Jubilee ef lbs Psioc, ofdpringtowu, Warren Co., has tteun aiiseli•inoethulOtli Jant. Ho is IKI yearn old ALisa it large family. It has bwn teamed thatiu baa oliiulnfd 1,-irnc sums of tuonoy onerged notes.

Wuat s truly bcatitirul world «ti live iuNature givr* u* grandeur ul anouoUinn, gleand cMjoaon, nnd tboassnUnuf naauiofonjo

We can tleiire no Imttcr when iu [»ftct hrnltli i hut liow oflpn do tf"1 miijurity

fcul liku RWinjf it up tlltilicartcued,discouraged and worn out with dUusxo, when

feeling, anunffercr c»n eimtlj- ohwln utielnctorjthat Oroeu'x August Flower, will tnaktiIreefiomdincanc, nn when born. Dyx]

nl Liver Complaint am tho direct ung>v«uty-tlve prr wnt. of «ucb mnladioa sa

Sick Ileoilarhe,Proitratioiit Dlirim

nftho llrml, Paipitntion of tbu Heart, uiptoniii. Three ibm>iprove ita wonderful

feet BamiilobuttlcH, lOoonta. Try It.

Priata, OUghssw, aa4 i N m t t t n ,in (treat variety nt Strait Bros., Kockuwnj,

ALL ABOUT PANTS.As this is the season of the year that we

usually sell great quantities of PANTS, wehave just laid in a tremendous stock-

we have Heavy Oottonish Pants linedthroughout; great wearers and warrantednot to rip.

TOR. $AOOwe have good Miners1 Oassimere Pants, well

made and new patterns.

we have ALL WOOL Oassimere Pants inneat Stripes and Check Patterns; verysightly and well worth $4.00.

Wb»t Hub Uuidcllu Talafci.Why am l a woman suffragist I1 Be-

ITISO 1 ma. Uecjtustj a woman haa1 ore good, Imrtl common lense Utauainn. lliiciiuse slit; makes less blusterbout tier rights, uud quietly maintain*lein better than a man. Because Bheon't givo 81.50 for mi article that she

mows very well she can get for 76 ceutaliecuusc she does not stalk loftily awn?from tho counter without bee change

tho rouher behind it is a littleuctant about counting It out B«-saune she is too independent to pay ttomdlord 62 for her dlnuer and then

pay the head waiter 91 to nad her ftwaiter wbo will briDg it to ber for Ucents. Because the will hold her

ioney tightly la bar own good Uttltright hand (or two hours until sh» first

receipt for It from the fellowwho made her haiband pay tha S U Mbill five times laat y«r. Not any "jutfive you credit for it" Cor har. Beoatawne day a Pullman porter eomplaliial

to me, "No money on this trip; toomany women aboard. Don't cet notbiaont of a woman 'eeptin1 just bar fefftt-

fara" Ihad Jmt paid him t & o tor blacking one of my bootj

losing the other. And wben ha aaMtbktwnm I aiwfor myttUtlw iMfinaneaa of tho#e women, tnmlliafalone, paying tbelr fan and nfmlnfto pay the Hlarlea of Uw employs* of awealthy corporation. I aaidi "Tbeaawomen h » « a right to Tot* ToTOtorBy aU that It farareand a»tf-ftUant andsensible, they turn a z l | M t o n a t t igovemmenf-Brooklya aagUu

Ka NMd to rauasM OlaMerchant Traveler: HJohnBy,NMM

Mn, Joaei," What t n you ttkinf Uutbucket of water down to th* aUflkwn-coopfor?"

' Goinr to ponr It oa otu old MQ,''Why, what f o r rCause I waoUd to And o«t how

madjoa'dbaif yon kntv f» UiMdthtUiedfld. FftHld--

But Johnny didat DMd tonMarchet I D J farther. Ho found txtrifht tiien.

Hhe Has W V I H "teaal.ChU'iigu can boast of as brave a

roman na tliis lountry haa over pro-duced, aud cue whom tkiiiirreBs should,wimn it meets, present witb a Rollmedal. 8lie has tho nurve of a MollPitcher, and will never wfaketi onbluff no matter liow strong Is is mode.Her namo is I^itdsdownu; and theother night Bho cloned her liuuao to dosome shopping, uml <ui lier return dis-covered a bftrglnr busily engaged inrifling trunks ami drawers. When liereyes rested on the burglar aho did noifaint, or run to the window and yelfor the police, but she locked herself Intlio room with him, coolly removed herbonnet anil then fell upon the aatonislted thief and knocked him do«i

nd commenced to hurt him, tilie beathis lieml nguiiist thu tloor, draffned himaround thu raum, and pounded himuntil ht) lost cuiiBchmsuesB; then sherhtrlii'lhim bytiiuttillarInn limp form thumping down thestairway to the street door, where shecalled a policeman and surrendered herBcnsclm prisoner.

Mrs. Landadowiitt was not i t nileicited, and' It is said showpd nofatigue than if the hud Iwen pounding

steilk. The next moruliig theburphir was brought into court, andhe looked as IE he had been throughw;irni iwntuiiHl encounter withgrizzly Iwar; and when the keen, nervyejo of Mrs. Lanclsdowne sized him utie dropped his heud Mid Btiivered.

The valiant femalo in giving bertestimony to tho court stated that theprisoner was not tho first burglarhail encountered. On another occasionslio found one concealed iu her wood-slied, »pd despite Uis threat to kill hexit Bh.o attempted to give the alarm,BIIO promptly knocked him into theclutcliLs of the law and a state ofinsensibility with a piece of staviwood.

A woman who has the courage andthe ability to pick up a scowlingcracksman, and spank him until bedizzy, is to be admired and honored b]a government aa a heroine whose vaioisi-** 111 d iiot uo allowed to po "".T1"11"*ii,..i"', wol li.e glorious Mm,dowue be pteKQte4 witH

we have a great variety of Fine All WoolPants, equal to custom make in style andfinish.

FOR S5-00, $6.00 AND $7.00we have a fine assortment of Imported Oas-

simere Pants, in the latest patterns, whiohfor style and workmanship cannot be ex-celled.





STRAOUBE CHILLED PLOWS,Barb and Barbless Wire Fencing.Masury's Pure Heady-Mixed Paints,Plow Castings for all Flows,FARM AND GARDEN TOOLS,Builders' Hardware, Meohaaios' Tools,Wagon and Carriage Wood Work,Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Supplies.







Shrewsbury fiteddle Bock and Morris Gore Oyttorm


VAN6ILDEB, tnp't.

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v,>ry Bi'-'hnj-ind in tue art The palp,•sliadowy, trapalp Ji-if brings Biimmonedu,. from the vasty depp r>r down fromHie blue dmnc nl«ove, a ttift cast* maybe, wliiili iiro WPTI ,,t nm,! ,.( tlit'inu-

ti,.v harmsiit and sturdy-H in for the

l<>r her. .-lie, like ihwoman that slit- iswhuli; thine or nutlium. lnsti-ad ofHit; slirinkinirBim-Iti tli;it will scan-Hyiillow :i inortiilti) ti'iicli their clay-culdhands, sh« jiruducps spirits Unit hugmill kiss imd kick in their tint, amidiinct* the can-tan, uri'i talk mid pattirnl eil-on » tPlIuw's l:ip, ami whosellr-ah li:t« tin- warintli of vi^oruu.-ilminiiu life and the magnetic ayminithyof an ardent nature. Tin- wnndcri'ulmi'ilinm Ii:i3 n A bt-pn long in tin- liusi-lie.is, having Kiiislii.tU-il from the OnsetHay spiritu<ili--Lir oam)> meetiTig onlylast stiiniuei1. "I thought," she re-marked to n ri'jiintor [instmt at tliusuiHt;h, " that mittiu-ialiKiitiou wanted alioiiin onward. It has not been pro-griissiiiK ns it should. 1 saidto my UP]!",••If ajiirits can tin innteriiilizMl at nil.why siLo.tL I tlu-y not bv tiiiidti strongmid linn HO that they ronld walkaround, talk mid Biv« satisfaction tothi:ir earth friends'? \V« wimt.'rtsiMHijer sniritH, who could do anything1!u-yiiinl done inearth lito, ami lliwcHIT iu-miifhl out at my oat-iru't, the milycaliiiif-l in tin? world whew, spirits ofsuperior df Vfiupnifitt COII^IVLMK'."This ri'iii:ii'kaMt' WUIIIMI Is short anilFtont in pprson, brown f.vi>s Himrklc ina iil«i.s,inl lace ami her hair is so darkthat when ah'- \mU on a hl.tnde wig nopf.-sitn ivuiiM iwufTiii/i' IIIT or take h afor the nmiinin. Tlif latiy it said toln>ii fuml wife and mother, lint witht!n> Hssistaticcof n !imliuniijtlc younguv.v.1 Sn'i •>..::-b *|..i«rtumty to' K,v._SIM ! ices t hive uv Ionr tunes a wci'H iii [flat on Kightli avenue. In profesalonaliiVsheis known us .Mrs. Moore. Tinlint iwiill.ir.ty of Mrs. MiKin-'n nicdi-iiui-ililji ttiiirh tin- visitor notice*i;t how slip Jims into a tramru LUi-rshe en'prs the calunct tit ult. Intli:icoiiuitiiin she {,'ues mwiiiK. tlip is.™.mutt'Tin^ gibbi<mli and acting with

cab etsillinand si


I'-vr.tui t l

d l ubeliewith


in* enters tinspirit

.IM out .-mil sliKki'.; l.nitn her. .!.;;• .'XtnuHfUu

t.-iuent that hhe is tin- I ..•r. Thin !*,i:i.-ili'»th<'iinlr'iit

Kit)-:..v.ia uiV hands

s hand in tttr-•uly wl

quitn>l will .s

H i

qt kind ot

u maw te.t'inte*Ilia' limbs to.

'.v ar<- ival il<-s!VoU'st. iiml tht-ii- mltilfiL vnii-e

Hut ilh

mint li.'iiiits tu pLiicl:liani t» iiml mit ii' tlii-y arethai sin; tints in any iiroU'st.•he will uuly «ay in'lhi' milddon't lit' so fiiiniliiir, plf.isf.Eayi"i.i tiikt's u fancy tu 11 miiwuntwill ilt'posit tier very substantial sellin his lap iiiul put his ht>,i.l iu tii.mct*rjwith her arm. aini lnv.it he into Ills eaisoft ni.ttiiiiav*. Then Egypta kisses ultin* Hiitli* gilt era Hini wtiavfs lace forthe lVmak'S utul tal.es IIIT (tt'partuit'to he inllow-i'd by J.ncillc Westi'ni, thaipoo;1 tiviTvvofftfd spirit vylio is wlleitint :<1 ulnuibl every uiiiteniiliziiiK cabinet in the awntrV. Miss Wt'stenlnoki-il very iMu'erfiil unit viK'H'ousanid.pc.un-,1 tliat tliis was tlie unly .-.iliiin-tat which silif I'oulil lully di-vplujt IIIT-self. Slit' said -shi' felt us" RIUKI as ever,Tilt; ii'iiu.-tcr dinihtnl tli.it ulie wnsiilsolid fli'jli ami intimated tli.tr she. huia\uiodi-ii font, wlu'iviipnii Hlit* kinkedhim "a liii! shins, and, holding up herfoot as liiuli us hlii' I'unlil raise it. wrig-Blwl ]iel'ti»-4 ill the tin il liter's laciMOshow Hint .HlievvHH all linlit in her imderp.iiiiiiii!. !*lm dei-lared she wotiic•ooti In* iible tn eominniiii ntreiiirtlenoutrh to ;,mM';ir mi the streets HIMenjoy hn-Mt ammiir lier friemla as ofold. The reiHirt>r imitrtl her toitiuewith him .it IMtinmitVn and she, prom-ised to do HO iu a short time. She thenbroutrlit tin apple .miui.il tlie circle amlnviu-d all to take* a Lite A wickedman, tilled with furiosity, put out hiihand to fed thi> tcxturft of her garmentand—nceideiitiilly, hr nalil— canirht Tierby the. linn, knee.nt vhlrli slit* liftedher foot and trimtly tuiiclied him underthe cliiri in it iilMyful fnaliioii. Thenappeared » very lively spirit. She cameout to a lady in the <:iri;lt'. She broughtwith her iomo clothing which shewanted to show. She explained thatladles »ft«r they Imd passed to the spiritlife rctaiiiMl their i«v» of dress. Shebrouirlit tliu guruiL'iit around the circleand th« newspaper man blushed deeplyM he ins|H'otut it. The Bpirit then•elected a lady present and began todance around the room, which BOOIdeveloped into a twirl nf ciui-can outhe part of the spirit. An old n a n inthe circle became very enthusiastic amicheered thu spirit on In her high kick-tug. UP Raid it was it glorious mani-festation of tho truth and power olmaterial.«jtion. An amiable female•plritcamc to the reporter and taklugh » hand led him to tho entrance of thecabinet, where HIIB talked to him oflove and other things for some time.The young man who managed the•eance turned down the light very lowand asked the circle to give comealufiog. .Somebody struck up "JohnBrown'n ltody," mid as -ill tlie othersjolne* in and •welled the choriu, thespirit gently drew the reporter insidethe curtains of tin- caMnul. Thus cutoff from view shw lilted the veil thathadcovered her fitim and with harelipskiMed him rupttmuihiy. Jt wan aunique and novel exiMirient-e. Thelight! werti very low, tlie circle outsideroared "John llniwn's llody" in a•ledge hammer forte, while the iplrltU a e d the «cribfi in the cabinet. Othei•piriu more or less materialized ap-peared later ami amuwd the "circle"foi Mver.il hours.


A Brfrt Mtsrr I* <toa«l MUMMI! WithRrtwlluti. VHtiinlilp in all r i inw,

liln Itr-cunl: In this bust-ling and i>r;t<-ti<-»t n«« we are t<K> apt tobe ciirdceia us tn RTIIITS of mamiur andconversation. We look backally on tlie days of IVrirle*. when theAthenian* talked in h i£ri-sound in jrphrases ami h.ilii.eil t'ach otiu-r with tlideference whirl, snlijects only irive toklugs, or tm tin- ilays of the ancientregime, WIMII the courtiers of n Louiswere cDiispieiimtH for n conventionalpoliteness mid jm.ee thiit watwljrs*?rvMl to eonceal the hatred, the venmu,the meaiiiifsn nnd vulgarity tliat lavbent-atlt. .Vnd. thercfort*. a>soi>iatinirIKiliteiiesHfitht-r with aiitatiwhere then- in but little fn-nl>.m «fthmight, Hjntr.1 or aeti"ii, and wlit'retheHOcial iiil-rir in Imi't upuf el;who are divided l»y laws -if ««te, orelse with hl.-vpy oriental fountrk'swhen men lead the lire ofand rust away in idienex.*, the Klndy ofmanners tns.'UKfH hut littU> of ourthonghtH. We tacitly admit, of course,that the eienise nf such an altributela all right; lint nur ere..! weaklier iato look to n-KiilN insteiid or to details,and wearet-Ki apt to forget that thoseresults are bronchi ahnut hy tlie. verymeans which iu- make light of. Itmust be alinittnl, however, that weadmire politem-Ha in oilier^, . ispeople, tmieatli tlie rough exteriorwhich we so oltrti a^urot1, wi> have aBfmpatlictlc ami a kindly nature; weare alive toatulo »f ilistreiw and areready to respond to thu cry of suffer-ing; butwearct.ro rarelessof t!ie littlecourtesies wliiclt ndil mu-h a diarm toeither social or litisii»>s» Intercourse.Politeness inuv Ixjdelicto Jinmnniiji"!fence; aud besides Ijt'iug a highvirtue it is—and1 this Is somethingworthy of attention in iucb a practical•fe—really .i*>fiil tn many war*.

and j i r m c s ilself to hit n silfe illifl ri1-niniifnitiM'. l - i is inc^ i n v c t i i i m t .

fl ishi inl ly possilile tn es l i tua te tin-illllOlllll of Ulll-Ollil-iotlT, f^ltjdlll to ln-

•i 111« i Hi--

' l : ; ! > . U • . ! l t l l ^ I '

I i ' i l i ' v . I l l • :• : . H - i- th.i| i.

•I- it in i.th.-r.-i.i: , it. I - I . r >vhit ii-.i> ii-- tin- p . i r l in i iuri.-lntmii whi<li th.-y Mislain t o n s andwe t<> them, and we ll'H .«ina|i|ioliil<tland lire lullled hy i t s ubwiKv . Tin-!iir«.T t h e e i t y n n i l Hn* I " " " ' iTuHilcit

cial | ' l i w t o

Mei» t.l

111 tell >-, I !H- IIIi hi'.itnW

Die sqiiani I (l!e>

talt.-r. th.r.11 1 M > 11 - • •.".

n j \ . n t i - . i ithey have no time

iilili.-.. ituii tli.it th.-iv is mi plan- intin- ••••iintin^ rootii, the sinre. the ware-i ,!•,.,•• lhe fartury lor the nifaiiiiiK-

tlnToiirtorilniniug r< i. Thii* mayhe tint-, hut tin-re is "ample room imdverp' t'iioii(ih " fur tlie happy nn'diiimof uhti-h ll.-nn-f sines without traiw-fnnniinr ourselves into htmrs or 'rum'y-<[M|i>. ' We smile wlH'ii wUlieMhinir-- lliiiiif<n'<>"at iheiibsiinl snujri-stioii of>jr .l»»epli I'urtiT that the i-aplaili ofthi.t.thip will say "if you please "tn liismi-tt when Hiving any command, Amiyet, lifter iill. llien- is a smilid piiueiptoniiikrhinjMhls pieoe uf bnrlesiiui'. Th'.-ina.i who is kind and irrarions to tliosswlin i'ni tlie time being are under hiniwill leitiiiuly have his reward. Everyreader ot Dickens can rcint'inlicr thodiMtiitilriug eryof Joe. the wtreet wait",in " J.l.'uk Mouse" " II>> wnr real (roodtu me, lit- wur." This portion of theMnini of a seething city, with scarcely nulimiM>riiiK iintim't or 1111 iden as torJirlit or wrttmr, WUB touehtd by kind-ness and hy tientlent'SH. Me could notunderstand it; lit1 did not comprehendits slpniliraiuv or meaning; hut it wasMiniethiiitr ditTerent from what he hadever met with or known, und so in tiisblind and ignorant groping he came

...I.IMIII U.etruMi as Lo

Tli:i! lust |»>rilim nf II UIHHI inuif" llti'.Ills lit!.', uitmeleiN. iinreinemlicreil IUIIH

Men will argue Boint'timen that theyhave no time to l>e polite, forgettingUnit it taken the wune amount of timeto lie undvil and disagreeable. ThemHit' muni things needed Ui insure eiii-ccss thuu money, experience nnd integ-rity. The amenities which some de-sjiisf so much art) al»o potent.acton*;and even if you can point out a manwlio Is rrnle, and churlish and yet BUC-cessful iu liffl that is no Argumentiigahittt tlie truth of the theory; itsimply HIPOWH that he has succeeded inspite of the. want of politeness. If,therefore, civility be mich a large andpotential ingredient of success, it isstrange tlutt it Hhonld be used no spar-ingly. It costs nothing, it required noroom for storage, and can, in fact, becarried in tlie vent imcket or put in aglove box, and the more of it that iigiven the. mote retnainH. When peoplecmi h" Hindu to underhand that thi!u»eof it may bring dullarttuud cents,then they may also begin to considerit in its moral aspect and make lifeh righter by showing It In Its liner ways•IIKI more subtle forms.


Peter Kentuy, H telegraph operator atIngrain Station on the ratalturg,Cincinnati aud St. Louis ltailroad, hadan adventure that he will not noon for-get. While engaged at hit instrumentabout tine o'clock he heard a uoite mot BomeuiiH trying to open the door,but thought nothing of It. nor evenlouktHl up from his work, until startledby a touch ou hit eoat-Bleeve. II*turned partly around, tuid to his horroraw a tall, gaunt-Ilfn re, dmsad Inwhite, with a long knife in his band,

standing directly over him. He clearedthe Hlight railing surrounding hii deskat a tdngle bound, but the strange visi-tor was between him and the door, andhr began pleiullug for liis life. The

etre made no move to follow himexcept to prevent his em-ape by thedoor.

AH the ghoHtly creature matte no ad-i.ice the operator hi a measure recov-

en>d his seir-|H>tsession and stood onthe defensive iu tlie farthest corner olthe room. The apparition then seateditwlf iu Kenuay's chair before the tele>graph instruments, keeping • CIOMwatch nn tlie movements of tha oper*ator. Thiyuiaintuiue.1 the same n-U-tive |rotdtiuiiK for nearly an hour, dur-ing wliieli time trains on the railroad

ronrhiiig tliat point were brought'ton NtaudHtill. Hue or two trains hadbeen i>topped for tlie signal to go ahead.'I'll*' crew <>f the tlrst train finally walkedip the truck to the tek'gruph olttae to

tind oat the ran*'.1 of the delay, whenthey discovered the o|ierator's predica-

it, and Kuhdiiut hiu euptor after udt'speiate HtniKgl'1. It was sabtte-yiiently lennmi that the strange visi-tor wus a crazy "iterator residing atSheridan Station, nearly a mile away,and had escaped from his home aboutmidnight.

There ia tlie well known Italianft&yillg, "See Staple, aud die;" but it Islikely to be changed into " See Dram-bllhi and die," if the story Just reportedfrom Miltn be true. A representationof tiie opera "Luci di Ltmmennoor"was being given at the theatre, and



Tin-re w.n ;i tap <m th r -door nf l .aw-

IL.t.-lLnfiiy. ' :! . ' . i.ni-mo.-iiiii': r. uily:it niiiL- ..Vioi-k. and oin-.n ' t h e VHUXMIbell-boys entered with atele.Lrrani in lii*l u n d . " l larret t was siiiiiin^ » fun «iFr.-lic'li coffee, llest.-t Jii-c r-iiji nil iin-li t t le tiilile b r fmv him. l.»n- open Hi.-hrtiwiieiiv.-loii" i-ivi-iv- 1 nit*i l i i i M u -let I ITS and a pifii in- oi' ;i i i i f " " i c ; ^ r

hruw Unitteil for an ins t .u i l . re-laxt'it. and i n a ji l ly lie lnut ausivt-r.-dtlu> ti'li'irritm. It was fnnn K«l-.."inISootli. l i um- t t is his niinunri'i- and I H -aidfs) fictiiiir six n igh ts a wei-U ami iv.umati iu 'cs he JISIH h i s own cump:i;i> tolook af ter and Jto-itli's* ttm. l!;il!' a n

,ter anu thor tuli'irram twuv andt h a t also was quickly asnsweivd . Tl <-uMr. Uarrett b.'snn tn wn u pil-.- ofletter* that had juit cumt- by p-nt. He

.bout twenty lelLt-r.4 (jui.-lily JIIHIby nuon he had wriuen ivnlit-s %•> ado/en oi them. Tlien lit* iiiicriireatif.istand at one, oYInc.k li<> \v,ts utr i.> tlwChestnut Mice! opera hniisi- v;iww In'

mdueted a ivliearriii! of , | I T , ; ^ . . II.ukur's new phiy. . \ t lour, tin- ai'tm'

was oil" turnwa'ik to l-'ainn'Hit I'artiiiiidlmck. lit- wldom ttriviw. Minii^rat t\:Ai and at T::;i li- was ki'-k iu hisdvessiu1,' room at I'.n- ujn-ra IHHIM1. Atliiidnighl !ii'Wrtsvv.Li(iiii','ttih:-;h'ile!wititCt-iji-Lfe H. JJiiht'f, ilfler Invili. ' nlaye Itl ie-Merdii t i i tor Veliiei-" a:nl " • »:iv i>l(laiTick." 'Hiilt WA-i the d:iv'.s Wnvl;.nut a lazy minute from th" tiiii" !;•• iT'iinj) iintiriii 'wcnl to \K:A nt iuidiiiL'<:t.Hi' rises at tirliH ami [iii.-s inrosiirh ill* IUI

duesn't drink lior smoke, iiml iiwuy-iri'tires as HI>UII a^ hU nsplit's \yuri; is

:i!i(l niaiiiiiroi'iitl lvurk iu (IriyUine. Mi-.l!arrett. lii'sides this lias found Unit' \:ithep.ist Lwo tn- llire.e. nnthtds t invri l"bi..,-i;iplii.-.s nf Mai-n-mlv. F<m-,t andKdivin llmilli. nliich will sliiirlly ap-p-ar iu the foiirili voiti.ne of --l.iv.s n;'till' Actow."

.us visilinir liiinvU :\\ tIn-nn try pl:ie^, at t'olms.iett. in

tin- -Miiinni'r 's.'i. It wits aluit. laKV(.iav

liitiiii'ite. sine.; they were "is aud iiit'Xperii'in'iH. actors, MI: on

"liai'i-ett's iiontli aud tlu; convcrsiilioiid. ir .nl into stiop t:tlk iiml Kuoth e.i.n-plained that liarsh i-riticUiKH had breu

••Th'e troaiile in," ' haiil |!:invt:.'•tlieieN ton niiieli time spent in uiif.i-apiiitf you <m the niitsidi' atui i*• infiioii.^h iittenlio;] p:iid to stiiire ni.in

••Will you try liiiuiii'jitti; me?" MiidIkMith, Hiiiillnir. ' '

" I will," said lliu-r.-tt.I t wan settled tlu-n ami then-, a'ld

llarrtitt imniediiitely Ki-l-i'tcl a -. <>.> icuiupiiuy lor Itnulli, simv tlu-:i In ii i-

iwiVA^i.'aiiUf^veniiSieiiteJ'^'its.'1111'-1 pidiwtout im'ii iiml women wli-nu

I knew to lit; wimiut. woi-liei- .1' ttiiitl -Mr.llarrett, '•! knew tliat ISootli liiu wlfwits nil right, thai all thai was mrrs-Harywiiatoaimouiii-o IIIH cwminjf multhat tht- principal part wan to .see to thfpliiyei-K who were to HU]ipnr; him. )hiiVL- watched that purl <>l liuolh's tmirtlii> Heamm carefully. Hi- id hiivlniraitiinu.-iiiiilly hrilliatit M-JI^HI, wbit-ii ex-tended over forty weeks, from Maine tn4.'a!it'i>rnia. lie i.s playiiiK with 1,-rcnwanut.i and writes me i-ulliu-siiistuallvon Ills »ui:ct'Mful NeUHoii."

HinHiife to j-uty tliat I'dwiu Itnotband J.iiwreiiLu Itiiirt-tt will bi* MVII allof next afiiiJDii on tin; same Hlai;e inthe same pluys. Mr. Barrett dt'i-ilueitto say positively that In* ami IfontSiHouliI play tou'etlnr. lie adiuilicilthat lie and Hootli b:id hei-n thinkingabout it, but that the plans bud not de-veloped into a'-eitaiuty. A frieiiii ofMr. llumtit's, hinvuvi'r, said that Hietwo (Tfcat tiagediiiits would bej,'in tlnirreasons totfethi'i' next year iu Nt-wYork; th:it the iaivuit and best com-pany L'ver bruugtit toifetlifr would snji-lK»rt them, and that Hit1 prices would tieabout double, the regular r.ttes uf ad-mission. It is known that Mr. Itanclthas already been looking the thuatriealiiidd over and noting with his niind'Heye actors wliom lie will tiroliably &i-fiirn it' tlie scheme is carried out. AH tutlie Micuess of the undertaking Mr.Uarrett luul littl« to say. prefttrrlug notto talk about plans tliat liayen't liraitlioroiiffhly nmtured. Hn issatiatkd.lmw-ever, that' ttie utidortuking would be afinancial success, and that a season offorty weeks could be played in the prin-cipal dties to big hounds.

Mr, llnrret is very much in love with<l«orge II. Hoker'a now play, "OutayliM."Thu see.iiH id laid iu Spain, Just altertliiieipulsionnf thtt Moors from (Iran-ada, in the lif ta.ti.th cmtury. llarrutt, ofcourw, pluys the title role, and he ttuya itU even a better play than Mr. lloltWacreation of " Franceses dl Itiminl."The company have ju»t begun rehears-ing it, aud it will be reheiinied everydity for the next eight weeks. It willb» produced for the tlrst time iu Wash-ington in the early part of December,aud will be played W e for the llrsttime next February,

" Why dont I play It here for the firsttime?" Mid Mr\ Harrett. "llecauau.,play liaa to produce itftelf. I wouldn'ttltiuk of producing a play until everypitrt ban been tuorouguly rehvarseudown to the moat minor characterBight weeks of rehearsing will makennrcompaiijrfamiliarwitli their parts.Then I •lutll hare no fear ot the playuot cuing Btnootldy. 1 would ratherrehearse it for a year than run the riskof a tingle hitch on tlie lint inght,"

Mr. Barrett was asked about the•ing generation of actors." II'H luird to tell about a new actor,"

he said. " A great tragedian may•pring »p tn on« night. 1 cauunut tellyou how a great actoi become* a greatactor. 01 course, III study and hardwork and a combmatiou of th inn , buthow the world llud» him out I don'tkuow. He becomes g n a t suddenly."

Mr. Qotthold, Barnt t ' i leading lain,waa asked:

" I s llarrett a strict stage manager?"" Y « L the strictest I ever saw, and

it's all the better for the company andthe play, lie sees to everything andconsequently everything 1B perfect.—

liol ii (Viilip«Mlt> OH HIM 'J'OI>,-..I up: my uf itiuiiipnuils Imdil in New Mi'xi'/n, and one niglittin- piirfy. wlm was slei'iiiim1 on•uiiiid. was awuki.'iiuil liy a pocu-iiMtimi mi bin \WA. lie lookedw :iu t'lmriuoiis ceuti]ie.d«crawi-•n.- liis f.n.t. Only n few fet-thim U;H lhe caiii|,-lirt>, und hesit- every lihre uf the reptile.

Knowing its i>fi'uliaritii',-4 and the nf-•DI1 ils stinjf. he was in a fever ofitcnu-nt. Afraid to move a muscle,dared not at Lf injit to ' shake it off.

Aflcra seeoiul's PUUSL* lie readied underIifii.1, (rut hin l-istol, and taking

jl.Tiit.- iiimjired. It was a lifc-sav->ltol lor Hit- man. The rfiitipiide-ide.i nnd drii)i|icil »u each siil.'of Ins,t. lint hen- comes the moat re-

uuri:al"lc part of th»; utury. WHIiiuuutm- aitt i- the bluit was Iiml tln-'incn•itrd a U'rriMt; groaiiiiin fniin onoof

their mules tied only a few yurda away,went tu them and found onoof

thcni with bis ldt iorde.g swollen to an>. 'I'll.- swelling increased.UB

did tin; iifony and groans of tho brute,until it died in about thirty minutes

(•••(•after. An ixatiiiniiLion was madeid it was discovered tliat the bullet

that had severed tile centipede had en-tered the msik-'s foot just above thehoof und inoculated it with the poison(iron, the rtijitilc.

At thu alioemakf-T's:— " Monsieur,hesu shut's hurt me." "Tukn them oniiid let mo look nt them." The artistif Hhue-leulhLT tiikBS tho dainty littleIHJL', LxaiuiiiL-3 it carefully, und fruwuauuinuusly:—"Madame, it is not yourh.k'sthul hurt you. It ia your feet,onhu cuutiary, that ruin my slioes."

•VU<: M.un,i-r:i>ll'-rliiiK Mimia.'VIit.- 11,an iit for <o)liTliiitf postage

it;isups seems to ho gaining inoro

ilic nn>Dt famous colluctors iu FranceIK :i man who has over a million jiost-{igi1 .stamps preserved in 130 richly*

il viiliinics, and another who keepstwo clerks umpkiyed in classifying and

liis entJi'iiiDUH collection.Addiit to thiK, Uiere are in Paris about

iu thu

these has lately offered from £20 to m itain stamps of thu year I&til.

Tiisnm iioMtage BtumpB dated beforeo will be paid for at the rate of jjil•h, while Htamps t'roin iMaurltiim Tor> year 1HI7 letch £'80, and Frniu'lisujib uf lyj'.liire cinoted a t t l eiteb.

Whrn n«liT wuairh, we c»e lior Tail<irtt>.When elm wna a Cliilil, alls rrictl fur t Mlorla,Wiirn nt>« iH-i-une Mia* ulio dung to CMIUTU,Vbm ih« kill UhUdcau, iLa gua tliem l!MtoiU,

The Plral *«Mler I t u a t - i l ,Leonard W. Volk, Ihe sculptor,

claims that he himself modeled anderected the tl rat soldiers'monument in

- America. This was for the old circusopera " Luci di Lammennoor" down, Dan Rice, who twentv years ago.1 . ... *u .. w M t p e r e o n o f R o | m a U , - m p o i t a n c o

— ~ • — "" ™ B^»/..**F»B VB .B f a*asua*ia i i i i i m t i t i K u u

Mailame Elvira BramMlla-at pret- and wealth and owned « famous placeent, perhaps, the most popnUr soprano . t Glrard, near Erio, Pa. Dan nicein Italy-took the part of Scott'ahero-came to Mr. Volk "In a peck ofIne. In a box there was obsened an trouble.- The two were old friendsiligant yonng (entleman named Olo- and had played together ss boys on thevaniii Flow, who applauded with much Weeta of littsfleld, Mass., wheli J. lientlnmimm Madame Brambilla'. sin»- Holland was a suckUng physician a tluit. ami threw at the end of each act that placetouqiMtr or lowen with costly jewels I "They've been callln1 me a traitorappenOdtotaem A t the clow ofU»'andacopi>erhe»d,"s»ld oldDan(whichperformance k* ccatitTed to procure was perfectly true), " i n ' now I'm eoln*an intr«hiett«i to k u farorite prim, u, p f t h . dead wood o . •«» I™ J o Sdonna. A fur a fin. u lnu te . ' Mn»er-'to erect a monument to tlie heroes of•ation, to the smasetnent of all present,' Erie county "h<i tmtaimed. suddenly: •• I have seen. | And he straightway ordered a K m1 have heart BrambUla. The aim of «tidier. 'monument," which Mr. Volk,tok a\!",o"er"fr?m h i f " ' " " a n d ' " ' " ' """^ • " < " " " n l ' u n v e i l l ! d »*tiefore aiilbodr Mold P n r n t Jlim, gulshed con,|'«nyn*Th1r° wtn 20,000

people present Oovemor Curtin, ofPennsylvania, dl l imed the oration;ei-Oovf rnor Todd, of Ohio, was present,

linsrif In the head, "and fell down•t lh« fair singer's feet

Tliire are MTenty-thne student, and Dan Hie.dined them .11 royally,nmv in Harvard annex for women. • m 11willi more toe

"Can a school ftri chew | u m I H «a lady r ii a quesUon propounded bythe Hartford Journal, and which staresus fall in the face. That may dependupon how oh) the school (IN Is, a t tothe -lady "part of the question. Withnference to the l i s t proposition, weanheaitssinfly amwer, "Yea she caachew f urn, provided her teeth are lagood order."

The man who slips ap on an apple-paring at thia season of the year showstlio correct Fall styles.

t s u t Jniunnw put lmddol u"'I M>|i|« a n u» nusu ill) n | i

~ '' -•. -H 'BJ*'" "l«-'l Plan «iqI (i| 00m ..,.) io q3nm i

^ i . xis jptn anru >| p n '»1«J»> sjii no i

Two young girls were at dinnerat their home In Marseilles, whenthey were told that > special friendof theirs had died the previous night,of cholera. A t once they becameTery nervous, and left the table precipi-tately, ordered a cab and told the driverto take them as fast as possible to thetown of Aix, some distance from Mar-MiUes. When the cab got outside theeitjr, the cou-hmae looked through thewindow to ask the address of the placeto which he was to go, l ie saw one oft m girls in convulsions and the other•tterly unconscious. I n his turn, thedriver got frightened, abandoned the



CASE & McNALLY] '-Min u u.-v ' i .u .Slot.- in MR- HlvltKYI M ' l l . n m i . l,,t.<l.r uiH-iii,,,..! hy U'm.


IHX7, with 11 ilKiii'c Htuik of






Tht Ctmilnt hu Tra<lt Mirk wi cmIJSWOB «I»I>|I">



nill I* lilculv i« tmiiluw (D viuir lii'iiWItKIUHT FACE-tf.i.r.iliviluTonr.lutji.. buy.i>K out' »f A. It. Simon*.. Fall l»crl.,v.i. ^LICKUJ.mn...l-'ron. bluh |>ri.-eclotliiiip<tt>alfi-»t»ii<lHtoit ill A. H. MIIIIOD'H. HALT—('OIIIC in iitid1u»k ttmttmli our *tofk ill ifuudx. cliwrlnUyKIIUWII wliLther -fnu htiv <ir uot. ItnsntAimur H'Artt-lt«|Uirk. V ehar(. ami ,lon't bnk t i ; pull now mill net [do lioruniiiH. IIKKAKOrr—Tlie bint Lull it ail' |i'n!nu Iwn |iri(f» "Ncck-wiMir an<l buy of A It. Kiuirm. I'm:HI

ralT.i ynur liltlo liny t'n A. II. Hlninu tolirettjrliltlRituil. HTAMI AT KA-K—In n p__.of our |ieri(Tt flllio^ |.mitttliK>D-, 91 tu 97. imd

.V>iiirip|| lithreO fa um< ol our (•Irsatil full ami«inter OVBICIWIH, orient ninj.rP 1'ruiu 93 to .t>AIH--K.tr A. II. Kiiuoii*. cbtbinjj ttore, IIIHIyen will lilt tlio »i><it I'ur Him clotlilog. Fine—Off your old darwiits imd nnmre «uiiA. b. Mmiiu'* tail anil wivlvr -.IJIM. I—Avtty nt vour honest iwciinailnn that iou

iy It© alilc tn iiifenl a UIH-MI nbare inilLiuK. IhttM, tupn. I;.'I.|H' lurnixIifUK aw '

*Vc , at A, H. Hiuoii'ii. ldjiclwell St.. l>uvi

D. 8. MORRISON'S,Sussex St., Doverj N. J,

-:- S T A T I O N E R Y - : -r EVBRY KISn. Bl.uk Dix.k> ind LawUeka of t>U 1urm». Htyli.graphic Pt-ni. imef, Pfi.oili, P.H>lo^r»[i|i mirl Autoffrapli

illmmH, Htr»n,,i,'B Cnltbratnl Violin Htrit,K»,LUJUK1 amiOnit^r P.vcki-t Eiivtin, til tlie leaU-ino Daily and Weekly TaLcr*. Foil linei ofTobtocot and heg»r», ana KeertchMiu tud

E 0. KORICK,Bookseller and Stationer,

Car. Blaikttfll itui B X 8ti.. Dufer. K. J.

Awati ha- mi h.nd n full line nrBOOKH "fI hind)', STATIONERY of rferjr sort,imthly M;i|;y.i.ci »nd Weekly anil billyijrri. Piim. lintli ({oil aintl •reel; Wrlilurijii'r of i"*i'i-.T ili-acripliuii, l*'clurn rratni'H! wz..; mi.) it mil itoik or V\vu\ AIITK t.KII nniueroua 1» tuuntiou. I alto keen & Ur;:IK.-k ->r

wLk-li »<i i frs»b and aald cheap.


Boy*i l

*, wiiiaia.titm men and *OOOR ladlMil fur a P ji-oct-ifnl «iart Iu Bntlnnia Lift?

COtlKOH 703 t 713BBOADl l and

Lrsnuvn inr • PiiL'OftiBTili PIHFI iu JIDBIDITIB•I GOLEIUN COI.I.caE. 703 t - 713 Bl*HTKEET, NEWABB, N. J., HIP lftrRrtl . . .uBoat popol i r ichool IIT il.li ci-nutfj. Coorteof •tou* comliiiiti Tnfory wltl) Fnwstkte, faj ~•jwtcm of UaniucMi Tt-Daici luni 1»>K<1 <re»)Ta.Qi>( Ho T*c*ti<ini. Rateilotr. O nualeaMerMcil totitrjitioc*. The O'lltw*Jontiki itirj I l luatntwl Cuti 'mrn" m«!lcd nn •

Buiineit Notice.'T wllb 1J ,virn.le in Urri

Kurilioli ' On..**. <Vo._ would tnl.ii aniy nt tbc aborn

U'uulil t u t e a unctl tiatcriNt iiml "rrvii-c. __ ..„„laUUIMl. WCIIlM Mil Ul'jcCt tti |)!m"o wnrkIl"ml "tomV*. '"vuny''mi^»tliriinj-lionl the lnt<• mvA enn furnlnb faeftrttiocn from bnnlin, mrroliaiBt". 4c(

Ilti"11"'" "" 'SoXiTa, Horrirto«n. S.J.

'ii the ,arrived and opened the cab, they foundone girl dead and the other dying. Alittle way op the road they found th*asarhmsnlylng on his tax, ooad.


Will be kept o|>*« ttinmalimil the uinl<for |iartlr> «MI »"T * h ° ^ * ' " " "P""1

_ , . »._ . . _ . ! . A _..1r.. ..II i — — I I I .

u,,,,k. ll,.i.lltiL'BIKIII«'all kluili; I,»v,ir« Lilirnrj in lull; PimauO IluUors, pmiiif,•.Ural." -Writ'..- r . i . r Vrlllng IBI . . B'a r«cl«t »«.ls.Pi-n Imh'i In Mt

l.ouiil.1 •« clu-H' •• «•• rl«Bpi-rt. DIVH >l« * 0 A U "IJSS- LAW BLANKS OF ALL KINDS.



« tc , etc:.* etc.

Hi.viiik'ei.c.1 hn<l n IIIIHIUO^ cxiKrlence o

i-uuieyears iu tliif fiction, vti bel ime wi- i-ui

tijiply In » Miifisl'iu-loty w y tl»o ufctlti »f ti

rH>ula In nur Hue. ;IIK1 ri . i i i r tfni ly mliirit

trinl ti'81.



' KUCKAWAY S I D VI" MKAl.UKK iloUnidcHnf work wlii.-li Ilicir IniNini'Mi

Clllh ft. h l l 'b UN


ROOFING and JOBBING«l oil kimli done ui Niiort notice ntiitrniMon-

lio. VuUL-annlHiiys Iiml n fuFI Ht«i>b uf

STOVES,(if ullmiii^Hiiiiilkiii.lH,




Lamps, Paints, Oils, I cl*o n^'iit. lor


t iMiinufuctiircrV jirmnri. AIBO uni'Otc for

HoytKbiio Bflcfctt Paigbicli i.n> tiifl bent |HUU]I* in tlio inarkot.




ri^llKHK PIUWH nrc conitidermi bmt in tinX market, having sold !,*«• in piint IV

*, imd taken Mwral prUrn nt fulr>.


Hwr f . Ifm*mt Urn

SEED DRILLS!Witk K»rllll««r Afacksatat.



Sswsls • • « rknillswrs.


MORmsrowN, u. i.




FURNACES,TIN, C I T E . , AND Pur. Inow Boo»i-,a,

Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, Ac.


mu miuva,A


Insurance Agents.mica-MTioMi. m a MM BOILD.

a*.DOVBR.X. J.

I m i v i H i i i n il • B>mi SB] •*•[.• . ^ H . I ««.IL. • in-

4 tvlvKitUituMii pol|f lei. Th.iy lire at*.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS,anil haaille all kl.ila of proprrl.T. iBKliidiuiiia well Ib. nrftoliatlBB at IOBIIB and rnllri>-





Propifty for Sale,



STATIONERY, T... llool^ Bttar.

C. S. JENSENwill iipni hi" ni:»





APRIL 1st, 1887,

williu full lino ul cvi'r.vtiiiiiK (.irluiiiliig l«


Carpet Weaver and Dyer

CU hti^jlmu dwd ftdlliir.



CleanlnR and Repairing

aHiiedulty. A large »t#ek of


• l « r s on land »l Itio lowl»l mull |itlcei.

Extending their Business!

l AllllASUliMliKlli.

Iu J O U M I *t Waablmtun •itb tr«an lot

"!&'*£>A?£!*'unF"%'u<l'ome" CapitalDrkViUsf KUDU Otf#) WfcMJr Q B P I *^1J"OUUH'S T , liaBto.i, O*t>jiO, ltb«*iV . r A l r . S i m i t a , Uouut Horrin and fiutUhlao HyrtveiuM «ud Oawusp, eountciiLg al

At tMU 1 . U. Ouvur Aoot)«iBCHi«tion.At W.W k. M. Uover ActcniMOdalioD

tffSr wsas

.i».«« p . « ( i w t » j i sst WsUrluu r»r Aadoiet,

. jriSobTlllc, ind .1 MjUUpabuili Tsllst sWIrosil sun ielilgb »n5

fc M. lor B t t | l A l i l w u

lESSee, Mom.W.i.. Horn. Pl.ln.. D.i

"Tf"iBJ"MDrH'aia.lt.lo»»Eipf...).loP.pini.tllllbars,l«Bmit,Cliblbain,MadlMiB,Mcrriatown u d sll 11.11011. weal to HsosetM-to«a,OOBti.oti.a.t W.Urlou wltL trsis

Vork (.LipiB^oaraBllMlud) «la. rateraoal«mi«ilCnS«ktB«Bt.>aBt- • *->—


has engsged In Die coal buslncsN, and will keep the

beNt groiics of COAL of All kinds. They will also keep

Fire, Common and Front Brick, Lime, Planter, Shore

Band, Cement. Masons' Material*. Fertilizer*, to.

laud. Homer, HyiauBMtt aw! U.KYA0.»i»io«bamtoi.J[a"(tBilil!.rltni.>ii[,Ollord,

Nonrkta, llehkid Bprifi... Utlca, an. Ibian l " n n l s m i i " t o Bsweao UoB.lo .r.dUoliflaM apriassTW >°t to [inaca) BBUOB]

—Toln.aI • •*•> . M. Donr AcEoDiBodalloB lorit&BBi, Horriatowa aud Dover.


BOOTS AND SH0D8(oi-Lrflrf, M!«.o»\ I n ' ! mul IIIIJV «rar. lmjum iirriveil. An Iwlliitlonto the people I.

CBiioral l< .•Jluniled lei exiiiiiiue Ibo •ins. M I M I HK»«O««»Lli.

Cnslaaa Work »m* MepalriBi Pr«s»a>II» AUmmtt* (•.

3. 0. KAMIN8KI,



I hare three large

lots for sale on Ran-

dolph Avenue.

I have three lots

for sale on Blaekwell

street, near the river


I have fifty-eight

lots for sale on Penn

Avenue, 1st, 2d, 3d,

4th, 5th and 6th Sts.

I will sell any or all

of the above cheap for

cash; half mortgage

or all mortgage, and

give all the time re-

quired. Apply to




•ml llubliUloi. Ia



o Bh« Bitiirif mj work•llaKrana ol ce.tog Ifi all kiodi

d t h K

herever I | 0 . StMen at any Una, Alto

nRi for (be fill trad*. Grata-f wood. Ma|Jle. Walnut, BlMfe

l O k Satin d JWtog Ifi all kiodi of wood. Ma|Jle. Walnut, BlMfend tteoah KoaeVMHl. Oak. Satin wood, JW.Plie palDtini traoch I alitll •trictlr .npartoni myicir ttid enploj tbe twit of UMbMtot.

. »*k a ttir trial it tat ability aDd will •«•deavor to taj •tmott to plMM tnr ciatotMra


i r a h I alt.ll •rictlrir ttid enploj tbe twit of Utir trial it tat ability aD


- r o a -

Family and Medicinal




li no«offerlii|tlly.,«iiil Mar WUilin Iron<0ot.. to 11.1(1 per ijnarl.

Qln from 10 cl.. to 11.60.Brnnil*ri Irom 4G clii. to 13 00.\\iinea olall klud.from 10 dn. toai.so.All wlilhkicB aDil Vint* rmm 91,25 to II

All branillp* from 11.25 to SU per HllolHiBbt.l market p h . p . M ,J, ,,55,™

Local Newspaper-:-

Northern New jersey.



* ran KTOCK or cKocKrax A I DMOSAIC WABB.

And .11 nrooiritis, P H T U S U aai TaM..I),UIK. »t i.»e« a M

WILOOX & BERRY,('PCCMtOM T > M. V. at. 'BtsUKO,)


TI'BI. .p'cTr.llra.fbVtBl dlBa,,cnulitah.N at.il iu.lirl.li latmtaBMl.

. s u m ri>»p>ir •••<•«•< <•.

SD4B«-A. a. iu>t.



"""• •*••• ° « M , Dover, K. J.

--rim Cl.tl.to, . , »„„„,,„ g ,^ ,

H.aauMiMaaa » » F . M.a. I I U O I I U . taasilauaaMI.


TrslB. arrti. a i l . .wr t boa UUstailor.as followa:

*. • . VS.TB0VMB a-al.laa" i;3S Blub'loD Halt* v:0»eu' S:K1 E..Voolt.il 11:31

_..,T Eipr'ai. 0M UulTalo E»p." 10:11HwbeU.lo»BEsp.7;»l! PoTer Acoom. lhaoFuBalo Expre..' ":!» ' ••Eaatoa EapraH 8:45 DoTerAocoB. lailfi

• - - - ll:3olEa.lonEipreas 9:00F.B. Eloilr. l i i r t . . '1 :1

Blimbsuiton El,* 1S:1T Esiton Espre.B S:!Dovor Aocom, 11M ', Dowr Espreu £32ta.tor.aIMl l:«>H'mtUlownEsp.7:>>Elinir. Esprcis* 4:08 Buffalo Esp.' 8:21UovurAo.Cm. MS Do<srAoooai. 111:10luftalo RaprM.* 7:40 Biifialo Es.* 10:S9lutoaleooaa. >M<Tl>.atooaloaaVBBoli.


' , . " Oh. . , . ,I.M aorlBa6.49 iroBi.•.44 HUHlyUll<M Msflslaajjlli131 fortorame 27 Dover

A • • r7.8S7.497.477.UV.&S8038,10

Central Bulroad of Hew Jenqr.

la H a . I S M , fort at Uksrlr K,, Ksttk r i m .LEAVE. UP THAWS

l l i l l i i r r i-JlvTork^. l.fa I.8U luoMbBbdOn...!.? 1M »MUaalaWsa " mTnatwi I.M «.at


i. l.«sll.|D I j i t


Orssi f.m ll . i l l.sB T.1BDone M l 11.M 1.10 1.1.•oeaswBT.. Alrir. t J l 11M I.W M6

. A.v.tOHMBB Tdl*J.M.X. TJH.Ull.ie4.4B MSCbnterrarasaC.... 7.MS.KI 11,104M i lObesUrtrrin T.UI.UlIJtS.M u s

HAVE. COW» Tlltim.AH. r.al, t j i . t.m. t, V.

. f.IO 1.10 I.MI.t>

hrtOnaV.T.!.'.'.',' 0.11 i t s

•sa|lirl|kt M3 I.M l .u E «.n

»=» !-H tsssstsiBiiisi"' ?:™

HsBdlers,..'.... 10.K94bi>EdOrMB.... 1.W>«wfors s.»

M l 1017•.0110 Oi«.H 1.10 10.1

a.a;, A.v.a.v.r.M.r.ai.%ester...... LeaveT.ttl S.IS 10.4a (.as «.so

CheiMrFornaos 7.0S ».*> 10.4S tM ITslkr..ar.T.U 190 10.et4.s5 I.:

Tralna leave Dover Inr HIBDUIOK a:HopRicoj,««»... , i . ia,ni | ia3r,all .tatioDi to OgdcB at I.M r. N.

CoBTeTauuea CBB be proaBred at O.rm\ altev to .n,l from acbiolev'a ItouaUlB 1H.o,l™ u> aail I t a Bodd'a Late. '

KABTOK COMKECTIOJC-COBBWII™,ssada at HlgL Bridar to a»d from EaitoB.

H. P. BALIltllH.

». 11. ou..™,,o«i.».p.OM • " • " • " " " •




,-l.i-Ht ln.lilrr.at tlirHulalnfl.tiicIt j ' iPoHT.itilhiitowiisl.tnnl »»ndol[,]. c,,.,,,;'Morriv aoil Slate ot Hrw Jet*, y on y


)iiti!unuVi t.Vlo*-h'k M.,'r«"r»i|OlriiV'''1? *'


l|i.l n«] wtiiJu J j jwr f ••»> *»ltl Uiiili-, (ill.Ail Hint nan uf l«nrl and iirttnlm,,, s i [ u .1 the H,ivu.litp or IiMii-oljiii, fountv •mlc Hftirit-uiii. ij"ii(iilnl uud dunciittrd unf iw«, 10-wil : BcitiK |«rl nf tti= M c n , j . ' ' '' Jnn.1 tint win ivn)vi.-;pii lo |rln|| T , . ' " '(inland wtlobT dtcd from Hal lnll i\u',-

- <?,daird8ei)lnnk-r 1'

Itaillnir ti i * ^ »-- - -- — _ _ « . . . ^ Brtihiifiu

. ivi-rtindlihljBoliert PatK-Dc C,nvned anil orenpird by Oiftroc J'icfM,.,

.... (jriOgBhailM. 6ih «irnrt ol tl... ,.,,. fkml lliul H»id HOM, »(>t<| |» one uan|r.| 1rMncu, tJ *cd chtftl HcanrMUir Bih, wtftod rtuordtil in Beak X » p#So« fc7, ,vc,( allj

erile ttacined in IBGfl a.lot.(> n*ijn*rr.*1irlli HU dPRici.. wint U HiaiD« »M Hoa cornir m said ro»d I.MIIJ,' the- »ti

oFiiir Id Hie Kb Hrel i cMtilnl anil vAi\eu!\,y a ctriiin <!((d fr<na Hid Bo*nl io N' i

ucoi[>< (I Iu Bock 16, lolioa ID, Ac, |Jf.j,,J J. „

4tllllBCt(jr»f(IH.A. M^Ml, r,.,,; H) ,,;,,!21 Aipreti weit lolLjuCili comer of tho l(,iOf02 60100 m m »ccnii(lly i xwptrtt in tlie (](.fcrijitloii »t tliu Hfcind trnciia Mid deol fum,"• nfon Io rani Hot?! ; Ilirnce alontr lli« in

• nf Hid t-scq>tr.l lul ,,f Hi fU-lCD ii:ru L>b[»rtipB word (iruieri*'; (») (mull) li'lil?cieai.1 11 diairj* BD<I 62 Unit |D itiVttii'

...LCT ; (4) tlii'itce aloiif tin, Ttb !f i , . ,,f ,|lelime iinrlli fi dtRttoa eaat 17 chain, ntr! ailluki-o tlio Tf[• to'uer uf tlicunie luini! .NUtlii; 8J cuiDtr of I lie (net nf Stt •cien, nit u .-i.

\>Ud in iaid dtt« tu Mid Uwi.j; tln-rtcou(ttLead line ol wid fi» icr.?. («.) nortl, 81•Bni-» «•* H t-liaina tDii i% Ittikti to the .1.1

jruer ; Ilitnco along l ie Oil IIDC of tlie HHIDU(G) ritulb 4i!j tleitn-oa **ft SI cliilnn kii<] soiuknto tliu •ilicuiner of Ilia tmm«intliL' 13iblim-of thmald f<l tract of Itnd io«* tlorcsmionTfjfdto lalil lloaalby n\$ HtilUDii.biJinitIOWID lino ofltixliof Jiini-BPierion, tlicnwil<nit saiil JSlli line (7) n-nll. iJJdeertCR vestil.-liattiiiti<l 18 link* la HID Hit. cornrrofiaid 111 lot; iliei.ro (8) norllj 79 deems vfK19 cliamn to the 16th corner; throne (II) miuib•t,\vtftft» vttt ft obafii* and U7 linkt io ibo

p«rl (10) norib 831 Jf «nca wu»t 8 chalnXiultSlist.* 1o • eoitnr in niii I6lh line, Inii,.lie beftinuinfi curiFr uf wid 51 ii Iract uLnw:cii'rrt-ci to ; Hun along t ie l>t line nf i|mMnii'(il) BDiith 34 drs» t?n weat Veluitm nml

of'»louci'ouli» Uniill11'', K ™ « - ^ S ^ ^ P

(iSlmhato lli« thltorurr; Ibt-nte (18, Bontli94 (l<f;r«i went A rlislna ami 90 linhii lo the4tli corner of tlin unio In ralil m d; tlim »u\\»loi)u Mil road (11) nortb 68 degrees wmt iolinivn to the tilt coruur ol the Htm fn imlroaii;tL« ntlll alnog m d road (IB) norlli 4BJcRreea *e*t S chilna u d II Uiki io ih<> Otli:iirntr ©flho name, beion Ifae flace of begin-aing, vunt'iDiDK "a* bandied and nine seres,mote of 1ct>p, lad Ii • w e -uliy tot fnrili «nldeacribed ID a ctrUia de>d from EphiiimMrdktk'y aud wife to Cliarlea flitlen, ihtidFeijruart 24tli. A, D. 1MM, and retordcil Inlie Hnrrli County lecord of Oeeda Iu lkwk

uiry Slit, 1487.A. JUDflON COK,


In Chancory tf Nm Jtrsey,To Tlio Ktw York Omral.T and Imlenmlty

Cua.|>ai.y. Catb.rlnc It. Stewart aud Kinland Sl&wart:

BY virln» nruu order of the Cnnrtof Oliin-cer? of New Jorutf, nadu un (lie duy n!

tliu (latehcrcor, ia a etnao wheteiu Jolm II,LiilRcrvuiul anil Airrril Hlllf, airviviDK Exec*atora or Bteuheu Tail, deopaied, ire u>ra>|)lalrjo nti, aucl yog and others are dclemhut.,you are required to appear, plead, aiiintiror demut to I lie bill of aaid en m pi a i nan tit, m,or before tbu t««ut<r-aevai.tli day of Aprilnut , or tlie iaid bill wilt bo taken a»wD-

"TJB uid bllliifliiiia to fureoloie a mortRJccRiven bj Alku H. Hunter to Frederic li C.u-

"', not bela byconulaiivanta at asai in'e*,d Juno alitli, elgbteeD bnndrcil ami mily

fuur, ou iaudi in ttiu towuabip of Huxbarv, intbe coauiy of Morris ; »ud you tlio Hew YurkUuarantrand Indemuitv Ooinpanf are inmludofindaut Ixieaaaw yon bold an encMnilmnc.'onwmepartof •*..! landai yon Galliarimi K.Stewart ire made a (kfendant bteniHu youown Hid landi or io jie part thereof \ and toaKlrtlaDii Stewart Me made • HOVIKI.III I,,-cause yoo Live u interectai tenant by tliuonrteay in aaid lands or aome pan tliereul.

Dated febmarj Utli, 1S87.JLLF11BD MILLS,

Bolioltoi of Oomphinanti,Motrfatna-n,

Borrla 0«n t f ,N . J . Miivr


Estate or William Tretke-way, deceased.

UBBDUr to Ihe ord«r ot the Bnmtitiol Ibe Connly of Momi, vide on Ibe

nl;Kireiib dir of JIBDHJ 1. D.wte ttaon*•wdeiRlittaiudni. MilelKhtfiiifM. notice iahereby given to all peneM ktrltur chinia«tlnat tho «tat . of *U | IM, tn ib^ay. lateof the CMMIT of Hotna, icttaati, to prcwDtttu taut, u J a r otlk wia taHtla i to Ibanb.•MilH}rnori«fDrittwt«ntjM*ilbdiyo(

)it*d ih* tweo<v.aeraDtli da? of JanaarT i.1. THITBBWAV,DitM la* t»eo<v.wr«Btk

D. 1*7. viixuK B.•aefcatU.ox'ii.N.i.


EitftU tf MfttiUai T. Swack-

T to th« ordtt of U inrrogate». . u . CoDotf of Monti, asWde OD the

- » . b day or ffabinan A. D. UN tbooMOd«Mbl handftd Mn cI|litr>a*Tt». notico {•bereby given to ill BenoM UrleK elan"aiainat Th. Mlate of Matttataa T. H«*Ai>»<ner.lat« DI tba amity of Marri*, d*o*n-il, IuprewDttb* •iBM.BD.ltr oa.ti or a«rmaiii'n,« Hie nbacrlbei, on or befora the ciKi'tli

day or Korenbar neit, being BJB* montliifront'cteteoraM orttortaniltJifcrcdtior


Hotioe of fettluuntHoUce ii htnbjcivcn tbtt IU icoonDti of

the ••baenbtr, jidBtofitntor of Britain C.Waer, dewaMtf. will be kntilled and fitted b;tfa* BortOR»U, anil reported for •ettk.m at tothevOrpbica (varl of the Conaly rf Morrii,OB Huadty tkt fourth day ef Aprtl ocit.

T8OB. B. McfllUTH.t? D-lhr




0Mii.,t. «!

catsU m i VAX DUYNE,

ftRVCTor aaAAsent.N

t A1LEW1—