TKT-2431 SoC Design Lec 12 – On-chip communication Erno Salminen Department of Computer Systems Tampere University of Technology Fall 2012 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

TKT-2431 SoC Design · 2012-12-03 · TKT-2431 SoC Design Lec 12 – On-chip communication Erno Salminen Department of Computer Systems Tampere University of Technology Fall 2012

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TKT-2431 SoC DesignLec 12 – On-chip communication

Erno Salminen

Department of Computer SystemsTampere University of Technology

Fall 2012

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Copyright notice Part of the slides adapted from slide set

by Timo D. Hämäläinen Managing On-Chip Chip Communications, SoC Symposium, Tampere


Part of the figures and tables from L. Benini, G. De Micheli, Networks on chips: a new SoC

paradigm, Computer, Vol. 35, Iss. 1, Jan. 2002, pp. 70 -78. V. Lahtinen, Design and Analysis of Interconnection

Architectures for On-Chip Digital Systems, PhD Thesis, Tampere University of Technology, Department of Information Technology, June 2004. http://www.tkt.cs.tut.fi/research/daci/pub_open/lahtinen_thesis.pdf

Wolf, W.; Jerraya, A.A.; Martin, G.; , "Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) Technology," Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol.27, no.10, pp.1701-1713, Oct. 2008

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


ContentsProblem statementPhysical limitationsNetwork-on-chip (NoC)

Extra stuff for the examSee also: E. Salminen, A. Kulmala, T.D. Hämäläinen, "Survey of Network-on-chip Proposals", white

paper, OCP-IP, [online]: http://www.ocpip.org/socket/whitepapers/OCP-IP_Survey_of_NoC_Proposals_White_Paper_April_2008.pdf, April 9, 2008, 13 pages.

E. Salminen, "On Design and Comparison of On-Chip Networks", PhD Thesis, Tampere University of Technology, Publication 872, 2010, 230 pages. Available: http://dspace.cc.tut.fi/dpub/handle/123456789/6543

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


At first

Make sure that simple things work before even trying more complex ones

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012



Problem Statement - SoC Complexity

Communication network

SoC has dozens of heterogenous components Varying communication requirements/profiles Not all components communicate with each


Mem_1 Mem_N

Proc_1 Proc_N Acc_1 Acc_N

Periph_1 Periph_N

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Spatial examples:

a) one dst: neighbor

b) one dst: other than neigh.

c) few dst

d) send to all


Characteristics of offered traffic load1. Spatial: where the data go

all sources similar? Usually not2. Temporal: average data rate3. Temporal: when to transfer

a) Short bursts of high transfer activity and long periods of inactivity (aka. sporadic traffic)

b) Transfers with constant sizes and intervalsc) Constant bitrate (at considered measurement level)


a) very bursty


b) moderately bursty

data amountsrc

Temporal examples:



c d


c) constant bitrate

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Different temporal requirements: bandwidth

1. Varying Bandwidth (or throughput) per resource Amount of data transferred in unit time, [MB/s] High requirement between CPU and memory Low requirement between CPU and peripheral

Mem_1 Mem_N Periph_1 Periph_N

CPU_1 Acc_NCPU_N Acc_1

High BWLow BW

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Different temporal requirements: latency

2. Different latency expectations per resource Latency = delay between start of transfer and its

completion time (last data ejected) – time (first data enters) [n cycles for transferring d words] or [nanoseconds for

transferring d words] Distinguish carefully between header latency and n-word

packet latency Interrupts usually require low latency Cache fills require low latency Real-time systems require guaranteed latency

(always below some limit) Stream data (voice, video) may require constant

latency (low jitter)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Basic metric: Load-latency curve Increase the traffic

load and measure the latency

Eventaully networksaturates Latency approaches

infinity Accepted load does

not increase anymoreCertain bounds can

be derivedanalytically

Of course, the goal is minimum latency and maximum saturationpoint

[Salminen, PhD, 2010]

accepted load [received flit/cycle/terminal]Another view:

offered load [sent flit/cycle/termina]

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Measuring load-latency behavior Traffic generator mimics

IPs = Sends and receivesdata

Correct setup1. include the latency of

network interface (NI)2. exclude the headers

when calculating trafficload

3. measure the latency of the whole transfers (whichmay be several packets. I.e. at lest one full packet, not just header latency)

4. include ”infinite” buffer at source to avoid throttling

[Salminen, PhD, 2010]

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Physical limitations of interconnects

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


ITRS 2003: InterconnectChip cross-section


Wires on top levels are wider and taller than on lower levels

Top layers for Power supply Clock Global signals

Use several metal layers (~10): less congestionHierarchical scaling

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


ITRS 2003: Interconnect

Delay of global wires does not scale with technology

Gates getfaster

local signals: getshorter and faster

Global signals with repeaters (biggerarea and energy)

Global signals: the lengthstays rather constant, butdelay increases


Muy importante!

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Energy breakdown forecast

[Mattan Erez, Stream Architectures –Programmability and Efficiency,

Tampere SoC, Nov. 17 2004]


Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012



[Mattan Erez, Stream Architectures –Programmability and Efficiency, Tampere SoC, Nov. 17 2004]

Single-cycle communication must be localized to close neighbors avoid long wires Long wires consume much energy, are slow, prone to error,

cause routing congestion… Communication between non-neighboring components

requires multiple hops

On the other hand, localization to some distant hotspot unit (external DRAM) easily creates a bottleneck

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Several clock domains Not possible/practical to use same clock in every

componentGALS – Globally asynchronous, locally synchronous

Components have local clocks Communication needs handshaking/synchronization

Mem_1 Mem_N

Proc_1 Proc_N

Periph_1 Periph_N

Acc_1 Acc_N

High freqLow freqErno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Reliability problems ”Synchronization failures between clock

domains will be rare but unavoidable” - BeniniElectrical noise due to crosstalk,

electromagentic interference, radiation...Data errors or upsets, soft errorsData transfers become unreliable and

nondeterministicDesign needs both deterministic and

stochastic models

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Achieving reliability Today, designers use physical techniques to

overcome reliability problems Wire sizing Length optimization Repeater insertion Shielding Data coding Bunch of others...Huge design effort required

In (near) future, 100% reliability on physical level cannot be afforded anymore

Reliability muts be increased with additional HW or SW layers Error detecting/correcting codes Retransmissions

Request/acknowledge and time-out counters

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Micronetwork protocol stack Layers are specialized and optimized according to

application (domain)Must be a light-weight stack due to limited resources

(buffer space, clk cycles…)abstraction

Arbitration, packetization to increase reliabilityRouting

Splitting long transfer into packets, reordering

HW dependent SW

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Network-on-chip (NoC)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Network-on-Chip (NoC) Communication network on a chip NoC motivation1. High fab cost and effort in traditional VLSI Design general-purpose platform

2. Flexibility - For changing application needs At least during design-time

3. Concurrency in transfers4. Only short signal wires due to power, delay,

and reliability problems Usually packet-switched, multi-hop network

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Abbreviations:pkt =packet, 1+ words (=flits)fl = flit, flow ctrl unit, min size that buffers are reserved forph = phit, physical unit, width of the link


processing element

NoC terminology

communication network

network interfacerouter(0) router(1)



agent(1) link




fl fl fl








Processing elements exchange messages Network interface converts messages to/from network-

specific packets/streams Packet consists of several flits (≈words)

Routers communicate via ports, and ports on the boundary of the whole network are called terminals

Network interface (NI) is sometimes part of the network

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Differences betweensupercomputer multiprocessors and SoC

Multiprocessor systems (past) System-on-Chip (portable device)Scaleability important after fab (increase nodes)

Scaleability an issue only at design time (reuse, easy addition of nodes)

Load balancing and even distribution of computation important for maximum performance

Energy consumption important, idle nodes must be shut down

Communication network used as means of balancing computation and communication (both adjusted for optimal performance)

Computation might already be fixed per node (functional partition) Network serves nodes (only network adjusted)

Dataflow computing Computation is very heterogeneous, both dataflow and control style

In principle any node can compute a given task

Execution of various applications clustered within SoC (specialized nodes)Some research seems to be ”Re-inventing the wheel” New challenge: Energy saving combined to past multiprocessor research

Much experience and well established reasearch of routing, switching, scaleability, tailoring according to applications

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Design choices of NoC Basic considerations to deal with1. Structure router design topology – logical structure of routers and links

(floorplan defines the physical layout)

2. Control routing – which path to take flow control and switching – when to transmit

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Generic router

generic router



t por

tsoutput ports...

routing arbitrator



Forwards data from input ports to outputsFIFOs can be on either side of the crossbar

1 FIFO per port is the most common virtual channels allow multiple FIFOs per port

Area and delay increase rapidly with the number of ports About 10x10 routers are still feasible but no larger

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Network topologyDefines the components (e.g. routers) the connections (e.g. each router connected to 4

neighbours)Vast number of topologies proposed in

literature – but there’s no free lunch!

b=bus hb=hierarchical bus





t=2-D torus

Full-duplex links (but buses have half-duplex)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Network topology (2)Can be modeled with graphs

node = router (usually includes a processing unit) edge = data stream

Number of nodes denoted with NAverage path length L

Avg num of edges between all nodes in graph Small L desired for small latency

Average degree <k> Avg. num of edges in each switch Large <k> may decrease L but router implementation

gets more complex also 3D topologies look cool on paper but are rather hard

to implement on 2D silicon…

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Homogeneous network topology replication effect, as in

FPGA solve physical realization

issues well less flexible than het.gen. Problematic if processing

units are heterogeneous assumes uniform size for

components and hence either

a) wastes area b) components have to be

splittedH. Corporaal, Advanced Computer Architecture5Z008 - Multiprocessors &Interconnect, course material, 2003.Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Heterogeneous network topologycommon in contemporary SoCsbetter fit to application domain – better

performance components are not

uniformly sized hierarcahical

structure Are ASICs

reasonably priced in the future anymore?

H. Corporaal, Advanced Computer Architecture5Z008 - Multiprocessors &Interconnect, course material, 2003.Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Basic topological metric: bisection bandwidthWhen design is partitioned into two

(nearly) equal halves, it is the minimum number of wires which must cross between the halves considering all possible partitions Number of nodes in halves differs at

most by 1 Also other definitions...

High number means higher numberof possible routes Hence increased bandwidth, flexibility

and possibly fault-tolerance Multiple paths should be supported by

routing algorithm (see next slide)Bisection should grow with the

number of nodes in a ”scalable” networks

Bus’s bisection cut is constantly1 half-duplex link = 1 * f * data_w=> not scalable nor error-tolerant

Mesh’s bisection cut is here 4 full-duplex links = 8 * f * data_w=> Multiple paths available

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Routing algorithm Selects route from source to destination1. Deterministic

Same route always used between source and destination e.g. XY in 2-D mesh: first find correct row, then correct column All packets arrive in-order One blocked (or faulty) link/router, blocks all packets on that

route2. Adaptive

Route varies according to blockage (or randomly) Better performance (at least when reordering neglected) Better faul-tolerance Deadloack avoidance needs extra care

Data may arrive out-of-order Reordering buffers required at receiver Buffers may consume large area/energy

Both styles can be algorithmic (simple HW) orbased on address tables (flxbile and area-hungry)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


SwitchingSelects when data moves forward and how

it is buffered1. Circuit-switching:

A path is formed (reserved) from source to destination before transfers, as in old-time telephones

Guaranteed latency and bandwidth for transfers, no buffering needed

Non-determistic path setup delay2. Store-and-forward (packet) switching

Data forwarded when the router receives a whole packet

Whole packet buffered Increases area and latency Packets contend for the resources and latency varies

in all packet-switched schemes

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Switching (2)3. Virtual cut-through (packet) switching:

Data forwarded ASAP when dst address arrives (e.g. 1st flit) Whole packet buffered in single router if output blocked

4. Wormhole (packet) switching: Data forwarded ASAP Buffer sizes can be independent of the packet size With small buffers, packet can be stored in many consecutive

routers (like a worm) and hence contention increases ”Tunnel” (reservation) collapses when the worm’s tail (last flit of

the packet) has passed Some schemes drop packets when contention is high

Highly non-determistic Acknowledges required (roundtrip latency, buffers for retransfers) Not recommended in general for network-on-chip

Buffering has big impact on NoC router area (e.g. 50-70% of area), power, and performance

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Switching examples

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012




1. Setup circuit: ”turn” the switches, which implicitly reserves links. Non-deterministic delay

2. Transfer data. Deterministic delay, no congestion, no need to buffers other than output DFF of switch



3. Tore down the circuit. Small (negligible?) delay.





1. No setup, just send like a postcard. Packets in blackand green flow contend for the route. Non-deterministic delay. Needs some buffering. No other phases.


hrouter i

router i+1

router i+2







Cut-through and wormhole:


router i

router i+1

router i+2


payload (+tail)




Quick terminology quizWhat is in common with the

following terms? Koala bear Whale fish (valaskala in Finnish) Wormhole routing

Such things do not exist although many people talk about them Koala is a marsupial Whale is a mammal Wormhole is a switching policy

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Example topologies

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


(Shared multimaster) bus Bus = set of signals connected

to all devices Shared bus

One transfer between devices reserves the whole interconnection

Multimaster = many initiators Bandwidth shared among

devices Bandwidth may be scaled by

adding links Long signal lines problematic Low implementation costs,

simple Used to be common SoC


Single busN = 16L = 1

<k> = -

Multiple busN = 16L = 1

<k> = -

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Bus arbitration / addr decoding Arbitration decides which master can use the

shared resource (e.g. bus or memory) Single-master system does not need arbitration E.g. priority, round-robin, TDMA Two-level : e.g. TDMA + priority May be pipelined with previous transfer

Decoding is needed to determine the target Central / Distributed schemes Address and Data are broadcast to every node Decoder select which read the data or respond

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Centralized / Distributed

M = masterS = slave


M1 M2 M3

S1 S2 S3


a) Centralized











b) Distributed

Figure 2. Centralized vs. distributed control

request + grant


Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Complex bus topologies Hierarchical bus - Several bus

segments connected with bridges Fast access as long as the target is in

the same segment Requires locality of accesses

Theoretical max. speed-up = num of segments

Segments either circuit or packet-switched together Packet-switching provides more

parallelism with added buffering Split-bus

No data storage – only three-state buffers

If switches are non-conducting, smaller effective capacitance and, hence, smaller energy






Hierarchical bus (chain + tree)

N = 16L = 2.1

<k> = 2.5

Hierarchical bus (chain)N = 16L = 2.3<k> = 2

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Other topologies

RingN = 16L = 6.3<k> = 3

Fully connected, point-to-point networkN = 16L = 1

<k> = -

3D hypercube

N = 8L = 3.7<k> = 8

Highest performance Clearly not scalable P2P and crossbar only

for small systems

Theoretically nice… 3-D topologies are

hard to map on 2-D silicon die

Simple layout Unidirectional ring may

result in long latency Good for pipelines

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Topologies: mesh and torus2-D mesh and torus are very popularSimple layout for uniformly sized nodes Wrap-around wires in torus need special


2-D meshN = 16L = 4.7<k> = 4

2-D torusN = 16L = 4.1<k> = 5

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Topologies: Tree Trad. tree has bisection

bandwidth=1 Bottleneck for uniform

traffic That does not matter when

the traffic is localized

Fat-tree has more (or wider) links near root Becoming more popular as

NoC topology

Trees also constructed so that each node is processing node

Rooted, complete, binary tree

N = 16L = 6.5

<k> = 2.9

Fat tree with butterfly elements and fanout of 2 (binary fat tree)

N = 16L = 6.5

<k> = 3.5

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Topologies: static analysis Some basic properties may be analyzed statically Simulation with real applications preferred (i.e. dynamic analysis)

Network Number of switches

Number of wires


Single bus 0 1 Bi

Multiple bus 0 e Bi

Hierarchical bus (chain) e-1 e Bi

Crossbar N2/4 N2/2 Bi

One-sided crossbar N2/2 N2-N/2 Bi

Binary tree N-1 2(N-1) Bi

Fat tree (fanout 2) Nlog2N 2Nlog2N Bi

Ring N 2N Bi

3-D hypercube N N+(N/2)log2N Bi

2-D mesh N 3N-2N1/2 Bi

2-D torus N 3N Bi

Point-to-point, fully connected

0 (N2-N)/2 Bi

Omega network (MIN) (N/4)(log2N-1) (N/2)log2N Uni

Network Parallel transactions

Longest path

Bisection bandwidth


Single bus 1 1 1 Bi

Multiple bus e (e ≤ N) 1 e Bi

Hierarchical bus (chain) e (e ≤ N) e (e ≤ N) 1 Bi

Crossbar N N N-1 Bi

One-sided crossbar N 2N-1 N/2 Bi

Binary tree N 2log2N 1 Bi

Fat tree (fanout 2) N 2log2N N Bi

Ring N N/2+2 2 Bi

3-D hypercube N log2N+2 N/2 Bi

2-D mesh N 2N1/2 N1/2 Bi

2-D torus N N1/2+2 2N1/2 Bi

Point-to-point, fully connected

N 1 (N/2)*(N/2) Bi

Omega network (MIN) N/2 log2N N Uni

Lahtinen 2004: Table 3.2 Performance Lahtinen 2004: Table 3.3 Implementation costsErno Salminen - Dec. 2012


Daytona (2001), OMAP (2004), MPCore(2005)

W. Wolf. et al. , "Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) Technology," Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.27, no.10, pp.1701-1713, Oct. 2008

Single bus

Two buses

Single bus

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


S. Dutta et al., "Viper: A multiprocessor SOC for advanced set-top box and digital TV systems," Design & Test of Computers, IEEE , vol.18, no.5, pp.21-31, Sep-Oct 2001

Industrial example: Viper by Philips (2001)

Four buses

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012


ST Nomadik(2003)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Multiple buses


Cell BE by IBM/Sony/Toshiba (2005)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Khunjush, F.; Dimopoulos, N.J.; , "Extended characterization of DMA transfers on the Cell BE processor," Parallel and Distributed Processing, 2008. IPDPS 2008. IEEE International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.1-8, 14-18 April 2008

See aldo: D. Shippy, M. Phipps, The Race for a New Game Machine: Creating the Chips Inside the XBox 360 and the Playstation 3, Citradel, 2009

Four rings


Tile64 by Tilera (2008)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

S. Bell et al., TILE64 - Processor: A 64-Core SoC with Mesh Interconnect, ISSCC 2008 + www.tilera.com

2-D mesh with 4 DDR controller for extrnal memories Most prev examples had only 1 ext.mem

Tile = 3-wide 32b VLIW, 750 MHz, L1+L2 caches 5 MByte on-chip cache in total

90nm, 615M tran, 15-22 W Theor. 443 GOPS and 50

Gbps I/O C-compiler, SMP Linux Used e.g. in Quanta

servers (cloud computing, web, databases etc.)

2D mesh


Faust (2009)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Modified 2-D mesh, asynchnoronous NoC

[E. Beigne et al., An Asynchronous Power Aware and Adaptive NoC Based Circuit, JSSC, 2009]

#51/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012 http://chipdesignmag.com/sld/shuler/files/2011/08/arterisgraphic11.png

#52/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

ConclusionSoC has many components, different

requirementsWire delays and power consumption

becoming very problematicBig difference between local and global (or

off-chip) communicationFully synchronous approach becoming

unfeasibleNetwork-on-chip = multi-hop on-chip network Often packet-switched Buffering, routing, and topology are important

design decisions

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

NoC SurveyNote: All slides in this set are exam material!

#54/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Survey of Network-on-chip proposals [Salminen et al. 2008]

This paper gives an overview of state-of-the-art regarding the network-on-chip (NoC) proposals.

NoC paradigm replaces dedicated, design-specific wires with scalable, general purpose, multi-hop network. Numerous examples from literature are selected to highlight the contemporary approaches and reported implementation results. The major trends of NoC research and aspects that require more investigations are pointed out.

A packet-switched 2-D mesh is the most used and studied topology so far. It is also a sort of an average NoC currently. Good results and interesting proposals are plenty.

However, large differences in implementation results, vague documentation, and lack of comparison were also observed.


#55/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Basic NoC properties

--- clip clip (39 lines omitted in the slide show)---

#56/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

NoC implementations

--- clip clip (14 lines omitted in the slide show)---

#57/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Average NoC 2008

[Salminen et al. Survey of NoC proposals, OCP-IP, 2008]

#58/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Average NoC 2008 (2)

as[Salminen et al. Survey of NoC proposals, OCP-IP, 2008]

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Case Study

Managing Interconnection Complexity in Heterogeneous IP Block Interconnection(HIBI)

#60/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Overview of Managing On-Chip Communications

Dedicated point-to-point links

Single bus

Regular multi-hop topologies

Simple Alwaysguaranteed

Customized multi-hop






IP block specific



k el









& F




# of

IP b





k re



Hierarchical bus structures

#61/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Lessons LearnedMany communication networks have been studied in

TUT On-chip communication research started 1997

A regular topology can well be fitted to algorithm specific comp/comm balanced implementationIn general case there is no optimal topology

Communication-centric design was successfully conducted for performanceImportant to exploit features of application(s) to optimize interconnection

Established parallel processing doctrines can be applied to SoCSoC challenge is heterogeneity in computation

#62/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Interconnection Implementation View Make lowest level data transfer mechanisms simple and

efficient Minimum number of signals “Every clock edge carries useful data in transaction”

Perform all high-level operations on basic mechanisms Layered protocol model, OCP compatible Message passing

Use identical HW modules to compose overall interconnection Translate IP specific communication operations to network Support all (practical) topologies No limits to number of IP blocks (whole design) Support (re-)configurability Fit to all communication needs –from memories to peripherals

“Gives body to build interconnect”

#63/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

System Design View Make interconnection aware of application functionality

A) System design time Communication profiled from application processes Clustering: localization of communication Allocation of communication resources (segments, buffers) Optimization of non-reconfigurable parameters Initial QoS and other transfer parameters

B) Run time Utilize knowledge of predictable communication events if

available Guaranteed QoS in transfers

Track communication –change QoS & other parameters if required

Totally change mode of operation if required HIBI Design Flow is 80% of the HIBI interconnect scheme

“Gives brains to the communication”

#64/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

HIBI Identical Interconnection Modules

HIBI wrapper is the only building block used everywhere in interconnection Between network and IP-blocks Between network segments Wrapper is parametrizable, modular, and

configurable Asyncronous FIFO buffering

P1 Mem1PN Acc1... AccN...... MemN

FIFO / OCP interface



HIBI network







#65/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

HIBI Network HIBI network consists of bus segments and bridges

Transfers in segment synchronous circuit switched Transfers across bridges asynchronous packet switched Scales from serial point-to-point link to an arbitrary


Identical signals between wrappers in network side No dedicated point-to-point signals

All signals shared within network segment Wrapper layout is independent of the number of agents

Totally distributed arbitration No central arbiter Each wrapper is aware of communication details

#66/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Clock domain

Hierarchical network Example
































Shared bus in simplest case Hierarchical bus with arbitrary many levels possible

No loops allowed, though! (Example shows also a rare multi-bus case on bottom-right)

#67/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Bus latency Total latency consists of several phases From: K. Kuusilinna, PhD Thesis, TUT, 2001.


Until all data has been transferred ora limit for data transfers per burst is reached.

Transfer data

Wait for master ready /Wait for target ready




ta la



Available MethodsRequest bus ownership

Bus ownership granted

Wait for higher priority transactions to complete / Arbitration






Central arbiter, daisy chain, wired-OR,connectionless arbitration

Round-robin, hierarchical round-robin,time-slot, fixed priority, adaptive

(See Request)

Begin transaction

Wait for master ready /Wait for target ready

Transfer first data





Address/data multiplexing,handshaking

Waiting time may be abitrarily long during high contection

Drive or wait for the bus to settle to idle state






Figure: Bus latency

Optimizing this phase has biggest impact in long transfers

#68/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

HIBI Quality of ServiceTDMA (time division multiple access) with

freely run-time adjustable frame length and slot durations and allocationsRe-synchronization to application phaseAlso traditional priority/round-robin



allocated time slotA1

competitionA3 A2 A3 A1 A3time frame


A1 A2 A1 A3 A1

A1 A2 A3


Round-robinA1 A2 A3 t

tA2 A3 A1

time frame


#69/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

HIBI Basic TransferPipelined with arbitrationSplit-transactionsBurst transfersNo wait cycles allowedNon pre-emptive transfers QoS is guaranteed with TDMA or with a

combination of Send Max+Priority/RoundRobin


rq addr

ret addr



w addr

w data ret dataw data

w addr rq addr ret addr

rq data rq data

ret addr ...


split transaction

#70/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

HIBI Wrapper Structure (v.2)

Config mem

HIBI signals out HIBI signals in

IP signals in IP signals out


HI prior tx FIFO

LO prior tx FIFO

HI prior rx FIFO

LO prior rx FIFO

Mux Demux

Addr decoderRx FSM

#71/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Wrapper Configuration Memory Stores all information for distributed arbitration

Permanent: ROM, 1 page Semi run-time configurable: ROM with several pages Full run-time configurable: RAM, with pages

Time slotlogic

Curr confvalues

Curr page

Conf page







Cycle counter

#72/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Runtime comparisonSalminen et al., SAMOS 2005.

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Other notes on NoC

#74/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Irregular IP size

<19.5% reduction in area>

IP’s tend to have irregular size and shape Largest IP per row/column decides its height/width

Some space wasted links will have varying length

Reordering the IPs reduces area Ensure that frequently communicating IPs are still close to

each other

#75/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Customized meshConnect more than IP to one routerSomewhat smaller bandwidth available per IP Usually enough, though

Adopt totally customized topology (the rightmost fig)

#76/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Transaction latency components

Scalable Multiprocessors, lecture slides, http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr07/cos598A/

#77/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Impact of DMA

comp comp ...w/o DMA

compw/ DMA

comp comm comp ...w/o DMA


comm...compw/ DMA

a) Good balance: roughly equal comp and comm times – DMA offers most improvement here

comm comm ...w/o DMA

comm comm...w/ DMA

b) Poor balance: either comm is much longer than comp, or vice versa – minor benefit from DMA

comp ...


CPU core

instr. mem

data mem DMA network interface

other perihp.



DMA takes care of communication while CPU is processing

i. DMA uses dual-port memory – max. perf but large mem area

ii. Single port mem – cheaper, mem contention


#78/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Intertwined arrivals/Reordering Transfers from different

sources may arbitrarily intertwined

In addition, packets may arrive out-of-order






ddee ddaabbeecc

These are either single words, bursts, or packets, depending on

the network




i) fixed-length packets

dd aa bb eecc

”FIFO”-like buffers










...dd ee

ii) variable-length packets

dd aa bb eecc


linked list buffers

aa bb


Rx buffer reservation

Notification of the next tx

Reserve buffer


Actual data

(optional ACK)

Sender agent Receiver agent

Consume data

Notification token of the reserved buffer

Actual data

Sender agent Receiver agent

Reserved buffer

Reserve buffer etc.

(copy data)

Consume data

Observedtx duration

Observedtx duration

Receiver must allocate mem buffer(s) for received data Dynamic: sender requests a buffer prior to transfer (as in fig), increases latency

(data and roundtrip of req+ack), but uses mem more efficiently Static reservation: reserve buffers for expected senders and send them tokens

(=permission to send)

Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

#80/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Reordering buffers Packets arriving Out-of-order may require huge reordering buffers

Sometimes processing units may accept out-of-order delivery, or buffers can be integrated with internal memory of the processing unit, though

If ack is sent after 4 packets, buffer for 4 packets is needed Furthermore, separate buffers are needed for each source as data may

be received in interleaved manner E.g. if ack sent after N packets and S sources

reorder buffer size = N*S packets Variable-length packets don’t make this any easier…

source 0 destination

ack (ok)


a) ack for each packet

b) ack for each Npackets



buf buf buf buf



src buf buf buf buf

buf buf buf buf...

Ack-per-1-pkt forces in-order delivery, allows small buf, but has large latency

source 1


#81/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Retransfer buffers at the sender If packets are dropped or corrupted in delivery, (usually) they have to

retransferred Variable latencies problematic: is packet dropped and just having longer latency? If Time-out latency exceeded, packet is assumed to be missing

Source must store packets until reciever acknowledges succesfull transfer Sending acknowledge after each packet results in small buffer, but (at least)

double latency Sending ack after each N packet reuires bigger buffers but gives better

performance In SoC, buffer space is very limited

source destination

ack (ok)

ack (ok,ok,fail,ok)

a) ack for each packet

b) ack for each Npackets




buf buf buf buf



Latency per pkt = send_latency + ack_latency

Latency per pkt < (N*send_latency + ack_latency) / NPackets overlap and hence equation has ”<”

#82/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

Wiring hierarchy

[H. Corporaal, Advanced Computer Architecture5Z008 - Multiprocessors &Interconnect, course material, 2003]




How far can signal reach in one local clock cycle?

Depends on frequency (i.e duration of

clock cycle) Wiring parameters (layer,

width, height, density, shielding)

Not far anyway... Global wires will function

as lossy transmission lines RC models of today

become inaccurate 3-D modeling s-l-o-w and


#83/52 Erno Salminen - Dec. 2012

P. Liljeberg et al., Self-timed Approach for Noise Reduction in Noc, in “Interconnect-centric design for advanced SoC and NoC”, Kluwer. 2004

Crosstalk impactLong, fast switching wires

Long wires close to each other

Switching on neighbor wires affects delay

Delay on wire 4 shown in table 2