Tips to do great in exams! Posted On: February 03, 2012 03:14 pm "How to Prepare for Exam?" A big question that you always ask yourself. Here are some tips that may help you. Dear student friends you people may be of different types. I know, many of you, no all of you are so brilliant students. Yet there may be some problems regarding your studies Let's discuss it here. Many of you may be working hard and getting good marks and some of you may not be working hard but still manages to get high marks in exams, others may be wondering how it happens? And also there will be a few of you who study well but still not able to score well in exams. Don’t worry there are some very simple tips by following which you can become master. These tips will tell you 'How to prepare for Exams in Short time', 'How to prepare for a class 12 CBSE or ICSE Board exam' as well as a competitive exam like JEE and even you can prepare for exams in a week just by following these tips. It will be even better if you follow this for a long period of time.

Tips to Do Great in Exams

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Tips to Do Great in Exams

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Tips to do great in exams

Tips to do great in exams!

Posted On: February 03, 2012 03:14 pm

"How to Prepare for Exam?"

A big question that you always ask yourself. Here are some tips that may help you. Dear student friends you people may be of different types. I know, many of you, no all of you are so brilliant students. Yet there may be some problems regarding your studies Let's discuss it here. Many of you may be working hard and getting good marks and some of you may not be working hard but still manages to get high marks in exams, others may be wondering how it happens?

And also there will be a few of you who study well but still not able to score well in exams. Dont worry there are some very simple tips by following which you can become master. These tips will tell you 'How to prepare for Exams in Short time', 'How to prepare for a class 12 CBSE or ICSE Board exam' as well as a competitive exam like JEE and even you can prepare for exams in a week just by following these tips. It will be even better if you follow this for a long period of time.

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Tips to do well in exams

Don't panic on exam day. On the night before the exam, and in the morning, read through your notes a few times, then put them away. Don't panic if you have not studied well. Just think over the question and you might remember something the teacher taught you. After all, you are studying things that men/ women have discovered before without previous knowledge. Keep a glossary of any words belonging in an educated vocabulary and pertaining to your subject matter which you may be able to incorporate in formulating your exam responses. Make your own reviewer. Write your keywords in every topic and use different colors of ink for easy recognition. When you create your reviewer, use all the resources you have available. Make sure to personalize it so you can enjoy it! Eat a healthy breakfast that day, so you feel energized, but don't eat so much that you feel full. Something to consider is a study that says males do better on tests if they are slightly hungry, and females do better on tests if they are slightly full. Again, don't overdo it. You gain less by studying for exams at the last minute. One way to think about it is to start studying for the next exam as soon as you get the material, don't wait until a week before the test to start. Try and have all your study notes complete at least 2 weeks before the exam. This allows you plenty of time to work through past papers for revision and go over and re-read anything you're a bit hazy on. In the lead up to exams, try and get your hands on some exam papers for previous years. Doing these before the real exam will give you an idea as to what you'll be up against and will highlight anything you still need to revise. If you suffer from exam stress then take a calming antidote, perhaps an herbal tea. Just don't overdose because it'll make you drowsy. Don't stress out, it makes your mind work slower. Allow yourself a few minutes to settle into a zone of intense concentration when approaching your reading or writing academic assignments. Realize that you may need to internalize information actively to keep focused. This may be accomplished by following the text with a pencil and whispering the text to yourself to ensure that you are progressing during your study segments of time. Reproduce the academic material from memory to monitor retention levels at regular intervals as a sort of self-testing mechanism. Find as many associations or ways to connect the new information which your brain is acquiring with the information which is already securely entrenched in your brain to foster cohesion in your arsenal of knowledge. Adopt passionately creative methods of memorizing related information using numbers, acronyms, mnemonic poems, wild stories and outlandish mental pictures to truly bring the material alive in a virtually unforgettable way. Have a balance in life, exams are simply a quick and lazy way to assess people. Don't panic, just study. Develop a positive attitude towards exams. If you are well prepared you'll walk into the exam room thinking "WOW! I can't wait to prove myself to these examiners, I'm gonna Ace this test, just to show them." Negative attitude: "Oooh, I'm so nervous. I hate exams; what's the point? I really don't feel up to this". Ever heard this? "Good luck with your exam!" This is false hope, you shouldn't need a pint of luck to help you succeed,and if you DO need good luck, then you obviously haven't prepared enough. While some can be, most exams aren't really this big. Exams are really just large quizzes with a time limit. No big deal. During the exam, avoid blanks. Try as hard as you can to make an intelligent guess. Take the closest answer but remember not to take too much of your time in answering one item. Go back and review your answers after you finish the exam, if you still have time. Don't waste valuable opportunities to better yourself by being lazy! Always have a positive attitude. Prepare for the worst and expect the best! Be relentlessly confident in yourself and your abilities! Mind your diet and don't drink alcohol. Avoid visiting any social-networking sites! It can be done.Top of Form

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9 Ways to Prepare for Finals


You totally dont want to think about it right now, but finals are just around the corner. That means you can add studying for them to your already vast to-do list. Here are some helpful hints on how to prepare for your exams and get everything else done.

Tip 1: Start earlyPreparation for exams should begin earlier than the day before the test. You cant cram an entire unit of information into an all-nighter. Get started at least a week before the exam.

Tip 2: OrganizeBegin by making yourself a calendar outlining a daily schedule of topics for review. Cover a small amount of material for each class each day. Every time you complete a topic, give yourself a mini review.

Tip 3: OutlineOnce you have decided what you need to study and how much time you need to spend studying, it is time to actually study. One of the best ways is to make succinct outlines. As you read over your textbook and class notes, write a brief summary for each topic. Highlight the areas in your outline that were most troublesome. When you have finished with all the material, you will have an outline you can review.

Tip 4: Make flashcardsSimilar to outlining, making flashcards is a really helpful technique for studying. By writing down the information from your outline, you are already doing half the studying. Once the flashcards are complete, you will have a portable study packet to look over.

Tip 5: Get helpIf you are having trouble memorizing something or a particular concept is just not sinking in, get help before its too late. Ask your teacher to go over a glitch you might be having. Or if memorizing 200 vocabulary words seems like too much to do, recruit your family members to quiz you with index cards.

Tip 6: SleepYou need at least seven hours of sleep a night to function. Tests are designed to make you think. If you are sleep-deprived, you wont be able to remember any of the information you worked so hard to cram into your brain.

Tip 7:Stay calmDo not panic at the exam! Even if at first glance the test is overwhelming, remember to breathe. If a question seems too hard, answer all the questions you know, then return to the ones you left blank. Remind yourself that you are prepared.

Tip 8: Dont rushYou have spent at least two weeks studying, so whats another couple of minutes? Work through the exam slowly and read all the questions before answering them. If you are done before the time is up, look over your answers.

Tip 9: Relax post-examDont let panic overwhelm you. Even if you think you bombed the exam, worrying will not change your score. It may, however, affect your mindset for your next final. Zone out the last test and stay focused on the next one. Odds are, you didnt do as badly as you think.

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Exam Preparation Tips

For many people, exam time is the most stressful part of the school year. With so much riding on the outcome, there can be a high degree of pressure to perform well. Here are some exam preparation tips to help you excel in school.

Getting Started

The earlier you start, the more time you will have to prepare for the exam. You don't have to wait until exam time approaches; try to set the stage from the beginning of the course by reviewing the material after each class. By starting early and studying on a regular basis, you will have a better opportunity to absorb the information and life will be a lot easier when it's time to put it all together for the exam.

Make sure all of your course material is well organized so you can find and fill any gaps. If you miss any classes, get the notes from your friends right away instead of scrambling at the last minute. Proper organization will help you to get a better picture of the material that has to be covered and improve the flow of the study process.

Creating a Study Plan

As the exam nears, you will need to create a plan to help you study effectively and minimize stress. The first step is to figure out how much time and effort you must dedicate to studying for the exam by asking the following questions:

How much material do you need to cover?

How difficult is the material?

How much time is available?

Do you have any other priorities during the study period?

What is the format of the exam?

How important is the exam?

What is your performance target for the exam?

To prepare the study plan, map out all of the material that has to be covered and make a schedule showing what, when and how much you will study each day. If you have kept up with the course work, studying will involve revision of the material that you have already covered. If you are behind in the course, you will have to finish the readings and other uncompleted work before starting the revision (if there isn't enough time to go over everything, you must decide what is most important for the exam).

Here are some tips to follow in creating your study plan:

budget your time realistically;

allocate the study time into several manageable study sessions;

divide the course material into small segments and assign them to the study sessions;

set clear and specific goals for the study sessions;

prioritize to ensure that material weighted more heavily in the exam gets sufficient study time;

take into account your familiarity with the material and the difficulty level;

don't make the study sessions too long;

study sessions should have enough variety in terms of topics and activities to prevent boredom and loss of effectiveness;

avoid cramming before the exam; and

don't forget to include regular breaks.

Studying for the Exam

You are now armed with a plan and ready to start studying for the exam. Try to study in a location where you can concentrate and won't be interrupted. You can work with others or join a study group if you find it helpful, but be careful to keep it from turning into an inefficient use of your time. Some proven study tools and techniques are listed below - people respond to different learning styles, so use what works for you.

Revising with Summary Notes Make a condensed version of your readings and class notes by creating summary notes. Pinpoint the key terms and concepts and make sure that you understand them. You can identify key terms and concepts by paying attention to what has been emphasized in your classes, textbooks and course syllabus. For example, if a particular topic has taken up a lot of time in the classroom, it is more likely to be on the exam and you should have a good understanding of it.

The process of making summary notes can help you to retain more information. By writing the information thoughtfully instead of just seeing it, you can develop a greater perception of the material. To take this further, activate your other senses: you can recite the summary notes aloud, and even record and listen to them.

Memorizing with FlashcardsFlashcards (or "index cards") are a good memorization tool. Reduce your summary notes into bullet points, keywords, lists, formulas and diagrams and place them onto a card for each topic. (Some people like to use flashcards to prepare their summary notes in the first place, while others find that it leads to information overload.)

The items on the flashcards act as memory triggers. By memorizing the flashcards you can enhance your ability to recall larger bits of information referenced by the triggers. You can carry the cards with you and review them even when you have only short bursts of time available.

Practicing under Exam Conditions Knowing the course material is necessary but not sufficient to guarantee success on the exam - you also need to be able to communicate the answers effectively under exam conditions. Practice using sample questions in the same format as the exam and answer them in a simulated test environment. The sample questions can be sourced from old exams and assignments, which are often similar from year to year with small changes. Even though you are only practicing, it is better to write full answers to the questions so you can work through the entire thought process.

The practice session should serve as a feedback loop. Check the answers to the practice questions to diagnose your strengths and weaknesses. If you are weak in an area, go back and study it further to address any gaps.

Taking Care of Yourself

Don't forget to take care of yourself during the exam preparation. It is very important to be in good mental and physical condition for the exam. A small amount of stress can get you psyched, but too much mental or physical strain can be detrimental to your performance. The last thing you want to do is to sabotage your efforts by ignoring your well-being.

After you finish studying, take some time to relax. Don't stay up too late if you can help it and try to get a good night's sleep. Eat before the exam to build your energy, but avoid heavy foods that can make you drowsy.

Keep a positive attitude about the exam. Think of it as a way to demonstrate your knowledge and not as some imposing challenge. Go to the exam focused and relaxed - you have done the work, now it's time to reap the rewards.


"How to Prepare for Exam?" A big question that you always ask yourself. Here are some tips that may help you. Dear student friends you people may be of different types. I know, many of you, no all of you are so brilliant students.Yet there may be some problems regarding your studies Let's discuss it here.Many of you may be working hard and getting good marks and some of you may not be working hard but still manages to get high marks in exams,Others may be wondering how it happens?.And also there will be a few of you study well but still not able to score well in exams.Don't worry there are some very simple tips by following which you can become master. These tips will tell you 'How to prepare for Exams in Short time', 'How to prepare for a high school exam' as well as a competitive exam and even you can prepare for exams in a week just by following these tips. It will be even better if you follow this for a long period of time.

Tips and Tricks For students

There is no short cut to success, this is the first thing you should remember. For this reason you have to study well first of all. But the preparations are different for different types of exams. Some competitive exams need long term preparation while your school level exams may need preparation of one or two weeks.

The 1st tip : Never fear or hate exam and be confident.

Some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and won't be able to score marks.So leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study. You have to be confident and it is the most essential power you should have for attaining victory.

The 2nd tip: Prepare a good time table.

Prepare a time table before starting the study. This should include all the subjects but may not be with equal priority. Tough subjects can be given more time and easier ones less but most importantly some time shall be allotted for entertainment and also there should be sufficient intervals between each subject.

The 3rd tip: Select a proper atmosphere for studying.

No need to explain this point. Study atmosphere has very important role. Can anyone study well while watching TV? So select a place where you feel comfortable. That is where you feel relaxed and can concentrate. And you have to make sure that while you are studying a subject you are concentrating on it only. So keep the books of other subjects away from your eyesight so that you won't be upset about the things you have to learn. And importantly it is better to study early morning when all the surroundings will be in silence and you can concentrate more. Your concentration really counts. Never place a mirror in the room such that you will ur reflection while sitting to study. This will lead to lack of concentration. And one top secret Study facing east or more accurately North east. This will give you great positive energy and your marks will definitely increase.

The 4th tip : Sit straight

This is so important that you have to sit in proper manner while studying. Don't study on bed or lying on a chair instead sit straight. Keep your spinal cord straight. And try to place your legs parallel to ground, a little bit raised from the ground. Other wise placing the legs on the ground causes ionization and induces sleep. And be alert that legs are not above the head level. This will affect the blood flow direction and causes sleepiness. It is better to place the legs almost parallel to ground but a little lower.

The 5th tip : Make notes while studying.

This is a very important point. While studying make small notes and that should not be descriptive make it brief so that you can remember all points while doing revision with the help of that note. An ideal note shall include all important formulae and figures and also other important points. It will be a lot worth if you use this not for the revision in last one or two hours than u skipping through pages of your text book. It won't take much time to go through this note and if you feel tough anywhere you can refer for that portion in text book.

The 6th tip: Sleep well and Eat well.

You have to sleep well.Sleep deprivation study shows that Optimum hours for sleeping is 6hrs. Especially on the night before exam you have to sleep well, atleast 6 hours and not more than 8 hours. Remember this will have a great effect on your exam. And have your food as in your daily diet. Don't fast on exam day. This will have reverse effect, so please have food properly. There are some food items you have to avoid and some other you have to include in your diet on exam day. Check for them later in this article (in tips for parents),And don't forget to have a glass water before you go to bed, essential to keep your brain cells charged!!!

The 7th tip : Write and Present well.

The presentation is the major factor that affects your marks. Whatever you studied or prepared your marks will depend on how you present them in the answer sheet. The teachers may not be able to read all what you have written. Remember daily they are going through 30 to 40 papers.They will scan for points. So try to present answers in points. In essay questions don't forget to underline the important points . Your hand writing also affects your marks. Try to write neatly. if it is not good enough, don't worry, if you presented it in a good manner you can score more marks. And another important factor to remember, As we all know 'First impression is the best impression'. So, answer the questions you know well, first. This will create a good impression on the evaluator and though you couldn't write some last answers well, that won't deduct your mark much. And care shall be taken so that you manage time well and is able to attend all questions. If there is any question out of syllabus, you just attend it. Usually full marks are awarded for such questions.

The 8th tip: Never malpractise in exam hall.

Dear students never malpractise in exam hall as it may even affect your marks and also some times you won't be allowed to continue the exam. If you don't know answer don't write. Keep in mind that you are writing exam for you, to prove yourself. There will be no problem if you have followed the above steps, For sure you can score good marks.

The 9th tip: Believe in God, Believe in you.

The last but not the least point pray well before the exam and your mind should be free at least 5 minutes before exam. Pray can give immense energy and peace to your mind that will definitely do good for you.And it is much important that you are confident about what you can and will always produce pleasant result.

Also remember one thing please don't discuss soon after exams.This won't do good and may affect your coming exams.If your friends are discussing question paper avoid them and come to house soon.

And above all you think about your parents their difficulties and sufferings and how they care you , you owe to them much, don't you?. The best gift you can give them is your victory. So never disappoint your parents. Study is not for them they are compelling you to study for your future. And ultimately what I have to say is that You have a lot of opportunities now.If you are serious in your studies for a few years of your life then the remaining part of your life will be fruitful and you people shall never stop study after getting a degree or a small job always look for higher studies and aims big hurdles.

Top tips for exam preparation

Panicking? Don't know where to start? Here are 10 expert tips to help you prepare for those dreaded exams

Be aware of what you can realistically do in the allotted time. Photograph: Rui Vieira/PA Wire/Press Association Images

It's that time of year again when the sun is shining, the mercury is rising and the air is filled with the frantic twitter of dawn birdsong. Such a shame that so many undergraduates are still awake at 5am to hear it, usually from the purgatory of a darkened room while hunched over a pile of books.

Yes, it's exam time, and for those with finals the summer break can't come soon enough. For now, though, there's some serious business. Here are 10 expert tips to help prepare you for the dreaded exam room.

1. Look after yourselfTry to be well rested and well nourished in preparation for exams. "Drink plenty of fluids, eat a good healthy breakfast," advises Professor Sarah Moore, co-author of The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook. "The fresher and more energetic you feel, the more it will support your ability to tackle the cognitive challenges."

2. Plan your workSome people concentrate better at night, others prefer to be up with the larks. Stick to a consistent working pattern so your mind and body can adjust, and take plenty of short breaks.

3. Know your examinerUnlike GCSEs and A-Levels, where examination papers are formulated by matriculating exam boards, at university, course lecturers often set the questions which should help when trying to anticipate them. "The strange thing is, the examiner who sets and marks the paper is a familiar figure," says Kate Williams, editor of Palgrave Macmillan pocket study skills. "It's the same person who designed your course or module, whose lectures you've attended." Hopefully

4. Be on top of the practicalitiesIt is easy to forget practical details, so be clear about simple things like start times, venue, equipment, material you can or cannot bring, and so on. "Being on top of all these can make a huge difference in your poise and performance and will help avoid unnecessary last-minute jitters," advises Moore.

5. Get hold of recent exam papersGo back a few years and consider the kind of questions that came up. Don't assume that these will be on the paper, but look at the relationship between the questions and course content, says Williams. "Is there a question per topic? Are topic areas combined in different ways? What is the style of the question single focus or direct question, or does your examiner go in for questions with two or more bits?"

6. Try and work out your examiner's marking scheme"Maybe it's an oversimplification to assume that if the question carries five marks there need to be five points, but this isn't a bad start," says Williams. "Marks are allocated for something."

7. Don't despairEven if you feel underprepared, you can do a lot with the short time you have left. "Night-before notes can be an active way of capturing, condensing and summarising your exam material," says Moore. "Sketching out short signposts is a great way of gaining last-minute command over some of the trickier aspects of your studies."

8. Tighten up your essay techniqueIn an exam, it doesn't matter what you know if you can't express it clearly and concisely. Essays should begin with a short introduction stating your position, followed by a series of paragraphs that each make a clear point, and a short conclusion supporting the argument outlined in the intro. "The examiner will be reading fast," points out Williams. "With only three minutes per essay, ease of reading makes for a more cogent argument."

9. ClockwatchBe aware of what you can realistically do in the allotted time. If you have one hour per question, you might allow around 10 minutes to consider the question and jot down notes, then 45-50 minutes writing time. But don't be tempted to skimp on one question to lavish time on another, urges Williams. "The first 50% of marks in any question are much easier to pick up than the next 20%," she says.

10. Avoid postmortemsAs soon as one exam is over, move swiftly to focusing on the next one. "Dwelling on an exam that you have completed wastes energy and time, and will drive you crazy," says Moore. "Remember, be positive, stay calm, and mobilise your energies to do the best job possible on the day."

Are you looking for best preparation tips for B.Tech course of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University? I have mentioned here various methods to get good score in B.Tech course for internal examinations as well as external examinations. This article will also gives the examination pattern of B.Tech course of JNTU, Hyderabad. If you follow these methods during your preparation, you will get good marks in the forthcoming examinations. All the best for B.Tech aspirants.

After 12th standard every student dreams of becoming the best engineer by joining Engineering course in eminent Engineering College. After joining and the question will arises in the mind that will I be capable to score good marks in engineering and how to get good score etc.,

The passing of the B.Tech with 40 to 50 percentages is easy, but this percentage will not work in real life, further studies and getting good job. I am providing these tips and tricks to get high percentage in Engineering and it will also gives an awareness of the examination system of Internal and Externals of B.Tech course.

JNTU, Hyderabad is having unique, innovative methods of evaluation for internal and external examinations. It has internal examination (subjective, Objective, Assignments, seminar, comprehensive viva voce), external examinations (theory, laboratory, mini project & main project).

Preparation techniques for Internal Examinations

Internal examinations are conducted for 25 marks and the marks distributed are as Objective examinations 10 marks, subjective examination 10 marks and assignment 5 marks. Internal marks are very essential to score well in overall subject as it has a 25% of marks out of 100 marks. The student has to secure minimum 20 marks here to get 80% and above in each subject.


Out of 25 marks, student can score 5 marks easily in assignment. Every subject faculty will give 4 questions per mid exam (this may vary from college to college and faculty) and student has to write answer at home with the help of books, material etc., and show them to the concerned faculty and will be awarded minimum 4 to 5 five marks. Generally these questions will be given from previous question papers and they may also ask the same question for external examinations.

Subjective Examinations

Each test will be conducted for 4 units as per the syllabus, 4 questions will be given and 2 should be answered each question carries 5 marks. One way is that student should have to prepare at least 2 units perfectly to score well. Another way of preparation of exams is when the faculty teaches the lessons definitely the will tell important chapters, topics. The faculty while teaching will stress of the important questions as they will be necessary from examination point of view. If the follows the above techniques and prepare accordingly, he will get minimum 8 marks.

Objective Examinations

20 objective questions will be given; each question will be awarded marks. The best way to prepare for this examination is to take old question papers of minimum 3 years and from these years you will get 120 questions from 4 units, these questions are enough to score minimum 15 to 20 marks in each subject.

The average of the 2 internal examinations will be considered for awarding 25 marks in a semester and average of 3 internal examinations will be considered for awarding 25 marks for I year B.Tech.

In the above evaluation method you will see that those who are having good presentation skills they will get 15 marks (5 assignment, 10 subjective) and those who are having good memorizing skills they will get 15 marks (5 assignment, 10 objective).

Internal & External laboratory examinations

Internal Lab examination evaluated for 25 marks, out of 25 marks, 15 marks for day to day work and 10 marks awarded for the performance in the internal lab examination by the concerned laboratory teacher. Students can easily get 15 marks for day to day evaluation, only they have to do that very punctual to all the laboratory classes, laboratory records should be written in all respects.

External laboratory examinations conducted for 50 marks, each laboratory subject consists of 10 to 20 experiments, and students should through at least 8 experiments.

I personally feel that in the Engineering practical knowledge is most important than the theory, hence students should concentrate on practical to acquire knowledge; this will helps to get good job after completion of B.Tech course.

Industry oriented mini Project

Students has to do mini project in collaboration with the industry in their specialization after III year B.Tech II semester examinations (i.e., in between of III and IV year B.Tech vacation period). This project will be evaluated for 50 marks along with Main Project at the end of IV year B.Tech. There shall be no internal marks for mini project.

Seminar Presentation

Students' have to prepare a seminar on their interesting topics and they have to present before the committee. They have to show their understanding, presentation skills, communicating skills during the presentation. Seminar Presentation shall be evaluated for 50 marks and there is no external examination. Students have to practice well to get high score.

Comprehensive Viva-Voce

Comprehensive Viva Voce will be evaluated for 100 marks and there are no internal marks. It is aimed to assess the students' understanding in various subjects studied during his/her B.Tech course. Students' have to make notes on each subject overview and prepare well so that they can get good marks.

Main Project

Main Project work evaluated for 200 marks. Students' have to give two seminars for internal evaluation, based on 2 seminars he will be awarded maximum 50 marks. Candidate has to do one main project during the IV year B.Tech II semester and it will be evaluated for 150 marks.

Tips for External theory examinations

At the end of the each semester, the external theory examinations will be conducted for 75 marks covering with the syllabus of 8 units. The question paper consists of 8 questions, out of 8 which 5 are to be answered in three hours duration and each caries 15 marks. Some of the methods are mentioned below for scoring in the end examinations.

1. At least 6 units should be prepared thoroughly to get good score; students can choose first the difficulty one and then the easiest units out of 8 units. Another way is first two units will have basics of the subject and last unit will have syllabus on applications (normally these three units will have simple and easy in nature) from these direct questions may come in external examination.

2. Take 2 to 3 years old question papers for each subject and segregate unit wise questions. Select 3 best questions, which will cover entire topics of the unit, three questions in each unit are adequate for preparation.

3. The questions which are repeated 3 or more time in the previous examinations can also be considered for preparation. This should be the last in preparation.

4. Student should try to get maximum score in First year B.Tech as it has the syllabus of 10+2 standard.

5. Prepare your answers from standards text books so that when you present the answer in the end examination, it will give positive impact to the evaluator.

6. Every semester 6 theory subjects will have huge syllabus, students should plan and prepare from the first day of the class commencement, otherwise it is very difficult to get good score in the examinations.

General Examination Tips

a. Students should develop good handwriting skills, to impress the faculty and the evaluator; there is scope to give more marks with the good hand writing.

b. Even after good preparation if the candidate is not able to present well the answer then entire preparation will goes waste. Students should try and develop good presentation skills to score well, for this writing the notes while preparation will develop them to write fast and presentation skills.

c. Read the question paper for 10 minutes, understand the questions, even then if you do not understand don't panic, try to find out the known words from the question and co-relate with the known answers.

d. Answer the question which are well prepared, if you write well known answers first, it will give good impression to the examiner/evaluator, then he/she may give more marks.

e. Write the answer as per requisite, don't write excess and don't waste your valuable time

Finally I would like to suggest eleventh hour preparation is not sufficient to get good score in B.Tech course, you have to start the preparation from day one.

Success is a journey but not the destination. The journey of success in examinations has three milestones. They are1. What to do before examinations2. Do's and don'ts during examinations3. What not to do after examinations

Milestone 1:What to do before examinations? Once public examinations time table is declared by a university, plan your preparation schedule. Draw a table which includes your subjects and how many days you can allot for each subject.

Prioritize the subjects according to your assessment whether you're weak or strong in it. Also give importance to subjects based on core: non-core, theoretical: mathematical, compulsory: elective etc., issues while giving priority.

Decide a revision plan which is suitable for you. How many days, how many hours per day you can allot for each subject after leaving time for breaks, meals and free time. Ensure that you allot ample amount of time for each subject according to priority.

Don't ignore any subjects in revision. Don't think you are good at a particular subject. Ensure a balance where your priority subjects have the lead.

It is just time waste if you simply read and write during revision. "Education is not just filling a bucket, but lighting a fire" - William Yeats. Try to recollect what you have studied. After completing one topic or chapter, close your eyes and ask questions on that topic and if you are able to answer your revision is really fruitful.

During revision write down separately formulas, theorems, important points and diagrams on separate papers so that they can be used for quick view on the day of examination.

Unfortunately if you haven't prepared anything till today, then study the units which have less topics. Don't try to cover the entire syllabus. Concentrate on important chapters having less and easy content.

Revision is very important, if you don't have sufficient time, revise at least diagrams, important formulas and equations.

During revision if you feel tired don't go to bed to relax, if so you are giving up the time table you have planned. Follow the below guidelines to refresh yourself and stay energized during revision.

a. Every morning during exams just have 10 minutes walk in fresh air.

b. Take more water while studying, it will help for good blood circulation and so you will not be tired.

c. Study while listening to light music which will help you to concentrate more.

d. Study in same place daily, it will help you to concentrate well.

e. Don't keep a watch in front of you, it will unnecessarily increases your B.P.

f. Remove TV, film magazines, film posters etc., from your study room which will divert your concentration.

g. Don't study for long hours at a stretch. Relax in between for a while and try to recollect what you have studied.

h. Don't have quarrels or arguments with friends or parents and don't spoil your moods.

Milestone 2:Dos and don'ts during examination Don't try to read one or two hours before the examination or don't chat with friends before examination. This will increase your useless memory stuff and decrease the speed of accessibility.

Sit idle in a comfortable place, close your eyes and try to recall the answers for the questions you have read. This improves your speed of accessibility.

Enter the exam hall at the correct time and also leave the exam hall at the correct time. Don't leave before the stipulated time.

Read the entire question paper at least once for 15 minutes in a 3 hr examination. Prioritize the answers you know well. Write the best answers you know first. First impression is the best impression. If you write the best answer first, the same impression will continue till the last question. On the other side if you write the first answer with mistakes, the same impression continues even if you write the best answer at last and you will score less.

Don't think that you can pass the exams by just repeating the points or filling the additional sheets.

Don't compare with others that they are writing more and more pages. More pages will not give more marks. Even it is one page contains real stuff you can gain more marks.

Don't write the answer all from the same one book, examiners can find out where your answers come from. Try to write content from prescribed text books.

Draw attention towards the related equations, diagrams and side headings. Write only 20 lines per page giving space between words. Use color pens for margins and mark clearly side headings to make your paper more attractive. Box the equations, Underline important points. At the end of each answer write important point as a note if time permits.

If you are asked to solve a problem and you have no idea about it, at least write the given data, or a relevant theory, so that you may get minimum marks.

Never leave any question. If you write clearly the first three or four question you know from text books, then there are more chances of getting good marks.

Milestone 3:What not to do after examinations? Don't discuss after each examination, it will spoil your mood and you may not prepare well for the next examination.

Relax a while if you feel tired after writing examination.

Don't waste time if there is one or two days gap in between the examinations. Make a plan for the remaining examinations.

Your answers may not satisfy the examiners completely. Examiners are senior people and expect more from a student. Hence you expect only 50% from the evaluation even if you have written correctly. Don't set your targets so high and don't feel frustrated if you don't achieve the marks you expected.

Don't compare your marks with others. You can't become the other person. You compare yourself with your past results. If your performance is not up to mark, you try hard.

Don't listen to people who give negative suggestions to you. Give positive suggestion to yourself when you face failures. Remember you have achieved success earlier many times. "Mistakes are the portals of discovery" - James Joyce.

Some universities are offering revaluation; if you have faith on what you have written go for revaluation. Before applying for revaluation consult senior lecturers and discuss what you have written so that you can have an idea whether to go for revaluation or not.

Before concluding a last word, there is a Chinese proverb "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand". Dear students involve your hearts and minds when you study. It helps to increase your knowledge. Marks are not gauzes to your intelligence.

Think critically, act responsibly, lead effectively and live humanly....

