Instructions for use Title 札幌博物学会会報 第17巻 第1号 全1冊 Citation 札幌博物学会会報, 17(1) Issue Date 1941-07-31 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/64292 Type bulletin File Information TSNHS17_01.pdf Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

Title Citation Issue Date Doc URL File Information TSNHS17 … · 2019-06-27 · TAKAKUWA: JAPANISCHE LITHOBIUS・ARTENUND NEUE Dll'LOPODEN 5 Schlafenorgans vie! kleiner als Ocellen

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Title 札幌博物学会会報 第17巻 第1号 全1冊

Citation 札幌博物学会会報, 17(1)

Issue Date 1941-07-31

Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/64292

Type bulletin

File Information TSNHS17_01.pdf

Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP

札幌博物 事曾報









JULY, 1941


All communications should be addressed to the Corresponding Secre-

tary of the Sapporo Natural History Society in the Faculty of Agriculture,

Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan.

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W eitere japanische Lithobius・Artenund

zwei neue Diplopoden


y osioki TAKAKUWA


Mit 10 Textfiguren

(I) Japanische Lithobius-Arten

Durch meine neuen Entdecl王ungen einiger Spezies muss meine friihere

Beschreibung iiber die Gattu川ngLitltobi

XVI, pt. I, 1939) hier erεanzt und der Schluss verbessert werden. Wie schon

erwahnt, ist der Fall in Japan sehr selten : es waren bisher nur dreimal aus

mehr als 2 5 Gliedern bestehende Antennen zu finden. Auch vom mit ge-

drangten Haufen von Driisen versehenen 13. Beinpaar ist in_Japan keine Rede,

obgleich vor einigen Zeit in Tokyo im Garten des koreanischen k白1igsRi ein

Exemplar 0 des Litkobius von Korperlange 1 cm gefunden wurde, das 36

Antennenglieder besitzt und <lessen 13. Beinpaar richtig mit gedrangten Haufen

von Driisen versehen ist. Bei dem gefundenen Tier diirfte es sich nicht ohne

weiteres um die japanische Art handeln, da die P日anzendes genannten Gartens

in vielen Landern gesammelt worden sind.

Der Schliissel far die Arten

la. 9., II., 13. Tergit mit dreieckigen Fortsatzen…………….. . . . • Lithobtus s. str. 2

1 b. Alie Tergite ohne Fortsatz……………………………・ Archilt・thobim4

2a. Ventral am Tibia des 15. Beinpaares 0 mit einer dichteri Borstenreihe. Antennen 41-gliedrig.

Ocellen I+ I 5… … … … … … … … … … … ... I. L. (L.) t円・'chopusTAK.

2b. Tibia des 15. Beinpaares 0 nicht wie bei 2a… … … … … … … … … ... ・・ 3

3a. 7. Tergit mit schwachen Fortsiitzen. Antennen 24-36-gliedrig. Ocellen 1+ II,平 Gonopoden-

sporne schlank, 2千九 Klauemit 2 Spitzen … … … … … ... 2. L. (L.) ongi TAK.

3b. Am 7. Tergit fehlt Fortsatz gariz. 平Gonopodenspornestumpf, 2+2, Klaue einfach ..

3・ L. (L.) hakui TAK.

3c・ 7.Tergit ohne Fortsatz. Gonopoden 3+ 3, Klaue einfach. 日interranddes Genitalsternits

Trans. SapP'刊 O Nat. Hist. Soc., V。1.xvn, Pt. 1, 1941:


beiderseits nahe dem medianen Ende einmal gekerbt. Antennenglieder 35-38.

4. L. (L.) bidz'o日"saTAK.

4a. Am 14・und15. Beinpaare Femur und Tarsus gelblichbraun1 die iibrige Glieder dunkelrot.

Antennen 18-20-gliedrig… ・・・ … … … ・・・ … … … ・・・ ・5. L. (A.) bico/01’TAK.

4b. Farbe nicht wie bei 4a ••. … ・・・ … ・・・ … ・・・ ・・ … … --- … … … … ・5

5a. Das Tibia des 14. Beines ~ sehr verdickt, oben zeigt eine L量ngslinie …6.L. (A.) niger n. sp.

5b. Nicht wie bei 5a • … … ・・・ … … … … … ・・・ … … … … … … … ・6

6i. Am Femur des 14. Beinpaares 0 zeigt mit vor dem Ende eine Borstengruppe………・ 7

6b. Am Femur des 14. Beinpaares () ohne Borstengruppe. ••• • •• ・・・ … ............. 9

7a. Priifemur und Femur am 14・und15. Beinpaar zeigen oben breite Lむlgsrinne•••

・・ 7.L. (A.)正副・eanusVERH.

7b; Femur und Tibia am 15. Beinpaar 0 oben mit Langsfurche ••• … … … ・・・ ・・・ … ・8Sa. Ocellen 9, Femur und Tibia am 15. Beinpaar des 0 stark verdickt …

. 8. L. (A.) sachalintts VERH.

Sb. Ocellen 1+5, Femur und Tibia am 15. Beinpaar des 0 ein wenig verdickt, nicht wie bei Sa.

9. L. (A.) tibia/is n. sp.

9a. Femur und Tibia des 14. und 15. und Femur des 14. Beinpaares 0 dorsal mit schafer Langs・

furche ••. … … … … … ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ … -・・ … … … … … ... 10

9b. 14. und 15. Beinpaare ohne Liingsfurche ... ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ … ... ... ... ... ... ... 11

lOa. Farbe kastanienbraun. Endbeinfemur miissig verd1ckt ……… IO. L. (A.) sttlcipes (ATT・)lOb. Grundfarbe des Riickens kastanienbraun, Jedes Tergit mit einer gelblichen Zone parallel mit

dem Hinterrand und in einiger Entfernung von demselben, seitlich parallel mit dem Seitenrand

nach vorn biegend … … … … … … … … … ・・・ II. L. (A・} s. pulcher (ATT・}

lla. Endbeinfemur stark verdickt H ・・・・ … ・・・ … … ... . .. 12. L. (A.) pac.』'typedatttsTAK.

llb. Endbeinfemur normal . … … … … … … … … ・・・ … … … … … ... 1.2

l.2a. Coxalz昌hne3+ 3, der Coxosternalrand jederseits so schriig nach innen gestellt sind, dass am

Vorderrand ein 山 mpferWinkel ent批 ht・・・ … … ・・・ … 13. L. (A.) yamashinai VERH.

12b. Vorderrand nicht so schriig wie bei lOa, aussen so erweitert ist, dass jederseits ein stumpfer

Winkel entsteht, am welchem sich auch der Porodont befindet .……………… 13

13a. Kieferfussziih白 3+3 ・… … … … ・・・ … … … … … … … … … … 14

13b. Kieferfusszahne 2+2 . … … … … … ・・・ ・・・ … … ・・・ … … … ...... 17

14a. 平 Gonopodensporne3+ 31 selten 2+ 2, fast gliechgross, Klaue schwach 2 geteilt, Hii仇poren

elliptisch bis knopfartig … … --- … ・・・ … … … … ・14・L. (A.) elliptic削 TAK,

14b. ♀ Gonopodensporne 2+2, (oder 3+3. dann die innerste sehr klein und Hiiftporen rund)…

•••..•••• 15

15a. ♀ Gonopodenklaue 3 spitzig, Ocellen I+ 14-18 in 3 Rei hen, Hiiftporen rund bis queroval •••

.” ・・・ ・・・ … … ・・・ 15. L. (A.) haasei An.

ll)b・平 Gonopodenklaueeinspitzig oder schwach 2 geteilt. ………………---… 16

16a. 0田 !JenI+ca 20 in 4 Reichen.、平 Gonopodenspornestumpf, Klaue einspitzig. Hilftporen


queroval. ・・・ ・・・ … --- … ・・・ ・・・ … … … ... . .. 16. L. (A.) mt1/tiocellattts TAK. 16b. Ocellen I+ 13-14 in 3 Reihen. ♀ Gonopodensporne 2+ 2 oder 3 + 3, ・Klaue schwach 2 ge・

teilt. Hiiftporen klein, rund, die des 15. Beinpaares erscheinen mehr oder weniger Unordnung

17・L.(A.) 01・aitoemis TAK.

17a. 中Gηnopodensporne 2+2 . ... . .. … ... ... ... ... … … … ・・・ … … … 18 17b. Gonopodensporne 3+ 3, selten 4+4 … ・・・ … … ・・・ ・・・ … … … … … … 19 18a. 9 Gonopodenklaue proximal mit einer Nebenspitze, medial mit 1-2 schwachen Spitzchen

... 18. L. (A.) otasanm n. sp.

18b. 平Gonopodenklaueam Medianseite drei deutliche kammartige Zahnen .

. 19・L.(A.) pectinatus-TAK.

19~・♀ Gonopodenklaue einspitzig ... ... ... .. . ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... 20

19b. ♀ Gonopodenklaue in einer grossen und einer kleinen Spitzen geteilt. . .. 20. L. (A.) bidens TAK.

20a. Riicken mit schwarzliche Mittelbinde, Ocellen 1+7-10, Schlafenorgan so gross wie eine der

vorderen Ocellen .……………………... ... . .. 21. L. (A.) lineatt1s TAK.

20~). Riicken einfarbig, ohne Mittelbinde … … ・・・ ・・・ … ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ … … ...... 21

2la. Ocellen 1+ 5 in 2 Reihen, Schliifenorgan 1/2 durchmesser von v~rderen Ocellen

. 22. L. (A.) oki・na世1emisn. sp.

2lb. Ocellen i +8-12 in fast drei Reihen, Antennen 20・28匂gliedrigSchlafenorgan so gross wie

meisten Ocellen ... … … 一… … … ・・・ ・・・ … ・23. L. (A.) manゐchni,側 i'sTAK.

6. Lithobius niger n. sp.

Briiunlichschwarz, Lange ohne Endbeine I 5 mm. 26-27-gliedrige Antennen

Jang, bis zum Hinterrand des 6. Tergites reichend. Kopf etwas preiter als lang.

Ocellen ca I 2, von verschiedener Grosse, in drei Rei hen angeordnet. Schliiferト

organ grosser als eine der vorderen Ocellen. Coxosternum der Kieferfiisse mit

2 + 2 auseinander getrennten, spitzen Z誌hnen,borstartiger Porodont nach aussen

abgedriickt, dicht am Rand, an der Basis deutlich hockerig angeschwollen, und

aussen von ihm der Aussenrand unter 45。abgeschriigt. Alle Tergite ohne

Fortsatz, 1., 3. und 5・volligges如 mt,7., 8. und IO. nur seitlich gesiiumt, auf

den iibrigen reicht der Saum noch auf einen Teil des Hinterrandes. Die grosseren

Tergite hinten ein wenig eingebuchtet, iibrige beinahe gerade. Alle Tarsen


Hiiftporen gross, rund, 5-6, 5-6, 4--6, deren Durchmesser grosser als die

der diese trennenden Zwischenr忌ume. Femur und Tibia des 14. Beines des o

verd/ckt, Tibia besonders stark verdickt und hellfarbig, darauf zeigt sich eine

braunliche Liingslinie, zwischen der Linie und dem Medianrand weit entfemt

vom Ende eine aus einigen Borsten bestehende Borstengruppe und nahe an der-

selben ein !anger Stachel vorhanden, Tarsus schlank. ( o I 5. Bein deたkt.)


14. und I 5. Beinpaar des 9 ein wenig verl忌ngertund vergrossert. Bedornung:

I. Beinpaar苦f, 13. Beinpaar お銭~. 14. Beinpaar ~缶詰~. 15. Beinp訓

告詰t. I.-14・Beinpaarmit Nebenkralle und Nebenborste, 15. ohne. Alie

ohne Seitendorn. Gonopoden:平 mit 2 + 2 kurzen, dicken Sporen, Klaue

schwach, zwei-bis dreispitzig; 0 klein, halbkugelig, ungとgliedert, mit einer

Fig. I Fig. 2

Lithobius niger n.モ:p. L. nigeγn. sp. 14. Bein des 0 von olien gesehen Gonopoden des平vonunten gesehen

Borste, dazwischen abgerundeter V orsprung ohne Borsten.

Fu凶 ort: Nahe bei der heissen Quelle des Berges Kirisima ( 1000 m. hoch).

Anmerkung : W ohnt im genannten Orte mit den anderen Arten von

Lithobizts, befindet sich nicht so reichlich, dennoch nicht so sparlich, lauft schn.ell,

dass es nur mit grossen Schwierigkeiten erbeutet werden kann.

9. Lithobius tibiαUs n. sp.

Korperlange 16 mm. Riick巴ngrunlichbraun, lateral an den Randern mit

dunklem Fleck versehen und breite dunkele Mittelbinde vom Kopた biszum

Korperende durchlaufend. Kopf etwas breiter als lang, der Rand zwischen

den Antennen gerade, jederseits I十 5grosse Ocellen vorhanden ; Pore des


Schlafenorgans vie! kleiner als Ocellen. Die Antennen miissig Jang, besteht

aus 17-19 Gliedern. Bauch und Bein hellfarbig, Tibia und Tarsus am 14. und

15. Beine dunkel, auch am 1.-13. Bein ungefahr gleich. 2十2Kieferfussziihne,

Porodont etwas nach aussen abgedriickt, dicht am Rand, an der Basis ein

wenig hockerig angeschwollen, und davon der Rand nach aussen langsam

schriig abgedacht. Bliischen der Giftdriisen bis an das Tibia nicht reichend.

Tergit fast glatt, sehr winzig, sp訂lichbeborstet. Sternite sp品rlichJang beborstet.

Aile Tergite ohne Fortsiitze. I., 3・und8. hinten und lateral ges山mt, 12.,

Fig. 3

Lithobius ti,民a/isn.も;p.

{I) 15. Bein 0 von oben gesehen (2) Tiboa des 14. Beines 0 von innen gesehen

Fig・4L. ti・'bialisn. sp.

Gonopod des平vonunten ge開hen

13., 14・undI 5. our lateral gesiiumt. Al le Beine nicht sehr schlank, 14. und

15. stark. Fem~ir und Tibia am 15. Beinpaar des 0 ein wenig verdickt, nicht

wie bei L. sacltal£nus VERH., und oben mit einer Liingsfurche. Am reifen o

das Femur des 14. Beinpaares sehr verdickt und oben lateral sehr reichlich

beborstet, besonders meist var dem Ende mit einer dichten larigen Borstengruppe

verseheri. Alie Tar百 nzweigliedrig. Poren der Coxaldriisen rund, 3, .3-4, 3-4,

3-4・ Bedornung:I. Beinpaar琵tmit Nebenkralle und Nebenbor批, 13.Bein

paar舘3詰 mitNebenkralle und Nebenborste, 14. Beinpaar h-た去を mitzwei

Nebenk凶!en,15. Bei叩aarg~若 mit zwei Nebenk凶 le. Gonopoden:平

mit 2 + 2 grossen, stumpfen Sporen, Klaue mit einer spitzen Haupt-und drei

bis vier an der Medianseite ste~enden, kleinen verschiedenformigen Spitzen


besetzt. Ungegliederter, halbrunder Genitalhocker des o mit 2 Borsten besetzt

und zwischen ihnen ein hinten rundliches, querlanges, unbeborstetes Pl丞ttchen


Fundort : Akyu (秋保) (heisse Quelle) bei Sendai, Aso・Vulkan(阿蘇火山)

(nahe dem Krater, 1300 m. hoch).

18. Litlwbiut~ otαsαnus n. sp.

Korperliinge bis 18 mm, Kopf etwas breiter als Jang. Antennen 20・gliedrig

bis zur Mitte des 5. Tergites reichend. Ocellen I+ 9, in drei Reihen, das

Sehl孟fenorganso gross wie die kleineste der Ocellen. Alie Tarsen deutlich

zweigeteilt. Alie Tergite ohne Fortsatz, Hiiftporen klein, rund, 4, 4, 4, 4・

Letztes Bein nicht sehr Jang. Coxalziihne klein, 2 + 2, Porodont an kleine

hockerige Anschwellung nach aussen abgedriickt, der Rand von ihm steil ab-

fall end.

9 Gonopoden mit 2 + 2, srむker,kiirzer Sporen, Klaue proximal-lateral mit

einer Nebenspitze, medial mit 1-2 beieinander, kleine Spitzchen. Bedornung:

I. Beinpaar ¥-o云-f-,13・Beinpaar§§iムム, 14.Beinpaar ~ム 1!2~·15 ・Beinpaar径三s1%・ Alie Nebenklaue fehlen.

Fundort : Sisuka (毅香) (Sachalin).

Fig. 5 Fig. 6

Lithobius otasanus n. sp. Lithobi:問。kina・明 e拙 isn. sp. Gonopod des牢vanunten gesehen Gonopod des平vanunten gesehen

22. Lithobiu.<1 <>kinawem~is n. sp.

Korperliinge 14 mm, briiunlich, Kopf lg. : br. = 7.8 : 7・ AntennenI 7-glied-

rig (deたkt),vielleicht 20, proximal zehn Glieder gross und Jang. Ocellen I十5in zwei Reihen, <las Schliifenorgan 1/2 Durchmesser wie bei einer der vorderen.



Alle Tergit glatt, spii.rlich beborstet, ohne hinteren Fortsatz. Alle Tarsen

deutlich zweiteilig. Coxosternum vorn mit 2十 2in gleicher Hδhe stehenden

Zii.h附 1,der Vorderrand !st so quer horizontal erweitert und dann批 iiabge-

schr忌gt,<lass ein stumpfer Winkel entsteht, in welchem sich auch der Porodont

befindet. H凸ftporen4, 5, 5, 5 rund, in einer Reihe. Bedornung: I. Beinpaar

計f,I 3. Beinpaar詑苛f.14. Beinpaar お言~. I 5. Beinpaar涜詰3・ Alie Hiifte

ohne Seitendorn. ♀ Gonopoden mit drei langen, grossen Sporen, die Klaue

gross, einspitzig.

Fu凶 ort: Idun (伊豆球) (Ryukyu).

(II) Ve1宮leichder beiden Spezies von Antrokoreanα

Antrokoreαηα gα,nooi n. sp.

A. gracilipes VERH. A. gamooi n. sp.

Am I. Beir

gebogen Tibialfortsatz reicht kaum bis I reicht iiber das Postfen zur Mitte des kurzεn Postfemur. I des Femur.

Die kurzen Penes welche am Ende i Die kurzen Penes trii.gt nur je eine

je zwei lange Borsten tragen. j lange Borste.

V ordere Gonopoden :

Lamelle des Coxofortsatzes sehr I nicht sehr gross.

gross, neben ihrer Basis aussen drei I ohne Borstchen.

kleine Borstchen.

Flagella behaart. i nackt.

Telopodit eingliedrig. I zweigl耐 ig.

Hintere Gonopoden :

Die Telopodite teilen sich vor dem I Telopodit hat auf der ganzen Flii.che

Ende in zwei Ae批, der langere an I zerstreut liegende W込町hen.

der dem kiirzreen entgegengesetzten

Seite zahlreiche kleine W忌rchen,und

Schiippchen tr丞gt,die ungefahr bis zur

Mitte des Telopodites herab vorkom-


Klg. ~ 32 mm o 30 mm, Krg.平

44 8 43, ganz we1ss.

Fundort: Seikei (清渓)-Kaikhohle bei

Keizyo (Korea).

Klg. o bis 13 mm,早 bis18 mm, Krg.

0 31-43,平 35-42,ganz weiss. Irimizu(入水)-Kalkhぬlebei Tokyo(Hu-



Alle iibrigen Charaktere d. h. Mecliankante am Riicken, Gestalt der Ocellen,

Bein, Antennen u. s. w. stimmeri bei beiden Spezies iiberein.

Bei Ant. gr. !asst sich die Vermutung Verhoe色, auchdieses Tier sei ein

Raubtier unmogtich bestatigen, weil der ¥Vohnort des Tiers -in einer sehr ge-

fahrlich zu erreichenden, volli主dunklen,unter Was制・ stehen

in 500 m. Tiefe liegt, sodass jede wirkliche Beobachtung unmoglich ist.

Fig. 7 ,

Antrokoreanσgηmooi n. sp. Ein 1. Bein des 0

vorn gesehen

Fig. IO

Ezaria monta珂σn.sp. Gonopod. lateral gesehen

Fig. 8

A. gamooi n. sp. Ein vorderer Gonopod. c Hiifte, t Telopodit,

f Coxofortsatz, fl Flagellum

Fig. 9

A. gamooi n. sp‘

Ein hinterer Gonopod. t Telopodit

(III) Ezαパαn.g.

Diese Gattung unterscheidet sich durch die

Gestalt ihrer Gonopoden von Japonaria und deren

verwandten Gattungen.

Gonopoden : Telopodit vollig kreisformig ein-

gebogen, sehr einfacher als bei den meisten ,

verwandten Gattungen, '再reelerAst noch Erweiter-

ung, Hiiftfortsatz fehlt auch ganz, nur nahe am

Ende innen ein sehr kleiner, lamelleartiger V or-

sprung sichtbar. Zwischen dem Acromerit und

Pr忌femurkeine Grenze, beide gehen allmahlich

ineinander iiber. Das ganze Gonopod mit Aus-

nahme des Prafemur ist gleichbreit, wie eine Leine.


Prafemur dicht, lang beborstet. Acromerit am Ende zugespitzt, die Samenrinne

mi.indet an seinem Ende.

E, 1uouta”“ n. sp.

Klg. 25 mm, Kbr・, 4 mm, rotlich mit einem dunklen Mittelbande. Hinter-

rand des Metazonites braun. Prafemur des Beines ohne Kegeldorn. H i.ifte mit

Hi:ickerchen am Ende cler Unterseite, die vom 14. Segment cleutlich ist. Die

verschmalerten und abgerundeten Seitenlappen des Halsschildes ragen nach unten

nicht i.iber die des 2. Segmentes vor. Seitenlappen des Kopfes mit Schraggruben.

Sternit glatt, unbeborstet. Ri.icken gewolbt, Seitenfli.igel fast der Ri.ichenwolbung

folgend, die Vorderecke abgerundet, die Hinterecke ebenfalls entwickelt. Meta-

zonit unbeborstet, glatt, glanzend. Analschuppe kahl, halbkugelig, ein wenig

spitz. Schwanzchen kegelformig. Poren sind hinter der Mitte auf den 5., 7.,

9・, IO., 12., 13., 15-19・Segmentengelegen.

Fundort: Hokkaido (Sapporo, Rumoe, Berg Daisetu).


及び倍足類の 1新種1新属に就きて

我園の LithobiusCイシムカヂ)の緯につきでは巳に本誌第I/~委第 I 裁に於て記述したが.その A

後滋見した新極もあり、今回それを加へ検索表をも改正して裁に掲げた。 At山 -o/.'or.何仰graci.ifes1 ~



険し、偶然採集品の内に向島のものを見たが.雄最が僅か I個にすぎず同定し克はず、更に岡地の

薬拳士蒲生明氏に採集を依頼したが、同i同は奥行 600米あり‘狭隆にして水流あれ甚Lき危険と

図難とを同さねば容易くは出入し:得ぬにもか込はらず、同氏は挺身重量回入洞し、最後に漸くその IO



ままにこの珍らしい新腐の 2種が遠〈海を隔て λ棲息することを知P甚だ含心に鐙える。前者にヲき




き除態故に直接の観察は容易でない(ActaArachnologica, Vol. 4, .No・4,1939に予の同洞探険認が

ある。 洞窟動物には蹟る面白いものがある乙とは周知の事で.予は数年前北海道を般行した時.

北見園上屯別爆附近に新に捻見せられた大石友洞のある ζ とを聞知し.探険心をそ l. !!しも、賞時

は到底人の入るを得ざるものとの事で中止.したが、今はどんなであるか。最後に Ezrniaは予の新

に命名したもので、その生殖肢の構造が近似のものに比して接しく筒翠である。 ζ の動物は象年前

VERHOEFF氏が llokkaidariaとして予に内報したものと同じものであるかと思ふが、同氏は今日に


Some Morphological Observations of Rumpless Fowls



(林 文 卒)

Rumplessness or total absence of the tail in the fowl has repeatedly been

reported upon by several authors as one of the most striking and interesting

characters among varieties in the domestic fowl (DAVENPORT ’06, LIBON’I I'

Du To1T’13, DUNN’2 5, LANDAUER & DuNN’28, DUNN & LANDAUER’34,’36,

etc.). Externally the most marked divergence of rumpless from normal fowls

is the absence of the long tail feathers. According to DuNN’2 5 and LANDAUER

& DuNN’25 there are two types of rumplessness in the fowl. One type is

hereditary rumplessness and inherited as a dominant trait : the other is accidental

rumplessness which is not heritable in character. These two differ百 1ttypes

however, present no visible di丘erencein general external appearance.

The present author had the opportunity to obtain five rumpless fowls, three

hens and two cocks, from a breeder at Sapporo in 1930 and 1932. They

appeared sporadically as an occasional occurrence in a flock of normal tailed

fowls from the White Leghorn stock. Some genetical experiments have been

made with these rumpiess fowls, the results of which, now in preparation, will

be published in the near future in the Japanese Journal of Genetics. In the

present paper will be given some account with regard to the morphological

characters of these rumpless fowls.

So far as appears in the literature, LrnoN (’I I) seems to be the first author

who dealt with the morphological observations of rumplessness. In 1913 Du

To1T made detailed observations on the morphology of rumplessness. Then

LANDAUER & DuNN (’2 5) made a detailed morphological comparison between

the bones and musculature of the two types of rumplessness, hereditary and

accidental and of the normal fowl. A little latter LANDAUER (’28) published

some morphological observations of intermediate rumplessness. The present

results are mostly agreeable in essential points with those of LANDAUER &

DUNN (’25), so that only brief descriptions are given below, with photographic


General appearance: From Figs. I to 5 show five rumpless fowls under

Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. XVII, Pt. 1, 194r.


Fig. I. Rumpless cock, No. 104・Fig.2. Rumpless cock, No. 105. Fig・3.Rumpless hen, N円. lOI.

Fig. 4. Rumpless hen, No. 102. Fig. 5. Rumpless hen, No. 103・

Fig. 6. Rumpless cock, No. 104. Dorsal view. Fig. 7. The same, lateral view. Fig. 9. Rumpless

hen, No. 102. Lateral view. Fig. IO. Normal tailed cock, lateral view. Fig. II. Norn,al tailed

hen, dorsal view.


Fig. 12. Peldc bones of normal fowl• all

dorsal views. 。, b:female. c: male.

Fig. 13. Lateral views of pelvic bones.

:a oj: normal male. 。: rumplessmale, No. 104・世

田ー」 c:rumpless1 fema

Fig. 14・ Pelvicbones of rumpless fowls; both dorsal views.

σ:No. 103; female. b: No. 104, male.

Fig. 15. The same as Fig. 14; both ventral views.

Fig. 16. Pelvic bones of rump!ess fowls; all dorsal views.

。: No.IOI, female. b: No. 102, female. c: No. 105, male.

Fig. 17・ThP.same as Fig. 16; all ventral views.


investigation, two cocks and three hens, all being White Leghorn breed. The

rumpless fowl generally assumes a rather erect posture in comparison with the

normal tailed fowl, due probably to the absence of the tail. It seems probable

that this erect posture comes from an adjustment in the equilibrium of the body.

The posterior end of the body of the rumpless fowl is fully rounded (Figs.

6--9). In the region where the tail vertebrae are situated normally, there is an

elongated cavity. The skin of the cavity is distinctly continuous with the body

wall. There is seen no slight elevation of the skin in the region of the tail.

These external features are clearly shown in Figs. 6 to 9, and will be well

understood by comparison with the normal tailed specimens (Figs. 10-11).

Generally the feathers of the tail are completely absent in the rumpless

fo叫(~ee Figs. 1-5}. In the male the feathers of the saddle are somewhat

longer than in the normal fowl.

The rump gland: No slight trace of the rump gland or oil gland was found

in its original position in the rumpless fowls examined in the present study

(see Figs. 6-9). This is quite accordant with the observation of LANDAUER &

DUNN (’25). LIBON (’I 1) observed accumulations of fat in the region which is

normally‘occupied by the rump gland, stating that this fat accumulation re-

presents the remains of the gland. Such like structure was entirely absent in

the present material.

The skeleton: Since the deficiency in structure of the caudal vertebrae is

the primary factor to produce rumplessness, it is in this region that one can

find the most conspicuous deviations from the normal condition. The synsacrum

of the normal fowl is composed of 16 vertebrae, and the tail consists of 5 free

caudal vertebrae and a pygostyl (cf. Figs. I 2ーr3). ¥Vhile in rumpless fowls,

the free caudal vertebrae and the pygostyl are not completely present (Figs.

14-17). It is pointed out by LANDAUER & DuNN (’25) as a significant evidence

of rumplessness that the last two vertebrae of the synsacrum (truely synsacro-

caudal vertebrae) are also absent in the rumpless fowl. A similar structure

seems to occur also in the present material except one q1.se shown in Fig. 16,

c (also Fig. 17, c), which involves some doubts in this respect. In fine, the

skeleton of the synsacrum and tail of the normal fowl is constituted of 22 verte-

brae in total, the pygostyl being taken as one bone, whereas the rurnpless fowl

possesses only 14 vertebral bones composing these parts. This deficiency of

sacral and caudal vertebrae is the structural characteristic of the pelvis of the

rurnpless fowl. The anterior parts of the pelvis in the rumpless fowl are not

di任erentfrom the normal. Asymmetries of both sides, the ischium and ilium

of the one side being comparatively larger, were noticed as a common occurrence

in the rumpless fowl by LANDA四 R& DUNN (’25). A similar co凶 itionis also


found among the present specimens herein described. On account of showing

a high variability, further irregularities in the structure of the pelvis are found

to be di伍cultto point out.

Though no special observation was made on the musculature in the region

of the tail of the rumpless fowl, it seems probable that the descriptions of

LANDAUER & DUNN (’25) in this respect may be applicable to the present

material. Even in super白cialobservations most of the tail muscules seem to

be entirely absent.

The results of the above observations of the rumpless fowl fall into a fair

coincidence in essentials to those reported by LANDAUER & Du悶(’25)for two

types of rumplessness, hereditary and accidental. Their observations pointed

out that there could be established no differences in the morphological structures

between the two types above mentioned. It may be necessary to state here

that genetical experiments carried on by the present author show that rumpless-

ness herein dealt with was a heritable character.

Some mention may be made here on the developmental condition of

rumplessness. Primary interest is concerned with the developmental origin of

rumplessness. From the examination on the rumpless embryos, Lrno~ (’I 1)

stated that all of the vertebrae have normal anlage and that even on the nineth

day of incubation all free tail vertebrae and the pygostyl are present. He con-

eluded from these evidences that rumplessness is a 1 esult of resorption of vertebral

anlage rather late in development, taking place on the tenth or eleventh day.

Du ToIT’s account (’3 I) is di丘erentfrom that of LIBON (’I 1). He made

detailed examinations through all stages of the embryological development

beginning with the third day and arrived at the conclusion that in the rumpless

embryos the anlage of the vertebrae of the tail are not present白omthe beginning.

It seems to the author that the interpretation of Du ToIT (’I 3) is most natural

in considering the developmental origin of rumpless fowls, especially in the case

of hereditary rumplessness.

The author wishes to express the cordial thanks to Dr. S. MAKINO, Assist.

Professor of Zoology, Faculty of Science, for his kind aid in preparation of the

manuscript and tireless encouragement. The author is also indebted to Prof.

M. T AKAMATSU for his kind help during the course of this study.


Literature Cited

DAVENPORT, C. B. 1906. Inheritance in poultry. Carnegie Inst. Wash. l'ub., 52, p. 136.

DUNN, L. C. 1925・ Theinheritance of rumplessne臼 mthe domestic fowl. Journ. Hered., 16, p.


DUNN, L. c. and LANDAUER, W. 1934・ Thegenetics of the rumpless fowl with evidence υf a case

。fch::rnging dominance. Journ. Genet. 29, p. 217.

1936. Further data on genetic modificat'・on of rumpless in the

fowl. Journ. Genet. 33, p・401.

KAUPP, B. F. 1918. 'lhe anatomy of the dけmesticfowl. Saunders, U.S. A.

LANDAUER, w. and L. c. DUNN, 1925・ Twotypes of rumplessness il'l domestic fowls. Journ. Hered.,

16, P・ 153・

LANDAUER, ¥V. 1928. The morphology of intermediate rumplessness in the fowl. Journ. Hered.,

19, P・ 153・

LrnoN, G. 1911. Ansichten Uber das Vorkommen. die Abstammung und Entstehung des schwanslosen

Haushuhns. Diss. Bern.

Du ToIT, P. I. 1913・ UntersuchungenUber das Synacrum und den Schwanz vonσσilus domesticus

nebst Beobachtungen Uber Schwanzlosigkeit bei Kanehuhnern. Jena Ztschr.

Naturwis~. 49・

Uredinales of Okinawa Island0

(Contributions to the rust-flora of Eastern Asia III)2)





Apparently the first日ccountof a species of rust fungi from Okinawa Island

was that of Phakopsora Ehretiae by Dr. NAOHARU HIRATSUKA, the present

writer’s father. In 1900, Dr. HIRATSUKA (I) newly described PんakopsoraEんretiaeHIRATSUKA on leaves of Ehretia ovaザoliaHASSK. (Elzretia acuminata AucT.,

E. thヲirsijloraNAKAI), based 叩 onspecimens which were collected by himself

and Mr. S. MAEDA (sub “T. l¥lAmA'’), one of his pupils at Shuri-Castle in the

island. His paper was entitled,“Notes on some Melampsorae of Japan, III.

Japanese species of Phakopsora.” Up to 1940 since that time, there have been one species recorded by Mr. T.

MIYAKE (タ), four by Dr. S. ITO (6への andfour by the writer (2~5) from the

island chiefly based upon collections made by Dr. HIRATSUKA and the late Mr.

T. MIYAGI. These species which h.ad been recorded仕omthis island during

the years 1900 to 1940 total eight. They are as follows: I) Plzakψsora

Elzretiac HIRATSUKA (Bubakia E!zretiae ITo), 2) CoんosporiumAsterum (DIET.)

SYDO¥V, 3) Poliostelium命。lo乎ora(SAWADA) MAINS (Maravalia毛yalosporaDIET.),

4) Puccinia congcsta BERK. et BR., 5) P. lop加 fんerz(Svn.) HrnATS.五(Diorchi幽

必・umLψんatlieηSvn.), 6) P. levなata HIRATS. f. (Diorc!tidium levigaか111 SYD.

et BGTL.), 7) P. Omanthes-stoloniferae S. ITo (P Oenant~凶 T. MrYAKE) and

8) Uromyces appendiculatus (PERS.) LINK.

In 1940, the writer (4) recorded seventy-four sp己cies of rust fungi from

the island based upon a part of collections made by himself and Mr. Y. TAIRA

in di任erentlocalities of the island in January to April of the same year, in his

I) The expenses of the present work have been defrayed from the Scientific Reoearch Expenditure of the Department of Education.

2) Contributions, 1-HIRATSUKA, NAonmE: A contribution to the knowledge of the rust-!'ora in the alpine regions of high mountains in Japan. (Me瓜 TottoriAgric. Coll. III, p. 125~247, 1935). Contributions, II-HIRATSUKA, NAOHIDE & YosHIN叫ん ToRAMA: Uredinales of El山 oku.(ρ'id.,

III, p. 249~377. 1935).

Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist目 Soc.,Vol. XVII, Pt. r, 1941.


papers,“Materials for a rust-flora of Riukiu Islands, I & II.'’

The materials used by the writer in the present work include besides a

number of collections made by the writer in January 1940 and by Mr. TAIRA

in February to April of the same year, the specimens collected by Dr. NAo-

HARU HIRATSUKA, the late Mr. MIYAGI and others. The total number of

specimens examined amounts to more than five hundred, amongst which are

included 96 species and form-species. The following table shows the number

of species, by genera, heretofore known from the island, additions in the present

paper arid the total.

Table I. Number of species of Uredinales found in Okinawa Island

Families a

v且aL n




vd 」MAU








2 。 2










4 5 。

5 2 7 。


Kuehneola I Han,闘争。,a

P oliostelium







I Uromyces





。。 2


。 12

Pucci世iα 31






Aecidium 5 。 5


Uredinales imperfecti UreJo 4

Total 76 20 96

As shown in the above table, the rust-flora of Okinawa Island is made up

of 20 genera and 96 species, including 10 species of the form-genera, Aecidiunz


and Uredo. Among all the g巴nera, the largest is the Puccinia having 44

species, next comes the U均myces,then the Coleosporz・um,the Plzakopsora, the


the fo叶llowi昭 threespecies are ascertained to be new to science :-I) Puccini・0

benokiyanzensis HJRATSUKA, f. on Anψelygonmn umbellatum MASAMUNE, 2)月tC-

cinia Lepturi HIRATSUKA, f. on Lepturus repens R. BR. and 3)丹tcciniaSciがふ

たrnataniHIRATSUKA,工 onScirpus ternatanus REINW.

The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. GEORGE B.

CUMMINS of Purdue University Ag巾 ult山 al Experiment Station (Lafayette,

Indiana, U.S. A.) for his kind advice, and he is also indebted to Mr. Yosm-

HISA TAIRA for his faithful assistance on the present work.

Enumeration of species


1. lJiilesi官Ul 幻'iicrosp01・αHrnATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, XLVIII,

p. 43, 1934. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 157, 1940).

1お. On Cyclosorusαcuminatus l'支払阻(Dryopterisαcu111inata N民 AI)(Ho-

shzda). Mt. Katst -c 1王e(Kunigan

mura (Ku叩nigami噂 gu叩n)(Y工,仰.423); Nakijin-mura (Kunigami-gun) (Y.T.,仰.


2. Miles知 α,Oflonto.<Jo宮崎M HIRATSUKA, 王 in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

XL VIII, p. 46, 1934. (HrnATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. I 57, 1940).

Hab. On Steno/omαcltusα・num CHING. ( Odontosori,αclzinensis SM. var. tenui-

folia MAK.) (Hora-shi1励 t). Mt. Onna-dake (Kunigamicgun) (Hム no.83).

3. Hyalopso1・α Polypodii (DIET.) MAGNUS in Ber. Deutsch. Bot.

Ges. XIX, p. 582, 1901. (HmATSUKA, f in Bot. Maξ. Tokyo, LIV, p. 373, 1940).

Hab. On Diplazium osh仰 enseH. ho (Shikesluda). Motobu-mura (Ku-

nigami-gun) (Y.T., no・ヂ・58).

4. Pucciniαstrun品 dクrim,似 ,,iae(DIET.) TRANZSCHEL in Script. Bot.

Hort. Univ. Petropol. IV, p. 30 r, r 89 5・(HrnATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

LIV, p. 157, 1940).

Hab. On Agrimonia pilosa LEDEE. var.ノ;aponicaNAKAI (Kimnidzulziki).

Mt. Katsuu-dake (Kunigami-gun) (H.f.,仰. 226).

IJ The following abbreviations are used for the nanoes of the collectors most frequently named in the list: H.=NAOHARU l-IIRATSUKA; H.f.=NAOHJDE HIRATSUKA; Y.T.=YOSHIHISA TAIRA 1、.M.=TETSU、VOMIYAGI.


5. Plwl.wps01γz Ampelopsidis DIETEL et Svoow in DIETEL in Hed-

wigia, XXXVII, p. 217, 1898. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p.

157, 1940). Hab. On Ampelopsis brevipedunculata TRAUTV. var. Maxi初owicziREHD.

(Ampelopsゐルterop!tyllaSIEB. et Zucc.) (Nみ向。匂). Mawashi-mura (Shimajiri-

gun) (H.f.,仰.49); Ka町 gus比 u・mura(Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., no. I96).

6. Phαkopsm・α ArtentisiaeHIRATSUKA, f. in Jap. Jour. Bot. III, p.

298, 1927. (HIRATSUKA, f .. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 157 & 377, 1940).

Hab. On Artemi

Han町eji-mura( Kunigan凶Ji-gun)( Hム no.20タ); Ma wash 別 ra ( Shimajiri-gun)

(Hム no.33I).

On A’temisiaノ》onicaTHUNE. ( Otoko-yomogi). Urazoe-mura (Naka-

gami gL叫(Y工, no・39o).On Clzrysant!temum 1110r?folium RAMAT. (Ki必u)(cultivated). Nawa-

shi (Y.T., no・4I2);ShL凶-shi(Y工, no.355).

7. Phakο1pSOJ'f'. Eht材拘eHIRATSUKA in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, XIV, p.

9 l & pl. III, figs. IO~13, 1900. (HrnATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, L, p. 3,

1936; LIV, p. 158, 1940).

Syn. Bubakia Ehretiae lTo in ho & HOMMA in Transact. Sapporo Nat.

Hist. Soc. XV, p. l 16, 1938.

Hab. On Ehretia ovaめらん・aHASSK. (E.Jzretia f毛yrsijloraNAKAI,五 taiwa-

niana NAKAI, E. acuminata AvcT.) (Chis/ta-noーが). Shu -shi (H., tyj世ぜ!; S.

MAEDA; H工, nos.I,タ, IO,37 & 38); Mawashi・mura( Shimajiri-gun) ( Hムno・327);Ka即 g凶 uku-mura(Shimajiri-gun) (H.f.,nos. I94 & 200).

8. Phαlwpsm•a 戸別nosαnαSvnow in Ann. Myc. XII, p. lQ9, 1914・

Hab. On Glochi.品01ibicolor E王AYATA( Uシψ;ir.

yama (Kunigami-gun) (Y工, no.439).

On Glochz: on sp. Shuri寸1i(Y工,仰・ 417).

This species is new to the Riukiu Islands.

9. Pl~.akop.o;orrt tectαJACKSON et HOLWAY in JACKSON in Mycologia,

XVIII, p. 148 & pl. XIX, 1926. (HmATSURA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p.

158, 1940). Hab. On οηz elina com1;仰

nigam凶i-gun)(H.王,仰・ぞ矢子).On Commelina nudiflora L. ( Sltima-tsuyu.ku.sa ). Kanegusuku-mura

(Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., no. 3I7). 、‘


10. Coleopucc仇t'iellα IdeiHIRATSUKA, f. in ]our. Jap. Bot. XIII, p.

245, 1937. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 158, 1940).

Hab. On Rんαr,pんz"o.々pz"sliukz"i


1 I. Coleosporiu伽 Asternrn(D町 T.)SYDOW in Ann. Myc. XII, p. I句,

1914・(HlRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 158, 1940; lTo, Myc. Fl.

Japan, II, no. 2, p 2 IO, 1938).

Hab. On Kalimeris初dicaScHULTZ-BIP. (A白-yomena). ・Osato・mura(Shi-

majiri-gun) (H.f., nos. I56 & I6o); Mt. Katsuu-dake (KL凶 gami-gun)(H.f., nos.

2I6 & 259); Nago-machi (H.f, nos. I05 & IIO); Onna-mura (Kt凶 gami-gun)

(H工, no.80); Haneji-mura (Kunigami-gun) (H.f.,仰.288); Ka即 gus此 u-mura

(Shimajiri-gun) (H.f, nos. I87 & 303); Nawa-shi (H工, no.I3タ); r~fa wash 山 ra

(Sl吋imajiri’gL叫(H.王,仰.330); ShL叶 shi(H.仁,仰.I6).

12. Colco.'lporium Bletiαe DIETEL in Hedwigia, XXXVII, p. 216,


Hab. On αlantlte tripricata AMES. ( Tsuru・ran). Mt. Benoki-yama (Ku-

nigami-gun) (Y.T.,仰・ 433).

On Pli吋usTanker叫lliaeBLUME ( /1弘、akuran)(cultivαted). Ch百Ltan-

mura (Nakagami-gun) (Y.T.,叩.‘子・54).

This species is new to the Riukius.

13. Coleosporiiun Cαrpesii SACCARDO in Riv. Acc. di Padova, XXIV,

p. 208, 1874・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 158, 1940).

Hab. On Cmアesiumcernuum L. (Ko・yabuta向ゐ). Takamine-mura (Shi-

majiri-gun) (Y.T., no・406);Kochinda-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Y.T., no・42I).

14. Coleospor,lu制, Clentαf'ldisBARCLAY in Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal,

LIX, pt. 2, p. 89, 1890. (HiRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 159, 1940).

Hab. On Clematis grata 'NALL. (Ke・botandsuru). Onna-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (Hム仰.62); Nago-machi (H.f., no. IO?); Mt. Katsuu-dake (Kunigami-

gun) (Hム no. 25I); Haneji-mura (Kuniga凶-gun)(Hム nos. 276, 2タヂ & 2夕•5);

Ma wash 削 ra(Shimajiri-gun) (H E,仰.32タ), Shuri-shi (H.f,仰.7); Takar出貯

mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Hムno.I82); Itoman-machi (H.仁仰.322).

15・《JoleosporiumClerodendri DIETEL in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXVIII,

p・566,1899・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. I 59, 1940).

Hab. On Clerodendronβ-ag-r・ans VENT. ( Yaesaki-kusagi). Takamine-mura

(Shimajiri-gu吋(Y.T.,no・404);Shuri-shi (Y.T.,仰・ 350).On Cterodendron tn・cんρtomumT11uNB. (Kusagi). Shuri-shi (Hムno.


42) ; Kanegusul歪u-mura(Shimajiri-gur

gun) (H.f., nos. 89 & 29r).


16. ・ Ooleosporium Paedetofae DIETEL in Ann. Myc. VII, p. 355,

1909・(HrnATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p .. 159, 1940).

Hab On A1eaルriachine削 isHANCE. (Yaito-bana). Haneji-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (Hム 110. 274 b).

17・ OoleosporiumPerillae Svnow in Hedwigia, XXXVIII, p. (叩),1899・

Hab. On 丹rilla 斤utescensBRIT. v.ar. crz》aDECNE. fom1・pu1アureaMAK.

(Sltzso) (cul加’ated). Shuri-shi (H.).

This species is new to the Riukiu Islands.

18. SkierkαAgallochαRACIBORSKI in Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, Cl.

Sci. math. et nat. (1909), p. 275, 1909・(H1RATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

LIV, p. 373 & text-figs. 1 (a, b), 1940; HIRATSUKA, f. & TAIRA in Bot. & Zool.

VIII, p. 1642, 1940).

Hab. On Excoecaria Agallocha L. ( Okinaτva升"nko). Nawa-shi (Y工, no.


19. Otenode門 naToddaliae (PETCH) Svnow in Ann. Myc. XVII, p.

103, 1919・Syn. Uredo Toddaliae PETCH in Svnow, Fungi exot. exsicc. no. 69, i913・

Hab. On Toddalia asz"atica LAMARCK ( Sarukake-mikan). Mt. Y ozadal王e


This collection probably represents the secondary uredosori of Cten似ierma

Todd.αliae which was based on pycnia and primary uredosori. This is a new

addition to the mycological flora of Japan.


20. Kuehneola o,αllicαrpae SYDOW in SYDOW & PETRAK in Ann. Myc.

XXVI, p. 420, 1928. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 159, 1940).

Hab. On Callz"caゅofaponica THUNB. var. luxurians REHD. ( 6-仰 trasaが-

shikibu). Mt. Onna-dake (Kunigami-gun) (H.f., nos. 68 & 78); Nago司 machi

(H.f., nos. 236 & 239); Haneji-mura (Kt川 gami-gun){H.f., no. 270); Nawa-shi

(H.f., no. r40; Y.T., no・ヂoo);Shuri-shi (H.f., no.ヂr);Kanegusuku-mura (Shima-

jiri-gun) (Hム no.197).


2I. JVαtnαsporααcittissimαSvnow, Monogr. Ured. III, p. So & pl.

IV,日g.41, 1912.

Hab. On R必ω nesiotes FocKE (Kuu仰 zo!za-ic.んなo). Mt. Katsuu-dal 〈e


This species is new to the Tミiul王ius,and Rubus nesiρtes is a new host plant

for the present fungus.

22. Ha例 αspm・aRubi・-Sieboldii(KAWAGOE) DIHEL in Ann. Myc.

XX, p. 293, 1922. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 159, 1940).

Hab. On Rubus Siebo!di BL. (Horoku-iclzψ). Mt. Onna-dake (lζunigami-

gun) (H.f., nos. 76 & 77); Mt. Katsuu-dal王e(Kunigam

22タ);:乱lfotobu-mura( Kunigami-gun) (Y. T.,仰. 456); Nakijin-mura (Kunig21mi-

gun) (Y.T., no. 463); Mt. Benoki-yama (Kunigami-gun) (Y.T.,仰.43ヂ); Taka-mine-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Y.T., no. 403).

23. Poliostel仰制, hναlospm•α (SAWADA) MAINS in Bull. Torrey Bot.

Club, LXVI, p. 175, 1939・(HrRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 160,


Syn. Marava!ia hyalospora DIETEL in ENGLER-PRANTL, Natiirl. PDanzenfam.

II. Au日.VI, p. 66, 1928. (HrnATSUKA, f. in Jour. Jap. Bot. XIII, p. 25 1, 1937).

Hab. On Acacia conjusa MERR. ( Sos!zijyu) (cu!ti叩 ted). Onna-mura (Ku-

nigami-gun) (H工, no.66) ; N ago-machi ( 11.f.,仰.IOI); Haneji-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (H.f., nos. Ioo & 207); Sht凶-shi(H.; H.f., uo. 6); Mawashi-mura (Shima-

jiri-gun) (H.f., no・57);Oroku-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., no・1I8).

24. Angiopsorα divinαSvnow in Ann. Myc. XXXIV, p. 71, 1936.

(HrRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 160, 1940).

Hab. On Le!eba mu均 lexNAKAI (Horai-clziku). Haneji-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (H.f., nos. 203 & 204); Nawa-shi (H.f., no. 2夕) ; Tai王an

jiri-gun) (H.f., nos. I73 & 17タ)

2 5. Pileolarlα Shfrai.αnα (DIET. et SYD.) !To in J our. Coll. Agric.

Hokkaido Imp. Univ. XI, p. 273 & pl. IX,日g・13, 1922. (HrRATSUKA, f. in

Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 160, 1940).

Hab. On Rんuss町 ced.αneαL.(Haze-no必). Mt. Onna・dal王e(Kuniga口1i-

gun) ( Hム仰.72); Onna-n

(Kt叩 gami-gun)(Hムno.87); Nawa寸1i(Hム仰.I2タ) ; Shuri叶 1i(Hムno.ヂo).

26. Rαveneliα Hobsoni CooKE in Jour. Roy. Mier. Soc. III, p. 386

& pl. XI, fig・4,1880. (HrRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 160, 1940).

Hab. On Ponga仰


& I33); Ka町 g山北l円 nura(Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., no・30I).

27. Rαveneliαteph rosiicolαHrnATSUKA, f. in Jour. Jap. Bot. XIII,

P・ 249, 1937・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 161, 1940).

Hab. On Tepんros白 candidaDC. (cultivated) Haneji-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (H.f.' llOS. 2 I 2 & 2王子).

28. Pin・<lf}1Wid仰削 g'riseu肌 DIETELin EKGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXXII, p.

49, 1902 Hab. On Rubus ros叫んliusSM. v:ir. Maximowiczzz・FOCKE( Riukiu-baraー

たんぽo). Nago-machi (Kunigami-gun) (Y.T., no. 4工予) ; Ha町 ji-mu山ra(Kunigarr

gL ) (H王, nos・99& 2II).

This species is new to the Riukiu Islands.

29. Pin•αgm.id·伽制, pα1tciloculare (DmT.) Svnow, Monogr. じred.

III, p. 138 & pl. VI,白g.60, 1912. (HIRATSUKA,五 inBot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV,

p. 161, 1940).

H:お. On Rubus par匂ザoliusL. v払 triphηflusNAKAI (Mαなrαshi:γO』 ich誌のMt. Katsuu-dake (:E三unigan

(H E, η0. 2タ6);Shu凶ri叶1i(Y.T.,仰 3ヂ~').

30. U1·0加y<.~es αppendiculatus ¥PERS.) LINK, Observ. Myc. II, p. 28,

1816. (ITO in Jour.

Hab. On P/wseolus minimus Roxs. (Koba-no-tsuruazuki). Mawashi-mura

(Shimajiri-gun) (Y.T.,η0・344);Kanegus北 1川 1Ura(Shimajiri gun) (H.f, no・3II).

On Pitど rolus'i)u/_1.「・arisL. (ρ包戸、n11 me) ( culti・叩たd). Har ji-mur

(lζunigami-gL刈(T.乱L).. Pltaseolus minimus is a new host plant for the present species.

31. U1・01nycesC01nm.elinαe CooKE in Transact. Roy. Soc. Edinb.

XXXI, p. 342, 1888. (HmATSは A,f. in Bot. Mag. To!小>, LIV,p. 161, 1940).

Hab. On Cu仰 nel川11acom1nu1山 L.(Tsりukusど1). Mt. Katsuu-dal王e(Kuni

ga口1i-gun)(H L,仰 2よ子) On Com仰 lina側め'ZoraL. (Slzima-tsuyukusa). Oroku-mura (Shi-

n町iri-gun)(H工, no.I25); Nago-machi (H.f.,仰.220).

32. Uro制汐cesJ!abαe (PERS.) DE BARY in Ann. Sci. Nat. 4. ser. xx, p. 72, J 863・(H1RATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 16 I, 1940).

Hab. On Vicia壬;tiβdL. (Sora 11仰 ne)(cultivatぜd). Yontar】zan-mura(Na -


Takamine-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Y.T., 110・376).


33. U何 mycesLespede.綿 e-pro側符曲側陶(Srnw.)CURTIS in Geo!.

Survey N. Car. III, p. 123, 1867.げfmi¥TSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV,

p. 161, 1940).

Hab. On Le.ザedezacuncata G. DoN. (Medo-hagi). Kanegusuku-mura

(Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., no. 308).

34. Uro例 yceslinearis BERKELEY et BROOME in Jour. Linn. Soc. XIV,

p. 92, 1875. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 161, 1940).

Hab. On Panicum rψens L. (Hai・kibi). Onna-mura (Kunigami-gun) (Hムno. 64); Haneji-mura (Kunigam凶i-gur】) ( H.f.,仰S.278, 28I, 289 & 2タ7);Mt. Ka-


(H.f., nos. I37 & I42);δsato-mura ( Shimajiri-gun) ( Hム nos.I70 & IJI) ; Itoman・ achi (H.f., nos. 307 & 32I).

35. U:仰 mycesMucunαe RABENHORST in Hedwigia, XVII, p. 62, 1878. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 162, 1940).

Hab. On Mucuna Hasjoo RocK (Mucuna capitata WIGHT. et ARN.) (Has-

sho-111a111e) (cu/tiτ’att'd). Oroku-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H. OKAMOTO, no・323).

36. Uro肌 ycesPl,刊'f01・倒 isCooKE in PECK in Rept. N. Y. State Mus.

XXIX, p. 69, 1878. (HmATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p・162,1940).

Hab. On Acorus asiaticus NAKAI ( Shobu) (cultivated). Nawa-shi (Y.・・.T.,

no・365);Ta】rnmine『 mura(Shimajiri-gt叫(Y.T.,no・407).

37. Uro鵬 ycesSt•・rα吋αe-ital釦αe YOSHINO in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, XX,

p. 247, 19o6. (HmATSUKA,五 inBot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 162, 1940).

Hab. On Setaria lutescens HUBBARD var. longispica HONDA (Nagabo-仰ー

わかE仰必oro). Haneji帽 mura(Kunigami-gu引(H.f.,no. 202).

38. Uroniyces striatus ScHRO'I‘ER in Abhandl. Schles. Ges. vaterl. Kult.

XLVIII, p. II, 1872. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 162, 1940).

Hab. On Medicago lupulina L. (Kometsubu・umakの1ashi). Shuri-shi (Y工,

no. 386).

39. Uro例 ycesTai仰 eHIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 374

& text-figs. I (c & d), 1940.

Hab. On必 m 叫 mzdiaa伊 n仰}OH王NSτ・.(JIゐnpa幽 n

(Shimajiri-gun) (Y工,仰.372, type!).

40. u,切符iycestenuicufis McALPINE, Rusts of Australia, p. 87 & pl.

XVI, fig. 133, 1906. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tok)叫 LIV,p. 162, 1940).


Hab. On♀orobo!us im


41. Uromyces Vig仰αeBARCLAY in Jour・.Asiatic Soc. Bengal, LX, p.

21 r, 1891. (H1RATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 162, 1940).

Rお. On Dolic!tos Lab/,αb L. (F.吋ι1η側斗勺ultivated). Oroku-mura (Shi-

majiri-gun) (H.f., nos 120 & r2r).

42. Pucci1d,αAbsinthii (HEow. f.) de CANDOLLE, Fl. fran≪. VI, p. 56,

i8r5・(HrRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 375, 1940).

H;ab. On Artemisia dubia WALL. (Yomogi). Haneji-mura (Kunigami-gun)

(Y工, no.42ヂ) ; Cl由ir n-n

On Artemゐiaノ:aponicαTHUNE.(Oto必o-yonzogi). Haneji-mura (Kuni-

gami-gun) (H.f.,仰.279).

43. Puce伽 伽 αnomαhRosTRUP in THUMEN in Flora, LXI, p・92,

1878. (HrRATSほ ん 王 inBot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 375, 1940).

Hab. On品 rde仰 sa仇 m ]Ess. var.的 astz仰 1l HACK. ( 0-1111ψ)(ω必・

τ1ated). Haneji-mura (Kunigami-gun) (Y.T.,仰・ヂ28).

44. Pucchif,αbeno/.,'"iyα例 ensisHmATSUKA, f. nov. spec.

Soris uredosporiferis hypophyllis, sp辻rsisvel !axe aggregatis, minutis, rot-

undatis, mox nudis, subpulverulentis, pallide brunneis; uredosporis subglobosis,

ellipsoideis vel obovatis, laxe echinulatis, flavo-brunneis, 20-27×17ム22μ; epi-

sporio 1-r・5μ crasso, poris germinationis 2 in parte basali sporae praeditis; soris

teleutosporiferis conformibus, obscure brunneis ; teleutosporis ellipsoideo-oblongis,

oblongis vel clavatis, apice rotundatis et incrassatis (6--g μ), medio constrictis,

basi rotundatis vel attenuatis, levibus, brunneis, 33-50 x I 7-24 μ; pedicello per-

sistenti, crassiusculo, flavo-brunneolo, usque 30 μ longo.

Hab. On Ampelygonum u1必ellatmnMASAMUNE (おuru-soba). Mt. Benoki-

yama (Kunigami-gun) (April IO & I I, 1940, Y. TAmA, nos. 432,壬)5&廷が,


The present sp巴ciesis very much like Puccinia I匂;gopyriBARCL. in having

uredospores with two basal germ pores and generally similar teleutospores. But,

the teleutospores of this species are somewhat larger and with thicker apex.

45. Pucciniα Cirsii-蹴倒滑伽吋 DIETELin Ann. Myc. XX, p. 293,


Syn. Puccinia efferta CUMMINS in Ann. Myc. XXXV, p. 102 & fig. 6, 1937

(syn. novふHab. On Cirsiztm brevicau!e A. GRAY ( S.んima-azami). Takamine-mur


(Shimajiri-gun) (Hム nos.z90 & zyz); Mawashi-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., no.

339); Ha配 :ji-mura(Kunigami-gun) (H.f., no. 29め; Yontanzan-mura(Nakagami-

gun) (Y工, no・38z);Kunigami-mura (Kunigami-gun) (Y.T.,仰・ 445).The present species is new to the mycological flora of the Riukiu Islands.

46. Puccini,α citraf,αSvnow in Ann. Myc. X, p・ 78,1912.

Hab. On Andropogon micrant,んusKUNTH. (Hime-aburasusukz ). Mt. Ka-

tsuu-dake (Kunigami-gun) (H.f., no. 24z).

This species is new to the Riukius.

47. PucciniαcitrinαSvnow, Monogr. Ured. I, p. 634 & pl. XXXVI,


Hab. On Sm‘, (Y工, tzos.359 & 360); Nawa-shi {Hム仰. ηo);Shuri-shi (Y工,仰・ 342).

The present species is new to the Riukius.

48. PucciniαcongestαBERKELEY et BROOME in Jour. Linn. Soc. XI,

p. 91, 1871. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Jour. Jap. Bot. XIII, p. 589, 1937; Bot. Mag.

Tokyo, LIV, p. 162, 1940).

Hab. On .A11ψe!ygo仰 m umbel/atum MASAMUNE (Tsuru-soba). Shuri寸1i

(H.; Hム nos.3, I3 & 27); Mawashi-mura (Shimajiri-gun) {H.f., no. 333); Takamine-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., nos. z8o & z86); Mt. Katsuu-dake (Ku-

nigami-gun) (Hム nos.2z5 & 249); Nago-machi (H.f., no. zo2); Haneji-mura

(Kunigami-gu吋(11.f.,no. 2zo); Motobu・mura(Kunigami-gun) (Y工, no.47z).

49・ Puccin仰 Oonvolvuli(PERS.) CASTAGNE, Observ. Fl. Ured. I, p.

16, 1842. (HIRA’白山A,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 163, 1940).

Hab. On Ipomoea denticulata CHOIS. (Sokobeui-lia111alzz"rugawo). Onna~

mura (Kunigami-gun) (H.f., no. 6z); Haneji-mura (Kunigami-gun) (Hム1/0S.2刀

& 299).

50. z.’uccinia O'rep・idis.・jαi,ponicαeDIETEL in Ann. Myc. VI, p. 226,

1908. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 163, 1940).

Hab. On Youngia faponica DC. (Cr伊必faponicaBENTH.) ( Onz叩 birako).

Motobu-mura ( Kunigami-gun) ( Y工,仰・ 469); I-Ianeji-mura ( Kunigami-gun)

(H.f., no・96);Nago-machi (Hム no.zo8; Y.T., no・474),Onna-rr

gami-gun) (H.f., nos. 65 & 79); Sh凶,shi(Hム nos.5 &り) ; Nishihara-mura " (Naka~ami-gun) (Hム仰.z75); Osato-mura ( Shimajiri-gun) ( H.f., no. I57);


nos. z83 & z89); Nawa-shi (H人 no・28).


5 1. PucciniαCy'nodontis LACROIX in DEsM., Pl. Crypt. II, no. 655,

1859・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 163, 1940).

Hab. On Cynodon Dactylon PERS. ( Gyogi-slt必i). Haneji-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (Hム nos・97& 206; Y.T.,仰・ 449).

52. Pucciniαe'rebi,αSvnow in Philippine Jour. Sci. VIII, Bot. p・475,

1913・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 163, 1940).

Hab. On Clerodmdroll初eomeGAERTN. (Ibota-kusagi). Haneji-mura (Ku-

nigami-g川) ( H.f.,ηos. 267 & 268); Nawa・shi (H.f, nos. IJ4 & IヂI;y工,

no. 399); Osato-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f.,仰. I77); Itoman-machi ( H.f., no.

3 Io); Yontanzan-rr

53. Pucciniαerytkropus DIETEL in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXXVII, p.

IOI, 1905・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 164, 1940).

Hab. On Miscantltus sinensis ANDERS. (Susukz} Kanegusuku-mura (Shi-

majiri-gun) (H.f,仰・ I95).

54・ Puccini,αexhaustαDIETELin ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXVIII, p. 283,

1900. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 164, 1940).

Hab. On Clematis grata WALL. (Ke-botandzuru). Nawa-shi (H.f., no. I4J;

Y.T., no・4II);Shuri・shi(H.f., nos. I7,之t;& 26) ; N ago-machi ( Hムno.之子7);Mt. Katsu山u-

gun) (日ム no.3I2);Ta】ζamine-mura(Shimajiri-gun) (H.f.,仰.I85); Kochinda-

mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Y.T., no. 420 ).

55. Pucc初旬 fet判 tg伽 OSαSvnow, Monogr. Ured. I, p. 13, 1902・

(HrnATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 164, 1940).

Hab. On Arlen仰・adubia WALL. ( Yomogi) Mt. Katsuu-dake (Ku凶gami-

gun) (H工, no.260); Ha即 ji-mura(Kunigamトgun)(H.f., no. 283; Y.T., no. 429).

56. PucciniαfilipodiαCUMMINS in Ann. Myc. XXXV, p. 98 & text-

fig. 7, 1937・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tok)叫 LIV,p. 375, 1940).

Hab. On品 U ザogoncontortus BEAUV. (Andropψ n contortus L.) (Akahige-

gaya). Urazoe-mura (Nakagami-gun) (Y.T., nos. 388 & 389).

57. Pucciniα伊・αminisPERSOON in Neues Mag. Bot. I, p. I 19, 1794;

Syn. Fung. p. 228, 1801. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p・375,

1940). Hab. On Horaルumsativum ]Ess. var.んexas ticんonHAcK. ( 0-mugi) (cul ti-

Uαたd). l了razoe輪 mura(Nakagami”gun) {Y.T., no. 3夕4).On Triβcum vulgare VILL. (Ko-mugi) (cultivated). Yontanzan-mura


(Nakagami-gun) (Y工, no・384);Ginowan-mura (Nakagami-gun) (Y.T., no・370).

58. Puccin伽 Hemeroc,αllidisTHOMEN in Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou,

LV, p. 81, 1880. (Hn~ATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 164, 1940).

Hab. On Hemerocallis disticka DONN. (No-kwanzo). Haneji-mura (Kuni

gami-gun) (H.f.,仰.タz; y工,仰.426); Mawashi-mura (Shimajiri圃 gun)(H工no. 337);:島fotobu司 ura (Kunigam凶i-gl刈(Y.T.,仰・ 463).

59・ Puccini,α 伽 ω制 i,pletαSvoowin Ann. Myc. X, p. 261, 1912.

Hab. On Isclzaemum crassipes THELL. var. formosanum NAKAI (Tai卸仰駒

kamonokashi). Nago-machi (Y工, no・45I;H.f.,仰.244).

This species is new to the Riukius.

60. Puccinia KllJtnii (KRUG.) BUTLER in Ann. Myc. XII, p. 82, 1914・

(HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 164, 1940).

Hab. Onぬcchar;仰 arundinaceumRETZIUS ( Yoski-susuki). Nawa-shi

(Hム no.5r).

61. Puccini1αKusαnoi DIETEL in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXVII, p・569

& pl. VII, figs. 14 & 15, 1900.

Hab. On F亨ei

仰 .347). The present species is new to the Riukiu Islands.

62. Pucc知 的 Kyllingiae-brevifoli,αeMIURA in !To & HOMMA in

Transact. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. XV, p. 128, 1938. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot.

Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 164, 1940).

Hab. On めlliψabrev約iliaRoTTB. (Hime-kztgu). Nago-machi (Hムnos.

Iり& ro4); Haneji・mura(Kunigami司 gun)(H.f.,仰.88); Mt. Katsuu・dake(Ku-

nigami-gun) (Hム no.254); Taka凶

63. Puccin伽 f.αctucae.debilisDIETEL in Ann. Myc. VI, p. 225,

1908. (HIRATSUKA, f: in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 164, 1940).

Hab. On Ixerzs faponica NAKAI (ρ'shibari). Kunigami-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (Y工, no・433);Kiyan-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Y.T., no. 374).

On I:~erz's stolon折raA. GRAY (βvanigana). Haneji-mura (Kunigami-

gun) (H.f.; no. 20z); Nago-machi (Hム no.zo6).

64. PucciniαLeptu1・4HrnATSUKA, f. nov. spec.

Soris uredosporiferis arnphigenis, sp:usis vel aggregatis confluentibusque,

oblongis vel confluendo linearibus, ep1clermide rupta cinctis, pulverulentis, cin-


namomeis ; uredosporis globosis, subglobosis vel ellipsoideis, echinulatis,自avo-

brunneis, 20ー28×r7-2 5 μ ; ep1spono 2-2・5μ crasso, poris germinationis 4-7 sparsis praeditis ; soris teleutosporiferis conformibus, obscure brunneis ; teleuto”

sporis subglobosis, el!ipsoideis vel obovatis, utrinque rotundatis, medio non

constrictis, levibus, castaneo-brunneis, 25-32x21-27 μ; episporio 3-4 (-7)ρ

crasso; pedicello usque 40 μ longo, brunneolo.

Hab. On Lψturus fψens R. BR. (Hai-shiba). Nawa-shi (Jan. 9, 1940,

HrnATSUKA, f., no. II); Yagaji-shima (Haneji-mura) (Kunigami-gun) (Jan. 15,

1940, HIRATSUKA, f., no. 277, type!).

65. Puce伽 伽 r仰 igataHIRATSUKA, f. in HIRATSUKA, f. & YOSHINAGA

in Mem. Tottori Agric. Coll. III, p・315, 1935. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag.

Tokyo, LIV, p. 375, 1940).

Syn. Diorchidium levigatum Smow et BUTLER in Ann. Myc. V, p・500,

1907; !To in }our. Coll. Agric. Tohoku Imp. Univ. III, p. 239 & pl. XII, fig.

7, 1909・I lab. On Oplismenus conダositusBEAUV. (Edauchi-chyi'mizasa). Shuri-shi

(H.; y工, nos.3.49 & 4-78).

66. Puce伽 .ialevis (SAcc. et B1zz.) MAGNUS in Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges.

IX, p. 190 & pl. IX, figs. 28-37, 189I. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

LIV, p・376& text-fig. I, e, 1940).

Hab. On Digitaria f合的iRENDLE (必・hz"slziba). Nishihara・mura(Naka-

gami-gun) (H.f., nos. I68, z69 & z73). On Dな仰riatz"morens必 BALANSA( Chimoru-mehishiba ). Nishihara-

mura (Nakagami-gun) (H.f., no. z74)

67. Puce伽伽工ophathe1・i(Svn.) HIRATSUKA, f. in }our. Jap. Bot. XIV,

p・36,1938. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 165, 1940).

Hab. On Lophatherumgracile BRONG. var. elatum HACK. (Sasakusa). Shu-

ri-shi (Hム no・45);Mt. Onna-dake (Kunigami-gun) (Hムno.刀); Nago-machi

(T.M.); Mt. Benoki-}叩 ia(Y工, no・43z).

68. Pucciniα伽 intUJsensisTHUMEN in Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou,

LIII, p. 214, 1878. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p・165,1940).

Hab. On Lactuca indica L. (A必i-no・nogeshi). Mawashi-mura (Shim吋iri-

gun) (H.f., no・328;y工, nos.356 & 4z4); Oroku-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f.,

no・z27);Urazoe-mura (Kt凶gami-gun)(Y.T., nos. 39I & 392).

69・ Puce伽 iaMiyoshi・側 αDIETELin ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXVII, p.

569 & pl. VII,日gs.16 & 17, 1899・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV,


p・376,1940). Hab. On Eccoz旬 uscoβ~lifer A. CAMUS ( Abura-susukt ). Mt. Katsuu-dake

(Kunigami-gun) (Y.T., no・464).

70. PuccinぜαN.αnbuα”αHENN以 GSin日edwigia,XL, p. (26), 1901.

Hab. On A智diea必iusim

gun) (Y工,仰・ 3JI).The present species is new to the Riukiu Islands.

71. PucciniαOenαnthes-stolonifm・αe S. !To in THANZSCHEL, Con-

spect. Ured. URSS, p. 299, 1939・

Syn. Puccinia Oenanιlies T. MIYAKE in Jour. Sapporo Agric. Coll. II, p.

ro6 & pl. III,日g.3, 1906. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 165,


Hab. On On nt.βrノ・avα11 αDC. (Seη). Shu凶ri寸li(H.; Y.T.,仰.3玖ヲ);

Kanegt uku-mura ( Shimajiri-gt ) ( H.王, no.302); Nawa-shi ( Y.T., no・366);

Takar出貯mura(Shin吋iri-gun)( H.f.,仰. I8I); Haneji-mura ( Kunigami-gun)

(Y.T.,仰 427).

72. Pucciniα philippinensis Svoow in Philippine Jour. Sci. VIII,

no・4,sect. C, Bot. p. 266, 1913. (HrRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV,

p. 165, 1940).

Hab. On Cyp仰 sr,仰仇sL. (Hama-suge). Takamine-mura (Shimajiri-

gun) (Hム仰.I84); Ginowan-mura (Nakagami-gun) (Y.T., no・369).

73. Puccinia Phrαg悦 例s(SrnuM.) K6RNICKE in Hedwigia, XV, p.

179, 1876. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p・376,1940).

Hab. On Pltragmites P仰 'StrataMAK. (Tsuruフ閣が). Tomig凶 uku-mura

(Shimajiri『 gun)(Y.T.,仰・ 36_子).

7 4. Puccinia Phyllostαchydis KusANO in Bull. Coll. Agric. Tokyo

Imp. Univ. VIII, p. 2 cをpl.VI, figs. 1, 2, 10 & II, 1908.

Hab. On Sinoarundi仰 riaaurea HONDA (Hotei-clziku). Nawa-shi (Y.T., no.

346); Urazoe-mura (Nakagami-gun) (Y.T., no・万8).The present species is a new addition to the flora of the Riukiu Islands.

7 5. Puccini・α Polliniα&伽ibm・bisHIRATSUKA, f. in Jour. Jap. Bot.

XIII, p. 248 & text-fig. I, 1937. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p.

376, 1940).

Hab. On JVIicrostegium ciliatum A. CAMUS var. TVallicltianum HONDA (0-

sasagaya). Tomigusuku-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Y.T., no・364).


76. Pu付加伽 Polygoni.a例 .phibUPERSOON, Syn. Fung. p. 227, 1801.

(HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 376, 1940).

Hab. On R伝uropterus1仰 ltijlorusTuRcz. ( Tsurudokudami). Nawa-shi

(Y.T., nos. 4王子& 480).

77. p電wciniα'1'Ubigo

I 88 I. . Syn. Pttccinia Agropyri ELLIS et EVERHART in Jour. Myc. VII, p. 131,


Hab. On Agropyrz仰 semil・ostat.仰 zNEES. (Kamr:fi-g制。). Shuri-shi (Y.T.,

no. 385).‘ 78. Puccini・α rufives DIETEL in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXXII, p. 48,

1902. (HmATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 165, 1940).

Hab. On Imper’ata cylindrica BEAuv. var. Koenigii DURAND et Scnrnz

( Clzigaya ). Shuri-shi (Hム no.36); Onna-mura (Kunigami-gun) (H.f.,仰. 60);

Haneji-mura (Kunigami-gun) (H.f., no. 282).

79. Puccini·α Sci1・·pi.te1•nαrαni HIRATSUKA, f. nov. spec.

Soris teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, sparsis vel seriatim dispositis, elongatis

vel linearibus. saepe secus lineas elongatis confluentesque dispositis, mox nudis,

pulvinatis, atro-brunneis vel atris; teleutosporis clavatis vel fusoideo-clavatis,

apice conico-attenuatis, valde incrassatis (4-10 μ), medio plerumgue leniter con-

strictis, basi attenuatis, levibus, flavo・brunneisvel brunneis, 5 5-70 x I I -1 8 μ;

pedicello flavo-brunneis, persistenti, usgue 60 μ longo.

Hab. On Sczヴuster11ata11us RELNWARDT (0-aburagaya). Mt. Benoki-yama

(Kunigami-gun) (April II, 1940, Y. TAIRA, no・44I,type/).

This species is closely related to 丹tcciniaa噌 ustataPECK, but it di民rs

from the latter in narrower and paler teleutospores.

80. Pu初旬仰 Scle,・4αe(PAz.) ARTHUR in Mycologia, IX, p・75,1917・

(HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 165, 1940).

日ab. Onぷcleriascrobiculata NEES. et MEYEN. ( 0-sん勾(yug;のほ). Shuri-shi

(Hム no.ヂ8;Y.T.,仰・ 4I9);Mt. Katsuu-dake (Kunigam

&2ヂ6); Mt. Benol王i-yama(Kunigan

81. Pucciniα sikoki・αnαDIETEL in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXXIV, p.

584, 1905.

Hab. On Carex brmmca THUNB. ( Kogome-suge)・。sato-mura(Shim吋iri-

gun) (H.f.,仰. I66); Mt. Katsuu-dake (Kunigami-gl刈(H.f.,no・りo).

The present species is new to the Riukius.


82. Puce仰伽 rαiwani'αna HIRATSUKA, f. et HASHIOKA in Transact.

Tottori Soc. Agric. Sci. VI, p. 240, 1935・(HrRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

LIV, p. 376, 1940).

Hab. On Pam訟

gun) (H工, 7仰・ 94&タ~).

83. Pucciniα tokyens白 Svoow,Monogr. Ur吋.I, p. 377, 1902.

Hab. On Oフiptotaeniajaponica HASSK. (Mi'tsuba切 ri). Tamashiro-mu

(Shimajiri-gun) (? ).

This species is new to the Riukius.

84. Pucciniα JVatti側 αBARCLAYin Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, LIX,

p. 109, 1890. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 165, 1940).

Hab. On Clematis Taslziroi MAXIM. (Yae,,vama-senninso). Nago・machi (H.f.,

no. 293); MotobL円 nura(Kunigami包un)(Y.T., no・455).

85. Pucciniα Zoysi,αe DIETEL in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb. XXXII, p. 48,


Syn. Pucciャzialschaemi DIETEL in Ann. Myc. XV, p. 493, 1917 (syn. nov.). Hab. On Zoysia liukiuensis HONDA (Ko-01出んiba). Shu出 hi(H.f., nos.王子

& 56); Yagaji-shima (Ha町 ji-mura)(Kunigami-gun) (Hム仰.272).

On Zo;1sia macrostachya FRANCH. et SAv. ( Oni-shiba ). Kunigami-

mura (Kunigami-gun) (Y.T.,仰・ 444).

i司On Zoysia sinica HANCE. (Naga11的妙。F幻んiba). Onna-mura (l三un肝

gami-gun) (Hム no.59); Yontanzan nura (Nakagami-gun) (Y.T., no・3む).Onぷヲ,匂5

(H.f., nos. r53 & r55); Osato・mura(Shimajiri-gun) ( 11.f.,仰. r6r); Nishihara-

mura (Nakagami-gun) (Hム 110.r72); Nawa-shi (川.王, 1lOS. IjI & ζび).

This species is now first reported from the Riukius.

86. Endophyllum 仰 2αscula抑制 ARTHURet CUMMINS in Philippine

Jour. Sci. LXI, p. 475, 1936.

Syn. Aedtカ・umBreyniae (not Svoow) (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

LIV, p. 166, 1940).

Hab. On Bぺy仰 rlzam仰zdesMuLL.-ARG. (Oslz仰 α-kob仰-仰-必i). Sh凶-shi

(H .f., nos. 20 & 2ヂ) ; Nawa寸1i(H王, no.仔6);Mawash nura (Shimajiri’gur l ) (H王, 仰.、主ヲ2);Sashiki-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f., no. r52); Osato・mura(Shi-

majiri-gun) (H.f., no. r58); Kanegusuku-mur品(Shimajiri-gL叫(H.f.,nos. r93 &

3r2); Mt. Kats山-dake(Kunigami-gL吋(H.f.,no. 250); Oroh円 nura(Shimajiri-

gun) ( H.f., 1加 .I与& I28).


U redinales imper島e世

87. A.ecid・伽 仰f仰,,nosanunιSvnowin Ann. Myc. XI, p. 56, 1913・

(HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 166, 1940).

Hab. On Emilia sonchi命的 DC.(仇 ubeni-nigana). Nawa寸ii(H工, n0

3 I); Shuri-shi ( H.王, 110. ‘ヲタ); Mawash nura (Shimajiri-gun) ( H工, 仰. 1ヲ4)

. ;

Kanegusuku-mura (Sl討imajiri-gun)(Hム no. Iタタ); Nishihara-mura (Nakagami-

gun) (H.f.,仰.z76); Mt. Katsuu-dake (Kunigami・gun) (Hム no.248); Nago-

machi (Hム no.300).

88. A.ecidium Lysimαch伽 e.j<αponicαeDIETEL in ENGL. Bot. Jahrb.

XXXIV, p. 590, 1905; (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 377, 1940). Hab. On Lysimackia J旬onicaTttUNB. (Konasubi). Mt. Katsuu-dake (Ku-

nigami-gun) (Y工,仰・ 465);Motobt円 nura(Kunigami-gun) (Y.T., no. 467).

89. A.ecid・伽伽 M<n・iBARCLAY in Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, LX, pt. 2,

p. 226, 1891. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 166, 1940).

Hab. On Z必rusaustralzs Porn. (Shi仰 -guwa). Nago-machi (H.f.,仰.240);

Haneji-mura (Kunigami-gun) (Hム仰.2So); Mabu叶 mura(Shimajiri-gt叫(Y.T.,

no. 373).

90. A.ecid・伽悦Pαederi,αeDIETEL in Hedwigia, XXXVI, p. 297, 1897・

(HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 166, 1940).

Hab. On Paederia cliinensis HANCE. ( Yaito-bana). Shuri-shi (H.f., nos. z9,

2I & 22); Haneji-mura (Kunigami-gun) (H.f., nos. 265 & 274 a); Kaneg凶北u-

mura (Shimajiri-gun) (Hム no.3z5).

9 r. .Aecidium Bhαphiolepidis Svnow in Ann. Myc. XX, p. 61, 1922.

(HIRATSUKA. f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 166, 1940).

Hab. On Rhaphio.勾islz"ukiuensis NAKAI (Roso仰 -sltarinbai). Mt. Onna-

dake (Kunigami-gun) ( H.f, no. 84); Mt. Katsuu-dake (Kunigami-gun) (I I.f.,

nos. 224 & 264).

92. D:,句doAloeαsiαe Svnow, Monogr. Ured. IV, p. 521, 1924・(HIRA-

TSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p・377,1940).

Hab. On Alocasia仰 crorlzizaSCHOTT. (Kuwadzu-imo). Shuri-shi (H.f.,

nos. 2 & 4); Nawa-shi (H.f., nos. 325 & 326).

93. Ure<h> A.1•th1•axonis-cili1αris HENNINGS in Hedwigia, XLVIII, p.

251, 1908. (HIRATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 377, 1940).

Hab. On Artkra.xon lzzザzdusMAK. (Kt伽


majiri-gun) ( H工,仰.JOタ); 6sato-mur (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f.,仰.I65); Taka-

mine-mura (Shimajiri-gun) (H.f.,仰.I92); Shuri寸】i(Y.T., no・45I).

94. Uredo Crepid・臼-inte伊・αeLINDROTH in Acta Soc. pro Fauna et

Flora fennica, XXII, no・3,p. Il, 1902. (HrnATSUKA, f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

LIV, p. 377, 1940).

Hab. On Cr.ザJ必出trumla11ceolatum N AKA! ( Hermzaren ). Chinen-mura

( Shimajiri-gun) ( H.f., 11os. I 45, I 46 & I 47); Takamine-mura ( Shimajiri-gun)

(Y工,仰・ 405);Yontanzan-mura (Nakagami-gun) (Y.T.,仰 380).

95・ DredopαspαlinαSvnow in Ann. Myc. XV, p. 177, 1917・

Hab. On hザalumscrobiculatum L. (Suzume-110-kobic). Haneji-mura (Ku岨

nigamトgun)(Y工, no4之') & 447); Osato-mura (Shimajiri-gL叫(日ム仰.I62).

The present species is new to the Riukius.

96. Uredo rα.iwα,iiiαnαHrRATSUKA, f. et HASHIOKA in Bot. Mag. Tokyo,

XLVIII, p. 239, 1934・(HIRATSUKA,f. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV, p. 377, 1940). Hab. On Ep伊’r仰仰nmirabiルSCHOTT.(Habu・kazura). Shuri-shi (Y.T.,

no. 397).

Geographical distribution

Eighty-six species of rust fungi found in Okinawa Island excluding IO

species of form-genera, are distributed in districts in our country other than

Okinawa Island and also in other regions of the world as shown in the following


\\ \\\

Table 2. Geographical distribution of species of rust fungi

found in Okinawa Island


「~~日同 I

R昭ans ~ I ロ凶

占~ :;;; と~ 5

"' d喧

品 よ古目d温C ] ω ロ dロ

Species 三巳Eト・i宍三ー ~ 同t: :! 'ロE'.

~~ :tl~ :: l:!i E『 R占

·~ .§ 』


』:アu〈= 吋凶"' ロf五恒Z: l高~ Mi!esi;時α,成町田po.γα トドf+II I I I I I I I I I I

;~:::,~:pm& ~~;1~1. ~+1.1.11+11-11+1. :村


Table 2. (Continued) \\


目s何'?「』日: 伺-~ \\\\\

'"・,,. Regions


\ \

*l ::;;; j・」E: ヲ

i 場n~j~4在~jさ:i』: 」j~号吋 t・ q砕己I ヨt主民主4吉雪

5"日.z. ・Pt1cciniastn1m Agrimuniae +j+j+l+l+J+I+ j+j+j+ +j+j+j+j Phakゆsor.α Ampe/.ゅsidis +f+l+l+f+l・H・!・l・l・l+H I Ph. Artemisiae +J+H+l+J・i+H I I I l I I Ph. Ehntiae +ド|+トトI・卜I・l・H I I I I Ph. formosana +I I I 11 11 11 I I 111 Ph. tecta +I・ I・トトトドトトトトl・HI Co!eopt1cciniella Idei ・H 111111111111 Coleospon・mnAsterum +ドH+l+¥+¥・HI I I 111 C. B/etiae +J+l+l ・I・ I・ H ・卜・卜J+II I C. Caヴesii +|+|+|・|・I・H・ I・卜・1+11・11C. C!ematidis +卜H+l+J・ J+I+\・|+|・|・|+|+|C. Cleγodendri +J+J+¥・l・I・|+卜II I 111 I C. Paederiae +|+|+|・トトI+1 I I I I I l I C. Pe1ぜl!ae +|+卜H・I・H+J・H1111 Skierka Aga/locha ・ I ・ I ・ I ・卜|・J+II 11 I I I I α四回deγmaTodda/i,田 +|・|・卜1・1・卜1-l・HI I I I K》tehneolaCalli・caヴae ・ l+H ・I・ I・ H I I I I I I I H田naspo,γα ac世tissi,明a +J·l·l·l~l·I+トト H· I・ I・卜|+H. Rt1bi-Sieboldii ・H 11111.11 111 11 p。草。ste革開花 匂alosp酢 α ・・、 +I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I Angiospora d四.伽 +I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pileo!mia Shiγ・aia:棋a +ドf+l+l+i・l・HI 111 11 Ravene:ia Hobsoni +|・|・|・|・トトl・l・H I I I I /?; teph官。siicola +I・ I・トI・卜|+|・卜H1111



Table 2. (Continued)


開 1&111 I ! I Regions '" ~: υ ロ』tロn ー"'

将同 』司 :,;; ·~ ~

トip . s ~,~ ~~~~~ 去i~~芦る 3てEgj 岨l五玉UZ語 2包j 、 ~ \\ \ 1~お I=当5 2泊 I~ i ]I~元よ I勾tj ~元 ~J

/-'hrα1g111idi11m griseum +川+|+|+卜|・[+f+I11111 Ph. pα叫 ci:ocu!.α,e +[+f +l+l+f ・I・ H I I I I I I Uγ。"~夕刊s appendicu!atus +[+[+川+|・H+l+l+H+l+l+I+U. Comme:i鈍酎 +|+|+|+トトH+I・[+|・|+ドHu. r(1bae +[+f +l+l+l+l+f+l+H+l+H+f + U. Lespedezae・procumbentis +[+[+[+[+[・卜|+|+|+川+II I U. !inearis +|+トト|・|・H・l・f+l11 11 U. /Jfucunae +I・ I・トトl・H・l・f+I・l・l・J+Iu.打 rifi割問s +|+トトI・ I・ l+H・I・卜H 11 E乙Setariae-itaiicae +[+¥+¥+¥・I・ I+[+¥+[+ I I I l U. sttiatus +|+トト卜卜|・|中|小h+[+[+U. Tail・,配 I I I I I I I I I I I I U. t enuicutis ヤH・卜I・ I+卜トトI・ ・I・ I+/+ U. V(i;.即日 +\+[+[+[+卜|+|市|+|+|+|+|+|+Pucci.世iα Absinthii +j+[+[+l+[+j ・ [+[+[+[+[+[+¥+[ P.σno ma/,σ +H+l+l+l+I ・ H+l+H+!+I+¥+ P. benokiyαmens is I I I I I I t I I I I I I I P. Cirsii-11凶,itimi +H+I・卜j・J+I1111111 P. citrata +トト卜卜l・HI 111111 P. citri.悼 α ., +|・I・ I ・ I ・卜H 1111111 P. com;esta +|+トI・ ! .トトトト/+II I I I P. Co托:vo!vu!i ・l+l+l+l+l・H+l+l・H+l+l I P. Crepidis-Ja.全0ねic叫 :H+I /+I I I I I I I I I I P. Cy担odo托tis +[+l+H・トl+J+l+l+l+!+r+J+I+


Tahle 2. (C.抑 tinued)

Jap:in "' 』

Regions 」aロω = ~: 吋~ 口問 5

i ~ ミ~ 5 d司 目』

Jh~H ョaz凶m~ ,υ : ロ同司Species

皇~官.'・,< 凶話包oi 去:ロJS1~~ 2輔弓~ 自ζ戸 z

Pucci,官iα enbi a バイ・I• I・1・1+1111l111P. e1ア'lh1ψus ・H+l・l・l・H ! 11 111 I P. exhaustα +¥+H・I・卜f+II I : I I I P.j初·~苫~inosa +l+I+ドl+f+J+l+Iイ+/ I I I I P.jilipodiα -トトト|・卜[+[ 1 I I I I I I P.g1官,ninis +J+l+l+l+f +j • f+l+l+f +f+l+f+f + P. I:lemeγ目・a/lidis +[+l+l+f +H ・ l+i I I I I I I P. i,詞'comp/eta +卜I・卜|・卜|+|・|・f+II I I I P. Kuhnii +!・I・ I・I・ I・ H ・卜f+II I I I P. Kusa糊 i -|+|+|・;・|・l・HI I I ! I I P.勾 1詰:ngiaeゐreiifoliae +J+f+I I I I I I I I I I I I P. Lαctucae-debi/;む +J+f+I I I I I I I I I I I I P. Lepttwi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P. levi,伊 ta +f ・l・l・l・l・l・l・l・H I 11 I P. leviJ +[・I・ I ・トトH・I・ I・卜|・|+| | P. Lophatheri +I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P. mi:間1ssensis +l+/+f+f+l+I・f+l+l11 I I P. Miyoshia揖α • [+f +l+l+f・|・l+:+fI I I I I P. Jvanbuana • l+f +f ・ l+I+!・h+i11111 P. Oenmzthes-sto!oniferae +f+f+H+i・|・f+II I I I I I

P. phili:伶i概略sis 判+(・卜川・H・+| I, I I I I P. Phmgmitis ・i+f+i・ f+;+卜|+!-[+[+|+|+!+|+P. Phy/lo話αchydis ・l+f+I・I・ I・ト|+! I i I I I I P. Polliniae-imbeγbz'., +ドI! I I : I I I I 11 I I


Table 2. (Continued)

\\\ Japan ,喝

コ付, 」=

Regions '"' \

\ ー同喝-伺 2υロs

\\\ \\ " 由

: 』s n

~ d司 ! E 出~

\\ \

Species %望邑月喝~ 君E 。

A当五泊胃。 』: 山凶面

\ \ \

] ~ 目 凶~ヨ』~ 。z完吉 1弓~ 石里丞;:.. 。 :五・」司~

P11ccinia Poly_、伊,ti-amphibii +j+ l+I+ I+ I+!+ l+I+ I+ H+ l+I+ I P.柑 bigo-vera +|+!+|+|+|+|・(+l+i+j+[+j+卜|+P. rujipes +j+j+j・l・l・'+1+H+f・I・:・|+|P. Scirpi-ternatani I I I I I I I I I I : : 1 I P. Scleriae +卜|・|・|・卜H・I・卜|・1・HIP. sikokiana ・1+1+11 I 11 I I I I : I I P. tai・世1aniana +I ! I I I i I I I , I 1 i I P. tokyensis ・ l+f +l+l+I I l I I I I i I I P. Wattiana l~l·i·i·l·i ・ H·i·H : I I I P. Zoysiae ド|+|小I• I・ド1+1・+| i : I I Endophyllum四回目叫lαtum +I・ I・卜I・ I・|+| I I : I I

1、otal 的950 29 28 14144 35 22叩判叩小

Table 3 shows for each region the number of genera and species common

to Okinawa Island and the ratio borne by this number of species to the total

number of species in the island.

Table 3・ Relationshipbetween the rust-flora of Okinawa Island

and that of its neighbouring and other regions

Number of genera Numbe of species I Ratio to… Regions common to common to number of :fi~cies

Okinawa Isl. Okinawa Isl. in Okinawa (%)

Formosa 13 66 76.74

Shikoku & f王iushG 12 59 68.6o

Honshu 10 50 58.13

Philippines & Java ll 44 51.16

N. China & Manchuria 7 35 40.70


Table 3・(Continued)

Number of genera Number…l Ratio to the to Regions common to common to number nf cies

Okinawa Isl. Okinawa Isl. in Okinawa :fi~ (%)

India 9 32 37.21

Korea 7 29 33・72Hokkaido 8 28 32.56

Siberia 5 22 25・58North America 7 20 7.3・26South America 7 20 23.26

Africa 5 17 19・77Europe 4 15 17.44

S. Saghalien 5 !4 16.28

Australia 3 II 12・97

As shown in the preceding tables, the study of the rust- ora of Okinawa

Island shows that it is closely connected on the one hand with that of Formosa

and the Philippines & Java, and on the other hand with that of Shikoku &

Kiushu and Hor】shu. The resemblance to the rust-flora of Formosa is greatest,

76.74 per cent of the speGies in Okinawa Island being recorded also in Formosa; the next comes that of Shikoku & KiushU, then that of Honshu and that of

the Philippines & Java, each having mo問 than50 per cent of the species in

in the island.

Bibliography of Uredinales found in Okinawa Island

I. liIRATSUKA, NAOHARU: Notes on回 meMelampsor田 ofJapan, III. Japanese species of

Pha叩'Jjlso1官・(Bot.Mag. Tokyo, XIV, p. 87~93 & pl. III, Iタ刈・2. liIRATSUKA, NAOHIDE: Phako,針。四 ofJapan, III. (Ibid., L, p. 2~8, 1936).

3. : Miscellaneous ~otes on the E冶st-AsiaticUredinales with special refer-

ence to the Japanese s戸cies,I. (Jour. Jap. Bot. XIII, p. 244-251, 1937); II (Ibid., XIII,

p・587~594,1937); III (Ibid., XIV, p. 33~38, 1938).

4・ : Materials f凹 arust-flora of Riukiu Islands, I. (Bot. Mag. Tokyo, LIV,

p. 157~167, 1940); II (Ibid., LIV, p・373~377,1940)・5. & Y. TAIRA: Notes on an inte問 stingspecies of the rust fungi from

Okinawa Island. (Bot. & Zoo!., VIII, p. 1641~1642, 1940).

6. ITo, S.: On the Uredineae parasitic on the Japanese Gramineae. (Joor. Coll. Agric. Tohoku

Imp. Univ. III, p. 180~262 & 3 pl., 1909).

7・一一一-: Ur.明抑・sof Japan. (Joor.αll. Agric. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. XI, p. 2n-287 & pl.

VII~IX, 1922)・&一一-: Mycologi白 Iflora of Jap岨, II,no. 2, 1938.

9・MIYAKE,T.: On Puccinia parasitic on the Umbelliferae of Japan冶 (Joor.Sapporo Agric. Coll.

II, P・ 97~132 & I pl., 1906)・

Typhulajαr.ponioαn. sp. Isolated from Decayed

Leaves of the Rape Plant


Mutsuo TERUI (照井陸奥生)

(With I Plate and 3 Text-Ii伊 res)

Up to the present, one of the most serious damages to the rape crop in

Japan has been attriputed to the sclerotium disease caused by Sclerott"nia L必'er-

tiana FucK., which was studied by many investigators in former days from both

mycological and prophylactic points of view. In Northern Japan where rape

plants are forced to grow under the snow, it became apparent recently that

another sclerotium disease is very destructive to this crop. After the thawing

of snow in the early spring it is frequently seen that the rape plants which had

made a considerable growth in the previous autumn were severely attacked by

a rot disease and their outer lower leaves entirely killfd and decayed, leaving

merely a few small inner leaves healthy. It reminds one of the so called

“winter rot”of cereals and forage grasses caused by 乃少初laspp. under the

snow. The injury ap戸ars,indeed, to be much mo陀 seriousthan the disease

caused by Sclerotinia Lz・bertiana. After a close examination of the seriously

寺島ctedrape plants in the fields the attention of the writer was called to 2 or

3 kinds of sclerotia which were in constant association with the disease. It

became evident later that one of them should be considered as a new species

belonging to the genus乃phula.

The present paper was written to report some morphological and cultural

characters of this fungus. Investigations of its pathogenicity are now in progress

as well as of the other kind of sclerotia collected in the same fields.

I. Morphological characters of the pre艶 ntfungus

Sclerotia van dyke-brown or chestnut-brown, free on surface of substrate,

always single, spherical to somewhat flattened, convex on top, flat or concave

below, o 8-2.0 mm. diam.; rind dark-brown, 10-12 μthick, composed of a rough,

gelatinous layer on the outer walls of large, irregular, peripheral cells; medulla

Trans. Sappom Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. XVII, Pt. 1, 1941


prosoplectenchymatous, center of loosely interwoven hyphae. Sporophores

stipitate, erect, straight or slightly curved, simple or branched, one or more

arising from each sclerotium, 17-40 mm. tall, white; clavula lanceolate or long-

A 己


Fig. I. A. (Natural size) Sporophores arising from sclerotia eKJbedded in the sand.

B. ( x 620) Basidia and b:isidiospore8.

fusiform, straight to slightly curved, tapering at the apex, 4-20 mm. long, 1-3

mm. broad, white, apex sterile and greyish; stipe distinct in size from clavula,

erect or curved, 13-20 mm. long, 0.5-1 mm. broad; basidia elongate, two-spored,

ca. 25・3μ long and 6.3 μ wide; basidiospores pip-shaped, flattened on one side,

hyaline, smooth, I r.5一13.8×46-6.9 μ, average l 2.6 x 5.J μ. The present fungus somewhat resembles 1yp.んulavariabilis Rrnss from

which it di託証rsby its smaller sclerotia and the lack of enlarged cells between

the medulla and the rind of the sclerotium, and also by its greyish tinge at the

apex of the white sporophores.

The sporophores are produced in the autumn, arising from the sclerotia.

When embedded in the sand the sclerotia frequently produced sterile, greyish-

brown,日liformand branched sporophores instead of the usual clavate and fertile


Description of the present fungus

宜yphula}α:ponicαTERUI,sp. 1'ov.

Sclerotiis badiis v. castaneis, superficiis, semper simplicibus, subglobosis,

infra planis v. concavis, supra convexis, 0.8-2.0 mm. crassis, I・4-4・Imm. diam.;

cortice aureo-flavo, 10-12 μ crasso, composito e gelatinosa strue in exterioribus


muris cellarum peripheralium irregulararum detorquearum; medulla omnio pro四

soplectenchymata, centro solido, hyphis laxe complexis. Sporophoris stipitatis,

erectis v. leviter curvis, simplicibus v. raro ramosis, una v. pluribus ex uno

sclerotic, 17-40 mm. altis, albis ; clavula lanceolata v. longe fusiformi, recta v.

leviter curva, 4-20 mm. longa, 1-3 mm. lata, apice sterili et glauca; stipite dis-

tincto, recto v. curvo, 13-20 mm. longo, 0.5-1 mm. diam.; basidiis elongatis,

bisporis, circ. 2 5・3μ longis et 6.3 μ crassis; basidiosporis ovatis v. ellipsoideis,

ventricosis, lateraliter apiculatis, hyalinis, levibus, I I・5-13.8x 4.6-6 9 μ, modus

12.6-5・7μ.Hab. in hibernatis caudicibus petiolis et laminis foliorum Brassicae cam-

pestris. Honshu: Prov. Mutsu, Kutoishi (M. TERUI, 1936). Hokkaido: Prov.

Ishikari, Sapporo (M. TERUI, 1940).

Jap. name. Shiro-gamanohotake (n. nふ

II. Cultural characters of Typhula japonica

A. Material and method

The sclerotia of the fungus used in the present studies were collected at

Kuroishi, Prov. Mutsu, northern Japan, 1936. The pure culture of this fungus

was obtained by the following method. The sclerotia of the fungus were

sterilized with a o. I per cent aqueous solution of mercuric chloride for about

five minutes, washed repeatedly with sterile distilled water, and then each

sclerotium was cut into two or three parts with a sterilized scalpel. The small

pieces of scler叫 iathus obtained were placed on apricot agar plate and incubated

at 130-150C.

In 7 to 10 days, mycelia grew from the sclerotia. Fragments of the hyphae

were transferred to various agar media. Inoculations were made on the centers

of agar plates from the stock cultures on an apricot agar slant and the cultures

were placed in an incubator at the temperature of 13°一円。c.

B. Results of culture studies

a. Cultural characters on v町 iousmedia

The cultures on 6 different kinds of agar media were incubated at I 3。一円。cfor 3 5 days. The results of observations are shown in the following tables.


Table 1. Cultural characters of the fungus on various media.



























ωApricot agar

Potato agar

Soy agar

Ornon agar

Rape agar

Asparagin agar

9 《fays ~~. I~ご!]:~

+ I + I + ! + + I Yf,1;~,:~sh I Rough

+|ー++卜…+IY~,~~=~sh [v軒yroゆ

|+!日++I++ I 古ご IVery d

++ I+++ I +ト++++! B間 ID

++ I…! + + I + + + + I ~~f1:~ I Roゆ

+ I + I ++卜++ I y間 hI Rough


days 14 davs


*Sterile sporophores were produced from the sclerotia.

Table 2. Measurements of diameters of mycelial colonies

on various culture media.

~~~ Uurat1on ’百炉吋、 "' 炉"、 ~ ~1~1i1~ltl~ Cult;e 、ia-:'~-~ult、u:、

d 》d、’百 πコ 'O ’司" ペコ ペ=

同 間 内守.,., '♀ r、叩 合、 H白4 -岡4 』町・4 炉問『 h吋・唯同 E』n' h炉0司炉h叫

med (cm.)

斗吋MApricot agar 。0.46 0.76 I. 13 I・56 4・5正5・135・736.40 6.93 7・46

Potato agar 。I.00 1.50 1.86 2.50 4.00 4.33 4・704・9正5.165・335.50 5.63 5.73

叫~~1~356Soy agar 。0.43 0・560.80 1.16 1.63 2.13 3.83 4・164.63 4・905.13 5.26


Onion agar 。0・961.36 I.73 2.36 3.53 3・734.03 4.13 5.70 6.06 6.50


5.8016.2~1州Rape agar 。o.86 I.46 2.00 2.53 3.03 3・503.86 4. 16 4 66 5. 20 7.66 8.oo 8.20

Asparagin agar 。0.43 0.82 0.96 1.30 r.53 1.86 2.03 2. 16 2.4112.62 3・703・9正4.13


As shown in the above tables, the medium prepared with the decoction of

the leaves of rape plants was the most favorable for the devolment of the

fungus. Potato agar, onion agar and apricot agar followed it in descending order.

On asparagin agar the growth was very scanty. The formation of sclerotia

was the most rapid on the onion agar and they were produced in 9 days. At

自rstthe sclerotia were white, scattering on the surface of media, but later they

turned dark-brown in colour, and their number increased in the lapse of culture,

often gathering into masses of sclerotia. On soy agar, the formation of sclerotia

was retarded and white sclerotia began to appear in 16 days. The characters

of the sclerotia produced on soy agar were the same as those on the other

media. The rates of growth of mycelial colonies are shown in the following



I<'ig. 2. Graph showing rates of mycelial growth on various culture media.

Rape agar

Apricot agar

Asparagin agar

Potato agar

Onion agar

Soy agar











IO II 12 13 14 151617

Duration of culture (days)

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


b. Relation of temperatures to the growth of the fungus

In this experiment, the rape clecoction agar was used as the culture medium,

and the cultures were placed in incubators at the varying temperatures of

25°-26°C, 18°-20°C, 13°-15°C, 8°-I0°C and (一2)。-3°C,respectively.

The diameters of mycelial colonies were measured daily for two week

after inoculations. The results are shown in the following table.

Table 3. Diameters of mycelial colonies developed

at various temperatures.

二課:~l~l!lflfl~1l!J!J11 ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~

三ιa~~1~~~1~b1~~1j1j1=-~130-15。c DI ol 0・38jo♂ II.4612.2612.9013-5314-061 4.701 5・301 5・761 6.5正I 7・∞


二二ふ~~~1-:1-:1-:1-:1-:1-:1--:1--:1-:1示日El~副示日記長As shown in the above table, the mycelial growth was the most vigorous

at 13°-15°C. The minimum and the maximum temperatures for the growth

were aboutー2°Cand 20°C, respectively. No mycelial growth was recognized at

25°-26°C throughout this experiment. At 18°-20°C, 13°一円。C and fーIO。cthe hyphae developed in the media were more or less abundant, while the

aerial hyphae were produced only scantily at central parts of the mycelial

colonies. The rates of the mycelial growth are shown in the following figure.


Graph showing the rates 円fmycelial growth at various temperatures. Fig・3・



r8°-20°C go_IO。c

8 9 10 II 12 13 i4

Duration of culture (days)

7 6 5 4 3












The so-called winter rots of the winter cereals and forage grasses caused

by the fungi belonging to the genus Typ仰 lain northern parts of Japan, Europe

and North America, have been studied and discussed by many authors. Ac-

cording to them, the pathogenicity of these fungi appears to be beyond doubt.

As to winter crops other than the gramineous ones, BRIZI ( 1906), RAM-

BOUSEK ( 1923), NEU¥\アIRTH(I 924) and BENSAUDE (I 926) reported that a very

destructive disease of sugar beets was caused by Typhula variabilis Rrnss.

VoGLINO (1929) and SCHMIDT (1933) demonstrated the pathogenicity of this

fungus on potatoes and asparagus rhizomes in addition to sugar beets.

More recently, REMSBERG ( 1940) s山 ceededin the infection of the fungus

on stored celery besides beets, potatoes, and asparagus rhizomes.

In our country IMAI (5) reported on Typlzula islti.ね riensisIMAI at the

Annual Meeting of the Phytopathological Society of Japan, in 1931. He had

collected the sclerotia of this fungus from rotten leaves and petioles of red

clover and rape plants and suggested that the fungus possibly causes an out-


break of the winter rot disease of these crops under certain environmental


In regard to the fungus under consideration, the symptoms appeared on

the a行ectedplants and the constant association of the sclerotia of the fungus

on decayed tissues as well as its physiological characters observed in the cultures

led the writer to presume that the present fungus possibly causes the “winter rot”of rape plants under the snow-covering, though its actual pathogenicity to

the plants has not yet been experimentally demonstrated.

Ill. Summary

The present paper deals with a new species of TjJ幼ula arising from the

sclerotia collected from decayed leaves of rape plants irt the early spring in

northern Japan, with special reference to its cultural characters.

The fungus was named号ip!tulaノ.ザonicaTERUI and a Latin description

was given to 1t.

Out of 6 different kinds of culture media used, the rape decoction agar

was the most favorable for the mycelial growth. On asparagin agar, its growth

was very scanty.

When the fu昭 us was cultured on rape decoction agar at (-2)。-3°C,

8°-10°C, 13°-15°C, 18°-20°C and 25°-26°C, the mycelial growth was most

vigorous at 13°-15°C. The minimum and maximum temperatures for its growth

were around (-2)°C and 20°C respectively.

Based upon the evidences of observation, the writer has presumed that the

present fungus possibly causes the “winter rot”of rape plants under the snow-

covering in the northern parts of Japan.

Finally the writer wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Profs. S. ho

and Y. TocHINAI under whose directions this work was carried out and also

to Dr. T. FuKUSHI for his valuable suggestions and criticisms. He is also in司

debted to Dr. S. IMAI for his kind advices in the identification of the fungus.

Botanic:il Institute, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan


IV. Literature cited

I. BENSAUDE, MATHILDE.: Diseases of economic plants in the Azores. Kew Bull. Misc. Inform.

p. 38r・389,r926.

2. BRIZI, UGO. : La 乃μ仰 M 河川iiisRrnss e ii ma! dello Sclerozio della barbabietola da

zucchero. Accad. Lincei II, r5, p・749-754,r906.

3. IMAI, S.: On the CJavariaceae of Japan. ’l'rans. Sapporo E、1at.Hist. Soc xr, p・38-44,r929・

4. IMAI, S.: On the Clavariaceae of Japan. II. Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. XI, p・70-77,r930.

5. IMAI, S.: On some Tyjhula-disea田 sof agricultural plants (In Japanese)・ Ann.Phytopath.

Soc. Japan, II, p・386,l92L

6. IMAI, S.: On the causal fungus of the Typhula-blight of gramineous plants. Japane日 Jour.

Bot. VIII, p. 5-18, r936.

7. NEUWIRTH, F.: Die Mikromyzeten der Riibenwurzel im Jahre I924・ Zeitschr.fiir ~uckerind.

XLIX, p・403-410,479-486, r925・(ref.Rev. Appl. Mycol. V, p. r3, r926).

8. RAMBOUSEK, F.: Berichte des Forshungs-Institutes der 匂l.Zucker-industrie r917. Die Riiben-

Krankheiten in der Cechoslovakei 1923・ Zeitschr.fiir Zuckerind. LXIX, p. 197・201,1925・

(ref. Rev. Appl. Mycol. IV, p. 25r, 1925).

9. REMSBERG, R. E.: Studies in the genus Typhula. Mycologia, XXXIT, p. 52-96, 1940.

10. REMSBERG, R. E. : The snow molds of grains and grasses caused by Typhu/,σItoana and

乃アhulaidahoen.<is. Phytopath. XXX, p. 178-rSo, 1940.

I I. REMSBERG, R. E. and HUNGERFORD, C. W. : Certain sclerotium diseases of grains and grasses.

Phytopath. xxru, p. 862-874, r933・12. SCHMIDT, E. W. : Zwei seltene Riibenschiidlinge. Die Deutsche Zqckerind. LVIII, p. r7-18,

l933・(ref.Rev. Appl. Mycol. XII, p・416,1933).

13. TAsUGI, H.: On the pathogenicity of Typhttla graminum KARSTEN. JoUI. Imp. Agric. Exp.

Sta. I, p. 183-r98, r930.

14. TASUGI, H.: On the physiology of乃''fhulagraminum KARSTEN. Jour. Imp. Agric. Exp.

Sta. IT, p. 443-458, r935.

15. VuGLJNO, P.: II ma] dello sclerozio rosso della Barbabietola e della Patata. La Difesa delle

piante, Torino VJ, p. l-8, r929・(ref.Rev. Appl. Mycol. VIII, p. 597, 1929)・

Explanation of plate I

Fig. 1. The fungus on various media after 3 weeks’culture at 8°-10°C. a. soy agar. b. rape agar. c. ornon agar. d. potato agar. e. apricot agar.

Fig. 2. Imperfect fructifications produced from sclerotia which were sown on moist sand in a pot.

Fig. 3・ Surfaceview of a sclerotiurr、, showingthe irregular thick-walled cells.

Fig・4. The fungus on the onion decoction agar after So days’culture at 8。-10°C.

Fig. 5・ Sectionof a sclerotium, showing the prosoplectenchymatous medulla.

Tram', Sapporo Nat, Hist, Soc.,' Vol. XVII Pl. I

Contributions to the Flora of Northern Japan XIV



(宮部金吾・・舘脇 操)

With 3 Text-figures

229. Alnus hirsutαTuRcz. Cat. Pl. Baic. Dah. (1839), n. 1064, nom.

nud., et apud RuPR. in Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. Petersb. XV. (1857), 376;

M1YABE & Kuno, Fl. Hok. & Saghal. IV. ( 1934), 470, p. p.

var.αustroku骨・ilensisMIYABE ET TATEWAKI, var. nov.

Alnus austrokurzlensis TATEWAKI et YOSHIMURA, in sched. Herb. Fae. Agr.

Hokkaido Imp. Univ.

Ramuli novelli fulvo・tomentosihaud glutinosi; annotini glabrescentes purpu-

rascentes vel brunnescentes, lenticellis parvis suborbicularibus obtecti. Gemmae

ovoideae fulvo-tomentosae. Folia late ovata vel ovato・ellipticavel ovato・rotundata

plerumque versus medium latissima 6-8 ( -9 5) cm lo時 a3.5-5・5(-8)cm lata, apice

subito breviter acuta vel subobtusa, basi acuta vel cuneata vel interdum sub司

rotundata vel subtruncata, supra lucida ad nervos pilosa, subtus glaucescentia

ad nervos costamque ferrugineo-hirsuta, nervis lateralibus 7-9, petiolata; petiolis

teretibus supra sulcatis dense et rufescente pubescentibus I -2 cm longis, margine

denticulato-serrulata vel inaequaliter duplicato-serrulata, vel interdum leviter

lobulata, serratulis patentibus apice apiculatis.

NoM. ]AP. Etorq,β4・hannoki.(n. n.).

HAB. S. Kurz/es. Isl. Etorofu: Naibo (B. YosHIMURA, VIII. 12, 1939--type in Herb. Fae. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ.).

Remarks. The present variety is distinguished from the typical species by

the shining upper surface and the lacking of remarkably lobed margin of the

leaves and also by their apices being not caudato”acuminate.

230. Betula dαvuricαPALL.: M1YABE & TATEWAKI, in Trans. Sapporo

Nat. Hist. Soc. XIII. (1934), 37i・var. Okuboi MIYABE ET TATEWAKI, var. nov. Betula Okuboi TATEWAKI in sched. Herb. Fac. Agr. Hokkaido Imp. Univ.

Arbor recta r 5 m al ta 40 cm・ in diametro. Cortex griseo-fuscens longi『

Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. XVII, Pt. l, 1941.


tudinaliter fissus pro仏ndedurumpens. Iミamicrebre subdivisi erectiores, cortice

antiquiores fusco laevigato. Virgae strictae erectae purpureo-castaneae, lenti -

cellis punctatis subvern

lo昭 a (2.2ー) 3・5-45 (-5.5) cm lata, apice acu凶 nata,basi acuta cuneata vel

subrotundata, margine inaequaliter serrulato-denticulata, petiolata, petiolis ( o. 5-)

0.7-1.6 (ーI.8)cm lo昭 is, supra viridia, subt凶 adcostam venasque primarias

Fig. r. Bark of the trunk of Betula davw ica var. Okuboi at Niikappu, Prov. Hidaka

petiolaque pilosa, nervis Iateralibus utrin.que 7-9, pallidiora et resinoso-punctulata.

Amenta平erectasolitaria cylindrica brevipedunculata 2.2-3・1cm longa o.6-o・9

cm lata; squamae crassae trifidae, margine ciliatae, !obis intermediis oblongis

aut oblanceolato-oblongis, 3 mm longis I -4 mm latis; lateralibus abbreviatis

subquadrangulari-rotundatis 2 mm longis 1.5-2 mm latis, partibus basilaribus

longioribus late cuneatis. Samarae alae membranaceae nucem subaequantes.

Styli persistentes breves. N ux compresse fusiform is.


NoM. ]AP, Hidaka-yの1egawa.(n. nふHAB. Ye.so. Prov. Hidaka: Niikappu (M. TATEWAKI, VII. 4, 1939; M.

TATEWAKr & K, OKUBO, VIL r9, r940ーtypein Herb. Fae. Agr. Hokkaido

Imp. Univ.)

Fig. 2.

Seed scales of Betula davurica var. Olm/Joi ( x 5)

Remarks. The present variety is distinguished from the typical species

by the number of the lateral nerves of the leaves and also by the longer middle

lobe and the longer basal portion of the seed-scale. It is named after Mr.

KAN-ICHI OKUBO, expert of the Forestry Bureau of the Imperial Household,

who has been concerned in the research of the forest flora of Niikappu during

the last three years in cooperation with the junior author.

231. Minuαrtiαrubella GRAEBN. in AscHERS. u. GRAEBN. Syn. Mittel・

europ. Fl. V. (1918), 733; ScmsCHKIN in KOMAR. ET ScmscHK. Fl. URSS. VI.

(r936), 506, tab. 27, fig. 9・‘dゐinerubella WAHLB. Fl. Lapp. (1812), 128.

Arenaria quadrivahぬ R.BR. in PARRY’s I. Voy. App. (i824), 271.

Arenaria rubella HooK. in CURTIS, Fl. Londin. (1828), tab. 203, et Fl. Bor.

Am. I. (1833), 100; TORR. & GRAY, Fl. N. Am. I. (1838), 18r.

Alsine verna BARTL.。glacialt'sFENZL in LEDEB. Fl. Ross. I. (I 84 I). 350.

Minuartia verna, var. pulchella SuGAWARA, Ill. Fl. Saghal. II, (1939), 833,

P・ p. tab. 389, (non NAKAI). NoM.]阻. lGαrafuto・kob側o-tsu:例ekusα, Karafuto-usubeni~tsumekusa.

HAB. S. Saghalien. Distr. Shikka : the upper source of River Naruko

(M. KAWASHIMA, VII. 2r, 1935); Mt. Kawashima (S. SuGAWARA, VIII. 3, 1935);


Mt. Shiro・chi(S. SuGAW叫ん VIII.7, 1935).

DISTRIB. Saghalien, Chukch Penins., Arctic Siberia, Arctic Europe and


Remarks : This arctic species is found in the north-eastern mountain ranges

of South Saghalien facing the Ochotsk Sea. Mr. SuGAWARA gives a good

figure of the plant in his Illustrated Flora of Saghalien. In our specimens,

the stalks and sepals are tinged with a reddish color.

232. Sil,側 estenophylla LEDEB. Fl. Ross. I. ( 1842), 306; ScmscHKIN

in KoMAR. et ScmscHKIN, Fl. URSS. VI. (1936), 627, tab. XXXVJII. fig. 2.

Silene tenttt"s, c. paucifolia RoHRB. Monogr. Silene (1868), 187, ex pa巾.

~<:>ilene gramz"n件'Na,var. s仰 ophyllaTRAUTV. Fl. Terrae Tschukt. (I 868), 14.

Md and.ヴumaffine MIYABE et TATEWAKI, Contr. Fl. N. Jap. V. ( 1935), 70;

SuGAWARA, Ill.ドI.Saghal. II. (1939), 857, tab. 40I; HONDA, Norn. Pl. Jap.

(1939), 83, (non J. VAHL).

NoM. ]AP. Sugawara-bかa砂'l.

HAB. S. Saghalien. Distr. Shikka: Mt. Kawashima (M. TATEWAKI & Y.

TAKAHASHI, v1. 29, 1936; B. YosmMuRA, vnt. 9, 1936).

N. Saglzalien. (日deScmscnKIN).

DISTRIB. Saghalien, Amur, Ochotsk, Chuktch Per』ins・.Anadyl,八retie

Siberia and Arctic America.

233. Aconitu例 ka1•afutoense M1vABE et NAKAI in NAKAI, Icon. PI.

As. Or. I. No. 3, (1936), 59, 60, tab. XXV/l

Aconitum borea!zs SuGAWARA,目.Saghal. (1937), 177, nom. nud., et Ill.

Fl. Saghal. II. ( 1939), 897, tab. 4I9; HoNDA, Norn. Pl. Jap. ( 1939), 88, (non

A. boreale S主R与.NoM. J日. Tsum-karafutobushi, Tsuru-tonkabuto.

HAB. S. Sag/tali・en. Distr. Shikk噂 RiverNaruko (Y. HosHINO, S. OKADA

& S. SUGIYAMA, VIII. 13, 1933; B. YOSHIMURA, VIII. 12, 1936); R. Oromotoye, a branch of R. Nokoro (S. SuGAWARA, VII. 31, 1935); the source of R. Asase

(S. SuGAWARA, VII. 31, VIII. 3, 1935); between Yamahana and Ikeda (B. YOSHIMURA & M. HARA, VII. 12, 1937).

DISTRIB. Endemic.

284. Aquilegi'αparvift01切 LEDEB: KABANOW in Dull. Far East. Br.

Acad. Sci. USδR. XV. ( 1935), 59; MIYABE & TATEWAKI, Contrib. Fl. N. Jap.

IX. (1937), 42, n. 155; K1宜"AGAWA,Lin ドiMansl】.(1939), 214; HONDA, Nom

PI. Jap. (1939), 92.


Aquilegia sylvarmn kumilis GMEL. Fl. Sib. IV. (t769), 186, tab. 74・

Aqui!egia pa門グoraDC. Syst. Nat. I. (1818), 339.

Aquilegia sem白伊ilegiaSuGAWARA, Pl. Sacha!. (1937), 175, nom. nud., et

Ill. Fl. Sachal. II. (1939), 887, tab. 4I4; HONDA, Norn. Pl. Jap. (1939), 92.

Sugawaraea semiaquilegia MAK以 Oin Jissai Engei (Practical Hortic北 ure),

xxvr. (1940), 464. NoM. ]AP. Karafuta・!timeodamaki,S!tizuno・odam♂必i.

HAB. S. Sag!talien. Distr. Shikka: along the Akai Hiver region near the

50 degree’s boundary line (5. SuGAWARA), and Mt. Sekkaizan (B. YosHIMURA).

Remarks. Recently Dr. MAKINO on examining the figures and Japanese

description of Aqut・legiasemiaquilegia :::iuGAWARA in his Illustrated Flora of

Saghalien considered it as・ a good rare new species. Moreover, he proposed

to establish on it a new genus, Sugawaraea, reproducing the SuGAWARA’s

illustration and giving the English translation of the original description in


From the nature of the p・!blication in a popular horticultural magazine,

we do not like to take it seriously. But as the newly proposed genus is lacking

in its generic character, we shall wait for its presentation in a proper channel.

235. Miyαkea伽 tegrifoliαMrYABEET TATEWAKI, Contrib. Fl. N. Jap.

V. (1935), 2, jig. I, et ibid. VII. (1936), 256, jig. I2; HONDA, Norn. PL Jap.

( 1939), 97.

ん lsatillaintegrifolz"a TATEWAKI ET Ottwr, in MrYABE & TATEWAKI, I. c.,

(1935). pro syn.

乃必atz仰 inttg1柿 仰 MAKIKO, in Jissai Engei ( l 'ractical Horticulture),

XXVl. (19~0). 404, cum 2 fig.

Anemone integrifolia MAKINO, I. c.

NoM J AP. Hitotsuba-okmagusa.

Remarks. Dr. MAKINO in the same magazine expressed his view, that the

present species should better be transferred to the genus Pulsatilla, or considered

in a broad sense to the genus Anemone. He based his opinion on the ground,

that in the genera of Ranunculaceae there are often found among the species

belonging to the same genus those having the divided and undivided leaves.

But in the case of the present species the shape and character of the

radical leaves are so fundamentally di仔erentfrom those of the Pu!satilla・types

set forth by ZrMMERMANN1) as to justify us in considering it to belong to an

independent new genus. It reminds us of the case Hepatica in its relation to

(I) ¥VALTER ZIMMERMANN: Genetische Untersuchungen an Pu!satilla IV. Die Entwicklung des. Puよ'satt・'/!σ.BJattesals Grundfage fiir die Blattgenetik.-Flora, neue Fo~ge, Bd. 33・(1939), 456.


Anemone. As in正旬'aticathe leaves in our case are also coriaceous and lasting

over the winter.

Fig. 3・

Radical leaves of Miyakea int.伊 ifolia( x 3/4)

As shown in the accompanying自己ires,the radical leaves of 111iyakea are

simple, entire, elliptical-oblong or oval-oblong, with three prominent parallel

veins on the undersurface and often with less prominent one on each side toward

the margin. The three principal veins extend through the petiole down to its

dilatate base.


摘 要


229. エトロフハンノキ ケヤマハンノキとは滑告書ある棄の表面、 i架〈鉄事前jせざる葉縁、尾扶


230. ヒダカヤへガハ北海道に於てヤへガハカンパは十勝.多,,路、北見のー都に其の産を知

らる Lのみなり。先般帝室林野';l'.札幌支局技師大久保寛一氏と三年に亘る臼高新冠御料林調査中、


へ7l-'、と呼ぶ。ヤへガ,、カンパとは棄の側厭のー般に多きこと λ果鱗中央片の長きこと、又果鱗の


231. カラフトコパノツメクザ、ー名カラフトウスベzツメクザ 日本槌物に新漣加。樺太に


232. スガハラビランチ本種は先に Melandryumaffineとして報知せしものなれども、其後

の研究により Si!e11estenophyl/aなるととを認め此民主に訂正す。

233. ツルカラフトプシ ツルトリカプトはツノレカラ 7 トプシに同じ。

234. カラフトヒメヲタマキ シグノヲダマキなるものはカラ 7 トヒメヲダマキと同ーのもの



235. ヒトツバオキナグサ牧野博士はヒトツパオキナグサ腐 !Iii抑止m は寧ろ Pulsatil/a又

は Anemone属に入るべきものと考察せり。されEζ の類縁の分類には根出葉の形態は重要なる償



Cont rib. I' age Line

I. I. 6. nuda for nutans

I. I. 29・ 2-3 mm for 2-3 cm

I. 3・ 17. Rhododendron for Rhododendoron

IV. 382. 24. latifolia for latiforia.

VIII. 261. 9・ from for form

XII. I. 17. ovatum for ovata




Contributions I~XIV

A Contrib. No.

Ahies sachalinensis Fr.日ch巾.

var. corticosa Tatew.

Acer J》onic仰 Z Thmzb

叩 γ. SidJoldia郡 11nE+. e! Sav.

一一一一- Sieboldianum Miq.

var. yez田 nseM. et T.

Aconitum borealis Sugawarα

一一- gig<1s Nakai

一一一- karafutoense Miyabe et Nakai

一一一一,~·shi1in田e .T.αte盟.

一一一- sι加Ii:,世間ekα叩 akαmi

一一一一- sachalinense Fr. Schm.

var. all>il!orum M. et T.

一一一一一一←一一var.compactum M. et T.

一一←ー- Tatewakii Miyabe

←一一一一一-var. vegetum Miynbe


Actaea erythroc町paFisch.

var, leucocarpa M. et’r.

一一- sjicatαL.

vαγ. e,ッthγOCOJjα’・U1CZ,

T一一一←ー ←一一一- Vaγ. leucoεα1-pαLedeb.

Adenophora Ishiyamae M. et T.

一一- kurilensis Nakai

form, all>iflora Tatew.

一一一一- uryuensis M. et T.

一一一一 Uyemm・ae.A2引do

一一一一 YokoyamaeM. et’r. Ajuga shikotanensis M. et T.

Alnus austrokuγilensis

Tatewaki et Yoshimm・a

一一一一 hirsutaTurcz.

VI. 75

XI. 195

XI. 195

XIV. 233

¥'I. 79

XIV. 233

III. 26

nr. 26

VII. 105

III. 26

Vr. 79

vr. 79

VI. 79

III. 27

III. 27

III. 27

XI. 199

XIL 211

VI. 94

VI. 95

XI. 200

v. 70

XIV. 229

Contrib. No.

var. austrokurile1】sisM. et’r. XIV. 229

一一一 japonicaS, et Z.

var. arguta Call. VII l. 128

一一一- Maximowiczii Call.

form. grand』foliaM, et T. XII. 201

A/sine n1bella Wahlb. XIV. 231

一一一一一切官官αBa吋l.量.g.'acia揖sFe悼包i XIV. 231

Amitostigma Hisamatsui l¥I, et T. IX. 171

一一一一 KinoshitaiMiyabe et Kt11!.。、 IX. 171

Androsace Lehmanniana Spr. VH. II3

A悼dγomed.αRedm出 kiiCh剖n.et Sehl VI. 87

Anemone inte,rdjolia MaNno XIV. 235

一一一-11αrcissijl肘官Tatewaki et .A2'moto XII. 203


va1'. pedicellat is A~αkai XII. 203

一一一一一一一一 var.sachaiinensis

llfiyabεet Miyake xn. 203

一一- var. villosissima

p,, Schm. XIT. 203

一一一一 sachalinen•is Juzep XII. 203

一一一一_ stolonifera Maxim. xn. 204

一一一- Taraoi Takeda

vm. 11仰 on仰 Takeda II. 14

Aquilegia japonica Nakai et Hara,

ゐrm.Konoi 1¥1. et T. VIII. 130

一一一- pan•ijlo.γα DC. XIV. 234

parviflora Ledeh. IX. 155, XIV. 234

一一一- semiaquilegi,α S1~i;awrr官官 XIV. 234

一一- sylvarum humiiis G me/. XIV. 234

一一一- tha.i'ctγoides Schlecht. IX. 155

Aral》isl>orealis Anclrz. VIII. 137


一一一 GeranliBess.

Contrib. No. B

var. borea必 Regel VIII. 137 I 一一一 davuricaPall.

Betula avatschensis Komar. ‘ ... ・












一一一 GreatrexiiM. et T. IV. 45 I一一一一一- var. Okuboi M. et T. XIV. 230

一一一品世自問れ borenlisFedtsch. VIII. 137 I 一一一」~·rmanix B. joponi印品zenevaVIII. 129

-一一一 mediaN. Busch VII. 108 I 一一一- Ermani Cham.

Arenaria 1・11bell.αlloo!.'.

一一一- quadriva,b's R. Hγ.

一一一一- Redowskii Cham. et Sehl.

XIV. 231 I var. subglohosa M. et T. XI. 119

XIV. 231 I O忌ttboiTatewa!:i XIV. 230

VI. 77 I 一一一-platypそyllaxB.Er仰が品tit. VIII. 129

Aris:揖~ma amure,日eMz)'abe et Miyake xn. 213 I 一一- Tauschii Koidz. vm・.

一一一~ 1・ob1.回初出 Nakai叩 γ. I avatschensis .ffltj叩 beet Kttt1旬 、VIII.Iゆ

sacha!inense Miケabeet .A"t1do XII. 213 I 一一一一 YoshimuraeM. et T. X. 177

一ー~ sadoense Nakai


form.αγctica Ch山 11. 可I. 91

XII. 2 I 3 I Bupleurur

c 一一- vulgaris Willd. var. arctica Korn.

form. albiflora Tatew. VIII. 149

Calanthe okushirensis M. et ・1・-

Callianthemum sachalinense M. et T.

Callitriche Yerna し

form. elongata M. et T. VI. 91 I Can、panu ArtemisiσPallasiσ,aイzFisch. II. 19 I form. alliiflora ;¥I. et T.

Aruncus kamtschaticus Rydb. 一一一一 lasiocarpaCham.

var. tomentosa M. et’r. v. ts I 一一一一一一一一 form.albiilora Tatew.

一一一一 UyemuraeM. et T. 一一一- sylvesteγ Kostel.

℃αγ. tomentosα Koidz. V. もも I Copnorchis peregri.百α 0. Kuntze

Cardamine chirensis M. et T. Arundinel!a hirta 1、anaka

var. kutcharensis’ratew. VII. I 18 I - Grentrexii Niyabe et Kudo

Aspidium fa!cαtum .S切.

Va!’・ Fortuneiftlak. VIII. 125

Asplenium Ruta-muraria L. VJ. 73

℃arex dioicα L.℃αγ・Y・Ledeb.

一一一- dioicαL. vaγ. iD'叫ocγαtesOst目ザ・

Trichomanes L.

ー一一- viride Hudson

Aster Tsuneoi M. et T.

Astragalus d必w-gens・ fiト.et Sar•.

一一一- ca呼 estrisL.

一一一 fujrsanensisM. et T.

~ Yamamotoi M. et T.

一一一 yez慣 nsisE、tet T.

Azalea frag1官 nsAd,σH

一一一一~pa/IidaTt1ffz .


一一一- gynocrates ¥Vormsk.

nor~egia 、Villd.

VII. 102 I Carpinus cordata Bl.

x. 186

VII. 124

VI. 8o

III. 30

II. 17

II. 18

IV. 54

VI. 95

VII. 107

VIII. 138

IV. 45

JV; 56

IV. 56

IV. 56, IX. 168

IV. 57

叩 γ.pseudojaponicαH. Wink!. X. 178 VIII. 150

XII. 206 I 一一一一_ erosa Bl.

VIII. 143 I var. pseudo-japonica M. et T. X. 178

XI I. 206 I Cass岬 eRedowskii G. Don VI. 87

IV. 49 I 一一- tel川pna Kudo VI. 87

XI. 194 I Castillゆ pallidaKunth IV. 53

VI. 88 I Cerastium ci:iatum llonda X. 182

VI. 88 I 一一一一 lanthesWilliams X. 181


Contril>. No. Contrib. No.

一一一一一 mitsumorenseM. et T. x.山) - macro叫 umSw IV. 60

一一一ー一一一一 var.ovatum Miyabe Xll. 202 I 一一一’•1wcranthum S肌

一一←一一 orochonorum’J'atew. 丸II.103 I var・speciosumKoidz. XII. 215

一一一一- ri,hirense M. et T. V. 62 I -一一一一一一- vm. ven!t icosum

一一一 Tatewa¥1iMiyabe

Chamaepericlymenum canndense Aschers.

x. 183 I あ.et Sav. XII. 215

一一一- specio叩 m Rolfe

et Graebn. form. purpurascens M. et T. IX. 158 I 一一一 Thun加苫iiλi<1ts11,ノ2

Cht:lonopsis moschata M叫 lCyrtomium Fortun‘ei J.Sm.

var. jessoensis M. et T. X. 188

一一- Yagiharana品 sauchiet Matsuno I D

仰れ jessoensisKo的. X. 188 I Dactylo山!ix巾 gensRchb. f.

XII. 215

xn. 215 VIII. 125

Chrysanthemum arcticum L. I form. punctata M. et T. IX. 172

var. integrifolium Tatew. VI. 96 I Dicentra lachenaliσ5β0 一一一一 i向勾〈玄1ifol1um Tate官(I VI. 96 I 一一一一 pe1・egrinaF台イLん VII. 107

一一一一 PallasianumKomar. II. 19 I 一一一一 peregrinaI』1akino VII. 107

C!adrastis Bue伊 1iKomm・. XU. 208 I - tenuグo!iaLeJeb. VII. 107

一一一一 σ111111'

M 凡 Bue,苫申riM才訓'm. XII. 208 I 一一一 tenuifo!iσDC. VII. 1 0 7

Cnidi,,,ρz Tac hi

Coptis trifolia Salish. 一一一一一 mongolicaTurcz. IV. 47

var. semiplana M. et T. V. 63 I 一一一- ussuriensis Pohle

ー一一一一 daisetsuensisTatewα託

Cornus canadensis L.

一一一一一 controversaHems!.

正こもτtusai叫sularisM. et T.

一一一 jozanaM. et T.

一一一一- Matthioli J午γ. Schm.

一一一- sachalinensis A. Los.

v. 63

IX. 158

VIII. 148

form. plena M. et T. VIII. 139

E XI II. 221 I Echinospermum dtjlexum Lehn. XII[. 219 I Epigaea asiatica Maxim.

XIII. 220 I Epipogum aphyllurn Swartz XIII. 220 I Eriger.偶 g!abr,αt制 Nakai

III. 33

XlII. 218

I!. 25

VIII. 150

一一一一一- var. congesta M. et T. XIII. 220 I一一-g!.必ratusHoppe et Hor町 ch.

一一一一- var. yezoensis M. et T. XIII. 220 I vm・. angustifolium Tatew. Vlll. 150

一一一- sibirica Andrz.

var. insularis M. et T.

Cory clα!is lαchenaliaejlo;γα Fisch.

一一一 tenuザoli,αP削減

Cypripedium Calceolus L.

←一一一 cm・diophyllmnFiγ. et Sav.

一一一- debile Reichb.

一一一 japonicumTl unb.

一一一一- Tsuneoi Tatew.

XIII. 221 I Eriocaulon Miquelianum Koern.

VII. 107 I Eriophorum alpinum L,

日I.107 I Erythronium japonicum Makino

u. 24

VI. ~8 I F

¥ I. 98 I Fritillaria camt!chatcensis Ker-Gawl.

VIII. 150

IX. 169

II. 23

VIII. 152

XIII. 226 var, flavescens Makino IV. 58















Contrih. No.

VII. 107 I H団 taatro凹r戸時aNakai

Contrib. No.

VII. 107


form. albiftora Tatew. III. 39


form. albift町 aTatew. III. 40

Gentiana yuparensis’J'akeda I Hovenia dulcis Tbunb.

forma albiflora II. 16 I var. glabra Makino VIII. 147

Geranium erianthum DC. I Hydrangea paniculata Sieb. var. angnsti制 iumM. et T. vm. 144 I v町.thermalis M. et T. X. 184

一一一均•t1bei Nt1kni VIII. 145 I Hymenophyllum Wrightii v. D. Vosch n. 10

-一一- yezoense Fr. et Sav. var. genuinum

Tatew. form. albiftorum Tatew. VII£. 145

form. lobato・dentatum’fatew. VII£. 145

一一一一一一一一 var.pseudo-palustre Nakai

form. leucanthum Tatew. VIII. 145

四九 lobatoti切tt1tum7akedt1 VIII. 145

Glaucidium palmatum S. et Z.

form. monocar凹m M. et T. XI. 192

form. paradoxum M. et T. XI. 192

一一一一part1doxu1nMt1ki・no XI. 192

Gymnnndm Stelle1i Chnm. et Sehl. I. 9


Ht1伽 a巾 linearifoliaMaxim.

四九 b1・achycent1・t1Hartl IX. 173

一一一 yezoensisHara

var. longicalcarata M. et T. IX. 173

Hierochloe borea/is A. Grny IX. 166

一一一一 BungeanaTrio. IX. 166

一一一- odort1ta A今•t1be et A砂ake IX. 166

一一一一- odorata W t1hlb.

四九 pubescensKtヴ・I. IX. 166

一一一- odorata var. sacha/ine,,訂正rPrintz IX. 166

一一一一- odorata vaれ Traut・日 ・tteriann

V. Petr. IX. 166

一一一一一 T1官utvetterianaV. Petr. IX. 166


!lex Fauriei Makino v町.laevis Tatew. VIII. 146

一一一一一一一- var. rug•自由 Tatew. VIII. 146

form. ovata Tatew. VII£. 146

一一一- int,伊官 Thunb.

四九 let1coclt1dt1Maxim. IX. 156

一一一一 leucocladaMakino

var. angnstifolia M. et T. IX. 156

一一一- rugiJSa Fr. Schm.

vaれ FaurieiLoesn. VIII. 146

J Juncus stygius L.

一一一一 triglumisL.

VII. n9

VI. 97

funiperr1s chinensis L.

切れ Sm;gentiiH切り, x. 176

一一- Sargentii Takeda X. 176


Kinugasa japonica Tatewaki et Suto

var. tomentosa M. et T. VII. 120


Lactuca tri叩 gulataMaxim. IX. 161

1略 ・otisgt.郁 εα Gaetrn.sttbs.企・

borealis Maxim.制 γ.Stelleri Trau払 I. 9

一一一_ Stelleri Rupr.

var. yez冊目sisM. et T. I. 9


Contrih. No. Contrib. No.

一一一一一 TakedanaM. et T.


Lappula dellexa Garcke

1. s I 一一- pumila IIult.

I. 9 I Micromeria yezoensis M. et T. III. 33 I Minuartia verna

IX. I白

v. 71

Lathyrus japonicus Willd. ¥ var. P.昨 he/laSugawara XIV. 231

form. albiflora Tatew. VII. 109 I 一一- rubella G日 ebn. XIV. 231

Lepigonum lei田'f>er11t1111tKindb.

Lepisorus Onoei Ching

XIII. 216

VI. 74

Lespedeza bicolor 'l urcz. var. typica Maxim.

form. albiflora Tatew. XII. 207

Li邑usticumHu!lenii Feru.

form. incisa M. et T. XII. 209

Miteila nuda L. I. I

Miyakea M. et T. V. 64

Miyakea integrifolia M. et T.

V. 64, VIII. 131, XIV. 235

吟 osotisdef!.

I信nstrumYuhkianum Koidz. [ N

var. glabr回 censTatew. IX. 159 I Nepeta subsessilis Maxim. var. yezoensis

Liparis auriculata Bl. ・ IX.174 I Fr. et Sav. form. albiflora Tatew. ¥"II. II5

一一一- yakushime加 eiWasa,間M

Listera major Nakai

一一一- Savぱieri.lYJaxim.

一一一- Y atabei Makino

Lithospermum kamc間 ticumTu;γCZ.

IX. 174

IX. 175 I 0 IX. 175 I Osmotham;制 1sfragrans DC.

IX. 175 I pallidt日 DC.

IX. 160 I Uxycoccus micr田町pusTurcz.

VI. .88

VI. 88

III. 32

Lobelia radicans Thunb. VII. I 16 I -一一-paルsttisPe1す. ~· pusillus Duna/. III. 32

一一_ sessihfolia Lamb. VII. II7 I 一一- pusi/.向 Nakai III. 32

Ludwigia parviflora Roxb. , III. 31 I Oxytropis campestris DC. VIII. 143

Lychnis,ヂnisメVahl VI. 78 [一一一 hidaka-montanaM. et T. I. 4

Lycopodium cryptomerinum Maxim. II. 13 Iー←一 KudoanaM. et T. I. 3


Maackia仰山付加isR’ttjw. et Maxim. τソσr.Bt1e1:i:e1’i C.RてSchn. XII. 208

一一一一 Buergeri Tatew. XII. 208

Manist11 is latij’olia Ktze. 切れ foliataHonda VI. 55

Melandryum affme J. Vahl VI. 78

-一一- ajfine M. et T. XIV. 232

一一一- sacha!mensis M. et T.

一一一- shokanbetsuensis M. et T.

一一一- yezoensis Nakai

VII. I 10

VJ. 86

form. albi日oraM. et T. I. 5


Papaver alboroseum Hult. VIII. 132

一一一一一一一一 var.elongatum Hult. VIII. 132 . 一一一一 hidaka・alpinumM. et T.

一一一- Kawashimae M. et T.

IX. 154 I aljinum L. vm. miCJ・ocaヴtlfll

VII. 104 I Ka却。kami VIII. 133

Mertensia kamtschatica DC. IX. 160 I 一一一 P'aurieiFedde VIII. 133

-panict,山崎山 ぉ IX・160 I --一一- Miyabeanum Tatew. V. 66, VIII. 134

歩α前 向tα Don. \一一一制品mt!e.lJ.:fakino 可III.133

Uαγ. pt必escensKudo IX. I加\ 一一一- nudicaule .lYiatsum. VIII. 134


Conlrib. No. I Conlrib. No.

一一- nzulicaule L. su,勾.xant均的lttt!' I Polypodium hastatum Thunb.

Fedde, var. Fattバd Fedde VIII. 133 form. pygmaea Maxim. II. 12


vaれ Fatt月'eiY・atew. VIII. 134 宅3αγ.o棺'Oeilff,α/;i,,回、V'I. 74


var. shimshirense M. et T. V. 66, Vllf. 134 Taked,α VI・ 74

一十一一一 Onoei Fγ. et Sav. VI. 74

var. typicum Fedde V. “l一一- senane相 eMaxim. v. 61

\ 一一- tri:fidmll I+. et Sa<'. v. 61

var. ".p, 制る肱 etT. VIII. 136 I 一一一 V耐 hiiBak. v. 61

一一一蹴die側 leL. I Po砂前加m .Fortttnei Nakai VIII. 125

切 れんmieiKudo VIII. 132 I Poteotilla a伊 ieosisNakai

一一一一一- vaれ kudlenseTatew. VIU. 132 I var. yupareosis M. et T. IV. 48


form・pilosumTateτv. VTIT. 132 I 叩れ zmijloraG . .Don VIII. 142

ーー四h悦 oseA. Tolm. VIII. 135 I - Mt伽,,,,,,’M Wo.グ

一一- Stubeodorfii A. Tolm. VIII. 136 I var. J''抑 rensisKudo IV・ 48

Parapyrola jゆ•nica λA・q. XIII. 218 I一一一如何 L.vm.問。1/01官 Rydo』必 VIII. 142

-!tich仰 rpail'Ii・q. XIII. 218 I一一山aL. v肌 yuparensisM. et T. XII. 205

Paris h捌 phyllaCham. |一一- un凶1iflo》raI』de!

form. purpurea M. et T. X. 189 I 一一- vil/osa Pall. vaιu巧floraLedeb. VIII. 142

Pedicularis capitata Adams m. 34 ! 一一- yttfaren.ris if.よ d T. XII. 205

Plwca catnj>estris Wαhlb. VIII. 143 I Polystichttm ja/catum Diels


Pilea llama。iMakino IV. 43 ! Primula borealisυuby VI. 90

Pioguicula glandul。saTr此v.et Mey VI. 92 i一一一 cur】eifoliaI』deb.

Piao ta甚oTog踊 hiiM. et T. VI・ 93 I var. taoigawen由.Tatew. VII. II4

Poa bracteosa Komar.

Poa ochotensis Trin.

Pogonia japooica Reichb. f.

v. 72 I一一一fi1rinosaL.四郎出所1rinosaPax

IX.均 i 仰れ gen

一一一←一一一一 sz,』ヂ.x.σ担tho,β毛y/,' a

form. pallesceos Tatew. IV. 59 li"'itaga却 a XIII. 222

Polemonium coeruleum L. I -一一一一一一- vaれ ・Fauriae1"1iyabe V. 69

var. racemo‘um .Miyabe et Kudo IV. 52 I '--一一一一- var. luteo-ja,ィnosa

Polygonatum m吋iohracte山 m Ohwi j R伊 J XIII. 222

var. yezoe田 eM. et T; IX. 170 j - var. x制 hophylla

一- yezoense Tatew. IX. 170 11 Trai山.et Mey. XIII. 222

Polygonum ctt.伊'datmll」'iieb.et Zucc. X. 180 I 一一_ Fauriae Franch.

一一- Re卯 outriallfaki'no x. 180 form. albi':lora Tatew. V. 69


一一一- Hisauchii M. et T.

kamuioa M. et T.

Matsumurae Petit.

Contrib. No.

XIII 223 I parviおl

XII. 210 I 一一一-戸宮,吃tijlort11nF占a Schm.

XIII. 224 I 一一一一 Redo、高sl色iar】uml』Iaxim.

一一一一一一 form.albiflora Tatew. XIII. 224 I RilJes horrid11m Rupr.

一一一一ー旬祖d白 taBi.目. et JI.loo.γe 一一一 /acusf1e .J.叩 cz.

V{lれ FauriaeTakeda V. 69 I Rottboellia latifolia Steucl.

modesta Bisset et Moore ! Rumex gramini削 iusLamh.

var. shikoku-montana M. et T. XIII. 225 I Ruppia marifl'・maL. sttbsjJ.・spiralis

Contrib. No.

I. 7

I. 7

VI. 8g

VI. 83

VI. 83

IV. 55

VI. 76

ー- sibi巾 αJacq.vaγ. borea/is ] Aschers. et Graebn. II. 20

F.品 1rtz 札 90 I一一一一一- var. sがralisHegi II. 20

一一一 sorachianaM. et T. I. 6 I sprralis L. IL 20

Prunus Sargentii Rehd.

var. pubescens Tatew. V. 67 I S

一一一一一一一- var. intermedia Tatew. V. 67 I Sabina Sargenlit M. et T. X. 176

? Pulmonaria pumila Schran止 IX.16o I Salix berberifol』aPall.

Pulsatilla angust¥folia Turcz. I var. Kimurana M. et T. VI. 100, VIII. 126

var. nip戸nicaTakeda II. 14 I 一一一一 Kim町 anaM. et ’r. vm. 126 一一- integri.folia Makino XIV. 235 I - ye脱出isKimura VIII. 127

一一- integrifolia Tate"'dJαki et O加丘 Samhucus Huergeriana Bl.

V. 64, XIV. 235 var. Hiraii M. et T. XI. 198

一一一←前後舎柑icα Oh:明 i II. 14 一一一 一一一一二 var.platyphyl!a M. et T. XI. 198

一一一- Sugawarai M. et T. V. 65 Sasa Arikai M. et T. III. 36

Pyrethrttm Pallasiαnum llfaxim. II. 19 一一一 hhiharaeTatewaki xr. 168

一一一一一 JaminataTatewaki et Tomooka XIII. 227

Q rivu¥aris Nakai

Quercus serrala Thunb. IX. 153 var. hispidu¥a Tatew. III. 37

一一一一 tokatiensisTatewaki et

R Yoshimura XII. 212

Ranunculus acer L. su勾.j.ψonicus I 一一一 Yasokichii’l'atewakiet

一一←- hyperboreus Rottb.

一←- subcorymbosus Komar.

Reynoutria japonica Houtt.

Rhododendron Adamsii Rehd.

一一一- Anthopogon C. B. C!m’ke

-ー← fragra悶 il1axim.


一一一-palust.γe Titrcz.

正元,It. VI. 81 i Tomooka XIII. 228

IIr. 28 i Sasamorpha borea/is λ'akai VI. 81 I 一一一一 Jasioclada’J'atew.

X.山|一一 purpura配 ens刷 mi

IX. 165

IX. 164

VI. 88 I V肌 borealisNakai 民向

VI. 88 I 円九u田ureaI王liar

VI 肱: ~古axifr a l》racteataD. Don I. 2, II. 15

vr. 88 I 一一一 laciniata’fakedaet Nakai VI. 84

I. 7 I Yoshimurae M. et T. XI. 193


Contrib. No. Cootrih. No.

おdum砂,bridumTrautv. et崎,,.

一一一 l¥liddeodor伍aoumMaxim.

ー一一一 yezoeo田 M.et T.

VIII. 141 I - m・仰SMれ elatum 'Mijabe Vil. 106

VIII. 141 I -一一一一一一切れ nant11i1品 tdo VII. lo6

IV. 46 I ー← 一一一向れ印刷抑 Franch. VII. lo6

Seseli y・achiroeiFト.et Sav.

Sbortia magoa Makino

Xl. 197 I一一一一仰れ kemenseP,泊 s . VII. lo6

VII. 112 I一一一抑rcijlormnTurcz. III. 29

一一- soldanelloides ./Jlal.-ino j - Thunbe1;,rrii 1'atew. . . Vil. 106

Vllれ附ognalYla/..ino VII. 112 ! - Thunbe材開れ tenuipes.Nakai VII・M

Sieversia peotapetala Greene

form. pleoa l¥I. et T. Vi. 85

Sileoe grnminzJolia mれ stenophylla

Trat1tv. XIV. 232

一一- Kawashimai M. et T. VI. 99, VII. 104

一一一- steoopbylla Ledeb. XIV. 232

一一- tenttis c. pauc伊h Rohrb.

Sium Niosi L.

XIV. 232

IX. 157

III. 38

一一一- yesoense Tatew. vu. 100

Thlaspi japooicum Boi掴・

var.掴 gittatumM. et T. VJir. 140

Tiliogia Tachiroei Kitagawa Xl. 197

Trientalis europaea L.

var. ramosa M. et T. X. 187

? Tdentalis 1・amosa Koitlz, X. 187

Trillium nmabile M. et T. X. 190

- Hagae M. et T. ・ Vll.121 Spathyema ni録制ticaMa.量ino

Speγ-gula leio.抑 制 Fr.Sch肱

Spergularia leiosp,副 官IllNym.

XIII. 216 I 一一一一 kamtschaticuml'all.

XIII. 216 I form. violaceum M. et T. XII . .214

一一一時正nab. typica ot. leios:夕刊協 一一一 var.kurilense'’l'atew. VII. 122

Graebn. XIII. 216 i 一一一一 TschonookiiMaxim.

一一←- canina Ii. leiosperma Hartm. XIII. 216

一一一_ salina d. lei・ospennaGt1e1’h XIII. 216

一一一一 lei国 permaFr. Schm. XIIL 216

Statice Armeri'a L. ~· 01叫 "caLedeb. VI. 91

Stellaria fl1・ieseana Sb’・ IV. 44

一一_ /,明g併'liaTakeda . IV. 44

一一一一 mosquensisM. Bieb. IV. 44

Suga即削官m semiaquilegia』ゐE「ino ・ι XlV. 234

Symplocarpu~ nipponicus Makino Ill. 38

T Tanacetum Pallasia.百:imiTrm雪印. et }}fey・ II. 19

Tnraxacum nambuense H. Koidz. IX. 162

1・axuscuspidata Sieb・etZucc.

var. luteo-baccata M. el T. IV. 41

Thalictrum nlpioum L.

一一一- kemense Fries


YI. 82

VII. 106

VII. 106

var. atrorubens M. et T. VII. 123

u じImusJaciniata Mayr var. laevigata

lnoku:na form .. yezoe田 isM. et T. X. 179

v Vaccinium microcarpum Schmalh. III. 32

Vallisneria spiralis L. II. 22

Veronica 必itamianaTate世. III. 35

ー一一一一 Schmidti姐 aRegel

var. lineariloba M. et T. III. 35

Viola 』/anti,σKt1tlo IV. 50

一一一一 er師団 Makino

var. shikkeosis M. et T. X. 185

-一一一 HaraeM. et T. XIII. 217

Hultenii、N.Beckr. IV. 50

一一一_ kamtschadalorum Beckr. et Hult.

var. pubescens M. et T. XI. 196


Contrib. No. Contrib. No.

一一一_ mutsrunsis Becker vaれ fλTa/mi XIII. 217 I 一一一一 form.albiflo悶 Tatew. VII. I I I

一一一府間的 Maxim.

切れ yez印刷 II.Rも£dz. ¥'I[. II I J Z

-一一_ sachalinensis Boiss. I Zannicbelliapa/ustris L. SU句・gentti,加 Asεhers.et Gγαebn. mγ.αゆnaIIara XIII. 217

一一一一~ SelkirkiiPursh 型αγ.npens Aschers. et Graelm. II. 21

var. albiflora Nakai IV. 51 I 一一一←一一- var. repens Koch II 21

一一一一 teshi田 nsisM. et T. ¥'II. II I i一 円ψensB oenn. II 2 I


Aiashi IV. 55 Edauchi-tsumatorisi'i x. 187

Apoi-nzumagiku VIII. 150 Etorofu・hannoki XIV. 229

Apoi tachitsubo-sumire XIII. 217

Araito-hinageshi VIII. 132 F Ar手ito-kohamagusa VI. s6 Fushige-sounzasa III. 37

Atsumoriso XII. 215 Fugire-yezof1白ro VIII. 145

Awo・cha日 nshida VII. 102 F田 hige-yukawazasa XII. 212

Azemushiro VII. u6


c Gi~oshiran IX. 174

Chabo-mitsude-uraboshi II. 12 Goki IV. 55

Chabo miyamakimbai IV. 48

Chanai-zasa IX. 163 証

Chasen shida II. II, VII. IOI Hai hikinokasa III. 28

Chirie hatazao VIII. 137 Hari-叫guri VI. 83

Chishima-hinageshi V. 66, VIII. 134 Hidaka・genge I. 3

Chishima-itowi VII. 119 Hidaka・miyamano-endo I. 4

Chishima-kozakura VII. 113 Hidaka-yamazakura V. 67

l.hishima-mizutombo IX. 173 Hidaka-yayegawa XIV. 230

Chishima-nagahagusa V・ 72 Hime-karamatm VI. 82

Chishima-usubasumire IV. 50 Hime-nokishinohu VI. 74

Chojitade III. 31 日ime-tsurukokemomo III. 32

Chosen awagoke Il'I:. zo I Iime-uzura-hitoharan IX. 172

Chosen-kokemomo III. 32 Hime-yamahanaso VI. 84

Hime-zazenso III. 38


Contrib. No. Contriu. No.

Hina-kirinso VIII. 141 Kanchi-suge IV. 56, IX. 168

Hiroha-jakoso X. 188 Kanchi-u>hio tsurnekusa XIII. 216

Hiroha-rnitsurnori-rnirninagusa XII. 202 Karafuto・ atsurnoriso II, 24

日irohayezo niwatoko XL 198 Karafuto harnal三anzashi VI. 91

Hisarnatsu-chidori IX. 171 Karafuto-himeodarnaki IX. 155, XIV. 234

Hitotsuba-kohamagusa VI. 96 Karafuto-binageshi V. 66, VIII. 136

Hitotsuba-okinagusa V. 64, VIII. 131, XIV. 235 Kara!uto-hirohatenuansδ XII. 213

Hitotsuba-okinagusa・ zoku v. 64 Karafuto・ iwahige VI. 87

Hitotsurni shiraneaoi XI. 192 Karafuto-iwamur田 aki III. 33

Horotoso VI. 95 I王arafuto・karamatsu III. 29

Hosoba-hirnemochi IX. 156 Karafuto-kobano・tsurnekusa XIV. 231

Hosoba-himesuiba VI. 76 Karafuto-komakusa VII. 107

Hosoba-no・araitohinageshi VIII. 132 Karafuto-rnegiyanagi VI. 100, VIII. 126

E王国oba-no-C'hishimafiiro VIII. 144 Karafuto-miyama-biranji VI. 99, VII. 104

Hosoha-no-kikubakuwagata III. 35 Karafuto・mi} amahakohe VI. 77

Ho田 l》a-urupso I. 9 Karafuto-mi yaina-batazao VII. 108

Hosobιyezo・niwatoko XI. 198 Karafuto-mi yarn a・ ichige VI. 8o

Hotei-atsumori IV. 6o Karafuto nuyama-~omosomo IX. 167

Hoteiso XIII. 226 Karafuto・miyamatsutsuji VI." 88

Karafuto-nominofusuma IV. 44

I Karafuto oyama-no endo VII. 110

IchO-shida VI. 73 Karaf uto・ sakurasomodoki XIII. 220

I nu-en JU XII. 208 Karafuto senkwas凸 XII. 203

Inn-no hanahige IX. I句 Karafuto suge I'./. 57

Ishinara IX. 153 Karafuto-takanesumire x. 185

Ishizuchi-kozakura XIII. 225 Karafuto-urnjirokimbai VIII. 142

Iso-obako VI. 93 Karafuto usuber】itsumekusa XIV. 231

Itadori x. 18o Karilia-ohgi IV. 49

Iwa-giky凸 II. r8 Kasl11po-。'kmaと:usa v. 65

Iwa-nashi XIII. 218 Kaoteris<"i IV. 53

Iwa-uiky<"i XI. 197 Katakuri VIII. 152

Kawashima-kozakura VI. 90

J I k…ori凶sugi x. 184

Ji dake IX. 165 Kemponashi VIII. 147

Kenashi-mi yam a-kimpoge VI. S1

玄 Ke ohba-tachitrnbosumire • XI. 196

Kamui-1》irangi IX. 154 Ketoi-miminagusa x. 183

Kamui・ kozakura XII. 210 Ke-yezo・yamazakura v. 67


Contrih. No. Contrili. No.

Kibana・ kuroyuri IV. 58 Mizu IV. 43

Kimi-no・onko IV. 41 Mizuki VIII. 148

Kireha・maruba-toki XII. 209 J¥fukago ninjin IX. 157

Kita-itokuzumo II. 21 Muraki-gozentachibana IX. 158

Kitami-zasa IX. 164 Murasaki kurumaba-tsukubaneso x. 189

Kiyosato-k。zakura XIII. 223 Murasaki-momenzuru XII. 206

KiyoshisO I. 2, II. 15

Ko今atsumori VI. 98 N

Koba IX. 166 Nambu・shirotampopo IX. 162

K吋ima-en陀 iso X. I伊 Narukoso VIII. 138

Koke-shinobu II. IO Naruko・tohiren VIII. 151

Konara IX. 153 Naruko yukinoshita XI. 193

Ko苧onoore IV. 42 Nejiri-kawatsurumo II. 20

Kumagaiso XIII. 226 Noruge・suge IV. 57

Kumoma-tsutsuji VI. 89 Notoro-zasa XIII. 228

Kumoma-yukinoshita VI. 84

Kuromi-no-harisuguri VI. 83 。Kuromιnominofusuma IV. 44 Ohba-miyama-hannoki VII. 201

Kuromi-no-obanaenreiso VII. 122 Oh-iwakagarni Vil. II2

Kushiro-haoashinobu IV. 52 Oh-kibana-atsumoriso II. 24

Kutcharo-todashiba VII. 118 Oh・sawashiba x. 178

Oh・tsurutsuge VIII. 146

M Oka-murasaki III. 33

Maruba-charurneruso I. I Oku iwainchin II. 19

Maruha・ mushitori・ sum ire VI. 92 Okushiri-otsurutsuge VIII. 146

Maruua-no-ohtsurutsuge VIII. 146 Okushiri-yebine VII. 124.

Marumi-dakekamba XI. 191 Okuyezo・shirakamba VIII. 129

Mashike genge VI. 86 Onibada-todomatsu VI. 75

Matsurnae-rnirninagusa x. 181 Oni-yamabukishotna v. 68

.Matsumae-shajin XI. 199 Orochon-rniminagusa VII. I口3

Migiwa-hakobe III. 30 Oshima-tanetsukebana IV. 45

Mitsurnori-mirninagusa x. 182


Miyama ga四 gara IV. 53 Paramushiro・shkigama III, 34

型iyama・sagi叩 ge II. 23

Miyama urahoshi v. 41 R Miyama-uikyo XI. 197 Rebun kozakura XIII. 224

Mizo kakushi VII. 116 Rehun-sakuras3modoki XIII. 220


Contrib. No.

Rishiri bushi III. 26

Rishiri-hinageshi VIII. 133

Rishiri-miminagusa v. 62

Rishiri-odamaki VIII. 130

Rukutama・kamba x. 177

s Sado・tennans凸 XII. 213

Sakai-tsutsuji I. 7

Sakurasi¥-modoki XIII. 220

Sanrinso XII. 204

Sawa-gikyo VII. 177

SekishOmo II. 22

Shikka-hinageshi VIII. 135

Shikotan-tsurukakosa v. 70

Shiraoi-enreiso VII. 121

Shiratori shajin VI. 94

Shirayama-uikyo XI. 197

Shiro!泊nachishima-gikyo II. 17

Shirobana chishima-shajin XII. 211

Shirobana-hama-end凸 VII. 109

Shirob:rna-hamafilro VIII. 145

Shirobana-iwagikyo IV. 54

Shirobana karafutobushi VII. 105

Shirobana-karafuto-hamakanzashi VIII. 149

Shirobana miyam踊umire IV. 51

Shirobana-rebun-kozakura XIII. 224

Shirobana tachi-gib&hi III. 40

Shirobana-teshiosumire VII. III

Shirobaua-tokiso IV. 59

Shirobana・yachi-gゐl)shu III. 39

Shirob姐 ayezofilro VIII. 145

Shirobana-yezo-misogawaso VIII. II5

Shirohana・ yezo-oyaman司 ndo T. 5

Shirobana-yezo yamahagi XII. 207

Shirobana-yubari-rindo II. 16

Shirobana-yukiwarikozakura v. 69

Shiromi-no・ruiyashOma III. 27

Shizuno odamaki





T Tagobo

Takane・ futabaran















u u回 ge-kinugasaso


Usuiro ohbana enreiso






Y aezaki-mitsubaworen




Contrib. No.

XIV. 234

XIII. 222

I. 6

VI. 78, XIV. 232

II. 13

III. 31

IX. 175


VIII. 143

IX. 16o


VIII. 140



XIII. 221

x. 186

XI. 200

XII. 204

II. 25

II. 14

III. 29

VII. 120

VII. 1o6

XII. 214

vm. 125 VIII. 128


IV. 42

v. 63

VIII. 141

VI. 85

VIII. 139


Contrib. No. 白 otrib.No.

Yezo-aoi XI. 192 Yezo咽且0・sakar錨 llmodoki XIII. 219

Y ezo hakasaoichige XII. 203 Yezo・notaitsariohgi XI. 194

Y目。-hamaibota IX. 159 Yezo-no・terihaohyo x~ x79

Yezo hannoki VIII. 128 Yezo・reijinsa VI. 79

Yezo・hi皿.ehakka v. 71. Yezo・関sadake IX. 165

Yezcトmisぬaya IV. 46 Ye却-urajiro・kimbai XII. 205

Y田0・no-awoisamire VII. III Yezo・wanigucbisll IX. 170

Yezo-no・itayameigetsn XI. 195 Yobito・zasa XIII, 227

Yezo・m・iw鎚 az岨 a IV. 47 Yoroiran VI. 74

Yezo-no・k加nyanagi VIII. 1勾 Ynbari-kimbai IV. 48

Y回 0・no・miyama-enreisO VII. 123 Ynb町i-llll I. 8

Yezo・no・llreijinsll VI. 79 Yuk町 a-z制 HJ. 36


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TAKAKUWA, Y.-Weitere japanische Lithobius-Arten und zwei neue Diplo-

pod en.…...・H ・--…...・ H ・.....・ H ・.....・ H ・.....・ H ・Itt t t ・ H ・........・H ・•• I

HAYASI, B.ーSomeMorphological Observations of Rumpless Fowls.……… IO

HIRATSUKA, N.-Uredinales of Okinawa Island. (Contributions to the Rust-

日oraof Eastern Asia III) ....・H ・.....・ H ・......・ H ・......・H ・.....・H ・.. 16

TERUI, M.-η'}hula j'aponica n. sp. Isolated from Decayed Leaves of the

Rape Plant .......・H ・-…-……...・ H ・・・・・….......・ H ・H ・H ・.....・ H ・----- 40

MrYABE, K. and TATEWAKI, M.ーContributionsto the Flora of Northern

Japan XIV ....・ H ・.....・ H ・H ・H ・--……...・ H ・.....・ H ・H ・H ・IIt t t・H ・--… 49

目 次



林 文平一遺惇的無尾鶏の形態事的研究


