Title Catalogue of the Statistical Works Author(s) Citation 經濟論叢 (1931), 32(1): 23-48 Issue Date 1931-01-01 URL https://doi.org/10.14989/129968 Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher Kyoto University

Title Catalogue of the Statistical Works 經濟論叢 (1931), …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/...URL Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher

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Page 1: Title Catalogue of the Statistical Works 經濟論叢 (1931), …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/...URL Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher

Title Catalogue of the Statistical Works


Citation 經濟論叢 (1931), 32(1): 23-48

Issue Date 1931-01-01

URL https://doi.org/10.14989/129968


Type Departmental Bulletin Paper

Textversion publisher

Kyoto University

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Page 3: Title Catalogue of the Statistical Works 經濟論叢 (1931), …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/...URL Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher

Catalogue of the Stati:stical Works exhibited at

Kyoto Imperial University on the occasion of tbe XIX. Session or the International Statisticsl Institution, September 22-:-23, 1930.

Contents-I Statistiml Works. (Chiefly those issued before 1900) ..................... 2

II Statistical Inquiries relating to .Japan. . ..................................... 18

III Statistical Articles published in the "Keiz;ai.RollRo" (~~OlH6liB-"The Economic Review") ..... , ........... " ...... _ ........................ 22

IV Statistical Articles published in "Kyoto U niiversity Economic I{eview" .......................................... " .. " ................................ 26

Abbreviations used to indicate the owners of the exhibits :-

SB ............ " Bucher's Lz"brary", belonging to E~yoto Imperial University.

-') . ···········Profes8or Eijiro Honjo.

oR ············Professor Masao Kambe.

oR i· ,_ .. - .. -. ··PrOresBor Kiichiro Kimura (Osaka ~Hi,gher Commercial Schoo])

!In ...........• " Mayr's Library ", belonging to Kyoto Im'periaI University.

Wit" ;';'''-;;-;-Pi'ofe!11!"crr-Akirs- Mukai (Yamagucbi :Higher Commercia] School)

W .' .......... AssistantProfessor Torazo Ninagawa.

D ,- .. -··· .. ··Mr. Gotarc;> Ogawa, Parliamentary Senretary of Finance.

D! ·········Professor Ayanori Okazaki (Hikone Higher Commercial School)

'15 ............ Professor Saburo Shiomi.

00 ......... " Somba,.-t's Llbrary ", belonging to Osaka Commercial University.

:it ........... ·Profcssor Seiji Takarabe.

1:0' ........... I-Ionorary Professol' Kinji Tajima.

:tan '" .,. ···Assistant Professor Yoshihiko Taniguchi.

:l:n ·········:Mr. Ichitaro Tanimura.

ID ············Assistant Professor Yoshino8uke ·Yagi.

vVorks not marke<l belon,go to the Kyoto Irnpprial University Librar.Y.

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1. Statistical W ()rks.

L Achelis. T. 1Ioderne VOlkerknnde, deren Entwieklnng und Aufgaben. 1896.

2. Achenwall, G. Statsverfassung der heutigen vorn~hmsten enropiiischen Reiche

und Volker im Grundrisse. 2 TIe. 7. Aul!. 1790-'98.

3. Andreades, A. Les peines alternatives 0[1 pa.rallole •. 1899.

4. La population anglaise avant, pendant et "pres la grande guerr •. 1922.

5. Ballod, C. Die mittlere Lebensdauer in Stadt und Land. 1899. (Staats. u. Seci· alwissenschaf'lich, FOJ'Sch,mgm. Bd. XV 1. 7.l1'. 5.)

6. Baxter, R. D. National income. Tbe Un:it.ed Kingdom. 1868. " .... " .. ·." ....... X.

7. --- Local government and taxation and IvIr. Goschen's ',eport. 1874.

8. Becker, .. K. Die Drganisationder .. amtlichen 8tatistik jmDeuischen-B.ei~.(} •..

9. Behm, C. Statistik der Moralitats., Invaliditiits .. , und M:orbilitatsverhiiltnisse bei dem Bearnienpersonal der deutBcben Eisenbahn--Verwaltungen. 1876 .... 01.

10. Beloch, J. Beviilkerullgdcr griechisch.romischen 'Velt. 1886.

II. Bergmann, E. v. Zur Geschichte der Entwxekeluog deutseher, polnischer llnd

jiidischer BevOlkerun.!( in der Provinz Posen. 1883. (Beitrage z. Geschichte d. Bevolkenmg in Deutschland. Bd. I.) .... """ ... " .. ".". """",,,,,,,"",,",,,,,,,,6.

12. Bernoulli, Ch. Populationi.tik od. Beviilkerungswissensehaft. "I. Hiilrte.' All· gemeine Bevolkerungsstatistik. 1840 ..... ··· .. " .. " ..... " "" ""'''''' """'"'''''' "" .:t.

13. Bernoulli, James. Doctrine or permutatiomJ ltnd· combinations,- and 'Home~ther llseful mathematical tracts. 1795. (col1t'a£ni"l1g jint ..:.7 ellS • .of de a~te ~o1JJectandi

pars secztltda)· '" ," ....... , ........................... ,." .. " ...... " ...... -.... " .... " -.... -.... e·' •• z:. 14. Bertillon, J. Coms elementaire de statistiqne administrative. 1895.

15. Bevan, G. P. The industrial classes, and 'industrial statist:ics. 2 vols. 1876-'77 . ... ...................... ......... ........ . . ...... -................ '" ." ........ -.. -....................... p.

16. Beveridge, W. H. Unemployment. A problem of indnstry. 2. ed. 1910.

17. Bleibtreu, L. C. Politisehe Arithmetik. 2. AufL 185<:.'" """"""'''''''' ......... :/:.

18. BIenek, E. Zurn Gediiehtniss an Ernst I~:og,,1. (Zeitsc}".ijt des Kijjziglich Preuss. ,:schcn Slatistischcn Bureaus. 36. Jahrga1tg. JT'", Viedeijahrsheft) 1896.

19. --- Festschrift des Koniglieh PreuRsischcn Statistisehen Bureans 'ziir J ahr­

hundertrejer seines Restehens. 3 Bde. H)()().

20. Block, M. Traite tMorique et pratique dEl et.lti.tiqtie. 1. old. i878.

21. ---Handbueh der Stati~tik. Deutsche AUBgabe zl1gleich alsHBridbnch der 8tatistik des dentschen Reichs, von H. ·i'. Sehee:!. 187D.

22. Bodin, J.

23. Badia, L.

.24, Bockh, A.

Les six livres de 10. repllblique. 1629.

Sulle condizioni della emigrazione italiana. 1894 ........... " ...... " .. ,,:t.

Die StaatshaushaltuDg dcr AtheneJr. 2 Bde.ISIi'. "." .... " .......... .re.

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--- The public economy of Atheno,lr. by G. C. Le,,·i •. 2. ed. 1842 .•..••.. ·.:t.

Bockh. R. Die geschichtliche Entwickelnng de" amdichen Statistik des preu ... . Staates. 1863. • ................................................................................... :t.

27. ---. Del' deutBchen Volkszahl nnd SprachgE'biet in den eUl'upaischen Staaten. 1869.·· .... · .... ···· ...... · ........ · .. · .... ·· .. ··· ...... ········,·· .. ···· ............................ $.

28. Bohmer!, W. Die Hamburg.Arnerikn-Linie "od del' Norddeu,tBche Lloyd. 1908.

29. --- The ... Heide Park" of the society folC the advancement or the common

weal in Dresden. 1910. (The Anllals 0/ l!t,o: Am .. Acnd. of' Pol. and Soc . .sci. Vol. XXXV. No.2)

30. Booth, C. Life and lahonr or the people in 1.0ndon. 1. 8erie,,: Poverty. 4 vols. 1902.

31. Bortkewitsch, L. v. Die mittlere LebEonsoaner. 1893 .

. 32. ---' Das Gesetz del' kleinen Zahlen. 1898.

33. Bourne, S. Trade, 'population and fo·od. 1880 ........................................... :t.

34. Bowley, A. L. Wages in the United Kingdom in the 19th century. 1900.

35. Elements of statistics. 1. ed. 1901.

36. 5. ed. 1926.

37. --- National progress in wealth and trad", since lSS:!. 1904. : ................ :t . •

38. --- An elementary manual of statistics. 1. ed. 1910.

39. --- --- 3. revised ed. 1923.

40. --- The nature and pnrpose of the measurement of social phenomena. 1915.

41. --- The division of the prodnct of indllstry. An arralysis of national income 'before'the Wai:--1I!19:--

42. --- The change in the distribution or th" m,(ional income 1880-1913. 1920.

43. --- Official statistics: what they contain and. ho\'lT to nse them. 19~n.

44. Buckle, H. T. History or civilization in England. :l vol". 1902.

45. Bucher. K; Die Bevolkernng von Frankfurt a. ::U. [m 14. \lnd 15 .• Tahrbundert. 1. Bd. 1886 ........................................................... · ............................ \8.

46. Bunge, A. E. Intercambio econ6mico de la I'Ppilblic", 1910-1917. 1918 .......... :t.

47. Bu~~nbd::~:~t ;~eib;tJ~~.n~~~ ... ~ ~~ ... ~.~~"H~g.~~"8.~~a.l.i.~~i.~ ... ~~' ... ~~~ ... ~.t.~~.~ .. .';;~ 48. Casper, J. L. Ur

B·.. 'ahrscheinliche Leb"nsda\ler des Menschen. 1843 .... :t.

evo 49. Chalmers. G:~ J'ahrh \~l view or the domesiic economy or G. Britain, and

Ireland Wi.iii Bd. IE.) .. - ive estimate of th"i,' efficient strength. 1812 ......... :t. \1',1' ,\

50. Chapman,A. Teoria g '9f P?litical economy. l!HL ';i' _,r,.

51. ·CheyssorA. Census of "dis, ;t?metriqlle. Methode pOllr la solution des pro·

,',I,' .' ' •. ' f ,. ,:.--

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blemes commerciaux et industriels. 1887.

52. Les methodes de la statistique. 1890.

53. Coghlan, T. A. A statistical acconnt of .A_uRtralia. and Now Zea]and, 1002-3. 1904.· ............................................... " ............... "'" ." ......................... :t.

54. Colson, ·C .. Railway rateo and traffic, tr. b:',e L. R Christie, G. Leedam, and C. Travis. 1914.

55. --- Transports et tarifs. 3. eu. 19lJ8.

56. Colquhoun, P. A treatise on the wealth, power, and resources, of the British Empire, in every quarter ot" the world, including the East Indies. UH4 .

. 57. Condoleet, J. A. N. ESBai sur l'appJicat:ion de ranalyse it la probabilite des decisions Tendues it la p]llralite des voix. ],'85 ......... ' .... ~ ............. ~~-=-J:~ __

58. Conrad, -J. Beitrag zur lTntersLlchllng de!~ EinftuBses von LebensstelIllng und Beruf auf die MortalitatsverhiHtnisse. 187'(., ......................... · .... · ...... · .... OL '

59. --- Das Universitatsstud,ium iu Deut.chlland wo,hrend der letzten 50 Jahre. 1884. (Sa/Jl11Zlg. Nationalo. u .• )t"tiSl. Ab/:. Rd. Ill. Ht. 2.)

60. --- Die Statistik der Universitiit Halk, 1894. (Separatausgabe aus de. Fest_ schn"ft zum zoo Jiihrlgen Jubiliittm der Uni'z.'c1-sit/its FIalle) '" " .• , .... '" " .... ". , .. ~.

61. Coste, A. Le. principe. d'une Bociologie olbje"tive. 1899 ............................ :t.

62. Cournot, A. A. Exposition de la theorie d:"" chanee, et des probab\lites. 1843 . ................................................................... .. , ..•. ' ............................... \JI.

63. Crome, A. F. W. Geographisch.statistische DarRtelltlng der Staatskriifte v. d. sammtlichen, zum deutschen Staatenbnnd" gehiirigell, Landern. 1820-'25. 2 Ede. .. .............................................. "'.' ........................................... :t.

64. Czoernig, K. F. v. Ethnographie der osterreiehischen MOMrchie. 1. Abt. 1857 . ............................................................................... , .......................... :t.

65. Davenant, C. Discourses on the publick revenneR, and on the trade of Eng­land, &c. 2 vol •. 1698.

66. Delatour, A. Adam Smith. ·Sa. vie, ses tra 1mu:K:, se:s doctrim:~s. 1886.

67. Dlobi8cb, M. W. Die moraliscbe Statistik unci die menschliche Willensfreiheit. 1867.

68. Dulau, P. A. Trail" de statistiqne, on theori"





--- De la methode d'observation dans ROil ap 'et politique. 1866. .. ................................... .

Duncker, G.

Eden. F. M.

Die Methode der Variationsstatis. s

The state of the poor: or, an hi

England. 3 vol •. 1797.

Edgeworth, F. y, Papers relating to po1itkller.

de" lois. 1840.

on anx sciences morales H zng)~_~;· ........................ :t.

I. 1879.":. ........................ :t. \ .',

l1ring classes in 1894 ... :.



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73. Einaudi, L. Le lotte del lavoro. 1924-

74. Engel, E. Die Bewegung der BevOlkerung im KDnig. 8achsen, 1834-50. 1852 .... :t.

75 .. --- Das Konigreich Sachsen in statistischer lll. staatswirtschaftlicher Beziehung. 1853 ................................................................ " ............................... :t.

76. --- Zur Statistik der Dampfkessel und DmIlpfmaschinen in aUen Landern der Erde. 1874 ....................................... "·· ............ ··, ....... ,, ........ · .... · .... ,01.

77. --- Die Lebenskosten belgischer Arbeiter Hamilien friiher nnd jetzt. 1895.

78. Falkner, R. P. Die Arbeit in den Gef'angn;!lsen. 1888. (Sammlg. Nationalo. u. Statist. AM. Bd. V. Ht. I.)

79. --- Academic instrlllctiou in political and economic science in Italy. 18m. (Repr. from Annals of tM Am. Acad. of Poi. and Soc. Sci.)

80. --- Crime and the censns. 1897. (Pub!. of ",lie Am. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sci.

No. I90.)

81. Fallati, J. Einlcitung in die Wissenschaft del' Statis1>ik. 1843.

H2. Farr, W~- Vitalstatistics.-1885, ....... ::.: .......... · ............................... · ...... ~i.

83. Fechner, C. Kollektivmasslehre. 1897 .......................... · .......... · .. ···•• ...... ·~i.

84. Ferraris, C. F. La statistica e la scienza dell' amministrazione nelle facolt .. gillridiche. 1878. . ...................................... " ....................................... 9Jl.

85. Fircks, A. F. v. Beviilkerllngslehre und Bev'Slkernngspolitik. 1898. (Hand. und Lehrbuch de,. StaatS'luissenschajten. Abf. l. Bd. 6.)

86. Fisher, I. The nature of capital and income" 1906.

87. --- The~ rate of interest. Its nature, det""mination and relation to econo­mic phenomena. 1907.

88.· -'-- The purchasing power of' money. 1ts aetermirialion -and relation to

credit, interest and crises. 1918.

80. --- The making of index numbers. A stndy of their varieties, tests, and reliability. (with the authoys signature) 192:;' ·" .. · .. ·· ........ · ...... · ...... · .......... 6.

90. --- Mathematical investigations in the th"o"y of value and prices. 1925.

VI. Fischer, K. Die Freiheit des menechlichen Willens. 1833" ........... · ............ ,01.

V2. foldes, B. Finanzwissen"chaft. 1920 ... , ....... " ........................................... @).

93. Foville, A. de La 'France economique stalOi6tiqne rajsonne.: et comparative. 1887. '" ........ " ..................................... '''., ....... " .... "." .... ,,' ..................... :t.

94. Frankenstein, K. BeviiIkerung und Han.industrie im Kreise Schmalkalden seit Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts. 1887. (Bdt»ige •. Geschi'chte d. BevOlkerung in Deutschland. Bd. 1E.) ............................ " ............................................ @).

95. Gabaglio, A. Teoria generale della statistica" :3 vo Is. 1888.

96. Gait, E. A. Cenons of India, 1911. Vol. 1. IndJa. Part I.-Report. 1913 ....... 1:_

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97. Galton, F. Hereditary geniu8. (1860.) ]914.

flS. --- Natural inheritance. ]889 .............................................................. 1:.

!J9. Garnier, J. Notes et petits traite8 conterll." ,llement8 des .tali"tigue. ]86(;. · .. m. 100. --- Du principe de population. 2. M. 1885 ........................................ 91.

]01. Giffen, R. Essays in finance. 2 vol •. 188? :>nd ]886.

102. -- Statistics 1898-]900. 1913.

]03. Gini. C. Considerazioni sulle probabilitil ,:1 )oRteriori e applicazioni al rapporto dei sessi neIle nascile umane. 1911 ..... ·· ...... · ...................................... :0:.

104. --- Contributi Rtatistici ai problemi deU" eugenica. 191:~. (Riulfta Ba/z"ana di



Soeio/ecin. A ""0 X V.I. Pose. .I.ll-.I V.) ..... ........................... , .. , ................... :t.

_~~ g'uer_rs_ ~al pnnto di_ ~i_8~a ~?~~ Eugenica. 1020. (~l1dro1t. Vo!=-!'_!l' ~.)

Appunti ai statistica. 1921.

107. Gini, Nasu.Baker and Kuczynski. Population. 1930 .............................. :0:.

108. Gioia. M. Filosooa della statistica. 1839.

109. Godwin. W. Of population. An enqniry concerning the power of increase in the immbers or mankind. (Ans-ioer to 1I1,dthlls) 1820.

llO. Guerry. A.-M. Statistique morale de l'A[Jgleterre comparee avec la statis1iqne morale de la France. 1864... .. · .. ; ........................................................ IDl.

Ill. Guillard. A. Elements de Rtatistique bumn;n," Oll demographie comparee. 1855 . .................................................................. ..................................... :t,

112. Halde. J. B. du Auerubrlichc Beschreibung' des chinesi.chen Reiche. 1. Tl. 1747. (The Engl. traTtstatioll of thz~~ bOOR: is cited in. 'Ilu J~rinciple (If Fop.' kv Malthus, 'toith the 'lC/orks of Staunton and .Kl'impfer ngarding tn Chil1a and Japan.) ............................................... c .............................................. :t.

]13. Hansen, G. Die drei BevOlkerungsstuftm. Ein V"ersllch, d.ie Ursachen f. das Bliihen u. Altern d. Volker nachztlwei"I:ll. 1889.

114. Harte, oW. Essays -on husbandry. 1764. (On tIns 'Work, A. Y1 Jzmg saJ's .. ".fIe

speaks from his own experience, havillg In?z.elled likt> a tru~ phi/os,pher, O1td

go~d cltt~ell.") .................................... " ,'._" ..... " .................................... 1:'.

11'5.. Hau.hofer, M. Lehr- und Handbuch der l:otntisLik. 2. AuH. 1882.

116. Hermann, F. B. W. v. Ueber die Bewegung- der lBev6lkerl1lng im Konigreiche Bayern. 1803 •. , ................................................................ :. ~ ............ ~_

117. Hesse. A. StatiBtik. 1. Allgemeine Stati8tik. Bevolkerllngs8tatistik; 2. 1lernf8-und AgrarstatiBtik; 3. GewerbestatiBlik lInd ArbeitBstatistik. (Conrad .

. . Crtm_driss ZU'!I: ~/tu(il(.m. ¢e?' Politisc/telt. OeA~olloll1z"e. IV" .TI.) •• _ .......... _._._.: ......... ®".

118. Heuschling. X. ESBSi sur la statistique generale de iE, Helgique.1838. .. .... :0:.

l19. . ESBai BUr]s statistique g~nerale de laBelgiqne. 2.6d. 11:141,· •.. n ...... ID/. _"C

cll --

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--- Bibliographie historiql1e de la sl.

--- Bibliographie historiql1e de'la st.

, _ . r en Allemagne. 1845.····· .. · ........... , .. :<::

ell :France. 1851 .......... ·,· .... ·,·; .. ··J·t~

122. Hersch, L. Seasonal' unemployment in the building industry in certain Euro­pean cOllnirie~. 192'9. (N(!PI'z"l1t~d ./1"01» !.I.u "lnternaho';al. Labou?' Revt"i?7lJ"

Vol. XIX. Nos. I-2~3.)

123. Hildebrand, B. Die w issenschaftliche Au i:l".b" del' Statistik. 1866. (.Iahrb;;ch,,. f. Nalion,Z/jjkano",;e ", St"ri,tik. Ed. 6.)

]24. --- Statistik Thiihingens. Bd. 1. 1867 ................................................. :t.

125. Holzgethan, G. Theorie der Statistik. 182!) ............................................. ~.

126. Horn, J. E. BevolkerungswissenschaftJiche Studien aus Belgien; Ed. I. 1854. :t'.

127. Inama.Sternegg, C. T. v. Beitrii.({e znr Gesehichte der Preise. Ausstellungs-Bericht. Nr. 22. 1873 ......................................................................... t.

128. --- Geographie und Statistlk. 1891. (Statisti"he jlfonatschrift· .Ig. XVII.)

129. Jacquart, C. Statistiql1e et science soei·,le. J.907.

130. ---Essais de statistique morale. La criminrulite beIge 1868-1909. 1912. (Ann~les de I'/l7sfi/at S~pen:eur de PkiJoso.lM2e. Tome I.)

l31. Jaslrow, J. Die Volkszahl deutscher Stldl;" zu Eude des Mittelalters und zu Beginn der Nenzeit. 1886 ...... · .... · .. · .... ··.· .... · ...... · .. · ...... , .......... , ..... ' ... ·@1;·0.

132. Jevon., W. S. The principles of science. :~i vols. :1874 ............................... :>:.

133. --- Investigations in corrancy and finane(~., 1884.

134. John. V. Geschichte der Statistik. Ein quellenmassigcs ]Iand1?uc:~ fiir d~n

- .. ------·akadeniisclfeh--G"brauch wie flirden' Selbstunterricht.· TI. .. L Von dem

Ursprung der statistik bis anf Qnetelet (18:35). 1884.

135. Jonak, E. A. Theorie der Statistik in Grundzligen. 1856.

136. Julin, A. Le recensement general des industries ct des metiers en Belgique an 31 Octohre 1896. 1900 ................................................................... ~.

137. --- Quelles sont leo methodes snivies dans Ie. divers pays pour I" forma­tion de la statistique dn commerce international et comment faut- il apprecier leurs. resnltats? 1905. (Congres £nte1"1zo.iic"luti d'e.1:!Jansion b;'onomique mondiale.) ...................................................................................................... ~.

138. --- Principe. de statistique theorique e~ appliquee... Tome 1: Statistique

theoriqne. 1921.

139. --- Tome 2 ~ StatiBLiqne economique. :F:al,sdcule 1: Statistique du commerce

exterieur ct des transports. 1923.

140. Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte u. Kaiserlichen Sta.tistischenalnte. Das Deutsche

Reich in gesllndheitlicher nnddemographisriher Beziehung. Festschrift. 1901.

14l. Keynes, J. N. 'l'he "cope and method or political economy. 2. ed. 1897.

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142. Knapp, G. F. Ueber die Ermittlung der i:iterbllchkeit. 1868 ... · ............... Of.

143. Die Sterblichkeit in Sachsen. 1869 ................................................. ID/.

144. Die nenern Ansichten iiber Moralstatistik. 1871. (Sonde.-abdruck aus H,1debm,!d's Jahrbiichern f. NatioJZatiJ. u. St. Bd. XVi; Ht. 4 u.S.) ........ ·Of.

14!). Theorie des Bevolkerungs.Wechsels. 1874 ...................................... ~.

146. Knies, ·C. G. A. Die Statistik als selbstst;in(lig-e W·issenscha.ft zar Losang des Wirrsals in der Theorie u[]d Praxis diem~,r vVissenschaft. 1850.

147. Konigliche Statistischen Bureau. Ge8chil'~:ht,e und Einrichtnng der amtlichen Statistik im Konigreich Bayern. 1895.






Korosi, J. v. Demologische Beitrage. 1892 .................................................. :;r:.

--- Die seculare Weltziihlang vom J ah,.. 1900. 1897 ............................ :;r:.

Kolb,G. F. Handbuch der vergleichenden Statistik. (der Viilkerznstands- nnd Staatenkunde) 8. Anf!. 1879. Mit dam Supplem.: Statistik der Nenzeit. 1883 . ....................................................................................................... :;r:.

Kollmann, P. Statistische BeschreibaDg der Gemeinden des Herzogthnms Oldenburg. 1897 ............................................................................... :;r:.

Koren, J. Economic aspects of the liquor problem. 1899.

153. The history of statistics. Their d"Yelopment and progress in many countries. 1918.

·154. Kries, J. v. Die Principien der Wabrsche:inliehkeits-Rcchunng. Erne logische­

Untersuchuug. 1886.

155. Kuczynski, R. Der Zug nach der Stadt. IBn. (ll;[uncltener Volkswirtschajtliche StUdien.24. StUck.)

156. Kure, B. History and theory of statistics. 1902.

157. Landolt, C. Methode nnd Technik der Han"haltBtatistik. (nebst dem Budget einer St. Galler Arbeiterfamilie UBW.) 1804.

158. Lang, H. Entwickelang der Beviilkernng :in Wiirttemberg und Wiirttembergs Kreisen, Oberamtsbezirken und Stlldten im Laufe des XIX. Jahrhundert. mit Tahellen und fiinf Karten. 1903. (Reiti-oge 2. Cuchidte d. Be1Jlilk"'ung in Deutschland. Bd. VII.) ....... ,' ............ ., ............................ : ............... e;.

159. Laplace, P. S. Theorie analytique des probllbilites. 3. ed. 1820. (Oeuvres com·

pletes de Laplace. Tm. 7.)

160. --- EBsai philosophique sur Ie. probabilit(;". 6. ed. 1840.

161. Lassalle, F, Die indirecte Steuer nnd die Lage der arbeitenden Klassen. 1863 . .... .......... ......................................... .... " ......................................... () .

. 162. La"ghlin,J .. L. The history of bimetallism in the United "tateB. 1892.

,163. ~avoi~ier Statistiquc o.gricolc et projets d( ri;formcs. (Petite bibliothcque econo-

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miqru frall{ai,.e et etrangere.) .......•.... .... · .. , ........ ·,,·· .. ·.,,· .. · .................... ,IDl!.

164. Lazarus, W. Ueber Mortalitiitsverhiiltnisse nnd ihre Ursach!m. 1867 ... · '" ·Of.

165. Leffingwell, A. Illegitimacy and the influmIee Df BeaSDns upon conduct. 1892 . ......... ; ................................................... · .. " .... · .. · .. · ........................ ·01.

166. Legoyt, A. Forces materielle. de lempire d'"Uem"gne d'apr~s les documents officiels. Ib77.

167. Le Play, F. Reforme sociale en France. 18ti!i ........... ··· .... · .. · .... · .... · ........ 91.

168. --- Organisation de travail. 1870 ............. ·"· ...... · .... ,, .... · .................... ·91.

169. --- L'Drganisation de la famille. 1871. .'. ··· ...................... · .. · .. • ...... · .. 01. , 170. --- Paix sDciale. 1871. .... · .................. " .. ,,,· ...... ·· ......... , .. · ............ : .... ·91.

171. --- Les DlIvriers europeens. 2. ed. 6 Tom,'s. 1877-'79.

H2. Levasseur, E. La pDpulatiDn fran9aise. 3 Tomes. 1889·-'92 ........... · .......... 5ei.

173. Levi, L. History of British commerce and of th'B econDmic progress of the British Nation. 1872.

174. --- Work and pay: or, principles of indnstrial economy. 1877 ............. :t.

175. --- '\Vages and earnings or t.he workiug classes. 1885.

176. Lewis. G. C. A treatise on the method,~f orf' observation and reasoning in politics. 2 vol •. 1852 ............................. ' ............................................ :t.

177. Lexis. W. Einleitun!( in die Theorie der Beviilkerungsstatistik. 1876.

178. -.-- Zur Theode derMassenerscheiollngell in der menschlichen Gesellschaft. 1877 ........... ·· .... ·· ....... · ......... · .. · .. ···· .. · .. ····.·· .. ···, .. ·· .............................. :t.

·179 ... Lindner, F_...Die unehelichen Geburten alg iSozialphiinomen.1900. ••• ........ ·01.

'180. L<lmbros<l, C. L'oomo di genio. 1894. (P,b/ioteca Antropologico.Giuridica Serie

I. Vul. 4')

181. --- L'nomo delinquente. 1897. (Bt"biiotet(f. Antropologlco.(;iuridica. Serz"e I.

Vol. 24.)

182. Lombroso, C. et Ferrero, G. La femme criiminelle et la pro"tituee. 18V6.

183. Lotz. W. Finanzwissenschaft. 1917 .................. " .................................. @3.

J84. Lueder. Kritik der Statistik nnd Politik. Isn!. 185. McCulloch, J. R. A slatistical accollnt of tbe British Empire. 2 vols. 1837 .

.............................................................. " ................. • .. • .. • ...... • .. ··@3o.

186. Malchus, C. A. F. v. Stntistik und Staaien lwnde. 1826.

187. Malthu •• T. R. An essay ·00 the principle of' population. 1. ed. 6. ed. 1798. and 1817.

, 188. EBBSi 80r" Ie prioeipe de population. 1345. (Collection des economi.!"

fran{ais.) .......... , ............................. " .. " ......... " .... , .................... ····· .. ·:ta.

189. March, L. Stati~tJqoe internat;onale dn mOllYem("ot de Is popUlation. 1907. :to

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190. M~rkow, A. Das 'Waehstnm de. Bevolkm'LlIIg nnd die Entwickelnng del' Au"­und Einwandet-ungen, Ab- und ,Zuziig-e: in Prenssen und Preussens einv.elnen Provinzen, Bezirken nnd Kreisgrnppen ''eO'n 1824 bis 1885. 1889. (Beitrage z.

,Cescht"chte d.,. !ievo!J:noung in DC1Iluhland. IJd. lIL) ..... ..................•... 'U." s. un. Masaryk, T. G. Der SelbstlIlord als soci:g,](~ ~IasF.lenersche:inullg der moderllen

Civilisation. 1881.

192. May, R. E. Die 'Virtschaft 'in Vel'gangcnheit, Gegeowart nnd Znknnft. 1901.

193. Mayo-Smith, R. Statistics and sociology. 1895.

194. --- Statistics and economics. 1899 ... · ......... ·· .... " ........ " .... " .. "" ....... " ... 1:.

195. Mayr, G. v. Statistik der Bettler' nnd Vaganten im Konigreiche Bayern. 1865 . ..................................... ................... ·· .... •··· .... •• .. • .. • ........ • .... •· .. ·• .... • .. ·WI" .. " ......... _"

196. --- Ueber die Grenzen del' Vergl"icbbarkeit statistischer Erhebungen. Habilitationssobrift. 1866. . ...................... "'''''' .................................. :r.

Hl7. -_ .. - Die amtIiche Statistik in Bayern. 1872. ·" .................... · ...... · ........ ·WI.

] 98. ---. Statistik der in bayeriscben Fabr:iken lIlnd grosseren Gewel'bebetrieben

zuni Besten del, Arbeiter getrofienen E:inriehtllngen. 187·5. ··· .................. WI.

199. Die Gesetzmassigkeit im Gesellsehaftsleben. 1877.

200. Theoretisehe Statistik. 1895.

201. Statistik nnd Gesell.ehaCtslehre. 3 Bd". 1895-1917.

2112. Begrjfi und Gliedernng der Sta:,.tswissenschaften. 1921. (Mit viele" kGndschrifllichen Nachtragen v. ffiIllyr's.) ,··,······ .. ·".·.···.··.·.,.· ..•... ·.· •. · ... ·.··.·.IDl.

203. Mayr, G.e Salvioni, G. B. La "tatistiea e la vita sociale. 1879 ... · ............ WI.

204. Meerwarth, R. Einleitnng in die Wirtscbaftsstatistik. 1920 ......... · ............ 115.

205. Meitzen, A. Ge.chichte, Theorie und Tedmik d,l' Statistik. 1886 ............. !!l.

206. --.- .~ur Agrargeschichte Norddeut$chl:l\ndf~. 1901. (Sonderabdruck aus " Del' Boden und die landwidscha./U£chen Ver}.'./iltm'.ru d~s j~n!lt..sst"s~hen Staats." .Bd.


207. Menger, M. Statistisehe Zusammenstellnngen als Material fur die Reform der Verzehrungssteuer in gesehlossenen Orten nnd •. uf dem flaeben Lande. 1887. " ................................. " ................................................................... o.

208. Methorst, H. W. Zur GeBchichte der nj"derHindischen Stutiatik. 1904. (AI/g. Stat.·,AI'chiv. Bd.' Vt:) .: ....................... , ............................................... !!l.

209. --- Resume retrospe"tlf de l'annnaire statistique des Pays-Bas. 1911. ...... !!l.

210. ~'

Mey;;,..· R. .. Denkschrift der K. K. StatistiBehen Zen~kommission zl1r Feier • •• 9 '.:rfo1J~:~-lines 50 liihrll(en Bestandes. 191 .......................... " ............................. :t.

OJ", ._,

211. Milne~ J. A' trea.tise on the valuation 01:' ,annnit.ie$.rand: I18Snrances On lives . and: Bur'l'ivorB'hips. 2 '1'01 •• 1815. .."...................... .. ....................... :r.

212. Minist .... e des Travaux Publics. Album de de 1886. 1 1

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1887 .. ·· .... ··· .. · .. · .. · .. ··•· .. ·· .... · .. ····· .... · ... ··.·· ........ · ................................... :0:.;

213. Mischler, E. Alte und neue Universitat • .st",i.lik. Antt·iHsrede. 188li., ......... :;r;

214. -'-' - Bandbuc'" der' Verwaltungs·Stati.tik Hd. 1. Allgemeine Grllndlagen der Verwaltungs-Statistik. ISD2 . ................. , ....................................... 9Jl.

215. Miichell. W. C. BIlAiness cycles. 1913'. (Mellwi!'s"f the U1ZilJerstly "f Ctilijoruia. Vol. 3.) .......................................... ~ ........ ·· .. · ....... · .... · .. ·· ........ · .. · ...... :;:n.

216. Moh!, R v. Die Ge.chichte nnd LiteratUl' der Staatswissenscharten. 3 Ede. 1855-'58 ............................................. ' ............................................... !8.

217. d'e Moivr .. , A. The doctrine of chances: 0", A method of calclllatill)1; the probabilities of events in play. 1738.

218. Mone, F. J. Theorie der Stali.tik. J. Abt. 1824. ..·· ...... · .... · .... · ................ r. 210. Montesquieu, C. d. S. De l'esprit des lois. :l. ed. 18i8.

220. Moreau de Jonnis, A. E16ments de staListiqlW. ~. I!d. 1856.

2~1. Morgan, A. de .A.n essay on probabilities. nws ......... " ... ,." ...... -.. h-.-••• · ••••••• 1:.

222. Morgenroth, W. JIygiene nnd soziale Fiirsnrge III j\lIiinchen. 19]4 ............. ~.

223. Morpurgo, E. La statistica e Ie scienze 8oc:iali ] 87.:~.

:!24. --- Die Statistik und die Socialwissenschfdt.fm. 1877.

225. MorlelIi, H. Der Selbstmord. Ein Kapilel an" der MOI'alst.,tistik. IS8!. ... :m. 226. Mortara, G. Lezioni di statistics nletodolo9,··f.eIJl" 1!l22.

227. Mo~er, L. Die Gesetze del' Lebensdaner. lS;:m. '<"""'" .......................... :.~.

228. Mucke, J. R. Das historischs Princip der Statistik, 1900 .... ,,, ...... :.: .......... :m. 220:-MulnaU: M .. G: Industries and Wealth of nation". 1806 ..... , ..... "' .......... , ..•• ,~,.

230. --- The dictionary of statistics. 4. re,ise!l ed. 1890.

2:11. Neefe, M. IIanptergebnisse. der Wohnungs91.~J..tif!tik denlscher Grossstiidte. 1886. (Scll1iftm des V"'eins fiir Sozialpolitik. Bd. .XX X)

232. Neison,. F. G. P. Contributions to vital sto,listies. 2. ed. 184-6 ................... :;:.

233. Neumann.spaJlart, F. X. v. Ueber.ichten rler Weltwi.tsehaft. Jg. IS85-·89. 1890. (bearbeitet v. Franz v. Juraschek. 1:3~16.)

234. Newsholme, A. The elements of vital statilltics. 3. ed. lSi.Ja.

235. Neymarck, A. Le morcellement deA valeur8 mohili€l'es. 1896. (Nl"l!!/e jYolitique

et Pdrleme1ltaire. 1896.)

235. Oesterlen, Fr. Handbllch der medicioischen StatiBtik. 1874.

23',. Oettingen, A. v. Die )Joralstatistik in ihrt:·]~, J~edentung fUr eine Socialethik . . 3. Autl. lS82.· ............................ · .. · .................... · ...... · ........ , .............. ·ill.

238. --- Dcr j\Ioralstntistik. 2. Bnch. Analy,e [ler moralstat.istiKchen 'Daten. 1860 . ...... ................................................. .. · .. ·· ........ ··· .. ·· .... , .. · .. · .............. ·ID·

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239. Oncken, A. Untersuchung fiber den Begrifl'der Statistik. 1870..

240. Parent·Duchatelet, A .• J.·B. De la prostitution dans la ville .de ,Paris. 1837. 1'.

241. ParetD, V. Cours d'economie politique. :11396 .... ·,,· ................................... IDl.

242. PearsDn~ K. The chances of death aod other studies in evolution. 2 vol •. 1897. . ......................... : ..................... , ............................................ 81 ..

243. The grammer of science. 2 ... d .. 190.0..

244. Person., W. M. An index of general bl:lRiness conditions,. 1919. (The Review <II Economic Statistics.)

245. Peschel, O. Viilkerkunde. 1874 ................................. , .......................... 1'.

246. Petty, W. A treatise of taxes and contr:ibutions" 1667.

'247. ---"Political survey,of-lrelllftd,-'lH9. "--,-,-,,,,_ . .-

248. --- Severa] essays in political arithrn"tiick. 4. ed. 1755.

249. --- The economic writings of Sir W. Petty, ed.· by C. H. Hull. 2 vols. 1899.

250.. ---. Les oouvres economique.,. traduit pal' H. Dussauze. 2 tomes. 1905.···Wl I.

251. Picard, A. Le bilan d'nn siecle (180.1-1900)" 6 ~'omes., 1906.

252. Platzer, H. J ahrbuch der Statislik. 1. Jg. 190.9.

253. Pl8yfair~ W. The statistical brevjary; shewing, on a principle entir~y new,.

the resources of every state and kingdom in Europe. 180.1.

254. ---. A letter on our agricultural distresses. 1821. "" ... "" ...... ; ..... , ........... :0:.

255. Pohlmann, R. Die Ubervolkerung der an Liken Grossstadt" im Zusammenhauge mit der Gesamtentwicklung sWdtischer Civilisation. 1884 .............. : ....... j8.

256. Poisson, 5 .. 0. Recherches sur la probabililo des jogements en matiere criminelle et en mati~re civile. 1837 ................... ", ...... " ..................................... 2::

257. Porter, G. R. The progress of the nation. 2. ed. 1847.

258. --- The progress of the nation. rev. ed. by F. W. Hirst. 1912 ... · ......... 2:.

259. --- Statistics .................... · .... · ...... ·"",, .. ·· .... · .......... · .. · .. · .. · .... · ......... z. 260. Pribram, K. Geschichte der osterreicbischen Gcwcr.bepolitik von 1740 bis

1860. 1. Bd. 190.7.

261. Price, L. L. A short history of political economy in England from A. Smith to A. Toynbee. 190.0..

262. The pos,ition and prospects of the "tudy or: econoroic bistory. 1908.




Prinzing, F.· Trunksucht n. Selbstmord u. dereo gegenBeitige . Beziehungen. 1895.


.Quetelet, A .. Sur, rhoIDlDe et Je developp'eEllent de ses .~.cultes, au essai de-~fYBique "sociale. 2 tomes. 1835. . .. ,

---:Uber den Men.chen und die Entwickh;ng seiner Fahigkeiteo, od.Ver~lJ~i.

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einer Physi.k der Geeellschart .. 1838.

266;' . Lettree 8ur'la tMorie des ·probabilil£s. 1846.

267. Letters on the theory of probabiliities as apl)lied. to the moral'" political sciences, tr. by O. G. Downes. 1849 ....................................... :t.

268. Dn systeme socialetdes lois qui lEi re.~is8ent. 1848 .......... · .......... · .... 91.

269. . Zur Natnrgeschichte der Gesellschaf:L 1856.

270. Phys~ue sociale ouessai sur Ie de'l'eloppement des facultes de I'homme. 2 tomes. 1869. (with tM authors signatun,.) ............................................ 9l.

271. (Knapp) A. Quetelet als Theoretiker. 1872. (Ja.krbill·her fUr Nallonow. u. Statistik. Bd. I8.)

272. (Lottin, J.) Quetelet, statisticien etsociologu" .. 1912.

273. (Mailly) Es.ai sur Is vie et les ollvrage~ de L.·A ... J. Queteiet. 1875.· .. : .... ·01.

274. Quetelet et Heusehling. Statistique Intermtionale (Population). 1865 ... · ...... 9]/. "- --- .--..

275. Ratzel.F.Anthropogeographie. TI. 1. !LA,.Il/I. 1899. Tl.2.1891.

276. -- ViiIkerkunde. 3 Ede. Ed. 1. 1887. lld. 2. 1887. Ed. 8. 1888.

277. Reichesberg, N. Die Statistik und die Gellellschaftswissenschaft. 1893 ... · .. ·01.

278. Riehl, W. H. Die statistische Krankheit. (FT"ie Vortriige. 2:. SammInng.) 1885 . ....................................................................................................... :t ..

1179. Roscher,W. Geschichte der National.Okonomik iin Deutschland. 1874.

280. 281.






Rowntree, S. Poverty, a study of town life. 1902.

Rubin, M. und Werstergaard, H. Statistik cler Enen. 1890 ........... · ...... · .. ·01.

Riimelin, G._ RedeD.Und Aufsatze. 3 :Bde. 187'5-'94.

--- Problemes d'economie politique <'I. de .tatislique, traduit par Riedrnastter. 1896. . ....................................................... ··· .. ··· .. · .... · .. · .. ·91.

(Schmoller, G.) Gustav Rtimelin. Ein Ld)ensabriss des schwiibischen Staat.· mannes, Statistikers u. Sozialphilosophen ............................................... :t.

Rumsey, H. W. Essays and papers on some fallacies of statistics concerning life and death, health and disease. 1875. .. ............................................ :t.

Say, J. B. Cours complet d'economie politiq'l<' pratique. 2 Tomes. 1840. (Collection des' economlstes francais.) .•...... " ..... -...... ··.········•····· .. •··•···••• .. ··t:a~

287. -'-- TraiM d'econoruie poIitlqne. 1841. ((~llectioFl' dt!s economis"tes /rmz{m,'s.)

.................................................................... · ......... · .. · .. · .. · .... ·· .. · .. · .. ·:ta.

288. (Olbie) Oeuvres diverses de J. B. Say. 1848: (Collection des .leonom;,I .. fi·an.ais.) ................................................................... · .. · ..... · ....... ····· ...... · .. · .. ·:ta.

289. Scheel, H. v. Die deut.eh. Volkswirtscbafl; am Schlusse des 19. Jahrhunderts, bearh. im KBI. Stat. Amt. 1900.

290. Schnapper.Arndt, G. Fiinf Dorfgemeindm auf dem Hoben Taunus. 1883.

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(Schmol'e~' .. Staats- '1md Social;visun.uhajl.'liche For.uhUlzge:l. lV . .Ed. 2. II(/I.)

291. --- Vortrage und Au f.iitze. 1906. ·······,,··········································· .. lB.

202. Schmoller, G. Zur Litteraturgeschichte der Staats- nnd Sozialwissenschaften.


293. Schott, S. Statistik. 1920 ... · .............. · ........ · .. · .. ·· ........ · .... · ........ · ............ ·16.

294. Schubert, F. W. Handhuch der allgemeillen Staatskllnde yon };Ilropa. 7 Rde. 1835-'48.

295. Schwabe, H. Das Verhiiltniss von Miethe n nd Einkommen iu Berlin. (nerlin lind .,eine Entwickelung.) 1868.

296. --- Die Resultate der Berliner Volksz,i.hluug vom 3. December 1867. l8tHl . ...... ......... ..... ............. ............. ....... .... : ...... " ..... ~ ..... ' ...... :.: .. · ... ·:·· .. · .. ·90.

- --_._-_. ~ '------,--------_.---- -, ,_._------ -----,_. - --. -,--_._.,-"",- --------------------------- -----

297. Seckendorff, V. L. v. Deutscher Fiirsten·S!aat. l'i20 ................. , ....... ·; .. ·lB.--

298. Seutemann. K. Kindersterblichkeit sozialeJ.' Bev61kcrungsgruppen insbesondere im preussischen Staate und seinen Pro,';,nzen. ]894. (Beitr,Ygc z. Geschirhte d. Bt!l)olkerlulg £1!- Deutu-/lland. Bd. V.) ·-·· .. ·-,- .... ·.·· ..... · .. ·.·· ..... · ................ 6.

299. Shirras, G. F. The science of public finance. 192·0I.

300. .Sigwart, C. Logik. I. Bd. 1873. n. Rd . .1878.

30l. Silbergleit, H. Das statistische Amt der Btadt Berlin 18G2-1nI2. 1m2.

;)02. Sinclair, J. The statistical account of Scotland. Vol. 1. 1741. .......... · .. · .... m . ..'}03. The history of the public revenue of the Eritish Empire. -::.; vols. 3. ed.

1803-1904. :~ .... ~ ... : ........ : ........... : ....................................... : ........ -::-. .-.. : .:t.'

.304. The code of health and longeyity. ~). ed. 1833 .......... , .......... -.- ........... :t .

.305. Soc. de St. de Paris. 1..e 25e annive1"~m.ire de la Societ~; de Statistiqne de Paris. 1860-'85. 1886 .................................... " .................................... :t.

JOG. Soetbeer, A. Ueber Hamburgs Handel. ]840 ....... · .. · .. · .... · .. · .................. 60.

307. Sombart, W. Der .moderne Kapitalismus. ;) Bde. 1902" ··· .. • ......... · ...... · .... lB .

..:108. Spann, O. Untersllchungen tiber die nneheHehe 13evolkel'llng in Frankfurt aln l\fain. 1905. (Prob/e."Je de-r .Fursorgc. AIMal1dlungen dey Centrale fur jwlvate

FJi.rsorge in Frank fltl t am Main" 2. Bd.)

;)09. Stamp, J. The fundament.al principles of Ilaxalion. 1[12,1 .. · ......................... 16.

810. Statiatico.1 Society. J .. bilee volume of the (-3t.ali.tical Society. 1885 ............. lB.

;lll .. Staunton,G. Auhistorieal accollnt of th" Ji;mba.sy to the, Emperor of China. (a/nidged) 17f17 ................................................................................. :t.

312 .. Stein, L. ·v.f'yste'll der Stati.!ik, P"IPL11ationiotik nnd de. Volkswirt­scbaCtslebre. 1852. (Sy«em der Staatswiss,msciurj'l. I. Bd.)

:H3. Stieda, L. Vber die Anwendung der 'Wahrscheinliehke:itsreehnung in der .mtm-opolog.jse hen St. tistik. '2. ·-·Allfl.lS V:;: .. " ........ " .c •. , ... ; ,." ......................... :t,

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::n 4. Sundba rg, G. Aperylls statistiq ne:-; internati:onanx. :LDOG et .1 D08 ............. , .. ~.

315. Si.issmilch. J. Die goU·liche Ordnung in cleo -Vel'iindernngeu des menschlichen

Geochlecht., an8 cler Gebnrt, clem Tade lIod ,ler ~'ortpllanzllng desselhell erwiesell .. 2. AnA. 2 Rde. 1762-'76 .... ·· .. ·· .. · .. ·· .......... ·· .. ··· .................... ·W'/.

316. ---, --- 4. AnA. 3 Bde. 1787-'88. · .... ·· .... ·· ............ ·· ........ ······ ...... ·~i.

:117. Tammeo. G. La .tatistica. 1806.

ms. Taube, M. Del' Schutz del' unehelichen Kin<ler in Ll'ipzig. 1803 ... · .... · .... 01.

:JID. Thissen, O. ]3eitr~i~e znr Geschichte dE'S Il::mdwel'ks in PrBllssen nnter Mit-wirknng des Heransgebers beartJeitet. 190]. (Beitrt'ige z. cresc/zichtc d. BeviJI-

kel'1tllg £n DeutJ·chland. Ed. 1/'1.) ............ " ............................. ··········.·····10.

320. Thompson, W. S. Popnlation::\ study in )[althm;innism. lfH5.

321. Tooke, T. Thoughts and detuilFl On the hi£"h and low prices of the last'thirty

years. 182:L

i~22. Tooke, T. and Newmarch, W. History of ])l'1eL-'H and of the state of the. circn­lation from 1,!)2 to 1856. 6 yols. 1D28.

323. --- Die Geschichte u. Bestimmllng der Prej~t~ wiihrend der Jahre 1798-1857. Deutsch unli mit Zusiitzen veTt'leheIl I'. C. "\V. ,Asher. 2 Bde. 1862.

324. Twiss, T. On certain tests of a thriving population. 1845 .. ' ................. '" .. :t.

320. Turquan, V. ~Iannel de statistiq ne pratiq tWo IS01.

326. Vallentin. \Yestpreussen seit den ersten Jahmelil1t,m dieHes Jahrhnnderts, ein

Hei,trag- Zl1r Geschichte cler EntwickeltlIE( de...: a.llgemeinen 'Vohlstands in

llieser Provinz nnd il:n'en einzelnen Teikn. 189::L (Beitl'/il;e s. GeJcitichte d. jle7Jiil~e"1Jng l}~ .!?eutsch.~'!?t_d. _B..tf. IV.) ..... '".' ........................................... (5.

327. Varlez, L. Les formes nouvelles de l'uR~1ll"an4:e eontl'e le chomage. 1003.

328. de Vauban. Projet d'une dixme royale. Il'(fi ................... · .... ··· .. · .... · .... ~a.

!J20. Vecchio, G. S. Del Bulle l'icerchc F.1tntistlci.\e intorno ai mntrimoni fra COll-

sangllinei e ai lora effetti. 1878. (AnnaN lit' Stalls/t·e,?. Sen."".! 2. Vol . .I.) ...... :;t.

:180. Venn, J. The logic of chance. ..:-\.n essay on the foundations and province or

the theory of probability, with espechil ]',~'fel'ence to its logical bearings and its application to moral and social science, and t.o statistics. 1888.

331. Wagemann, E. Konjnnklnrlehre. Eine Gr(Jnclleg-nng znr Lehre VOlll Rhythmn" der Wirtschaft. 1 D28 ............................................................ • ........ :<:00;

332. Wagner, A. Die Gesetzmi.issigkeit in den ~;I.~heinbn.r wil1ki.irlichen menschI. Handlllngcn. ]864 ............................. ".'.- ..................... , ...................... ~.

333. --- Artikcl "Stntistik" im X. :Bande y. Jl3111ntRcbli-Braters Staatl"lwortprhllch. ]867.

334. Walcker, K. Grnndri"8 der Statistik, der i:ltllutenknnde. 1889 ... · .. ·· .......... ·Wl.

335. Walker, F. A. DiRcnssiollR in economics a.nd statistics. 2 v()ls. IS!)!).

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336. Wappaus, J. E. Allgemeine Bevolkerungsstatistik. 2 Bde. 1859-'61.·· .......... ~.

337. --_. Einleitung in das Stlldium der Si:al.istik. 1881.

338. Wassermann, R. Wandlnngen der Ansichten 'liber Wesen nnd Zweck der Krimina1statistik. (Sondc~rabd,.uck aus ~~_De1' Cer£chtssaal" 75. Ed. 4-6. Ii't.

76. Bd. I-]. Ht.) . ....................................................... ·················.··£)f .

.339. Weber, A. F. The growth of cities in the ~XIX" century. A study in statIstics. 1 899. (Studies in Histor)" EC(1llolld::s and Public Lo'uJ. VI")!. XI.)

.340. Weisz, B. Der Einflnss von theneren nnd ldl1igr:':n ~piten auf die SterbIichkeit. 1880 ............................................... , .. ' ........................................... £)1.

-341. Welton, T. A. Statistical papers based Oil the "ensns of England aud Wales, 1851, and relating to the 'occupation,' oflhe people "ndthe increase of population 1841-'51. 1860.

342. Westergaard, H. Die Grundziige dpr Theo!:ie der Statistik. 1890.

343. -. -- Die Lehre von der Morlalita! II. lvIorbilitaL 2. ,"ollstandig umgear­beitete Auti. 1901.

... ~44. Willcox, W. F. Divorc~ problem. A study in statistics. 1807. (C£llumbz"a Univer-

sity,. Studies itt NiJtor)" Economics and .Public Law. Vol .. f.)

345. Wilson, A. J. The resources of modern ccnntries. 2 'Vols. 1878 .

• 146. Winkler, W. Stadien zur osterreicbischen Sozi .. ] versicherll ngsvorlage. 1911.

M7. --- Die soziale Lage der deutschen Hocbschlllstlldentenschaft Prags unter besonderer Beriicksichitignng ihrer W ohn '7erhiiJLnisse. 1912.

348. -- Statistik. 1925.

349. Wittschieben, O. Das Findelwesen in Steie<mark. 1907 ......................... £)f. (StatiJtische filittdlul1gen iiber Steier17lark. ,;'t~VIL .E-I!.)

~5Q. Wittstein, T. Mathematische Statistik n:nd deren Anwendung auf National-okonomie und Versicherungs-'\Vissenschaft. 1867 .. ............ -.................. 9n •

.351. Wolowski, M. L. :f;;tndes d'economie politiqne et de statistique. 1848 .......... l: .

.352. Wright, C. D. The industrial evolution of' the United State,. 1895.

353. --- Outline of practical sociology. 5. ed. 1902.

354. Wiirzburger, E. Einkommen nnd Ram~ha]tllngsvorstiinde. 1906 .

.355. Die Bearbeitnng del" Statistik der BevOlkernngshewegung. ] HOg. (All_

gemeine! St,lfistiuhes Archiv. VII. Bd.)

$56. Yasukawa •. K. On the means, standard deviations, correlations, and' frequency

distributions of functions of variates. 1(125. (From" Biometrika" Vol. XVII. Parts.J and 4.) ................. : ............................ ' ........ , ........................ e:.

357. ---. On. the probable error of the mode of skew frequency distributions. 1926. (From" Biometrika l

' Vol. XV111. ]-'ad:i . .5' alld 4.) ........................ 5"

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358. Y Qung, A. The farmer's letters to the peopk of England. :J:. ed .. 2 vols. 177!.

359. --- Political arithmetic. 1774.

:l00 . The farmer's calender. 6. ed. 1805. '.' ............. " .............................. :.:.

.361. --- Le cultivatenr anglois, on cenvres choiflies d'agriculture; et d'econornie rnrale et politiqne. Tome ll. 1901 (Tradnil; de I'anglois par les CC; Lamarre, Benoist et Billecocq.) ........................................................ ···· .. ······ ... V.

362. Yule, G. U. An introdnction to the theory of statistics. 7. ed. 1924.

"263. Zahn, F. Die Finanzen der Grossma.ehte; Dentsehland, Osterreich. Ungarn, Italien, Frankreich, Russland, Grossbritanicn, \T~'reinigte Staaten von Ame­l'ib, .r apan. 1908.

264. --- Dentschlands wirtschaftliehe I~ntwicklling LllltCl" besouderer Beriicksich­tigung der VolkszahluDg 1005 80wie del" _BernH;- u. Betlriebszahlung 1907. 1910. (Annalen des Delltselzen Reichs. /g./.i'.)

265. --- Die Statistik in Deutschland nach ib.l"em heutigen Stand. (Ehrellg{1b~

far G~o,g von Mcl)'r) 2 Bde. 1911.

266. --- Faruilie nod Familienpolitilt. Ein bev01kernngspolitischell Vortrag. 1918.

267. --- Fort.bildung der Lalldwirtschaftsstati[stik. 1918 . ........ , ...................... ~.

~68. --- Stadt u. Land, Bayern u. das Reich i.ll_ der' Kriegsern.ahruogswirtscbaft.


:l6!). Zeuner, G. Abhandlungen allS der rnathemati>:chen Statistik. 1869.

:lTO. Zimmermann, E. A. W. A political ""rvey 01 I.he present state ot' Europe. 1788.

:In. Zizek, F. Die statistischell Mittelwerte. ·190S ............................. ·· .... ········0.

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II. Statistical Inquiries l'elating to Japan.

J. Abbolt, J. F. Japanese expansion and Amerimn policies. 191G.

Baiz, E. Die korperlichen Eigemchaften del" J·apaner. 1882-'85. (ilfitteilullgelt

der Deutschen Geselbchaft f. Natll1'. 1/.. V'(ilkerkNllde Q.{tasien.s • .Ed. I1/.-IV·,)

3. --- Die Osta!=!:iaten. Rin Vortrag. 1901 ... , ............................................. l:.

4. The. Comittee of the Formosan Special Censll.'( Tnvestigation. The special

population censns of Formosa, 1905. 1'J09.

v. D'Autremer, J. The Japanese Empire and it" eC(Jl1omic conditions. 1910. Cheap ed. 1915 ........... · ............ · .................... " .................................. :t.

G. Davidson,-·].- ·W.·--The-I.laud-{)C-Formosa. I'a6t- and pres"nL--Hisiory, -people,---­resources, and commercial prospects. ] ~)03.

7. Droppers, C. The population of Japan in the Tokugawa period. 1894. (Trallsac­

tions of the Asiatic Society of Japall. X--,Yll.)

s. FeSC89 Ma Ueber die landwirthschaft1i('lwn 'TE~rh;i1tnjsse Japan's und die Kolonisation Hokkaido's. 1887.· .... · ...................................................... 2: •

. \). --'- Literatur tiber die Verhiiitnisse dec,. Bodem: und der Landwirtschaftin Japan. 1888. (lll£ttdlul1gell do'Deutschen C'esells('hafi ji;,-l\1otuJ'·//1Td Volkerkunde

Ostasiens. Bd. n·:)

10. Griffis, W. E. The Mikado', Empire. 2 1'01" (18i6.) 12. ed. 1013.

n. Korea. 1882.

12. Haushofer, Ka Dai Nihon; Betrachtungen -tiher Gro.ss-Japans 'Yehrkraft, 'Velt-stellung nnd Znknnft. 1013 .......................... " ....... , ..... , ........................ €?i.

1:3. --- Das japanische Reieh in seiner geograpbisdlCO Entwicklnng. 1921. ... @S.

H. --- Japan~ R.eichsernenernng. Strllkturwanclll1ngE~n von der Meiji-Ara bis hente. HmO. (Sallzmll-tllg Giischell) ......... " .......... , ............. , ............. : .......... l:'.

15. Hearn, L. Japan. An attempt at interprelation. 1!l20.

16. Heber, E. A. Japanische Indu.triearbeit. Eine wirtschaftswisse118chaftliche uud kulturhistorische Studie. 1912.

li. Honjo, E. The population of Japan in tIlt(' "Tokngawa 11 eTa ................... ~.

18. Imperial Geological Office. Agricnlturai production of the Japanese Empire. Atlas. Bcitriigc znr KC"nntniss der japanilschen Landwil'thsdHtf"t; von Max

Fesca. Atlas. J 890 ............................... " ...................................... .. · ... T.

19. Imperial Japanese CQmrn.ission 1.0 the Louisiana PIHc]wse E:-.::position, Japan

in the beginning of the 20th centllTY. 11l04.· .... · ......... · ............ ·· ...... · .. · .. ·0.

20. Kambe, M. "Dpl' russisch-japanische Krieg und ujp japanischc ,r olkswirtschaft." 1906. (Wi1tschn/ts- u. Ver'ioaltullgsstu.d£cn llIit bestmricrer BeriJtksl,~htigU11g

Bayerlls. Bd. XXlv~) ........................ " ......... " .... , .... ", ......................... .\1:.

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21. --- Die Entwicklung des japanischeD HtHuerwesenlo1 yom Altertum bis zl1r

Gegenwart. (Fiuan.a,-chiv. XXiII. Jg. 2. Bd.) ...... ......... ......................... .11.

22. --- Die Staatsschnldell Japa.ns. (F.i,,,,;oar,hiv. XXiiI. Jg. 2. Bd.)-· .. · ....... .11.










--- Die Entwicklung der japllnischen 'V"olkswirtschart in der Gegoenwo.rt.

1914. (rVirtschafts*utZd Venvrrltullgsstudien. mit besonderer BerUcksz"chtigltJtX

Bay,rns. Bd. XLiX) ....................................................................... .11.

--- Japans AussenhandeI. 1914. UVeft·wi,'~,chf7ft!ides ArchiiJ . . ,. Bd. Ht. I.) . .•.•...••.•....••.••••.. , •...... " ..•.....•..•.•...•• '., ................•••......••••.••••••.•.•...• , .11.

--- Hohe und ·Verteilung der Stenern J:apanEl, sowie Vorschlage zu Un'en Reformen. 1914. (Finam.Archirr.)

--- Grundlagen und Entwicklungstendenzen der japanischen VolkswirtRchaft. 1915. (lVe!twirtschaflliches Archiv. 5. Bd. he. 1.) '., ............................... .. .11.

--- Grnndzuge des japanischen Steuersystems der Gegenw.art. 1926. ("Ftntlll,_ wissenschaftiliche 11. Volkswlrtst:haftliche St'Nd/t.·/l.".) ....... '" .' ........................ ·s.

Kampfer. E. Beschreibnng des japanischen Reichs. 1749. (Ausjiihrliche Be· schrdbung des C/JinlSischen Relchs IV. Tn'), VrJ'1t f.lalde) ...... ,,, ......... ~ ............ T..

--- The history of Japan. 1727, trans]ai;ed bJ' Schenchzer (reprinted by Koseikaku. 1020).

Kellner, O. und Mori, Y. Untersuchungen ti.ber das H()sten deA Thee's. 1888.

(Mitteilungen ddr Deulschm Gesellschaft j. iVa!m·· N. VJlkerkunde. Bd. 1V)

Kiga, K. Das Bankwesen Japans.·.· .... ·· .... ·.································ ............ jlJ.

Kikuchi, D. Japanese education. Lectnre. ,leU"ered ill tIle University of Loo-dOIl..190n. • ... '.'.' .,. ··.·'.·.c· .. , . '.'.'.' .... , ....... ~., ......... , .~ ............. '.' .........•....... , .. ' .. ' .. , 1:.

33. Lederer, E. Japan·Europa. 1928.

34. Liebscher, G. Japan's landwirtschaftliche 11 n d allgerneinwirthschaftliche Ver­haHnis"e. 1882.

35. Matsumura, A. On the cephalic index and statile of the Japanese a.nd their local differences. 1925. . .................................................. "' ............................ 1:.

3G. Mayer, P. S. The Japan Mission year book) formet·ly the Chrh;atiau movement in Japan and Formosa. 1930.

37. Mayet, P. Japanische Bevolkerungs-Statistik. 1887. (l.lfittt!£lullgcn der DeutJ'c/U1t

Gest'llschn ft fiir Natur. und Viill.:erkunde Ostnsiens. Ed. IV.).

28. La.nd wirtf:ichaftliche Versichernng in orv,anischer Verblndung mit Sparan-

sta.Iten, Bodencl'edit nnd SchnldenablOsung·. Vorschl~ige ~mr Besserung del' Lo.ge des japa.nischcll Landmanns. 1888.

39. Meylan, G. F. Geochichte des Handels dor Europuel'in Japan. Ins Dentsche iibertragen v. F. W. Diederich. 1861. .. , ................... "" ........................ :t.

40. Morimoto, K. The "tandul"ll of living in Jupan. In! s.

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41. Miinsterberg, O. Japan" Rllswiirliger Handel. 184:)-'54. 18!16.

42. Netto, C. On mining and mine.' in Japan. 1870 ......................•••............... :r. 4:1. Nishi, H. Die BaumwolIspinnerei in Japan. In] 1. (5'eJ'ayotdruck des E'l"giin:ungs_

heftes )(L der Zet'tschrifi' fitr die gesllfllt." StaatszoissensclU7jft.) .................... ~.

44. Ogawa, C. Conscription "ystem in Japan. J !l21. .·········.··.· .. · .. · .. · ............... 6.

4.:>, Okazaki. A. Die staatlicbe Leb("n~versh~llen]ng zu kleinen Betragen in Japan. Hmo; ,Dle Offelltlicltrecldliche VersidierUl7/'" 62 . . Ig. Nr • .T und 2.) ·.··•····· .. Of.

~Hi. Plath. Die Landwirthschaft der Chinesell lind .Japanesen illl Vergleiche zu der Ellropi1ischeu. I. 1873. (5if31mgsben,,·ht,' ,1, Agl. Bayer. Akad.) ................. 01:.

47. Porter, R. P. Japan, the rise of a modern power. 1mS. ---""- ----

48. --- Japan, the new world-power. 1!Jl5.

4!), Rathgen, K. Ergebnisse del' 31lltlichen BevDlkernngsstatistJ.k in Japan, mit einer Tafel. 1887. (Mitteilungm der Deutschen G'csel!sch"fi.f. Naft'r- und VJlk"'kunde

Ostasims. Bd. iV.)

50. --- Jarans -Volks'Yrirtschaft und StaatshaLlshalt. 1891. ( ... )-taats. u .. Social:visst'ns. Forsch2"l,-[{en~ ./Jd . .. Y. 4. HI.)

51. --- Staa.t"und ICultur der Japaner. lQ07. (llfonographien ::,ur JVeltgeschichte.

XXVii.) ....................................................... ······················.············0.

52. --- Die Japaner in der Weltwirtschaft. HIl1. ···························· .. ·········8.

53. Rein, J. J. Japan nach Reisen n. Studien l:d. 1. 2. AllfL·l005. Ed. II. 1886.

54. Japan: travels and researches. ]88,,! .

..55. The indllstries of Japan. 1'ogether with U'.n account of its agriculture, forestry, arts, and commerce. 1889.

5B. RosIer, H. Uebersicht d~s japanischen .Aussenbandels seit dem Jabre 1868. 1880. (Mitteilungen de?' Deutsche1/. Gestllschaft f .. MdU1'- u. Volkerkunde Ostas£ens, Bd. il£')

57. Sale. C. V. Some statistics of .Tapan. 1!;'IO-·11. (Jl. of 1(O),.Stot. Soc. Vol. 74. Pt. V.)

58. Schultze, E. Die Prostitution bei den gelben Viilkern. 1918. (Abhandlun;:en aus de", Gebiete der Sexualeforschung. Bd. I. lit. 2.) ..................................... :r.

59. Shiomi, S. Die Entwicklung des Volksei'nkommens in .TlOpan in den .T ahren 1903-1910. 1024. (Separatabdruck aus n Archil! fur Sozial'UJissensc/urj't und

So,ia/politik." Bd. XLiiI. Ht. I.) .................. , ............................... ········6.

60. Der Staatsbaushalt nnd das Finanz"'ysi,em .Japans. 1929. (Separatabdmck

uus "Handbuch dey Pz"nanz'Wissenschajt") ,,········.,······························ .. ·· .. ··12.

61. Stead, A. Japan hy the Japanese. 1904.

62. Takaoka,K.Dieinnere Kolonisation Japltn". 1904. (Staats .. u. Sodalzo. Forschgn. 23. Bd. 3. Ht.)

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''f; t!" ~~c




Takano, I. Das hentige Unterrichtsw~sen in .Japan. 1902-1D03. (Beitrrrge :;1('-

./i.ellntnis des Or-il!l1ts. Ed . .1.) •.•..•.........•. '." ......... " .....••.. 0 ....................... !:.

--- Etude sur Ie developpement et la 1'1~p:l.lrtition du revenu national an

Japon basee Sl]r leR slatistiql1(,S ne l'imp)t ISIU ~.e revenu" (Bllll. d. l'lnst.

lilt. d. St. Tome XVII.I.)

65. --- The recent movement of popLllation in .Japan. IDIO. (JI. of Roy. Stat. Soc. Vol. LXXIII. Pt. 7.)

6G. Takekoshi, Y. The economic aspects of th·c· iIistory of the civilization of J apan. ~} vols. 1030.

67. Takenobu, Y. The ;Japan year hook. In~!).

GS. Ut.unomiya. K. Die vVareDprci~bewegllng ill "Ja.pan seit dem .Jahre 1875, ihre Ursachen 1)nd ihl'. Einwirkuug auf die Volkswirtschaft. 1897 ................ :r.

69. Wada, T. The nlining industry ot' Japan dlll'lng the last twenty five years. lS67~92. 1893. .. ................................................ " ....... " ................... :t.

70. Wantig, H. Die japanische Statistik als wisseusehaftliches QuellenmateriaJ. 1914. (Conrads Jalzrbli.cher f. jVatio1udokonomt"e u: .S'tatistik .. Ed. CIl.r. Ht. 2.)- ........ ~.

71. Watanabe, M. The financial history of Jap",n. 1009.

72. Yamasaki, K. and Ogawa, G. The effect of the W'nr1<l Wa'r upon the com­merce and industry of Japan. 1920.

7 '·' u. Yamawaki, H. Japan in the beginning of tb!:' twentieth century. 1903.

7" 4. Yanagisawa, Y. Histoirc critiq ue des tra.vnnx statistiqnes n,ll J apon depnis l'antiqnite jusqu'u. ]a restanration imppria'le. (Bul/etin de l'b,stitltt Interttat. de

St. !'ome"YIX,.J' iwr.)

75. --- La. f]1H~~tion dn r('censem~nt au Japon. 1000. (Bull. de !'Illst. lilt. St.


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III. Statistical Articles published in the "K,.':zai-Rml.w"

(~t1ft~jl-" TIle EcoJlo!'nic "Re'i.'iczf)")

1. Arii, O. International treatment as regard~: to eeollomic siratistics. Vol. XXIX_


Fujino, S. 'Vhat a year at an Imperial University COBts a Japanese ll11dergra­dilate. Vo!. XV. No.2.

iL Honjo, E. Popn lation in the Tokllgn.·ma E~rH_ 'V 01. II. X o . .5.

4. --- Relation betwe(~ll hOI1EOies and inhabitalO.t~ after the i1fdj/ restoration. V"o].

IV. No.3.

5 ... ~ Onpopnlafion ininoaern timeH. 'VoL xxxr.~"o. :8:

G. Ino, N. Prosperity index number and pui"lic prosperity. Vo!. XXV 1I. No. G.

7. Kambe, M. Prench policy on population. Vol. 1. No.2.

8. Kanaya, J. On the inwstigation of the day-tim" population in the heart of Tokyo. Vol. XXXI. No. r.

9. Kawada, S. The cost of living of coal-millers in .Tapan. Vol. XV]. No. iJ, G.

10. Kikuta, T. Unemployment and f1uctuat.iollH of prices. VO!. XXIII. No.3.

11. --- Statisti"al figures devoid of a comparative nltture. Vol. XXIV. No. 0.

12. The International Statistical ASBoC'-iati'ln :lnd the League of Kations. VoL XXVIII. No.4.

13. Kimura, K. Dynamic large quantiLieR ~tnd F.tatk large qnant.ilies. '~o1. XXIX.

No. 1.

14. --- One view of the index number of I'l'ioe,. Vol. XXIX. Ko. 2.

15. Masuda, K. The index number of shares. '1'01. XXIX. No. (j.

16. --- The interchange of social classes. Vol. XXX. No. ~:.



The meaning of the correlation copHieient. Vol. XXX. 1'0. 4.

The essential character of In"di •. n. Vol. XXX. No. G.

19. --- SeaRoJJul changes in unemployment ill tl1e building il[)dustr,v of European conntries. Vol. XXXI. No.2.

20. Morimoto, K. Study in the cost or living, ·Vol. XII" No. ::.

21. Naito, T. Census of China in modern tirrw.s. V ()l. III. No.1, 2.

22. Nakagawa. Y. Religious statistics in Germany. Vol. XXII. No. 0.

23. Ninagawa, T. A rapid methodoP con-elat.ion. V ul. XVII. No_ 2.

24. --- A correla.tion between a comparath,() table of bank-notes and all index­numbers of prices. Vol. XVII. No.4.

25. --- The apI>licatioll of the method 0:: eorl'l"lation to social and (·conomie·

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,,­.... 1.


statistics. Vol. XV III. No.3.

Acciden Is to fish ing boats. Vol. XIX. No.8.

A stlldy of interest rates. VoL XX. No. ri.

Actna.l wages and tlH~il' calcnlation. Vol. XXIII. No. 4. .. 28.



The meaning of the in<lex nnmher or prices. Vol. XXIV. No.2.

Utilization of the Bank of Japan's in(k~ nurobers. Vol. XXIV. No. :l.

-31. --- Farro and objects of the index nnmber of prices. Vol. XXIV. No.5. --- A study of the natme of the theory 0 f economic .tatistic.. Vol. XXV.


--.13. ---. On the tendencies lD the science of statistics. VoL XXX. No.4.

On the so-called economic stHtistics. Vo1. XX:X. No.5.

Exposition, criticism and analysis of statistics. Vol. XXXI. No.2.

·;~6. --- .A. review oL".Sta:t,jsti<~fj" in tbe "CO_IUplete \Vork:-; on PoliiLical Economy".

Vol. XXXi. No, 4,

-.:37. On the 'grE'at mass. y"'qL XXXI. No. n,

·:38. Ogawa, G. Post-'Var population. Vol. II. No.3.

·;]0. Okazaki, A. On the (HvGrce-rate in Japan. Yo]. XV. No.3.

40. --- A statistical investigation of marriage in dties a.nd in rural districts of Japan. Vol. XV. No.6.

41. --- The incidence 01' unemployment by ag'" and sex. Vol. XVI. No. :1.

42. The c08t of living~ofaGerman higher Dflicial. Vol. XVI. No.4.

~_ ~ ____ -1:3. ..A_sJatisjicaJ,tlldY:.9.1lllgllatroaJ"yiage. Vol. XVI. No.4, G.

-14. On the Dunlop method. Vol. XVI. No, ,5.

-13. --- On cash advances to licensed prostitutes In Kyoto. VoL XVII. No.1.

46. On Schwabe's law. ""'0]. XVII. No. :J.

47. --- The nnmber of German stlldents in GE'~~I·man nnivCl'sHies after the Great ·War. Vol. XVII. ;fo. 4.

-18, --- A '3tatistical Btndy of honse-rents in I:.he city 1)[ Kyoto. 'lo1. XVII. No.5.

--tn. --- On the marriage-rate. ·Vol. XVIII. No" ;~,



:i2 .

--- Ratio of divorce in Japan. Yol. XIX. No. 2.

Statistical nnmber. VoL XIX. No. :3.

The death rate among married anel unmarried. ·Vol. XIX. No, 4.

• 33. --- Infant morta.lity in Germany or the pres(~nt dmy. Vol. XIX. No .. 3.

;;4. --- Free dlOice j t\ statistical stndie~. Vol. X:K. No.4,

Hccent statistic, at' still-bil'lh. Vol. XXI. No. :l.

Page 26: Title Catalogue of the Statistical Works 經濟論叢 (1931), …repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/...URL Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher

[)6. Some differenlJ-e in the divorce Tate between city and country. "''''01.­XXI. No.4.

57. Criminal stati~ticR in Germany. Vol. XX1I. No.5.

58. Casualty rates iu shipbuilding yards. Vol. XXIII. No.3.

59. --- Dual calculatiou in statistics. Vo!. XXIV. No.6.

60. Oyama, H. Recent statistics on population. Vol. 1. No. 1.

61. Shiomi, S. ,Influence of the Great War on population. Vol. XI. No.4.

62. --- On the cost of lidng' of the elementary-school teachers in Kyoto. Vol .. XI. No.6.

63. --- Infant mortality in Berlin. Vol. :XIII. No. :;.

64."-" '-"-" - The ni6vemenI61 popnlatio'u' in n"rH:i1a,iririgiiiiaiirtei' the Great War.~· Vol. XIII. No.4.

65. --- The rapid increase of divorce in the great eities of Germany. Vol. XIIL No.5.

66. --- 'I'he latest cost of lidng in Berlin. Vol. XUL No.6.

67. Property tax and the statistics of llIational wealth. Vol. XIV. No. 1.

68. On "The statistics of national weDLlth before and after the Great War."'· Vol. XIV. No.2.

69. --- Statistical investigation of the question of the priices of commodities. Vol .. XVI. No. 1.

70. --- Study of the index numher. Vol. XXVI. No.6.

71. How to stndy income distribution ,,[aHstics. Vol. XXXI. No. G.

72. Suzuki, K. Over-population in China. Vol. III. No.4.

73. --- Popnlation of China. Vol. VI. No. 1.

74. TakaTabe, S. On the natural term of life. Vol. 1. No. 1.

75. --- Combination of ages in marriage. "VoL I. No.2.

76. --- Some statistical investigations to fa,milies. Vol. n. No. 2.

77. --- On the municipal bureau of stati.sti·c:s in Germany. "v.ol. II. No.3. VoI:­IV. No.4.

78. --- Still birth or iIlogitimate children i" .Tapan. Vol. II. No.4.

79. --- On the method of Malthns' "On Population." Vol. II. No.5.

80. --- On "Block-bzw. Markenklebe-VerrahrelO" Vo]' n. No.6.

81. --- On statistical worh. Vol. III. No. :!. 82. --- Statistical investigation of old men :and "\yomen in r.royama~prerecture_

Vol. III. No.5.

83. --- On the average term of life. Vol. 1'1.": No: 1. VoI.V. No.2.

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84. On the problem of physical degeneration. Vol. IV. No.1, 2, 3.

85. Dense population of Japan. Vol. VI. No.1.

86. Household statistics. Vol. IX. No.6. Vol. X. No. 1.

8i. Outline of administration .tatistics in 'Various countries. Vol. X. No.4.

88. Playfair's "Statistical Breviary." Vol. XII. No. S.

89. On Zimmermann's political survey. Vol. XII. No.6.

90. --- On the statistical inveAtill:ation of dwellings. Vol. XIII. No.3.

91. --- Suicide statistics in Japan' classified according to sex. Vo]' XVI. No.5.

92. --- The inhabitants and their household coodiltions on the waterways it> the city of Tokyo. Vol. XVI. No.6.

93. --- On business statistics. Vol. XV II. No.1, 3.

94. --- On moral statistics. Vol. XVIII. No. O. Vol. XIX. No.1, 2, 4.

95. --- A view of the statistics of unemployment. Vol. XX. No.5.

96. ---'- Mi.cenaneou~;'ote. On statistic~. Vol. XX. No. 6.

97. --- Scattered notes on statistics. Vol. X::C[. No. l.

98. --- Suicide statistics. Vo]' XXI. No.1, :2:, 4.

99. --- On the meaning of the term" Socia] ~JtalisticR" "Vol. XXI. No.2.

100. --- On the study of causal relation by ,tn,listics. Vol. XXII. No.3.

101. --- My view of worldly affairs. Vol. XXII. No.6.

102. On vital statistics. Vol. XXIIl. No. ",

103. --- Demography. Vol. XXIII. No.6.

-""104: "-'--- General-remarks on domestic st"tisd,,., Vol. XXIV. No. 1.

105. --- On "Populationistik ". Vol. XXIV. 1\0. 2.

106. --- On the tsuyu or rainy season peculiar to ,Japan. Vol. XXIV. No. :l.

]07. --- Rain in India. Vol. XXIV. No.4.

108. --- On statistical error. Vo]. XXV. No.4,

109. --- Ever increasing. popnlation or ever d.eeaying e:xistence, thought of as the course of human society. Vol. XXIX. No.6.

UO. --- A brief survey of the stati;'tic. of di'seases. Vo]. XXX. No.3.

Ul. --- On the standard food. Vol. XXX. No. 6.

112. --- A view of the regular population. VoL XXXI. No.2.

113. On the view of J. B. Sayan statistic". Vol. XXXI. No.5.

114. --- On the two articles of 'Westergaard. Vol. XXXI. No.6.

U5. Takata, Y. An inquiry into the causes of increasing population in Japan. Vol. II. No.1, 3.

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116. --- Relation between social classee and their hirth-rates. Vol. II. No.5.

]17. --- Relation between population and wages. Vol. III. No.6.

118. --- Relation between mortality and birth-rate of infants. Vol. Ill. No.1.

I Ill. --- On the Pareto's line of income. Vol. VU. No. G.

120. --- On the recent tendency of the birth-rate to decre".e. Vol. IX. No.1.

121. Takeda, C. On the increasing population of Osaka. Vol. XXVII. No.4.

]22. --- The nlovement of populatioll in Osaka, ~\ro}. :XXVIII. No.6.

l~W. Taniguchi, Y. On the retail price of r:le(~ in t11C' city of Kyoto. Vo]. XXXI.


U4. --- The relation between the wholesaIe and retail prices of rice. Vol. XXXI. No.5.

125. Uchida, G. Statistical inquiry of the death-rate and sickness in Formosa. Vol. V. No .. 3.

126. Yamamoto, M. A minimnm quantity budg'et for a family of five in the U.S. Vol. XUI. No. 1.

127. --- On Japan's population problem. Vol. XXIII. No.5.

IV. Statistical Articles published in .;, Kyoto University Economic Rev:iew"

1. Honjo, E. Population prohleru. in the 7i'kllgawa era. \" 01. n. No.2.

2. Shiomi, S. A stndy in the index nnmber,; of prices or the Bank of Japan. Vol. 1. No. 1.

:1. --- Seasonal fiuctllation of' onr natiomd finance. ·Vol. T. No.2.

4. --- A study in financial stati8tic~. 'VoL II. 1\"0. :~.

;J. The stale disbursement of compullsolrY education expendit.ure and the

transfer of the land tax to local trea8mie". Vol. nI. No. 1.

G. --- On .Japan's national wealth and inlJome. Vol. IV. No. 1.

,. --- The burden of I~l'.'{ation or the citizens of big cities in Japan-on the

Osaka citizens ill pSl'ticnlar. Vol. V. No. 1.

S. --- On the revision of the 1and tax. 'VoL V. No.2.

9, Takarabe, S. Silicide etatistics in Japan e.lassified according" to sex. Vol. I

No. 1.

10. Takata, Y. On the coefficients or procl:lCtion. Yol. IV. No. 1.