TME ONLY A FIBUN T w ir 2. IffO. 168 J llio M BDiltTTO PEACE TREIITy Pleads in Senate that Question of Ettuallzing Votina Power K in League B r Considered ^ from National Standpoint 1 LENROOT OFFinS DHAFT OF STRONG RESERVATION Stiagrees with Oalifor^a Sen- ior Oror ProoediTO to Be Adopted in Safeguarding the American^ laterests 3 ^ 9 H I N a T O N 7 - : (yp)— U rid n ff .his nmondmont to «qunllEC volin;; power in tho leoffuo aascmbly, Spuntor John- non, republican, California, toda/ plondod ia tho nenato thnt tho quos- tion bo coDBldcred from a nntional .ittandpoint onl/. Every other nation, lie Baid,’wa« aetlHKMin its own natioaal Intereat. trodn tlw treaty, b« taid, Brlt>" Ish coloaiss SQlgbt secve plMos on th» Idasna oooocU aa well as ths asssabljr, tbe, way havlox boen paved 'Wben the pooes confereocs rixod tbslr autos as tbat of ‘ 'aep- arata, dtstlsct aad wmrelgn ■UUs’*. It waa only “ the pnll of Interne- tionnlisiD” , deelarod the California senator," whieh Influenced senators to oppoao makinj; Amoricnn reprosonta* tioa In tho loo^o «<\util to tlmt of any oihcr nations. Wbjr Is Fear? '*'n^at is this unholy thing" asked tho gpoakor, "that makes us fear io elnim /or onr eountry the thing that is licT'daa?..Ata 08t ovorywhoro it is ic- «eptod that (Im United Statos is en* . titled to as many votes as any power in the world. It ian’t denied in Ea- rope; it isn’t denied in Canada, and U i» d^nlpd in tln> Unllt'd States sen- oio alono". Senntor Johnson naaailed what ho called the “ Anjflo-Janonoso p.ress” In thin country, which he declnred w.'is rendy to/*'clob •and bludgeon” nny ,cnp who spoko for Am6rirnn Intorostn ARninst tbo Intorcat of the British or Japnncdo empiro. BeservaUexu Ul Debat* The committee's new roacr\'ntion progrnm cot into tlio debate when Senator Lenroot, republican, Wi«eou- din, took exception to a reported stato* ment by Senator Hllcbcock, tho nd- inliilfltrnHon leader, thnt the commjl- tei* preamble re<iuinnK specific' Ac- ccptnnce of th«* reservationn by throo of the principal powom would require ncgotiotion of tho treaty. Senator L.enroot aold ho could not believo Sen- ator Hltcheock held n viow so eienrly erroncou*. Action by Ihe powers, ho •aid, could bo tiad hy notes through the usual diplomatic channels. Attnckini; tho Johnson amendmeiil Sennfor'Lenroot declared it did “ not protect a aingle American right nor «nfeguaril any Amoricnn Interests" jnd-iirged, iaate.a<lf n strong reserva- tion regiirdiag equality of voting :n the league. Learoot Offers .Besenratlon P*nntor Lenroot iirejentcd a draft of n rcnervation whieh would provide thnt tho United Stntea should iMt bo liound by any league dcclition in whicli jiny nation nnd ita doinlniona land had more thnn one vote. Benntor Lenroot nnlil he rnuld not Atnnil with sonntors neeklng to defeat Ihe treaty. Senntor Colt, republirnn, Hhodo' fa- lond, declare<l tlie Jolinion ntnendmcnt “ nhwliilely unworknblp, impm etienhlc nnd unjunt." Ho favored tV Lenroot reservnfion nn “ the beat wny to Ture the • ineqimlity of voting” in llii le-ague. lINESfflp oNPEmii Anti-Bolahovik Troops Take Armed Oity SO Hilea West of Capital LONDON, (ffV ^asnaia Gorka, a fortified city abont 30 miles west of Petrograd, has boon token by antl-Bol* shevik troops, according to Helsing- fors advico*. Advices received here -uy a aevere struggle is In progVess aiz- iuid one-half miles aouth or Petrograd. General Denikino has again defeated .. 1>6 nolfhe\ikl in tbo Volga rrgion, hav- ing driven the soviet foreen baek n«;ar Kamyahin, north of TearlUyn, accord- ing to • w^ireless message r«ceived from ' tbe Deniicine headquartera. *,Tho Mviek government, on the other hand, claims to have broken in tho apex of tho great wedge driven north- ward toward Moscow by the Denlklae army, tho villages of Ri'evnk, and Kro* my having been Uken. NORTHWEST BXTSSXAJT A S ^ BTJT8 roODSTDITS PARIS, yP) — Tho American rellaf administratioa has sold foodstoffs sof- .fieient to snpply Petrograd for aboot thirty days, tho snpplies being prtr* ehas^ fot aoenritiea by the northweat 'BnMiaa govenuMBt gif NOON PAPER IN iPAU FA Time Mmt Turn Backward Next Sunday M6rning O I'PICIAI^ o7 tha Orcgoti' Bhort Lino railrond havo is* bued Instructions to nil em* I ’ ptoyoes to sot boek timepieces I next Sundny morning, Octobcr 20. Wntehes and eloelu, wherever fouiid in thu sctvlec of tUo Tall- in rond company must bo set back oni^ hour nt S o'clock Sunday sr morning so that the indleatlng, hands dnd fingera will represent Increase in Freight N : Ratea to Be Sought WASHINGTON, (<IV-Immodiato stops will b e taken by tho railroad eompanios to obtfiio ao increase in le freight rates, It was anaouneod to-' day after a lengthy conference bo* twoen Diroctor'General Hiner and roprescnUlSves of tho ossoelatton of ils railway oieeotlTes. er ' ' Mr. Hl'nos reiterated hiflpravioua n* decision not to mhko a gonoral re* ay adjustment of rates during federal ts- control of thd roads, but offered to itJ assist tbo companies with all tho S information tho railroad adminis- tration has. Secretary of Commerce Pro- la poBQB Organisation at Inter • '■I national Meet ^7 "■ ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., (/p)_For- mation In this country of a credit- 9d granting organisation to purchaso se- ^ ciiritics oC struggling foreign nationa was urged nt tho international trado n. conference today by Secretary Bed- OT field. Tho, organlutlon, whlth woold ip. bo superviacd by tho federal ronervo Jd board, would bo capitalized nt between n* five hundred million and ono billion dollars and would issuo bondn of email no denomination and low interest to bo In sold horo. •'« The aecretary said fhat several bil* ly Uon dollars would bo needed by strug- Its gling nations Jii tho noxt few years to placc themselves on a firm footing. “ I hope and believe," hn'added^ “ that wo shall open our doors much sn moro freely than we do now.to rccelvo on goods from abroad. We cannot nell if '«• wo do not bny." a. ~ ■■ - = jl- I ------------- ^ ----------------------------------------------- ” WORLD NE or ! ------------------------------ , --------- •n- . iy PABIS, (/?*>— The eartenaioi garian peace mission to reply by the allied governments wilj “J posed' that the Bulgarian pea or reXnmed to Paris has brongl i" that- it will be conunnnicatcc morrow. :n BKRT.m, —Emtilating tft ear^ in October forced tbeir t tier and joined the Iron divisi' ch iment stationed at Thorn to g tior, h(u carried out a similai 10 , heit. The men are said to at -T mont. Jf; NEW YORK, (flV-Albert ] lie son, 7., M. 0. A. secretaries, the Bolsheviki on tho Archang havo beon released, accordi state department received by cil of tho Y. M. C. A. here 1 workers they were serving^ i the Murmansk and Archange! state department had been 1 through the embassy in Swec MEXICAN HOUSE LIMITS « PRESIDENTIAL POWERS Oovemment Minority £«ares Ohatnber PTBTwitlng rinal Action on . Proposal WASniKfiTON', {;P)—The Merica.. liousf nf deputies hn« voted gcnernl jipprriv.nl of n pmpon.Tl to withdraw e* ^ fraordinnry powrr" cranted to iProii- , «lent C.irranM two ye.irn neo und"r which he decreed mnny I. tw*. neeord- ing lo advice* tod.'iy ftom Mexico CU~, but when effort* wpre mnd" to co.i- 'y firm lhr action in detail, fhr govern- ed’, went Riloority Ufi Ihe ehnmber ia .* body. Thin w.m repente.l three lime* in a ninclr *es*inB, and tark of n quor om prevented final netion. “® A propoiwl to’ invite Lnta Cahrera. seeretnry of the ilepartment of fi- o* n.mee, io addreM the hon»e on- the fO" tneasure, w.*i« ahftndoned l>eeau*e of nnti-ndmini<ttr.'illon hoililitv. In •onil' .lunrter* the nrtion of the Jiftune w.n interpreted n» a form 'f PS rrpri»jil for Ihe refiiwl of the ejees- fivr to npprovp addilonal p.\v for la f meml><*r«. Thin wa* denied l.y m.tjor- of- itv-member*. >nt The extraordin.iry power* gave Pre»* OT ' ident Carransa authority fo decr*e e*t Ifiwu on any wMtrr havitic to do wllh revenues. HO CARRYING THE FU IL L S TWIU rjoaa, n>*Ha IMINEBSIlEJECr ' PBOPflSmSTfl MEeTSTR IKE Abrupt Ending of Conference viitli Operators Coavened by Secretary of Labor is indi- ... eated in W orkers’ Decision PRODUCTIO i T o F COAL TO (J STOP WITHOUT NEW OFFER President* of Employes' Organ- isation Says Suggestion is Indefinite, Inadequate and Fails to Meet Situation WASHINGTON, (/PWThc United MJno Workers of America today form- ally rojeetod tho proposal by Soerotary Wilnon for sotttenient of tho co.nl striko enlled for November 1. John L. Lowln, president of the min- cm organlr.nlioii, unnouneed thnt tho projiosaJ waS Indefinite, lna<lequatc and fnilod to meet the nituntion. Ifo add- ed that ho would so report to tho joiat . eonferenee this nfU*moou. Oolnddesce S Officers wr 'tho Unitod Mine Wirk- ors of Amcrica, In a formol et.-itemnnt, deelarod “ Secrotary W ilson's proposl* tioa aad tUo proposition of thxi ivpeA- « tors nre not only alike, but both follow ] '* exactly tho lines laid down by Senator ) Frcllngliuyaoji la bis spcccb In (ho m-n* t ate In which ho undertook to diselono i tho basis on which tho operntofH would i ^ doal with tlio minors." 1 I “ This romnrkablo slmilorlty," th.f I It- ntatomcnt added, “ wos.ot leam un ex- ’] traonli'nary coincidence." Before tho joint confercDcc bognii It * was nnnounccd that tho operaiors had ’ f*® necepfed the Wilson plnn for i.'ttllii^ ' d* (ho ntrike. _ . ' . Predict EeJecUon • ] ® Thnt Secretary Wilnon’n projwnal far sotUemeut of IIk* conl ntriko would be , . 1 , rejected 1>y the miners, officers of tho , J*‘ United Mino Workers of America an- , nnunred today on their wny to a moot- int; cnlleil to fiirmulnte nn nnawcr. j 11* This was tnken lo monn Ihat the joint R- eonfercnce with operntom thin atter to noon would end nbruptly. Johu L. .Ivowin, prenideut of tbo I !dj I'nited Mine Workers of .Anierien, re- ch iterated thnf the union would conald- vo er u(t offer of pctlletlienl that failed if fo f'rnnt the demnnd by Ihc iiilnern for i n five-'dnj- week. BWS EVENJtS^ ion of time accorded to the Bal- >Iy to the peace terms submitted viU expire tomorrow. It is sup- >eace delegation which recently Qght.the Bulgarian answer and ted to the supreme conncil to- ig the Angerburg Jaegers, who lr way across the Prussian fron- ision in Letvia, an infantry reg- >guard the Oerman-Polisb fron- ■ lar coup, according to the Fret- .0 have complete winter equip* rt r. Ooyle and Clinton W. Arc-, BS, who have been prisoners oi' . ingel front since early in August, rding to a telegram from the by tho national war work coun- e today. With 107 other "T’ . f with the allied expedition on gel fronts when captured, Tho n trying to effect their release ?cden. . I ENGLAND TO RE-OPEN IS EMBASSY iN GERMANY ber Ulsslen of Selby to Berlin for tbe Par* I pose of B*«mbllsblng Diplomat. la BeUUoaa ,g„ . I.ON'DON, (/p)Announeement ft i-nl n«nde fhat Ihe mission of Walford II. fx M. Selby lo Berlin will be fhe re-open- ing of the Rrl(i*h embasny and the rc- ewtablinhmrnl -of diplomafie relation* pj. between Oreat Britain' and Oermanv. l»jThi* will be followed hv the appoinl- o>i-|ment of.a regular Rriliih rharge rn. j "I'.iffaire^ and the *ob*equent ■elec- , ^(fioti of nrt amba*Midor to Oermaay. n«.*i ll ha* net bren decided when Pran- or jrl* Oswald Lindley, nrifinh high eom- lmis»iontr nt Vienna, will a*rome hi* jdutie», but it in believed he will go fj.'fo the .fu,'<trian eapilnl within a few the WOOLEKS aEMADT mOH \XASUiyGTO-s7 (/P)—No reduetion' e*. iri prire* of British wonlenn i« fo he! for'i eip<^fed fnr at leant Iwo yeari«, ae-^ jor. I Girding to a report af the deparfmenl j (of roromerre todsy. The woolen »ilua- .(.y. [lion in England in more aeriou.* than I r*^jit haa been for year*, »-ny» the report, jUj nnd prire* have advanceil wUKla the. , Ia*t mouth. | FULL DAY LEASED WIR D A IL THUBSDA.'T, OOTOBSA S3, 1010 IH T , niT UPK President Turns to Peoples’ Repre ice New Machinery Out of Wreck c by by Withdrawal of Lab&r Groui: di- able to Employers and Emplo; " WEHAVE WITHDRAW MATTER FOR VS, G WASHDIOTOK, (fi>> 7:: 70 Dt of dustrial conference President Wil machinery to bring about industi ^ a message to Chairman Lanie. he a >nd tatives in the oonferenoe oontinu port to him. iD fllLM l'* £ PLIfiHTRECfli. dd- Beats Time of Maynard by f„ ' - Nearly Ten Hours, and of st rk- Smith Sixteen Minutes mt, Ml* WASHINOTON, (JP) —<?omputntioii of tho flying time of Captain Lowell low n. Smitli’ between Snn Prnneineii nn-l tor Mineola nnd rolurn in tho trnnn-con* 1" I-n* tincntal alrplnne content nhown ho "r ono riiiide the round trip in -'i? hours, 50 f«' Illd minutes nnd -17 seconds, Ihe nir norv- cl lee nniuiunced today. The figures, th.f the stntoifTent iinid. were nub,jeet fp ci OX' poKsiblo corroclloiu Thu time nnnouneed for Cnptnin J. 1 ll O. Donnldnon yenterdny and which ^I: sad neatly ten hourn belter thnn tbnl ju )„^ made by Lieutenani B. W. Maynard, ,,, WII* .*7 Imiirn, minuten nnd H7 hoc- iinds, a litlle more thnn 10 minute* fiiKier thnn Sin.ilh’n performance. Y*" Westbound, Cnptnin Smith’s limo h p wnn 2fi hourn, 13 niinntun nnd 2H ner- ,, onds: enntbound .'11 hour*, .17 minutts ^ nnd’ HI aeconda. bi oot- . --------- 8 HEBIDAN OOMP£t £8 WITH •int WOBTKINQTON AT PINiaH ter ____ -, CIUCAflO, W>>—Lieutennnt H. W„ tho UliurUlan. castMund, and Licutennat re- n. S. Worthington, tho Inst of tho aid- weslbouud aviators bnttlod today fo' iled the hi>nof'’bf flni»Wi«g- aixth In the for nrmy trnnn-eontlrientnl nir rnce. Lieutennnt Sheridan enrly today wan reporied nt Munduln,'lll.. nnd cx-! ' perted li> rench Mineoln, N. Y., tomor-j I rnw. Lieutennnt Worthington was :»t|^ « Hoek Inlniid,. 111., whpr'o hu hns bcon' % detnined by vDginc trouble for 48 *^ | licKirn. He expects lo arrive nt Snn ---- ’ Franrinei) tomorrow afternoon. TWO PLANES FAU. IN . v STBONG WIND AT BAWIJN08 UAWLINOK, WYO., (A>>—The plnno j ilriven l.y Lieutennnt Haynes, with w Hergcant Coh-mnn a* u piinsenger, in ln the 4rnn(rconllnental air raco, was|d wrerked hero this morning when Ihojtl idiot slnrled to hopoff. Neither o fN Ihe men was injujtfd. T Entry No. 38, iflloted by Lieutenant tl Oinh, enntlK)iind, also was wreckcd in m Innding. The pilot escaped injury. The . Oish mnehine, it in'believed, can bo tejmlred and cotitUiuo the flight, b\it A file plane of Lieutenant Hngby wan f, BO b.-idly niniinhed il will. Im'vr to bo H shipped oill of Knwlingn. tl Holh neeidt-nls were due to a strong, t) winil nweej'ing aeronn I'he rontrol ^ieM. 1c) The g.nle enught the llnynen plane *.» ji it wnn lifting from Ihe ground, ear-, r. ried tho machine inlo a fence, ninp.^h- c. ing prt)[H'llor, ivingn nnd gear. A cro»n ivind e.Might tlie’ plane o( Lieutenant G (iinll jnnl ax it wnn t<elt1ing lo tbe >s ;:rouiid. flirowing the -inueliine on its li noae. . ■•' ■; POLICElLSieS’ ; mOmiSONTHREAT” = t One Man Fatally Wounded and ^ My Another Seriously Injured > ™' in Melee * Pnr- , t- YOUNGSTOWN,,0., <iTV-Oae m i^ , wan fatally wounded and another seri- ounly Injured when police broke up two n attempts &l »r*on by Btriking ‘ ” - ateol, worker* early today. P®” ' Joarhim Magspaao will die, while \ Giuseppe Paglo, who wa* shot above : the heart, Is in a critical condition. “•"T' A group of ntriklng Serbian* and i ***” ■ Italian* held a secret meeting lo Brier hill and decided, it is alleged, to buiji ' the house* of sever*! *en ^»bo eon- tinued to work. Learning of tho plan, •om- Poiif« l«y in ^ i t for Ihe atrlkei^ Tbree < hi* *^'‘^l’i*ns had set Tiro to ono boose be* * _ fore they were caught and a group of few ihreejtalian* was surprined attempting <■ to fif« two hfinsei. All are under ar- ^ rest. ' , I EB1TX8H EXPENSES LOWER I fion’ _________ _________________ ^ i he! IX>NDOS. (/P>—la dincunning ni- ■ ae-’tlnnal finance* in. the boute of rom- ^ nent j monn today, J. .Kusfen Chamberlain, ^ lua- chancellor of the exchequer, naid the d thaa I average dally expenditure from .\pril Tort, 1 to September HO. thi* year was » t h e . -t.22 .',OO0 -pound* and frotn OeSeWr \ t (to October 1J>. if wa^ pound*. 1 gg REPORT OF THE y .Y N] “PiBLEiSI^ DPUBLIC’S resentatives in Attempt to Build^ of National Conference Caused jp; Hopes for Program Accept- oyes , • VN AND THAT ENDS 70MPERS DECLARES >f the, wreck of the national in- ilBon today sought to build new trial peace in tbe country. In asked that the publio represen- lUe their work and m^ike a re: ' It tbe hope of tbe prextdent and other Administration offleUla tbat tbe public delegates, wbo were appointed b7 Mr. Wilson asd wbo represent botb empIOTers aad work- ers. can' fomolato a ptOKraauna Wblcb will be accepUble to capital aad labor. After announcing thnt ho hnd, eeived Ircnidcnt Wilnon'n mensago, Chairman Lano declared tho national induntrlnl confercnce nn originally con- ntltuteil niljourned and immediately eiilhd the menibe/^K of tho publio gro'jp Into nesslun ns n new conference. . Oftpltal'a Ajisent Doubtful 'Vhether cnpHnl's roprcsontativvi would nsnent tJ the nrrnngem'ent pro- poned remained lo bl^ developed. Thoir npokesnien said, thnt they hnd stood for whnt thoy regnrdod as junt prin- ciples and were contcnt to roj^ tbeir cnso before tho public on tho confer* ence rocord. I>aaa BxpUlns Cfbange ' Seeretnry Lnno told tho delegates that withdrawal of tho labor group had chnngcd tho nature of the confer- ence. He nnid ho had booa commln* nioned 'by thu prenident to explain to tbo omploycra group tho chnnged no -' turu of Ihu confereneo nnd lo any-tlmt | Hie prenident denircd tho public group' to reninin in sesaiou to cnrry oti tboi work Inasmuch as the burden of tho re-1 suits of Industrial disputes fnll uUU- mately on tho public. . | “ I know tbat tbe people of tbe -United BUtes a n greater tbaa . lUy part of tbat people," udd Blr. Idme, “ aad aa » body tb«7 wlil move forward ngardleos of claab- j es between the Interest*. Tbrf pnb- < Uc group will b« ftaked to make niggestlonfl and to give advice as to tbe indiurtilal policy of tbe cQunty>tbesAto-b« presented to tbe president." After the'conferenco yrnn ndjourned, ilr. Laou said U 'Wns probablo tb» president' would Increnne tho membor- nhip of Ihe public group so aa to make thnt body moro reproscntallvo. Or- ganized labor may bp asked to par- ticipato through delegates to bo named by the presldeat. \ ^ Probable Orgaaicatlon The public Teprcscntnllves probably will nnme 8Ub-eommittce« to study nnJ roport cn various phases of tho in-' dustrial situation, and then confK)lldalc thoir findings into . the pronounce- ment of tho conference, Mr. Lnno said. This courso is similnr to that urged un tho original eonferenre by tbo chair- Gompers Makes SUtement Samuel Gompers, prosident of the American 'Fedcrnllon of Labor, in a formal ntntemcnt todny, reiterato-l that unlcnn tho employers’ group in the conference ngrreil to Iho declnrn- tion that tho workcrn witl'iout din- criminntion hnd the right to organize it wnn worne thnn ii!«elen» for lnl«ir‘n reprencniativen to eonliiiue the doUb- wilhdr.iwn,” n,iid Mr. Compere, “ and thnt md* il nn far n* wu .nto concerncd. Wt- arv' n n t jvinijT- ing jacks. Wc nro not only men re- sponsible ns citlrcnn, but renponniblg. lo mllliiinn of worVern. ' ■'The reprcsi'nfalivi'.ii of thi' public group, largely ctnployi'rH and people who Imve been antngonintir to flu- lii- l>«r r:iu!ic and labor niov.-mrnl, vote.I in fnvor of our ileclar.ifion. “ Information has eome to mc that the employc-rn group, in their confer - ence-, votod against tlie deelarnlion by a mnjority of one. I am quite con- vinced thnt those , employers in tbat group who voted agatoal the deelara- tjon are unreprcaentatlvo of tbe intol* ligrat fair-minded cmployera of the countrv.*' IDAHO WEATEEB Tonight and Friday raia or anoW; coolcr tonight south portion. LEADER OF AMERIC. ARMENIA FELU CONSTANTINOl'LE, — Major General JameS O. Harbord. bead of the Amerieau to Arwcala, \va* /nngrafiilatcil u]>on hia arrival here on hi* rnrape from captur-; by ban-, dit* a few tnilps from Mn^ot .Vrarat' while tho nlMlon wp.* r-tariiog to Erivan. Part of the mission wa* at* | larked and held prisoperx for a few ; hours on Sept. .Irt by Kurd', Tn'»«-s ; and Turk*, who flred upon the automo- 1 bile* rarr>'ing the .Vmcrj'-a*v several ; of the raiiwxon narrowly escaping deafh>-.. The attack came while tbi- c.iravaa ; wa* proceeding htrough the valley of i the .Praxes, but fonoaately Geaeral; Harbord'a car had rtiched :hi- plain; ! ASSOCIATED PRESS^ ^ ' E w a i ■PBIOB raVB:0EN-fr.': V-4 SOLUTION DELEGATES fm itERSURGE , SPECm iET ! OFlF.flPL A Illinois Federation of Labor Re- i- quests Gompere to Convene Convention to Deal with In- dustrial Prciblems PEOBIA, III., FoUofring tbo withdrawal of tho labor grcjyi from tho induatrlal conference at 'wiuhisff- ton, tho. IIUqoU Federation of Labor convention this nomiag', authorised the aendlnjr of n mcsMgo to SAottiel ff Oompers, preaideat of tbe American 0, Kedorntlon pf Labor, and to members Ki of tho cxoe.utive council, urging .the ii. immediato issuance of a eaU-for a ly spocifljl convention oT tho Amtylean ip Fedoratlcn of Labor in Waahlngton. Would X&Tita Biotbarlieods Tho massage urges tbat tbe official m representatWes of tbe railway brotb- 0- erboods be Invited to participate, the ir objoct of tho meeting to b« the “ per-, id feetlng of an offonsrve aad defensive a- ^llaace'of tbo lAtefbAtldSal tulons of ir tho Unitod States and Canada and the ir* railway brotherhoods moro effectively to fight out the Ilfo aad death etrnggles the workers sow in progreas and 0, fnpending."' Tbe measago aiaailfl tbe ,p “ steel truat" for njotboda used in the ,r. prosent strlVo and saya ' ‘ too loag baa labor pcrmlHcd theso. tyrants to keop to tho workers on^ho defensive." a- ^ Propofo Aaseesmeats I Tho message also asks that Included ^l* 1In tbe call as ono of tbe objects of - [“’(the proposed meeting be “ the levying '^' lof nn nnsessment upon overy orgaiuxed worker in tho United SUtcs and Can* ada of not less* than one*fourth of his net earnings and opoa every offieer of • organized labor not less than fifty per cent o,f bin salary nntll the objects of i this drive be aecompllibed. ’' 1 ... -------------- 'OOBfPBBS DECLINES TO COUMBKT OK FBOPOSAI. , WASHINGTON, (/?)—Samuol Gom pers, prcMdent of the American Fed* , ernlion of Labor, declined today to comment on tho action of tbe UlinoU Federation of Labor In urging a spe- rial ronvention of the national organ^- , zation tn deal w ith. induatrlal prob- ;; Lmn. . •' 'SfW illlieTEIIIIISIEIIIIIII ’{mKffiSUHEMBK lc :<j- Tie Up in Sxpross Service Ends as Strikers Accept Iffines* ir- Promise ; .NEW YOBIC, (fl>>-Membera of tho Internalional Union of Teamstera, ^ Chauffeurs and Helpers, whoso atrike ten dnya ago resulted in n comploto tic up In exprc*n scrvico here, returned to work todoy. Walker P. llinen. United Staten rnil- *.'• rond vlirevtor, bnd warned tbem tbal inili-n* llio ntrike wan terminated he would neml trooj's lo New York to re- . plnce the ntrikern. Ho promlaed Iho men that he would neck to have the w.igo adjuntmcnt bonrd return a de- cinion on fheir dcmnndn bv Novom- d c ______ IJ. HINEB DENIES THREAT ,K. TO USE TSOOPS IN STEIKE - l;'j WAKHINOTOX, (;p)—Director Orn- eral Hinen todny denied published re- lai portn Ihat he had threatened to have cr- troop* nent to S’cw York to take the hy place of exprens strikers, ja* ■■ jat AGREE 'UPON COONTZ WASHINGTON, (/P) — Bepublirau member* of Ihe *cn«t«* naval commit tee announced loday thal ttielr obj<c lion to confirmation of Admiral Connt/ as chief of nnvnl oj>erntlonn, had been willulrawn. Conf irmation of tb>' nom- 'W; {nation at the noxt executive nr**ion of the ncn.Tte in planned. CAN MISSION TO jICITATED ON ESCAPE jor; leading to Erivan beforo tho nttaek ofl was msde. It Is beUeved tbot had he ra* ;-bee* caplurtd, be would havo Veea tre ; beld for ransom by tbe bondit«. m-1 The original reason for tbo attack a t I appears to be tbat bands wbo -ve war- to ■rinir with the ArnieaJaBt dotibtrd ihe at. I nationality of the AmericaQ*. After I'W: tho bandit chiefs had a^nrod thrm- rs : *ebrse_tblt-tbalB prieoacrs Ww*ro rrally 10-1 Americana they were released aad most ■;il: of tbeir property, wbieb had b^n ng stolen, was given back to tbem. \Vhat happened to the tal««o>» is aa an i almost daily occurrenes la fhat see* of I tioa, where raiding bands ar” rjnvoal ral 1eo&slantly deati^pag protperona ^ * linilages, both AraeiUaa aad Moalea.

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T w i r2. IffO. 168 J


Pleads in Senate that Question of Ettuallzing Votina Power

K in League B r Considered from National Standpoint 1L E N R O O T O F F i n S D H A F T


S tiag rees w ith O alifo r^a Sen­io r Oror ProoediTO to Be Adopted in Safeguarding the American^ laterests

3 ^ 9 H IN a T O N 7 - : (yp)— U ridnff .h isnmondmont to «qunllEC v o lin ;; power in tho leoffuo aascmbly, S puntor John- non, republican, C aliforn ia, to d a / plondod ia tho nenato th n t tho quos- tion bo coDBldcred from a nn tional

.ittandpoint o n l/ . E very o th e r na tion , lie Baid,’wa« aetlHKMin its own n a tio a a l Intereat.

tro d n tlw treaty, b« taid, Brlt>" Ish coloaiss SQlgbt secv e plMos on th» Idasna oooocU aa well as ths asssabljr, tbe, way havlox boen paved 'Wben the pooes confereocs rixod tbslr au to s as tb a t o f ‘ 'aep- arata, dtstlsct aad w m relgn ■UUs’*.I t waa only “ the pnll o f In terne-

tionnlisiD” , deelarod th e C alifo rn ia senator," w hieh Influenced sena to rs to oppoao m akinj; Amoricnn reprosonta* tio a In tho lo o ^ o «<\util to t lm t o f any o ih c r nations.

Wbjr Is Fear?'* 'n ^ a t is th is unholy t h in g " asked

tho gpoakor, " t h a t m akes u s f e a r io elnim /o r onr eoun try the th in g th a t is l icT 'd aa? ..A ta08t ovorywhoro i t is ic - «eptod th a t (Im U nited S ta to s is en*

. t i tle d to a s m any vo te s a s an y pow er in the world. I t ia n ’t denied in Ea- rope; i t is n ’t denied in C anada, and U i» d^nlpd in tln> U nllt'd S ta te s sen- oio a lo n o " .

S enntor Johnson naaailed w h a t ho called th e “ Anjflo-Janonoso p.ress” In thin country, w hich he declnred w.'is rendy to /* ' clob • and b ludgeon” nny

,cnp who spoko fo r A m 6rirnn Intorostn ARninst tbo Intorcat o f th e B ritish or Japnncdo empiro.

BeservaUexu Ul Debat*The com m ittee 's new roacr\'n tion

progrnm c o t in to tlio deb a te w hen Senator Lenroot, republican, Wi«eou- din, took exception to a reported stato* m ent by Sena to r H llcbcock, tho nd- inliilfltrnHon leader, th n t th e commjl- tei* pream ble re<iuinnK sp e c if ic ' Ac- ccptnnce o f th«* reservationn by throo o f the principal powom would require ncgotiotion o f tho tre a ty . Sena to r L.enroot aold ho could no t believo Sen-

‘ a to r H ltcheock held n viow so eienrly erroncou*. A ction by Ihe powers, ho •aid , could bo tiad hy no tes th rough the usual diplom atic channels.

A ttnckini; tho Johnson am endm eiil S ennfo r 'L en roo t declared i t did “ not p ro tec t a aingle American rig h t nor «nfeguaril any Amoricnn In te re s ts " jn d -iirg e d , iaate.a<lf n stro n g reserv a­tion regiirdiag equa lity o f v o ting :n the league.

Learoot Offers .Besenratlon P*nntor Lenroot iire jen tcd a d ra f t

o f n rcnervation whieh would provide thnt tho U nited S tn tea should iM t bo liound by any league dcclition in w hicli jiny nation nnd ita doinlniona land had more thnn one vote.

Benntor L enroot nnlil he rnuld not Atnnil w ith sonntors neeklng to de fea t Ihe trea ty .

S e n n to r C o lt, r e p u b li rn n , H ho d o ' fa- lo n d , declare<l tl ie J o l in io n n tn e n d m c n t “ n h w li i le ly u n w o rk n b lp , im p m e ti e n h lc n n d u n ju n t . " H o f a v o r e d t V L e n ro o t re se rv n f io n nn “ th e b e a t w n y to T u r e th e • in e q im li ty o f v o t in g ” in l l i i le-ague.


Anti-Bolahovik Troops Take Armed Oity SO H ilea W est

of CapitalLONDON, ( f f V ^ a s n a i a G orka, a

fo r tif ie d c ity abont 30 miles w est o f P e trog rad , has boon token b y antl-Bol* shev ik troops, according to H elsing­fo rs advico*. A dvices received here -u y a aevere strugg le i s In progVess aiz- iuid one-half miles aouth o r P e tro g rad .

General D enikino has again defea ted . . 1>6 n o lfh e \ik l in tbo V olga rrg ion , h a v ­

in g driven the soviet foreen baek n«;ar Kamyahin, no rth o f T earlU yn, acco rd ­ing to • w^ireless message r«ceived from

' tb e Deniicine headquartera.* ,T h o Mviek governm ent, on the o th e r hand, claim s to have broken in tho apex o f tho g rea t w edge driven n o rth ­w ard tow ard Moscow by th e D enlklae arm y, tho villages o f Ri'evnk, and Kro* my hav ing been U ken.


PA RIS, yP) — Tho Am erican re lla f adm in istra tioa h as sold fo o d sto ffs sof-

.fie ien t to snpply P e tro g rad fo r aboo t th ir ty days, tho snpplies be ing prtr* e h a s ^ fo t aoenritiea b y the no rthw eat 'BnMiaa govenuM B t

g i f


F ATime Mmt Turn

Backward Next Sunday M6rning

O I 'P IC IA I^ o7 th a O rcgoti' Bhort Lino railrond havo is*

— bued Instructions to nil em*I ’ ptoyoes to sot boek tim epieces I nex t Sundny morning, O ctobcr 20.

W ntehes an d eloelu, wherever fouiid in thu sctv lec o f tUo Tall­

i n rond company m ust bo se t back oni^ hour n t S o 'c lock Sunday

s r m orning so th a t th e in d le a tln g , hands dnd fingera w ill represent

Increase in Freight N : Ratea to Be Sought

W ASHINGTON, (<IV-Im m odiato stops w ill b e tak en b y tho railroad eompanios to obtfiio a o increase in

le f re ig h t ra tes , I t w as anaouneod t o - ' d a y a f te r a lengthy conference bo* twoen D irocto r'G eneral H in e r and roprescnU lSves of tho ossoelatton o f

ils ra ilw ay oieeotlTes. e r ' ' M r. Hl'nos re ite ra ted hiflpravioua n* decision n o t to mhko a gonoral re* ay ad justm en t o f ra te s d u rin g federal ts- contro l o f thd roads, b u t o ffe red to itJ a ss is t tbo companies w ith all tho

S in form ation tho railroad adm inis­tra tio n has.

S ecretary of Commerce Pro- la poBQB Organisation a t Inter •'■I national Meet^7 "■

A TLA N TIC CITY, N. J . , ( /p )_ F o r­m ation In th is country o f a credit-

9d g ran tin g organisation to purchaso se- ^ ciiritics oC strugg ling foreign nationa

was urged n t tho in te rna tiona l trado n . conference today b y Secre ta ry Bed- OT fie ld . Tho, o rg a n lu tlo n , w h lth woold ip. bo superviacd b y tho federa l ronervo Jd board, would bo cap ita lized n t between n* fiv e hundred m illion and ono billion

dollars and would issuo bondn o f email no denom ination and low in te rest to bo In sold horo.•'« The aecretary said fh a t several bil* l y Uon dollars would bo needed by strug- Its g ling nations Jii tho noxt few y ears to

p lacc them selves on a firm footing.“ I hope and b e lie v e ," h n 'ad d ed ^

“ th a t wo shall open our doors much sn moro freely th a n we do now .to rccelvo on goods from abroad. We cannot nell if '«• wo do not b n y ."

a. — ~ — — ■■ ■ - = jl- I------------- -----------------------------------------------

” WORLD NEor !------------------------------ , ---------•n- .iy PABIS, (/?*>— The eartenaioi

garian peace mission to reply by the allied governments wilj

“J posed' th a t the Bulgarian pea or reXnmed to Paris has brongl i" that- it will be conunnnicatcc


BKRT.m, —Emtilating tft e a r ^ in October forced tbeir t

tier and joined the Iron divisi' ch im ent stationed a t Thorn to g

tior, h(u carried out a similai 10, heit. The men are said to at -T mont.

Jf; NEW YORK, (flV -A lbert ] lie son, 7., M. 0. A. secretaries,

the Bolsheviki on tho Archang havo beon released, accordi s ta te departm ent received by cil of tho Y. M. C. A. here 1

workers they were serving^ i the Murmansk and Archange! sta te departm ent had been 1 through the embassy in Swec


O ovem m ent M inority £ « a re s Ohatnber PTBTwitln g r in a l A ction on

. Proposal

W A SniK fiTO N ', {;P)—The M erica.. liousf n f deputies hn« voted gcnernl jipprriv.nl of n pmpon.Tl to w ithdraw e*

^ fraordinnry pow rr" cran ted to iProii- , «lent C .irranM two ye.irn neo und"r

which he decreed mnny I.tw*. neeord- ing lo advice* tod.'iy ftom Mexico CU~, bu t when effort* wpre mnd" to co.i-

' y firm lh r action in detail, fh r govern­ed’, w e n t Riloority U fi Ihe ehnm ber ia .*

body. Thin w.m repente.l three lime* in a n inclr *es*inB, and tark o f n quor om preven ted fina l netion.

“ ® A propoiwl to’ invite Lnta Cahrera.seeretn ry o f the ilepartm ent o f fi-

o* n.mee, io addreM the hon»e on- the fO" tneasure, w.*i« ahftndoned l>eeau*e of

nnti-ndmini<ttr.'illon hoililitv .In •onil' .lunrter* the nrtion of the

Jiftune w .n interpreted n» a form ' f PS rrpri»jil fo r Ihe refiiw l o f the e jees-

fiv r to npprovp addilonal p.\v for la f meml><*r«. Thin wa* denied l.y m.tjor- of- itv-m em ber*.>nt The extraordin .iry power* gave Pre»* OT' ident C arransa au thority fo decr*e e*t Ifiwu on any w M trr havitic to do w llh



I L L STWIU rjoaa, n>*Ha


MEeTSTRIKEA b r u p t E n d i n g o f C o n f e r e n c e

v i i t l i O p e r a t o r s C o a v e n e d b y

S e c r e t a r y o f L a b o r i s i n d i -

. . . e a t e d in W o r k e r s ’ D e c i s io n

P R O D U C T IO iT o F C O A L T O

( J S T O P W I T H O U T N E W O F F E R

President* of Employes' Organ­isation Says Suggestion is Indefinite, Inadequate and Fails to M eet Situation

W ASHINGTON, (/P W T hc U nited MJno W orkers o f A m erica today fo rm ­ally rojeetod tho proposal b y Soerotary Wilnon fo r so ttten ien t o f tho co.nl s triko enlled fo r N ovem ber 1.

John L. Lowln, p residen t o f th e min- cm organlr.nlioii, unnouneed th n t tho projiosaJ waS Indefin ite , lna<lequatc and fnilod to m eet th e nituntion. Ifo add­ed th a t ho would so report to tho jo ia t . eonferenee th is nfU*moou.

O olnddesce

S O fficers wr 'th o U nitod M ine W irk- ors o f Am crica, In a form ol et.-itemnnt, deelarod “ S ecro tary W ilso n 's proposl* tio a aad tUo p roposition o f thxi ivpeA- « to rs nre n o t only a lik e , b u t both follow ]

'* exactly tho lines la id down b y Senato r ) Frcllngliuyaoji la b is spcccb In (ho m-n* t a te In which ho undertook to diselono i tho basis on which tho operntofH would i

doal w ith tlio m in o rs ." 1I “ This rom nrkablo s lm ilo r lty ," th .f I

It- ntatomcnt added, “ w o s.o t leam un ex- ’] traonli'nary co in cid en ce ."

Before tho jo in t confercDcc bognii It * w as nnnounccd th a t tho operaiors had ’

f*® necepfed the W ilson plnn fo r i . 'ttllii^ ' d* (ho ntrike. _ . ‘ '

. P re d ic t EeJecUon • ]® T hnt S ecre tary W ilnon’n projwnal fa r

sotUemeut o f IIk* conl n triko would be , .1, rejected 1>y th e m iners, o fficers o f tho , J*‘ U nited Mino W orkers o f Am erica an- ,

nnunred today on th e ir wny to a moot- int; cnlleil to fiirm ulnte nn nnawcr. j

11* T his was tnken lo monn Ih a t the jo in t R- eonfercnce w ith operntom thin a t te r to noon would end nbruptly .

Jo h u L. .Ivowin, prenideut of tbo I !dj I 'n ite d M ine W orkers o f .Anierien, re- ch ite ra ted thnf the union would conald- vo e r u(t o ffe r o f pctlletlienl th a t failed i f fo f'rnn t the dem nnd by Ihc iiilnern fo r i

n five-'dnj- week.

BWS EVENJtS^ion of time accorded to the Bal- >Iy to the peace term s submitted viU expire tomorrow. I t is sup- >eace delegation which recently Qght.the Bulgarian answ er and ted to the supreme conncil to-

ig the Angerburg Jaegers, who lr w ay across the Prussian fron- ision in Letvia, an in fantry reg- > guard the Oerman-Polisb fron- ■ la r coup, according to the Fret- .0 have complete w inter equip*

rt r . Ooyle and Clinton W. A rc-,BS, who have been prisoners oi' . ingel front since early in August, rding to a telegram from the by tho national w ar w ork coun- e today. W ith 107 other "T ’ . f w ith the allied expedition on gel fronts when captured, Tho n trying to effect the ir release ?cden. . I

ENGLAND TO RE-OPEN IS EMBASSY iN GERMANYber U lss len o f Selby to B erlin fo r tb e P ar*

I pose o f B * « m b lls b ln g D iplom at. la BeUUoa a

,g„ . I.ON'DON, (/p)—A nnouneem ent ft i-nl n«nde fhat Ihe mission o f W alford II. fx M. Selby lo B erlin w ill be fhe re-open-

ing o f th e Rrl(i*h embasny and the rc- ewtablinhmrnl -of diplom afie relation*

p j. between O reat B r i ta in ' and Oermanv. l» jT h i* will be followed hv th e appoinl- o>i-|ment o f . a reg u la r R riliih rharge rn . j "I'.iffaire^ and th e *ob*equent ■elec- , ^ ( f io ti o f nrt amba*Midor to Oermaay. n«.*i l l ha* net b ren decided when P ran- or jr l* Oswald L indley, n rifinh high eom-

lm is» ion tr nt V ienna, w ill a*rome hi* jdutie» , but it in believed he will go

f j . ' f o the .fu,'<trian eapiln l w ith in a few the


\XASUiyGTO-s7 (/P)—No reduetion ' e*. iri prire* o f B ritish wonlenn i« fo he! for'i eip<^fed fn r a t leant Iwo yeari«, ae-^ jor. I G irding to a report af th e deparfm enl j

(o f roromerre todsy . The woolen »ilua- .(.y. [ lio n in England in more aeriou.* than I r* ^ j i t haa been fo r year*, »-ny» the report, jUj nnd prire* have advanceil wUKla th e .

, Ia*t m outh. |



I H T, niT UPK

President Turns to Peoples’ Repre ice New Machinery Out of Wreck c by by Withdrawal of Lab&r Groui: di- able to Employers and Emplo;" WEHAVE WITHDRAW

MATTER FOR VS, GW A S H D I O T O K , (fi>>7::7 0 Dt of

dustrial conference President Wil machinery to bring about industi

^ a message to Chairman Lanie. he a >nd tatives in the oonferenoe oontinu

port to him.

iDfllLMl'*£ PLIfiHTRECfli.dd- •

Beats Time of M aynard by f„ ' - Nearly Ten Hours, and of st

rk- Smith Sixteen Minutesm t, —Ml* W ASHINOTON, (JP) — <?omputntioii

of tho fly ing tim e o f C aptain Lowell low n . Smitli’ between Snn Prnneineii nn-l to r M ineola nnd rolurn in tho trnnn-con* 1" I-n* tincn ta l alrp lnne content nhown ho "r ono riiiide the round tr ip in -'i? hours, 50 f«' Illd m inutes nnd -17 seconds, Ihe n ir norv- cl

lee nniuiunced today. The figures, th .f the stntoifTent iinid. were nub,jeet fp ci OX' poKsiblo corroclloiu

Thu tim e nnnouneed fo r Cnptnin J.1 ll O. Donnldnon yenterdny and w hich I: sad nea tly ten hourn b e lte r thnn tb n l ju )„^ made by L ieutenani B. W. M aynard, ,,,

WII* .*7 Imiirn, minuten nnd H7 hoc- iinds, a li t l le more thnn 10 minute* fiiKier thnn Sin.ilh’n perform ance.

Y*" W estbound, Cnptnin S m ith ’s limo h p wnn 2fi hourn, 13 niinntun nnd 2H ner- ,,

onds: enntbound .'11 hour*, .17 m in u tts ^ nnd’ HI aeconda. bi

oot- . ---------8 H E B ID A N O O M P £ t£ 8 W IT H

•int W O BTK IN Q TO N A T P IN ia Hte r ____ -,

CIUCAflO, W>>—L ieu tennn t H . W„ tho UliurUlan. castM u n d , and L icu ten n a t re- n . S. W orth ington , tho Inst o f tho

aid- weslbouud av ia to rs bn ttlod today fo ' iled th e hi>nof'’bf flni»Wi«g- aixth In the fo r nrmy trnnn-eontlrientnl n ir rnce.

L ieutennnt Sheridan enrly today ■ wan reporied n t M u n d u ln ,'lll.. nnd cx-! '

perted li> rench M ineoln, N. Y., tom or-j I rnw. L ieu tennnt W orthington w as : » t |^

« Hoek Inlniid,. 111., whpr'o hu hns bcon'% detnined by vDginc trouble fo r 48 *|

licKirn. He expects lo a rriv e nt Snn ---- ’ Franrinei) tomorrow afternoon.


UAWLINOK, WYO., (A>>—The plnno j ilriven l.y L ieutennnt H aynes, w ith w Hergcant Coh-mnn a* u piinsenger, i n l n th e 4rnn(rconllnental a i r raco, w a s |d w rerked hero th is m orning when I h o j t l idiot s ln r le d to h o p o ff . N either o f N Ihe men was injujtfd. T

E n try No. 38, iflloted by L ieu ten an t tl Oinh, enntlK)iind, also w as w reckcd in m Innding. The p ilo t escaped in ju ry . The . Oish mnehine, i t in 'b e liev ed , can bo tejm lred and cotitUiuo th e f l ig h t, b \ i t A file plane of L ieu tenan t Hngby wan f, BO b.-idly niniinhed il will. Im'vr to bo H shipped oill o f Knwlingn. tl

Holh neeidt-nls were due to a s tro n g , t) winil nweej'ing aeronn I'he ro n tro l ^ieM. 1 c) The g.nle enught the llnynen p lane *.» ji it wnn lif tin g from Ihe ground, e a r - , r. ried tho m achine inlo a fence, ninp.^h- c. ing prt)[H'llor, ivingn nnd gear. A cro»n ivind e.Might t l ie ’ plane o( L ieu ten an t G (iinll jnn l ax it wnn t<elt1ing lo tb e >s ;:rouiid. flirowing the -inueliine on its li noae. . ■•' ■;


= t One Man Fatally W ounded and

My Another Seriously Injured > ™' in Melee *Pnr- — ,t- Y O U N G STO W N ,,0 ., <iTV-Oae m i^ ,

wan fa ta lly w ounded a n d ano th e r seri- ounly In ju red when police broke up two

n a ttem p ts &l »r*on b y Btriking‘ ” - ateol, worker* early today.P®” ' Joarh im M agspaao w ill d ie , w hile \ G iuseppe Paglo, w ho wa* shot above :

the heart, Is in a c ritic a l condition.“•"T' A group of n trik lng Serbian* and i ***” ■ Ita lian* held a secret m eeting lo B rie r

hill and decided, i t is a lleged, to bu iji ' the house* of sever*! * e n ^»bo eon-

tinued to work. L earn ing o f tho plan , •om- Poiif« l«y in ^ i t fo r Ihe a tr lk e i^ T b ree <

hi* * '‘ l’ i*ns h ad se t Tiro to ono boose be* * _ fore they w ere caught and a group o f ‘

few ih re e jta lia n * w as surprined a tte m p tin g <■ to fif« two hfinsei. A ll a re un d e r ar- res t. '

, I

EB1TX8H E X P E N S E S LO W ER If io n ’ _________ _________________ ^i he! IX>NDOS. (/P>— la dincunning n i- ■

a e - ’ tlnnal finance* in . the boute o f rom- nent j monn today, J . .Kusfen C ham berlain, ^lua- chancellor o f the exchequer, naid th e d thaa I average dally expenditure from .\p ril Tort, 1 to Septem ber HO. thi* y e a r w as »

th e . -t.2 2 .',OO0 -pound* and frotn OeSeWr \ t( to O ctober 1J>. if wa^ pound*. 1


.Y N ]“PiBLEiSI D PUBLIC’Sresentatives in Attempt to Build of National Conference Caused

jp; Hopes for Program Accept- oyes , •VN AND THAT ENDS 70MPERS DECLARES>f the, w reck of the national in- ilBon today sought to build new tr ia l peace in tbe country. In asked th a t the publio represen- lUe the ir w ork and m^ike a re :

‘ ' I t tbe hope of tbe prextdent and other Administration offleUla tbat tbe public delegates, wbo were appointed b7 Mr. Wilson asd wbo represent botb empIOTers aad work­ers. can' fom olato a ptOKraauna Wblcb will be accepUble to capital aad labor.A fter announcing th n t ho hnd, t»

eeived Irc n id c n t Wilnon'n mensago, Chairm an Lano declared tho national induntrlnl confercnce nn orig inally con- n tltuteil niljourned an d im m ediately e iilhd th e menibe/^K o f tho publio gro'jp Into nesslun ns n new conference. .

Oftpltal'a Ajisent Doubtful 'V hether cnpH nl's roprcsontativv i

would nsnent tJ the nrrnngem 'ent p ro ­poned rem ained lo bl developed. Thoir npokesnien said , th n t they hnd stood fo r w hnt thoy regnrdod as ju n t p r in ­ciples and w ere co n tcn t to ro j^ tb e ir cnso before tho public on tho confer* ence rocord.

I>aaa BxpUlns Cfbange 'Seeretnry Lnno to ld tho delegates

th a t w ithdraw al o f tho labor group h ad chnngcd tho n a tu re o f th e con fer­ence. H e nnid ho had booa commln* nioned 'b y thu prenident to explain to tbo omploycra group tho chnnged n o - ' tu ru o f Ihu confereneo nnd lo an y -tlm t | Hie prenident denircd tho public g roup ' to reninin in sesaiou to cnrry oti tb o i work Inasmuch a s the burden o f tho re-1 su its o f Industria l d ispu tes fn ll uUU- m ately on tho public. . |

“ I know tb a t tbe people of tbe -United BUtes a n greater tbaa . lUy part o f tb a t people," u dd Blr. Idme, “ aad aa » body tb«7 wlil move forward ngardleos of claab- j es between the Interest*. Tbrf pnb- < Uc group will b« ftaked to make niggestlonfl and to give advice as to tbe indiurtilal policy of tbe cQunty>tbesAto-b« presented to tbe president."A fte r t h e 'c o n f e r e n c o yrnn ndjourned,

i l r . Laou s a id U 'Wns probablo tb» president' would Increnne tho membor- nhip o f Ihe public group so aa to m ake th n t body m oro r e p r o s c n ta l l v o . O r­ganized labo r m ay bp asked to par- tic ipa to th rough de lega tes to bo nam ed b y the presldea t. \ ^

Probable Orgaaicatlon T he public T e p r c s c n tn l lv e s probably

w ill nnme 8U b-eom m ittce« to stu d y nnJ roport cn various phases of tho in-' dustria l s itua tion , and then confK)lldalc th o ir f ind ings in to . the pronounce­m ent o f tho c o n fe re n c e , M r. Lnno sa id . T his courso is sim ilnr to th a t urged un tho orig inal eon feren re by tbo chair-

Gompers Makes SUtementSamuel Gompers, p rosident o f the

Am erican 'F edcrn llon of L abor, in a form al ntn tem cnt todny, reiterato-l th a t unlcnn tho em ployers’ group in the conference ngrreil to Iho declnrn- tion th a t tho workcrn witl'iout din- crim inntion hnd th e rig h t to organize i t wnn worne thnn ii!«elen» for ln l« ir‘n reprencniativen to eonliiiue the doUb-

w ilh d r.iw n ,” n,iid Mr. Compere, “ and th n t m d* il nn fa r n* wu .nto concerncd. Wt- arv' nnt jvinijT- ing jacks. Wc nro not only men re ­sponsible ns citlrcnn , b u t renponniblg. lo mllliiinn o f worVern. '

■ 'T h e rep rcs i 'n fa liv i'.i i o f th i ' pu b lic g ro u p , la rg e ly c tnp loy i'rH a n d p eo p le w ho Im ve b e e n a n tn g o n in t i r to flu- lii- l>«r r:iu!ic a n d la b o r n io v .-m rn l, vo te .I in f n v o r o f o u r ile c la r . if io n .

“ Inform ation has eome to m c that th e employc-rn group, in the ir con fer­ence-, votod ag a in s t tlie deelarn lion by a m njority o f one. I am quite con­vinced th n t those , em ployers in tb a t group who v o ted ag a toa l th e deelara- tjon are unrep rcaen ta tlvo o f tb e intol* lig ra t fa ir-m inded cmployera o f the countrv.* '

IDAHO WEATEEBTonight and F rid a y ra ia or anoW;

coolcr to n ig h t south portion.


C O N S T A N T IN O l'L E , — M a jo r G e n e ra l J a m e S O . H a r b o r d . b e a d o f th e A m e rie a u to A rw c a la , \va*/n n g r a f i i la tc i l u]>on h ia a r r iv a l h e re on hi* r n ra p e f ro m c a p tu r - ; b y b a n - , d i t* a f e w tn ilp s f ro m M n ^ o t .V r a r a t ' w h ile th o n lM lo n wp.* r - t a r i i o g to E r iv a n . P a r t o f th e m is s io n w a* a t* | la r k e d a n d h e ld p r iso p e rx f o r a f e w ; h o u rs o n S e p t. .Irt b y K u r d ' , T n '» « - s ; a n d T u rk * , w ho flred u p o n th e a u to m o - 1 b ile* ra r r> 'in g th e .V m crj'-a*v s e v e r a l ; o f th e raiiwxon n a r r o w ly e s c a p in g deafh>-..

The a tta c k came w hile tbi- c .iravaa ; wa* proceeding h trough the valley o f i the .Praxes, b u t fo n o a a te ly G e a e ra l; H a rb o rd 'a ca r had r t ic h e d :hi- p la in ;


E w a i■PBIOB ra V B :0 E N -fr .': V -4


fmitERSURGE , SPECmiET ! OFlF.flPLA Illinois Federation of Labor Re- i- quests Gompere to Convene

Convention to Deal with In­dustrial Prciblems

PEO B IA , III., FoUofring tbo w ithd raw al o f tho labo r grcjy i from tho indua trla l conference a t 'w iuhisff- ton , tho. IIUqoU F ed e ra tio n o f L abor

convention th is n o m iag ', au thorised the aendlnjr o f n mcsMgo to SAottiel

ff Oom pers, p rea id ea t o f tb e American 0, Kedorntlon pf L abor, a n d to m em bers Ki o f tho cxoe.utive council, u rg ing .the ii. im m ediato issuance o f a e a U -fo r a ly spocifljl convention oT th o Am tylean ip F edora tlcn o f L abor in W aahlngton.

W ould X&Tita B io tbarlieods Tho m assage u rges tb a t tb e official

m represen tatW es o f tb e ra ilw ay b ro tb - 0- erboods be In v ited to p a r tic ip a te , the ir ob joct o f tho m eeting to b« the “ p er-, id fee tln g o f a n offonsrve a a d defensive a- ^ l l a a c e 'o f tb o lA tefbA tldSal tu lo n s o f i r tho U nitod S ta te s a n d C anada and th e ir* ra ilw ay bro therhoods m oro effectively

to fight o u t th e Ilfo a a d d ea th etrnggles t h e w orkers sow in progreas and

0, f n p e n d in g ." ' Tbe m easago aiaailfl tb e , p “ steel t r u a t " fo r njotboda used in the ,r. p rosen t strlVo an d saya ' ‘ too lo ag baa

labor pcrm lH cd theso . ty ra n ts to keop to tho w orkers o n ^ h o d e fe n s iv e ." a- P ropofo A aseesm eats

I Tho message also asks th a t Included l* 1 In tb e c a ll as ono o f tb e ob jects o f -

[“’ ( th e proposed m eeting be “ th e levying '^' lo f nn nnsessment upon ov e ry orgaiuxed

w orker in tho U nited S U tc s and Can* a d a o f n o t less* th an one*fourth o f his n e t earn ings a n d opoa e v e ry o ffiee r o f

• o rganized labo r n o t less th a n f i f ty per cen t o,f bin sa la ry n n tll th e ob jects o f

i th is d riv e b e aecom pllibed. ’ '1 . . . --------------•'O O BfPBBS D E C L IN E S TO


, W ASHINGTON, (/?)—Sam uol Gom pers , prcM dent of th e A m erican Fed*

, ern lion o f L abor, declined today to com m ent on tho ac tio n o f tb e UlinoU F edera tion o f L abor In u rg ing a spe- r ia l ronvention o f th e na tiona l organ^-

, za tio n tn dea l w i th . indu a trla l prob- ; ; Lm n. . • '

'SfWilllieTEIIIIISIEIIIIIII ■’{ mKffiSUHEMBKlc —:<j- Tie Up in Sxpross Service Ends

as S trike rs Accept Iffines* ir- Promise

; .N E W YOBIC, (fl>>-M embera o f tho In te rn a lio n a l U nion o f Team stera,

^ C hauffeurs an d H elpers, whoso a trike ten dnya ago resu lted in n comploto tic up In exprc*n scrvico here , re tu rned to w ork todoy.

W alker P . llinen. U nited S taten rnil- *.'• rond vlirevtor, bnd w arned tbem tb a l

inili-n* llio n trike wan te rm ina ted he would neml troo j's lo New Y ork to re-

. p lnce the ntrikern. Ho prom laed Iho men th a t he would neck to have the w.igo ad juntm cnt bonrd re tu rn a de- cinion on fhe ir dcmnndn bv Novom-

d c ______


l;'j W AKHINOTOX, (;p)—D irecto r O rn ­e ra l Hinen todny denied published re-

lai portn Ih a t he had th rea ten ed to have cr- troop* nent to S’cw York to tak e the hy p lace o f exprens strikers , ja* ■■ ■ja t A G REE 'UPON COONTZ

W A SH IN G TO N , (/P) — Bepublirau m em ber* o f Ihe *cn«t«* n av a l commit tee announced loday th a l ttie lr obj<c lio n to confirm ation o f A dm iral Connt/ a s ch ie f o f nnvnl oj>erntlonn, had been w illu lraw n. Conf irm ation o f tb>' nom-

'W; {nation a t the noxt execu tive nr**ion o f the ncn.Tte in planned.

CAN MISSION TO jICITATED ON ESCAPEj o r ; lead ing to E riv an beforo tho n ttaek o f l w as m sde. I t Is beUeved tb o t had he

ra* ;-bee* c a p lu r td , be w ould havo Veea tre ; be ld fo r ransom b y tb e bondit«. m-1 The o r ig ina l reason fo r tbo a tta c k a t I ap p ears to be tb a t b an d s w bo -ve war- to ■ rin ir w ith th e A rnieaJaB t d o tib trd ihe

at. I n a tio n a lity o f th e AmericaQ*. A fte r I'W: tho b an d it ch ie fs h ad a ^ n ro d thrm - r s : *eb rse_ tb lt-tb a lB p rieoacrs Ww*ro rra lly 10-1 A m ericana th e y w ere released a a d most ■;il: o f tb e ir p ro p erty , w bieb h ad b ^ n ng stolen, w as given b ack to tbem .

\V hat happened to th e tal««o>» is aa an i a lm ost d a ily occurrenes la fh a t see* o f I tio a , w here ra id in g ban d s a r ” rjnvoal ral 1 eo& slantly d e a t i^ p a g p ro tp ero n a ^ * lin ila g e s , both A rae iU aa a a d M o alea .



France Was Not Surprised b: German Offensive Agalrs Verdun, Marshall Foch Teili King of Spain.PABXK UP>—SlBg Alleax>r eon-

dQ dlng h is t r i e r v is i t to F n n c a , l e f t here ftt U:GO o ’clock th is mornlBC od ft s p e d s l t n i n bormd fo r T^ndoa.

V ERD U N , PRA N C E, {/?)—O ver th tiifltorie battto fio ld o f V erdun, KIni A lfonso, o f Spain, w a lk ed ' yeatorda; w ith .M arshal i 'c ta in , ch ic f dofcndor o tho -’c ita d e l dnriiif; - tb o tfcm cndou (itnigslo fouRht in Fobninry am M nrch, 1910.

Abt>({. roadn IJord by thousandn o •white croRaea m ark lo^ the prAVoa o w arriora who f«l1, and through au» tc rrao o an piwanfjowayli • w lierc tho do

' fcmli’ra weru marHh!il(.‘d p repara to ry t< counter n ttack lu ^ tho foo, the kiiij w alked. Ab he w ent ho piled hin-dia tin f^ Ish e il Koi'lc w ith ({ueations.

^ D epoiita Florftl T ribu te Ui>6 n hilt nrrivnl nt V cnlun K ini

Alfonao n t oucu proeeudi-d to thu mili ta ry eem etery where ho depoaited : w reatb o f orchid* tied w ith ribbon form ing tho Spii'nlali colora, upoi w hieh wna -painted u tribu to from th< roynl ‘viBitor.

F ran ce Wfts n o t su rv tlsed -with th e O orm an o ffensive ag a in s t Ver* dun, M uf H oi Fe tftin told tb e U n ^ d u rln s tb e ir w a lk over tho fie ld . 7ho la t te r expressed ra rp rlso w hen g iven th is in fonofttion, a s ' i t b u been generally believed th e Oor-

,m ans afbickQiL, a ln o s t w ith o u t ‘w arning.“ Wo knew o f tho enem y '« p ln n ,’

luiid tho mnr»linl, “ nix weeks before wo hud received uur firnl in form utio t from lentninR of tln« I'onHtiiwtion of - firm ldnbte systen\ o f r?iHrnti<la iendin) lo Verdun.

C riU cal S s jr o f B a ttle “ As j<roof thn t we wore >»>t nnr

priaetl, 1 mny nay we nent for tht r tw e iil ie th ’ corjis, whieli renehed V it dun F ebn iiiry 2!>. W hen the b tillle ol Verdun bcRuti we had o ii\J h e righl )>tuik of. the SfeuHe nnly two dlviNliin’

■ . <>|>i>ONinK five Geminii nrm y eorpn, Theso two divlKioiin held th e ir posi' tions fo r five dtiys.

“ Feh run ry 2!> wan tho m oat eritical dny .i)f Iho bntfli>. Tho enemy by snr- rifieinK hin beal troopa hnd aueeooded

. 4 a eap iu rin u T ort nouiv^wiont the dny iMifore nnd tl>o. s itua tion w as ^ a v e . On Feb ruary tho troops w hich had been oceupyinff the W oevre neetor (to the enst o f \e rd u n ) s w e re ordered <o fa il bark to the huieUtn of th e Mouse. The o rd e r wnS rr ilic lsed fhen b u t Its .wisdom w as Intor re e o ^ ise d .

Petftin Tftkes Qommand “ Sinee I hnd rcee»ve<t an o rder from

jjreat hehd<{unrters fo eslnblish eo;i-... Inet w ith G eneral C iistetnun’s divihinn

whieh had been defendinR F o rt Donoj^ monl nnd now wns fnltinv buek ’*lo VenUin, I mel Oenernl Cnntelnnu a t Honillq. All lie nnid xvns: ‘ T ake eom- mnn<l o f the n rm y ’. Thus on tlio evo- nin^r o f Fobninry I iiaMimeti eom- m and. • ! d istrlliu ted ,th e eonimandM umonj*, flrn ern ls GnillaiimnI, Puehesne nnd Do n n lfou rio r; ordered fhn t nol nnofher Inch o f t;roiin.l tn- >;iven up nnd th 'il thf> defenders ' sbould reply to 0 V<TV atliieU by a eounler o ffe n ­sive.

D uring the elijlit dnys tliut followed, llie villaiji' o f ' nnujiunienl clumped Ii;uid4 li'ii tim es but the Geniiiins heM llle fn rf .’ ’

• 'I iMidiTst.-iiirl niiw ,“ sn h L Jiin c Al- f.iitno, “ wJiy durin;; llinse .hours wo lun-» nuihiiij; o f winit w.is p iin j; on l ie ie ."

■». B eady I ot A ttack^ “ At ia s i, on Mnreh I ” , .\tnrslinl l>e-

la in riMumecI, “ tlie v jllan ,.. wns d e f i­n ite ly ours, nnd on M nreli il. when tlu ' iJi'riiinns.ntlnekeil nn the I rf t bank of III.' .M.-u.-r I w;i... ren.ly to reeeive ilirni. It had al»v.ny« appeared S trang” 10 m.' t l.a t nn nllnek hn-l n(il been lauiiehed on Ihc* I.-ft bank o f the riv e r -•iMd e v n y tliin t; n n s prepared in viow o f ^«tirh nn n^^.iult. I t w;m bei-nnse llu- enemy di’fe rrrd Ih.Tt a ttnel; Ion lon;; Ihnt we were ybli' lu re.'ifore Ihe sitiin- t i-n . T lu t delay saved u».

‘ •Tlw'ii e.-une Ihe fiK antie stniRj;lo fu r Hill .^()l und ne;.dm an-s hill, l l wa^ ih -n I i»!iiii-d mv o rder o f llie day:- • t'o tira —, w.- will ;;et th rm .’

S tory o f M ^ i a ’s O ffetu ive M;ir>.h.Ti I ’l'tain flien told the storv

..f Grn rnl Mni>i;in-s offensiv,- on .May -■J (>y wliirh I)nnaumr>nl villa;;e w as. Ktormeil, :iddin^' tlial Ihe (ic-rm.ans p u t ' fivi- in-w divi.sions in to Uu\ line diirjnjj till- iirprcdin;; fif te en dayn and fro ’n ; Mny In .hini' Inirlrll pijjhl n tb -r divisions intn Ihe fi;;h l, nnly lo i;ain Kut .*(]() yurd».

“ Tlie cii-'niy n t'trr tlii^ fii;litinf; was s)nnitin^: ‘ Vief“ r y ' “ r;iii| the marsh.ii • li.dn infiilly .

E csa ln Origlnah-Llae* ' fM-arral -Mniiu'in's of/ensiVe .in Or-

tol.cr U'll When Korl IViuaumoni wu« i.-.-;,|iturcd ond lU.- llrrm an:. fcirerd fo

;i.-iial.- ;!ir <illaci- and fn rt o f V ao i, w ith the iosn of n.iM'H i>risoners, wa« then described.

“ A l Ilie end of Htlt5,’ ’ tlip French rh io fl.iin com-Iuilod, “ ou r silu.ation w as fnv.im t.re rn llic righ t i-ank o f the M ru sr, bul li.ad on the le fj. On Au^'- unt l io w i'trr , oiir o ffensi.-eon l>olh lianX» o f th r Mrii.^e bso:i(;ht us back fo ou r original liiir-i o f Feb-i roarj-, J9J6, aad on fhat day we Rath- «*rcd in ev e ry th in g wc w i^h rd .” -

M arshal Pef.iin and K in^ Alfon«> ■ w alked o u t ov e r w hal was once- .N'o ! M a n ’« land and whieh now shows uo : • ip a o f l ife . j

T he p a r ty re lu m ed to Verdun sh o rt­ly before noon. . I

Tbe womfta wbo stm tlea tbe s d i K N O W S Ih ^ riyfct-now offerinffn o f th e j vtorM . She do«>d!t bavo lo tp ead h«w > la ''ah o p p ia f ; ." S he do«i b e r t ■fc«7tftc I* a bosiaesalike w ar- - |



I Oorrespoodentff. fWlth U ezioa I I President on Toor Express


^ M EX ICO CITY, (/P>-7CorroBpondon n s t nccom panying P rcsidont Oorra&za r

■I liis tr ip - to - t h a no rthern p a r t o f tl BllS ropublie a re wHllan, to ..conccdo h i

f ira t honors na a hardy an d tirolo. borsooHUi'doapito h is s ix ty y ears . T t p reaidont has v isited sovenil raaehi

n - t n . C ooboUa a n d Nnovo L eon , m n k h '■Pt thoao tr ip s on horseback.

Ono correspondent to lb o f a fort; fivo n U e rido aerosa tb e desert, witl o u t w ntor and throuRh vision 'dbscuria

.. dust. A t tho end o f th is stronuo*. ride tho prcHideot c la tte red into t l litt io vilJagq whoro ho was to spon

■“ “ K tbo nij?ht, yards ahead of sovoral o f li f hard ie st m ilita ry mua. Uo apparcn

ly HufferoJ no ill e ffec ts from the ui ujtunl oxerclsc.

, Kovcrril tim es tho pnrty waa eaugtI -f by darkucsB on tho desort. Cnmp w»i BUI). wnd by tlio liKbt o f n lo« f i r

thu ch lbf exccuti.vo of Alil^cico a to hi f to "'JPP'-'r n«d th tn rolled in to b is blan l

e ts fo r. a n ig lit 'n rest. Inasm urh t dia- i 'f f s id e n t Carraiir.n him neureely bee

nwny frnm the nntionul palace fo r yeur, 'surpriao in ixprvM cd n t hia ei

■ ilurnnco. I t is said th a t thu forme ^inK rauchur, fo r ho wits o prosperous rancl niii- o r boforo revolution mndo hini a prciI n id eu t, stUl finds Uis kcoacst pleasure >ons Aut-of-doora, nnd ia looking forw nrd t ipou fho timo whon ho cnn ro tu m to bithu fnrm ' interenin in Coahuiln nnd Hy

nffuin tho b u i- a J io - l i /e .------■h —^ Your oulck reaponao to ndvantnKff nua offeringa carried in tho ada-tnnkc*• i t possiblo fo r the m orchant to m ak® iro ro and moro o f them.IS - .r- ‘ ■

r"'™ . ■■lion >i \ l««K

tho b ,|h

/ % ■ " 1 ■g h t ▲ J I LonsrpM. , / I_____________________________

5 \^ E T .W IT t i S W B Alind ~(lo Every timo a firo is bi

in a range tbe body g w et w ith sweat.

Sw eat Busts


inn —______

''to '*** a t f c —




T- / V I '

th>' m/TWLo f


Itho Iua-



T i i e C o p p e r - C

A uI'T»in ,

The f l n t AUtamobUes mi f u « 7 . fn il o f o n u a e o ts , hin^ es and latches, b u t th e m en w t tbo autom obiles kicked on thi

j th a t m ade so m uch w o rk sa i1 Then the hingcfl and la tch es a

n« . es w ere p u t on th e inside o f d e a r o u t o f sig h t—clea r on

OQ w ay_ ' Xf a e n cleaned raagec,ho a s d ornam ents and fttss aod

a ll over th e aTerage range wt j tUsappeared 40 y e a n ago.

^b-.U- [ ■

H O T m m g; ALFALFA ■

B is c u r r i

u FREE 'If j d - •T I

. ; :,TWiN Fa l l s

C O E S llF T E liD B T fillG E

B B O R EflT irG O T C O STJ

! i | | Cleveland Bnilding Tradei "** Oonnoil S tops W ork on tho loan Joli» Pnder B r i . •IS CLEVELAND, C ^ ^ D I ro c t acUoo i<

cu l tho co s t'tr f homo b u ild ing here b; oUm inatlng w h a t is know n u i t h o *'ecc

. ond mortgago )> rbkor" h a s been takoi lo n ts -ijy the C leveland ‘ B u ild ing Ifodcj ' t?n Council. A lread y o il w orkm en hax '

hbn w ithd raw n from fo u r homo;i ii, , courao o f construetion,. Charlns Sm itb

bnsinoas a g e n t o f th e coiincil announc lehaa oddod th a t tho jo b s w oald b(

tlod op u n til tho ow ners a n d eo a trac * to rs removed th e m ortgage oporotors.

Sm ith ostim atod tho socond m ort broker adds from WOO to *000 ti

th e costn o f a n $8 ,000 home. lUouH “ The second m ortgage b roker Is :

tho by-product o f tbo w ar and 25,009 build pond oporo livei h a ro detomUnod tha t f h la comtnoRity Uu muolren t, be oUminatod. B e is a who a r . uu- ranges tho loaa to th e mnn who ij

bnilding, e ta r ts them o f f and ,thon gotr a " r a k o o f f ” from con trac to rs ond

„ _ tho peoplo w ho supply tho m a to r ia ls / ' S m ith deelared.

) ],is Jam es O. D ev ltt, trea su re r o f ft large nnk- ond iH lo com pany, sa id th e ftctitfoll as o f tho tradoa a n d conncil w a i ‘ 'rovo lu been t i o n a r y '' ]ip t f^ n ill te d tho sccond m ort Br n gago buaineas'uhqucstionably added lc I en* build ing coats. Ho places tho i>Iamc rm or on tho people, who ha saya, tw rrnw the inch- m oney to build homos heforo ;thm: itic pres- p repared . '(Uren ' -- -

“ » " A Problem .T o “iiud" C hnppel: T o n canoo t cx*

■ ° poet m ucb privncy In n hotisehold wlHTo thor*' nro twt> |)n th room x . a nd

njro Konp.— A rkfinsawaitoa Thomiift Cnt. l a k i ' - . ' . ■

Classified Ads a re cheap—effective.

DTDYB E S TthI Is T h e reA T........ Oome then and see t*bnllt body. See the sw eat tl

’ ge ts rang^ bqdie^ fromis placed botween the copper. See the a ir sp

( ciple actually applied to

Cl&d Range is as P la ii .u to ixiobile Body

m aJo w ere Clean, sm ooth, plain, flinTM. ca tch - w ith copper to p reven t- . w ith four w alls and an

confine th e h ea t like a t lth o w th in g s Copper-Clad is K inga a d troub le . w orld. N o ran g e compaxwts a n d catch* - a t any point,

o f th e body, COPFEE.OLAD ho n t ' -jf th e P a re S hee t Copper is pis

ec, Tha frills th e 'sw ea ty asbestos a n d thiiod -feathers To plftca I t olsewhore wiwould havo pfimhtny o a top o f a ro o t i

- th e w et»



E s t a b l i s l i m e n t . o f a>ndion io ' W i r e O o m m n n l o a t i o t t f r o m re b y A l a s k a O o n s i d e r o d“ see* . T . . . . ' , *llii’i®- NOM E, A laska, (iP)— E stah llshm on t

o f d lro c t qnall and telegtftphio comma* Mlcation betw een Nomo and A nftdyr,

L ^ . , S iberia , is now undor in v estig a tio n b x S m c - i ^ b t o r s o f tho p o s t o f f ic o j j* ^ .11 Vi. partfficJft. ^ "L iiiL The nroposition, i f ea rried o n ^ bMun

la rgo possjbm ties f o r th is oncow oaH by ► gold cam p. In n o rtheast fliborla th ere

>^^*1 n to n p iiro x im a te lr 60,000 p o o ^ Who *® m usi p rov ide tho bu lk o f- th « ir mipprcrf

e ith e r from Kome, ono husdr«t'l .m je s is a o r from Potropftvlosk, n o trJy a

build* tbousand m iles d is ta n t. N om f. i t i s th a t argued by o ffic ia ls in to restod in tbo

m uot govt>Tti)>cst's Inquiry^- should th e IO ar- sogical m arkot fo r aU o f tho v n a t arvn ho is lying- ro f th o f K am ohfttka p en ln su lx I go ta ■ B y tho close o f th la y o a r 'a nav iga- I nnd tion period , Jt is estim ated , n oarly $500,- i a l s / ' 000 w orth o f .Am erican gobds w ill havo

bocn carried from Nomo to tbo S ib lo d an la rg e coast and . th a t w ith on ly a fow smikU ic tiou vesscls'.ongagfid In th e ’.tcade . , jvolu- ■'-Siberian fu rs in ro tn m fo r A m orican mort* goods sooms to bo tho p ossib lity o f th e ed lo fu tu ro should the go v ern m en t's oervicp Wamo. ),o es tab lb h o d . In ad d ition , i t is point- Ifr the- od out, th is w ill re su lt i n tho closer re*

ft‘0. latJoM ba>«Tcen S iberians and resid en ts o f Sew ard punlnsula.

Not Enoush .>t cx* “Swc-pt by «ft1lnp-brcexcfl nnd woah- ('holtl cd b y th e wnvva o f th e sea . . T lia l’s .o u r

ond tow n.” “A ny o th e r s trect-c lcon lng fa - nsaw rllUleH?” Infiulred tho old grouch .—

LoulRvlllo C ourler-Joum ol.

etive. B E A D T H B D A IL Y N B W a ’

you EVEIr o 5 fe a Doubt in Y(e e f o r y o n r s e l f . S e e t h e s w e a t r o l l i

a t t h a t ' o a u s e s S w e a t - B u s t , a '- d i s e a s e

r o m t h e i n s i d e . T h e n , s e e h o w g o o c t h e a s b e s t o s a n d r a n g e b o d y . S e e t T s p a c e s f o r m e d b y . t h e d o m e s . S e e id t o r a n g e s .

“ f l

I I“ F r e e b u y e r t h e O l a t t e n c

T h i a - ’* w o u l d v e r t i b a s s h e t h i s u:

a in as anF t

dn. e legan t. U sed ■ont S w o a t-S n s tr-. a n a ir spaco to '

a therm os bo ttle wtwy o f fjiQ rs sg o 'A l f a l f a Iipaxw in any w »y c a t B i s c u i t

A l f a l f a B is

J> M E A N S ^ d a y .s placed h«we«n • Come__ 1Id th e ran g e b o ^ .ro wouhJ bo liko - ,roo t to g o t o n t o f Y | Q f | I

t FU RN IIA L L S — 212 M A I

M i l T S H D L D I I I B I C I I I

, a F O B B I C i m

1 B epresentative of United State ^ , ' Oonsnlar Service in Mexioo ^ Captive •

W A SHINGTOK, (/P) — W i l i a m { Jen k in s , Am orican consnlftr agoflt t P ueb la ,'. M oxito, w aa k id n ap p ed h th roe m asked b and its la s t >Tldiiy t

[}. P u eb la and is bo ing held fo r |150,0C g ranaom, tho s ia to do p artm en t-w as fu

vised to d a y . y U rg en t . repreaentations h a v e bee

aen t to tb e M exiean govem m ont I . tho s ta te d ep artm en t a s a re su lt ( y tho U dnappluR o f W lUlam O . Jonk ln

A m orican consular a g en t a t Pnebl ^ M oxico,. who iO b o in g held b y bond!

fo r 412^,000 fSnsoro. i- N o ad d itiona l de ta ils regard ing tl

k id n ap p in g had been reco ived ' th I . m orn ing from tho A m eriean ombasi

o t M exico C ity , whieh bas boon ii ' s tru c to d to keop the d epartm on t full ' Advised' as to developm ents in tl "■ raac.'

I t W4 S lenrned todny th n t abou t tl tim o M r Jen k in s w as k idnapped la

>' sum m er and hold fo r $2C,000 ranso t w hich W a s paid, bis m n6b a t Puobl

® .was ra id ed b y b and its , tho m anagi “ m urdered and considerable sto ck sto

on. Tho band ita woro reportod to ha> n been p a r t n f u bund under Cnrl: o Arem-s.? / -------------- ---------------


V IE N N A , D avnria has made form ni dem and fo r tho ex trad itio n c D r . ‘ M nx ■ Levicn, tho B nvnrinn eon niunifit lenilor who arriv ed horo Ooti

p her 0 a f te r . •‘i" Oacfli)c from pJson^ TJi . A ustrian govornoicnt J s-jnn ls ting thn . legnl p roof of a dofin ito erim o bo prt

dueed by Bavaria-


R SEE5 W Eour Mind ?

np in beads on the iron'BO th a t ea ts up and rusts >d, old, everlasting copper the domes on the sheet of | e the, therm os bottle prin-


l u A L L M I N U M ^

e _ j j r - ------- ^ V \ ! Z

!c" m eans th a t this w are does i TS a single penny. I t is, a rewi 3rank is hero and is offered by ! iding th is sale.-w are is very substantial and ju A selcct if buying fo r your b-wn u :ble cookcr takes tho place of se^ lown by figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 utensil in some form every day.

*reo to every Oopper-OIad buyer Oome— Sco the Asbestoi

T A L F A L rA !Biscuits baked in a Ooppcr-Olad

It you ever tested . Oome and iscnits w ith b u tter and hot d r

-bring your friends and m ake yi

O u r D e m o n s t r a i i i

r i I R E cIN S O U TH

XS0B8DAT, ooxoncR as. 18U

“ EEBllilS FBlir r CARSigCL NE

Express Conoarn Over tossiW o Invasion of A m ericas H a-

t °i obines {rom Tr»no<u'_.........b y . : — r ■

r a t B B E L IK . ( iP ^ T h o O cnniiaa artf 5,000 fe a r fu l th a t th ousands o f th e Amori- • can antomoW los sold by th o A m o r ic ^

exped itionary forco to tho I r e n c h will beon he sm ncgled across tho Oermiw bor- t b y do r, c o n s titu tin g a n n n d onrab lo in ­it o f v a i o n o f tho Germ an autom obilo in* .Un<t; d u s try . I t i s sa id hero th a t 80,000 lobla, A m erican cars wore sold -to tho nd it^ S ten ch .

' Qarm any is ro M fto d to DO vo iy short i : tbo o f .t i r o s a n d tu b es f o r aatomobUos oml

th ia bioyoles. E x p e rta ta y th a t t o o r l c a n s j jassy havo fltorod up quanUtioo o f U ros i f * 1 in* th e oeeupied ' te rr ito ry whioh can bo fu lly aont over in to .,uaoeeup led Oormimy

tho an d sold o n tho m a rk e t ftt pricos whioh ‘ tlio GJShnon m anuftic turcr ean n o t m eet,

t tho Thero is ho question in the minds la s t o f tho Gormans th a t tboro is an -ado -

isom, tiuato supply o f rubbor in tho Twrld leb ta and tho f in a n c U r p apers say th a t rub* lager b e r production woa more th a n doub1c<l stol* from 17913 to 1918. T h ey soy th i t

h a v e lack o f tran sp o rta tio n p reven ted Bomtt Inril'o o f tho rubber crop from being trans*

po rted from Sonth A m crica to tho iu- dustria l cen te rs whoro i t is maaufa<^- tu red In to t ire s -a n d p red ic t th a t th b

j a iA d ifficu lty soon w ill bo ovorcomo.

■ P u t e h n ra e te r Above All.^„ O np or th e snylnp* of th e Ittto J . P . eom- Mortcnn llm t w ill hc rem em bered n f te r Doto- h is n r t collcctlon’n g lories have bocnTho forgoUcn. w as : “I w ill loan anyth u t am oun t o f m oney to a m nn of chnr-pro- ac to r, b u t no th ing to n m nn o f bod

rep u te , no n in tte r w h n t h is security.',*

J Classified A ds a re e O e a p ^ f o c t iv s .

■ A T ?A Week of Daily



nuTiM T TtSjK rtn iu

II I CiOyw J

8 not cost Oopper-Olad 5ward fo r bujing while ly him to justify you in

ju st tho kind th a t you a uso. The 7 - in - l oon- seven d ifferent vessels,6 and 7. Yon can use 7-

’e r dtiring this sale, itos-Sweat

B ISC U ITSlad ovcn is about tho Good- nd ta s te T— stay and eat. drip ■ coffee will be served

yourself a t home.

ion This Week



f b k e

ifliEB iir:, EOlTOBiL

•• . * Higli Sohooi Ele vea WUU Have

Support of Home Folks a t Game Tomorrow-

A root«rq delopition^’o f Roodly f ro - portloiiH w ill accom paoy th e Tvria PallB -higb school ffrld , oleven to Buhl tom orrow, acttordiofc to annooneem ent m ado jTMterday a a d plona boln^ p«r- fce ted ■

; C cttc.h 'O corp) Doiimna baa la id p a r ­ticu la r Btroaa d u rin g tho presco t wools, nnil, In f a c t , over alaee tho Goodint; }!anio last w eek, upon au lduoua tippll*

"* ca tio n to daahlng praetieo on tho fiold, . . . ..w iib . p len ty o f g n ie llln g taeklinff and '

s te rn app lication to signal w ork. T h a t • ■ t h o 'm e n 'i n h ts charRO hnvo proH tod

Im itim sely un d e r D enm an’s tu telage • tho p a s t w eok is e.vldont la ovcry d a y ’s

praotlee.XMQbor. “ Pop**

^^•Tho B ru ins a rc d isplaying nn nn- w nnted degree o f f 'p o p ” ia all depart* oicnta o f fie ld a c tiv ity , and , w itbal, have bocn' in sp ired w ith a confldencrt th a t was u tte r ly lack ing d u rin g .tU o f ir s t qon rto r o f ’tho gnnip against Oooding. . .

B uhl has dofoutcd Tw in F alls onc>;, b u t th e mcn Dontnnn hnn cliosen to at-

« tnck tho w ostom foe' tom orrow arn ' b ilg iluU o f eonfidenco th a t tUo dftftis-

ion can be reversed a n d ^ r e “ r a lr ln ' to g o .”

. . . V E lig ib le M eaFollow ing, aro tbu m en wlio w ill go

lo Buhl tom orrow :Strobeck , coutor; D enton nnd Irw in,

gujirdnj B alloy n n i! ' ICuhns, ta ck lw ;-------Nownion an d - Hanenbnlg, cods; B.

K ing, Eplor, PhlpjM, W atson, backflold.Men accom piinying tho tcnm na «ub>

K titutcs: P tttz ie r, g u a rd ; C arte r, taek le ; F ix u n d ' 8chw artr., p nc ls^T oy lo r and K rcngel, backficlo.' s : O otag to W endell

A hard b a ttle is ozpt’ctcd in Wcndoll tomorrow and the stroiigcnt pOBiilblu second team lin e u p .will be taken to com bat th a t vloven. Follow ing is tho force froiii w hich th e Tw iu Falls high

, .npJiool ju n io r team .w ill bo m ade up: T ucker, c e n tc r ; Qnrrison ond lion*

Htnck, g uards; D ecker nnd F o rto rfieU , I iiirk lcn ; Sheldon nijd Slienoborgcr, r iiib ; Yochom, F. K ing, l l e r t t , Stcam », hack'fiold.


C om m ander o f A m erican Kftvy In Eu- ‘ ro p eo s W ate rs to D evot« W hole

T im e to th a t W oik

W A 8I1IN G T0N , (/P)—C ap tain W al- 'tu r It. Soxton has boon nppoin ted Aiu- '

■ ericnn n av a l a tta ch e a t London, ra- |Moving from th is du ty B ear Adm lrnl : B n rry 8. K napp , wbo now w ill bo ableto dovotd a ll hia tim o to his w ork , a* \com m ander in ch lo f tff tbo Am oricau | navftl forccs in European waters.

From the e n try o f tho U nited Stutns in to the w nr tlTo com mander o f.^ b o

' A tnorican n a v a l forccs overseas b u aet> ' u(l-aa a ttach o a t LondoQ ao oa to bringab o u t closer co n tac t and u n ity between . the A m erican and B ritish navies. Of In tr, however^ A dm iral Kns]>]) ba^found I t necortsary to bo absaut from 'London freq u en tly and i t was said a t !tlio nav y d epartm en t toda}^ t h a t ' be |ntikcd to bo rolioved as a ttache . B f |

. will m ain ta in his hoad'qimrtera a flo a t ,m ost o f tbo 'tim e In th e 'fu tu re , i t was , ■aid a t tbo, d epartm en t.


- B ed Onms A f f o i ^ 's o i s B elie f to 'B e f - «ngees oa B o a d s n Boxga H eld la t

B lock S ea F o r t i-------------------------------------1

BATHOUM. Black Sea, (ff)—Tl.o iBunslan barge D iniitri w ith seven hua^ 1.Ired re tu rn in g refugees o n .b e r open i■Icck, is qu a raa tin ed in th is hnrbor on r.-lecount o f cho lcm am ong her passen- l cers. Thore is not a physiciaa abon.'d.In nn a ttem p t tn p rev en t on epidrm ie to f clinraae one o f the passengers, (.jor llobert Davin, o f EnKlewood, N. J . , j a member o f th e Amoriean Red CroM misKlon to the Kubnn ciistriet, ia ho ll

. ing n clinic open nt nil -hours. Ifn to r iDavis gives il a t h is opinion tl.4l cphvNicians in c iv il life would work ^harder on th o ir p a ten ts if they were £cooped i.p w ilh them on a " p ta g u c f■ h ip " nnd could not got nway unti- (nil had a clean bill o f hcallh. t

------- ^ A rw th e r o f th e M yitarles, iOdo o f tho n ijv tr r ie s o f life ts how t

a l-oorlsh m an can keep r lc h t on ob- tserv ing tho w nys o f geotlPnien nnd , never acqnirp nny o? thom fo r h im ­self.—D etro it F re e P rta s .

C lassified A d f a re ebeap—effective.


■Buy o a d k e « p t u n d y a b o t t le o f p a |n - rd lc T ln fl S loao ’e L in im e n t -

._ - *• .X TOU need il when th e unexpected Y rh ram a tic tw inge tUrU—itbo

paina a n d achcs following ex- poeure— a d a tk a , lumbago, sore mus­cles, ati^ jo in ts, neuralgia. Forgot aU about buying a no th e r bo ttle a n d kcep-

,in g it handy, d id n ’t yoo? G r t it to iay — pjby sale — you m ay need it taniiJu!

Tbia fam ous ccuo tcr-irritan t pent- traUS viJteui nlbitif and scatters tbe congestion. T h e pain o r ache is sooa relieved, leaving no plaster o r poultice

•m ussincss,oo sta ined skin. Thousands ol regular users keep it bandy for emcrget^ — t ty y doo’t suffer need- leasly. T hree aise* a t all d ru g p sts —


I Today’s■ ii iS S. FflROECIlPITb l ___________

n:- Pirates Defeated Detroi„ from'Athletics in 190

Copped Gonfalon frorfi; —Oh, dear!d , • -----------------Id' B Y I. E. BANBOBN

C niC A O b , (S poo lfll.)-T ho flvo vea r sw ing o f tho bnrebaU t>cndulunt • carried th e N ational loaguo back Into

* tho w o rld ’s chnm pionsbip-thfs fa ll and we shall havo to w a it u n til next year

, to aoo w blcb five-year period o f bin- n- to r y is going to be repeated . 't . Flvo yeara ago tb o ;B o s to n Bravos i], boa t th e Athlotlci) in fou r s tra igh t Brt games, u pse tting a ll th e export dopo lo more eomplotoly than tho Bods did thin s t fa ll. Follow iog th a t upset the Am eri­

enn league rep resen ta tives won tho biR pennant tho nex t yen r and continuod

t- to hold It fo u r n tra igb^ seasons, rn W in E very F iv e Years•! Ten yea rs ago tho P ittsb u rg h chain-

pions bca t D etro it fo r tho w orld 's eham pionship and American leagtto loaders won i t in Ihc nex t four strniglit

{o nutumna. B ut p ro v ln u s .to ]010 tho veteran Ifnguo had a ll th e -advnntago

n, ovo r its young rivnl, bocnuso it w->n j; fo u r 'o u l o f six w orld ’s series followiug 1, 1004—/if te c n yeara ago.J. The com inc sefwon, therefore, will !). be im portan t In th is respect. I t will

dctorj^ine w hether tho recent w orld ’s id Kcries w as o u t o f line w ith -tho dope

o r w hether tho s tead ily changing per- sonuol o f tho m njor leagues has result-

.. ed in n b e tte r elnss o f baBoball in th<>I Nntionnl than in tho Amerienn league.■a N e x t Y ear WiU TeU i10 I f ' t h o la tte r comcs rig h t bnck and ' ;h w ins,.tho ,1020 w o rld ’s series i t w ill '

ndd to tho intirels o f tho Beds nnd do- ' 1- trn c t from the show ing o f the .While 1, Sox, bernusc i t will indieiite thnt the r , superiority o f elans reninined in the s, Inning c ircu it. On tTie o ther hand, if '

the Nntional li'ngue retn ins the w orld ’s ' honors n c ^ fnll i t will mean thnt th.> i gradual in troduction o f new blood to

• roplnee the veteniws who have sHppol ‘ Ll has been more M icces^fully 'cnrried ou

in the Nntionnl Ihnn in the Americnu . league. ,

This ih the th ird ^^?ttt<Hinco niodo-n w orld ’s, series wcry i u n ^ i r a le d in j wbich th e b ig e^'^nt h:v» been the onJy

1, iuterlenguo Hcrie.i from whieh to drnw ,, CDiicluniuus. I.JIBI y ea r nnd in lOOS J. Ihore were ^no post-season serio.'' be- j

Iween tenm s'o'f the rivn l m ajor leogucs. Deti^>it nnd PittsburMh played some . exhibition gnm es th is fnll, but they ,

„ wero not su ffic ien tly chaperoned lo be j included am ong the real interleag’io , combnlH, niost o f which hnve been con- ducted under the sam e rules and aus­pices as th e w o rld ’s series. 1

g • C ity Tnsaies A bandoned , n -If' tho projected c ity series in Now f Vork nnd Uostou th is fnll hnd not

fallen through, fo r instance, Iho re- < n Hulls o f those cmtlbiitn, .idded to the < ^ iiutcoine of th e w o fld ’s scries, wouM t _ |inve furninhed a b e tte r line on com- i

parn livu streng th than the w orld’H j , ovent alone could give. Averages al- <

wavH uro ntoro reliable thnn individ- \ * ual deeds in nn.v line of dopo. |

In 1917, o lth o u K b .tb o W hlto Sox ; trimmed tho G ia n ts 'io the w orld'n i contest, the N ational leiigue came out \

J on top in tbo to ta l (^amcs-of Ihe post­season serica o f th a t fa ll. The vei-j eran o rsa n iz a lb n won ten games to

■* eigh t fo r the. Am erican. The war pe.-;' m itted no post-season n ffa irs , cxcept Ihe w orld ’s series lu 1018, and tho ‘ lengucs' w ere lucky to p lay tha t. fJo *

0 it_m ay be th a t, oo tho ba ils of the I? 1l>l7 dope, th e N ational league nV a0 whole waa beginn ing to naserL its crass1 n t th a t timo and the Cubs belied ft by ' I- losing lo th e Bed Sox In 1018.

Thnt is one th ing dnpcsm lths often0 fall lo do—RO bnck Into history fa r '• cnnuRh to allow fo r ehance and th-*■I pendulum o f fa te .a In te re s t a t H e ig h t !1 I t is u n fo rtuna te thero were nftl ’ m orf poht'season series^this fall, as the ' early ending o f the w-'ason m ade it i«>s-

*ible to p lay thecn in jjbod ' w ealhet •• and the in te re st in the sport never wa-i f g rea te r. Lnck of o ther contests con- '• cen trated all the RpollicIitR on Ihe big

event.Following are the re f i l ls of the-

w orld 's scries o f 1010 and tho to tals ’ by -yeara of all the post-season gnmes

th a t have boen p la red between the

’ Choice Farn142 acres, 3-4 mile es

Hi^rhway, all good land, : ed w itb woven w iro; in hi all in pasture and alfalfa wild oats. - Qood five r room b o u e , one two i smoke faoue, granary, t deep well, electric light t orchatds.



' i : W I N F A L L S I

■ • • • 1- ^ ■ " ,

s Sp op tin j

ilOGKyiE: .


: o i t i n 1 9 0 9 ; B r a v e s W o n “

9 0 4 , a n d C i n c i n n a t i R e d s ,

o m W h i t e S o x T h i s Y e a r "

— " tw d ex latlng leiignc ainco they burled J] th e tr hatchets.

••-•-W orlil’t Series—1919 ^ . . to Oct. 1—C incinnati, 0 ; W hltirS ox ; l .y j, ,,i Oct, Sj—C incinnoti, 4; W hite Sox ,,

O rt. 3—>VhltP Cox, :i; C ineinnatl, 0. ,, j , . O ct. 4—C lnclnnoll, 3 ; V?hUo filrt, 0. »

Oct, 6— ClnclnnoU, 5; W hite Sox, .1. Oct. 7—W blto .8 ox, 5; C incinnati, 4

ht {ton Inninga.) fno O ct. 8— W hite Sox 4 ; C incinnati 1. i [{„ O c t 0— C incinnati 10; WhUo Sox 5. „ r}. T o ta ls b y Y e a n f,(i. 101i>—Aniericnha.... 3 N ationals ...... ■’>vl 1018— Am ericana.... 4 N ntionala ...... 2

l9 I7 -^A m orlcans_ . 8 N atlo u iO s,— 10 clOlG—AmoricanSM^.lS 'N a tio n a ls ...... J it1015—AmcricanK..„I2 Nntionals — it b 1014— A m erlcaift..- 0 .N alioouls .— 12

" 1913— A m ericaos....lS N ationals ___ t>•0 1012—Amcrican»-...15 N ationals — 11 i>

1011—Aniorienn«~..14 N ationals ...... i> ri10 1010—Am ericans.... 0 Nntionals ...... 0?o 1000—Americrins.... 8 .Xntionala ...... i>in jpos— AmericauH.... 1 N ntionnls ...... 4 MIg 1907—AnicricanH— 7 N ationals ......JO I)

IOOO—Amoricans.... 8 N ationals ...... n11 100.')— A incricaos....l2 N a tio n a ls - ......12 it11 1004—Americans.... 5 N ationals ...... 4 tc’s 1903— A m crU nns__29 NnliOnulH ......17 u.0 ----- -----„r- Anuiricana.......171 N ationals - ..131

,.i H E B E ’S B IV A Ii 'fO B Q £M PSEY e. S E A r n .F , W aiu t, ; ,n - - ( 'lo Au.Kr- r,

sou of Tacom a w os p r--> 11» d i'isio ti ni ovcV ^’ari .M .n-l» Qt . Ml he<.> Inst i-i

1] n ig h t in n aix rjuM l bout. In tho lost [y throo tim es '

. T I^L M A X H ^ a SHADE "j10 D U L U rri M inn., (jP)— Jthu iiy Till- ,If man of M innedpolia shaded Johnny R ■b G riffith s <>r .\k ro n , O., in n !on K.m.d i'.< contcat l.ist nigb t.


“ PIIO B N IX , A .niZ., (/P)—Governor nt Cnini)bcll /innounccd th a l he hu|l tch - Oi

” graphed Governor S tephens o f Cali- th " fo rn ia he would n o t coll a special sea- pr y ninn o f th e legisbituro th is fall lo con- re " sldur ra tifica tio n of the federal con- pt

stitu tio n a l am endm ent g ran tu ig • suf- S< fraK'! to women. nl

"• Tliis telegram wns in annwvr to o n j in from G overnor Btepnens inquiring if ri

y Governor Cam pbell would cnll n spec- tli '® Inl session if governors o f cc rta in en

o th e r w este rn -s la te s wonld ngreo to do se J; so. _________ _

T IN ^ S X S E IZ E S OFFIOBB8O F D D U IK iaH IN a A B U Y =K -------- •

.t COBLKNZ, yp)— Kcduction o f tho T?- G ennan nrm y mado ncccssary b y thoe conditions of- pcacc hna cnuacd g rea t•I un rest am ong tho regu la r ofXlcor^i w ith1- regard to the ir fu tu re . German arm y ,'h papers rep o rt th a t th is feeling o f un- <I- oasinesa am ong tho' offices, 1a only nnt-■- u ra l aa on A ugust 1, 1010, in sp ite of

numorous rolirom onta, thoro wero atlll» 20,000 P ruaaao a n d W ucrttenborg rcg-'n u la r o ffice rs In th e arm y. This num-I* b e r m uat bo reduced to 6,000.

I A stronom lcsl Phenomenon.° | M orjorle . th ree , w ns w atch ing the

s u n se t: “ Daddy." sh e called, “como — 0 nnd. see th e nn r go ttln g ready to be a =0 m oon." ■ r= 0 _____________ •a BEA D T H E D A IL Y NEWB. a ■ ■y ---- -

" D E L C O - U G H TT l . E b d ric U tU u d

P o ir« r P lan tj The aaCcst, su re s t and most eco-

^ ni>micat form o f ligh t aad power

• D . O . W A T S O N 0 0 .; _________ Twly r.111. M«lio________

ID for Sale!e a s t o f H a n s e n , o n S t a t e

d , f e n c e d a n d c r o s s f e n e -1 h i g h s t a t e o f c n l t i v a t i o n ;I f a c x c e p t ^ o r t y a c r e s ; n o ’I r o o m h o n s e , g o o t ^ o u r0 r o o m h o u s e , c o n c r e t e

t o o l h o a s e , l a r g e b a m .I t a n d p o w e r , t w o f a m i l y



- - ' I Nl

\g N e w scia

■-------------- — -------------------------— ---------------- ' No----------. •• Te

i f r i e f Bits of Sport • wh/ , i,p,

S peaking on th e high cost o f cloth- _ lng Slni Sm iley, sagebrush aage, aays: nn r ’ " I t ’s g l t l ln ’ s o ’h a dress sh ir t eosts No L nigh o n te r ns much as n hod o ' co;il.'* hlr I —' » am“ Chcstoi; Cnmp, a Boiso w restler, has

takon chargo o f an ath letic class In '''» eonneetlon w ith tho Y. M. C. A. b it

I s , P ro v in g tb n t n o t nil mntmeu arc 2 ^ averso lo honest to il. ’ j"

, Jn c k Skelloy, former lightw eight v * m lttm an , now earn ing dnlly stipend *i

fod for eaatorn sport rngs, th inks ,boxera should bo insured. .bei

,>•..... >VcjliaTo:,no -idcn-whnt..for^_m ileas.I t bo th a t somo o f them arc 'inclined

T to g e l reckless, occnslonnlly, nnd like- Ii, • ly to get b lffod where i t m ight h urt . ‘

'<•«• ______ "‘"i

• ^ Bnrs 'd av e booo raised ugainst pro-fessiomtl cycling In Canada, nnd heneo- fo rlh ,s-heelnien In tho g»me for-eom - > m ernial p ro fit m ust find an n th e r-g rn fr o r ROt to work.

• •> ----- am. 2 Asked to te ll tho secret o f his s u i-1 .10 cesa a s a b a tte r , Balie RuUi. told hio I ba’• 2 inquisitors, “ keep vour eve. on th-t ^'K . b a ll .”.12 , ______ 1. 0 P re tty logical, too, but fo r ns tho ^ .11 pm gress o f tho pill would have to bo . •' re tarded some.• 0 _ _- .In Mll«wiuitee Tuesdnv night Pink-jv 'J -Mi/ebelJ, I/i.I, tJefeuted' J ffck jy10 n o n lo y ,_ o t Now .Tersev In a lO-roynl ^ rnitt mill. On the snme night a t Wa-1- lerloo, low n, D ennis O ’Keefe, a wei- 4 tcrw cighi boxor o f O lrirs i^ gnve N avy

17 Ito slrnn . o f Jn lie t a sever?^ lacing in— ten sessions.

Tho m unicipality of Los Angolcs prnpoHes lo conatruct ii nnlatorium fo

-T- ro it ♦.ino.ono. I t w ill be o f Rom.tn an areh itee lu ra l design nnd will be a c itv s t cen te r o f equntics. s t

. T»-in Kails would be a lot more mod-1 ■•Bt th an fhn t, both as lo 'p rice nnd dc-

, 1. _________ __w REFUGEES CROWD DANZIG.d • , -

F o rm er M arine B ararcks Presaed Into * Bervtco aa-Accom m odatlon

IE ----------DANZIG, (;p)—Hordes o f rofuKcen

or lire Ktrcnininc into nniiri;;. Form er Ie- O rrm an m arine bnrracks, furnished by li- the Am erican Ued Cross, hnvo be-n *s- pressed inlo service to care for this m- refugees whn nre arriv ing from Co- in- penhagon and oven distan t Murnlansk. if- Sevon thounnnd o f these [lenple .nre

n flen in th is e i |y In Iheir homownrd n j iourney, Forty-eiRhl hours a f te r ar- if r iv ing in cam p b y boat, they are pn

’c- th e ir -way agnin,‘'h av in g been safely ■in eneorted thm ugh ' a communitv still do sensitive and not over friendly.

stii-lv the nds tb s t you ma'? know m errh sa d i 'in e valiir*

y _ ■

bo tb« P O E T I A N D O A T T L B l O A K

O O l t tP A in r

f SHEEP and GATfLE LOANSr,! EXCLUSIVELYg-n. Peixnoaea t O ffles

F i n t K a t i o n a l B a n k B ld g .

B U B L B T , IDAHO10 — — ' ~ a


N e x t t o f r e s h a i r I h e a l t h t h a n s o u m

t ' s t i s a s n e c e s s a ) i n K h e a l t h a s t h e d o c t o r s t h a t m a r a n d e a n o n l y b e e i

A b c e s s e s a n d u l o o u s p o i s o n s , a n d t s y s t e m i n t h e b k h e a r t , l i v e r , k i d r f r o m d i s e a s e d t e (

P a r e n t s a s w e l l a e x a m i n e d b y d e n i t h e m .

R e g i s t e r e d d e n t i s s r l a d t o m a k e s u e v i c e f r e e t o e v e r y t e l l . v o u , a n d , t h e j d o n e t o y o u r t e e t l

C o m e i n a n d h a v (

08. M. e. Bl

E . F

I '



DENVKR, C O ~ V P )-'‘T'"> lO"!’-iainu, IS-mund bout betw een J 6hnny 'loye, ‘S t. P aul ligh tw eigh t nnd Lew Peodlor o f P liiladelphia cam e to an nd iu the th ird round Tti^sday n ight' vhon tlio refcjoe declared Noye hnd t* iceu fo u led ,"

Tendler wns unnble to rcaoh Noye in tn tht* serond round w hen bo forced foyo inlo his own corner and sbower>>d ilm w ith righ ts and le f ts tp the honil nd body nimnsi a t will... Noyo ap- g| leared to be In dlslre.ss and Tondler ij i-ns cautioned by the referee aga inst j, lilting k>w, d

In Ibe th ird Tcndlor again tnok th(> ggteMiive, and n fle r, n sevM c b ea ting i, rom Tendler, Noye fe ll fo Ihe floor ^ n pnln, asserting th a t ho hnd been ^ ouled. The ducision w as n w nrdcd ' to Cove a f te r a nexaniinntion by a phy.si- lan.

The fig h t was scheduled to ' have -u leen a 12-round no-dcelaion a ffa ir .

A t th e conclusion ■of^ th tt.bout Phil )lnB«jnan,.jnaaff|8fir*^^£j!'?ndler, ' em- ' dinticnlly refu ted tho claim s o f a foul. Ilassm au m ain tained th n t every blow , truck bv tho P hllndelpblan waa f i l r . ?

Dr. A lfred E. M ar, .o fficial physiclnn ^ or Ihe elub prom oting tho bou t, a n d ] " vhn exam ined Noye a few m om ents af- *' er tho la tto r had nindii h is clnim of bul, s ta ted Ihn t his exam ination re- ealed no visible sign o f a foul blow, ® nd added tha t in hin-opinion tbo i^l.! •aui f ig h te r ’s physical condition would ! >v ave w arrau ted his con tinu ing th.’ |

■___________________ I rREAD T H E D A ILY N E W a I v

^ ^ COFI


W H Y ^


:r, nothin}?- is more neces id teeth and a elean mou iry in fighting disease a e phvsician. I t is now .ny diseases are caused :ured by good dentists, cers a t the roots of teetl: these Doisons are carriec

lood. Many diseases of neys,'Mierves and other ;etn.as children ought to ha’ itists to see if anythiiig i

Ists using the E. R. Parke ch examinations and pri ybody. I f disease is fou »y will also tell you wha th to put them in good sh/e your teeth examined i«0»[T . N a u f t r . . D>. THOS. 4. ri

R e^ ste red D entists Mcml

=1. P A R K E R S ’116 1-2 KOETH MAIN £

IflPPEISIll : LEJIDNGJIUH' dhicagoan D efeats Sutton by a

W ide. M argin in Eleventh j Oame of Tourney • •I N EW YOBK,“ ( f f f — W lllh iloppn ' s t i l l leads tbo players who itro compot>' lng fo r tho 1B.S balk line chumplunshlp ' lu- iho na tiona l toum am un^ here. H p •

defeated 'G eorgo S n tto n in la s t n lg lit’a '’ game, tho eleventh of tho .iourjiam cnt,I b y 400 to SOB In five Inn 'ng^ This i i tho th ird w jnnlng brackf>t for Huppe,

‘ who has w on tdl h ls gnmea eo far.* M orningatar and Schaefer havo won ' two and loat one game each while S u t­

toa has won 2 and lost 2. Cochran and ' Y am ada have cnch. won a aingle gamo .. and lost 2 and Blosson has bcon-do-

fcatod in o il throe or>tbo e ta rt8~Eo~hu mado.

I IIoppo nnd Schaefer aharod tbo bon*'o n fo r b rlllltin t w ork yeslerd&y, eaeh >

' hav ing won out sn fivo Innings for anI I nvorago o f eigh ty w hich ia bigh fo r tho

ji Score o f la s t n ig h t’s motch:Hoi.pe, 80, 110, J, 100, 91; total 400;

averago 80.[| Button, 23, 2. 2, 148, 123; total 298;I : average CO 3-5. ', Tho schedule fo r today followa:

; Slosson vs. S chaefer; M orningatar va. 'R iillo n ; C ochran va. Y am ada; Hoppo I vs. M orningatar.



Ild -B-




essary to good )uth. The den- and establish-

w adm itted by d by bad teeth

;th are danger- ied through the )f the stomach,:r organs come

lave their teeth 2r is wronsr with .

ker System are prive dental ad- ound, they will la t ought to be shape again.1 r i p r h t a w a y .

I. rOBDC, A tilslstt N ssa tir



J i


' 't WIn ‘ FALL& DAILY NEWSt w o ^ ■ Bitnaaj

^ 1” ' ' ^ ( s s a u s s s * 'ROT A. R i B ^ . . i . . . ; . ; . . . r . r , i f r i i u n i JOHN C. HARVBT..................... T f M W

B n tc r^ aJ MOond cla«« t u f l m&UwApril a. m a , tx U « pM tem e* mt Tw ia

.IdAbo, tind«r tb« A«t o< M u c b s,

B O B S O T ffS o ilE iiB SMall OUTtarw .00................... On* Y « * r ......................ffcoo

.............. • Months ............U .U ................... a U ontha ......................f l4 0t .W ................... I M onth ....................I .M

A Jverti« iB f B » t« f TTpoa AppUeattOA

N< n«ponil>>Ult7 ''t s u*o in«4 tor th* cmrt of unw U dtod tnAnuacrlpt. photo* cm pha o r o ther oontrlbutod m atte r. Ar* itclea aubm ittod . for pobUoatlon wCl t>« uaod o r n o l a t tho d i c t i o n of tho M to r M d no monuacrlpt win bo ro tom od tm* iM aooom puJod hy tho nooeaaajy po«t*<M«. - ' ' y

BASTBRN RBPRBBBNTATIVM : , 0«or*« B. Oavld Co.. tn a , 171 M«dl>

•on Ave.. New TorT: A. H. K w to r. 1411 Hartford BnUdln#. C h l« « o . _ _ ^

U E U B B B O F A B S O O IA T E xT pB E Sa .>i:ha Aaaociatod Preaa la exelualvetjr «a-

• Itled to the uao for repubUonUon of aH newa dtapatchea oredltod to It. o r not

' otherwUa credited. In th la ^ p e r . and alao the local newa publlabed herein. AH

.n g b ta of repubUcaUon of tpeolal dU- patc-hea herein a ro alao reaenred._______« mhV.w Audit B ureau of CJr«ulaUou»

______ <S>- ■

T H E A B M Y B IL L SW idely d iffe re n t id o u aa to w h a t

tho urm y should b« a n d porhapa a s cp w hat i t should bo-.uaod fo r, a rc om* l)odiod in tho tw o prirtcipiU bUU bofore I'ongrcBB on th ia aubjoct.

Tho W adsffo rth 'K ubn , (gonoral s ta f f ) b ill provides fo r a standioff a rm y thrco tim es tho Bico o f tbo ouo wo h ad bo* foro tho MAT, togeth<)r w ith tbreo m o n th s ' univorsnl tra iu in j; f a r 10 y ea r old boyn.;

T ho .C ham borla in -K ahn b ill provides fo r u n iversa l m ili ta ry tra in in g o f 18 yoar o ld boys fo r six m onthn, together w ith Bolcctivo com pulsory 4orv iee to . Itoop tho s ta n d in g a rm y up to tbo strongth- os boforo tho war.

E xcopt on tho assum ption th a t thu U nited S taten is a b o u t to o u te r in to a j w orld com bination w hich nmy provcn t , m ajor want, b u t 'whicii w ill m ako noc* 1 ossory, a good doal o f in te rn a tio n a l po* ] Uc* worlc w hich w ould bo perform ed b e s t b y a regular, arm y , i t Is hard to u n d e rs tan d tb e pu rposes fo r increasing t tho s ta n d in g a m y to tbo e x te n t pro* ‘ IKjHod in tho W ad sw o rth 'E ah n b ill. ,

M oreover, w ith tho bost o f good w ill < and w ith th e best' o f luck , i t w ill tako

. a a y in te ru a tlo a a l com bination y e a rs to t m ake in te rn a tio n a l pcaco p robab le , aat^ those y e a rs m ust bo p rovided fo r.

Experience in tho w orld w a r ju a t ^ closed hns d em onstra ted th a t a s tand - p la g arm y oa g re a t a s ^To h a d befoTO ^ tho w a r o r even th rco tim es a s g rea t, would bo unablo to sav e the s itu a tio n n in tho ovont o f w n r w ith o f ir s t closn pow er. On the o tb o r band .tbo Wails- w orth -K ahn b ill propones w h a t c rp c rl- I’neo haji .p roven a n in ad eq u a te poriod o f p repara tion o f tho m ale population, for nuch a w ar.

The tim e han p.isscd wbon a n a tib a ' can a f fu id to Wro a teg u la r a rm y to j v



Makes Four Tons DoF o n r t o n s o f A l f a l f a m e a l i s e q n o f A l f a l f a H a y . T h e L E T Z w i l I t w iU g r i n d c o r n f o d d e r , e a r s s

y o u c a n m i x g r a i n w i t h t h e a lf i f e e d g r i n d e r f o r w h e a t , o a t s , y o u w i s h t o g r i n d . J u s t t h e m i l t o m a k e a l l o f h i s f e e d c o u n t , t i m e j u s t w b a t t h e I .E T Z w i l l d

T h e L £ T Z w i l l s o o n s a v e i i s c o

O O M E I N A N D S E E T.


C. O. M^ 1 S 4 S r d A r e . S o . T W I N T i

^ do i t s f ig h tin g . W ars azfllaow aa tio n - ^ a l con tests In' th e truo soom .^ U n til n a tio n a l a n d in te rn a tio n a l con*0. d (tio n s,ly iv o c ln u m e ^ ,fa t beyond tbo M lim it o f a n j ^ l n g now in sigh t, the0 p rinciplo m ust bo accepted tb a t ovory ~ citizen ought to devoto w hatovor por* ta Uon o f tUs lifo is necessa>7 to keep

his coun try in co n stan t read iness to m eot any s itu a tio n i t m ay Bo ealled

f t upon to face.^ B u t lie ough t n o t to bo callcd upon I* ^0 do tho rou tin e w ork o f a s tan d in g — m ilita ry cstoblishm ent.

On (ho whole, tbe Cham borlain-K alin M bill Is tho one like ly to m ake tho m ost

g ^ o r a l appeal. I t could bo im proved, >• porhops, by . p ro v id in g fo r a m oderate I- sized s tan d in g a rm y in s tead o f a a or* ^ my o’r d ra f te d citlw jns; b u t os con*

' ' trn sled w ith Uio W adswortli>Kahn b ill, w bieh would x>rovlde a n arm y unnce- e ssarily b ig and ozpcnslvo in. tim es o f

a pcnco and y e t unablo to save tho sit* ^ u a tio n in ovent o f a m ajo r w or i t of* it fo rs b y fo r tb e m ost feasib le w ork ing n basis on w hieh p lana fo r th e n a tio n a l

defense sbould bo b u ilt. •t • -------— ... ——

Con^egdtionalista Urge Ratification

ORAND R A PID S, ' B eso ln^"" Uons u rg ing ra tif ic a tio n o f tho

I t leaguo o f nations covonont “ with- o u t amonUmonts nnd w itb only such

' rese rva tions ns shall stren g th en tho a* m oral In f lu o n c o 'o f tho U nited

B tn tc s” woro sont lo iW oshington today by tho n a tiona l eouneil o f tho Conp-ogatlooal cUurcli tu con-

') ven tion hero.,g O th e r reaoluUonn considered to ­

dny dea lt w ith tho p ro p o s^ tb a t ’’* thu U n ited StatoB'Ossumo th e ^an *•0 d a to ry in A rm enia.

“■ F E I S A L I S D I S S A T I S F I E D

)S Son of S in g of Hedjas Bxcepts to the . Agreemaot Ooncanlng Syria-

ir PA R IS , (Jf) —P rince Feinal, son of th e k in g o f H cdjnz, In aisaaU iflo-l w ith th e Frnnco-EngU sh agroem ont

10 concorlnR S y ria , nccordlnK't«> tho Echtr do I ’iiritt, nml hnn rn llcd upon fVnnlc Ij. I’olk, hoad o f tho A niorirnn di’lc«n*

lO tiou to tlio pouco rnnferciico, nskiti,; a Iiini lo intorvoiii'. .Mr. I ’olk in nnid U.

hnvo declinod >0 n et, Iho convention :in to S y riii linvjng iilrondy bocn npprovcil

!* by th e suprem e councIL

’• MAYOE M K E W S BITOBT TO <] END LONO8H0&BMEM’ STBXEE“ N E W Y OBK, (/P)— Bcnew cd e ffo r ts1 to a rb tlra to N ow Y o rk ’s loagahot*-1. m en ’s strik o wero m ade to d ay b y M ay­

or U^'Inn, ono o f tho tb roe concilia to rs

r o in ted b y S o « e ta ry o f L ab o r Wil*

N o t moro th an 0,000* o f th e 40,000 men on s trik e r o tu m e d .to w ork yes-

> te rd ay nnd sh ipp ing w as stJU v ir tu a lly ^ tied up today . '

OHUBOBE8 A P P E A L ^ TO M nyor W. XI. E ldridge todny issuoH

A prorlnm ntion recom m onding th n t a• p a r t n f a ll church nervlcoa o f next J Sunday b e se t nsUlo to l>o ih 'voted \»

Ih r mem ory ’o f Tlieodoro R oosevelt.' T h o m ayor u rges th a t such oxerclseii I ns ore doomed .p a trio tica lly f i t t in g bo , engngod In on th is occasion.

k J

(Too l.ito fo r oinnsifirnlioii.)

■ T O T ^ A n ^ j^ ^ ^ o a v y to u r in g c a r to -• j w ards modern house. '732 2nd Avo. W.

LFA MEAL MILL)o the Work of Fivequal in feed value to five tons >?ill g rind yotir hay into meal.•s and all, into a fine meal, or Ufalfa or you can use it as a 3, barley, corn, o r any graia nill fo r the farm er who w ants t. Wo -Will show you- a t any 1 do in ac tual operation. ,

cost in saving fe e d . '

: rr i n o p e r a t i o n


iE IG S fTA ILS Phono 133

= = = = = = = a J ^,n- ♦ ------- -------- — ------- . . .»

. ] Oo—Oo—Lookut, 'I Snow Coming,

bo Man Saya SoW R E T C H on tho oanaii/fB , tho B l -dangling fu r 't ip p e t , th e

ep * flocco-llnod Dolm an/ fo r .the tj, w e a t h e r - p r e d i c t s th e fr nood

Im m ed la lo ly ..• “ Roin. o r snow to n ig h t—cool-

U gh-ugblSays tho dccllne in tb e temper*

Bg o tn ro w ill h it soctlon quick­ly nr.d bo rap id and somo perm a*'

. nen t.“ I f you h av crf 't m ade th e regu- ■st la r au tum nal chance to moro con*

gruous c lo th ing , perhapa b e tto r ' heed the w arning. N o t th a t tho -

w ea ther mnn is nny ao rt o f guess*IT* e r , b u t because the psychological

period is a t hand when, hvat-ro* tn iu ing ra im en t is required.

S lx ty-tw o in th e shade y o a te r :e- d a y ; thrciO po in ts decline from

- th e day p rio r, w ith .18 degrees fo r low nnd n “ t r a c e " o f ra in dur*

It* ing yostorday . Tho troco devel*)f. oped in to a tineup fu l dui^Ing tho

n igh t.R ain to n ig h t and F rid ay , tnra*

lal ing to snow. B-r*r*rl»■■■ -------------— ^


^ ' A G R E E T O P R I C E F I X E D

— 'C oQ carre iuea .B «presen ta tlT a .o r.lIliia i7P e r O eot o f A m eilcan O a tp a t B e.

ceived b y P a lm er __

W A SH IN G TO N , (/p) ~ Concurronco- , o f p roducers reprosentlMg n in e ty per

cen t o f the bcot sugar o u tpu t in th is co\intrj* Iins beon received by A tto r­ney G eneral Pnlm or in reply to hla so g geitlou tb n t 10 cen ts a pound to wliolenalefs wus r. fn ir prleo fo r tho now crop.

Tliin ifl nn Increaso o f one ccn t over tho old prico. W ith the price quontlun thus se ttled , o ffic ia ls expect th a t g reat

— q u an titie s o f sugar w ithhold from th^ U m ark e ts u n til tho s itua tion bccnmo

ntabillzed now w ill be rolcaned’ to ro­b e ilovo the shortage.

B E A D T B B O L& SSX Pm b A S So f _______ _ _ •od — — ................................-

I Rem arl: A I«• ^

L a d ie s ’ is-»y

Some of the garme if we didn’t te ll yoi

ct I garm ents were-pui 1“. ments were purchsL'« ■ . •

These g-arrnents re for each in its class

Ladies’ SuiiI FOR $35.00 you

m ust have m erit or some really excepti suits tha t, consider! Remarkable values good workmanship

Ladies’ anPLUSH COATi

full lined. We dor these. T hat’s sayin short styles.

B fA tT I' If you thought

here. From §30.00 ■ style; really clever

“AnotherB O O


' T o d o y . s l ^ & r f c © t s ;

OOUllA UVMtOdC j^ OM AHA, m —n o g reee ip ts 6,600;

m arke t SOe low er; to p $12.60; bulk’0 *11.S0 to IS ; b eavyw eigb t $11.76 to IS ; , P figh t w eigh t *11.70 to IW O ; b eav y , * pncking sow s, sm o « th -llJH ) to 1L75;** packing sows, tough $11 to 11.50; plga , , $12 to 14. . . . .

CatU e reee ip ts 18,tK)0; b ee f aad bn teher catU o alow a n d lo v e r ; stoeker and fooders76 to SSc low er; bee f Bteenu , medium a n d h eavy w e ig h t, eboie« and

, prim o $16 18; eommott $0.26 to 10.75; b e ifo rs $7.50 to 13; eows $0.76 ' to 12.26; eannbra a a d e n t te r t 6 to 0.76; '

, vesL.ciaveB' 12.76 to 14; feed er steers ' ' $7 to 13.29; s to ek e r s te e rs $8.76 to IL

Ig . Sheop rocoipts 10,000; lam bs S5e low* I e r; sheep a n d foedors s te a d y ; lam bs 84 t pounds down $18.76 to 14.86; eo lls and

^ common $8 to 12.75; yow U ng w ether# ] $0.S0 to 11.26; ow es, medm m and i

.. ehoice $0.76 to 9.76; etiUa a n d eommoa i n $2.76 to 6.76. ir ——r* Oblcago Livestock .l* C H IC AGO, (ff>— H o g reee ip ts 32,000;10 f a ir ly aeUvo, ab o u t 26e low er; bulk

$11.85. to 12.75; to p $12.85; boavy I- $12.40 to 12:75; l ig b t $12.25 to 12,76;

heavy pack in g sow s, sm ooth s$11.79 to , IS ; pack ing sows, rough $11.25 to U .7 6 :

pigs $11.50 to 12.25.C attlo rccoipU 10,000; unsotU od: boof

steors, jn c d in jn , a n d h eavy - w eight, p n choleo and prim o $17 to 10.40; commou ^ . $8.50 t o . J l ; bflifn,ra.$6.7S.t» 14.50; cows , ^ $0.05 to 12.75; eannors a n d cu tte rs $5.60

to 0.08; ven l calves $16.76 to 17.75;** feeder stee rs $7 to 13.25; s to ek er steers r— fd to 10.T.'l; w estern range , steers $7.75

to 15.50; COWH nnd b e ife ra 0 to ll.’.25. onco- Sheep receip ts 30,000; w eak ; lambs p er « i» s o to 15.05; culls nnd common $8.50

th is (0 12.25; ew es, m edium , good and cliolcQ $0.73 to 8.50; cu lls and common

, 1(1 (1.00; b reed ing $0.75 to 12.50.1 to ----------

.. Gralafl « ad ProvlBloBBCHICAGO, (/P)— C om u nderw en t a

tlon se tback in v a luo to d ay largelyrent ® resu lt o f now dow ntu rns in the

pricc o f hogs. So iling w ns inducod al* so by tho w eakness o f s to ck s and by tho bolt of- tho labor- de legates from th e Industria l conforcnce n t Wmihtiig- ton. Considerablo notico, too , w as ink- P

I. cn of tho unprom ising outlook regard- n

rkable GlL L N E W

and Misses•ments th a t go into th is sale you, there is nothing about purchased considerably bei chased to develop th is speci

; repr.esent all ranges of pri ass.

Hits—Dozens ofyou m ight th ink you couldi or we wouldn’t buy it in the •ptional valftes-at S35.00 to i iering m aterials and trimm ies a t the price offered. Bi tlip and good style or it cov

and Misses’ Coats—ITS—50 Drummers’ Sample; don’t believe we have ever s ying a good deal, isn’t it?

UTIFLL CLOTH COATSrht you couldn’t buy anythi: 00 to $50.00 we show coats I rer styles for misses or ladi(

Children’s Co<

f PackageO T H M ERCA N 1

- 1

.......■ - NS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

ing the threatened striko o t eoal rain* fEom .7 -^ off to 1 -^ ap, with-fi.oeem* ers. Opraivg pri«e% wfaiish ■ raafed ber $1.24 1*8 to 1.24 1-2 aad K ay $1.22 1*S to -1.23,'weto folloived-by a mater* iai deeline all aretmd, and tbea aome* thing of a reaction.

In tbo last p a rt of the day r i ^ e s were ebocked aftm the mine workers had refused Seeretary. WUsoa *s ftrike settlement p ro p < ^ -and a f te r the in* dustrial eonferenee as originally, eon* sUtuted had quit.. Tbe markot elosed nervous l;2e net-low er to ll*2e ad­vanco, with December $1,241*2 to $1,221-2.

. Oats weakened with com. A fter op­ening l-8e to S-8e down, IneltidiQg eember a t 71 1-8 t^ ^l. 1*4, the m arket continued to s ig r - >

P r o t o n s parted eompaay with tbe hog marked and raUled a f te r an in i­tial dowatnra. ’ ^

Tho strength in provisions was chief­ly based on ezpeetatloa th a t .hog re­eeipts would be eortaUed by the re* eent big s h r i n k ^ of valnea. -



No One Seate

ia rm e rV LL S T Y L I

Coals arle ace samples used to she t them to indicate they ai slow their value. Oth< eial value giVmg event.

rices and no word of pn

Tliem—At SaviIn’t get much of a suit, bu le firs t place. We are off I $55.00. Of course th e re ; ning such as rich furs, 5ut each'suit offered is t 'Uldn’t reach our racks.

-$30, $35, $4(es—each one made of S£ sold good plush coats al All sizes, some fu r tri

AT SURPRISING PHing but high priced coats th a t are good'in qualii

ies.oats to Suit.

e Prom 1T IL E C O M P A I

,lJ,- • • (Mbl Q ootiM eM ^ . ■ ■ - ■;>mi* CHICAGO, No, * , ■red $1.31 3*4 to l i f i ; Wo. 8 yeUow $1.88 JB2 1.2 to 1.80. ■ ' ,»r- Ots No.-a whtte. «9 tarTOo} itu id a rd no* nominaL - . '

•Bye No. 2 $1.86 l A .iiA. Barley $ 1 .^ to 1.88.^ . Timothy $8.60 to 1L86., .IW- Clover n o m ia ^ ■?

Pork nom inl^ "L aid $27.W.

.B ibs >18 to 18.75.■f- t Liberty flead i“ NEW YOBK; ( f f^ L Ib e rty b e ^

prices a t tho close today were: 8 l*2»s $100.70; firs t 4 's $95.20; aecoild 4 's

^ $03^50- f irs t 4 1-4’a $05.42;-second 4 l - l 's $98.80: third 4 l*4»s $95.42; fourth 4 1-4's $03.74; Victory 8 8-4's $90.66; ,

tbe Victory 4 3-4's $99.60. ini* , ■ ■—

P o ta to ^ ---------- ^ef. CHICAGO, (JPH^otmtota steady; ar* ro- rival* 61 cars; Northern re* bulk whites $S i6 to 2JW); E«rly O h lo*-^

$335. • ,

1 a t 8:20


led During ActsifiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH

nt S a leE S

nd Suitshow iflerchants and aresa.mples. These :hers of these gar- ■

iraise is too strong

■ ^

/ings To Youbut you know a suit ffering in this salee are higher priced rs, ape equally as 5 of good m aterial,1.

10 and upSalts’ Plush—each a t less prices than irimmed; long or

RICESits you should look lity and p re tty in

Booth’s”lNY - -


Skoithoni Bovine IboiUed Speakera a t HoHaslers

•Bare BaniaetA« a medinm o f supplying m

nooda “ eow ia q ueen .”A t lea s t th a t is tho te x t o f all

<iro8WB heard a t- a biinquot prov la s t a l ^ t b y C. A. M eltlaator ft o f th e M odel F a m s S tock Banch,

m cm b en o f th e T w in Falta N orthSoQth S ide S ho rth o ra B rooders ' i c la tio a a t th e R o g c m n hotel.

A dozon or m oro addresses dlla Iho. v irtu e s and economic quality vn

f « 9f tho p a tie n t bossy, esnoclally tl 't> r ^ t tho S h o rth o ra brood o f bovine, i

hoard , to ld in convincing and lo£ tanguago b y m en whoso businosn is

^ s tn d y o f S horthorn ca ttle . The afi A p re f a c e 'to th e M e iln s lc r Shorti

. «9ittle ' a a lo ' o f to'Uny. w as emine st^eesafu l, both aa a festive and sti^uctivo occaaJoB;

Tbotbaotne M eal l a S p read . On fow becasions hos tho spoe

' d ijilng fla il o f th e Rogerson hotel I cnlloil upon to necommodato a gro

• iksscmblngo th an th n t congrcKnlcd w in i ts w h ito w alls Inst niglit. PJi vfcro pn jy idcd fo r 13B guosls, a a d i few , i f any , ch a irs wero vncnut.w

• - - tb o -fo a s t w tts-B prodnrT ^^ttrtu fk 'Jvccotoipioco the moal wns m ost to< some,- well proparod am i woU fn*r

• - • Tho tab le doeorntlons bcspoko'II i)'< 't i f u l h arv est, rorniiuouias, poui fo r th tlic lr plon ty , form ing tho pri

-! pit] a r n a m c n t a d a a ..T h o speak ing porliuti o f tlie ov

was a s rich ly Jadeii w llh food for tcDRO eonsidcrfttion as tlic forepart tho procoodiiiCH hud boon w ith i nourishm ent to r muu, Kv<<ry ndtV nm pllfiod tbo ncud fo r thu host livpHtock on tho funns and ranges th e wcat, to tho rllm ln ad o n o f " bci s to c k .” In fnet tho Khilibnloth ' “ B est c a tllo fo r tho best la n d /

:iocain issued in urgo tlm t form ers , nuigu. m aste rs puy ns mutrh a tlon l lo 'Im 'p ro v iag tlic ir livi'aluck hord* thoy do to tho bo H u n n tu i o f c grow ing an d land tilting . '

T 6 a s t fo r H ost WlUi W. hL Lam bing iustullod In

rii|iiioity o f m uster <if ooroiiionios " . n ffn ir soon roaolvod info ii‘n ontorlj

• iiicnt o f m ingk'd rioti hum or and r in tcroat. Tho to tistninstcr opened oorcmonics w ith nn o n tcrto ia lng ouli «m tho cow, »ddri'»ahig him self 6hi( on tho SIm rthom departm en t o f don

•“ lie livestock . Ilo rcliited wonic ii den ts o f early ' days in tho Twin P, <listrict an d paid m arkod complim to C harles A. M cM astor, whom he { Muunccd tiio jiionoer o f th e tihorlh Industry in th is sagebrush section, dea lt w ith th e progress o f Bhorth ttrvodlng, iTaclng th a t movomont fi Iho f i r s t stock an im als brought i Ihe d is tr ic t , ond om phaliciilly

, Hounccd U m t tho only w ay to realcom m ensurate tow ard from lho hi priced land hereabouts ‘w as throi the rea rin g o f tho h ighest nnd b Krndo o f ca ttlo r-S hortho rns.

T B etto r s ires .md cu-opcrntion ofbrooiUng asso'cintions wns tho tbonio nu address by K, F . lU nchart, o f a ta to bureau o f ag ricu ltu ra l nnd s nml in te re sts . Ho si>oko of tho pi ont valuo o f feed declaring hima w ith em phasis ag a in st tho imprd dence th a t leads a s lo rku jan to se t iII toh feed boforo n Inw grado anin:

Amon M iller, nn auctioneer of Cawell, lauded th a H horthorn variety <lomcfltic c a ttle , declaring tho rc w hites and roans to be thu moAt n in fnctory an im als fo r woslcrn rax nnd ranch.

D a v id C. I’a t lo i i , ro p ro se iil in g “ H lio r th o rn W o r ld ,” o f C h icn g o , u Iho R ov . A . G. B o n n o l t, o f T w in I 'n proN onleil n lio rt la lk ii u f a luoro le?iH jo o u ln r n a lu ro , th o u g h o a rh li a n iom u l o f iifcH tock in lo rc n i.

Cow Is Szalted .T l io s p e a k in g progr:U ii « H H -h ro iij

Ici ;i cloRe b y fc'rank O , T hiiipomi L in c o ln , N ell., r e p r e s e n t in g Ihe A iiii

. c u n i> h iir th o rn B r c w le r s ' a-MocInli• ' M r. Tonistm oulogir.cd tlio • Sliorthc

nn the m ost im{<ortaiil o f nil doniea bree»rn o f c a tt le ; tho mosi versatile oa})iirity and mont gonoral in adap

, b ilily . I lo called tho Shorthorn ctlie aniin&t in whicli tho farm er crii pinco m ost confidcuco and rcliabUi! repose tbo- g rea te s t responsib ility n bo nnxured o f the g rea te st p rofits. rrod ilod the Shorthorn w ith bring 1 one breed b est ad ap ted to Ihe elimi and tho needs of tho w estern coi

- tr j ', and told o f a worM dem and i th is b reed. D uring his address p ra ise fo r th e S horthorn he pnu> tang cnftURh to te ll o f tbo w ork bci ioue by liin nssocintinn in promoti Ihis inilnatry, g iv ing figurca showi progress nntl iid%’aneem ent in ii voars. Ilu lauded M r. M cM aster 1 lli* personal onterprjpe botli in fig in g the ba ttle s o f tho B horthorn n pioneering th a t industry in th is s lion,' nud for m nking it pos.iibic drnw toge ther tn mic room as ma men inlere.iled in livestock breeding Imd gathered about tlie fes tiv e boiIII th e B o g e rso n h o te l.

.Music fo r la s t n ig h t 's orcasion « provideil h y th e Tempio i^uartot whi responding lo appeals fo r e i t r a bers, leng thened i l s published progri

_of ;pngs lo n early tw ice i ts length.

W A N TS P A T FO B W OBK^ .\Ileg in^ , th a t Tliomas Clinton 1

rofu«e<l ty se ttle a la lw r aecot jfieorge Ryius, a laborer, has institui reeoverj' proceedings in th e probl ro u rt. R yan alleges there is due h for ncrvices •rendered, th e stun

LOST OAB F O tm D AGAIN n ig h t A. A. Pack reported

• lo e 's h e r i f f 's o ffice th e f t o f his au Riobrie, -whieh bad been le f t in f n n f Ihe l \e i th rooreiag ^onse oa U j

• Avenne cast. This m ora ing i ( r . Pc r<-porte<l h a r ia g located the c a r 'd ltc l in n p o 'ta ^ p a le k Bf.ar th e e ity liml

No. yoo do n o t r a y A X T c f the ,« o f a d v e rtis iag . p a trons o fndvprti*e<J s to res a lw ays p ay peaalt fo r th e old-fash ieaed policies o f t m erebaBl.

7H0BBDAT. O O S O S n S3,1618.

J o c a l p ^ r a - i r i t i e ^

L D 0 U is s O ates H . (r n n Oatos, who has beea ill fo rU l l U ^ral w eeks a t her homo oa '^ I r d

nuo no rth , is im proving.

ad b y ■ W eeU y M estlng—Tho B oU ry it s '. • itS' regu la r weekly- lunehco:

tho M asonU tomplo yestorday , nearly tho fu ll memborship preser

m an ’s ^ B ta te B tia lnen—E v e re tt M. B lo^, m em ber o f th'o s ta to ulilitiO s <

all ad- miasion, m otored ov e r from Bolso rovided tordny nnd w ill be In Tw iu F alls* Sou, « ^ow days.

^ h «^.l Some B o o ty - ^ . N. BmasoB‘ n iw Tw in F a lls , and L . B. Bransoa,

F ile r, hnvo ro tum od from a hun >i| .1 tr ip in tho I^ o n Creck country . ']

VAlUO*' tlttno U c o u « 4 to W » l-Jd u r r i» j !0 Uoe

ns foUovrn have b to n Issued in logical p a s t 24 hours: Tb Milo P . Dodd, .

■ is th e 10, nnd Vcrdio M. Simmons, ID, 1 a f fa ir , „ r Tw in Falln; to John Skovcrs

Drthora Kim berly and A nna Renflem an, inonlly Custlefonl.ind la - . . -T-- ■

H om e from V isit—Mr. iui<l 4 U’iso E vans aud son D ick and Mr.paelotts Mooro and dauKlttor M

boon Leonard retu rnedg rea te r w ook from a v is it w llh:1 with* a tiv e s nnd frieads iu 'Ogden. Tlio P laces "■“* **>■ nutomobile,

fw hZ » -H im a n i-U .m A. Clii.I wnen A twood, I). A. Bahnon und■♦fifttl. ^'^ '‘”‘0 •''‘' ’I’ gono ■ td the J a d

il. llo lo country for a teu dny hun ,1- trip ,....H u;y hopo to duplicate Ihe

‘ cesH o f M arion P. B elly , o f RutF who brought homo a •lOO" pound nn princi-

o v c n l ______for in- I T— .

" r i e l ! J r - ’ e a r j o M . a l jiddrcHs Ls t o f . —gos o f J- -M- n rn tte ii iri lu Ihe e ily f 'scrub- H 'dlisfer.H L. 8 to«v r " f AslUoiv, i« :i

“ ifo r In Tw in Palls, rn andention J'- Swaugor, o f Mneka.v, Idiilm rds us n Twin F alls visitor., crop o . F . Bncon, o f Boiso, is trntimiel

buHineiw in Twin Fnlls. in tho Q lanfi'dd , o f S alt Lako, i

os tlio hnsinoHM v is iln r In tlio e ily . ' erla in- w . H. am ith . o f Boise, in tooking d raro |, .r buniuoxs iiffnirH in lliin i-ity.-d thooaloffT Orovor Rieli, o f Burloy, arri shiolly Tw iiv .F iilU y'oHletdiiy for ;i U Jomei- ' I"-**3 inci- J. A. Siiiigor hns roturnoil from V

F a lls iiiia, W ash., whoro hu has been Ic iim ent ing a f te r busiticBR aftiilrs. r l ^ r o ^ 0^ 'nsby , o f Boise, proniin m. Ho pioucer ronidcnt o f :rtho rn ^n T w in F a lls on business.. from Mian Qraco Fusto.r, o f 8kidm t ia to Mo., a rriv ed iu T w ia F a lls ' Tuesi

an- and w ill teftch a t th e Lincoln v h o o

*^hlch" yeste rday fo r■ t-n.l^i. ealcllo und Idaho F alls, where ho

look a f to r business a ffa irs fo r sevi days.

o f all•mo of f

S o c i a i p p ^imaolf "■ ■■■■■■■provi- -------—Pt *125 The M. S. and 8- club inet yesn im al. ,iny n t homo o f M rs. A. A. D avis, tCald* mih-s northw eat , o f Twin Palls. \

«ly of Kiiiin Jj.d w in g waH* p resen t-nud spreds, n f (1,0 tr.ork Mu» farm bureau nre

t sa t- j„j;. P lans wero m ade fo r tho 1ranRO loweeii p a r ly Ihnt fhe elub in giv

fo r inembeTB nnd th e ir fam ilies. ': *ho follow ing Indies w ere welronied ns I'» > '"1 m em bers; Mendaiiies Reed, Cook, F(Palis, H,.biiberl, iind Kobinsun- De

*■' iouM rofre.Hlinii'iilji were Herved ntI h.-M „ f ,i„, .afternoon.

. M rs. AllaU P. Senior onlorlainod ■"'‘KUt I \V.'duo.H.l:iy l.ridKe elub yoslerrlny »l e f } tornoon. T he fnllowiiii; ladW'H m Itiiori-1 |,ronent,. .Mesdnmrri L, P. Morso, R. iBlioii. I S j,n fford , W.. Jl. Oroi nhow, W. H. I! •thom i K, C. I.avering , C. H . Burton, L. C nealic- nnd L, T. W ngh t. Mrs. L. F. Mr ile =u rnrrled o f f Ihe lionnrs for higli sej ilapta- a <laintv h a n d . em broidered hnndl I cow fh iof. could —

Mrs. Urb,TU T raeey was hostess I’ ond llio W imodnusi e lub yeste rday a t s- Bo noiiin nn Secoml nvcnuo w est. The g the ternoon wns spent w ith sewing nn< im ate sorial tim e. A bout tw elve nioml coun- nttende'd nnd M rs. F ran k O. Thom d fo r of Lincoln, Xob,,-wM« a guest o f 8 of club.iftusod - •being .lohn Cosiello en lerln inedlo tin g JJ (. JJ yen terday afternoon“^*“ 8 iior home on ^ v e n lh nvenue no)

‘J'** .Mrs. P. E ricson earried o f f the hon ’J. for thi' Anv. a b ean tifu l sowp sp< f ‘Bht- J , i , um bers einhf.1 and _____ T* .M rs . J . A- C.impbell en te rta ined ° Home Bridgo elub a t ber^eounlry Jic m any v este rd n r. A delieions d inner i lng as ; ,^ jv cd 'n r o n o 'o ’eloek. Miss Blake:

nisler o f Mr*. M. O. .Conover, wa, guent o f th e club.I was ____ L.

"■‘‘•ch, Mrs. F . R. Cox w as hostess a t t«vo •n'um- |,j^^ b ridge Ihst evening. The

jgrom lowing ladies enjoyed fhe evenl M esdnmes i t . K cllev, P. Kriekson, \V. I ln s ted , George llxopold, II. P . E

ly ,, ger, D. B. A dam s nad .1, A. Canipbel'cooat __ • -itu ted "S H E P P A B D S'CO . h as jo o d f s ■obato ^or from $100 to 1175 per e him T hey a « read y ta show I t to y oa ) o f any tim e. 0*11 a t tb s ir o ffie* a t Idi

F a lls .” — Adv.

r C ity loans tb a t cpst you leas aadcd to you o u t o f d eb t, oa eom pleted pro jauto* ties sod to a ssis t in balld lag . _____fro n t ABTHTTB L. SW IUH a la - --------- ----Poak M arion E t te r Sm ith has reope:

Itched her s tad io ia Gregg BostDess Colllim its, b n lld iag fo r pupils In v io lia aad pis

Phoae S65J4- Ae,«o«t — ■ ■r aoa- BLANCHARD BU TTER T H E BFtaltios in the W est. - F o r sale a t thef th* W hite S to re , W all Bros.'. Blae L a

Gtoeery. Ask ^ o r It.

19.' ■

^ LEIIB E EOfflES « T BM’SHIy eiui> H o r t h D a k o t a T a m e r s O o n t r icon in n t e D e p o s i t s i n T r o s f t o th< 7, With D e f u n c t I n s t i t n t l o u» e n t. , .

[. Swoo- PAEGQ, -N . JO,' (fl’^ A p p ro i lm a l Os com- $^5,000 in “ deposits In t r u s t” n iso yes- received y este rday by C. E . Loftus, nils fb r charge o f th e Bcandlnavlna-Aniorl

ban k , cloned recently by o rd e r o f s ta te ban k in g board, from fan

tson, o f m em bers o f tho N ationa l Non-Pa oa, o f nan league wbo attended tho ra lly b hun ting T uesday , accord ing to fig u re s gi . Thoy o u t la s t n ig h t by W illiam Lem ke, \

p residen t o f tho leaguc- O thel such depositg nro expected,

lioenses money w ill bo pla-lit o th e r ban k s u n til tho re-opening

d, aged Bandinaviaa-A m erican lu slilu t: 9, bo th A stn lom cnt of th e condition o f ers o r Kcaniliu ivinn-Am erican bnnk, prepa 1“ '. today l>y S ta te B ank Exam iner Lol

nnd M. W. T hatcher, to b e filed supremo eourt tomorrow; deeli

Lt, nml «»»“ in stitu tio n is In good ’ Miq M elba <onditiim ” nnd asks th a t I t be |

/•,! fiiA niitfed to resume business n l a date riM, ‘o discroflon o f tl.o biH * 1- eznm inur.

The s tn tom en t elnims fh n t a red tio n o f approxim ately <100,UOO in lo

Chapin, and discounts in shown com pared vt und H . •!'*' s ta tcm ea t made Soptem ber 21) rackson P- E. Halldorson, who ac ted an ti lun tin g po rar)' rece iver fo r the in stitu tion , he sue* '^he s la tom ont places tho b u n k ’s R unerl. <n] a sse ts n t nnd linbilit

, , ‘oun- a t *1,390,170:*" ____

A TTO BK SY OEKBBAX. A S E S ^— . M O D m o A T io N o r o b d :

J I BISM ARCK, N. D., A lto n {Gonernl W illiam Lauqor o f N orlh I

* I kotii y este rday filed w ith the supre • from I " p e titio n fo r lho m odificatl

™ of tho c o u r t 's tc»i|i6 rurj‘ injuiicliou which tho n ta tc banking hoard I

:i v i t . boen b a tio d from ac ting in its offic capac ity in conuectiou w ith the Bei

alio , , ‘J'navinn-Am orieiin bnnk o f ParRO.’ . I his app lication tho u tto rn ey gene

asks th a t tho court perm it thu tnki Niieting of oral testim ony o f witocssen in p

Hossioii o f fac ta on which, he nays, I I- is .1 *‘‘****' "'il* conipelont to p.i’ ‘ ou tho quostion n f w hether or no t t

F arg o bnnk is insolvent, iug af^ Counsel fo r The clonod'bnnk nml i

llio non-partisan league hnvo taken I jrrivod 1 beforo llio 'nupriiiio court ll

b rie f should bo doterm ined «iu tbnnin o f a ffid u v itn presontod by then

II Yak- ~I look- ^|||jjll{ll[(|j|||l|||j[jl[|[|||^^

m inento f I— _fur Ior10scvcmI «.


fester* = ^ O I H tn, f l S v R * ~ . B ' ] n

M iss .spoke . f n i A n u ^

re ‘ rX U fn iW fy ^> Hal- W m M £ ^ m L 2 t S ^g iv ing A B ;W ,< T

Fore- V H I lJ UDelic- -- u n

t ' \

‘•'I -IV ' 1 ' ^ '1 t t

wore , ' y('} h iK* / ! J S ^ I I '

I. Hill, ' J ^ i S ^ W / I- Clos, ^M orse i (neore, t

ndkcf* A /§g l

ess e = t t'hennd o ‘m bcrfomson- , .3f

'dxinnorth .



1C fol* eo ing:on, ^ B H S B S ^ ^ K n P b a {m>. Bar- be ll.

1 f a m / /' >* \ v ^ A I^ JIdaho

Dd g e t ^ ,1iroper- ^ w f


f iDAI^ ■ U P-TO

BEST t B igLak*s III,....... ..............IIIIIIWIIIMIIIIIIIBIlllllBltlJ W . . WIWIIIW ^ ^


Xaaim ova, the se roen 's g rea test fl tise , w ill be the a tlracU o a a t tho Qe

o n tn o * - th e a tre today fo r a throo day. eagafi il i h e tn c a t in “ The Red L an tv ra ,” tbo po'

o rfu l p lay o f tho fasc ina ting E ast. • i l a i t she eaac ls a dual rote— th a t <

M ahlcc, -an EurnnlBa g irl whoso strani x im ately com binntton o f Englisli and Chine l” w ere blood maken her a n uausual figure oftus, in rom ance, a n d B lanche, her Englb im erican h a lf-s is te r—tw o charac te rs as wido r o f tho a p a rt a s tho poles, b u t w hleh ttiis wo

farm<}r derfu l a r t i s t coa trives to p o rtray wl on-Partl- equal s tre a g th and conviction, illy hero ■ ■ • '!S RiVsJU I

: : : : :I placed ^enlag o f —ililu tion . F unera l ser\-iccK fo r M rs. M ary A a o f the dorson, whose dcnth wan recorded • prepared th e rnnch hnme> w est o f Twin 1^1 r L o ftu s y este rday m orning, n t tho nge oT 7 led w itl; w ill be h e ld . n t the Do W itt chap declares th is n ftornoon. Thn pasto r o f tl ’ ‘ liquid Chrintian chu rch , w ill probably bo' be per* chnrge. l->m6ral, w ith J . E . DoWi d a te to d irec ting , w ill be in Twin F alls eem

lin bnnk te>y.

a reduc- NOTIOB in loans I hnvx m oved m y M arket Hootli Ju

red w ith across .Shoshono s tree t on Third nvoni r 21) by caat. L eave o rders fo r ..^ tille d Oot» an tem- fo r y ou r w in te r ’s n u pp lj* ;^ . K. Pro-t ltion, ^ . Ad nl*’* t«- --------- — -- ' -nb ilities . ~~ ~ ■

supremo ficatiou !liou by rd iins o ffic ia l e Beau*

■ ■g e n e ril ■ ■tnking ■ ^

in pos- •nys, tho to pass

F rid a yi r t tliat • Won the.

Exhib itsI t i s o u r g o o d f o r t u r

s a l e a r i c h a n d e x c l

P r e c i o u s a n d s e m i

■ k n o w n m a k e r s o f


C l e v e r i n t e r p r e t a t i o

S ’ b y m a s t e r d e s i g r n e r s

. r i e r s .

. The “Qo

i & j i j . E v e r y G o r d o n F u r 1

f u r a n d w h a t m a y b

W h e n y o u b u y a G o i

j P p w h a t y o u p a y f o r . ]

P Special fM r . E u g e n e H o l l o w f

s o n , S a i n t P a u l , w i l l

y o u t h e b e n e f i t o f 1:

m a t i o n d e s i r e d r e l a

Exhibition andT H K OREA


L L S D A B . Y N ^ S .


^ Com plaint has b eea^en te red la Jll police court by D. M, Detoton agal yi a U r . Reovos, res ld iag a t 121 Elova i avenne onst, charg ing m aiatcnaneo ;

S * harbo ring o f a vicious dog. Comph a n t also alleges th a t tho d efau d an t

ar* fa iled to' procuro tho required c ity 3ein liceaso fo r 1910.

— -------------- ------- ------iDw* ' ! :

I NO Iroa-rh h

We will move 133 Main AvenuAn-

w'l; the Vogue MUlit»poi tho ' inV itt ,


' ' V *

■ i

A N Cr, Octob

Extra o nm e t o b e a b l e t p o f f e r f

: l u s i v e e o l l e e t i o n o f f i n e

l i - p r e e i o u s F u r C c e a t i o

ro rd o iF u r s

o n s o f p r e . s e n t - d a y s i y h

r s a n d e x e c u t e d b y t h eI

)rdon Pure Fui Protects You

b e a r s a l a b e l s t a t i n g t h i

b e e x p e c t e d o f i t a s r e g s

j r d o n f u r , y o u k n o w w h £

N o m y s t e r i o u s t r a d e n s

Fur Expert Inm y f r o m t h e H o u s e o f '

I I b e i n a t t e n d a n c e a n d v

h i s e x p e r i e n c e a n d a d v

a t i v e t o s p e c i a l o r d e r s .

j Sale on Safurd


■ ■' . , ... ’FAOB.:mB

TONTBAOTOB U A q b ? g m > v '

in tho ’ C. W,' H eiaeke. wbo is em ployed' jjaiga iasi ft c ity eoastrucU on c b a tra o t^ - ta d a jrovaoth filed an action ]n tho p roba te e o o rteo and againnt.W . 0 . Roed, another co n trac to r;nplain* iavolv ing tho alleged loss of- g ra tekn t U is valued ^ tho com plaiot a t *30, H e la -ty do£ o jw ^ le g e s Repd sfolo 27 yard s of ma-


T IC E !c about November 1 to me Eaat, next door to linerg Store. .

r oPTic/iL CO.r. /r. PARROTT.'Mor. I I

LAVERINGIm pavilion

D E ,je r 24th

dinaryf o r i n s p e c t i o n a n d

l e F u r s .

i o n s b f ^ h e w e l l -


r l e i d e a s , d e v e l o p e d

e m o s t e x p e r t f u r -

i r Law’’

; h e t r u e n a m e o f t h e

g a r d s w e a r ,

h a t y o u b u y a n d g e t

n a m e s a r e u s e d .

1 Chargef G o r d o n & F e r g u -

i w i l l b e g l a d t o g i v e

i v i c e , o r a n y i n f o r -

day, Oct. 25

I E , Ud.fO A Z sm iv m

in iN G Bf : SIIMiESSP a t h e t i c S c e n e s i n B u s B ia n U oT ." A z . r o p o l l B - R e c o n n t e d ; B r e a d

K o t H o n e y , W a i i t e d

I’A Blfi, (/P)—WJord picturcii o f Moa- I cow ’s linnBor a rc rIvcd In ! th o F igaro ha^ by a Ruwrtnn princesa o rriv in g from the Jinasln. fue

“ I will not apOBk o f tho torrib le , bet rrvo ltlnR nml ojHou* th in g s th n t poasc'l the In tho fitrectn o f M oacow ", sho sai-L tho " b u t oiTly o f thp hungor ineldonta I pur snw with m y own pycn nnd whieh wero onl repeater] dny a f te r day. 1 m et a worn- ply nnd ami n r'hiM, rnggod and th in n s ha\

' aketotona, tho child crying-ecoiB taatly r w ith nn unehnnging oxprosdlon o f tcr* ror. Tho m other snid tfin t tho child waa h»mgry nml' naked fo r n pieeo o f • b rrn d iw they hnd not eaten fo r 24 . . hourn. I opened niy purser womnn tu rned nwny nnying " N o , n o t . mnnoy, h u t b r c id .’

“ A notbec tim e X saw a blond ‘ bairod young g irl w ith a m u oot* , , rtre tchod , loaning like a liv ing cm* "

‘ 'd f lx ag a in s t a w all and m onnnr- ... in g ‘I am b n n g ty .'- N e x t d ay sh«

“ I iiuvo neon in tho m iddle o f a ni(lo Blreet n gront ycltow , hollow- nided dug, carry in g u hone w ith n lit- ^ till menl uLtnched, whilo a tuu yirnr old boy n few ntopa nwny w ith tbo pallor o f long niiflory on hia faco w ntehed tho dog na i f hypnolizud. ’ W ith uocic out' .•itrote.hed, jiioulh opcu, nnd flnt rlone.hel, ho lookod n t tho dog w ith ®* ha to und fe roc ity ., , 2 “

" I hnvo *cpn .ch ildren hard ly clothed, holloW cheeked nnd w ith form'd liko Hlindnwn, on th e ir knees in tho s tre e t, t ry in g to p ick from betw een tho pnving Htonca gm inn o t w heat th a t had fnllon from a to rn «iek . I hnvo soou J beforo bnkerieH nu-n, women nnd chil- ahc dron fltrclohed nn the m id stones, n w a itln g -th ro u g h dnyn ’ and nights th e ir tu rn to gc?t their- mengro ration

. o f brcnd and (hen ofton 'fnllinip ox- . nnuated nnd d y in g a l flu* door steps : before they reeolved it.

-------- . .. pillKXOHT SOHOOL D IPLO M A


IJA K E B 8FIE L D , (ff) — Annouuc<i- m out by tho K om counly niiperiii.* ju d g es th a t thoy would accejit a dipIn- ^ nia from tho loeal n igh t kcliu>ls ns suf- fic io n t ovidonco o f tho ho’dcr*H < aalffi- cation fo r eitieonship has rcmilju.l in tlm crow ding tho n ig h t schools rit Bakcrx- hiB fio ld nnd T o ft h igh sehools. Olaw^s in fioo A racricaniEation a rc filled dnd i l l to ld gny noarly 1300. aro a tten d in g tlto -.night ' I " ” ' ”- . ■ , Ilio


'■ off*D E B U N . (/P>—Dr.-A.'J|fu.Ht Muellftr,

fo rm or fo o d ' controller, ]>robably w ill head* the Gorman delegation a t tho la- 4 M bor ron^roa i a t W ashington.

C art Uudolph Legion, p residen t o f tho G erm an F ederation o f T rado Un­ions, will n o t bo ablo to a tten d , dad l l e r r O raffm ann , second chairm an gen* e ra l o f tho fodoratlon, will- tak e hi< placo.


<:OLOn>jE, (/l» )_T hf (JcriMiin T rnde AsBoclntion fo r Sontli nnd tV ntrnl Amorii'.t nnnounccd rc ron tly th n t itn fipecial rp jirospntnlive in i le s ic o re ­p o rted cond iticnJ n» b r in g partiru U r- iy fnvornhie in view o f tho opportuni- tip# op.*n to Oermnn triidi'. The M exi­can ngi-nt re{x>rted th n t thero w as a a u rgent dem and for thone gondn which w ero exported by Qennnny beforo tho w nr and con»eii«entlv n apleodtd open-Jug- •M S D I0 0 8 O F F E R TH E O R IE S


SA N FRANCISCO, (yP)—« an F ra n ­cisco new spapers havo givon spaco ro-te n tly to a discussTon amon;{ iiii»dical ;men horo a s to tb e causc o f a loeal cpi- ^dem ie of hiccodghs. . ^

Bonn- phyiiiri;»nii n ttr ih u te d i t ,to the too em phatie “ k ic k ” in sub<1i- J il te» for liquor and nlhprji h.i M Ute p a ro jy i I* v e ic V a u se d b'. ;>a “ ;«»tcnu- - ,Illed i n f >-t.M -;'c rT n .''


n ^ E L IN , (JPi—Tho G e m a n and Aus- trian j;overom en ts, i t is loaraed, havedecided to send delegates to th e W u h - gIngton lal>or confluence inasm uch as ktbe suprem e council o f th e allies has ^recommended tb e ir adm ittance , as fnl* aly qua lified mem bers. 2

Tbo delegates of th e tw o na tions <] p robab ly w ill leave together fo r W ash-ing tou a t tho end of th is we«k. ^

Only (.ropert.v whleh Is undestrabU o r too Iiigli priced should ever be teu- o s tlrs s . T en an ts are fouod throu<h classified adv ertis in g fo r OOOD HOUSES OR A PA B TM ESTB , righUy priced.

FORStLElModem homo, fire room*

u d ileeping porch, gar-

^ D , chicken hoose, B m

Park and oity w a ^ .

Phone 606-W

FAOB t a x . .


'Amerioan Tonrista in. Frenoh j\ Capital Bewffcil the Lack i

' ot Heat ! 1 -------- i

P A R IS , {JPi— A m orican to u ris ts who! havo roccn tly roachod P a r is wish Uiut! thoy m ig h t havo b ro n g h t the ir own I fuel supply w ith them . Octobor' hns! beon un iisually eold nod damp, . b j t thero is an o ffic ia l p roh ib ition ngoinsi tho uso o f eoal fo r contro l h ea ting purposoa boforo N ovem ber 1, so that only thoso hotels oblu to ob tain a sup- . ' p ly .o f wood aro boated . Most hotels hftvo no coal. . j ”

T ravolors ju s t a rr iv e d from B erlin t j and Viflnna sny th a t p rices tboro nre mueh higher* and h e a t also is lack ing . |

Althouj;h i t .w as-bolieved th a t P a r is au hotels would liuvo on nbundnnco bf rooms fo r a ll com ers n f to r th o 'd o p a r- i turo o f the arm ies o f nltled w ar work- jj^j ers, P a r i s ^ o m s '^ s t a s b ad ly crowded* as a t th is tim o lo s t yonr jin d tour- ists a ro w alk ing tho stroots, sookiug aecamniodBtions. P n ris is still fiilpd ^ < w ith re fugees from .the- d b v a s ta t^ -^ - nreas nnd from countrios upset by war. accounting fo r the g rea t dem and fo r ' sheltor. ,

A contrnlly located hotid now chnrg- *j. os to GO francs dn ily for singlo, rooms w ith o u t heat. Wood for use l n ' . „ , fire-plne.es costs six teen frnncs a bas­ket whon nvallnble. F netories a re mn- n ing on short tim e because of tho lack , of coui nnd tho fuel ndm iniatrn tlon is ou th is account curLalllug thu supply , ' fo r hotels and households so sharp ly ~ th u t boating will be lim ited ovon nf- ~ tc r Novem ber 1. *

L abor Saving. 'A boy wnn In tin* net o f tak in g a

■hort rood through n plowed fleld. ] w hen tho fnm ip r, obHcrvlng him. shou t- nto o d ; "H I, thcre'H no rond thero !” Tho _ boy tu ra e d nround. nm l. feeling th n t ns — tw en ty y n n ls lay betw een him ntid Ills ' I Ira to a ccu se r hc w ns safe , coolly ro- ^ pU cd: "So I Bco; b u t you need nol troublo tb m ako one. I sbn ll n o t come bnck th is w ay r* —

H la Fellow .Fcellno . ,------ , . .H en ry hnd liot'n suvcrely «i’oIdt‘<l fot

no t m ro ln g off th e n-nter n f te r hi> lind bcon plnylng in th e b a th tu)i.* .Som e tim e In te r th e re w ns n clon<lliurst nenr hiB hom e, nntl n s he wn« w ntehing the flooded s tre e ts hln m o th er henrd him sny to h im self, “ I l ie t Nnme angel Is m tch ing It fo r fo rg e ttin g to tu rn off :ho w ater."

To m oke a d v e rtis in g ' ‘ P o y ” YOU, ' Ake quick ad v an tag o o f ad v e rtise i v iffe rin g s ' t h a t appea l to you. ^

■___________The Hou

i J i !i f l f! m ilo^ TWH— ’►Sa l


The Housi. Belted models' in a and overcoats for n


A LETTER TO TWIN II Get Ready for Big MI ' '' t ' " ' —..The Quickest PainKilleron Earth i ! provement for the Old Fashioned ! Be Consistently Advertised in th I and State—Sale is Guaranteei I sumers—Order from V

BEGY’S MIISTARINE IN' J u s t as soon o s ou r rega lo r advertia- i t ihg a 'to rts pooplo wUI dem and BEQSfT'S peo

, M U STA RIN E. - o c tI I f th e y canno t g u t i t from you, M r. 1Live D rag g iit, th ey w ill g e t i t from plo:somo o f y ou r eom potito r* .. wh:

' Wo havo opened now to rrito ry bofore th oaud wtf* know ju s t w h a t wo ore t a l l ^ g tioiabou t. ' I

B E O Y '8 U U B T A B IN E is so mSeh fo rb e tte r th a n Linim onta, O intm ents or a n y ogoo ther p roparo tlon^usod . i o r th e s^tno lowpurposo ,-that n o th ing can s top tho poo- . 1plo f ro m -g e ttin g th o 'h o s t. Not

_ Wo havo a repu ta tio n throughout th e Hof coun try o f square dealing w ltb thopeople, M r. D ruggist, and on th n t basis RUond tbo w onderfu l m erits o f MUBTA- plyH IN E wo aak y our gonerous co-opera- pietlon. mat

Wo d o n 't w an t you to o rd e r a b ig o tbsupply b n t we do urge ro u to havo sneenough on hand to moot th e dem and fla]th a t comes quickly a n d surely. ach

“ H e a t eases' p id n ” and th e ra Is haTxnoro c«nc«ntr« t«d non*bllsteilag l ia a t Inslin ft box o f B E S T 'S M U STA R IN E /th a a I s p a t fo to a n y o th e r b ox tb« sam « —aBiss. _ 'Ti

I t Is th e best nnd quickest rociudy dcrin th o world fo r lameness, swoilliigs, guau r o m uscle, s t i f f nock, Inmbago, crnm pj C.

I n tho leg, sp ra in s an d stra in s . wh<Pooplo who uso M U STA RIN E say it whc

stops aches and pa in s In h a lf the tim o Vcm

Kcn.l the sto re a<l» TH A T T O I’ 1MAY KNOW A LL ABOUT IM M EDI poll ATE BU Y IN O O PPOBTUNITIEt*. soai8oeb know ledge hns-a cash vsln* con

Modern WtState Deputy Tyer wi

Temple tonight. Lunch ; PAU

Duse of Kuppenheimer Clbt" r ............ ' " ~

k The End is ImpoFtant

S^Beginning J Suit PurchI s Do you ever consid

ft bility of a suit or o '11 soon or how lonj: I ijffl be replaced?. Tha im yon don’t have to

when you buy K Clothes. You kno

I Kuppenheimer ga' sents lonpr and sat

vice.All-wool fabrics f( tailoring th a t insu

w shapeliness, in istyles to s a t i s f preference. To right, to expect an factory service; sei or overcoat

Tailored bu

se of Kuppena profusion of faultless men and young men S3S ti

Hansen Atito Glotjes '


N FALLS lUGGIsi|l— - . Babi

‘ ' Ol

: Mustarine Demanii•th a n d th e O rig inal a n d B e s t Im- le d M u sta rd P la s te r is G oing tb ' ?v°'t n th e N ew spapere in th is C ity ‘"S ' i te e d to D ru g g ists a iid Con- «>'> m Y our Jo b b e r Now

- ................... ■ -Kon


■ it takes similar.remedies, tbot's why tora I people uso it in preferonco *10 the slow ovor . octlag-onoa. ‘ ^ ' injo,

Tako soro throat ‘for instance, nnd ,(,al< I pleurisy and eboat coldst in ono night,

while you sloop, M^STABINS ends all i I I the misory and subdues the inflamma*: tion . - _ I •• ------

Rheumatism sufferers swear by it, ■■■. for in just a few mlnutos it eases tho ’ ogonizlng pains and Messed relicC fol*: lows.

.. I t 's the samo way with'<Qouti anl forN euralg ia , N euxitiSr...£ciA tlca^tho .re- __

I Hof is simply'marvolons. -----Your jobber bos BEOT'8 UUBTA-.

I RINE and wo u ) ^ you to order n sup-, ply today, for Jost aa soon as ths p«o> pls'discovttr that'B egy't- Mnrtadiw, made of x«al trns, honsst mnstud and other pain-destroying Ingredients, has j

. snch qoiek and mighty.power eror fn* I

. flasunatkin. ^coi^aatlcms, .-swelilng^ aches and pains,' they will Insist on

I having i t and won't accept anything : Instead. ^

A gcDorous box ro talls fo r 30 cen ts —o Jorge 'be* fo r 00.

You tak e nn chanccs wbon you o r­d e r B ogy’s M ustorlae fo r th e ttalo is g uaran teed by tho m anufacturers, 6 .C. W ells & Co., o f Lo Boy, Now Y ork, w ho also moke Celery IQ ag D r. C a rto r 's who also mnko Celery K ing, D r. C a r te r 's . Vcmcdlcs.—adv.

T h e re ’s H ttlo p ro f it in follow ing tho policy o f “ shopping a ro u n d '' in

. search o f tho b est prico quoted on n com m odity. Rood tbo ^ds.

Ifoodnien!will speak a t Masonic- nch. Come.AUL SMITH, Clerk.


is More^ t than the ig of a ;haseisider the weara- r overcoat? How <ig before it must ‘?hat’s one th ing to th ink about Kuppenheimer {now th a t.e -^ ry ■garm ent repre- § . I satisfactory ser- S I

S-3 for long wear, S'nsures enduring », patterns ano m Iy any personal s" co buy clothes 3 . g and enjoy satis- » select a fall suit

tnheimer J0

ss styles; suits I5 to $50.




ml-.0fflelal Seonl Press OomoMts U t Oanstlcally on Attempted Assassl- ' .- 2

nation of O fficial- - -

SEOUL, K orea, (ffj-rC om m ontlng ens o ttem p ted ossassinotion o f Gover- v nr-Gonerol S a ito , th e sem i-effidal a teoul P ress expresses th e opinion th a t aa

th is a c t tbe ' K orean ag ita to rs have a r ileoled tb c ir doom .'^ The poper snys: h#■«If K orean m alcontent* th in k th a t daiQ assassination o f a few heads.of the Mgvornroent-gonom l o f Korco w ill eow ceipan an d m ake h e r .ro la z her hold on A r >rea th ey w o indeed m is ta k e n , jap -, era

is de term ined to hold tb e penin- .leaId a t a ll coAt and .will not le t i t go, o it

m a tte r .w h a t th ings K orean ag ita - res•a moy do. Thoy w ill now lose w hat- to*er sym pathy th ey .m ay have had beilong a section o f tho pooplb and have thelied th e ir d o o m ." ^


AnnouhcWe are now located in emr n e v htil

Unds of J

ftxyacelyienW o hove lo tvly installed a ,new Oz«

m aehine-on tho m arkot, and the only 1 Wo are ah a in sto lling a S ta tio n ary Gone w ill m ake our shop ono o f tho bost in tb



^ l ^ e c o n d ^ A v o ^

: I UAjmoel I1 p . ' ' ' ^ g ■


\ _ \ ?l

S P E C I A L D E I ^ O r



I f you haven’t a MAJE chance lo get acquaint< about this range. We a: worth your while to inV<

FREWith every range sold ^ive a beautiful, useful i of Cooking Ware — eith Enameled Ware or Alun may choose.

We are serving Hoi Coffee and Idaho Hi and try this delicio free, yotire welconu


P H O N E ':


Ucslcaii '0«M zal'Asto t h a t '} ^ ; B e '- K o t BAtiflbd; Will.Ban U O trllU a ,

•; for Presideacy-

. DOliOLA^ ABIZ:,(ff)—Qsaora! Al- vrae Obrogon has telegraphed tho Mn* ate at Mexico Oity addng that hia rank as provisiosal general in tbe Mexiean ariny be not ratified. Tbe genera] says . bo deairoa to become i .eJvUian candi­date in the presidential eleetions of •Mny, ISSL This information was ro- ceived today at the- office of Joso M. - • Arredondo, Mexican consul here. Gen­eral Obregon announeoa that he will leave his homo a t Nogales for Mexieo City to confer with President Camuuca regarding tho coming eleetions and to tour -tbo 28 Mexican statoa In bis own behalf. His only opponent 'to dato for tbe presidency is Oeneral Pablo Sou- ' sales. ■ " • ,

fTT.ViwrPTm a m Av

EemeDt! ^btiilding and are eqtilpped to do>11

ne Weidiiig)xwcld ‘Portable Oenorator, tb^ best ly one this sido of Balt l ^ e City, onerotor and othor equipment whicb'» the stoto. .S YO.U QUICK SEBVIOE AND [.L OUB WOBE



L t S A ^ G e j i

r ^ _^


: RANGEOCTOBER 25ESTIC here’s your ited with real facts assure you it will be Vestigate.

EEd this week we will 1 and substantial set ther the Best Grade iminum W are as you _}'

ot Bisctuts, Hoi Honey. Come in ■•ioiia lunch—iifs ne.



nniBax>A Y r o o z o m n 1919'

I f y o u f i n d w o r

d l p i i r O t o


.. n T .A g « T m m b a t B B ’ u u e loaerttoa, m t word---------- ----------- I s m

* r« k (D sfiy a n d W « « k l7 )_ » w l0 e *line n o u th (DaUy a sd 'W e e k ly ) *

^ ia im a m e b a m fo r eaeb. i n w r tb a •r any « la u l( i« d ad , IS eaa ta . 4 d «

u u i t m o for a i ta U d j^ r io d o f tiai* . ~ . . PH O IT B W . • sa:

F o r S a l e B « a1 E s t a t e------ ■ - ,... ■ • , ________ wc

FOB SALB—aO .nores 1 m iW =n*rth ({A&Ben. Torma to r ig h t p itrty . Q.Bull.---------- ---------- i - /-.->* -

'■■■ -. I.. . noFO B 8A L B —9 voom h o o M , w ltb

t le e p b g -p o re h .. T v o -lo ta ; I sq o iro 78C Av e . ^ . " tnl

F O B aAXB—5 room bouao. ■ Price S!i »2,700. Inquire 030 EiKhth nvo. oa*t. - • Plioao 832-W.

FOB SALE—F iv o room m odora ’ I iou^v .w ith Blcoping porch, good gar- nr

'■'TiRv'T Inquire ^34..A ddJ»H avunuo onat. ri-f

f 6 b *0ALK— l:JO acrvis of"Kood I’nnd **'4 miles from Riclifiotd $75 nur ncro i t nilMtf'lil n l oiici'. Iil» M. IUII, Jorom c, rofjilione 20U. —

FOR 8AXJG— 80 ncroa a an te* duo — MUtU o t Tw in Fnllft; ouc'lltirU tuV»', ■ ' balancu on oogy torma. ~1’. K'. l>aun, roc uw ucr a t Wea%'or rooms. ovi

TOK SALU—112 ncrea, 7 m iloa wcat ’ u f Emnii-tt, cooipniiy d itrh n l tiinitll ux- co> pouao. Oood Lay uJid Htoek runcli, I>ul wood grow ing on plnco. A ddrcsa I . L. Ki>Uurtou, Box 80, I ^ m o t t , Idaho.^ I^o

FOB B EN T OB &ALE—320 a « { ^ uno mllo from Slioshone; a b o o t IM - «crea in cu ltiv a tio n ; 130 laehea o ld d»- ,• crood WAtor; L ittio W ood r iv o r pri- vato dam and d itch . F r«d B. True,Ho* 327, Shoahoa#, Idaho .

■ • BBBT 40 ON T H E N O B T H • ~ ,j“ D B • ,o .* -10 aurei, <1 milos noutUvnat o f * .

* Jerom e. tiloek , m uclilacry, bay •* a ll go irith . tbo p lace; $230 per * . ^* aero, 93000 coah, o r would tako ** c ity p roperty o a p a r t paym ent.* Buy from ownor. Addreaa A. F . • 'j* tim yth, Joromo. Route. 3, Idaho. * | (o'

F o r S a l e L i v e S t o c k ^

FO R HALli}—2 yoar old S liorthorn X l.uU. Wm. IIo«B, pliono 5H8n:J. .

f 6]{ b A L J i-^ c ra c y cow, f r ^ i ~ a ^ . J lu<iuirc 234 A ddison hvimiuo ennt. . ^

^ ^ i r S A L l i —300 3 yeor old "owes or ■will Bull p n rt u f tUoni. Term s i f wnut- *1* 'od. Locatcd oil my raHcli jo in in g I 'a ir *|* '

.G rounds o« tlio cast. Karl M urray , Fi- ^Icr, Itlalio. '

~ 7 ' m s c B L L A i ^ o u s " ^ ;

' W K ~ 8 A irK ^ rc « n i | hand elcctric ^ rnnge. Phone 244M. I

FO R SALF)— Fow em iity h arrc la and T ' koga n t Varnoy 'a. • X ■

FOR SALE—MajoBtliTRnngo in jfopd + ceudition . I’hone 285W. • r '

FO R 8ALE>—N ew '00 S pringfield riflo. 732 2nd Avo. W. E

FOR S a l e — j dnzon Rhode .Ijthin.l "!?* Kpd hi'na; uNc. I lu t hoj;. PhoiM* r.OSlt

_____ - w l uFO B SALB—O no nCTw Round 0«t< tie

lira fc r, Oood Lu^k rnngj’ nnd ono I'cr- ^viid foctiun oil alovc. I sq u tro TiOl F ourtii a rcn u o N ., p r phono 081 M.

FOR SA LE—5,000 sbarca Olonailoa M ining Co. atock in tho fam oua P a rk City, Utah, ta in ing d ia trie t. 'W’iU soli “I for caah or trade fo r land . A. P . Rid^o. j;25.

FO it 6 A L E ^ Jm m e .lir i7 . Ic li^ c v • T u u j j - U . r ‘ Grain Ulus, li/00 t)u«li.l apacitv . irigiij nud P ortab le . D. «-

Wataon CoDi[‘any , apjtt »o poal office.

FOR SALE—Thrce uaed Bopnblic t, Trucka in -g o o d , cond itioa. Chcap. A.M. W ikcr, 149 M aple A venne. Phouo

J 7 2 J .

^ R E A T r f f E ’ D A H S T f i w a b :

D O IN G S O F T H E V A NI K .^ V E

HAP1»ej> )I O U T «N M V

F=<sR H « :s , Jc a r e l s r ! C

H e . SR A U L . '•'Ay', e v E R V <?PPOR^I^ •

r h y o u m u s t a s h

, . - : b■ V

------ AutomobileB• ' f O iT " SA L bi^ lO i V ^Touriag Ford! ® Phono 035W o r cnll a t 253 N ia th north .

FO R SALE—F ord to u rin g ea r, re­cen tly overhauled a n d in f in t;« la s s ^ running order. Call a f te r 0:30 p . m. n . F . H ornbock, a t 2Sl F lf t i i a v o .-E .Phono 284 W. ^


W A N T E D -^ ir l a t V arney •a '. '' ' " • [_

W ANTED-^M csaongop w an ted ; goo-l *” sa la ry . Call W eatem Union.

~ ^ N T E D ^ i r l ■ ro r g enera l hotu*- ^ work. Call a t SIB 7 th A ve . B . q

W ANTED—E :^ T iea« « d .m an iad i& aa . bn n tt 'c h 'b y tb« m d n ti; C a ll a t Bey- . nold# Broa*.

W ANTED—^ i r t T 'c l n i r laun'droas 't’o *• cnll fo r 'n n d .do llvon xroali am ount uf work u-cekly. Phone 220W or ca ll 405 S ’lie L akes boolor/trd . - - ■

' " w a n t e d t o ’ b b n t

~ W A N T E D TO B EN T—F arm , f ^ > ®* or m ore; hnvo cquipmcDt; can furn iah ri'fori’uces. F. L., caro Nowa.

nishcd 1, 2 o r 3 rootn houao. -B eat of rcffrcneo#. No. H , core Tho Nowi.

W ANTED M I S O E r i A i T ^ U a '^ —

• W ANTED— W «n\a« t« • l>onn\ nn<l room fo^ w in ter. C:tll nioniinKa anil J , ovvninga. Pliono 171.

W A N T E lC -T o buy lO oun lT H .’.lati'^i { cow nnd two or thruc <li)Zon yowii;{ |)ull«ts, Rhodo I mIiiikI Uods. W rito jui.l jivo priccn or npply to Oco. U. llyroii, Dl Hotel I ’Orrino, Tw in Fulls. *

To Trade 'FOR TBADE—^ciT. acrca a ta te land , .

all improved, ha lf milo from Boy, [daho; will trad e fo r nuto. In au ire H. D cW itt, ro u te .3, Tw in Fnlla, Idaho.

T A K E iT D P ^

~ T A K E N UP—Octobcr 11, ono mllo south o f (Jurrcy, brown horso, woight ubou t 1400. .M. P . K enw orthy , R 1 , Tw iu Falla. ^1.

M O » l ^ ’ T < r L b ^ T l'— — ------ . . . ^ ---------- --------- ------ boi

TO LOAN—'I’riv a tc po rty hna monoy meto ' loan. Addrcsa 8 , earo o f Nowa. to

+ ^

■4» l i n c o l n - i d A h o o i l s t o o k ^4- ' FO B S A IB ' ^

^ Tliis stock nccdfl n o -in tro d -if . .J.^ tion, nn the (rffircra all livo :i; •{• Jl"4» th is v irin ity . I havo a fow th o r.- '4*.J. sund shan-8 o f thia vj^lunblo ^1".J. stook fo o ffe r for sale. Treas- •f* o f

ury sto rk canno t bo bought now ‘»J« fri>2* fu r losH than a dollnr a share . *|* nln•J» Am pri'sscd for monc'v and w ill 4* Inr 4» sniTifiro I'or 40 cCiUm a sbnro. . j.

T his oil ;;ups 7.* per cen t gaaiiline, A j,,,, ^ h ighest tCHt crude oil in tho 4*

world. I look fo r th is stock to •!« 1,' 4 . co lo pc-r sh.irc in n year, 4*

nn thoy nrc now spudding in moII 4*4. Xo. 3. ' .\<l<lrc»* Box .'»0, cnre 4»J Nows. • ? R'-

+ + " "---------------------- -------------------------------------- ofOoino F ine. ‘ >

Dick, fftdiiT tlrlvoM nn noto* pinobllp. Is m uch infon'^K 'd Ui tbu opcr*. iitln i; » f tho i'nr. i-^pocliill.v tbo |rO!«l> jf,lion o f tb e t:cnr sh ift lover. One ilny hns■vhon.smno «m<* nMkeil bim how bln l i t- stn:1c ^Iqfcr, wbo w ns «Ick w ith fbe flo. paniviifl gcffInK oinng. be ro p lled : '.*0 sh e dclia tretfing nlone fino ; her fe v e r w a s li*-,low n to QDUtnii th is m om lng.” I

------------------------------ b o tV alue E nhanced by T im e. tM

"P om dlso L ost” nottc<l Jo h n Ifil to n Bot25. Tl»r o th e r dny o t Soulhby’a fn - nesQ005 nuctlon room a In London, a f irs t **tlltlo n o f 't b o la im orta l poem . J0C7, too iil(t fo r $1,250. i

T eat fo r Olam onda. Ill m ay bo tnk«*n fo r g rnntod th n t old

in y th ln g which will scm tch n nnpphlre ho j r a ruby lb a d iam ond. O r


M IjOO NS_ ' t ) / . ^^ \jcA roo t^ /*.

, ^ 1 ; , / r sC - ^ / P f t A C : T l C A I - , / £ 7 V


ifc f o r i t . P u t y o v


One Inaertloa, per Une , ............IQpO ne.w eek , p e r Une ...i. , : . i 'M fl KOna m o n t^ p e r Une ... ..........................7So

P H O N B 38


W IM D O W O L ia s —AUo c« b tae t w o i t f ' ' M ooa 's sb o p , phone 6. '

~ T B A M s r a s " » '_ _ _ J __ . . ______ ____ tu


p iA H O T O w m a m

•PIANO T tJN IK a - I* b o n 7 T b 8 . ' Logan e r Uuaie Co. fo

--------- ^ — - Snr “ "■ ■■ ' I bo

P r o f e a j l o i i a l

■ d<lA T T O E U S Y B ” ■>

__ • ______ YoA SH B E B. W ILSO N — L aw yer. bn. ...... ............. -...I— — - ' tblH O M E S 0 . M m .S - 'B o y d B uild ing . tin

B. V.- Z tA B S ^ —Q eneral p raetiee . Co- K tillion H all Bldg.

T A TLO B O m o n N B —Babeoek Uldg. P roba te and eivil p raetiee .

S W E ^ ^ f t S W E B IO T — A t t o r n ^' ' a t Low. P rac tice In all Ooatli. Tw in

Palla, Idaho. - « '______ _ ___________________________ br!B. M. W OLFB— la w y e r , Booma S and to

C, over Idaho D opartm ent S toro, T w in i Falla, Idaho. »■(

j ! & w i s e —id iw yer. F^lly o riaa izcd Colloetion D opartm ent. O fficea— ^ Rooma 0 and 7, ov e r Tw in Falla B aok

. & T ru a t Co., Tw in F alla , Idaho.

E N O i ^ vi(: ----------- -----------------------------------*tr

J . 0. PO BTEBJTELD —c iv il. H ydrau- pu lic aud M ining lilnglnoor. Twin F n lli,

I Idaho. - Phono, IM -J- tii*

PH Y SIO IA N B ~ "■'*

DB. T. S. WASSON—O ffico IIC t-2 Main Avo. N orth., Uppoaito P e n in e 1’'-' ilotol. Phono 74.’’> J. nn<

g g s = s = = ^ ^ ^ = ^ ^ = gill M ES. r . W . M EEOH

will rrsunio Irssons in F ftn ch lo pri- vntc pupils. Phone 437. 253 S ix th n i tivcnue no rth .—Adv. nf,,

NOTIOB OF BL E O T lO Ir Tlio T w in F alls ^County Chapter,

A merican Red Crosa, .will hold ita an- . nual tiU’ction on S a tg r tf a j^ ^ h c 2Sthday of October, a t a o 'c W k , > thcr » 5 C hapter headquartera a t Shoahono andT liird s tr e e t south. Tho cxecutiv’o nipboard .will bo olocled o t th ia timo. All womembera o f tho Ked Crosa oro urged rocto bo p rc a e n t tini

(S igned) E. J . F IN C H , wli(A dv.) Chairman'. jq,,,’" T ' . . . . ,r

. Flowera of Poland.- irjvA cconllni; to nn K nclbh new sp ap er Ibo

porn’Kpondont who rc<M'nfly roportod n spoJoiirnoy h r bml niinl<‘ from Pnrl« tn nnn tbo Pollsb rnp ltn l. th e nlOSl■^mp^ 'K'^lvp• niiII^liocfricle tbnt Ito snw wns tbo m nntio pino f lilossnms, clitntorod prnfn««'ly. wblob torifrlnciKl tbo hlKhwn.v« an<l -liywnys Uuinbwiit W nrsnw. "All lho w nrs of Po- iln.vInnd." he wrltofi. •i-tmlil not check tlii* rK<new llfo thnf i*nine r lilln s thn iu ch bor m t'bordem n t tlio ln>nd of tho ixlvancltii: uri) sfirlng : Mprn.v » o f lltn r fount! plnro In tbo em y rnp'i n f P o llih Inncorx. tulip*nml rlio<4iniit lenvrn. f i4 f n s o f the, now '| dnwn. tn tho p i r b o f piH>r «n<l pensnnt.Evorywhon.* wns sp rin g yIeUlIng bnck pm a nienKtSro of bor o verlnstlnc rich ta,"Bnt the flowern never look m uch notice wit o f tb.* w nr ovon “ot tho fron t." -

. — sheRuna Newa S tand W ithou t Handa. ■ pnyThnro lt» n boy rn n n ln c ii new s stan d “wl

in Union sqiinro. New York city , whohns no bn n iK l lo opens nnd closes b is b-Io Bfnnd, o[H;n.<» nnd folds hla pnpers n n d 'panae.s tbem o u t to cuatoihcrs w ithont cia* d c la ^ o r d ltneulty, nnd m ake* chnngo llV^^nn expert.

Loo Young Is h l i oam e. He lo st ♦ “bo th ban d s la a a e x p lo d o o w ben tU r- sCm o y eara old, b o t th « t handlcnp d id IDot h in d er him ftix n fo ln g In to bust* ' Dess and m aking Q.ffoee«8s o f I t *

**The cripple w he h a a spunk la a s good a s anyone elBO,” h e aaya.

He Oid Som ethlns. ^••Now 1 (nie?<s folks will know t h i t |

old C apt. Simon haw ilono uninethlnc,” ho M id. nnd ho loy down onel died.— * D m n d 'B n p ld s H era ld . ^


( .SCIKT^CS. * C 3 \ • K C SM AU C- \ J V B a '< JTAF■ W VUM A T H tg p

if a r

: xXJiSC'JOa

T W m F A L L . s u /

o u a p p l i c a t i o n i n

•SJGETEIlTyilNS £ W HAR Dili g

IP • C itj^ It*B O r a n d m o t h e r ’s S e o i p e t o

B r i n g B a c k O o lo r a n d L n s - . Nor - t r e t o H a i r. tion

T hat boautlfu l, oven ahade o f d n r k , ! J t, glossy h a ir c^n only be had by brew .

ing a m lxtdro o f Sago Tea ^n<l 8 nl- «. I'hur*. Y out h a ir ' 1* your charm . I t

m akea o r mora th e foce. W hen i t fadM , ‘ _ tu in a g ra y or etrookcd, ju a t an applica- r. tio n o r tw o o f Sago and S ulphur nn- ^

honcur i ts appearoneo a hundredfold.D on’t bo ther to prepare ch ; mix-

lu ru : 7u n 'e a n ' got thia fam oua ohl- n-clpo iuif;roved by th e ad d ition o f o th . ^ <1 a e r inyri'd icn ts a t a 'am alt eoat, i l l ^caJy In i

fo r vw . I t ia called W y e th 'a S a ;{0 iiuO corr Snl].hnr Compound. -Thia ean a lw ay i

. bo dei'cndod upon to b rin g bach tlio Copnutv~sl color a n d luatro of y o u r h i 'r . o f i

F««-;.vledy 'usea ‘'’ W yofh’n ” S iiro “®**1 a«i- Pi’lpbb r Compound now tic^auao .'t

- -»o n a tu ra lly iuid»oYoaly t h a t “ ” 1 n o b o d y .ca n .toll I t ha*Hioen nppliod. •!'*■'

. Y ou aim ply dam pen a apongo nr so f t ^‘^a braah w ith i t and draw thia th rougii

- tb e ha ir, tak in g ono amall a tran d a t a curi: tim o, b y m orning tho g ray hait..lili8 db^' worl

* a p p l i e d , - an d -a fte r ano ther applica- lal'■ tio n i t becomes, bonutlfu lly d o rk ond porf

appears gloasy and luatroua. itiom- I to I

H ad n 't Seem ed to W ork.I An oM lsh mnn In nisfy-brow n clo thes ij„ni , nnff wlffl n n tsty-brow n benrd m et up 1,0 j

w ltb II pin.. It wns Rblnlng sbn rp ly gene . b ripbt on n flngglng. nnd he nfopped Et 1 to pick It lip. 'torn]t flo hnd sttfr Jo in ts nnd his Ilncers »uinc

wore In ilint-'Stiiie Inform nlly known *1 : ns buiiKly. .So ho hud tronhle p lck lne ‘’'I*'" : up the pill. ■ I ; ; -

A ymiiii; [lian pniised to offer b is | .J,■ sc r\lco s . but lho old one refiiRO«l. I lo [ ' “ i'

Jn st g rup led nnd gm inblod until n t Inm victory oniiio his wny. Thon bolp|,^.p;

-^UrnlKUteiiiHi up b \s rlckt>ly }n liits,nnd ‘ p u t 'n biinii on h is bnrk. [to tl, “ I’m not MH yonnK ns 1 used to bo.” ' cessi

111' iiibnliled. ns genlnlly nx h is Jo in ts them would iillow. •■But you know tho. o ld 'th e ir say ln i:: !

1 •■•Seo n pin .nnd let It lay. yon'lh .I I’nvo bad lurk nil the dny. Seo n pin ‘I’O

nntl plek It tip nnd you nro su re to hnvo Jj*’’."' . giio.Muot{.-

"S<* I jiever pnss o n f by.!’ ] ‘'“" f.And yot he d idn 't look ns lucky ns

I n iiiiiii onulii fo l)<> wln» hnd nniilo n j/o rm Ilf4> linlilt o f p lek lnc up pins.—W iish. | tions Ington S tnr. » bo p

(fyfFlax In tho W ar. term:

W ltj tho lONHirntlon of Industry on" ‘1“> ‘ f 0 peuciMlmu ttuMs, .cottoti onc« npvln.

nocordini: to rocont nofbc"fITnlIvi;'slnte- j I mentn. forgoa nhend of Jtnen In fho ‘

w orld’s fnvor. T he cx lgenrles of tb e pdfu, recen t connict m lsctl finx to th e posi- gajcj tinn ns lender nm ong fnlirlen. n ninU f irs t w hich It had hold fo r cen turies btil Iiud b f th lost. (Ilmost KlmulfnneouHly w ltb th e mon't nrt\^-nf o f the co tton gin. W llh n real- each l74itlon o f Ihe Im portnnee o f co tton In comp Iho nniklng of m unitions, tliere rnm o n speetly reversion lo linen fo r ■ Ihe | m oro ronunonplnce usnjres—'vnlsteoiits. i ‘

• Knils fo r ships, even “ wInKs” fo r nlr- ' plnnt's hnvluK Intoly rotisN ted o f nm- i to rinl woven fnm i ihe sun-hiietl Ilher. j | B Uut Itns bus r'eiirbe<! tho eml of Itsitny* of tinimipcily; KInc (’o iton n'ow j e B rK<•^ to th<* fore tn rirdlimry pu rsu its . nri'l linen <>neo n:;nln boconiei Ibe | ^ • jrls tocnit In tb l- fli'M of supply. j |Q |

Hich Minded. j = ^ ='I'ln' ll.'i liiipri'‘-'*ln^ n[)on

I.ei- •iclmliin. th e need of siy ln j; tiM'lr p rnyer’*. -To (lltiHtriito tlic Iess4'n «tie

'Sbhwed tb e elasa 11 p lc l’iro of nn .\nil>. U w ith heiul tieiw«HMi Ills linnil-*. ntnl 1 l<H)t{lng upw nnl. "Now. Hilly Cntibn.” she snid to n boy wbo hnd not been : pnyInK close n lton tlon tn her w o n K “w bnt la th a l m an tloln;:?’'

-■‘E r—(T—please. lem-hrr, he’s n*lookIn’ for—e r—‘plnnes.’—Itllglity. U

-------------- --------------- ' gClaaaifled Ada a ra cheap—effeeU * # ..

' • , t.

’ 1I8 EO CARS rOR SALE i f : fBuick - - $ 2 5 0 .0 0 ; ' ' Dort • ■ S 300 .Q 0_^ ! e Ford • - $ 3 0 0 .0 0

C H A S . G . F O R DS p ed a lla t on A uto E lec trica l

E quipm ent IK IM BERLY . ID AHO

■ ' t V -

SHAI-L. B E . fN r -MIT ^ w e t - L . A S \ I » SUL. - m a rit& c& ss-A R V J I “ T o 3 < £ -

------------^ I W o M .O ^ h

D A I L Y N f e W b - '

>. t h e f o r m o f a• N OTIOB TO OONTRAdTQBS • [ Ut

N otice ia hereby givon th a t tho May- ■ and Council o f the C ity o f T w in jo< alia, Idahp, w ill rcel’lvo an d consider a led bida and proposals on tho 27tb ly o f‘ Oetober, 1010, a t tho hour o f Al o ’clock p. m. of .aaid, .day, a t tho

>uneil Chambora In tho offieo o f the ity Clerk of aaid City, in tho W ate r — 'orka Building, n t tbo coriior o f Sec- id Avonuo N orth ^ d Bo^cond S treo t o rth in Mdd O ity i-fo r 't& e w ork imd j j , irniahlng tbe m aterial' in 'th o construe- 3n o f a conduit to conduct th e w ate rs 07

th e Canal o f tho T w in F a lls Canal o f jm pany in Sth Avonuo E a a t an d 8th ' gfj vvnuo N urth in tho C ity o f Twin ilta, Idabo, from Dloe Lakea Avonuo dq 1 tho Southeaat to A ddisoa A veauo on qu 0 NorthwoaL- T ,Tho data a s to th e exac t loeation o f po c aaid work and tbo p lan s an d apeci- lal eatlona of said conduit con bo aaeer- thi ined from tho C ity E ng ineer o f tho eoi Id C ity o f Tw in i 'a ils , a t h is o ffice spi

the W ater W orks B uild ing n t tbo Lo m o r o f Second A venue N orth and th< leond S treo t N orth in tho said C ity, an ipioa of tbo p lans and spoclficatlona a n

said conduit cnn bo o b ta inod from an id engineer by onplication therefor Fa d tbo deposit o f to e aum o f ten doi- . 1 ra, w hich aum will bo re tu rned upon wn0 re tu rn p f the an ld 'p lana and apeci- ofl :ationa. Cil Tbo prraun, firm or corporiAlon ao* ring tho con trac t fo r- tb o doHig saidirk and furn iah ing tho aald m a te r1 w ill be Tt'quhed to -eo m m en te -th e ' **• rform anco of tho term a and condi- P*' ma of tho said c o n trac t b y him o r i t

bo p e rfonncd .a t.onco upon en tering to aaid contract, ond m uat purauo the rform anco o f tho term a and eondi* ma of aaid controct b y him or i t to chi

perform ed w ith diapateh o u d dill- uco until complotion.Each b id ond propoaal n u a t bo ac- npanied by a cerllfic tl chcck upon *®'' no reliable bank , payablo to tho Oity Cit Tw in Falla, o r ordor, in an am ouut 1’ " lal to fen por cen t o f tho amount I. In tho ovont th a t tbo aucccanru P™ Ider docs no t en te r in to a con trac t ‘ “ 1 111 tlio C ity of Twin Fnlla fo r tbo rfonaan ro of the said w ork and tho ■nishing of tho anid m ateria l tho aaid •rk will be re ta ined by tho C ity anil •j’® » anld b idder Bhnll fo rfe it tho samo tbo City. Tho checka o f tbo unauc- isful hlildurs w ill be ro tum ed to ■m n t Iho timo o f the re jection of •ir bida and propoaals.

Tho person, firm or corporation ob- n ing the eon trnet fo r conatm cting I said condnit w ill bo required tn ■niah the C ity w ltb a good ond auf- ion t lo n d in somo reliab le auro'-y npnny in an am ount equal to aixty • ccn t o f tbo am nunt of tbo contract ce, conditioned for tho fn ith fu l per- P® nmnco of all tho term s and condi- na o f tho cou trac t by him or i t to perform ed nnd conditlonod fu rth er

tho fa ith fu l porform anco o f the . ^ ms nnd proviaiona of lho a tatu tea I S tn to o f Idaho , in such caao m ad o .I provided.:>iiymcnta upon aaid c o n trac t w ill bo do na followa:, 90 per c e n t, o f tho y E n g ineer’s eatim ato o f tho am ouat nod under said eontrnet d u rin g each cndnr m onth w ill bo pa id on thn y I f Tueaday a f te r tho f i r s t M onday tho follow ing m onth and so on cach a 'th; lho 10 por cen t corned duringII month w ill bo re ta ined u n til tho ®-Y ip lc tlon o f tbo co n trac t and tho ne- ^ tonco o f tho work b y th e C ity En-cer. Said conduit w ill bo encloaed I tho m ateria l used in ita conatruc*

r - : ; - , - , ■ — ' ' ■ = th eP

A LB E^R TA530,000 Dry anti I

Lands arc located in Sontberi tho best in tha t fam ons districl under irrigation, th.p btilanoe is growing.

The lands are being pnt on timo. and tho company is lo o l^ All lands within a radins'.of ten point.

Dry landa a re being sold a t #10 to $30 •GO pet acrc , w bieh includes w a te r rig! ebarge tl.SO per irrigab le aere per y ea r—

A lfa lfa , groLn. fie ld peas, pou to ea an grown.

W rite d irec t tn the eompany for fnl

Canada Land & IrripiiLethbridge

A l b e r t a , O a

J o h n w i l l h a v e t• T '

' ■ w

tion w ill l e coiicrcte.Tho Council roaorvca .the rig h t to re ­

je c t any or a ll bida. . . . d B. CHANNEL,

A eting M ayor.A tteat: W. A; MINNIOK,

City Clerk.

NOTIOB TO OONTaACTOBSN otice ifl hereby glvon th a t the

M uyor and C ity Council o f tho Oity o f Tw in Falla, Idaho, w ill, o a tbo 27th d ay o f Octobcr 1010, o t tho hour o f 8 o ’clock P . M. of aaid day, a t tho offico o f t h e ' C ity Clo/k o f a^id City iu 'th o w aterw orks building a t tho cor- aoc o f Second Avonuo N orth and Soc* oud S treo t t^o rth in tho said O ity of Twin Falla, rocoivo scaled bida and pro- poaala fo r tho work of perform ing tho labor and furn ish ing tho m ateria l fo r ' tbo construction of a five foo t in w idth eonercto aldowalk, ppon tbo aldowalk space in f ro n t o f tho Iota em braced iii l^ c o l Im provem ent D ia tric t.N o . 30 of tho said C ity o f Twin I''allB, which lota ‘ and tho b o u n d n rlea .e l w hich d is tr ic t are m entioned and act fo rth In O rd in ­ance N o .'271 o f tho said C ity o f Twin Falls, paaaed Soptomber 8tb , 1010.

. P liw s nnd 8pcclflcationB.''Of aald side- W alkm an bo soon and obtained a t tho , o ffico o f tho C ity E ngineer o f aaid C ity o f Tw in l^ lla , in tbo watorworka build ing a t tbo toenllou hiirolnboforo

.xloBcribed. Tlu; aaid w ork muat be commenced a t ooce upon tho lo tting o f- th o ’Contwiet-and-proaecttted'to-CQm- ' ’ pletion d u ring tho fa ll o f 1010. There muat bo accomnanlcd w ith cach b id a eortiriod chock upon aomo roliablc ban k la an am ount vqual to ten por eont o f tbo am ount o t tho bid, which cheek ahall b o ' mado payable to tlio C ity o f Twin Falla, oi~^dar. In case o f the fa ilu re of tbo auccessful b idder to en te r in to a contract fo r tbo po r­form anco o f aaid work w ith tho aaid C ity u]>on thb (erma of hla b id and p ro ­posal, then tho aaid chock sball bo fo r ­fe ited to tho naid City and becomo its ]>roperty. Tho chock of th e unauccoss- ful biddera w ill bo roturncd ;to them upun tho rejection of th c lr bida and proposala. Paym ont fo r aaid w ork w ill bo nmdo In tho w nrranta. o r bonds of Iho aaid C ity, w hictr'W nrrants or bondB sbuU n o t 1)0 a genoral o’ ligation of tho City b u t w ill bo a lion upon thoi»ropcr- ty benefited by tho said im provem ent- na ahown by tho aasoaanicnt fo r aaid im p ro v ^ u n t . Paym ent fo r aald work w ill W as followa: 00 jw r cen t o f tho am oi^il earned during any calendtlr m onth, ns ahown by tho eatim ato o t tho C ity<Enginccr o f aaid City, w iil bo paid on t'be '^at Tueaday a f te r tlie la t M on­d a y 'a f tho follow ing m onth, and so on until'^ the work is coniplo^cd. Tha*10 por cbut w ilhheld each m onth w ill bo retam od u n til tho work is comploted and iMcopted, a t whicb timo tho wbolo am ount duo w ill bo paid.

Tho M ayor and Council reaervo th e righ t to re jee t any and nil bids.

C. B. C HANNEL,A cting M ayor.

A ttoat:W. A. M IN N IC K ,

C ity Clerk-

' ” N 6 TIOT~Tb~DONTBAOTOBS’ ”Notieo is hcrcby '.g iven th a t aealed

bida w ill bo rccclvcd up to nnd In ­cluding O ctober 27th, 1010, a t 8 ) 'clock P . M-, by W. AV M innick, City Clerk, a t tho W ater Worka W arehouse Building, 100 2nd A vo. N o rth , fo r tho fnn iisliing o f 'm a te ria ls and construc­tion of n five-room bungalow fo r tbo W nter W orks F iltra tion O porator n t th e W ater W orka F illc ring P lan t.

P lans and spvcificatiuns m ay bo ob- Laincd a l the C ily C lcrk’a Offico by leiHisiting $1.00. Same to bo refunded >n tho re in rn of plana.

W. A. M IN N IC K ,C ity C lerk. '

RT!ATi t h e o l a s s i f z b d a d s

' -V

^ L A N D SIrrigable Acres 1

ern Alborta and aro among *101, 200 ,000 acres will be is being sold for grain

n the m arkot fo r the first \ ^ g fo r bona fido sottlers. en miles or less to shipping

130 per aere— Irrigable b u d s MO te rig h t—o p era tio a and m alntenanee r—eaay p ay m eats aad low in te rest, and roo t erops ean be sueeesafDlly

fa ll p artien la ra and pamphlets.

aiion Company, Ltd.Mcdicine Hat

Oanada_____________________________________ J

I to r e v is e h is p la n s .

. . . . . . ' •

' I-'

M O » T

ifiilis iliir» :

J ^ S ztrao rd in ary Quality o f Live stock O ffered fo r Sale

JSlioits p ra ise 'A t J o ’clock UjIh nfternoon ono i>i

tlco m nst in iportnn t rn ttio snioii o f tUi yi-ar oponOtl a t tlio C. A.' M eM u to r i Son Bnlos bn m n t tho cornor o f Thirt avt>nuo nnd Second u troot went. Th< livestock is 'Shorfliorn brood from th< Modol Farm a S to ck Rftneh berd nuhi berinfT TiG nnimaia o f top stook.

TllO Bnlo iB in cfiarRo o f E . 'O . W a\ lo r o f F ile r in tho b loek. ns anetlon fo r w ith Z. 8 . Brenaon, o f T w in PalU Amoa M iiior o f Cnldwoli in th e rin j

'• w ith l l a r ry C rnako, o f Noa Poroo, Id»' ho. ■ -

Tho herd offo red a t aoqUbii w ill in flu d o 25 Scotch eowa and h e ifo ri, d» «la red to 60 tho bee t Uila com pany iuu

'< ‘v r r o ffered n t (lub iid .or .p riv a ta saie] 25 Scotch top cow», with* aomo ealvo*

- .b y tho sido, and o th o r cowa to freehsa soon; six Scotch and Bcoteh top bullSj rcffistorod a s prim® hord-hendlag ani- tllttlS. ,

Thia m om ioR ’s in to rost nm ong proe- po rtiv o buj'org eontored in aomo o f the cow s to b e o ffored on th e b lock . Mnok n itu n tion w as pa id tiU.OQiden. Plome

'I I I , a n a n cow w ith c a lf a t sido. Thla nn im al w as calved Jan u a ry 2&,-191Sj Jind ia regarded b y connoiasours o f cat* tic , a s ono o f th e m oat .typ ieal Short* lio m cowa in th ia aoetion o f th e eooa* try . L ady Boao I U I is ano th e r eow

- ......... th f tt-h aa-n ttn ie tedT rlo t-o f 'f lom rao ttt to*dny. Tho nnim al is a w e l l ’fpdOk«»d r» n n ,'« n lrcd in lOlS. L ady H yate

; 'cn ivod in Oetobor, 1913, a cow. o f ex> ceptionarShH V thoro -po in ta and quaU- tioa, Is ex]KAl1od to b rin g a h igh i t o ufo a s is. Also i 'b s s ie Bamadon, a red, w itii a trc ik a o f w hite . ■ V Jetorla Mar- nhni, a roiin tw o-year-old oow ia a good rvpruaoataU 'fo ofvShorthom . stocky ex­porta dociayo, and is erpoetod to b« tho subjoot o f some sm art bidd ing w bon she is p u t in the ring.

“ Villogo S ilv e r ;" y e a r old; “ Bed C h io f" , two an d a ho lf yeara o ld ; “ J c e s o " , 18 m ontha old; * 'Orimaoa L a d " , 18 m onths old; “ W hito P o to " ,

• 10 m onths olil, “ R o a n " and “ Prond L a d " nro th e bulla o ffered fo r so lo .-

. y e a to n la y 'a S horthorn snlo n t BuhJ woa woll n ttc n d f^ and tho atoek o f­fo red w ont well a t jrood pricca. T h lrty - fhrco hcod, ow ned by N at. Holmea, o f D uhl, b rough t a n nggrcgnte am ount n f >i0,000, thu nvorngo price bein'g $30S per head. Clansm an, a hull w hich’ h o i been n t tho head o f Uio Uolmoa hord, wail aold lo W. C. Hit»wu, o f fo r

i0 5 0 , th e hiR hrst jw in t o f tE ^ ? d a y . Tw o ycnrJing hoifcra, onch n Voan, brouRht 11000, bcin{{ $545 cnch.

M ayor- C. H. MeQuown op«nod tho w tc w ith n happy tn lk , b rtuR followed by D avid O. P a tto n , o f Cbicago: B. PI K lnohurt o f Moscow and othora.

b e a d t h F B a S S ' n h t o


N a z i

See the GreatA

Special Ore


p H s l l™ PREillNGJ, Men Declinfe to Engag - "f Gaithering Pursuits ] r* Employers to-Provid K cilities, is Claim Math 'i . '« - .......... .

uln- T h a t fnm icra thom solves ore lorRol;rvnponsiblo fo r tho ir inab ility to pro

?a\* workera when fnrm work re<iuiro ion* in tim ation containod in a kcii.iiii em l a ta tem on t isauod todny from th ^ Tw in Fnlls County Fnrm bureau . Th rda Btntcmont, based u p o n 'n u announce

m enl by L. 0 . K irkm an , o f tho Amal , KMiiatcd B ee t Sugar companyt^,rocom j r ' monila b e tte r housing Accommodation

on mony d is tr ic t fa rm s in o rder t mnkp living conditions moro attracti% ^ • sh o rta se S zp la liu d

hsn Follow ing ia tho burenu 'n sln tem cu ills, in th is reapcct:in i. “ D uring tho lost Ihrco o r.fo u r w eek

llioru has boon A b ig dem and fo r me> iu th is county bo th on tho* fa rm s nn'. on construction work. Thoy havo beor u sing a good m any mon on tho Codni

i n . Creek dnm a n d havo uoon s lto rt 01 men n t th n t place fo r the last tw o 01 th roe wooka. Alno .thero is n demnn'i fo r moro m en on tho c ity work iii Buhl. ^F arm ers , a t thia timu o f th< ycn i, havo bcon em ploying lurgo con

50W tin'gcnta in the. p o ta to digging, boo; jq v topp in g ,-th resh in g o f bonus,~ and* siml kxd Inr fa rm pursuits. r r “ W e feol th o t tho labor sltnatioz ^ rould bo much iraprovod 'and the chonci I.II. fo r g u ttin g men on tho fa n n s wouli

be m uch b o tto r If tho farm ors roquir 3 ing m en would provido b unk housea q:

good floored ten ts w ith bods and bod diuff nifSbiiA. men who go out on shon

M .' Jobs w o Q ^ n o t bo requ ired to fu m lil n bod. In mnny cnscn m en aro dxpoct

lng i'd to buy n bed fo r ju s t n fo w 'd o y s work nnd th is o f trn keeps tbo moz

y . from going to work. Also in m anj places thero nro n o t su itab le quarton

'*“ » for th e m en and they hnve to mak< tho bea t o f-it--i^ ,]< T lJo p in R r^ n thi

,* ground .which is Moi vorv snTisractorj a t Ih is timo o f the year,

yjj] N o aieeping F a d llt ie aof- " J m O. K irkm nn, o f the Amntgnmat- ty- I'd Sugar rom pony, who han bet-n look- o f ing o u t fo r a supply o f nu-n fo r thu o f furn ifra in the bcot topping, s tn ted wu

iOS would n o t hnve d ifficu lty .in sending IQS nut m rn to tho farm ora i f they .wore*

Vrupctl.'" onuiptu'd lo provido bods and for *'unk houses whero thu mon m ight atav. ay. III* nnid. he hnd SO men who coulil bo

sent out- lo work on the lii'etn who wore uuabte lo gi> to work for the. renaon

,tio Il'n t they d id not Imve bods of tho ir 'cd c»u>d not n ffo rd to buy n b o lP | n u tf i t f n r 'n u d i short jobs. Wo have

had th is d ifficu lty ull summor toug in Ink ing cjire o f tho Inlwr situn tion »tt Ihe farm liuronu o f f ic e . '

^ G E N= = = T H E L

i m o v £

S ix C haraci

it Russian Artist iiA Powerful EightrParl Fot


chestra Music........ ..........YOU CAN’l

5 Q E j

— — — —

lESPoiiEm;WHCiENTage in im portant F’roduce 3 Because of Failure b y tne ide Adequate Housing Fa- [ade b y . Bureaugoly “ O fton tim es w e havo hnd good men pro- whom wo could aend o u t to work pro- iiro.*: vldod tU'oy- h ad boon fn ad ab o d ' gooi

aieeping qoarte rs an d . bedding bu thu w ould n o t go fo r tho reason th n t they

Thi' d id n o t havo bedding o t ^ e i r own. “ W o fe e l th a t tba ' fa rm ers of th is

county would go a long w ay tow ard roUoTlag tbo shortage o f labo r nnd thtf d iff ic u lty o f g e ttin g m oa i f thoy would

, ^ , o u ( k o a sm all expenditure in the way tiv-^ o f^ a bun k h<ju#o or floored ten ts pro-

'd d e d w ith b e ^ and b e d d in g ."icu t .I—.—. I, >

- SMNTDELEMTION = FOBlf.M.y.CONW; o f — ') '>r Plana are Being Laid to Send

High School Men . to , . • •• tho Pocatello

boot S ix Btudonta-Wiil r« '« rji:?nt thn Twin Iml- Palla high aehool a t tho nnnual Y. M-

0. A . conference to bo hold th is yoa*- t io a a t P ocatello on Octoboi; 31, Nfcvomb<?r mco 1 nnd 2, i f p resont p lans o f tli* <;elioi>l Duld au th o ritie s m aterialize. Tt is prnpon'id |uir* th a t tho ju n io r and sen ior clansei cach ® o r gond tbreo to tho conVorisnee, i»l! or- bed* j)cose9 to b e pa id from th e school ac- l>ort t iv ity fund.

A t a m eeting o f tbo tw o Mpp«>» clni»- , «» yea te rd ay th is proposition received

tho app roval o f a ll prosont, ezprcssi-in by some o f these p resen t tondinc to show th a t tho absence o f a Tw in i\ i1 h high schooU delcgation would n o t bn a good advertisem en t fo r tho school, nnd th a t Tw in F a jls 'sh o u ld not bo back- w ard in nsnb ting in tb is constroetive movomont.

Tho high school o rchestra provided ia t- tho assem bly o n to rta inm en t yesterday )ok- by rendering several se lections under the th e d irec tion of J . T. B ainbridge. In wo nddition . M iss Ida Brown gavo a read*

ing, " T h o Homes o f th e P eo p lo ."•ore •vaA O F F lO m M A K E S O B A O aB;av. --------- _ , ^

bo Accusing Hnrold Thompson,' n resi- ore den t o f Twin Pnlls, o f. fa ilu re to pro- son vlile fo r tho support o f .h is w ife 'n n d loir two ch ildren , .lohn R. Ault, juvonllc BO’l o f /ic o f , hns preferred chnrgen, which ivo wero regu larly filed In the probate

in cou rt th is morning.* This is sa id to be lit T hom pson’s aocond offense o f th in 'n u ­


Vl T H I, S T A K O F A 1

3 I n a D r a m a '6 f U T ia T h o u s a n d ■ I

D e lig h ts I I

rJ- **- -. ~w

cte rs i t> One and The

in a Production WiV

oloplay from Eilith Wherry and Six Months


n TH

S D A IL T N e W r ' :

tfte . ■ ■ ■ ■ te-; >

■ • . . ?y^.- ,V;

I men JJpro- ijHJBgood |B Hbul .they ’ --- |B(P^ivn. iSSc-XSi! thisward -fr - - ■ -II the- . ■; T'S' '•...roul'J

" Htre SIT W E N


PutY owr„i„ • B rain, G\

thut themb<?r:lioi>l/osiidcoch[ o r -

' I t only takes fr(;'wo a a po.sition a t ?6(

with experienc«Pnlh'’m3 We have some 11:;f‘; - leat Stenograpl

done you. can d months we will]


5 Crejfljnilcbate TWIN PALLS,0 lie . • • .

E A T R. t h o u s a n d M i

f i e R e (

fS S B ^

h e y A r e A l l t h e G r e a t

Without Parallel in i:rry’s Popular Novel—A Prod :hs in the Making.

mafic TreatS IT—EVENIN6 SHOW /

i E A T

tenooraphersNTY C A l l S lIN N

ir Energy to Work. Tre rive I t the Specialized Kn • Busineaa World Demm

‘IT P A Y Srom three to nine months 50 to $100 a month, and sa :e.

n igh t StudentsAwh&iiavc )hers in Six Months. Wh do. S tart train ing NO'W 1 place you in a position ai

Business I, IDAHO 225

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