OP W i>FRTC«?J NATIONAL CFTCSPoS CT TtlS . OCCASION 0? HT?? JANUARY 190^t HELI\TJICT • ‘ ** *’ 1_ L-, . by cokhapb pnssrogiT o. R* tactq*. ' .'J-VH '• . 286 Compatriots, ( »4 . As the New Year begins, and on the oooaaion of the 74th anniversary of your vanguard movement, the Afrioan National CongTeas^ we extend *0 you cor norm revolutionary greetings. Yfe calute you also in the name o*. the people 3 .ftrny ybkhontc ^e Siawa* • * ». « Wo apeajc to you fully awafre of the immense responsibility that rests on all of ua. \o make the apartheid system of oppression and exploitation, repression and aggression a thing of the past. It is our singular honour that vs have been oharged with the serious responsibility to point the way fonexd in the oaaing pericd. He approaoh this task with the same seriousness that has inspired you as you launched oountiess heroio mas battles during the year that has juat ended# _ . • . * fta caasage of that year,, the Year of the Cadre, is simple and yet momentous. It is that the end of the criminal system of apartheid is in sight. Nearly four decades of illegal rule by the heirs of Hitler is coming to a close and with it, oenturies of oolonial and raoist riiite minority domination. There is nothing that the Pretoria regime can do that oan ohange this historio Outcome of our struggle* Our uninterrupted forward man oh has thrown the apartheid ^fstom into an enormous general orisis. A central feature of this orisis is the rebellion of millions of our people against the criminal system. Even the most stubborn raoist can new see that wa are no longer prepared to live as slaves and are determined to liberate ourselves whatever the price wa have to pay in human livesi Bealising that power is slipping our of its hands, the Botha regime oould not rule in the old « y any longer. Hence it has adopted now and mare brutal ways of governing our country to save itaolf from do atrunt ion. flio'se ioluie the proclamation of martial law, handing over administration Of largo areas of cur oountry to the muiderous army and polioo, tho use of ooorot death cqunda, the anaasoination of our leaders, massacres, mass arrests, stringent control of tho press, continuing external oggreesiai end tho murder of our pooplo outside our oountry. */• .....

TJICT • ‘ * * *’ 1 L-, .'J-VH • • '• . 286...Doopito thooa extraordinary measured-cl© oignod -to aofo guard-ro

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Page 1: TJICT • ‘ * * *’ 1 L-, .'J-VH • • '• . 286...Doopito thooa extraordinary measured-cl© oignod -to aofo guard-ro


. OCCASION 0? HT?? JANUARY 190^t HELI\TJICT • ‘ * * *’ 1 _ L-, •

. by cokhapb pnssrogiT o. R* tactq*. ' . ' J - V H

• • '• . 2 8 6 Compatriots,

(»4 • .

As the New Year begins, and on the oooaaion of the 74th anniversary of your

vanguard movement, the Afrioan National CongTeas^ we extend *0 you cor norm

revolutionary greetings. Yfe calute you also in the name o*. the people 3

.ftrny ybkhontc ^e Siawa* • * ».


Wo apeajc to you fully awafre of the immense responsibility that rests on all

of ua. \o make the apartheid system of oppression and exploitation, repression

and aggression a thing of the past. It is our singular honour that vs have

been oharged with the serious responsibility to point the way fonexd in

the oaaing pericd. He approaoh this task with the same seriousness that has

inspired you as you launched oountiess heroio mas battles during the year that

has juat ended#

_ . • . *

fta caasage of that year,, the Year of the Cadre, is simple and yet momentous.

It is that the end of the criminal system of apartheid is in sight. Nearly

four decades of illegal rule by the heirs of Hitler is coming to a close and

with it, oenturies of oolonial and raoist riiite minority domination. There

is nothing that the Pretoria regime can do that oan ohange this historio

Outcome of our struggle*

Our uninterrupted forward man oh has thrown the apartheid ^fstom into an

enormous general orisis. A central feature of this orisis is the rebellion

of millions of our people against the criminal system. Even the most stubborn

raoist can new see that wa are no longer prepared to live as slaves and are

determined to liberate ourselves whatever the price wa have to pay in human


Bealising that power is slipping our of its hands, the Botha regime oould

not rule in the old « y any longer. Hence it has adopted now and mare

brutal ways of governing our country to save itaolf from do at runt ion.

flio'se ioluie the proclamation of martial law, handing over administration

Of largo areas of cur oountry to the muiderous army and polioo, tho use of

ooorot death cqunda, the anaasoination of our leaders, massacres, mass

arrests, stringent control of tho press, continuing external oggreesiai end

tho murder of our pooplo outside our oountry.


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Doopito thooa extraordinary measured-cl© oignod -to aofo guard-ro<jiat .fula and roaaoure

tho vbito minority, tho reality is thaf-tha white powor'bloc bas.nuvor toon a3

Vvidod as it io today. Conflict, indooieion and fear of thorovolution within thia

bloo has oxtordod to within the ranks of Botha’s own cabinot.

An icportant part of tho crisis afflicting the racist syston is the -(iaifcaTioc

oollapse of'tho apartheid o’conoc^r. Vo the opprcssod tod oxploitad, knew tho bittor

moaning of this crisis. No know tho harsh reality of rotrenchoont, unemployment,

a galloping cost-of-living and banniahment to the Bantustahs and resettlement camps.

% . . . . . . ,How, the burdon of tho oconomio crisis ■brought about by tho aparthoid systom is

bo ginning to weigh ho avily on tho whites as woll. White unomploymont is increasing.

’’any conscripts roturn to civilian "life without jobs and with no prospoot of

employcent. •'Thousands of small and medium businesses havo collapsed. Individual• •

Akruptcios hava-multipliod without stop. •• *’• ••**■»*•

.. .• • • . ■ * • • • • *: • ••.

' •• • ** .* — • 287

Complotoly unable to deal with this enormous gonoral crisis, Botha -has increasingly

lost contact with roality.'Illusions aro taking tho placo of facts. Tho hollow

dreams of-a tyrant appoar to him*to bo tho vory essonco'.of policy. Botha relies

on bombast and blustor to hido the fact that ho ia nc more than a flooting shadow,

on the world stage. • * '

Tho Botha regime has lost the strategic initiative. That initiative is now in our

hands. The racist rogimo .has no policy and can havo no policy either to save tho

aparthoid systom from sinking deeper into crisis or to oxtricato this system from

that crisis. Its political programme has boon teducod to a shamblos. Its idoological

( latformhas collapsed. All it can do now is to react to events if rom'day to., day,

without any consistont plan and without any overall objeotivoa, oxcopt to koep• • • t •

itself in -powor for as -long as possiblo.

- - * •

It can no longer guarantoo a bright.future for tho whito social forcoa on whioh

it rests. At tho saca time, tho Botha rogimo is confrontod with our mass revolt,

Botha knows that tho massos of. our people will not stand hy passively while ha

trios out onb aparthoid oxporinont or anothor. Vo shall not abandon our forward

Biarch, allow oursolvos to bo divertod from our goal of *3no poraon ono vote in a

united South Africa, or in any way cooperate with the Botha rcgica in tho exsoution

of programme a aimod at tho-porpotuation of tho aparthoid cyoten. . •

.j: ;

Taken together, tho so factors signify that strategically tho onomy is on tho .

dofonoivo. Tho critical point ia that any countor-offor.*ivo tho opprosooro may


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launch to gain oomo taptical advancoe will, 'at tho same timo, only roault

i'urthor tfpreoniAg their stratogio pooition.

. **

Tho fact that tho Botha regime haa loBt tha atratoglc initiative, and ia

tboroforo on tho defonsivo all along tho lino, ia of dociaive inportanoo for

tho further advance of our struggle. Wo have forced tho raoiat3 into thia

position through co n sisten t btrugglo both insido and outside our country. This

ia on inspiring victory of hiatorio eignificance.• 1 *

’ lie principal oonoluaion wo should draw from this situation ia that through our

sacrifices, ve have prepared tha conditiona for us further to transform the

: situation to that position when it will bo possible for us to seize powor from

the enemy# Thus tha central task facing the entire democratic movement is that

we retain tha initiative until we have emancipated our country.

i ■’ " ‘ : . • -• • • •Ve must, aohieve this “by going on the offensive on all fronts, continuosly and

"boldly. Ve have to *fi<Vtwith a d e a r purpose in mind, with a definite

perspective of our strategic and taotical goals so that va oan deploy and

utilise our forces to the "be at. ad vantage. Victory demands that we also

continue to work for "the maximum unity of all our fighting contigenta and tha

democratic movement as well as a coordinated approach tcraarda the four pillars• • . . .

of our struggle• ' ^

Our strategic goal must "bo to shift tho balanco of strength decisively in

favour of our struggle, through tho further ripening of -the revolutionary

situation beyond tho point whore tho rogime iB not ablo to rule in tho old; • *

^ ’ay to tho stage wbere it ia' in fact unable to govern. Thus, we must continue

to »paV? South Africa ungovernable and apartheid unworkable. In tho attack we• •

must aim furthor to woakon tho Botha ■ rogimo drastically, to sap its strength, t

take away from it ovon tho capacity to launch a limited ccuntcr-ofTonsivo•

Simultanoously, whilo on tho march, wo must build our forcoa into an ever

more formidable unitod mass army of liberation, an anry that must grow in

strength continuously, able to dolivor and actually dolivoring biggor blows at

every stago and fighting as a conscious forco with its oyos firmly fiznd on tho

goal of the destruction of tha. apartheid rogimo and tho transfor of powor to tho

poople. ’

Tho oontral fooun of our oontinuous offonoivo hao to bo tho imposition of thot'will of tho domocratio majority ovor tho racist minority, howovor doeparato and•

stubborn tho rosistanco of this minority. ^ / ......

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. . .i*. 11

+hia jogard, a quoation of-primary concorn to ua all io that of • ‘ • •

I Z I o n «. U o stated our stand 0, this issue in clear unequivocal torma, 2 8 9

T t vo want is. one democratic, non-raoial, free and compuleory eystom of education.

h0 hroad principloo underlying that alternative system of education aro contained

_n tho Froodoa Charter* . • . •. . •

•0 take this opportunity to salute our studonts who have oontliid 'to march^

"orward in unity and in an uninterrupted and . p n t K d offensive, undeterred by

'tho illegal banning of thoir organisation, COSAS..This achievement is a victory of

tho entire dooooratio and evolutionary moveoont of our oountiy and is vorthy o a

,oung lions of tho atrugglo. that our studonts and working youth, have bocon*.

• . • • *

" i s year, .o'shall . t o observing tho 10th anniversary of tho Soweto Uprising, *» '.

shall therefore oast our ninds hack on a-period during which thousands o our you

£ 2, killed and o a i w d in the struggle for a democratic system of education m a

democratic country.. A whole generation is growi^ up and has known nothing hut daily

violence M tadout in the streets by the armed tollers of the .apartheid rogise.* . I .

TO honour and'pay everlasting tribute to the thousands of our .students and ^ ̂

working youth whoso blood has drenohed our Motherland, in the etruggla for C m don

and to recognition of their. resolvo to march forward to victory, we dec are June « .

Sotuh Africa Youth Bay. So are confident that our youth and students, through _

length and breadth of « country, will prove themselves worthy of this national

• * * •


We owe theeo young lions of our struggle and tho nation as a whole, an

f institute an altoraativo eyston of education during this yoar, Q ^

anniversary of 'the Sowoto Uprising. Vo hold an important national conforonco on

this question in Johannesburg and adopted decisions that aro of singular si*.,

nificance to the entire dooooratio movement and to us os a pcoplo.I « ••• *

Above everything also, what wo shall need in eider to realise tho programme of \

notion we set ourselves, is tho maednun unity of tho students, teachers and

parents end of tho entire democratic movonont, including tho community and

etudont organisation., tho trade unions, tho youth and wooers m o v a n t ,

religious, and all oultural and sports organisations. United . ao ,. ~ alturnativo oyaton of oducationj to bocutq-

tho ability to win our otrvee10 for an aiv-rnaxlvu *tha roloaso of all etudont loaders and activieta imprieenod by the Pretoria regime,

to force tho lifting of tho ban on C0SA3 and to win all the other demands that wo

havo offreod upon. .. .


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O f groat importance also is the need for mo to ensure that wo hove a strong,

organised*youth okv' student' increment reiohing U t o o l l schools and oil areas

of our oountry, oapable of oontinuing to organioo all' oaf youth to not ulth

the'samo iiooiplino And'mity,' on a national boale, that we have seen in the

past.' Wo 'iiust continue to work for tho establishment of a national youth

organisation. To win our demands, we must he organised.

Ve Also ooiae this oooaeion oepeoially to welocae most warmly the formation

of the'-congress of South Afrioon Trade Unions.. We extend to its leaders, its

•■•Affiliated unions a n d 'to tho membership of those unions the revolutionary

' ^greetings' of tho ANC leadership, inside a n d outside prison and inside and .

outside our oountty, as well as those of our entiw membership. .

Bio struggle to form one demooratio trade union oentre has been hard and

. . Vrcrtraotei. Many comrades have spent_countless hours working to achievo

V tho’ result that was consummated with the fon^tion of COSHTO. We ell acted

" M W e manner convinced of the need for the'unity of the'workins class of

’our'oountry, of the Operative to defend and advancs the interests of this

class' and of the necessity for the organised, united and conscious workers

'to remain, in the front ranks, and/as an integral part of the mass a m y of

revolution that is toiay shaking the apartheid system to its^ very foundations.

Bte formation of COSAOT has therefore added enormously to the strength of

•'"the d e m o t i c movement as a whole a n d i s a victory vfcieh this movement must

defend at all oosts.

Ve appeal to those demooratio trade unions which still, remain outside the

«... i of-COSATU to reconsider their positions. We are, o.onvinced of the

maturity • and honesty of both their leaders and aembers, • Accordingly wo

are certain that at-this critical accent in the history of an entire people

and region, they will find a way to overcome all obstaoles that bar their

••.‘i^^y-to join COSATU.- - -*■*• •* * *

■ ' W problems'remain to bo solved to fashion tho new trade union Congress into

■** tho" i n s t r u m e n t " of "working class' and natimal liberation that the delegates

visualised at the founding oenferenoe in'Durban.' Biss iroluie tho tranafoma-

of the 'general nuiona into industrial micas, »nd:the organisation of

"tho morgainsod'and tho unemployed; these aro importsnt tasks whoso aoompli-

shmont" roots on tho shoulders both of CCSAOT and tho demooratio movement as

& whole*

.Jfcllow Workers, ....................

• "During the year 1986, we shall mark two hiatorio anniversaries. Those are

•* tho ’40th anniversary of tho great roinuworkor's etriko of 1946 and tho 100th

annivorsary of May Day - International workos' Solidarity day*



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jl cc'raootion vtfh V 40th a d v e r s a r y , of the groat all.ora' etrito,.vo call

u~ n thp ontirfl donoprotio forooa.and especially the trade union movement, to

dri'on *to Wvoliitionary tndlt'iono of tho t m w Mlnowortora in ordor to

onhanoo tho' contribution pf .tho yorkore to tho oauao of national and .aooial

•••*** 1 * ; • ' . , .* r• *.1 * l\ I; •* •

It la tonally, unacceptable that up to ita 100th anniversary, .>!ay Day in SoHth

L i e , hao remained an ordinary vorking day. «6 therefore fully support the vorkors.

donand that from t9S6 on«rde, May • Day should ,bopoM fully paid, .puhlio. hoUday.

ontiro doffiocratio movoamt must .export tho organised .trodo. upion m o v e ™ * in tho

otrugglo to raalieo thie dopand.- i •* ■ l& •*. k . *•'

■"hat 'outstanding'product of "the wcativo' initiative of the masses of ’our' struggling

pooploTtho Unitcd Dsmocratic Etont, hao homo the hrunt of tho futllo torrorxet

( "\iught of W'Botha-Maln-Ooottoo r e g i m e d e f e a t our mass offensive and'to' -< <• :i . •* ‘ ;• .. • +kq • throat of' prohibition bazigaBuppros? our donocratic organisations. To thia day, too xnro« v _

oonvinecd that,' having more than survived- the aesaesxnatxon

and'inorisoi^nt of its leaders;‘'the cold-blooded nurdor of its follower., Hho

banking of its metings':and so'on, tho OTF vill W c o n o oil attempts by tho

'ensqy1 to vi^o i S J * c/existence;'Practice has' oori'-'thaa amply deoonatratad that

tho '"struggling iassie of i u ^ o u n t r / need the OTF as maintain,

advance and deepen our unitod aotion. . .% s J «* •• * -»4 • • • • *• »

He salute all its loaders, its affiliated organisations,.ita combers and itp •

followora. Vo hail all thoso of,its loaders art.ao.tiviata vto a w in p n a o n s a d

those who ore facing trumped -up e* -rgos v U o h Include treason, murder art public

(.* .olonoo. Wo call on all our pooplo to stand by thoao patrioia. .. .-*••••

i i . i i V «• t i t ! * • I?-:.* • • .*v» • • % "A

Vo pay homage to tho outstanding loaders ond otbora of our. pooplo Vho Jtoitj murdcrod

• this cast year, by the. death aquad., tho sntf-,. thopolieo and hangmen of tho apartheid

’ regice* Among these ere Victoria Kxongo, >ttttho» Gonivo, indries Baditsola, Bon Mo o «

. Samuel is'hikndo, Bathan^va Hdondo, Mohamed - Allie. Hwak, Kita Hgobeni, Sipho Mutsi,

Ian Zamioa^ K e lly liadcnoola,* Liao Kgoona, Panic! Katanyone, ftndleoko.l Kratshi, Ivan

. Inngehovoni* Vgoaka Ramalopo and Kolinoth 1^tlatla. _Ihoir example of « W e , ^ servr ce

"to the reyoiutioo vill liv? on, ^eyirin* ua to .inxonaify tto s W o «.til riotery.

Thoso vho aoaaaoinatod thon vill bo brought to book. •

So aball not forgot thoao vho havo dioappoarod and have so fir not toon oocountod

for. neither aball .vo- forgot thopatriote. such an Thani Mnyole. .Ooorgo PbnUo,

Komkhooi Poxd, JaoKie Quin and Loon M>jcr »nd othoro vho v o « murdorod^in (tosoru

art Gaborone. .Oho namoe of. Holly Bio. ckbum opd Brian Biehop vill aloo.bo %(/• •

inscribed on tho roll of honour*

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In tho light of the situation which obtains in our oountiy today, the'religious ^ ̂

Ve-auniv tos =n inmnso and urgent rosponslMlity to oot in defame of lifo ■

lifo itself, and accordingly, to fight -for juntico and poaco, Inspired hy thoir.

^o w n faiths, this important sector smong our pcojlo oust furthor enhance its con­

tribution to'tho struggle to end tho opsrthoid system and to create a society in

which tho right to lifo ‘will he ri)Bpoctod. ’ • ; ' ...............* • . . .

it this point, vo would also like to pay spools! tribute to tho woman of

■ Kswlcdi, both as a particular detachment of tie doaeoratio women's movement and

SS aforoo exemplifying tho course and determination of the hundreds of thousands

of yomon ■ who have stood at tho centre.,of our mass struggles this past year,

throughout tho c o m try.. •••«!.•

v - . • '* *{.•

The response' of. tho apartheid iegi*» .to the. peaceful march of tho women cf Kamolodd.

which ended in a massacre, illustrates tho fear that this regime has cf tho united

''offensive of tho opprossod and oiploitod women of our country. This year wo aro

observing the 30th anniversary cf the historic woman's "arch on Iroteria, an

ovont which Uvds'on as. a sourco of groat ■ inspiration to all cur struggling

■ pooplo.' It'-will bo tho taste of our w o m e n - ' - t o emulate tho oramplo wo set

our solves throe decades igo snd last year, to unite and fearlessly join the mass

offo msivo" sgainst1 'tho Botha regies in oven greater numbers. So should alao

continue to work for tho formation of a national women's organisation.

During tbi'oonontoua loir of tho Cadro that haa -just possod wo have also

producod now or'gami'sationcl formations snd sdoptod now forma of struggle in .

keeping with tho hoightonod paco of our revolution. Ho rofor horo to tho moas

combat units 'that wo'have formed to'carry out various tasks, including those

C related to tho 'destruction' of tho organs of government of .tho aparthoid regiaoand to making tho country ungovernable. Wo refer also to tho fflasuros wo have taken,

’ among other things,''to protect oer loaders and'to maintain revolutionary law and

ordor in various localities throughout tho country* .•••».

It is fitting that thoao dovolopccnts have token placo during .tho Toar of tho

qadro and in keeping with porapoctivca that your Bovenont, tho A2-C, put

forward for that yoar. Our strugglo ha* gained onornously "by tho ooorgcnoo of

.those collectives of revolutionary cadres,’ which'oro organised, rooted ancng tho

. oaaaos, ready to p«y tho auprotM aacrifico if nocoeoory, cocaittod to tho

.perspectives. of our novooant aa a wfaola and loyal to tho loadcrahip of that mvuaunt.• • • • •

Vo salute all cantors of thooo conbat units and comaond thorn for tho couragooun

and disciplined mnnor in which they have carried out thoir taoko. Vo urge tho

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so nnaaoe of our m l . in tho position.- thoy h . ' o . t ^ o n o f e i v l ^

1 - the nooooaary promotion to th,oo units. « d the cooporation.vhieh-the further 2 % 3

•vncocent of our struggle dooanda.• ••• .»■ fT,..

o ealuto all Dontora of those eonhat unite and conMnd thorn for tho couregoou.

* disciplined « m or in which thoy havo -carried .out thoir teaks, Vo urgo tho

oaaoe of our people to poraiat in tho positions thoy havo taken, of giving ho

h0 noooaaary' promotion to thiso ^ i t e .aM tho ecoporation which tha further .

4 vancccont of our-struggle demands, .

■fcile it ia trta 'that .a havo lost uany cadroa in tha confrontation with tho

•orcoa of repression, 4uaUtatively, victory on tha military front belongs no _

■ho enecy hut to tho people. This ia ao exactly hooauso in tho.Sace of the

-v,*t snony repression, wo havo auecoodod hoth to intonaify our military _

,aive and to enlarge the popular forcaa inaide our cc^try, crgamsod to

.-?> tha struggle arms in hand. ' •• ~ V.. ' * '* - - ~ •• i..* ' •

■ • •' , ' 4. +nwa-rda tho trans^rmation of our aroodrhia paat yoar vo nade significant strido ^ CEUCial : importancesonfrontation with tho apartheid regipo ,»to people " ■ » . ... .

in thia regard haa * a n tho creation of nas^insurreotionsry sense * «any psrt.

5Ur country, areas vhcrc the nesses: of tha poople arc not .only active, hut « o

ilao ready in thoir hundred a of thousanda.to assault t$e eneqr .or o «e

pOWGP. **'*’ ' T ■ * •*'* •! ‘ « ‘ ** 1 • • ■ 4 * V. . .

« the sane W » have aeon, how the * * * •

in power at all ooeta, haa aont into .cur town,hips white soldier, and police, « ■

.o blade corcenarioe, with ordora to nurfor, rape, and destroy at will - shooing

W'ante, raping young girls and going on a crazed orgy of hl.cd-lott^. Thi.

prooiely tho reason why tho.fascist sotha^alan^oopoo rogi»

tho aurfaco of tho earth and our oo^try trensf-.vedd toto a denooratio, n c n - ^ i a l

and peaceful entity. Therefore wo nust fight. Ve oust organise and: arn ourelovea to

fight harder and tetter for tho Overthrov of tho apartheid regime.

♦ va faco this yoar is tho rapid ozpansion and oxtonsivoAccordingly; an urgont task vo raco x m s «

aotiviaation cf O^honto ya.Siswo within tho oountry, drying.

our people into comhat. Suijding from what the pecple-a army, .Onkhonto wo Siawo

hooding our case RllittiT offonoivo. V9 havo to inoroasa groa ly. - * ,_4ta Vo oust' furthor atrongthon

guorrilla units of KK, as voll as tho mass coabat uni .

■ tho links botvaon tho guorrilla and ^ C*d°* t0 .Z carry cut hoth offoneivo and dofonaive ^ ^o - draw on tho roaolvo of our

pooplo in the naea inaunootionary aonoa to huild up thia force, whilo working to

oneuro that thoao jSOnoa multiply in nuatar to cover our oountry in it. cntiTOty.

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• . , . .

' . To rotain the stratpgic initiative, apart from confronting 'tho ariiiy of occupation _

'in our aroos, it is oasontial that wo carry and oxtond our offonoivo boyond our

township:' bordora into othor areas with ovon'groator dotoraination. Wo aloo nocd

* to mount a continuous assault on tho ooonmy to dony tho oncn\y tho natorial oaao

which givoo it tho naans to'-conduct its campaign of torror, both inoido and outaido• * • % *

our country.

^ chorgo wo givo to Uakhonto wa Sizwo and to tho maasos of our pooplo is: attack,

advance, givo tho onooy no quarter - an oyo for an eye, a tooth for a toothl

Onco more, wo call on our white compatriots, and eepocially the youth, to break

rnnks with tho aparthoid systom, to rofuso to sorvc in its armed forcoB and no

longor to mortgage their future to a racist systom that is doomod to destruction.

Ve oall on 'them to‘win their placo in the future democratic South Africa by

joining tho struggle to turn that future into reality. Tho business community

""must stop producing weapons that aro used to murdor our P°£Pl0* Together, black and

whito, wo will dostroy tho monstrous apaptheid rogico and, equals, rebuild our

country for 'tho 'boncfit of all its citizens. Tho. time has como that our whito

compatriots should join tho mass domocratic struggle in thoir millions. -Uio crisis

in our country does not pormit of onlookors.

Tho so among tho black pooplo who havo boon dragooned or bought to sorvo in tho

a rood for ccs of tho enemy should rofuso to offer thomsolvos as cannon foddor,

as assassins in the pay of a rogimo fchich holds thorn and thoir pooplo in

contoupt. To these wo say, proparo to turn your guns against the common onomjr of

tho pooplo. Uhen tho bolls of victory toll, you too must bo counted among tho

(v-1 iboratora of our country.

The combined mass political and military offensive that wo must conduct this yoar

t a hoightoncd level and in a systematic mannor roquiros of us all to continue to

ttk oven harder to rcaliso thotaslca that wo sot oursolvos during tho Yoar of tho

Iro* Of particular importance in this regard is tho tasks 0f yo 11-organiacd

olutionary ccdrcs, drawn from tho fighting oasoos and intcgratod among thorn*

•„ +°K continuj to strengthen and oxpand tho underground structures cf tho AHC,

\0 *ing tho active prosonoo of our movonont ovorywhoro in tho country.

■ : • ..k-cA' ’t of our all-round preparation for tho days ahead, as you know, your v3n-»

^ ^bvomcnt, tho ANC, hold its historic Socond national Consultaivo Conforonco

oforonco conoolidatod our unity aa novor boforo a™* oloarly pointed tho way

to victory. Its results constituted a'docieivo dofcat for tho enemy which

I that at t'ao ond of tho day our movomont would bo paralyood by intomal

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■ putoo and ondloas power ctrugBlo«. It roinforood tho ability of your movement

narcb at tho hoad of tho millions of our poople, for a docisivo assault on tho 2 9

-thoid r o g i m o o f terror, to dislodgo it and transfer powor to tho poople,

dologatos ondorcod tho fundamontal porspoctivo of our revolution: that tho

• factor for victory if tho political mobilisation and organisation of all tho

;rcscod and exploited - in particular tho working class. Talcing into account

, balanco of fcrcos in our situation, tho intronsigunco of tho white ruling

.C*U3 and the violent naturo of tho apart hoid systom, conforonco underlined

, nood and urgcncy of intensifying and transforming tto arnod strugglo into a

'•1 poople'a war.* *

. atratogy thoroforo is ono that must combine a heightened mass political advance

.11 fronts and an escalated and rosoluto military offonsivo, This was tho spirit

t dominated our conference! This is tho ordor of tho dayj

L . ‘ '

will thoroforo bo oloar that tho stratogic and tactical thinking and approach

our movccont has not shifted, nor aro thoro any fundamental developments in our

:uation that warrant any change. This rostatement of our position is dono primarily

clear rumours circulating that tho MIC and tho Sotha regime aro holding secret

ks. As yot there havo boon no such talks,

IXO can bo no negotiated settlement of tho South African question whilo tho

>tha rcgioo' continues to imprison our loaders and refusos to acknowledge that

ith Africa must bocomo an undividod, democratic and non-raci&l country. It is

y abundantly clear to all who look at our situation soberly- that aparthoid

i proved to bo a national disaster. Tho Pretoria rogimo does not want to

: C t this fact. It is doad sot against tho ooorgenco of a fundamentally no*

:ial and political systoo in our country. TSiosa positions aro tho causo

;ving confrontation in South Africa which will not coaso until.our count

)s indeed belong to all who livo in it, black and whito.

ore jconvinvod that all thoso who aro opposod to-racism and aparthoi*-*

^othar to end whito minority rulo. In this rogard, tho AIIC will con

: our ago individuals and groups within our country to contributo b

/ords tho victory of the democratic struggle. It is with this vie

have mot and will continua to moot various poople, including br

.iticiano, trado unionists, roligioua pooplo, to oncourtgo tho

.tod offonsivo againot the aparthoid syotoo..

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•Tho time has corao that, as port of our mass offensive to mako oparthoid un vorkablo,

onca Doro/vo'boldly confront tho issue of that badgo of slavery - the pass l a w ^ ^ '

Uo support tho demand made inside tho country that paeso's must go, nowl To this day,

■̂as wo all know, thoso remain one of the principal moans by which tho Botha- rogimo

governs us, tho methods it usos to docidor who wo aro, vhore wo shall livo and

work, what tho future of unborn generations shall bo. Tho time has corao that wo

should say no longor shall w? allow oursolvos to bo givon spocial labols in tho

country of our birth* > .» •

Tho cry must ring through the length and broadth of our country this year - away

with passoBl By destroying thi's badge of slavery.and humiliation, wo shall froo

oursolvos of this intolerablo burdon of oppression and this move furthor forward to

our goal of making apartheid unworkable and our country ungovernable.

Ibis is an immense offonsivo which must spread to ovory corner of our country,

Encompassing oities, towns and tho countryside. It must involve both men and

women alike and produce the most formidable, uni tod and sustained mass action

to destroy onco and for all tho pass laws, influx control and our forciblo %

romoval to the Bantustans*

Vo must not bo misled by the enemy’s promise to abolish influx control and

introduce **what it calls positive urbanisation* ITor must wo bo takon in by

promises of a so-called common citizenship* The Botha rogimo has n° intontion

whatsoever to soo tho biaok majority livo in our country as equals with our whito

oompatriots. A b far as this regime is concerned South Africa will nover belong to

all who live in it, black and whito*

■ f lata, the white business community has .also "boon very loud in demanding change*

Ve call on thorn mighty anti-pass oampaign* Thoy themselves must stop

demanding passes from tho African workers* Keithor should thoy take advantage of

tho migrant labour system to victimise the workers. Rather they should work for

tho icaodiato abolition of this criminal system. Vords are no longer sufficient*

How is the time for action* Ho more passes! Away with this badge of slavery,

* •

During this past year, we sharply oscalatod our offensive on this front* Hany of

those dotal nod went on hunger strike, demanding an ond to thoir illogal imprison—

oont* Kasa d o o tings and demonstrations took placo calling for tho roloaso of

dotainoes and political prisoners* Our pooplo in tho I. us torn Capo mobilised r“

tbomoolvos in thoir thousands to march on Pollsnoro Prison backing up tho .universal

donand for tho imraodiato and unconditional roloaso of Kelson Kandola and all othor

political prisonora.Ve neod also to oxtond that spirit of dofianco to othor areas of otruGClo% To main-

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n tho offensive, we aava to aaaroso witu maximum vigour tna oniiro i oouu ui w u .

zy'a attoopto to suppress tho democratic movomont.

-jiallongos facing ua aro indood considorablo. NolaonMapdola, Waltor Sioulu,

-m MbokL, Ahood Kathrada,’ Elias Motsoaledi, Harry- CVala and othorB of our

iors aro still in prison, hold thoro "by a regime which soona dotorninod to

p thon undor lock* and key pormanontly in dofianco of tho international«#' ,

^unity.• •

others of our loadors and activists aro facing various charges. Thousands

3 boon convictod illegally and are now enduring tho brutality of living in

enonsy's dungeons. Unknown numbers are hold under tho emergency regulations

tho so-called Internal’ Security Act. * ■ •

y«ar wo oust take' up the campaign with groator vigour than before - for tho

odiato and unconditional relearn of Nolson Mandela and all other political

3*..j»rs, for the release of all detainees, the lifting of all treason and

2r. political trials, tho lifting of the state of emergency, tho scrapping

all repressive legislations and the withdrawal of all troops and police

3 the townships.

aiow that the eneny will not listen to any appeals we make on any of these

3 tions. We have no alternative but to rosort to meaningful aotion to advanco

dooands. We have already tested the consumer boycott weapon and need to use

rfith even greater effect to halt th3 murdorous and repressive rampage of tho• f

• • •

toria rcgimo.

i heroic strugglo, wa havo virtually liftod tho ban on our vanguard movement,

jt C. Wo did not ask for tho permission of tho onony to unfurl and raise the

?le*8 flag. Wo did not seek Pretoria's conscnt whon wo docidod to spook out• * • • ' '

ily in support of our gonuino loadors.

• •• • • *•

illy, to euccocd in our campaign to challenge tho enemy*s repressive onslaught,

'.cod tho some daring* Whereas tho onomy sooks at all timos to imposo on us

isciet iogality, we must imposo on our country our own popular logality* Wo aro

altomative power. As such, wo pursue goals and share aspirations that aro

oatrically oppoaod to those of tho oppressive whito minority rogino and must

iro that our will, aa that altomativo power prevails.

:aeding from those positions wo must uso ovorything in cur powor to fight and

,at tho oneqy's campaign of roprossion, rocoguising that tho odicta that omanato

3 tho illegitimate aparthoid rogimo are thomoolvco illegal ooto of banditry,

-iod out as part of.tho continuing commiosion of a crime againat humanity* In

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i 2action and through action wo rus* compol tho regime to ond roproB&ion now, \ >

• • . V .* . •’ .! •*••• • . * *• •** ' W O

Xn somo aroas of *our country, having dootroyod tho puppet organs of govern—

cent imposed on ua by. tho aparthoid rogimo, we havo roacuod tho situation whoro

ovon tho onomy has to deal with tho domocratie forcos aB tho logitimato ropro-

sontativos of the pooplo. Tho establishment of pooplo's powor in thoso aroas,

howovor rudicontary and prccarious, is of groat significanco for tho furthor

advancomont of our strugglo**• • <w* * • * • m• # T I •

. . .• *

In tho "paStV a a pair -or our Jto joction of tho aparthoid community ‘‘councils, * • _

maragoMUt and local authority committoos, wo coroctly put forward tho domand

for democratic, non-racial municipal councils. T?o must take up this domand onco .

ooro. In many townships, wo havo abolishod tho puppot institutions through I

struggle. Theso victorioc imust bo consolidated by domocrati3ing tho whole

ratem. of local govemmsnt. For every town and evory city, there must bo ono

local authority, electod by all rosidonts, both black and white, on the basis

of one person one vote. We shall have to engage in struggle to ac' icvo this

goal and will havo to consider such actions as a national rent strike in our

programme of action. . * > . . . . . .

••'I.. • ‘The Botha regime is set to introduce what it calls Eogional' Servicos Councils# _

This is yet another attempt to rofino and pntronch^g aparthoid systoo. Furthermore,

the i£8uo which thoso Councils are ooant to address, namely, the provision of

"servicos" to all tho group aroas in oach urban contre, doos not. answer the

primary question of tho right of all residonts to ojorciso political control over

thoir towns and citics as a wholo. Wo aro not fighting and aro dying in ordor to

6vve a better system of waste disposal. Wo aro ongaged in strugglo for tuo inalicn- it ■ . • • • ”• * * *

able right to govern our country in all its parts. *„*«• ...... ' ■____„ • . - * . r* j.

We can no longor accept tho situation in which wo exist in the urban townships

as suppliers of labour to tho whito aroas with no access to the voalth that vo

croato and .which goes to enrich and inprovo tho whito aroas of our towns and

oitios. In'this regard^ wo should tako the occasion of the canto nary of tho

oity of Johannesburg, which falls this yoar, as.ono for tho aost dotorminod

offensive, to onsuro that tho political situation changes in this prioo oxaoplo of• • • •

tho iniquity of tho eystcm of colonial and racist rule.

I • • #

Whito douth Africa foolo it has every right to colobarate tho oontonary. Vo* on tho

othor hand, confinod in black ghottoos on tho poriphoty of tho city, havo nothing

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> colobrato, Wo oan no longer tclorato tho situation in which wo havo no control*

or this city vhich vo havo built with our baro hands for a contury. Aftor a contury

Exclusion, lot us begin a new ora of dombcratio oontrol of Johannesburg and all

hor urban aroas of our country. In this way, wo will proccod ^r021 pcoplo'a powor

tho black aroas to people's power over tho ontiro municipal aroas whoro wo live.

call on all our whito compatriots in those aroas to join this struggle, Thoy too

at participato in tho offensive to abolish tho apartheid institutions in tho

ito aroas onco and for all. It is not sufficiont moroly to call for tho abolition

f tho Croup Aroas , Soparato Amo ni tics and other acts. Now is tho tino to tako• i

tion to realise tho objective of ona democratic council for oaoh municipality,

actod on tho basis of one porBon ono voto. .t . * • V *

r mass political offonaivo must of nocossity also sucood to draw in tho millions

r peoplo in tho countryside, both insido and outsido' tho Bantustans. It is

j£sr that, relative to tho situation in tho past wo havo mado considoralbo progrosB

mobilising and organising tho pooplo in tho countrysido.

.3 has roaultod in our pooplo in some of tho bo aroas joining tho mass offensive

■ing this past year. They did so in such numbers that even loading spokesmen of

• Pretoria rogioo expressed concccn at tho levol of activisation of thcso

irossod masaoa. In addition, tho pooplo's arny, Uokhonto ws Sizws, has taken tho

od struggle both into the bantustans and into the onooy rural military zonos,

iking blows that havo worried tho onony and its puppets.

h organisational' and mobilisation vork still needs to bo done in thoso areas,

to. tha fore suoh quostions as tho sood to dostroy tho opprosalve Bantustan*

tom, to riso up against tho blood-aucking whito soldior-farmors and to sddross

contral task of tho landloss casaos seizing tho which rightfully bo longs


• * * '

iks to our consistent opposition, tho onocy now knows that it cannot oven protend

t it will bo ablo to maintain tho bantustan ayatom. Scneo Botha now talk* of

ommon citizenship. It should thoroforo now bo more than olear to thoso of our

patriots who may havo boon dupod or bribod or persuaded to acoopt tho

tuatans that tho do a true tion of thoso criminal institutions is only a mattor

ico, Thoy should conaidor whothor tho tino has not cooo for tboo to join tho

•os of tho pooplo to dostroy this systom and regain t'^oir honour as patriots

thhoir dicnity as son and woman of principlo.

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‘planned eo-callod indopondenco of tho KwaNdobolo Bantuatan constitutes a ^ « • * • t • t ■-jrieviouo offcnco cga'inat our ontiro pooplo, aa dooa tho "Bantuatan ays ton aa "

i vholo. Our pooplo, across tho longth and broadth of our country,’ must unita to

.Mght against tho 'imposition of this bantuatan on us. 'Uo aaluto our struggling

xjoplo in thi'a area and urge thoo to fight on to' dofoat tho enemy's intonticns of

’urther entronching tho apartheid systom. ** 1 :,r" ’’ ^

his year, vo shall bo obsorying tho' bi-contonary of tho birth of that outstanding

frican atatoonan, King Hoshooshoo X. It would bo wall that thoso who oonsidor

hemselvos loadors of our pooplo should soak to emulate Moahooshoo’s oxamplo. Thus

should strive to unito the African pooplo and not divide them, work to

a.tisfyi;the aspirations of tho pooplo and not bo tray thorn, fight arms .in hand in

jfopoo.i°f the interests of the masses and when nocossary nogotiato as genuine

.■esentativea of the poople and not as beggars at the master^ table.

■G, tho. voice of Moshoeshoe is calling on us to unite. The enf?my is busy trying

> sat African, and black poople against one another;. .It continuously soeks to

part racial and tribal connqtations^to tho many conflicts that .are a. diroct

aojlt of the aparthoid Bysteq. The Protoria regime .not only hopes to slow down our.

ruggle but also to, demonstrate that we aro different pooplo a who qannot .live v

sother in peace. The racists want-to prove. that, ve have to be separated into

*.foront raoial and tribal compartments, .controlled and presided over by the

Lte minority regioa.

• • •

have to defeat these enemy schemes, resist all provocations and unite in the

v- 3n struggle to literate our. country from racist rule. As Moshoeshoe foresaw,

.•strength lies in our unity.. Ue must guard, that unity like the apple .of.our

/. t * . . .• • • • . » • • • • i • • M * / i ,- • •** *• Ml \ I | .j

• • ,** * • ̂ • j •

movement and our etrugglo onjoy enormous world support. During the Year of

Qadre the international movement of solidarity with our fighting ̂ poople grow

leaps and bounds. In this aro a wo can.also say that tho apartheid rogioa has.

t the strategic initiative. 4No longor can it.ovon hope to hold its ground, lot

ao score new gains ̂ ̂ <;0 dosparato has its situation

3oo that oven those whom it counts as its natural allies have bo gun to distanco

m o Iv o s from tho regime of murderers and to sook out tho genuino representatives

>ur people.

• • •• • • • • . ..Ije samo timo, throughout the world, ordinary oea and women Inspired by .our own •

gglo are .carrying ou} now initiatives to isolate aparthoid $outh Africa and to

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:ond ’political -and material support to tho ANC and tho struggling masooe of 301

• country. Accordingly, this past yoar wo havo soon tho inspiring upsurgo of

tho solidarity movopont in tho Uni tod States undor tho loadoruhip of tho ... .i

Id South Africa- Movocont, tho imposition of sanctions by tho internationalSwoden

-do union movonont in auch oountrios as How Zoaland, Australia^ t Soandinavaa

. Uni tod Kingdom, and elsowhoro, trado union docisions to onforco tho oil ombargo,

roourgonoo of tho international consumer boycott oampaign and aany otUa? actions« ̂ i • * •

support of our struggle* , • ,

^ • • . • . t ̂ . » •• have soorod othor important gains in tch campaign to isolato aparthoid South

ica, Kany government have taken various stops in this diroction however limited

this stage. Tho refusal of tho banks to roll ovor thoir loans to South Africa is

important victory of our strugglo which has contributed to tLo further doopening* *■ * • • • * • . *

e oriBis of tha aparthoid systom*

a imains to bo dono further to expand international motion and to oompol

govornmont of tho major western powors to hood public opinion in thoir

countries and internationally and imposo ccworehonsivo and mandatory

otions against South Africa. Tho more wo act to liborate ourselves, tho moro

oluto international action will bocomo* It is thoroforo our task both to

ansify tho strugglo insido our oountry and to work with tho world community

thar to 1arouse world opinion in favour of our causo.. • • • • •

a moro f wo oxtend special groetings to our comrade-in-arms in StfAPO aa woll % are

tho Namibian pooplo aa a whole* Locked aa wo in a cotanon battlo against a

n onomy, wo shall continuo to roly on our bonds of solidarity as an

artant factor inspiring our own aotions* Tho stru/rglo to achiove tho immodiatotime

^^uino independcnco of Namibia is at tho samo an Important contribution

\rd8 our own liboration* Togothor wo will win. .

iave oontinuod to dorive groat inspiration and encouragement from tho principled

.inching stand taken by tho Frontlino statos as woll as tho Kingdom of Lesotho

Swaziland. Those countries have stood firm in tho faoo of growing throats and

ial aota of aggroooioa and doatabilisation oa^riod o»*t by tho Protoria rogimo a

.aat than* • - —

pooplo of Namibia and South Al'rxca aharo a common dootinjr with thooo etatos

pooploa. In pursuit of the common oauso} wo aro committod to rid our oontinont

ho aparthoid monatert through atrugglo and to help transform our region into 4 of poaco*

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Uo tnju this opportunity to salute our friendo throughout tho world, in Africa,

*ia, Latin Africa, in tho socialist countrioa, in Europ> and Korth Africa. ^

lo groot also tho PLO and tho Palestinian people, f..o Saharaoui Arab lonocratic

top^ i o , tho Farabundi Marti of El Salvador, ftottlin of Hast Timor

tho embattled poo,lo of Ificaragua and tho prcgroesivo foroos organised in

Sondinista National Liberation Front.

T0 all those foroos, to tho nations organised in the OAU, tho Hon-Alignod Movement

and tho Uni tod nations wo, tho pooplo of South Afrioa, pledge, during tho

international Year of Peace, that we shall discharge our historic responsibility

T, ond the apartheid crime against humanity once and for all. Uith your support,

wo will achieve this goal sooner rather than later and with loss bloodshed and


} s year wo shall bo observing tho 10th.anniversary of tho Sowoto Uprising and

ihe 25th anniversary of the formation of Umkhonto wo Slave, a c s o aro events of hi

historic importance to our struggle. !hcy both emphasise tho need for us to moot

the repressive violenco of tho apartheid regime and tho apartheid system wit our

own arrad resistance. Tho continuing stubbemess of tho racist regtoo end its resort

to ever greater and core brutal violenco has mado it a matter of extreme urgency

that vo launch a Dost dotoraino'd nilitary offonsivo.

To kelp concentrate our creative energies on the attainment of this goal and in

the nasa of the national Erecutivo Committee of Jour organisation, tho ABC, wo doolare

■986 t he Year of Ucihonto ve Sizwo - tho People's Arty! let this Year of tho

fooplt's Arsy sec us ongulf the apartheid system to tho fires and the thunder of a

( jplo's war! let tho Year of KSC soo us mount a military offensive that will push

tho onony into a strategic retroatl let us uso tho opportunities that this Yoar

■ gives us te replace each combatant who foil last year with a hundred more, and .

building on our achiovoM nts, to create a formidable fighting force of tho pooplt,

superior to tho enory forcos boeauso of tho Justioo of our cause, tho discipline

Of our conbatants and tho bravery and boldnoas of our vrrriora.

During the Yacr of Uckhorito vo Sizvo - tho pooplo*a Arqy:

Let ua nount a dctorninod mana political and nilitary ofionaivot

Lot ua retain tho etrato^lc initiative!

Lot us, in struggle, shift tho balance of power further to favour of tho


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I • ' ' ‘

• 303ot uc turn ovory oornor of our country into a battlofioldl

at us wcakon the onoc\/ and proparo to soizo powor!

ivory patriot a combatant i ovory combatant a patriot I

Ataandla Ngawathul

M^atla kc a rona-| . •..

Pooplo'a powor in within our graspl

• *

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Collection Number: AK2145 KRUGERSDORP RESIDENTS’ ORGANISATION AND 4 OTHERS v. THE MINISTER OF LAW AND ORDER AND 2 OTHERS 1986 PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:- Johannesburg ©2012


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This document is part of a private collection deposited with Historical Papers at The University of the Witwatersrand by the Church of the Province of South Africa.