Titanic, Giant White Star Liner, Sinks After Collision With Iceberg on Her Maiden Voyage, and 1,800 Lives Are Reported Lost in World s Greatest Marine Disaster - o.- WIRELESS CALLS SEND VESSELS RUSHING 10 AID 0FSEAC0L0SS0S Through the Night They Drive With Full Speed to Reach Titanic. MEANTIME, WORLD WAITS IN AGONY OF SUSPENSE Rescuing Liners Arrive Too Late, and Biggest and Most Luxurious Ship in World Goes Down, Carrying Hundreds of Passengers and Crew, Icebergs Making Mock of Science, Which Had Given of Its Best to Make This Sea-Palace Inde- structililc and Unsinkable. New York April 15..The Ti¬ tanic, of the White Star Line, the biggest and inost luxurious -hip in the world, lies at the bottom of the sea just south of the Grand Jiank,- of New Foundland ami 600 miles southeast of Halifax. Oh her maiden voyage, the colossus of the steamships shat¬ tered herself against an iceberg. Nothing availed to keep her bfloat. The science of shipbuild¬ ing prevails against winds and Weathers, but the mighty steel ercan-goer1 of the twentieth cen¬ tury r.rc as much at the mercy of fogs and ice as were the bot¬ toms of a hundred year- ago. Staggeiinc in the ice field, into which she had driven at great speed, tlir Titanic sped calls after the hurrying liners of the upper roads.the Cunarder Carpathia, the Virginian and the Parisian, of the Allan Line, the great Hal- tic, the. Good Sr.naritan of the Atlantic, and the big Ger¬ mans that were powing their way between the continents. And the wireless once more proved its worth, for the Carpathia and the Virginian, while in their course, sped across the night, venturing "unknown dangers, and raced to jthe disabled vessel. World In Suspense. It lias boon many years since the world (was left In such suspenso and dread Bs folPiw.»d the first faltering news tci lielp from the crushed Titanic. At 10:30 o'clock on Sunday night ihe Vir¬ ginian, speeding on her way to Glas¬ gow, picked up the White Star steam¬ ship's Insistent, frantic S. o. S., the Marconi signal of distress and peril, that clcHrs the ah- of all less.-r mes¬ sages and stops sitipa at sea full In the air tracks. l>ash by dash and dot by dot. the wireless operator of the iVtrginlan caught the cry for help: "Have struck an iceberg; badly dam¬ aged. Bush aid." Seaward and landward. .1. G. Phillip* thi Tltanlr's ivlrcless man, was hurling the appeal for help. By tits and starts «.for the wireless was working un¬ evenly and blurrlngly.Phillips reached out to the world, crying the Titanlc's peril. A word or two, scattered phrases, naw and then a connected sen¬ tence, made up the messages that sent ft thrill of appreciation for 1.000 miles eaBt and west and south of the doomed liner. Hushing to fler Aid. Othrr rushing liners hesides the Vir¬ ginian heard the call and became on the Instant something more thaii cargo carriers nnd pnssenger greyhounds. The big Tlnltlc, 200 miles to the eastward, nnd westbound, turned again to save life, as sirs did when her sister of tho IWhlte Star licet, tlio Republic, was eut down in a fog In January, 1003. fXhe Titanic'« mate, Olympic, tho mlghl- 'lest of neagoors save tho Titiinio her- *elf, turned in her tracks. All along the north?rn lane the miracle of the iwlreless worked for the distressed COL. JOHN JACOB ASTOR IS AMONG DROWNED Report Places His Name in List of 1 itanic Victims. HIS WIFE IS SAVED! hon, Virtceht, I-cavc? Office of White Star Line in Tears. (Special to ThA Tlmes-Dlspst-:h.) .New York, .\prll IB_Among those reported lout on the 'litnntc In John Jacob Antor. Ills wife mdk aniTil. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) New York, April 15..Colonel John Jacob Astor, reported lost on board the Titanic, waa fourth In succes¬ sion of the family of John Jacob As¬ tor, the pioneer In the fur trade of the Northwest, and was the fourth son ot William Astor. He was born at Kern Cllffe, Rhlnebcck-on-ihc-lludon. July 13, 1S6B. His mother was Miss Sarollnel Kchormcrhorn, n descendant of a Dutch family in Albany. Colonel Astor was prepared Oir col¬ lege by tutors, and at St. i'nul's School. New Hampshire. He was graduated from Harvard In 1SSS, taking the de¬ vice of B. S. After college, he travel¬ ed through l'.uropc extensively. Ho was married February -1", 1891, to j .Miss Ava Ijowlc Willing, of I'hlladAl- phis, from whom he was divorced No- j vember 9, 1909, in this Slate.. Mrs. Astor got the custody of their daugh- tcr, Muriel, while their son, Vincent, went to his father. Colonel Astor's father died in isr-v and he took up the business of his la¬ ther's vast estate, becoming the great¬ est landlord. Among the hotela '.ie built are the Astoria and the St. Regis. He Invented a patent bicycle brake that was widely used, a patent road seraper, a patent turbine for steam¬ ships, and raln-maklng machine. He wrote a book of his travels call»d "A Journey Into Other Worlds.'' Colonel Astor was married at New¬ port September 8, 1911, to Miss Made¬ leine Force, the twenty-year-old daugh¬ ter of William H. Force, of this city. Colonel Astor's son, "Vincent, with Colonel Astor's secretary, W. A. Dob- byn, and A. J. Drexel Biddle, inquired anxiously at thi White Star offices at about 10 o'clock, but when the officials of the line told the meagre news they had. Vincent hoeame muoh affected and was weeping when he left tha office. A score of Inquirers surrounded the Information, clerk at all times, but they could got no news except that the Carpathla. Is bringing 850 of the .Ti¬ tanic';» passengers. Sylvester Byrnes, secretary for Isi¬ dor Straus, said that Ma Straus's son, Herbert, had loft for Halifax, with tho 'expectation of meeting- his father there. Jesse Straus, another son, Is on board the Hamburg-American liner i, Amerika, .'in a" -t ho <rth«x>- wo.^ ^ - CARRIED NOTABLE PASSENGER LISI People of Prominence Through¬ out World Were on Board Wrecked Liner. [Special to The Tlmo.s-Dlspa.tch.] New York. April 15..The Titanic carried a notable list of first cabio passengers. There were 325 first cabin. 2S5 second cabin and 730 third cabin passengers. Among thor.c who called at the White Star Line office to-day to maKC inquiries about them were William H. Forco and his wife, whoso daughter, Madeleine, maiTl;d Colonel John Jacob Astor, and who wa3 on thu Titanic with Colonel Astor. J. r. Morgan, Jr., was another >>f thoso who came to the oflico, but hoi sold that, tho "Mr. and Mrs. Morgan" listed on the Tltanic's passenger list' were not relatives of his. Mr. .Morgan Is a dlrcetor of tho company, rind he! held a brief talk with the officials. So did John I. Walterbury. who Is also a director of the company. Among others who were anxious for Information were Ex-United Stales Senator William Clark. ColonM Daniel S. Applelon, whoso sister-in-law was ^n the Titanic, and W. B. Dobbyn, sec- rotary to Colonel Astor. Thoso are some of tho well-known persons who were on tho Tltanlo; Bon- Jamin Guggenheim, who married a daughter of Joseph Seligman. the bank¬ er; one of the. sons of C. R. Guggen¬ heim, Major Archibald Butt, Presideut Taft's aid, who has been In Home; W. T. Stead, the English Journalist; George D. Widen sr. Henry Sleeper Harper, a grandson of John Wesley Harper, one of the founders of the publishing house: Washington Dodge and wife. Mr. Dodge was city assessor of San Francisco. Ho also was president .if the Continental Building and Loan Association, which made, a stir in Cal¬ ifornia politics In 1900 by Involving many members of the Legislature In bribery charges. ] It was recalled to-day by friends of Mr. Harper, who haa been traveling j abroad for about a year, that he wp.s on a ship which rnmmod an looberg off the Banks of Newfoundland. Among tho other passengjs are Jacques Fntrelle. and his wife, who wrlto for the magazines; Washington Röchling II. a son of Charles G. Röch¬ ling and a grandson of John A. Röch¬ ling. Young Mr. Röchling- In tho In¬ ventor of a high power auto, among other things. » Dr. H*nry Fronorrthal. another pas¬ senger. Is chief surgeon of the Hospital for Deformities and Joint .Diseases, In this city. Ho has performed aovoral FINANCIAL BLOW IS VERY SEVERE White Star Line Will Lo?e About $3,000,060 on Ve;?e! Alone. HAD $5,000,000 INSURANCE London Has Report That Vessel Had $5,000,00 in Bonds and Diamonds Aboard.' (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) New York. April 16..With the Ti¬ tanic a tovai lose, the financial blow- to the International Mercantile Marine, of which tho White Star Line Is a part, will be severe, probably amount¬ ing to over $3,000,000. While tho of¬ ficials of the company declined to sny to-day how much Insurance was car¬ ried In the big ship. It Is known that the amount was about $5,000,000. 'i'nla Insurance was distributed among many companies. Tart of the Insurance, nut only a small part, was carried by tho White Star Line Itself. As to cargo. It wits Insured by t'.io shippers. The company has nothing to do with the Insurance of the cargo. Tho Titanic carried a cargo of 1,400 tons, of what I? known ns case goods, a high class cargo consisting of linen and mercantile goods. It was esti¬ mated to-day by an official of the White Star Line that the enrgo was worth probably J750.000. If there were any diamonds on board, the White Star Line officers here had not been notified to that ef¬ fect. There was a report In London that the Titanic carried about 15,000,- 000 In bonds and diamonds. This statement could not he verified here. It la known that Tchberg A Company, (Continued on Eight Pag"el OFFICIALS CONCEDE GREAT LOSS OF LIFE PEOPLE Ofl SHIPS GET FIRS! NEWS Many Vessels Were in Wireless Communication With Titanic. Ifperlal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.l New York, April 15..Thousands of Americana and others afloat probably had more news about tho Titanic'» mis¬ hap than the residents of this neigh¬ borhood knew this morning from edi¬ tions of th> morning newspapers. She was In direct wireless touch with thir¬ teen passenger-carrying steamships bound east and seven bovintl west, be¬ sides those that went to her nelp. Uy relaying the messages, this Meet prob¬ ably communicated the news to another fleet almost aB large, nearing tills coast or Just departing from It. or eloso to the const of Europe, so the wholo peo¬ pled sen. from shore to short, was able to discuss the collision at breakfast and luncheon. Among the castbound craft that wore close enough to the Titanic to got her call for help were tho Hamburg-Amer¬ ican linor Amerika, for Hamburg; tho Oceania? of tho La Veloce Line, for the Mediterranean; the Hamburg-American linor Pennsylvania, for Hamburg; tho North German-Lloyd liner Berlin, for iho Mediterranean; tho Red Star liner Vadarland. for Antwerp: the North Grrmnn-Lloyd liner Prlns Friedrich Wilhelm, for Bremen; the Fabre liner Germania, for Marseilles, and rhe An- ehor liner Calabria, for tho Mediterra¬ nean. Some of those coming this way thnt probably heard the wireless call and got all of the detailed Information sent (Continued on Sixth Page.) PREVIOUS BIG SEA DISASTERS Date. Nnnie. Accident. Lost, January 13, 1S05.The Elbe.Collision.3iiM July 4, 1808.The Dourgofjrne.Collision..«30 July 3, 1004.The .Yorker.Foundered.751» September 12, 1005.Thc Mlkano.Explosion.51)1) June 15, 11)04.,Th«- General Slocum_Klre .050 February 1-, 1007.The I.nrchiuont.Collision._183 February 21, I DOT.The Uerlln.Hun on pier.150 April 25, ltKlS.The «Inrtlntm-_.Collision.30 July 28, 11)08......Tbc Ving Kinn.Koiiiulered.30t) Aiwimt 24, 1008.Tht. l-'olirenronrten./. 71) November Ö, lf)0H.VM Toisli.Sunk.150 January 23, Mint).The Iteimblie_,.Collision. 11 February 2, 1911. ..'«.'. .The Abenton.Wrecked.70 April 10, mil.Tike tronhola.Wrecked 21) April 23, lllll-......The Amu.Hun nuruiinfl........... 40 September 5, 11)11.The Titcupel. .. ..AVreeked ... HI October 2. 1011.The ,lliilflel.l..Collision...'. ..200 April 3, 1011.The Koombone........ .Wrecked ......150 r. -.-l 'f ' Early in livening White Star People Admit Magnitude of Disaster. STILL HOPING FOR BEST Believed News Fron» Parisian and Virginian Might Prove Reassuring. New York, April 15..At 8:lo to¬ night ll was staled officially at the White Star Line otlleea lhat probably a number of lives had been lost in the Titanic, disaster. No dotlnlte estimate could bo made, it was said, until It was positively learned whether the Par¬ isian or Virginian had any the res¬ cued passengers on board. Concede* Horrible I.iish ot Life. Vice-l'resldent Franklin. at SAO o'clock to-night, conceded that there had been "a horrlblo loss of life" in tho Titanic disaster. Ho said that ho had no Information to disprove tnc Associated Tress dispatch from Cape Pace to the effect that only 675 of the passengers and crew had been res¬ cued. Ho said that tho monetary loss could not be estimated to-night, al¬ though he Intimated that it would run into tho millions. "We can replace tho money," he ad¬ ded, "but not the lives.'' Mr. Franklin said; "It has been rumored from Halifax that three steamers huve passengers oh board, namely, the Virginian, tho Carpalhla and Parisian. Now we have heard from Captain Haddock that the Titanic sank at 2:20 o'clock this morning. We have also learned from him that the Carpathia had 675 survivors on board. It Is very difficult to leorn If the Vir¬ ginian and the Parisian have any sur¬ vivors on board. We have asked Cap- tnln Haddock and our agent at Hall- fax to ascertain If there are any pos- sengers aboard the two steamships. "Wo very much fear, however, that thero has been a great loss of life, but It Is Impossible for uso to give fur¬ ther particulars until wo have heard from the Parisian and Virginian. We have no Information that thero are [any passengers aboard theso two steamships." , Mr. Franklin said that, there was a sufficient number of lifeboats to take all tho passengers from the Titanic, Ho said that he. had been confident to- dny, when he made the statement that "the Titanic was tinslnkable;" that th.r steamship was sofe. and that thero would bo 110 loss of life. Tho first definite news received come In tho message' from Captain Haddock, ho said, and was given to the Assoclnled Press at once. Full Message Not fllven. Prosldont Franklin positively refus¬ ed to give out tho full text of the mes- xann received from Cr.ptatn Haddock, of the Olympic, reporting the sinking {Continued on sixth Cage). - OF ALL ON BOARD ONLY 6/5 KNOWN TO HftVE ESCAPED DEATH IN OCEAN Those Rescued Mostly Women and Children, Who Were Taken Off in Boats. BITS OF WRECKAGE ALL THAT IS LEFT OF GREAT VESSEL .Steamer Carpathia Is Bringing Survivors to Port.Two Other Vessels Not Heard From, and There Is Faint Hope That They May Have Picked Up Some of Titanic's Passengers. In List of Those Reported Lost Are John Jacob Astor, W. T. Stead and Many Others Who Are of World-Wide Promi¬ nence. New York, April 15.The text of the message from the steamer Olympic, reporting' the sinking of the Titanic and the rescue of 675 survivors, which reached here late to-night, also expressed the opinion that 1,800 lives were lost. "Loss likely to total i,8oo souls," the dispatch said in its concluding sentence. it is hoped and believed here that this is an error, unless the Titanic had.more passengers on briar,I than had been reported. The list as given out showed 1,310 passengers and a crew or. 860, or 2,170 persons in all. De¬ ducting 675, the known saved, would indicate ,1 loss of 1,495 Per~ sons. The Olympic's dispatch follows: "Carpathia reached Titanic po¬ sition at daybreak. Found boats and wreckage only. Titanic sank about 3:20 A. M. in 41.16 north, 50.14 west. All her boats ac¬ counted for, containing about 675 souls saved, crew and passengers included. Nearly all saved wo¬ men and children. Lcyland liner Californiah remained and search¬ ing exact position of disaster. .Loss likely to total 1,800 souls." SINKS Fotin 110uns A KT IS n 11 Ell «RATH BLOTT ISIarhlrCn hutiHrrd persons. It la reared, annk to dcntli curly yesterday, when, Mithin four bourn after ahe crashed Into nn leehcra, the mninntotb White Slur Lino xlcnmrr Tlmoh, buiiriil from Liverpool to New York on her iimlilt'ii voyage, went to the bot« (inn off the Newfoundland Ilnnka, Of the approximately 2,200 persona on board thr Klunt liner, some of them of world-" lile prominence, only 075 ire known (o have been anved. The Whit* Stnr Line officers. In New York, while kccpltiB up hope to the last, were free to admit Hi ill there Und been "horrible loss of life." Accepting the early estimate* of the fatality list oa accurate, the disaster 1> tbe greatest In the marine' history of the world. Nearest approaching It in imiKultudc «erc the disasters of th<» steamer Atlantic, In 1873, when 874 liven were lost, und to l.ti IlnurBOKne* la 181)8, with a fatality list of 571. ' Some Hope liemnln*. Should It prov. that liners, notably the Allan liners Parisian and Virgin¬ ian, known to have been lu th.J vicinity' of tho Titanic early yesterday, haqV pleked up other of her passengers, thai extent of tho calamity will t,e greatly reduced. This hopo «.tili remains. News of tho striking of tho Itner an6i. tho terrible Iom of lifo In consequence eatne early last evening with all tha greater shock because hopo had Deenv.' .ouoyod up all day by reports that tht».:' steamship, tilthough badly damaged, C~.tCönTftiued Tn~^ev^nÜi~P*xTs.).

Titanic, GiantWhite Liner, Sinks Collision WithIceberg Her ...that the Titanic carried about 15,000,-000 In bonds and diamonds. This statement could not he verified here. It la known

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Page 1: Titanic, GiantWhite Liner, Sinks Collision WithIceberg Her ...that the Titanic carried about 15,000,-000 In bonds and diamonds. This statement could not he verified here. It la known

Titanic, Giant White Star Liner, Sinks After CollisionWith Iceberg on Her MaidenVoyage, and 1,800 LivesAreReportedLost inWorld s GreatestMarine Disaster- o.-


Through the Night TheyDrive With FullSpeed to Reach




Rescuing Liners Arrive TooLate, and Biggest and MostLuxurious Ship in World GoesDown, Carrying Hundreds ofPassengers and Crew, IcebergsMaking Mock of Science,Which Had Given of Its Bestto Make This Sea-Palace Inde-structililc and Unsinkable.

New York April 15..The Ti¬tanic, of the White Star Line, thebiggest and inost luxurious -hipin the world, lies at the bottomof the sea just south of the GrandJiank,- of New Foundland ami600 miles southeast of Halifax.Oh her maiden voyage, the

colossus of the steamships shat¬tered herself against an iceberg.Nothing availed to keep herbfloat. The science of shipbuild¬ing prevails against winds andWeathers, but the mighty steelercan-goer1 of the twentieth cen¬

tury r.rc as much at the mercyof fogs and ice as were the bot¬toms of a hundred year- ago.Staggeiinc in the ice field, intowhich she had driven at greatspeed, tlir Titanic sped calls afterthe hurrying liners of the upperroads.the Cunarder Carpathia,the Virginian and the Parisian,of the Allan Line, the great Hal-tic, the. Good Sr.naritan ofthe Atlantic, and the big Ger¬mans that were powing theirway between the continents. Andthe wireless once more proved itsworth, for the Carpathia and theVirginian, while in their course,sped across the night, venturing"unknown dangers, and raced tojthe disabled vessel.

World In Suspense.It lias boon many years since the world

(was left In such suspenso and dreadBs folPiw.»d the first faltering news tcilielp from the crushed Titanic. At10:30 o'clock on Sunday night ihe Vir¬ginian, speeding on her way to Glas¬gow, picked up the White Star steam¬ship's Insistent, frantic S. o. S., theMarconi signal of distress and peril,that clcHrs the ah- of all less.-r mes¬sages and stops sitipa at sea full Inthe air tracks. l>ash by dash and dotby dot. the wireless operator of theiVtrginlan caught the cry for help:"Have struck an iceberg; badly dam¬aged. Bush aid."Seaward and landward. .1. G. Phillip*

thi Tltanlr's ivlrcless man, was hurlingthe appeal for help. By tits and starts«.for the wireless was working un¬evenly and blurrlngly.Phillips reachedout to the world, crying the Titanlc'speril. A word or two, scatteredphrases, naw and then a connected sen¬tence, made up the messages that sentft thrill of appreciation for 1.000 mileseaBt and west and south of the doomedliner.

Hushing to fler Aid.Othrr rushing liners hesides the Vir¬

ginian heard the call and became onthe Instant something more thaii cargocarriers nnd pnssenger greyhounds. Thebig Tlnltlc, 200 miles to the eastward,nnd westbound, turned again to savelife, as sirs did when her sister of thoIWhlte Star licet, tlio Republic, waseut down in a fog In January, 1003.fXhe Titanic'« mate, Olympic, tho mlghl-'lest of neagoors save tho Titiinio her-*elf, turned in her tracks. All alongthe north?rn lane the miracle of theiwlreless worked for the distressed


Report Places His Name inList of 1 itanic


HIS WIFE IS SAVED!hon, Virtceht, I-cavc? Office of

White Star Line inTears.

(Special to ThA Tlmes-Dlspst-:h.).New York, .\prll IB_Among those

reported lout on the 'litnntc In JohnJacob Antor. Ills wife mdk aniTil.

(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)New York, April 15..Colonel John

Jacob Astor, reported lost on boardthe Titanic, waa fourth In succes¬sion of the family of John Jacob As¬tor, the pioneer In the fur trade of theNorthwest, and was the fourth son otWilliam Astor. He was born at KernCllffe, Rhlnebcck-on-ihc-lludon. July

13, 1S6B. His mother was Miss SarollnelKchormcrhorn, n descendant of a Dutchfamily in Albany.Colonel Astor was prepared Oir col¬

lege by tutors, and at St. i'nul's School.New Hampshire. He was graduatedfrom Harvard In 1SSS, taking the de¬vice of B. S. After college, he travel¬ed through l'.uropc extensively. Howas married February -1", 1891, to

j .Miss Ava Ijowlc Willing, of I'hlladAl-phis, from whom he was divorced No-

j vember 9, 1909, in this Slate.. Mrs.Astor got the custody of their daugh-tcr, Muriel, while their son, Vincent,went to his father.Colonel Astor's father died in isr-v

and he took up the business of his la¬ther's vast estate, becoming the great¬est landlord. Among the hotela '.iebuilt are the Astoria and the St. Regis.He Invented a patent bicycle brakethat was widely used, a patent roadseraper, a patent turbine for steam¬ships, and raln-maklng machine. Hewrote a book of his travels call»d "AJourney Into Other Worlds.''Colonel Astor was married at New¬

port September 8, 1911, to Miss Made¬leine Force, the twenty-year-old daugh¬ter of William H. Force, of this city.Colonel Astor's son, "Vincent, with

Colonel Astor's secretary, W. A. Dob-byn, and A. J. Drexel Biddle, inquiredanxiously at thi White Star offices atabout 10 o'clock, but when the officialsof the line told the meagre news theyhad. Vincent hoeame muoh affected andwas weeping when he left tha office.A score of Inquirers surrounded the

Information, clerk at all times, butthey could got no news except that theCarpathla. Is bringing 850 of the .Ti¬tanic';» passengers.Sylvester Byrnes, secretary for Isi¬

dor Straus, said that Ma Straus's son,Herbert, had loft for Halifax, with tho'expectation of meeting- his fatherthere. Jesse Straus, another son, Is onboard the Hamburg-American liner

i, Amerika, .'in a" -t ho <rth«x>- wo.^^ -


People of Prominence Through¬out World Were on Board

Wrecked Liner.[Special to The Tlmo.s-Dlspa.tch.]

New York. April 15..The Titaniccarried a notable list of first cabiopassengers. There were 325 first cabin.2S5 second cabin and 730 third cabinpassengers. Among thor.c who calledat the White Star Line office to-dayto maKC inquiries about them wereWilliam H. Forco and his wife, whosodaughter, Madeleine, maiTl;d ColonelJohn Jacob Astor, and who wa3 on thuTitanic with Colonel Astor.

J. r. Morgan, Jr., was another >>fthoso who came to the oflico, but hoisold that, tho "Mr. and Mrs. Morgan"listed on the Tltanic's passenger list'were not relatives of his. Mr. .MorganIs a dlrcetor of tho company, rind he!held a brief talk with the officials.So did John I. Walterbury. who Is alsoa director of the company.Among others who were anxious for

Information were Ex-United StalesSenator William Clark. ColonM DanielS. Applelon, whoso sister-in-law was^n the Titanic, and W. B. Dobbyn, sec-rotary to Colonel Astor.Thoso are some of tho well-known

persons who were on tho Tltanlo; Bon-Jamin Guggenheim, who married adaughter of Joseph Seligman. the bank¬er; one of the. sons of C. R. Guggen¬heim, Major Archibald Butt, PresideutTaft's aid, who has been In Home; W.T. Stead, the English Journalist; GeorgeD. Widen sr. Henry Sleeper Harper, agrandson of John Wesley Harper, oneof the founders of the publishinghouse: Washington Dodge and wife.Mr. Dodge was city assessor of SanFrancisco. Ho also was president .ifthe Continental Building and LoanAssociation, which made, a stir in Cal¬ifornia politics In 1900 by Involvingmany members of the Legislature Inbribery charges.

] It was recalled to-day by friends ofMr. Harper, who haa been travelingj abroad for about a year, that he wp.son a ship which rnmmod an looberg offthe Banks of Newfoundland.Among tho other passengjs are

Jacques Fntrelle. and his wife, whowrlto for the magazines; WashingtonRöchling II. a son of Charles G. Röch¬ling and a grandson of John A. Röch¬ling. Young Mr. Röchling- In tho In¬ventor of a high power auto, amongother things. »

Dr. H*nry Fronorrthal. another pas¬senger. Is chief surgeon of the Hospitalfor Deformities and Joint .Diseases, Inthis city. Ho has performed aovoral


White Star Line Will Lo?eAbout $3,000,060 on

Ve;?e! Alone.

HAD $5,000,000 INSURANCE

London Has Report That VesselHad $5,000,00 in Bondsand Diamonds Aboard.'

(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)New York. April 16..With the Ti¬

tanic a tovai lose, the financial blow-to the International Mercantile Marine,of which tho White Star Line Is a

part, will be severe, probably amount¬ing to over $3,000,000. While tho of¬ficials of the company declined to snyto-day how much Insurance was car¬ried In the big ship. It Is known thatthe amount was about $5,000,000. 'i'nlaInsurance was distributed among manycompanies. Tart of the Insurance, nutonly a small part, was carried by thoWhite Star Line Itself.As to cargo. It wits Insured by t'.io

shippers. The company has nothing todo with the Insurance of the cargo.Tho Titanic carried a cargo of 1,400tons, of what I? known ns case goods,a high class cargo consisting of linenand mercantile goods. It was esti¬mated to-day by an official of theWhite Star Line that the enrgo wasworth probably J750.000.

If there were any diamonds onboard, the White Star Line officershere had not been notified to that ef¬fect. There was a report In Londonthat the Titanic carried about 15,000,-000 In bonds and diamonds. Thisstatement could not he verified here.It la known that Tchberg A Company,

(Continued on Eight Pag"el



Many Vessels Were in WirelessCommunication With

Titanic.Ifperlal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.lNew York, April 15..Thousands of

Americana and others afloat probablyhad more news about tho Titanic'» mis¬hap than the residents of this neigh¬borhood knew this morning from edi¬tions of th> morning newspapers. Shewas In direct wireless touch with thir¬teen passenger-carrying steamshipsbound east and seven bovintl west, be¬sides those that went to her nelp. Uyrelaying the messages, this Meet prob¬ably communicated the news to anotherfleet almost aB large, nearing tills coastor Just departing from It. or eloso tothe const of Europe, so the wholo peo¬pled sen. from shore to short, was ableto discuss the collision at breakfastand luncheon.Among the castbound craft that wore

close enough to the Titanic to got hercall for help were tho Hamburg-Amer¬ican linor Amerika, for Hamburg; thoOceania? of tho La Veloce Line, for theMediterranean; the Hamburg-Americanlinor Pennsylvania, for Hamburg; thoNorth German-Lloyd liner Berlin, foriho Mediterranean; tho Red Star linerVadarland. for Antwerp: the NorthGrrmnn-Lloyd liner Prlns FriedrichWilhelm, for Bremen; the Fabre linerGermania, for Marseilles, and rhe An-ehor liner Calabria, for tho Mediterra¬nean.Some of those coming this way thnt

probably heard the wireless call andgot all of the detailed Information sent

(Continued on Sixth Page.)


January 13, 1S05.The Elbe.Collision.3iiMJuly 4, 1808.The Dourgofjrne.Collision..«30July 3, 1004.The .Yorker.Foundered.751»September 12, 1005.Thc Mlkano.Explosion.51)1)June 15, 11)04.,Th«- General Slocum_Klre.050February 1-, 1007.The I.nrchiuont.Collision._183February 21, IDOT.The Uerlln.Hun on pier.150April 25, ltKlS.The «Inrtlntm-_.Collision.30July 28, 11)08......Tbc Ving Kinn.Koiiiulered.30t)Aiwimt 24, 1008.Tht. l-'olirenronrten./.71)November Ö, lf)0H.VM Toisli.Sunk.150January 23, Mint).The Iteimblie_,.Collision.11February 2, 1911. ..'«.'. .The Abenton.Wrecked.70April 10, mil.Tike tronhola.Wrecked21)April 23, lllll-......The Amu.Hun nuruiinfl........... 40September 5, 11)11.The Titcupel. .. ..AVreeked ... HIOctober 2. 1011.The ,lliilflel.l..Collision...'. ..200April 3, 1011.The Koombone........ .Wrecked ......150

r. -.-l 'f '

Early in livening White StarPeople Admit Magnitude

of Disaster.


Believed News Fron» Parisianand Virginian Might Prove

Reassuring.New York, April 15..At 8:lo to¬

night ll was staled officially at theWhite Star Line otlleea lhat probablya number of lives had been lost in theTitanic, disaster. No dotlnlte estimatecould bo made, it was said, until It waspositively learned whether the Par¬isian or Virginian had any o£ the res¬cued passengers on board.

Concede* Horrible I.iish ot Life.Vice-l'resldent Franklin. at SAO

o'clock to-night, conceded that therehad been "a horrlblo loss of life" intho Titanic disaster. Ho said that hohad no Information to disprove tncAssociated Tress dispatch from CapePace to the effect that only 675 ofthe passengers and crew had been res¬cued. Ho said that tho monetary losscould not be estimated to-night, al¬though he Intimated that it would runinto tho millions."We can replace tho money," he ad¬

ded, "but not the lives.''Mr. Franklin said; "It has been

rumored from Halifax that threesteamers huve passengers oh board,namely, the Virginian, tho Carpalhlaand Parisian. Now we have heardfrom Captain Haddock that the Titanicsank at 2:20 o'clock this morning. Wehave also learned from him that theCarpathia had 675 survivors on board.It Is very difficult to leorn If the Vir¬ginian and the Parisian have any sur¬vivors on board. We have asked Cap-tnln Haddock and our agent at Hall-fax to ascertain If there are any pos-sengers aboard the two steamships."Wo very much fear, however, that

thero has been a great loss of life, butIt Is Impossible for uso to give fur¬ther particulars until wo have heardfrom the Parisian and Virginian. Wehave no Information that thero are[any passengers aboard theso twosteamships." ,

Mr. Franklin said that, there was asufficient number of lifeboats to takeall tho passengers from the Titanic,Ho said that he. had been confident to-dny, when he made the statement that"the Titanic was tinslnkable;" that th.rsteamship was sofe. and that therowould bo 110 loss of life. Tho firstdefinite news received come In thomessage' from Captain Haddock, hosaid, and was given to the AssoclnledPress at once.

Full Message Not fllven.Prosldont Franklin positively refus¬

ed to give out tho full text of the mes-xann received from Cr.ptatn Haddock,of the Olympic, reporting the sinking

{Continued on sixth Cage). -


Those Rescued MostlyWomen and Children,Who Were Taken

Off in Boats.


.Steamer Carpathia Is BringingSurvivors to Port.Two OtherVessels Not Heard From, andThere Is Faint Hope ThatThey May Have Picked UpSome of Titanic's Passengers.In List of Those Reported LostAre John Jacob Astor, W. T.Stead and Many Others WhoAre of World-Wide Promi¬nence.

New York, April 15.The textof the message from the steamer

Olympic, reporting' the sinkingof the Titanic and the rescue of675 survivors, which reachedhere late to-night, also expressedthe opinion that 1,800 lives werelost."Loss likely to total i,8oo

souls," the dispatch said in itsconcluding sentence.

it is hoped and believed herethat this is an error, unless theTitanic had.more passengers onbriar,I than had been reported.The list as given out showed1,310 passengers and a crew or.

860, or 2,170 persons in all. De¬ducting 675, the known saved,would indicate ,1 loss of 1,495 Per~sons. The Olympic's dispatchfollows:

"Carpathia reached Titanic po¬sition at daybreak. Found boatsand wreckage only. Titanic sankabout 3:20 A. M. in 41.16 north,50.14 west. All her boats ac¬counted for, containing about 675souls saved, crew and passengersincluded. Nearly all saved wo¬men and children. Lcyland linerCaliforniah remained and search¬ing exact position of disaster..Loss likely to total 1,800 souls."

SINKS Fotin 110unsAKT ISn 11 Ell «RATH BLOTT

ISIarhlrCn hutiHrrd persons. It lareared, annk to dcntli curly yesterday,when, Mithin four bourn after ahecrashed Into nn leehcra, the mninntotbWhite Slur Lino xlcnmrr Tlmoh,buiiriil from Liverpool to New York onher iimlilt'ii voyage, went to the bot«(inn off the Newfoundland Ilnnka, Ofthe approximately 2,200 persona onboard thr Klunt liner, some of them ofworld-" lile prominence, only 075 ireknown (o have been anved. The Whit*Stnr Line officers. In New York, whilekccpltiB up hope to the last, were freeto admit Hi ill there Und been "horribleloss of life."Accepting the early estimate* of the

fatality list oa accurate, the disaster 1>tbe greatest In the marine' history ofthe world. Nearest approaching It inimiKultudc «erc the disasters of th<»steamer Atlantic, In 1873, when 874liven were lost, und to l.ti IlnurBOKne*la 181)8, with a fatality list of 571.' Some Hope liemnln*.Should It prov. that liners, notablythe Allan liners Parisian and Virgin¬

ian, known to have been lu th.J vicinity'of tho Titanic early yesterday, haqVpleked up other of her passengers, thaiextent of tho calamity will t,e greatlyreduced. This hopo «.tili remains.News of tho striking of tho Itner an6i.

tho terrible Iom of lifo In consequenceeatne early last evening with all thagreater shock because hopo had Deenv.'.ouoyod up all day by reports that tht».:'steamship, tilthough badly damaged,C~.tCönTftiued Tn~^ev^nÜi~P*xTs.).