Tips for Successful Thesis

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  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Tips for a SuccessfulThesis

    Amar Khoukhi

    Systems Engineering Department,KFUPM

    [email protected]

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis



    Selecting a Research TopicSelecting a Research Topic Research proposal preparationResearch proposal preparation

    Research topic and titleResearch topic and title

    Literature reviewLiterature review

    Research questionsResearch questions

    Research proposal writingResearch proposal writing

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Some definitions

    Research: The process ofsearching, carefully, to answer aquestion using a method,

    Many types of researchTheoreticalTheorems and proofs


    Design reated e!perimenta resu

    ts,engineering ne" produ#ts,

    System developmentAgorithm de$eopment, %oding, testing, &

    'asi# resear#h skis don(t di)er mu#h

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Most of the skis #an *e earnt or impro$ed o$er time, if one"ants

    Some taent is needed, *ut aone it is not enoughPeope "ith great taent and no skis o*tain mu#h ess than

    "hat they #oud do

    +ot ony te#hni#a skis

    Skill The learned capacity or talentto #arry out pre-determined resuts

    often "ith the minimum outay of time,energy, or *oth.

    Some definitions

    Research Skills

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    A thesis for the PHD must form a distinctivecontribution to the knowledge of the subject andaord evidence of originality shown by the

    discovery of new facts and/or by the exercise ofindependent critical power((, niversity !f"ondon #egulation$

    An argument

    An exposition of an original piece of research The product of an apprenticeship Something that could be published:

    e.g. at least one paper in a scholarly journal

    But you will probably never publish the whole thesis

    Starting a thesis?

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    The rocess of Research

    Identify theResearch Problem

    Review the



    and!isseminate Research

    Specify a


    "ollect !ata


    the Research

    Analy#e !ata

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Selecting a ResearchTopic

    What are some considerations whenselecting a research topic?

    Personal interest / Passion, Curiosity

    Importance / Contriution to the !ield "ewness / Relevance


    Time constraints %thical constraints &rgani'ational support (vailailit$ o! equipments

    (!ter graduation emplo$ment possiilities



  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Sources of Research Topics

    )iscussion with !acult$

    #acult$ ongoing pro*ects +(CST, )SR, RI, -.

    Previous student pro*ects +0 Sc0 10 Sc to Ph).

    Peer2reviewed *ournals in $our !ield

    Personal e3periences %3isting literature Recommendations for

    future research

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Refining Your Topic

    Refinement needed for effective and efficient research "arrow $our topic

    Identi!$ a theoretical !ramewor4

    Speci!icall$ and unamiguousl$ de!ine terms

    State research questions and h$potheses

    A literature review will help you

    See i! $our idea has een tried Include all relevant constructs

    Select instruments

    (nticipate common prolems

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Research proposalResearch proposal


    ! good proposal is a good idea, wellexpressed, with a clear indication of

    methods for pursuing the idea, evaluatingthe "ndings, making them known to all who

    need to know, and indicating the #roaderimpacts of the activity$

    Source: http:%%www$nsf$gov%
  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    urpose of the research

    proposal/. To informthe reader of nature of your proposedresearch$What is the prolem?What is its e3tent?

    &$ To convince the reader, especially supervisors andreviewers, of the value of your proposed research$Is this pro*ect worth the time and mone$?Will it ma4e a di!!erence to the world?

    '$ To demonstrate your expertise andcompetency in a particular area of study$ )o $ou have the quali!ications to conduct this research?

    5ave $ou in!ormed $oursel! o! the e3isting theor$ and data

    relevant to $our topic?

    The Proposal: Part 1,

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    urpose of the researchproposal

    ($ Toplanthe research pro)ect and provide a

    step*#y*step guide to the tasks necessaryfor its completion$What are the 4e$ stages o! the wor4?5ow do the various components !it together?

    0. To requestsupport from individuals andagencies who provide supervision, oversightor funding$What 4inds o! support does the pro*ect need?(re all participants properl$ protected?

    1$ To contract with the agencies andindividuals involved, +e$g$ supervisors,foundations and participants$ 5ow will tas4s e assigned and resources e3pended?

    What does each contriute to the collective endeavor?

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    arts of a roposalarts of a roposal %o$er Page and Tite

    Pro2e#t summary or E!tended A*stra#t

    Ta*e of #ontents

    Pro2e#t des#ription

    Introduction Literature review Prolem statement Research o*ectives Research methodolog$ Pro*ect tas4s and milestones udget deliverales

    3eferen#es #ited

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    ro)ect Summaryro)ect Summary

    4ntee#tua Merit

    Des#ri*e thes#ienti5#6engineering6edu#ation pro*emand "hy it is important

    State the o$era o*2e#ti$e of the pro2e#t State the spe#i5# aims Des#ri*e ho" the aims "i *e a#hie$ed

    'roader 4mpa#ts

    Edu#ationa 7 outrea#h a#ti$ities8infrastru#ture8 dissemination of resuts8underrepresented groups8 *ene5t to so#iety

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    -hat is a .iterature


    re$ie" of the iterature

    9is a written summary of )ournal

    articles, #ooks and other documentsthat descri#es the past and currentstate of information, organi0es theliterature into topics and documentsa need for a proposed study.: pp. ;

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    rings a readerup-to-dateon whatis 4nown on a given topic

    provide !resh insights that advance4nowledge

    Resolve con!licts etween studiesIdenti!$ new wa$s to interpret

    research resultsCreating a path !or !uture research

    -hat is a .iteratureReview/

    The >3is notis not a 6list7 o! !ound research ut a coherent andarticulate account o! past and current research !indings

    Masters Is summative, Covers methodological issues, research techniques and results topics.

    Doctorate analytical synthesis, Covers all known literature on the subect, !inks ideas

    conceptually across and within theories,

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    8 The LR should e e3haustive and as current as possile0

    8 5ow man$ articles?

    ? There is no set num#er$ !s long as the search is

    exhaustive and focused on the research topic, thereview will #e accepta#le$

    o" far *a#k shoud one sear#h

    widel$ accepted time!rame past 9: $ears,Pioneer and seminal wor4s even i! these go e$ond0

    -hat is a .iteratureReview/

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    reliminary .iteratureReview

    1uidelines on Style, 2echanics,and .anguage 3sageDoes your draft foo" the ogi# or idea that is presented

    in your intro and titeA$oid o$erusing dire#t Buotations, espe#iay ong ones%he#k stye manua for #orre#t use of #itationsA$oid using synonyms for re#urring "ordsThis is not #reati$e "riting and stay #onsistent "ith

    terminoogyCroup 4, Phoeni! %ohort, E!perimenta Croup

    Spe out a a#ronyms "hen 5rst using themTraditional 2 (merican Societ$ o! 1echanical %ngineering +(S1%."on2traditional 2 Collective %!!icac$ +C%.

    +o Don(t use #ontra#tionsA$oid the foo"ing

    Slang ; 6cool7Colloquialisms ; 6thing7

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    2aintain 1ood Research racticesThroughout the Search

    1. Maintain your search record.

    2. Keep your research journal.

    3. Make copies of all sources.

    4. Be sure that the copy has full bibliographic inforation.

    !. Check the reference list of e"ery source you ha"e located.

    #. Back up all coputer files $%"ery t&o &eeks 'ie((()

    *. +et e,pert help &hene"er you need it.

    -. Keep your dissertation chair infored about progress andprobles.

    ./t is useful to set up and aintain a hoe page on the /nternet.

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    -riting 4our Research5uestion+s

    ( good research topic as4s a clear, concise question0

    The$, dictate what t$pe o! statistical anal$sis is needed, andwhat t$pe o! research design ma$ e emplo$ed

    Can e !ormulated ased on theories, past research, previouse3perience, or the practical need to ma4e data2drivendecisions in a wor4 environment

    ( research question should address onl$ 9 concept

    =uestion must e measurale +answerale.

    $rom Topic %& Problem definition ' to Research (uestion

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Directed and Independent Research +et one or t&o 0uestions that &ill ser"e in your'heses as a chapter paper

    !ro" #o$r co$rse ter" pro%ects2 esign projects that fit &ith your research topic2 uthorship "s. %thics

    +i"e Credit &hen Credit is due(

    Research Questions

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    6ow do you read a statement of thepro#lem passage/

    Topic Research


    '(idence )or the

    I"portance o)

    the Pro&le"

    De)iciencies in*no+lede

    a&o$t the


    -$diencesthat Ma#



    areaA concern

    A problem


    that needs

    a solution

    *vidence from

    the literature*vidence from



    In this body of

    evidence+ whatis missing?

    ,hat do we

    need to -now

    more about?

    .ow will addressing

    what we need to

    -now help:researchers


    policy ma-ersindividuals such as

    those in the study

    An "#ample







    amon$ football


    %&ap in the literature%Reports of violations


    identifyin$ and



    %Assessin$ violations%)elps recruiters develop

    better ethical standards%)elps athletes

    understand ethical issues

    $/, /$ I!*AS

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    7i8erences among the

    Topic, ro#lem, urpose,and 5uestions0eneral









    !istance learning

    ac- of students in distance

    learning classes

    To study why students do not

    attend distance education classes at

    a community college

    !oes the use of ,eb site technology

    in the classroom deter students

    from enrolling in a distance

    education class?

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    7i8erences among the

    Topic, ro#lem, urpose,and 5uestions0eneral









    1obile Robotics

    1ulti2ob)ective motion


    Time and energy are conflictual

    criteria 3 .owever both will

    contribute to high efficiency of the


    .ow limitation on motor tor4ues can

    be handled for such a minimum

    time and energy planner?

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    +o study is perfe#t

    9A data is dirty in some "ay or another8resear#h is "hat you do "ith that dirty data:

    Measurement in$o$es making #hoi#es

    ou #an re5ne or #hange your pan

    Read to learn9 $$read to analy0e9

    read to write

    A*out resear#h methodoogy Studies on simiar topi#s

    User repair strategies

    /ettin Started, *eep In Mind That

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    The roposal: art ',2ethodology

    A des#ription of the genera methodoogy andpro#edures

    The resear#h #onte!t or site

    The pant or the su*2e#ts

    The instruments and materias used

    E!pain 7 2ustify= adequate the pro#edures foo"ed

    and toos for data #oe#tion and anaysis and

    A methodology is not just alist of research tasks but anargument as to why thesetasks add up to the best attackon the problem (Przeworski

    !alomon" #$$%" p& '

    )he methodology section serves toconvince the e*aminer that you really knew

    what you were doing and that you knewhow to do it properly (Parsons & Knight, 2005,p.128).

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    hat Makes a Proposa %ompetiti$ehat Makes a Proposa %ompetiti$e

    Grigina ideas that go *eyond the #ommonpa#e

    Su##in#t, fo#used pro2e#t pan

    3eaisti# amount of "ork SuH#ient detai pro$ided

    3ationae and e$iden#e of potentia e)e#ti$eness

    Potentia #ontri*ution to kno"edge

    %apa#ity to disseminate 5ndings

    Gn the startGn the start

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Tips for Su##essTips for Su##ess

    Foo" page and font siIe imits and other guideines a$e a strong e$auation pan "ith timeines and


    3e"rite and re"rite again Cet #ritiBues from Mentors and #oeagues Pre$ious mem*ers of re$ie" panes


  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    Tips for Su##essTips for Su##ess

    'e a"are of the s#ope 9too am*itious: $s. 9toonarro":

    Anti#ipate pro*ems Address possi*e diH#uties

    A#kno"edge possi*e e!perimenta pro*emsand ha$e aternati$es

    '$ >e reasona#le

    Simpify and streamine

    Make sure you get your o$era idea a#rossJ Pay attention to detais 3un a spe #he#ker and proof-read a$e someone ese read the proposa

    Spe #he#k8 grammar #he#k, #ear photos, graphs, et#.

    ($ 2ake it easy for thereviewers

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


    *cience and research writin$ is lar$ely made up of sentence structures +templates,

    used to particular areas of science for many different areas. -nce you understand

    this concept you will probably find it easier to read articles from areas of sciencewith which you are not completely familiar

    -rite -ith an E?cientrocess

    ! good writing needs a lot of reading

    Grigina senten#e Possi*e a**re$iation

    The data "ere #oe#ted and they

    "ere anaysed using&..The data "ere #oe#ted and#orreations "ere #a#uated...The data "hi#h "ere #oe#ted "ereanaysed using&..

    The data "ere #oe#ted and

    anaysed using&..

    The data "ere #oe#ted and#orreations #a#uated&..The data "ere #oe#ted "ereanaysed using&..

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis



    ou can learn/improve your research skills

    ou can produce sustained $reat research

    results if you are enthusiastic, honest, work

    hard, open, and committed

    Many research skills you will develop

    And Have An Excellent Thesis !!

  • 7/26/2019 Tips for Successful Thesis


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