Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

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Page 1: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter



1JiF CV_I) 8 lmiddot)U~ GAZDTTE N -- - - ~ ~ 1 o 35 3 OP 30TH OCTOBER 1951 SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION

---------_-==== No 55Z TIlE TRADE MARKS LAW 1951




In exercise of the powers vesteJ ill me Gy sectiollS 38 and 39 of the Trade IVIarks Law 195 I I the Govtr1lgtr wilh the adviltc of the Executive Council Jo hereby make the following rule~ shy

Short Tit Ltmiddot Illld COllllltlcelllelll

These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~ 195 and shall Shoet titlo come inu OPl[IiUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember 951 hcrcinilfter 1lJ~c1 Ct)n~

IDcncaUC1(cillltd the appuinted day


2-( I) III these rules unless the context otherwise requircs the Inlerprctshyfolluwing expressions have the meanings hereby allsigned to them lIlOO

respectively that is to-say shy the Law 11 mean2 the TraJe IVlarks Law 1951

lgent meangt an agent July authorized to the satifaction of (llc Registmr

[he Oniee mcall~ the Office of tl( Officifll Receiver and RegUiHoIr N icosia C)pru~ bull

Schedule l1taI1S OllC of the Scheduks Ipptnded to thex rulC3 gtInd numhertJ I Jr III and IV

Sectiun ll(an~ a section of the Law a suo-section bcing inuicllcd by a number enclosed ill brackcl~ immeuiatdy following tile number of t1gtt scction

SpecliiCltltion means the designation of gooda in respect of which trade mark or a regislered ust[ of a traot mark is rcgwlereu or proposcd to ut regi~tercd

(2) Tbe Ioterpretation Law tihail apply to the interprclltltion of tlieu up I

ruku as it applies to the inttrprttation of a Law

Fees ~ J The fees to be paid in rdation t trade marlui shall be thOllC f=aJf1 )O(r-

prescribed ill Schedule Iand hall be payable in slch n1Jllncr aB tilt Rtgiltrar 6 t ~ _(L~ may from time to ttmt dHtct by nOUee III the Gazette I

bull Nolt-Deillitions ill the Intcrprclltllion L~w include the followinc shy11 rvlonth 1I InC10ij U culcntliH OlorHh Pcron unless the COI[flUY inlcntion Uppenr include amiddotl1Y company

putnCfhip uuOCiUlioll ~llcicty intitulion or body of pCrllOll Cocporle or unincorporutc Vord in the oingular Include Ih pur(l und word ill the plurul UlcluLlc 14~

jnBulil~ (llo17)

10121971 21121984

( 2 01 PUOIKO( KUVOVIO~LO( 1P01t01tOIOUVTUl ~E TTjV 1tp008rjKTj T(J)V TpoTtoTto(lOl I

U~E(J)V laquorj u1tllPWIWVraquo ~ETU TTj At~Tj laquoE~1tOPEUIJUT(J)Vraquo 01tOUlirj1t01E V ~aoKcilV KOVOV10IUOV ~ II




EL150no1J1 CJ ll CJI)WPCIlVCl ~Lf TOV Kavovt(J~L6 3

LI)IHIHllVrL ~lE ne f~oJCJicC lWtl ~Ot) narfxF-t 0 KavovlCJflC)C 3 T(I)V mr[ E~Ll(QrlK()v LllfHh(Jlv KIlVOVlOWlI 1951 IIf TllV FloonOt1(Tll autrj oio(l) oOllyice 011(0e 11 nA-1lP())IL11 to)V tCA-CI) m OXECJTl IlE

Ta E~nOrlKa L1lpaTa yi VFTCLt 1Ote pc-rrlFOte

H ElamponOtllCJll aJn] fla flFCIlrrfmt on lCJXJE ana Tn III At)yolJCTWtl 1990

MAPIA A KYPIAKOY E(poroC ETatrCU]i Kat EntmwO nuruirjntllCmiddot


Clussificution of gOOilB

( Application by rCKilaquotpoundcd propnetor~

for convershysion of spcshycii1caliofl HegitrlrK


I Ad verticshy

Tllcnt of shy

proPOJ OIPlt)sition

ConvcrIion of pecitishycutHJns

resultinl rcgitrucions


F~ tmiddot The forms hcruul rdcrre to ~ thoIe con~ined in amphedu1e II and

such fornlH tlllllll be Ul~ ip all ca~ tq which they are applicable lUll may Ix modifitti U dir~ltttd by If Reg~1Il ~ D)CCt other ~



ClqJsijicqJi9r1 rgtj 900dJ 5 For the purp0ltles of trade marb registratiolUl datcd before the

IlpppiMt day and of rCtistraciolls of r~gistlrc~ tlSCflI thClClJn4cr gooamp lIe

dllSi1Jd in th manner llpptring in Scheduc lII uneaa any pccification lUUl been gt=PlV~J1C~ to ~h~Jll4 IV in i1fro(~ncc with rule 6

For thc pUP0lgtC~ of tradc maro regiau-ationa datcU on or after the appointed day arHl of registrations of rcgitttred Uamper1I thereunder ami for tbe purposes of any rtjilr-ratilhW datlt4l )~Ulre UlJlt 4ar WhHCOf the sptci~~Qlli have DCen converted in accordance Y(it~ rule 6 gooda arc clauificd in the mllnrur app~~rif~ 4l slH~~ftl( Fmiddot

Ij Reclawjication Dj Goods Dj oLd RegutraJu-s

6 yhcrc tht specification of a fcgiltcred tnde man ill founded 01

Schcqulc I II the rcgiatercd proprietOr may apply to the Rcgilltrar 00 FOrll fM-middotNo 3H for tht conversion of thH 8)CCifi~tian IQ dat it ffily be founded 011 Schedule 1 V whether with or without the IItrilUng-out of gooda thertmiddot from but so that the r~gilltration nt~nll itraquo ori~iMl datc and ~1lltl11 iuduJe in the ~ppliqli(H) a cqltll for the lik~ c(llY~~~O of thc 1Iplt0fu4~(ln of the gOOUB of any registtred Scrs under ~H rcgilltr4tion Thucupon Ihl Rcgilltrur in IIccordroce with section 37 (3) IIhall notify iD writing to tb ngistcrttJ proprietor a proposal showing tle form whiclJ in thc RcgilllrolI 0

vieIV the amendment of the register should taic Two QC more rcgilitnluon~ of a trade l1iJrk in fcipcxt of goods falling within the IgtW~ dUll of Schedule IV hllving ~li 8ome daUl of regiau-atiQA may be amamplpmaud upon convefllion in accordance with thi3 rule_

7- The advertiHGment of a propooal for arneudrnent unilir scctian 37 (1) shall be made in the Grueltt and noticc of any appoaition ~iill be ~i cn 011 Form IM-No 39 witlul~ two monthl fNm the da~ (If ll~ IlJvcrmemctll and ~ha1 be accompanied by a dupli(4lte of thc notice lIOlt by a lllClUcnt in qlpiicilfe gilOwillg how till prppo~d COQvcratnn woold be contrary tll

section 37 (~) The Registrar shall fo~(ith ~d th~ dupliQLG copica tbc registered pwpridor who mlY Witllin two mnullf fronl ~ rcaipt 0

such uupliq~eJ) send to the Regititrar ~ CQWltCf-ltatcrncnt JltltiUg out (ulll the ground on which the oppositiooil ClgtnLlted and if ~ ~ 10 be ahall

uliver 0 the oppouent a copy tlcnof Th~ ~iouu ynay thereupoll reqllire or admit cviencc WrCccq to ~I~ ~-CBiPQll ill ~~ alld If Iltl d~ircd by either party hc shall before d(C1dlO~ thc mAtter ill1~ tht p-arucs ampSI oPflonuni~) of xir1g h3Jd thc~)

8 When a proposal for tM Cl)nY()nlion of a lpociiication in accordance with rule 6 hall betll advertised and lW lot been oppl=d IInd thc time for no~ict of opposition has expi-ed or lving beeQ oppool--J tht oppooition hlgt bctn uttermincd and a conversion IllIowtclI the Rcgiatrar ahll nukc all thl entric8 ill the regi3tcr Ilecessary to give effect to the convtflIion in acCQ4UlIOLl with the propolial as advertised or tllf propoajil yen amcnded after ~~~tiOIl or appeal thcnon and pupli~hc4 ilu~qllGllly in the GJ444J awI I CUler in the register the date whtn such enlliell WCfU made The cl(pnaaion lh~ expiration of th(J laat tcgilltration I ~halJ WYI r~b~f4 fQ the ~c ~Le in the case of all the fCulting tutri~ fOi the purpltraquoe of dc~ning the ne prWWill thereof in l~cPfctap~~il)l McMfI U U-ilW ~~ U the ~~~tr~tio~ bcfQrt-middotljQnYF~iQn

I -



I fur Wh)111 it is cfltercd by lctttr aJJrcsseu to his tratt or business aJJrcsss--------- shyin thL register tu c()lllirlll tht aJdrLs~ for s~ryice and if within dlCt( monrh of 11~lkilg sllch a I CljULst tht Hltgistrar rtctivcs no confirmation of lhilt addrcss he ll~ly strike it olf the rg iltcr


gtICy I Except J othuwisc nquircd hy these rults any application request (lr nutiLe which is rC-juired or permitted by the Law or thest ruks to he Ill~lllc or gilcn to the HcgistrJr and all other communications between an applicant or a pll~)1l mlking such a rC(ltJesr or giing such a notice anu the lq~itrar and hctlcen tht rcgistLfed proprietor or a rcgistrcJ user of a tradc mark anu the lcgistrar or ail) ()[htr person may be signed mau or gilcn hy or through an ltlgcllt -

AllY such applicant person making reqlJest or giing notict proprietor nr registered ll~er 111) allpoill dO lgCllt III act for him in any proeccding or Illcllter bLfurc or dlccllig the Hegi~trar unuer th Law ltlnu thee rule

hy signing aod sending to th ncglstral an authority tu that dflct in the Fonn TII --u I or ill sueh o[her writtel form as titl egistrar may decm suffishyciellt jll cast of SllL appuilltlllellt sLIvic upon the agn of any document rtbting to tlte plocLcding or llIatter shdl be dctmed to be service up)n lh~

_person ~(l appointillg hilll ill clilll)unications uincHJ to be made lO such pt S)I I in rt~pcct ur the pruceeJing (JI malteT may be aJurltsseU to such agent and all tt~IlJJIICC~ llpllll the Registrar rdating thtrctu may be maJlt by or thruugh sllch agel1t I11 any plrticular ClIC the RegIstrar may require lite perional signJtun lr pnsltJc( of an applicalt opponlnt proprietor regislcrcd user or OLIlImiddot jlltrslln

The legistrmiddot shall nOI be buunJ tf reeogniu as such agltnt any per~n wh hJS beell prucd to him or 011 Jppeal to ~( Court to hae been guilty of conduct discreditahle to a trade mark agnt or who has been cOlictcel criminalh or wh()~c name ha~ blten struck otf the Roll of AUIOCOltcs and l(Jt since flt)d or (during the trm of hi~ ~u$pcniol1) any per)(fl who hl hll suspended (rOII1 ltting as an advocatc

RIgistruuii Trade 11illrS Will jrdilllilltJry Advice (SCIOll -+0)

liqhlruhlc 10 The Rgis[rJ Illay rcftlsc to accept any application for the ngistration ~~=-~~--~-~- j l_-o_ fr 11 (nlltIOP nDDeJf - 1

cl2 Ol I((v()vtOflo 15 Kn 16 1(011 ((1(ltl()I I(nrl(olli-)II rJl(rYru~olrn

((I 1TII(00fClf(rrfl (lir( C-n 1~1laquo()A(H(lr I(cn 0nj(l IllTIC) (ofX()C

tllnl r -15 0 [toror tJlrXTn er r(fI olmfl[(ITE 0111- Onll~ bull 011111 tY)PCXIIl OlIP(no( rlIi Tnil (IC)fOII lI1Olilgt1I~ 0101~1~lrnJ n Yl1(llf -) IJ(O)OIIO()I YflI~

(0) (11 AU[IC lflrol(pOl )rmiddotlq(nc- npCl(JTClTCUnshy ~ IUO f( rpOlo(d0U Jlr(1middotmiddotXy~ laquoc))cvrntl shy I

I )I~ I bull T yvc) r((1 1 d 01 c z(I 0 n1[ ltJp er 1 ll( 11 ll -

t0t(lI(11(Jco (coPy rghl) I ((110(illl11J1lt 10()j~IOr(VshydTOe cil1(lTrAIi lfAnnH)r((IIrtl rfCI( Tn c-nnoG rll

)llICXTOrU J I~I ([) 01 if(o-H ErJ()rol ZTrr(rt~ ii TUllrf)( lIe rEshy

ur ~ ~~t)ll l(Cri lmpO(fT(orlC 1011 ~ T0UpoCi TTlr r rfllle


J I(rr ltltff(w 0[0pamp t_flJOpn xrrII0TOt Ij ToG ArcJ_


tltOu E)foIII(oG OlIO(11[(1VOI(oI(lii ((I(i) htl pu- S ~ 8rric f~ nI1)al~ (ar i) dpyJ(lOl l i (fIO(i~r ~ 1[1lt~rrvrIr(C m - lt

or t ~ -J (rj 10IQ(jl0 rrpCI(H((lCIr 1I 1laquo(lnl lfol X(lrllr~nnr r) ~gt bull ~--

Xf)(lllrh ( lal


~ I ~Ooaltlr fv IJrrorll(C 11IIInT (11 middotIIlv I~YYrllaquoIIlv IOU llishy -- -0-f ~ 6W(OI) LllIDGtlA-_E101 U1CIC- (IIO[VTOI 11nprJqTnOIC

U~) (nrlOn I oil)~)Por lt(lIIICYTI 11AiII (() lvlll)IEuOrv()V

EV Ti [A[UO(ltlt U1l01IOpoyp(~1l(1 Cl tqopoC o(voo (1 cmcxuion 11CPcJ tau rd1llou ft orov nnoooxiic va dV(lshy

ArJ(n on()e [111 Xrl)oltonOI~an 10 E(1AllI ICX 10U 01ClUpOU

eurov lruOr() xpr)pcxn Il ~I A)I(~l Eni euroruOrac fn1i0d0C j ~I ccr))p( llIl (lIIO(lOr rI1rr(IIEirtt rj Ell ol()blTlOlfC 110rO poll) XP()(10TI

IJVfl~ IG I xUIlt l17nnc (JEll Gt ()lpOtsrpm t1[ fIITlOPIKC)I 111)7111[ OI]Ir(1()I (lIer TI1 YY(l01lv 1()1 ()l1()lr) (lTlo(1r)f)FWn~ TIIjou1

1 I ~((vtnnfl ~111 1llltOrlllnii


D~ -111 ( 9middot Subject to my other directions that mill be given by the Rcgill~) all SW etlt Q

apptl(utlOntl nonc1l statemcnt3 papero haVing ftpresCnuuions aifixct ot dOQJmcua

other documenls authorized or required by the UW or th~ rules to be mampde left Of sent at or to the Office with or to the Regitltnlf ~luillbe upon strong paper ami except in the qse of dlidlViIl on onc lIidc onJy of a size of ap-prDximatdy 13 inches by 8 inches lint shall have on th~ left-homd P04rt thtrcof 1 lIlarplll of not leamp tnan onc Inch and l half

10 A document purporting to be signed for or on bcbLlf of a parmefllhip SiKIUlIUn ol shall contain the names of all the partl1efH in full and 1I1ull be signed by all d ocurnc 11 La

by partncrshythe partller~ orby any qualified partntr stltlting thal he aigos on behalf of the amphip Clgt(ll shy

pilrtllCfhip or by any other pcr~m who tWllllfie the Regi9trar that he la pan iCJi ~)jj authorized to sign the document A qOCllllltllt purporting tp Ix signet for ~UOAamp or on behalf of a body corporlte llhall be signed by a director or by ~t sccreshytary or otlur principai ot1iccr of the body cprporltt or by any other perBilll who ~atiifl) the RegilCrar that he is lUtlOflZtO to sigilmiddot the document A d0cumwt purporting to be signcu for or on bchalf of an agt3Ocia~ion of PCflK)04

may be ligned by uny pefllon whu appearo to the Registrllr to ~ duly qualified

I r All applications notiCe ualcr1eliltl papers hyening repr~~tion3 Sc~c of

JAiTlxeJ or other ilocumcntll iuthorized Of reqllired by the ~w or th~documcnLa ~ ~ulCb to be mHie left or ampnt at or w the OJfice or witll or to tIlt Rcgt14tnar

or any othef person may be gtcut through the pltlDt by A prepaid letter lUJy tppliqtion or gtny JU(UPClt 80 gtCBt s1lall be JltelIlcti to hJlve ~ maJc luft or stnt at the time when tllcletter containing the I1JlC would hlt

delivered in the ordinary coortle of pOt In proving such ~ndiog it shU Po liuuujeIlt lu PIOV that qjt lctttr was properly aJdr~llcJand JgtIt illto the poot

AdJress n Where an) per-lIOn wby the Law or these rules bound to funUah the

Registrar with an addrtampl the addrelil given shall in ~ ~ bo all full lUI

postlibk for thl purpogtc of enabling any pe~)n tJllily to ~~ the p4cc of trlde or busincsti of the person whose address is given

The RCfltrf 1ly require the address to include th narpc of the street and the numba in the ~iIt or nanu of tllt prcllli~ ifwy

]3 The Registrar ml1y rcquin au upplicmt 0PPOACot or agcnt or Il AddrCM ~r regisltnd proprietor or rcgitcnQ Ullcr of a trade mur~ wpq~ lot r~iJe ryKl( or carry on bUlliueas witl)in Cypru8 to give an addrtlgt for lIervicc within CypruB and ajcll aU(rellB may bc treatcC lUl the Octu~ aldr~of that p9lWn for all purpOllC conncctd with the nuttef in qucstion it

Any regitlttrcd proprietor or rcgitcrcd user of a trlGl narkmiddot or any PCr8(Hl ltlbout to be rcgitltered lUl lIuch muy if he so dC1lire8 give lIpon

form TM-No 32 an lIddrClIll for aeTvlcc for entry in ~re8illter ~nLl ilJlch adure~ may be entcnd by the Hxgistrar i )

All applicaLioll1 on Form TM~No 3~ under this rule Ilhul1 be signed by tlle applicant for registration or tilt ngistcrtd PIOPiewr or regisfreq I~r as the cultc may bc or by an llgcnt expfCgtlly lluth0rirc4 by hun for t~

purjXWle of such an applicatloI ull~ in ~tio~poundi~c~mslnpound9_ thCL ~glslltlLQlhCIWl~ illluwa

In any caae in which no udJr~ foe service IS ontqc4 lP the r~gllltcr tbe Regilltrilr may treat the trade or bUtilllcss dureamp of Jhe registered v ~roprietor or registcrcJ u~tr 113 thcr~in entered as hi~ ~drC86 for servicc for all purposlltl conneclcd With the rcglstratwn

Any wri~tcn cOInmunicitcioo lIddrClllle4 jO 11 purty or PfCllOl l8 IlfOC~4

at U1 address given by him qr trcated by ~hc Rcgititrar ~fyen adqrClla foc IjlfYice 3h~1 be dtemcd 1Oblt propcrly ddresamped Lo l y-

The Regllitrur ~t any t~c that 11 l~ubtljri~ uto ~~lraquofltiJcj a-~ilt~ ~ biljty pf flH ~9t-f~ (qr ~ryt~~lt~rcd tl thIltJVi~t1~I~r~~~ ~~lt ~

I~ I~l~ (~~~ ~~ I ( J _)~tJr-- II~~ ~YI~~I~ t 11- l_~

~~J ~l I ~ -t~t ~f 1deg ~J EI~~~l (f)Imiddot l I ~~ 1-- t le I~~~ (rl~~

I rtf~1~Y~~~i~i~ ~WoIl~~ MdLi-1 e 5~


ffirJ~~-n~)ftO~~l ~~c-fftttb the cii~tratioll of which ll apphcd-ior shy

17middot Whcre a repre~entaton of the anncrid bearing insignia orJers of chivalry decor~tion$ or flag of 11y Sne city boruugh town pbu society Dody corporate institution or pcrun qlpC~ro on a mark the cgltrur bdllle proclOcdiilg to rtgist1 the mark shdl jf ht ~u require be furni~hcJ with a CObent to tht re[15trltltioll and ust of such emblems frolll such

gtoHicial or other person as appears to the Pegisrrar to be entitled to give consent and in deLwlt of JUC) conSCIi~ he may refut to register the mark

IS Whtrt th~ lalIle or reprtselltation of ltlIly person appears on a traJ LImiddotnj mark the tZlOgistrar shall if he so require be[ort proteeding to register the plttgtltlns or

plt tgtltlBmark be furnishtd with consent from Lim or in the case of a pawn recently rcccnliy

dead from his legal nprlswtatives and in ddault of SUc11 conent he may JcJ n[u~e to register the mark

19 Whtre tht name or description of any goods appears on a traue mark Name or the Regi~trar may refuse to regi$ler such mark in respect of any goocb otha J~rir)[middotun

of ~ gtd onthaIl the g00U 50 nallled or llcscribnL bull Ide oUlrilt

Where the name ur ucscription of any goods apptars on ltl trade mark whieh name or uescriptiol In llSe varits the Registrar may permit the registration of the mark for those and other goods and in that case tbe applicant shall S[ate in 3 application that tltt name or ulCriplion will be varied when the mark i usell upon goods covcred by the specification other thaIl the named or described goods

20 Any pawn who proJlose to 1Ipl) for the registration of a trade Illark lrcllOlinury ~Jlcc byin Part A or Part B of the register ill fltpect of JIly gO()J~ lllay apply to Ihe HqIr bull gt

j gegi~lrar on Form TM--Nll 29 or () Form IM-No 2) in a case where to dilineshyhe is abo making an application unucr rule 106 for advice-as to whether the tJlrCneSli

aaut mark of which duplicate representatioIl~ stlal1 accompany the Form appcar8 to the Hcgistrar prima facie to lx inherently adlpttd to di~tingtl1sh

within the meaning of section 11 or inhwntly capJhJe of distinguisllillg within the meaning of cection 12 Cl the Clje Illay be in rdation 10 thos gooJs and shall apply ~tparattiy in relation to goods comprised within dijfCf(1It claslel of gOOd8 in Scht~iulc IV

A notice of withdrawal of an application for the ngistratiun of a traut mark givtI1 unJer section 40 (3) for the purpu~e (Jf obtaining rt)laYIlltnt of any fee paid on tht)iling of the application shtll be gi~en in writing ithin two months from ttH datt of tht notice of tht Registrars objection

I1pplicaliulI fUT RlglslruliuIl 0) U TruJe i1urh-SpecijicuJioll

3 0 l(avovlOj(X 21 TGiv Gaoll(C--W laVOJO~li)v cllayparpuCXl KGI

OIITll(aO[oTaToJ Olll Tal) cIltonl)OOI) f(alloVloJlOU



63 w01f)(i

laquo21--( 1) 11 (fllqole Hprc 10v [1l0pO~ 0_1amp 11111 tyyP((1~v CII1TClPlllaquo()U OlllIrnor l)llrl0ctr101 [ H TOI) l ~TOLJ E 2 ~r 2 I(a (moypr(CI1ClCXl 1)110 TaU alqTo~ f1 TaU OVTlllr0O(lHOU aLrrolJ EIlaquo(oHI rtlHIOIlt 06 rfcIop Elr ~yypo1lV degX E11 middot I(Wr npr)e rIITTOPElIIOTa In-r 1101011 TcxE[()r TaU nlvalco~ TV

(2) rlFcoa niTqolC cxEloLOc( llpO_Tl~pCXlCmiddotJ1ql ouvap~1 1 -1 llapoyprrQ10l 6--1 TaU expOP0l 11 l11e 6_1fEl~OUr 2 upGaou~~ Eni T~C r-Jpoowo[cxC lrleltI[llollllxa~II(l]r 1~IOl(nIOIO~ 111lt EI(T10qIFVllC I~I T~J rkrpopTlllCX Tl TaU rEp1 11e 2UlGaO~(0lt (Ili 111e Ilpomcxoia( T~C 8Iol111xalll~(tle IOlOl(llol~c (11) prHII(rlU) ilollOU TaU 1965 6yr~ 11lC -n000~1le atTllou)r bl I))rnr~l tIITTOPII(OO OIllleTTOe YEVOJIEVllC )1 oYI~0l-fII( 0JC Yf0ltrllC Fe X(Jprx [le ~ i1 pqOEIOO L UII~OOI~ laquorap IJ6~rT(Xt (I ()T[oin xr1PeT of 011()_ IWTOJO[((~~HXI) 8~ rCT1Fpn 11 TIIIJpolqirxv Tle [_v 1n Ell A6y(~) X(lPrx 0I111~ orclC I(ni rl oil11T1 Oc~ TTPOOI(OIi0n TToTon~IIlTll(~V T(JU [I(lpOll Tr--nr TllTTrlpllu71V LlIrTC)1I f) ~TrpCX~ ar~IJOi)la5 ~1C1 1IV ~ )YP1 rrpxie 1iiC Xlpa TauTllC f 00 rXT(lOEI~n l(a T rmiddot()vfA1l011 1111 euroIOII~lV ~ o(IJeuroVll V r)r )fI()~ Ilt l 1 [v T ~I ny~) xc)prr (XtHIOlV npoc Il(aVOITO [loIV r(l

J=1)PO (3) TII Tl nrrI1H()nr1 aiTImiddotIUC 0 Eyvpar~~11 ~ O(cnl

nprr 0lTrVTr Trr ~llnlpCIlrn0 leT llFpl)JJ11GavOIlEVa 11 - ) Ie lrrFJI 11 fl O~OFI npclrII((flI TT)IIV E1l1Tnn Ilo-H)I n Fopar 01nT0 110 (lToprI11 T)l1~ 01 111 011 t KHgt

poundal pflVrJ l(OVQTF=)ll~EIC)~ (~[ ~rl ~rIjl) ~(I ~lT(cI(I~I~I[ 1(~) t)(GOf) rI77Jt Ull() rrl~ ~(r)10jCJ)~ TO() or)IIrnr~ 111

cmnlrxv fl (1iTllriC ~xrl 1(C11~I 11 PClTiOrTUI 110 I(imiddotn Frv I(at 01(f) 1( Oller FyYrnrln

Form of -pphLmiddotaljlln

r Spc~ilicolluo

J E ~ t- ~~ lItgt1 b 1 it 1 U~~ c t~c I ~(~~t ~ J-I

114 lQlt- crmiddott-r 1t f-w I t t I Itllprc-clshyflun of mar


o~ ~(JHof J [00 Ti)nflll r

HilV H[lrCI

r arII(J[(r dCl I

I 11 alrqolc 11

J 111 V Xri] ~llt lOl 011] I

~ 1 er p I~ r Lc) ~

IW( b ahT)shymiddotOIJTC)V 0 1001 iiClEF

i )()()Ij ~ Irltf~jmiddot-

61 10U ~1[10 [G TOU 1lt01shy

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 2: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


1JiF CV_I) 8 lmiddot)U~ GAZDTTE N -- - - ~ ~ 1 o 35 3 OP 30TH OCTOBER 1951 SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION

---------_-==== No 55Z TIlE TRADE MARKS LAW 1951




In exercise of the powers vesteJ ill me Gy sectiollS 38 and 39 of the Trade IVIarks Law 195 I I the Govtr1lgtr wilh the adviltc of the Executive Council Jo hereby make the following rule~ shy

Short Tit Ltmiddot Illld COllllltlcelllelll

These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~ 195 and shall Shoet titlo come inu OPl[IiUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember 951 hcrcinilfter 1lJ~c1 Ct)n~

IDcncaUC1(cillltd the appuinted day


2-( I) III these rules unless the context otherwise requircs the Inlerprctshyfolluwing expressions have the meanings hereby allsigned to them lIlOO

respectively that is to-say shy the Law 11 mean2 the TraJe IVlarks Law 1951

lgent meangt an agent July authorized to the satifaction of (llc Registmr

[he Oniee mcall~ the Office of tl( Officifll Receiver and RegUiHoIr N icosia C)pru~ bull

Schedule l1taI1S OllC of the Scheduks Ipptnded to thex rulC3 gtInd numhertJ I Jr III and IV

Sectiun ll(an~ a section of the Law a suo-section bcing inuicllcd by a number enclosed ill brackcl~ immeuiatdy following tile number of t1gtt scction

SpecliiCltltion means the designation of gooda in respect of which trade mark or a regislered ust[ of a traot mark is rcgwlereu or proposcd to ut regi~tercd

(2) Tbe Ioterpretation Law tihail apply to the interprclltltion of tlieu up I

ruku as it applies to the inttrprttation of a Law

Fees ~ J The fees to be paid in rdation t trade marlui shall be thOllC f=aJf1 )O(r-

prescribed ill Schedule Iand hall be payable in slch n1Jllncr aB tilt Rtgiltrar 6 t ~ _(L~ may from time to ttmt dHtct by nOUee III the Gazette I

bull Nolt-Deillitions ill the Intcrprclltllion L~w include the followinc shy11 rvlonth 1I InC10ij U culcntliH OlorHh Pcron unless the COI[flUY inlcntion Uppenr include amiddotl1Y company

putnCfhip uuOCiUlioll ~llcicty intitulion or body of pCrllOll Cocporle or unincorporutc Vord in the oingular Include Ih pur(l und word ill the plurul UlcluLlc 14~

jnBulil~ (llo17)

10121971 21121984

( 2 01 PUOIKO( KUVOVIO~LO( 1P01t01tOIOUVTUl ~E TTjV 1tp008rjKTj T(J)V TpoTtoTto(lOl I

U~E(J)V laquorj u1tllPWIWVraquo ~ETU TTj At~Tj laquoE~1tOPEUIJUT(J)Vraquo 01tOUlirj1t01E V ~aoKcilV KOVOV10IUOV ~ II




EL150no1J1 CJ ll CJI)WPCIlVCl ~Lf TOV Kavovt(J~L6 3

LI)IHIHllVrL ~lE ne f~oJCJicC lWtl ~Ot) narfxF-t 0 KavovlCJflC)C 3 T(I)V mr[ E~Ll(QrlK()v LllfHh(Jlv KIlVOVlOWlI 1951 IIf TllV FloonOt1(Tll autrj oio(l) oOllyice 011(0e 11 nA-1lP())IL11 to)V tCA-CI) m OXECJTl IlE

Ta E~nOrlKa L1lpaTa yi VFTCLt 1Ote pc-rrlFOte

H ElamponOtllCJll aJn] fla flFCIlrrfmt on lCJXJE ana Tn III At)yolJCTWtl 1990

MAPIA A KYPIAKOY E(poroC ETatrCU]i Kat EntmwO nuruirjntllCmiddot


Clussificution of gOOilB

( Application by rCKilaquotpoundcd propnetor~

for convershysion of spcshycii1caliofl HegitrlrK


I Ad verticshy

Tllcnt of shy

proPOJ OIPlt)sition

ConvcrIion of pecitishycutHJns

resultinl rcgitrucions


F~ tmiddot The forms hcruul rdcrre to ~ thoIe con~ined in amphedu1e II and

such fornlH tlllllll be Ul~ ip all ca~ tq which they are applicable lUll may Ix modifitti U dir~ltttd by If Reg~1Il ~ D)CCt other ~



ClqJsijicqJi9r1 rgtj 900dJ 5 For the purp0ltles of trade marb registratiolUl datcd before the

IlpppiMt day and of rCtistraciolls of r~gistlrc~ tlSCflI thClClJn4cr gooamp lIe

dllSi1Jd in th manner llpptring in Scheduc lII uneaa any pccification lUUl been gt=PlV~J1C~ to ~h~Jll4 IV in i1fro(~ncc with rule 6

For thc pUP0lgtC~ of tradc maro regiau-ationa datcU on or after the appointed day arHl of registrations of rcgitttred Uamper1I thereunder ami for tbe purposes of any rtjilr-ratilhW datlt4l )~Ulre UlJlt 4ar WhHCOf the sptci~~Qlli have DCen converted in accordance Y(it~ rule 6 gooda arc clauificd in the mllnrur app~~rif~ 4l slH~~ftl( Fmiddot

Ij Reclawjication Dj Goods Dj oLd RegutraJu-s

6 yhcrc tht specification of a fcgiltcred tnde man ill founded 01

Schcqulc I II the rcgiatercd proprietOr may apply to the Rcgilltrar 00 FOrll fM-middotNo 3H for tht conversion of thH 8)CCifi~tian IQ dat it ffily be founded 011 Schedule 1 V whether with or without the IItrilUng-out of gooda thertmiddot from but so that the r~gilltration nt~nll itraquo ori~iMl datc and ~1lltl11 iuduJe in the ~ppliqli(H) a cqltll for the lik~ c(llY~~~O of thc 1Iplt0fu4~(ln of the gOOUB of any registtred Scrs under ~H rcgilltr4tion Thucupon Ihl Rcgilltrur in IIccordroce with section 37 (3) IIhall notify iD writing to tb ngistcrttJ proprietor a proposal showing tle form whiclJ in thc RcgilllrolI 0

vieIV the amendment of the register should taic Two QC more rcgilitnluon~ of a trade l1iJrk in fcipcxt of goods falling within the IgtW~ dUll of Schedule IV hllving ~li 8ome daUl of regiau-atiQA may be amamplpmaud upon convefllion in accordance with thi3 rule_

7- The advertiHGment of a propooal for arneudrnent unilir scctian 37 (1) shall be made in the Grueltt and noticc of any appoaition ~iill be ~i cn 011 Form IM-No 39 witlul~ two monthl fNm the da~ (If ll~ IlJvcrmemctll and ~ha1 be accompanied by a dupli(4lte of thc notice lIOlt by a lllClUcnt in qlpiicilfe gilOwillg how till prppo~d COQvcratnn woold be contrary tll

section 37 (~) The Registrar shall fo~(ith ~d th~ dupliQLG copica tbc registered pwpridor who mlY Witllin two mnullf fronl ~ rcaipt 0

such uupliq~eJ) send to the Regititrar ~ CQWltCf-ltatcrncnt JltltiUg out (ulll the ground on which the oppositiooil ClgtnLlted and if ~ ~ 10 be ahall

uliver 0 the oppouent a copy tlcnof Th~ ~iouu ynay thereupoll reqllire or admit cviencc WrCccq to ~I~ ~-CBiPQll ill ~~ alld If Iltl d~ircd by either party hc shall before d(C1dlO~ thc mAtter ill1~ tht p-arucs ampSI oPflonuni~) of xir1g h3Jd thc~)

8 When a proposal for tM Cl)nY()nlion of a lpociiication in accordance with rule 6 hall betll advertised and lW lot been oppl=d IInd thc time for no~ict of opposition has expi-ed or lving beeQ oppool--J tht oppooition hlgt bctn uttermincd and a conversion IllIowtclI the Rcgiatrar ahll nukc all thl entric8 ill the regi3tcr Ilecessary to give effect to the convtflIion in acCQ4UlIOLl with the propolial as advertised or tllf propoajil yen amcnded after ~~~tiOIl or appeal thcnon and pupli~hc4 ilu~qllGllly in the GJ444J awI I CUler in the register the date whtn such enlliell WCfU made The cl(pnaaion lh~ expiration of th(J laat tcgilltration I ~halJ WYI r~b~f4 fQ the ~c ~Le in the case of all the fCulting tutri~ fOi the purpltraquoe of dc~ning the ne prWWill thereof in l~cPfctap~~il)l McMfI U U-ilW ~~ U the ~~~tr~tio~ bcfQrt-middotljQnYF~iQn

I -



I fur Wh)111 it is cfltercd by lctttr aJJrcsseu to his tratt or business aJJrcsss--------- shyin thL register tu c()lllirlll tht aJdrLs~ for s~ryice and if within dlCt( monrh of 11~lkilg sllch a I CljULst tht Hltgistrar rtctivcs no confirmation of lhilt addrcss he ll~ly strike it olf the rg iltcr


gtICy I Except J othuwisc nquircd hy these rults any application request (lr nutiLe which is rC-juired or permitted by the Law or thest ruks to he Ill~lllc or gilcn to the HcgistrJr and all other communications between an applicant or a pll~)1l mlking such a rC(ltJesr or giing such a notice anu the lq~itrar and hctlcen tht rcgistLfed proprietor or a rcgistrcJ user of a tradc mark anu the lcgistrar or ail) ()[htr person may be signed mau or gilcn hy or through an ltlgcllt -

AllY such applicant person making reqlJest or giing notict proprietor nr registered ll~er 111) allpoill dO lgCllt III act for him in any proeccding or Illcllter bLfurc or dlccllig the Hegi~trar unuer th Law ltlnu thee rule

hy signing aod sending to th ncglstral an authority tu that dflct in the Fonn TII --u I or ill sueh o[her writtel form as titl egistrar may decm suffishyciellt jll cast of SllL appuilltlllellt sLIvic upon the agn of any document rtbting to tlte plocLcding or llIatter shdl be dctmed to be service up)n lh~

_person ~(l appointillg hilll ill clilll)unications uincHJ to be made lO such pt S)I I in rt~pcct ur the pruceeJing (JI malteT may be aJurltsseU to such agent and all tt~IlJJIICC~ llpllll the Registrar rdating thtrctu may be maJlt by or thruugh sllch agel1t I11 any plrticular ClIC the RegIstrar may require lite perional signJtun lr pnsltJc( of an applicalt opponlnt proprietor regislcrcd user or OLIlImiddot jlltrslln

The legistrmiddot shall nOI be buunJ tf reeogniu as such agltnt any per~n wh hJS beell prucd to him or 011 Jppeal to ~( Court to hae been guilty of conduct discreditahle to a trade mark agnt or who has been cOlictcel criminalh or wh()~c name ha~ blten struck otf the Roll of AUIOCOltcs and l(Jt since flt)d or (during the trm of hi~ ~u$pcniol1) any per)(fl who hl hll suspended (rOII1 ltting as an advocatc

RIgistruuii Trade 11illrS Will jrdilllilltJry Advice (SCIOll -+0)

liqhlruhlc 10 The Rgis[rJ Illay rcftlsc to accept any application for the ngistration ~~=-~~--~-~- j l_-o_ fr 11 (nlltIOP nDDeJf - 1

cl2 Ol I((v()vtOflo 15 Kn 16 1(011 ((1(ltl()I I(nrl(olli-)II rJl(rYru~olrn

((I 1TII(00fClf(rrfl (lir( C-n 1~1laquo()A(H(lr I(cn 0nj(l IllTIC) (ofX()C

tllnl r -15 0 [toror tJlrXTn er r(fI olmfl[(ITE 0111- Onll~ bull 011111 tY)PCXIIl OlIP(no( rlIi Tnil (IC)fOII lI1Olilgt1I~ 0101~1~lrnJ n Yl1(llf -) IJ(O)OIIO()I YflI~

(0) (11 AU[IC lflrol(pOl )rmiddotlq(nc- npCl(JTClTCUnshy ~ IUO f( rpOlo(d0U Jlr(1middotmiddotXy~ laquoc))cvrntl shy I

I )I~ I bull T yvc) r((1 1 d 01 c z(I 0 n1[ ltJp er 1 ll( 11 ll -

t0t(lI(11(Jco (coPy rghl) I ((110(illl11J1lt 10()j~IOr(VshydTOe cil1(lTrAIi lfAnnH)r((IIrtl rfCI( Tn c-nnoG rll

)llICXTOrU J I~I ([) 01 if(o-H ErJ()rol ZTrr(rt~ ii TUllrf)( lIe rEshy

ur ~ ~~t)ll l(Cri lmpO(fT(orlC 1011 ~ T0UpoCi TTlr r rfllle


J I(rr ltltff(w 0[0pamp t_flJOpn xrrII0TOt Ij ToG ArcJ_


tltOu E)foIII(oG OlIO(11[(1VOI(oI(lii ((I(i) htl pu- S ~ 8rric f~ nI1)al~ (ar i) dpyJ(lOl l i (fIO(i~r ~ 1[1lt~rrvrIr(C m - lt

or t ~ -J (rj 10IQ(jl0 rrpCI(H((lCIr 1I 1laquo(lnl lfol X(lrllr~nnr r) ~gt bull ~--

Xf)(lllrh ( lal


~ I ~Ooaltlr fv IJrrorll(C 11IIInT (11 middotIIlv I~YYrllaquoIIlv IOU llishy -- -0-f ~ 6W(OI) LllIDGtlA-_E101 U1CIC- (IIO[VTOI 11nprJqTnOIC

U~) (nrlOn I oil)~)Por lt(lIIICYTI 11AiII (() lvlll)IEuOrv()V

EV Ti [A[UO(ltlt U1l01IOpoyp(~1l(1 Cl tqopoC o(voo (1 cmcxuion 11CPcJ tau rd1llou ft orov nnoooxiic va dV(lshy

ArJ(n on()e [111 Xrl)oltonOI~an 10 E(1AllI ICX 10U 01ClUpOU

eurov lruOr() xpr)pcxn Il ~I A)I(~l Eni euroruOrac fn1i0d0C j ~I ccr))p( llIl (lIIO(lOr rI1rr(IIEirtt rj Ell ol()blTlOlfC 110rO poll) XP()(10TI

IJVfl~ IG I xUIlt l17nnc (JEll Gt ()lpOtsrpm t1[ fIITlOPIKC)I 111)7111[ OI]Ir(1()I (lIer TI1 YY(l01lv 1()1 ()l1()lr) (lTlo(1r)f)FWn~ TIIjou1

1 I ~((vtnnfl ~111 1llltOrlllnii


D~ -111 ( 9middot Subject to my other directions that mill be given by the Rcgill~) all SW etlt Q

apptl(utlOntl nonc1l statemcnt3 papero haVing ftpresCnuuions aifixct ot dOQJmcua

other documenls authorized or required by the UW or th~ rules to be mampde left Of sent at or to the Office with or to the Regitltnlf ~luillbe upon strong paper ami except in the qse of dlidlViIl on onc lIidc onJy of a size of ap-prDximatdy 13 inches by 8 inches lint shall have on th~ left-homd P04rt thtrcof 1 lIlarplll of not leamp tnan onc Inch and l half

10 A document purporting to be signed for or on bcbLlf of a parmefllhip SiKIUlIUn ol shall contain the names of all the partl1efH in full and 1I1ull be signed by all d ocurnc 11 La

by partncrshythe partller~ orby any qualified partntr stltlting thal he aigos on behalf of the amphip Clgt(ll shy

pilrtllCfhip or by any other pcr~m who tWllllfie the Regi9trar that he la pan iCJi ~)jj authorized to sign the document A qOCllllltllt purporting tp Ix signet for ~UOAamp or on behalf of a body corporlte llhall be signed by a director or by ~t sccreshytary or otlur principai ot1iccr of the body cprporltt or by any other perBilll who ~atiifl) the RegilCrar that he is lUtlOflZtO to sigilmiddot the document A d0cumwt purporting to be signcu for or on bchalf of an agt3Ocia~ion of PCflK)04

may be ligned by uny pefllon whu appearo to the Registrllr to ~ duly qualified

I r All applications notiCe ualcr1eliltl papers hyening repr~~tion3 Sc~c of

JAiTlxeJ or other ilocumcntll iuthorized Of reqllired by the ~w or th~documcnLa ~ ~ulCb to be mHie left or ampnt at or w the OJfice or witll or to tIlt Rcgt14tnar

or any othef person may be gtcut through the pltlDt by A prepaid letter lUJy tppliqtion or gtny JU(UPClt 80 gtCBt s1lall be JltelIlcti to hJlve ~ maJc luft or stnt at the time when tllcletter containing the I1JlC would hlt

delivered in the ordinary coortle of pOt In proving such ~ndiog it shU Po liuuujeIlt lu PIOV that qjt lctttr was properly aJdr~llcJand JgtIt illto the poot

AdJress n Where an) per-lIOn wby the Law or these rules bound to funUah the

Registrar with an addrtampl the addrelil given shall in ~ ~ bo all full lUI

postlibk for thl purpogtc of enabling any pe~)n tJllily to ~~ the p4cc of trlde or busincsti of the person whose address is given

The RCfltrf 1ly require the address to include th narpc of the street and the numba in the ~iIt or nanu of tllt prcllli~ ifwy

]3 The Registrar ml1y rcquin au upplicmt 0PPOACot or agcnt or Il AddrCM ~r regisltnd proprietor or rcgitcnQ Ullcr of a trade mur~ wpq~ lot r~iJe ryKl( or carry on bUlliueas witl)in Cypru8 to give an addrtlgt for lIervicc within CypruB and ajcll aU(rellB may bc treatcC lUl the Octu~ aldr~of that p9lWn for all purpOllC conncctd with the nuttef in qucstion it

Any regitlttrcd proprietor or rcgitcrcd user of a trlGl narkmiddot or any PCr8(Hl ltlbout to be rcgitltered lUl lIuch muy if he so dC1lire8 give lIpon

form TM-No 32 an lIddrClIll for aeTvlcc for entry in ~re8illter ~nLl ilJlch adure~ may be entcnd by the Hxgistrar i )

All applicaLioll1 on Form TM~No 3~ under this rule Ilhul1 be signed by tlle applicant for registration or tilt ngistcrtd PIOPiewr or regisfreq I~r as the cultc may bc or by an llgcnt expfCgtlly lluth0rirc4 by hun for t~

purjXWle of such an applicatloI ull~ in ~tio~poundi~c~mslnpound9_ thCL ~glslltlLQlhCIWl~ illluwa

In any caae in which no udJr~ foe service IS ontqc4 lP the r~gllltcr tbe Regilltrilr may treat the trade or bUtilllcss dureamp of Jhe registered v ~roprietor or registcrcJ u~tr 113 thcr~in entered as hi~ ~drC86 for servicc for all purposlltl conneclcd With the rcglstratwn

Any wri~tcn cOInmunicitcioo lIddrClllle4 jO 11 purty or PfCllOl l8 IlfOC~4

at U1 address given by him qr trcated by ~hc Rcgititrar ~fyen adqrClla foc IjlfYice 3h~1 be dtemcd 1Oblt propcrly ddresamped Lo l y-

The Regllitrur ~t any t~c that 11 l~ubtljri~ uto ~~lraquofltiJcj a-~ilt~ ~ biljty pf flH ~9t-f~ (qr ~ryt~~lt~rcd tl thIltJVi~t1~I~r~~~ ~~lt ~

I~ I~l~ (~~~ ~~ I ( J _)~tJr-- II~~ ~YI~~I~ t 11- l_~

~~J ~l I ~ -t~t ~f 1deg ~J EI~~~l (f)Imiddot l I ~~ 1-- t le I~~~ (rl~~

I rtf~1~Y~~~i~i~ ~WoIl~~ MdLi-1 e 5~


ffirJ~~-n~)ftO~~l ~~c-fftttb the cii~tratioll of which ll apphcd-ior shy

17middot Whcre a repre~entaton of the anncrid bearing insignia orJers of chivalry decor~tion$ or flag of 11y Sne city boruugh town pbu society Dody corporate institution or pcrun qlpC~ro on a mark the cgltrur bdllle proclOcdiilg to rtgist1 the mark shdl jf ht ~u require be furni~hcJ with a CObent to tht re[15trltltioll and ust of such emblems frolll such

gtoHicial or other person as appears to the Pegisrrar to be entitled to give consent and in deLwlt of JUC) conSCIi~ he may refut to register the mark

IS Whtrt th~ lalIle or reprtselltation of ltlIly person appears on a traJ LImiddotnj mark the tZlOgistrar shall if he so require be[ort proteeding to register the plttgtltlns or

plt tgtltlBmark be furnishtd with consent from Lim or in the case of a pawn recently rcccnliy

dead from his legal nprlswtatives and in ddault of SUc11 conent he may JcJ n[u~e to register the mark

19 Whtre tht name or description of any goods appears on a traue mark Name or the Regi~trar may refuse to regi$ler such mark in respect of any goocb otha J~rir)[middotun

of ~ gtd onthaIl the g00U 50 nallled or llcscribnL bull Ide oUlrilt

Where the name ur ucscription of any goods apptars on ltl trade mark whieh name or uescriptiol In llSe varits the Registrar may permit the registration of the mark for those and other goods and in that case tbe applicant shall S[ate in 3 application that tltt name or ulCriplion will be varied when the mark i usell upon goods covcred by the specification other thaIl the named or described goods

20 Any pawn who proJlose to 1Ipl) for the registration of a trade Illark lrcllOlinury ~Jlcc byin Part A or Part B of the register ill fltpect of JIly gO()J~ lllay apply to Ihe HqIr bull gt

j gegi~lrar on Form TM--Nll 29 or () Form IM-No 2) in a case where to dilineshyhe is abo making an application unucr rule 106 for advice-as to whether the tJlrCneSli

aaut mark of which duplicate representatioIl~ stlal1 accompany the Form appcar8 to the Hcgistrar prima facie to lx inherently adlpttd to di~tingtl1sh

within the meaning of section 11 or inhwntly capJhJe of distinguisllillg within the meaning of cection 12 Cl the Clje Illay be in rdation 10 thos gooJs and shall apply ~tparattiy in relation to goods comprised within dijfCf(1It claslel of gOOd8 in Scht~iulc IV

A notice of withdrawal of an application for the ngistratiun of a traut mark givtI1 unJer section 40 (3) for the purpu~e (Jf obtaining rt)laYIlltnt of any fee paid on tht)iling of the application shtll be gi~en in writing ithin two months from ttH datt of tht notice of tht Registrars objection

I1pplicaliulI fUT RlglslruliuIl 0) U TruJe i1urh-SpecijicuJioll

3 0 l(avovlOj(X 21 TGiv Gaoll(C--W laVOJO~li)v cllayparpuCXl KGI

OIITll(aO[oTaToJ Olll Tal) cIltonl)OOI) f(alloVloJlOU



63 w01f)(i

laquo21--( 1) 11 (fllqole Hprc 10v [1l0pO~ 0_1amp 11111 tyyP((1~v CII1TClPlllaquo()U OlllIrnor l)llrl0ctr101 [ H TOI) l ~TOLJ E 2 ~r 2 I(a (moypr(CI1ClCXl 1)110 TaU alqTo~ f1 TaU OVTlllr0O(lHOU aLrrolJ EIlaquo(oHI rtlHIOIlt 06 rfcIop Elr ~yypo1lV degX E11 middot I(Wr npr)e rIITTOPElIIOTa In-r 1101011 TcxE[()r TaU nlvalco~ TV

(2) rlFcoa niTqolC cxEloLOc( llpO_Tl~pCXlCmiddotJ1ql ouvap~1 1 -1 llapoyprrQ10l 6--1 TaU expOP0l 11 l11e 6_1fEl~OUr 2 upGaou~~ Eni T~C r-Jpoowo[cxC lrleltI[llollllxa~II(l]r 1~IOl(nIOIO~ 111lt EI(T10qIFVllC I~I T~J rkrpopTlllCX Tl TaU rEp1 11e 2UlGaO~(0lt (Ili 111e Ilpomcxoia( T~C 8Iol111xalll~(tle IOlOl(llol~c (11) prHII(rlU) ilollOU TaU 1965 6yr~ 11lC -n000~1le atTllou)r bl I))rnr~l tIITTOPII(OO OIllleTTOe YEVOJIEVllC )1 oYI~0l-fII( 0JC Yf0ltrllC Fe X(Jprx [le ~ i1 pqOEIOO L UII~OOI~ laquorap IJ6~rT(Xt (I ()T[oin xr1PeT of 011()_ IWTOJO[((~~HXI) 8~ rCT1Fpn 11 TIIIJpolqirxv Tle [_v 1n Ell A6y(~) X(lPrx 0I111~ orclC I(ni rl oil11T1 Oc~ TTPOOI(OIi0n TToTon~IIlTll(~V T(JU [I(lpOll Tr--nr TllTTrlpllu71V LlIrTC)1I f) ~TrpCX~ ar~IJOi)la5 ~1C1 1IV ~ )YP1 rrpxie 1iiC Xlpa TauTllC f 00 rXT(lOEI~n l(a T rmiddot()vfA1l011 1111 euroIOII~lV ~ o(IJeuroVll V r)r )fI()~ Ilt l 1 [v T ~I ny~) xc)prr (XtHIOlV npoc Il(aVOITO [loIV r(l

J=1)PO (3) TII Tl nrrI1H()nr1 aiTImiddotIUC 0 Eyvpar~~11 ~ O(cnl

nprr 0lTrVTr Trr ~llnlpCIlrn0 leT llFpl)JJ11GavOIlEVa 11 - ) Ie lrrFJI 11 fl O~OFI npclrII((flI TT)IIV E1l1Tnn Ilo-H)I n Fopar 01nT0 110 (lToprI11 T)l1~ 01 111 011 t KHgt

poundal pflVrJ l(OVQTF=)ll~EIC)~ (~[ ~rl ~rIjl) ~(I ~lT(cI(I~I~I[ 1(~) t)(GOf) rI77Jt Ull() rrl~ ~(r)10jCJ)~ TO() or)IIrnr~ 111

cmnlrxv fl (1iTllriC ~xrl 1(C11~I 11 PClTiOrTUI 110 I(imiddotn Frv I(at 01(f) 1( Oller FyYrnrln

Form of -pphLmiddotaljlln

r Spc~ilicolluo

J E ~ t- ~~ lItgt1 b 1 it 1 U~~ c t~c I ~(~~t ~ J-I

114 lQlt- crmiddott-r 1t f-w I t t I Itllprc-clshyflun of mar


o~ ~(JHof J [00 Ti)nflll r

HilV H[lrCI

r arII(J[(r dCl I

I 11 alrqolc 11

J 111 V Xri] ~llt lOl 011] I

~ 1 er p I~ r Lc) ~

IW( b ahT)shymiddotOIJTC)V 0 1001 iiClEF

i )()()Ij ~ Irltf~jmiddot-

61 10U ~1[10 [G TOU 1lt01shy

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 3: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter



EL150no1J1 CJ ll CJI)WPCIlVCl ~Lf TOV Kavovt(J~L6 3

LI)IHIHllVrL ~lE ne f~oJCJicC lWtl ~Ot) narfxF-t 0 KavovlCJflC)C 3 T(I)V mr[ E~Ll(QrlK()v LllfHh(Jlv KIlVOVlOWlI 1951 IIf TllV FloonOt1(Tll autrj oio(l) oOllyice 011(0e 11 nA-1lP())IL11 to)V tCA-CI) m OXECJTl IlE

Ta E~nOrlKa L1lpaTa yi VFTCLt 1Ote pc-rrlFOte

H ElamponOtllCJll aJn] fla flFCIlrrfmt on lCJXJE ana Tn III At)yolJCTWtl 1990

MAPIA A KYPIAKOY E(poroC ETatrCU]i Kat EntmwO nuruirjntllCmiddot


Clussificution of gOOilB

( Application by rCKilaquotpoundcd propnetor~

for convershysion of spcshycii1caliofl HegitrlrK


I Ad verticshy

Tllcnt of shy

proPOJ OIPlt)sition

ConvcrIion of pecitishycutHJns

resultinl rcgitrucions


F~ tmiddot The forms hcruul rdcrre to ~ thoIe con~ined in amphedu1e II and

such fornlH tlllllll be Ul~ ip all ca~ tq which they are applicable lUll may Ix modifitti U dir~ltttd by If Reg~1Il ~ D)CCt other ~



ClqJsijicqJi9r1 rgtj 900dJ 5 For the purp0ltles of trade marb registratiolUl datcd before the

IlpppiMt day and of rCtistraciolls of r~gistlrc~ tlSCflI thClClJn4cr gooamp lIe

dllSi1Jd in th manner llpptring in Scheduc lII uneaa any pccification lUUl been gt=PlV~J1C~ to ~h~Jll4 IV in i1fro(~ncc with rule 6

For thc pUP0lgtC~ of tradc maro regiau-ationa datcU on or after the appointed day arHl of registrations of rcgitttred Uamper1I thereunder ami for tbe purposes of any rtjilr-ratilhW datlt4l )~Ulre UlJlt 4ar WhHCOf the sptci~~Qlli have DCen converted in accordance Y(it~ rule 6 gooda arc clauificd in the mllnrur app~~rif~ 4l slH~~ftl( Fmiddot

Ij Reclawjication Dj Goods Dj oLd RegutraJu-s

6 yhcrc tht specification of a fcgiltcred tnde man ill founded 01

Schcqulc I II the rcgiatercd proprietOr may apply to the Rcgilltrar 00 FOrll fM-middotNo 3H for tht conversion of thH 8)CCifi~tian IQ dat it ffily be founded 011 Schedule 1 V whether with or without the IItrilUng-out of gooda thertmiddot from but so that the r~gilltration nt~nll itraquo ori~iMl datc and ~1lltl11 iuduJe in the ~ppliqli(H) a cqltll for the lik~ c(llY~~~O of thc 1Iplt0fu4~(ln of the gOOUB of any registtred Scrs under ~H rcgilltr4tion Thucupon Ihl Rcgilltrur in IIccordroce with section 37 (3) IIhall notify iD writing to tb ngistcrttJ proprietor a proposal showing tle form whiclJ in thc RcgilllrolI 0

vieIV the amendment of the register should taic Two QC more rcgilitnluon~ of a trade l1iJrk in fcipcxt of goods falling within the IgtW~ dUll of Schedule IV hllving ~li 8ome daUl of regiau-atiQA may be amamplpmaud upon convefllion in accordance with thi3 rule_

7- The advertiHGment of a propooal for arneudrnent unilir scctian 37 (1) shall be made in the Grueltt and noticc of any appoaition ~iill be ~i cn 011 Form IM-No 39 witlul~ two monthl fNm the da~ (If ll~ IlJvcrmemctll and ~ha1 be accompanied by a dupli(4lte of thc notice lIOlt by a lllClUcnt in qlpiicilfe gilOwillg how till prppo~d COQvcratnn woold be contrary tll

section 37 (~) The Registrar shall fo~(ith ~d th~ dupliQLG copica tbc registered pwpridor who mlY Witllin two mnullf fronl ~ rcaipt 0

such uupliq~eJ) send to the Regititrar ~ CQWltCf-ltatcrncnt JltltiUg out (ulll the ground on which the oppositiooil ClgtnLlted and if ~ ~ 10 be ahall

uliver 0 the oppouent a copy tlcnof Th~ ~iouu ynay thereupoll reqllire or admit cviencc WrCccq to ~I~ ~-CBiPQll ill ~~ alld If Iltl d~ircd by either party hc shall before d(C1dlO~ thc mAtter ill1~ tht p-arucs ampSI oPflonuni~) of xir1g h3Jd thc~)

8 When a proposal for tM Cl)nY()nlion of a lpociiication in accordance with rule 6 hall betll advertised and lW lot been oppl=d IInd thc time for no~ict of opposition has expi-ed or lving beeQ oppool--J tht oppooition hlgt bctn uttermincd and a conversion IllIowtclI the Rcgiatrar ahll nukc all thl entric8 ill the regi3tcr Ilecessary to give effect to the convtflIion in acCQ4UlIOLl with the propolial as advertised or tllf propoajil yen amcnded after ~~~tiOIl or appeal thcnon and pupli~hc4 ilu~qllGllly in the GJ444J awI I CUler in the register the date whtn such enlliell WCfU made The cl(pnaaion lh~ expiration of th(J laat tcgilltration I ~halJ WYI r~b~f4 fQ the ~c ~Le in the case of all the fCulting tutri~ fOi the purpltraquoe of dc~ning the ne prWWill thereof in l~cPfctap~~il)l McMfI U U-ilW ~~ U the ~~~tr~tio~ bcfQrt-middotljQnYF~iQn

I -



I fur Wh)111 it is cfltercd by lctttr aJJrcsseu to his tratt or business aJJrcsss--------- shyin thL register tu c()lllirlll tht aJdrLs~ for s~ryice and if within dlCt( monrh of 11~lkilg sllch a I CljULst tht Hltgistrar rtctivcs no confirmation of lhilt addrcss he ll~ly strike it olf the rg iltcr


gtICy I Except J othuwisc nquircd hy these rults any application request (lr nutiLe which is rC-juired or permitted by the Law or thest ruks to he Ill~lllc or gilcn to the HcgistrJr and all other communications between an applicant or a pll~)1l mlking such a rC(ltJesr or giing such a notice anu the lq~itrar and hctlcen tht rcgistLfed proprietor or a rcgistrcJ user of a tradc mark anu the lcgistrar or ail) ()[htr person may be signed mau or gilcn hy or through an ltlgcllt -

AllY such applicant person making reqlJest or giing notict proprietor nr registered ll~er 111) allpoill dO lgCllt III act for him in any proeccding or Illcllter bLfurc or dlccllig the Hegi~trar unuer th Law ltlnu thee rule

hy signing aod sending to th ncglstral an authority tu that dflct in the Fonn TII --u I or ill sueh o[her writtel form as titl egistrar may decm suffishyciellt jll cast of SllL appuilltlllellt sLIvic upon the agn of any document rtbting to tlte plocLcding or llIatter shdl be dctmed to be service up)n lh~

_person ~(l appointillg hilll ill clilll)unications uincHJ to be made lO such pt S)I I in rt~pcct ur the pruceeJing (JI malteT may be aJurltsseU to such agent and all tt~IlJJIICC~ llpllll the Registrar rdating thtrctu may be maJlt by or thruugh sllch agel1t I11 any plrticular ClIC the RegIstrar may require lite perional signJtun lr pnsltJc( of an applicalt opponlnt proprietor regislcrcd user or OLIlImiddot jlltrslln

The legistrmiddot shall nOI be buunJ tf reeogniu as such agltnt any per~n wh hJS beell prucd to him or 011 Jppeal to ~( Court to hae been guilty of conduct discreditahle to a trade mark agnt or who has been cOlictcel criminalh or wh()~c name ha~ blten struck otf the Roll of AUIOCOltcs and l(Jt since flt)d or (during the trm of hi~ ~u$pcniol1) any per)(fl who hl hll suspended (rOII1 ltting as an advocatc

RIgistruuii Trade 11illrS Will jrdilllilltJry Advice (SCIOll -+0)

liqhlruhlc 10 The Rgis[rJ Illay rcftlsc to accept any application for the ngistration ~~=-~~--~-~- j l_-o_ fr 11 (nlltIOP nDDeJf - 1

cl2 Ol I((v()vtOflo 15 Kn 16 1(011 ((1(ltl()I I(nrl(olli-)II rJl(rYru~olrn

((I 1TII(00fClf(rrfl (lir( C-n 1~1laquo()A(H(lr I(cn 0nj(l IllTIC) (ofX()C

tllnl r -15 0 [toror tJlrXTn er r(fI olmfl[(ITE 0111- Onll~ bull 011111 tY)PCXIIl OlIP(no( rlIi Tnil (IC)fOII lI1Olilgt1I~ 0101~1~lrnJ n Yl1(llf -) IJ(O)OIIO()I YflI~

(0) (11 AU[IC lflrol(pOl )rmiddotlq(nc- npCl(JTClTCUnshy ~ IUO f( rpOlo(d0U Jlr(1middotmiddotXy~ laquoc))cvrntl shy I

I )I~ I bull T yvc) r((1 1 d 01 c z(I 0 n1[ ltJp er 1 ll( 11 ll -

t0t(lI(11(Jco (coPy rghl) I ((110(illl11J1lt 10()j~IOr(VshydTOe cil1(lTrAIi lfAnnH)r((IIrtl rfCI( Tn c-nnoG rll

)llICXTOrU J I~I ([) 01 if(o-H ErJ()rol ZTrr(rt~ ii TUllrf)( lIe rEshy

ur ~ ~~t)ll l(Cri lmpO(fT(orlC 1011 ~ T0UpoCi TTlr r rfllle


J I(rr ltltff(w 0[0pamp t_flJOpn xrrII0TOt Ij ToG ArcJ_


tltOu E)foIII(oG OlIO(11[(1VOI(oI(lii ((I(i) htl pu- S ~ 8rric f~ nI1)al~ (ar i) dpyJ(lOl l i (fIO(i~r ~ 1[1lt~rrvrIr(C m - lt

or t ~ -J (rj 10IQ(jl0 rrpCI(H((lCIr 1I 1laquo(lnl lfol X(lrllr~nnr r) ~gt bull ~--

Xf)(lllrh ( lal


~ I ~Ooaltlr fv IJrrorll(C 11IIInT (11 middotIIlv I~YYrllaquoIIlv IOU llishy -- -0-f ~ 6W(OI) LllIDGtlA-_E101 U1CIC- (IIO[VTOI 11nprJqTnOIC

U~) (nrlOn I oil)~)Por lt(lIIICYTI 11AiII (() lvlll)IEuOrv()V

EV Ti [A[UO(ltlt U1l01IOpoyp(~1l(1 Cl tqopoC o(voo (1 cmcxuion 11CPcJ tau rd1llou ft orov nnoooxiic va dV(lshy

ArJ(n on()e [111 Xrl)oltonOI~an 10 E(1AllI ICX 10U 01ClUpOU

eurov lruOr() xpr)pcxn Il ~I A)I(~l Eni euroruOrac fn1i0d0C j ~I ccr))p( llIl (lIIO(lOr rI1rr(IIEirtt rj Ell ol()blTlOlfC 110rO poll) XP()(10TI

IJVfl~ IG I xUIlt l17nnc (JEll Gt ()lpOtsrpm t1[ fIITlOPIKC)I 111)7111[ OI]Ir(1()I (lIer TI1 YY(l01lv 1()1 ()l1()lr) (lTlo(1r)f)FWn~ TIIjou1

1 I ~((vtnnfl ~111 1llltOrlllnii


D~ -111 ( 9middot Subject to my other directions that mill be given by the Rcgill~) all SW etlt Q

apptl(utlOntl nonc1l statemcnt3 papero haVing ftpresCnuuions aifixct ot dOQJmcua

other documenls authorized or required by the UW or th~ rules to be mampde left Of sent at or to the Office with or to the Regitltnlf ~luillbe upon strong paper ami except in the qse of dlidlViIl on onc lIidc onJy of a size of ap-prDximatdy 13 inches by 8 inches lint shall have on th~ left-homd P04rt thtrcof 1 lIlarplll of not leamp tnan onc Inch and l half

10 A document purporting to be signed for or on bcbLlf of a parmefllhip SiKIUlIUn ol shall contain the names of all the partl1efH in full and 1I1ull be signed by all d ocurnc 11 La

by partncrshythe partller~ orby any qualified partntr stltlting thal he aigos on behalf of the amphip Clgt(ll shy

pilrtllCfhip or by any other pcr~m who tWllllfie the Regi9trar that he la pan iCJi ~)jj authorized to sign the document A qOCllllltllt purporting tp Ix signet for ~UOAamp or on behalf of a body corporlte llhall be signed by a director or by ~t sccreshytary or otlur principai ot1iccr of the body cprporltt or by any other perBilll who ~atiifl) the RegilCrar that he is lUtlOflZtO to sigilmiddot the document A d0cumwt purporting to be signcu for or on bchalf of an agt3Ocia~ion of PCflK)04

may be ligned by uny pefllon whu appearo to the Registrllr to ~ duly qualified

I r All applications notiCe ualcr1eliltl papers hyening repr~~tion3 Sc~c of

JAiTlxeJ or other ilocumcntll iuthorized Of reqllired by the ~w or th~documcnLa ~ ~ulCb to be mHie left or ampnt at or w the OJfice or witll or to tIlt Rcgt14tnar

or any othef person may be gtcut through the pltlDt by A prepaid letter lUJy tppliqtion or gtny JU(UPClt 80 gtCBt s1lall be JltelIlcti to hJlve ~ maJc luft or stnt at the time when tllcletter containing the I1JlC would hlt

delivered in the ordinary coortle of pOt In proving such ~ndiog it shU Po liuuujeIlt lu PIOV that qjt lctttr was properly aJdr~llcJand JgtIt illto the poot

AdJress n Where an) per-lIOn wby the Law or these rules bound to funUah the

Registrar with an addrtampl the addrelil given shall in ~ ~ bo all full lUI

postlibk for thl purpogtc of enabling any pe~)n tJllily to ~~ the p4cc of trlde or busincsti of the person whose address is given

The RCfltrf 1ly require the address to include th narpc of the street and the numba in the ~iIt or nanu of tllt prcllli~ ifwy

]3 The Registrar ml1y rcquin au upplicmt 0PPOACot or agcnt or Il AddrCM ~r regisltnd proprietor or rcgitcnQ Ullcr of a trade mur~ wpq~ lot r~iJe ryKl( or carry on bUlliueas witl)in Cypru8 to give an addrtlgt for lIervicc within CypruB and ajcll aU(rellB may bc treatcC lUl the Octu~ aldr~of that p9lWn for all purpOllC conncctd with the nuttef in qucstion it

Any regitlttrcd proprietor or rcgitcrcd user of a trlGl narkmiddot or any PCr8(Hl ltlbout to be rcgitltered lUl lIuch muy if he so dC1lire8 give lIpon

form TM-No 32 an lIddrClIll for aeTvlcc for entry in ~re8illter ~nLl ilJlch adure~ may be entcnd by the Hxgistrar i )

All applicaLioll1 on Form TM~No 3~ under this rule Ilhul1 be signed by tlle applicant for registration or tilt ngistcrtd PIOPiewr or regisfreq I~r as the cultc may bc or by an llgcnt expfCgtlly lluth0rirc4 by hun for t~

purjXWle of such an applicatloI ull~ in ~tio~poundi~c~mslnpound9_ thCL ~glslltlLQlhCIWl~ illluwa

In any caae in which no udJr~ foe service IS ontqc4 lP the r~gllltcr tbe Regilltrilr may treat the trade or bUtilllcss dureamp of Jhe registered v ~roprietor or registcrcJ u~tr 113 thcr~in entered as hi~ ~drC86 for servicc for all purposlltl conneclcd With the rcglstratwn

Any wri~tcn cOInmunicitcioo lIddrClllle4 jO 11 purty or PfCllOl l8 IlfOC~4

at U1 address given by him qr trcated by ~hc Rcgititrar ~fyen adqrClla foc IjlfYice 3h~1 be dtemcd 1Oblt propcrly ddresamped Lo l y-

The Regllitrur ~t any t~c that 11 l~ubtljri~ uto ~~lraquofltiJcj a-~ilt~ ~ biljty pf flH ~9t-f~ (qr ~ryt~~lt~rcd tl thIltJVi~t1~I~r~~~ ~~lt ~

I~ I~l~ (~~~ ~~ I ( J _)~tJr-- II~~ ~YI~~I~ t 11- l_~

~~J ~l I ~ -t~t ~f 1deg ~J EI~~~l (f)Imiddot l I ~~ 1-- t le I~~~ (rl~~

I rtf~1~Y~~~i~i~ ~WoIl~~ MdLi-1 e 5~


ffirJ~~-n~)ftO~~l ~~c-fftttb the cii~tratioll of which ll apphcd-ior shy

17middot Whcre a repre~entaton of the anncrid bearing insignia orJers of chivalry decor~tion$ or flag of 11y Sne city boruugh town pbu society Dody corporate institution or pcrun qlpC~ro on a mark the cgltrur bdllle proclOcdiilg to rtgist1 the mark shdl jf ht ~u require be furni~hcJ with a CObent to tht re[15trltltioll and ust of such emblems frolll such

gtoHicial or other person as appears to the Pegisrrar to be entitled to give consent and in deLwlt of JUC) conSCIi~ he may refut to register the mark

IS Whtrt th~ lalIle or reprtselltation of ltlIly person appears on a traJ LImiddotnj mark the tZlOgistrar shall if he so require be[ort proteeding to register the plttgtltlns or

plt tgtltlBmark be furnishtd with consent from Lim or in the case of a pawn recently rcccnliy

dead from his legal nprlswtatives and in ddault of SUc11 conent he may JcJ n[u~e to register the mark

19 Whtre tht name or description of any goods appears on a traue mark Name or the Regi~trar may refuse to regi$ler such mark in respect of any goocb otha J~rir)[middotun

of ~ gtd onthaIl the g00U 50 nallled or llcscribnL bull Ide oUlrilt

Where the name ur ucscription of any goods apptars on ltl trade mark whieh name or uescriptiol In llSe varits the Registrar may permit the registration of the mark for those and other goods and in that case tbe applicant shall S[ate in 3 application that tltt name or ulCriplion will be varied when the mark i usell upon goods covcred by the specification other thaIl the named or described goods

20 Any pawn who proJlose to 1Ipl) for the registration of a trade Illark lrcllOlinury ~Jlcc byin Part A or Part B of the register ill fltpect of JIly gO()J~ lllay apply to Ihe HqIr bull gt

j gegi~lrar on Form TM--Nll 29 or () Form IM-No 2) in a case where to dilineshyhe is abo making an application unucr rule 106 for advice-as to whether the tJlrCneSli

aaut mark of which duplicate representatioIl~ stlal1 accompany the Form appcar8 to the Hcgistrar prima facie to lx inherently adlpttd to di~tingtl1sh

within the meaning of section 11 or inhwntly capJhJe of distinguisllillg within the meaning of cection 12 Cl the Clje Illay be in rdation 10 thos gooJs and shall apply ~tparattiy in relation to goods comprised within dijfCf(1It claslel of gOOd8 in Scht~iulc IV

A notice of withdrawal of an application for the ngistratiun of a traut mark givtI1 unJer section 40 (3) for the purpu~e (Jf obtaining rt)laYIlltnt of any fee paid on tht)iling of the application shtll be gi~en in writing ithin two months from ttH datt of tht notice of tht Registrars objection

I1pplicaliulI fUT RlglslruliuIl 0) U TruJe i1urh-SpecijicuJioll

3 0 l(avovlOj(X 21 TGiv Gaoll(C--W laVOJO~li)v cllayparpuCXl KGI

OIITll(aO[oTaToJ Olll Tal) cIltonl)OOI) f(alloVloJlOU



63 w01f)(i

laquo21--( 1) 11 (fllqole Hprc 10v [1l0pO~ 0_1amp 11111 tyyP((1~v CII1TClPlllaquo()U OlllIrnor l)llrl0ctr101 [ H TOI) l ~TOLJ E 2 ~r 2 I(a (moypr(CI1ClCXl 1)110 TaU alqTo~ f1 TaU OVTlllr0O(lHOU aLrrolJ EIlaquo(oHI rtlHIOIlt 06 rfcIop Elr ~yypo1lV degX E11 middot I(Wr npr)e rIITTOPElIIOTa In-r 1101011 TcxE[()r TaU nlvalco~ TV

(2) rlFcoa niTqolC cxEloLOc( llpO_Tl~pCXlCmiddotJ1ql ouvap~1 1 -1 llapoyprrQ10l 6--1 TaU expOP0l 11 l11e 6_1fEl~OUr 2 upGaou~~ Eni T~C r-Jpoowo[cxC lrleltI[llollllxa~II(l]r 1~IOl(nIOIO~ 111lt EI(T10qIFVllC I~I T~J rkrpopTlllCX Tl TaU rEp1 11e 2UlGaO~(0lt (Ili 111e Ilpomcxoia( T~C 8Iol111xalll~(tle IOlOl(llol~c (11) prHII(rlU) ilollOU TaU 1965 6yr~ 11lC -n000~1le atTllou)r bl I))rnr~l tIITTOPII(OO OIllleTTOe YEVOJIEVllC )1 oYI~0l-fII( 0JC Yf0ltrllC Fe X(Jprx [le ~ i1 pqOEIOO L UII~OOI~ laquorap IJ6~rT(Xt (I ()T[oin xr1PeT of 011()_ IWTOJO[((~~HXI) 8~ rCT1Fpn 11 TIIIJpolqirxv Tle [_v 1n Ell A6y(~) X(lPrx 0I111~ orclC I(ni rl oil11T1 Oc~ TTPOOI(OIi0n TToTon~IIlTll(~V T(JU [I(lpOll Tr--nr TllTTrlpllu71V LlIrTC)1I f) ~TrpCX~ ar~IJOi)la5 ~1C1 1IV ~ )YP1 rrpxie 1iiC Xlpa TauTllC f 00 rXT(lOEI~n l(a T rmiddot()vfA1l011 1111 euroIOII~lV ~ o(IJeuroVll V r)r )fI()~ Ilt l 1 [v T ~I ny~) xc)prr (XtHIOlV npoc Il(aVOITO [loIV r(l

J=1)PO (3) TII Tl nrrI1H()nr1 aiTImiddotIUC 0 Eyvpar~~11 ~ O(cnl

nprr 0lTrVTr Trr ~llnlpCIlrn0 leT llFpl)JJ11GavOIlEVa 11 - ) Ie lrrFJI 11 fl O~OFI npclrII((flI TT)IIV E1l1Tnn Ilo-H)I n Fopar 01nT0 110 (lToprI11 T)l1~ 01 111 011 t KHgt

poundal pflVrJ l(OVQTF=)ll~EIC)~ (~[ ~rl ~rIjl) ~(I ~lT(cI(I~I~I[ 1(~) t)(GOf) rI77Jt Ull() rrl~ ~(r)10jCJ)~ TO() or)IIrnr~ 111

cmnlrxv fl (1iTllriC ~xrl 1(C11~I 11 PClTiOrTUI 110 I(imiddotn Frv I(at 01(f) 1( Oller FyYrnrln

Form of -pphLmiddotaljlln

r Spc~ilicolluo

J E ~ t- ~~ lItgt1 b 1 it 1 U~~ c t~c I ~(~~t ~ J-I

114 lQlt- crmiddott-r 1t f-w I t t I Itllprc-clshyflun of mar


o~ ~(JHof J [00 Ti)nflll r

HilV H[lrCI

r arII(J[(r dCl I

I 11 alrqolc 11

J 111 V Xri] ~llt lOl 011] I

~ 1 er p I~ r Lc) ~

IW( b ahT)shymiddotOIJTC)V 0 1001 iiClEF

i )()()Ij ~ Irltf~jmiddot-

61 10U ~1[10 [G TOU 1lt01shy

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 4: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


Clussificution of gOOilB

( Application by rCKilaquotpoundcd propnetor~

for convershysion of spcshycii1caliofl HegitrlrK


I Ad verticshy

Tllcnt of shy

proPOJ OIPlt)sition

ConvcrIion of pecitishycutHJns

resultinl rcgitrucions


F~ tmiddot The forms hcruul rdcrre to ~ thoIe con~ined in amphedu1e II and

such fornlH tlllllll be Ul~ ip all ca~ tq which they are applicable lUll may Ix modifitti U dir~ltttd by If Reg~1Il ~ D)CCt other ~



ClqJsijicqJi9r1 rgtj 900dJ 5 For the purp0ltles of trade marb registratiolUl datcd before the

IlpppiMt day and of rCtistraciolls of r~gistlrc~ tlSCflI thClClJn4cr gooamp lIe

dllSi1Jd in th manner llpptring in Scheduc lII uneaa any pccification lUUl been gt=PlV~J1C~ to ~h~Jll4 IV in i1fro(~ncc with rule 6

For thc pUP0lgtC~ of tradc maro regiau-ationa datcU on or after the appointed day arHl of registrations of rcgitttred Uamper1I thereunder ami for tbe purposes of any rtjilr-ratilhW datlt4l )~Ulre UlJlt 4ar WhHCOf the sptci~~Qlli have DCen converted in accordance Y(it~ rule 6 gooda arc clauificd in the mllnrur app~~rif~ 4l slH~~ftl( Fmiddot

Ij Reclawjication Dj Goods Dj oLd RegutraJu-s

6 yhcrc tht specification of a fcgiltcred tnde man ill founded 01

Schcqulc I II the rcgiatercd proprietOr may apply to the Rcgilltrar 00 FOrll fM-middotNo 3H for tht conversion of thH 8)CCifi~tian IQ dat it ffily be founded 011 Schedule 1 V whether with or without the IItrilUng-out of gooda thertmiddot from but so that the r~gilltration nt~nll itraquo ori~iMl datc and ~1lltl11 iuduJe in the ~ppliqli(H) a cqltll for the lik~ c(llY~~~O of thc 1Iplt0fu4~(ln of the gOOUB of any registtred Scrs under ~H rcgilltr4tion Thucupon Ihl Rcgilltrur in IIccordroce with section 37 (3) IIhall notify iD writing to tb ngistcrttJ proprietor a proposal showing tle form whiclJ in thc RcgilllrolI 0

vieIV the amendment of the register should taic Two QC more rcgilitnluon~ of a trade l1iJrk in fcipcxt of goods falling within the IgtW~ dUll of Schedule IV hllving ~li 8ome daUl of regiau-atiQA may be amamplpmaud upon convefllion in accordance with thi3 rule_

7- The advertiHGment of a propooal for arneudrnent unilir scctian 37 (1) shall be made in the Grueltt and noticc of any appoaition ~iill be ~i cn 011 Form IM-No 39 witlul~ two monthl fNm the da~ (If ll~ IlJvcrmemctll and ~ha1 be accompanied by a dupli(4lte of thc notice lIOlt by a lllClUcnt in qlpiicilfe gilOwillg how till prppo~d COQvcratnn woold be contrary tll

section 37 (~) The Registrar shall fo~(ith ~d th~ dupliQLG copica tbc registered pwpridor who mlY Witllin two mnullf fronl ~ rcaipt 0

such uupliq~eJ) send to the Regititrar ~ CQWltCf-ltatcrncnt JltltiUg out (ulll the ground on which the oppositiooil ClgtnLlted and if ~ ~ 10 be ahall

uliver 0 the oppouent a copy tlcnof Th~ ~iouu ynay thereupoll reqllire or admit cviencc WrCccq to ~I~ ~-CBiPQll ill ~~ alld If Iltl d~ircd by either party hc shall before d(C1dlO~ thc mAtter ill1~ tht p-arucs ampSI oPflonuni~) of xir1g h3Jd thc~)

8 When a proposal for tM Cl)nY()nlion of a lpociiication in accordance with rule 6 hall betll advertised and lW lot been oppl=d IInd thc time for no~ict of opposition has expi-ed or lving beeQ oppool--J tht oppooition hlgt bctn uttermincd and a conversion IllIowtclI the Rcgiatrar ahll nukc all thl entric8 ill the regi3tcr Ilecessary to give effect to the convtflIion in acCQ4UlIOLl with the propolial as advertised or tllf propoajil yen amcnded after ~~~tiOIl or appeal thcnon and pupli~hc4 ilu~qllGllly in the GJ444J awI I CUler in the register the date whtn such enlliell WCfU made The cl(pnaaion lh~ expiration of th(J laat tcgilltration I ~halJ WYI r~b~f4 fQ the ~c ~Le in the case of all the fCulting tutri~ fOi the purpltraquoe of dc~ning the ne prWWill thereof in l~cPfctap~~il)l McMfI U U-ilW ~~ U the ~~~tr~tio~ bcfQrt-middotljQnYF~iQn

I -



I fur Wh)111 it is cfltercd by lctttr aJJrcsseu to his tratt or business aJJrcsss--------- shyin thL register tu c()lllirlll tht aJdrLs~ for s~ryice and if within dlCt( monrh of 11~lkilg sllch a I CljULst tht Hltgistrar rtctivcs no confirmation of lhilt addrcss he ll~ly strike it olf the rg iltcr


gtICy I Except J othuwisc nquircd hy these rults any application request (lr nutiLe which is rC-juired or permitted by the Law or thest ruks to he Ill~lllc or gilcn to the HcgistrJr and all other communications between an applicant or a pll~)1l mlking such a rC(ltJesr or giing such a notice anu the lq~itrar and hctlcen tht rcgistLfed proprietor or a rcgistrcJ user of a tradc mark anu the lcgistrar or ail) ()[htr person may be signed mau or gilcn hy or through an ltlgcllt -

AllY such applicant person making reqlJest or giing notict proprietor nr registered ll~er 111) allpoill dO lgCllt III act for him in any proeccding or Illcllter bLfurc or dlccllig the Hegi~trar unuer th Law ltlnu thee rule

hy signing aod sending to th ncglstral an authority tu that dflct in the Fonn TII --u I or ill sueh o[her writtel form as titl egistrar may decm suffishyciellt jll cast of SllL appuilltlllellt sLIvic upon the agn of any document rtbting to tlte plocLcding or llIatter shdl be dctmed to be service up)n lh~

_person ~(l appointillg hilll ill clilll)unications uincHJ to be made lO such pt S)I I in rt~pcct ur the pruceeJing (JI malteT may be aJurltsseU to such agent and all tt~IlJJIICC~ llpllll the Registrar rdating thtrctu may be maJlt by or thruugh sllch agel1t I11 any plrticular ClIC the RegIstrar may require lite perional signJtun lr pnsltJc( of an applicalt opponlnt proprietor regislcrcd user or OLIlImiddot jlltrslln

The legistrmiddot shall nOI be buunJ tf reeogniu as such agltnt any per~n wh hJS beell prucd to him or 011 Jppeal to ~( Court to hae been guilty of conduct discreditahle to a trade mark agnt or who has been cOlictcel criminalh or wh()~c name ha~ blten struck otf the Roll of AUIOCOltcs and l(Jt since flt)d or (during the trm of hi~ ~u$pcniol1) any per)(fl who hl hll suspended (rOII1 ltting as an advocatc

RIgistruuii Trade 11illrS Will jrdilllilltJry Advice (SCIOll -+0)

liqhlruhlc 10 The Rgis[rJ Illay rcftlsc to accept any application for the ngistration ~~=-~~--~-~- j l_-o_ fr 11 (nlltIOP nDDeJf - 1

cl2 Ol I((v()vtOflo 15 Kn 16 1(011 ((1(ltl()I I(nrl(olli-)II rJl(rYru~olrn

((I 1TII(00fClf(rrfl (lir( C-n 1~1laquo()A(H(lr I(cn 0nj(l IllTIC) (ofX()C

tllnl r -15 0 [toror tJlrXTn er r(fI olmfl[(ITE 0111- Onll~ bull 011111 tY)PCXIIl OlIP(no( rlIi Tnil (IC)fOII lI1Olilgt1I~ 0101~1~lrnJ n Yl1(llf -) IJ(O)OIIO()I YflI~

(0) (11 AU[IC lflrol(pOl )rmiddotlq(nc- npCl(JTClTCUnshy ~ IUO f( rpOlo(d0U Jlr(1middotmiddotXy~ laquoc))cvrntl shy I

I )I~ I bull T yvc) r((1 1 d 01 c z(I 0 n1[ ltJp er 1 ll( 11 ll -

t0t(lI(11(Jco (coPy rghl) I ((110(illl11J1lt 10()j~IOr(VshydTOe cil1(lTrAIi lfAnnH)r((IIrtl rfCI( Tn c-nnoG rll

)llICXTOrU J I~I ([) 01 if(o-H ErJ()rol ZTrr(rt~ ii TUllrf)( lIe rEshy

ur ~ ~~t)ll l(Cri lmpO(fT(orlC 1011 ~ T0UpoCi TTlr r rfllle


J I(rr ltltff(w 0[0pamp t_flJOpn xrrII0TOt Ij ToG ArcJ_


tltOu E)foIII(oG OlIO(11[(1VOI(oI(lii ((I(i) htl pu- S ~ 8rric f~ nI1)al~ (ar i) dpyJ(lOl l i (fIO(i~r ~ 1[1lt~rrvrIr(C m - lt

or t ~ -J (rj 10IQ(jl0 rrpCI(H((lCIr 1I 1laquo(lnl lfol X(lrllr~nnr r) ~gt bull ~--

Xf)(lllrh ( lal


~ I ~Ooaltlr fv IJrrorll(C 11IIInT (11 middotIIlv I~YYrllaquoIIlv IOU llishy -- -0-f ~ 6W(OI) LllIDGtlA-_E101 U1CIC- (IIO[VTOI 11nprJqTnOIC

U~) (nrlOn I oil)~)Por lt(lIIICYTI 11AiII (() lvlll)IEuOrv()V

EV Ti [A[UO(ltlt U1l01IOpoyp(~1l(1 Cl tqopoC o(voo (1 cmcxuion 11CPcJ tau rd1llou ft orov nnoooxiic va dV(lshy

ArJ(n on()e [111 Xrl)oltonOI~an 10 E(1AllI ICX 10U 01ClUpOU

eurov lruOr() xpr)pcxn Il ~I A)I(~l Eni euroruOrac fn1i0d0C j ~I ccr))p( llIl (lIIO(lOr rI1rr(IIEirtt rj Ell ol()blTlOlfC 110rO poll) XP()(10TI

IJVfl~ IG I xUIlt l17nnc (JEll Gt ()lpOtsrpm t1[ fIITlOPIKC)I 111)7111[ OI]Ir(1()I (lIer TI1 YY(l01lv 1()1 ()l1()lr) (lTlo(1r)f)FWn~ TIIjou1

1 I ~((vtnnfl ~111 1llltOrlllnii


D~ -111 ( 9middot Subject to my other directions that mill be given by the Rcgill~) all SW etlt Q

apptl(utlOntl nonc1l statemcnt3 papero haVing ftpresCnuuions aifixct ot dOQJmcua

other documenls authorized or required by the UW or th~ rules to be mampde left Of sent at or to the Office with or to the Regitltnlf ~luillbe upon strong paper ami except in the qse of dlidlViIl on onc lIidc onJy of a size of ap-prDximatdy 13 inches by 8 inches lint shall have on th~ left-homd P04rt thtrcof 1 lIlarplll of not leamp tnan onc Inch and l half

10 A document purporting to be signed for or on bcbLlf of a parmefllhip SiKIUlIUn ol shall contain the names of all the partl1efH in full and 1I1ull be signed by all d ocurnc 11 La

by partncrshythe partller~ orby any qualified partntr stltlting thal he aigos on behalf of the amphip Clgt(ll shy

pilrtllCfhip or by any other pcr~m who tWllllfie the Regi9trar that he la pan iCJi ~)jj authorized to sign the document A qOCllllltllt purporting tp Ix signet for ~UOAamp or on behalf of a body corporlte llhall be signed by a director or by ~t sccreshytary or otlur principai ot1iccr of the body cprporltt or by any other perBilll who ~atiifl) the RegilCrar that he is lUtlOflZtO to sigilmiddot the document A d0cumwt purporting to be signcu for or on bchalf of an agt3Ocia~ion of PCflK)04

may be ligned by uny pefllon whu appearo to the Registrllr to ~ duly qualified

I r All applications notiCe ualcr1eliltl papers hyening repr~~tion3 Sc~c of

JAiTlxeJ or other ilocumcntll iuthorized Of reqllired by the ~w or th~documcnLa ~ ~ulCb to be mHie left or ampnt at or w the OJfice or witll or to tIlt Rcgt14tnar

or any othef person may be gtcut through the pltlDt by A prepaid letter lUJy tppliqtion or gtny JU(UPClt 80 gtCBt s1lall be JltelIlcti to hJlve ~ maJc luft or stnt at the time when tllcletter containing the I1JlC would hlt

delivered in the ordinary coortle of pOt In proving such ~ndiog it shU Po liuuujeIlt lu PIOV that qjt lctttr was properly aJdr~llcJand JgtIt illto the poot

AdJress n Where an) per-lIOn wby the Law or these rules bound to funUah the

Registrar with an addrtampl the addrelil given shall in ~ ~ bo all full lUI

postlibk for thl purpogtc of enabling any pe~)n tJllily to ~~ the p4cc of trlde or busincsti of the person whose address is given

The RCfltrf 1ly require the address to include th narpc of the street and the numba in the ~iIt or nanu of tllt prcllli~ ifwy

]3 The Registrar ml1y rcquin au upplicmt 0PPOACot or agcnt or Il AddrCM ~r regisltnd proprietor or rcgitcnQ Ullcr of a trade mur~ wpq~ lot r~iJe ryKl( or carry on bUlliueas witl)in Cypru8 to give an addrtlgt for lIervicc within CypruB and ajcll aU(rellB may bc treatcC lUl the Octu~ aldr~of that p9lWn for all purpOllC conncctd with the nuttef in qucstion it

Any regitlttrcd proprietor or rcgitcrcd user of a trlGl narkmiddot or any PCr8(Hl ltlbout to be rcgitltered lUl lIuch muy if he so dC1lire8 give lIpon

form TM-No 32 an lIddrClIll for aeTvlcc for entry in ~re8illter ~nLl ilJlch adure~ may be entcnd by the Hxgistrar i )

All applicaLioll1 on Form TM~No 3~ under this rule Ilhul1 be signed by tlle applicant for registration or tilt ngistcrtd PIOPiewr or regisfreq I~r as the cultc may bc or by an llgcnt expfCgtlly lluth0rirc4 by hun for t~

purjXWle of such an applicatloI ull~ in ~tio~poundi~c~mslnpound9_ thCL ~glslltlLQlhCIWl~ illluwa

In any caae in which no udJr~ foe service IS ontqc4 lP the r~gllltcr tbe Regilltrilr may treat the trade or bUtilllcss dureamp of Jhe registered v ~roprietor or registcrcJ u~tr 113 thcr~in entered as hi~ ~drC86 for servicc for all purposlltl conneclcd With the rcglstratwn

Any wri~tcn cOInmunicitcioo lIddrClllle4 jO 11 purty or PfCllOl l8 IlfOC~4

at U1 address given by him qr trcated by ~hc Rcgititrar ~fyen adqrClla foc IjlfYice 3h~1 be dtemcd 1Oblt propcrly ddresamped Lo l y-

The Regllitrur ~t any t~c that 11 l~ubtljri~ uto ~~lraquofltiJcj a-~ilt~ ~ biljty pf flH ~9t-f~ (qr ~ryt~~lt~rcd tl thIltJVi~t1~I~r~~~ ~~lt ~

I~ I~l~ (~~~ ~~ I ( J _)~tJr-- II~~ ~YI~~I~ t 11- l_~

~~J ~l I ~ -t~t ~f 1deg ~J EI~~~l (f)Imiddot l I ~~ 1-- t le I~~~ (rl~~

I rtf~1~Y~~~i~i~ ~WoIl~~ MdLi-1 e 5~


ffirJ~~-n~)ftO~~l ~~c-fftttb the cii~tratioll of which ll apphcd-ior shy

17middot Whcre a repre~entaton of the anncrid bearing insignia orJers of chivalry decor~tion$ or flag of 11y Sne city boruugh town pbu society Dody corporate institution or pcrun qlpC~ro on a mark the cgltrur bdllle proclOcdiilg to rtgist1 the mark shdl jf ht ~u require be furni~hcJ with a CObent to tht re[15trltltioll and ust of such emblems frolll such

gtoHicial or other person as appears to the Pegisrrar to be entitled to give consent and in deLwlt of JUC) conSCIi~ he may refut to register the mark

IS Whtrt th~ lalIle or reprtselltation of ltlIly person appears on a traJ LImiddotnj mark the tZlOgistrar shall if he so require be[ort proteeding to register the plttgtltlns or

plt tgtltlBmark be furnishtd with consent from Lim or in the case of a pawn recently rcccnliy

dead from his legal nprlswtatives and in ddault of SUc11 conent he may JcJ n[u~e to register the mark

19 Whtre tht name or description of any goods appears on a traue mark Name or the Regi~trar may refuse to regi$ler such mark in respect of any goocb otha J~rir)[middotun

of ~ gtd onthaIl the g00U 50 nallled or llcscribnL bull Ide oUlrilt

Where the name ur ucscription of any goods apptars on ltl trade mark whieh name or uescriptiol In llSe varits the Registrar may permit the registration of the mark for those and other goods and in that case tbe applicant shall S[ate in 3 application that tltt name or ulCriplion will be varied when the mark i usell upon goods covcred by the specification other thaIl the named or described goods

20 Any pawn who proJlose to 1Ipl) for the registration of a trade Illark lrcllOlinury ~Jlcc byin Part A or Part B of the register ill fltpect of JIly gO()J~ lllay apply to Ihe HqIr bull gt

j gegi~lrar on Form TM--Nll 29 or () Form IM-No 2) in a case where to dilineshyhe is abo making an application unucr rule 106 for advice-as to whether the tJlrCneSli

aaut mark of which duplicate representatioIl~ stlal1 accompany the Form appcar8 to the Hcgistrar prima facie to lx inherently adlpttd to di~tingtl1sh

within the meaning of section 11 or inhwntly capJhJe of distinguisllillg within the meaning of cection 12 Cl the Clje Illay be in rdation 10 thos gooJs and shall apply ~tparattiy in relation to goods comprised within dijfCf(1It claslel of gOOd8 in Scht~iulc IV

A notice of withdrawal of an application for the ngistratiun of a traut mark givtI1 unJer section 40 (3) for the purpu~e (Jf obtaining rt)laYIlltnt of any fee paid on tht)iling of the application shtll be gi~en in writing ithin two months from ttH datt of tht notice of tht Registrars objection

I1pplicaliulI fUT RlglslruliuIl 0) U TruJe i1urh-SpecijicuJioll

3 0 l(avovlOj(X 21 TGiv Gaoll(C--W laVOJO~li)v cllayparpuCXl KGI

OIITll(aO[oTaToJ Olll Tal) cIltonl)OOI) f(alloVloJlOU



63 w01f)(i

laquo21--( 1) 11 (fllqole Hprc 10v [1l0pO~ 0_1amp 11111 tyyP((1~v CII1TClPlllaquo()U OlllIrnor l)llrl0ctr101 [ H TOI) l ~TOLJ E 2 ~r 2 I(a (moypr(CI1ClCXl 1)110 TaU alqTo~ f1 TaU OVTlllr0O(lHOU aLrrolJ EIlaquo(oHI rtlHIOIlt 06 rfcIop Elr ~yypo1lV degX E11 middot I(Wr npr)e rIITTOPElIIOTa In-r 1101011 TcxE[()r TaU nlvalco~ TV

(2) rlFcoa niTqolC cxEloLOc( llpO_Tl~pCXlCmiddotJ1ql ouvap~1 1 -1 llapoyprrQ10l 6--1 TaU expOP0l 11 l11e 6_1fEl~OUr 2 upGaou~~ Eni T~C r-Jpoowo[cxC lrleltI[llollllxa~II(l]r 1~IOl(nIOIO~ 111lt EI(T10qIFVllC I~I T~J rkrpopTlllCX Tl TaU rEp1 11e 2UlGaO~(0lt (Ili 111e Ilpomcxoia( T~C 8Iol111xalll~(tle IOlOl(llol~c (11) prHII(rlU) ilollOU TaU 1965 6yr~ 11lC -n000~1le atTllou)r bl I))rnr~l tIITTOPII(OO OIllleTTOe YEVOJIEVllC )1 oYI~0l-fII( 0JC Yf0ltrllC Fe X(Jprx [le ~ i1 pqOEIOO L UII~OOI~ laquorap IJ6~rT(Xt (I ()T[oin xr1PeT of 011()_ IWTOJO[((~~HXI) 8~ rCT1Fpn 11 TIIIJpolqirxv Tle [_v 1n Ell A6y(~) X(lPrx 0I111~ orclC I(ni rl oil11T1 Oc~ TTPOOI(OIi0n TToTon~IIlTll(~V T(JU [I(lpOll Tr--nr TllTTrlpllu71V LlIrTC)1I f) ~TrpCX~ ar~IJOi)la5 ~1C1 1IV ~ )YP1 rrpxie 1iiC Xlpa TauTllC f 00 rXT(lOEI~n l(a T rmiddot()vfA1l011 1111 euroIOII~lV ~ o(IJeuroVll V r)r )fI()~ Ilt l 1 [v T ~I ny~) xc)prr (XtHIOlV npoc Il(aVOITO [loIV r(l

J=1)PO (3) TII Tl nrrI1H()nr1 aiTImiddotIUC 0 Eyvpar~~11 ~ O(cnl

nprr 0lTrVTr Trr ~llnlpCIlrn0 leT llFpl)JJ11GavOIlEVa 11 - ) Ie lrrFJI 11 fl O~OFI npclrII((flI TT)IIV E1l1Tnn Ilo-H)I n Fopar 01nT0 110 (lToprI11 T)l1~ 01 111 011 t KHgt

poundal pflVrJ l(OVQTF=)ll~EIC)~ (~[ ~rl ~rIjl) ~(I ~lT(cI(I~I~I[ 1(~) t)(GOf) rI77Jt Ull() rrl~ ~(r)10jCJ)~ TO() or)IIrnr~ 111

cmnlrxv fl (1iTllriC ~xrl 1(C11~I 11 PClTiOrTUI 110 I(imiddotn Frv I(at 01(f) 1( Oller FyYrnrln

Form of -pphLmiddotaljlln

r Spc~ilicolluo

J E ~ t- ~~ lItgt1 b 1 it 1 U~~ c t~c I ~(~~t ~ J-I

114 lQlt- crmiddott-r 1t f-w I t t I Itllprc-clshyflun of mar


o~ ~(JHof J [00 Ti)nflll r

HilV H[lrCI

r arII(J[(r dCl I

I 11 alrqolc 11

J 111 V Xri] ~llt lOl 011] I

~ 1 er p I~ r Lc) ~

IW( b ahT)shymiddotOIJTC)V 0 1001 iiClEF

i )()()Ij ~ Irltf~jmiddot-

61 10U ~1[10 [G TOU 1lt01shy

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 5: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

I fur Wh)111 it is cfltercd by lctttr aJJrcsseu to his tratt or business aJJrcsss--------- shyin thL register tu c()lllirlll tht aJdrLs~ for s~ryice and if within dlCt( monrh of 11~lkilg sllch a I CljULst tht Hltgistrar rtctivcs no confirmation of lhilt addrcss he ll~ly strike it olf the rg iltcr


gtICy I Except J othuwisc nquircd hy these rults any application request (lr nutiLe which is rC-juired or permitted by the Law or thest ruks to he Ill~lllc or gilcn to the HcgistrJr and all other communications between an applicant or a pll~)1l mlking such a rC(ltJesr or giing such a notice anu the lq~itrar and hctlcen tht rcgistLfed proprietor or a rcgistrcJ user of a tradc mark anu the lcgistrar or ail) ()[htr person may be signed mau or gilcn hy or through an ltlgcllt -

AllY such applicant person making reqlJest or giing notict proprietor nr registered ll~er 111) allpoill dO lgCllt III act for him in any proeccding or Illcllter bLfurc or dlccllig the Hegi~trar unuer th Law ltlnu thee rule

hy signing aod sending to th ncglstral an authority tu that dflct in the Fonn TII --u I or ill sueh o[her writtel form as titl egistrar may decm suffishyciellt jll cast of SllL appuilltlllellt sLIvic upon the agn of any document rtbting to tlte plocLcding or llIatter shdl be dctmed to be service up)n lh~

_person ~(l appointillg hilll ill clilll)unications uincHJ to be made lO such pt S)I I in rt~pcct ur the pruceeJing (JI malteT may be aJurltsseU to such agent and all tt~IlJJIICC~ llpllll the Registrar rdating thtrctu may be maJlt by or thruugh sllch agel1t I11 any plrticular ClIC the RegIstrar may require lite perional signJtun lr pnsltJc( of an applicalt opponlnt proprietor regislcrcd user or OLIlImiddot jlltrslln

The legistrmiddot shall nOI be buunJ tf reeogniu as such agltnt any per~n wh hJS beell prucd to him or 011 Jppeal to ~( Court to hae been guilty of conduct discreditahle to a trade mark agnt or who has been cOlictcel criminalh or wh()~c name ha~ blten struck otf the Roll of AUIOCOltcs and l(Jt since flt)d or (during the trm of hi~ ~u$pcniol1) any per)(fl who hl hll suspended (rOII1 ltting as an advocatc

RIgistruuii Trade 11illrS Will jrdilllilltJry Advice (SCIOll -+0)

liqhlruhlc 10 The Rgis[rJ Illay rcftlsc to accept any application for the ngistration ~~=-~~--~-~- j l_-o_ fr 11 (nlltIOP nDDeJf - 1

cl2 Ol I((v()vtOflo 15 Kn 16 1(011 ((1(ltl()I I(nrl(olli-)II rJl(rYru~olrn

((I 1TII(00fClf(rrfl (lir( C-n 1~1laquo()A(H(lr I(cn 0nj(l IllTIC) (ofX()C

tllnl r -15 0 [toror tJlrXTn er r(fI olmfl[(ITE 0111- Onll~ bull 011111 tY)PCXIIl OlIP(no( rlIi Tnil (IC)fOII lI1Olilgt1I~ 0101~1~lrnJ n Yl1(llf -) IJ(O)OIIO()I YflI~

(0) (11 AU[IC lflrol(pOl )rmiddotlq(nc- npCl(JTClTCUnshy ~ IUO f( rpOlo(d0U Jlr(1middotmiddotXy~ laquoc))cvrntl shy I

I )I~ I bull T yvc) r((1 1 d 01 c z(I 0 n1[ ltJp er 1 ll( 11 ll -

t0t(lI(11(Jco (coPy rghl) I ((110(illl11J1lt 10()j~IOr(VshydTOe cil1(lTrAIi lfAnnH)r((IIrtl rfCI( Tn c-nnoG rll

)llICXTOrU J I~I ([) 01 if(o-H ErJ()rol ZTrr(rt~ ii TUllrf)( lIe rEshy

ur ~ ~~t)ll l(Cri lmpO(fT(orlC 1011 ~ T0UpoCi TTlr r rfllle


J I(rr ltltff(w 0[0pamp t_flJOpn xrrII0TOt Ij ToG ArcJ_


tltOu E)foIII(oG OlIO(11[(1VOI(oI(lii ((I(i) htl pu- S ~ 8rric f~ nI1)al~ (ar i) dpyJ(lOl l i (fIO(i~r ~ 1[1lt~rrvrIr(C m - lt

or t ~ -J (rj 10IQ(jl0 rrpCI(H((lCIr 1I 1laquo(lnl lfol X(lrllr~nnr r) ~gt bull ~--

Xf)(lllrh ( lal


~ I ~Ooaltlr fv IJrrorll(C 11IIInT (11 middotIIlv I~YYrllaquoIIlv IOU llishy -- -0-f ~ 6W(OI) LllIDGtlA-_E101 U1CIC- (IIO[VTOI 11nprJqTnOIC

U~) (nrlOn I oil)~)Por lt(lIIICYTI 11AiII (() lvlll)IEuOrv()V

EV Ti [A[UO(ltlt U1l01IOpoyp(~1l(1 Cl tqopoC o(voo (1 cmcxuion 11CPcJ tau rd1llou ft orov nnoooxiic va dV(lshy

ArJ(n on()e [111 Xrl)oltonOI~an 10 E(1AllI ICX 10U 01ClUpOU

eurov lruOr() xpr)pcxn Il ~I A)I(~l Eni euroruOrac fn1i0d0C j ~I ccr))p( llIl (lIIO(lOr rI1rr(IIEirtt rj Ell ol()blTlOlfC 110rO poll) XP()(10TI

IJVfl~ IG I xUIlt l17nnc (JEll Gt ()lpOtsrpm t1[ fIITlOPIKC)I 111)7111[ OI]Ir(1()I (lIer TI1 YY(l01lv 1()1 ()l1()lr) (lTlo(1r)f)FWn~ TIIjou1

1 I ~((vtnnfl ~111 1llltOrlllnii


D~ -111 ( 9middot Subject to my other directions that mill be given by the Rcgill~) all SW etlt Q

apptl(utlOntl nonc1l statemcnt3 papero haVing ftpresCnuuions aifixct ot dOQJmcua

other documenls authorized or required by the UW or th~ rules to be mampde left Of sent at or to the Office with or to the Regitltnlf ~luillbe upon strong paper ami except in the qse of dlidlViIl on onc lIidc onJy of a size of ap-prDximatdy 13 inches by 8 inches lint shall have on th~ left-homd P04rt thtrcof 1 lIlarplll of not leamp tnan onc Inch and l half

10 A document purporting to be signed for or on bcbLlf of a parmefllhip SiKIUlIUn ol shall contain the names of all the partl1efH in full and 1I1ull be signed by all d ocurnc 11 La

by partncrshythe partller~ orby any qualified partntr stltlting thal he aigos on behalf of the amphip Clgt(ll shy

pilrtllCfhip or by any other pcr~m who tWllllfie the Regi9trar that he la pan iCJi ~)jj authorized to sign the document A qOCllllltllt purporting tp Ix signet for ~UOAamp or on behalf of a body corporlte llhall be signed by a director or by ~t sccreshytary or otlur principai ot1iccr of the body cprporltt or by any other perBilll who ~atiifl) the RegilCrar that he is lUtlOflZtO to sigilmiddot the document A d0cumwt purporting to be signcu for or on bchalf of an agt3Ocia~ion of PCflK)04

may be ligned by uny pefllon whu appearo to the Registrllr to ~ duly qualified

I r All applications notiCe ualcr1eliltl papers hyening repr~~tion3 Sc~c of

JAiTlxeJ or other ilocumcntll iuthorized Of reqllired by the ~w or th~documcnLa ~ ~ulCb to be mHie left or ampnt at or w the OJfice or witll or to tIlt Rcgt14tnar

or any othef person may be gtcut through the pltlDt by A prepaid letter lUJy tppliqtion or gtny JU(UPClt 80 gtCBt s1lall be JltelIlcti to hJlve ~ maJc luft or stnt at the time when tllcletter containing the I1JlC would hlt

delivered in the ordinary coortle of pOt In proving such ~ndiog it shU Po liuuujeIlt lu PIOV that qjt lctttr was properly aJdr~llcJand JgtIt illto the poot

AdJress n Where an) per-lIOn wby the Law or these rules bound to funUah the

Registrar with an addrtampl the addrelil given shall in ~ ~ bo all full lUI

postlibk for thl purpogtc of enabling any pe~)n tJllily to ~~ the p4cc of trlde or busincsti of the person whose address is given

The RCfltrf 1ly require the address to include th narpc of the street and the numba in the ~iIt or nanu of tllt prcllli~ ifwy

]3 The Registrar ml1y rcquin au upplicmt 0PPOACot or agcnt or Il AddrCM ~r regisltnd proprietor or rcgitcnQ Ullcr of a trade mur~ wpq~ lot r~iJe ryKl( or carry on bUlliueas witl)in Cypru8 to give an addrtlgt for lIervicc within CypruB and ajcll aU(rellB may bc treatcC lUl the Octu~ aldr~of that p9lWn for all purpOllC conncctd with the nuttef in qucstion it

Any regitlttrcd proprietor or rcgitcrcd user of a trlGl narkmiddot or any PCr8(Hl ltlbout to be rcgitltered lUl lIuch muy if he so dC1lire8 give lIpon

form TM-No 32 an lIddrClIll for aeTvlcc for entry in ~re8illter ~nLl ilJlch adure~ may be entcnd by the Hxgistrar i )

All applicaLioll1 on Form TM~No 3~ under this rule Ilhul1 be signed by tlle applicant for registration or tilt ngistcrtd PIOPiewr or regisfreq I~r as the cultc may bc or by an llgcnt expfCgtlly lluth0rirc4 by hun for t~

purjXWle of such an applicatloI ull~ in ~tio~poundi~c~mslnpound9_ thCL ~glslltlLQlhCIWl~ illluwa

In any caae in which no udJr~ foe service IS ontqc4 lP the r~gllltcr tbe Regilltrilr may treat the trade or bUtilllcss dureamp of Jhe registered v ~roprietor or registcrcJ u~tr 113 thcr~in entered as hi~ ~drC86 for servicc for all purposlltl conneclcd With the rcglstratwn

Any wri~tcn cOInmunicitcioo lIddrClllle4 jO 11 purty or PfCllOl l8 IlfOC~4

at U1 address given by him qr trcated by ~hc Rcgititrar ~fyen adqrClla foc IjlfYice 3h~1 be dtemcd 1Oblt propcrly ddresamped Lo l y-

The Regllitrur ~t any t~c that 11 l~ubtljri~ uto ~~lraquofltiJcj a-~ilt~ ~ biljty pf flH ~9t-f~ (qr ~ryt~~lt~rcd tl thIltJVi~t1~I~r~~~ ~~lt ~

I~ I~l~ (~~~ ~~ I ( J _)~tJr-- II~~ ~YI~~I~ t 11- l_~

~~J ~l I ~ -t~t ~f 1deg ~J EI~~~l (f)Imiddot l I ~~ 1-- t le I~~~ (rl~~

I rtf~1~Y~~~i~i~ ~WoIl~~ MdLi-1 e 5~


ffirJ~~-n~)ftO~~l ~~c-fftttb the cii~tratioll of which ll apphcd-ior shy

17middot Whcre a repre~entaton of the anncrid bearing insignia orJers of chivalry decor~tion$ or flag of 11y Sne city boruugh town pbu society Dody corporate institution or pcrun qlpC~ro on a mark the cgltrur bdllle proclOcdiilg to rtgist1 the mark shdl jf ht ~u require be furni~hcJ with a CObent to tht re[15trltltioll and ust of such emblems frolll such

gtoHicial or other person as appears to the Pegisrrar to be entitled to give consent and in deLwlt of JUC) conSCIi~ he may refut to register the mark

IS Whtrt th~ lalIle or reprtselltation of ltlIly person appears on a traJ LImiddotnj mark the tZlOgistrar shall if he so require be[ort proteeding to register the plttgtltlns or

plt tgtltlBmark be furnishtd with consent from Lim or in the case of a pawn recently rcccnliy

dead from his legal nprlswtatives and in ddault of SUc11 conent he may JcJ n[u~e to register the mark

19 Whtre tht name or description of any goods appears on a traue mark Name or the Regi~trar may refuse to regi$ler such mark in respect of any goocb otha J~rir)[middotun

of ~ gtd onthaIl the g00U 50 nallled or llcscribnL bull Ide oUlrilt

Where the name ur ucscription of any goods apptars on ltl trade mark whieh name or uescriptiol In llSe varits the Registrar may permit the registration of the mark for those and other goods and in that case tbe applicant shall S[ate in 3 application that tltt name or ulCriplion will be varied when the mark i usell upon goods covcred by the specification other thaIl the named or described goods

20 Any pawn who proJlose to 1Ipl) for the registration of a trade Illark lrcllOlinury ~Jlcc byin Part A or Part B of the register ill fltpect of JIly gO()J~ lllay apply to Ihe HqIr bull gt

j gegi~lrar on Form TM--Nll 29 or () Form IM-No 2) in a case where to dilineshyhe is abo making an application unucr rule 106 for advice-as to whether the tJlrCneSli

aaut mark of which duplicate representatioIl~ stlal1 accompany the Form appcar8 to the Hcgistrar prima facie to lx inherently adlpttd to di~tingtl1sh

within the meaning of section 11 or inhwntly capJhJe of distinguisllillg within the meaning of cection 12 Cl the Clje Illay be in rdation 10 thos gooJs and shall apply ~tparattiy in relation to goods comprised within dijfCf(1It claslel of gOOd8 in Scht~iulc IV

A notice of withdrawal of an application for the ngistratiun of a traut mark givtI1 unJer section 40 (3) for the purpu~e (Jf obtaining rt)laYIlltnt of any fee paid on tht)iling of the application shtll be gi~en in writing ithin two months from ttH datt of tht notice of tht Registrars objection

I1pplicaliulI fUT RlglslruliuIl 0) U TruJe i1urh-SpecijicuJioll

3 0 l(avovlOj(X 21 TGiv Gaoll(C--W laVOJO~li)v cllayparpuCXl KGI

OIITll(aO[oTaToJ Olll Tal) cIltonl)OOI) f(alloVloJlOU



63 w01f)(i

laquo21--( 1) 11 (fllqole Hprc 10v [1l0pO~ 0_1amp 11111 tyyP((1~v CII1TClPlllaquo()U OlllIrnor l)llrl0ctr101 [ H TOI) l ~TOLJ E 2 ~r 2 I(a (moypr(CI1ClCXl 1)110 TaU alqTo~ f1 TaU OVTlllr0O(lHOU aLrrolJ EIlaquo(oHI rtlHIOIlt 06 rfcIop Elr ~yypo1lV degX E11 middot I(Wr npr)e rIITTOPElIIOTa In-r 1101011 TcxE[()r TaU nlvalco~ TV

(2) rlFcoa niTqolC cxEloLOc( llpO_Tl~pCXlCmiddotJ1ql ouvap~1 1 -1 llapoyprrQ10l 6--1 TaU expOP0l 11 l11e 6_1fEl~OUr 2 upGaou~~ Eni T~C r-Jpoowo[cxC lrleltI[llollllxa~II(l]r 1~IOl(nIOIO~ 111lt EI(T10qIFVllC I~I T~J rkrpopTlllCX Tl TaU rEp1 11e 2UlGaO~(0lt (Ili 111e Ilpomcxoia( T~C 8Iol111xalll~(tle IOlOl(llol~c (11) prHII(rlU) ilollOU TaU 1965 6yr~ 11lC -n000~1le atTllou)r bl I))rnr~l tIITTOPII(OO OIllleTTOe YEVOJIEVllC )1 oYI~0l-fII( 0JC Yf0ltrllC Fe X(Jprx [le ~ i1 pqOEIOO L UII~OOI~ laquorap IJ6~rT(Xt (I ()T[oin xr1PeT of 011()_ IWTOJO[((~~HXI) 8~ rCT1Fpn 11 TIIIJpolqirxv Tle [_v 1n Ell A6y(~) X(lPrx 0I111~ orclC I(ni rl oil11T1 Oc~ TTPOOI(OIi0n TToTon~IIlTll(~V T(JU [I(lpOll Tr--nr TllTTrlpllu71V LlIrTC)1I f) ~TrpCX~ ar~IJOi)la5 ~1C1 1IV ~ )YP1 rrpxie 1iiC Xlpa TauTllC f 00 rXT(lOEI~n l(a T rmiddot()vfA1l011 1111 euroIOII~lV ~ o(IJeuroVll V r)r )fI()~ Ilt l 1 [v T ~I ny~) xc)prr (XtHIOlV npoc Il(aVOITO [loIV r(l

J=1)PO (3) TII Tl nrrI1H()nr1 aiTImiddotIUC 0 Eyvpar~~11 ~ O(cnl

nprr 0lTrVTr Trr ~llnlpCIlrn0 leT llFpl)JJ11GavOIlEVa 11 - ) Ie lrrFJI 11 fl O~OFI npclrII((flI TT)IIV E1l1Tnn Ilo-H)I n Fopar 01nT0 110 (lToprI11 T)l1~ 01 111 011 t KHgt

poundal pflVrJ l(OVQTF=)ll~EIC)~ (~[ ~rl ~rIjl) ~(I ~lT(cI(I~I~I[ 1(~) t)(GOf) rI77Jt Ull() rrl~ ~(r)10jCJ)~ TO() or)IIrnr~ 111

cmnlrxv fl (1iTllriC ~xrl 1(C11~I 11 PClTiOrTUI 110 I(imiddotn Frv I(at 01(f) 1( Oller FyYrnrln

Form of -pphLmiddotaljlln

r Spc~ilicolluo

J E ~ t- ~~ lItgt1 b 1 it 1 U~~ c t~c I ~(~~t ~ J-I

114 lQlt- crmiddott-r 1t f-w I t t I Itllprc-clshyflun of mar


o~ ~(JHof J [00 Ti)nflll r

HilV H[lrCI

r arII(J[(r dCl I

I 11 alrqolc 11

J 111 V Xri] ~llt lOl 011] I

~ 1 er p I~ r Lc) ~

IW( b ahT)shymiddotOIJTC)V 0 1001 iiClEF

i )()()Ij ~ Irltf~jmiddot-

61 10U ~1[10 [G TOU 1lt01shy

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 6: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

D~ -111 ( 9middot Subject to my other directions that mill be given by the Rcgill~) all SW etlt Q

apptl(utlOntl nonc1l statemcnt3 papero haVing ftpresCnuuions aifixct ot dOQJmcua

other documenls authorized or required by the UW or th~ rules to be mampde left Of sent at or to the Office with or to the Regitltnlf ~luillbe upon strong paper ami except in the qse of dlidlViIl on onc lIidc onJy of a size of ap-prDximatdy 13 inches by 8 inches lint shall have on th~ left-homd P04rt thtrcof 1 lIlarplll of not leamp tnan onc Inch and l half

10 A document purporting to be signed for or on bcbLlf of a parmefllhip SiKIUlIUn ol shall contain the names of all the partl1efH in full and 1I1ull be signed by all d ocurnc 11 La

by partncrshythe partller~ orby any qualified partntr stltlting thal he aigos on behalf of the amphip Clgt(ll shy

pilrtllCfhip or by any other pcr~m who tWllllfie the Regi9trar that he la pan iCJi ~)jj authorized to sign the document A qOCllllltllt purporting tp Ix signet for ~UOAamp or on behalf of a body corporlte llhall be signed by a director or by ~t sccreshytary or otlur principai ot1iccr of the body cprporltt or by any other perBilll who ~atiifl) the RegilCrar that he is lUtlOflZtO to sigilmiddot the document A d0cumwt purporting to be signcu for or on bchalf of an agt3Ocia~ion of PCflK)04

may be ligned by uny pefllon whu appearo to the Registrllr to ~ duly qualified

I r All applications notiCe ualcr1eliltl papers hyening repr~~tion3 Sc~c of

JAiTlxeJ or other ilocumcntll iuthorized Of reqllired by the ~w or th~documcnLa ~ ~ulCb to be mHie left or ampnt at or w the OJfice or witll or to tIlt Rcgt14tnar

or any othef person may be gtcut through the pltlDt by A prepaid letter lUJy tppliqtion or gtny JU(UPClt 80 gtCBt s1lall be JltelIlcti to hJlve ~ maJc luft or stnt at the time when tllcletter containing the I1JlC would hlt

delivered in the ordinary coortle of pOt In proving such ~ndiog it shU Po liuuujeIlt lu PIOV that qjt lctttr was properly aJdr~llcJand JgtIt illto the poot

AdJress n Where an) per-lIOn wby the Law or these rules bound to funUah the

Registrar with an addrtampl the addrelil given shall in ~ ~ bo all full lUI

postlibk for thl purpogtc of enabling any pe~)n tJllily to ~~ the p4cc of trlde or busincsti of the person whose address is given

The RCfltrf 1ly require the address to include th narpc of the street and the numba in the ~iIt or nanu of tllt prcllli~ ifwy

]3 The Registrar ml1y rcquin au upplicmt 0PPOACot or agcnt or Il AddrCM ~r regisltnd proprietor or rcgitcnQ Ullcr of a trade mur~ wpq~ lot r~iJe ryKl( or carry on bUlliueas witl)in Cypru8 to give an addrtlgt for lIervicc within CypruB and ajcll aU(rellB may bc treatcC lUl the Octu~ aldr~of that p9lWn for all purpOllC conncctd with the nuttef in qucstion it

Any regitlttrcd proprietor or rcgitcrcd user of a trlGl narkmiddot or any PCr8(Hl ltlbout to be rcgitltered lUl lIuch muy if he so dC1lire8 give lIpon

form TM-No 32 an lIddrClIll for aeTvlcc for entry in ~re8illter ~nLl ilJlch adure~ may be entcnd by the Hxgistrar i )

All applicaLioll1 on Form TM~No 3~ under this rule Ilhul1 be signed by tlle applicant for registration or tilt ngistcrtd PIOPiewr or regisfreq I~r as the cultc may bc or by an llgcnt expfCgtlly lluth0rirc4 by hun for t~

purjXWle of such an applicatloI ull~ in ~tio~poundi~c~mslnpound9_ thCL ~glslltlLQlhCIWl~ illluwa

In any caae in which no udJr~ foe service IS ontqc4 lP the r~gllltcr tbe Regilltrilr may treat the trade or bUtilllcss dureamp of Jhe registered v ~roprietor or registcrcJ u~tr 113 thcr~in entered as hi~ ~drC86 for servicc for all purposlltl conneclcd With the rcglstratwn

Any wri~tcn cOInmunicitcioo lIddrClllle4 jO 11 purty or PfCllOl l8 IlfOC~4

at U1 address given by him qr trcated by ~hc Rcgititrar ~fyen adqrClla foc IjlfYice 3h~1 be dtemcd 1Oblt propcrly ddresamped Lo l y-

The Regllitrur ~t any t~c that 11 l~ubtljri~ uto ~~lraquofltiJcj a-~ilt~ ~ biljty pf flH ~9t-f~ (qr ~ryt~~lt~rcd tl thIltJVi~t1~I~r~~~ ~~lt ~

I~ I~l~ (~~~ ~~ I ( J _)~tJr-- II~~ ~YI~~I~ t 11- l_~

~~J ~l I ~ -t~t ~f 1deg ~J EI~~~l (f)Imiddot l I ~~ 1-- t le I~~~ (rl~~

I rtf~1~Y~~~i~i~ ~WoIl~~ MdLi-1 e 5~


ffirJ~~-n~)ftO~~l ~~c-fftttb the cii~tratioll of which ll apphcd-ior shy

17middot Whcre a repre~entaton of the anncrid bearing insignia orJers of chivalry decor~tion$ or flag of 11y Sne city boruugh town pbu society Dody corporate institution or pcrun qlpC~ro on a mark the cgltrur bdllle proclOcdiilg to rtgist1 the mark shdl jf ht ~u require be furni~hcJ with a CObent to tht re[15trltltioll and ust of such emblems frolll such

gtoHicial or other person as appears to the Pegisrrar to be entitled to give consent and in deLwlt of JUC) conSCIi~ he may refut to register the mark

IS Whtrt th~ lalIle or reprtselltation of ltlIly person appears on a traJ LImiddotnj mark the tZlOgistrar shall if he so require be[ort proteeding to register the plttgtltlns or

plt tgtltlBmark be furnishtd with consent from Lim or in the case of a pawn recently rcccnliy

dead from his legal nprlswtatives and in ddault of SUc11 conent he may JcJ n[u~e to register the mark

19 Whtre tht name or description of any goods appears on a traue mark Name or the Regi~trar may refuse to regi$ler such mark in respect of any goocb otha J~rir)[middotun

of ~ gtd onthaIl the g00U 50 nallled or llcscribnL bull Ide oUlrilt

Where the name ur ucscription of any goods apptars on ltl trade mark whieh name or uescriptiol In llSe varits the Registrar may permit the registration of the mark for those and other goods and in that case tbe applicant shall S[ate in 3 application that tltt name or ulCriplion will be varied when the mark i usell upon goods covcred by the specification other thaIl the named or described goods

20 Any pawn who proJlose to 1Ipl) for the registration of a trade Illark lrcllOlinury ~Jlcc byin Part A or Part B of the register ill fltpect of JIly gO()J~ lllay apply to Ihe HqIr bull gt

j gegi~lrar on Form TM--Nll 29 or () Form IM-No 2) in a case where to dilineshyhe is abo making an application unucr rule 106 for advice-as to whether the tJlrCneSli

aaut mark of which duplicate representatioIl~ stlal1 accompany the Form appcar8 to the Hcgistrar prima facie to lx inherently adlpttd to di~tingtl1sh

within the meaning of section 11 or inhwntly capJhJe of distinguisllillg within the meaning of cection 12 Cl the Clje Illay be in rdation 10 thos gooJs and shall apply ~tparattiy in relation to goods comprised within dijfCf(1It claslel of gOOd8 in Scht~iulc IV

A notice of withdrawal of an application for the ngistratiun of a traut mark givtI1 unJer section 40 (3) for the purpu~e (Jf obtaining rt)laYIlltnt of any fee paid on tht)iling of the application shtll be gi~en in writing ithin two months from ttH datt of tht notice of tht Registrars objection

I1pplicaliulI fUT RlglslruliuIl 0) U TruJe i1urh-SpecijicuJioll

3 0 l(avovlOj(X 21 TGiv Gaoll(C--W laVOJO~li)v cllayparpuCXl KGI

OIITll(aO[oTaToJ Olll Tal) cIltonl)OOI) f(alloVloJlOU



63 w01f)(i

laquo21--( 1) 11 (fllqole Hprc 10v [1l0pO~ 0_1amp 11111 tyyP((1~v CII1TClPlllaquo()U OlllIrnor l)llrl0ctr101 [ H TOI) l ~TOLJ E 2 ~r 2 I(a (moypr(CI1ClCXl 1)110 TaU alqTo~ f1 TaU OVTlllr0O(lHOU aLrrolJ EIlaquo(oHI rtlHIOIlt 06 rfcIop Elr ~yypo1lV degX E11 middot I(Wr npr)e rIITTOPElIIOTa In-r 1101011 TcxE[()r TaU nlvalco~ TV

(2) rlFcoa niTqolC cxEloLOc( llpO_Tl~pCXlCmiddotJ1ql ouvap~1 1 -1 llapoyprrQ10l 6--1 TaU expOP0l 11 l11e 6_1fEl~OUr 2 upGaou~~ Eni T~C r-Jpoowo[cxC lrleltI[llollllxa~II(l]r 1~IOl(nIOIO~ 111lt EI(T10qIFVllC I~I T~J rkrpopTlllCX Tl TaU rEp1 11e 2UlGaO~(0lt (Ili 111e Ilpomcxoia( T~C 8Iol111xalll~(tle IOlOl(llol~c (11) prHII(rlU) ilollOU TaU 1965 6yr~ 11lC -n000~1le atTllou)r bl I))rnr~l tIITTOPII(OO OIllleTTOe YEVOJIEVllC )1 oYI~0l-fII( 0JC Yf0ltrllC Fe X(Jprx [le ~ i1 pqOEIOO L UII~OOI~ laquorap IJ6~rT(Xt (I ()T[oin xr1PeT of 011()_ IWTOJO[((~~HXI) 8~ rCT1Fpn 11 TIIIJpolqirxv Tle [_v 1n Ell A6y(~) X(lPrx 0I111~ orclC I(ni rl oil11T1 Oc~ TTPOOI(OIi0n TToTon~IIlTll(~V T(JU [I(lpOll Tr--nr TllTTrlpllu71V LlIrTC)1I f) ~TrpCX~ ar~IJOi)la5 ~1C1 1IV ~ )YP1 rrpxie 1iiC Xlpa TauTllC f 00 rXT(lOEI~n l(a T rmiddot()vfA1l011 1111 euroIOII~lV ~ o(IJeuroVll V r)r )fI()~ Ilt l 1 [v T ~I ny~) xc)prr (XtHIOlV npoc Il(aVOITO [loIV r(l

J=1)PO (3) TII Tl nrrI1H()nr1 aiTImiddotIUC 0 Eyvpar~~11 ~ O(cnl

nprr 0lTrVTr Trr ~llnlpCIlrn0 leT llFpl)JJ11GavOIlEVa 11 - ) Ie lrrFJI 11 fl O~OFI npclrII((flI TT)IIV E1l1Tnn Ilo-H)I n Fopar 01nT0 110 (lToprI11 T)l1~ 01 111 011 t KHgt

poundal pflVrJ l(OVQTF=)ll~EIC)~ (~[ ~rl ~rIjl) ~(I ~lT(cI(I~I~I[ 1(~) t)(GOf) rI77Jt Ull() rrl~ ~(r)10jCJ)~ TO() or)IIrnr~ 111

cmnlrxv fl (1iTllriC ~xrl 1(C11~I 11 PClTiOrTUI 110 I(imiddotn Frv I(at 01(f) 1( Oller FyYrnrln

Form of -pphLmiddotaljlln

r Spc~ilicolluo

J E ~ t- ~~ lItgt1 b 1 it 1 U~~ c t~c I ~(~~t ~ J-I

114 lQlt- crmiddott-r 1t f-w I t t I Itllprc-clshyflun of mar


o~ ~(JHof J [00 Ti)nflll r

HilV H[lrCI

r arII(J[(r dCl I

I 11 alrqolc 11

J 111 V Xri] ~llt lOl 011] I

~ 1 er p I~ r Lc) ~

IW( b ahT)shymiddotOIJTC)V 0 1001 iiClEF

i )()()Ij ~ Irltf~jmiddot-

61 10U ~1[10 [G TOU 1lt01shy

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 7: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


ffirJ~~-n~)ftO~~l ~~c-fftttb the cii~tratioll of which ll apphcd-ior shy

17middot Whcre a repre~entaton of the anncrid bearing insignia orJers of chivalry decor~tion$ or flag of 11y Sne city boruugh town pbu society Dody corporate institution or pcrun qlpC~ro on a mark the cgltrur bdllle proclOcdiilg to rtgist1 the mark shdl jf ht ~u require be furni~hcJ with a CObent to tht re[15trltltioll and ust of such emblems frolll such

gtoHicial or other person as appears to the Pegisrrar to be entitled to give consent and in deLwlt of JUC) conSCIi~ he may refut to register the mark

IS Whtrt th~ lalIle or reprtselltation of ltlIly person appears on a traJ LImiddotnj mark the tZlOgistrar shall if he so require be[ort proteeding to register the plttgtltlns or

plt tgtltlBmark be furnishtd with consent from Lim or in the case of a pawn recently rcccnliy

dead from his legal nprlswtatives and in ddault of SUc11 conent he may JcJ n[u~e to register the mark

19 Whtre tht name or description of any goods appears on a traue mark Name or the Regi~trar may refuse to regi$ler such mark in respect of any goocb otha J~rir)[middotun

of ~ gtd onthaIl the g00U 50 nallled or llcscribnL bull Ide oUlrilt

Where the name ur ucscription of any goods apptars on ltl trade mark whieh name or uescriptiol In llSe varits the Registrar may permit the registration of the mark for those and other goods and in that case tbe applicant shall S[ate in 3 application that tltt name or ulCriplion will be varied when the mark i usell upon goods covcred by the specification other thaIl the named or described goods

20 Any pawn who proJlose to 1Ipl) for the registration of a trade Illark lrcllOlinury ~Jlcc byin Part A or Part B of the register ill fltpect of JIly gO()J~ lllay apply to Ihe HqIr bull gt

j gegi~lrar on Form TM--Nll 29 or () Form IM-No 2) in a case where to dilineshyhe is abo making an application unucr rule 106 for advice-as to whether the tJlrCneSli

aaut mark of which duplicate representatioIl~ stlal1 accompany the Form appcar8 to the Hcgistrar prima facie to lx inherently adlpttd to di~tingtl1sh

within the meaning of section 11 or inhwntly capJhJe of distinguisllillg within the meaning of cection 12 Cl the Clje Illay be in rdation 10 thos gooJs and shall apply ~tparattiy in relation to goods comprised within dijfCf(1It claslel of gOOd8 in Scht~iulc IV

A notice of withdrawal of an application for the ngistratiun of a traut mark givtI1 unJer section 40 (3) for the purpu~e (Jf obtaining rt)laYIlltnt of any fee paid on tht)iling of the application shtll be gi~en in writing ithin two months from ttH datt of tht notice of tht Registrars objection

I1pplicaliulI fUT RlglslruliuIl 0) U TruJe i1urh-SpecijicuJioll

3 0 l(avovlOj(X 21 TGiv Gaoll(C--W laVOJO~li)v cllayparpuCXl KGI

OIITll(aO[oTaToJ Olll Tal) cIltonl)OOI) f(alloVloJlOU



63 w01f)(i

laquo21--( 1) 11 (fllqole Hprc 10v [1l0pO~ 0_1amp 11111 tyyP((1~v CII1TClPlllaquo()U OlllIrnor l)llrl0ctr101 [ H TOI) l ~TOLJ E 2 ~r 2 I(a (moypr(CI1ClCXl 1)110 TaU alqTo~ f1 TaU OVTlllr0O(lHOU aLrrolJ EIlaquo(oHI rtlHIOIlt 06 rfcIop Elr ~yypo1lV degX E11 middot I(Wr npr)e rIITTOPElIIOTa In-r 1101011 TcxE[()r TaU nlvalco~ TV

(2) rlFcoa niTqolC cxEloLOc( llpO_Tl~pCXlCmiddotJ1ql ouvap~1 1 -1 llapoyprrQ10l 6--1 TaU expOP0l 11 l11e 6_1fEl~OUr 2 upGaou~~ Eni T~C r-Jpoowo[cxC lrleltI[llollllxa~II(l]r 1~IOl(nIOIO~ 111lt EI(T10qIFVllC I~I T~J rkrpopTlllCX Tl TaU rEp1 11e 2UlGaO~(0lt (Ili 111e Ilpomcxoia( T~C 8Iol111xalll~(tle IOlOl(llol~c (11) prHII(rlU) ilollOU TaU 1965 6yr~ 11lC -n000~1le atTllou)r bl I))rnr~l tIITTOPII(OO OIllleTTOe YEVOJIEVllC )1 oYI~0l-fII( 0JC Yf0ltrllC Fe X(Jprx [le ~ i1 pqOEIOO L UII~OOI~ laquorap IJ6~rT(Xt (I ()T[oin xr1PeT of 011()_ IWTOJO[((~~HXI) 8~ rCT1Fpn 11 TIIIJpolqirxv Tle [_v 1n Ell A6y(~) X(lPrx 0I111~ orclC I(ni rl oil11T1 Oc~ TTPOOI(OIi0n TToTon~IIlTll(~V T(JU [I(lpOll Tr--nr TllTTrlpllu71V LlIrTC)1I f) ~TrpCX~ ar~IJOi)la5 ~1C1 1IV ~ )YP1 rrpxie 1iiC Xlpa TauTllC f 00 rXT(lOEI~n l(a T rmiddot()vfA1l011 1111 euroIOII~lV ~ o(IJeuroVll V r)r )fI()~ Ilt l 1 [v T ~I ny~) xc)prr (XtHIOlV npoc Il(aVOITO [loIV r(l

J=1)PO (3) TII Tl nrrI1H()nr1 aiTImiddotIUC 0 Eyvpar~~11 ~ O(cnl

nprr 0lTrVTr Trr ~llnlpCIlrn0 leT llFpl)JJ11GavOIlEVa 11 - ) Ie lrrFJI 11 fl O~OFI npclrII((flI TT)IIV E1l1Tnn Ilo-H)I n Fopar 01nT0 110 (lToprI11 T)l1~ 01 111 011 t KHgt

poundal pflVrJ l(OVQTF=)ll~EIC)~ (~[ ~rl ~rIjl) ~(I ~lT(cI(I~I~I[ 1(~) t)(GOf) rI77Jt Ull() rrl~ ~(r)10jCJ)~ TO() or)IIrnr~ 111

cmnlrxv fl (1iTllriC ~xrl 1(C11~I 11 PClTiOrTUI 110 I(imiddotn Frv I(at 01(f) 1( Oller FyYrnrln

Form of -pphLmiddotaljlln

r Spc~ilicolluo

J E ~ t- ~~ lItgt1 b 1 it 1 U~~ c t~c I ~(~~t ~ J-I

114 lQlt- crmiddott-r 1t f-w I t t I Itllprc-clshyflun of mar


o~ ~(JHof J [00 Ti)nflll r

HilV H[lrCI

r arII(J[(r dCl I

I 11 alrqolc 11

J 111 V Xri] ~llt lOl 011] I

~ 1 er p I~ r Lc) ~

IW( b ahT)shymiddotOIJTC)V 0 1001 iiClEF

i )()()Ij ~ Irltf~jmiddot-

61 10U ~1[10 [G TOU 1lt01shy

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 8: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

r 1 Aduitional I 2] Ther2 shall be sent with eyery applicati)fl for ngiltrtion of a tndc 1 forms unu mark fou~ uuditiunal representations of the mar~ on Form TM-No 3

rcpn~Lnta- 1hc repnstntution of the Iuark on tht tpplicatiun anJ the aJditiuIUl rcpreshy(i()n bull

tlentalions slid wrrtSpluu (xactiy The additiunal nprClltnutioru IIbill in all ca~lt8 be ullleti with all such particulars IUl may from time to time Ix nquirltti by the Registrar Such particu1tCll lihall if celjuired be signeJ by thlt applicant or [lis gent

1ep recnra- __ 24 All reprcsenta[ion~ of marL must be of a durlble nature but the [ions tu be applicilllt may in C8lt of ne(u sllpply in place of repr~ntations on Form

uuruble v TlVI-N0 3 rtpresltr)tatiols on sllletll of strong paper of the wzc pr~ibcd in rule 9 ami lW[eU a afurltsaiJ

Scpurate 25 Application~ for the ftgistrution of the ij4me Irulrk in different cl~ applicari()ns shall be trcated as separatt and distinct applictioM and in all cases whtre 1I tratic

lllark is rtgitereJ under the tiaITlC official number for gooda in mOle than unc cl OlS8 whether on COnVatilOll of the specification unJcr rule 6 or oUlerwik the registration in respect of the gum included in each separOite ~ ~lall

bull be deemed to be a separate registratiun fOf all the purpootll of lhe Law Helrccnt~- 26 The Reglstrar if dissatisfied with any representation of a mar~ nuy at lioll tu be any time require another ngtprescntatlol satifactory to him to be sub4iUlUlcJ ~~tiijfuClurymiddot~middot l I I)con proceetllg Wlll tile app lcalloH

Specimens 27 Where l urawing or other repreenution or specimen (anJ)ot be of tn ) given in maC1Utr aforesaid a ~ptcimtn or copy of the trade mM( my be gtGutmarks in J eitheruf full size or Oil a reuuccd scale and in 8uch fonn ILS t1u Registrarexceptional lt

may think mDst convenientCUtitli

The Registrar lllay 1l1so in exceptional COlSCS oepOllit in the Otlice a

L ~pecimtn or copy of any trauc mark which cannot conycnienuy be howu by il representation am1 may refer thtreto in the regwter in such UlJlnner i1II he may think fit

Serie8 uf ~) 28 Where application i5 maue for the regitgttration of a suit of trlJc uaue murlts marks under section 2] (2) a rtpre~entation of each troloe UOlrk of the IKri~

shall be includcd all aB afon~aid in the applica~ion form awl in ach of lhe ccompanying Form fM-No l

Tranolitcra- 29 Nbtrt a traue mark contain~ a woru or worulI in charactltr other [iull IlU than Roman the~e shall unks~ the Registrar otherwise directll be inJorul trllnlutii 011 the applicution form anw on each of the accompanying FomUl T-l-No 3

a tlul1iciellt trarlliteration gtllld tranlation to the 8at~f_ction of the Regi~tr_r -J of bach uf ~lch wurd3 and every such inJo[llment shall 5utc tbe lltlnlu~

to which the word belong and shall bt Ilig~ by the applicant or hi 1cn(

Where a trade mark contain a word or wordll in a language other hw Engli~h tht Rtgistrar may alk for an ~ct Uanlllation thereof together with

the lame of tht language and such traMl~n Il110 1UmC if he ao rcqui-- 0114111 be intio1lcd and ~igneJ atl afoLlIaiu

Procedure vu Recclpt oJ l1ppliwtivn Jur ampgisrtltioll DJ Q TLUk Alarit

Sfch I 30 U pOll nctipt of an appli(atioll for the ccgitr~lion of a W-adc nark in reopect of any goods the Rtgititrur shall caUlle a acarch to be maue amongt the registered markti ilnd pending applitatiolU for the pur~ of oUICcruininK whether then art Oil nconi ill rellpect of the same g~ or uCfiCriplion of gOOtW any marb ideotical wLth the mar~ applied fur ur DO nC4r1y resembling it agtl to rcnJltr the Ilwrk applied for likely to deceive oc caugtc confuion anu the Registrar may cuulle the search to be rentwtd at any time before the llcctptaIlct of tilt applicatiun but haU not 1x bound to do iQ

AcccpLuncc I 31 After such ijcarch md consideratio~ of lilt upplication and of nybull

ubouclt ur tviutnce of usc or of distinctvenells or ~f any other lUijttcf which the conJitloJlul i applicUlt mayor may be regumlt to fum~ t11e Regtstrar mAY accept the objcClionv application abBGlutciy or ho may object l-poundgtit~ he flUY cxpnu hia williognClla

_ Ibullbull

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 9: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

to accept it 8ubjec to Iwh canditiolUl dmeldmen~ ~er modillCAtidtlS or limitatiolw iUi he rruq I hiuk right ~() impOtle i

Ximiddot IftheHegi~lrar cbjettll to thl application he ~hAlI inform the appliClnt of illS obJtCiJOn~ III wrttmg and onlClls within two months the applicllIlt appJlc~ for a hellrtng or E Jakl~l cOrulidcred reply in writing to ~ objcetiollll h~ ~halJ be deemcd to bve wi1ldrawn hig appli(Ation


I 33middot If the lZegi~t~ r is willing to llCcept the appli(Ation subject to any COnUltlOllS ame1ldment~ dischlirner modification8 or lirnitation~ he tlhAlI communiclltc such willingnel~ to the Ilpplicant in writing and jf the appu(Ant ObJCCLs to 8uch comhtlOlls amencilllcnLs dilclaimer modifiClltiOTl or limitation~ lie shull within two munths from the dute of the communicniaQ apply for a hearing or communicate hili collsidered objectiuns in writing and If he doc~ Hot UO liO he lgthlll be decmeJ to have withdnlwn his 4lpplication If the appJicant doegt not object to slIch conditions llmenJnllnt~ di~ajmcr modification or irnitation~ he llhdl forthwith notify the RcgiatriU in writing unci alter hill application tccordillgly

3+middot The decision of the Registrar at a hearing 118 in rule J2 or ruk 33 or without a tearing if the applicant hi duly communicated his con~idercJ

objections or cOlidcrcd reply in writing and has llllted that he dotI not dejirc (0 be heard shall be comfllunicatetI to the applicant in writing and jf the applicant objects to tluch decision he may within two months by applying

RcICimiddotcnu- o bjocCIOflll HCOUiny Rltlilnu cunJiiOfU ele H~

Dceiwo of Rinru tgti ~ll

$ ~~~ l

1 tf ~ I

upon Form lM----No 4 require the Rtglstrar 10 state in writing the grounJJi ) i ~ ~ 0[ alld the mattr1ab used by him in arriving at his decision ~I I ltshy

In a case where the Registrar makt~ any rCljuiremcnts to which the appli~ L T~ ~ ~ _ cant uoe not objtct the applicant shall comply thcrewith before the Regialnlr t- l t- ~ l ~ iS8UC8 ~uch statlmcn in writing The tIllte when such statement is ampellt to ~~ t t the applicant siJull be ueemcJ to be the date of the Rcgiltnra decilwn for the t ~ ~ ~ i purpose of appeal F_-I l~ ~-

l 35middot The Regiatrur may call on an applicant to insert in his applicltrtion such disclaimer lll the Registrar may think fit in order that the pnblic gClItraJJy may unuertlUind whit the applicant8 righU if his mark id rcgiskre4 will be

Advatisemellt oJ Apphcation

36 An application for the registrAtiofl of a trade mark required or permitted to bl adllcrticd by stctioll 0 (1) ahall be advertacd in the GltUItk ~_uring such timeB mu in such Inannlr a~ tht Rcgilltrar may direct

~ middotIn the e~c of an tPl(Jic(tioIl vith which the Rcgilltrdf pr~ only fter the applicant has lodged the writun conaent to the propoaed registration oJ UIC

registered proprietor of another trodc mark or another applicant the wotda By Consent lIhaIJ appeur in the Id YcrtilcllIcnt

no representation of the trade mark be included in thl advertisemcnt of the application the Regilltrlr Allafl refer in sllch lldvertillemcnt to the plllce or phtces where a specimen or eprClcntation uf [he trade fNlrJe iJgt depositcO for

l exhibition J 37 For the pUrpOlCll of such advertiacmcJl( the applicant ~ ilt flle

appropriute timc lIupply or be rctpired to supply a printing block (or mare thun one if nece~~ary) of the trlde mule 8i1titl[actory to the RcgiIltnlr of 4uch dimcnsiooti as may from time to time be proved or directed by the ~itltrarJ or shall supply guch informlltlon or 0 er JleaHll of advertilling trade mark as may be required by the Registrar and the Regi~(rdr if dissatisficd with the printing block llupplied by the applicant or l~ tgent lllIIy require n fresh block beforcproccluing with tJ~e uivcrtitlernunt

]8 When an appli~tiCJn rellltes t)O a series of tradc m~u differing trom one another in rClpcct of the particul~~ mentioned m rction ~3 (l) the apJlicant may be required to supply printing block (or more thall onc it nece~gt ~tiopound~y 00 the Rlglli)1u of uny 01 of cw~ of b tnde ffilffU

- ~

D~~~~ I l -01 ~ ~ (

Ad~cni-gtCshyrrun( of applicatgtun


Wood block Of electrotype pcxumiddotinamiddot

Advcn~ mcnt Cgti


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 10: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


constituting the series or rhe Registrar may if he thinks fit insert with the adverti~ellltnt of the application a statement of Ul( manner in which the several trade marks differ frum onc lnother

Auvcrtic- 1_ 30 Advertisements under sections 20110) 36 (2) and 36 (4) shall ment unuer muuis lIIuwlIiis be made in the same manner as aar ertllicments relating 10 HCC(1iJ1l 20 Y I f or ection an app lCatlOn or nglslratlOn 36bull

Opposition to Registrution_

Oppo~ition 40 Any person may within two Illonth~ from the date of any advertiseshylH(lt in tht Cuelle of an applicatiun for registratioll of a trade mark give notice on Form IM-No 5 tu the lZegistrar uf opposition to the rcgitration

Notiltc of L 4 The noti(e shaH include a statement of the ground upon which the oppo~ition opponent objects tu the registration If registration is opposed on the ground

that the mark nsembts mar~ already on the register the numbers of such trade mgtlrh anti the numbers of tht GIeIlt in which they have ben auvershytised ~hall IjF tiet out The notice ~hall be accornpanied by a duplicate which the Registrar will forthwith send to the applicant

Counter- 42 Within two months from the receipt of Much duplicate the applicant 8 tu t crnCIl t shall send to the Registrar a COUllttr-statcIIltnt on Form fM-No (

sdting Ollt tilL ground~ on which he rdies as supporting hi applicOltion The applicant shall aiBo set Ollt wh1t [acts if any alleged ill the nodce of opposition he admits The COUllttr-stattllLllt tlhall be accompanied by a duplicatt

Evidence in +3 UPOll receipt of the coulltr-statement and duplicgtlte the Regitltru aupport uf will forthwith send the duplicate tu the opponent and within two mOlllhll

~o~~~~ition from the rtceipt of tht duplicate the 0pp0Hnt shall leave with the RcgistfU such evidenLt by way of allidavit as he Illay delire to adduce in support of his opposition anti shall ddiver to the gtlpplicant copies thereuf

EviJencc in ++ If an opponent leaves no evidLnct he shall unless the Registrar IUpport uf otherwist direct be detmed to havl abandontd his opposition but if he doca nppliclltion leave lvidcncc then wiw+ntwo months from the receipt of tht copiel of

ililldaviw the applicgtlllt ~hJll)eave with the HegiBtrar ~uch cvidcncc by way of alidavit as ht dcsirc~ 10 Wucc in lupport of hib application ilnd shall delivcf to the opponcnt copi~~ thwof

Eviucnce ingt 1 45 Within onc moltb fron~ the receipt by the opponent of the ct-JiL of reply by the JPplicant~ allidavitt tbe OPPOllClltJlillJeavt with the Registrar evidenu oppon~nl by gtlt1iJavit ill reply and shall deliver to the applicant copic thereof Thil

cvidence ~hdl be conlllled to llJtter~ strictly in reply

46 No further cvidwct shall H left on either sidt but in any proceeJinbgtS eviJcncc bdorL the legi~trar he fIlay at allY timc if It thinlLl fit give le04ve to either

the applicant or the 0pp0lltnt [0 lcavt ilny evidence upon such temu iUI to castE or otherwise as he may think fit


Exhibitbull +7 Wbere there arc txhibits to affidavit tiled in an oppositinn copic or impressions of buch exhibit~ shall bc sent to the other party on hill request gtlnL at hi~ txpense or if such eopie~ or imprtliona cannot convtnicntly be furnished thc original shall bcldt with the Registrar in order that tbey may be Optll to insjl(ction The original exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unltss the Ittgistrar otherwise drrect

I +8 Upon complctiCll1 or the tlidtnct the R(gitrar lIhall givt notice to the partits of a dale when he will hear the arguments in the cale Such appointmtnt ~hall be for a dilte at leat olle month after the date of lhl notice unlc~~ the parties conllcnt to a shorter notice ithin fourteen days from the rtccipt of the notiLe any party lho intends to appear shall so notify the Regitrar on Form TM-No 7 A party who receivelI notice UI aIoreaaid

2 Ol 0aOlKo[ KavOVlOfw( porrOrrOLOUVTaL Ol6 TT]C Evt3EoEWC EOOUC flEl6 ov J(avovLOp6v L18 ou aKoAouSOU VEOU 15avovLOpou

laquo48A JaS OlOVOllTtOTE OlCOlOV lllC ola~lKaolac EVWTtl6v TOU o EqlOpOC OUVC(Tat EcXV 0 eE(Jp~O~ apP(ov vex clla-rOETJ TT]v KaTaxwpLOlv l(al aVTaAAaY1lv flElaEu wv ol~olKWV Eyyp6cpou ETIl XElPTJpcrroAoy(ac EVTOC KaGopl(o~l~VWV XPOYlKWV OplWV ETtlTI poshyOe~TWC ~ Ete avrllWTOOlaOlV TtpOcpOplK~C ETtlXElPTJpcrroAoy(acgt



nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 11: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


nnu who does not within fourteen clays from the receipt thereof so notify the Registrar on Form IM-No 7 may be treatecl as not desiring to be hearu and the Rcgislfill may act accordingly

49 Where in opposition proceedings any extension of time is granted to any party the Registrar Illay thercaftcr if he thlllks fit without giving the said pilrty a hearing grant any reasonable extension of time to any other party in which to take any subsequent step

50 Where a party giving notice of opposition or an applicant stnuing a counter-statcmmt aftcr rectipt of a copy of such a notice neither r~idcs nor carries on business in Cypr1l8 the Registrar may reCJuire him to give security in such form ag the Registrar may deem sufticicnt omiddot tht COtitll of the proshyceeuing~ bcfore the Registrar for ~uch amount a to the l-tcgistrar may seem tit and at any ltuge in tbe opposition proceedings Illay require further se~urity to bc givcn at any time befofe giving his decision ill the case

I 51 ~n the evellt ~f 0111 oppositioll being ullcontested by the applicant the RegIstrar IS decldl1lg whether CO~lS should be aJrued to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the notice of opposition w~ lodged


52 Where registration uf a trade llllrk is not compiettd within twelve monthgt frum the date of the applicatiuJl by reaso of default on the part of the applicant the Registrar shall on Furm IM-No 8 give notice in writing to the applicant at hit trade or bL~ines~ addres~ of the non-completiun but if the applicant hUtl oluthorileu all agellt fOf the purpotle of the application he shall insltaJ snL the nutice to the agellt and shall tlend a duplicate thereof to the applitant If after one Jllontll~[)m tht dale when the notice was sent or such further time as--ihc Regi8trar JIlay allow the registration ill not completed the appli_cation shall bc deemed to be abandoned

Entry ill he Regiser and ilmxiaeJ iVJarkr

53 As soon as may be after the expiration of two months from the date of the advertiseIllent in the Gazelle of any application for th~ registration of a trade mark the IZtgistrr shall subject to any o[lpositlUlI and the determi-IIation thereof and subject to tbe provibiullS of section 21 (I) alld upon payll1tJit of tbe precribtd fee on Form lM---Nu 9 eDtt[ the trade mark in the register III those cases where the applicallt has supplied a printing block in accordmcr with rule 37 he shall selld with his fee a represcntation of the trade mark agreeing ill all rctipects with the rcpresenlation then appearing un tile [arm of applicatioll to be aillxed by the Registrtr to the certificate of rtgistration as required by rule 56 The entry of a trade mark in the register shall give the date of the registration the goods in respect of which it is registered and all particulars named in section 3 (I) including buth tle tradt ur bllsines~ address ant the audrtss for lKrvice (if an application on Form TM--No 32 for the entry thereof ha been appruved) particulars of the traue butiintss proftssion _occupation ur other descriptiun of tht proprietor particulars of arry undertakings by the proprietor elltereu on the form of application particululgt alfecting the scope of the registration or the rights conkrreu by the ngist ration and such otler particulars us are pre~cribed

In the case of an nppliculion as aforc~~lid which Iile Regi~trar IIcceptll only after the applicant hag lodged the written consent to the proposed registration of the rebi~tercu proprietor of another trade mark or another applicant fur registratiun the aforesaid entry in the rcgi~ter shall state that it is Dy Consent and shall give the number of the prcviouB registration or the applicJtion for rcgitltralion



~iJ-y 1-

-I bull 1 Extension J- i ~

of lime

SCUr1IY for COHamp

COts in unconlC3toU CJlilt

Nonshycompletion ilhin ll mootha

Enlry relftcr

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 12: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

655 I I

Asociuted 54 Wherel mark is registered as associated with any other nun or marh mariL tlte Registrar shall note in the regisltr in connection with the first-mentioned

mark the numberu of the rnarb with which it is aOCiated and shall also note in the register in connection with each of the auociuted mllru the number of the firllt-mcntioncd mark Ul being u mark a~ciated ulCnwith

An pplication by a regislerd proprietor under flection 25 (5) to the Hcgistrar to dilolve the association between two or more iUIaOCiatcd U-Hic mulu shall be made on forlll fM-No 19 and shilJl include a tltatcmcut of the groundd of the application_

Dea[h of J 55middot In Cltlse of the death of any applicant for the registration of a t~dc upplicunt mark ilfttr the date of his ilpplicatioll and before the trade ffiMk applied orbeforc has bten entered in the register the Registrar after the expiration of therClliHflltloll

pnscribed period of advenisement und the determination of any oppltl6ition to the application may OIl being Ilatisf1ed of the applicants death enter in the flgi~tcr in plact of the name of luch deceltUled applicant the name aduress anu description of the per~oll owning the t~de mar on lIuch owncr-IIhip being proved to the lati~faction of the RegistlLr

Certificute of 56 Upon the ngi8tratioll of a trade mark the Registrlr shall issue to the rCHitrution applicant a cenificlItc in the Form T1vI-No 10 anJ IIhilll affix thereto a

cupy of the lllltlrk which lIIly bt J nprclclItation thereof 5upplieJ by the v

applicant under rule 53 Rwewal

Renewal of ~ 57 At any time not more than three months before the expiration of rcgiulnllion

NotiflcutlOll of receipt of renewul fee

N oticlt before renwvul of [nje mur~ rum rC(jiraquolcr ticcond notice

AdverticshymCIl[ of non-praquoYllICnt

Hcmovul of oue murk (rulIl



the last registration of a trade mark any pawn may leave at the Office a fee for the rtntwal of the registration of the lllarK upon Form T M-No 11 ilod if ht is not the rtgiiltrcd proprittor shall sign a statement on Ihe furm that he is directed hy the ngisttrcd proprietor to pay the fee (if luch be Ihe cast) and shall give hig acJdrel Jlcforc taking any fW1her step the Registrr mav either (a) rcquin the per~on leavillg the middotfce to furnish within rwcnry Jay~ an authority to pay the ee signed by tbe regiittred proprietor anu if he duetl not furnish such lluthority may return the fee IlnQ treat it as nOl received or (b) cQmmunicate with the registered proprietor IHating that the fee hlUl been rcceived anu that the rtgllitration will ill due course be renewed

58 At a date not lcS3 than twO months and not more than three munths bdllft the expiration of the last rtgi~tration of a n~rk if no fee upon Form TM--No I I has bCt~ received the Regillrar uhall notify the regiclCfed proprietor in writing of the approaching expintion_

59 At a time not Itss than one month and not more than two months bcCore the expiration of the last registration of a marle the Rtgtitr-r may if no fee us aforesaid has bltcn rltceivcd send a notice in writing to the rcgiltered

proprietor at his trade or business addr~s as welllU Ilt hill addreu for acrvice if ally

60 If at the date of the e~piratiun of the la3t registration of a marle tl~ nnewal fee has not ~een paid the Iegist rar shall advcrtj~e the fact frorthwith in the GautJc and If Wltlun two months of thatulvcrttsement the renew fet upon Form TM-No 11 together with an additional fee upon form TM-No J2 is received be may renew the regiJllr tion without removing the mark from the register

61 Where t the expiration of two months from the advcrWcment

mentioned in rule 60 the fets therein melltioned huve not been paid the Regi3trar may remove the mark from the regilltcf as of the date of the expiration of the la~t registration but may upon paymenr of the rcnelloOlI fce upon Form TM-No 11 together with ~ rC8toration fee upon Form fl1--No 13 (cstore the milr~ to the register if aatUUicd that it is jLUt iQ JO 00 lino upou Buch coJlditioUll aa he may tlinx tit to impoampe I bull




667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 13: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


667 I 62 Where a traue mllryen h1l8 oew removed from the )cgUter the Registrar Record oCv shall caU3t to be entcnd in the rcgis~er a record of the ren~vaJ and of the C4lU~ removal of

manthereof i 63 Upon the renewal or restoration and renewal 0pound a regt-Inltion a Noticc and

notice to that dltct hall be sent to the registered proprietor IUld the renewal 1111 cl1iwshymen ofor f~toralion and renewal shilll be advertistd in the Gasettc renew1 bull nU reatoBdon

Assignmfllls aTld 1raIlJliHi()tr

6+ Where a person becomes entitled by assignmcnt or tnruunUaion to JOWl ppli shyv registered trade mark he may conjointly with the registered proprietor cauon t shy

entry ofmake lpplication to the Regi~trar on Form fM-No ]5 to regiampter hw title ~cnt or 0lllUshy

nUaoion 65 Wherl~ a person becomes entitled to a registered truie muk in the Application

manner referred to in rule 64 anu no conjoint application IIlI therein for cntry 01 mention(d il madl hl Bhull make application UJ the Regi3trar on Form ailrUffienl

fM-No 16 to register his title =-by aubocqucnt p~~

66 An application unuer rule 64 or rule 65 shall contain the name ~ traue or business addrese and description 9pound the pcrron clainling to be IObcu~

ia ap~ entitled together with full prtic~Lar 9f rh~inltr4menlif any uoder wlUch ctioa J he claims and such inst~m-ent shall be produced for inSpection by tho

Regitrar preferably at tlle time of applic~tun The full ruuTldI of all the

plrtners in a partnership shall be given in the body of the application The Registrar may in any (Ase require and retain 10 atWl~d copy of any Copies of

QooIOYClLinstrument produced for inspection Ll proof of title but IgtUch copy BJ4ll1lOt bc open to public inspection

_ 67 Whltfe in the case of an application of Form TM-No IS or Form ea acaxa-TtvI-No 16 the pemon applying for regltrarion of his title doeamp not claim ~~ under any docurntnt or inBtnlment which is cltlpable in iUlcJf of furnishing -shyproof of his title he shall unle~ the RegiBtrur otherwise dirccta either upon

or with the application state a CJe sttting forth the full particulars of the facts upon which ili~ claim to be proprietor of the trade nudt is baacd IUld showing that the trade mark has bctn aSllignrd or tfOUl3ffiittcd to him If

_ the Registrar so reltrtJ-lirc the CUlt ahall be verified by an ~~vit on Fonn 1r1-No 17

68 The Registrar filay call on any person who applies to be regilltered -- as proprietor of a registered trade mark for such proof or additional proof

of title us he may require fo his satiJlfactlon

) 69 An appli(Ation ~nJcr rule 64 or rult 6Sreluting to an aasignment on Applicatiocl or after the appointed day of a trade mark ID respect of any gooru IlluUJ for enlry Cgtl

lgflnCCl1state (a) whether the trade mark wa at the time of the ~igllment lUed in without a busines in allY of those goods and (b) whether the iUlSlgnment wafllUIIde aoodwill otlHrwise than ill connection with the entire or the remainder goodwill of that business and if botb those circuOlstnceH subsisted then the applicant shall leave with the Ref1 istrar a copy of the Regwtrars clirCCtiolll to IlQvertiJU the a~gignment obtairlt~)u upon application uNier ampcction 24 (7) and rule 7J and such proof induding COpiCII of advertlsements Of therwUlc ~ tbe Jkgistrar may reyuire that hw dl~ectlnll have been ful~Heu i IUld If the RegiHtrar is not satisfied that the dlreCllOIUI have been wlhUcd he al)all pot

proceed with the appli(Atio~ For the purposes of sectIOn 30 (4) the p~nud wllhlO ~IUcll a corpo

~ Illily be rCbi~tcrcd a8 the subscquent propnetor of a rcgllIfcred trad~ I

upon application m~ue under ndc 64 or rule 65~hall be ~IJ( Jl)()lllhB frr of ~dverti8ement in the GauUe (If the regllltratlO[l pC ~h~ tilde r

I 1



- --~-------- ~ -- -~- i

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 14: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

I allch further period not exceeding six months as the Registrar may aUow 011 application being made to him Of) Form TM-Nol by the applicant for registration of title or the regist~red proprietor as the case may be at any timt hefore or during the period for which the extenaion can be allowed

Entry in 70 Vhen tllt Rtgi~trar is satisfIed as to tle title of the pc~n claiming r=gHtcr to be rcgistcred he hgtlll cause hint to be reglotFftd as proprietor of tbe trade

mark ill respect of thL relevant goods and shall enter in the rtgister his name trade or business uddress and description and particularu of the lWIignment or transmission

SeparUe 71 lhere pursuant to an application under rule 6+ or rule 65 and as rcgis[mion~ the resLllt of a Jivision and separatiun of the goods of a registration or

division anJ stparation of places or markets Jjfferent persons becomc rcgigtcred gcparatdy under the same olIicial number as 3ub~guent proprictofll of a traJlt mark each of the r~SUllilg separatlt registrarioCUI in the names of those different per$OIl~ ~hall be deemed to be a separate regislrltion for all the pLlrpo~es of the Law

Regi[mr 72 Ally ptrgtlon who desirs to obtain the Registrars ccrtifiC41te under certificu[e section 2-f (5) or his uotthcatioll of approval under section 2+ (6) or under Or approval parlgraph I of the Schedule to the Law shall send to the Regislrlr wiul huus to certain UijiglUlenu application on Form IM-No 33 or No Jt or No J5 as the caae fruly be nd Imn J statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumswlIlccs anJ a copy of miSllioCl8 any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or trtnJIshy

I mission Tht Registrar mly call for any evidence or further information that he may consider necessary alld the statement of case shall be amended

I -I I I ( Imiddot l I J if required to include all tht rekvant circumstances aJld shall if relluired be vtrifi~d by an affidavit Tbe Regi5trar aftcr hearing if 110 rcg~ircJthe applicant and any othcr person whom the Registrar may conllicicr to be

illterested in the trallsfer sldl consider the matter and wue a certificate thawl or a notilication ill writing of approval or disapproval thereof as the cast llIay bc Wherel statement of case is amended two fair copiCll thefeof in itB final form ~l1all be left with the Registrar The Regi~trar shdl ~ a copy of the statCllelt of case in its Ilnal form to the certificate Of notification

Hegi[rllra 73 Aa application to the Registrar under section 24 (7) shall lgtc made directions by the assignce 011 Form fIvI-No 36 and shall state the date on which the for dvershy ~sgnment was made The application shall give particulars of U( rqrisshytieflenr of

tration in the ca~e of a rcgi~ttrd trade mgtrr and in the case of an unregisteredllsslgnmcpt without trade mark shall show the mark and give particulars of the rtgistered trdc goodwill of mark tha hu been as~iglled therewith in accordance witlj section 24 (]) trade murk The Registrar may call for allY evidence or further inIorrrwtioll and if he is ie u~t satisficd with rcgard to the various matters he shall Laaue directiol1ll in writing

with rt~plct to tile udvcrtiocmcnt of tile al~ignlllent The Hegistrar may rcfuHt tu colI~ider such an application in a C4ampe to

which s~cti(Jn 2+ (6) applicl unless h~ approval has been obtained under the said sub-section and a refercncL idcntifying the Registrar8 notification of approval is inc1Ulltd in the application

A rcquest HI the Registrar for an exten~ion of the period within which the application ma be made which shaH be Oil For~ TM-I0 37 may ~ lllilJe at any time bdorc or durl1lg th~ penoJ forwlllch extellslon C4IJl be llowed The c~tcnsi()1l of the perwd whIch the RcgUltrar ffiAly allow shaH not ClIcrd three months

AIJeraioll of Address

74 A flgi~tcred proprietor or registered u$cr of a t~ade mark wh~ or bUllinesB Iltldrclls IS changed 110 thut UlC entry In the regulter is

~i-Id incorrect shall forthwith rC(1utIH the Rcgi6trar on Fornl TM~No T1ake the appropriate alteration of the addreas in the registcr and the ~ar ahallldttr the regisler accordingly if he is ~tiafied in the nuUef

it i


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 15: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


A ngistercu proprietor or regi~ttr~J lli~r of t trade mark whoge addresS for service in Cyprus enltreu ill the regitittr is changed whether bv di3continuanet of tile cntereu auurtss O[ othe[wisc gO that the entrY in th~ rcgiotcr is rcnutrtu incorrect shall furthwith requt3[ the Rtgi~trar on Form IM-No ]2 to make [hlt applllpriatc alttration of the addrc~5 in the rc~ister ami the Hcgis[rlf shdl alter rhe reg~ter acccoruingly if he is tWrUifitd in the matter

A rcgistereJ proprittor or regislcred user of a [rade mark whose registered traue or business aJJn~~ or address for service is allcr~d by a public authority 80 that the changed adJress designl[tl the same premises as before may make the aforesaid request to the Registrar on Form TM-No 18 or Fonn IM-Nu 32 as the ca~e may bc fret of allY fee and if he docl w he shall leave therewith a certificate of the aittratiun given by the saiJ authority


If the Registrar is gatisfied a to the fact~ of rhe case he sllall alter the regisler accordingly butshullnot require the pJyrnent of any feu

In case of the alteration of the adJrss of a person entered in the regi~ter

~ the addres~ for s~rvice of more thlI onc registered proprietor or registered user of trade marktl the Registrar may on proof that the said address is the addrtss of the applicant and if satisfied that it is just to do so acceptm appli shycation from that person Oil a Form IM-No 32 arnenJed so all to IlUit the CigtiC for the appropriate alteration of the entries of his address as the addrtSS for gervicc ill the several registrations particulars of which ihall be givtIl in the form and lllay altcr the entrits accordingly

All applications unutr this rule un Form IM-No 32 shall be signed by the registered proprietor or the rcgistertJ usa as the Clse may be or by lln

agent expres~ly authorized by him for the purpose of such an application unkss in exceptional circumstances the Hegistrar otherwise ~lows

Applicatiuns tu the RegistraT Jur RecLjicaliul (SWImiddotu1S 28 33 alld 3i)

75 An application to the lZcgistrar under allY of the tgtCctiullb 28 33 ur Appliclitiun U for the making expunging or varying of any entry in the rcg~ta filial be 10 rcclify or

5 Of (l(lO[I(O I(rn(lll[olllt) rHmiddotOl[CI[ni)IT(gtl 1( middotlll(~ vOor-r)( f2JO[JC Iwrl( HgtI 10101[011(JII 71 TOU (rlltOAOlmiddotOOlJ IOU lovovloIJOl

lt75 l1l1o[c_friJ oio[)(JI1HOCf n7l l 1f1 gtT0rUr(1)(J I TOU nrltl-10U n(IW(O( 10U firJIGU ((middotC(iJrpoIUH 1-(raquo) () [)TIoGc(AAoIH~ill ultf

Oiou0 1prOTF tll11rFO(olifl()u l(r O(J(1Ol flfl(gtC [gt1 [)OrOl (l [I(OOOll

~ EJICrT6y JlCX1 or Ol(nCFTOIITor TI) CT-tT((lclilll Ij POTIOpound[O(I1Oll 1( OTCXXC)

- piIOU)e m(JToTIoIOlJlTOCEIlTrOrrlltol 011 11 CfT 0 C ~v 1C~) IlllTr(0(~) 11 6vomiddot prrOIIEVO[ de m01()l(OIOUI llIlOrll((V aillJ0 fj POTWTIOlOl)IOe oue 1(0TfXTfcOfvmiddotlnc 0XETIIltOlJC 1(010V10IlO[middotJ (Jl(()0C1AAE1(([ f1T( Toi) TUTIol

E z middotrmiddot t17H 1laquo(Tl middotrrp01 1((XIFI middotrr)llr1l OTO[YFl0 1(--)1 1-(raquo)0)1 0[ or)e ll nITllCll (moi3r)Ar rut

G 0 1laquo(XI()lOt1clt 7( T(Jlmiddot (i((0llU--v (Y)I()I(--)V TrOl1nlrnlrlHll 010

IC fV Olnf) ~IOFOf()r CIrl(lr 1Fl0 T( I-Urlr d-tlu fi tmoCoA~ alTll shym0Jmiddot (11] YrnllJ11]) Tf--JI )Urr) UI(middotrllrl l()V l(cxvrwllJl() 75 (0( 75

TM-No 26 may apply to tlle l(egl~lfar 011 lUrlll 1IVL-PIUbull I) jU lt t-~~

to intervene stating thereon the nature of his interellt am the Hegistrar may rdust ~r grant such leave after hearing (if so rClJuirct) he partitll concerned upon uch conditions and term as he ~llay deem ht Before dealing in any way with the application for leave to Intervene the He~lstrar 11~y reljuirt the applicant to giye an unJtrraking to pay such costs ail In the cirrumstanccs hc m lwarJ to allY party

-- ~-~- ---

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 16: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

A pjJllcaLiollS jor ailerutioll oj the Register by COTuctioll change cancelLJiwlI or slriking oui goudr or for wiTy oj diJc1aimcr me1tWT~ or uote (Section 35 (I ))

Application y~ 71) An application to the Hcgistrar under sectian 35 (1) far the altcratiLlfl under of the register by correction change cancdlatian or striking out goods or HCCiOIl f I 35 (I) or Lle entry of a tiic1aimcr or memorandum nUy be made by the regiltred

propne[or of (ht tralk mlrk or by such perll(O as may satify the kegiltrar that he is entitied to act ill the name of the registered proprietor Such appl1cations shaH be made on Form TM-No 18 IM-No 20 TM-No

n TiYI--No 2 IM-No 23 IM-No 2 or TM-No 32 llj nuy be appropriate but an ltlpplicatioll on Form IM-No 22 or TM-No 2]

or fM-No 32 shall bt signed by the registered proprittor or other pcr-oll entitled udcr thts rut uniegtl in exceptional circums~nlte the kegislrar otherwise all()w~ or in ihe cac of Form TM-middotNo 32 only it il signed py iln agent cqlwlsiy uudlOriud for tht purpose of such an application

Evidence 79 1n thc case of an application OC in rule 7~ the Regwtrolr may require such cviuwce by Ilflidavit or otherwiseaI he nuy thin fit iUi to the drculIl shystanCtS in which the application is Irulde

AJvcnieshy (lo Vhere application is maue on Form TM-No 2-+ to enter a melll of disclaimtr or memorandum relating to a trade fillr the Registrar before certain l GJcciuing upun slIch application sha I advertwc the application In the aulleI1ppliCJltlOm

in order to tnabk any pertlOfl desiring 80 to do to statlt= within two manUl1I of the ad vcrtistment allY rt)50119 in writing agairult the ffiilting of tlle cntry of the disclaimer or memorandum

Certificate8 8 Vhere tIle Court has certilieu as provided in section s with regard of vuliuicy to the validity of a regitittfcod traue mark the regllitered proprietor therttlf to be nOleu

lTlUY requlst thco Registrar on Form TM-No 42 to add to the entry in the rtgisttr a note that the clrtitlcate of validity has been grlnted in the COUfSlt of the proceclEngs whieh ~hall be named in the Form An Office copy of the certificate shall be sent with the requc13t and the Rcgilltrar shall liD potc the register and publish tIll note in the Gazeltt

Applicatiulls tu alter Registered TraJ( Nlarks AIt~rulioll of I 82 Wlcrc a PWiOB dCllins to apply under section 36 that his registered rqpoundj~rcd [raut maA may bt addtd to or altered he shall mue lw appliCltltion ill writingnlurk on Form fM-No 25 and tlhlll furnish the Rcgiutru with four wpit of

thc IHllrk as it yiH appear when BD added tD or altered

Advcniampeshy I 83 llt Registrar ahull con~idcr the application lUlU lIhalJ if it appad men befure to him expediellt advtrtie tbe i1ppJictlon in the GlUeJle before deciding it Ucci4ion Within two months from the da(e of such adv~ent any pcnKln l1lliy

givc lIotiCt of opposition to the aplication on Form TM-No iO accompanied by a dupliCllte of the notIce lnd nuy also send Ulerewilh further stlteInclt of his objections in duplicate The Rccllitrar shU knd the duplicate notct and the duplicate of any further statement of objectionll to the applicant and the provitliolls poundlf rules f2 to 51 shall apply lmIi4ltis mutandis to tht further proltxcdingtl thereon In lIny caac of doubt any prty may i1pply to the Registrar for directio1U

Dcciioll 84 If the Registmr decides to allow the ~pplicalion he shall add w or Advcnihcshy alter tht mark in the regillltr and if tht mark so added to or altcred has not nlCnc been uuvertitiu until[ rult 8] Itt ~ha-ll advertisc it in the GuoeLJe UlJ inNotijicatioll

any case shall illSlrt in the Guoetlc a notification tllat the mark hltls been altcnd

Auvertj~eshy 85 In connection with an application to alter a r(g~tltred trade mark mcnt illu shy the RegiBtrar may at any tim~ call on the ~ppliC4Ult to lul~ly a printing ~cion block saticifuctory to the RegIstrar and 8ulwble for adverwlJng the mark

with the addition or alteration all aforcllaid if ill the opinion of the RegistrM an advertistment dcscribing tilt addition or alter-Juan in wonl WQ441 W)[ be liicJy to ~c undcrutood by persons intcrca~ed fa ~e Quitter

7 at (1rWII(flj 1laquo(OlrJllOi rOrrOIlOIOLJVTm 11(( Tile EvOfoF()( r-UOlH Il1cr 1 (nlfJII(J 11 Toij C(I(O)OIOOI VInll 1r(OVrT1IOlJ

pound15 jTIIOIC [mC TOU r YYfVrllj I f OIJ i0101(1i)TOl I[[OT011010iJVTOC

[tlOrIIWij mlI U)T()( (W( TrfllTOHOillOII Tr)1I l(aTalGIVT(OV JltaVOVlmiddot

0IIF1V ~ltat TlI Ilr()~ 1())TO OIJU(VffJl TOO TiOr0l) LmoGC(AAf_HXI [TIl

TOU Tl1l0l) r= Ar tl7r- ()nrl~ (- [rporoc n(loGaivEI dc~ T11V

(Jl lI lO (JifClrJiV Tlc (([TlOErK 0 XPOtO( rVTrlc TOU ()][0(01) o(ov0rlTIOTE

11 p6aG)TJ(l IllIGTrCI C( O(lOl rir -(()1 middotT(~0(lO)l PloOTfohlQIV TI[Pl rov rTTCOCC)r ~~r(IT[O i ~J4 Lt I I 1 J~ (~ O(r r j nl ()Iln jI r) Vfr rfTfO -cY1C 11 11pO-

111JICfC TII( nlll()(]r-InrrH

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 17: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

Reislercrl Uers I j 86 An application to the Registrar for tbe registration under scclion 29 Application

-J of u rer~on as a regltru USlr of a rcgiotercu trade mark shall Ix made by for ~nlry of Hegistcndthat pers()n and thengiltcreu proprietor un Form TM-Non UKJ

~ 87The entry uf a regis(end ll~tr ill the regi3La shall ~tatc the JIIIlt on Entry anu wlHch It wal made III udJition tu the trade or b llsintlll add rtamp of the notification reg~tnt~ ~er it may include an uddre33 fOf service if an appliclItion by him on Iorm 1 M~Nu )2 thercfor has heen arproved A notiliclttiQIl in I [i[ing of the rcgl3tratlOll of a nglstend Uier shal be stnt to the ngitltend prupriclor of tile track liark and to the ngltcret US and lhall be inserted in the Gazette for the information of any other registered user of thltr trade JIllld

I 88 An apr1icHion DV the regisiered proprictor of ~ trllk road [or the Rcui(crcd vOlriation of the fegistrltioll of a legiHleled llHCf of that trade mad Ullucr pmpnctor

pp liall ion parotgraph (a) of section 29 Ol) shall be madt on Form TM-No 4-1 and to Vllry

shJIl be accomjlanied by a statement of tht grounus on which it itl nude md entry where tht fltgis[Cfed Ulcr in question con~cnt8 by thc writterl OO[lCnt of tholt regiltcnd user

89middot An application by the regi~tercJ proprietor or any registend User of a AppliQlliOll tmue mark for the cancellation of tht ngistration of u registered user of thal by TCIittcCcd

propnctOftrade mark uncler paragraph (b) of section 2l) (8) ohall be made on Form or u$Cr 10

IM-No 45 and shall be accompaniecl by a Btatemcnt of the grounda on caned entrywhich it is Illade

90 An application by any person for the ~meellatiol of the registration Applictioo of a regitered use uncia patagraph (c) of section 2l) (8) shall be made on under

acctiOll ~JForm Tll-No 46 and shoUl bt acwllIpanied by a statement of the groundll (8) n (amp)

on which it is rnade ~~ to cancc1 entry

C) I A notification in writing of all ilpplicltion undtr rules 88 89 and 1)0 NOliiicollion 1l11I1 be sltnt by the Hlgistrar to the registered propriltlOf (not beil1g the IIOJ hcarm upplieant) and uhall be in~ertcd in the Gazele for the information of aU regiltltnd IlstlS of thc_ trudt Illilrk Any person who intendJl to intervcne in the proCltdillg~ shall within two lIlonth~ fmm the publiCilUOIl of such

notification give notice to the egistmr on Form TM-No 47 tu that ctreet and Jhall send tilcrcwith l llatement of the grounds of his intervention The Registrar shall thereupon send copiltl of such nutice and 8tatement to

the other parties so t~t the intervention mlY bt knuwn to the applicant the registered proprietor the rcgiBtcrcd user whose rcgiltration i8 in suit and any other rcgistereJ user who intervenes Any such party may within two months leave cviJencl in support of his case and the Registrar llfter giving the parties all opportunity of bein~ hearu lllay accept or refuse the application or accept it subject to any conditions amendments IJyen)difiC4tionJI or limitations he may think right to impo3e

I J 92 AppliCiltions lmder section 35 (2) shall be made on Form TM-No Rcgipoundtucti lUer18 or TM-No 20 or TM-No 2 or Trd-No 31 as nlily be OIppropriltt IIPPuCIltiDoby a registered U~tr of a trade mark or uy $uch per60n as may Bltlti~fy the under

Registrar that he is cntitltd to act ill the name of a registered user and the sccUoo J3 Regcrrar may rtquire ouch evidence by affidavit or otherwisr all he may think (l)

fit as to the circumstances in which the application is Inade In case of the registration of a rcgisttrtu ust[ fur a period in accord~nce Cancel I 0(

with paragraph (d) of section 29 (4) the Rcgistlar shall caned the cntry of by RClIiamptnr

the regiatered uampr at the end of the period Where t~me or all of the goods arc struck out from those in rtspcct of which a trade mark is regUrured the Registrar shall at the sume time striKe the1Jl out from those IlpeciticltioClll of registered users of the tradr mark ill which they arc cQDlPrised 11u Regllitrar shall noti[y every cuncellati()11 or striking out undel ~a paragraph to the rcgi~tercd user$ whose permitted Ul~ is aiftcted thfr~y aud the egistwd proprietor of the trade mark i

yj _pdjlwiI~Jji ~ J-~


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 18: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


EXit7ISiofl of Time i EXlcnion I

of liOlt

Excluded daybullbull

llearing I

Application Iltgtr neuring

Notice of heuring

NUlilicJrion of Jcci~iun

Dipening with evidence

AlllCllUlllcnt I of Juumiddot men

CcrlliicalC3 by Jqitrar

9] If ill any--plrticubr CaSt [le Eegistr)r is satisfieu that the circull~t~~ces are sllch as to jU~li[lall ext~iii[)n 01 tht tillle for duing JllY act or taking JIlY

pr()ctcJI~gc (~IIth7~t rub not being a time eqmssly proviueJ in the llW or pre)Crl-IllJ hy rule 6) or rule 7J he may extend tIle tune upon such =ynutice to utler parties lnd proceedings [liaCUll and upun such terms as he may direct and the extnsion may be granteu though the time ha expirlJ for doing the act or taking the proce~Jing

9+ Wheflele the bst day fixeJ by the Law or by these rules for uoing any act u[ thilg at the Otlice sklll fal Ull a Jay when the CJllice is not open ur on a SaturJay vhieh day~ shall be excluded Jay~ for the purpos~ of the Law nnu these rules it shltlll be lawful to do the act ur thing on the jir~l dty following such excluucd UIY which is 1I0l an ec1uueu Jay

Discrelivlwry Power

95 Before CCrClslng adversely to any person any dicrctiunary power given to the Hegistrar by the Law Or these rules the RegiHrar shall if so nquircd helr such ptr~on theflton

)6 An application fUf a hearing shall 1)( made within two months from tilt datt of 1l()[ilicatiull Lw the Hegistrar uf HlY ubjectiun tu JJl application or the dltltc uf lilY ulkr indication that ht proposc~ to exercist a dUicretiorulfY power

(n 11pon rtCgt~iving slleh ~[lplicltion tile Registrar shall give the pcrwn applying twenty Jays llotiu of a rimt when he may be heard unleSll he consents to a Iwrtn notice

Within tt1I lLys from the dalt whtn such notice would be udivertd in the ordinary course of post thr per~on applying shall notify the Registrar whtther 0 r not he intenJ~ to be hcaru un the matter

98 The dtci~ioll of the Rtgistrar in the exercise of any 8uch discretionary powcr a~ aforcoaid HhaH be notified to the pergton affcctctl

~v -t~~~~ Power 10 disJLI1Jt Wltf Evdellct

_ i1c---~--

)lt) Where unJer the~e rllks any ptnlOn i~ rtquired to do any act or tiling or to ~igli any ducullltnt or lq makt any uffidavit on behalf of bimlf ur of allY hociy corporlte or any doculllent or evidcllCt iti rcyuireJ to be [lloductd to orldt with tile Registrar 01 at the Office arid it is showll to the satisfaction of tile Hcgistrlr tllat frum allY reagtullablc caugtc such person ill unable to do ~uch OIet or thing or to ~igll such d(JclIllnt or to make ~udl dlidOiil ur tbOit such Joeulllent or lvidcllel canllut be produced or hfl al afonsOiid it shaii be lawful for tilt Itegislrar upun the production of buch other tvitilncL and subject to such terlllS ai he liay think fit to JispcflSlt with any such act or thing signaturt affldavit dUCLlIlltllt or cvjuena

A melJll7Iclls

I 100 Any documcnt or drawing or othtr representation of a traue mark may be amended and any irrcgularity in procedure which in thl opinion of tht Rcgistrar may bt excused withuut detriment to thl intcrelltl of any penon may bt correctd if the RrgiBtrar think -fit anu all such terms all he may Jircct


JO[ The Registrar may give u certificate other than a rertificatc under sectiun 21(2) as to any en) Il1aE or thing which he jg authorittu or required by the Law Orthc-sc ruics to make or 00 upon receipt of a request thuefor on Form IM-No 3l from any person who if the Registrar thinks fit so to requIre can show an interest in the entry ~wtter or thing to hi

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 19: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

1 i




8ati~factior Except ir a Gy faHing under rule 10] the Reg~tr1r shall not he obligrd to il1cll1J~ ill the certifica~~ a copy of any ml1d unlc~ he ill furnished by the ppliCalt with 1 copy thereof suitable fur the purpo~

I 102 Where 11 mark ih registered without limitation of coloUl the Regigttrar

lJlay grant c[[iilta~e of itgt rlt=gitralioll Im the flllrpUtie of obtaining rtgili shyumiddotarion abroad either in the coluur in which it appars upon the rcgiDter or in Ilny othcr colour or coiours but in the la~t-meJltioned calC the certiliCJIte ~hall ill ffiirbd for use ill obLlilli) regiu-atioll abroad only

-I 103 Where a certificate of ngistrllion of a trade nark is deJlireo for uac in obtaining registration abroad the Rcgistrlr shall include in the cenililAlte a copy of the mark and may fequin the 1[plical1t fur the ctrtificate to furnish him with a copy of tht mark suitable for th purpole and if the ~pplicant fails to do so) mIY rduse to issue the certiticate The gistrar may ltate ill the certificate such phniculars cOllcerIling the ngisrration of the mark all

to hilll lllay seem fit nd may omit therefrom rder ence to any disclaimenl appearilg in the rcgi~ter but in tilt iastfllclltilll1cd CI~ tile CtrtitllOItc hall bc marked For usc in obtaining regititratiull abruaJ only


104 The aflidavits requind by the Law anJ these rules) or LUlCU in any procceoings thereunJe lIhall be made am subocribed as follow8 shy

(a) ID Cyprll bxc RcgistrOlf or ASbi~taat R7gi~trgtH of Imy DUtriet Court

(b) In the United Kingdom before aI1Y jUltic~ of the peace or any eowmicsiorer or other onicer authuri2td 4Y law in any pan of the United Kingdom to adminisur an oatb for the PtpoDC of any Itgal proceeding lt0

(c) In U1Y other part of HiB MljClty~ oornipiom before any court judge justicl of thc peace) or allY officer lIutlwrizcd by law to administer all oath there for tht purp0lc of alegal proceeding and

(d) If made out of lis Majtstys dominion before a British Minister) or person cx~rciillg (hI functioll~ oj a Britjsh Jiinistcr or a

Consul Vifc-COllsui or other persoll t)(Llci~illg the fllncti()n~ of a llrili8h COllil or a notary pllbiic ur bdoIL a judg or magi~lfale

10 5 Any document pllrporting to hlve ~ti1xcJ impreDScd) or subscribed thereto or thcrton the seal or gignatufl of any person aurhorized by rule 104 to take an affIdavit in ttstimony that tho affidavit was made and 8ubscribed bdnn him may be admitted by the ltegiltrar without proof of the genuineshy

pcss of thl gal or sigllttJr~ or of the oinial character of [he Ff601l or hie all~oflry to take the afhdavl


I 106 Any pWlOn may request tht Registrar on Form TlVI--No 18 to cause a search to be made in respect of spccifitd gOOcill claasifiltd ill anyone class of Schedule IV to ascertain whether any lllack is 011 record at the dale of tbe selrch which re~ernblCll a trade lI1ark of whichduplicate repr~ntations

shyaccompany the form The Registrar shall CIUSL sHch a search to bt ITl4lde md ~lle penon nukiqg tile request to be informed of tfIe relult thereof

DiJYJ and H(Jurs of BmilleH J I

o 107 The Office ohall be open to thtI~lIhlic atl~ the rt-gieter ~hall be open to in~ection on rayrrunt of the fee apecdicd III Scluduu 1 every wccday----- cxcepL public holidays) dllring Gov1wrpept Ofilce houa i

i I

Mark rqlitcrtlt idlUut limitliun uf culuur

CcnifCJItcs for UIgtlt in obtiliuin~ reil i~ t noLion b~

~I nncr in which aoO peN)n be for whom ahJ11 i to be ulccn

~Olice o~ 1 of olne r t kin dcc Lation to prove itgt-clf

Dllya and houn

c~ ~ I


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 20: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


I cmiddotI


)L lt t

lppeuls to thi Court

r rtlirnilary rlaquo8 Ddore an appeal is made by any pcrsun to the Court in a eau in t tu upptal

ilicli ll f1peai is gicI by ~Ilt 1-m lle shall (a) apply to the Rtg~trar for a ~ t hea~ng Lif (amp) stltte liltt he UOtS not Llcs lrl to be heard and submIt h15 ClSc 1shy

tn tile Ztgi~tiar in riting 1n cither event he shall obtain a decillion in wri[ing from the Rcgistrar on the point raised and in the case of an appli- ~ catlon wnhlil ruks O to 3-+ a statemcnt of grounds and materials under _ rule 3+ Within two fI1onrh~ froll the date of the dttiion he shall if he I

dcsires to appeal lpvc at th O(]ice a notice on Form TM-No 30 of Ilia inttnlOIl so [(fuo

Notice of 109 The Ilotice on Forrn TII-No JO shall be accompanicdshyuppcul (1) il case tht appcll WllCCIlS an applieatipn within rulCl 30 to 3t

by two copies ()f the form of appliCltltion each containing a repnscIltaliun of the lJlark applisu for and two mpic of the ground of the Registrars decisiun

(2) III ollllr cases by two copics of the decision of the Registrar

CrnunJ of 110 Thc llolice shall also be accompanied by a statement in writing of uppul to th~ appdl~nts grounJti for appcClling and of hi COlJC in support of the appeal be atcd

1 [ An af1ptd to tht Court under the Law shall be made in the usuillAppeal to Court way and on filing a notice of such appeal the Court may give sud directioru

if anY as it may think ht with rtspect to parti and evidence or otherwm for the purp()~c of hClrilll ant determining the appeal

No [1pcal 112 No apptll shall be entertgtlincd of which notice has not been given unkslt within twO monthtl fruIll the (illc of thc dccision appealed against or such nOlice July rrther time gtlS the Registrar may allow rpnn

11] here ulLkr section IC) (6) an appellant becomes entitled and of uppcu intcnds to ithdr~w hi~ appeal lu thc Coun he shall git notice of his

illtent ionto thc Rtgistrar and to tht other parties if any to the appeal within fourtttIl Jay~ after thc leave rcftrnd lo in that sub-section has been obtaind


tlpphcallum Iu lmd Orrit7S of Ih~ Court

I + Every lpplicatiun tu lhe Court undtr the Law shall be gterleJ o)ApfllicUllun to Court the l~cJ~istrar

115 Where an order ha~ bCIt made by the Court ill any case under theOrJcr of Court La thc ptrsoll in whose Llvour sueh order has been made or luch onc of

them if more lb~ll one lS tht legislrar may direct shall forthwith leave at the Ofliee an OfTiee copy ()f sueh order together with Forlll TM--No if rCljuircd The registtr Illay if ncctsslry thereupon be rectified or illtered by dc RegistrlL

116 Vhenever an order is made hy the Court unda the Law thellllgtliellio[l of Order Hcgistrar may if he hinb tLat the order should be made public publiih ufCourt it in the Guel1e


I l7 The Trade l iarb Huk H)2 ShlU be and they are here by repealed Ilitlout prejudice nevert(k~s to lnythtng dont undtr such rules before the I appointed d~y ur to tle pClldency of any application or other matur then

I pending I

Notification No 6)+ in tht Cypnu Gaette No 1501- of the 13rd December 192 J is btreby cwcrlled






The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 21: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter





The followng fcd shall hl paiJ ill rLOIHct of applications re~istrations nJ olher matters undn the Law Such fcC3 must in all cases be paid immediately bltfore or at the time of doing the matte in n~pect of which they are to let paid or at the time they arc

Po 0 I](IOE 1 ()V ((1ltJIIlaquo~l InlllI 1(111r~) ill(Y()(lt1)u(([ )c((4 6 1(II(CX

0101T101 fgtlx 1()1) ciJ(n~nl(l()IJ l1illaquoI(OC rl 1fI= I

TO) Te 1laquo1()01 10ll 0( TcrG(() )()ITlaquo[ zI IlXcCLI 11pound ((lllloclgt YYrOiOltQ _ 1

IW (fA 01101CX [)II0I 1 1()1~ ~I(II()I) 1 rx T()lrrlJ1ltX 1111] ov de (heX (lac HXe llrrI1TT()(1[u VG IcrnrxCC(I()IIT(([ clIOIIe [[re) fl ICltJnl 101 xro ()I 1l)C 1PClfCIle (XvrxlOrll(C- lr(C)e 1 (]I (lTf([il ()~Ol (1 1(01CXG)l()()


(11 I Ij l(nH~( TlI xr( )CcxO 01 [(UTCl r1C[())TCr

included in Oll~ cl~s ~ I 2 On a reqllcst to the Rq~i5tra to ~ate goundi ~f

deeision rebting to an application to ngi~ter a tr~Lk mark and materials u~td

3 On notice of opposition before tbe Registrar under scctlOn 20 for each application 0pPGsed by oppollent

3(1 On lodging a counter-statemcnt m un~Vcr to a notice of opposicion under section W for each application opposed by the applicaIlt or III

answer to an application unuel allY of the secshytions 28 33 and 34 by the propriewr in [(speC of each t raue mark or in alwwer to a notiet of oppc3itiun Cloder sccti)o 36 or section 37 for each application or conversion oppoed by the proprietor

30 On the l(aring of each opposition unuer section 20 by applicant and by opponent rCipcctively or Oil tht hC~illg of an application lwdl[ any of tilt scCtions 28 33 lIld 34 by applicant lOd- by proprietor respectively or on tIle hearilih of an opposition unJtr stclion 36 or section 37 by propnetor and by opponent repcellvty

4 For onc registration of l trade mark not othcrwi~t chargtd for a spclification of good included in one class

V yen For olle registration of a series of tr~Je marb unJer ~lctjon 23 (2) for a ~peltjtcati()n of gooJ~

incJuti(d in one c1a~-For the first muk

X And for every other mark of the eries 5 Upon each addition to the rtgiterccl eJltry of a

trade mark of a note that tht mark IS aswClatecl with a newly registered mark

sa On an application to dissolve the association between regi~tentl trade muks

6 On 1pplicacion to rcgistcr a regjtc~d user of a rtgisterd trade mark III respect of goods WIthin

~h~ pecificatiol) ~hcreof







o o

2 o








o o





T~l-No +shy


TM-~) 6




TM-No lt)


bull 1

-Imiddotjj~ r ~kL ~ I ~ bull 4 ~

3 0 ITpcinoc ITiVUKUC tCIlV PUcrtKWV Kavovtcr~lWV tP07t07tOlEltat -lE TT]V Tpo1to1to(lOl 7tpOOO~KT] OTT] aT~AT] laquofltpa ~ 6w6IX(lcrlaraquo TIllV A~pound(lV laquor] J7tT]PEOlWVgt tOU npwou

TIivQ1(a TWVjlEta tT] At~T] laquoEjl7t0PWjlclTCIlVraquo 07tOJOr]7tOTE ouvuvnlTut


~ ~ ~ l

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 22: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

Corresponding lYLltter or 1roceoiir)pound Amount Form

(jiJ On application to regiswr [he same rcgwlercJ user of mon than oru flglll1red trade mark of the same rcgllitered proprtor in rqpect of gOOUb within the nspcctivt ~pccificati()n~ thereof lllU

subject to the same conuiliollS allu re3lrictions in each case-

For the first mark And for tvcry other mark of the proprietor

ircudd tll the apFlication DC satemwt of ca~e

60 On application by the proprietor of a Sil1gk traue tnark Ul(icr lragraph (a) of sLctilln 29 (8) to vary the entry of a regiHtereJ uIcr thaeof

6c On application by the proprietor of more thlln one mue mark unutf pargraph (a) of sltCUOl 29 (8) to vary the entries of a ngItcred user thtreof-

For the first mark And for ccry other mark of the proprietor

for which the same user 13 ngiBtcrd included in tile Jpplicatiol

6d On upplicltion by the propricwr or rcgi~tereu Uht[

of a single tralk mar under paragraph (b) of section 9 (il) for cancdlat1on of the entry of a registered utlr thereof

6e On application by the proprietor or rtgiBttrltu user of more thw onc traue mark unuer paragraph (u) of HCtlOn 29 (8) for cancellation of the tntr~tg of a rugistL-ed u~r thcfeof-

For tilC first mlrk And for very othllf mark uf tht proprietor

f()r h iell tht same USL~ i8 rcgigttcfed inshyciuJu in tht applic~tion

6 ()n applic1tion under paragra~)h (c) of section 29 (8) to cmcel the )ry of a registtreu U3er of a single trade mark

6 On application under paragraph (c) of section ()(8) to cancel the elItriegt of regiltered user of morc than one tradt mart shy

For the nrst mark 2

Ant for every other flrk of tlll ampame pro-I pri-~tor for whid the samc U$tr ill rcgi~-

pound 8 1)

2 0 0

1 0 0


1 0

2 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

2 0 0

I 0 0

tltctd includell ill the a~)plicalion 2 Q

6h Or nOllLe unGe tlCClOl1 29 (9) anti rule 91 of intentioll to inte~venc In Ole proceding for the variation or CIIlldilltion of ltntrics of a ngi3tercd user of trade marks - 10 Q

7 On request to enter ill the register and udvertisc a certifirHe of validity un(l~r section +s and ruk SI-

For the first registrari(Jn ctrtified 0 0

And for every other rcgilltlItlOll cerrified in the WllUe ctl1ilicatc 1 0



TM-No ft





TM-No ~7 (


CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 23: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

CorretlponJjng rv-gttter or ProceeLiing AlllOunt Fonn

7e On appicauion wluer section 30 (4) awl rule amp9 for txtcIlgtliurl of time for rtgisttring a corporashytIOn as sub~equeJlt propriclDr apound trade maks on one assignmem-

Not elce~ding two months Noc eceeuing four months Not excecdiug six months

8 On application fur certilicJte of the Registrar unucr oectioll 2 (5) anti rule 72shy

For the lir~ mark propOlcJ tLl be agtampi~lleJ And for every other mark of the same proshy

rictor incluueu in that agtsigrunclIt Sa On lppiic2tioD fer approval of the Hq~itrar

under 8~cion 2+ (6) or plragrJph 1 nf tbe Schedule of the Law awl ltwIt TJshy

For the first mark And for every other mllIh of the 3anle proshy

pr ietor indwJeJ in he same tmnsfer 8b On application for uirections by the Registrar for

aJ v(rti~cmellt of assignment of tJaJe marks in usc without goodwili-

For one mark assigncd And for Cy other lUark ltlesgocd witll the

same devolution of title Bc 01 application for extengion of time for applying

for Liirections for adverltlemcnt of aB~ignmtnt of traue lllDrka in U8~ ~ithLLt Iboodwill in rC3~xct of one devolution of title-shy

Not cxceecling ont Llunth f~ot exceeding t-o [J1u1LiS

tltot c)ceeLiing three ~nDnLhs 9middot 01 ~ppiil~utioll to gi~ter ~~ tubltCjuent proprietor

in ~ cas- of ~BiigllIllent or ruuHniio~iun of 14 aingie Lrwdc yen)ark-

If olade within lii~ month~ from tht uate of acqulsltlOn of roprietorship or the comiw in~o force of the~e rul~

If made -ter c(pi~Jtjon of ix nwntlJS but witbin twelve monthpound frum the iliLte of acquisition of opcittor~hip or thJ cOrl1ing 1LO [o[~e DE th~r rules

If made lftr exirto of twelve months from the uate of acquisition or proprietorshyl 0 the Omllg into forct of thUlt rulei

t)a On application to register 8Lili~yuent propcietor of ill()re trlurl one triJamp mark lltanJlO~ in the

salIle name the devoiutWu of title being the ian~e in tach C~18t-

If made within six mOllth~ from the date of llcquiBition of prupritlonhip or the coming into force of tb~ ruLe$-shy

For the fi-( lwrk 1~~d for ftl~ry cth [nuk

pound 1 p

0 0

l 0 0

1 0 0

~ 0 0

~ 0

l 0 0

- l 0

o 0

2 0

I 0 0


3 0 0


~ 10 0

3 0 Q

~ 0 0

3 Q

TM-No q


TM-No H or 35



TM-No15 or 16

TM-No15 or 16


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 24: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


Corresponding fYbttc or ProcctJing Amount Form

9a On appliccltiUIl-CVllt I If maut aftn exptrllion of six months pound 8 p

but within twelve IllOlltLs frolll the date of acyuisition of pruprictorship or tht coming in~o forct of tbc~c rules-

For the first mall 2 JO 0 TM-No15 And for every othcr mark 3 0 or 16

If made after expiration oE twelve nomhs from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or the coming lto force of these ruies-

For the first mark J 0 0 fM-No IS And [or evcry otile- mark 3 0 or 16

10 Or application to changt tilt flallle or lkscription of a proprietor or a rtgistellJ ICSt of a single traJe IIllrk vhc[c thtre ha~ been no chjogc in the proprietorship or it the jclcntity of the user - ro 0 TrI-No 21

loa On applicatiol to change the lgtmt ur dtcriptioll of a proprietor or a regitereJ Jstr of morc than ont trade mrk standing in the same llaIIlt whtrt thtre lil~ been no change in the proshyprittor~hjp or in tilt idclllity of tile USt the changt Dlillg the saInC in lacil castshy

For the first mark - 10 0 T1-I-No 21

And for evtry uthtr IHarx 2 0

I J For ltncval of registration of I tr~lk ma~k at cxpi-ation of l~s[ registration 200 fM-No 11

I la For rentwal of ngistratio of a series of tradt D)ark) under sltclion 2 () at ~xirJtion of last rtgistration-

For the first 111Jrk of the stri~middot 2 0 0 TM-No lI

And for cvy other l1lltlfk of the seies 3 0

110 AJditional fee undtr rulL 60 1 0 0 TiI-No 12

1 le j(estoratior fce under rule 61 2 0 0 IM-No IJ 12 On an applicaiion tu tlit netistrlmiddot fur lea ve to add

to or ltcr J ~ingk r~6it~r~J tii1Je Inark 2 0 0 IM-No 25

J 211 Un an applicltltiU[l to tIle Rtgist-ar fur kave to add to or alltr lllore than ont rtgistcrtci trade mark of the sallle proprietor Dting idtlltical marks the audition Uf alluaioJ to be madt in each case Deing tite sa1l1Cshy

For tht first mark o o TJl-No25middot And fOI tvery other Illlrk o o

12b On notice of opposition to applitatiull 101 kave to aJJ to or allt[ registertd tradt marks for tltJth application oppoltd o o IM-No 40

1J For alttring one or more entries of the trade or businesg address of a rcgislertd proprLclOr or a ngisttrcd uscr of a tradt mark wlerc the auuress in each case is tht S-l1le and i altered in the same wuy (unkss tx~npttJ from fee under rule 71)shy ~1

for the first tntry - 10 o TM-No lB And for cytry other entry 2 o


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 25: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


Matt~ or Proceeding

14 For every entry in the rtgi[Cf of a recti iication thenof or an duraliun theren nut otherwise chargni

15 For cancelling the entry or part of tile entry of a traJr nar~ upon tht icgi)tt[ on the application

of th~ regiGttnu proprietor of the trade ruark

16 On ltlpplication unJer ltlily of the StctiOllS 8 3] anu 3+ ~() r(tiflc~tion of the ngister or removal or ra(1~ marK from the register

I6a On application for 1ltav to inttcYent ill procecushyings under aly of ic sect~OlS 2B) 33 and 3-+ for rectii1cation of t1~ register or removal of tradt mark [run1 thL cgS[Cf

17 On requegt not othe[wie chargni for correction of clerical errur or [or pefluissiun tu aI1ltllJ application

18 On nquest by rcgistercu proprietor of a trade lTIltlrk for elltry of uidaim( or melllOranUUIl1 in the rcgiter

19 On applicnion by registered proprieto~ under rule 6 for wnvcrsiol1 of spcciliction

9a On notice of opposition to a c()[vefsion d the spcciiic~tion or spec[ieati()ll~ of 1 ngisttr(J trJ~l In~Hk or registtrcd traJc narksshy

r or on~ mark For every othcr iDJry of the Sla~L p[opri~tor

hlYirg the same pccilcalon 20 On appeal [rOil the Ittgslrar to Cuurt ill respect

of each dcision JPp~dtlllgJins lly Appellant 21 For a Stare UHit[ rul( IO~ in respect of on~

cias1shyWithuut applic~Lun fur the lltgs~rurt advicl

unuer rule 20

Vith application for the l~tgistrar ~dice unucr ru 1lt 20

22 On rquest fUi the Etgistrars pnlillli[1ry llkice unJer rul~ 20) fo- each trJJt nlJri SUblllttcJ

in resoect of one class 23 For ccrtiiicatc of the Emiddotgisru (otbtr than cenili shy

cal~ unuc] secllon 2 (2)) of the regillrati()1l uf a trade mark

23 u for certificate of titt RtgitJr (other thID ccrtifi shycatt uOlkr 8t~ti()n 21 (2)) of tht registratilln of a tierito uf trade mltlrh~ lllldcr 8ectiuI 2) ()

24 For cancelling ur making one or more tnLri~8 uf an aJJrt8~ for 8trvi(c ofl regitltertu pruprlllor ur a rtgi8tcreu u~tr of l traut ll1~l[k whtre the adJrt88 in each Cl~e is the l1e un ltIppiicaliull [Ilalk after titt regitlation in tJC1t c~e-

For the tirH entry Anu for cvtry odle[ entry incluueJ 10 the



pound 8 p

o 0

- 10 0

3 0 0

2 0 0

- la 0

- 10 deg 5 deg

2 deg 0

2 0

2 0 0

- 15 deg 0 0

5 0

- la 0

0 deg

5 0


Corrtlponding Form

Tvl-to 22

or 23

TM-No ]6




Tl[-~u 38 gt

TM-No 39

TJI-No 30

Jtmiddot-o lB

T1-0 2~L

11--0 29

111-10 3

IM-No 3

TtI-No 31


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 26: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


Corresponding liatter or Irocetuing Amount Form

2~a For aluring olle or more entries of an aLlureS for s~rvicc in tilt register illcluucu ill onc appli shycatJun for alteration where the auuress and the altcration in each ca~e ijrl dIe ~IHt-

Fur the first entry And for every other tntry Total fet in no case to exceed pound25 for any

number of entries 25 For inspecting register or notice of oppoition

(Oume-statement or decision in conuection with any opposition or applicamiddotiun for rectifi shycati()n of the register rdating to any particular traelt mark for every quarter of an hour

26 For perllli~ion to search amongst the ciaslifieu rltpr~~lltatiolls of tfaLk marks fur evay qlarter of ltIf hour

27 For oifice copy of uucuments for cvtry 72 wurd (but neyer less than H)

21) For certifying OJliCt copies MS ur printeu matter 29 For cxra space ill the Gazelle adYertisement in

cases where dlt printing block for the traue Illark cxcetuti lt inches ill oreauth or ucpth or ill breadth ltlIld uepth-

For every inch or part of an inch over z inches in DITauth

For (vcry inch or part of ltln inch over 2

inches in Uetl

pound 4 p

TM-Nomiddot3 2

o 5 0



4~ 10 Q

1- 0

4 0

For t11lt purpUlC of these flteo (exctpt as specially provided above) every Irulrlc 0 r

series unckr stclion J or w) prectuing limihlf cnactll1tlt ha1l be deemed to be mark sep)[Jtely rcgiotcrd


_- ~A-- r~middot ~

1 ~ ~ middotI_~




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 27: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter




Corres-Form I Page ponding

FeeI TM-No TlvI-No 2 IM-No 3 ITvl-No +TM-No S

TlvI-No Cl

IM-No 7

TM-No 8

TM-No ) TM-No 10

TrVI-No 11

TM-No 12

TM-No 13


fM-No 1 5

TiT--Nu 16

fM-No 17

IM-No lE

IM-No lq

TMmiddot-No 20

f1-No 21 I

TM-middotmiddotNo 22

TM-No 23

TM-middotNo 2-+

fM-No 25

Authcrizalion Application for rtgistration of Traut rvIark Additional Representation of Trade llrk Rtljulst for statement of grounds of decilion Opposition before Registrar to application for

registration ol Trade IVlark Counttr-statmtllt to opposition before Registrar

(0 application for registration of Trade Jlark or in ttrtain other proceedings

Application for htaring in opposition rnatter or in rectification removal or certain other proshyceedings

NOlice of non-completion of registration of Trade iVLtrk

Fee for rtgistration of a Trade lark Certificate of ngistration of Trade Mark under

section 21 (2) Renewal of registration of Trade fYlark Auuitiord fee to accompany nllcwal fee within

tlVO months afttr advtrtisemcnt of non-payshyment of nnlwal ke

Restoration of Track Mark where removed for non-payment of fee

Application ulluer section 30 (-1-) anu nl~e amp] for lxtension of time to request entry of corposhyration-assignee as subsequent proprietor

Htqut~t DI ngistcnd proprietor and transferee tu fltgisttr transfertt a~ subsequent proprietor

I(eque~t to enter name of suhsequent propritlOr Atlidavit in support of rCltUc~t 10 enter name of

sllheqelt~iHoprietor Appiication for alteration of lratiL or busincsi

address Oil Rc~isttr Application 10 IItgistrar 0 dissolve associlt1tion

betwe~l registered lraue M arks Correction of cltrical error in the Register or

amenJmcnt of Application HXljuc~t to enter change of narnc or dtscription

of regislLfld proprietor or user Application by registered propridor for cancelshy

lation of entry of Tralk Mark in Hegister lZequst by registereu proprietor to strike out

gooJs frllm lhose for whieh a Trade Mark is ngi~tlred

Request hy registered proprietor to enler dishydJimer or memoranUll1l in Hegi~ter

Application to add to or alttr a Registered Trade Mark

27 28 29 29




3 1







35 ]6








4 1



I la



34 bull


- I

4 yen amp 5middot

1 I 1 la




9 lt)a

9 ca

I) or niL



10 loa




I~ 1~ bull

-- _ --_-~ ~~r=_-bullbull - _ - -_-bullbull =- - -s-

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 28: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter

n f

n D

d 0



COITcl shy

Form ponding Page Fee

IM-middotNo 26

TM-Io 27

IM-No 2)

TM- No 29 Trvl-No 30 TM-No 3 iM-No 3


TM-lo 3-

T11- -No 35

Tfgtl-Io 36

111- rlt o 37

TM-No 38

l1-Nomiddot39 111-10 10

1 ivl - N() p

Ttl--No 43 IM-Nu ++

1M- -No 45

fM-No middot17

Application lor rectiticatiol of Rcgitittf or reshyllloval of iraue Mark frolll Hegisttr

Application for leave to intervcne in proceeuings fllr nctil1calioll of Registcr or removal of TrauL Mark from I(cgistlf

Requtst lor ~el[ch under rule 06 (cquesl for Registrars adice on rgititrahility Appeal from J~tgistrar to Court Htquest for gmral ccrti6catc RCljutst for entr alteration or cancellation in the

nislcr of adJrt~ for sltnict Applicalion for ctftiticatL of Registrar upon proshy

po~cJ assi u llmtnt of ngislcnJ TraJc Mar AppliCltltioll for approval by Registrar of trallgf~~

of Trade Mark 5cction 24 (6)) pplicatio for approal by Hegistrar of trantgt[er

of rtgittred Trade Mark before appointed doly (Schcdult of Law para 1

Application for directions for advertisement of aligoment of Trad~ Mark In use without goodwill

Application for extension of time for applying for di CCtiO(5 for adv~rtii-Cm~nt of aamplignment of Traoe Mark in use without gooJvill

pplicltion by registered proprictor for convershylion of specification of a regitilration

(lp-position to R~giilrar5 propltJtlal (or cOlLvelllion I UppoOlition tu application to adu to or alter a

JrlJt Mark olice 0 Order of COllrt for dltralion of Rcgittr Rtquesl 10[ entry and advertisement of Ccrtifishy

yale of ValiJitv Jpi)licltion for rlsistration of registered lUiCf

i pplieation by regititrcu proprietor for vArilllion of entry of registeret user

Application hy registered proprietor or uacf for cancellation of entry of reristcred user

Application under paragraph (c) of lgtCction 1() (8) for cancdlation of entry of regitlLcred user

Notice of intwtion to intervene in registered UlIer proceedings






51 53

53 Sf



No lb

Iba 21



13 23 4 bull

24 2fl or nil




7middot 660

th amp

6J ~

6] 6g



~ ~



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 29: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter



Form of Au(wriulion of Agent in a maller or proceeding tmJcr IM Lmu (Ruff q)

(u) I (or We)

have appuinted (b)


to act a~ my (or our) agtJlt fur (c)


and req ucst tha t all nOlice~ requisitiono and CUllHllUllHauons relating

thereto may be s~nt to such agent at the above addrcss

I (or We) henby revoke all previous authorization if any in respect of

the same lllatlLr or proccediIlg

I (or Wc) hClcoy dedare that I am (or l arl) a t


Dated this day of 19


JdrCl~ (J)

(Cl) The full name of ~ll the poan in 101 tlnu mu be inoenClti and Ih kind and counry of inCOrplt)rlllion of boltl~ cOrplt)ratc aIed

(b) Jlere ini-Crt rum and JJICN oC alienI

(c) tlere aUe the pltrticulu frultter or proceeding for which he MHelll ia RppointcJ giving the reference nLUn~r if lltnown

(d) Here stle oauonaliry

(e) To be sillned uy rhe pltraon appoinwng the alieni

() Here Inn Ihe full IraJe oc bllsine[To bc struck out if the person ilppointillg tht Agwt dcsirtgt hi own addrCs oC the peNon

addre~~ to bc treatcu as the address for service after ngistration] apponlil~ rhe a~cnl

I (or Wc) abo authorie the tlaid (0)

to complete Form IM-No 32 r4ue~ting the entry of

an address for strvice as part of any rtgistrarion obtained under the above


Dated this day aL 19middot middotmiddotmiddot


Addnss (f)

To the Registrar of Tradlt MarkB

Nicosia Cyprus

~1--- shy


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 30: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


of (c)

-IS the ngisttred uscr thereuf ill respect of (cl)

fhe grounds of this application prtiLulars of which are given in Jetail in

the accompanying statement of case are (e)

Jay of HJ

U) ~~

To tilt Registrar of TrJt Jlarks

Nicusi~l Cyprll~

j shy- FOlUvl liI-Nop F 1OS


Nulice Iv IhL (1(iITIIT Wilier secliull 2lt) (lt)) alll TULt 91 vJ illlmliulI lu iIICTtJ~ ill pruaedil1l JUT Ihe t(Jritlliull or cwndliltiulI uJ (JJI eltry Dj a Rtgislered User vJ 11 Jrude flwk

[To be accollipanicd by ltl Statement of the groulllb for interventionJ

1N THE JIATTEI OF a Trade llark No registered Ul

Clatis ill the llilllle of (a)


IN TIlE IIATEI OF u rtgi~[ra[ion of (6)

thltrculldcr I~ il jcgitcnd U~er of tht Imiddotlark

In reply [[J tilt jcgistrars NotiiiLiltilln or Advertisement Jilted the Jay of 1lt) notice i~ hcreby givcll of my intention to inltfvLIlC ill the procccding~ ill the above mil I tltf

IYly addrc~s fur StrVlCC 111 Cyprus for the purputie oJ these proceedings III

Dated the day uf Il)


10 the ](tgiS(I-If of radc Marks

Nicosia CYJlru~

(c) Here inrt he IlJUnc I (rade or businCS3 add reS- llfid descripllon of the rcgisshytcrcJ ~ IU enlered in the regite- (d) Ilcre inert lite goodin repcct of which lhe rellislered user j entered (d Ilerc iurt one or more of the lull shyplll1lRraph of p~nlllrph (cl of ampCCtion 2lt) (ll) numbered (i) (il) (iij) (f) SljTUIshy


(u) lmcrt here the munc of the HCllilered Proprietor

(b) IIIcrt hac the nune nd t nlue or llu)inl~I

dure uf the HeIP shy(ltreU Uwr

(c) Sijnll shylure





Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 31: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter




Chcmicotl sllbstaJlce~ llseU In rnanl[actllre~ photugraphy or philosophic1 r=rlt 11 aIHl anli-currmiiveti

ClmJ Cbemicl tiUostIIlCCS u~cJ for agricuhurt1 horticultural veterinary and saniury pUrpoHClI

Cltm J CI~miCld ~UbtitanCl~ prepareJ fur u~c in meuicine anu plllmruuy

CLan 4 lta ur plniy prepared vegetable animal and mineral uuolanctlI Ul~cd in lruUlu(cturca

not included in otur ClasllCU CLISS i

Unwwllght and panly wrought metaltl useu ill manufacture

Clms 6 Machiflny uf all kinds tnd parLs of machinery except OIgriculturotl llUU horticultund

llIiichil(s incluueu ill CIa 7 Class 7 Agriclihural anu hortic41tural machinery anu parlli of 8ulth machinery

C(Js B PlailosophicaJ in~truments sciwtific instruments anw apparatull for uadul p~

in3trurJ)lJll~ ant upparatuH for teachillg

Cuw 9 Muuical instrumwts

Clau 10

Hurological instruments CaH I I

Instruments apparatutl and contrivanct8 not ~dicateJ for aurgical or cur_tiye pllrpO$eS or in relation tu the health of mcn w- auinl41

Cas ~

Cutlery altd edge lOols ClJSJ IJ

fvlctal goodG lot inclulkd in other ClaslcI

ClaH 14 Good of precious nlttall (including aiulJlilium nickd Britania-mewl etc) lUId jewclltry and imilltltiolll of ou(h gU()Ul and jewellery

CM 15middot Clalil

Clms 16 Porcdain and cart hen ware

ClaH 17 llanu[actuns from minnal and other llIOHtulCt for building or dccoration

CILlSS It Enginecring archittctural aut uuilJiug culltrivanccI

Cum If)

Armtl ammunitiun anw ltorcll not includtd in Clatll ~O

Cltm 10

Ex plosive substanccs


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 32: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


Class 21

Naval architcclural contrivances and naval tquipments not induutxl in CIaeea 19 and ~

Cluss u Cartmiddotiagts

elms 2) (il) Cotton yarn (b) Sewing cotton

CotlOn piece goods of all kindB Clpound1H 25

Cotton goods not included in Class ell 2] q or ]H

~ Linen and hemp )arn and thread

Linen and hemp piece good ClaH 28

Linen and hcmp goodll not inclllllcd in Clugtsell 26 27 and 50

Clms Z9 Jute yarns ami tislucs and other aniclts maJe of jute not included in Clous 50

Clms 30 Silk spun thrown or sewing

Clms 31 Silk picec good

CIIIH 32 Other silk gOOdll not included in ClalltS )0 ind 31

Class ]] Yarns of wool worsttu or hair

Cum 34 ClothB and lllltfll ~f wool worsted or hair

Class 35 Woollen and worsrd and hur goous not includtu ID Cbsscs 33 and 34 shy elms 36 Carpet floor-cloth UIld oil-cloth

Class 37 Ltatha skillS llnwrollght and wrought and articles mOlJe of lcltlthcr not included in othcr

Clalcll CIUS J8

Articb of duthing Clms 39

Paper (xctpt paper haugiIlgS) stationery and bookbinding

Clpound1ss 40 Goods manufacturtu from indi -rullocr anJ gutw-pcrcha nol includeu in 01her C~s

Class +1 lurnilurt ami uphobttry

ClllJS 42 Sllb~lanccs uueJ lUI fooJ or as ingnJi~lltJj in fuoJ

Class 43 FcrmtnteJ liqlors and ipiritl

elms 4+ Mineral and aerated waters natural and artificial including ginger beer

r I shy

J __~pound~ __ bull bullbulltlt _~_ -~-_

~----- _ l ~_ ~ ~-


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 33: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


Class 45 Tobacco whcther manufactund or unmanufactured

Class 46 Seeus for agricultural anu horticultural purposes

CimJ 47 Candlc CUllllllun soap dttergenl~ i illulllillalilllc healing or lubricaling aild matchC8 i

and sllrch blue anlgti allar preparatiuns fur bUllury purposcs

Clan 4t PtrfulI1cry (including wild articles preparaliolls fur the teeth and hair anu perfumed

soap) Oms -It)

Gamts of all kinds 1Ilt sporting anicks not inciultieu in othcr Classtll

eLw 50 MisLltllanwus shy

(1) Cllmls manufactured from ilory 1gt0111 or wood not inciuJtt in other Classcs (l) Gllllds IlHlllLlfactured from straw or grJSS not included in other ClassL1l (J) Goods rnanufletured from Inimal and vcgetillJk sUOstanccs not included in

other Classes (-) fobilcco pipes (s) Umbrellas wltllking Slick brushes and combs (6) Furniture cream plate powder (7) TtrpllIlins tents rick-cluths rope twine (8) Button of all kilLls other thOlll of precious nletal or imilatiohJl thertof (t)) Packing lnu huse oldl killUti

(10) Go()d~ ot inciuJcd in tht foregoing CIIseu

SClltlllJLE 1V

CLAS~IFICAllON OF iGOODS VI 0deg- -( v ~J~ __ ~2~ Lgt (~ ~~- ~ lJ_

- - -NilIles oJ the middotcmse]middot KavovloproV

4 0 TbUP10lt ITtVUKUlt 1WV ~U(Hi(c1JV KaVOVtCJfHDv llP07t01WtE11at Wlt TpononolTloTj

aKoA00Swlt lOU ThuplOU nlVUKO tltOV

(a) ME tllv 7tpoCJS~Kll CJ10V 111Ao 10IJ ITupuP111flUWlt 1WV H~EWV laquorl ~aollcv IJ7tllPECJl(i)v)) flpound1U nlt At~EtC laquoKu1u1a~1l Efl7tOPEIJ~llhwv)) KUVOVtO~lV

W) flE tllv 7tPOCJS~Kll flpound1a 10V 1hAO WIJ Ilapup1rl~LU10lt 11C aKoAouSlllt ltPpaollC laquoMEpoC I - E~l7wpEU~la1m)

(Y) ~lE llV TIpoCJSllKT JlE1U 10 1UOC 11C KcaCJllC 34 10U UKOAOUSOU VEO) MtpoIJlt

35 Llta(PllfltCJEtC KUt EmXEtprlCJpoundtlt 36 ACJltpaAtCJttKilt Kat XPllflanKElt IJTIllPECJtElt 37 OtKOOO~ltKtlt U7tllPfCJtElt KUt EmoLOpScDCJELlt 38 EmKOtVWVtElt 39 LUYKOtVwviElt Kat U7tOSrlKEuall - (p0Aa~1l 40 Em~Epyao[a uAtKclJV 41 EKTIUiOWOll Kat uxuywyia 42 AAAEC UTIllPpoundCJtEltraquo)




6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 34: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


6 Unwrought and partly wrought common mctaf~ and their alloys anchors anvil bells rolkd amI Calt builji~g mill~rials rails and other mCUlllic mattrials for railway track~ ch~lns (exect 0fVlIg challl~ for vehicles) cables und wires (non-elcctric) I()~bnllth work metalhc pipes ami tubts li 1f Co and cuih boxe~ stet balls horu-shOts lads and ~crews other goodtl in non-prtciOll8 metal not iIlcluded in other c1OU1lles or ea

7middot Idachines and llluchinc lOol~ motors (except for vehicles) machine couplingl and belting (exctpt for vchiclts) large size agricultural implemcnts incubatorl

8 Hand toob and illstrumcnts cutltry forks and spoons side arms

lt) Scientiilc nautical HlIrvcying alld electrical apparatus Olnd inslrumenli (including wlrtles~) pllOtogrilphic cincmatngraphic optical wtighing measuring signalling dltcking (supervision) life-saviog and ttaching apparatlls and il1ltrumentll coin or counta-freed apparatus talking owchinc8 cil~h registelll i calculating machines fire-extinguishing apparatus

10 Surgical medical dental and veterinary in~trumcllls and appanHUJI (including artiliciai limbs eyes ilod weth)

11 Installations for lighting healillg steam generating cooking rdrigerlling drying veIllilating watcr supply and sanitary purposcs

12 Vchiclts apparatus for locomotioll by land air or water

13 Firearms ammunition and projectiiLl i txplosivc substances i firework

q Precious metals and their alloy~ and goods ill precious metal or coHed thereshywith (except cutlery forks and spoons) jtwelltry precious stones i horological and otiter chronometric instrulllellts

15 Musical instrumentll (other thall talking machines and wireless appariltLU)

16 Paper anti paptr anicks cardboarLl and cardboard article primed matter newspapers and periodical books book-binding lJIaterial i photographs stationery adhcsive materials (statiancry) i artists malcrials paint brutlhegtl typcYiritulI OInd ollicc rCllui~itt~ (other thill furniturt) in1tructiunul and teuchio) material (other than uflparillll~) i pia ying card~ (printlr~) type a IILl cliches (stereotype)

17 Gutta pcrchu india rubbcr balata and substitutcs articles madt from tiltslt substances and not jnclutitd in other classes materials for packing stopping or insulatshying asbesto mica and their products hose pipes (non IIltlJ 1Ii c)

18 Ltathtr and imitations of kathn ant articles made frolll tllcc material and not incllldcd in other cla~sts Skills hlLies trunks and travelling bag~ umbrcllaa parasob and walkill) sticks whips barness and saddlery

19 iluilLiing materials natural and artilicial stone Ctrntnt lime morur plaster and gravci pipes of tarthcrnwarl or cement road-making materials lisphult pitch and bitumtn portable buildings stanc monuments chimney pots

20 fourniturc mirror picture frames articks (not included in other c1~) of wood cork rttds cune wicker hom bOlle iVllry whalebont shell OImbcr mothershyof-pearl meerschaum celluloid and substitutes for all thtse matcrialii

21 Small domcstic utensils and containers (lint of preciolls metal nor cOOlted thereshywith) combs and tipollges brushc~ (orhcf thall paint brusbts) brullh making mltcriall instruments and material far ckanillg purposes i stedwool glillllgtware porcelain and

tarthcnwarc lIot included in other das~es

u Ropts string nets tents awnings tarpaulins silils sacks paddin) and stuffing materiab (hair capoe hathers scawceJ etc) raw fibrous textile materuus

~3 Yarns threads

24 Tissues (piece goods) bed and table covers textile articJea not incluQcd in other classes

25 Clothing including boots shoe~ and slippers 26 Lace and embroidcry riballcb and braid buttons preu bunous toou and

eyes pins and lleeJJcs u-tificid fiOW(r8 i I


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV
Page 35: Tl-IE TRADE MARKS RUl FS - WIPO · These rules fllay be cited ati the Trade Marka Rul~. 195', and shall Shoet titlo come in!u OPl:[;I!iUll Oil the IB[ day of Nuvember, '951, hcrcinilfter


27 Carpets ruga ffiJlts and mlltuog j lillolcunu and other matcriala for covering flooru wall IliIngiags (non-textile)

2H Game~ and plaything gymnu8lic and sporting ankles (cxccpt clothing) Dmamcnt~ und JccoracionH for ChrbtllliUl trct8

2~ Meat R~h poultry unu gaInt meat ntract~ prt~crvcJ dried and cooked fruiu and vegetable jellies jam eggs milk and other dairy products cmiddottiblc oils and [ut~ prcscrvts pickle~

30 CujJce tca CtKOU ~ugar rice tapioca sago cofet suhstiIUICl flour am preparation maut [rolll ecnus bnud biscuit cake piUltry lnu oonfcclionny iCe honey treacle j yeast baking powder ~ul( lIljlI~U-U pepper vincg-ar l-i411Ccll spiCCll ice

J I Agricultural huniculturid and forl1ltry producllI und g1lins not included in other cliltiSt~ living uni111als frt8h fruit8 nu vegetables tlccJa live pJ~t8 and fioWCllI

[oOlhtuJTi fur animals malt

3 Bter ale and porta mincral and atratct waters and other non-lllcoholic drinks ayru ps anJ orhe[ pnparatiol18 for making btlcrage~

33 Wjnc~ spirilB and jiquelll

34 Tobacco raw or manufactureu iJ ~ ( bull

Ordtftd in Council thill

slIloktrl articles matcht5 I - -1- (-11

~7th Jay of October 1951


Clerk of the Excculrvc Council

i7rUlloJ by Lho GovemJUollL Irilllbf III tho Qovtlrruu611t PriuLm Ome ll Ni~i~

- I

- ~~Jl r~- ~atbull


  • Short title and commencement
    • Short title and commencement
      • Interpretation
        • Interpretation
          • Fees
            • Fees
              • Τροποποίηση των βασικών κανονισμών
              • Forms
                • Forms
                  • Classification of Goods
                    • Classification of Goods
                      • Reclassification of Goods of old Registrations
                        • Application by registered proprietors for conversion of specification Registrars proposal
                        • Advertisement of proposal Opposition
                        • Conversion of specifications resulting registrations
                          • Agents
                            • Agency
                              • Registrable Trade Marks and Preliminary Advice (Section 40)
                                • Registrable
                                  • Documents
                                    • Size etc of documents
                                    • Signature of documents by partnerships companies and associations
                                    • Service of documents
                                      • Address
                                        • Address
                                        • Address for service
                                        • Arms of city etc
                                        • Living persons or persons recently dead
                                        • Name or description of goods on a trade mark
                                        • Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness
                                          • Application for Registration of a Trade Mark - Specification
                                            • Form of Application Specification
                                            • Additional forms and representations
                                            • representations to be durable
                                            • Seperate applications
                                            • Representations to be satisfactory
                                            • Specimens of trade marks in exceptional cases
                                            • Series of Trade Marks
                                            • Transliteration and translation
                                              • Procedure on Receipt of Application of a Trade Mark
                                                • Search
                                                • Acceptance absolute or conditional objections
                                                • Registrars objections Hearing
                                                • Registrars conditions etc Hearing
                                                • Decision of Registrar
                                                  • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Advertisement of Application
                                                    • Wood block or electrotype printing
                                                    • Advertisement of series
                                                    • Advertisement under section 20 or section 36
                                                      • Opposition to Registration
                                                        • Opposition
                                                        • Notice of opposition
                                                        • Counterstatement
                                                        • Evidence in support of opposition
                                                        • Evidence in support of application
                                                        • Evidence in reply by opponent
                                                        • Further evidence
                                                        • Exhibits
                                                        • Hearing
                                                        • Extension of time
                                                        • Security for costs
                                                        • Costs in uncontested case
                                                          • Non completion
                                                            • Non completion within 12 months
                                                              • Entry in the Register and Associated Marks
                                                                • Entry in the register
                                                                • Associated marks
                                                                • Death of applicant before registration
                                                                • Certificate of registration
                                                                  • Renewal
                                                                    • Renewal of registration
                                                                    • Notification of receipt of renewal fee
                                                                    • Notice before removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Second notice
                                                                    • Advertisement of non-payment
                                                                    • Removal of trade mark from register
                                                                    • Restoration
                                                                    • Record of removal of mark
                                                                    • Ntoice and advertisement of renewal and restoration
                                                                      • Assignments and Transmissions
                                                                        • Joint application for entry of assignement or transmission
                                                                        • Application for entry of assignement or transmission by subsequent proprietor
                                                                        • Particulars to be stated in application
                                                                        • Copies of documents
                                                                        • Case accompanying application
                                                                        • Proof of title
                                                                        • Application for entry of assgnement without goodwill
                                                                        • Entry in register
                                                                        • Separate registrations
                                                                        • Registrars certificate or approval as to certain assignments and transmissions
                                                                        • Registrars directions for advertisement of assignment without goodwill of trade mark in use
                                                                          • Alteration of Address
                                                                            • Applications to the REgistrar for Rectification
                                                                            • Application to rectify
                                                                            • Application under section 35(I)
                                                                            • Evidence
                                                                            • Advertisement of certain applications
                                                                            • Certificates of validity to be noted
                                                                              • Applications to alter registered Trade Marks
                                                                                • AIteration of registered mark
                                                                                • Advertisement before decision
                                                                                • Decision Advertisement Notification
                                                                                • Advertisement illustration
                                                                                  • Registered Users
                                                                                    • Application for entry of Registered User
                                                                                    • Entry and notification
                                                                                    • Registered proprietors application to vary entry
                                                                                    • Application by registered proprietor or user to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Application under section 29 (8) para (c) to cancel entry
                                                                                    • Notification and hearing
                                                                                    • Registered users application under section 35 (2)
                                                                                    • Cancellation by Registrar
                                                                                      • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Extension of Time
                                                                                        • Excluded days
                                                                                          • Discretionary Power
                                                                                            • Hearing
                                                                                            • Application for hearing
                                                                                            • Notice of hearing
                                                                                            • Notification of decision
                                                                                              • Power to dispense with Evidence
                                                                                                • Dispensing with evidence
                                                                                                  • Amendments
                                                                                                    • Amendment of documents
                                                                                                      • Certificates
                                                                                                        • Certificates by Registrar
                                                                                                        • Marks registered without limitation of colour
                                                                                                        • Certificates for use in obtaining registration abroad
                                                                                                          • Affidavits
                                                                                                            • Manner in which and person before whom affidavit is to be taken
                                                                                                            • Notice of seal of officer taking declaration to prove itself
                                                                                                              • Search
                                                                                                                • Searches
                                                                                                                  • Days and hours of Business
                                                                                                                    • Days and hours
                                                                                                                      • Appeals to the Court
                                                                                                                        • Preliminary to appeal
                                                                                                                        • Notice of appeal
                                                                                                                        • Grounds of appeal to be stated
                                                                                                                        • Appeal to Court
                                                                                                                        • No appeal unless notice dully given
                                                                                                                        • Withdrawal of appeal
                                                                                                                          • Applications to and Orders of the Court
                                                                                                                            • Application to Court
                                                                                                                            • Order of Court
                                                                                                                            • Publication of Order of Court
                                                                                                                              • Repeal
                                                                                                                                • Repeal
                                                                                                                                  • SCHEDULES
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE I
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE II
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE III
                                                                                                                                    • SCHEDULE IV